HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230614Customer Notice 2.pdfClIS1'OMf:FfNOTICEAFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 4/1812023 STATE OF IDAHO ) The Kootenai Heights Water System has filed an application) ss. with the Idaho Public Utilities County of Bonner ) Commission (IPUC) requesting approval of a rate increase to be effective May 1, 2023. The Commission has delayed-]J~.j..\,C04~.L...:~6-l..-_-.....;\"",=jJ-J'!o--MJ.-.lL..I..l.-:clr"-"-'_......-==-...___, being first duly the effective date to 30 days sworn on oath, deposes and states: plus five months from this date or until the Commission has time to issue a final order. The Company is proposing to1. I am a citizen of the United States of America, over in9rease overall revenue by ,the age of 18 years, a resident of Bonner County, Idaho, and $2452.30. (Note: The overall revenue Increase =total ainount collected under current rates minus total amount collected . under proposed rates.) ThisMy business address is P.O. Box 159, Sandpoint, Idaho. represents an overall increase of 49.74%. 2. I am the bookkeeper of the Bonner County Daily Bee, This increase is needed to pay for increased operation anda newspaper of general publication in Bonner County, Idaho; maintanance costs. If approved. a residential cus­ 3. Said newspaper has been continuously and tomer would see the monthly bill increase from $38.50 touninterruptedly published in Bonner County, Idaho during a $57.65, an increase of$19.15 per month or approximately 50period of 12 months prior to the first publication of said percent. Notice, and thereafter. This application Is a proposal. subject to public review and a 4. The attached Notice was published in the regular and Commission decision. Acopy of the application Is availablee'ltire issue of the Bonner County Daily Bee for a period of for review at the offices of the Commission and Water Sys­\ consecutive weeks, commencing on thedb r-day of tems Management.~o\ . 20:ii. and en't"l::f'n the f}'('/;'-day of The application may also be viewed on the IPUC web site at www.puc.idaho.gov. The application and other case information may be found by clicking on the "WATER" icon. then on ,"OPEN CASES· and scroll down to Case No. KHW-W-23-01 .. Interested parties may submitC r:::r,~Slale Iltjdaho, county of Bonner ss. written comments to tbe Idaho PubliC Utilities Commission.On this ~day of V\f1M ,in the year of~, • File comments electronicallybefore me~rilyn.Jones, Notary Public, personally via the Commission website at: www.puc.ldaho.gov. (Look forappeared \".:-;., 0 M (.I\..J.:1 --< known or link ·Case Comment Form" on the homepage. . .identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed • Email comments to:to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he (or secretary@puc.idaho.gov _ • Customer may also subscribethey) executed the same. to the Commission's RSS feed for periodic updates via email • Mail comments to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 ..... _ 1//:/J<M Boise, 10 83720~074.~~ When submitting comments, please refer to Case No.NOtaripUbiiC Residing at: Bonner County KHW-W-23-01. Legal#5075 AD#8296 My Commission Expires 4/17/29 April 28. 2023 a party to the proceedings referred to in the attached ~ ~v.\ ,20~.