HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061026Memorandum re jurisdiction.pdfGARY A. FINNEY FINNEY FINNEY & FINNEY , P. A Attorneys at Law Old Power House Building 120 East Lake Street , Suite 317 Sandpoint , Idaho 83864Phone: (208) 263-7712Fax: (208) 263-8211 ISB No. 1356 \f!;:fl1... i... 'J ",. c. 2005 OCT 26 An 8: II IDAHO ;.~jl.iiC UTILI liES CO~A:,'I!SSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER SYSTEM , INC. FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER - MEMORANDUM Case No. KHW-W-05-01 COMES NOW the KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER SYSTEM , INC., by and through its counsel , Gary A. Finney of Finney Finney & Finney, P . A., and submits its Memorandum , as follows: Kootenai Heights contests and disputes jurisdiction and this memorandum is submitted without waiver of jurisdiction. The "Record" - None There has been no evidentiary proceeding, no affidavits of fact , and only some kind of investigation/report submi tted to the Commission which appears to be the basis of the Commission s findings , conclusions , and decisions to date. Without receiving the unknown documentation to date , there is record below , no notice , and no reasonable opportuni ty to examine , cross-examine , or contest. KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER - MEMORANDUM - 1 The Commission should rescind its prior findings conclusions , and decisions until a hearing on the issues to develop a record and for opportunity to be heard.In short due process is lacking. In further proof that the findings and conclusions of comparable rates for water usage , attached hereto is the Sandpoint Daily Bee article of October 22 , 2006.The Ci ty of Sandpoint water fees rose in the last two (2) years by forty percent (40%) and thirty-five percent (35%) respectively. top of those raises , the new raise effective December 1 , 2006 is an additional fifteen percent (15%) increase.The Commission s finding and conclusion that the City of Sandpoint charges $7.00 per month is simply grossly in error.The new rate will be $22.53 per month for 6000 gallons and $2.44 per thousand gallons for 6 001-50 000.Out of town (Sandpoint) users , which include the Kootenai Heights subdivision which at issue will be $26.25 per month with $3.06 additional per 1000 gallons (6 001-50 000). There are 36 Lots in the Kootenai Heights Subdivision the majority of which are served by the City of Sandpoint!The true comparable water rate for the 11 lots on Kootenai Heights Water is the City of Sandpoint , who serves the majority of the Lots in Kootenai Heights i. e. as of December 1 , 2006 is $26. per month plus $3.06 per thousand gallons from 6001-50 000. KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER - MEMORANDUM - 2 EXPLANATION AND HISTORY In 1995 , McGhees made a small plat of 36 lots in the Ci ty of Kootenai.A copy of the Kootenai Heights Subdivision attached hereto.The Ci ty of Sandpoin t serves water in the Ci of Kootenai.The City of Sandpoint decided its service area for the Kootenai Heights Subdivision would "split" the Kootenai Heights Subdivision.The City of Sandpoint would serve all 18 Lots on the East side i. e. Lots 19-36; and Lots 1-3 on the West side , for a total of 21 Lots out of the 36 total Lots.The Lots being served by the City of Sandpoint (21 Lots) were sold-off first over a number of years.Lot 4 has "" water. This left McGhees with Lots 5 through 18 e. Lots.McGhees owed the bare Lots and from time to time , as the market warranted it , they had houses buil t on the Lots and sold the completed house with its Lot. In 2004 , McGhees started to build on the Lots that were not served by the City of Sandpoint.They decided to build residences on Lot 5 and Lot 6 , and since these Lots "had no water" they had a water well drilled on the Lot Line between Lots 5 and Well Agreement was made for the common usage of the water well and system and both residences were ultimately sold , sharing well water by contract e. Well Agreement TO "CLEAR UP" why the Company filed an Application with the Commission McGhees then pursued the idea of putting in further water wells for 2 lots to share.Then the Idaho KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER - MEMORANDUM - 3 Departmen t of Water Resources got involved!I t decided that the property owners could not put water wells inside the City of Kootenai for 2 lots to share.It had to be a water well for all the remaining Lots to share! McGhees sought approval of the Department of Water Resources for the second water well to serve 2 more Lots (7 and 8) .The Department then refused to approve 2 Lots on 1 well and required serving all remaining 11 Lots to be served by one well - one sys tem .Hence , McGhees complied and organized the present Company.McGhees personally (not the company) kept building houses on the Lots and sold them with water from the Company system as part of the purchase price for the whole lot i. residence , garage , water , and a Kootenai-Ponderay Septic Hookup. At no time has or does the Company sell or offer to sell water to the public.Idaho Code ~61-129 has no application.In order to get water service for the residences built ~ McGhee , and sold McGhee to the real estate Buyers the Company was organized as a separate entity.The Buyers - the Users , bought real estate , a residence with water , and they could only obtain water use by buying the Lot - real estate.There is no offering or selling of water "to the public " . All of the remaining real estate Lots were sold in this manner.There are no more Kootenai Heights Lots - and no wa ter being sold to the public.Only two (2) Lots were sold bare " and purchasers built their own home (Lots 14 & 17) . KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER - MEMORANDUM - 4 SUMMARY There is no jurisdiction in the Commission.The Company and all the Lot Owners have a written and recorded Contract and Easement.The Commission has no jurisdiction to interfere or create "beaches " of the contract. The Company only applied to the Commission because the Idaho Department of Water Resources said it was required which was probably incorrect.In hindsight , the "Application WITHDRAWN . vz1a Uc..---~lbe I-()l,dayDATED .... Of of .se'pLdldJ~.L , 2006. INC. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING hereby certify that the ORIGINAL of the foregoing was mailed, postage prepaid , this ~~~ day of October , 2006 and wasaddressed to: Idaho Public utili ties Commission O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 Q~k~ KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER - MEMORANDUM - 5 CASE NO. KHW-O5- KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER SYSTEM, INC. MEM 0 RAND UM RE JURISDICTION, EXHIBIT 1 IS TOO DARK TO SCAN AND A PLA T OF KOOTENAI HEIGHTS REPLAT OF LOTS 8, BLOCK PLAT KOOTENAI LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION TOWNSHIP 57 NORTH, RANGE WEST BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO, AND A PORTION OF BLOCK 7, OF THE PLAT OF KOOTENAI, AS RECORDED IN BOOK OF PLATS, PAGE RECORDS OF BONNER COUNTY, IDAHO. IIEST 1/4 CORNER rOUND 5/B' DIA. 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