HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060922Comments, objection, request hearing.pdfGARY A. FINNEY FINNEY ~INNEY & FINNEY , P. A. Attorneys at Law Old Power House Building 120 East Lake Street , Suite 317 Sandpoint , Idaho 83864 Phone: (208) 263-7712Fax: (208) 263-8211 ISB No. 1356 RECEIVED 200b SEP 22 ~M 8: \ 0 " i\L;(1 PUG!L.I(,nr\ ~ . ' ' SIONUTILITiES COf',~M ;:, BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER SYSTEM , INC. FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ORDER AND REQUEST FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING Case No. KHW-W-05-01 COMES NOW KOOTENAI HEIGHTS WATER SYSTEM , INC., by and through its counsel , Gary A. Finney of Finney Finney & Finney, P ., and makes the following comments , objections , and request for an evidentiary hearing, as follows: The Company objects to jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utili ties Commission as the Company is not a public utility.The Company only supplies water to those limi ted number of people , or their successors , who purchased a Lot in Kootenai Heights Subdivision , for Lots 7-9 and 11-18.In ' other words , purchase of real estate by these persons consisted of a newly constructed residence on all of the Lots.N. McGhee and Mickie McGhee owned the LOTS and had the residences constructed COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ORDER AND REQUEST FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING - 1 over a period of time , and a purchase of the real estate from McGhee included a water hookup to the Company s water system. The Company is also owned by F. N. McGhee and Mickie McGhee.The only way to receive water service from the Company was to purchase a residential lot , served by the Company. All of the Lot Purchasers at the time of the Lot Purchase entered a separate written contract entitled Kootenai Heights Water Service Agreement and Easement which agreement passes with the Lot (real estate) to successive owners.The aforesaid water agreement is a written contract.The Company enjoys the constitutional right of freedom of private contract. For the Commission to change the Contract , it would create a breach of contract with potential damages resulting. The Agreements (Contracts) are fair and reasonable. The facts stated in the Proposed Order are greatly in error.The area of service in the City of Kootenai.Kootenai has never furnished water service.In the very close area the Ci ty of Sandpoint furnishes water , but refuses to furnish water to the Lots in Kootenai Heights that are served by the Company. The City of Sandpoint does not furnish water at a fixed monthly rate of $7., but rater it is $22.81.Likewise water usage over 6 000 gallons per month is at $2.26 per thousand up to 50 000.Attached hereto is the Sandpoint Water Rate - Out of Town.Also attached is a copy of an actual Sandpoint water billing. COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ORDER AND REQUEST FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING - 2 The only other water provider in the area in addition to Sandpoint, is the Oden Water Association , whose rate schedule , also attached , is $47.00 per month for 8000 gallons and $2.00 per 1000 gallons over 8 000. In Bonner County, the City of Dover is $27.50 minimum per month and the Southside Water District is $28.00. Oden Water , City of Dover , and Southside District do not read meters "in the winter months Because of snow on the surface and ground water in the meter installations reading meters every month is unreasonable and cost prohibitive to the Users. To date , the Company has not billed any User for overage.All of the Users are apparently satisfied customers and the IDUC Proposed Order will cost them more money and is unreasonable and unnecessary. WHEREFORE , the Company requests that the rates and charges be left as in the Company and User s Contract Agreement, without change , and for an evidentiary hearing thereon. DATED this U~y of September , 2006. ~ f4 GARY FINNEY Att ~~y for Compan~ COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ORDER AND REQUEST FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING - 3 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING hereby certify that the ORIGINAL of the foregoing was mailed , postage prepaid , this day of September , 2006 and wasaddressed to: Idaho Public utili ties Commission O. Box 83720 Boise , ID 83720-0074 AND hereby certify tha t true andforegoing was mailed postage prepaid September , 2006 and was addressed to: correct ",c~ of thethis ~~r- day of Kootenai Heights Water System , Inc. O. Box 1925 Sandpoint , ID 83864 By:~~a ~jo / Christine Eberley COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ORDER AND REQUEST FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING - 4 Wa t e r R a t e . O u t o f T o w n t+ r J O AJ !: - r 7 . -- - . . .- . - . -. -- - - .. - D. . - . l ; n . . . t i . ' C f l m m 8 R: l I I I , . "r l a f l U ' 'n - - '- _ . _ m . - - n n . . -- . . . - . - . - - - . - - . . n . . . .- - - - - - u . . - . - 9 J J ;: : ; Ef f e c t i v e D e c e m b e r 20 0 5 Ba s e Mo n t h l y M i n SE P 0 5 2C O 5 25 2 2 . 81 " 18 . 65 3 2 . 21 r\ 32 . 65 4 6 . 21 V 46 . 55 6 0 . 16 7 . 55 1 8 1 . 27 9 . 25 2 9 2 . 55 8 . 50 5 7 2 . 51 8 " o r 3 / 4 " 11 2 : Vo l u m e C h a r e e - $ / 1 , 00 0 g a l . FJ r s t 6 , 00 0 g a l l o n s 00 0 - 5 0 , 00 0 g a l i o n s ov e r 5 0 . 00 0 g a l t'. , ) t'. , ) (J 1 (J 1 -. . J 'H I -- ! -c : (J 1 t: : t -- ! (T 1 c;; ) ~--'--'--~~---.-----~---~-- .- - .".",-.--,-,-- -.---'-'-'--"""---- PROI"EFn'Y ADDRE8t, 212 BOISE 3'CYCLE SECTION ACCOUN1IJO,01 103 MCGOO31FROM TO' 01/16/200~ 02/15/20 _lIlj:r:.:I:r"'."~:!:I":Tf,1~'fl1r1 , UIII-:II'J\HIiII ILITY BILL Nil. 605S 425 .:,::1 .II:~ ~~~ ;r.!.)..~1 ~~.~ C~S!OMER~~~E~ADPRESS , ., FLOYD MCGHEEJ 212 BOISE ST j(Ct)tMc? ;z:d.1lt,tJ CYCLE' $ECTION Sf,;QUENCE NO: " . ., 01 103 0000300530 EVIOUS BALANCE (PB)MUST BE PAID IMMEDIATELV~~C 8g~T r~ ' " , BILLING ~ATE IG 1/2 0 0 O3/25/2006'"PAY1'HIS ,. " 37;81"'UNG DATE '"" :"k'1 AFTER 'IATE"",,"NT 03/01/2006 . 22. 81 : $15,00 "N"':': ADDED MONTHLY TO PAST.OUEAGCOU"" d:3~512006 ' PAYTI'IIS . 37 ,at' ' FLOYD MCGHI~E: , ' , , , " LATEAMT. " . c/o GEORGE HALE:Y $15.00 PENALTY ADDED MONTHLY POBOX 1925 TO PAST-DUE ACCOUNTS SANDPO1N'l' 1D 83864 CITY OF SANDPOINT 1123 LAKE 8T. SANDPOINT, IDAHO 83864 TEMP. . RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 3965 --- ~RC Qim ;;-- I ~IRST eLl,S5 M, ~!L I S, POSTAGE PM) I SANOPOINT, 10 838641 PERMIT NO. 630.22. ~t.)" ~11"\1\1 111 111111 111 n IlI",l1llld 11111 11111111 Sep 05 06 03: 06p Car 1 and Rand~ Poe stra 208-263-0289 p. 1 Oden Water Association, Inc. 1790 E. Shingle Mill Rd Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 To Floyd McGhee: Here are Oden Water s rate schedule: New Hook-up Fee $7800. Monthly Membership Fee $47.00 per month for 8000 gallons Whether water is used or not. Overage is at a rate of 2.00 per 1000 gallons Carla Poelstra Bookkeeper