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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230411Comments (4)_4.pdf1 From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 7:00 AM To: Jan Noriyuki <> Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Reid Dykman Submission Time: Apr 10 2023 6:12PM Email: Telephone: 509-481-8489 Address: 7218 S Shelby Ridge Spokane , ID 99224 Name of U�lity Company: Island Park, water company, Inc. Case ID: ISL-W-23-01 Comment: "I own property at 3886 North Goosebay Dr. goosebay Estates I received a water bill June 25, 2017 from Dorothy the the past due bill was $590.84 my brother and I own the property together up un�l 2017. I tried calling to see if the bill was paid. No one bothered to call me back so I paid the bill. I have a copy of the bill that was paid. Reid I Dykman " ------ Name: Reid Dykman Submission Time: Apr 10 2023 6:43PM Email: Telephone: 509-481-8489 Address: 7218 S Shelby Ridge Spokane , ID 99224 Name of U�lity Company: Island, park, water, company, Inc. Case ID: ISL-W-23-01 Comment: "I own property at 3884 North Goosebay Dr. goosebay Estates . I received a bill from Island Park water company, Inc. 2019 for the amount of $1400.00 I called and talked to Dorothy. I asked her why the water bill is so high? She told me I had three water hook ups on three of my lots . I asked her when was the last �me she walked my property because I only had one water hook up. She then told me since I had a water faucet out front of my trailer. There should be a charge for hooking up to my trailer. I only ended up paying the $280 for the bill. I s�ll have a copy of the bill that she sent me.. ever since my mom has owned the property. She has told us not to drink the water, which I have drank twice and both �mes I was really sick. Reid I Dykman " ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on] 2 --------------------------------------------------------------- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 2:00 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <> Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: John Scot Submission Time: Apr 11 2023 1:56PM Email: Telephone: 208-589-9540 Address: 4669 Mountlake Pocatello, ID 83202 Name of U�lity Company: Island Park Water Case ID: ISL-W-23-01 Comment: "NOTE: The Aspen Ridge Property Owner’s Associa�on is a legally formed en�ty registered with both the Idaho Secretary of State’s office and Fremont County. Authority of the ARPOA extends only to roadways in the Island Park subdivision and nothing more. Board members of the ARPOA are submi�ng tes�mony regarding wells and potable water as advisory informa�on. Since we are the only organized associa�on in Aspen Ridge, the water system and other issues are o�en brought to our aten�on by residents. The IPUC and DEQ have regulatory authority. As these comments are writen, Aspen Ridge is under a boil order because of loss of pressure in the system. This has happened from �me to �me in the past. Some�mes residents are no�fied of a boil order; some�mes it is days later or not at all. The system is very old and needs to be upgraded or replaced. Lines will freeze in the winter unless residents drain or run a trickle of water. That is no longer acceptable from an environmental standpoint. It is, in simple terms, wasteful. The sewer system, possibly nearing capacity, also becomes an issue with added effluent. We urge the IPUC to act to minimize inconvenience to residents of Aspen Ridge and insure bacteria-free, potable water to homeowners, friends and guests for the foreseeable future. The situa�on has reached a cri�cal stage, in our opinion. Protec�ng the health of residents, guests and visitors is of utmost importance and should be the number one priority as officials deliberate the Island Park Water Co. Case. ARPOA Board Cur�s Paige – President John Scot-Vice president Richelle Heldwein-Secretary-Treasurer Jennie Likes-Board member Joel Chistopherson-Board member Steve Packham-Board member " ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on] -------------------------------------------------------------- From: PUCWeb No�fica�on <> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 3:00 PM To: Jan Noriyuki <> Subject: No�ce: A comment was submited to PUCWeb The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: John Scot Submission Time: Apr 11 2023 2:39PM Email: Telephone: 208-589-9540 3 Address: 4669 Mountlake Pocatello, ID 83202 Name of U�lity Company: Island Park Water Co. Case ID: ISL-W-23-01 Comment: "In Island Park, we don't usually think too much about water except maybe on a float trip or fishing expedi�on. We get back to the cabin and take it for granted when we draw a glass of water from the tap that it will be bacteria-free and flowing with plenty of pressure. By the way, water in Aspen Ridge, must be some of the best tas�ng in the world. I am afraid we have been too complacent. When we purchased a cabin three years ago, we did think it odd that you had to run a trickle in the winter to keep lines from freezing up. We were told then that lines were not buried deep enough and that the system was built decades ago for summer homes. I have read over many of the documents prepared by the Public U�li�es Commission and Dept. of Environmental Quality staff. Quite frankly, I am disturbed with the deficiencies and a lack of concern to address them in a �mely fashion. This is all about the health of people and possible contamina�on of water. One well does not have sufficient protec�on from groundwater ge�ng into it. As the snows melt this spring it could easily happen. The lines being old galvanized pipe for the most part are likely going to break even more frequently than in the past resul�ng in more loss of pressure incidents and boil orders. The boil order informa�on o�en does not get out in a �mely manner, threatening the health of residents, renters, and visitors. I can only speak for myself. The water system in Aspen Ridge is overdue for either major improvement or replacement. We need an assessment done and then proceed to make changes. It isn't just an inconvenience when the system fails; it is cause for concern about illness and public health. Ac�on is long overdue." ------ [Open in the PUC Intranet applica�on] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------