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My husband and I built a home on Aspen Ridge in Island Park a little over ten yeas ago. We live here year around and our water comes from Island Park Water Co. There are no chec and balance with our well. At any tie it ca be shut offby anyone. We recive no waings about a shut off Severl new homes have be but on As Ridge since we moved here and the cotractor shut the well off at will. The old lines are too shallow for our cold witers and freee unles people kee their water dripping all witer. In the ten yeas that we have lived here there has be no attempt to replace these old lines. With each bil in the sprig, we are told the water is for culinar use only. We have be without water for as high as thee days at a tie. Often we are without water for six to eight hours at a tie. And many ties we are without water for two hours at a tie. This doe caus a lot of tension and stes. One often wonders if a shower ca be copleted before the water goe off It ses that summer is the worst time for water problems. I would not be oppo to a rate increase if the money went for improvements to the syem, but if pas performance is any indication, noting will be done and we will have the sae old problems. A busines just goe down hil if money isn't put back into it. We nee soe asurnce that we will have water on a steady bais without all the shut off. Sinceely, '/'".'.1 ,,)'~', .-- / 'ì _ _ l// ( ct/-(¿;/ Y' Marilyn Glans CL i"-/,"2J¿;~~"-~ Marlyn Glans 4771 Elk Dr./Aspen Ridge Island Park, Idao 83429 RECElVEO -~-~JSI:ANDPARKWATEReOMPANY~ I~~lPR -1 lft3= is We are you non profit water provider. WATER SOURCE Your water comes from wells and the water is tested quaerly by an independent laboratory to be sure tht it meets al state and federal water quaty standads Islad Park Water Company operates it complice with and is regulated by the Idaho Deparment of Health and Welfe and the Idaho Public Utilties Connsion (IPUC) The rate is $125.00 per year for avaiabilty for an outside non-freeze faucet or house servce, and is due by the 15th of June. The IPUC approved rate IÒl residential dwellngs is $125.00 for an outside imne-freeze faucet. Only one dwellg is allowed per lot. Where a lot owner chooses to violate thi rue, they wi be chaged an additional $125.00 for each dwellg or mobile home on a lot, whether vacant or occupied. In order not to be charged the yearly fee, where the only source of water is a non-freeze water faucet on a lot, the faucet must be removed from the property and a written notice sent to the water company. TERMINATION OF SERVICE \Vc(.!vt ~/ ilt, lVI) 'v~./1- l(/UrIÛ ~ 0 '-rl'~ Your water service can disconnected for (1) non-payment of deli~uent bils, (2) f~ilure to abide .; by the term of a payment arangement, (3) fraudulent or unuthorL'?ed use of service.. ¡ Y1 c1 (V i. d ",-i~¿ If you have any past due amount, you are delinquent, and could be disconnected. pr74' RECONNECT FEES: Afer a disconnection the amount charged wi be based on our actua cost, plus payment of past deliquent amounts. IMPORTANT REMINDERS 1. Be sure to keep a pencil-sized stream of water rung durg severe cold weather to prevent costly and inconvenient freeze-ups. You wi be responsible for repaig any freeze-up beyond the water ma. 2. Make sure you know where the ma water shutoff valve in your house is located in case you have a "plumbing emergency". 3. Culi use only. THE MAI REASON FOR FROZEN WATER LINES IS CAUSED BY SNOW PLOWING OF ROADS AND DRIWAYS OVER THE WATER LINES. r? r: I \f E'-Di\, :,:-",.,. - \i.""..,.. Fr;.~ . i:ß~()/c/.;: .klle'y ; ,¥d.sP .5rf1J/tiH., A. fJ~ e ¡f~1tkh I1/Ä)le. ~n~.f~1,~r~ 8: fIr ¡ ri':; ¡~ji~;~ij, J~¡:J~~I~o: ,"';.k!'I'+' '.,se ,,¡ ""volOt J d/tt ., i "' - 3-:1 J' , ,,l~.~~~~¡J~ ¡O~ W~ ~~ ~¡,~~ ølpf';¥~_.~ ~.. ¡,l..3'7¿s ~ ~ ./J- ~ .-, iI~~~ ....;, ¿Ye, ~ CI ;?; ~'.~.~A¿J~~~~a.~ ~~.~..1!~'/ ~..tU~~:~~~~~~~.~ ~~ ~~Hdt$_ -'... ~~~~~~4-~.A.; ~ ~ ~.~.~ ~4~Æ~_..~~~'.~ ~~. ~.~.tf.~.~ rr. . .~ ..~.1r~.~.'~...~,~ .~.# ~~,,~~~...~4.~.,:~~ ~~.~. JL ~k;~.a~~~~~~~.a:~~~ ~--¿?~.~ ~ A' .:~~ ~~. ~~ ~,tf~77.~. ~~ .p-A ~~.~:~.~~..~~. ~.~~-~~..~~_..~~~..r¿~.~~.~~. -!~~......'i ~ ~ ..,J .....'7 ....~ ~e-~~~-~¡.~../':Ai~ ~.~~~! -c; , . . .' - ~A '" '/!~.~~~.~-i,J~ ~ ~ ...orQ-r ~..'.?, ~ f'.' ..A~A.).~. 4~ ~~-~/~~.;,~~~~~..,.a,..~~~~~.~..¿L~..~~.~ I i - --,~~.-~.~I ~;:~:-~~~~ . /1 ~"' tP P1 '" 7 cI ~_ r3~ d ~ :JP,f -r.2 :: - (!~ :?y: