HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019Annual Report.pdf.pdfZSt-- UJ A]Y]\{UAL REPORT *i '.i: q-) Fiincr irl b ':. =ffl\P r-l t\)\o rr,, ir-":.:t' ' iri{-i fir OF .Ielnal Ta"Y ( Drtar &xrJc NAME P.o.We zszr zl"ta fu/AflEYaZ ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIG UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED zU#f XDt q .t,t t' rl' . *I .ta itta AI{I{UAL REPORT FOR, WATER UrIUTTES TO T}IE TDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES OO HTSSIOI.I FOR THE YEAR E]IOIiIG ifi ul9 @trrPAi{Y T FORI{ATIO|{ 1 Glve full rume of uUltty T.kphone AI! Cod€ ( ) E-mltl addruas 2 D.te of OrgrnlzlUon 3 OllEnlz€d under thc hws ofthe statc of4 AdalrE6s of P.tnclpal Orfke (numb.r & street) 5 P.O. Box ([ !pplrc.bl.) 6 Cjty 7 Stlte I zrp c.odo 9 OrgqnlzBtlon(Oroprl.tor,plrtnershtp,corp.) 10 Townsr Coutles served alrq!,!il{lau! 5ltlL976 svi PO gox 2521 a!4l)3 11 Are ttEre lny lffltEtad clmplnleg? (yes or no) r Y.t, .ttrdr r ll.t ultlr nam.tr rddr.a.r t dqcrDrbn.. E)obh lrry r.rv1..! lrqvtdad to tho ut'ltty.12 Contect lnformltlon n..o PrE6ldent (Cr$ner) Vlce PreCdlnt Secrdary Gmcr6l ManaOar Complalnts or Bil ng Enginearlng Emergency Service Aacouhthg 13 ware any wltar 6y5tcm!.cqulGd d!rtng th! y.cr or.ny rddtflonvd.jcflons mlda to the sclvlcc rrcr duin, the yerfa ll ys, .tt ch a lkt sttfi nam.r, ddr.r&, I drdtp0on . Erpt.h any t.nrtoB ,rwtdld to flt. udlty, 14 Whlre lrc tha complny's books lnd reaords kapt? StrEat Addess Clty Stlt€ zt? 550 Unlon Ortu. ld.ho NAHE| tsllnd p.rk Water Comgany, tnc. coirP t{Y rNK}RMATIOI (Cont.) FON, THE YEAR E}IDIIG 1U3UT9 521-2369 or ttt-0776 or 574- (106) !L-7a2.. 5z!-ill6, i &r-0776 (roq 5rr.?4t€, 5al-2!4, t 62!-0775 !!03i 5a..r426, 52r-r!5t I a21-tr 76 l4ll) 32.1426 (loa) sr+ra2c !,.2l-t!69 I &11-016 (2@' 51a.74t6, 52!-2!6r r a2r-o7r5 2017 Annual 8.pon fo{ w.t r uflltlrrlrr lof12 A IIUAL I,EPORT FOR WATER, [fiILINEs TO tHr TDANO PUBUC U]ILITIES COH'IISSIOT IS the $r6tlm Opclltld or mllntdnad uider r aarvtce contEct?&Ity.8 Wlth rvhom ls thi .ontl!d? When dols $c contEct lxplrE? what aarvtcar.nd tltar aru hcludad? L r,{.ter purchrscd lor llsrlr throueh tlr system?r}t! arE of Omlntzluon ihma of own6r oa opaEtor H.tlho ^d4.ssCity Strte zl9 0vqv0015 16 L7 18 Wctar Purdra*d 19 H.s rny systam(s) bsln dlsapproved by thc ldlho Drglrtmlrlt oi Envtronmentll e!!llty? If y6a, rt h frIt qt nalot! 20 H.6 the ldrho Dcplrbnent ot Envlmnm.ntlt errllty ro€ommrndad any hprovsments? ,yr,.Eadt tut apbnaBcl 21 ilumtttr ol ComphhB Ecdvld lrurlng y.!a @nodntng: Qgrlity ot Scwlce Hlgh Biir OkconrEguon umbar of Curtomsrr lnvoluntrily dl€connactad Dlte aurtomaiE hst rucatvad a @py of tha Summary of Rulcs rrgutEd by IDApA ! ltt ct I .oot !r th.suturry 24 Dtd slgntfi.rBt lddtuorE o. rEd.lnEnts frlm the Phnt AccounE occrrr durtng th3 ye!r? If y.+ ed! t l .lehllftln .id .r urtt d ry*rn h.p IAIiIE: Ishnd Park Wattr Comprny, tnc. do 23 lUtglj REVEI{UE E E(PE'{SE DETAIL FOR, THE YEAR EI{DIT{G I2.3,.I'.' ACCT *DESCRIMOiI aoo nEvE[uEq r. a6000 unmetarld watar R.vanuG 2 a6lro t4.t rrd S.lGs - n cldenult 3 .rr2o li|cterld s.L6 - commerdll, IndGtrtal I)17 fulud faD6.t 'o. W.r- tft$U.tudn I !|a-5zt ,t loru Al{t{U L RE9oEr FoR WAIER LITIUTIES TO T]tE IDAHO puBuc lmunEs coi .tlssloit4 a6m0 Hr! Pmtedl(m Rcvenue 5 45a00 Clthar Wlt r Slles R.v.nue5 {cr00 rrlgalon slles Rwenue 7 a66o0 Sala6 for R.6al. A 40000 Tatrl nawnuc (A.ts trrEr r - r) (dro alta. rAUh or p!!a 4, lln! r) 9 . oEQ Faaa llLd tagaratdy !o at ttofiEr! 10 .r Hooh/p o( corrtacuoo rs colrt d 11 ...ctrrxnBbn lF.ovrd srrttaEf,, @Iaotrd 401 ODEn TII\|6 EXpEilsEs 12 40116 Labor - Ope.ruon & Malntanane 13 60tTo lrbor - Customaa Accoutlts 14 50180 labor-Admtntstrruvr&GenGnl 15 60300 Sah.br, OficarE & DIr.ctoE 15 60.100 Emplot€a pcnstom & Bcn.llts 17 6rtoo ,Ul.h.3.d Watar 18 615r ftrch!9ed pow€r & Fuel for pow.. no.77 5-t10,oo Prop6rty tlxes Ch.mtcrls l{atarl6b A Soppltcs - OpcEtbn a Hltnt, Hltlrhls i Suppltls - Adntnbt atv! & Gen.El Contr.d Srrvlcas - profa6slonal Contred S6|1tc.s - Watar y.Sng Contraat Servke6 - Other Rlnt e(pGrr3a Rerl.lrs A llllntanlnca Smlll Tools & Equlpmcnt TrarEpottluon ExpcGe hsullnce IPUC T.x Ttx€sr Llcan6rs & FaGs UtllUes Watar taldrE AdverUslng Ratc c.!3. 6(panse (Amordzluon) Rcauhtory Comn. Exp. (Otis.xc.pt t!x€6) Bld Debt Explnsc Mlscellanaous a 4,WLn19 5$oo 20 52016 21 5t078 22 cLoo 23 63500 2.1 6!6m 25 64142 a l.5t5,rt5 *51,t.(O I 16,650.m t l!.2!i!.@ I 8,43t,3a t ?7 .21 7,1.19,1026 55000 27 cs559 t t 7.''11.57 a 305,t2 t 600.m I 17,lt1.O2 I 6.120.0028 6aooo 29 aa6oo 30 66700 31 67000 32 57100 t t6,24!.65Tobl Op.Ethg E(panalr (ld In r rz - 32. -ro.nt ronF9a.In.2) NAl.tEr Isirnd Prrk Wrter Complny, Inc, I L9,041,6l INCOME SYATEfiE{T FOR THE YEAR E OII{G tu:tu19 A&r 1 llrrahua (Fiqr hr.3, [n a)2 Opulang Erpanacs (rro|Il p!!G !, flnr 33) z)17 A.lnlrl ttDdttor ttr.t.r Utfhk.nli I 1,i9.0r2.66 I 9t,520.77 3olrl A I{UAL REPORT FOR WATER UNUNES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UNUTIES COMIiIISSIOT 3 4 5 6 7 a 9A 9E 9C 90 10 1.1 13 14 15 17 18 19 zo 21 a03 a06 407 um.10 ix}l.!.r 409,12 408.1! Oapr€cladon Exp€nse Amortlzruon, Udilty !l.nt Aqutstuon AdJ. AmoauzaEon Exp. . Other Reguhtory Fees (FUC) Frrnperty Ttxes Plyroll TExes Other T.x!s (Iln) TExe&Ucenlls & Fees Fadaral Incoma Tsxcs Strt! Income Tax6s P.gvlslon lor Defcned lnmme Tax - Fldaral Provlston lor DltcrrEd Income Trx . State ProvBlon for Lleferred Utiltty Inaom! Tax Cradits Investmcnt T8x C.edtts - U(ltty Total Exprn6$ fmm ofErrdons bcfora intlra6t (idd ln .2.t5) Income F om uttltty Pbnt LlaB6d to OtheIs 6!ln5 (Los.ses) From Dtspo6tdon of UflIty ptant at opcrutlng Incoma (rdd iaa 1, r, &$ Lr, nm $) Rcvenu€6, ilerchEndldng Jobblng and Contslct work Erpers€E, erdlandtzlng, lobbtnC & Contrucb Int€rest & Dlyldend Incoma Allowrnca for Funds uscd Durlng Construcuon Mlscallaneous iton-Uultty Inc.me Ir,llsccllancous Non-Utlltty Expense OdEr Taxe5, tlon.tJ0llty Operaflofi s Income Ttxes, Non-t dllty Op€rauons tlet Non-Lr€llw hcome (add th.. 20.22,rt & a t.3. th.i 21.2s:5, r 17) GroEs lncomr (.dd [n . 19 & 28) Interest Exp. on Long-T.rtn D.bt Ctthar Intcr€st Chalgls t{ET lt{COi,lE (unc 2e t.'3 ti.tr 30 & !l), (Al!o Ent r on p! 9, lill. 2) NAiIE: tsl.nd p.I* Water Comprhy, hc, ACCOUNT 1OI PLAI{T II{ SERVTCE DETAIL FOR THE YEAR EI{DIX6 1213u19 409.10 rt{xt.tl 410,r0 410,11 4ll 412 I 1{9,042.58 413 zu5 al6 22 a19 23 42n 24 12t 25 {26 26 ao8.2o 27 4or.z0 za zt 30 31 32 .5127 ,t 0{2,6At J ,042.68) tl 0+2.6t) 127.1 su8 accr DESCRIPTION 1 3or Orlaniz!$on 2 302 Franahtscs and Consentl3 !o3 t-.nd & Llnd Rtghtt 4 304 StructuEs rnd ImprovcmeoE S ro5 Collectng & Impgundlng Reseryolrs 2017 An^ud n.pon Ior W.r.r Utttud.rln 4of12 AiII'IUAL REPORf, FOR WATER, I,IIUTIES TI} THE lmuTIes6 306 , 107 6 too 9 309 10 310 11 311 12 320 13 r3o 14 33r 15 333 15 !!{ Lake, R|var & othlr htakcr welts hflltrEton 6!ll.rl€G & Tunn.k Supply mrtns POr/tI Glncrrdon Equtpment Powcr fllmphg Equtpment Purl,iclum Systcms Dlstrlbuton R.servolrs & St ndptpes T.!n3. & Dlstrlb, .tns & Accessod.s Stavlcas Matars tnd liater tBtallauons Hydr!nts Btcrdlow pnevenfl on Devlcas Otfiq Plrnt & lsc. Equlpment Omc! FurnltuG .nd Equtpmert Trunsportrgon Equlp,tErt Storqr Equlpm.nt Tools, Shop and Glr.gc Equtprn€nt LrboEtory EOutffient PowEr Opcrrted Equlpment Communtqrtbns Equtpment l4lsc€llaneous &ulpment Othar TlnClUc pllt alty 740,49 1.21 3.75 3517 r35 l8 !it6 19 339 20 3t0 2L tt,t 22 312 2! tt3 24 t4 25 3,t ,00 26 3l5 27 3tl 28 3.{ 29 TOTAL PLAI{T I SERVICE t27 (add Imr 1 . x) Bl!.r bEgronhg I .rE ot y..r t altr on p9 7, Ltn. r l|A Ei Isbnd prrk W.t r Cornpl8ny, tnc. ACq']iIUIITED OEFRECI/I"NOI{ ACCOTJ'{T 107,1 OETATL FORTHE YEAR EI{DI G IIlIuIe sUB lCCr DESCRT 1 3{N Structures and lmpfovemants2 3os Colhcuno & tmDoundtdg R!.ervol63 306 Lke, Rtver & (rth.r IntrkEs{ 307 W! s 5 !(E InfllEltlin Gallades & Ttrnnds6 309 St/9ply tiatns 7 !u Power G€ncEUon Equlpment I 3rt por.,Gr pumplng Equpmeot I 320 Purtflcruon syEtefirs i-0 !30 DtEt tbuuon Rlslirotrs f Stardptpeg2017 Annu.l Frafgrt for uhts, Uutfl..rkr * s6,7{O.t' t I t a 47,913-U I a , t 9.733,75 , 6,2ft.36 t t I 4,5!8.51 I r,937.00 $ , a t t , t $ +t a I !2r.rN1,13 a I M,65a,99 t *l.rot-39 a &,150.rro * $ * 6 25,{a7,16 I 27,6aO.rS t 2,rtt,59 t + 56,,I AX UAL REPORT FOR WATEN, UTIUIIES TO TIIE IDAHO guc 11 33l 12 J3J 13 33,t 14 335 15 316 16 339 17 !.{o 18 341 19 xi 20 3r3 21 3a4 22 345 23 3,16 74 317 25 r,t8 26 TEn!. & Dlstdb, Malnr & Accessorles Servlcts Matl6 rnd l.later lnstEllations Hydrdnts Eaamow Prevefl tlon Devlcls Othcr Plant & MIgc. EqslpmEnt Ofricc Fumltura and Equlpmrnt TransportaUon Equlpment Storcg Equlpment Tools, Shop End Glrage Equtpment lrbor.tory Equlprh.nt Powlr Operat.d Equtpmcnt Communlcatlons Equlpment MlscellEncous EquiprnEnt Othcr Trnglbl. Progerty TSIALS (^dd t-l1cs t . t5) Ent6r laghnin9 I €rd ot yalr bEE on pg 7r una 7 l{Al,lEr lClnd P.rk Wat r Comp.ny, Inc. BAI.A]'ICE SHEET FOR THE YEAR EXDIIIG 1U3uL9 ASSETS su8 AccT DESCRI 1 ror UAIty Pl.nt h Servtce crom B s, un€ 29)2 toz Wllty Pl.nt t-els€d to Oth€r6 3 103 pbnt HGtd for Fubtr! trsr 4 ro5 Construcdon Work ln paogress 5 114 Uultty Plant Aqutsl0on adrustrnent 6 Subtotll (Add un r 1 - 5) 7 108.1 Accumulrtod Depreclrdon (from pe 6. un| 26) I 104,2 Accum. D€pr, . Uflltty plant LEsse to OthcrsI $8,3 Accum. Depr. - property Held for Future Us.10 110.1 AaEum. AmoIL - L,tillty pbnt ln S.rvt€c 11 110.2 Accum. Amort, - U lty phnt L!!sc to Others 12 1$ Accumulated AmodzaHon . AqulslHon AdJ.13 il.t Uultty Plant (un. 6 t .! nn.! r - 1a) 14 12i Invesnent ln Subsldl.rtes 15 125 Other Invesunents 2017 Annull n p6rl fs Wrt r Utttd.rJdrr 127 1./t:l 11 41 t 9,733.75a a 9,733.75 * ,a t,729,21 251.53a I 3,307.5/rt t !,755.!9 a56.eg 1,8r9,7S I r.9r7.0a 57.31 t t * t $ t I , a ?zal+at , 77,e24,63 a r,G9.70 J 127,237,13 I , , t , 127.23L,43 I (?2,464.t!)a I (7?,r24.a3)t {5,,159.?0) t t $ a t 5,t.766.s0 a 49,toa.80 i (5,459,70) 3 t 6d t2 15 17 r8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 z5 27 2A 29 30 31 A'{IIUAL REPORT fOR WATER IMIITIES TO THE IOIHO 'UBUCTottl bvtrtm.nts (Add nn r 1a r $) 1!r cldl t35 Short Tellil lnvartnt3ntE !u Acctc/flotc6Rcrclvlble.o,Etomars 1.12 O6ar R.lcclvlblas la5 Rlcctvlbles frorn Assochlsd Comp.nt.s 151 .teairls & Slpplte3 Inwntory 162 P.eplld E(panscs 1r3 UnbIhd (Accrued) uultEy R€v.nu. l{3 Frovldon for Unarllactlble Aacouhts Totrl Clrr"a.tt (tdd unr t7 .2,t. 16r [n! a5)1El Un.mo.tltad O€bt Okcoont & €xpansela3 Prcltmh!ry Suryly & tnvcaflg[ruon ChlrElS1A D.ferEd Rlte Cas! Expense8 l!6 Other oe'.rud Cfirrgei Total Arreta (Add th- 13, 16 r i6 " !o) i{Al.lE; tslrnd park Wster Camp6n% Inc' BALA CE SHEET (rondnu.d) FOR THE YEAR E]IDI}IG IZ!"!lE UABIUTIES I CAPIIAL suB CCr 1 201-3 Common Stoc* 2 204{ PrEfer.Ed Stock 3 !07-$ Mtsc.lanaous capltll Accoont!rl 21. Apprppdrlld Rltlhcd Ebmtngs5 2ts t nrpprDprlated Rstltn.d E mlnCE5 216 R4cqulr.d C.pttli StOd( 7 2r8 Propdetary Capltal 8 Tqtlt Equty Opttrt (Add um. !.s+z h.l nn 6)9 22t-2 Eonds 10 223 Adv.naar from Assoahtcd Companlci 11 22. Oth€r lo.r9 - 7q1n Debt 12 231 A€countE pry.bh 13 z!! t{otag plyabla lrt 233 Accountr p.y!bl. - A6sodltad Comp.nt.E 15 235 C!.6torn.r DGpoCE (nefundrbt.) 16 2!6,rr Aacru.d OthEr Tfrls payabtr 17 236.12 Accrued lllcome Trxls p.y!H! 18 t!6.2 Acarued T.x€6 - on-Uulty 19 2:7{o Accruld Debt, htcrcst & Ojvld€nds paylbh I (r49,04t.58) t I + a{,907,89t t 35,180.78 I 19,727,111 a I s t t a,l6z.20t *540,00 a (r.922.20) t I t 51,!70,0a + 35.7,,.18 * (!r,549.311 t t t aa t5.o2r.53 a (23,109,0r) t I aa (10.763.72)3 012,9.0.36)I G2,176.6i) t I I a (ru,94o.t5r t (22,rr6,6t) * $ t t f 1t7.329,57 + * a t * t i IZ0 ztr Mtsa. Orrrent & Accrued Ljabiltfles 201, Aihu.l 8.port ftr Wrttr Urft!..jsr 117 5' 7 .,r2 AIT NIAL REPORT FOR IVATER UTIUTIES TO TtIE IDAHO PUBUCZl 25t lrnamortzcd Dabt pre]rllum 22 ?s2 Advsnc.s for ConsEucflon 23 ts! Otfier Dcfarred Lllb luats 24 255.! AcqJmuhtcd Invastmant Tlx Crldtt6 . uultty 25 255.2 Accum. tnvestment T.I Crcdtts - Non-Uullty 26 26t-5 Operadng Ras! es 27 2?t Contdbuuons In Atd of Constructbn 28 272 Acaum. Amort of Contrtb. tn Atd of Const, ** 29 281-3 Ac.umul.ted Dehrcd Incom! Taxes30 Totll UlbmEar (^dd Un€s e - 29)31 TOTAL LIABIUTIES & CAPITAL ( Add lh.r 8 & 30) r. Only It Cs rt .lDll Aplrov- NAIIE: Islond pat* W.ter Complny, !nc, STATEiIEIiT OF RETAIT{ED ETR}IIIGS FOR TH€ YEAR ENDII{G 12!11U19 1 R.et.tnad Eamtngs Bll.nce O Baetnnhg of y!!r 2 Amoum Added ftsm Cuflrnt ylrr Incoma cic,h pg 4. unc tt)3 Other Credlts to Account 4 Olvldrnds prtd or Apprep.trtcd 5 Oth€r Dt$buuons of Retllncd Elrnlngs6 x..talncd Eamlng3 Brtance €, End of yalr CAPIIAI STOCK DETATL cot 87 I t a@,3, 1!6.5t I,VALUEI 7 P6r vll!a .tcI i {90-?6!.rr) lt t $ (149,042.68) $ (112,940.36) DEIAIL OF LOI{G-TERIiI DEBT a tl I *vall,El t t $ $ , 82024.02 I s (0.!85,65), ($2.rr) + a L97,9a7.11 I 8s,027.58 #v LuEr sTotlb 20:17 Annurt Aapon tor watrr u!fitiarJds EofU AX T JU REIORT FOR WATER Ut U?rES TO yHE TDAHO PUEUC UTTuTIES CotttilEsrol tlAl.lE: td.nd pr.k W.t , Comprny, Inc, IiTSTEM ENGI EERtl{G DATA FORTHE YEAR, EiIDt G III',J!, kovlde rn updrtcd rty'stem map r Conmclnt dllng€s hrw becrl m.de to th3 s1y6tcm durim thc yc!r. 2 Wrter Supply: I ot Vlcw #1 It2 South - S6ull1 . Shot Gun Gun 3 Sy*em Storrlc: or Loaation 18 r,6n 1t 37 10 {9 75 76! 7S 935 75 u 2Ao lfll,, s0 \027azoz wrtl 362 rt,t95 201?^,l C l.fonIfiw.lr t dld.rJtq 9.4 U AI{[9UAI REPORT FOR WATER UNLMES TO THE IDAHO PUAUC UIIUTIES coMl{Issrox (Duplk.t! lorm .nd .tEch f nac.s6:ry. Astrrtsk frcllifles addEd thl6 yc.r: liAt',lEr Island Prrk Watrr Comp.ny, Inc. SYSTEM Ei/Glt{EERIflc OATA (.ononu.d) FOR THE YEAR ENDING l.2!3.u1g {Pump lolbrmrton brALL sysGm pumps, Includlnq w.lls End boortlE. tutd Ca0.dV Dlada.!6 ol Lac.ts & Shot Gun Soulh -s s So$h . Shot n Shot cun - Choctrw Shot Gun North - #2 Gun No.th - #3 Goosc* 6{brnn gurp orrltr 0nrG.l gn.vrourry prowad or u[ava[abr.. rtbiri f.c E r lddrd thri l,arr, Atban lddltlomt all.rtr I tnadquata aplca la rvElhbla on thtr paCa,5 tf W.llS arE mltarEd: Shot Gun South Shot Gun or$t GoGe Ery What was tha total rmount pumped thls yerr? 000,6 OEI. Shot Gun South Shot Gun North Goo6a g6y $th!t w65 thc tot l .mount pumped durlng pcitk month? OOO,S eal. What was ttle total cmount pumpcd on the plak dry? Cal.6 If qEtomers o'r metlred, what was tha total rmount sold tn peak month? OOob 9.t7 Wls your syEtem drslgncd to supply ttre flows? If YCai Whlt ls curGnt system raung?8 How mlny tlmca war€ meterE read thlB yerf? Dudno whtch months? 9 How m6ny addltionll custom.rs could be s€rvcd wlth no system l.nprovamuts cxctpt ! servica llne and metef Hov, mrny ol those potenflrl addl$on6 arc vlcant lats?10 Ar€ bEakbonc plant.ddlHons lnudpated durtne the comlng y!!r? uY..,.tE.i .n dpt nallct of,roradr rnd ddDatld co*rt11 In ryhat year do you lnuclplte thrt $e q€tem caDadty (supply, stor.ge or dktribuflon)2017 Annu.l A.po.t ior ti/!r!r U [!r!.$r Ctlloft, 1,669,000 5,$8,ooo 2,!16,000 ?/022,000 r19,000 1,2t9,000 179.000 .16,6,000 r1,195.000 2,183,000 3 1a 50 3405 1 1t 50 3la 10 50 101 5 75 50 1557 75 50 1909 5 75 50 ,o2, 1.5 20 50 5r0 5 50 50 4116 3 2E 50 4126 l0 ot 12 A UAI" REPORT FOR WATER UNUTIES TO THE IDAHO ru8LIC TITIUNES CO iTIS$OIIw have to be expandd? NAME: Idand park Wltrr CompEny, Inc. sltsIEM EltctNEERrilG DATA (conflnu.d) FOR THE YEAA EiIDIIIG FEET OF IIAINS h Ut. 1 Slz! Sh.t cun 1.5. rut G006€ 2A 2 M.te.Ed 3 nst Rrt!: Rr6ldcnuat V.lhy Vlew Shot Gun South Shot cun fao.th Goasa 6ay 4 Prtvata FlrG prctacdon 5 Publk Flra ftotccHon 6 Strr.t spdnkltng 7 munklprl,odl.r I Odlrr Wltrr UdtUes TOTAI.S (ld [... t drurgh S] st$e ol Idiho ) m17 Annud n port for W.t r Urlltica*r Plp€ {' 3" 6" f,' 2,5, 6' 3' 460'450, 1140'1340' 5,790'5,790' 0 440,440, 3180'3180, 2740'2740' 54(x),5400' 2,10'2,lOl 0 150,160', 760 750, 2,540'2.540' 1400'1400' 0 260,250' 3,710'3,7401 2,s20,2,520' 540'540' 1+01 140' 15 Irl8 94 58 315 0 0 0 )ss CERTIFICATE 1r of 12 Af,XU t RBanT FOt, WAIB l,IrruTtls R THErO lto ira.rc [mutlE @it ta$of, Coqity d lonncytb ) Ti)rc, $.fuetl {, rdlty. ql our odr do .trmty ray E|tt nr brfiolne Gport hlr lcr| pllp.rd und.. our d[trtro.r, Ittrl U|. oltlr.l !oob, p.9.rr ard tEdt d r.ld uttt i thlt is hrv. artluly q,rtiad...na, rndd.dn tlr latE to b. I Go|rxt rtabmlrtt ot thr butn6 rnd dilks d rdd utflfy ftf t,ta pcdod ctt lGd by ttc rt9ort h ]t gGt B aadl lnd a.r.y mdf.r lld thlne ticdn srt turtr, b tha brrt d olr lmof,LdCr. trutnarh.r |nd b.{.,. ,!*,{ 9*#tu(,,.?,A,;d/*e **5- ((E!t Sublolb.d fid Sxom to lafo lllc d t {y Oommdqt E glrt An-./?de .AE 4 t4zqs R. aDar-rI Ftrsl-tG trOTAif tr,f c. lof, ffiri i.r..t rc lIl!- u td!t2 ',tz