HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017Annual Report.pdffJe- CL, AIY]Y(IAL REPORT OF NAME P o. Bof 262,1 F,o)@ ffils, tD 8e,lo 7 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2017 |::: G*)i1: ''tls'rri rL!i__ {iD (,J i:I -f In \o l\) )t - "1C,:[ t ANI{UAL REPORT FOR $,ATER UTIIMES To TxE IoAHo PUBUC UTILmES coMMIssIoI,i FOR THE YEAR ENOIT{G I7I]1II7 COMPAiIY INFORMATIOI{ 1 Glve tull name of uttlity Telephone Area Code ( ) E-matl address 2 DBte of Organization 3 Organlied under the laws of the state of 4 Addrpss of Prlnclpal Office (number & street) 5 P.O. Box (tfl appllcabte) 6 Chy 7 Stat€ 8 zlo code 9 Organization (proprietor, partneEhip, corp,) 10 Towns, Courties served 83403 11 Are th€re any afflllated companl*s? (yes or no) tf y.!, ltt ch . In yvth nrmei. .ddrcs6a! a d€s..tp!cn!, Eryta h rny .rrur.ls pmvld.r, to tne (lltty 12 Cootad lnformation i!m. President (O\^,ner) vlce Prestdent Searetary General Manag€r Complaints or Bllling Enqineering Emer9ency Servlce Accountlng l3 Were .ny water systelns acquired du.in9 the ye6r or any odditions/deteuons m.de to the servlc€ area durlno the year? No If y6, att ch a llst wlth o.mes, lddrsir€r e d€3crlpti6nl, Erptlh .ny sewlc€s provtdad to ttl. uolty 14 Where are the company's books and records kept? Street Addrcss Clty st!te zlp 61401 NAME| Is and Park Water Compsny, Inc. 5Ir-2t69 0r 621-0r76 d x)s 5r..1421 r206) 524 7426i 521-tr69& 02r.0776 1203) 524 7,426 s2l-236q&a21 0776 llc€) 524 1.26, 51t-2369 e. B?1 0716 t2ae1 574-7426, 52t 1369 A62L-0716 eae) 524 1426, 571'23t19 6 921.0176 201 ,' Annu.l Reron fo, ware. utilr]er to u. tDpucl.xtrx COMPANY INFORMAIO (Cont.) FOR THE YEAR Et{DIllG lzt1Ltl7 1- ol 12 AIINUAL REPORT FOR WATER LltlLITIES TO TIIE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILMES COMMISSIO'{ 01/0o/o0 16 15 Is the syst€m opEr.tad or malntained under e servlE€ contract? ll ys!: Wlth rdhom Is the contract? when does the contrict explra? Whet s€rvlces 8nd rates are lncluded? !E water purdrased for resale thtDugh the syslem? tf yc.; Name of Organlzatlon N!fle of ov,ner or operator Meiling Address Clty State zlg water Purchased 19 Has any system(s) been disapproved by the ld.ho DeD.runent of Enviro.Imental Quallty? Il ya!, attadr full arplanatio^ 20 Has lhe IdEho oepartment of Envlrcnmentll Quallty t7 18 recommendad any lmprovements? Il ycr, tErcn full .xpl.nctlon 2l Number of co.nplelnts recelved dudng year concernlng: 23 Date customers last reccivad a copy ofthe Summary Quality of Service tligh Bllls Dlsconnection 22 Number ot Custorners involunttrily disaonnected of Rules required by IDAPA 31.21.01 701? " Attach ! cory oftt. Summlry 24 Dld slgnlflaant Bddltlons oa rEErements from the Plant Accounts occur dlring the year? !f y!5, .tt dr tut .rPl.nrtlofi lnd .n uPd.E l tv.t fi map tt/!5/15 NAME: Island Park Ur.tir Company, Inc. REVENUE & EXPEI{SE DETAIL FOR THE YEAR EI'IDII'IG 7ZI3LIA7 ACCT +DESCRIPTION 4!!lE'E UES 1 ,15000 lrnm.t red water Revenue 2 161rc Metered srles - Resjdenual 3 46120 Metered s.les - CommarElal, lndusvlal 2017 Annu.l R.port for Wrt.r Utiliti.3 to the loPUCl xlsx t 92,519.13 2d72 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTIUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUALIC IMUTIES COI{I,ITSSTON 4 5 6 7 I 46200 nre Protectlon Revenue 4&100 Other W6ter Sales Relenue 45500 lrrlgafion Sales Revehue :t6600 sal€s ior Resale aoooo Totsl Revenue (Add unes I - 7) (ale 6ter BUlt on Page 4, tlne 1) . DEQ r.ei Bllleo separatdy to.u!tome6 '* Hookup or connedl@ t€es co|ect€d r+*Commiesku App.oved Su(h.r!€r Call€ct€d ,01 OPERATI}.TG EXPEIIISES 60116 [abor - Operatton & Maintenance 60170 Labor - customer accounts 60r.80 Labor - Administ6tive & ceneral 60300 Salrries, Officers & Olrectors 60400 Employee Penslons & Beneftts 61500 Purchased wBtef 61516 Purchased Power & Fuel for Power 61800 Chemlcals 620$ Materials & Supplies - ODeration & Maint. t 92,519,13 I 10 11 7Z 14 15 15 17 18 20 21 24 25 26 z7 28 29 30 31 32 33 I 5.78!.30 6,172.45 t 15,111,[6 e.502,t8 6207A 61400 63500 63600 641a2 65000 65659 66000 66500 66700 ilaterials & Suppltes - Administraflve & Generat Contract Scrvlces - Profasslonal contract services - vyater Testing contract services - other Rent6ls - Property & Equipmena Trnnsportation Expense Insurance Advertislnq Rate Case Expense (Amoftlzation) Regulatory Comm. Exp. (Other except taxes) t 9,850.11 ,13,250.00 8.225.00 +21,901,67 t 5,22L.20 6,1rt.t2 t 5,160.31 67000 Bad Debt Expense 67500 Miscellaneous Tot6l OperatlnC Expens€s (add tirEs lz 551_12 lzi also ster on PO 4,lhe 2)+ LO6,282.21 t{AM€i Island PErk Water Comp6ny, Inc. TNCOME STATET.iE T FOR THE YEAR ENDING t2t1tlt7 suE AccT OESCRIPTION 1 2 3 5 5 7 I 9A Rcvenue (rEm p.ge 3, the a) Oper.tlng Expenses (rrom p.ge t, lne 33) 401 DepreciationExpense 406 Amortizatlon, Utjtity Ptant Aquisttion Adi 4o7 Amorttzation Exp. - Other 403.10 Regul.tory Fees (pUC) 408.1r Property Taxes 1108,12 Payroll Taxes 408,13 Other Taxes otrt) Annual Rero.r ttr W.rer Util!€{ to the lDpucl.xtrx I 92,519.11 I r06,?E2.24 ,459,JO 1932-37) 147.23 057.31 9A 9C 9D 10 11 12 13 1{ 15 16 77 18 z0 77 24 26 z7 28 z9 30 31 32 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UNLrTIES COMMISSIOI'I Taxes, Ucenses & Fees + 623.6, .t09, !0 409, t,. 410,10 410,1r 4t2 Federal Income Taxes state Inaome Taxes Provision for Deferred lncome Tox - Federal PrDvlslon for Deferred tncome Tax - State Provlslon for Defened Lltlllty Income Tax Credlts Investment Tax Crcdlts - Utllity Totrl Expens€s fro,n operations befure interest {rdd llE! 2-r5) Income From Utility Plant Lelsed to Others Gains (Losses) From Disposition of Utility Plant Net ODeratlng Income (Add illlcs 1, 17 &18 less llnc 16) Revenues. Merchandizlng Jobblng and Contract Work Expenses, Merchandlzlng, Jobblng & Contracts lnterest & Dlvrdend tncome Allovuance for Funds used D,rring Constnrction l'llscellaneous Non-utillty lncome !llscel Janeous Non-Utllity Expense other Taxes, Non-uLlllty Operations Income Taxes, Non-Utlllty operEtions a LL4,617,7A $ (?2,118,5s) ,116 420 42t a26 408,20 $ 2,319.00 Net Non-Utility Income (add llms m,?2,2! C 24lels llnes 21.25,26, & 27) GFoss Income (add lrnes 19 & 23) Iaterest Exp. on Long-Term Debt Other lnterest Charges NET TNCOME (Line 29 rers linei !0 & 31), (Also Enter m Po 9/ Une 2) t 2,319.00 | (19,799.65) 421,3 421,5 t (19,799,65) NAl4Er tsland Park water Comp.ny, Inc. ACCOUNT 101 PLANT Il,J sEnVIcE DETAIL FOR THE YEAR ENDII{G IU3III.7 sUA ACCI DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 72 ?077 301 Organiz8tion 302 Frdnchises and Consents 303 Land & tnnd Rlghts 304 Structures and lmprovements lo5 collecting & Irnpoundhg Reservoirs 306 L-ake, Rlver & other Intakes 307 wells 308 tnfiltrrtion Galleries & Tunnels 309 SrrPPly Maina t10 Power Generatlon Equipment 311 Power Pumpinq Equipment r2o Purlflcagoosyst€ms Annual Repon for wat.r Utliti€r to th. lOPUCl.dsx 56 744 49 t 56,740.49 t $ 9{t 2,r AIiNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILTTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 13 330 14 3t1 15 133 15 334 17 33s 19 339 20 340 21 341 22 342 23 343 24 344 25 a45 26 346 27 Y7 28 340 Dlstrlbution Reservolrs & Standplpes Trans, & DisLrib, Mains & Ac.essories Services Meters and Meter lnstalldtions Hydronts Backfl ow Prevention Oevices Other Plant & Misc. Equipment Offlce Furniture and Equipment Transportatlon Equipment Stores Equlpment Tools, Shop and Garsge Equipment Laboratory Equipment Povrer Operated Equi pment Commuolcagons Equtpment Miscelleneous Equipment Other Tanglbl. Property t 773 75 1 588.5r I 937.04 29 TOTAL PLANT IN SERVTCE r2?t31.a3 (Add lln6 I :€) Ent r b€glnnlnc & end oryear torlls m Po 7, Lln. 1 NAME| Island Park Water Company, Inc ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 107. T DEIAIL FOR THE YEAR ENDING I2I3LII, 5UE ACCI OESCRIPT1ON 1 2 3 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2017 304 Structures end tmpaovements 305 Coilecting & hpounding Reservoirs 306 Lake. River & Other Int€kes 306 lnfiltratioo Gallerles & Tunflels 309 Supply Mains 31o Power Generatton Equipment 311 Power Pumping Equipment rz0 Puriflc6tionSystems 330 Distribution Res,ervolrs & Standpipes 331 Trans, & Dlstrib. Mains & Ac.essories 133 Servlces 334 lvleters and l{eler Installa0ons 335 HydrAnts 136 Backflow Prevention Devlces J39 Other Plant & l4lsc. Equlpment 3.0 Ofrice Furnitur€ and Equipment annual Repo.t io. warer t dllrie! rothe toPu(1.xlsx t t ] 9,733,75 6,248,36t t I t .1,588.5r 1,937 0B t i i t 3 I I i *t | 727,211.43 30.554.99t t 31,109.t9 2 ,r50,40 25,407,16 I 27,648,75 I 2,241.59 I 7!3.75 J 9,731.75 $a 1,729.21 2St.5lI t $ 3,307.54 I 3,?66.39 458,85$ 7,479.75 I 1,937,08 57,11$ AIINUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILMES TO THE 3.tr TransportationEquipment 342 Stores Equipment 34r Tools. Shop and Garage Equipment 344 LaboratoryEqulpment Y5 Power Operated Equlpment 345 CommunicatlonsEqulpment 347 lvllscellaneousEqulpment 34a Other Tangible Property TOTALS (add unes 1 - 25) Enter beornnmo a.nd of yesr totalr on P0 7/ Line 7 HO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 18 19 20 z1 22 23 24 26 NAME: Island Pa* Water Company, In.. ASSETS 5U0 ACCI DESCRIPNON BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENOIi{G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !2 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 2017 lo1 lJtlllty Pl6nt in S€rvice (Fron P! 5, Lln. 29) lo2 Utlllty Plant Leas€c, to Others 103 Plant Held for Future lJse lo5 Constructlon Work ln Prcgress 114 Utillty Plont Aquisitlon Adiustment Subtotal (add u..r 1- 5) 106.r Accumulated De9reclatlon (Fhn P9 6, Llne 26) 108.2 Accum. Depr. - Utlllty Pbnt Ledse to Others 106.3 Accum. Depr. ' Property Held lor Future Use r!o.r Accum. Amoat. - Utllity Plant in service 110,2 Accum. Amort, - Utlllty Plant Lease to Others 1!5 Accumulated Amortization - Aquletlon Adj. Net t tlllty Phnt (une 6 resr llnes 7 - 12) 723 Iflvestment ln Subsidaari€s 12s Other Investments Tohdl Inve6tments (^dd lrn.s 14 & l5) 131 Cash l3s Short Term lnvestments 141 Accls/Notes Receivable - Customers 142 Other Recelvables 145 Receivables from Assoclated comoanles 151 lrlaterials & Supplles lnventory Annuai Report for Wate' utilhl.stothe lDPUCl.*l5r 121,2\.43 127 1,43 t t t I t 72,464.93I I 77,924.63 I 5,459.10 I 127.231,43 $ I t t l27,z1t 43 t (77,.U,91\I 1j7,924.63)J (5,459,70) t t rl I 54,165.50 I 49,306.80 I 15,459.70) a 44.907.S9 t 35,180.70 $ (9,727,111 $ t $ t 6of12 ANi{UAL REPORT FOR \,YATER UTILMES TO THE IDATO PUBLIC UNLITIES COMMISSIOII 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 72 13 14 15 16 77 18 19 20 27 24 25 26 27 2077 162 Prepaid Expenses 773 Unbilled (Accrued) Utillty Revenue t43 Provlslon for UncollectEble Accounts Totrl curent (Add rhes 17 - 24, ress rne 25) ,01 tlnamortiled Debt Dlscount & Expense laf Prallminary Surv€y & Investlgation Charges 18. Deferred Rate cas€ Expenses 186 Other Deferred Ch6r0es Total Assets (Add tin€! t3, 16 & zo - io) t 8,452,20 t 540 0D a 17.9?2 20) , $ 5!,370.09 M,720,78 t (17.649.31) I i I E5,027.5E , r:3,109.01)116,59 NAME| Island Palk witer Company, Inc UABILMES & CAPITAL suB AccT DESCRIPTION BAI-AtlCE SHEET (contlnued) FOR HE YEAR E]IOING IZIsIII' 201.3 Common Stock 204-6 Preferred Stock 207-r3 I'4lSCell6neoUS capltal accounts 2L4 ApproprlatedRetainedEarnings 215 unapproprlatedRetalnedEamtogs 215 Reacqulred Capital Stock 21r ProPrietary capital Total Equlty Capltal (Add unes 1-s+7 ress rine 6) ?21-? Bonds 223 Advances from Assoctated Companies 221 Other Long - Term Debt 231 Accounts Payable 232 Notes Payabe 233 Accounts Payable - Assoclated Companles 23s custornerDeposits(Refundabl€) 236.11 Accrued OtherT6xes Payabla ?36,r2 Accrued lncorie Taxes Payable 236.2 Accrued Taxes - Non-lJtllity 237-40 Accrued Debl, lnterest & Divldends Payable 241 Mlsc. Current & Accrued Li6bilities zsl l.ln.mortlzed Oebt Premllm 252 Advances for Construction 253 Other Deterrec Llablllties :5s,1 Accumulated lnvestment T6x Credits - Wljty 255.2 Accum. Inv€stment Tax Credits - Non-Utility 25r-S oper6tln9Rescrves 27t Contdbutiohs in Aid of Construcuon Annu.l fi.po.t ior W.tcr Utilnies t. the tDPUC1}trr a 763. 32!.57 $ (19,799,65) , * (90,763_72)I t (112,940.36)a (22,116,04) t t a (1t2,9a0.361 I 422,176.64) $ * t L\7,129.57 rl J i ! * t ! I $ I t t t 87.024,02 *87 .02 70ltz Ai{i'IUAL REpORY FOR WATER UTIUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBtIc UTIUTIES CO MtSStOt'l 28 2iz 29 2Bt-3 30 31 Accum. Amort, or contrlb. ln Aid or const. ** Accumulated Deterred lncome Taxes Totrl Lhbllltles (add (n r 9 - 2e) TdrAL LIABILmES & CAPIrAI ( ^oi thlE 8 & 30) r. Only ll commlctloll Approl/.d .ta 136.59 t 1 Retalned E mlngs Balance @ Beglnnlng of Ye6r 2 Amou,lt Added from currEnt Ytar Income (Frum Pc a, un. !2) 3 Other Credits to Account 4 Dlvldends Fald or Approprlated 5 (Xher Dlstrlbutlons of Retalned E.rnlngs 5 Retained Earnlngs Balance @ End of Year NAME: Islrnd P.rk water Company, Inc 7 Elescriotlon (Class, par Value etc. Totals STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNITGS FOR IHE YEAR ENDII{G I2!3LI!7 I (9q763.rr) I (19.799.65) , (110,553.37) $ (19,799.65) * (112,940.36) CAPIIAL STOCK DETAIL DETAIL OF LOI{G.TERI,I DEBT I $ (6,$5.65)(911.37)$ s I t9r,961,91 *VAIUEt * s5,o27.s8 *VALUEI 2017 Ann u rl l.pon for wate. Utilrtles to th€ loPucl'tlsr a ol ,2 AIIiIUAL R,EPORT FOR $'ATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UNLITIES COMMISSIOT{ NAME: Island Park weter Company, lfic SYfiEM ENGINEERING DATA FOR THE YEAR EIIDING IZI'III7 Provlde an updated system map lf signlficant changes have been made to the system during the year 2 Wate. Supply or locatlon vlew #2 Shot Gun South - Stevens Shot Gun glouth - Shot Gun South - Cherokee Shot Gun South - Choctaw Shot Guo Narth - *2 Shot Gun North - *3 Goose TOTALS 3 System Storage Sto ation or Locatlon (Dupllcat€ form and attech lf necessary. Aste.tsk facllities added thts year 10 1,632 11 37 10 49 75 161 75 zo za9 50 2.027 28 2,012 !62 11,195 NAMEI Island Perk lllater Compony, Ina. 2017 Anhual REpoi lor WrrEr Unh.s to th. roPucl,rlsr 9of12 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTIUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUALIC IJTIUTIES COMMISSIOT SYSTEM ENGII{EERIi|G OATA (cDnfl nued) FOR THE YEAR ENDIIG IzfiLIT? 4 Pump informebon for ALL system pumps, lncludlng wells ond boosters. (ps,)Designauon or Locaton & T Shot Gun South - Stevens Shot Gun SrcuLh - Shot Gun South - Cherokee Shot Gun Soutn - Choctaw Shot Gun North - #2 Shot Gun North - #3 Gaose *r submrt pump.urv€s unl€lr pr.vtouity provtd.d or unay.tt.t{r, tstc.rrk rdl$es.dd.d thts yeEr Attach lddltloMl she€t6lf tmd.q@t sp.ce tc.v.ttaDte on tht. pi!c. 5 If wells are metered: Shot Gun South shot Gun North Goose Bay Whrt was the total amount pump€d thls year? 000's gal. Shot Gun South Shot Grin North coose Bay $rhat was the totel amount pumped during peak montl? 000's 96l. What was the total amount pumped on the peak day? gal. 6 If customers .re metercd, erhst was the total amount sold ln peak month? 000's oat 7 Was your system designed lo slpply flre flows? lf Yes: What ls currenl system ratlng? 8 How many times were melers read this year? Ourlno whach months? 1,669,000 5,t88,ooo 2,316,000 2,022.000 119,000 1,219,000 466,000 1r,r95,000 2.r43,000 9 How many addluonalcustomers could be served with no sy&€m lmprovemeots except a servlce llna and meterT Horr/ many of tiose potentlal additions are vacaot lots? 10 Are backbone plant additions anticipated during the coming year? Il Yrs/ .tt.rh an axplrnatlon ol prolecti and anrlclprLd cortlt 11 Io whnt year do you antacipate that the system capaclw (supply, storage or dtstribut on) will have to be expanded? NAllEr Island Park Wat€r Company, Inc, SYSTEM ENGINEERII{G DATA (continued) FOR THE YEAR ENDTNG 121311,7 l 18 50 3405 I 11 50 3t4 lq 50 101 5 50 r557 5 75 50 5 75 50 7023 75 20 50 570 5 50 50 1 2A 50 4726 2017 Annu.lR€portlorwaterUtilltiettotherDFUCl.*lsr FEET OF MAINS --O ol 12 1 AI{I{UAL REPORT FOR IVATER UTILITIES TO THE IDA}IO PT'6UC UNUTIES @I,II{ISSIO lnu* r6dlq Plp! Er.'hnr.e (rrn, Sizr orrt . 3' 5', 3', 2' Shot Gun South shot Gun ltorth Goo6e 2,5' 2 t.5' 6. 2A 2 I'l.tered 3 Fht Rrt : Resld.ntlrl V.lhy Vlew Shot Gun South Shot arn North Goo6e Bly 4 Private Flre Fotacuon 5 Publk FIr! Protactlon 6 Strect Sprlnkllng 7 Hunldptl, Oth.r I Oti.r wrtlr t tllltl.s TfiALS (add nn .2 lrm€h E) Stlt of ldrho )s5 Counw of aonnavllb -T!Y?. thc u I ,J./ of tha -2.5 460',150' 1340',1340' 5,790'5.790', 0 444',/t l0' 3180'3180' 2710',2710', 5ao0'5400' 240'2,lO' 0 160',150', 760'760'. 2,6i(}'2.640' litoo'1400' 260'260' 1,74'3,740' 2,520'2,520' 5+O'540' 1,rO't{0' 15 l4a 5A 315 0 0 0 udllty, on our oath do savaElly sry thlt tha foEgolng Eport hrs barn prlpr.ld undar our dlrectlon, 2D17 Al1 rJ iapo{ for watt Uotttaa io tha toPuclll'!11 of 12 Anxrral REFoRT Fm W TEn UDUIIES TO THE tD^flO pUruC UTTUTIES CO fitSBrOfl ftom Urc orlglml Dool6, prpcrs lnd rccords of srld utllty; thlt vi! h!rc c!rcfully lxrmhad srma, rnd d.d!r! th! srmc to bc a cortcd st tcmrit of tt. bu3Nn.6r .nd dfltrs oa s!|d udllty tor tha pcrtod c9Ycrcd by th. Eport ln EEp€.t to G.dr lnd .v!ry mttler lnd thho thcrln s.t forti. b th! bast d our knowhdg€, Iniormllon uld bdld. (Chbtqicr, Cn.e*/ C,ffi#lrllhJ-."/a Subedb.d ..d sltom to 8.6r€ rl. tly ConmbCon Eq[rE _up 4, te, l*ei Nolal,r-at' R. QlsLro a zO17 &nl/.l lr.pofr ior yv*.. grllrb brh. loPt clrdrr 12dt2