HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000Annual Report.pdfRECEiVED Œl FILED O ANNUA LR EP OF ISLAND PARK WATER COMPANY NAME 1045 Syringa Drive;Idaho Falls,Idaho 83401 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED December 31,2000 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIESCOMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING 12/31/00 COMPANYINFORMATION 1 Give full name of utility Island Park Water Company 2 Date of Organization 5/1/76 3 Organizedunder the laws of the state of Idaho 4 Address of Principal Office (number &street)1045 Syringa Drive 5 P.O.Box (if applicable) 6 City Idaho Falls 7 State Idaho 8 Zip Code 83401 9 Organization(proprietor,partnership,corp.)Corporation 10 Towns,Counties served Fremont County 11 Are there any affiliated companies?None If yes,attach a list with names,addresses &descriptions.Explain any services provided to the utility. 12 Contact Information Name Phone No. President (Owner) Vice President David Benton 208-522-8033 Secretary Ver!J.Andrew 208-522-2794 General Manager David Benton 208-522-8033 Complaintsor Billing Glade Gunnel 1-800-547-7338 Engineering David Benton 208-522-8033 EmergencySer/ice Glade Gunnel 1-800-547-7338 Accounting LaMar John 208-524-5171 13 Were any water systems acquired during the year or any additions/deletions made to the service area during the year?None If yes,attach a list with names,addresses &descriptions.Explain any services provided to the utility. 14 Where are the Company's books and records kept? Street Address 325 South Woodruff City ldaho Falls State Idaho Zip 83401 Rev7/99 Page 1 NAME:Island Park Water Cornp_any COMPANY INFORMATION(Cont.) For the Year Ended 12/31/00 15 Is the system operatedor maintained under a service contract?N/A 16 If yes:With whom is the contract? When does the contract expire? What services and rates are included? 17 Is water purchased for resale through the system?N/A 18 If yes:Name of Organization Name of owner or operator Mailing Address City State Zip Gallons/CCF $Amount Water Purchased 19 Has any system(s)been disapproved by the Idaho Divisionof Environmental Quality?No If yes,attach full explanation 20 Has the Idaho Division of Environmental Quality recommendedany improvements?No if yes,attach full explanation 21 Numberof Complaintsreceived during year concerning: Quality of Sentice None High Bills 2 Disconnection None 22 Number of Customers involuntarilydisconnected None 23 Date customers last receiveda copy of the Summary of Rules requiredby IDAPA Attach a copy of the Summary 24 Did significant additions or retirements from the Plant Accounts occur during the year?None If yes,attach full explanation and an updated system map Rev7/99 Page 2 NAME:Island Park Water Company REVENUE &EXPENSE DETAIL For the Year Ended 12/31/00 ACCT #DESCRIPTION 400 REVENUES 1 460 UnmeteredWater Revenue 34302.50 2 461.1 MeteredSales -Residential 3 461.2 Metered Sales -Commercial,industrial 4 462 Fire Protection Revenue 5 464 Other Water Sales Revenue 6 465 Irrigation Sales Revenue 7 466 Sales for Resale 8 400 Total Revenue (Add Lines 1 -7)34302.50 (also enter result on Page 4,line 1) 9 *DEQ Fees Billed separatelyto customers Booked to Acct # 10 **Hookup or Connection Fees Collected Booked to Acct # 11 ***Commission Approved Surcharges Collected Booked to Acct # 401 OPERATING EXPENSES 12 601.1-6 Labor -Operation &Maintenance 13 601.7 Labor -CustomerAccounts 700.00 14 601.8 Labor -Administrative &General 2000.00 15 603 Salaries,Officers &Directors 16 604 Employee Pensions &Benefits 17 610 Purchased Water 18 615-16 Purchased Power &Fuel for Power 5024.30 19 618 Chemicals 20 620.1-6 Materials &Supplies -Operation &Maint.8.33 21 620.7-8 Materials &Supplies -Administrative &General 132.00 22 631-34 Contract Services -Professional 1390.00 23 635 Contract Services-Water Testing 4716.09 24 636 Contract Services-Other 3423.58 25 641-42 Rentals -Property &Equipment 1200.00 26 650 Transportation Expense 27 656-59 Insurance 28 660 Advertising 29 666 Rate Case Expense (Amortization) 30 667 RegulatoryComm.Exp.(Other except taxes) 31 670 Bad Debt Expense 32 675 Miscellaneous 33 Total Operating Expenses (Add lines 12 -32,also enter on Pg 4,line 2)18594.30 Rev7/99 Page 3 Name:Island Park Water Company INCOME STATEMENT For Year Ended 12/31/00 ACCT #DESCRIPTION 1 Revenue(From Page 3,line 8)34302.50 2 Operating Expenses (From Page 3,line 33)18594.30 3 403 DepreciationExpense 2322.19 4 406 Amortization,Utility Plant Aquisition Adj. 5 407 Amortization Exp.-Other 6 408.10 Regulatory Fees (PUC)88.47 7 408.11 Property Taxes 1268.42 8 408.12 Payroll Taxes 9A 408.13 Other Taxes (list)DEQ Fees 9B 9C 9D 10 409.10 Federal Income Taxes 981.00 11 409.11 State Income Taxes 301.00 12 410.10 Provision for Deferred Income Tax -Federal 13 410.11 Provision for Deferred incomeTax -State 14 411 Provisionfor Deferred Utility Income Tax Credits 15 412 investment Tax Credits -Utility 16 Total Expenses from operations before interest (add lines 2-15)23555.38 17 413 Income From Utility Plant Leased to Others 18 414 Gains (Losses)From Disposition of Utility Plant 19 Net Operating income (Add lines 1,17 &18 less line 16)10747.12 20 415 Revenues,MerchandizingJobbing and Contract Work 21 416 Expenses,Merchandizing,Jobbing &Contracts 22 419 Interest &DividendIncome 146.71 23 420 Allowancefor Funds used During Construction 24 421 MiscellaneousNon-Utility Income 25 426 MiscellaneousNon-Utility Expense 26 408.20 Other Taxes,Non-UtilityOperations 27 409-20 income Taxes,Non-Utility Operations 28 Net Non-Utility Income (Add lines 20,22,23 &24 less lines 21,25,26,&27)146.71 29 Gross Income (add lines 19 &28)10893.83 30 427.3 Interest Exp.on Long-Term Debt 31 427.5 Other Interest Charges 32 NET INCOME (Line 29 less lines 30 &31)(Also Enter on Pg 9,Line 2)10893.83 Rev7/99 Page 4 Name:Island Park Water Company ACCOUNT 101 PLANT IN SERVICE DETAIL For Year Ended 12/31/00 Balance Added Removed Balance SUB Beginning During During End of ACCT #DESCRIPTION of Year Year Year Year 1 301 Organization 2 302 Franchises and Consents 3 303 Land &Land Rights 4 304 Structures and Improvements 5 305 Collecting &ImpoundingReservoirs 6 306 Lake,River &Other intakes 7 307 Wells 28295.00 28295.00 8 308 infiltration Galleries &Tunnels 9 309 Supply Mains 10 310 Power Generation Equipment 11 311 Power Pumping Equipment 18148.76 18148.76 12 320 Purification Systems 13 330 Distribution Reservoirs&Standpipes 14 331 Trans.&Distrib.Mains &Accessories 15 333 Services 16 334 Meters and Meter Installations 17 335 Hydrants 18 336 Backflow PreventionDevices 19 339 Other Plant &Misc.Equipment 20 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 21 341 Transportation Equipment 22 342 Stores Equipment 23 343 Tools,Shop and Garage Equipment 24 344 LaboratoryEquipment 25 345 Power Operated Equipment 26 346 CommunicationsEquipment 27 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 28 348 Other Tangible Property 29 TOTAL PLANT IN SERVICE 46443.76 46443.76 (Add lines 1 -28)Enter beginning &end of year totals on Pg 7,Line 1 Rev7/99 Page 5 Name:Island Park Water Company ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION ACCOUNT 108.1 DETAIL For Year Ended 12/31/00 Depreciation Balance Balance Increase SUB Rate Beginning End of or ACCT #DESCRIPTION %of Year Year (Decrease) 1 304 Structures and Improvements 2 305 Collecting &Impounding Reservoirs 3 306 Lake,River &Other Intakes 4 307 Wells 5.00 1666.38 3081.13 1414.75 5 308 InfiltrationGalleries &Tunnels 6 309 Supply Mains 7 310 Power Generation Equipment 8 311 Power Pumping Equipment 5.00 718.27 1625.71 907.44 9 320 Purification Systems 10 330 Distribution Reservoirs &Standpipes 11 331 Trans.&Distrib.Mains &Accessories 12 333 Services 13 334 Meters and Meter Installations 14 335 Hydrants 15 336 Backflow Prevention Devices 16 339 Other Plant &Misc.Equipment 17 340 Office Furniture and Equipment 18 341 TransportationEquipment 19 342 Stores Equipment 20 343 Tools,Shop and Garage Equipment 21 344 LaboratoryEquipment 22 345 Power Operated Equipment 23 346 CommunicationsEquipment 24 347 Miscellaneous Equipment 25 348 Other Tangible Property 26 TOTALS (Add Lines 1 -25)2384.65 4706.84 2322.19 Enter beginning&end of year totals on Pg 7,Line 7 Rev7/99 Page 6 Name:Island Park Water Company BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended 12/31/00 ASSETS Balance Balance increase Beginning End of or ACCT #DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) i 101 Utility Plant in Service (From Pg 5,Line 29)46443.76 46443.76 0.00 2 102 Utility Plant Leased to Others 3 103 Plant Held for Future Use 4 105 ConstructionWork in Progress 5 114 Utility Plant Aquisition Adjustment 6 Subtotal (Add Lines 1 -5)46443.76 46443.76 0.00 7 108.1 Accumulated Depreciation(From Pg 6,Line 26)2384.65 4706.84 2322.19 8 108.2 Accum.Depr.-Utility Plant Lease to Others 9 108.3 Accum.Depr.-Propedy Held for Future Use 10 110.1 Accum.Amort.-Utility Plant in Service 11 110.2 Accum.Amort.-Utility Plant Lease to Others 12 115 Accumulated Amortization -Aquisition Adj. 13 Net Utility Plant (Line 6 less lines 7 -12)44059.11 41736.92 -2322.19 14 123 investment in Subsidiaries 15 125 Other Investments 16 Total Investments(Add lines 14 &15) 17 131 Cash 16846.21 33262.23 16416.02 18 135 Short Term investments 19 141 Accts/Notes Receivable-Customers 20 142 Other Receivables 21 145 Receivablesfrom Associated Companies 22 151 Materials &Supplies Inventory 23 162 Prepaid Expenses 24 173 Unbilled (Accrued)Utility Revenue 25 143 Provision for UncollectableAccounts 26 Total Current(Add lines 17 -24 less line 25)16846.21 33262.23 16416.02 27 181 UnamortizedDebt Discount &Expense 28 183 Preliminary Survey &Investigation Charges 29 184 Deferred Rate Case Expenses 30 186 Other Deferred Charges 31 Total Assets (Add lines 13,16 &26 -30)60905.32 74999.15 14093.83 Rev7/99 Page 7 Name:Island Park Water Company BALANCE SHEET For Year Ended 12/31/00 LIABILITIES &CAPITAL Balance Balance increase Beginning End of or ACCT #DESCRIPTION of Year Year (Decrease) 1 201-3 Common Stock 2 204-6 Preferred Stock 3 207-13 MiscellaneousCapital Accounts 4 214 Appropriated Retained Earnings (48880.18)(37986.35)10893.83 5 215 UnappropriatedRetained Earnings 6 216 ReacquiredCapital Stock 7 218 ProprietaryCapital 8 Total Equity Capital (Add Lines 1-5+7 less line 6)(48880.18)(37986.35)10893.83 9 221-2 Bonds 10 223 Advances from Associated Companies 11 224 Other Long -Term Debt 12 231 Accounts Payable 13 232 Notes Payable 109785.50 112985.50 3200.00 14 233 Accounts Payable -Associated Companies 15 235 Customer Deposits (Refundable) 16 236.11 Accrued Other Taxes Payable 17 236.12 Accrued Income Taxes Payable 18 236.2 Accrued Taxes -Non-Utility 19 237-40 Accrued Debt,Interest &Dividends Payable 20 241 Misc.Current &Accrued Liabilities 21 251 UnamortizedDebt Premium 22 252 Advances for Construction 23 253 Other Deferred Liabilities 24 255.1 Accumulated Investment Tax Credits -Utility 25 255.2 Accum.Investment Tax Credits -Non-Utility 26 261-5 Operating Reserves 27 271 Contributionsin Aid of Construction , I 28 272 Accum.Amort.of Contrib.in Aid of Const.** 29 281-3 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 30 Total Liabilities (Add lines 9 -29 109785.50 112985.50 3200.00 31 TOTAL LIAB &CAPITAL (Add lines 8 &30)60905.32 74999.15 14093.83 **Only if Commission Approved Rev7/99 Page 8 Name:Island Park Water Comp_an_y STATEMENTOF RETAINEDEARNINGS For Year Ended 12/31/00 1 RetainedEarnings Balance @ Beginning of Year (48880.18) 2 Amount Added from Current Year Income (From Pg 4,Line 32)10893.83 3 Other Credits to Account 4 DividendsPaid or Appropriated 5 Other Distributionsof RetainedEarnings 6 Retained Earnings Balance @ End of Year (37986.35) CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL No.Shares No.Shares Dividends 7 Description (Class,Par Value etc.)Authorized Outstanding Paid DETAIL OF LONG-TERM DEBT interest Year-end Interest interest 8 Description Rate Balance Paid Accrued Rev7/99 Page 9 Name:Island Park Water Company SYSTEM ENGINEERINGDATA For Year Ended 12/31/00 1 Provide an updated system map if significant changes have been made to the system during the year. 2 Water Supply:Type of Water Treatment:Supply Rated (None,Chlorine Annual Source Capacity Fluoride Production (Well,Spring, Pump Designationor location (gpm)Filter etc.)(000's Gal.)Surface Wtr) 3 System Storage: Total Usable Type of Capacity Capacity Reservoir Construction 000's 000's (Elevated,Pres-(Wood,Steel Storage Designationor Location Gal.Gal.urized,Boosted)Concrete) (Duplicate form and attach if necessary.Asterisk facilities added this year.) Rev7/99 Page 10 Name:Island Park Water Comp_any SYSTEM ENGINEERINGDATA (continued) For Year Ended 12/31/00 4 Pump informationfor ALL system pumps,including wells and boosters. Rated Discharge Energy Designation or Location Horse Capacity Pressure Used &Type of Purnp**Power (9pm)(psi)This Year **Submit pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable.Asterisk facilities added this year. Attach additional sheets if inadequate space is available on this page. 5 If Wells are metered: What was the total amount pumped this year? What was the total amount pumped during peak month? What was the total amount pumpedon the peak day? 6 If customers are metered,what was the total amount sold in peak month? 7 Was your system designed to supply fire flows? If Yes:What is current system rating? 8 How many times were meters read this year? During which months? 9 How many additional customers could be sented with no system improvements except a service line and meter? How many of those potential additions are vacant lots? 10 Are backbone plant additions anticipatedduring the coming year? If Yes,attach an explanation of projects and anticipated costs! 11 In what year do you anticipatethat the system capacity (supply,storage or distribution) will have to be expanded? Rev7/99 Page 11 Name:Island Park Water Cornpany SYSTEM ENGINEERINGDATA (continued) For Year Ended 12/31/00 FEET OF MAINS In Use Installed Abandoned in Use 1 Pipe Beginning During During End of Size Of Year Year Year Year CUSTOMERSTATISTICS Numberof Customers Thousands of Gallons Sold This Last This Last Year Year Year Year 2 Metered: 2A Residential 2B Commercial 2C Industrial 3 Flat Rate: 3A Residential 3B Commercial43C Private Firdustriaection 5 Public Fire Protection 6 Street Sprinkling 87OMuhrcipal,te lities TOTALS (Add lines 2 through 8) Rev7/99 Page 12 An n u a l Re p o r t fo r Wa t e r Ut i l i t i e s Ye a r Ea d e d Le c e m b e r 31 , 20 0 0 NG Ï N E E R I N G 1. Pr o v i d e up d a t e d sy s t e m ma p wh i c h cl e a r l y sh o w s th e lo c a t i c a of al l fa c i l i t i e s as de s - cr i b e d he r e i a . 2. Wa t e r Su p p l y : Wa t e r i Ty p e of Pu m p Su p p l y Ac t u a l Tr e a c c e n t : De s i g n a t i o n So u r c e s Ra t e d An n u a l (N o n e , C h i c r i n e or (W e l l , S p r i n g Ca p a c i t y Pr o ò u c t i o n Fl o r i d e , Me t e r e d LQ c e t i o n Fr - E s c e Wt . ] (r e g 3 (0 0 0 Ga l l , s . 3 ¯I l t e r . e c c . 3 (Y e s - No l Ae ñ o Ño x sk u 25 I, SW Ao 1 If so u r c e of su p p l y is pu m p e d , pr o v i d e ad d i t i o n a l pu m p in i c o r a t i o n on d e r It e s L' 3. Sy s t e m St o r a g e : S. t o r a g e Ty p e of De s i g n a t i o n Re s e r v o i r Co n s t r u c t i o n : Re s e r v o i r Ca p a c i t y To or (E l e v a t e d . f r e s - (C o n c r e t e , Wo o d St o r a g e Di s t r i b u t i o n Lo c a t i o n se r , 7 e d , S o n a t e ñ 3 St e t i ) (G a l l o n = 3 fr p m 3 (D u p l i c a t e Fo r At t a c h if Ne c e s s a r y - As t e r i s k Fa c i l i t i e s Ad d e d Th i s Ye a r ) 60 Q 12 Re v i s e d 12 / 9 0 Annual Report for Water Utilities Ïear Ended Decemcer 31,2000 ENGINEi1132(cont'd.) 4.Temp inžormation for £11 system pumps,-includingwells and boosters. Fump Actual Discharre Designation Type (a)ET Energy Annual Rated Pressere or of Racing Used This Discharge Capacity or (a)Submit pump curves caless previously provided or enavailable. Asterisk facilities added this y.ear. Duclicate the form and attach iž necessary. Gallons 5.What was total water diverted or pumped into system this year?Liia;~QUG 6.What was total water diverted or pumped into system during peak month?352,cco 7.What was total water diverted cr pumped into system during peak day?~~~ 8.What were your total system losses this year?62,92 000 9.Was your system desi ned to supply fire water flows?/)D If yes,what is current system rating: 10.Eow many times this year did you read custo=er meters? During which months? 11.Eov many additional customers could 'oe servea with no system improvements (except a service line and meter)? How many "of those potential additions are vacant lots? 12.What backbone plant additions or replacements are anticipated during the coming year and what are their _approximate costs? 13.What is your best guess as to the year syste=capacity (supply,storage or distribu- tion)vill n t have to -be expanded? 60Q Annual .¯ecer:for ater Utilities Ïear Ended December 31,2000 ENGINEiñJy G(coat'd.) Ïn Use Installed Abandoned In Use 3eginning During During Close of size Of Ïear Te?T Tear Year 2"O'gero' 75"ž†žD ZWD'p' 76D ',p' NESES OF ÇVST ¯¯RS GALLQNS SQLD Metered Residence Cornercial Industrial Flat Rate Residence Coratercial Industrial Private Fire Protection Public Fire Protection Street Sorinkling . Municinal Other Other We.ter Utilities Ionis My inn 1L Re- r Annual Report for Water Utilities Year Ended December 31,2000 4 NGÏNERSTNG 1.Provide upòated system map which clearly shows the location of all facilities as des- cribed herein. 2.Water Supply: Waterl Type of Pump Supply Actual Treatment: Desi nation Sources Rated Annual (None,Chlorine or (Well,5pring Capacity Froduction Floride,Metered Location So-'oce Wt.](gro)(QOQ GP.lls.3 ter.ete-3 (Yes -No3 &maav was 22 z ozz 20 1 If source of supply is pumped,provide additional pump information ==der Item L. 3.System Storage: Storage Type of Designation Reservoir Construction:Reservoir Capacity To or (Elevated,Pres-(Concrete,Wood Storage Distribution (Duolicate ic:L Attach if Necessary -Asterisk Facilities Added This Year) 60Q L2 Revised 12/90 Annual Report for Water Utilities Tear Ended December 31,2000 ENGINEERING(cont'd.) 4.Pumo inžormation for £11 system pumps,-including wells and boosters. Actual Discharge PumoDesignation Type (a)EP Ïnergy Annual Rated Pressere or ož Rating Used This Discharge Capacity or Lace.tion ?n,o E 21 ja Y-a-(Kvbl .(000 Gal.).(yom]798 (osi) (a)Submit pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable. Asterisk facilities added this y.ear. Duvlicate the form and attach if necessary. Gallons 3.What was total water diverted or pumped into system this year?2 92::00t] 6.What was total water diverted or pc=ped into system during peak month?44,G.OOD 7.What was total water diverted or pumped into system during peak day?¯¯¯ 8.What were your total system losses this year?ST+0.oen: 9.Was your system òesigned to supply fire water flows?4/D If yes,what is current system ratingt 10.Eow many times this year did you read cus temer meters? During which months? 11.Eow many additional customers could be served with no system improvements (except a service line and eter)? Eov many of those potential additions are vacant lota? 12.What backbone plant additions or replacements are anticipated during the coming year and what are their ,approximate costai . 13.What is your best uess as·to the year system capacity (supply,storage or distribu- tion)vill neit have .to-be expanded? 60Q Annual Report for ater Utilities Year Ended December 31,2000 ENGINEEgg(coat'd.) In Use Ï=stalled Abandoned in Use 3eginning During Duri i Close of NU"SER OF QUSTTERS GALLQNS SQLD Metered Residence Comercial Incu.s trial Flat Rate Residence Cocoercial Indus trial Private Fire Protection Public Fire Protection Street Sorinkling . Municioal-Other Other Water Utilities Tor.us '¥5 L¤¤1L Re sed !,jon Annual Report for Water Utilities Year Ended Dece.oer 31,2000 ,/A / 1.Provide updated system map which clearly shows the locatice of all facilities as des- cribed herein. 2.Water Supply: 1 -- Water -ype or Pump Supply Actual Treatment: Designation Sources Rated Annual (None,Chlorine c:(Well,Spring Capacity Froduction Floride,Metered Loce.tion serface wt.](rpm)(QQO Galls.3 ¯"ter.ecc.3 (Tes -No3 1 If source cž supply is pumped,provide additicesi pump information onder Item C~. 3.System Storage: Storage Type of Designation Reservoir Construction:Reservoir Capacity To or (Elevated.Pres-(Concrete,Wood Storage Distribution (Deplicate Form &Attach if Necessary -Asterisk Facilities Added This Year) 60Q 12 Revised 12/90 Annual Report for Water Utilities Ïear Ended December 31,2000 ENGINTERING (cone'd.) L.Fump information for Lil system pumps,-including wells and boosters. Fump Actual Discharze Designation Ïype (a)ET Energy Annual Rated Pressure or of Rating Used This Discharge Capacity c: (a)Submit peop curves maless previously provided or unavailaole. Asterisk facilities added this y.ear. Duolicate the žorm and attach iž necessary. G 11ens 5.What was total water diverted or pumped into system this year?r.:J') 6.What was total water diverted or pumped into system during peak month?7919 O 7.What was total water diverted or pumped into system during peak day?" 8.What were your total system losses this year?9 C 000 9.Was your system designed to supply fire water flovs? If yes,what is current system rating? 10.How many times this year did you read customer meters? During which months?~'¯ 11.Eow many additional customers could be served with no system improvements (except a service line and meter)? Eow many of -those potential additions are vacant lota? 12.What backbone plaat additions or replacements are anticipated during the coming year and what are their _approximate costä? 13.What is your best guess as to the-year syste=capacity (supply,storage or distribu- tion)vill next have .to be expanded? 60Q r Annual Recero for a:er U:ilities Year Ended Dece=ber 31,2000 NGINiKL¾G(coat'd.) SA/un /Va -Ad la Use Installed Abandoned in Use 3eginning During During Close of 40 /LP' 3"No 7&o' /e"2->÷¤'zo' z")ev'p-a-,a NWSER OF QUSTOMEFF GALLQNS SOLD Metered Residence Commercial Industrial Flat Rate Residence Comercial Indus trial Private Fire Protection Public Fire Protection Street Sprinkling Municival Other Other Water Utilities Tonni 7 La 1L Re sed 12/?0 e & Aracal P.eport for Water Utilities fear inded December 31,2000 1.Provide updated system map which clearly shows the location of all facilities as des- cribed herein. 2.Water Supply:¿p.y)GO V W Waterl Typ og Pump Supply Actual Treatment: Designation Sources Rated Annual (None,Chlorine or (Well,Spring Capacity Froduction Floride,Metered Location ir ce t.3 fig 3 (OQQ Gal.ls.)¯41:er.ecc.3 (Yes -No3 eoc wm 7 1 If source of supply is pumped,provide additional pump information ceder Ite . 3.System Storage: Storage Type of Designation Reservoir Construction:Reservoir Capacity To or (Elevated.Pres-(Concrete,Wood Storage Distribution (Duplicate for &Attach if Necessary -Asterisk Facilities Added This Year) 60Q 12 Revised 12/90 Annual Report for Water Utilities Tear Ended December 31,2000 ENGINEERING C//7 C/-(cont 'e L.Tamp information for Lil system pumps,-including wells and boosters. Actuzi Discharge Designation Type (a)EP inergy Annual Rated Pressere cr cf Rating Used This Discharge Capacity or (a)Submit pump curves unless previously provided or unavailable. Asterisk facilities added this year. Dualicate the form and attach iž necessary. Ge11pns 5.What was total water diverted or pumped into system this year?6 166 990 6.What was total water diverted or pc=ped into system during peak month?l.2MT,.OOD 7.What was total water diverted or pumped into system during peak day? 8.What were your total system losses this year?$60,0962 9.Was your system desi ned to supply fire veter flovs?à Q If yes,what is current system rating? 10.Eow many ti,es this year did you read customer meters? During which months? 11.Eow many additional customers could be served with no system improvements (except a service line and meter)? Eow many°0f those potential additions are vacant lots? 12.What backbone plant additions or replacements are anticipated during the coming year and what are their approximate costa? 13.What is your best guess as to the year syste=capacity (supply,storage or distribu- tion)vill next have ..to-be expanded?-- :-:ised 12/90 60Q Annual Recoro for Lace:Utilities Year ¯aded Dece=ber 31,2000 ENGÏNEi.EE /(coat'd.) In Use lastalled Abandoned in Use Berianinz During During Close of Size 0.Yes:Teor 'lear _3:a: NW3D 0"CUSTOBERS GALLONS SQLD Metered Residence Comercial Industrial Flat Rate Residence Comercial Indus trial Private Fire Protection Public Fire Protection Street Sprinkling . Municical Other Other Water Utilities zoni.s 6 7 :-nn 16 Revised n Anñual Report for Water Utiliiiss Year Ended Decemoer 31,2000 1.Provide updated system map which clearly shows the locatice of all facilities as des- cribed herein. 2.Water Supply: Waterl Type o¿ Pump Supply Actual Treat,ent: Desi nation Sources Rated Annual (None,Chlorine or (Well,Spring Capacity Froduction Floride,Metered Location SP-face Wt.)(77,3 (QQC Ga3.15.3 ~43ter.etc.3 (Tes -Nol -I source or supply is pumpea,provide additional pump information under Item L. 3.System Storage: Storage Type of Designation Reservoir Construction:Reservoir Capacity To or (Elevated,?res-(Concrete,Wood Storage Distribution Locati.on sprayed .Sonste 3 stee'3 (92119,73 from) (Duplicate Form &Attach iž Necessary -Asterisk Facilities Added This Year) 60Q 12 Revised 12/90 An n u a l Re a c c : fo r Wa t e r Ut i l i t i e s y, Is a r En d e d De c e m b e r 31 , 20 0 0 EN G I N E E R I N G (c o n t ' d . ) 4. Pu m o in f o r , a t i o n fo r £1 1 . s y s t e m pu m p s , -i n c l u d i n g we l l s an d bo o s t e r s . Ac t u a l Di s c h a r z e Pa m p De s i g n a t i o n Ïy p e (a ) E? in e r g y An n u a l Ra t e d Pr e s s u r e or of Ra t i n g Us e d Th i s Di s c h a r g e Ca p a c i t y or Lo c a t i o n . u, o Na a - - 7 1 = t e Ye s - (K v h 3 -( 0 0 0 Ga l _ 1 fi c m ) 19 ? fo s i ) (a ) Su b m i t pu m p cu r v e s un l e s s pr e v i o u s l y pr o v i d e d or un a v a i l a b l e . As t e r i s k fa c i l i t i e s ad d e d th i s y. e a r . Du v l i c a t e th e fo r m an d at t a c h if ne c e s s a r y . Ga l l e n ; 5. Wh a t wa s to t a l wa t e r di v e r t e d or pu m p e d in t o sy s t e m th i s ye a r ? /. 5 4. U O D 6. Wh a t wa s to t a l wa t e r di v e r t e d or pu m p e d in t o sy s t e m du r i n g pe a k mo n t h ? ? OO C T 7. Wh a t wa s to t a l wa t e r di v e r t e d c: pu = p e d in t o sy s t e m du r i n g pe a k da y ? 8. Wh a t we r e yo u r to t a l sy s t e m lo s s e s th i s ye a r ? I OO O 9. Wa s yo u r sy s t e m de s i me d to su p p l y fi r e wa t e r fl o w s ? AA U If ye s , wh a t is cu r r e n t sy s t e m ra t i n g ? 10 . Eo w ma n y ti m e s th i s ye a r di d yo u re a d cu s t o m e r me t e r s ? AA / À Du r i n g wh i c h mo n t h s ? ( /A 11 . Eo w ma n y ad d i t i o n a l cu s t o m e r s co u l d be se r v e d wi t h no sy s t e m im p r o v e m e n t s (e x c e p t a se r v i c e li n e an d me t e r ) ? Ho w ma n y of th o s e po t e n t i a l ad d i t i o n s ar e va c a n t lo t s ? 12 . Wh a t ba c k b o n e pl a n t ad d i t i o n s or re p l a c e m e n t s ar e an t i c i p a t e d du r i n g th e co m i n g ye a r an d wh a t ar e th e i r ap p r o x i m a t e co s t s ? . 13 . Wh a t is yc c : be s t gu e s s as to th e ye a r sy s t e = ca p a c i t y (s u p p l y , st o r a g e or di s t r i b u - ti o n ) vi l l ne x t ha v e .t o be ex v a n d e d ? Ro . - i s e d 12 / 9 0 60 Q An n u a l Re c o r : fo r Ja : e r Ut i l i t i e s Te a r in d e d De c e = b e r 31 , 20 0 0 ~N G I N E E E L N G In Us e Ïn s t a l l e d Ab a n d o n e d in Us e 3e g i n n i n g Du r i n g Du r i n g Cl o s e of 7, " 74 0 -, q p - NL N 3 E B OF ÇU S T D Y E R S _ GA L L Q N S SQ L D Th i s Ye a r La s t T¾ a r Th i s Ye ? : La s : Ye : - Me t e r e d Re s i d e n c e Co m m e r c i a l In d u s tr i a l Fl a t Ra t e A- Re s i d e n c e Co r = r e r c i a l In d u s tr i a l Pr i v a t e Fi r e Pr o t e c t i o n Pu b l i c Fi r e Pr o t e c t i o n St r e e t Sp r i n k l i n g . Mu n i c i v a l Ot h e r Ot h e r Wa t e r Ut i l i t i e s To t a l . s . * CERTIFICATE State of Idaho ) )ss Countv of Bonneville ) WE,the undersigned_David Benton and David Benton of the Island Park Water Company utility,on our oath do severallysay that the foregoing report has been prepared under our direction, from the original books,papers and records of said utility;that we have carefully examined same,and declare the same to be a correct statement of the business and affairs of said utility for the period covered by the report in respect to each and everÿ matter and thing therin set forth,to the best of our knowledge,information and belief. (ChiefOfficer) (Officer in Charge of Accounts) Subscribed and Sworn to Before Me this day of NOTARY BLIC My Commission Expires gdklexcel/jnelson/anuirpts/wtrannualrpt Rev7/99 Page 13