HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230206APPLICATION.pdfGEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 1 OF 9 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Rebecca M. Fitz, ISB No. 11874 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com beccafitz@givenspursley.com 13988.14[16603975_6.docx] Attorneys for Gem State Water Company, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GEM STATE WATER COMPANY, LLC FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE WATER BUSINESS OF VALIANT IDAHO, LLC Case No. _________________ GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION Gem State Water Company, LLC (“Gem State Water”, “Company”), seeks the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s (“Commission”) approval of Gem State Water’s acquisition of the assets of the water supply and distribution system (the “Water Business”) of various parties associated with Valiant Idaho, Inc. and TIC Utilities, LLC (the “Selling Parties”), in accordance with the Water System Asset Purchase Agreement dated as of December 9, 2022 (the “Agreement”).1 Gem State Water also requests that one of its Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity (“CPCN”) be amended to incorporate the Water Business or, alternatively, that a new CPCN be issued that will authorize service to the areas served by the Water Business. Finally, Gem State Water requests that this Application be processed by modified procedure. Please serve all notices and communications with regard to this Application upon: 1 The Agreement is among Gem State Water Company, LLC, (Buyer), Valiant Idaho, LLC (Seller), TIC Utilities, LLC, (Operator) and William Haberman, as managing member of Seller (Owner). RECEIVED Monday, February 6, 2023 12:36:48 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION GSW-W-23-01 GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 2 OF 9 Preston N. Carter Rebecca M. Fitz Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com beccafitz@givenspursley.com stephaniew@givenspursley.com Eric W. Nelsen Senior Regulatory Attorney NW Natural 250 SW Taylor St. Portland, Oregon 97204 Telephone: (503) 610-7618mailto: eric.nelsen@nwnatural.com BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY Gem State Water Company 1. Gem State Water, located in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, is a regulated public water utility providing water service in northern Idaho. Gem State Water is a wholly owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water of Idaho, LLC (“NW Natural Water of Idaho”), which is in turn wholly owned by NW Natural Water Company, LLC (“NW Natural Water”). A confidential organizational chart is attached to the accompanying testimony of Justin Palfreyman, the President of Gem State Water, NW Natural Water of Idaho, and NW Natural Water. 2. Gem State Water, NW Natural Water of Idaho, and NW Natural Water are members of a family of companies held by Northwest Natural Holding Company (“NW Natural Holdings”), which was created during a corporate reorganization of Northwest Natural Gas Company and its affiliates in 2018. Northwest Natural Gas Company, now a direct subsidiary of NW Natural Holdings, is a 164-year old natural gas utility serving customers in the Pacific Northwest. 3. NW Natural Holdings and NW Natural Water have financial resources and access to capital markets to sufficiently capitalize Gem State Water so that it can provide safe and reliable water utility service and proactively address the infrastructure needs of the utility. See Palfreyman Testimony at 2. Additionally, Gem State Water benefits from its parent companies’ GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 3 OF 9 and affiliates’ core competencies in constructing and maintaining infrastructure, providing exemplary customer service, and effectively managing regulated utilities. Id. at 3. NW Natural Water and its subsidiaries have acquired water utilities in Idaho, Arizona, Oregon, Texas and Washington. Id. These acquisitions and the continued operation of these water utilities were seamless, with no disruptions to customers’ service. Id. at 4. 4. Gem State Water has acquired multiple water utilities in Idaho, and has provided a seamless transition in ownership. This experience will carry over to Gem State Water’s acquisition of the Water Business. Id. The Selling Parties 5. The Selling Parties own a water supply and distribution system that serves approximately 148 residential customers in or near Bonner County, Idaho. The area currently served by the Selling Parties is in the general vicinity as the territory served by Gem State Water. Id. at 4. 6. The Selling Parties serve a development sometimes known as The Idaho Club. 7. On April 11, 2022, the Commission sent Valiant Idaho, LLC/TIC Utilities, LLC a letter inquiring as to its utility status. 8. The Water Business is not currently operating as a utility regulated by the Commission. 9. If this Application is approved, the Water Business will operate as a regulated public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission. THE TRANSACTION 10. Gem State Water and the Selling Parties entered into the Agreement, which is attached to Mr. Palfreyman’s testimony.2 The Agreement and the actions it contemplates, are 2 The Agreement has been filed as “Confidential” under the Commission’s rules. GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 4 OF 9 referred to as the “Transaction.” The Agreement is conditioned upon the Commission’s approval. Agreement ¶ 6(b). 11. If approved, under the Agreement, Gem State Water will acquire the Selling Parties’ assets related to the Water Business (“Water Business Assets”). Palfreyman Testimony at 5. The Water Business Assets, which are listed in Schedule 2 of the Agreement, include all real property and personal property used to operate the Water Business, including all water rights. Id. 12. The Selling Parties do not have Commission-approved tariffs. A schedule of the current rates and other charges related to the Water Business will be provided to Staff and the Commission as part of this proceeding. 13. Gem State Water is not requesting any change to rates, rate structure, or other charges in this Application. Any future changes will be based on prudently incurred capital expenditures and other accepted ratemaking principles. Palfreyman Testimony at 5. 14. If the Transaction is approved, Gem State Water will work with Commission Staff to update its tariffs to reflect its addition of the Water Business Assets and the retention of the existing rates and other charges for current customers of the Selling Parties and Gem State Water. Id. 15. Gem State Water intends to work with Commission Staff before and during future rate proceedings to consider consolidation of rates, rate structure, and other charges as reasonable and appropriate for current Gem State Water and the Selling Parties customers. Id. 16. Gem State Water submits that the Transaction is in the public interest. Through this Transaction, the Selling Parties will come into compliance with Idaho law. The Transaction will provide access to capital that is not currently available to the Selling Parties. Gem State Water and its parent companies will offer expertise in operating regulated utilities. Gem State GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 5 OF 9 Water also will maintain the existing rates and other charges and will maintain or improve the level of services currently provided. 17. Gem State Water, NW Natural Water of Idaho, NW Natural Water, and their affiliates have financial resources and access to capital markets to sufficiently capitalize Gem State Water so that it can provide safe and reliable water utility service and proactively address the infrastructure needs of the Water Business Assets now owned by the Selling Parties. Id. at 2. 18. Additionally, the water system currently owned by the Selling Parties will benefit from Gem State Water’s, and its affiliates’, core competencies in constructing and maintaining infrastructure, providing exemplary customer service, and effectively managing regulated utilities. Gem State Water has the ability to make needed improvements to the water systems. Id. at 4. 19. If the Transaction is approved, Gem State Water employees will assume the roles previously undertaken by the Selling Parties’ owner and associated contractors. Id. As Gem State understands it, the Water Business was previously operated by contractor. Gem State has signed an operations agreement to operate the system pending regulatory approval of the Transaction. 20. Gem State Water employees, who are based near the Selling Parties’ current locations, have the business experience and water system expertise to operate and maintain the Water Business Assets. Id. 21. If the Transaction is approved by the Commission, Leslie Rayner, the licensed water system operator for Gem State Water, will serve as the licensed water system operator for the water system currently operated by the Selling Parties. Ms. Rayner holds license number DWD3-21515 (Class 3), and her business address is 250 Northwest Blvd., Suite 203, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814. Id. GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 6 OF 9 22. If the Transaction is approved, Gem State Water will assess what, if any, capital investments are needed. Such capital investments may include installation of meters and/or other projects. REQUEST TO AMEND CPCN 23. Gem State Water has recently acquired several water systems and has the following CPCNs: (a) CPCN No. 319 (Bitterroot); (b) CPCN No. 296 (Bar Circle); (c) CPCN No. 293 (Spirit Lake East); (d) CPCN No. 390 (Happy Valley Water Systems, Inc.); (e) CPCN No. 280 (Troy Hoffman Water Corp., Inc.); (f) CPCN No. 413 (Diamond Bar Estates); and (g) CPCN No. 293. 24. As described above, Gem State Water intends to provide service to the customers currently being served by the Selling Parties. Accordingly, Gem State Water respectfully requests that CPCN No. 293 be amended to serve the area of the Water Business. Alternatively, Gem State Water requests that the Commission grant a new CPCN to Gem State Water that authorizes service to the area served by the Water Business. 25. The amendment of the CPCN, or issuance of a new CPCN that covers the area served by the Water Business, is necessary to effectuate the Transaction and to realize the public benefits discussed above. The amendment of the CPCN is generally in the public interest for the same reasons as the Transaction. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 26. Additional information that may facilitate the Commission’s consideration of the Transaction is identified below. 27. Transaction-related costs related to the acquisition have been incurred by NW Natural Holdings, not by Gem State Water, related to activities including due diligence, GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 7 OF 9 environmental consultants, research, legal, travel and negotiations. The costs will not be passed to Gem State Water and will not be included in any rate case filings. Id. at 5. 28. If the Transaction is approved, accounting, financial, and customer records will be kept in the local office of Gem State Water, 250 Northwest Blvd., Suite 203, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83814. Gem State Water’s local office also will be the location for former Selling Parties customers to pay bills, make requests, and otherwise correspond with Gem State Water. Id. at 4. 29. The Selling Parties bill its customers on a quarterly basis throughout the year. Gem State Water intends to maintain this schedule for the time being. Id. 30. Gem State Water provides 24-hour response to repairs or water quality issues. Customers can call the Gem State Water office phone number, (877) 755-9287, and the call will be forwarded to an answering service after hours or whenever the line is not able to be answered during office hours. Id. 31. Gem State Water will publish a notice to customers in the local newspaper, regarding the Transaction and the Application, although no notice is required because Gem State Water is not proposing any changes to rates. Id. at 7-8; IDAPA Gem State Water also intends to mail a notice to each customer, and to file in this proceeding verification when such notice is sent. 32. With the Idaho Club development, Gem State Water anticipates adding new customers as The Idaho Club development expands. Id at 5. MODIFIED PROCEDURE 33. Gem State Water believes a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented in this Application and respectfully requests that it be processed by modified procedure, using written submissions rather than a hearing, under the Commission’s Rules of Procedure 201 through 210. GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 8 OF 9 CONCLUSION Gem State Water respectfully requests that the Commission enter an order: 1. Authorizing this matter to be processed by modified procedure. 2. Approving the Transaction, finding: that it is consistent with the public interest, that the cost and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of the Transaction, and that Gem State Water has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the Water Business Assets in the public service. 3. Amending a CPCN currently held by Gem State Water, CPCN No. 293, to include the area served by the Water Business Assets, or alternatively granting a new CPCN to Gem State Water that will authorize service to the area currently served by the Water Business. 4. Granting such other relief as the Commission deems just and reasonable. DATED February 6, 2023 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP By Preston N. Carter Rebecca M. Fitz Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Gem State Water Company LLC GEM STATE WATER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION PAGE 9 OF 9 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on February 6, 2023, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Via Electronic Mail Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov Preston N. Carter