HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220902Comment(1)_1.pdfFrom:PUCWeb Notification To:Jan Noriyuki Subject:Notice: A comment was submitted to PUCWeb Date:Thursday, September 1, 2022 5:00:06 PM The following comment was submitted via PUCWeb: Name: Sherry Ransier Submission Time: Sep 1 2022 4:21PMEmail: ransiersherry7@gmail.com Telephone: 208-714-7715Address: 5967 W Hayden Ave Rathdrum, ID 83858 Name of Utility Company: Gem State Water Case ID: GSW-W-22-01 Comment: "In regards to the application for rate increases submitted by Gem State Water onJuly 21, 2022 : There are several points I would like to make. 1. my notification letter received by mail includes a chart that lists my rate increase from $27.00 per month to $ 49.25 permonth , an increase of 82%. Gem State application Table 1 shows to the PUC a proposed change of $27.00 to $ 35.00. 2. my notification letter does NOT state a reduction in my waterallowance per month. Gem State application submission to the PUC shows a decrease in my water allowance of 50%, going from the current 20,000 gallons per month to 10,000 gallonsper month (Table 2). The proposed increased Commodity Charge is $0.70 to $2.85 per 1,000 gallons, an increse of 407% (Table 4). An average family of 4 uses 14,000 gallons of water permonth just for household use. This amount does not include washing your car or watering your flowers, lawn, or garden. In the winter season I would be charged the 407% increase evenwhen no water is being used outside of my home. I STRONGLY object to the proposed decrease in my allotted water allowance. 3. The timing of this water rate increase isquestionable due to the fact Gem State wants to charge more starting 1 month before the 5 month winter season when their costs are the lowest and no system upgrades would be startedor in process. 4. None of the exhibits referenced in the Gem State application are available to me. Exhibit 1 columns A-D, Exhibit 2 columns A-E, Exhibit 3 , 4, and 5. 5. Table 2 of theapplication lists 2-inch water meter size. Gem State employee told me Happy Valley has NO 2-inch water meters, but they had to include that by law. I think she said no one has a 2-inchmeters, but I could have misheard her. I was also told that no one is allotted 100,000 or 200,000 gallons, but that is listed in the Commodity Charge Table 4. I do not know what thatmeans or how those charges are assigned to the customers. 6. . Gem State's application for a rate increase states the company has "no long term debt" (page 5). In their initial applicationfor acquisition of these water systems, Gem State said this "NW Natural Holdings and NW Natural Water have financial resources and access to capital markets to sufficiently capitalizeGem State Water so that it can provide safe and reliable water utility service and proactively address the infrastructure needs of the utility". The company knew the age and structure of thesystems they were buying , and I read the above statement to imply Gem State would "invest" in the water systems - not put all the costs onto the consumers, the people who do not have anoption to switch service to another provider. Just to re-emphasize - for this increase to be requested to start immediately prior to the 5 month winter season and to be requested to beapplied with just 1 month of notice, is not what a reasonable company would do. Thank you for considering my input. PUC is the protector and equalizer for us consumers. Sherry Ransier" ------