HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230407Final_Order_No_35728.pdf ORDER NO. 35728 1 Office of the Secretary Service Date April 7, 2023 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC’S APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. GSW-W-22-01 ORDER NO. 35728 On July 21, 2022, Gem State Water Company, LLC (“the Company” or “Gem State”) applied to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) requesting authorization to increase its rates and charges for water service. Commission Staff (“Staff”) submitted comments to which the Company filed a reply; there were no other parties in the case. On March 1, 2023, the Commission issued Order No. 35692 approving an annual revenue requirement for the Company of $789,044 and a corresponding rate design. Order No. 35692 at 16, Attachment 2, “Gem State Water, Approved Rates.” The approved revenue requirement was based on adjustments and calculations summarized in Attachment 1 to Order No. 35692. The Commission directed the Company to submit conforming tariffs in compliance with the rates and charges by March 15, 2023. On March 13, 2023, the Company submitted a “Petition for Clarification or Reconsideration” (“Petition”) explaining that, because “calculations related to taxes were not adjusted” in Order No. 35692, the Company’s Commission’s approved revenue requirement was incorrectly calculated. Petition at 1-2. The Commission granted Staff and the Company’s joint motion to Extend the Deadline to File Conforming Tariffs and for Procedural Relief on the record at its March 14, 2023, Decision Meeting. Order No. 35708. On March 16, 2023, Staff filed an Answer to the Company’s Petition (“Answer”) confirming the Company’s analyses and recommending Order No. 35692 be modified consistently with the Petition’s request. With this Order, we clarify that the Company shall have an authorized revenue requirement of $834,870, and provide corresponding Attachments, including a rate design, reflecting this revenue requirement. ORDER NO. 35728 2 COMPANY’S PETITION In its Petition, the Company explained that there appeared to be an error in how taxes were calculated in the Commission’s order. Thus, the Company claimed that the supporting attachments setting forth a final revenue requirement and corresponding rate design were inconsistent with the Commission’s other approved adjustments. To be consistent with the Commission’s other adjustments, the Company stated that its taxes must “increase by approximately $45,773.” Petition at 1. Accordingly, the Company requested that Order No. 35692 be “revised or clarified to reflect a revenue requirement of $834,870” along with other corresponding adjustments to rate design, Income Taxes, Total Other Expenses and Net Income. Id. at 2. The Company requested updates to the attachments to Order No. 35692 as well as modifications on pages 7, 15, and 16 of the Order “such that the references to [sic] revenue requirement of ‘$789,004’ and ‘37.3%’ increase be changed to a revenue requirement of ‘$834,870’ and a rate increase of ‘45.3%.’” Id. at 4. STAFF’S ANSWER Staff reviewed the Company’s Petition, including “Table 1: Rate Proof”, “Table 2: Update to Attachment 1, page 1 of 2”, and “page 2 of 2”, and “Table 2: Update to Attachment 2.” After analyzing the Company’s Petition and comparing it to the Excel model Staff used to formulate its recommendation, Staff believed that a formula error in the Excel model resulted in the discrepancy in Order No. 35692. Staff concurred with the Company’s analyses and conclusions and believed that Order No. 35692 should be modified consistent with the Petition’s request. COMMISSION DECISION The Commission has jurisdiction over this matter and the issues in this case under Title 61 of the Idaho Code. Specifically, the Commission regulates “public utilities,” including “water corporations” that serve the public or some portion thereof for compensation. See Idaho Code §§ 61-125, -129, and -501. The Commission may clarify, rescind, alter or amend any final order on its own motion or in response to another’s motion. IDAPA, 326. We have reviewed the Company’s Petition and Staff’s Answer. Based on that review, we find that an error in the Excel model upon which we relied in determining a final revenue requirement resulted in a $45,773 miscalculation of the Company’s taxes. As a result, the final revenue requirement that was reflected in Order No. 35692 was inconsistent with what was intended. Therefore, we clarify that Order No. 35692 should reflect a revenue requirement of ‘$834,870’ on pages 7, 15, and 16. We further clarify that the reference to a rate increase on page ORDER NO. 35728 3 7 should be “45.3%.” The two attachments to this Order, Attachment 1 and Attachment 2, reflect our clarification of the revenue requirement and the corresponding adjustments to the Company’s rate design and revenue requirement calculation. With the clarification to the revenue requirement, the approved rate design attached to this Order (Attachment 2) results in a fixed charge/volumetric charge ratio of 42%/58%. ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Gem State shall have an annual revenue requirement of $834,870, with expenses, rate base, rate of return, capital structure, and rate design as detailed in the Attachments to this Order. The rates and charges authorized in this Order shall be effective for service rendered as of March 1, 2023, and supplant the rates and charges previously authorized by Order No. 35692. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. Idaho Code § 61-626. DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho this 7th day of April 2023. __________________________________________ ERIC ANDERSON, PRESIDENT __________________________________________ JOHN R. HAMMOND, JR., COMMISSIONER __________________________________________ EDWARD LODGE, COMMISSIONER ATTEST: Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary I:\Legal\WATER\GSW-W-22-01\orders\GSWW2201_final order_rn.docx 1 Rate Base 1,375,818 2 Rate of Return 7.41% 3 Net Operating Income Requirement 101,948 4 Net Operating Income Realized (91,353) 5 Net Operating Income Deficiency 193,301 6 Net Operating Income Deficiency 193,301 7 Gross up Factor 1.34645 8 Total Incremental Revenue Requirement 260,270 9 Revenues at existing rates 574,600 10 Total Revenue Requirement 834,870 11 Percent Increase Required 45.3% CALCULATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENT Attachment 1, page 1 of 2 Revenue Requirement Calculation Company Bldg Company Chemical Removing Inventory from Depreciation GIS Labor Adjustment to Plant In Adjustment to Income Income 400 · Operating Revenue 461.1 · Metered Residential 572,799 572,799 464 · Other Water Sales Revenue 1,801 1,801 Total 400 · Operating Revenue 574,600 - - - - - - - 574,600 Total Income 574,600 - - - - - - - - - 574,600 Expense 601.1-6 Labor - Operation & Maintenance 127,673 (25,695) (6,037) 95,942 601.7 Labor - Customer Accounts 18,694 (1,965) 16,729 601.8 Labor - Administrative & General 92,662 (5,763) 86,899 604 · Employee Benefits 65,329 (14,913) (1,620) 48,796 610 · Purchased Water 5,086 5,086 615-16 · Electrical Power & Fuel for Power 88,731 88,731 618 · Chemicals 791 791 620.1-6 · M&S - O&M 15,891 15,891 620.7-6 · M&S - A&G 50,385 50,385 620.7 · Postage - - 620.8 · Office - - 620.81 · Telephone Expense - - 620.82 · Bank service charges - - 620.83 · Office Utilites Expense - - 631.1-34 · Contracting Services - Professional 72,849 72,849 635 · Contracting Services - Water Testing 1,923 3,741 5,664 636 - Contracted Services - Other 9,148 9,148 641-42 · Rental of Property & Equipment 59,319 (27,408) 31,911 650 · Transportation Expense 6,572 6,572 656 · Insurance Expense 14,146 14,146 675 · Miscellaneous 49,021 49,021 Total Expense 678,221 (48,337) (27,408) - 3,741 - - (7,657) - - 598,560 Net Ordinary Income (103,620) 48,337 27,408 - (3,741) - - 7,657 - - (23,960) Other Income/Expense Other Expense - 403 · Depreciation Expense 114,917 (2,650) (2,230) (40,230) (2,909) 66,897 408 · Taxes - 408.11 · Property Taxes 21,322 21,322 408.12 · Payroll Taxes 18,469 (2,584) (444) 15,442 408.13 · Other Taxes 4,077 4,077 Total 408 · Taxes 43,868 (2,584) - - - - - (444) - - 40,841 Income Taxes (74,409) 34,063 (40,346) 408.10 · Regulatory Fee - - 409.10 · Federal Income Tax - - 409.11 · State Income Tax - - Total Other Expense 84,376 (2,584) - (2,650) - (2,230) (40,230) (444) (2,909) 34,063 67,392 Net Other Income (84,376) 2,584 - 2,650 - 2,230 40,230 444 2,909 (34,063) (67,392) NET Income (187,996) 50,921 27,408 2,650 (3,741) 2,230 40,230 8,101 2,909 (34,063) (91,353) Plant in Service Total 301 - Organization - - 302 - Franchises and Consents - - 303 - Land & Land Rights 14,545 14,545 304 - Structures & Improvements 40,438 40,438 305 - Collecting & Impounding Reserviors 120,672 120,672 307 - Wells 1,365,304 - - 1,365,304 309 - Supply Mains 84,319 84,319 310 - Generators 140,880 140,880 311 - Pumps & Accessories 410,891 (55,753) 355,138 320 - Purification Systems 1,504 1,504 330 - Distribution Reserviors & Standpipes 7,195 7,195 331 - Trans. & Distrib. Mains & Accessories 140,252 140,252 332 - Services - - 334 - Meters 129,431 129,431 335 - Hydrants 4,405 4,405 339 - Other Plant and Misc Equip 117,626 (18,552) (20,155) 78,919 340 - Office Equipment 120,834 120,834 343 - Tools & Equipment 11,523 11,523 345 - Power Operated Equipment 42,352 42,352 346 - Communications Equipment 5,728 5,728 347 - Miscellaneous Equipment 3,168 3,168 348 - Other Tangible Property 2,655 2,655 - - Total Plant in Service 2,763,722 - - (18,552) - (55,753) - - (20,155) - 2,669,262 Less Accumulated Depreciation (1,428,485) 1,118 17,245 (1,410,122) Net Plant in Service 1,335,237 - - (18,552) - (54,635) - - (2,910) - 1,259,140 Less Contributions in Ad of Construction Gross Contributions (12/31/2021)9,307 9,307 Less Accumulated Amortization (12/31/2019)- - Net Contributions in Aid of Construction 9,307 - - - - - - - - - 9,307 - Net Plant in Service 1,325,930 - - (18,552) - (54,635) - - (2,910) - 1,249,833 Working Capital (1/8 of Operation and Maintenance Expense)84,778 (6,042) (3,426) - 468 - - (957) - - 74,820 Materials and Supplies - 55,753 55,753 Deferred Taxes (4,587) (4,587) Total Rate Base 1,406,120 (6,042) (3,426) (18,552) 468 1,118 - (957) (2,910) - 1,375,818 Attachment 1, page 2 of 2 Revenue Requirement Summary Water System Meter Size Spirit Lake East 1-Inch 35.00 7,500 2.5200 37%8% Spirit Lake East 1 1/2-Inch 70.00 15,000 2.5200 174%8% Spirit Lake East 2-Inch 112.00 30,000 2.5200 338%8% Bar Circle "S" Water Company 1-Inch 35.00 7,500 2.5200 28%45% Bar Circle "S" Water Company 1 1/2-Inch 70.00 15,000 2.5200 155%45% Bar Circle "S" Water Company 2-Inch 112.00 30,000 2.5200 308%45% Diamond Bar Estates 1-Inch 41.00 7,500 2.4500 0%111% Lynnwood Estates Subdivision 1-Inch 35.00 15,000 2.4500 0% First Block 15,001 - 100,000 - 145% Second Block 100,001 - 200,000 - 23% Third Block over 200,001 - -18% Bitterroots Water Company, Inc 1-Inch 35.00 10,000 2.4500 67%42% Rickel Water Company 1-Inch 35.00 10,000 2.4500 17%123% Troy Hoffman Water Corporation, Inc 1-Inch 35.00 7,500 2.4500 27%119% Happy Valley Water Systems, Inc 1-Inch 35.00 15,000 1.4500 30%107% Happy Valley Water Systems, Inc 1 1/2-Inch 70.00 15,000 1.4500 159%107% Attachment 2, page 1 of 2 Rates Line No.Water System Meter Size Allotted Basic Allotted Basic 1 Irrigation Service - Diamond Bar 1 Inch -$ - 7,500 $ 35.00 2 Irrigation Service - Diamond Bar 1-1/2 Inch -$ - 20,000 $ 70.00 3 Irrigation Service - Diamond Bar 2 Inch -$ - 32,000 $ 112.00 PRESENT Commission Approved Rate Structure Attachment 2, page 2 of 2 Rates