HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191213Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUN{ TO: FRONI:MATT HUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAI, DA'I Fl: DI.]CF]\IBI,]R l-1. 2019 SUBJEC'I':IN THT] NTA'I'TI.]R OF' GEN,I STATE WATI.]R CON{PANY, I,I,C'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL O['ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OP THE IVATIIR BUSINESS OI.' HAPP}'YALLEY 1VATER SYSTENI INC. AND BITTERROOT WATI,IR CO' INC.; CASE NO. (;Slv-rv-19-01. On November 18,2019, Gem State Watcr Company, LLC (Gem Srate Water) applied to the Commission for approval of its acquisition of the water business assets of Happy Valley Water System, Inc. (Happy Valley) and Bitteroot Water Co., Inc. (Bitterroot). The Company also asked for approval to transfer Happy Valley and Bittcrroot's certificates ofpublic convenience and necessity to Gem State Water. THE APPLICATION Gem State Water is an Idaho limited liability company created to own and operate water utilities in Idaho. Application at 2. Gem State Water, through its parent companies, is owned by Northwest Natural Holding Company. Id. Gem State Water states the transfer of ownership will not result in a change to Happy Valley and Bitterroot's rates. ft/. at 4. Happy Valley is a regulated water utility that services approximately 27 residential customcrs in north Idaho. Id. at 3. Bitterroot is a regulated water utility that services approximately 160 residential customers in nonh Idaho. /d. The same persons own Happy Valley and Bitterroot. /d STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modilred Procedure, setting a February 19, 2020 comment deadline and a February 26,2020 reply comment deadline. DECISION MEMORANDT]M CONIM I SS IO NI.]R K.IEI,I,ANDER COIIINIISSIONER RAPBR COMMISSIONER ANDIiRSON COMN{ISSION SECRETARY CONIN{ISSION STAFF LEGAL I COMMISSION DBCISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure, setting a February I9, 2020 comment deadline and a February 26, 2020 reply comment dcadline? Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General I U rrrlw.ATER\OSw W 19 0l\k-n NlSw$ 19 l-nh d,rr 1DECISION MEMORANDUM