HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191118Application.pdfi:rC EIVED Preston N. Carter (lSB No. 8462) Charlie S. Baser (lSB No. 10884) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise. ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388- 1200 Facsimile: (208) 388- 1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com IN THE MATTER OF'fHE APPLICATION OF CEM STATE WATER COMPANY. LLC FOR APPROVAI, OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE WATER BUSINESS OF HAPPY VAI-LEY WATER SYSTEM INC. AND BITTERROOT WATER CO., INC. il! ii0Y lB PH 3: 37 Bf,FORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. ttSw - u.l- tq-o t APPLICATION OF GEM STATE WATER COMPANY, LLC FOR APPROVAt. OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE WATER BUSINESS OF' HAPPY VALLEY WATER SYSTEM INC. AND BITTERROOT WATER CO., INC,; AMENDMENTOF CPCNS: AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE Gem State Water Company, LLC ("Gem State Water") seeks the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission") approval of Gem State Water's acquisition of the assets of the water supply and disribution systems (the "Water Businesses") of Happy Valley Water System Inc. ("Happy Valley'') and Bittenoot Water Co., Inc. ("Bitterroot"), in accordance with the Asset Purchase Agreement dated and effective as of September I 1, 2019 (the "Ageement"). Cem State Water also requests that the Certilicates ofPublic Convenience and Necessity ("CPCNs") of Happy Valley (No. 390) and Bitterroot (No. 319) be transferred to Gem State Wa1er, and that this Application be processed by modified procedure. Please serve all notices and communications with regard to this Application upon: OEM S] A'I'E WATER'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OI ACQTJISITION - I O RIGINAL charliebaser@eivensourslev.com 14860195_4 docx !3988-51 Auorneys for Gem State Water Company, LLC :-, Cu,,l,,,,,SICii BACKGROUND AND PRoCEDURAL HISToRY Gem State Waler Company l. Gem State Water, located in Coeur d'Alene, ldaho, is an Idaho limited liability company created to own and operate water utilities in ldaho. Cem State Water is a wholly owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water of ldaho, LLC (NW Natural Water of ldaho"), which is in turn wholly owned by NW Natural Water Company, LLC ("NW Natural Water"). An organizational chart is attached to the accompanying testimony ofJustin Palfreyman, the President of Gem State Water, NW Natural Water of Idaho, and NW Natural Water. 2. Gem State Water, NW Natural Water of Idaho, and NW Natural Water are members of a family of companies held by Northwest Natural Holding Company ("NW Natural Holdings"), which was created during a recent corporate reorganization of Northwest Natural Gas Company and its affiliates. Northwest Natural Gas Company is a 160-year old natuml gas utility serving customers in the Pacific Northwest. 3. NW Natural Holdings and NW Natural Water have financial resources and access to capital markets to sufficiently capitalize Gem State Water so that it can provide safe and reliable water utility service and proactively address the infrastructure needs ofthe utility. ,See Palfreyman Testimony at 3. Additionally, Gem State Water will benefit from its parent companies' and affiliates' core competencies in constructing and maintaining infrastructure, CEM STATE WA.TER'S APPLICATIoN FoR APPRovALoF ACQUISITIoN . 2 Preston N. Carter Charlie S. Baser Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 Drestoncarter@ givensDursley.com charl iebaser@eivenspursley.com kendrah@sivenspursley.com Eric W. Nelsen Senior Regulatory Attorney NW Natural 220 Nw 2nd Ave. Portland, Oregon 97209 Telephone: (503) 721 -247 6 Eric.Nelsen@nwnatural.com providing exemplary customer service, and effectively managing regulated utilities. /d. NW Natural Water and its subsidiaries recently acquired water utilities in ldaho, Oregon and Washington. 1d at 4. These acquisitions and the continued operation ofthese water utilities were seamless, with no disruptions to customers' service. Id Gem State Water also recently acquired several water utilities in ldaho, and has provided a seamless transition in ownership. 1'his experience will carry over to Gem State Water's acquisition of Happy Valley and Bitterroot. 1d. Happy Valley llaler Syslem Inc. and Bittenoot llater Co., Inc, 4. Happy Valley is a regulated water utility that serves approximately 27 residential customers in and around Kootenai County, Idaho in accordance with CPCN No. 390. The area currently served by Happy Valley is in the same vicinity as the lerritory served by Gem State Water. Palfreyman Testimony at 5. 5. Bitterroot is a regulated water utility that serves approximately 160 residential customers in and around Kootenai County, Idaho in accordance with CPCN No.3l9.l The area currently served by Bitterroot is in the same vicinity as the teritory served by Gem State Water. Palfreyman Testimony at 5. THE TRANSACTToN 6. Gem State Water and the selling parties (Happy Valley, Bitterroot, Catherine L. Rickel, and Kenneth W. Rickel) entered into the Agreement. The Agreement and the actions it contemplates, to the extent related to this Application, are referred to as the "Transaction." The Agreement, attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony, is conditioned upon the Commission's approval.2 Agreement 'll 5(b). ' On April9,20l8, the Commission issued Order No.34027, which consolidated Bitterroot Water System, Inc. and Rickel Water Company into Bitterroot Water System, Inc.; authorized service to customers under CPC\ No. 319: and cancelled CPCN No. 324. See Order No. 34027, Case NO. RIC-W- l7-01 (April 9. 2018). 2 The Agrccment has been hled as "Confidential" under Commission's rules. GEM STATE WATER,S APPLICATION TOR APPROVAL OT ACQUISIIION . 3 7. If approved, under the Agreement Gem State Water will acquire the selling parties' assets related to the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Businesses (collectively, the "Water Business Assets"). Palfieyman Testimony at 7. 8. Happy Valley and Bitterroot employ Kenneth and Catherine Rickel and contract with an outside accountant (Susan Jacobson), Ifthe Transaction is approved, Gem State Water employees will assume the roles previously undertaken by Happy Valley's and Bitterroot's current employees. Palfreyman Testimony at 5. 9. Leslie Rayner, the licensed water system operator for Gem State Water. will serve as the licensed water system operator for the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets. Leslie Rayner holds license number DWD3-21515 (Class 3), and her business address is 250 Northwest Blvd., Suite I I l, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816. Id.at7. 10. Gem State Water is not requesting any change to rates, rate structure, or other charges in this Application. Any future changes will be based on prudently incurred capital expenditures and other accepted ratemaking principles. Palfreyman Testimony at 6. I L If the Transaction is approved, Gem State Water will work with Commission Staff to update its tariffs to reflect its addition of the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets and the retention ofthe existing rates, rate structure, and other charges for current customers of Happy Valley, Bitteroot, and Gem State Water. 1d. 12. Gem State Water intends to work with Commission Staffbefore and during future rate proceedings to consider consolidation of rates, rate structure, and other charges as reasonable and appropriate for current Cem State Water, Happy Valley, and Bittemoot customers. Id. at 8-9. GL:M STATE wATER's Appl-tcATroN FoR AppRovAL oF AcetjtstIoN - 4 13. Gem State Water submits that the lransaction is in the public interest. The Transaction will provide access to capital that is not currently available to Happy Valley or Bitterroot. Gem State Water and its parent companies will offer expcrtise in operating regulated utilities. Gem State Water also will maintain the existing rates, rate structure, and other charges and will maintain or improve the level of scrvices currently provided. 14. Gem State Water. NW Natural Water of Idaho. NW Natural Water. and thcir affiliates have financial resources and access to capital markets to suflciently capitalize Gem State Watcr so that it can provide sat'e and reliable water utility service and proactively address the infrastructure needs ofthe Water Business Assets now owned by Happy Valley and Bitterroot. ld. at 3-4. 15. Additionally, the systems currently owned by Happy Valley and Bitterroot will benefit from Gem State Water's, and its affiliates', core competencies in constructing and maintaining infrastructure, providing exemplary customer service, and effectively managing regulated utilities. Cem State Water has the ability to make needed improvements to each water system. 1d. at 4-5. 16. Gem State Water employees, who are based near Happy Valley's and Bitterroot's current localions, have the business experience and water system expeftise to operate and maintain the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets. /d at 5. 17. Cem State Water has not definitively identified any specific capital expenditures or improvements for the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets. Preliminarily, Gem State Water has noted that well sites and related equipment may need to be improved. /d at 6. Ifthe Transaction is approved, Gem State Water will begin the process of creating a water CF]M STATE WA'IER's Appt-tcA'lroN r,oR APPROVAL oli AcQrJrsrrrcN - 5 master plan that will identify and prioritize needs of the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets. /d- at 9. REQUEST To AMEND AND TRANSFER CPCN 18. Happy Valley currently holds CPCN No. 390 and Bittenoot curently holds CPCN No.319. I9. As described above, Gem State Water intends to provide service to Happy Valley and Bitterroot customers. Accordingly, Gem State Water respectfully requests that CPCN Nos. 390 and 3 l9 be transferred to Gem State Water. 20. The transfer ofthe CPCNs is necessary 1o effectuate the Transaction and to realize the public benefits discussed above. The transfer ofthe CPCNs is generally in the public interest for the same reasons as the Transaction. ADDITIoNAL INFoRMATIoN 2l . Additional information that may facilitate the Commission's consideration of the Transaction is identified below. 22. Transaction-related costs related to the acquisition have been incuned by NW Natural Holdings, not by Gem State Water, related to activities including due diligence, environmental consultants, research, legal, travel and negotiations. The costs will not be passed to Gem State Water and will not be included in any rate case filings. Palfreyman Testimony at 8-9. 23. Ifthe Transaction is approved, accounting, financial, and customer records will be kept in the local office of Gem State Water, 250 Northwest Blvd., Suite I I l, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816. Gem State Water's local oflice also will be the location for former Happy Valley and Bitterroot customers to pay bills, make requests, and otherwise correspond with Cem State Water. Id. at 10. CIM STA'] g WAl t-.R's ,AppLrcAItoN foR APPROVAL ot AcQt.lsfftoN - 6 24. Happy Valley and Bitterroot meters are currently read on a monthly basis from April through September, and customers are currently billed on a monthly basis throughout the year. Gem State Water intends to maintain this schedule for the foreseeable future. 1d. 25. Cem State Water provides 24-hour response to repairs or water quality issues. Cuslomers can call the Gem State Water office phone number, (877) 755-9287, and the call will be forwarded to an answering service after hours or whenever the line is not able to be answered during office hours. 1d 26. The most recent sanitary survey from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality for Ilappy Valley was completed in Spring 2018. However, Happy Valley has not received a final report summarizing the sanitary inspection from ldaho DEQ. 27. The most recent sanitary survey from the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality for Bitterroot is aftached as Attachment I . 28. The most recent drinking water reports from IDEQ for each company are attached as Attachment 2 (Happy Valley) and 3 (Bitterroot). 29. Gem State Water intends to publish a notice to customers in the local newspaper, in the form of Attachment 4 to this Application, regarding the Transaction and the Application, although no notice is required because Gem State Water is not proposing any changes to rates. Id. at l0; IDAPA 31.01 .01.125. 30. Cunently, Kenneth and Catherine Rickel are Happy Valley's and Bitterroot's only employees. Monthly invoicing, account reconciliations, and annual reporting are performed through an independently contracted bookkeeper. Gem State Water anticipates that Kenneth and Catherine Rickel will assist through the transition; howeveq Gem State Water will not retain them as employees after the acquisition and transition are complete. Palfreyman Testimony at 6. GEM STATE WATER'S APPLICATION TOR APPROVAI- ()F ACQUIS1TION . 7 31. Gem State Water has no1 identified any particular opportunities to add new customers to Happy Valley or Bitterroot at this time. However, undeveloped lots, both with and without connections currenlly exist within and around the area currently served by Bitterroot. If lots are developed, it provides a potential for new customers to the system. 1d at 10. 32. System maps and information regarding components ofthe Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets are attached to Mr. Palfrelman's testimony. Gem State Water intends to obtain additional information regarding the system through the water master planning process. Z/. at 9. 33. Happy Valley's water system does not include fire prevention. 34. Bitterroot's water system is configured to provide fire protection. Bitterroot is located in the Timberlake Fire Protection District, which can be reached at (208) 683-3333. The Fire Chief is Brandon Hermenet. 35. Well logs for the wells used by Happy Valley and Bitterroot's water systems are attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony. 36. There will be no change to Happy Valley and Bitterroot's Commission-approved rates and charges as the result of this transaction. 37. Water rights information for Happy Valley and Bitterroot are attached as Attachments 5 and 6, respectively. MoDIFIED PRoCEDURE 38. Gem State Water believes a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented in this Application and respectfully requests that it be processed by modified procedure, using written submissions rather than a hearing, under the Commission's Rules of Procedure 201 through 210. CLM SIATE WATER'S APPL]CA'I'ION FOR APPROVAL O} ACQTIISITION . 8 CoNCLUS|oN Gem State Water respectfully requests that the Commission enter an order: L Authorizing this matter to be processed by modified procedure. 2. Approving the Transaction, finding: that it is consistent with the public interest, that the cost and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason ofthe Transaction, and that Gem State Water has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets in the public service. 3. Granting such other reliefas the Commission deemsjust and reasonable. DATED: November 18, 2019. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 2 ------=--- Preston N. Carter Charlie S. Baser Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys.for Gem Slate Wuter Company, I,LL' CEM STATE WATER'S APPI,ICATIoN FoR APPRoVAL ()F ACQUISI'fION - 9 ./ ATTACHMENT 1 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Sanitary Survey - Bitterroot Water Co. (12 PAGES) STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIry C. L. 'Butch" Otter, Govemor Jsss Byme, lnterim Director June 16, 2015 Re: Sanitary Survey of PWS #1280260 Bitterroot Water Company Dear Mr. Rickel: Thank you for your assistance in conducting the inspection ofthe Bitterroot Water Company on May27,2015. I found the water system to be well built, properly maintained, and mostly in compliance with the ldaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems. The following deficiencieVrequirements were noted during the survey: I . The system has had a history of constructing on the water system without DEQ approval. This is a violation of ldaho Code 39-l l8 and any further incidents may result in a Notice of Violation and fine. Any future changes to the configuration ofthe existing water system must have prior DEQ Engineering Departrnent approval. 2. The water lines leading from the wells to the reservoir are in the process of being replaced with a 4-inch line, an increase from the previous 2-inch line. This replacanent line is going directly from the well to the reservoir and will need to have approved backflow protection installed. 3. The two 15 hp booster pumps need to have an automatic cut offinstalled to prevent the pumps from buming out in the event that the reservoir cannot recharge quickly enough. 4. The over flow pipe screen located on the east side ofthe reservoir needs to be replaced as it had holes in the screen that could allow insects to enter the reservoir and possibly contaminate their water. 5. All threaded taps located in the well and pump houses that have the potential to be connected to a hose must be equipped with atmospheric vacuum breakers. Please submit a plan ofcorrection (POC) for these deficiencies within 30 days ofthe receipt of this letter that will list the dates when compliance will be achieved. The POC is a simple narrative document that lists the deficiencies and additional requirements, how they will be corrected, and the date by which conections will be completed. Please allow yourself adequate time to address the problems so that time extensions will not be necessary. ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page t of 12 21 1 0 lronv,ood Parkway, Coeur d'Alene. lO 83814 lrul 769-1422 Mr. Ken Rickel, Owner Bitterroot Water Company PO Box 2306 Hayden, ID 83835 l. 2. 3. Bittenoot i 2015 Survey Report June 16, 2015 Page 2 Also noted during the survey were recommendations for your water system. They are: The Department recommends the reservoir be inspected and cleaned every five years. DEQ recommends the valves in distribution be exercised annually. DEQ recommends an operation and maintenance manual be provided for the drinking water system. Operation and maintenance manuals should include daily operating instructions, trouble shooting, operator safety procedures, location ofvalves and other key components and system features, parts list order form, and information for contacting the water system operator. Ifyou have any questions regarding this survey, please do not hesitate to contact me at the DEQ in Coeur d'Alene. We are located at 2l l0Ironwood Parkway; phone 208 666-4630. Sincerely, )eorn4*"^- Jean Felker Drinking Water Analyst Jean.t'elker(i,idaho.cov Enclosures: Survey Narrative, Photo Log File in TRIM: ID1280260 ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 2 of 12 Name of Facility: BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY lnspector(s): FELKER & MOODY lnspection Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Purpose of lnspection: SANITARY SURVEY Photographic Docu mentation Publish Date: Friday 5 June 2015 ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 3 of 12 ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For BITTERROOT WATER CoMPANY Table of Photographs: Photograph 1: Well 1-west well, newly installed 4" line leading from well 1 to reservoir PhotoBraph 2:, Photograph 3: Screened vent on well 1 Photograph 4:...... Photograph 5:Well l well tag E0O05551 Photograph 6: lnside well house looking out toward well 1 Photograph 7: Flow meter..-.............. Photograph 9: Pressure gauge & pressure switches for hydropneumatic tanks located in well house 1 ................ Photograph 10: Sample taps (new) for well 1 & 2, newly installed 4" line from wells to reservoir Photograph 11: Sample taps for wells 1 & 2 Photograph 12: Reservoir booster pump (15hp) located inside well house 1...... Photograph 13: Reservoir booster pump.............. Photograph 14: Electric panels inside well house 1 Photograph 15: Valves leading out to distribution Photograph 16: Reservoir floats viewed from hatch Photograph 17: View inside reservoir.................... Photograph 19: Reservoir roof view, vent on far right (east) end Photograph 20: Cracks on reservoir roof....... Photograph 21: Reservoir overflow, screen needs to be replaced to prevent entry of contaminants .3 3 .4 .4 4 4 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 5 6 5 6 .6 Photograph 18: Reservoir flow to waste............... 7 1 7 8 8 ..7 Photograph 22: Reservoir roof looking east.......... Photograph 23: Well 2 (east well), vent installed and screened............ Photograph 24: FIow meter and valves inside well house 2.................. Photograph 25: Pressure tank inside well house 2 Photograph 26: Pressure relief valve, pressure gauge, valves Photograph 27: previous well 2 sample tap.,..,.... Photograph 28: Pressure relief valve on pressure tank Photograph 29: Flow to waste for well 2 Photograph 30: Provides make up air pressure for pressure tank.. Photograph 31: Electric panel ........ ..8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 2 ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 4 of 12 ldaho Department of Environmental Quality aphic Documentation For BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Photograph 1: well l-west well, newly inttalled 4" llne leadinS froln well 1 to reservoit Phototiaph 2: well l-west well, newly inst.lled 4" line leading from well 1 to reservoi. ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 5 of l2 3 I I \: tl -t I /rtLIr:t J ) I In[l t-. t- PhotoBraph 3: Sc.eened vent on well 1 Photograph 5i Well l welltat EOq)5561 ldaho Department of Environmental Quality raphic Documentation For BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Photograph 4: : Screened vent on well 1 Photograph 5: ln.ide wellhouse looking out toward well 1 ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page6ofl2 4 7 ,.I Hr'l f t .:II t' I ry!r.! a ) '.a I 5 IL- : t aTt a ) I .t,\ II ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Photograph 7: Flow metet Photograph 9: Pr$sure gaute & pressure swhches tor hydropneumatiE tanks located in well houi€ 1 Photograph 10: sample tapi (new) ,o, well 1 & 2, newly installed 4" line from welli to.e5ervolr Photograph 12: R$ervoir boorter pump (15hp) lo.ated l.side well house I 5 ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 7 of 12 9-,.tlta, Phototraph 11j Sample taps for well5 I & 2 @ I" t ia I l- \*,i'., L l -*,'- H 6 ,E .rl _' ,r at rl tI,+rft Photograph 8i well 1fiow to waste I L l, t) La t ,-{ -! / \ ) t- trr,, :l r F,',h, -E a ,-/ ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY - Phototraph t3: Reservoir booster pump Photograph 14r Electri. panels inside well houre I - Photo8raph 15: Valves leading out to di.trlbution 6 ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 8 of 12 r{r-, ?) T a \t'" J x TH H J-, 7 ,., .'I a.Al F rr_ PhotoSraph 16: Rerervoir floats viewed from hatch I ,l ?x I a t, \ il. ldaho Oepartment of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Photofaph l7l View inside reservoir Photograph 18: Rerervoir flow to waste photograph 19: Reservoir rool view, vcnt on far ritht laart) end Phototraph 20: Cracks on reselvoir ,oof 7 r\ t t ir-'-..-.I ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 9 of l2 ldaho Department of Environmental Quality raphic Documentation For BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY PhotoSraph 21: Rerervoir overflow, icreen needi to be replaced to prevent entry ol contaminants Phototraph 22: Reservoi. roof lookint east PhotoSraph 23: Well 2 (east welll, vent installed and screened Photograph 24: Flow meter and valves inside well house 2 I Photo&aph 26r Pressure relief valve, pressure gaute, valves ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page l0 of 12 Il i f,,f, I II I I a, t- I t I I Photograph 25: P.esrure tank inside wellhouse 2 8 :"lf,.\eX .{l&\ Ep' ,r". ' \1 ,N' <./ll Iy I 1. r t, l 't/t I ';I \ a I I \t \\-rt /I J ' -rt \ -Jt ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Photograph 28: Preslure relief valve on presrure tank Photograph 27: p,evious well 2 sample tap Phototraph 29i Flow to waste ,o. well 2 Photo8raph 30: Provlde5 make up air pressure tor pressure tank ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page ll of12 9 t =..; s-q -a/ / a.,r! /,t I)\ I 7 1 t \,/ \ :l I 7. ( ..dl "\-'6 ..^\- {-,I :,-ll \ Photo ldaho Department of Environmental Quality phic oocumentation For BITTERROOT WATER COMPANY Phototraph :l1r Eledric panel ATTACHMENT I TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 12 of 12 ,pstl Jli> .Et \, 10 ATTACHMENT 2 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Drinking Water Report - Happy Valley Water System (6 PAGE) 20lE Drinking Water Supply Report Idaho Department of Environmental Quality System: Happy Valley Water System PWS #: IDI280220 County: Kootenai Date ofSurvey: April 2,2018 System Representatives Present at Survey: Ken Rickel, Responsible Charge Operator Surveyed by: Suzanne Scheidt Miller, Senior Drinking Water Analyst Source: Well Water System Type: Community Population: 60 Service Connections: 25 residential metered connections System Overview The Happy Valley community public drinking water system (system) is privately owned and administered by Happy Valley Water System, Inc. The system is supplied by one well, located on a 0.38 acre lot (parcel 5lN04W-17-6650), north ofthe intersection ofHayden Avenue and Happy Trails Lane, and owned by the system. The well lot is bordered by agricultural fields; application of herbicides and pesticides is prohibited within a 50 foot radius ofthe well. The well is enclosed within a dog house structure attached to the well building. Five hydropneumatic bladder tanks ride on well discharge to tamper pressure transients to distribution main. I ATTACHMENT 2 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page I of6 Well ''JL.7 - L-- / I t- -l E l ----t E The system is not equipped with alarms or auto-dialers, nor is a pigtail receptacle for a portable generator provided. The system does not share an emergency intertie with neighboring purveyors. Back-up power or an emergency intertie is a strongly recommended to provide system redundancy. The water system was not designed to provide fire flow. Well f (f,0005370) and Discharge Appurtenances DEQ records indicate the system was first inspected in 1986. The inspection report notes the 8-inch cased well supplying the system was drilled at an unknown date to a depth of 3 l0 feet. Static water level was recorded at 270 feet as per DEQ records. A drillers report was not located on the ldaho Department of Water Resources website nor saved to DEQ files. It is unknown if the well was constructed with a surface seal. In order to continue to protect the well tiom potential contamination, cracks in concrete adjacent to well casing were identified as a deficiency and sealed by the operator. A gap in the joint ofthe well casing and cap was identified lrom photos taken at the time ofthe survey and also sealed by the operator. Whilethe casingand cap had separated, a rubber gasket below the well cap provided a seal to protect the source from contamination. Photos ofrepairs are included in the photo log. The well is equipped with a 25 hp (3 phase) submersible pump set at 300 feet and discharging between 100 and 125 gallons per minute (gpm). Well actuation is regulated by a 40-68 psi pressure switch on well discharge (the service area is of similar elevation to the well). Well discharge appurtenances include an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter, isolation valves, pressure gage, and sample tap. The well is plumbed to discharge to waste outside the well building. A pressure reliefvalve is installed on well discharge and plumbed to exhaust to atmosphere at 75 psi, the outlet was equipped with 24-mesh screen following the survey (photo-documentation is included in the photo log). The well casing is not vented. As per the 2013 survey, IDAPA 58.01 .08.5 I I requires the well cap be vented ilwaterable drawdown exceeds l0 feet at maximum pump capacity. The 2013 survey indicated the system operator did not anticipate well draw down to exceed l0 feet as the well draws from the Rathdrum Prairie Aquif'er. It is strongly recommended the well casing be equipped with a vent protected with a 24-mesh screen to prevent damage to casing and electrical conduit. A vent will be required in the event coliform contamination is attributed to the source. Five hydropneumatic bladder tanks ride on well discharge; each tank may be isolated and drained. Tanks were last tested in August 2017 (tested every three years) and did not sound water logged at the time of the survey. Source Water Assessments have been completed by DEQ, potential contaminant inventories were last updated in March 2013. Detailed findings may be reviewed and updated at: http://aoos.deo.idaho. gov/water/swaonline/ ATTACHMENT 2 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 2 of 6 2 Idaho Public Utilities Commission regulates the privately owned water system. Distribution Summary Record drawings indicate looped distribution main is constructed of2-inch and 4-inch class 160 PVC main; the operator reported some main may be as small as I %-inch PVC. lt is unknown if the system holds easements for distribution main. Plans also indicate one dead end main was constructed within the southwest zone ofdistribution. However, the operator excavated the area following the 2013 survey and reported the dead end main extension was not constructed; rather the main terminates at the service meter. It is recommended that flushing hydrants be installed to allow lor flushing in the event of contamination of the distribution system. The operator indicated there are no air vacuum reliefvalves installed on distribution main. As the system receives electrical power lrom Kootenai Electric Cooperative, energy savings rebates are available from the Bonneville Power Energy Sman Industrial Program. Rebates may go toward cost of leak detection and repair as well as pump replacement. For more information, please contact Layne McWilliams with the Energy Smart lndustrial Program in Coeur d'Alene at layne.mcwilliams@energysmartindustrial.com or at 971-244-8581. Required Depressurization Responsc The ldaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems require the lollowing response to distribution depressurization (pressure below 20 psi) as per IDAPA 58.01 .08.552.01 .b.ii. I -2: during unplanned or emergency situaliorc, when water pressure within the system is krutwn to have decreased below 20 psi, lhe water supplier must notifi DEQ, provide public notice to affected customers within 24 hours andflush and/or disinfecl the system. l|'hen sampling and correclive procedures have been corulucted, lhe water supplier malt re-notify the affected customers that water is safe for consumption. During planned mointenance or repair situations, when waler pressure is expected to fall below nuenty (20) psi, the water supplier musl provide public notice lo the affecled customers prior to planned maintenance or repair activity and shall ensure that the water is safe for consumplion. Cross Connection Control Implementation As per ldaho Rules, the water system purveyor is responsible fbr implementation ofa Cross Connection Control Program. The water system purveyor is defined in the Rules as, the person, company, or association who provides or intends to provide drinking wdler to the customers and is ultimately responsible for the public water system oryration. The purveyor is ultimately considered responsible for implementation of the program. IDAPA 58.01.08 .552.06.a-e lists the minimum requirements of a Cross Connection Control Program: Cross Connection Conlrol Program - Communily Water Systems. The waler purveyor i.s responsible through its cros.s connection control program Io take reasonable and prudent measures to prolect the water system against contaminalion and pollutknfrom cntss conneclions lhrough premises 3 ATTACHMENT 2 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 3 of6 isolation, inlernal or in-plant isolation, fixlure prolection, or some combinalion ofpremises isolatbn, intetnal isolation, and fixture proteclion. Pursuant to Section 543, all suppliers ofwater for community water syslems shall implemenl a cross connection control program lo prevenl the enlrance lo the system of materiuls known lo be toxic or hazardous. The water pumeyor is responsible to enforce the syslems cross connection control program. The program will at a minimum include: I . An inspection program to locate cross connections and determine required suitable protection. For new connections, suitable protection must be ih\talled priot to providing water service. 2. Required installation and operation of adequale backJlow prevention assemblies. Appropriate and adequale backflow prevention assembly types for various facilities, fixtures, equipment, and uses of water should be selectedfrom the AWWA Pacific Northwest Section Cross Connection Control Manual, the Unifurm Plumbing Coele, the AWWA Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention ond Cross Connection Control (Ml4), the USC Foundation Manual ofCross Connection Control, or other sources deemed acceptable by the Department. The assemblies must meel the requirements ofSection 543 and comply with locdl ordinances. 3. Annual inspections and testing ofall installed backflow prevention assemblies by a tester licensed by a licewing authority recognized by the Department. Tesling shall be done in accordance with the test procedures published by the University ofSouthern California Foundationfor Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research. See the USC Fourulation Manutl of Cross-Connection Control referenced in Sub.section 002.02. 4. Discontinuance of service to any structure, facility, or premises where suitable backflow protection has not been providedfor a cross connection. 5. Assemblies that cannot pass annual tests or those found to he defective shall be repaired, replaced, or isolated within ten (10) business days. IJ the failed assembly cannot be repaired, replrced, or isolated wilhin ten (10) business days, water service to lhe failed assembly shall be discontinued- A copy ofthe system ordinance providing purveyor authority to implement the program was provided following the 2013 survey. The document appears to provide purveyor authority to actively implement the Cross Connection Control program. The operator reported the system has initiated program implementation through service connection inspections and required installation of backflow prevention assemblies where required. As an additional requirement to the survey, the system must continue to implement the program by inspecting all connections, requiring installation ofbackflow prevention devices and assemblies where applicable, and tracking annual testing of backflow prevention assemblies by an ldaho licensed backflow assembly tester. ATTACHMENT 2 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 4 of 6 4 Monitoring Summary The system is operating in compliance with all current monitoring requirements and actively participates in DEQ's monitoring waiver program. Source water quality currently meets all regulatory drinking water standards. The table below summarizes current monitoring requirements for the system. The monitoring schedule may also be accessed at: http://www.deq.idaho.sov/water- qualitv/drinkins-water/pws-switchboard.aspx Distribution taminsnt uenI sample per month In accordance with coliform sampling plan Total coliform Lead and Copper 5 samples every 3 years Assigned sampling locations ll/ell sam ear uenntamtnant itrate I lsam lc 9 samlum Trsenic I sample per 6 yearsUranium I sample per 9 years rum sam rS lum sam Re lated IOC Contam Inants sam r rS Nitrate levels have historically ranged ( 1986 to present) from I .4 to 2.8 mgll- with 201 7 results at 2.61 mg/L. Historic arsenic levels have been consistently below minimum detection levels. Lead and copper monitoring results from the last round offive samples collected in September 2016 ranged from 0.0016 to 0.0022 m{L for lead, with copper levels ranging ftom 0.0137 to 0.0769 mg/L. The lead action level is 0.015 mg/L and copper action level is L3 mg/L. Lead and copper monitoring will be due again between June I and September 30, 201 9 and are to be collected from home sampling locations identified as per system lead and copper site selection criteria. As a community water system, monthly monitoring for total coliform in distribution is required to represent water quality throughout distribution. A review of monthly sampling history between March 2017 and February 2018 reflects samples are collected in accordance with the sampling plan. Sampling locations include 9961 Huetter,5948 Emmanual,589l Hayden,494l Hayden,5876 Emmanual, and 10087 Huetter. Total colifbrm samples collected from the well building will not be credited for future compliance. Administrative and Operational Oversight The system is classified as a Very Small Water System under direct oversight ofresponsible charge licensed operator, Ken Rickel, who holds a Very Small Distribution License (DWDVSWS-12995) due for renewal September 8,2018. Back-up operation is provided by Robert Wachter. Mr. wachter holds a distribution one license (DwDl-12905) due lor renewal on December 17,2018. Administrative oversight of the water system is provided by a two member Board. Ken Rickel serves as President, Catherine Rickel serves as Secretary. Please complete the enclosedfinancial and managerial forms and relurn lo the DEQ Coeur d'Alene Regional Ofice within j0 days of receipt. ATTACHMENT 2 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 5 of6 f Conclusion The system is considered to be operating in compliance with the Rules. Below please find a summary of requirements and recommendations for optimization of luture system operation, Requirements I . The application of herbicides or pesticides is prohibited within a 50-foot radius of the well. 2. A well casing vent will be required in the event coliform contamination is attributed to the source.3. In the event distribution pressure decreases below 20 psi, appropriate follow up action in accordance with the Rules must be followed, as stated on page 5 of this report. Requirements include providing notification to affected customers within 24 hours, notificalion to DEQ and collection ofwater quality samples to verify integrity ofthe water supply. 4. The cross connection control program is required to be fully implemented. 5. Total coliform samples collected from the well building will not be credited for compliance in the future. 6. Please complete and retum the enclosed financial and managerial tbrms within 30 days of receipt of this report. Recommendations I . Back-up power or an emergency intertie with a neighboring purveyor is strongly recommended to provide system redundancy. 2. It is strongly recommended the well is equipped with a vent protected with a 24-mesh screen to prevent damage to well casing and electrical conduit upon well actuation. A vent will be required in the event coliform contamination is attributsd to the source. 3. It is recommended that flushing hydrants be installed on looped distribution main to allow for flushing in the event of system contamination. 4. It is recommended hydropneumatic tanks continue to be routinely tested for potential bladder failure. 5. lt is recommended all system valves are exercised on an annual basis. 6. [t is recommended that an Operation and Maintenance Manual be drafted for the water system if not already available. ATTACHMENT 2 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 6 of6 6 ATTACHMENT 3 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Drinking Water Report - Bitterroot Water Co. (5 PAGE) IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENYIRONMENTAL QUALITY 201 5 Drinking Water Supply Report PWS NUMBER: ID1280260 SYSTEM: Bitterroot Water Company COUNTY: Kootenai OWNERSHIP: Public Utility INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM: Ken Rickel LOCATION: Brunner Rd and Clagstone Rd, Athol, lD INSPECTOR: Jean Felker & Anna Moody DATE OF SURVEY: May 27,2015 POPULATIONSERVED: 383 NUMBEROFCONNECTIONS:153 FIf,LD SURVEY DATA The Bitterroot Water Company (Bitterroot) water system is a small privately owned community system located south ofAthol. The system serves approximately 153 connections, I l6 from the Bitterroot Water Sltem and 37 from the Rickel Water System. The water system is owned and operated by Ken Rickel and is regulated by the ldaho Public Utility Commission. The Bitterroot water system was constructed in 1994 to serve the 33-lot Silver Meadows development. The original water system consisted of a single well, well house, and distribution mains serving the development. Construction ofthe water system was approved by DEQ with the contingency that the water system would obtain a second source before the development reached 25 connections. In May of 1995, an agreement between Bitterroot and the nearby 8 Mile Prairie water system was reached, and the two systems were interconnected to accommodate tire flows. Water infrastructure for the 3'd Addition of the development was completed in 1996. This phase added an additional 64 lots to the development. The 4th Addition infiastructure was completed in I 997 and added an additional 29 connections to the water system. A 100,000 gallon reservoir and booster pumps were added to the water system in 1997. In 1998, Bitterroot installed an interconnection to another nearby water system owned by Ken Rickel in order to fulfill the requirement of having two wells. Phase 2 of the development was constructed in 2005 and included the addition of l9 residential connections and a connection to a school. A System Capacity Analysis was completed in 2006 by lnland Northwest Consultants. The conclusion ofthe analysis was that the system has the capacity to serve a maximum of 176 connections. The analysis recommended installing larger pumps in the wells and backup power. The 2008 sanitary survey noted recent improvements to the water system include the addition of a new booster pump in the reservoir, and a stand-by power generator. 'l-hese improvements were completed without DEQ approval ofplans and specifications. Sources Bitterroot utilizes two wells drilled over the Rathdrum Prairie-Spokane Valley Aquifer to serve its users. The original Bitterroot well (Well #l - west well) is located at Township 53 North, Range 3 West, Section 29 near the intersection of Brunner Road and Clagstone Road. This well was drilled in April of 1994 by Ponderosa Drilling and Development, Inc. The well casing isan 8-inch steel casing that extends to a depth of464 feet below ground surface (bgs). The bentonite ATTACHMENT 3 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page I of5 surface seal extends to a depth of50 feet bgs. Thewell is capable of pumping at a rate of 130 gallons per minute (gpm). The west well is housed inside the well house. Thewell house contains six hydropneumatic tanks that maintain pressure in the distribution system, The pressure gauge at the time ofsurvey was reading approximately 50 psi. The well has the capability ofby-passing the reservoir and pumping directly into the distribution system while maintenance is performed on the reservoir. The water is no longer chlorinated in this well house prior to entering the 100,000 gallon reservoir. The chlorine storage tank has been removed from the well house, although the feeder pump remains in case of temporary need to chlorinate due to contamination. The water lines leading from the wells to the reservoir are in the process ofbeing replaced with a 4-inch line, an increase from the previous 2-inch line. This replacement line is going directly from the welI to the reservoir and will need to have backflow protection installed. lt was discussed with Mr. Rickel that any future changes to the configuration ofthe existing water system must have prior DEQ engineering approval. The second well (Well 2- east well) serving the Bitterroot system was originally drilled to serve a water system owned by Ken Rickel. Per Ken Rickel, these two water systems have been combined. This well is located on Brunner Road east ofthe railroad tracks separating the two wells. The east well was drilled in 1993 by H2O Well Service. The well casing is l0 inches in diameter down to 200 feet bgs, and I inches to 447 feet bgs. The well is capable of pumping at I l5 gpm. Well 2 has a properly screened and downturned vent installed as required on the previous sanitary survey. The well pumps to the nearby reservoir and has the capability ofpumping directly to distribution. The well house contains a bladderless hydropneumatic tank. Both wells have flow to waste capability and are securely fenced and locked to prevent unauthorized access. Storage The water system contains a 100,000 gallon concrete reservoir. The reservoir is partially buried with only the roof above grade. Water from the two wells is pumped into the reservoir and controlled by floats to initiate and stop water production. Water from the reservoir is pumped to distribution via two l5 hp motors; a third, 30 hp motor accommodates peak use and provides fire flow. The two I 5 hp booster pumps need to have an automatic cut off installed to prevent the pumps from buming out in the event that the reservoir cannot recharge quickly enough. The sample tap for the reservoir is located inside the well house building. lt has an AVB and it was discussed that it should be removed prior to taking a coliform sample. The flow to waste valve was weeping inside the building and needs to be repaired. The hatch is located inside the well house building and is protected fiom the weather. The hatch lid gaskets were in good condition. The reservoir vent is located on the east end ofthe reservoir and was in good condition and met current standards. )_ATTACHMENT 3 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 2 of 5 The reservoir roof has signs ofcracking and previous repairs are chipping from weather and wear. It is recommended that an approved sealant be considered to protect the rooffrom further deterioration and to protect the water fiom the chance of contamination through cracks. The over flow pipe screen located on the east side of the reservoir needs to be replaced, as it had holes in the screen that could allow insects to enter the reservoir and possibly contaminate their water. Distribution The system serves approximately 153 connections. Distribution mains consist mainly of6- and 8-inch pipe. There are several fire hydrants on the system and an interconnection between Bitterroot and the Eight Mile Subdivision water system for emergency use such as to help provide fire flows. The interconnection valve is located at the comer of Clagstone Road and Brunner Road at the well house driveway and is accessible to both water systems. There are no booster stations within the distribution system. Floats regulate the water level in the reservoir to initiate the wells to produce water and to shut down. The reservoir sample tap provides a combined source sample fiom the well field. To sample the individual wells the newly installed smooth nosed sample taps are located just prior to the flow meters on the entry lines into the reservoir that are to be located inside the pump house at the reservoir. The Bitterroot Water Company has established a formal cross connection control program. A cross connection control program and by laws related to its enforcement are in efl'ect as required by the Rules (IDAPA 58.01 .08.552.06). The water system must ensure that cross connections do not exist or are isolated from the potable water system by an approved backflow prevention assembly. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be inspected and tested annually for functionality by an ldaho licensed tester, as specified in Subsection 552.06.c. Annual backflow testing ofall backllow assemblies installed on underground sprinkler systems within distribution is required. Per the owner, the homeowners are in compliance with annual back flow testing requirements. A conservation program is in effect based on seasonal demand and supply. Ken Rickel indicates when water use increases and places demand on storage capability, water users are required to water even or odd days and not during the hottest time ofthe day. Monitoring Lead and Copper 5 samples per 3 years Inorganic Contaminants - I sample per 9 years Volatile Organic Contaminants I sample per 6 years Arsenic I sample per 9 years Nitrate I sample per year Nitrate I sample per 9 years Radionuclides I sample every 9 years Sodium I sample every 3 years Fluoride - I sample every 9 years -3-ATTACHMENT 3 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 3 of 5 The Bitterroot water system has established a coliform sampling program that is representative of the distribution system. The locations ofthe routine monthly samples are varied throughout set locations within distribution. The chemical sampling point is located atthe reservoir which is representative oithe wellfield (wells I and 2). Source Water Assessment Report The Source Water Assessment describes the public drinking water wells, the well recharge zones, and potential contaminant sites located inside the recharge zone boundaries for a public water supply. This assessment, taken into account with local knowledge and concerns, should be used as a planning tool to develop and implement appropriate protection measures for the public water system. The Bitterroot Water Company Source Water Assessment was completed on March 14, 2002. The reports are available online at the following web address: http ://www2.deq. idaho.gov'walcnbtryalQn line/Se4rctrSrrya-as!x. The water system does not appear to have a Drinking Water Protection Plan prepared by the Department or Idaho Rural Water Association. Source water protection (synonymous with the term drinking water protection) is a voluntary effort a community can implement to help prevent contamination of the source water that supplies its public water system. The drinking water protection plan outlines the management tools local committees can use to protect drinking water sources, and describes the implementation ofregulatory andior non-regulatory management practices. The Drinking Water Protection Plan builds upon the work completed in the Source Water Assessment- l) Regulatory tools include items such as zoning ordinances, overlay districts, or site plan review requirements; 2) Non-regulatory tools include items such as educational or pollution prevention activities and implementation of Best Management Practices; 3) Every plan should also include a public education and information component. Administration The Bitterroot Water Company is owned and operated by Ken Rickel. and is classified as a very smallwater system. Ken is licensed at the appropriate level tbr the system bythe ldaho Bureau of Occupational Licensing as a DWDVSWS-12995, which expires in September20l5. The system is regulated by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Rate structure is currently under review for a proposed rate increase by the PUC. The current water rate is $24.91 tbr the first 15,000 gallons, and $1.73 / 1000 gallons over. The operator stated that at the current water rate, the water system is unable to save enough money to allow improvements to be made to the water system. Conclusions and Recornmendations: The Bitterroot Water Company water system appears to be well maintained and operated and is in Substantial Compliance with the ldaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems (Rules). The following improvements are required in order for this system to be in compliance with the Rules: ATTACHMENT 3 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 4 of 5 -4- For more inflormation, please contact Anna Moody at the DEQ oflce at 208-769-1422. Requirements:l. The system has had a history ofconstructing on the water system without DEQ approval. This is a violation ofldaho Code 39-l l8 and any further incidents may result in a Notice of Violation and fine. Any future changes to the configuration ofthe existing water system must have prior DEQ Engineering Department approval. 2. The water lines leading fiom the wells to the reservoir are in the process ofbeing replaced with a 4-inch line, an increase from the previous 2-inch line. This replacement line is going directly from the well to the reservoir and will need to have approved backflow protection installed. 3. The two I 5 hp booster pumps need to have an automatic cut off installed to prevent the pumps from buming out in the event that the reservoir cannot recharge quickly enough. 4. The over flow pipe screen located on the east side ofthe reservoir needs to be replaced as it had holes in the screen that could allow insects to enter the reservoir and possibly contaminate the water. 5. All threaded taps located in the well and pump houses that have the potential to be connected to a hose must be equipped with atmospheric vacuum breakers. Recommendations: I . DEQ recommends the reservoir be inspected and cleaned every five years. 2. DEQ recommends the valves in distribution be exercised annually. 3. DEQ recommends an operation and maintenance manual be provided for the drinking water system. Operation and maintenance manuals should include daily operating instnrctions, trouble shooting, operator safety procedures, location ofvalves and other key components and system fbatures, parts list order form, and information for contactingthe water system operator. 5 ATTACHMENT 3 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 4 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Notice to Customers (l PAGE) HAPPY VATLEY WATER SYSTEM INC. & BITTERROOT WATER CO., INC. CUSTOMER INFORMATION Dear customers, ln September 2019, Gem State Water Company, a subsidiary of NW Natural Water, entered into an agreement to acquire the water utilities of Happy Valley Water System lnc. (Happy Valley) and Bitterroot Water Co., lnc. (Bitterroot). After the sale is approved, the utilities will continue to be operated locally with the oversi8ht of Gem State's North ldaho team made up of professionals from the Coeur d'Alene area. Gem State Water, Happy Valley, and Bitterroot expect that the transition will be seamless to customers. About NW Natural Water NW Natural Water provides water distribution service, or will provide water distribution service upon closing of pending acquisitions, to approximately 45,000 people through 18,000 connections in the Pacific Northwest. NW Natural Water is a subsidiary of NW Natural Holdings (NYSE:NWN) and is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. More information lf you have questions about the transaction and transition to Gem State Water, please contact Happy Valley, Bitterroot, NW Natural Water, or the IPUC using the following infor,r'alion. (Note: this is for informotion obout the transdction. Pleose continue to contoct Hdppy Volley or Bitterroot for customer billing ond service inlormotion,) NW Natural Water Attn: Melissa Moore 220 N.W. Second Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Email: melissa.moore@nwnatural.com 503.226.421L ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 208.334.0300 ATTACHMENT 4 TO APPLICATION CEM STATE WATER Page I of I The ldaho Public Utilities Commission (lPUc) is currently reviewing the transaction. To follow the regulatory process, check the Commission's website at W!y!!.:p!!I!a[9r89y or use the contact information listed below. Happy Valley & Bitterroot Attn: Kenneth and Catherine Rickel Bitterroot Water Co., lnc. P.O. Box 2305 Hayden, lD 83835 Email: kcrickel@hotmail.com 208.683.8105 ATTACHMENT 5 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Water Rights - Happy Valley Water System (4 PAGES) State of Xdaho DEFAR.T'MENIT OF WAT'ER. R.ESOI.IR.CIES Northern Rcgion, 7600 Mlnerel Drive. Suite l(X), Coeur d'Aleoe, Idaho 83815 Phone: (208) 762-28fi) I'AX: (208) 762-2819 www.idwr.ideho.gov C.L'ETTTOI" OTTER Govarnor May 14,2015 GARY SPACKITIAN Dlrector HAPPY VALLEYWATER SYSTEM INC PO BOX 2306 HAYDEN ID 83835 License No. 95-13815 lssuance of License Dear Water Right Holde(s): The Department of Water Resources has issued the enclosed Water Right License confirming that a $,ater right has been established in accordance with your permit. Please be sure to thoroughly review the conditions of approval and remarks listed on your license. The license is a PRELIMINARY ORDER issued by the Department pursuant to section 67 -5243,ldaho Code. lt can and will become a final order without further action by the Department unless a party petitions for reconsideration or files an exception and/or brief within fourteen (14) days of the service date as described in the enclosed information sheet. Please note that water right owners are required to report any change of water right ownership and/or mailing address to the Department within 120 days of the change. Failure to report these changes could result in a $100 late filing fee. Contact any ofiice of the Department or visit the Department's homepage on the lnternet to obtain the proper forms and instructions. lf you have any questions, please contact me at 208-762-2800. Sincerely, Ke E. Franklin P ram Manager Enclosure(s) cc: KEN RICKEL & CATHY RICKEL ATTACTIMENT 5 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page I of4 RE: Prlority: September 10, 2010 State of ldaho Department of Wator Resourcss Water Right License WATER RIGHT NO. 95.13815 Maximum Diversion Rate: Maximum Diversion Volume: 0.41 CFS 28.8 AF It is hereby certilied that HAPPY VALLEY WATER SYSTEM INC PO BOX 2306 HAYDEN lD 83835 has complied with the terms and conditions of the permit, issued pursuanl to Application for Permit dated September 10, 2010; and has submitted Proof ot Beneficial Use on March 05, 20'!2. An examination confirms water is diverted from: SOURCE GROUND WATER and a water right has been established as follows: AEIUI DTVERSION VOLUME 28.8 AF BENEFICIAL USE MUNICIPAL PERIOD OF USE o1lo1 b 12J31 DTVERSION RATE 0.41 CFS LOCATION OF POINT(SI OF DIVERSION: GROUND WATER SE'lr4SW1/4 Sec. 17, Twp 51N, Rge 04W, B.M. KOOTENAI County CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL '1. Place of use is within the area served by the public water supply system 1D1280220 of Happy Valley Water System lnc. Th6 place of use is g6nerally located within Section 17, Township 51 North, Range 4 West. 2. A map depicting the place of use boundary for this water right at the time of this approval is attached to this document br illustrative purposes. 3. This right authorizes lhe diversion of ground water within tha Rathdrum Prairie cround Water Management Area (RPGWMA). Use of water under this right shall be subject to the provisions ot the management plan approved by the director for the RPGWMA. 4. After specific notification by the Oepartment, the right holder shall install a suitable measuring device or shall enter into an agreement with the Department to use power records to determine the amount of water diverted and shall annually report the information to the Department. 5. This right does not grant any right-of-way or easement across the land of another This license is issued pursuant to the provisions of SBction 42-219, ldaho Code. The water right confirmed by this licenge is subject to all prior water rights and shall be used in accordance with ldaho law and applicable rules of the Oepartment of Water Resources. sisned this J 4 aav ot A(,-i \ ,zots. SPACKMAN ENT 5 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER /r1 A Happy Valley Water Systom lnc 95-13815 Service Area 04w z IJ' E \ rater SeMce Area Boundary Townships PLS Sections Ouarter Quarters ATTACHMENT 5 TO APPLICATION CEM STATE WATER N 4 ]I Water Right License 0 0.15 0.3 0.6 Miles#rl A flE E: HEEtr Lrt{\la si{tr €ffi fiv ,t, ",:'NMNII NE[5X NIXi{tr NEiltr NMNW ffitr smsr fl6 NTHfl SIHU SrnSU S[Sr Smtr ,o:.-.h t' .; :;l I fiIIiltr m 1 SNtr smr NNMIT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on May 14, 2015 I mailed a true and conect copy, postage prepaid, of the foregoing PRELIMINARY ORDER(Approved License) to the person(s) listed below: RE: WATER RIGHT NO.95-13815 CATHY RICKEL & KEN RICKEL PO BOX 2306 HAYDEN ID 83835 HAPPYVALLEY WATER SYSTEM INC PO BOX 2306 HAYDEN ID 83835 Dianne Ball Administrative Assistant ATTACHMENT 5 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 4 of 4 J^;-**- /L-r- ATTACHMENT 6 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Water Rights - Bitterroot Water Co. (2 PAGES) c7 /21/20LO IDAfiO DAPA.RTIIENT OT TAIER RESOT'RCES RECO IIENDED iIATER RIGIiTS ACQUIRED I'NDER STATE LAI{ RIGH? |fU['BER: NAXE AND ADDRESS : 95-96,11 BITTERROOT I{A?ER CO INC PO aOI 2!05 HAYDEN LAKE ID 8]835 sorrRca: OUAI{TITY : GROt'ND I.AAER o. ?50 cFg !.92. O0 AFY PRIORITY DATE: POITT OF DIVERSION: 01/Lr/1994 T53l RO3W S29 5IS$ Xj,thin I@OTEI{AI Counly T93[ R03ll s29 sxsr Eichln xOO!EI|AI County Thi! right does not grlnE any right-of-say or aaseEenl across lhe land o! PT.IRPOSE AND PERIOD OF USE: EBESEE-OE-UIiE 'IRE PNMECTION MgNI Cl PAL FERIOD OP USE OSNTTT?Y o)./ol L2131 0, ?50 CES or/ot 12/3], 0. ?50 cFs 192 - O0 AFY fire pror.ction ulre und€r Ehis righ! excepl tottarer 6ha11 not bc div.rted forflgh! or repel an exiBtlng fire PLICE OF USE: Place ol uae lB uj.rhln rhe area 3.rvcd by lhc public rater rupply ayscem ofEiiterroot. tl.Ler co Inc. Th€ !,Iacc ot uae is g€nerally locatcd ril.hinaovnahlp 53X, Ea.Ege 0311, SectloBs 20, 28, 29, 30, 32 and 33. OTIIER PROVISIOI{s I{ECSSSARY FOR DEFIIIITIOI{ OR ADIIIIIISTS.ATION OF THIS ,'ATER RIGBT: This parlial decrae is subjsct !o such general pEovlBlon6 n€ce8dary forth€ definiLioo of lhc righEa or for lhe efficilnl adllniatsration of the relcrrighEs ar ray bc ullioaEaly dGterhined by the court at a polnt in tlna noIaE.r th.n thc cntry of s final unllied decrcc. Sectlon l2-1,tr2(6), Idaho code. EXPTAATORY iIATERUJ.: BASIS OF CI.AIH - Licenae After ap.cific notificat.ion by Eh. Departn€n!, lhc righl holder 6haII inalall6ullable aeagurj.ng devlcc or shall cnler into an agreeoen! rlth thaoet)elllllen! !o use por.r recordS to deEe!fiinc the ahount of vater aliverted and Eha1l annually repor! che informallon to lhe oeparlcenE. The raLer .yslem described in this right has be.n assigned Publi.c latersupply tD1280250 by rhe Idaho oeparthcnr of Envlronmeotal Qual.ity. Eario 95 Part 1 Director'! Report fo! Recomendcd Cl.in! 1451 ATTACHMENT 6 TO APPLICATION CEM STATE WATER Page I of2 TRIBIIIARY: 01/21/20rA -IOAI{O OEPARIflENT OF V|ATER RESOURCES RECOi{MEIIDED IIATER RIGIITS ACQOIFED T'NDER STATE LAII RIGI}T MfiAER: NA!nE AND ADDRSSS: ,5-9644 RICKEL IIATER CO PO BOX 1261ltaYDEI t AKE tD tltt5-1261 souRcE: QUAT?ITY: GROL'ND TAAFR 0-2t0 cPs,r5.90 AFY PRIORITIDATE: 08/ll/r99t POII{T OF DIVETSIOT:TslN R03r. S29 SrSfl tlj.rhin XOOIEr|A! Counry T53N Rolx S29 S{Sr rilhin XOdIBIAI Counly This rlgbE doe6 noc arant any rlght-ol-ray or cascnrenl acroas Eba Iand ofano!har. PURPOSE AND PERIOD OF USE: PT]RPOSE OF USE TUNICI PAL P]'PIOD OF US]E otlot t2/)7 qaElg. 0 .280 cFsr15.90 AFY PI.ACE OF UsE: Place of use ia wlihln lhe ar.a servedRickel ll.lcr CoaP.ny. The place of usaby rhe publlc ya!6r aupply syalem ofis generally localed rirhidrovnship 53 lforrh, Range 3leat, Secliona 20,28,29,30, 32 and 13. OTHER PROVISIONS NECESSAIY FOR DEPINITION OR ADI"II}IISARATION OF TIiIS TATER RIGTT: ?hj.s p.rlial alecree ls Bubject to lruch gcneEal provl5ion6 necersary lorEh! definition of the rlght5 or lor lhe effici.nc .dminiarralion o! rhe v.terrighls aB may be ultinately dclerrrneal by lhe Courr at . poin! in rla€ no1a!cr Ehan lhc enlry ol a final unified decrec. SecElon {2.1{t2(6), Idaho Cod€. EXPIJAIIATORY I{ATERIAL: BaEIS OF CLIIU - Lic.nlc The rratcE Eystern dclcribcd in thi6 right. hrs b.er ar.ign.d Public 8a!€rsupply rD128O25O by Ehe rdaho Departften! of Environnental ouallly, alcer apccillc notiaiceiion by th. lrcparcflllnr, Ehc right holdcr shall Ia.l.ll a6uitable nea5uring devicc or shall enlcr inlo an agreenelr! rith th€Lrrpartlen! to use porer rccorda co deLenrine Lhc alnoullt ol ratar divart,ed alrd shall anrNa]Iy rcport thr infofinalion qo lhe Dep.rtnanE. 1452 ATTACHMENT 6 TO APPLICATION GEM STATE WATER Page 2 of 2 Basin 95 Part 1 Dir.clor'! ReporE lor R€comnended Clains TRIBUTARY: