HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191118Palfreyman Direct.pdfPreston N. Carter (lSB No. 8462) Charlie S. Baser (lSB No. 10884) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1 200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 ;iECE IVED iil: l:0V l8 PH 3: lr2 prestoncarter(a)g ivenspursley.com charliebaser@eivensDursley.com | 4859?09_4.doc u39t8.l l Attorneys for Gen State Water Company, LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF GEM STATE WATER COMPANY, LLC FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE WATER BUSINESS OF HAPPY VALLEY WATER SYSTEM INC. AND BITTERROOT WATER CO., INC. case No. GSUL-l.l- tq -cl DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JUSTIN PALFREYMAN ON BEHALF OF GEM STATE WATER COMPAIIY, LLC November 18, 2019 ORIGINAL 1 2 3 B 4 5 1 BACK(;ROUND a. Please state your name and title. A. Justin Palfreyman, President of Gem State Water Company, LLC ("Gem State Water"). I also serve as President olNW Natural Water of ldaho. LLC ('NW Natural Water of ldaho") and NW Natural Water Company, LLC C'NW Natural Water"). a. Please summarize your professional experience and educational background. A. I have worked for 16 years in strategy, finance and corporate development functions. I most recently worked as a Director in Lazard's Power, Energy and Infrastructure Group in New York, w'here I provided strategic and financial advice 1o corporations, institutional investors, private equity lunds and govemment clients. My advisory assignments related to general strategic advice; mergers, acquisitions and divestiturcs: raising capital; restructurings; corporate preparedness/takeover defense; and capital structure optimization. Prior to Lazard, I worked in the Infrastructure Investment Banking Group at Goldman Sachs in New York. I also previously held various positions in finance, strategy and business development at both Apex Leaming and Accenture in Seattle, Washington. I hold an MBA lrom the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, a Master's of Public Policy from The University ofChicago Irving B. Harris School ofPublic Policy and a Bachelor's of Business Administration from Pacific Lutheran University. a. What is the purpose of your testimony? A. My testimony is offered to provide the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission") and Commission Staff with information regarding Gem State Water's proposed acquisition (the "Transaction") of the assets of the Water Businesses of Happy Valley Water 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM SI.A IE WATER 10 11 1,2 13 14 15 t6 71 1B 79 2A 2t 22 1 System Inc. ("Happy Valley") and Bitterroot Water Co., lnc. ("Bitterroot") (collectively, the "Water Business Assets"). 0. What do you mean by the term "Water Businesses?" A. The Happy Valley and Bitterroot own and operate water supply and distribution systems. In this testimony, I use the term "Water Businesses" to describe the Happy Valley and Bitterroot waler supply and distribution systems, consistent with how the term "Businesses" is defined in the Asset Purchase Agreement ("Agreement"), attached as Exhibit | .l a. Please describe NW Natural Water, and the relationship among Gem State Water, IYW Natural Water of ldaho, and NW Natural Water. A. NW Natural Water is a wholly owned subsidiary of NW Natural Holding Company ("NW Natural Holdings"). NW Natural Holdings, which is headquartered in Portland, Oregon, is a publicly owned company with a market cap of approximately $1.8 billion. lt has revolving credit facilities aggregating to approximately $400 million. NW Natural Holdings' Form l0-K for 2018 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission is attached as Exhibit 2, NW Natural Water was created to own and operate water utilities, through subsidiaries, in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. NW Natural Water also has signilicant financial assets. It currently owns and operates five water utilities, including Gem State Water (hrough NW Natural Water of Idaho) and Falls Water Co., Inc. ("Falls Water"), in the area around Idaho Falls, ldaho. Gem State Water is a wholly owned subsidiary of NW Natural Water of ldaho, which is in tum wholly owned by NW Natural Water. Gem State Water has access to the financial resources and the utility expertise of NW Natural Water of ldaho, NW Natural Water. NW Natural Holdings, and their affiliates. 2 3 4 5 6 1 9 10 1,7 l2 13 t4 15 16 71 1B 19 2A 27 I The Asset Purchase Agreement. aftached as Exhibit l. is filed as "Confidential" puBuant to the Commission's rules J PALI.R}.-YMAN, DI GI|M STATE WATER 22 1 An organizational chart illustrating NW Natural Holdings' corporate structure is attached as Exhibit 3. The chart has been designated "Confidential" per Commission rules. a. Please describe NW Natural Water's interest in, and recent acquisitions in, the water sector. A. In recent years, leadership ofthe NW Natural family ofbusinesses undertook a comprehensive strategic review process to identiry and evaluate potential growth opportunities that, among other criteria, would offer a risk profile consistent with our core utility business and a long- term opportunity to grow beyond our existing business. The outcome of the strategic review process was a strategy and plan to pursue opportunities in the water utility and infrastructure sector, in addition to the ongoing focus on our I 60 year old gas utility, storage, emd infrastructure business. We believe that a water strategy is a compelling fit for NW Natural because it would build on our core competencies of constructing, operating, and maintaining infrastructure, providing best-in- class customer service, ensuring safety and reliability, and effectively managing a regulated utility. NW Natural Water has been actively pursuing this strategy. NW Natural Water recently acquired, and is currently operating, five water companies through direct or indirect subsidiaries, including Gem State Water, which recently acquired the assets of Spirit Lake East Water Company. Ll.nnwood Water, Diamond Bar Estates, LLC, and Bar Circle "S" Water, Inc. Other water utilities acquired by NW Natural Water include Falls Water; Cascadia Water, LLC, in Washington; Salmon Valley Water Company, in Oregon; and Sunriver Water, LLC. in Oregon. By owning and operating these water utilities, NW Natural Water has gained valuable experience in the water sector. NW Natural Water will bring this experience to the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business customers. 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 74 15 16 7'1 1B 19 20 21 4 PALI..REYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER 22 1 0. Do NW Natural Water and NW Natural Water of ldaho intend to make any changes to Gem State Water employees as a result of its acquisition of the Happy Valley and Bitterroot's Water Business Assets? A. Yes. Currently, Happy Valley and Bittenoot both employ Kennelh and Catherine Rickel (the "Rickels") and contract with an outside accountant (Susan Jacobson). If thc Transaction is approved, Gem State Water employees will assume the roles previously unde(aken by Happy Valley's and Bitterroot's current employees. Leslie Rayner, the licensed water system operator for Gem State Water. will serve as the licensed water system operator for the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets. Leslie Rayner holds license number DWD3-21515 (Class 3). and her business address is 250 Northwest Blvd., Suite l'l '1, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho838l6. The experience of expertise of Gem State Water's employees will complement NW Natural Water and its affiliates' financial resources and utility expertise. THE TRANSACTION 2 3 4 5 6 '7 B 9 10 11 l2 13 74 a. Please describe Happy Valley and Bitterroot. A. Happy Valley and Bitterroot are both regulated water utilities. Happy Valley serves approximately 27 residential customers in and around Kootenai County. Idaho in accordance with CPCN No. 390. Bitterroot serves approximately 160 residential customers in and around Kootenai County, Idaho in accordance with CPCN No. 3l 9.2 The areas currently served by both Happy Valley and Bitterroot are in the same vicinity as the territory served by Gem State Water. My understanding is that Bitterroot Water Company, lnc. was formed in June 1995 and was purchased in 2003 by the Rickels, who had started Rickel Water Company, Inc. in April 1995. In 15 76 \'7 1B 19 20 2t 2 On April 9,2018, the Commission issued OrderNo.34027, which consolidated Bitterroot Water System, Inc. and Rickel Water Company into Bitterroot Water System, Inc.; authorized service to customers under CPCN No. 319; and cancelled CPCNNo.324. See Order No. 340?7, Case NO. RIC-W- 17-01 (April 9,2018). 5 PALFREYMAN, DI GT.]M S'I,A,I.E WATER 1 2 3 4 5 1 I May 2018, the Commission permitted the Rickels to combine Bitterroot Water Company, Inc. with Rickel Water Company, Inc. to form the current iteration of Bitterroot. a. Why are NW Natural Water, NW Natural Water of ldaho, and Gem State Water interested in acquiring the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets? A. Acquiring these assets fits squarely into NW Natural Water's continued growth in the water sector. NW Natural Water, NW Natural Water of Idaho and Gem State Water believe that Happy Valley and Bitterroot's Water Businesses, and Water Business Assets, are well-run and well- maintained. However, like many water utilities, the water system is in need of capital inveslmenl to support system growth and maintain system integrity. Gem State Water has not identified any specific capital projects, though it preliminarily notes that well sites and related equipment may need improvement. Gem State Water intends to conduct a water master plaru:ring process to identify capital needs of the systems. In addition, NW Natural Water, NW Natural Water of Idaho and Gem State Water will provide the professional expertise needed to provide high-quality water services to customers in the long term. The proximity of Happy Valley and Bitterroot to Gem State Water's service territory means that Gem State Water's employees can provide a local presence and seamless transition to the customers of Happy Valley and Bitterroot. a. Please describe the proposed Transaction to acquire Happy Valley and Bitterroot's Water Business Assets. A. On September 11,2019, Happy Valley, Bitterroot, the Rickels and Gem State Water entered into the Agreement. Under the Agreement, if approved by the Commission. Cem State Water will acquire the Water Business Assets of Happy Valley and Bitterroot. 6 PAr.1,R|YMAN. DI GI']M S I'A 1|l WATLI{ 10 9 11 l2 13 14 15 16 71 1B 19 2A 21 22 1 As stated above, if Gem State Water's acquisition of Happy Valley and Bitterroot is approved. employees of Gem State Water will operate Happy Valley and Bittenoot's water systems. Leslie Rayner, the licensed water system operator for Gem State Water, will serve as the licensed water system operator for the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets. Leslie Rayner holds license number DWD3-21515 (Class 3), and her business address is 250 Northwest Blvd., Suite 111, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816. a. Does Gem State Water seek to change rates through this Transaction? A. No. Gem State Water is not seeking to change rates, rate structure, or other charges for customers of Happy Valley and Bittenoot or for Gem State Water customers though the Transaction. Gem State Water proposes that the current rate structure, rates, and other charges remain the same for each customer group. I understand that Idaho law authorizes the Commission to provide for acquisition adjustments in certain circumslances for entities acquiring water utilities in the State, but Gem State Water does not seek an acquisition adjustment with this pa(icular Transaction, and Gem State Water will not seek any increase to rates as part ofthis Transaction. Any future rate increases would be related to prudent capital investments or other increased expenses, and would need to be justified at that time. Transaction-related costs have been incurred by NW Natural Holdings, not by Gem State Water. The costs will not be passed to Gem State Water and will not be included in any rate case filing. Transaction-related costs include activities related to due diligence, environmental consultants, legal costs, travel costs, and other costs related to negotiations. If the Commission approves the Transaction, Gem State Water will work with Commission Staff to file updated tariffs reflecting the approved rates and charges. Ifthe Commission approves the Transaction, Gem State Water will also work with Commission Staff before and during future 3 4 J 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 16 71 18 19 20 21, 22 7 PAI,I.RDYMAN, DI CI,M S,I.A'I.t] WA'I F]R 23 1 2 3 4 5 1 I 9 rate proceedings to consider consolidation of rates, rate structure, and other charges as reasonable and appropriate for current Gem State Water and current Happy Valley and Bitterroot customers. O. Does Gem State Water request any other action from the Commission? A. Yes. Happy Valley currently holds CPCN No. 390 and Bitterroot currently holds CPCN No. 319. Gem State Water requests that CPCN Nos. 390 and 319 be transferred to Gem State Water. This will enable Gem State Water to provide service to the current customers of Happy Valley and Bitterroot. a. Does Gem State Water have additional information for the Commission? A. Yes. Through its recent acquisitions, and through its interactions with Commission Staff, NW Natural Water and NW Natural Water of ldaho have identified additional information that may prove useful to the Commission in evaluating the proposed Transaction. Maps and other information pertaining to Happy Valley's Water Business system are attached as Exhibit 4. Maps and other information pertaining to Bitterroot's Water Business system are attached as Exhibit 5. A list of the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business Assets, with the information known at this time, are included in the Agreement. Ilthe Transaction is approved, NW Natural Water, NW Natural Water of ldaho and Gem State Water intend to complete a water master planning process for the Bittenoot and Happy Valley Water Business systems; Gem State Water anlicipates obtaining additional information regarding the systems and associated Water Business Assets through this process. Well logs for the wells used by the Happy Valley and Bitterroot Water Business are attached as Exhibits 6 and 7, respectively. 8 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 L1 18 27 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 '/ B Meters are currently read on a monthly basis from April through September, and customers are currently billed on a monthly basis throughout the year. Gem State Water intends to maintain this schedule for the foreseeable future. Gem State Water provides 24-hour response to repairs or water quality issues. Customer can calf the Gem State Water office phone number, (877) 755-9287, and the call will be forwarded to an answering service if the line cannot be answered. Ilthe Transaction is approved, accounting, financial, and customer records will be kept in the local office of Gem State Water, 250 Northwest Blvd., Suite 111, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816. Gem State Water's local office also will be the location for former Happy Valley and Bitterroot customers to pay bills, make requests, and otherwise correspond with Gem State Waler. Gem State Water intends to publish a notice to the customers of Happy Valley and Bitterroot in the local newspaper, although I undersland that notice is not required. While Gem State Water has not identified any particular growth opportunities lor Happy Valley or Bitterroot, undeveloped lots, both with and without connections, currently exist within and around the area currently served by Bitterroot. If these lots are developed, new customers can be added to the system. a. Does this conclude your testimony? A. Yes. 9 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WAII]R 10 11 I2 13 T4 15 16 71 1B GEM STATE WATER COMPANY - This Exhibit contains trade secret or confidential material and is filed separately - EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY NW Natural Holdings' Form 10-K for 2018 (210 PAGE) Section 1: 10-K (10-K) UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 205,19 FORM 1O-K IX] ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ondod Docomber 31. 2018 t I TRANS|TION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTTON 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURTTTES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the lransition period from Commission file number 1-3868'l to- Commission file number 115973 <fr NW Noturol HOLDI}IG5-{ff xw Noturo!" NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COIIIPANY (Exacl name o, registrant as specified an its charte.) Oregon 824710680 (State or otherjurisdiction of (l.R.S. Employerincorporalionororganization) ldentiflcationNo.) 220 N.W. Second Avenue. Portland, Oregon 97209 (Address of principal executive offices) (Zap Code) Registrant's lelephone number: (503) 226-4211 Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) ofthe Act: Reqistrant Title ofeach class NORTTfWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY (Exact name of registrant as specified in ils charter) Oregon 93-0256722 (State or otherjurisdiction of (l.R.S. Employerincorporationororganization) ldentificationNo.) 220 N.W. Second Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97209 (Address of principal executive ofiices) (Zip Code) Registrant'slelephone number: (503) 226-4211 Name of each exchanqe on which reqislered lNotxl Norlhwest Natural Holding Company Common Stock NewYork Slock Exchange Nonhwest Natural Gas Company None None Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g)ofthe Act: None. lndicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer. as defined in Rule 405 of the Securilies Act. NORTHI,IiEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY Yes{ X ] No[ ] NORTH\^,EST NATURAL GAS COMPAI'IY YesI lndicale by check mark whelher the registrant (1) has liled all reports requked to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) ol Ihe SeGrrities Exchenge Acl ol 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or lor such shorter period lhat the registranl was required to lile such reports), and (2) has be€n subject to such filing requirements ior the past 90 days. NORTHWEST MTURAI- HOLOING COMPANY Ye6[X ] No( I NORTHWEST NATURAL cAS COMPANY Yeslx ] Nd I lndicate by check markwhetherthe registrant has submilted electronically every lnle.active Dala File required to be submitled pursuant to Rule 405 ol Regulation S-T (5232 405 of this chapteo during lhe preceding 12 months (or for such shorter penod thal lhe regrslranl was required to submit such files) NORTHWEST NATURAI- HOLDING COMPANY Yesl x I Nol I NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Yesl X I No[ ] registranfs kno\Niedge. in definitive proxy or iniormation statemenls incorpo.ated by reference in Part lll of this Form 10-K or any amendrnent 10 this Fom 10-K IX ] lndicate by ch€ck mark whelher lhe registrant is a large accelerated filer, en eccelerated fler, a non-a@elerated fler, a smaller reporting company, oran emerging growth company See the defnations of "large accelerated fler," 'accelerated fller, ' "smaller reponirE company' and "emerging growth company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Erchange T.IORTHWEST NATURAT HOLDING COMPANY NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Large Accelerated Filer [X ] LaOe Acceleraled Filer [ ] Accelerated Filer [ ] Accelerated Filer [ ] EXHIBIT 2 Non-accebrated Filer [ ] Non-accelerated Filertx I PALFREYMAN. DI Smaller Reporting Company I I Smaller Reponing Company t IGEM STATE WATER Emerging GroMh Company [ | Emerging GroMh Company [ ] page 1Of2l0 lf an emerging grovllh company. indicate by check mark if the registrant has elecled not to us€ lhe extended t€nsitron penod for complying with any new or revised inancial ac@unling slandards provided pursuant to Seclion 1 3(a) of the Exchange Act [ ] lndicale by check mark il the registrant is not required to Iile reports pursuant to Section 13 or Sectaon 15(d) of the Act. NORTHI,GST NATURAL HOLDING COi,PANYYeSI ] No[XI NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Yes{ ] NoIX] lndicate by check mark whether the .egistranl is a shellcompany (as delined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY Yes[ ] No[X ] NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Yes[ ] No[ X J EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 2 of2l0 As of the end of the second quarter o12018, the aggregate market value of lhe shares of Common Stock of Norlhwest Natural Gas Company (based upon the closing price of these shares on the New York Slock Exchange on June 29, 2018) held by non-affiliates was $1,814,276.842. At February 22. 2019, 28,896,471 sha res of Northwest Natura I Holding Compa ny's Com mon Stock (the only class of Common Slock) were outstand ing and 28,844,190 shares of Northwesl Nalural Gas Company's Common Stock (the only class of Common Stock) were outstanding, all of which were held by Northwest Natural Holding Company. This combined Form 10-K is separatelyflled by Norlhwest Nalural Holding Company and Norlhwesl Natu.alGas Company. lnformalion contained in this document relating to Nonhwest Natural Gas Company rs filed by Northwest Natural Holding Company and separalely by Norlhwest NaluralGas Company. Northwest Natural Gas Company makes no representation as lo information relating lo Northwest Natural Holding Company or its subsidiaries, except as it may relate lo Northwest Natural Gas Company and ils subsidiaries. Northwest Natural Gas Company meels the conditions set fodh in General lnslruction (l)(1)(a) and (b) of Form 10-K and is therefore filing lhis report with the reduced disclosure formal. DOCUMENTS INCORPORATEO BY REFERENCE Portions of Northwest Natural Holding Company's Proxy Statement, to be filed in connection with the 2019 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, are incorporaled by reference an Parl lll. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 3 of2l0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Item Page Glossary of Terms Forward-Lookino Statements L 1 PART I Item 1 Business Overview Business Model Natural Gas Distribution Other Enviaonmental Matters & c c c '12 13 14 't4 14 16 25 26 23 26 i 29 60 62 122 122 122 123 125 125 127 127 127 w Item'lA. Item 'l B. Item 2. Item 3. Item 4. Emolovees Exeqrlive Oftlcers of lhe Reqislrant Available lnformation Rlsk Factors unresolved Staff Comments Prooerlies Leoal Proceedinos Mine Safely Disclosures PART II llem 5 Market for Reqistranfs Common Eouitv. Related Stoddolder Matters and lssuer Purchases of Eouitv Securilies Selec{ed Financial Data Manaoement's Discussion and Analvsis ol Financial Condition and Results ofOoerations Ouantitative and Oualilatiw Disdosures About Market Ri8k Financial Statements and Suoolementarv Data Chanoes in and Disaoreements with Accountants on Accountino and Finsncial Disclosure Controls and Procedures other lnrormation PART III llem 10 llem 11 Item 12 Item 13 llem 14 Directors. Executive Otfcers and Corporate Govemance Executive Comoensalion Securitv Ownershio ofCertain Beneficial Owners and Manaoement and Related Stockholder Matters Certain Relationshios and Relaled Trensadions. and Director lndependence Princioal Accountant Fees and Services PART IV Item 15 Item 16 Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules Form 10-K Summarv EXHIBIT INDEX SIGNATURES 3 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 4 of2l0 llem 6. Item 7. Item 7A. Item 8. Item 9. Item 9A. llem 98. GLOSS4RY OF IERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AFUDC AOCI/AOCL ASC ASU Average Wealher Bcf CNG CODM Core Utility Customers Cost ofGas Allowance for Funds Used During Construclion Accumulated Other Comprehensive lncome (Loss) Accounting Standards Codificalion Accounting Slanda.ds Update as issued by the FASB The 25-yearaverage of heating degree days based on temperatures established in our last Oregon general rate case Billion cubicfeel, a volumelric measure ol naturalgas, where one Bcfrs roughly equalto 10 million therms Compressed NaturalGas Chaef Operating Decision Maker. For accounting purposes. an andavidual or group of individuals responsible for the allocation of resources and assessing the performance of the entily's business units Residenlial. commercial, and industrial cuslomers receiving firm seNice from lhe utility The delivered cost of natural gas sold to customers. including the cost of gas purchased or withdrawn/produced from storage invenlory or reserves. gains and losses from gas commodity hedges, pipeline demand cosls, seasonal demand cost balancing adjustments, regulatory gas cosl deferrals and Company gas use California Public Utilities Commission, lhe entily that regulates our California gas storage business at the Gill Ranch facility wilh respect to rates and terms of seNice, among olher matters A billing rate mechanism, also referred to as a conservalion larifl, which is designed to allow a utility lo encourage industrial and small commercial cuslomers lo conserve energy while not adversely affecting ils earnings due to reduclions in sales volumes A componenl in core utility customer rates representing the cost ofsecuring firm pipeline capacily, whetherlhe capacity is used or not Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amorlizalion, a non-GAAP fnancial measure Engineering Evaluation / Cosl Analysis Enc€na Oil& Gas (USA) lnc. Northwest Energy Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary oI NW Natural Environmental Proteclion Agency Earnings per share Financial Accounting Standards Board Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; the entity regulating interstate slorage services offered by the Mist gas storage facjlity Natural gas service offered to customers under conlracts or rale schedules that will not be disrupled to meel the needs of other cuslomers First Mortgage Bonds A periodic filing wilh state or federal regulalors to establish billing rales for ulilily cuslomers Greenhouse gases Gill Ranch Storage, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NWN Gas Slorage Underground natural gas storage Iacjlity near Fresno, Calilornia, with 75% owned by Gill Ranch and 25% owned by PG&E Gas Transmission Norlhwesl, LLC which owns a transmission pipeline serving California and lhe Pacific Northwest Units of measure reflecting temperalure-sensitive consumption ofnaturalgas, calculated by sublracting the average ofa day's high and low temperatures from 59 degrees Fahrenheit Highway and Transportation Funding Act of20'14 Nalural gas service otfered to cuslomers (usually large commercial or industrial users) under conlrccts or rale schedules thal allow for intenuptions when necessary to meel the needs offirm service customers The porlaon of the Misl gas storage facality not used lo serve NGD, instead serving utilities, gas marketers, electric generators, and large induslrial users Public Utility Commission of ldaho; the entity that regulates NW Holdings' ldaho water business wilh respect lo rates and terms ofseNice, among olhea matters lntegrated Resource Plan EXTIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 5 of2l0 CPUC Decoupling Demand Cost EBITDA EACA Encana Energy Corp EPA EPS FASB FERC Firm Service FMBs General Rate Case GHG GillRanch Gill Ranch Facility GTN Heating Degree Days HATFA lntenuptible Service lnterslale Slorage Services IRP -talledeadclt! IPUC KB LNG MAP-21 Moody's NGD PBGC PG&E PGA NGD Margin NNG Financial NOL NRD NW Holdings NW Natural N\ /N Energy NWN Gas Reserves NWN Gas Storage ODEQ OPEIU OPUC Portland General PHMSA PRP RUFS ROD ROE ROR s&P Sales Service SEC SRRM TCJA Therm T\ ilt TransCanada 5 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 6 of2l0 Table of Conlents Kelso-Beaver Pipeline, ofwhich '10% is owned by KB Pipeline Company. a subsidiary of NNG Fanancial Liquefled Natural Gas lhe cryogenic liquid form of nalura I gas. To reach a liquid form al atmospheric pressure, natural gas must be cooled to approximately negalive 260 degrees Fahrcnheit A federal pensaon plan funding law called lhe Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, Juiy 2012 Moody's lnveslors Servrc€. lnc . credrl rating agenry Net AssetValue Nalural Gas Dislribulion. a segmenl of NW Natural Holdings and NW Natural Gas Company that provides regulated natural gas distribution sefvices to resrdential, commercial. and induslraal customers in Oregon and Soulhwest Washington A financial measure consisting of NGD operating revenues less the associated cosl of gas, franchase taxes, and environmental recoveries NNG Financial Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings Net Operating Loss Natural Resource Damages Northwest Natural Holding Company Norlhwest Natural Gas Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings NW Nalural Energy. LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings NWN Gas Reserves LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy Corp NW Natural Gas Storage. LLC, a wholly-owned subsidaary of NWN Energy Oregon Deparlment of Environmental Qualily Office and Professional Employees lntemational Union Local No. 1 1, AFL-ClO, which is also relerred to as the Union represenling NW Natural's bargaining unit employees Public Utility Commission of Oregon; the enlity that regulates our Oregon natural gas and water utility businesses with respect to rates and lerms of service, among other matters; the OPUC also regulates the Mist gas storage facilily's inlrastate slorage services Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Pacific Gas & Electrac Company; 25% owner ofthe Gill Ranch Facility Purchased Gas Adjustmenl. a regulalory mechanism which adjusts naluralgas cuslomer rales to reflect changes in the forecasted cost of gas and differences belween forecasled and actual gas costs from the prior year Portland General Eleclric; primary customer of the Norlh Mist qas storage expansion U.S. Deparlment of Transponation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Polenlially Responsible Parlies Remedial lnvesligalion / Feasibility Sludy Record of Decision Return on Equity, a measure ofcorporale profitabilaty, calculated as nel income or loss divided by average common stock equity. Authonzed ROE refers to the equity rate approved by a regulalory agency for use in determining utility revenue requirements Rate of Relurn, a measure of return on ulility rate base. Aulhonzed ROR refers Io lhe rale of return approved by a regulalory agency and is generally discussed in lhe contexl of ROE and capital skuclure Standard & Poor's, a credit rating agency and division ofThe Mccraw-HillCompanies, lnc. Service provided whereby a customer purchases bolh natural gas commodity supply and transportalion from the utility U.S Securities and Exchanqe Commission Sile Remediation and Recovery Mechanrsm, a billing rate mechanism for recovering prudenlly incurred envrronmental site remedialion cosls allocable to Oregon through custorfier billings, subject lo an earnings test The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted on Decembe.22.2017 The basic unit of natural gas measuremenl, equal to one hundred thousand British thermal units TrailWest Holdings, LLC, 50% owned by NWN Ene.gy Trail West Pipeline, LLC, a subsidiary of TWH Transcanada Pipelines Limited, owner of Transcanada American Investments. Ltd., a 50o/o owner of TWH, and GTN Table ol Contents Transportation Service U,S, GAAP WUTC Service provaded whereby a customer purchases natural gas directly from a supplier but pays the utility to transpon the gas over ils distributaon system to the customer's facility Accounling principles generally accepted in the LJnited States ofAmerica An Oregon billing rate mechanism applied lo natural gas residential and commercial cuslomers to adjust for temperalure variances from average weather Washington Ulilities and Transportalion Commission, the entity that regulates our Washington nalural gas and water utility businesses with respect to rates and terms ofservice, among othermatteE 6 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 7 of 210 Tab e of Contenls FORWARD.LOORING STA TEME'VTS This report contains forward-looking slatemenls within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securilies Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject lo lhe safe harbors created by such Acl. Forward-looking statements can be identilled by words such as anticipates, assumes, inlends, plans, seeks, believes, estimates, expects, and similar references to fulure peraods. Examples of forward-looking slatements include, bul a.e not limited to, statements regarding the following:. plans, projections and predictaons;. objeclives, goals or strategies;. assumplions,generalizationsandestimates:. ongoing continualion ofpast praclices or palterns;. future events or performance;. lrends;. risks;. uncerlainlies:. liming and cyclacality;. earnings and dividends;. capital expenditures and allocation;. capilal or organizational structure, including restructuring as a holding company:. climate change and our role jn a low-carbon. renewable-energy future;. groMh;. customer rales:. labor relalions and workforce successron.. commodity costs;r gas reserves;. operational performance and costsl ' energy policy, infrastruclurc and preferencesi. public policy approach and involvemenl;. efficacy ofderivatives and hedges;. liquidity, financial positions, and planned securilies issuances;. valuationsi. project and program developmenl, expansion. or inveslment;. business development efforts, including acquisitions and integration thereof;. pipeline capacity, dernand. location, and reliabilily;. adequacy ofproperty rights and headquarter development;. technologyimplementation and cybersecurity practices;. compelilion;. procuaemenl and development ofgas supplies:. eslimaledexpendilures:. costs of compliance;. customers bypassing our infrastructure;. credit exposures:. rate or regulalory outcomes, recovery or refunds; ' impacls or changes of laws, rules and regulallons; ' tax liabilities or relunds. including effects of tax reform; ' levels and pricing olgas storage contracts and gas storage markets;. outcomes, liming and effects ofpotenlial claims, litigation, regulatory actions, and other administralive matters:. projecled obligations, expectalaons and lreatment wilh respect lo retirement plans;. availability, adequacy, and shift in mix, ofgas supplies;. effects of new or anticipated changes in critical accounting policies or eslifiates: approval and adequacy of regulatory deferrals: effects and etflcary of regulatory mechanisms; and environmental, regulatory, litigation and insurance costs and recoveries. and timing lhereof. Forward-looking statements are based on our currenl expeclalions and assumptions regarding our business. the economy, and other fulure conditions- Because forward-looking stalements relate to the future. they are subject lo inherent uncertainties, risks, and changes in circumstances lhal are difficull to predict. Our actual results may differ materially from those conlemplated by the forward-looking slalements. We lherefore caution you against relying on any ofthese lorward-looking stalements. They are neilher statements of hastorical facl nor guarantees or assurances offulure perlormance. lmportant factors that could caUse actual resulls to diffe. materially from those an lhe forward-looking statements are discussed at ltem 1A., "Risk Faclors" of Parl I and ltem 7. and ltem 7A., "l\.4anagemenl's Dascussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results ofOperations" and "Quantilative and Oualatatave Disclosures About Markel Risk", .espectively, of Part ll of this reporl. Any forward-looking statement made in this report speaks only as ofthe date on which il is made. Factors or events lhat could cause actual results lo differ may emerge from time lo time, and il is not possible for us to predict all of them. We undenake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statemenl, whelher as a result of new information, fulure developments or otherwise, except as may be required by law. 7 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 8 of210 Table ol Contents PART I FILING FORMAT This annual report on Form 10-K is a combined reporl being llled by two separate registranls: Northwest Natural Holding Company (NW Holdings). and Northwest Natural Gas Company (NW Natural). Except where the content clearly indicates otherwise. any reference in the report lo "we." "us" or "our" is to the consolidated entity of NW Holdings and all of its subsidiaries. including NW Natural, which is a distincl SEC regisl.anl thal is a wholly-owned subsadiary of NW Holdings. Each ot NW Holdangs'subsidiaries is a separale legal enlily wilh ils own assets and liabilities. lnformation contained herein relating to any individual registrant or its subsidiaries is filed by such reqistrant on its own behalf. Each registrant makes representalions only as to itselfand its subsidiaries and makes no olher representation whatsoever as to any olher company. IIEM 1, BUSINESS ovERvtEw On October 1. 20'18, we completed a reorganization into a holding company slructure. We believe lhat our holding company structure is an agile and etficaent platform from which lo pursue, tinance, and oversee new opponunilies. such as in lhe waler secto., while also providing legal separation between regulated natural gas distribution operations and other businesses. ln this reorganization, shareholders of NW Natu.al (the predecessor publicly held parent company) became shareholders of NW Holdings, on a one-for-one basis, with the same number of shares and same ownership percentage as they held in NW Natural immedialely priorlo lhe reorganizalion. NW Naturalbecame a lvholly- owned subsidiary of NW Holdings. Additionally, certain subsidiaries of NW Naturalwere transferred to NW Holdings. As required under accounting guidance, lhese subsidiaries are presented as disconlinued operations an the consolidated resulls of NW Natural within lhis report. NW Holdings as a holding company headquartered in Portland, Oregon and owns NW Natural, NW Natural Water Company (NW Water), and olher businesses and activities. NW Natural is NW Holdings' largest subsidiary. NW Natural distributes natural gas to residenlial, commercial, and industrial customers an Oregon and southwest Washington. NW Natural and its predecessors have supplied gas servace to the publac since 1859. was incorporated in Oregon in 1910, and began doing business as NW Naturalin 1997. NWNalural's naturalgas distribution aclivilies are reported in the naturalgas distribution (NGD) segment, formerly titled and reported as the utility segment. Allother busaness a ctivalies, includinq cenain gas storage activaties, water businesses, and other inveslments and activities are aggregated and reported as "other" at their resPeclive regiskant. ln addition. NW Holdings has reported dascontinued operalaons resulls related to the pending sale of Gill Ranch Storage. LLC (Gill Ranch). NW Natural Gas Storage, LLC (NWN Gas Storage), cunently an indirecl wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings, entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement during the second quarler of 2018 thal provides fo.lhe sale ofall membership interests in Gall Ranch. Gill Ranch owns a 75% interest in the naturalgas storage lacilily located near Fresno, California known as the Gill Ranch Gas Storage Facility. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) owns the remaining 25% interest in the Gill Ranch Gas Storage Facility ,VE TURAL GAS D'STRIBUTION (NGD) SEGMENT Both NW Holdings and NW Natural have one reportable segment, the NGD segment, whach as conducted by NW Nalural. The NGD business purchases and distributes natural gas through approximately 750,000 meters an Oregon and southwest Washington. Approximately 89% of customers are located in O.egon and 11% are located in southwest Washinglon. NW Natural has been allocated an exclusave service territory by the OPUC and WUTC, which includes the major population centers in weslern Oregon, including the Portland metropolilan area, most ofthe Willametle Valley, the Coaslal area from Astoria to Coos Bay, and portions of Washington along the Columbia River. Portland serves as one ofthe largest ports on lhe West Coast and is a key distribution center. Major businesses localed in NW Natural's service lerritory include retail, manufacturing, and high{echnology induslries. Customers The NGD business serves residential. commercial. and induslrial cuslomers with no individual cuslomer accounting for more than 10olo of NW Naturalor NW Holdings revenues. On an annual basis, residenlial and commercial customers typjcally account for approximately 60% of NGD volumes delivered and approximately 90% of margin. lndustrial customers largely account for the remaining volumes and margin. Numberof Melers Yo ol Margrn "' Residential Comrnercral lndustrial Other Total 680,134 69,259 1,028 37yo 41o/o 65% 270k A. _oh 750,42',1 100%100% 8 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 9 of2l0 Part ll - ltem 8. Financial statements and supplementary data in lhis AnnualRepon on Form 10-K includes separate financial statements (i.e. balance sheets. stalements of comprehensive income. slatements of cash flows, and stalements olequity) for NW Holdings and NW Natural, in that order. References in this discussion lo lhe "Notes" are to lhe Noles to lhe Consolidated Financial Slatements in ltem 8 ofthis report. The Notes to the Consolidated Financial Stalemenls are presenled on a combined basis for both entities except where expressly noted otherwise. All ltems olher lhan Part ll - llem 8. are combined for the reporting companies. The following table presents summary meter informalion for Ihe NGD segment as of December 31, 2018: Table oi Contenls Generally, residentialand commercial cuslomers purchase bolh their natural gas commodity (gas sales) and nalural gas delivery services (lransporlation services) from the NGD business. lndustrial q]slomers also purchase transponation services. but may buy lhe gas commodity either from NW Natural or directly from a third-pany gas marketer or supplier. Gas commodity cost is primarily a pass{hrough cost to customers; therefore, prolil margins are not materially affected by an induslnal cuslomer's decision to purchase gas from NW Nalural or from ihird parties. lndustrial and large commercial customers may also select between firm and inlerruptible service levels, wilh firm services generally providing higher proflt margins compared lo interruplable services. To help manage gas supplies. industrialtariffs are designed to provide some certainty regarding induslrial customers' volumes by requiring an annual service election, special charges for changes between elections, and in some cases, a minimum or maximum volume requiremenl before changing options. Cuslomer growlh rales for natural gas utilities in the Pacific Northwest hislorically have been among the highesl in the nalaon due lo lower market saluration as nalural gas became widely available as a residential heating soure after olherfuel options. We eslimale nalural gas was in approximately 63% of singlejamily residential homes in NW Nalural's service terrilory in 2018. Cuslomer growth in our region comes mainly from the following sources: singlejamily housing, both new construction and conversions; multifamily housing new construclion; and commercial buildings, bolh new construction and conversions. Single- family new construction has consistently been our strongest performing source of groMh. Conlinued customer growlh is closely tied lo lhe comparalive price ofnatural gas lo eleclricity and fueloiland the economic health of Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington. We believe there is potential for conlinued groMh as natural gas is a prefered energy source due to its affordable, reliable, and clean qualitaes. Comoetitive Conditions ln its seNice areas, lhe NGD business has no direct compelition from other natural gas distributors. However, it competes with other fonns of energy in each cuslomer class. This competition among energy suppliers is based on price, efficiency, reliability, performance, preference markel condilions. technology, federal, slate. and local energy pohry. and environmenlal impacls. For residentialand small lo mid-size commercial cuslomers. the NGD business competes primarily wilh providers ol electricity, fuel oil, and propane. ln ihe industrial and large commercial markels, the NGD business compeles with all forms of energy. including competilion from wholesale naluralgas marketers. ln addition, large induskial customers could bypass NW Natural's nalural gas distribution syslem by installing their own direct pipeline connection lo the interslate pipeline system. NW Natural has designed cuslom transportalion service agreements with several large industrial customers lo provide kansportation service rates that are compeiitive with the customers costs of inslalling their own pipeline. Seasonalitv of Business The NGD business is seasonal in nature due to higher gas usage by residenlial and commercial customers during the cold winter heatlng months. Other categories of cusiomers experience similar seasonality in their usage bul to a lesser extent Reoulation and Ratea The NGD business is subject to regulation by the OPUC and WUTC. These regulatory agencies authorize rates and allow recovery mechanisms to provide the opportunily lo recover prudently incurred capital and operating costs from customers, while also earning a reasonable return on investment for investors. ln addition, the OPUC and WUTC also regulate the system ofaccounts and issuance ofsecurities by NW Natural. NW Natural Illes general rale cases and rate tariff requests periodically with the OPUC and WUTC to establish approved rales, an authorized ROE, an overall rale of retum on rate base (ROR), an authorized c2pital slruclure, and other revenue/cosl deferral and recovery mechanisms. NW Natural is also regulated by lhe FERC. Under NW Natural's Misl interstate slorage certificate with FERC, NW Natural is required to file either a petition for rate approval or a cosl and revenue study every live years lo change or justify maintaining the existing rates for the interstate storage setuice. For further discussion on our most recent general rate cases, see Parl ll, Item 7. "Results of Ope.ations-Regulatory Mallerc-Regulation and R€tes'1 Gas Supply NW Natural strives to secure suflicienl, reliable supplies of nalural gas to meet the needs of customers at lhe lowest reasonable cost, \iyhile mainlaining price stability and managing gas purchase costs prudently. This is accomplished through a comprehensive strategy focused on the following items:. Reliability - ensuring gas resource portfolios are sufficient to satisfy customer requirements under extreme cold weather conditions;. Oiverse Supply - providing daversity of supply sources;. DiveEe ContBcts - mainlaining a variety of contract durations, types, and counterparties: and. Cct Managementand Recovery - employing prudent gas cost managemenl slralegies. Reliabilitv The effectiveness ofthe nalural gas dislribulion syslem ultimately resls on whether reliable service is provided to NGD customers. To ensure etfectiveness, the NGD business has developed a risk-based methodology in which it uses a planning standard to serve lhe highest firm sales demand day in any yearwilh 99% certainty. The projected maximum design day firm NGD customer sendout is approximately 10.0 million therms. Of this lotal, NGD margin is also aflecled by olher dems. including miscellaneous seMces, gains or losses from our gas cost incenlrve shanng mechanism, and olher seNice fees. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l0 of2l0 Tabe of Contents the NGD business is currently capable of meeting about 56% of requirements with gas from storage located within or adjacent to lhe service lerritory, while the remaining supply requirements would come from gas purchases under firm gas purchase conlracls and recall agreements. To supplement near-term natural gas supplies, NW Naturalcan segment lransportation capacity, if needed. Pipeline segmentation is a natural gas traospo.tation mechanism under which a shipper can leverage its firm pipeline transporlation capacily by separating it into multiple segments with altemate delivery routes- The reliability ofservice on these altemate routes will vary depending on lhe conslraints orthe pipeline system. Forthose segments with acceptable reliabilaty, segmentation provides a shipper with increased flexibility and polential cosl savings compared to traditional pipeline service. Since 2014, the NGD busaness has relied on segmenlalion offirm pipelane transportation capacity that flows from Stanfeld. Oregon to various points soulh of Molalla, O.egon. We believe gas supplies would be sufficient to meet existing NGO lirm customer demand in the event oI maximum design day weather conditions. Diversitv of SuoDlv Sources NW Natural purchases gas supplies primaraly from the Alberla and Bratish Columbia provinces of Canada and multiple receipt points in lhe U.S. Rocky Mountains lo prolecl againsl regional supply disruptaons and to take advantage of price differentials. For 2018, 6l'/6 of gas supply came from Canada, wath lhe balance primarily coming from lhe U.S. Rocky Mountain region. We believe gas supplies available in the western United States and Canada are adequate to serve NGD customer requiremenls for the foreseeable future. NW Natural continues to evaluate the long-term supply mix based on projections ofgas produclion and pricjng an lhe U.S. Rocky Mounlain region as wellas other regions in North America. Additionally, the extraction ofshale gas has increased the availability ofgas supplies throughoul Norlh America for lhe foreseeable future. NW Natural supplements firm gas supply purchases with gas withdrawals from gas storage facilities, including underground reseNoirs and LNG slorage facililies. Slorage facililies are generally injected with naturalgas during the otf-peak months in lhe spring and summer, and the 9as is withdrawn for use during peak demand months in the winter. The following lable presenls lhe storage facilaties available for NGD business supply: Maximum Daily Deliverability (lherms in millions) Designed Storage Capacily (Bcf)Sources of NGD supply Firm supply purchases Irrst underground storage (NGD only) Company-owned LNG storage Olf -system slorage conlracl Pipeline s€gmenlalion capacdy Recallagreements Peak day citygate deliveries 3.4 31 19 05 06 04 0.1 34yo 31Vo 1990 SVo 6% 4Yo 1% Gas Storage F6cililies Owned Fac lity Mist, Oregonr'r Contracted FacilLty Jackson Prai.ie, Washingtonrr' LNG Faohties Owned Facililies Newporl Oregon Portland, Oregon 3.1 05 06 '10.6 1'l 10 06 100 100% The OPUC and WUTC have IRP processes in which utllities derlne diflerent growth scenarios and corresponding resource acquisition strategaes jn an effort to evaluate supply and demand resource requirements, consider uncerlaanties in the planning process and the need for flexibility to respond to changes, and establish a plan for providing reliable servrce at lhe least cost. NW Nalural files a full IRP biennially for Oregon and Washington with lhe OPUC and the WUTC, respectively, and files updates between lilings. The OPUC acknowledges NW Natural's action plan; whereas lhe \ ,/IJTC provides notice that the IRP has met the requirements ofthe Washington Administrative Code. OPUC acknowledgment ofthe IRP does not constitute ratemaking approval of any specitic resource acquisition slrategy or expendilure. However, the Commissioners generally indicate that lhey would give considerable weighl in pruden@ reviews lo actions consistent with acknowledged plans. The WUTC has indicated the IRP process is one factor it will consider in a prudence review. For additional information see Part ll. ltem 7, "Results of Opetalions-Regulatory Malters'. rotal _________11 ________l! x The l\rist gas storage facrlrty has a tolal maximum daily delverability of 5 4 million therm s and a total designed slorage capacrty ot aboul 1 6 0 Bcf, of which 3 1 million lherms of daily deliverabilily and 10 6 Bcf of storage capacjty are reserved tor NGD business customers The storage facility is located near Chehalis, Washhgton and is contracted from Northwest Pipeline, a subsidiary ofThe Williams Companaes The Mist facilily serves NGD segment customers and as also used for non-NGD purposes, primarily for conlracts wilh gas storage customers, including utilities and third-party marketers. Under regulatory agreements with the OPUC and WUTC, gas storage al Mist can be developed in advance of NGD customer needs but is subject to recall when needed to serve such customers as their demand increases. l rhen slorage capacity is recalled lor NGD purposes il becomes part of the NGD segment. ln 2018. the NGD business did not recall additional deliverabilily or associated storage capacity to seNe cuslomer needs. 10 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page I I of2l0 The following table shows the sources of supply projected to be used to satisfy lhe design day sendout for the 2018-2019 winter heating season: Therms Per@nl ln addition, pipeline capacity and supply resources from certain NW Nalural customers may be recalled if needed to meet high demand requirements Diverse Contract Durations and Types NW Natural has a diverse portfolio ofshorl-, medium-, and long-term firm gas supply contracts and a variety of contract types ancluding firm and anterruptible supplies as well as supplemenlal supplies from gas storage facilities. The portfolio of tirm gas supply contracts typically includes the following gas purchase contracts: year-round and winter-only baseload supplies. seasonal supply with an option to call on additional daily supplies during the winter heatang season; and daily or monthly spot purchases. During 2018, a total of 743 milljon lherms were purchased under contracts wath durations outlined in the charl below: These activities, net ofthe amount shared, are included in otherlor segment rePorting purposes. 1Aav" Gas supply contracts are renewed or replaced as they expire. During 2018, no individual supplier provided over 10% ofthe NGD business gas sUPPly requirements. Gas Cost Management The cosl of gas sold to NGO customers primarily consists of the following ilems, which are included in annual PGA rales: gas purchases from suppliers; charges from pipeline companies to lranspon gas to our distribulion system; gas slorage cosls; gas reserves contracls; and gas commodity derivative contracts. The NGD business employs a number of strategies to mitigate the cost ofgas sold to customers. The primary slrategies lor managing gas commodaty price risk include:. negotiating fixed prices directly with gas suppliers;. negotiating linancial derivative contracts that: (1) effeclively convert floating index prices in physical gas supply contracts lo fixed prices (referred to as commodity price swaps); or (2) effuctively set a ceiling or floor price, or both, on floaling index priced physical supply conlracts (refe.red to as commodity price options such as calls, puls, and collars):. buying physicalgas supplies at a set price and injecting the gas into slorage for price stability and to minimize pipeline capacity demand cosls;and. investing in gas rese.ves for longerterm price stability. See Note 12 for addilional informalion aboul our gas reserves. NWNatural also conlractswith an independent energy marketing company lo capture opporlunities regarding storage and pipeline capacity when those assets are not serving the needs of NGO business customers. Asset management activities provide opportunilies for cost of gas savings for cuslomers and incremental revenues for NW Natural through regulatory incentive-sharing mechanasms. Gas Cost Recovery lrechanisms for gas cost recovery are designed to be fair and reasonable, with an appropriate balance between the interests of customers and NW Nalural. ln general, naluralgas distribution aates are designed lo recover the cosls of, bul not to earn a return on, the gas commodity sold. Risks assocaated with gas cost recovery are minimized by reselling cuslome. rales annually through the PGA and aligning cuslomer and shareholder interests through the use ofsharing, wealher normalization, and conservation mechanisms an Oregon. See Part Il, Item 7, "Results of Opetalions-Regulatory Matlers" and "Results of Operations-Business Segmenls-Natural Gas Distribution Operations-Cosf orGas." Transportation of Gas SuDplies NW Natural's gas dastribution syslem is relianl on a single, bijireclional inlerslale lransmission pipeline to b.ing gas supplies into the natural gas distribulion system. Although dependent on a single papeline, the pipeline s gas flows into the Ponland metropolitan market from two direclions: (1) the north, which brings supplies from the British Columbia and Alberla supply basins; and (2) the east, whach brings supplies from Alberta as well as the U.S. Rocky lvlountain supply basans. NW Natural incurs monthly demand charges related to firm pipeline transporlation conlracls. These conlracts are mulli-year contracts with expirations ranging froo 2019 to 2060. The largest pipelane agreemenls are with Northwest Pipeline. NW Natural actively works with Northwest Pipeline and olhers to renew contracls in advance otexpiralion lo ensure gas transportation capacity is sufficaent to meel customer needs. Rates lor inlerstate pipeline transporlation services are established by FERC wathin the U.S. and by Canadian authorities for services on Canadian pipelines. As mentioned above. the service territory is dependent on a single papeline for its natu.al gas supply. ln October 2018. a critical natural gas pipeline in western Canada experienced a rupture and 9as supply to the Pacific Northwest was disrupted. NW Natural was able to serve firm NGD business customers during the incident with nalural gas from the Mist storage facility and realagnment o, other supplies. Pipeline disruptions, replacement projects, and long-term projected natural gas demand in our region underscore the need for pipeline transportation diversity. ln addition,lhere are polential industrial projects in the region, which could increase the demand for naluralgas and lhe need for additional pipeline capacity and diversity. Currently. there are various interstate pipeline projects proposed, including the TrailWest pipeline in which NW Holdings has an inlerest, that could meet lhe forecasted demand groMh for NW Natural and the region. However. lhe loc€lion oI any fulure pipeline proiect will likely depend on lhe location of committed industrial projects. NW Holdings and NW Naturalwill continue to evaluate and closely monitorthe cunently prospected projects to determine the besl option for our customers. NW Holdangs Conlract Duralon (primary term) Percent of Purchases Longlerm (one year or longer) Short-lerm (more lhan one month, less than one year) Spot (on€ monlh or less) Total 2gqo 45 11 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 12 of 210 Tabie of Contenls Table ol Contenls has an equily inveslment in TrailWest Holdings, LLC (TWH), which is developing plans to build the Trail West pipeline. This pipeline would connect Transcanada Pipelines Limiled s (TransCanada) Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) interstate lransmission line to NW Natural's natural gas distribution system. lf constructed, this pipeline would provade another lransportation path for gas purchases from Alberta and the U S. Rocky Mountains in addilion to the one that currently moves gas lhrough lhe Northwest Pipeline system. Gas Distribution The primary goals ofgas distribution operalions are safety and reliabilily ofthe system, which enlails building and malntaining a safe papeline distribution system. Safely and the protection ofemployees, customers, and the public at large are, and will remain, top priorities. NW Natural constructs, operales, and maintains the pipeline distribulion syslem and storage operations with the goal of ensuring natural gas is delivered and stored safely. reliably, and eflicjenlly. NW Natural has one of the most modern distribution systems in the country with no adentified cast iron pipe or bare sleel maan. The flnal known bare steel was removed from lhe syslem in 20'15 and cast iron pipe removal was completed an 2000. Since lhe 1980s. NW Natural has laken a proactive approach lo replacemenl programs and partnered with the OPUC and WUTC on progressive regulation to further safety and reliability efforts for the distribution system. ln lhe past, NW Natural had a cosl recovery program in Oregon that encompassed programs for bare sleel replacement, transmission pipelane integrily managemenl. and dislribution papeline integrily management as appropriale. For dascussaon on currenl regulatory programs, see Part ll. ltem 7, "Results of Operalions-Regu/atory M a lle G". Natural gas dislribution businesses will conlinue to be subject to grealer federaland state regulation in the future due to pipeline incidenls involving other companies. Additional operating and safely regulations from ihe lJ.S. Department of Transporlation s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PH[,4SA) are currently under development. ln 2016, PHMSA issued proposed regulations to update safety requirements for natural gas lransmission pipelanes. Final regulations are anlicipaled lo be issued in 2019. Current proposed regulations indacale a '1s-year timeline tor implementation of compliance requirements. NW Natural will continue to work diligently with industry associations as well as federal and state regulators to ensure the safely of the system and compliance with new laws and regulalions. The costs associated with compliance with federal, state. and local rules are expected lo be recovered in rales. North lvlist Gas Storage Expansion Project ln Oregon, lhere is a need to inlegrate intermitlenl resources, such as wind and solar, into the power system with policymakers committinq to the eliminalion of coal fired electric generalion and moving loward a 50% renewable electricity slandard by 2040. Flexable naluralgas-fired electdc generation facilities and associated gas storage are necessary to support lhe anlegration of renewable resources. ln 2016, NW Naturalbegan expanding its gas slorage facilily near Mist, Oregon to provide innovalive long-term, no-nolice underground gas storage service to support gas-llred electric generating facilities lhat are intended to facilitate the integration ofmore wind power into the region's electric generation mix. Natural gas slorage enables generation lo adjusl quickly when renewable energy. such as wind and solar, rises and lalls. The expansion project includes a new reservoir providang up to 2.5 Bcf of available storage, an additional compressor slation with design capacity of'120,000 dekatherms of gas per day, no-notice service lhat can be drawn on rapidly. and a 13-mile pipeline to connect to Porlland General's gas plants al Port Westward. The expansion project is considered part of the NGD segment and has an estimated cost of approximalely $149 million. wilh a targeted in-service date during the spring of2019. See additionaldiscussion in Part ll, ltem 7 "Financial Condation-Cash F lows-/rvestirg Act vifles". \ /hen the expansion is placed inlo service, lhe investment will be included in rate base underan established tariffschedule already approved by the OPUC, with revenues recognized consistent with the schedule. Billing rales will be updated annually to the current depreciable assel level and forecasted operaling expenses. \/\/hile there are additional expansion opportunities in the Mist storage field, further development is not contemplated at this time and any expansion would be based on markel demand, project execution, cost effectiveness, available financing, receipt offuture permits. and other rights. OTHER Certain businesses and aclivities of NW Holdings and NW Nalural are aggregated and reported as olher for segment reporting purposes. These include the following busanesses and aclivities aggregaled and reported as other under NW Holdings:. water businesses and water acquisition activities;. an equity method inveslment in TWH, a joint venture to build and operate a gas transmission pipeline in Oregon. TWH js owned 50% by NWN Energy. a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings, and 50o/o by Transcanada American lnvestmenls Ltd.. an indirect wholly- owned subsidiary of TransCanada Coeoration;. a minority interest in the Kelso-Beaver Pipeline held by our wholly- owned subsidiary NNG FinancialCorporation (NNG Financial); and. holding company and corporate activities as well as adjustmenls made in consolidation Additionally, lhe following businesses and activilies are aggregaled and reported as other under NW Natural, a wholly owned subsidiary of NW Holdangs: 12 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page l3 of2l0 This expansion project will be dedicated solely to Portland General Electric (Portland General), a local eleclric company, to supporl their gas- fired eleclric powe. generalion facililies under an initial 3o-year contract wath options lo extend. totaling up to an addilional 50 years upon mulual agreemenl of lhe parties. Table of Conlents 5.4 Bcf ofthe Mist gas storage facility conlracted to utilities and third- party marketers: naluralgas asset management activilies; and appliance reiail center operalions. WATER. During 2018, NW Water completed the purchase of four privately-owned regulated waler utilaties serving approxamalely 22.000 people through 7.400 connections in lhe Pacific Northwest. Several additional acquisition agreemenls for privately-owned waler utilities have been signed, the largest ofwhich is a water and wastewater business in Sunriver, Oregon serving 9,400 connections. These pending transactions are subject lo public utility commission approvals and a.e expected to close during 2019. MIST GAS STORAGE, The Mist gas storage facility began operalions in '1989. lt is a 16 Bcf facility with 10.6 Bcf used to provide gas storage for the NGD business The remaining 5.4 Bcf of the facility is c.ntracted with other utilities and third-party marketers with these results reported in other. The overallfacility consisls of seven depleled natural gas reservoirs, 22 injection and withdrawal wells, a compressor station, dehydration and conlrol equipmenl, galhering lines, and other relaled facililaes. The capacily al Mist serving olher utrlilies and third-party marketers provides multi-cycle gas storage services to customers in the inlerstale and intrastate markets. The interstate slorage services are offered under a limiled jurisdiclion blankel certificale issued by FERC Under NW Natural's interstale storage certificate with FERC, NW Natural is required to file either a pelilion for rale approval or a cost and revenue study every five years to change orjustify maintaining the exisling rates for the inlerstale slorage service. lntraslale lirm storage services in Oregon are offered under an OPUC-approved rate schedule as an optional service to certain eligible customers. Gas slorage revenues from the 5.4 Bcf are derived primarily from firm service customers who provide energy-related services, including nalural gas distribution. electric generation, and energy marketing. The Misi facility benefits from limiled compelition as lhere are few storage facilities in lhe Pacific Northwesl region. Therefore. NW Nalural is able 1o acquire high value, mulli-year contracts. ASSET MANAGEMENT ACTIVITES. NW Natural contracts w,th an independent energy marketing company to provide asset management services, primaraly through the use of natural gas commodily exchange agreemenls and naturalgas pipeline capacity release transactions. The results ofthese aclivities are included in other, except for the asset managemenl revenues allocated to NGD business customers pursuant lo regulatory agreements, which are reported in the NGD segment. ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS elgp-elties and Facilities NW Naturalowns. or previously owned. properties and facilities that are currently being investigated that may require environmental remediation and are subject to federal, slale. and local laws and regulalions related lo environmenlal matlers. These laws and regulations may require expenditures over a long time frame to address certain environmental impacls Estimales of liabilities for environmental costs are difficult to determine with precision because of the various factors that can affect their ultimale disposition. These factors include, but are nol limited to, the following: ' lhe complexity ofthe site;. changes in environmental laws and regulations at the federal, state. and locallevelsl. the numbea of regulatory agencies or other parties involved:. new technology lhat renders previous technology obsolete, or experience with existing technology that proves ineffective;. the ultimate selection of a particular technology;. the level of remediation required;. variations belween the estimated and actual period of time lhat must be dedicaled to respond lo an environmenlally-contaminaled sile; and. the application ofenvironmental laws that imposejoinl and several liabilities on all polentially responsible parties. NW Naluralhas received recovery of a poriion ofsuch envirofimental cosls through insurance proceeds, seeks the remainder of such cosls lhrough customer rates, and belaeves recovery oflhese costs is probable- ln Oregon, NW Natural has a mechanism lo recover expenses, subject to an earnings test and allocation rules. See Part ll, ltem 7, "Results of Operations-Rate l\ratters-Rate i,4echanisms- Envionmental Costs". Note 2. and Note '17. Currenl federal rules require the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. ln September 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule requiring the annual reporting of greenhouse gas emissions from certain induslries, specified large greenhouse gas emission sources, and facilities that emil 25,000 metrac ions or more of CO2 equivalents per year. NW Natural began reporting emission inlormation in 20'l '1. Under this reporting rule, local natural gas distribution companies like NW Natural are required to report system throughpul to lhe EPA on an annual basis. The EPA also has required addilional greenhouse gas reporting regulataons to which NW Natural is subject, requiring the annual reporting of fugitive emissions from operalions. 13 F,XHII]IT 2 PALFRIIYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l4 of 210 Greenhouse Gas Matters We recognize our businesses are likely to be affected by requirements to address greenhouse gas emissions. Future federal, stale or local requiremenls may seek to limit emissions of greenhouse gases, including both carbon dioxide (C02) and methane These polential laws and regulations may require certain aclivilies to reduce emissions and/or increase lhe price paid for energy based on ils carbon conlenl. The Oregon and Washinglon legislatures and governors continue lo consider various greenhouse gas reduction proposals and initiatives. For example, the Oregon legislature will be considering a cap and trade bill during the 2019 legislative session that could create a declining cap on greenhouse 9as emissions emitled by a wide variety of emission sources, including eleclric and natural gas utilities, and would require those entities wilh a compliance obligation to hold pe.mil9. or allowances, to emit greenhouse gas emissions on a pea lon basis. While there is uncertainty regarding lhe extent ofthe legislation. potential compliance cosls, and cost sharing impacts of these and other similar proposals, NW Natural cunenlly expects to be able lo recover compliance costs associated with lhis type oflegislation in rates. The outcome ofthese or any additional federal, state or localclamate change policy developmenls cannot be delermined at this lime, but these initialives could produce a number olresults including new regulations, legal aclions. additional charges to fund energy efficiency aclivities, or other regulatory actions. The adoption and implementataon olany regulations limiling emissaons ofgreenhouse gases could require NW Natural to incur compliance costs associated with our customers'use, resultang in an increase in the prices charged to those customers and in a potential decline in the demand lor natural gas over time. \Mlh environmental stewardship as one ofour core values, we conlinue to take proactive steps to address greenhouse gas emissions in our region and the communilies we serve. We believe NW Nalural and its modern pipeline system has an importanl role to play in helping the Pacific Northwest rnove lo a low-carbon, renewable-energy future. We inlend lo vigorously pursue our role in a low-carbon future, and believe we are positioned to do so. Currenlly, NW Nalural delivers more energy in Oregon than any other utility, and use of natural gas by our Sales and Transportation cuslomers' accounls for approximately 8% of Oregon's greenhouse gas emissions according to the Stale ol Oregon Departmenl of Environmental Ouality ln-Boundary GHG lnvenlory Preliminary 2015 Figures. Sales of nalural gas to residential and commercial customers - customers NW Natural procures gas for - accounts for approximately 5olo oflhe stale's emissions. Using this as a starting baselane, in 2017, NW Natural initiated a multi-pronged, multi- year core utility stralegy to deliver grealer emission reduclions. Key components ofthis strategy include enerqy efficiency and lhe continued adoption ofthe company's voluntary Smart Energy carbon offset program. NW Natural as also actively pursuing the potential to procure renewable natural gas for our customers, and is engaging in longer- term efforts to explore the development of renewable hydrogen through power to gas. EMPLOYEES At December 31, 2018, our workforce consisted of the lollowing NW l,latu€l: Unionized Employeesr" No.lunionized Emdoyees Total Nw l{alural 635 532 1.167 Other Entities. Water Company Employees Other Tolal Olher Entlies 16 15 31 Total Employees 1,198 "' Members of lhe Offic€ and Professional Employees lntemationellJnion (OPEIU) Local No. 11. AFL'CIO. NW Nalural's labor agreement with members ofOPElU covers wages. benefits, and working conditions. On May 22, 2014, NW Natural's unionized employees ratified 8 laboragreement (Joint Accord) that extends lo November 30, 2019. and thereafter from year to year unless either party serves notice ofits intent to negoliate modifications to the collective bargaining agreement. Certain subsidiaries may receive services from employees ofother subsidiaraes. When such services involve regulated entities, those enlities receiving services reimburse the entity providing services pursuanl lo shared services agreemenls EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE REG'SIRANTS For intormation concerning executive officers, see Part lll, ltem '10 AVA'LABLE 'NFORMAT'ON NW Holdings and NW Nalural file annual, quart€dy and current repons and other informalion with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC mainlains an lnternet site where reporls, proxy statements, and other information filed can be read, copied, and requested online at its websile (www.sec.gov). ln addilion, we make available, free of charge. on our websile (www.nwnaluralholdinos.com), our annual reporls on Form 10-K, qUarterly reports on Fo.m 10Q, curent reports on Form 8-K, and amendments to those reports filed or furnished pursuant lo Section 13(a) or 15(d) and proxy malerials filed under Section 14 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act), as soon as .easonably practicable after we electronically file such materialwith, or furnish it to, the SEC. We have included our website address as an inactive textual reference only. lnformation contained on our website is nol incorporated by reference into this annual report on Form 10-K. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l5 of2l0 14 Table of Coitents The state ofWashington's Department of Ecology (DOE) enacled the Clean Air Rule (CAR) in 2016, which capped the maximum greenhouse gas emissions allowed from slationary sources, such as natural gas utilities. For gas d islribulion ulilities, lhe production of emissions from usage by their cuslomerswas considered lo be production ofemissions attributable to the utility. ln December 2017, a Washington State Court ruled thal the DOE lacked legislative authority to regulate non-emitting sources, such as localdistribution companies. The DOE has appealed the ruling and oralargumenls forthe appeal are expecled to take place during 2019. Table of Contents NW Holdings and NW Natural have adopted a Code of Elhics for all employees, officers, and directors that is available on our website. We intend to disclose revisions and amendments to, and any waivers from, the Code of Ethics for ofllcers and directors on our websate. Our Corporate Governance Standards, Direclor lndependence Standards. charlers ofeach ofthe committees ofthe Board of Direclors, and additional information aboul NW Holdangs and NW Natural are also available at the website. Copies of these documents may be requesled, al no cosl, by wdting or calling Shareholder Servaces, NW Natural, One Pacific Square, 220 N.W. Second Avenue, Portland. Oregon 97209, lelephone 503-226{211 exl. 2402 15 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page l6 of 210 ITEIVI 1A, RISK FACTORS Risks Related to our Business Generally REGULAIORY RISK. Regutation of NW Holdings and NW Natural's regulated businesses, including changes in the rcgulatory environment. failurc of rcgulatory authotities to apprcve rcldswhich ptovide lot tinely recovery of costs and an adequate retum on invested capital, ot an unlavorable outcome in regulatory proceedings may adversely impact NW Holdings and NW Naturals tinancial condition and rcsults of oqerctions- The OPLJC and WUTC have general regulatory authority over NW Natural s gas and NW Holdings'water utility businesses in Oregon and Washinglon, respectively, including: the rates charged lo customers; authorized rates of return on rate base, including ROE; the amounts and lypes of securities our regulated utility companies, like NW Nalural. may issue; servaces our regulated utality companies provide and the manner in which they provide them; the nature of inveslments our ulility companies make, and, deferral and recovery of various expenses, includang, but not limited to, pipeline replacemenl, environmenlal remediation cosls, commodity hedgang expense. transaclions wilh atfiliated interests, certain employee benetit expenses such as pension, weather adjuslment mechanisms, and other matters. The OPUC and WUTC also regulate aclions inveslors may lake with respect to our utility companies, NW Natural and NW Holdings. Similarly, FERC has regulalory authoraty over NW Nalural's interstale storage services, and the CPUC has regulatory authority over NW Holdings' Gill Ranch slorage operatjons. Additionally, expansion of our businesses. including into water or olher seclors, could result in regulation by other regulatory authorilies. For example, NW Holdings' has acquired a water utility business in ldaho that is conespondingly subjecl to regulalory authority of the IPUC The prices lhe OPUC, WUTC, IPUC, and possible future regulalors allow us lo charge for retail service, and the maximum FERC-approved rales FERC authorizes us to charge for interstate slorage and relaled kansporlation servi6es, are the most significanl factors affecting both NW Natural's and NW Holdings' financial position, results ofoperations and liquidity. The OPUC, WUTC, IPUC and possibie future regulators have lhe authority to disallow recovery of cosls they find imprudently incurred or otherwise disallowed. Additionally, the rates allowed may be insufficienl for recovery of costs incurred. We expect to continue to make expenditures lo expand, improve and operate our gas and water utility dislribution and gas slorage systems. Regulators can find such expansions or improvements of expendilures were nol prudenlly incurred, and deny recovery. Additionally, while the OPUC, WUTC and lPuC have established an aulhorized rale of return for our utility businesses through the ratemaking process, the regulatory process does nol provide assurance that we will be able lo achieve the earnings level authorized. iroreover, in lhe normal course of business we may place assets in servace or incur higherlhan expected levels of operating expense before rale cases can be filed lo recover lhose cosls- this is commonly referred lo as regulatory lag. The failure of any regulalory commissaon to approve requesled rate increases on a timely basis to recover increased costs or lo allow an adequate relurn could adversely impacl NW Holdings' or NW Natural's financial condition and results of operations. As companies with regulated utility businesses, we frequently have dockets open with our regulators. The regulatory proceedings for these dockets typically involve multiple panies, including govemmenlal agencies, consumer advocacy groups, and olher lhird parties. Each party has differing concerns, bul allgenerally have the common objective of limiting amounts included in rates. We cannot predict lhe liming or oulcome ofthese delerred proceedjngs or the effects oflhose oulcomes on NW Holdings' and NW Natural's results of operalions and financial condilion- ENVIRONiTEiITAL LIABILITY RtSx. Ce/.tal, of^iW Nalu?ls, and possibly NW Holdings. propedies and facilities rnay pose environmental isks rcquiihg remedialion, the cosls of which aG difficult to estifiate and which could adveBely atfecl NW Holdings and NW Naturals financial cohdition, results of opeftlions, and cash flows. NW Natural owns, or previously owned. propeflies lhat require environmental remedialion or other action. NW Holdings or NW Natural may now. or in the future, own other properlaes thal require environmental remedialion or other action. NW Natural and NW Holdings accrue all material loss contingencies relalang to lhese properties. A regulatory asset at NW Natural has been recorded for estimated costs pursuant lo a Deferral Order from the OPUC and WUTC. ln addition 1o mainlaining regulalory deferrals, NW Natural settled with most of its historicalliability insurers foronly a portion ofthe costs it has incurred to date and expects to incur in the fulure. To the extent amounts NW Natural recovered from insurance are inadequale and il is unable lo recover these deferred costs in utility cuslomer rales, NW Naluralwould be required lo reduce its regulalory assets which would result in a charge lo earnings in the year an which regulatory assels are reduced. ln addition. in Oregon. the OPUC approved the SRRM, which limits recovery of deferred amounts to lhose amounls which salisfy an annual prudence review and an earnings test that requires NW Naturalto conkibule addilional amounts loward environmental remediation costs above approximately $'10 million in years in which NW Natural earns above its 16 EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l7 of 210 Table o, Contents NW Holdings' and NW Natural's business and fanancial results are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are not wathin our control, which could adversely affect our business, financial condition, and results of operations. Additional risks and uncertainties lhat are hot currently known to us or lhat are not currently believed by us lo be material may also harm our businesses, financial condition, and results of operations. When considering any investmenl in NW Holdings' or NW Natural's securities. anveslors should carefully consider the following information. as wellas information contained in lhe caption "FoMard-Looking Statemenls", llem 74. and our otherdocumenls filed with the SEC. This list is not exhaustive and lhe order ofpresentation does nol reflecl management's dete.manation of p.iority or likelihood. Additionally, our listing of risk factors that primarily affects one ofour businesses does not mean that such risk faclor is inapplicable to our other businesses. authorized ROE. To the etent NW Natu.al eams mo.e lhan its aulhorized ROE in a year. il would be required to cover environmental expenses greaterthan the $10 million with those earnings that exceed ils authorized ROE. The OPUC ordered a review of the SRRM in 2018 or when we oblain greater cerlainty ofenvironmental cosls, whachever occurs firsl. We submilled informalion for review in 2018. and believe we could be subject lo further review. These ongoing prudence revaews, the earnings test, or lhe periodic review could reduce the amounts NW Nalural is allowed lo recover, and could adversely affect NW Holdings' or NW Natural s financial condition, results ofoperalions and cash flows. lvloreover, we may have disputes with regulators and olher parlies as to the severily of parlicular enviaonmenlal mallers, what remediation eflorts are appropriate. and the portion of the costs NW Natural or NW Holdings should bear We ca nnot predict with certainly lhe amou nt or liming of fulure expenditures relaled lo environmental investigations. remediation or other action, the portions of these costs allocable to NW Natural or NW Holdings, or dispules or litigalion arising in relation thereto. Environmental liabilily estimates are based on current remediation technology industry experience gained at similar sites. an assessmenl of probable level of responsibilily, and the financial condilion of other potentially responsible parties. However, it is difficull to eslimale such costs due lo uncerlainties surrounding ihe course of environmenlal remediation, the prelimanary nalure of certain site investigalions. and the applicalion of environmental laws thal imposeioint and severalliabilities on all polenlially responsible parties. These uncertainties and dispules arising therefrom could lead to further adversarial adminislralive proceedings or litigalion. wrth associated costs and uncerlain outcomes. allofwhich could adversely atfect NW Hotdings orNWNatural's flnancial condilaon, resulls of operations and cash flows EtIVIROIMENTAL REGULATION COMPLIAI{CE RISK. NW Hoid,rqs ard NW Natural arc subject to environmental regulations for ouongoing businesses, compliance with which could advercely atfect ouroperations orfinancial results. NW Holdings and NW Natural are subject to laws, regulations and other legal requirements enacted or adopted by federal, state and local governmental authorilies relating lo protection ofthe envi.onment, including those legal requirements thal govern discharges of substances into the air and waler, lhe management and disposal of hazardous substances and waste, groundwater quality and availability. planl and wildlafe protection, and other aspects ofenvironmental regulalion. Forerample, our naluralgas operations are subjecl lo reporting requiremenls to the EPA and the ODEQ regarding greenhouse gas emissions. These and olher current and future addilional enviaonmental regulataons could resull in increased compliance costs or additional operaling restrictions, which may or may nol be recoverable in cuslomer rales or lhrough insurance. lfthese costs are not recoverable, they could have an adverse effect on NW Holdings' or NW Nalural's tinancial condition and resulls of operaiions. GLOBAL CLIITIATE CHANGE RISK. Frlure /eglslation, regulation ot othet initiatives (including ballot initiatives) to addressglobal climate change may expose NW Holdingsand NW NaluQllo regulatory and financial risk. Additiooally, ourbusinesses may be subjecl lo physical isks associated wth climate change, a of which could adve6ely afrect NW Holdings or NW Naturals financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. There are a number of international, lederaland state legislative and regulatory iniliatives being proposed and adopted in an attempt to measure, conlrol or limit the effects of global warming and climate change, including greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide and methane. For example, lhere are current legislalive efforts in Oregon, Washington, and olher stales an which we operale lo cap or otherwise reslricl the maximum GHGs an entity may emit without reduction efforts or other undertakings. Such current or future legislation, regulation or olher initiatives (including ballot initiatives) could impose on our natural gas businesses operational requiremenls, addltional charges 10 fund energy efficiency iniliatives, or levy a tax based on carbon contenl. Such initiatives could resull in us incurring additionalcosts to comply with the imposed restrictions, provide a cost advantage lo energy sources otherthan naturalgas, reduce demand fornaluralgas. impose costs or restriclions on end users of natural gas. impact the prices we charge our customers, impose increased costs on us associated with the adoption of new infrastructure and technology to respond lo such requiremenls, and may impact cultural perception ol our services or products negatively, diminishing the value ofour brand, all ofwhich could adversely affect NW Holdings' or NW Natural's business practices. financial condition and results of operations. Climate change may cause physical risks, including an increase in sea level, intensified storms, waler scarcity and changes in weather condilions, such as changes in precipitalion, average temperatures and exkeme wind orolherclimale conditions. A significant portion oflhe nation's gas infraskucture is localed in areas susceptible lo storm damage that could be aggravated by wetland and barrier island erosion, which could give ise to gas supply interruplions and price spikes. These and other physical changes could resull in disruptions to natural gas production and transportalion systems polentially increasing lhe cost of gas and affecting our natural gas businesses' abilily to procure gas lo meel cuslomer demand. These changes could also aflect our distribulion syslems resulting in increased maintenance and capital costs, disruption of service, regulatory actions and lower cuslomea salisfaction. Similar disruptions could occur in NW Holdings' water utility businesses. Additionally, to the extent that climate change adve.sely impacts lhe economic heallh orweather conditions of our service lenitory directly. it could adversely impact cuslomerdemand or our customers' abilily lo pay. Such physical risks could have an adverse effect on NW Holdings' or NW Natural s linancial condition, resulls of operations, and cash flows. 17 EX}IIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l8 of 210 Table of Contents STRATEGIc TRAi{SACTION RISK. NLy Hold,irgs and NW Natural's abilily to successlu lly complete slrclegic tran sactions, including merger, acquisilion, diveslitule, joint venluo, busihess development pmjects ot other strctegic transactions is subject to significant isks, including lhe risk that rcquircd regulatory or govenmintal apprcvals may not be obtained, dsks relating lo unknown prcblems or liabilties or problems ot liabilities undisclosed to us. and the isk thal lor lhose or other reasons, we hay be unable lo achieve some ot alloflhe benefitsthatwe anticipate frcm such transactions, which could adversely affect NW Holdings'orNW Natual s financial condition, Gsollsol openlions, and cash flows- From time to time. NW Holdings and NW Natural have pursued and may continue lo pursue skategic lransaclions including merger, acquisition, divestiture, joint venture, business development projects or other strategic transactions, including the enlry by NW Holdings inlo lhe water sector lhrough the acquisalion of a number ofwaler ulalilies and a water services company, with NW Holdings' conlinuing to seek olher such opponunities to acquire additional water companies- Any such transactions involve substantial risks, including the following:. purchase or sale lransactions thal are conlracled for may fail to close fora variety of reasons;. acquired businesses or assets may not produce revenues. earnings orcash flow at anticipated levelS;. acquired businesses or assels could have, environmental, permitting. or other problems for which clnt.aclual protections prove inadequate;. there may be difficulties in integralion or operation costs of new businesses;. there may be liabilities that were nol disclosed to us. lhat exceed our estimates, ortorwhich our rights lo indemnification from lhe seller are limiled;. we may be unable to obtain the necessary regulatory or governmenlal approvals lo close a lransaction, such approvals may be granted subject to terms lhal are unacceplable lo us, or we may be unable lo achieve anticipated regulatory lreatment of any such transaction, or such benetits may be delayed or not occur at all: or. we may agree lo sell assets for a price that is less than the book value of those assels. One of more oflhese conditions could affect NW Holdings'and NW Natural's financial condition, results of operalions, and cash flows. BUSIIIESS DEVELOPMExT RISK. NW Holdhgs'and NW Natutal s business developfient projects may encounler unanlicipafed obstac/es, cosls, changes ordelays that could resull in a prcjecl becoming impaircd, which could negatively nnpact NW Holdings or NW Naturals financial condition , results of operations and cash flows. Business development projecls involve many risks. We are curaently engaged in several business development projects, including, but not limited lo, NW Holdings' early planning and development stages for a regional pipeline in O.egon, and NW Natural's expansion of its gas storage facility at [Iist. We may also engage in other business development projects such as inveslments in addilional long{erm gas reserves, CNG refueling stations, RNG projects, o. projects in the water sector. These projects may nol be successful. Additionally, we may not be able to obtain required govemmental permits and approvals to complete our projects in a cost-efficient or timely manner. potentially resulting in delays or abandonment of the projecls. We could also experience issues such as: startup and conslruclion delaysi construction cost overruns: dispules wilh contraclorst the inabilily to negotiate accepiable agreements such as rights-of-way, easements, construction, gas supply or other malerial contractsi changes in customer demand or comrnitment; public opposition to projects; changes in markel prices; and operaling cost ancreases. Addilionally. we may be unable to flnance our business development projects al acceptable interest rates or within a scheduled time frame necessary for complelang the project. One or more ofthese events could result in the project becoming impaired, and such impaarment could have an adverse effect on NW Holdings or NW Nalural's llnancial condition and results of operations. JOINT PART ER RISX. /rvest rg i.l bus,ress development projects thtottgh padnerships, ioint vehturcs orothet business aftangefients aflects our ability to rnanage cedain dsks and could adversely irnpact NW Holdings or NW NatuQl s financial condilion, rcsulls ol operations and cash llows. We use joant venlures and other business arrangements to manage and diversi, the risks of certain development projects, including NW Holdings' Traal West pipeline and Gill Ranch Facility and NW Nalural's gas reserves agreements. NW Holdings or NW Natural may acquire or develop part-ownershap inlerests in other projects in the fulure. including but not limited to. in the waler sector Under lhese arranqemenls. we may nol be able lo fully direct lhe management and policies ofthe business relationships, and other participants in those relationships may take action conkary to our interests. including making operational decisions that could negalively affect our costs and liabilities. ln addition, other participants may withdraw from lhe project, divesl imponanl assets, become financially distressed or bankrupt, or have economic or olher business interests or goals that are inconsislenl with ours. For example, in January 2019, Paofic Gas & Electric Company. which owns the remaining 25 percent ofthe Gill Ranch Facility (75 perc4nt olwhich is owned by NW Holdings). filed for bankruptcy protection. \ /hile NW Holdings will monilor that bankruptcy proceeding, and take appropriale actions in an attempt to prolect its anlerests, at does nol control, and cannot predict, the outcome of such proceedings and the impact, if any, ofthe proceeding on lhe operalions ofGillRanch orthe planned sale by NW Holdings' of its interest in Gill Ranch. NW Nalural's gas reseryes arrangemenls, which operate as a hedge backed by physical gas supplies, involve a number of risks. including: gas production lhal is significantly less than the expected volumes, or no gas volumes; operaling costs that are higher than expected; changes in the consolidated tax position or tax laws lhat could affecl NW Natural's ability to take, or the timing of. certain tax benefits that impact lhe financial outcome of this transactioni inherenl risks of gas production, including disruption lo EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l9 of2l0 Table of Contents 18 operations or a complete shut-in ofthe lleld; and one or more participanls in one of these gas reserves arangements acting contrary to NW Natural's interesls. ln addilion, while the cost of lhe original gas reserves venture is currently included in customer rates and addilional wells under that anangement are recovered at specilic costs. the occurrence of one or more of lhese risks could affect NW Natural s ability lo recover lhjs hedge in aales. Furlher. new gas reserves arrangemenls have nol been approved for inclusion in rales, and regulators may ultimately determine to not include allor a portion offulure kansactions in rales The realizalion of any of the above mentioned situations could adversely impacl NW Holdings' or NW Natural s financial condilion, resulls of operations and cash flows. OPERATING RISK. frarspofting and stoing naturclgas involves nufiercus risks that fiay rcsult in accidenls and other operating tisks and costs, some or all ol which fiay not be fully covercd by insurance, and which coulc! adversely atlect NW Holdings or NW Natural's linancial condition. results ol operalions and cash flows. NW Holdings and NW Natural are subject to all ofthe risks and hazards inherent an lhe businesses of gas distribution and storage, and water dislributaon, including:. earthquakes, floods, storms, landslides and other severe weather incidents and natural hazards:. leaks, losses or contaminalaon of nalu ral gas by other chemica ls or compounds or by or of local water as a resull ofthe malfunction of equipment or facilities;. damages from lhird parties. including construction. farm and utilily equipment or other surface users:r operator erors;. hegative performance by our storage reservoirs. facilaties. orwells that could cause us lo fail to meet expecled or forecasled operational levels or conlraclual commilments to our customersl ' problems mainlaining, or the malfunction of, pipelines, wellbores and related equipment and facililies thal form a part ofthe infrastruclure that is criticallo the operation ofour gas distribution and storage facilities;. collapse of underground slorage caverns;. operating costs that are subslanlially hagher lhan expecled;. migration of nalural gas through faults in the rock or lo some area of the reservoirwhere existing wells cannol drain the gas effectively, resulling in loss ofthe gas;. blowouts (unconkolled escapes of gas from a pipeline or well) or other accidents, flres and explosions; and ' risks and hazards inherent in the drilling operalions associaled with the development of the gas storage facilities, and wells. These risks could .esull in personal injury or loss of human life, damage to and destruction of properly and equipment, pollution or other environmenlal damage, breaches of our conkactual commitments, and may resull in curlailment or suspension ofoperalions, which in lurn could lead to significanl costs and losl revenues Further, because our pipelane, slorage and distributaon facilities are in or near populaled areas, including residential areas, commercial business centers, and industrial siles, any loss of human life or adverse financial oulcomes resulting from such events could be signiticanl. Additionally, we may not be able lo maintain the level or types of insurance we desire. and lhe insurance coverage we do obtain may conlain large deductibles or lail to cover certain hazards or cover all polenljal losses. The occurrence of any operating risks not covered by insurance could adversely affect NW Holdings' or NW Natural s financial condilion, results of operations and cash llows. BUSI ESS COtlTlllUlTY RISK. NW Holdings and NW NatuQl may be adveEely impacted by localor national disasteB, pandemic illness, leftonst aclivities, cyber-aftacks ordata breaches, and otherextreme events to which we fiay not be able to prcmplly rcspond, which could adversely affecl NW Holdings'orNW Naturcls opoations orfinancial conditioo. Local or nalional d isasters, pandemic illness, terrorist activlties, cyber- attacks and data breaches. and olherexkeme events are a threat to our assets and operations. Companies in critical infrastructure induslries may face a heightened risk due to exposure lo acts of terrorism, including physical and security breaches ofour informalion technology infrastructure in the form of cyber-alta cks. These atlacks could target or impacl our technology or mechanical syslems thal operale our distribution, transmission or storage facilities and result in a disruption in our operations, damage to our system and inability to meet customer requiremenis. ln addition, the threat of lerrorist actlvities could lead to increased economic instability and volatility in lhe price of natural gas or other necessary commodities lhat could affecl our operalions. Threatened or actual national disaslers or terrorisl activities may also disrupt capilal or bank markets and our abilily lo raise capilal or obtain debt financing, or impact our suppliers or our cuslomers directly Local disasler or pandemic illness could result in part of our workforce being unable to operate or mainlain our infrastructure or perform other lasks necessary lo conducl our business A slowor inadequale response to evenls may have an adverse impacl on our operations and earnings We may not be able to maintain sufficient insurance lo cover all risks associated wath local and national disasters, pandemic illness, terrorist activities and other evenls. Additionally, large scale natural disasters or terrorist attacks could destabilize the insurance industry making insurance we do have unavailable, which could increase the risk that an evenl could adversely affect NW Holdings or NW Natural's operations or financial results. HOLDIIIG CONTPANY Dl.DEtlD RISK. As a hold,nq company, NW Holdings depend,on ilsoperating sr.rbs/dlaries. including NW Natu@1. to meet financial obligations ahd the ability of NW Holdings to pay dividends on itscofimon stock is dependent on the receipt ofdividends and other payments from its subsidiaries, including NW Natural. As a holding company, NW Holdings' only significant assets are the slock and membership interests of its operating subsidiaries, which al this time is primarily NW Natural. NW Holdings'direct and indirect subsrdiaries are separate and distinct legal enlitaes, managed by their own boards ofdireclors. and have no obligation to pay any amounts to their respeclive shareholders, whether through dividends, loans or other payments. The abilily of these companies to pay dividends or make other distribulions on their common stock is subjecl lo, among other lhingsl lheir resulls of operations, nel income, cash flows and financial condition. as well as the success of their business slrategies and EXI]IBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GI]M STATE WATER Page 20 of 2 )0 1S Table of Contents Table ol Conlents ln addition, the ability of NW Holdings' subsidiaries to pay upstream dividends and make other distributions is subject to applicable stale law and regulatory restnctions. Under the OPUC and WUTC regulalory approvals for the holdang company formalaon. if NW Natural ceases to comply wilh credit and capital slructure requirements approved by the OPUC and WUTC, it will not, with limiled exceptions, be permitled to pay dividends to NW Holdings. Under the OPUC and WIJTC orders authorizing the holding company reorganization, NW Natural may not pay dividends or make dislributions to NW Holdings if NW Natural's credil ralings and common equity levels fall below specified ratings and levels. lf NW Natural's long lerm secured credil ratings are below A- for S&P and A3 for Moody's, dividends may be issued so long as NW Nalural's common equity is 45% or above. lf NW Natural's long-lerm secured credjt ratings are below BBB for S&P and Baa2 for Moody s, dividends may be issued so lonq as NW Nalural's common equily is 46% or above. Dividends may not be issued if NW Natural's long-lerm secured credit ratings fall to 8B+ or below for S&P or Ba 1 or below for Moody's. or if NW Natural s common equity is below 44%. ln each case, with the common equity levelto be determined on a preceding or projected '13- monlh basis. EITPLOYEE BEI{EFIT RISK. The cost ol ptoviding pension and postrctircneot healthcare benelits is subject lo changes in pension assets and liabilities, changing employeo defiogaphics and changing actuarial assumptions, which fiay have an adverse effecl on NW Holdings'otNW Natunl s financial condition, resultsol ope@tions and cash fiows. Unlil NW Natural closed lhe pension plans to new hires, which for non- union employees was in 2006 and for union employees was in 2009, it provided pension plans and poslretirement healthcare benefits lo eligible full-time ulility employees and relirees. About half of NW Natural's cu.rent utillty employees were hired prior to these dates, and lherefore remain eligible for these plans. Othe. businesses we acquire may also have pension plans. The costs of NW Natural, or lhe olher applicable businesses we may acquire, for providing such benefits is subiect lo change in lhe market value ofthe pension assets. changes in employee demographics includang longer life expectancies, increases in healthcare costs, current and future legislative changes, and various acluarial calculations and assumptions. The acluarial assumptions used lo calculate our future pension and postretirement healthcare expeflses may differ materially from actual results due lo significant market fluctualions and changing withdrawal rates. wage rales, interest aates and olherfactors. These differences may result in an adverse impact on the amount of pension contribulions, pension expense or olher poslretirement benelil costs recorded in future periods. Sustained declines in equity markets and reductions in bond rales may have a malerial adverse effect on the value ofthe pension fund assets and liabililies. ln these circumstances. NW Naturai may be required to recognize increased contributions and pension expense earlier than il had planned to the extent that the value of pension assets is less than the lotal anticipaled liabilily under the plans, which could have a negative impact on NW Holdings' and NW Nalural's financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. woRxFORCE RISK. Nty Holdings and NW Naturals bus/resses are heavily dependeot on being able lo atthct ahd rctain qualilied ernployees ahd maintain a competitive cost sttucturc wilh markel-based salaies and employee benofits, and wotklotce disruptions could adversely aftect NW Holdings or NW Natural's operations and results. NW Holdings' and NW Natural's ability to implefient our business stralegy and serve our customers is dependent upon our conlinuing ability to attract and retain lalented professionals and a lechnically skilled workforce, and being able to transfer the knowledge and expertise of our workforce to new employees as our largely older workforce relires. We expect that a significant po.tion oI our workforce will retire within the cunent decade, which will require lhat we attract. train and retain skilled workers lo prevent loss of instilutional knowledge or skills gaps. Withoul an appropriately skalled workforce. our abilily to provide quality seNice and meet our regulatory requiremenls will be challenged and this could negatively impact NW Holding s and NW Natural's earnings. Addilionally, a majority of NW Naturalworkers are represented by the OPEIU Local N0.11 AFL-ClO, and are covered by a collective bargaining agreemenl thatextends to November 30,2019. Disputes with lhe union representing NW Natural employees over terms and conditions of their agreement, or failure to timely and effectively renegotiate the agreement, could result in instability in our labor relataonship and work stoppages that could impact the lamely delivery ofgas and other services trom our utility and storage facilities, which could straan relalionships wilh customers and stale regulalors and cause a loss of revenues. The collective bargaining agreemenls may also limil ourflexibility in dealing with NW Natural s workforce, and the ability to change work rules and practices and implement other efflciency-related improvements to succ€ssfully compete in today's challenging marketplace. which may negatively affect NW Holdings' and NW Natural's financial condition and results of operations. LEGISLATIVE, COMPLIA}ICE AT{D TAXING AUTHORITY RISK. A,/I4l Hoid,,gs and NW Natural are subject to governmental rogulation, and compliahce with local, stato and fede.al requirefienas, including taxing rcquircmenls, and unlorcseen changes in or interyrclationsol such rcquiernents could affect NW Holdings ot NW Natural sfinancial condition and resulls of operctions. NW Holdings and NW Nalural are subjecl to regulation by federal, state and local governmenlal aulhorities. We are required to comply with a variety of laws and regulations and to obtain aulhorizations, permats. approvals and certiflcales from governmental agencies in various aspecls of our business. Significant changes in federal, slate. or local governmenial leadership can accelerale or amplify changes in exisling laws or regulalions, orthe manner in which lhey are inlerpreted or enforced. For example, the cunent U.S presadential administration has made numerous leadership changes at federal administrative agencies since the 2016 U.S. presidential election. l\4oreover, the U.S. Congress and the U.S. presidenlial administration may EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 21 of 2)0 20 general economic and competitive conditionsi the prior righls of holders ofexisling and future debt securities and any future preferred stock issued by those companiesi and any applicable legal restrictions. Table ol Contenls make substantial changes to fiscal, lax, regulalion and other federal policies. The cunent U.S. presidential adminislration has called for and implemented significant changes to U.S. fiscal policies, U.S- trade, healthcare, immigration, foreign, and govemment regulalory policy. To lhe extent the U.S. Congress o. U.S. presidential administration implemenls changes to U.S policy, those changes may impact, among otherthings, the U.S. and Olobaleconomy. internationallrade and relations, unemployment, immigration, corporate taxes, healthcare, lhe U.S. regulatory environment, inflation and other areas. ln addition, foreign governments may implement changes to their policies, in response to changes lo U.S. policy or olherwise. Although we cannot predict the impact, afany, ofthese changes10 ourbusinesses, they could adversely affect NW Holdings'or NW Natural's financial condilion and resulls of operalions. Until we know what poliry changes are made and how those changes impact our businesses and the business of our compelitors over the long term. we will nol know if, overall, we will benefit from lhem or be negatively affected by them Though we cannot predicl changes in laws, regulalions. or enforcement, we expectlhere to continue lo be a number of significant changes. We cannot predict with cenainty the impact ofany future revisaons or changes in inlerpretalions of existing regulations or the adoplion of new laws and regulalions Additionally, any failure to comply with exisling or new laws and regulalions could result in fines, penalties or injunclive measures that could affect operaling assets. For example, under the Energy Poljcy Acl of 2005, lhe FERC has civil authority under the Natural Gas Act to impose penalties for current violalions of in excess of $1 million per day for each violation. ln addition, as the regulatory environmenl for our businesses increases an complexity, the risk of inadverlent noncompliance may also increase. Changes in regulations, the imposition of additional regulations, and lhe failure lo comply with laws and regulalrons could negatively influence NW Holdings or NW Natural's operating environment and results of operations. Addationally, changes in federal, state or local tax laws and their relaled regulations, or differing interprelalions or enforcement of applicable law by a federal, state or local taxing authority, could result in subslantial cost lo us and negatively affect our resulls ofoperalions. Tax law and its related regulalions and case law are inherently complex and dynamic. Disputes over interpretalions of lax laws may be settled with the taxing authority in examination, upon appeal or through litigation Our judgments may include reserves for potenlial adverse outcomes regarding tax positions thal have been taken that may be subject to challenge by taxing aulhorities. Changes in laws, regulalions or adverse judgmenls and lhe inherenl difficulty in quantifying potentialtar effects of business decisaons may negatively affect NW Holdings' or NW Natural s linancial condition and resulls of operations. ln this regard, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 20'17 was approved by the U.S. Congress on December 20, 2017 and sjgned into law by the U.S. Presidenl on December 22,2017. This legislation makes significant changes to lhe U.S. lntemal Revenue Code. Such changes include a reduction in the corporate tax rale from 35% to 21% and limitalions on cenain corporale deductions and credits, among other changes. Certain of lhese changes may negatively affect NW Holdings' and NW Natural's financial condition and results of operations. There is uncertainly as to how our regulators will reflect the impact of the legislation in rates. The resulting ratemaking lrealmenl may negatively affect NW Holdangs'or NW Natural s financial condition and resLrlts of operalions SAFETY REGULATIOT{ RISK. NW Holdings and NW Naturul rnay expetieoce iocreased federcl, state and local regulation ofthe salety ol our systemsand operations which could adversely atrecl NW Holdings ot NW Natural s operaling costs and financial rcsults. The safety and protection oI the public. our customers and our employees is and will remain our top prioraty. We are commatled to consaslently moniloring and maintaining our distribution syslems and storage operations lo ensure lhal naluralgas is acquired. stored and delivered safely, reliably and efficiently. Given recenl high-profile natural gas explosions, leaks and accidents in otherparts ofthe counlry involving both distribution syslems and storage facilities. we anticipate that the natu.al gas industry may be the subject of even greater federal, state and local regulatory oversaghl. For example, in 20'16, the Protecting our lnfrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety Act (PIPES Acl) was signed into law increasing regulations for natural gas storage pipelines and underground storage facilities. Similarly, in 2016, California passed legislalion directing the Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) to develop regulalions affecting gas slorage operations. DOGGR has issued regulations which require certain integrity testing and tubing forwells al the Gill Ranch Facility wilhin lhe next 7 years. We intend to work dilagently with industry associations and federal and slate regulators to seek lo ensure compliance walh lhese and other new laws. We expecl there to be increased costs associated with compliance, and those costs could be significant. lfthese costs are not recoverable in our customer rates, they could have a negalive lmpact on NW Holdings and NW Natural's operating costs and financial results. HErrclNG RISX- NWNalu@ls tisk managenlent policies and hedging activities cannot eliminate the risk of commodity pice movemenls and othetfinancial market isks, and its hedging activities rnay expose il to additional liabilities fot which rate rccovery fiay be disallowed, which could rcsult in an adveGe impact on NW Holdiogs and NW Naturcl's operating revenues. cosls, de.ivallve assets and liabilities and opelating cash flows. NW Natural's gas purchasing requirements expose it to risks of commodily price movements, while its use ofdebt and equity linancing exposes il to interesl rate. liquidity and otherlinancial market risks. NW Naturalattempls lo manage lhese exposures with bolh financial and physical hedging mechanisms, including its gas reserves lransactions which are hedges backed by physical gas supplies. \/vhile NW Natural has risk management procedures for hedging in place. they may not always work as planned and cannol entirely eliminate the risks associated with hedging. Additionally, NW Natural s hedging activities may cause it to 21 EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATF,R Page 22 of 210 incur addilional expenses to oblain lhe hedge. NW Natural does not hedge its enlare inleresl rate or commodity cosl exposure. and the unhedged exposure will vary overtime. Gains or losses experienced lhrough hedging activities, including carrying cosls, generally flow through NW Natural's PGA mechanism or aae recovered in future general rale cases However, the hedge transactions NW Natural enlers into for utilily purposes are subject to a prudence review by the OPUC and WUTC, and, if found imprudent, lhose expenses may be, and have been previously. disallowed, which could have an adverse effect on NW Holdings or NW Natural's financial condilion and results ofoperalions. ln addition, NW Natural's aclual business requirements and available resources may vary Irom forecasts, which are used as the basis for its hedging decisions, and could cause its exposure lo be more or less lhan anticipated. lvloreover, if NW Natural's derivative instrumenls and hedging lransactions do not quality for regulalory deferral and it does not elect hedge accounting treatment Lrnder U.S. GAAP, NW Holdings' or NW Nalural's resulls of operalions and financial condition could be adversely affecled. NW Natural also has credil-related exposure to derivative counterparties. Counterparties owing NW Natural or its subsidiaries money or physical nalural gas commodities could breach their obligations. Sho'rld the counterparlies to these arrangements fail to perform, NW Natural may be forced to enter into allemative arrangemenls to meel its normal business requirements. ln that event, NW Holdings or NW Natural's financialresults could be adversely affected. Additionally. under mosl of NW Natural s hedging arangements, any downgrade oI its senior unsecured long{erm debt credit rating could allow ats counterpartaes to require NW Natural to post cash. a letter of credat or other form of collaleral, which would expose NW Naturallo additional costs and may trigger signiflcant increases in bonowing from its credit facilities or equity contribution needs from NW Holdings, ifthe credit rating downgrade is below investment grade. Further, based on cunenl inlerpretations, NW Natural as nol considered a "swap dealer" or "major swap participanl" in 2019. so NW Natural is exempt from cerlain requirements under lhe Dodd-Frank Act. lf NW Natural is unable to claim this exemption, it could be subjecl to higher cosls for its derivatives activities, and such higher costs could have a negative impact on NW Holdings' and NW Natural's operating costs and financial results. INABILITY TO ACCESS CAPTTAL HARKET RISK. NW Holdings'ot NW Naturals inability to access capital, gt significant increases in the cost of capilal. could adv,rsely aflecl NW Holdings'orNW Natural's linancial condition and rcsults of operations NW Holdings' and NW Nalural's ability to oblain adequale and cost effective shorl-term and long-term financing depends on maintaining inveslment grade credit profiles as well as the existence of liquid and stable financial markets. NW Holdings relies on access to equity and bank markets to finance equity contributions lo subsidiaries and olher business requirements. NW Natural relies on access lo capilaland bank markets. including commercial paper and bond markels, to finance its operations, construction expenditures and other business requiremenls, and to refund maturing debt that cannot be funded entirely by internal cash flows. Disruptions in capitalmarkets could adversely affect our abilaty to access short-term and long-lerm financing. Our access lo runds under committed credit facilities, which are currenlly provided by a number of banks, is dependenton the abilily ofthe participaling banksto meet their funding commilmenls. Those banks may not be able to meet their funding commitments if lhey experience shortages of capital and liquidity. Disruptions in the bank or capital fanancing markets as a result of economic uncerlainty. changing or increased regulation ofthe financial sector, or failure of major financial inslitutions could adversely affuct NW Holdings'and NW Naturals access to capitaland negatively impact our ability to run our businesses and make stralegic investments. NW Natural is currenlly rated by S&P and Moody's and a negative change in ils credil ratings. particularly below investment grade could adversely affeci its cost of borrowing and access lo sources of liquidity and capital. Such a downgrade could further limit its access lo bo.rowing under available credil lines. Addilionally, downgrades in its current credit ralings below investment grade could cause add(ional delays in NW Natural's ability to access lhe capital markets while it seeks supplemental stale regulatory approval, which could hamper its ability to access credil markets on a timely basis. NW Holdings' credil profile is largely supported by NW Nalural's credit ratings and any negalive change in NW Naturals credil ratings would likely negatively impact NW Holdings access to sources of liquadily and capatal and cost of bonowing. A credit downgrade to NW Nalural, or resulling negative impact on NW Holdings, could also require additional support in the form of letlers of credit, cash or olher forms of collateral and otherwise adversely affect NW Holdings' or NW Natural's financial condition and results of operations. REPUTATIOIAL RISKS. Customers', legi slators', and regulators' opinions of NW Holdings and NW Natutal arc affected by rnany factors, including syslem reliability and safely, prctection of customet inlormalion. rates, media covercge, and public sentimenl. To the extent that custome6. legislators, ot rcgulators have ordevelop a negative opinion ofour b./s,resses, NW Holdings and NW Natural sfinaocial positions, results of oporations and cash flowscould be adversely affected. A number of faclors can affecl customer satisfaction including: service interrirptions or safety concerns due lo failures ofequipment or facilities or from other causes. and our abilaty to promptly respond to such failures; our ability to safeguard sensitive customer informalioni the timing and magnitude of rate increasest and volatilily of rates. Customers', legislators', and regulators' opinions of us can also be affected by media coverage. including the proliferation of social media, which may include information, whelher factual or nol, lhat damages our brand and repulation. lf customers, legislalors, or regulators have or develop a negalive opinion of us and our services, lhis could result in ancreased regulatory oversight and could affect the relurns on common equily we are allowed to earn. Additionally, 22 EXHTBIT 2 PAI-FREYMAN. DI GIIM STATE WATFR Page 23 of 2l 0 Tabe of Contents negative opinions about us could make it more difficult for us lo achieve favorable legislalive or regulalory oulcomes. Negative opinions could also result in sales volumes reduclions or increased use of other sources ofenergy. Any of these consequences could adversely affecl NW Holdings or NW Natural s financial position, results of operations and cash flows. RELIANCE ON TECHNOLOGY RISK. NW Holdings and NW Natumls effotls to integ@te, consolidate and streamline each of lheiroperalions has resulted in increased rcliance on technology, the failure or security brcach of which could adversely affect NW Holdings or NW Nalurcl s financial condition and re sulls of oparations. Over lhe last several years NW Holdangs and NW Natural have undertaken a variety of initiatives to integrate, standardize, centralize and streamlane operalions. These efforls have resulled in grealer reliance on technologicaltools such as, at NW Natural: an enterprise resource planning system, an automated dispalch syslem, an automaled meter reading system, a customer information system, a web-based ordering and lracking system. and other similar technological tools and initiatives. The failure olany of these or other similarly imporlant technologies. or our inabilily to have these technologies supported. updated. expanded or integrated into olher technologies, could adversely impact operations. We take precautions to protect our syslems, bul there is no guarantee lhal lhe procedures we have implemented to protect against unauthorized access to secured dala and systems are adequate to safeguard againsl all security breaches. Our businesses could experience breaches of security pertaining to sensilive customer, employee, and vendor information mainlained by us in lhe normal course of business, which could adversely affect our reputation, diminish customer confidence, disrupt operations, materially incaease lhe costs we incur to protect against these risks, and subject us to possible flnancial liability or increased regulalion or litigataon, any ofwhich could adversely affect NW Holdings' or NW Natural's financial condition and resulls of operations. Furthermore, we rely on information technology systems in the operalion ofour businesses. There are various risks associated with these systems, including hardware and software failure, communications failure, data distortion or destruclion, unauthorized access to data, misuse of proprielary or confidential data. unauthorized control through eleclronac means, programming mislakes and olher inadvertent errors or deliberate human acts. ln particular, clbersecurity attacks, data breaches, lerrorism or other malicious acls could damage, destroy or disrupt all oI our busjness syslems. Any lailure of information technology syslehs could resull in a loss of operalrng revenues. an increase in operating expenses and costs lo repair or replace damaged assels. As these potentialcyber security altacks become more common and sophisticated, we could be required to incur cosls to strengthen our systems or obtain specific insurance coverage against potential losses. REGULATORY ACCOUI{TING RISK. /n fl,e fulure NW Holdings or NW Naturcl may no longet meet the ctitetia forcontinued application of regulalory accounting practices for all ot a podion of our rcgulated operations. lf we can no longer apply regulatory accountang, we could be required lo wrile off our regulatory assets and precluded from the fulure deferral ol cosls not recovered through rates al the time such amounls are ancurred even if we are expected to recover these amounts Lom customers in lhe fulure. cAS PRICE RISK. Highe r naturcl gas commodity pdces and volatility in the price of gas may advdrsely affecl NW Natural s NGD bus/ness, whereas lowetgas price volatility may adversely affect NW Natutal6 and NW Holdings gas sloQge bos,r,ess, /, each case regatively allecting Nw Holdings and NW Nalural's rcsults of operalions and cash flows. The cost of natural gas is affected by a vaiety of factors, including weather, changes in demand, the level of production and availabilily of nalural gas supplies, transportation conslraints, availabilily and cosl of pipeline capacity, federal and slate energy and environmenlal regulation and legislation. natural disasters and other calastrophic evenls. national and worldwide economic and political conditions. and the price and availability of alternalive fuels. At NW Natural, the cosl we pay for nalural gas is generally passed through to customers through an annual PGA rate adjuslmenl. lf gas prices were to increase significantly, il would raise the cosl of energy to NW Natural's customers, potentially causing those cuslomers to conserve or swilch to altemale sources ofenergy. Significant price increases could also cause new home builders and commercial developers lo select alternalive energy so{rrces. Decreases in the volume of gas NW Natural sells could reduce NW Holdings or NW Nalural's earnings, and a decline in customers could slow growlh in future earnings. Additionally, because a portion (10% or 20ol") of any difference belween lhe estimated average PGA gas cost an rates and lhe actual average gas cost incurred is recognized as current income or expense, higher average gas costs than those assumed in selting rates can adversely affecl NW Holdings' and NW Natural's operating cash flows, liquidity and results of operations Additionally, notwilhstanding NW Natural's current rate structure, higher gas costs could result in increased pressure on the OPUC orthe WUTC lo seek other means to reduce NW Natural's rate$, which also could adversely affeci NW Holdings' and NW Natural's results of operalions and cash flows. Higher gas prices may also cause NW Natural to experience an increase in shorl{erm debl and lemporarily reduc€ liquidily because it pays suppliers for gas when it is purchased, which can be in advance ol when lhese cosls are recovered lhrough rates. Significanl increases an the price of gas can also slow collection efforts as customers experience ancreased difficulty in paying their higher energy balls. leading to higher than normal delinquent accounls receivable resulting in greater expense associated wilh collection eflorts and increased bad debt expense Conversely. storage businesses benefit from price volatility, which impacts the level ofdemand for services and the rates that can be charged for storage seNices. Largely due to the abundant supply of nalural gas made available by hydraulic fracturing techniques, natural Oas prices have dropped sioniflcanlly to levels lhat are near historac lows. lf prices and volatility remain low or decline further. then the 23 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 24 of 210 Table of Contents Table ol Contents demand for storage services. and lhe prices that we will be able to charge for lhose services, may decline or be depressed for a prolonged period of time. Prices below lhe costs to operate a slorage facility could result in a decision to shul-in all or a portion of the facility A sustained decline in these prices or a shut-in ofallora portion ofthe facility could have an adverse impacl on NW Holdings' or NW Natural's tinancial condition, results of operations and cash flows. IMPAIRMENT OF LOi{G-LtvED ASSETS OR GOODI/YILL RISK. lmpaimenls of the value ol long-lived assels ot goodwill could have a maleial effect on NW Holdings ot NW Natu@ls fioancial conditioo, ot rcsults ofopeQlions NW Holdings and NW Nalural review the carrying value of long-lived assets whenever events or changes in ctcumslances indicate lhe carrying amount ofthe assets might not be recoverable. The delermination of recoverability is based on the undiscounted nel cash llows expected lo result from the operation ofsuch assels. Projected cash flows depend on the future operating costs and projected revenues associated with the asset. ln 2017. NW Natural recognized a $192.5 million impairmenl of long-lived assets at the Gill Ranch Facility as of Dec€mber 31, 2017. We review our other long-lived assets to determine if an impairment analysis is necessary. We review the carrying value ofgoodwill annually orwhenever evenls or changes in circumstances indicate that such carrying value may not be recoverable. A goodwill impairment analysis begans with a qualitative analysis ofeventsand circumstances. lf the q ualitative assessment indicates that the carrying value may be al risk, we wall perform a quantilalive assessment and recognize a goodwill impairment for any amount in which lhe fair value of a reporlang unit exceeds ils fair value. Any impairment charge taken with respect to our longiived assets or goodwill could be material and could have a malerial effecl on NW Holdings or NW Natural's Iinancialcondition and results ofoperations. cUSTOITER GROWTH RtsK. NW Holdings and NW Naturcls NGD maryin, earnings and cash flow may be negatively alfected if we are unable to sustain customer grcwth rates in our NGD segmenL NW Natural's NGD margins and earnings growth have largely depended upon the sustained growth of its residential and commercial customer base due, in part, lo the new conslruclion housing markel, conversions of customers to natural gas from other energy sources and growing commercial use of natural gas. The last recession slowed new construction. While new home conslruclion has resumed and the multi- family composataon has been higher lhan ats pre-recession pace, overall construction has not returned lo the pre-recession pace, and there are prediclions ofan impending new recessionary cycle. lnsufrlcient growth in these markets, for economic, polilical or other reasons could adversely affect NW Holdings' or NW Natural's utality margin, earnings and cash flows. RISX OF COI{PEnTION. Oul/VGD brlsiness is s ubject to incredsed competition which could negatively affect NW Holdings ot NW Natural's resulls of o@Gtiong ln lhe residential and commercial markets. NW Nalural s NGD business competes primarily with suppliers of electricity, fuel oil, and propane. ln the induslrial market, NW Natural competes with suppliers of all forms of energy. Competition among these forms of energy is based on price. efficiency, reliabillty, performance. markel conditions, technology, environmental impacls and public perception. Technological amprovemenls in other energy sources such as heal pump$, batteries or other alternative technologies could erode NW Natural s compelilive advantage. lf nalural qas prices rise relative to olher energy sources. or if the cost. environmental impact or public perception ofsuch other energy sources improves relalive to naturalgas, it may negatively affect NW Natural s ability to attracl new customers or.elain our exisling residenlial, commercial and andustrial customers. which could have a negative impact on our cuslomer growlh rale and NW Holdings'and NW Natural's results of operations. Our natural gas slorage operations compete primarily with olher slorage facilities and pipelines. Natural gas storage is an increasingly compelative business, with lhe abillty to expand or build new slorage capacity in Califomia, the U S. Rocky Mounlains and elsewhere in the Uniled States and Canada. lncreased competrtion in the natural gas storage business could reduce the demand for our natural gas storage services- drive prices down for our storage business, and adversely affect our ability to renew or replace exisling conlaacts al rales sufficient to maintain currenl revenues and cash flows, which could adversely affect NW Holdings' and NW Natural's financial condilion, results of operalions and cash flows. RELIANCE ON THIRD PARTIES TO SUPPLY NATURAL GAS RISX, NW NaTOTal relies oo third pafties to supply the natuQl gasin its NGD segfienl. and limitalionson NW Natuals ability lo obtain supplies, orfailure to rcceive expected supplies for which it has cohttacted. coulcl have an adve.se impact on NW Holdings or NW Nalural's financial results NW Natural s ability to secure nalural gas for current and future sales depends upon ils ability lo purchase and receive delivery ofsupplies of natural gas from third parlies. NW Natural, and in some cases, its suppliers of natural gas, does not have conkol over the availabilily of natural gas supplies. competition for those supplies, disruptions in those supplies, priorily allocalions on transmission pipelines, or pricing of those supplies. Additionally, third parties on whom NW Natural relaes may fail to deliver gas for which it has contracted For example, on October9,2018, a 36-inch pipeline near P.ince George, British Columbia owned by Enbridge ruplured, disrupting naturalgas flows from Canada anlo Washanglon while the ruplured pipeline and an adjacent pipeline were assessed and the ruplured pipeline was repaired. Once repaired, pressurization levels for those pipelines were reduced for assessment and testing. lf NW Natural is unable or limited in its ability to oblain natural gas from ils currenl supplaers or new sources, il may nol be able to meel customers'gas requirements and would likely incur costs associaled with actions necessary lo miligale service disruptions. both of which could significantly and negalively impact NW Holdings and NW Natural s resulls of operations. 24 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 25 of2l0 Table of Conlents sll{GLE rRA'{SPoRTATIoN P|PELINE RISK. Nlry Naturul relieson a single pipeline company fot the transpottation of gas to its sevice terntory, a disruption ofwhich could adve$ely impact its ability to meet cuslome6 gas requienents, which could significantly and negatively impact NW Holdings'and NW Nalu,als results of opeations. NW Natural's distribulion system is directly connected lo a single interslate pipeline, which is owned and operated by Northwest Pipeline. The pipeline's gas flows are biiirectional, kansporting gas inlo the Portland metropolilan marketfrom two directions: (1) lhe north. which brinqs supplies from the Brilish Columbia and Alberla supply basinsi and (2) the easl, which brings supplies from the Alberla and lhe u.S. Rocky L4ountain supply basins. lfthere is a rupture or inadequate capacily in Ihe pipeline, NW Natural may not be able to meet its customers'gas requiaements and we would likely incur costs assocaaled with actions necessary to mitigale service disruplions, both of which could significanlly and negatively impact NW Holdings' and NW Nalural's resulls of operaiions. THIRo PARTY PlPELltlE RISK. NW Holdings'and NW Nalurals gas storcge businesses depend on thid+ady pipelines thal connect our storcge facilities lo ihleGtata pipelines, the failurc d unavailability ol which could adversely alfect NW Holdings or NW Natu,a/s financial condition, rcsults of opeations and cash tlows. Our gas storage facilities are reliant on the continued operation of a third-parly pipeline and other facilities that provide delivery oplions to and from our slorage facilities. Eecause we do not own all of these pipelines, thear operations are not within our control. lf the third-parly pipeline lo which we are connected were to become unavailable for current or future withdrawals or injeclions of natural gas due to repairs, damage to the infrastructure, lack of capacity or other reasons, our ability to operate efficienlly and salisfy our customers'needs could be compromised, thereby polenlially havinq an adverse impacl on NW Holdings' or NW Natural's llnancial condition, results of operations and cash flows WEATHER RISX. Warnet than avetage weathermay have a negative impact on ou revenues and results ol operations. We are exposed to wealher risk in our nalural gas business. primarily al NW Natural. A majority of NW Natural's gas volume is driven by gas sales to space healing residential and commercial cuslomers during the winter heating season. Currenl NW Natural rates are based on an assumption olaverage weather. Warmer lhan average weather lypically results in lowergas sales. Colder weather lypically results in higher gas sales. Although lhe etfects ofwarmer or colder wealher on utilily margin in Oregon are expected lo be mitigaled through the operation of NW Nalural's wealher normalization mechanism, weather variations kom normal could adversely affect utility margin because NW Natural may be required lo purchase more or less gas at spot rates, which may be higher or lower than the rales assumed in ils PGA. Also, a porlion of NW Nalural's Oregon residential and commercial cuslomers (usually less than 10%) have opted out ofthe weather normalization mechanism, and 11% of its customers are localed in Washinglon where it does nol have a weathea normalization mechanism. These effects could have an adverse effect on NW Holdings and NW Naturals financial condition, .esulls of operations and cash flows. CUSToITER coNsERvATfoN RlsK. Customers conseNalion effons may have a negative impact on NW Holdings' and NW Naturcls revenues. ITEM 18. UNRESOLVED STAFF COMMENTS We have no unresolved stafl comments. An increasing nationalfocus on energy conservalion, including improved building praclices and appliance efficiencies may result in increased energy conservation by cuslomers. This can decrease NW Nalural's sales of natural gas and adversely affect NW Holdings' or NW Natural's results of operalions because revenues are collected mostly through volumetric rates, based on the amount of gas sold. ln Oregon, NW Natural has a conseNalion tariffwhich is designed lo recover lost utility margin due to declines in residential and small commercial cuslomers' consumption. However, NW Natural does not have a consetuation tarilf in Washington that provides it this margin protection on sales to cuslomers in lhat state. Similar conservalaon risks exist lor water ulilities. Customers conservation efforts may have a negatave impact on NW Holding's and NW Natural's financial condilion, revenues and results of operalions. l{Ew WATER SECTOR BUSIi{ESS. NW Hold/r,qs hasenlercd lhe watet sectorthrough the acquisition of a numberof watercofipanies. Water buslresses are sub./ect to a numberol i6ks in addtion lo lhe dsks described above. conlamination ofwaler supplies. including water provided to customers; inlerruptions an water supplies and droughts; conservation efforts by cuslomers; regulalory requirements; and weather conditions Significant losses, liabilities or impairments arising from these businesses may adversely affect NW Holdings' financaal position or results of operations. 25 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 26 of2l0 Risks Related Primarily to NW Holdinqs' Water Sector Businesses Allhough the water businesses are not currenlly expecled to materially conlribute to lhe results ofoperations of NW Holdings, these busanesses are subject to risks. in addition to lhose described above thal could adversely affect lheir resulls of operations, includingl Table ofConlenls ITEM 2, PROPERTIES NW Natural's Natural Gas Distribution Properties NW Nalural's natural gas pipeline system consists of approximately 20,000 miles ofdistribution and lransmission mains located in its service lerrilory in Oregon and Washinglon. ln addition, the pipeline system includes servlce pipelines, melers and regulators, and gas regulaling and metering stations. Natural gas pipeline mains are located in municipal streels or alleys pursuanl lo franchise or occupalion ordinances in county roads or stale highways pursuant to agreements or permils granled pursuant to statule, or on lands of others pursuant lo easements oblained from the owners of such lands. NW Nalural also holds permils for lhe crossing of numerous navigable v/aterways and Smaller tributaries throughoul our entire service territory. NW Natural owns service building facililies in Portland, Oregon, as well as various salellite service centers, garages, warehouses, and other buildings necessary and usefulin the conducl ofils business. Resource cenlers are maintained on owned or leased premises al convenient points in the dislribution system to provide seNice wilhin NW Nalural's service territory. NW Natural also owns LNG storage facilities in Po and and near Newport, Oregon. NW Natural also leases office space in Portland for ils corporate headquarters. which expires on May 31, 2020. ln anticipation of the expiralion ofthe current lease, NW Naturalexeculed an exlensive search and evaluation process lhal focused on seismic preparedness, safely, reliabilily, the least cost to our customers, and a conlinued commitment to ouremployees and lhe communilies we serve. ln October 2017, NW Natural entered into a 20-year ope.ating lease agreement for a new headquarters in Portland. Payments under the new lease are expected lo commence in 2020. NW Natural's Mortgage and Deed ofTrust (Morlgage) is a first mortgage lien on subslantially all ofthe property constitutang our naluralgas distribution plant balances. NW N?tural's Natural Gas Storaqe Properties NW Natural holds leases and other property interesls in approximately 12,000 net acres of underground nalural gas storage in Oregon and easements and other property interesls related to pipelines associated with these facililies. NW Natural owns righls lo depleled gas reservoirs near Mist. Oregon that are continuinq lo be developed and operated as underground gas storage facilities. NW Natural also holds all fulure storage rights in cerlain other areas of lhe l\,4isl gas lleld in Oregon in addition to olher leases and property anlerests. A porlion of these properties are used in lhe NGD segment NWN Water's Distribution Properties We own and maintain waler pipelines and hold related leases and other property inleresls in Oregon, Washington, and ldaho, associated wilh waler distribution entities that were acquired during 2018. Pipelines are located in municipal streets or alleys pursuanl lo franchise or occupation ordinances, in counly roads or slate highways pursuanl lo agreements or permils granled pursuant lo statute, or on landS of others pursuant to easements obtaaned from the owners of such lands. These properties are used by entities that are aggregated and reporled as olher under NW Holdings. We consider all of our properties currently used in our operalions, both owned and leased. lo be well maintained, in good operaling condilion, and along wilh planned additions. adequate for our presenl and foreseeable future needs ITEIVl 3, LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Olherthan the proceedangs disclosed in Nole 17, we have only nonmalerial liligation in lhe o.dinary course of business. Not applicable EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI CEM S'IATE WATER Page 27 of 2l 0 26 These properlies are used in lhe NGD segment. IIEM 4. MINE SAFETY DISCLOSURES Table of Conlents PART II ITEM 5, MARKET FOR REGISTRANT'S COMMON EQUITY, RETATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS AND ISSUER PURCHASES OF EOUIry SECURITIES TotalNumber ol Shares Purchased" Average Pnce Paid per Share Maximum Oolar Value of Shares thal May Yet Be Purchased lJnder lhe Plans or Programs'' NW Holdings' common slock is listed and trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NWN. There is no established public trading market for NW Nalural's common slock. As of February 22, 2019, there were 4,950 holders of record of NW Holdings' common stock and NW Holdings was the sole holder of NW Nalural's common slock. The following table provides information about purchases of NW Holdings'equily securitieslhat are registered pursuant to Section 12 ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934 du.ing lhe quarler ended December 31, 2018: lssuer Purchases of Equity Securities Total Number of Shares Purct ased as Part of Publicly An nou nced Plans or Programsi Balance foMard 10t01t1&1ot31t1a 't1t01/1a-11t30tla 12lO1t1&12131t1A Tobl 2,124,524 S 16.732 648 S 1.147 2.124.52A $16,732,648 27 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 28 of2l0 69 02 1147 Oufing lhe quarter ended December 31, 2018, no shares of NW Holdings common slock were puachased on the open markel lo meel the requi€menls of our Dividend Reinvestmenl and Oirect Stoc* Purchase Plan However, 1 , 1 47 shares ol NW Holdings common stock were purchased on the op€n markel to meel lhe requrrements of shere-based compensaton programs. Ounng the quaner ended Oecember 31. 2018. no shares of NW Holdings common stock were accepted as payment for stock optron erercises pursuanl to the NW Natural Restated Stock Opion Plan During the quarler ended December 31, 2018. no shares of NW Holdings common stock were repurchased pursuani to the Boad-Approved share repurchase program ln October 2018, we received NWHoldings Board Approvalto exlend lhe repurchase program through May2019 For more rnformalon on lhisprcgram, see Note 5. Table of Contenls ITEM 6. SELECIED FINANCIAL DATA NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA For the year ended Oecember 31 ]n thalends except pet share data 2014 2017 2416 2015 2414 Operating revenues Eamings from continuing operatons Loss from d sconlinued operatrons, net oftax Nel income (loss) s 755,038 $ 72,O73 (127.6S6) (55.623) 668 173 6 62.419 (3,524) 58.895 717 888 S 60,026 15 323) 53.703 747,251 o,314) 58 692 Eamings frcm continuing operations per share ofcommon stock: Easrc Diluled Loss from discontinued operalions per share ofcommon stock Basic Diluted Earnings (Loss) per share ofcommon stock: Basic Diluled Dividends paid per share of cornmon slock 234 $2.51 2.51 $226 s 2.19 2.19 s 243 242 s (0 10) I (0.09) (4.45) $ 14 44) (0.13) $ (0.13) (0.23) $ (0.23) (0 271 (0.26) $224 224 189 s (1.94) $ (1.83) 188 2.'t3 2.12 187 s 1.96 1S6 186 s 2_16 216 165 Total assels. end of penod Totalequity Longtem debl" 3,242,62 782,AU 706,217 s 3,069,410 7@,972 569..t45 S 3.056,326 707,321 593,095 Excludes $20 million of long-term debl in 2014 associated with our discontinued operalrons NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA For the year ended December 31 ln thousands, except pet sharc.lata 2018 2417 2016 2015 20'14 Operating revenues Eamings from @nlinurng operations Loss lrom discontinued operations, nel oftax Net income (loss) s 755,038 $ 71,720 (127,343) (s5,623) 667,949 $ 62,835 $ (3,940) | 58,895 $ 717,664 S 60,511 S (6,808) $ 53,703 $ 747,O2 66,50 (7,81 58,69 Tolal assets, end of penod Totalequily Long-tem debt"' s 3,192,736 715,668 704,1U s 3 0{3,676 S 742,776 $ 683,184 $ 3,08't,470 S 850,497 S 67S,334 $ 3,072,100 7fi,972 569 445 s s $ EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 29 of 210 28 706,1,t3 $ 67,311 (2,742) 64 569 5 3,039.746 $ 712,774 483.'r84 3,079,801 $ 850,,t97 679.334 705,571 $ 68,049 11,723) 66,326 3 063,71 767,32 593,09 Excludes $20 million of long{erm debl in 2014 assocrated wth Gill Ranch discontnued operations ITEM 7, MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS On October 1, 2018, we completed a reorganization into a holding company struclure. We believe thal our holding company slructure is an agile and efficient platform from which lo pursue, tinance. and oversee new opportunilies, such as in lhe water sector. while also providing legal separalion between regulated natural gas diskibulion operalions and other businesses. ln this reorganization, shareholders of NW Nalural (the predecessor publicly held parent cornpany) became shareholders of NW Holdings, on a one-for-one basis, with lhe same number of shares and same ownership percentage as lhey held in NW Natural immediately prior to the reorganizalion. NW Natural became a wholly- owned subsidiary of NW Holdings. Additionally. certain subsidia.ies of NW Naluralwere lransferred to NW Holdings. As required under accounting guidance, these subsidiaries are presented as disconlinued operations in the consoladated results of NW Natural within this report. NW Natural's natural gas distrjbution activitaes are reported in the nalural gas distribution (NGD) segment, formerly titled and reported as lhe utility segmenl. AII other business activities, including certain gas storage aclivalies, water businesses, and other investmenls and activities are aggregated and reported as olher at their respective registrant. References in this discussion to "Noles" are lo lhe Notes to the Consolidaled Financial Statements in ltem 8 ofthis report. ln addilion, NW Holdings has reported discontinued operalions results related to lhe pending sale of Gill Ranch Storage. LLC (Gill Ranch). NW Natural Gas Storage. LLC (NWN Gas Storage), cunenlly an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings, entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreemenl during the second quarter of2018lhat provides for the sale of all membership interests in Gill Ranch. Gill Ranch owns a 75% inlerest in the natural gas slorage facility located near Fresno, Califomia known as the Gill Ranch Gas Storage Facility. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) owns the remaining 25% interest in the Gill Ranch Gas Sto.age Facility. For more information, see "Resulls of Operations - Ponding Sale ol Gill Rarch Sto.age" below. The following is management's assessment of NW Holdings' and NW Natural's financial condiiion, including the principalfactors that affecl results of operataons. The discussion covers the years ended December 31,2018.2017 , and 2016 and refers to the consolidated resulls of NW Holdings, the subslantial majority of which consist of the operaling results of NW Natural. Vvhen significanl activity exists at NW Holdings lhat does not exist at NW Natural, additional disclosure has been p.ovided. NW Holdings'direcl and indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries include Northwest Natural Gas Company (NW Nalural);. Northwesl Energy Corporation (Energy Corp);, NWN Gas Reserves LLC (NWN Gas Reserves); NW Natural Energy, LLC (NWN Energy);. NW Natural Gas Storage. LLC (NWN Gas Storage);. Gill Ranch Storage, LLC (Gill Ranch), which is presented as a disconlinued operation; NNG Financial Corporalion (NNG Financial);. KB Pipeline Company (KB); NW NaturalWater Company, LLC (NWN Water)i. Falls Water Co., lnc. (Falls Waler)i " Salmon Valley Water Company;. Cascadia Water, LLC (Cascadia);. NW Natural Water of Oregon, LLC (NWN Water oI Oregon);. NW NaturalWaler ofWashington, LLC (NWN Water of Washington)i. NW Natural Waler of ldaho, LLC (NWN Water of ldaho); and. Gem State Water Company, LLC (Gem State) The NGD segment includes our NW Nalural localgas dislributaon business, NWN Gas Reserves. which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy Corp, and the NGD-portion of NW Natural's Mist storage facility in Oregon. Olher activities aggregated and reported as other at NW Natural include the non-NGD storage activity at Mist as well as asset manaqement seNices and the appliance retail center operations. Other activities aggregaled and reported as other at NW Holdings include NWN Energy's equily investment in TrailWest Holding, LLC (TwH), which is pursuing the developmenl of a proposed natural gas pipeline through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Trail West Pipeline. LLC (TWP); NNG Financial's investment in Kelso-Beaver Pipeline (KB Pipeline); and NWN Water, which owns and conlinues to pursue inveslments an the water sector. See Nole 4 for further discussion of our busaness segmenl and other, as well as our dired and indirect wholly-owned subsidiarjes. tloN-GAAP Ftt{AllclAL MEASURES. ln addition to presenting the results of operalions and earnings amounts in total, cealain financial measures are expressed in cents per share or exclude the effects of certain ilems, which are non-GAAP financial measures. We presenl nel income or loss and earnings or loss per share adjusted for certain items along with the U.S. GAAP measures to illustrate their magnitude on ongoing business and operational results. Although the excluded amounts are properly included in the determination of net income or loss and earnings or loss per share under U.S. GAAP, we believe the amount and nalure oflhese ilems make period to period compa.isons of operations difficult or potentially confusing. We use such non-GAAP financial measures lo analyze our financial performance because we believe they provide useful informalaon to our investors and credilors in evaluating our financial condition and results of operalions. Our non4AAP financial measures should not be considered a subslatute for, or superior lo, measures calculated in accordance wath U.S. GAAP. Reconciliations of the non-GAAP financial 29 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 30 of2l0 NW Holdings is a holding company headquartered in Portland, Oregon and owns NW Natural, NWN Wale,, and other businesses and activities NW Natural is NW Holdings largest subsidiary. Table of Conlents measures to their closesl lJ.S. GAAP measure used in subsequent seclions of ltem 7 are provided below. 2014 2017 ln millions, except per sharcdala Amount Per Share Amount Per Share AmoLrnt Per Share Net rncome from contrnuing operations Adjuslments Regulatory envrronmenlal drsallowance Tax efiec1s o12017 TCJA remeasurement: Tax effects of non-GAAP adlustmenl AdJUsled net income from conlinuing operalions s 673 I 721 $251 $624 $ 33 o12 (3.4)(0.12) (1.3)(0 05) s 67.3 $2.33 $687 $2.39 $64.4 $ NGD segmenl net incomefrom conlinuing operatons Regulatory environmential disallowance'1' Tax eftecls of 20 1 7 TCJA remeasuremenl: Tax efects of non-GAAP adjustmenl Adjusted NGD segmenl net income lrom conlrnuing operations s 575 $1.99 $605 $2.10 S 545 $196 o.12 003 (0.05) s 575 S 1.99 $61 5 $213 $566 S 203 6 98 $0.34 $116 $0 4'1 $79 $o29 (4 4)(0 ls) $9.S $ 034 $7.2 $ 0m $79 $429 NW NATURAL NON.GAAP RECONCILIATIONS 2018 20'17 2016 Nel ancome from continuing operalions Adjustm€nt8: Regulato.y enviEnmental disallowance"' Tax ereds of 2ot 7 TCJA rcmeasuEmenlo Tax effecls of non-GAAP adjustmenl Adjusted net incorne from continuing opolalions s 680 $628 3.3 (3.0) (1.3 $68.7 $ NGD segmenl net income from contnuing operations Adjustmenls: Regulatory envhonmental disallowance"i Tax effecls ol2017 TCJA remeasuremenl:r Tax effects of non-GAAP adjustment Adjusted NGD segmenl net rncome from conlrnurng operatDns s 57.5 $605 S 546 33 10 (1.3 $575 $61.5 $5€6 Other net mcome from contrnuing operalions Adjuslments: Tax effects of 2017 TCJA remeasurernenl:l Adlusted other net in@me from conlinuing operations $10 6 $11.2 $ (4 0) s 10.6 S 72 $ operations and maintenance expense. The tax effect of the adjustment is calculated using the combined federaland state staiutory rate rn effect at lhe tme dldlgqp I I z NW Holdings'EPS amounts forthe 2016 edjuslment are calculated using diluted shares of 27.8 million, as shown on the NW HodinSs ConsolidateFllfll?RlMy{AN, DIComprehensive lncome.o Non-cash TCJA benefit (expense) assooaled wilh conlinuing operations of $3.4 million was recorded in income tax expense (benef it) in the foGEDdGi&p?DE ry ,TER resull olthe federaltax rate cianging from 35% to 21% efieclive December 22,2017 the ma)onty ol this benefit was recorded at NW Natural NW Holdilgs EPq. ^^.^amounls arc calollated using diluted shares of 28 8 million as shdvn on the NW Holdings Consolidated Statements ol Comprchensive lncorne The TCJA tftlqglil lS I I U NGD segrnent and other nEy not cofielate exaclly to the consolidaled amount due to rounding. See Note '10 for addilional information on the TCJA. NY{ HOLDINGS NON-GAAP RECONCILIATIOI{S 2016 Other nel inmme from coninuing operatons Adjustmenls: Tax effects of 2017 TCJA remeasuremenll Adjusled olher net income from continuing operalions T,O 33 (1.3) 71_7 $ 68.0 $ 30 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 32 of2l0 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We manage our business and strategic iniliatives with a long{erm view of providing service safely and reliably to our customers, working with regulators on key policy initiatives, and remaining focused on growing our businesses. See "2019 Outlook" below lor more information. Highlights for the year includel. added over 12,500 naturalgas customers in 2018 for an annual growth rate ol 1 .7% at De ce m ber 3 1 , 201 8:. invesled $215 million in NGO distribution systems and facilities for growth and reliability:. completed key components of the North N,4ist Gas Sto.age Expansion Project and continue to largel an in-service date during the spring of2019; NW Natural ranked first in the West in lhe 2018 J.D. Power Gas Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study and Gas Utility Business Customer Satisfactaon Studyi completed key aspects of NW Natural's Oregon general rate case and filed for a general rate increase in Washington forthe first lime in a decade; completed four water distribulaon acquisitions wilh several more pending. the largest ofwhich is a water and wastewater business in Sunriver, Oregon. Once pending transaclions close, our water business is expecled to serve 18,000 conneclions;and delivered increasing dividends for the 63'd consecutive yearlo shareholders. 2018 2417 2016 ln millions, except per sharc data Amounl Per Share Amount Per Share Nel income from continuing operatrons Lo99 from discontinued operations, net of lax Consolidated net incom€ (los6) Adjusted net income fmm continuinO operataonsril Natural gas dislribution margin s 67.3 $ (2.7) 2.33 $ (0.00) 72.1 $ 1127.7) 2.51 $ 14.44) 62.4 $ (3.5) 225 (0 13) s $ 64.6 $ 67.3 $ 383.7 2.24 $ $ $ (1.s3)$ $ $ 58.9 $ 84.4 S Key linancial highlights for NW Natural include: 2014 2417 ln millions, except per sharcdata Net income from continuing operallons Loss hom discontinued operations. net of lax 680 6 (1.7) 717 $ \'127 3) 624 (3 e) Consoldated net rncome (toss) s 66 3 $ (55 6) $ Adjusted nel income lrom mntinuing operations'r' S 68 O $ 68.7 $ 'lrSee the Non-GAAP Recoociliatons table al the beginning of llem 7 lor a recDncjliatron of this non-GAAP flnancial measure to its closest L, S GAAP measure 58.9 648 2018 COMPAREO TO 2017. NW Holdings' and NW Natural's net income from conlinuing operations were $67.3 million and S68-0 million. respectively. in 2018 compared lo $72. 1 million and $71.7 million, respectively, in 20'17. The decrease was primarily due to the benefit associated with the TCJA deferred income tax remeasurement in 2017 Excluding the benefit in 2017 assocaated with the TCJA remeasurement, NW Holdings adjusted nel income from continuing operalions decreased $1.4 million. See the Non-GAAP reconciliations at the beginning of ltem 7 for additional information. The desease was primarily due to the following factors, all ofwhich were driven by activity al NW Natural:. an $8.9 million decrease in NGD segment margin primarily due to the defenalofexcess revenue associated with the federal income tax rale decrease as a result ofthe TCJA:. a $4.3 million increase in operations and maintenance expense driven by general payroll and benefits Key llnaocial highlights for NW Holdings include: Amounl Per Share (55.6) $ 68.7 $ 3S2 6 increases as wellas increases in proressionalservices and conlract labor: a 94. 1 mallion increase in depreciation and amortization primarily due to additlonal capital expenditures; and a $3.3 million decrease in other income (expense), nel primarily due lo an increase in pension and postrelirement benefit expense, partially offsel by an increase in the equity portion ofAFUDC; partially offset by a $20.2 million decrease in income lax expense due lo the decrease in the federal income tax rale as a result ofthe TCJA and lower pretar earnings. 2017 CO PAREO TO 2016. NW Holdings' and NW Nalural's nel ancome from conlanuing ope.ations were $72.1 million and $71.7 million, respectively, in 2017 compared to $62.4 million and $62.8 millaon, respeclively, in 2016. The increase included a $3.4 million benefit due to the deferred income tax balance remeasurement associated with the TCJA in 2017 and a $3.3 million pre-tax regulatory environmental disallowance in 2016. EXHIBIT 2 31 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 33 of2l0 s Tabe of Contenls Excluding the impacl of these items, NW Holdings adjusted net income from continuing operalions increased $4.3 million Seethe Non-GAAP reconciliations at the beginning oI ltem 7 for additional informalion. The increase was primarily due lo the following faclors, allofwhich were driven by activity at NW Natural:. a $16.0 million increase in NGD segment margin primarily due to customer growlh and effects of colder lhan average weather in 2017 compared lo warmer lhan average weather in 2016; and. a $6.9 million increase in other income (expense), net primarily due an increase in the equity portion ofAFUDC; partially offset by. a $15.7 million increase in operataons and mainlenance expense driven by higher NGD segmenl payroll and benefils increases, as well as increased NGD segment safety equipment upqrade costsi and ' a $1.0 million decrease in revenues from asset management agreemenls for Misl storage and transportation capacity. 32 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATIIR Page 34 of2l0 Table ol Contents Our 20'l g goals leverage our resources and history of innovation to continue meeting the evolving needs of cuslomers, regulators, and shareholders Our near-term outlook is centered on the following long{erm slrategic objectivesl Oellvering Our Products Grow Our Businesses Ensure Safe and Reliable Service Provide a Supedor Cuslomer Experience Ad,/ance CorEtruclile Legislati\e Policieg and Regulation Enable NW Natural Growlh Lead in a Lo*Cerbon Fulure lntegrale and Grow our Water Businesses SAFETY AI{D RELlABlLlry. Delivering our products safely and reliably lo custome.s is our flrst priority. During 20'19, NW Naluralwill maintain its vigilanl focus on safety and emergency response lhrough hands-on scenario-based training for employees. third-parly conkactors, and local authorities. To ensure the reliabilily, resiliency, and safely of NW Natural's infraskuclure. we intend to continue to invest in the mainlenance and necessary upgrades ofour pipelane syslem, including completing projects to replace end-of-life equipment at our Mist storage facility, renovating several resource centers, and supporling g.owlh and reliability in Oregon and southwesl Washington. Safety also includes NW Holdings'and NW Natural's vigilance in maintaining and seeking lo slrenglhen rybersecurity defenses and preparing for large-scale emergency evenls, such as seismic hazards. SUPERIOR CUSTOIIER EXPER|E tCE. NW Naturalhas a legacy ofproviding excellenl customer service and a long-standing dedication lo continuous improvement, which has resulted in consistently high rankings in the J.D. Powerand Associates customer satisfaction studies. ln 20'l9, r.i€ will strive to enhance our cuslomers' experience to meet their evolving expeclations by priorilizing improvements lo technology and anternal processes which supports our customers' lrequent interactions and highest value louchpoints. POIICIES AXO REGULATIOI{. We remain committed to working construclively with policfmakers and regulalors to provide the besl outcomes for bolh our cuslomers and stakeholders. At NW Natural. we are working closely with the Oregon commission and other stakeholders on severat significant items. including the besl way to relurn benefits from the TCJA to NW Natural cuslomers and complele ils Oregon general rate case, which we filed in Dec€mber2017- With regard to Washington regulation, NW Naturalliled a general rate case with Washinglon in Dec€mber 2018 and will seek to work productively with parties in an effort to conclude that case in 20'19. NW Natural will continue working with the EPA and olher stakeholders on an environmentally proteclive and cost effective clean-up for the Po.lland Harbor Superfund Sile. Finally, we are engaged in policy discussions both in Oregon and Washington at the state and community level to build support for a conslructive role lor nalural gas in a low-carbon fulure. i,lw I{ATURAL GRO}YTH. Natural gas is lhe preferred energy choice in NW Natural's service lenitory given its efficient. affordable. and reliable qualities. We are focused on leve.aging lhese key attributes to capitalize on our rcgion's strong economic growth. We conlinue lo grow our markel share in the single-family resadential sector and capture new commercial customers as well as multifamily or mixed-use developments. ln addition, one of the largest and most innovative capital projects in the history of NW Natural. the North Mist Gas Storage Expansaon, is expecled to be completed and begin supporting the integration of renewables into the electric grid in 20'19. We wall contanue to look for opportunities to serve and grow with our communities. LOW€ARSON PATHWAY. We are deeply commilted lo a clean energy future. lt's why NW Natural launched a low-carbon initiative to reduce emissions in the cuslomers and communilies NW Natural serves by leveraging modern pipeline systems in newways. working closely with customers. policymakers and regulators, and embracing cutting-edge lechnology. NW Natural partnered with the City of Portland to bring renewable nalural gas (RNG) onto its system. We expecl the entire project to be operational in 2019 with several other RNG proiects undelway for completion this year or in 2020. To further understand the role of nalural gas in a low-carbon Iuture, NW Nalural engaged a premier environmenlal consultant to complete a deep decarbonization study. The study outlines how natural gas can help achieve crucialemassion reductions of 80% by 2050. We will continue helping our customers reduce and offsel their consumplaon as we support the development of renewable nat!ralgas supply and explore othercutting edge solutions to lower the carbon inlensily of nalural gas, such as power lo gas. IIITEGRATE AXD GROW WATER. NWWater began its expansion into the waler bu$iness more than a year ago with a focus on water seclor anvestments thal fit ou. conseNative risk prolile and core competencies. ln 2019 we plan to close our largest acquisition lo date in Sunriver, Oregon that serves approximately 9,400 water and wastewater connections. Once all outstanding transactions are closed. NWWater will se.ve 18,000 connections and have invested nearly $70 million in the waler sector. 33 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 35 of210 2019 oU|LOOK Table of Conlents DIVIDENDS NW Holdings dividend highlights include Pet cannhoa sharc 2014 2417 2416 Dividends paid $ 18925 $ 'r.882s $ 18725 ln January 20'i 9. lhe NW Holdings' Board of Directors declared a quarlerly dividend on NW Holdings common stock of $0.4750 per share, payable on February 15, 2019, to shareholders of record on January 3'l, 2019, reflecting an indicated annual dividend rate of $1 90 per share. See "Financial Condition - Liquidity and Capilal Resources" for more information regarding the NW Holdings and NW Naturaldividend policies and regulatory conditions on NW Natural dividends to its parent, NW Holdangs. 34 EXHIBIT 2 PALF'RF]YMAN. DI GLM STATI WATER Page 36 of210 RESULTS OF OPERAI'O'VS Regulation and Rates I{ATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTIOi{. NW Natural's natural gas dislribulaon business is subject to regulation by lhe OPUC and WUTC with respect lo, among other matters. rales and lerms ol service, syslems of accounls. and issuances ofsecurilies by NW Nalural. ln 20'18 approxamately 89% of NGD customers were located in Oregon, with the remaining 11% in Washington. Earnings and cash flows from natural gas distribution operataons are largely determined by rates set in general rate cases and other proceedings in Oregon and Washington. They are also affected by wealher, lhe localeconomies in Oregon and Washington, the pace of customer growth in the residential, commercial, and industrial markets, and NW Natural's abalaty to remain price compelitive, conkolexpenses, and obtain reasonable and timely regulatory recovery of its natural gas distribulion-related cosls, including operatang expenses and investment costs in plant and other regulatory assets. See "Mosf Rece/,tGereral Rato Cases"below. MIST INTERSTATE GAS STORAGE. NW Natural's inierstate storage aciivity at l\rist is subject to regulalion by the OPUC. WUTC, and FERC with respect to, among other malters, rales and terms of service. The OPUC also regulaies the antrastale storage services at Mist. while FERC regulates the interstate storage services at Misl. The FERC uses a maximum cost of service model which allows for gas storage prices lo be set at or below the cost of service as approved by each agency in their last regulatory filing. The OPUC Schedule 80 rates are lied to lhe FERC rates, and are updated whenever NW Natural modifies FERC maximum rates. oTHER. ln June 20'18, NWN Gas Storage entered inlo a Purchase and Sale Agreement forthe sale ofallofits ownership inleresls in Gill Ranch, a nalu.al gas slorage facility localed near Fresno, California, which is subject to approval by the CPUC and other customary closing condilions. See Note 18 for more information. Most Recent General Rate Cases OREGOT{, Effeclive November 1, 20,l2, through October 31. 2018. the OPUC authorized rates to cuslomers based on an ROE of 9.5%, an overall rate of relurn of 7.78%, and a capital structure of 50% comrnon eq'raty and 50% long{erm debt. Effective November 1. 2018. the OPUC authorized rales to customers based on an ROE of 9.4%. an overall rate of reiurn of 7.3'17%, and a capilal structure of 50% common equity and 50o/o long-lerm debt. For additional information, see "Regulatory Prcceeding Updates" below. On December 31, 2018, NW Natural filed a general rate case in Washinglon requesling an ROE of 10.3olo, an overall rate ol return of 7.63%, and a capital structure of49.5% common equity,49.5olo long-term debt, and 1% shorl-le.m debt- For addilional informalion, see " Regulatory Prcceeding Updates" below. FERC. NW Natural is required under its Mist interslate storage ce.tificale aulhority and rate approval orders to file every fve years either a petition Ior rate approvalor a cost and revenue study lo change orjuslify maintaining the existing rates lor its interstale storage services. ln January 2018. various state parties filed a request with the FERC to adjust the revenue requirements ofpublic utllities lo reflect the recenl reduction in the federal corporale income tax rate and otherimpacls resulling from the TCJA. ln July 2018. the FERC issued an order finalizing its regulalions regarding the effect ofthe TCJA. The new regulations required NW Natural to flle a petition for.ale approval o, a cost and revenue study to reflecl the newfederal corporate income lax rate within lhirty days ofthe rale effective dale of NW Natural's Oregon rate case. On October 12, 20'18. NW Natural fled a rate petition with FERC for revised maximum cost-based rales, which incorporated the new federal corporate income tax rate. The revised rales became effective November 1. 2018. NW Nalural continuously evaluales the need for rale cases in its ,urisdictions. For additional information, see "Regulalory Proceeding Updales-Rate Case"below. Requlatorv Proceedino UDdates During 20'18, NW Naturalwas involved in the regulatory activilies dascussed below. It'ITERSTATE STORAGE AI{D OPTIMIZATIOI{ SHARING. NW NaIUTa eceived an Order from lhe OPUC in March 2015 on lheir revaew of the cu.rent revenue sharing arrangement that allocates a porlion of lhe nei revenues generated from non-NGD Misl storage services and third-party asset management services to NGD business customers. The Order required a lhird-party cost sludy to be perto.med. ln 2017. a third-party consultant completed a cost study and their flnal report was filed with the OPUC in February 2018. The OPUC concluded on this matter in the Oregon general rate case proceedinq. For addilional informalion, see "Oregon Gereral Rate Case" below 35 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 37 of 2l 0 Table of Conients Regulatorv Matters waSHINGTON. Effective January 1, 2009, the WUTC authorized rates to customers based on an ROE of 10 1% and an overall rate ofreturn of 8.4% wath a capital slructure of 510.6 common equity, 5% shorllerm debt, and 44% long-term debt. HOLOIIIG CONTIPANY REORGAIIZATION, ln February 20'17, NW Natural filed applications wilh the OPUC, WUTC, and CPUC for app.oval lo reorganize under a holding company structure. ln 2017, the OPUC and vvlJTC approved NW Nalural's applicalions sublect lo cerlain restrictions or "ring-Iencjng" provisions applicable to NW Natural, the company that currently engages, and would continue to engage. in NGD business operations During the second quarter of 2018, NW Natural received approval to reorganize anto a holding company structure from the CPUC. On Oclober 1, 2018, we completed the reorganization lo a holding company structure. Effective November 1, 2018lhere are a number of conditions under the agreement with lhe OPUC and the WUTC related to the formation of a holding company structure. One oflhe conditions is that. for three years, NW Natural will be required to provide an annual 5500,000 credit to Oregon cuslomers and a $55.000 credlt lo Washington customers. The firsFyear credil to both Oregon and Washinglon customers was given in conjunction with the PGA filings with the rate adjustments commencing on November 1, 2018. TAI REFORI{ oEFERRAL. ln December 2017. NW Nalural filed applications with lhe OPUC and WUTC lo defer the overall nel benefil associaled with lhe TCJA that was enacted on December 22, 2017. Through the Oregon general rale case, in October 2018lhe OPUC issued an order directing NW Natural and the other parties to the rate case to engage in furlher regulatory proceedings to resolve open issues with respect to lhe treatment ofthe 10-month deferral period of benefats associated with the TCJA. On February 4, 2019, NW Nalural and the other parties to the rate case agreed upon terms by which the deferred benerits would be retumed lo cuslomers via a joinl slipulalion filed with the OPUC. For it to be effective, lhe OPUC must issue an Order. See "Regulatory Proceeding Updates-Orego, Ger6la/ Rate Caso" below for more information- NW Natural expecls lo work with the WUTC regarding the Washinglon deferralforlhe TCJA as part ofthe generalrate casefiled in Washington on December 31. 2018, and is currenlly deferring all amounls for the benefil of Washington customers. WATER BUSIIESS, Since we inilialed our waler strategy in December 2017, vre have entered anto the following agreemenls which requare or required regulator approval:, Salmon Valley Water Company -We received regulatory approval for this Welches, Oregon acquisition in September 2018, and the transaction closed in November2018.. Falls Water Company - We received regulatory approvalfor this ldaho Falls, ldaho acquisition in July 2018lrom the IPUC and closed the lransaction in Seplember 2018. ' Lehman Entorprises, lnc. and Sea View Wator LLC - We receaved regulatory approvalfrom the WUTC for these Vl,/hidbey lsland, Washington acquisitions in October 2018 and closed lhe l.ansaclion in November20l8.. SunrivorWabr, LLC and Sunrivsr Environmental, LLC -Wefiled an application lor regulatory approval from the OPUC for lhe SunriverWater, LLC acquisition in October20l8 and aniicipate receivang regulatory approval in 20'19. Sunnver Environmental, LLC is not under the OPUC's jurisdactaon. The transactaon as expecled to close in the first half of 2019.. Spirit Lake Eastwater Company and Lynnwood Wator - We tiled an application for regulatory approvalfrom lhe lPuC for these Coeur d'Alene, ldaho acquisitions in February 2019.. Estatss Water Systems lnc. and Mgntetra lnc - We llled an application for regulatory approvalfrom the WUTC fo. these Sequim, Washington acquisitions in February 2019. The acquisilions described above are expected to, upon the closing of lhe Sunriver lransaction, represenl approximately $70 million of aggregate investment. oREGoll GEXERAL RATE cAsE. On October 26. 2018, the OPUC issued an order regarding NW Nalural's general rale case originally filed in December 2017 and approved the following items:. Annual revenue requirement increase of$23.4 million or 3.72% over NW Natural's revenue from existing rates, which includes a pproximately S12.1 million that would otherwise be recovered under the conservation la.iff deferrali. Capital struciure of 50% debt and 50% equity;. Return on equity of 9.4%;. Cost of capitalof 7.317%l. Rate base of $1.186 billion, or an increase of $300 million since the last rate c€se in 2012i ' Commencing November 1, 2018, ASC 715 pension expenses for lhe qualified pension plan will be recovered through rates with an increase of 58.1 million to revenue requiremenl for a rolal of $'11.9 million; and. The sharing of asset management revenues related to NGD business pipeline and storage assets will be 90o/o/10% with 90% being credited to customers- Previously cuslomers received 67% of lhese revenues. The rate changes listed above wenl into etfect on November 1, 2018 ln addition to the items above, the OPUC issued an order on October 26, 20'18, to freeze NW Natural's pension balancing account as of October 31, 2018. The order directed NW Natural and the other parties to the rate case to engage in further regulatory proceedings exlending the general rate case docket to resolve open issues with respect lo lhe recovery of lhe pension balancing accounl, and keatment ofthe 1o-month deferral period benefits associated with lhe TCJA. On February 4, 20'19, NW Nalural. OPUC Slaff. Oregon Cilizen's Ulility Eoard (CUB), and the Alliance ofWestern Energy Cuslomers (AWEC), which comprise all of lhe parties lo lhe 2018 Oregon rate case, Iiled with the OPUC a joint stipulation addressing remaining items relaled to NW Natural's pension balancing accounl and the return ofdeferred TCJA benefits to customers (Settlement). The Settlement is subject to the review and approval of the OPUC. For it to be effective. the OPUC must issue an Order, which may approve or deny the terms of the settlemenl or be issued under the OPUC's own terms Under the Settlement, the stipulating parties agree that NW Natural properly recorded lhe remeasuremenl of regulated NGD excess deferred income taxes pursuant to the effects of the TCJA, and agree that all of NW Nalural's TCJA-related dockets will be resolved in accordance with the terms ofthe Settlemenl. Under the Settlement, NW Natural would relurn excess defered income laxes pursuant to the TCJA as follows: (i) an annual credit to base rates ot 53.4 million; (ii) a credit of $3.0 million per year for live years to sale customers; (iii) a credit to customers' benefit ol 55.44 million of deferred income laxes, and $7.07 million of TCJA benefits defened between January 1, 2018 and October 3'1, 2018. reflected as a reduction lo NW Natural s pension balancing account, described below. As a resull oflhese returns and credits. NW Nalurals rate base is expected to increase by approximalely $15.38 million, and the revenue requiremenl is expected to increase approximalely S1.43 36 EXI IIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATF, WATER Page 38 of2l0 Table of Conlents million. lf NW Naturalllles a general rate case within five years of the date of the Order implementing the Settlement, lhis revenue requirement may be adjusted as part of thal general rate case. As to the future operation and timing of rate recovery of amounts reflected in NW Nalural's pension balancing account, under the Settlement, lhe stipulating parties agree that, effective October 3'1, 2018, NW Natural would: (i) reduce the amount of lhe frozen pension balancing accounl by $1 0.5 million, and apply $12 51 million of the Company's deferred TCJA benefits, for a total reduction ofthe pension balancing account of approximalely 523.0'1 million: and (ii) reduce the inlerest rate on lhe pension balancing account from NW Nalural's authorized rate of retum of 7.317 perc€nl lo 4.3 percenl. NW Natural would then collect the remainderofthe pension balancing account balance overlen years in a customer tarif{ of $7 3 million per year beginning on the rate etfective date. lfthe Settlement is approved. NW Naturalexpects to recognize an afler-tax charge 10 earnings of approximately $6.7 million in the quarter in which an order is issued. The Settlemenl is subject lo the review and approval ofthe OPUC with a decision and order expected in N4arch 20'19, and new rates expected to be effeclive April 1, 20'19. WASHIilGIOI{ GE}IERAL RATE CASE. On December 31. 2018, NW Natural filed for a general rate case in the stale of Washinglon. The .equesled increase, the firsl in approximately 10 years, is intended lo recover operaling costs and inveslmenls made in the Washington distribution syslem and is based upon lhe following assumptaons or requests: ' Capital structure of 49.5% long-term debt, 1.0% short{erm debt, and 49.5% common equity;. Return on equity of 10.3%;. Cost of capital of 7.63%; and. Rate base of$186.5 million. an increase of$58.7 million since lhe last rate case. The flling also includes a proposalto return federal tax reform benefits to cuslomers related to lhe TCJA. NW Natural eslimates the lolal laability for lax reform benefits allocated to Washington customers lo be approximalely $20.2 million, which is comprised of a historical deferred liability of S18.1 million primarily related to prope.ly. plant. and equipment and an expected $2.'l million associated with interim tax benefits accumulated from January 1, 2018 to November 30, 2019. NW Natural as requesting that the $18.1 millio n historical deferral be credited lo rates in compliance with the TCJA guidance, which is currenlly al a rale of approximalely $0.5 million annually for the first five years, and which would be reviewed and adjusted in year five for lhe next five years. NW Naturalis requesling thatthe interim $2.1 mallion lax benefitbe returned to customers over two yea.s. ln addation, NW Nalural is requesting a decoupling lariff for Washington cuslomers. which is inlended to allow the NGD business lo continue encouraging customers to conserve energy withoul adversely aflecling earnings due to reductions in sales volumes. The proposed decoupling tariff would also adjust for any deviation from normal usage, including weather. Finally. NW Natural is requesling thal the WUTC review cosls allocable lo Washington relaled lo environmenlal remediation expenses and consider a mechanism for recovery of these costs. The requested costs are eslimated lo be approximalely 3.32% of total costs associated with lhose siles related to serving Washington customers NW Natu.al's filing will be reviewed by the WUTC and other slakeholders. The process is anticipated to lake up lo 11 monlhs. NW Nalural has requesled that lhe new rales take effect December 1, 2019 Ii{TEGRATED RESOURCE PLA (lRP). NW Natural tiles a full IRP biennially for Oregon and Washington with the OPUC and WUTC, respectavely. NW Naturalfiled its 2018 Oregon and Washington lRPs in August 20'18, and received both a letter ofcompliance from the WUTC and acknowledgmenl by lhe OPUC in February 2019 ThelRPsincluded analysis of different growth scenarios and corresponding resource acquisition strategies. This analysis is needed to develop supply and demand resource requirements. consider uncertainties in the planning process, and to establish a plan for providing reliable and low cost nalural gas service. DEPRECIATIOI{ STUDY- Under OPUC regulations, NW Natural is required to fle a depreciation study every five years lo update orjuslify maintainang the existinq depreciation rales. ln December 2016, NW Natural filed the required depreciation sludy with lhe OPUC. ln Seplember 2017, the parties to the docket filed a setllemenl with the Commission requesting approval ofupdated depreciation rates. ln January 2018, OPUC issued an order adopting the stipulalion. A co.responding docket,ras filed and approved in Washington for the same depreciation rates. FERC also adopted the new depreciation rates which were included in the rate petition described in Regulation and Rates - FERC above. The new depreciation rates were effective and implemented as of November 1, 2018 for Oregon, Washington, and FERC regulated customers. The new depreciation rates did not materially change NW Natural's depreciataon rates and did not have a material ampact lo financial results. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 39 of2l0 37 Teble of Contenls Rale Mechanisms During 2018, NW Natural's approved rales and recovery mechanisms for each service area included: OR Under the current PGA mechanism in Oregon, there is an incentive sharing provision whereby NW Natural is required to select each year an 80% deferral or a 90% deferral of higher or lower actual 9as costs compared to estimated PGA prices, such that the impacl on NW Natural's currenl eamings from the incentive sharing is either 20% or 10% oflhe differenc€ between actual and eslimated gas cosls, respectively. For the 2017-18 and 2018-19 gas years, NW Natural selecled the 90% deferraloption. LJnder the Washington PGA mechanasm, NW Natu.al defers 100% oI the higher or lower actual gas cosls, and those gas cosl differences are passed on to cuslomers lhrough the annual PGA rate adjustment. EARNINGS TEST REVIEW. NW Natural is subject to an annual eamings review in Oregon to determane ifthe NGD business is earning above its autho.ized ROE threshold. lf NGD business eamings erceed a specafic ROE level, lhen 33o/o ol the amount above that level is required to be deferred or refunded to customers. lJnder this provision. if NW Nalural selects the 80% deferral gas cost option, then NW Nalural relains all earnings up to 150 basis points above lhe currently aulhorazed ROE. lf NW Nalural selects the 90% deferral option, then it retains all earnings up to 100 basis points above lhe currently authorized ROE. For the 2017- 18 and 2018-19 gas years. it selected lhe 90% deferral oplion. The ROE threshold is subjecl to adjuslment annually based on movements in long{erm inlerest rates. For calendar years 2016, 2017, and 2018, the ROE lhreshold was 1 1 .06%, 10.66%, and 10.48%. respeclively There were no refunds required for 2016 and 2017. NW Natural does not expecl a refund for 20'18 based on resulls, and NW Natural anticipates filing its 2018 earnings test in May 20'19. GAS RESERVES. ln 2011. the OPUC approved lhe Encana gas reserves lransaclion lo provide long{erm gas price protection for NGD business customers and delermined costs under lhe agreemenl would be recovered on an ongoing basis through the annual PGA mechanism. Gas produced from NW Natural's interests is sold at then prevailing markel prices, and revenues from such sales, net of associated operating and production costs and amonization, are included in cost of gas. The cost ofgas, including a carrying cosl for the rate base inveslmenl made under the original agreement, is included in NW Natural's annual Oregon PGA filing, which allows NW Natural to recover these cosls through customer rates. The net 2012 Rale Case 2018 Rate Case (effeclive 11t1t2O18) 2009 Rate Case Aulhoazed Rale Struclure ROE ROR DebuEquity Ratlo 9.5% 7.gyo SOoklSOVo 10.1% a.4% 490k151% Key Regulatory Mechanisms: PGA Gas Cost lncentive Shadng Decoup|ng Envrronmenlal Cost oefenal Environmental Cost Recovery (SRRM) Pension Balancing lnterstate Storage and Asset lvanagement Sharing PURCHASE0 GAs ADJUSTMENT. Rate changes are established for NW Naturaleach year under PGA mechanisms in Oregon and Washington lo reflect changes in the expected cost of natural gas commodity purchases. The PGA filings and ,llings coincident with the PGA include gas costs under spot purchases as well as contract supplies, gas costs hedged with financialderivalives, gas cosls from the withdrawal of storage invenlones, the production ofgas reserves, interstate pipeline demand costs,lemporary rale adjustments, which amortize balances of deferred regulatory accounts, and the removalof lemporary rate adjustments etfective for the previous year. Each year. NW Natural lypically hedges gas prices on a ponion of NW Nalural's annual $ales requirement based on normalwealher. including both physicaland financial hedges. NW Naturalentered the 20'18-19 9asyearwith its forecasled sales volumes hedged at 49% in financial swap and option conlracls and 26% in physicalgas supplies for Oregon and Washanglon. As of December 31 , 2018, NW Nalural is also hedged in future gas years at approximately 17% forthe 2019-20 gas year and between 1% and 8% for annual requiremenls over the subsequent five gas years. Hedge levels are subjecl lo change based on aclual load volumes, which depend to a certain extent on weather, economic condilions, and estimaled gas reserve production. Also, gas slorage invenlory levels may increase or decrease with slorage expansion, changes in slorage contracts with thard parties, variations in lhe heat content of lhe gas, and/or storage recall by NW Nalural. x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 40 of 210 ln Seplember 2018, NW Naturalfiled ils annual PGA and received OPUC and WUTC approval in Oclober 20,|8. PGA rate changes were effective November 1, 2018. Rates between states can vary due to different rale structures and mechanisms. Oregon residenlial cuslomers' rates declined 2.1% from the combined effect of the PGA and Oregon rate case and Washington residential customers' rates declined by 7.2olo. ln addition, as required with the Washington PGA filang, NW Natural provided the WUTC with a fullstrategy implementation plan to incorporate risk-responsive hedging strategies in ils nalural gas procuremenl process. The plan calls for a flexible hedging approach that reacls to changes in market conditions as Ihose changes occur. NW Natural expects to begin implementing risk-responsive hedging strategies for the 2019-20 PGA for its Washinglon gas supplies. 91% 7.3% 5006/50% 38 Table of Conlents investment underthe original agreement earns a rate ofreturn. ln 2014, NW Natural amended the original gas reserves agreement in response to Encana's sale of ils interest in the Jonah field localed in Wyoming to Jonah Energy. Underthe amended agreemenl with Jonah Energy. NW Nalural has the option to invest in addilionalwells on a well- by-well basis wilh drilling costs and resulting gas volumes shared at the amended proportionate working interest for each well in which NW Natural invests. volumes p.oduced from lhe additionalwells drilled after the amended agreement are included in NW Nalural's Oregon PGA at a fxed rate ofS0.4725 pertherm. NW Naturaldid not have the opportunily to participate in addilional wells in 20'16. 20'17, or 2018. DECOUPLING. ln Oregon, NW Natural has a decoupling mechanism. Decoupling is inlended to break the link belween earnings and the quantity ofgas consumed by customers, removing any financial incenlive to discourage customers efforls lo conserve energy. The Oregon decoupling mechanism was reauthorized and the baseline expected usage pea customet was reset in the 2018 Oregon general rate case. This mechanism employs a use-per-customer decoupling calculalion, which adjusls margin revenoes lo account for the diflerence between aclualand expected customer volumes. The margin adjustment resulting from differences betlveen actual and expected volumes under the decoupling component is recorded to a defeffal account, which is included in the annual PGA filing. ln Washington, customer use is not covered by such a tariff. However, NW Nalural's general rate case filed in Washington on December 31, 2018, requests that such a lariff be implemented. See "Regulatory Proceeding Updates-Wash,rgton General Rafe Case" above tryARM. ln Oregon, NW Natural has an approved weather normalization mechanism, which is applied to residentialand commercial cuslomer bills. This mechanism is designed to help slabilize the collection offixed costs by adjusting residential and commercial customer billings based on temperature variances from average weather, with rate decreases when lhe wealher is colder lhan average and rate increases when the weather is warmer than average. The mechanism is applied to bills from December through mid-May of each heating season. The mechanism adjusts the margin component of cuslomers' rates lo reflect average weather, which uses lhe 25-year average temperalure foreach day ofthe billing period. Daily average temperatures and 2s-year average lemperatures are based on a set point temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit for residential customers and 58 degrees Fahrenheit for commercial clslomers. The collections of any unbilled WARlvl amounls due to tariff caps and floors are deferred and earn a c2nying charge until collected, or retumed, in the PGA the following year. This weather normalization mechanism was reaulhorized in lhe 2012 Oregon general rate case withoul an expiration date. Residential and commercial cuslomers in Oregon are allowed lo opt out of the weather normalization mechanism. and as of December 31, 2018. 8% ol eligible customers had opted oul. NW Natural does not have a wealher normalizalion mechanism approved foa residential and commercial cuslomers in Washington, which account INDUSTRIAL TARIFFS. The OPUC and WUTC have approved tariffs coverinq NGD service to major industrial customers, which are intended to give NW Nalural certainty in the level of gas supplies needed lo serve lhas cuslomer 9roup. The approved terms include, among other things, an annualelection period, special pricing provisions for out-of-cycle changes, and a requirement thal industrial cuslomers complete the term oftheir service election under NW Natural's annual PGA tariff ENVIRO ME}ITAL COST DEFERRAL AND SRRM. NW NaIuTaI has a SRRM through which it lracks and has the ability to recover pasl deferred and future prudenlly incurred environmental remediation costs allocable to Oregon, subject to an earnings lest. Under the SRRM collection process. there are lhree types ofdeferred environmental remediation expense:. Pre-review - This class of costs represents remedialion spend that has not yet been deemed prudenl by the OPUC. Carrying costs on these remediation expenses are recorded at NW Natural's authorized cost ofcapital. NW Natural anticipates the prudence review ror annualcosts and approvaloflhe earnings lest prescribed by the OPUC to occur by the third quarter ofthe following year.. Posl-review - This class of costs represenls remediation spend that has been deemed prudent and allowed afler applying the earnings test, but is not yel included in amortization. NW Natural eams a carrying cosl on these amounts at a rale equalto the five-year treasury rate plus 100 basas points.. Amonization - This class of cosls represents amounts included in current customer rales for collection and is generally calculated as one-fiflh ofthe post-review deferred balance. NW Naluralearns a carrying cost equalto the amortization rate determined annually by the OPUC. which approximates a shorl-lerm borrowing rale. NW Natural included 56.1 million and S7.4 million ol deferred remedialion expense approved by the OPUC for colleclion during the 2018-19 and 2017-18 PGA years, respeclively. 39 EXHIBIT 2 PALFRIIYMAN. DI CEM STATL WATER Page 4l of2)0 for about 1 I % of total customers. See "Business Segments-Nalrra/ Gas Dlstnburbl, " below. ln addition. the SRRM also provides for the annual collection of $5.0 million from Oregon customers through a tariff rider. As it collecls amounts f[om cuslomers, NW Natural recognizes lhese colleclions as revenue and separately amonizes an equal and offsetting amount ofthe deferred regulatory asset balance through the environmenlal remediation operating expense line shown separately in the operating expenses section of the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive lncome (Loss). See Note 17 for more information on our environmental matters. The SRRM earnings tesl is an annual revaew of adjusted NGD ROE compared to aulhorized NGD ROE. For 2018, the first len months will be weighied at 9.5olo and lhe lasl two months at 9.4%, reflecting the ROE change from NW Natural's most recent rate case effective November '1, 2018. TabLe of Conlenls To apply the earnings test NW Natural musl first determine whal if any costs a.e subjecl to the test through the following calculalion: Annualspend Less: $5.0 million base rate rider Prior year carry-ove/" $5.0 million insurance + inlerest on insurance Total amount transferred to poslreviewr" Prior year carry-over results when the prioryear amounl lransr€rred lo post- review is negative. The negative amounl is carried over to olrset annual spend in the following year.a' Defened anterest is added lo annual spend lo the erlenl lhe spend is For 2018, NW Natural has performed this test, which is anlicipated to be submltted to lhe OPUC an May 2019. and no earnings test adjustment is expected for 2018 The WUTC has also previor.rsly authorized the deferral of environmental cosls, ifany, thal are appropriately allocaled to Washinglon customers. This Order was effective in January 2011 with cost recovery and carrying charges on amounts deferred for costs associaled with services provided to Washington customers to be determined in a future proceeding. Annually, or more often if circumslances warranl, NW Natural reviews all regulalory assels for recoverability. lf NW Natural should delermine all or a portion of these regulatory assels no longer meet lhe criteria for continued applicataon of regulatory accounting. then NW Naturalwould be required to write-offthe nel unrecoverable balances againsl earnings in the period such a determanalion was made. PExSloil COST OEFERRAL At{D PEI{Slott BALAT{C|I|G ACCOUNT. From 201'l through October 2018, the OPUC authorized a regulatory mechanism in which NW Natural defened annual pension expenses above the amounl sel in rales. with recovery of these defened amounts lhrough lhe implemenlation ofa balancing account, which included the expectation of hagher and lower pension expenses in fulure years. During lhis period the mechanism permitted for NW Natural lo accrue interest on the account balance at the NGD business' authorized rate of relurn. On October26,2018. the OPUC issued an orderto freeze NW Nalural's pension balancing accounl as of October 31, 2018. The order direcled NW Natural and the other parties to the 20,l8 Oregon rate case to engage in further regulatory proceedings extending lhe general rale case dockel lo resolve open issues wilh respect to lhe recovery ofthe pension balancing accounl. On February 4. 20'19, NW Naturaland the olher parties to the rate case filed a joinl stipulation wilh the OPUC outlining a resolulion lo lhe issue. See "Regulatory Proceeding Updates-Oregon Genercl Rate Case' above. Pension expense deferrals. excluding inlerest, were $10.3 million. $6.5 million. and $6.3 million in 2018.2017 and2016, resPeclively II{TERSTATE STORAGE AND OPTI IZATIOI{ SHARING. On an annual basis, NW Nalural credits amounls to Oregon and Washington cuslomers as part of a regulatory incentive sharing mechanism relaled to net revenues earned from Mist gas storage and asset managemenl aclivities. Generally. amounts are credited to Oregon customers in June, whale credils are given to clslomers in Washinglon as reduclions in rales through the annual PGA filing in November. The following table presents the credits to NGD cuslomers 2018 2017 Oregon $ '11.7 $ 11.7 6 94 Washinglon 10 10 10 Business Seqment. Natural Gas Dist.ibution INGD) NGD margin results are primarily affected by cuslomer groMh, revenues from rate-base additions, and, to a certain exlent, by changes in delivered volumes due to weather and customers' gas usage patterns because a significanl portion of NGD margin is derived from nalural gas sales to residential and commercial cuslomers. ln Oregon, NW Natural has a conservalion tariff (also called the decoupling mechanasm), which adjusts margin up or down each month through a deferred regulatory accounling adjustmenl designed to offset changes resultjng from increases or decreases in average use by residential and commercial cuslomers. NW Natural also has a weather normalizalion larifl in Oregon. WARM, which adjusls cuslomer bills up or down to offsel changes in margin resulting from above- or below-average temperatures during the winter heating season. Bolh mechanisms a,e designed to reduce. but not eliminale, the volatility of customer bills and natural gas distribution earnings. See "Regulalory l\ratters-Rale Mechanisrns" above. The NGD business is seasonal in nature due to higher gas usage by residential and commercial customers during lhe cold winler heatang months. Other categories of customers experience seasonality in lheir usage but lo a lesser extent. Seasonality affecls the comparabilaly ofthe results of operations of the NGD business across quarters but nol across yeaG. NGD segment highlights include: oo/la.s aN theni6 h mltans exa EPS 2018 2017 2016 NGD net irbo.ne $ 57.5 $ 60.5 $ 54.6 Adjusted NGD nel income"' 57 5 61 5 56.6 EPS - NGD s€gnEot 1.99 2.1O 1.96 Adjusted EPs - NGD s€gnEnt'' 1.eg 2.13 2.o3 Gas sold and deli\etrd (in therms) 1 ,128 1 ,240 'l ,085 NGD margin''' $ 383.7 s 392 6 s 376 6 r'r Sree lhe Non-GAAP Reconciliatjons table al the beginning ol llem 7 for a reconciliation ofthis non-GAAP fnancial me€sure to ris closest U.S. GAAP measure. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 42 of2l0 40 Totaldeferred annual spend subject to eamings lesl Less: over-earnings adjustment, if any Addi defened interest on annualspend''z' To the extent the NGD business earns al or below its authorized ROE, the lolal amount kansferred lo post-review is recove.able through the SRR[il. To lhe extent more than authorized ROE is earned in a year, the amount transferred to post-review would be reduced by those eamings that exceed its authorized ROE. 2016 Tab e of Contenls :iSee NaturalGas DistflbutDn [,iargrn Table below for addftlonaldetail 2018 COMPAREo TO 2017. NGD net income was $57 5 million in 2018 compared to $60.5 million in 20t 7. NGD nel income in 2017 includes a S1.0 million loss from the remeasurement of deferred income tax balances due lo lhe enactment ofthe TCJA. Excluding this ilem, adjusled NGD net income decreased S4.0 mallion. or $0 14 per share. See the NW Holdings non-GAAP reconcilialions al the beginning of llem 7 for additional information The pimary factors contributing to the decrease in adiusted NGD net income were as follows:. a 58.9 million decrease in natural gas distribulion margin p.imarily due lo: ' a $7.9 million decrease due lo revenues collecled and deferred in association with the TCJA; partially otfset by. a $4.8 million increase from custome. groMh; and. the majority ofthe remaining decrease was due to the effects of warmerthan averageweather in 2018 compared lo colderlhan average weather in 2017, partially offset by higher rates from the 20'18 Oregon general rate case effeclive November 1, 2018.. a $6.0 million increase in operations and mainlenance expense driven largely from payroll and benefits due to increased headcount, general salary increases, and increased professional services and conlract labor expense:. a $4.2 million decrease in other income (expense), net, primarily due lo increases in pension non-service component costs, parlially offset by increases in lhe equity ponion of AFUDC in 2018; and. a $4-0 million anc,ease in depreciation expense primarily due to additional capital expendituresi partially otfset by. a $20.0 million decrease in income tax expense primarily due to the reduction in the federal slatutory tax rate from the TCJA and lower prelax rncome. Total natural gas sold and delivered in 2018 decreased 9% over 2017 ptimarily due to lhe impact of weather that was 26% warmer than the prior period and 15% warmer than average. 2017 COMPARED TO 20i6. NGD net income was $60.5 million in 2017 compared to S54.6 million in 2016, which includes lhe $1.0 million loss from the remeasurement of deferred income tax balances associated with the TCJA in 2017 and the after-tax $2.0 million regulatory disallowance in 2016 Excluding these items. adjusted NGD net income increased $4.9 million, or $0.10 per share. See the Non-GAAP reconciliations al lhe beginning of ltem 7 for additional jnformation. The primary lactors contributing to this increase in adjusted NGD net income were as followsl. a $16.0 million increase in NGD margin primarily due to:. a 56.8 million increase from customer growth; partially otfset by;. a 52.7 million decrease from gains an gas cost ancenlive sharing due lo actualgas prices being lower lhan lhose estimaled in the 2016-2017 PGA, but not by the same magnilude as in the prior period;. a portion of the remainang increase was due to the effects of colder lhan average wealher in 2017 compared lo warmer than average weather in 2016. a 52.2 million increase in other income (expense). net. primarily due to an increase in the equity portion ofAFuDC in 2017i partially otfset by a $10.4 million increase in operatlons and maintenance expense driven largely from payroll and benefils due to increased headcount, general salary increases, and increased safety equipmenl updale cosls; and a $3.4 million increase in deprecialion expense primarily due lo addilional capital expenditures. Total nalural gas sold and delivered in 201 7 increased 14olo over 201 6 primarily due to the impacl ofweather that was 48% colder than the prior period and 15% colderthan average. 41 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Pagc 43 of 210 Table of Contents NATURAL GAS DISTRIBUTION MARGIN TASLE. The following table summarizes the composition of NGD gas volumes. revenues, and cost of sales: Favo.able/(lJnfavorable) lA lhousands except degrce day and crslotue. data 2014 20',17 2016 2018 \s 2017 2017 vs 2016 NGD volumes (lherms) Residenlaal and @mmeroal sales lndustrial sales and transporlation Total NGD volumes sold and delivered NG0 ooeratino revenues Residential and commeroal sales lndustrial sales and transportation Olher revenues Less: Revenue taxes'rr Total NGO op€latng revenues Less: Cosl of gas Less: Environmenlal remedration expense Less: Revenue l,axes") NGO margin NGD margin El ResidentiEl and commercial sales lndustrial sales and transfDrtalrcn M scellaneous revenues Gain from gas cost incenlive sharing Other marcrn adjustments 3l NGD margin oeoree davsr'' Percenl colder (warmer)than ave€ge wealhe/'' NGD lueters -end of perod 661.163 467.MO 740,369 499,924 609.222 475,774 {79.206) (32,884) '13.l,147 24.',t50 1.124.203 1,240,293 1,084.996 (112,090)155.297 s 621.782 58,713 't53 ffi4,214 63,925 3.472 '19.069 804.390 59,346 3.812 17,111 162,432) 15,2121 (3,719) (19,069) 79,424 4.53S 1,958 5 S $ 680,648 255,743 11,127 30,o82 732.942 325,019 15.291 650,477 260,588 13,2S8 \52,294) 69,276 4,164 (30,082) 82.465 (64,431) (1,993) 383.696 376,591 16 041 $352,710 30,817 5 542 127) (5,346) (3,026) (1.030) 1,677 (1,264) (5 293) '17,676 858 69 12,723) 161 $355,736 S 31,847 3,865 (s3) 336,060 30,989 3,796 3,960 l2'14) $$ $ 383,696 $ 392,632 $ 376,5S1 $ (8,S36) $ 16,041 Resrdential melers commercral meters lndustrialmeters Totalnumber of meters NGD Meter gmwthl 2.714 (5)ak 2,705 3.114 15% 2 716 2 098 123)% I (26)% 680,134 69,259 1,028 668,803 68.050 1,O21 656,855 67 278 1.013 11,331 1,209 7 11.948 772 I 750.421 725146 12 547 Residential rn€ters 17 1o 1 alo Comrnercial rneters 18 q. 11% lndustrial rnelers 07 a/o o.a% Tolal meter growth 1 7 o/o 1 .8% ''' The change rn presentalion ol @venue taxes was a resull of lhe ac,option of ASU 2Ol4-Og "Revenue From Contracls with Cuslomers" and all relaled amendments on January 1.2018 This change had no impact on NGD ma.gin r€sulls. For additionalinformation. see Note 2 'r' Amounls reported as margin for each calegory of meters are operalang revenues, which are net of revenue taxes, less @sl ofgas and environmental remediation F Other margin adjustmenls include re!€nue deferrals of 6T g mrllion for lhe year ended Oecember 3l , 20l 8 assocjated wth the decline of the lJ S. tederal corporate inco.ne lax rater'' Heating degree days are units of measure reflecting temperature-sensilive consumphon of naluralgas. celculaled by subtracting lhe ave€ge ofa day s hrgh and low lemperatures from 59 degrees FahrenheitsrAverageweatherrepresentsthe2s-yearaverageofhealingdegreedEysThroughOctober3l,20lsaverageweatherjscalculaledovertheperiodl986-201O.as delermined in NW Natural's 2012 Oregon general late case, and beginning Novemb€r 1, 2018, average weather is calcuhled over the period May 31. 1992 lhrough May 30 2017, as determined in NW Natural's 2018 Oregon generalrate ca9€. EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER 42 Page 44 of 210 s 392 632 (8 936) (11) 4A% 737.874 12.728 Residential and Commercial Sales million in nalural gas dislribulion margin as a result of sales volume increases of 131.2 million therms, or 22%, due to customer groMh and the effects of colder than average weather an 2017 compared lo warmer than average weather in lhe prior period. lndustrial Sales and Transportation The primary factors that impacl results of operations an the residential and commercial markets are customer growth, seasonal weather patterns, energy prices, compelition from other energy sources, and economic conditions in ourservice areas. The ampacl ofweatheron margin is sig nificantly .ed uced through NW Natural's weather normalizalion mechanism in Oregon; approximately 81% ofNW Natural's totalcuslomers are covered underthis mechanism. The remaining cuslomers either opt out ofthe mechanism or a.e located in Washinglon, which does nol have a similar mechanism in place. For more information on the weather mechanism, see "Regulatory Matters- Rale Mechanisms-l,veathet Nomalization Mocharlsm" above. lnduslrial cuslomers have the option of purchasing sales or transponalion seNices. under the sales service, the cuslomer buys the gas commodity. Underthe transportation service, the custome. buys the gas commodity direclly f.om a third-party gas marketer or supplier. The NGD gas commodity cost is primarily a pass{hrough cosl to customers; therefore, NGD prollt margins are nol materially aflected by an industrial customer's decision to purchase gas from third parties. lndustrial and large commercial customers may also selecl between firm and intenuptible service options. with llrm services generally providing higher proflt margins compared lo interruplible services. To help manage gas supplies, industraal lariffs are designed lo provide some ce.lainty regarding induslrial customers' volumes by requiring an annual service election which becomes effective Novembe.l, specialcha.ges for changes between eleclions. and rn some cases. a mrnrmum or maximum volume requirement before changing options. NGD induslrial sales and transportation highlights include: NGD residenlial and commercral sales highlighls include 2017 2416 Volumes (therms) Resrdentral sa les Commercial sales Totalvolumes Ooeratino revenues: Commercial sales Tolal operaling revenues NGD margin: Residential Sales AltematNe revenues: Wealher normelization Decoupling Amortization of allematrve Total residenlial NGO rnargjn Cornmercial: Sales Alternatave revenues: Wealher normallzaton Oecoupling Amortzatron of allemative Total commercial NGD rnargin Tolal NGo margin 465 2 661 2 740 4 609 2 418.4 I 203.3 455.9 S 229 3 404 3 200.'1 $ 621.7 $ 684.2 $ 604.4 Volumes (herms)i lndultdal - firm sales lnd6t al . frm lranspodalioar lndust al - inlenuptibl€ seles lrdu3tial - inlenuplible t.anspo,tatioo ToialvdurEs l{GO marcin: lnduslrial - sale3 and lran$orlalion s 240.0 , 262.1 $ 232 142.7 50.6 35.7 147.7 55.1 158.9 50.4 218.4 241.4 234.7 7-B (0.6) 't.9 12_7 08 467 0 499.9 475 A 248I 247.4 236 7 $308 S 31 8 S 31 0 103 7 101 5 472 2018 COMPARED TO 2017. lndustrialsales and transporlation volumes decreased by 32.9 million therms and NGD margin decreased $1.0 million due lo lower usage from warmer than average weather in 2018 compared to colderthan average wealher in 2017.24 73 (4 6) 111 m17 COITPARED TO 2016. lndustrial sales and transportation volumes increased by 24.1 million therms and NGD margin increased $0.8 million due to higher usage from colder than average wealher in 20'17 compared to warmerthan average wealher in 2016, and increased usage from higher production load. (9.6) 103.8 108.0 101.,4 $ 352.7 $ 355.8 S 338.1 ml8 COMPARED TO 2017. The primary factors contributing lo changes in the residential and commercial markels were decreases of S62.5 million in operating revenue and $3.1 million in NGD margin as a result ofsales volume decreases of 79.2 million therms, or '11%, due to warmer than average weather in 2018 compared to colder lhan average weather in the prior period, partially offsel by customer groMh. 2017 CoMPARED TO 2016. The primary factors contributing lo changes in the residential and commercial markets were increases of S79.8 million in operating revenue and $17.7 IIXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 45 of210 Table of Conlents 2018 2018 2017 2016 411_7 249_5 379 2 230.0 $ (11.9) (2.4t Other NGD Revenues Other NGD revenues include miscellaneous fee income as well as regulatory aevenue adjuslmenls, which reflecl curaent period deferrals lo and prior year amortizations from regulatory asset and liability accounts, exc€pl for gas cost deferrals which flow through cost ofgas. Decoupling and other regulatory amortizations from prioryear defenals are included in revenues from residential, commercial, and industrial firm customers. 50 43 Other NGD revenue highlights includel tn ntttons 2O1A 2017 2016 Olher NGD revenues Other NGD revenue increased $1.6 million in 2018 compared to 2017 due lo inseases in entitlement and curtailment revenue due to system restrictions for certain industrial and commercial cuslomers as a resull of a Canadian pipeline event in October 2018 that disrupted gas supply Other NGD revenues remained flat between 2017 and 2016 Cost of Gas Cosl ofgas as reported by the NGO segment includes gas purchases, gas withdrawn from slorage inventory. gains and losses lrom commodity hedges, pipeline demand costs, seasonal demand cost balancing adjustmenls. regulalory gas cost deferrals, gas reserves costs, and company gas use. The OPUC and WUTC generally require natural gag commodity costs lo be billed to customers at the actual cost incurred, or expected lo be incuned. Customer rales are sel each year so that if cost eslamales were met the NGD business would not earn a profit or incur a loss on gas commodity purchases: however, in Oregon we have the incentive sharing mechanism described under "Regulatory Matters- Rate Mechanisms-Purchased Gas Adjustme?t"above. ln addilion to the PGA incentive sharing mechanism, gains and losses from hedge contracls entered into afler annual PGA rates are effective for Oregon customers are also required to be shared and lherefore may impacl nel income. Further, NW Natural also has 8 regulatory agreement whereby it earns a rate of retum on its inveslment in lhe gas reserves acquired underthe o.iginal agreement wilh Encana and includes gas from the amended gas reserves agreemenl at a fixed rate of$0.4725 pertherm, which are also reflected in NGD margin. See "Application ofCritical Accounting Policies and Estimates-Accrurting for Detivative lnstruments and Hedging lctivitles " below. Cost ofgas highlights include: lht1a6 a.d thenls tn tullians 2014 2016 compared to warmerthan average weather in 2016, and cuslomer groMh. The effect on nel income from NW Natural's gas cosl incentive sharing mechanism resulted in a slight margin loss in 2018 and margin gains of S1.2 million and $4.0 million for 2017 and 2016. respeclively. ln 2018, actual prices closely aligned wilh estimated prices included in customer rates. ln 2017 and 2016, aclual prices were lower than the estimaled prices included in customer rates due to warmer than average weather nationally, which resulted in lower national natural gas commodity prices. Fora discussion oflhe gas cosl incenlive sharing mechanasm, see "Regulatory Matlers-Rate Mechanisms-Purchased Ga s Adjustment" above . Other other activilies aggregated and reporled as other al NW Nalural include the non-NGD storage activily at Misl as well as asset management se.vices and the appliance retail cenler operations. Other activilies aggregated and reported as other at NW Holdings include NWN Energy's equity investment in Trail West Holding, LLC (TWH), which is pursuing the development of a proposed natural gas pipeline through its wholly-owned subsidiary, TrailWest Pipeline, LLC (TWP); NNG Financial's investment in Kelso-Beaver Pipeline (KB Pipeline); and NWN Water, which owns and continues to pursue inveslmenls in lhe water seclor. See Nole 4 for further discussion ofour business segment and other, as $/ell as ou. direct and indirecl wholly-owned subsidiaries, and Nole 13 for further details on our inveslmenl in TWH. At Mist, NW Natural provides gas storage seNices to customers in the interstate and intrastate markets using storage capacily that has been developed in advanc€ of NGD customers' requiremenls. Pre{ax income from gas storage at Mist and asset managemenl servic4s is subject to revenue sharing with NGD customers. Underthis regulatory incentive sharing mechanism, NW Natural retains 80o/o ofpre-tax income lrom Mist gas slo.age servaces and assel management services when lhe underlying costs ofthe capacity being used are not included in NGD business rates. The remaining 20% as credited lo a defened regulatory account for credit to NGD customers. Through October 2018. when the capacity used was included in NGD rates, NW Natural retained 33% of pre-tax income with the remaining 67% credited to a deferred regulatory account for credit to NGD cuslomers. ln conjunction with the Oregon rale case, effective November 2018 NW Natural relains 10% of pre-tax income from such storage and asset managemenl services and 90o/o is credited to NGD business customers. See "Regulatory Mallers-Regu/atory Prcceeding Updates" above for information regarding an open docket related to this incentive sharing mechanism. The following table presents the results of activilies aggregated and reported as other for bolh NW Holdings and NW Naturali $5s $39 $38 Cost of gas Volumes sold (therms) Average cosl ol gas (cenls per lherm) Garn lrom gas @st rncentive sharing S 255.7 $ 747 325.0 i 831 260 6 693 s 0.34 $039 $ 1.2 034 40 2018co PARED To ml7. Cost of gas decreased $69.3 million. or 21olo, primarily due to the 10% decrease in volumes sold due lo warmer lhan average wealher in 2018 compared lo colder than average weather in 2017, and lower average cost of gas collected from customers, partaally offsel by cuslomer groMh. 2017 COMPAREO TO 2016. Cost of gas increased $64.4 million, or 250/", primarily due to the 20% increase in volumes sold due to colder lhan average weather in 20'17 44 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 46 of 210 Table of Contenls 2017 Table ol Contenls toa Dns ex(€pt EPS (hta 2A1a 2017 2016 Delinquent customer rec€ivable balances continue to remain at historically low levels. Bad debt exp€nse as a percenl ofrcvenues was 0.1% lor 2018, 2017 , and 2016.NW Natural oher - nel incorne Other NW Holdrngs actvity NW Holdings oth6r - net income EPS - NW Holdings - olher $'t 0.0 $ (0 8) 8.3 (0.4)Depreciation and Amortizatron981167.9 Depreciataon and amortization highlights include 034 041 The signilicant drivers of changes in other net income discussed below apply to bolh NW Holdings and NW Natural. 2018 COMPARED TO ml7, Other net income decreased compared to the prior period pimarily due to $4.2 million in higher income tax expense driven by $4.4 million in income tax benefits recognized in 20'17 from the enactment of the TCJA, panially offset by a $2.8 million increase in revenues from asset management agreements for lvlist storage and transportation capacity. 2018 2017 2016 NW Natural Other NW Holdrngs deprecialion and amoftEation I 85.0 $ 81.0 $ n.6 o2 0.1 NW Holdings $ 85.2 $ 8'r.1 I n.A The signilicant drivers ofchanges in depreciation and amortization discussed below apply to both NW Holdings and NW Natural. 2017 COMPAREo TO 2016. Other net income increased primarily due to a gain associaled with lhe TCJA defened taxes remeasurement, partially otfset by a decrease in revenues from asset management agreemenls for Misl slorage and transportataon capacity. 20 l8 CoI{PARED TO m17. Depreciation and amortizalion expense increased by $4.1 million and 54.0 million for NW Holdings and NW Natural, respeclively, primarily due to NGD plant additions that included investments in naluralgas lransmission and dislributaon syslems supporting customer growth. safety, reliability, facility upgrades, and enhanced technology.Consolidated Operations Operations and Maintenance m17 COMPARE0 TO 2016. Deprecialion and amortization expense increased by $3.5 million and 53.4 million for NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, primarily due lo NGD plant addilions lhal included investmenls in natural gas transmission and distribution syslems. storage facililies, and technology. Operations and mainlenance highlights include 2A1A 2017 2016 NW Nalural Other NW Holdings operations and mainlenance NW HoldirEs $ 155.2 $ 152.2 S 136.0 Other lncome (ExDense), Nei 02 07 $ 156.7 $ 1524 S 136.7 Other income (expense), net highlights include to httions 2010 2017 2016 The signillcanl drivers of changes in operations and mainlenance expenses discussed below apply to both NW Holdings and NW Natural Pension and olmr poslrelrremenl costs other than service coslS Equity portion ofAFUOC Gair|s lrom company-owned life inguran@ Nel inlecsl income (expense) on deferred regulatory accounlg Olher non-opelEting NW Natural total olher income (expense), net Other NW Holdings activity NW Holdings total other income (expense). net S (e.1) $ 41 (6.1) $ 2.7 (7 0) z)18 COMPARE0 TO 2017. Operalions and maintenance expense increased $4.3 million and $3.0 million for NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, primarily due to the following factors:. a $3.4 million increase in NGD payroll and benefits due to increased headcounl and general salary increases; and ' a S3.2 million increase in NGD non-payroll costs primarily due to increases in general professional services and contract labor. 1_7 25 '17 1_7 (2.0) 2_O (1.3) (0 1) (1.6) s (3.6) $(0.2) s (0.1) (7.0) (0.2) $ (36) $ (0.3) $ (7.2\ The signilicant drivers ofchanges in Other income (expense) discussed below apply to bolh NW Holdings and NW Natural. m18 COtIPARE0 TO 2017. Olher income (expense). net. decreased $3.3 million and $3.4 million al NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, primarily due to a $3.0 million increase in pension and olher postretirement non-service costs and $0.8 million lower gaans from company-owned life insurance, partially offset by a $1.4 million increase in the equity portion ofAFUDC. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 47 ot2l0 45 11.2 I 0.4 029 20'17 COiIPARED TO 2016. Operations and maintenance expense increased $'15.7 million and $16.2 million for NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, primarily due to the lollowing facto6:, a $7.3 million increase in NGD payroll and benefits due to increased headcount and general salary increases; and. a $1.0 million increase in sarety equipmeni upgrade costs. Table of Contenls 2017 COIiIPAREo TO 20i6. Other ancome (expense), nel, increased $6.9 million and $6.8 million al NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, primarily due lo the January 2016 Order from the OPUC, which resulted in a pre-tax $2.8 million interest disallowance in 2016, an increase of 52.7 million in the equity portion of AFUDC, and $0.8 million in higher gains frorn company-owned life insurance. ln addition to fluctuations in olher income (expense). net reported above, from 2011 through October 31, 2018. NW Natural had OPUC approval to defer certain pension costs in excess ofwhat was recovered in customer .ates, with the majority of such cosls being non-service componenl cosls renected within other income (expense), net. This pension cost deferral was recorded to a regulatory balancing account, which stabilized lhe amounl ofotherincome (expense), net each year. Total pension cost defenals. excluding interest, were $10.3 million. $6.5 million, and 56.3 million for lhe years ended December 31, 2018,2017 ard 20'16. respeclively. Aa a resull, increased pension costs had a minimal effect on other income (expense), net in 2018, 2017, and 2016, with the increase princjpally related lo the costs allocated to NW Natural's Washington operations. which were not covered by the pension balancing account. On October 26, 2018. the OPUC issued an orderlo freeze NW Natural's pension balancing account as ofOctober 31,2018. The orderdarected NW Natural and the other parlies to the rate case to engage an further regulatory proceedings extending the general rale case dockel to resolve open issues with respect to the recovery oflhe pension balancang account. On February 4, 2019, NW Naturaland the other parties to the rate case liled a joint stipulation with the OPLJC oullining a resolulion to the issue. See Note g and "Regulatory Matters-Regulalory Proceeding Update$- 01690, GenoralRat6 Case" lnterest ense. Net lnterest expense, net highlighls include 2A1A 2017 2016 2017 COMPAREO TO 2015. lnlerest expense. net of amounts capitalazed. decreased $0.6 million at both NW Holdings and NW Natural primarily due to a $2.1 million increase in lhe interesl-relaled porlion ofAFUDC. partially offset by increased inlerest expense of $1 5 million due to the issuance of long-lerm debt in December 2016 and Augusl 2017. lncome Tax Exoense NW Holdings income tax expense highlighls include 2018 2017 2016 lncome tax expense Effects of non-GAAP adjustmentsl Effecls from the TCJA"' Adtusted rncome tax expense $ 24.2 $ 41.0 S 430 13 Elfedivetaxrate 2s.49o 38.3% 40.8% Adjusted efective tax rate 28.4% 39.3% 40.8% ''' See the Non-GMP Reconcilialions table at the beginning ot ltem 7 for 6 €conciliation of this non-GMP fnarrcial measue to il3 d6eat U.S.GAAP meSsur€. 34 $ 24.2 S 44.4 S ,14.3 2017 2016 NW Natural income tax expense highlights include tn niltions 2018 lncome tax expense Effects of non-GAAP adjustnrenlsl Effects from the TCJA") Adiusled rncome tax expense s 24.5 $ 41.5 $43.3 1.3 $ 245 S 445 $ 446 NW Natural Other NW Holdings inlerest expense NW Holdings 37.0 $ 0.1 The significant drivers of changes in inlerest expense. nel discussed below apply to bolh NW Holdings and NW Natural a)18 COMPAREO TO 2017. lnterest expense, net of amounts capitaljzed decreased $0.4 million and S0.5 mallaon at NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, primarily due to a $2.3 millaon increase in the interest-related portion ofAFUDC, partially offset by increased commercial paper interest expenses of $1 6 million. Effeclive tax rate 26 46/o 36 6% 40 8olo Adjusted etfective lax €le 26.40/o 39.3% 40.Sok ") See lhe Non-GAAP Reconciliations table at the beginning of llem 7 lor a reconciliation ofthis non-GAAP inenciel measure to ils closest U S GAAP The significant drivers of changes in lncome lax expense discussed below apply to both NW Holdings and NW Natural. mi8 COMPARED TO 2017. The efreclive tax rale decreased by 9.9% and '10.2% at NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, primadly due to a decline in the statutory income lax rale from 39.5% lo 26.5% as a result olthe TCJAenactment in 2017. lncome lax expense decreased due to the TCJA and lowerpre-tax income, partially offset by a beneft of $3.4 million recognized in 2017 at NW Holdings and a benefil of $3.0 million recognized in 2017 at NW Naturalfrom the remeasuremenl ofdelened tax balances upon the TCJA enaclment date- Excluding the impact ofthe 2017 remeasurement benefits of $3.4 million and $3.0 million at NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, the adjusted etfective tar rate decreased 12.9olo at both NW Holdings and NW Naturaldue to lhe statutory tax rate declining from the TCJA. See the Non-GAAP reconcilialions al the beganning of ltem 7 for additional info.mation. 2017 COMPARED TO ?016. The effec{ive tax rate decreased by 4.5% and 4.2016 at NW Holdings and NW Natural, $375 $ 381 E 37.1 $ 37.5 $ 38.1 46 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 48 of 210 Table ot Contents .espectively. Excluding lhe tax benefits associaled with the TCJA enactmenl in 2017 of $3.4 million and $3.0 million at NW Holdings and NW Natural, respectively, and the $1 .3 million tax effects of non-GAAP adjustments in 2016 at both NW Holdings and NW Naiural, the adjusted effeclave lax rale decreased 1.5% at both NW Holdings and NW Natural. See lhe Non4AAP reconciliations at the beginning of ltem 7 for additional information. The adjusted effective lax rate decreased primarily as a result oIAFUDC equity income and increased stock-based compensalion deductions in 2017. Pqndino Sale ofGill Ranch Storaoe On June 20,2018, NWN Gas Storage, awholly owned subsidiary of NW Holdangs, entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement (the Sale Ag reement) that provides for the sale by NWN Gas Storage of all of its membership interests in Gill Ranch. Gall Ranch owns a 75% interest in the natural gas storage facility located near Fresno, California known as the Gill Ranch Gas Storage Facility. PG&E owns the remaining 25% interest in the Gill Ranch Facility. The Sale Agreement provides for an inilial cash purchase price ol $25.0 million (subject lo a working capital adjustment), plus potential additiohal payments to NWN Gas Storage ofup to $26.5 mallion an the aggregate if Gill Ranch achieves certain economic performance levels for the firsl three fullgas slorage years (April 1 ofone yearthrough March 31 of the following year) occurring after the closing and the remaining portion of the gas storage year during whach the closing occurs. The closing of the transaclion is subject to approval by the CPUC, other customary closing condilions and covenants, including the requirement that allofthe represenlations and warranties be kue and correcl as of the closing date except, as would not, in the case ofcertain representalions and warranties, be reasonably expected to have a materialadverse effect on Gill Ranch. The agreemenl is subjecl to termination by eilherparty ilthe transaction has not closed by June 20. 2019, subject to automatic extension for six months ifthe CPLJC has not issued an order approving the transaction by that date. On January 29. 2019. PG&E filed voluntary petitions for reliefunder chapler 1 1 bankruptcy. Allhough we do not cur.enlly anticipate that the PG&E filing will afiect the sale of Gill Ranch, we cannot fully predicl the course of the bankruptcy proceedings or lhe impact on lhe sale and will The resulls of Gill Ranch Storage have been determined to be discontinued operalions and are presenled separately, net oItax, from lhe results of continuing operations of NW Holdings for all periods presented. See Note 'l8 for more information on the Sale Agreement and lhe results of our discontinued operalions. The CPUC regulates Gill Ranch under a market-based rate model which allows for the price ofslorage services to be sel by the marketplace. The CPUC also regulales the issuance of securilies, system of accounls, and regulales intrastate storage services. The California Department of Oil Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) regulations for gas storage wells were llnalized in June 2018. and the U.S. Deparlment of Transporlation's Pipeline and Hazardous Malerials Safety Administration (PHMSA) proposed new federal regulations for underground nalural gas storage facilities. which are expecled lo be finalized during 2019 and increase costs for all storage providers. NW Holdings will conlinue lo monilor and assess lhe new regulations unlil the sale is complete. which is expecled in 2019. Short-term liquidity for Gill Ranch is supported by cash balances, internal cash flow from operations, equity contributions from ils parenl company. and. rf nec€ssary. additional exlernal financing Capital Structure One ofourlong-term goals isto mainlain a sirong and balanced consolidaled capilal structure, while maintaining a long-term larget capital structure at NW Natural of 50% common stock and 50% long- lerm debt to alagn to allocations prescribed by NW Natural's regulators. When additional capital is required, debt or equity securilies are issued depending on both the target c€pital structure and market conditions. These sources of capital are also used to lund long{erm debt retirements and shorl'term commercial paper maturities. See "Liguidlty and Capital Resources"below and Nole 8. December 31 2018 2017 Common stock equty Long lerm debt Short-term debl. including current matudties ol loflg-terrn debt Total 44.4% 41.1 145 47.1% 96 100 0%100 0% EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 49 of2l0 47 ln lhe Sale Agreement, NWN Gas Storage makes representalaons and waranties concernang, among other things, Gill Ranch, the Gill Ranch Facility and Gill Ranch's business and contractual relationships, and agrees to cause Gill Ranch to conduct its business and maintain its properties in the ordinary course, consislent with material agreements and past praclice. ln July 2018, Gill Ranch filed an application with the CPUC for approval of this transaction. On February 14, 2019, the active parties to the CPUC proceeding filed a settlement agreement with the CPUC. The CPUC is expected to rule on the setllement agreemenl within 90 days of its liling, but may grant Iurther time for public comment. We expect an order on this matterby the end oI June. continue to monitor lhe situation closely. We will contanue lo seek to close the transaction in the first half of2019. FINANCIAL CONDITION Achieving our largel capital slructure and mainlaining sufflcient liquidity to meet operating requirements are necessary to maintain atlractive credit ratings and provide access to capital markels at reasonable cosls. NW Holdings' consolidated capital slructure was as follows: Tab e of Contents NW Natural's consolidated capitalstruclure was as follows: December 3l. 2O1B 2417 Common stoc* equty Long-lerm debt Short-lerm debl, includ,ng cunent maturities of ,ong-term debt Tolal 14I 9.6 100 0%100.00/" Liquidity and Caoital Resources Al December 31 , 2018 and December 31, 2017. NW Holdings had approximately $12.6 millaon and $3.5 million, and NW Natural had approximately $7.9 m illion and $3.'l million of cash and cash equivalents. respectively. ln orderto maintain sufficienl liquidily during periods when capital markets are volalile. NW Holdings and NW Natural may elect to maintaan higher cash balances and add short term borrowing capacily. NW Holdings and NW Natural may also prejund their respecljve capital expenditures when longlerm fixed rate environments are allraclive NW Holdinqs For NW Holdings, shortlerm liquidity is primarily p.ovided by cash balances. dividends from ats operating subsadaaries, in particular NW Natural, available cash from a multi-year credit facilily, and short{erm credit facililies. NW Holdings also has a unive.sal shelf registration statement llled with the SEC lorthe issuance ofdebl and equity securities. NW Holdings long-term debt, if any, and equity issuances are primarily used to provide equily contribulions lo NW Holdings operating subsidiaries lor operating and capital expenditures and olher corporate purposes. NW Holdings' issuance of securities is not subject to regulation by stale public utillty commissions, but the dividends from NW Natural to NW Holdings are subject to regulalory ring-fencing provisions. As part of the ring-fencing condilions agreed upon with the OPUC and WUTC in connection with the holding company reorganization, NW Natural may not pay dividends or make distrabutions to NW Holdings if NW Natural's credit ratings and common equity ratio fall below specified levels. lf NW Nalural's long term secured credit ratings are below A- for S&P and A3 for Moody's. dividends may be issued so long as NW Natural's common equity ratio is 45olo or more. lf NW Natural's long lerm secured credit ratings are below BBB for S&P and Baa2 for Moody s, dividends may be issued so long as NW Natural's common equity ratao is 460,6 or more. Dividends may nol be issued if NW Nalural's long-term secured credit ratings are BB+ or below for S&P or Ba1 or below for Moody's, or if NW Naturals common equity ratio is below4406. ln each case, common equity ratios are delermined based on a preceding or projected 13-month average. ln addition, there are certain OPUC notice At December 31, 20,l8, NW Nalural satisfied the ring-fencing provisions described above. Eased on several factors, includang current c€sh reserves, commitled credit facilities. its ability to receive dividends from ats operating subsidiaries. in particular NW Natural, and an expected abilily to issue long{erm debt and equity securities in lhe capital ma*els. NW Holdings believes ils liquidity is sufficient to meet anticipaled near-lerm cash requarements. including all conkactual obligations, investing, and financing aclivities as discussed in "Contractual Obligations and Cash Frows"below. Natural Gas Distribution Seoment For the NGD business segmenl. short term borrowang requirements typically peak during colde. winter monlhs when the NGD business borrows money to cover the lag between natural gas purchases and bill collections from cuslomers- Shorl-term liquidity for the NGD business Is pramarily provided by cash balances, inlernal cash flow from operations, proceeds from lhe sale of commercial paper noles, as well as available cash from multi-year credit facililies, shorl{erm credit facilities, company- owned life insurance policies, the sale of long-term debt, and equity conlributions from NW Holdings. NW Natural's long-te.m debt and contributions from NW Holdangs are primarily used lo finance NGD capital expenditures, refinance maturing debt, and provide temporary funding for other general corporate purposes of the NGD business. Based on NW Natural's current debt ratings (see "Credit Ral,.,gs" below), it has been able to issue commercial paper and long-term debt al atkactive rates and has not needed to borrow or issue letlers of credil from ats back-up credit facility. ln the event NW Natural is nol able to issue new debt due to adverse market conditions or other reasons, NW Nalural expects that near-lerm liquidity needs can be met 42.9% 422 47.1% 43.3 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 50 ol2l0 48 requiremenls for davidends in excess ol5% of NW Natural's relained earnings. Additionally, if NW Natural's common equity (excluding goodwill and equily associaled with non-regulated assets), on a prec€din9 or projected '13-month average basis, is less ihan 46% ot NW Natural's capital slructure (coomon equity and long-term debt excluding imputed debt ordebt-like lease obligations), NW Natural is required lo notify the OPUC, and if the common equity ratio falls below44%, file a plan with the OPUC to restore its equity ratio to 44%. This condition is designed to ensure NW Natural continues to be adequately capitalized unde. the holding company structure. Under the WUTC order, the average common equity ratio must not exceed 56076. }{w HoLolNGs olvloEND PoLlcY. Quartedy dividends have been paid on common stock each year since NW Holdings' predecessor's stock was first issued to the public in 195,l . Annual common stock dividend payments per share, adjusted for stock splils, have increased each year since 1956. The declarations and amount offuture dividends to shareholders will depend upon earnings- cash flows, flnancial condition. NW Naturals ability to pay dividends to NW Holdings and otherlactors. The amount and timing ofdividends payable on common slock is at the sole discretion of the NW Holdings Board of Directors. During 2018. changes to NWHoldings'and NWNatural's capital slructures were primarily due to increases in short term debl al NW Natural partially offset by lower net proceeds from long{erm debt activity at NW Nalural. See further discussion below in "Cash Flows -F i h a nci ng Activ itie s". Table of Conlents using inlernal cash flows. issuing commercial paper, receiving equity contributions from NW Holdings, or, for the NGD segment. drawing upon a commilted credit facilily. NW Natural also has a unaversal shelf registration slatement filed with the SEC for the issuance of secured and unsecured debt securities. As of December 31, 2018, NW Nalural has Board authorization to issue up to $325 million of additional FlvlBs and OPUC approval to issue up lo $25 million of additional long-term debl for aPProved PurPoses. ln lhe event senior unsecured long{erm debl ratings are downgraded. or outstanding derivative posations exceed a certain credit threshold, counlerparties under derivative contracts could require NW Naturallo post cash, a letter of credit, or other forms of collaleral, whach could expose NW Natural to additional cash requirements and may trigger increases in short-lerm borrowings while in a nel loss posilion. NW Natural was not required to post collateral at December 31. 2018 However, ifthe credit risk-related contingent features underlying these contracts were triggered on December 3'1, 2018. assuming long-term debl ratings dropped to non-inveslment grade levels. NW Natural could have been required to post $4.5 million in collateralwith our counterparlies. See "Credrl Rafmgs" below and Note 15 Other items lhat may have a signiflcanl impact on NW Nalural's liquidity and capilal resources include NW Natural's pension conkibution requiremenls and environmental expenditures. PENslotl coltrRtBullo . NW Natural expects to make contributions to its company-sponsored defined benefit plan, which ls closed to new employees, overthe nexl severalyears untilthe plan as fully funded under the Pension Prolection Act rules. including the rules issued under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21sl Cenlury Act (MAP-21) and the Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014 (HATFA). See "Application of Crilical Accounling Policies-Accounting lor Pensions ahd Postrcti rcmenf Be n etitC' belovl. BONUS 0EpREC[AT|Oi{. Fifty percent bonus depreciation was available for a large porlion of our capital expenditures in 2016 and 20'17 for both federal and Oregon laxes. This reduced laxable income and provided cash flow benefits. However. due lo the enaclment oflhe TCJA on December 22, 2017, bonus deprecialion is eliminaled for regulated NGD-business property acquired after December 31, 2017. Accordingly. we do not anticipate similar cash flow benefits related lo bonus depreciation in the future. ENVIRONiiEilTAL ExPEIDITURES. NW Naluralexpecls lo conlanue using cash resources to fund environmental liabililies. ln 2015, NW Natural received an Order from the OPUC regarding the SRRM mechanasm and began recovering amounts through NGD business rates in November 2015. ln addition, the OPUC issued a subsequenl Order regarding SRRM implementation in January 2016. See Note 17. and "Resulls of Operations-Regulatory M alle.s- E n vi ron fi e ntal Cosls" above Based on severalfactors, including current credit ratings, NW Nalural's commercial paper program, currenl cash reserves, commilted credat facilities, and an expected abilily to issue long{erm debt and receive equity contributions from NW Holdings. NW Natu.al believes ils liquidity is sufficient lo meet anticipaled near-lerm cash requircmenls, including all conlractual obligalions, investing, and financing activities as discussed in "CoDfactual Obligalions" and " Cash F/ows" below. NW ATURAL DIVIDEND POLICY. The declarations and amount of future dividends to NW Holdings willdepend upon earnings, cash flows, financial condition, the salisfaction ofOPUC and WUTC regulatory ring- fencing restrictions. and olher factors. The amount and timing of dividends payable on common stock is subject to approval of the NW Natural Board of Directors. OFF-BALAIICE SHEET ARRAXGEiIE TS. Except for certain lease and purchase commitments. NW Holdings and NW Natural have no malerial off-balance sheel financing arrangements. See "Contractual Obligations' below ln October 2017, NW Natural enlered into a 2o-year operating lease agreement for a new headquarlers location in Portland, Oregon. The existing headquarters lease expires in 2020 and after an exlensive search and evaluation process with a focus on seismic preparedness, safety, reliability, least cosl to cuslomers and a continued commitmenl to NW Nalural's employees and the communilies NW Natural seNes, NW Natural execuled a new lease for suitable commercial office space in Porlland. Oregon. Payments under lhe lease are expected lo commence in 2020 and totalestamated base renl payments over lhe life ollhe lease are approximalely $160 million. NW Natural has the option to extend the lerm ofthe lease for lwo addilional seven-year periods. Additionally, the lease was analyzed in consideralion of build{o-suit lease accounting guidance with lhe conclusion lhal NW Natural is the accounting owner of lhe asset during conslruction. As a result. NW Natural recognized $25.5 million and $0.5 million during 2018 and 2017, respectively, in property, plant and equipment and an obligation in other non-currenl Iiabilities for the same amounl on ils consolidated balance sheel. These accounting kansactions are non-cash in nature. and as such, are not included in lhe cash flow analysas and capilal expenditures forecasts below and have no impact on short lerm liquidity. When the new lease accounling standard bec€me effeclive for NW Holdings and NW Natural in 2019. the associated build-to-suit asset and liability were de,recognized in accordance wilh lhe new slandard See Note 2 for more information on the impacls ofthe new lease standard. 49 EXFIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 5l of2l0 TabLe of Conlents Contractual Obliqations The following lable shows contraclual obligalions from continuing operalions at December 31. 2018 by maturity and type of obligalion Payments Due in Years Ending December 3l 2019 2020 2021 2022 2423 Thereatter Tota NW Nalural Shorl-term debt maturitres Long-term debl maturities lnlerest on long-tenn debt Postrctirement benef it paymentsl') Operating leases Gas putchases'r' Gas pipel ne cepacily commitments Other purchase commiunenlsr' Other lonq-term liabilities I NW Natural Total NW Holdings Short- and long-term obligalionstr) NW Holdlngs Totat s 217.5 30.0 36.7 25.1 5.4 144.5 42.7 75.0 31.0 *.1 4.8 80.2 2.1 60.0 29.9 27 _O 7.1 2.3 667 o.6 80.0 27.3 7_3 4U_7 2754 159 4 149 I 580 0 217 _5 739_7 424.9 2s!,.1 181.7 149.6 2.4 17.3 s $S s S $ 606 559.2 222.O '193.6 124 4 213 9 1.649 8 2.962I o4 03 03 0.3 -14 30 $ 5596 $ 222 3 S 1939 $ 124.7 $ 214.2 S 1,65.1.2 $ 2,965 9 r1 Postretircment beneft paymenls primanly consists of tlvo NW Nalural item6: (1)eslimated pension and olher posAetirement plan payments, which a.efunded by plan assel9 and future cash contnbutions. and (2) required payments to the Westem Shtes multiemployer pension plan due lo our withdra$alfrom the plan in December 2013 See Nole 9 ''' Gas purciases irclude contracls whch use prjce formulas tied to monthly index prices. The commilrnenl amounts p.esented rncorporate the Deceinber 2Ol8 frrsl of month rndex price for eaci supply basin from whici gas is purcfiased For a summary of gas purchase and gas pipeline capacity commilments, see Nole 16 '!' Other purchase comm,lmenls pimaily cmsst of remaining balances underexisting purchase orders tming ol these payments are uncenain; however. these paymenls are unlikely lo alloccur in lhe next 12 monlhs.r5' Short- and long-lerm obligations include short- and long-tem debt obligations an<l other imrnaterial liabilities. ln addition to known contractual obligalaons listed in the above table, NW Natural has also recognized liabilities for future envaronmental remediation or action. The exact timing of payments beyond 12 months with respect to those liabilities cannot be reasonably estamated due to numerous uncerlainties surrounding the course olenvironmental remediation and the preliminary nature of site investagataons. See Note 17 for a fu rther discussion ofenvironmenlal remedialion cost liabilities. At December 31, 2018, 635 of NW Natural's natural gas diskibution employees were members of lhe Office and Professional Employees lntemational Union (OPEIU) Local No. 11. ln May 2014, our union employees ralified a new labor agreement (Joint Accord) lhat expires on November 30, 2019, and thereafter from year to year unless either party seNes notice of its intent to negotiate modifications to lhe collective bargaining agreement. The remaining terms ofJoinl Accord include lhe following itemsr a scheduled 3olo wage increase effective December 1 each yearwith the polenliallor up to an addilronal 3oi6 per year based on wage anflation at or above 4%. The Joint Accord also maintains competitive health benefits, lncluding a 15% lo 20% premium cost sharing by employees, a 401(k) contribution of 4% for employees hired after our pension plan was closed on December 31 , 2009, and a 40'l (k) match of 50% ofthe flrst 6% of savings, and other flexibility provisions benefiting the Company. Short-Term Debt The primary source of shorl{erm liquidity for NW Holdings is cash balances, dividends from its ope.ating subsidiaries. in particular NW Natural, available cash from a multi-year credit facility, and short-term credit facilities il may enter inlo hom time lo time. The primary source of short-term liquidity for NW Nalural is from the sale oI commercial pape. and bank loans. NWHoldings and NWNatural have separate commercial paper programs and separate bank facalilies. ln addition to issuing commercial paper or bank loans to meel working capital requiremenls, including seasonal requirements to finance gas purchases and accounts receivable, short{erm debt may also be used to temporarily fund capital requirements. For NW Natural, commercial paper and bank loans are periodically refinanced through the sale of long-term debt or equity contributions from NW Holdings. Commercial paper, when outstanding, is sold through two commercial banks under an issuing and paying agency agreement and is supported by one or more unsecured revolving credit facilities. See "Credit Agreements' below. At December 31, 2018 and 2017, NW Holdings had short{erm debt outstandang of $217.6 million and $54.2 million, respectively, and NW Natural had short{erm debt outstanding of $217.5 million and $54.2 million, respectively. The weighted average inlerest rate on commercial paper EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 52 of 210 50 242 27.8 7_2 61 1 0.1 173 0.3 Table oi Contenls outstanding at December 31, 2018 and 2017 was 3.0% and '1.90,6, respectively. Crodit Aqreements NW Holdings ln October 20'18, NW Holdings entered into a $100 mallaon credit agreemenl, with a feature thal allows it to request increases in the total commatment amount, up lo a maximum oI $150 million. The matudty date of the agreement is October 2, 2023, with available extension of commitmenls forlwo additional one-year periods, subjectto lender approval. All lenders underthe NW Holdings credit agreement are major financial instilutions with committed balances and investment grade credil ratings as of December 31, 20'18 as follows: Lender ratrng, by category Loan Commtmenl NW Holdings had $2.8 million of letters of credit issued and outstanding, separale from the aforemenlioned credit agreement, at December 31, 2018. NW Natural ln October 2018, NW Naturalentered into a new multi-year credit agreement for unsecu.ed revolving loans lolaling $300 million, wilh a feature thal allows NW Natural to request increases in the toial commilment amount, up to a maximum of $450 million. The maturity dale of the agreemenl is October 2, 2023 with an available extension of commitments for lwo additional one-year periods, subjecl 1o lender approval. NW Nalural concurrenlly lerminated its prior credit agreement upon the closing ofthe new agreement. Alllenders underthe NW Natural credit agreement are major financial institutions with committed balances and inveshent grade credit ratings as of December 31, 2018 as follows: Lender rating, by category Loan Commitmenl Total Total $T00 $100 Based on credit market conditions, it is possible one or more lending commilmenls could be unavailable lo NW Holdings if the lender defaulted due to lack offunds or insolvencyi however, NW Holdings does not believe this risk to be imminent due to the lenders' strong investmen!grade credit ratings. The NW Holdings credil agreemenl permits the isguance of lellers of credit in an aggregate amount of up lo $40 million. The principal amount of borrowings under the credil agreement is due and payable on lhe malurily date. The credit agreement requires NW Holdings to maintain a consolidated indebtedness lo lolal capitalization ralio of 70% or less. Failure lo comply with this covenanl would enlitle the lenders 10 terminate lheir lending commilmenls and accelerate the maturily of all amounts outstanding. NW Holdings was in compliance with this covenanl al December 31, 2018, with a consolidated indebledness to total capitalization ratio of 55.6010 The agreement also requires NW Holdings to maintain debt ratings (which are defined by a formula using NW Natural's credit ratangs in the event NW Holdings does not have a credit ratang) with Standard & Poor's (S&P) and Moody's lnvestors Service, lnc. (Moody's) and notify the lenders of any change in its senior unsecured debt ralings or senior secured debt ratings, as applicable, by such rating agencies. A change in NW Holdings' debt ratings by S&P or Moody's is nol an evenl of default, no. is the maintenance ofa specific minimum level ofdebt rating a condition ofdrawing upon lhe credit agreement. Rather, interest rates on any loans outstanding underthe credil agreements are lied to debt ralings and therefore, a change in the debt rating would increase or decrease lhe cost ofany loans underlhe sedit agreemenls when ratings are changed. NW Holdings does not currently maintain ratings wilh S&P or Moody's. I s 300 Based on credil market condilions, it is possible one or more lending commitmenls could be unavailable to NW Natural if the lender defaulted due lo lack of funds or insolvencyi however, NW Natural does not believe this risk to be imminenl due to lhe lenders' sirong investment-grade credit ratings. The NW Naturalcredit agreement permits the issuance oflelters ot credit in an aggregale amount of up lo 560 million. The principal amount ofborrowings under lhe credit agreement is due and payable on the maturity date. There were no outstanding balances underthis credit agreemenl or lhe prior credil agreement at December 31 , 2018 or 2017 The credit agreement requires NW Nalurallo maintain a consolidated indebledness lo lotal capitalization .atio of 70% or less. Failure to comply with this covenant would entitle the lenders to terminale their lending commiimenls and accelerate the maturity of all amounts outstanding. NW Natural was in compliance with this covenant at December 31, 2018 and 20'17, wilh consolidated indebtedness to total capatalizalion ratios of 57.17o and 52.9%, respeclavely. The agreement also requires NW Natural to maintain credil ratings with S&P and lVoody's and nolafy lhe lenders of any change in NW Natural's senaor unsecured debt ratings or senior secured debt ralings, as applicable, by such rating agencies. A change in NW Nalural's debt ratings by S&P or l\,4oody's is not an event ofdefault. nor is the maintenance ofa speciflc minimum level of debl rating a condition of drawing upon lhe credil agreemenl. Rather, interest rates on any loans outslanding under lhe agreement are tied to debt ratings and therefore, a change in the debt rating would increase or decrease lhe cost ofany loans underlhe credit agreement when ralings are changed. See "Credia Ratlrgs"below. 300 51 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 53 of 210 Table of Conlents Credit Ratinos NW Holdings does not currently maintaan ratings with S&P or Moody's. NW Natural's credit ralings are a factor ofliquidity, potentially affecting access to the capital markets including the commercial paper market. NW Natural's credit ratings also have an ampact on the cost offunds and lhe need to post collateral under derivative contracts. The following table summarizes NW Natoral's current credit ralings: s&P Comrnercial paper (short-tem debt) Senior secured (long,term debt) Senior uns€cuEd (long-lerm debt) Coporate c€dit rating Ratngs outlook Operatino Activities Changes in our operating cash flows are primarily affected by net income or loss, changes in working capilal requiremenls, and other cash and non-cash adjustments to operating results. Operating activity highlighls includei 2017 2016 nla Stable A3 Negative 206 7 $ 222.1$ 168.8 $ The above credit ratings and ratings oullook are dependenl upon a number offactors, both qualitative and quantitative, and are $ubject to change al any time. The disclosure ofor reference lo lhese credit ratings is nol a recommendation to buy, sell or hold NW Holdings or NW Natural securities. Each rating should be evaluated independently ofany olher rating. As part ofthe dng-fencing conditions agreed upon with the OPUC and WUTC in conneclion with the holding company reorganizataon. NW Holdings and NW Natural are required lo maintain separale credit ratangs, long-term debt ralings, and prefened stock ralings, if any. Lono-Term Debt The following NW Nalural debentures were retired in lhe periods indicatedl Yeers Ended December 31, 2018 2017 2016 NW Nalural Frrsl l\,,lortqaqe Bonds 2018 2017 2016 Cash provided by operating activities $ 173.5 S 206.5 $ 222.2 S S $25 22 75 $ 97S 40$ 2s The signitlcant drivers ofchanges in cash provided by operating activaties discussed below apply to both NW Holdings and NW Natural. 2018 COMPARED TO 2017. The signilicant factors contributing to the $37.9 million and $33.0 million decreases in NW Holdings and NW Natural cash flow provided by operaling activities, respeclively, were as follows:. a decrease ol $31 .5 million in cash flow benelits from changes in deferred gas cost balances primarily due to higher gas prices in the fourth quarter of2018 and lower currenl year PGA rates reflecting over-collections of cerlain fixed cosls from customers in the prioa yearwhen weather was colder than average:. a decrease ol 512.6 million due to 527.4 million income taxes paid in 2018 due to lhe elimination of bonus depreciation as a result of the TCJA, compared to income taxes paid of $14.8 million in 2017; partially offsel by. a netincrease of$10.2 millaon from changes in working capital relaled lo receivables, invenlories. and accounls payable reflecting warmer lhan average wealher in 2018 compared to the prior period; and. an increase of $3.9 million due to a decrease in contributions paid to qualified defined benefit pension plans 2017 COMPARED TO 2016. The signilicant faclors contributing lo the $15.4 million and $15.7 million decreases in NW Holdings and NW Natural cash flows provided by operating activities, respectively, were as follows:. a dec.ease of $2 1 I million due to $14.8 million income taxes pald in 2017 compa.ed to a refund of $7.2 mallaon in 2016 as a result of the enactment of bonus deprecialion in December 2015;. a decrease of $5.0 million due to an increase in cont.ibutions paid lo qualified defined beneflt pension plans; and. a net decrease of$12.2 million from changes in working capilal related lo rec€ivables, invenlories, and accounls payable reflecting colderthan average weather in 2017 compared to the prior period; partially offset by Series515%due2016 Series 7.00% due 2017 Series 6 6070 due 2018 Series 1.55% due 2018 Tol,al 40 Cash Flows Cash provided by operating activities Bsnkruotcv Rinq-fencing Restrictions As parl ofthe ring-fencing conditions agreed upon with the OPUC and WUTC in connectaon with the holding company reorganizalion, NW Natural is required lo have one directorwho is independent from NW Natural management and from NW Holdings and lo issue one share of NW Natural preferred slock to an independent third parly. NW Natural was in compliance with both of lhese rjng-fencing provisions as of December 31, 2018. NW Natural may file a voluniary pelition for bankruptcy only ifapproved unanimously by the Board of Direclors of NW Natural, including the independent director, and by the holder ofthe prelened share. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 54 of2l0 During the year ended December 3'1, 2018, NW Natural contribuled $15.5 mallaon to its qualified defined benefit pension plan, compared lo $19 4 million for 2017 and $'14.5 million for 2016. The amount and timing offulure conlributions will depend on market interest rales and inveslmenl returns on the plans'assets. See Note 9 Bonus depreciation of50%was available for a large porlion ofcapital expenditures forfederal and Oregon purposes in 2016 and 2017. This reduced our taxable income and provided cash flow benefits. Bonus depreciation for 2015 was not enacted until December 18, 2015. and was extended retroadively back to January 1, 20,l5 of the respective year. As a result, estimated income tax payments were made throughout 2015 without the benefit ofbonus depreciation forthe year. This delayed the cash flow benelit o, bonus depreciation until refunds could be requested and received. We received refunds offederal income tax overpayments of $7.9 million during 2016. As a result ofthe enactment of the TCJA on Oecembet 22,2017 ,bonus depreciation was eliminated for NGD business property acquired affer December 3'1, 2017. Accordingly, we do not anticipate similar cash flow benefits related to bonus depreciation in the future. We have lease and purchase commitmenls relating to our operaling aclavilaes that are financed with cash flows from operations. For informalion on cash flow requirements related to leases and other purchase commitments. see "Financial Condilioo-Contractual Obrgatiors" above and Note 16 lnvesting Aclivities lnvesting actavaty highlighls include 2018 2017 2016 Mist Gas Storage Expansion Project as well as customer growth, syslem reinlorcement, lechnology, and racilities. NW ATURAL 2018 COiTPARED TO 2017. The $24 3 million increase in cash used in invesling activities was primarily due lo NW Natural's initial cash contribution of $20 million to its then subsidiary, and now parent, NW Holdings, in addition to conlanued c€pilal expenditures primarily related to NW Natural's Norlh Mist Gas Storage Expansion Project as well as customer growlh, system reinforcemenl, lechnology. and facilities. 2Ot7 COMPARED TO 2016. The $77.6 million increase in cash used in lnvesting activilies was primarily due to higher capital expenditures primarily .elated to NW Natural's Nonh Misl Gas Slorage Expansion Project as well as cuslomer growth, system reinforcemenl, lechnology. and facilitaes. The operaling subsidiaries of NW Holdings invest in capilal expenditures lo mainlain and enhance the safety and integrity oftheir distribution systems, to expand the reach or capacity ofthose assets, and improve the efficiency oloperalions. CAPITAL EXPE,{DITURES. NW Holdings' largest subsidiary, NW Nalural, expects lo make a significant level ot investmenls in its NGD segment in 2019 and through 2023. Over lhe five-year period from 2019 to 2023, the NGD segment is expected to invest $820 to $910 million in capital erpenditures to supporl system reliability, customer growth, and operale effective technology for the business. ln 2019, NW Natural anlicipales several significanl projects for the NGD segment, including completing the replacement ofend of life equipment at the Mist gas storage facilaly. and renovaling several resource facililies across NW Natural's service lerritory. Projects in 2019 also include leasehold improvements and technology for the new headquarters in Portland. Oregon and lhe completion of lhe North Mist gas storage expansion projecl. NW Holdings' wholly-owned waler subsidiaries expect to invest in their Iacilities to support groMh and upgrade lherr systems wilh $30 to $40 million expected to be anvested from 20tg to 2023. NW Holdings expecis an immaterial amount ol non-NGD capilal investments for Gill Ranch and other activities in 2019 and through 2023. Tolal ca3h wed in in\€sling activitieg Cepitalexpenditr./les $ (217.5) $ \214.6) (214.2) $ (213.3) (136.6) (138.4) Total cash us€d ln in\esting activities Capilal expend{ures (238.s) $ 1214.3) (214.2) $ (213.3) (136.6) (138.4) 2018 2017 2016 s t{tv HoLonGs 2018 COITIPARED TO m17. The $3.3 million increase in cash used in investing aclivities was primarily due to continued capital expenditures primarily relaled to NW Natural's North Mist Gas Storage Expansion Projecl as wellas custome. growth, syslem reintorcement, lechnology, and facilities. 2017 coMPAREo To m16, The $77.6 million increase in cash used in anvesting aclivities was primarily due to higher capital expenditures primarily related to NW Nalural's North 53 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 55 of2l0 Table of Conlenls an increase o, $27.3 million in cash tlow benefils from changes in deferred gas cost balances primarily due to the $19.4 million gas cost savings credited to customers in 20'16 that did nol ocaur in 2017 . lnveslmenls in our infrastruclure during and after 2019 beyond the amounts provided belowwill depend largely on additional regulataons, growth, and expansion opportunities. Table of Contents For 2019, capital expenditures are estimated, on an accrual basis, to be as follows: One-YearOullook 2019 Low Hagh 265 Other 5 Tolal $ 230 C 270 Required funds for the inveslmenls are expecled to be intemally generaled and/or financed with long-term debl or equity, as appropriale 2018 2017 2016 $ proceeds from long{erm debt activity in 2017 and S52.8 million of common stock proceeds in 2016. NIV I{ATURAL 20i8 COT PARED TO 2017. The $62.4 million increase in cash provided by financing activilies was primarily due lo increases in short lerm debt issuances of S162.4 million, partially offset by S107.0 million lower nel proceeds from long,lerm debt activity in 20'18. NW Natural cash provided by fanancing activities was $12.0 million higher in comparison to NW Holdings primarily due to the payment ofthe November 15, 2018 dividend to NW Holdings shareholders using NW Holdings funds 2017 COITPARED TO ml6.The $93.6 million increase in cash provaded by financing activities was primarily due to $217-6 million lower repayments ofshort-term debt compared to the prior period, partially olfsel by $65 million lower nel p.oceeds from long{erm debt activity in 2017 and $52.8 million ofcommon stock proceeds in 2016. Pension Cost and Fundinq Status ot Oualified Retirement Plans NW Natural's pension cosls are determined in accordance with accounting standards for compensation and retirement benefits. See ''Application of Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates - Accotlrflrg lorPensioos and Poslrctirement Benefits'below. Pensaon expense for NW Natural's qualified defined benefit plan, which is allocated between operalions and maintenance expenses, capital expendilureg. and through October 31, 2018, lhe deferred regulatory balancing account, totaled$207millionin2018 anincreaseof 52.6 million from 2017. The fair market value of pension assets in lhis plan decreased to $257.8 million at December 31, 20'18 from $287.9 millaon at December 3'1, 2017. The decrease was due to a loss on plan assets of $25.9 million and benefit payments of $19.7 million, oflset by $15.5 million in employer conkibutions. Conl.ibulions made lo NW Natural's company-sponsored qualafaed defined benefit pension plan are based on actuarial assumptions and estimates, tax regulations, and funding requiremenls under federal law. The qualifled defined benefit pension plan was underfunded by $162.4 million at December 31, 2018. NW Natural plans to make contributions during 2019 of $1 1.0 million. See Nole I for further pension disclosures Continoent Liabilities Loss conlingencies are recorded as liabilities when it is probable lhat a liability has been incu.red and lhe amount ofthe loss is reasonably estimable in accordance with accounting standards for contingencies. See " Application ot Critical Accounting Policies ard Est/rnates" below. At December 31. 2018, NW Natural's total estimated Iiability related to environmenlal sites was S128.7 million. See Note'17 and "Results of Operatioos-Regulatory Matters-Rate lvlechanisms-Envion me ntal Cosls" above NW Holdings is not cunently party to any direct claims or litigation, though in the future it may be subjecl to claims and litigation arising in the ordinary course of business. Total cash provided by (used in) financing activities Change in short-term debt Change rn long-lerm debl Change in common stock rssued nel 7.4 $ 09 600 (86.2) 1216.71 125 0 NGD Core cadlal expenditures Sqnifcanl protects: Grorlh & rellabilily Facililies & technology Norlh Mist expansion Total proJects TOIAI NGD S 150 $165 '15 42 18 25 57 18 5 57.8 $ 163 3 (47 0) 524 2018 2017 2016 Total cash poviled by (rE€d in) fnancing activities Change in shon-bm debt CtrarEe in loarg-t€.m d€bt Chang€ in comfiron stock i9gued, rEt s 598 $ 163 3 147 o) (86.2) 1216.7) 125.0 2017 COMPARED TO 2016. The $93.6 million increase in cash provided by llnancing activilies was primarily due to $217.6 million lower repayments of short-lerm debl compared to the prior period, parlially otfsel by $65.0 million lower nel 54 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 56 of2l0 100 Financino Activities Financing activity highlights inciude: 7.4 S 0.9 60.0 IW HOLDI{GS 2olaCOi|PARED TO 20'17. The $50.4 million increase in cash provided by tinancing activities was primarily due to $162.4 million higher shorl-term debl issuances. partially offset by $107-0 milllon lower net proceeds from long{erm debl activity in 2018. APPUCANON OF CR'NCAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ESTTN'A IES New Accounting Pronouncements For a description of recent accounling pronouncements Ihal may have an impacl on our financial condition, results of operations, or cash flows, see Nole 2 adjustmenl to amounts included in rales charged to cuslomers The conditions that must be satisfied to adopt lhe accounling policies and praclices of regulatory accounting include:. an independent regulator sets rales;. the regulatorsets the rates to cover specific costs of delivering service;and. the service tenilory lacks competilive pressures to reduce rales below the rates set by the regulator. Because NW Natural's NGD operations salisty allthree conditions, NW Natural continues to apply regulatory accounting to NGD operations. Fulure accounting changes, regulatory changes, or changes in the competilive environmenl could require NW Natural to discontinue the application ofregulatory accounling forsome or allofour regulated businesses. This would require the write-off of those regulalory assets and liabilities that would no longer be probable of recovery from or refund to cuslomers. Based on currenl accounting and regulatory competitive conditions, NW Natural believes it is reasonable lo expecl continued application of regulatory accounting for NGD activities. Further, il is reasonable lo expect the recovery or refund of NW Natural's regulatory assets and liabilities at December 31 , 2018 throug h future customer rales. lf it is determined lhat allora portion ofthese regulatory assets orlaabalilies no longer meet lhe criteria for continued application of regulatory accounting, then NW Naturai would be required lo write-offlhe net unrecoverable balances againsl earnings in the period such delermination is made. The net balance in regulatory assel and liability accounls was a net liability of $245.3 million and a net liability of $217.7 million as of Decembe.3l ,2018 and 2017, respectively. See Note 2 for more detailon regulatory balances. Revenue Recoonition Revenues, which are derived primarily from the sale, transportation, and storage of natural gas, are recognized upon lhe delivery of gas commodity or seNices rendered to cuslomers. Accrued Unbilled Revenue For a descriplion ofthe poliry regardang accrued unbilled revenue. most ofwhich relates to lhe NGD business at NW Nalural. see Nole 2. The following table presenls changes in key melrics if the estimated percentage of unbilled volume at December 31 was adjusted up or down by 1%: 2418 Up l.h Down 1% Unulled revenue increase (decreasel" $ o I $ Margin increase (decrease)' 0 1 Net income beto.e tax rncrease (decrease)i') 0. 1r'' hcludss rmpacl ol.egLlatory mechanrsms r.crudng d€couplrng mechansm and exc udss lhe impad ol unbrllEd revenue froh wal6r seturcss Derivative lnstruments and Hedqing Activities NW Nalural's gas acquisition and hedging policies sel forth guidelines for using financial derivative instruments lo ln preparing financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, management exercises judgment in the seleclion and application of accounling principles, including making estimates and assumplions thal affect reported amounts ofassets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and related dasclosures in the financial statemenls. Managemenl considers critical accounling policies to be those which are most imporlanl to the represenlation of financial condition and results of operations and whach require management s most difficult and subjective or complex judgmenls, including accounting eslimales that could resull in materially ditferent amounts if reported under different conditions or used differenl assumplaons- Our most critical estimates and judgmenls for both NW Holdings and NW Natural include accounling for:. regulatory ac.counting; ' revenue recognition;. derivative instruments and hedging activilies;. pensions and postretirement benefits;. income taxes;. environmental conlingencieS; and. impairment of long-lived assets and goodwill. Management has discussed its currenl estimates and judgments used in lhe application of critical accounlang policies with the Audit Committees ofthe Boards of NW Holdings and NW Natural. Wathan the context of critical accounting policies and eslimales, managemenl is nol aware of any reasonably likely evenls or circumstances lhat would result in materially different amounts being reported. ReoulatorY Accountino The NGD segment is regulated by the OPUC and WUTC. which establish the rates and rules governang services provided to customers, and,lo a certain extent, sel forlh specaal accounting treatmenl for ceiain regulatory transactions. ln general. the same accounting principles as non-regulated companies reporting under U.S. GAAP are used. However, authoritative guidance for regulated operations (regulatory accounting) requires different accounting treatment for regulated companies lo show the effects of such .egulation. For example, NW Natural accounts for the cost of 9as using a PGA defenal and cost recovery mechanism, \ivhich as submitted for approval annually to the OPUC and WUTC. See "Resulls of Operalions-Regulatory l!!atters- Rate Mechanisms-Purchased Gas Adjustmerl"above. There are olher expenses and revenues that the OPUC or WUTC may require NW Nalu.allo defer forrecovery or refund in luture periods. Regulatory accounting requires NW Naturalto account for these lypes ofdeferred expenses (or deferred revenues) as regulatory assels (or regulatory liabilities) on the balance sheet. When lhe recovery of lhese regulatory assets from, or refund of regulatory liabilities to, customers is approved. NW Natural recognizes the expense or revenue on the income statemenl at the same time the (0 8) (0 1) (0.1) EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 57 of 210 55 Table ol Contents Table of Contents support prudent risk management strategies. These policies specifically prohibit the use ofderivatives for lradang or speculative purposes. Financaal derivative conlracts are utilized to hedge a porlion ofnatural gas sale requiremenls. These contracts include swaps, options, and combinations of oplion contracls. NW Natural primarily uses these derivative financial inskuments to manage commodily price variability. A small porlion of NW Natural's derivalive hedging slralegy involves Ioreign curency exchange contracts. Derivative instruments are recorded on the balance sheel at faar value lf certain regulatory conditions are met, then the derivative instrument fair value is recorded togetherwith an oftsetling entry to a regulalory asset or liability account pursuant to regulatory accounting, and no unrealazed gain or loss is recognized in currenl income or loss. See "Regu/atoly Accounting" above Iq additional informalion. The gain or loss from the fair value of a derivative inslrumenl subjecl to regulalory deferral is included in the recovery from, or refund to. NGD business customers in future periods. lf a derivalive conlracl is nol subject to regulatory deferral, then the accounting treatment for unrealized gains and losses is recorded in accordance with accounting standards for derivatives and hedging which is either ln current ancome or loss or in accumulated olher comprehensive income or loss (AOCI oTAOCL). Derivalive contracts outslanding at December 31. 20'18, 2017 and 2016 wete measured al fair value using models or other market acc€pted valualion melhodologies derived from observable markel data. Estimates offair value may change significantly from period-to-period depending on market conditions and prices. These changes may have an impact on results of operations, but the impact would largely be mitigaled due to the majority ofderivative activities being subjecl to regulatory deferral lrealmenl. For more inrormation on derivative activity and assocaated regulatory treatment, see Note 2 and Note 15. The following lable summarizes the amount of losses realized from commodily price transactions for the lasl three years: 2011 union and union employees hired or re-hired after December 3,|, 2006 and 2009, respeclively, and employees of cerlain NW Holdings subsidiaries are provided an enhanced Retiremenl K Savings Plan benelll. The postretirement Welfare Benellt Plan for non-union employees was also closed lo new participants several years ago. Net periodic pension and postretiremenl benefll co8ts (retirement benefit costs) and projected benefil oblagations (benerit obligations) are determaned using a number of key assumptions including discount rates, rate of compensalion increases, retirement ages, monality rales and an expected long-term return on plan assets. See Note I Accounting slandards also require balance sheet recognition of unamorlized actuarial gains and losses and prior service costs in AOCI orAOCL, net oftax. However, the retirement beneft costs related to qualified dellned benelit pension and postretirement benefil plans are generally recovered in rates charged to NGD customers. which are set based on accounling slandards for pensions and postretirement benefit expenses. As such, NW Naturalreceived approval kom the oPUC to recognize the unamortized actuarial gains and losses and prior service costs as a regulatory asset or regulatory liability based on expected rate recovery, ratherthan including il as AOCI or AOCL under common equity. See "Reguhlory Accou,tirg 'above and Note 2."lndustry Regulation". ln 201 'l , NW Nalural received regulatory approval from lhe OPUC and began deferring a portion of pension expense above or below lhe amount set in rates lo a regulatory balancing accounl on lhe balance sheet. On Oclober 26, 2018, the OPUC issued an order to freeze NW Natural's pension balancing account as of October 31, 20'18. The order directed NW Nalural and lhe other parties to the rate case lo engage in furlher regulatory proceedings extending the general rate case docket to resolve open issues walh respect to the recovery ofthe pension balancing account. On February 4, 20'19, NW Natural and the other parties to the rate case filed a joint stipulataon with the OPUC oullining a resolution to the issue. See "Regulatory Mallers-Regulatory Proceeding Updates-Oregon Gene.a/ Rafe Case" fo. more information. At December 31, 20'18, the cumulative amount defefied for future pension cost recovery was $74.2 million. including accrued interesl. The regulatory balancing accounl includes lhe recognition of accrued interest on the account balance at NW Natural's authorized rale ofrelurn, wilh lhe equity portion ofthis interesl deferred until amounts are collected in rales. A number of factors, as discussed above, are considered in developing pension and postretirement benefit assumplions. For the December 31, 2018 measuremenl date, NW Natural reviewed and updaled:. the weighted-average discount rate assumptions for pensions increased from 3.52olo fot 2017 lo 4.20o/o lot 2018, and our weighted- average discount rate assumplions for other postretiremenl benefits increased from 3.44o16 lor 2017 lo 4.13y.fot 2018. The new rale assumptions were determined for each plan based on a matching ofbenchmalk inlerest rates to the estimaled cash flows. whach reflecl the timing and amount offuture benefit paymenls. Benchmark interest rates are NGD business net loss on Commodity Stvaps S 74 $7.8 $ m.9 Realized losses from commodity hedges shown above were recorded as increases to cos( of gas and were, or wiil be, included in annual PGA rales. Pansions and Postretirement Ben€tits NW Nalural maintaans a qualilied non-contributory defined benetit pension plan. non-qualified supplemental pension plans lor eligible execulive officers and c€rtain key employees, and other poslretirement employee benefit plans covering certain non-union employees. NW Naluralalso has a qualified defined contribution plan (Retiremenl K Savings Plan) for all eligible employees. Only the qualified defined benefit pension plan and Retirement K Savings Plan have plan assets, which are held in qualified trusts to fund the respective retirement benefits. The qualilied defined benefit retirement plan for union and non- union employees was closed to new participanls several years ago. Non- 56 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 58 of2l0 2418 2016 Table of Contents drawn from the FTSE Above l\,ledian Curve, whach consisls of high quality bonds rated AA- or higher by S&P or Aa3 or higher by Moody si lhe expected annual rale offuture compensalion increases, which was updaled lo a range of 3.25% lo 3.5ol" at December 31 , 20'l8. lhe expected long-term return on qualified defined benelil plan assets, which remained unchanged at a rate of 7.500,6; the mortality rate assumptions were updated lrom RP-2006 mortality lables for employees and healthy annuitants wath a fully generational projection using scale MP-20'17 to RP-2014 mortality lables using scale MP-2018. which contributed lo the decrease ofour projected benefit obligalioni and other key assumptions. which were based on aclual plan experience and actuarial recommendations. At December 31. 2018, the net pension liability (benefit obligations less market value of plan assets) for NW Natural's qualifled defined beneflt plan increased $0.7 million compared to 2017. The increase in lhe nel pensaon liability is primaraly due lo the $30.1 million decrease in plan assets, partially offsel by a $29.5 million decrease in the pension benefit obligation. The liability fo. non{ualafied plans decreased $1.3 million, and lhe liability for other postretirement benefits decreased $0.8 million in 2018. The expected long-term rale of return on plan assels is determined by averaging the expected earnings for lhe target assel portfolio. ln developing expected return, historical actual performance and long-lerm return prqections are analyzed, which gives consideration lo the current asset mix and largel aSset allocalion. NW Nalural believes its pension assumplions are appropriale based on plan design and an assessment of market conditions. The following shows the sensitivity of retirement benefil cosls and benefit obligalions to changes in certain acluarial assumptions: operational costs of running a pension plan. Prior to MAP-21, interesl rates based on a 24-month average yield of investment grade corporate bonds (also referred to as "segmenl rale") were used lo calculale minimum conkibulion requirements. MAP-21 established a new minimum and maximum corridor for segment rales based on a 2s-year average ofbond yields. which resulted in lower minimum contribulions requirements than those under previous regulations. ln August 2014. HATFA was signed and extended funding relieffor an additionalfive years. lncome Taxes Valuation Allowances Deferred lax assets are recognized to lhe extent that these assets are believed to be more likely lhan not to be realized. ln making such a determinalion. available positive and negative evadence is considered. including fulure reversals of exisling taxable temporary differences. projected future taxable income. tax-planning strategies. and results of recent operalions NW Holdings and NW Nalural have determined that all recorded deferred lax assels are more likely than nol to be realazed as ofDecember31,20'18. See Note 10. Uncertain Tax Benefits The calculation of tax liabilities involves dealing with uncertainties in the application of complex lax laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate. A lax benefil from a material uncertain tax position will only be recognized when it is more likely than not that lhe position, or some porlion lhereof, will be suslained upon examinalion, including resolution of any relaled appeals or litigation processes, on the basis of the lechnical merits. NW Holdings and NW Natural participate in the Compliance Assurance Proc€ss (CAP) wilh the lnternal Revenue Service (lRS). Under the CAP program companies work with the IRS to identify and resolve material tax mallers before lhe federal income tax relurn is filed each year. No reserves for uncertain tax benefits were recorded dwing 2018,2017 , ot 201 6. See Note 10. Tax Legislation When significanl proposed or enacted changes in income tax rules occurwe consider whether there may be a material impact lo our financial posilion, results of operations, cash fiows, or whether the changes could materially aflect exisling assumptions used in making estimates of tax related balances. Change rn lmpacl on 2018 Retirement Benefrt Costs lmpact on Reirrement Benefil Obligations at Dec 31. 2018 Discount rate: Oualifed defnad b€neft dans Non-qualilied plans Other po6tretiEmenl benefts Expected long,term letum on plan assets: Qualif ied def ined benefit plans {0 25fk s 1.5 S 0.1 13 4 08 08 (o 25)Eo o7 NTA ln July 2012. President obama signed MAP-21 into law. This legislalion changed several provisions atfecting pension plans, including lemporary Iunding relief and Pensaon Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) premium increases, which reduces the level of minimum required contributions in the near-lerm but generally increases conlributions in lhe long-run as well as increasing the EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 59 of2l0 57 On December 22, 2017. H.R.'l - An Acl to provade for reconcilialion pursuant to litles ll and V oI the concurrent resolution on the budgel for fiscalyear2018. also known as lhe Tax Culs and Jobs Acl (TCJA), was enacted. The TCJA lowers the U.S. federal corporate income lax rate to 21% from lhe existing maximum rale of 350/6, elfeclive for our tax year beginning January 1, 2018. The TCJA includes specific provisions related to regulated public ulilities thal generally provide lor the continued deductibility of interest expense and the elimination of bonus depreciation. Certain rate normalization requirements foraccelerated cost recovery beneflls related to regulated plant balances also conlinue. See Nole 10 for more informalion on how we are impacted by the TCJA. The reduced U.S. corporale income tax rate had a material impacl on our financial statements in 2017. As a result ofthe reduction ofthe U.S. corporate income tax rale to 21ok, U.S. GAAP requires deferred tax assets and liabililies be revalued as ofthe date ofenactment, with resulting tax etfecls accounted for in the reporting period ofenaclment. We recorded a net revaluation ofdeferred lax asset and liability balances ofS196.4 million as ol December 31. 2017. utilizing the reduced federal rale of21% expected to apply when these lemporary differences are realazed or settled, based upon balances in existence at the date of enactment. This revaluation had no impact on our2017 cash flows. Wilh respect to other tax legislation, the final tangible property regulations applicable to all taxpayers were issued on Seplember 13, 2013 and were generally effective for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 20'14. ln addition, procedural guidance related to the regulations was issued under which taxpayers may make accounting method changes lo comply with the regulalions. We have evaluated the regulalions and do not anticipate any malerial impacl. However, unit-of- properly guidance applicable to naturalgas distribution networks has not yet been issued and is expected in the near future. We will furlher evaluate lhe effect oflhese regulations afterthis guidance is issued, but believe the current method is materially consislenl wilh the new regulations and do nol expect lhas additional guidance to have a material effect on our flnancial slalements. Reoulatory Matters Regulalory lax assets and liabilities are recorded to the extent il is probable they will be recoverable from, or refunded to, costomers in the future. Al December 31, 2018 and 2017, NW Natural had net regulatory income lax assets of $21.4 million and $22.2 million, respectively, representing future rale recovery of deferred tax liabililies resulling from dafferences in NGD plant financial stalement and lax bases and NGD planl removal cosls. These regulalory assets are currently being recovered through customer rates. ln 2017, the regulalory asset balance, and ils associaled deferred tax liability, were bolh reduced by $17.4 million as a result ofthe TCJA revaluation to reflect the lower corporate income tax rate. At December 31, 2018 and 2017, regulatory income tax assets of $2.3 million and $0.9 million, respectively. were recorded by NW Natural, representing probable future rate recovery of defered tax liabilities resulting from the equity portion ofAFUDC. ln 20'17. the .egulalory asset balance, and its associated deferred tax liabilily, were both reduced by S0.8 million as a result ofthe TCJA revaluataon to reflecl lhe lower corporate income tax rale On December 29. 2017, NW Natural filed applications with lhe OPUC and WUTC seeking authorization to defer the overall nel benefits of NGD resulling from lhe TCJA. On the same day, Staffofthe OPUC filed an applicalion seeking deferral of changes in NW Natural's federal lax obligations resulting from the TCJA. On January 8,2018. theWUTC issued a slalemenl acknowledging receipt of NW Natural s application and indicating lheir inlention lo incorporale lhe rmpact inlo fulure rate case proceedings. Al December 31, 2018 and 2017, regulatory liabilily balances, representing the estimated net benefit to NGD The TCJA includes specific guidance for determining the shodest time period overwhich the portion ofthis regulatory liability resulting from acceleraled cosl recovery of NGD plant may accrue to the benefit of customers to avoid incuning federal normalization penalties. However, il is anticipated that unlil such lime lhal cuslomers receive the direct benefil ofthis regulatory liability, the balance, nel ofthe additional gross up for income taxes, willcontinue to provide an indirecl beneit to customers by reduclng the NGD rate base which determines customer rates for service. ll is not possible at this time to determine when lhe final resolution of these regulatory proceedings will occur, and as result, this regulatory liability is classified as non-current. On February 4, 2019, NW Natural and the parties to lhe 2018 Oregon rate case llled a joint stipulalion addressing lhe return of net tax benefits to customers. See "Regulalory Matters-Regulalory Proceeding U pdales-Orego n G e ne n I Rat€ Case" for more information. NGD rates in effecl for Oregon lhrough October 31, 2018 and for Washingion through December 31, 2018 included an allowance lo provide for lhe recovery ofthe anticipated provision for income laxes incurred as a result of providing regulated services. The provision for income taxes during lhese perjods included an allowance for federal income taxes determined by utilizing the pre-TCJA federal corporate income lax rale of35 percent. NW Naturalrecorded an addilional regulatory liability representing the deferralof NGD s net benefit from a lower provision for income laxes due lo the newly enacted 21 percent federal corporate income tax rate, including a gross up for income taxes As of December 31, 2018. a regulalory liabilaly of $8.2 million, including accrued interest, was recorded to rellect lhis revenue deferral. Environmental Continqencies Environmental liabilities are accounted for in accordance with accounting slandards under lhe loss contingency guidance when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount ofthe loss is reasonably eslimable. Amounls recorded for environmental contingencies lake numerous factors inlo consideraton, including. among other variables. changes in enacted laws, regulatory orders, estimaled remediation costs. interesl rates. insurance proceeds, participalion by other parties. liming of paymenls. and lhe input of legal counsel and third-party experls. Accordingly, changes in any of lhese variables or other faclual circumstances could have a maleriai impacl on the amounts recorded for our environmenlal liabilities. For a complete discussion of environmental accounling policies refer to Note 2. For a discussion of current environmental sites and Iiabilities refer lo Nole 17. ln addilion, for information regarding lhe regulatory lrealmenl ofthese costs and NW Natural's regulatory recovery mechanism, see "Results of Operalions- Regulatory l,ratters-Rale Mechanisms-E vircnmental Cosls" above. 58 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 60 of2l0 Table of Contents customers resulling from lhe change in deferred laxes as a resull oflhe TCJA. of $217.1 million and $2'1 3.3 million, respectively, were recorded by NW Natural. These balances include a gross up for income taxes of $57.5 and $56.5 million, respectively. lmpairment of Lonq-Lived Assets and Goodwill Lono-lived assets We reviewthe carrying value of long-lived assels whenever evenls or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying amountofthe assets might nol be recoverable. Factors that would necessitale an impairment assessment of long-lived assels include a significant adverse change in the extenl or manner in which lhe asset is used, a signilicant adverse change in legal faclors or busaness climate that could affect the value of lhe asset, or a signiflcant decline in the observable market value or expected future cash flows of lhe asset, among olhers. \Men such factors are present, we assess the recoverability by determining whetherthe carrying value of the asset will be recovered through expecled future cash flows. An asset is determined to be impaired when the carrying value ofthe asset exceeds lhe expecled undismunted future cash flows from the use and evenlual disposition of the asset. ll an impairmenl is indicated, we record an impairment loss forlhe difference between the carrying value and the fair value ofthe longJived assets- Fair value is eslamaled using appropriate valuation methodologies, which may include an estimate of discounted cash ln lhe fourth quarter of20t7, we recognized a non-cash pre{ax impairment of long-lived assets at the GillRanch Facility of $192.5 million. We determined circumslances exisled that indicated the carrying value ofthe assets may not be recoverable. Those circumslances included the conpletion of a comprehensive stralegic review process that evalualed various alternatives including a potenlial sale, as well as conlracting for available storage al lowerlhan anticipated values for the coming storage year. Given these considerations. management was required to re-evaluale the eslimated cash flows from our inleresls in lhe Gill Ranch Facility, and determined that those estimaled cash flows were no longer sufficienl to coverthe carrying value oflhe assets. We used lhe income approach lo estimate fair value, using the eslimated future nel cash flows. We also compared lhe results of the income approach to our own recenl sale experience and recent market comparable lransactions in orderto estimate fair value. lllany factors and assumptions impact the net cash flows used The most sigoificant and uncertain estimates included our forecast of 9as storage pricing. our ability to succ€ssfully identify and contract with higher-value customers in and/or near the nonhern California markel lhat Gill Ranch serves. and explor,ng the possibility of providing energy slorage services such as cofipressed gas energy slorage (CGES). After compleling the slralegic evaluation, which included a potentialsale in the foudh quarter 0f2017, we lowered our views of a near{erm markel recovery and decreased the likelihood associated with contracting with higher-value customerS. These changes were lhe most significant estimates that caused our cash flow projections to decrease lo a point where lhey were no longer sufficient lo cover the carrying value ofthe asset. On June 20, 2018, NWN Gas Storage. NW Holdings' wholly-owned subsidiary, entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreemenl that provides for the sale by NWN Gas Storage of all of lhe membership inleresls in Gill Ranch. As a result of our strategic shift away from California gas slorage operations and the signirlcance of Gill Ranch's financial results in 2017, we concluded that the pending sale of Gill Ranch qualifies as assets and liabilities held for sale and disconlinued operations. As such. the assets and liabililies associated with Gall Ranch have been classified as discontinued operalions assets and discontinued operations liabilities, respectively, and. the results of Gill Ranch are presenled separately from the results of continuing operalions, net of tax, as dasconlinued operations for the consolidated results of NW Holdings in all periods presenled. The expenses included in the results ofdiscontinued operations within the consoladated resulls ot NW Holdings are the direct operaling expenses incurred by Gill Ranch thal may be reasonably segregated from the costs of our continuing operalions. See "Resulls of Operalions - Pe,dil,g Sa/e of Gill Ranch Storag6" above, Nole 4, and Note 18 for addiiional information NW Holdings and NW Natural early-adopted ASU 2017-04, "Simplirying the Test forGoodwill lmpairmenl" in the third quarter oI2018. The ASU removes Step 2 from the goodwill impairment test and under the amended guadance an entity should perform its annualgoodwill impairment tesl by comparing the fair value of a reporting unat with ats carrying amount and recognize an impairment charge forthe amounl in which the carrying amounts exceed Ihe faar value ofthe reporting unil. ln accordance with the updated guidance per ASU 2017-04, NW Holdings' and NW Natural's poliry for goodwill assessments begins with a qualitative analysis in which events and circumslances are evalualed, including macroeconomic condations. andustry and markel conditions, regulatory environments, and the overall financial performance of the reponing unit. lfthequalalalave assessment indicates that the carrying value may be at risk of recoverability, a quanlitative evaluation is performed lo measure lhe carrying value against the fair value ofthe reporting unit. This evaluation may involve the assessmenl offuture cash flows and olher subjective factors for which uncertaanty exists and could impact the eslimation of future cash flows. These faclors anclude. but are not limited to, the amount and timing offuture cash flows, fulure groMh rates, and the discount rate. Unforeseen events and changes in circumslances or markel conditions could adversely affect these estimates, which could resull in an impairment charge. A qualitative assessment was performed during lhe fourlh quarter of 2018 which indicated a quanlitatave assessment was not required; thus, no goodwill impairment was recorded. See Note 2 and Note 14 for additional informataon. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GE\4 STATI] WATI]R Page 6l of 210 Table oi Conlents Goodwill ln a business combanation, goodwill is initially measured as any excess olthe acquisitioniate fair value ofthe consideralion lransferred over the acquisilion{ate fair value ofthe net identiliable assets acquared. The carrying value of goodwill is reviewed annually during the fourlh quarter usang balances as of Oclober 1, or whenever events or changes an circumstance indicale thal such carrying values may nol be recoverable. 5g Table ol Contents ITEI\' 7A. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK NW Holdings and NW Natural are exposed to various forms of market risk including commodity supply risk. commodity price risk, inlerest rale risk, foreign currency risk, credit risk and weather risk. The following describes NW Holding$'and NW Natural's exposure lo these risks, as applicable. Commoditv Suoolv Risk NW Natural enters into spol, short-ierm, and long{erm natural gas supply contracts. along with associated pipeline transportation contracts, to manage commodity supply risk. Histo.ically, NW Natural has arranged for physical delivery ofan adequate supply ofgas, ancludang gas an lVist storage and off-system storage facilities. to meet expecled requirements of core NGD customers. NW Nalural's long-term gas supply conlracts are primarily index-based and subject to monthly re-pricing, a strategy that is intended lo substantially mitigale credit exposure to physical gas counterparlies. Absolute notional amounls under physical gas contracts related to open positions on derivative instruments were 472.3 million therms and 520.3 million therms as of December 31, 2018 and 2017, resPectively. Commodity Price Risk Natural gas commodity prices are subjecl to market fluctualaons due lo unpredictable factors including weather, pipeline transpo.tation congestion, drilling technologies, market speculation, and olher faclors that affect supply and demand. Commodity price risk is managed wilh flnancial swaps and physical gas reserves from a long-term investment in working interests in gas leases operated by Jonah Energy. These flnancialhedge conlracts and gas reserves volumes are generally included in NW Natural's annual PGA filing for recovery. subject to a regulatory prudence review. Nolional amounts under llnancial derivalive contracts were $77.7 million and S108.1 million as of December 31. 2018 and 2017, respectively. The fair value of financial swaps as ol December 31 , 2018 was an unrealized loss of $7.8 million with future cash oulflows of $2.8 million in 2019, $2.5 million in 2020, and $2.5 million in 2021. lnt€rest Rate Risk NW Holdings and NW Natural are exposed to interest rale risk primarily associated wilh new debt flnancing needed to fund capital requirements, including future contractual obligations and malurities of long-term and short-lerm debi. lnteresl rale risk is primarily managed through the issuance offixed-rate debl with varying malurities. NW Holdings and NW Natural may also enter into financial derivative inslruments, including interest rale swaps, options and other hedging inslrumenls, lo manage and miligate interest rate exposure. NW Holdings and NW Naturaldid not have any inleresl rale swaps outstanding as of December 31, 2018 ot 2017 Foreign Currencv Risk The cosls of certain pipeline and off-syslem storage services purchased from Canadian suppliers are subject to changes in the value of the Canadian curency in relation to the U.S. cunency. Foreign currency forward conkacts are used to hedge againsl fluctuations in exchange rales for NW Natural's commodity-related demand and reservation charges paid in Canadian dollars. Notaonal amounts under foreign currency forward contracts were S6.9 mallion and $7.7 million as of December 31. 2018 and 2017, respectively. lfalloflhe foreign cunency forward contracts had been sellled on December 31 , 20'18, a loss of $0.3 million would have been realized. See Note 15. Credit Risk Credit Exoosure to Natural Gas Suooliers Certain gas suppliers have eilher relatively low credit ratings or are not rated by major credit rating agencies. To manage this supply risk, NW Natural purchases gas from a number of ditferent suppliers at liquid exchange points. NW Nalural evaluates and monltors suppliers' credilworlhaness and maintaans the abalily to require addiiional financial assurances. ancluding deposits. letters of credil, or surely bonds, in case a supplier defaulls. ln lhe event of a supplier's failure to deliver contracled volumes of gas, the NGD business would need to replace lhose volumes at prevailing market prices, which may be higher o. lower than the origanaltransaclion praces. NW Naturalexpects these cosls would be subject to ils PGA sharing mechanism discussed above. Since most ol NW Nalural's commodity supply contracts are priced at lhe daily or monthly market index pnce tied to llquid exchange points. and NW Natural has adequale storage flexabilily. NW Natural believes it is unlikely a supplier default would have a material adverse effect on ils financial condilion or results of operalions. @Basedon estimated fair value at December 31, 20'i 8. NW Nalural's overall credlt exposure relating to commodily contracts is considered immaterial as it reflecls amounls owed to financial derivative counterparties (see lable below). However, changes in natu.al gas prices could result in counlerparties owing NW Natural money. lherefore, NW Natural's financialderivatives poliry requires counteeanies lo have at least an inveslmenl{rade credit ratang at the time the derivative inskument is entered into and specific limits on the conlract amounl and duralion based on each counlerparty's credit rating. Due to polential changes in market condilions and credit concerns. NW Natural continues to enlorce skong credat requirements. NW Nalural actively monitors and manages derivalive credit exposure and places counterparties on hold for trading purposes or requares cash collaleral, letters of credit- or guarantees as circumstances warrant. 60 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 62 of2l0 Tabe ot Contents The following table summarizes NW Nalural's overall financial swap and option credit exposure, based on estimated fair value, and the corresponding counlerpany credit ratings. The table uses credit ratings from S&P and l\,'toody's, reflecting the higher of the S&P or Moody's rating or a middle raling if the entily is split-raled with more than one raling level difference: commercial customerS, which is intended to slabilize the recovery of NGD business fixed cosls and reduce fluctuations in customers bills due to colder or warmer lhan average weather. Cuslomers in Oregon are allowed to opt out of the weather normalization mechanism. As of December 31. 2018, approximately 8% of Oregon customers had opled out. ln addition lo the Oregon customers opting out, Washington residential and commercial customers account for approximately 11% of our tolal customer base and are not covered by wealher normalazation. The combinalion ofOregon and Washinglon cuslomers not covered by a weather normalization mechanism is 19% of all residenlial and commercial customers. See "Results of Operations-Regulatory Matters-Rate Mechanisms-WARM" above- Financial Derjvative Poslion by Credft Rating lJnrealized Fair Value Gaan (Loss) 2014 20'17 BBB/Baa Tolal S S $ $(6 3) (1.s) \22 3) ln most cases, NW Natural also mitigates the credit risk of financial deaivatives by having master nelting arrangements with counterparties which provide for making or receaving net cash setllements. Generally. lransaclions otthe same type in the same currency lhal have settlemenl on the same day with a single counterparty are netled and a single paymenl is delivered or received depending on which party is due funds Additionally, NW Natural has masler contracls in place wilh each deravative counterparty that include provisions for posting or calling for collaleral. Generally, NW Natural can obtain cash or marketable securities as collaleralwith one day's notice. Various collateral management strategies are used lo reduce liquidity risk. The collateral provisions vary by counterparly but are not expected to result in the significant posting ol collateral, if any. NW Natural has performed slress lests on the portfolio and concluded the liquidity risk from collateralcalls is not material. Derivative credit exposure ls primarily with investmenl grade counlerparties raled AA-/Aa3 or higher. Contracts are diversified across counlerparties to reduce credil and liquidity risk. At Dec€mber 31, 2018. financial derivative credit risk on a volumetric basis was geographically concentrated 33% in the United States and 67% in Canada, based on counterparties' localion At December 31 , 2017, financial derivalive credit risk on a volumekic basis was geographically concentrated 36% in the United Stales and 64% in Canada with our counterparties. Credil Exposure to lnsurance Companres Credit exposure to insuaance companies for loss or damage claims could be malerial. NW Holdings and NW Natural regularly monitor the financial condition of insurance companies who provide general liabilily insurance policy coverage lo NW Holdings, NW Nalural, their predecessors. and lheir subsidiaries. Weather Risk NW Nalural has a weather normalization mechanism in Oregon. however. il is exposed lo weather risk primarily from NGD business operalions. A large percentage of NGD margin is volume driven, and currenl rates are based on an assumption of average weather. NW Natural's weathea noamalization mechanism in Oregon is for residential and s EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 63 of2l0 61 (9.0) (13.3) (7.8) $ ITEM 8, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA TABLE OF CONTENIS Page '1. fu|anaqemenl's Reports on Internal Control Over Financial Reportinq 2. ReDorts of lndeoendent Reqistered Public Accountino Firm 65 3. ConsolidatedFinancialSlalements Consolidated Statemenls ofComprehensive lncome (Loss) of Norlhwest Natural Holdinq Company for the Years Ended Decembe. 68 ZO 71 72 75 76 77 31,2018.2017 . and 2016 Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity of Nonhwest Nalural Holding Company lor the Years Ended December 31, 2018, 2017, and 2016 Consolidated Statements ofCash Flows ofNorlhwest Natural Holding Company forthe Years Ended Decembet 31,2O18,2017, and Consolidated Balance Sheets of Northwest Natural Gas ComDanv at Decembe.31, 2018 and 2017 Consolidated Statements of Shareholder's Equilv of Northwest Natural Gas ComDanv for the Years Ended December 3'1, 2018. 2017 and 2016 Consolidaled Stalemenls of Cash Flows of Northwest Natural Gas Company for the Years Ended December 31 , 2018,2017 , and 2016 Noles to Consolidated Financial Statements 4. QuarlerlyFinanciallnformalion 115 5. Supplementary Dala fo.theYears Ended December31,2018,2017, and 2016 Financial Slatement Schedules Schedule I - Condensed Financial lnforqq!iq!![]\!9l!!!!qst Natural Holding Company chedule ll - Valuation and Qual Accounls and ReseNes of Northwest Natural Hold a and Northwest N Companv Supplemenlal Schedules Omilted All other schedules are omitted because ofthe absence of the condilions under which they are required or because the required informa{ion is inciuded elsewhere in the financial slatements. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI 62 GEM STATE WATER Page 64 of 210 Table of Contents eeasllidated Balance Sheets of Norlhwqst Natural Holdinq Companv at December 31. 2018 and 20'17 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive lncome (Loss) of Northwest Natural Gas Companv for the Years Ended December 31, 2018.2017. and 2016 2016 117 't21 Table of Contenls NW HOLDINGS MANAGEMENT'S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING NW Holdings managemenl is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal conkol ove. financial reporting as defined in Rules 13a- 'l5(0 o|l5d-15(f) under lhe Securities Exchange Acl of 1934, as amended. NW Holdings' inlernal conkol over financial repo.ling is designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of Unancial slatements for external purposes in accordanc€ with generally accepted accounting principles in the Uniled States of America (GAAP). NW Holdings' internal conlrol over financial reporting includes those policies and proc€dures that: (i) pertain to lhe maintenance of records lhat, in reasonable detail. accurately and fairly reflecl the transactions and dispositions involving company assels; (ii) provide reasonable assurance thal lransactions are recorded as necessary lo permil ihe preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP, and that receipts and expenditures a.e being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and lhe NW Holdings Board of Directors:and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of the unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition oI NW Holdings' assets lhat could have a malerialeffect on the financial slatemenls. Eecause of ils inherent limitalions, inlernal control over financial reporling may not prevent or detect misstatemenls or fraud. Also, projections of any evaluation of eflectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that conlrols may become inadequate bec€use of changes in condilions, or that the degree of compliance with ihe policies or procedures may deteriorate. NW Holdings management assessed the etfecliveness of NW Holdings' anternal conlrol over Iinancial reporting as of December 31 , 2018. ln making this assessment, NWHoldings management used lhe crateria set forth by the Committee ofSponsoring Organi2ations oflhe Treadway Commission (COSO) in /rtemal Control-lntegrated Fftmewoft (2013) Based on NW Holdings management's assessmenl and those criteria, NW Holdings management has concluded that it maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2018. The effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of December 31. 2018 has been audiled by Pricewalerhousecoopers LLP, an independenl registered public accounting firm, as stated in their report which appears in this annual report. /s/ David H. Anderson David H. Anderson Presadent and Chief Executive Officer Frank H. Burkhansmeyer Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer /s/ Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer N4arch 1, 2019 63 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 65 of2l0 Table oi Conrenls NW NAfURAL MANAGEMENT'S REPORr ON INTERNAL CONIROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING NW Nalural managemenl is responsible for establishing and mainlaining adequale anlernal conlrol over financial reporting as defined in Rules 13a 1 5 (0 or 15d-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended NW Nalural's inlemal control over flnancial reporting is designed lo provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability offinancial reporting and lhe preparation of financial slatements for external purposes in accordance wilh generally accepled accounting principles in the United States of America (GAAP). NW Nalural's internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that: (i) perlain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable delail, accurately and fairly reflect lhe transaclions and dispositions involving company assels: (ii) provide reasonable assurance lhat lransactions are recorded as nec€ssary lo permit lhe preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP, and that receipls and expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and the NW Natural Eoard of Directors:and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely deteclion of the unaulhorized acquisition, use, or disposition of NW Natural's assets thal could have a malerial effect on the financial statements. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detecl misslatements or fraud. Also, projeclions ol any evaluation of effecliveness lo future periods are subject to the risk thal controls may become inadequate because of changes in condilions. or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. NW Natural managemenl assessed lhe eflectiveness of NW Nalural's inlernal conlrol over financial reporling as of December 31 , 2018. ln making this assessmenl, NW Natural management used the criteria setlorth by the Committee oI Sponsoring Organizations ofthe Treadway Commission (COSO) in lntemal Control-lntagated F6mewo* (2013). Based on NW Natural management's assessmenl and those criteria, NW Nalural management has concluded that it mainlained effective anternal control over linancial reporting as of December 31 . 2018. /s/ Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer Frank H. Burkharlsmeyer Senior Vice President and Chaef Financial Offlcer March 1, 2019 64 EXI{IBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 66 of2l0 /s/ David H. Anderson David H. Anderson President and Chief Execulive Ofllcer REPORT OF INDEPENDENr REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNNNG FIRM To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Northwest Nalural Holding Company Opinions on ahe Financial Sa'rments and lnte.nal Cont ol over Financial Reportiog We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Norlhwest Natural Holding Company and its subsidiaries (the 'Company") as of December 31. 2018 and 2017, and the relaled consolidaled slalemenls of comprehensive income (loss). of shareholders' equity, and of cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended Oecember 31, 2018, including the related notes and financial slalement schedules listed in the accompanying index (collectively referred to as the "consolidated financial slatements"). We also have audiled lhe Company s inlernal conkol over financial reporting as of December 31. 2018, based on criteria established in lnlernal Control - lntegrated Framework (2013) issued by lhe Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commisslon (COSO). ln our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred lo above presenl fairly, in all material respecls. the financial position of the Cornpany as of December 31, 2018 and 20,l7. and the results of its operations and ils cash flows for each of lhe three years in the period ended December 31, 2018 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepled in lhe Uniled States of America. Also in our opanion, lhe Company maintained. in all material respecls, effective intemal control overfinancial reporting as of December 31. 2018, based on criteria established in lnternal Conlrol - lntegrated Framework (2013) issued by the COSO. Basis for Opihions The Company's management is responsible for these consolidated financial statements, for maintaining effective inlernal control over financial reporting, and for its assessmenl of lhe effectiveness of internal conkol over financial reporting, included in the accompanying Management's Repod on lnlernal Control over Financial Reporling. Our responsibility is to express opinions on lhe Company's consolidaled flnancial stalements and on lhe Company s internal conlrol over financial reporting based on our audils. We a.e a public accounling llrm registered with lhe Public Company Accounting Oversighl Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in acrordance wilh lhe U.S. federal securities laws and lhe applicable rules and regulations of lhe Securities and Exchange Commission and lhe PCAO8. We conducted our audils in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require lhal we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whelher the consolidated financial statemenls are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, and whether effective internal conlrol over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audits of lhe consolidated financial stalements included performine procedures to assess the rasks of material misstatemenl of the consolidated financial statemenls. whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures lhal respond to those risks Such procedures included examining, ona tesl basis, evidence regarding the amounls and disclosures in lhe consolidaled financaal stalemenls. Our audits also included evaluating lhe accounting princaples used and signilicant estimates made by managemenl. as well as evaluating lhe overall presentataon of the consolidated financial stalements. Our audit of inlernal control overfinancial reporting included obtaining an understanding of inlernal control over financial reporling. assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating lhe desagn and operating etfectiveness of internal control based on lhe assessed risk Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audils provrde a reasonable basrs tor our oprnrons. Delinition and Urnitations ol lntarnal Control over Financial Reponing A company's internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliabilily of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statemenls for external purposes in accordance wilh generally accepted accounting principles. A company's internal control over financaal reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the mainlenance of records lhat, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflecl lhe transactions and dispositions ofthe assets of the company, (ii) provide reasonable assurance lhat lransactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparalion of rlnancial slalements in accordance wilh generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company: and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevenlion or limely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposilion of the company s assels that could have a malerial effect on the financial statemenls. Because of its inherent limitatjons, internal conkol over financial reporting may not prevenl or delect misslatements. Also. projections of any evaluation of effecliveness to future periods are subject lo lhe rask thal conlrols may become inadequate because ofchanges in 60nditions, or lhat the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorale. ,ls/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Ponland, Oregon March 1, 2019 We have served as the Company's auditorsince 1997 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 67 of2l0 65 Table of Contents To lhe Board of Directors and Shareholder of Northwest Nalural Gas Company Opinion on lhe Financial Saatements We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Northwest Natural Gas Company and its subsidiaries (the "Company") as of December 31, 2018 and 2017. and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income (loss). of shareholder's equity, and of cash flows for each ofthe three years in the period ended December 31, 2018. including the related noles and financial statement schedule listed in the accompanying index (collectively referred lo as the "consolidaled financial statements'). ln our opinion. lhe consolidaled financial statements present fairly, in all material respecls. the flnancial posilion of the Company as of December 3'1, 2018 and 2017, and the results of ils operalions and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 20'18 in conformity wilh accounting principles generally accepted in lhe LJniled Stales ofAmerica. BasElotOpinion These consolidated financjal slalemenls are the responsibility of the Company's managemenl. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company's consolidated financial statements based on our audils. We are a public accounting firm registered wilh the Public Company Accounling Oversight Board (United Slates) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect lo the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations ofthe Securilies and Exchange Commission and lhe PCAOB. We conducted our audats ofthese consolidated financial statements in accordance with the standards ofthe PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit lo obtain reasonable assurance about whelher the consolidated financaal statements are free of malerial misslalemenl, whelher due io error or fraud. The Company is not required to have, nor were we engaged to perform. an audit of its inlernal conkol over flnancial reporting. As parl of our audils we are required to oblain an understanding of internal control over financial reporting but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on lhe eflectiveness of lhe Company's intemal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we exprcss no such opinion. Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures lhat respond lo those rasks. Such procedures included examining, on a tesl basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consoladated financial slatements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significanl eslimates made by management, as well as evalualing the overall presenlalion ofthe consolidated llnancaal slalemenls. We believe lhat our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. /s/ PricewalerhouseCoopers LLP Portland, Oregon N4arch 1.2019 We have served as the Company's audator since '1997. 66 EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 68 of2l0 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM Table ol Conlents ln lhorsands. except per share data NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) Year Ended December 31 2018 2017 2016 Operaling revenues Operating expenses: Cosl ofgas Operations and maintenance Environmental remediation Generaltaxes Revenue taxes Depreciation and amortizalion Olher operating expenses Tolal operating expenses lncome trom operations Other income (expense), net lnteresl expense. nel lncome before income taxes lncome tax expense Net income from continuing operations Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax Nel income (loss) Olher comprehensive income (loss)r Change in employee benefit plan ,iability, net of taxes of ($ 166) for 2018, $735 tor 2017, and $452 for 2016 Amorlizalion of non-qualifled employee benefit plan liability, net of laxes of ($278) for 2018, ($374) for2017, and ($624) for2016 Comprehensive income (loss) Average common shaaes outstanding: Basic Diluled Earnings from continuing operations per share of common stock: Basic Daluted Loss from discontinued operations per share of common stock: Basic Diluled Earnings (loss) per share of common stock: Basic Diluted See Notes to Consolidated Financial Slatements $ 706,143 $ 755,038 $ 668,173 255,519 156,698 11 .127 32,172 30,082 85,156 3,227 324.795 152,358 15,291 30,639 260.588 't36,723 13,298 29,243 81.053 77 ,604 573,981 604,136 517.456 132,162 (3,601) 37,059 r50.902 (295) 37,526 150.717 (7.151) 38,136 91.502 113,081 105,430 24.191 41,008 43,01 1 67,31'1 72,073 62,419 (2.7421 (127,696) (3,524) 64.569 (55,623)58,895 476 774 (2,059) 572 (7 411 955 $ 65.819 $ (57,110) $ 59,106 $ s 28.803 28.873 28,669 24.753 27,647 27,779 2.34 $ 2.33 2.51 2.51 $ (4.45) $ (4.44) (0.13) (0.13) s 2.24 $ 2.24 (1.%) $ ('r.93) 2.13 2.12 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYI\4AN. DI CEM STATE WATER Page 69 of 210 67 Table of Contenls (0.10) $ (0.0s) 2.26 TabLe of Contents NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS As of December 31, 2 018 2017 Assets: Currenl assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Accrued unbilled revenue Allowance for uncollectible accounls Regulatory assets Derivative inslruments lnvenlories Gas reserves lncome taxes rcceivable Olher current assels Oiscontinued operalions - currenl assets Total current assets Non-current assetsl Property plant, and equipment Less: Accumulated depreciation Total property, plant, and equipment, net Gas reserves Regu,alory assets Derivative inslruments Other investmenls Goodwill Other non-current assels Disconlinued operations - non-current assets Total non-current assets Tolal assets $'t2,633 S 66,S70 57.827 (977) 41,930 9.001 44,149 16,647 6,000 28.472 '!3.269 3,472 66,236 62.381 (956) ,r5,781 't,735 47,577 15,704 24.949 3.057 295.921 269,936 3,414.490 9S3,1 't 8 3,204,635 960,477 2.421.372 66,'t97 371,786 63,558 8.954 14.145 2,244,',t58 84,053 356.608 1,306 66,363 6,505 10,817 2.946,7 41 2,769,810 $ 3,242,662 $ 3,039,746 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 68 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 70 of2l0 Table ol Contenls NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS As of December 31. 2018 2017 Liabililies and equity: Current liabilities: Short{erm debt Current maturities of long-term debt Accounts payable Taxes accrued lnterest accrued Regulalory liabalataes Derivative instruments Other current liabilities Disconlinued operations - cunent liabilities Total cunent liabilities Long{erm debt Deferred credits and olher non-current liabilitiesi Defened tax liabilities Regulatory liabilities Pension and other postrelirement benefil liabilities Derivative instrumenls Other non-current liabilities Discontinued operations, non-currenl liabilities Totaldelerred credits and other non-current liabilities Commitmenls and contingencies (see Note 16 and Note 17) Equity: Common stock - no par value; authorized 100,000 sharesl issued and outstanding 28,880 and 28,736 al December 31, 2018 and 2017, respeclively Retained earnings Accumulated othercomprehensive loss Total equily Toral liabitities and equity See Noles Io Consolidated Financial Statemenls 69 S 54,200 96,703 11't,021 18,883 6,773 34,013 18,722 39,942 1,593 509,084 381.850 706,247 683,'t84 217.620 $ 29.989 115.878 1 1,023 7,306 47,436 12,381 54.492 12,959 280,463 61 1,560 22't,886 3,025 147,763 270,526 586,093 223,333 4.649 135,292 12.043 1.264.697 1.23r,936 457.640 312.182 (7,188) 762,634 7 42,776 $ 3.242.662 $ 3,039,746 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER Page 7l of 210 448,865 302,349 (8,438) Tab e of Contenls NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Common Slock Accumulated Olher Comprehensive lncome (Loss) Relained Earnings Tolal Equily Balance at Oecember 31. 2015 Comprehensive income Dividends on common stock, $1.87 per share Stock-based compensation Shares issued pursuant to equity based plans lssuance of common slock. nel of issuance cosls Balanc€ at December 31, 2016 Comprehensive income (loss) Dividends on common stock, $1.88 per share Stock-based compensalion Shares issued pursuant lo equity based plans Balance at December 31 2017 Comprehensive income Dividends on common stock, S1.89 pershare Stock-based compensation Shares issued pursuanl to equily based plans Cash purchase ofshaaes lor business combination Value ofshares transferred for business combination Balance at December 31. 2018 412,261 (55,623) (54,289) (6,95r) (1,487) $ 383,144 $404.990 $ s8,895 (s1,624) (7,162) $ 211 780,972 59,106 (51,624) 2,924 6.358 52.761 850,497 (57.110) (54,289) 796 2,924 6,358 52.761 445.18? 2.842 796 448,865 302,349 64,569 (54,736) (8,438) 1.250 742,776 65,819 (54.736) 3,020 5,175 (7,945) 8,525 3,020 5,175 (7,945) 8,525 $ 457,640 $ 312,182 $ See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (7,188)i____I93f!4 70 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN^ DI CEM STATE WATER Page 72 of2l0 NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS 2018 Year Ended December 31, 2017 2016 Operating activities: Net income (loss) Adjuslments lo reconcile net income (loss) to cash provided by operalionsr Deprecaation and amortizalion Regulatory amortazation of gas reserves Deferred income laxes Oualified defined benefit pension plan expense Contributions to qualified defined benefit pension plans Deferred environmenlal expenditures, net Regulatory disallowance of prior environmental cost deferrals Amorlazation of environmental remediation Regulatory revenue defenal from the TCJA Other Changes in assets and liabilities: Rec€ivables, nel lnventories lncome and othea taxes Acclunts payable lnlerest accrued Deferred gas costs Other, nel Disconlinued operations Cash provided by operating activilies lnvesting aclivitiesl Capital expenditures Other Discontinued operalions Cash used in investing activities Financing activilies: Repurchases related to stock-based compensation Proceeds from slock options exercised Proceeds lrom common stock issued Long{erm debl issued Long-term debl retired Change in shorl{erm debt Cash dividend paymenls on common stock Stock purchases relaled to acquisilions Other Cash provided by (used in) financing activities lncrease (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period Cash and cash equivalents, end of perjod $ 64,569 $ (55,623) $ s8,89s 1',1 ,127 1.596 85,156 16.684 14.356 8.108 (15,540) (14,528) 81,053 16,353 152.414) 5.364 (19,430) (13,716) 3.282 5,600 6.734 1,092 807 17,122 (4,093) 197,180 77,604 15,525 32,056 5,274 (14,470\ (10,469) 3.287 13.298 181 (16,904) 16.792 (14,395) 552 (645) 2,846 (6,395) 16,565 9,467 12.028 93 (10,204) 11,727 5,020 168.771 206,704 222147 1,546 50,000 (97.000) 163.274 (51,311) (7,951) (715) (2.034) 4.819 100,000 (40.000) 900 (s3,9s7) (1,042\ 8,404 52,760 150,000 (2s,000) (216,735) (51,508) 57.843 7.419 (86,208) 9.161 3.472 (49) 3.521 (690) 4,211 $ 12.633 $ 3,472 $ 3,52',1 Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information lflterest paid, nel of ca pita lization lncome taxes paid (refunded) 34,787 $ '14,780 E{*islr 2 36,023 71 $ 35.324 $ 27.370 See Notes lo Consolidated Financial Statements PALIRE,YMAN.t)t GEM STATE WATER Page 73 of 210 15.291 2.102 (214,636) (213,325) (138.357) (3.390) 1577) 2,882 573 (270) ( 1.154) (217.453) 1214.172) (136,629) (2,309) (3,087) EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 74 of 210 Operaling aevenues Operating expensesl Cost ofgas Operaiions and maintenance Environmenlal remediation Generaltaxes Revenue taxes Depreciation and amorlization Other operating expenses Total operaling expenses lncome from operalions Other ancome (expense), nel lnlerest expense, net lncome befote income laxes lncome tax expense Net incorne from continuing operations Loss from discontinued operalions, net oftax Net income (loss) Olher comprehensive income (loss): Change in employee benefit plan liability, net of laxes of ($166) for 2018, $735 for 2017, and $452 for 2016 Amortization of non-qualified employee benefit plan liability, net of taxes of ($278) for 2018, ($374) for2017, and ($624) for 2016 Comprehensive income (loss) See Notes to Consolidated Financial Slatements $ 705,s7r $ 755,038 $ 667,949 255,743 155.225 11 .127 32.086 30.082 84.986 3.223 32s.019 152,180 '15.291 30,602 260,588 135,979 13,298 29,222 81.024 77.575 572,472 604,116 516,662 133,099 (3,599) 36,992 150,922 (198) 37,526 15',t,287 (7,041) 38,136 92,508 r 13,1S8 106,110 24.459 41,478 43 275 68,049 71,720 62,835 \1.723) (127.343) (3 940) 66,326 (55,623) 58,895 476 774 (2,059)(744} 955 $ 67,576 $ (57,110) $ 59,106 72 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 75 of2l0 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEI\iIENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) Year Ended December 31 2018 2017 2016 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS As of December 31. 2018 2017 Assets: Currenl asseis: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Accrued unbilled revenue Receivables from afliliates Allowance for uncollectible accounls Regulalory assets Derivative instruments lnventories Gas reserves Olher current assets Discontinued operations - surent assels Total currenl assets Non-current assets: Property. plant, and equipment Less: Accumulated depreciation Tolalproperty, plant, and equipmenl net Gas reserves Regulalory assets Derivative instruments Other investments Other non-cunent assets Disconlinued operations, non-currenl assels Total non-currenl assels Tolalassels S 7,947 $ 66.824 57.773 4,166 (975) 41,930 9,001 44,126 16.647 25,347 3,'t10 66.236 62.381 266 (956) 45,781 1,735 47 ,577 15,704 24,862 7,170 272.786 273.866 3.410,439 992,855 3,204,260 960,285 2.417,5A4 66,197 371,786 725 49,922 13,736 2.243,975 84,053 356,608 1,306 52.654 6.505 24,709 2.919.950 2,769,810 $ 3,192,736 $ 3,043,676 See Notes to Consolidaled Financial Statements 73 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 76 of2l0 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY CONSOLI DATED BALANCE SHEETS As of December 31, 2018 2017 Liabililaes and equityi Current liabilities: Short{erm debl Currenl maturities of long{erm debt Accounts payable Payables to affiliales Taxes accrued lnterest accrued Regulatory liabilities Oerivative instrumenls Other current liabilities Disconlinued operations - currenl liabilities Total current liabilities Long{erm debl Deferred credits and other non-current liabililies: Deferred iax liabilities Regulalory liabalities Pension and other postretirement benefit liabililies Derivative instruments Other non-current liabilities Discontinued operalions - non-current liabilities Tolaldeferred credits and other non-current liabililies Commitments and conlingencies (see Note'16 and Note 17) Equity: Common slock Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive loss Totalequity Total liabilities and equity $217,500 $ 29,S89 114,937 10,990 47.436 12.381 53,027 54,200 96,703 110.354 3,664 18,844 6,773 34,013 18,722 39,942 2,565 494.056 385.780 704.134 683.184 294.739 6t't,560 221.846 3,025 147,668 287,388 586,093 223,333 4,649 't35,205 (4,732) 1.278.478 't,23't.936 226.452 496.404 (7,188) 448,865 302.349 (8,438) 715,668 742 776 $ 3.192,736 $ 3,043.676 See Notes to Consolidaled Financial Statements 74 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 77 of 210 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY Common Slock Retained Earnings Accumulated Other Comprehensive lncome (Loss) Iotal Equity Balance at December 31, 2015 Comprehensive income Dividends on common stock Stock-based compensalion Shares issued pursuant to equity based plans lssuance of common slock, net of issuance costs Balance at December 31, 2016 Comprehensive income (loss) Dividends on common stock Stock-based compensation Shares issued pursuant to equity based plans Balance at December 31. 2017 Comprehensive income Dividends on common stock Stock-based compensationril Shares issued pu.suanl lo equity based plans' Transler of investments to NW Holdings as olOclober 1, 2018 Balance at December 31, 2018 S 383,144 $404,990 $ 58,89s (51,624) (7,162) S 211 780,972 59,106 (51,624) 2,924 6,358 52,?6'l 2,924 6,358 52.761 445.187 412.261 (s5.623) (54.289) (6,9s1) \1.487) 850,497 (57,110) (54,289) 2,882 796 2,842 796 448,865 302,349 66,326 (41,035) (8,438) 1,250 742,776 67,576 (41,035) 2,161 3,075 2,161 3,075 \227,649)168,764 (58,885) s 226.452 S 496,404 S (7,188) $715,668 " Slock-based compensalion as based on stock awards of NW Nalu.al lo be issLred in shares of NW Holdings. See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 75 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 78 of2l0 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Year Ended December 3'1, 2018 2017 2016 Operating actavities: Nel income (loss) Adjuslmenls to reconcale nel income (loss) lo cash provided by operalions: Oepreciation and amorlization Regulatory amorlizalion of gas reserves Defeffed income taxes Oualified defined benefit pension plan expense Conlributions to qualified defined benefit pension plans Deferred environmental expenditures, net Regulatory disallowance of prior environmental cost defe.rals Amorlization of environmenlal remedialion Regulatory revenue delenalfrom the TCJA Other Changes in assets and liabrlilies: Receivables. nel lnventories lncome and other taxes Accounts payable lnleresl accrued Deferred gas costs Other, net Discontinued operations Cash provided by operating activilies lnvesting activities: Capital expenditures Olher Discontinued operations Cash used in investing aclivities Financrng aclivitaes: Repurchases related to stock-based compensation Proceeds from stock options exercised Proceeds from common slock issued Long{erm debt issued Long-term debt retired Change in shorl-term debt Cash dividend payments on common stock Other Discontinued operations Cash provaded by (used in) financing activities lncrease (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period Cash and cash equivalenls, end of period $ 66.326 $ (55.623) $ 58,895 11 .127 7,929 883 84.S86 16,684 r2,330 8,108 (15,540) (14,528) 8'r,024 16,353 15,894 5,364 (1S,430) (13,716) 3,215 5,601 6,730 807 17.122 (3.855) 126.371 77,575 15.525 30,772 5.27 4 (14,470) (10,469) 3,287 't3,298 2.003 2.745 (3.920) 3,212 (7,854) 13,937 500 (14,395) 539 3,184 (6,319) 16,s65 9.467 10,822 93 (10,204) 12,342 7,041 173,508 206,483 222,239 (2,034) 4,8191.368 50,000 (97,000) 163,300 (38,387) (1.s39) (7.951) (1.042) 8.404 52,760 150,000 (25,000) (216,735) (51,s08) (3.087) 100,000 (40,000) 900 (53.9s7) (2,309) 69.791 7.419 (86,208) (598) 3.978 4.837 3,110 g 7,947 $ 3,110 $ 3.380 Supplemental disclosure ot cash flow information lnterest paid, net of capitalization lncome laxes paid (retunded) 34,787 S EISoBIT 2 14P99 FR FYMIfN)DI $35,305 $ 27.350 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Stalements CEM STATE WATER Page 79 of2l0 15,291 '214,328) (213.325) (138,357) (3,s17) t517) 2,882 (20.617) (270) (1.154) \238.462) \214,1721 (136,629) (27o) 3,380 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATII WATF,R Page 80 of 210 Tabe of Contenls NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. ORCANIZATION AND PRINCIPLES OF CONSOUDANON On October 1, 2018. we compleled a reorganization into a holding company slructure. ln lhis reorganization, shareholders of NW Natural (the predecessor publicly held parenl company) became shareholde.s of NW Holdings on a one-for-one basis: maintaining the same number of shares and ownership percentage as held in NW Natural ammediately prior lo lhe reorganization. NW Natural became a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings. Additionally, certain subsidiaries of NW Natural were transferred to NW Holdings. This reorganization was accounled for as a transaction among entities under common control. As required under accounting guidance. lhese subsidiaries are presented in lhis report as disconlinued operations in the consolidaled results ol NW Nalural. See Note 18 lor additional informalion. The accompanying consolidated financial statemenls represent the respective, consolidaled results and financial results of NW Holdings and NW Natural and all respective companies lhal each registrant directly or indirectly controls. eitherthrough majority ownership or olherwise. This is a combined reporl of NW Holdings and NW Natural which includes separate consolidated financaal slatemenls for each registrant. NW Natural's natural 9as distribulion activities are reported in the natural gas diskibution (NGD) segment, formerly titled and reported as the utilily segment. The NGD segment is NW Natural's core operating business and serves residential, commercaal. and industrial cuslomers in Oregon and southwest Washington. The NGD segment is the only reporlable segmenl for NW Holdings and NW Natural. Allother business activities. including certain gas storage activities. water businesses, and other investmenis and activilies are aggregaled and reported as other at their respective regislranl. ln addition, NW Holdings has reported discontinued operalaons results related to the pending sale of Gill Ranch Slorage, LLC (Gill Ranch). NW Holdings' direct and indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries include Cascadia Water, LLC (Cascadia); NW NaturalWater ofOregon, LLC (NWN Water of Oregon); NW NaluralWaler ofWashington, LLC (NWN Waler of Washington)i and NW Natural Water of ldaho, LLC (NWN Waler of ldaho); and. Gem State Waler Company, LLC (Gem State) lnvestments in corporate joinl ventures and partnerships that NW Holdings does not directly or indirectly control, and for which it is not the primary beneficiary, include NWN Financial's investmenl in Kelso-Beaver Pipeline and NWN Energy's inveslment in TrailWest Holdings, LLC (TWH), which is accounled for under lhe equity method. NW Holdings and ils direct and indarect subsidiaries are colleclively referred to herein as NW Holdings, and NW Natural and its direct and indirect subsidlaries are collectively referred to herein as NW Natural. The consolidated financial stalemenls of NW Holdings and NW Natural are presenled after elimanation of all intercompany balances and transactions. During the second quaner of 20'18, we moved forward with our long-lerm strategic plans, which include a shift away from the California gas slorage business. ln June 20'18, NWN Gas Storage, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural at the time and now a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings, entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement lhat provides for the sale of allofthe membership interests in ils wholly- owned subsidiary, Gill Ranch, subject to various regulatory approvals and closing conditions. We have concluded lhal the pending sale of Gill Ranch qualifies as assets and liabilalies held for sale and disconlinued operataons. As such, the results of Gill Ranch have been presenled as a discontinued operalion for NW Holdings for all periods presented and for NW Natural up until lhe holding company reorganization was effective on October 1, 2018 on lhe consolidated statements of comprehensive income and cash llows. and the assets and liabililies associaled wilh Gill Ranch have been classified as disconlinued operations assets and liabilities on the NW Holdings consolidated balance sheet. See Nole 18 foraddilional information. Addilionally, we reevaluated reportable segments and concluded lhal lhe remaining gas storage activities no longer meel the requirements to be separalely reporled as a segmenl. lnterstate Storage Services is now reported in Other under NW Nalural and all prior periods reflect this change. See Nole 4. which provides segmenl informalion. Notes to the consolidated financial stalements reflect the activity of continuang operations for both NW Holdings and NW Natural for all periods presenled, unless otherwise noted. Note 4 and Nole 18 provide information regarding reportable segmenls and discontinued operations, respeclively. EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 8l of210 77 . Northwest NaturalGas Company (NW Natural); " Northwesl Energy Corporation (Energy Corp);. NWN Gas ReseNes LLC (NWN Gas ReseNes); ' NW Natural Energy, LLC (NWN Energy);. NW Natural Gas Storage, LLC (NWN Gas Storage);. Gill Ranch Storage, LLC (Gill Ranch), which is presented as a discontinued operation;. NNG Financial Corporation (NNG Financial);. KB Pipeline Company (KB);. NW NaturalWaler Company, LLC (NWN Water); " Falls Water Co., lnc. (Falls Water);. Salmon Valley Water Company; Table of Contenls All prior peraod amounts have been relrospectively adjusled lo reflect the change in reportable segments and the designation of Gill Ranch as a discontinued operation for NW Holdings, and the designation oI subsidiaries previously owned by NW Natural that are now owned by NW Holdangs as discontinued operations for NW Natural. These 2. SIGNIFICANr ACCOUNTING POLICIES reclassifications and the reorganization activities described above had no effect on the prior yeais consolidated results of operations, flnancial condilaon. or cash llows. Use of Estimales The preparation of financaal slatements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Slates ofAmerica (u.S. GAAP) requires management to make estimates and assumptions thal affect reported amounts in the consolidated financial statemenls and accompanying notes. Actual amounls could differ from those eslimates, and changes would most likely be reported in fulure periods. Managemenl believes lhe eslimates and assumplions used are reasonable. lndustry Requlation NW Holdings principal business is to operale as a holding company for NW Nalural. NWN Water and its other subsidiaries. NW Natural's principal busaness is the dislributaon of natural gas, which is regulated by the OPUC and WUTC. NW Nalural also has natural gas storage services. which are regulated by lhe FERC, and to a c€rtain extenl bythe OPUC and WUTC. Additionally, certain NW Holdings' subsidiaries own water businesses, which are regulated by the OPUC, WUTC, or IPUC. Accounting records and practices ofthe regulaled businesses conform to the requirements and uniform system of accounts prescribed by these regulatory authorities in accordanc€ with U.S GAAP. The busanesses in which customer rates are regulated by the OPUC, WUTC, IPUC, and FERC have approved coslbased rates which are intended lo allow such businesses to earn a reasonable return on invesled capital. ln applying regulatory accounting principles, we capitalize or defer certain costs and revenues as regulatory assets and liabilities pursuanl lo orders of the OPUC. WUTC, or IPUC, which provide for the recovery of revenues or expenses from, or refunds to, ulility customers in future periods, including a return or a carrying charge in certain cases. At Oecember 3'1, NW Naluraldeferred the following amounts as regulalory assets and liabililies: 2014 2017 Cunenl: lJnrealazed loss on derivative€r" Gas costs Envi@nmental @stsP' DecoupInO'' lncome tares other''' Total current Non-cunent: lJnrealized loss on derivalives"' Pension batancrng''' lncome laxes Pensron and other postreliremenl benefrt liabrltes Envircnmental coslsa Gas costs Decoupling"' Other'' Tolal non-cuarent $12,381 $ 2.473 5,601 9.140 2,218 I717 1e,712 't 54 6,198 11,227 2,218 7,272 $ 41.930 I 45,781 S 3,025 t 74,173 19,185 4,649 60.383 19,991 174 993 78.'t49 9.978 2,445 1't,738 179,A24 72,124 84 3,S70 15,579 s 371,786 $ 356,608 Regulatory Liabilitres 2018 Curent Gas costs Unrealzed gain on derivati!€sl'i Decoupling'" olh€l'' Total curaent Non-cunent: Gas cosls lJn€alized gain on derivativesr' oecouplingo lncome taxes'o' Accrued asset removal costsr' olhe/'' Total non-curenl $ 17.182 $ 14,886 8.740 1,674 2.264 322 19,250 17,131 s 47,436 $ 34,013 $ 552 $ 4,630 725 1,306 - s57 225 404 213.306 380.464 360,929 4 411 4.965 $ 611,560 S 586,093 "yJf;'J5:iT5"1;8ffi "J:"J"#;:""i'j#";ffiill?H,i[#Hffi rz F,"tr"St'::Hjllfl :fi ','"11'i"J":i1"J#ffi ff f$.gf$Hffiu+,1'r, DI ':r Refer to rootnote (3) of the oererred RegutErorv ls6EldesfliAf[B ll*ATER desciplion of environmental costs.''' This deferral represenls the margin adiustment resulting lromBa€Sfi3sof 210 between aclual and expecled volumes. RegulaloryAssels 2017 78 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN- DI GEM STATE WATIIR Page 83 of2l0 'r Balances consist of deferrals and amortizations under appDled regulatory fiechanisms and typically eam a rale ofreturn or €rrying charge.''r Refer to footnote (1)ofthe Net Penodlc Eenefil Cost lable in Note I for inlormetion regarding the deferral of penson expenses6r Thrs balance represents estrmated amounts associaled wilh lhe Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. See Note 10'ir Estimated costs ol removal on certain regulated propenies are collected through rales See "Accounting Polces-Plant. Propeftf and Accrued Assel Removal Cosls'below. The amortization period for NW Natural's regulatory assets and liabilrties ranges from less than one year to an indelerminable period. Regulalory defenals for gas costs payable are generally amortized over 12 months beginning each November '1 following the gas contract year during which the deferred gas costs are recorded. Similady, most olher regulatory deterred accounls are amonized over'12 monlhs- However. cerlain regulalory account balances. such as income taxes, environmental costs. pension liabilities, and accrued asset removalcosls, are large and tend lo be amortized over longer periods once NW Naturalhas agreed upon an amonizalion pe.iod with the respective regulatory agency We believe all costs incuned and delerred al December 31. 2018 are prudent. All regulalory assets and liability are reviewed annually for recoverability, or more often if circomslances warrant. lfat is delermined thal all or a portion ofthese regulatory assets or liabilities no longer meel the crileria for continued application ofregulalory accounling. then NW Naturalwould be required to write-offthe net unrecoverable balances in lhe period such delerminalion is made. Environmental latory Accountinq Recentlv ooted Accountino Pronouncements STOCK COMPENSATION. On May 10, 2017, rhe FASB issued ASU 2017- 09, "Stock Compensation - Scope of Modification Accounting." The purpose of the amendment is to provide clarity. reduce diversily in practice, and reduce lhe cost and complexity when applying the guidance in Topic 718. related lo a change to the terms or conditions of a share- based payment award. Specifically, an entity would not apply modificalion accounling ifthefair value, vesting conditions, and classification of the awards are the same immediately before and affer the modification. The amendments in this update were effective beginning January 1. 2018, and will be applied prospectively to any award modrfled on or afler the adoplion date The adoplaon did not have a malerial impacl to the financial statements or disclosures of NW Holdings or NW Nalural. RETIREiIENT BENEFITS. On March '10, 2017. the FASB issued ASU 2017- 07, "lmproving the Presentalion oI Net Periodic Pension Cosl and Net Periodic Post Retirement Benelit Cost." The ASIJ requires entilies lo disaggregale current service cost from lhe other components of net periodic benefit cosl and present it with olhercurrenl compensation cosls for related employees in the income statement. Additionally, the other components of net peraodic benefit costs are lo be presented elsewhere in the income slatemenl and oulside of income from operations it that subtotal as presented. Only the service cosl componenl ofthe net periodic benefit cosl is eligible for capitalization. The amendments in this updale were effective beginning January 1. 2018. Upon adoplion, lhe ASU required that changes to the income slatement presentation of net periodic benefit cost be applied retrospectively, while changes lo amounts capilalized must be applied prospectively. As such. the interest cost. expecled return on assels, amortization of prior service cosls, and other cosls have been reclassified from operations and maintenance expense to other ancome (expense), nel on the consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the years ended December 31. 2017 and 2016. We did not elect the practical expedient which would have allowed for the reclassificalion of amounls disclosed previously in the pension and other postretirement benefits footnote disclosure as the basis for applying relrospective presentation. As mentioned above, on a prospective basis, the other components of nel peraodic benefit cost will not be eligible for capitalization. The relrospeclive presentation requiremenl relaled lo the olher components of nel periodic benefit cost atfected the operations and maintenance expense and olher income (expense). nel lines on the NW Nalural consolidaled slatemenls of comprehensive income. Forlhe years ended December 31. 20r 7 and 2016. $5.6 million and 56.6 million ofexpense was reclassified from operalions and maintenance expense and included in other income (expense), nel, respeclively. GOODWILL. On January 26, 2017, lhe FASB assued ASU 2017-04, "Simplifying the Test for Goodwill lmpairment." The ASU removes Step 2 from the goodwill jmpairment tesl and under lhe amended guidance an entily should perform its annual goodwill impairment test by comparing the fair value of a reponing unil wilh ils carrying amount and recognize an impairment charge for lhe amount in which the carrying See Nole 17 for inlormation about the SRRM and OPUC orders regarding implementation. New Accountinq Standards NW Holdings and NW Natural consider the applicability and impact ol all accounting standards updates {ASUs) issued by lhe Financial Accounting Standads Board (FASB). ASUs nol listed below were assessed and determined to be either not applicable or are expecled lo have minimal impact on the consolidaled flnancial posilion or results of operations. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 84 of2l0 7S amounts exceed the fair value of the reporling unil. The amendmenls in this standard are effective beginning January 1, 2020 and early adoption is permitled for interim or annual goodwill imparrment lests performed afler January 1, 2017. ASU 2017-04 was early adopted in the third quarler ended September 30, 20'18. The adoption of lhis ASu did not malerially affecl the financial statemenls or disclosures of NW Holdings or NW Natural and is currenlly not applicable to NW Natural. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS. On August 26. 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-15. "Classillcation of Certain Cash Receipls and Cash Payments." The ASU adds guidance pertaining to the classification of certain cash receapts and payments on the slatemenl ofcash flows. The purpose of the amendment is lo clarity issues that have been creating diversity in practice. The amendments in this slandard were effective beginning January 1. 2018, and the adoption did not have a material impact to financial stalemenls or disclosures as our historical practices and presentation were consistent with the direclives ofthis ASLJ for NW Holdings and NW Natural. FINANCIAL INSTRUITIENTS. On January 5, 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-01, "Financial lnstruments , Overall: Recoqnilion and Measuremenl of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities." The ASU enhances the reporling model lor financial inslrumenls. which includes amendmenls to address aspects ol recognition. measurement, presentataon, and disclosure. The new standard was effective beginning January 1,2018, and the adoption did nol materially impactthe financial slatemenls or disclosures of NW Holdings or NW Natural. REVENUE RECOGNITION. On May 28, 2014, the FASB issued ASU 2014- 09 "Reven!e From Contracts with Customers." The underlying principle oflhe guidance requires entities lo recoqnize revenue depicting the transfer of goods or services lo customers al amounts lhe enlity is expected to be entitled to in exchange for those goods or services. The ASU also prescribes a llve-step approach lo revenue recognition: (1) idenlify lhe conlract(s) with the customer: (2) identify lhe separate performance oblagalions in the contract(s); (3) determine the lransacllon price; (4) allocate lhe transaction price lo separale performance obligations: and (5) recognize revenue when. or as, each performance obligation is satisfied. The guidance also requires additional disclosures- both qualitative and quantilalive, regarding the nalure, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows. The new accounting standard and all related amendments were effective beginning January 1. 2018. The accounting standard was applied to all contracls using the modifled retrospective method. The new standard is primarily reflected in the consolidaled slatements of comprehensive income and Nole 6. The implementation oflhe new revenue standard did nol result in changes to how NW Holdangs and NW Natural currently recognize revenue, and lherefore, no cumulative effect or adjuslment to lhe opening balances of retained earnings was required. The implementation did result in changes to lhe disclosures and presenlation of revenues and expenses. The comparative informalion for prioryeaIs has not been restated. There is no material impacl to lhe financial results of NW Holdings or NW Nalural and no signillcant changesto our conlrol environment due lo lhe adoption ofthe new revenue slandard on an ongorng basrs. As previously discussed, the adoption ofthe new revenue slandard did not impact the consolidaled balance sheets or statemenls of cash flows but did result in changes lo lhe presentation of the consolidated slatemenls of comprehensive income for NW Holdings and NW Nalural. Had the adoption ofthe new revenue slandard not occurred. operating revenues for lhe year ended Dea€mber 31. 2018 would have been 5676.0 million for NW Holdings. compared to the reported amounl of S706.1 million under the new revenue slandard. Similarly, absent lhe impacl of lhe new revenue slandard, operaling expenses would have been $543.9 million for NW Holdings. compared to the reported amount of $574.0 rnillion under lhe new revenue standard for the year ended December 31, 2018. The effect of lhe change was an increase in both operating revenues and operating expenses of $30.1 million al NW Holdings and NW Natural ,or lhe year ended December 31 . 2018: due to the change in presentation of revenue taxes. As part of lhe adopiion of the new revenue standard. we evalualed lhe presentation of revenue laxes under the new guidance and across our peer group and concluded that lhe gross presentation of revenue taxes provides the grealest level of consistency and transparency. P.iorto the adoption oflhe new revenue standard, a portion of revenue laxes was presented nel in operaling revenues and a ponion was recorded directly on lhe balance sheet. During yearended December31,2018, $30.'1 million in revenue taxes for NW Holdings and NW Nalural was recognized in operaling revenues and operating expenses ln comparison, for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, $32.2 million and $28.3 million was recognized in revenue taxes for NW Holdings and NW Natural, of which $'19.1 million and $17.1 million were recorded in operating revenues and $13 1 million and $'11 .2 million were recorded on the consolidaled balance sheets, respeclively. The change in presentataon of revenue Iaxes had no impact on NGD margin, net income or earnings per share Recently lssued Accountinq Pronouncements cLOUD cor,tPUT|NG. On August 29, 2018. lhe FASB issued ASU 20r8- 15, "Customer's Accounting for lmplementalion Costs lncurred in a Cloud Computing Arrangement That ls a Service Conlract." The purpose oflhe amendment is to align the requirements forcapitalizing implementation costs incurred in a hosling arrangement that is a service contract with the requiremenls for capatalizing implementation costs incurred to develop or obtain internal-use software. The amendments in lhis update are effeclive beginning January 1, 2020. Early adoption is permitted. The amended guidance can be applied either relrospectively or prospectively to all implemenlation cosls incurred afterthe dale of adoption. We are cunently assessing the effect of this standard on NW Holdings'and NW Nalural's llnancial slalements and disclosures. RETIREiIENT BENEFITS. On August 28. 2018. lhe FASB issued ASU 2018-14, "Changes to lhe Oisclosure Requirements for Oeflned Benefit Plans." The purpose oflhe amendmenl is lo modity the disclosure requirements for 80 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 85 of 210 Table ol Conlenls Table of Contents defined benefit pension and other poslretirement plans. The amendments in lhis update are effeclive for the year ended December 31, 2020. Early adoption is permilled. The amended presentation and disclosure guidance should be applied retrospectively. We are currcntly assessing the effect ofthis standard on NW Holdings'and NW Natural's disclosures. FAIR VALUE iTEASUREiTENT. On Ausust 28. 2018. the FASB issued ASU 2018-13, "Changes to the Disclosure Requirements for FairValue Measurement." The purpose oflhe amendment is to modify the disclosure requirements for fair value measurements. The amendments in this update are effective beginning January '1, 2020. Early adoption is permitted. The amendments on changes in unrealized gains and losses, the range and weighted average of signiflcant unobservable inputs used to develop Level 3 fair value measurements and the narralive description of measuremenl uncertainty should be applied prospectively. All olher amendmenls should be applied relrospectively- We are currenlly assessing the elfect of this standard on NW Holdings' and NW Nalural's disclosures. ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME. On February 14, 2018, the FASB issued ASU 2018,02, "lncome Statemenl-Reporling Comprehensive lncomer Reclassillcrtion of Certain Tax Etlects from Accumulated Other Comprehensive lncome." This update was issued in response to concerns from cerlain stakeholders regarding the current requirements unde. U.S. GAAP that deferred tax assets and liabilities are adjusted for a change in tax laws or rales, and the effect is lo be included in ancome from continuing operalions in the period oflhe enactmenl date. This requirement is also applicable to ilems in accumulated other comprehensive income where the related lax etfecls were originally recognized in other comprehensave income. The adjustmenl of deferred laxes due lo lhe new corporale income tax rate enacted through the TCJA on December 22, 20J 7 recognized in income from continuing ope.alions causes the tax effects of items within accumulated olher comprehensive income (refened to as stranded tax effects) lo not reflect the appropriate tax rate. The amendments in this update allow a reclassifacation from accumulated other comprehensave income to retained earnings for stranded lax effects resulting from the TCJA and require certain disclosures aboul stranded lax effects. The amendments in lhis update are effective beginning January 1. 2019, and should be applied either in lhe period ofadoption or retrospectively to each period in which the effect ofthe change in the federal corporate income lax rate in the TCJA is recognized. The reclassjlication allowed in this update is elective, and we are cunently assessing whether we will make the reclassification. This updale is nol expected lo have a materjal impact on the Ilnancial condition of NW Holdings or NW Natural. 0ERIVATIVES AND HEDGING, On August 28, 2017, the FASB issued ASU 2017-12, "Derivalives and Hedging: Tarqeted lmprovemenls to Accounting for Hedging Activities." The purpose ofthe amendmenl is lo more closely align hedge accounting with companies'risk management strategies. The ASU amends the accounling for risk component hedging the hedged item in fair value hedges oI interest rate risk, and amounls excluded trom the assessment of hedge effectiveness. The guidance also amends the recognition and presentation oI the effect of hedgrng inslruments and includes olher simplifications of hedge accounling. The amendments in this update are effective beginning January 1,2019. Early adoption is permitled. The amended presentation and disclosure guidance is .equired prospectively. We do not anticipate the adoption ofthis slandard to have a malerial impact on NW Holdings'and NW Natural's financial slalemenls and disclosures. LEASES. On February 25, 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-02, "Leases," which revises the existing lease accounling guidance. Pursuanl to the new standard, lessees will be required to recognize all leases, includ ing operating leases that a re g reater tha n 12 monlhs al lease commencement, on lhe balance sheel and record corresponding righl-of-use assets and lease Iiabilities. Lessor accounting will remain substantially the same under the new standard. Quantitative and qualitative disclosures are also required for users of the flnancaal stalements lo have a clear understanding of the nalure of NW Natural's leasing activilies. On July 30. 2018, the FASB approved an optional alternative kansilion approach thal would allolv enlilies lo apply lhe transition requiremenls on lhe effeclive date ofthe standard. Additionally, on January 25, 2018, the FASB issued ASU 20'18-01, "Land Easement Practical Expedienl for Transition lo Topic 842", to address the costs and complexity of applying the lransition provasions ofthe new lease standard to land easements. This ASU provides an optional practical expedient to not evaluate existing or expired land easements thal were nol previously accounted for as leases under the currenl lease guidance The standard and associated ASUs were effective for us beginning January 1,2019. We elecled the alternalive prospective transation approach for adoption of ASC 842 beganning January 1,2019. Allcomparative periods priorto January 1 , 2019 will retain the financial reporting and d isclosure requirements ofASC 840 "Leases" ('ASC 840"). We elected the land easemenl oplional practical expedient to not evaluale existing or expired land easements that were not previously accounted for as leases under lhe cunent lease guidance. Forthe existing lease porlfolio, we did not elect the optional practical expedient package lo retain the legacy lease accounling conclusions upon adoption; rather, we re-assessed our exisling conlracls under the new leasing slandard including whether lhe conlract meets the definition of a lease and lease classitlcation. As a resull, we determined thal most of our underground gas storage conkacts no longer meet the definition of a lease under the new lease standard. Our lease porlfolio under the new standard consists primarily ofour leased headquarters. which expires in 2020. Upon adoption, NW Holdings expects to record a right-of-use lease asset and an associated lease liability of approximately 57.3 million, of which $7.0 million is expected to be recorded at NW Nalural. ln October 2017. NW Naturalentered into a 20-year operating lease agreement commencing in 2020lor lhe new headquarters location in Portland, Oregon. Under lhe new lease slandard, NW Natural is no longer considered the accounting owner olthe asset during construction. As such. 81 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 86 of2l0 we expect to de-recognized the build-lo-suil asset and liability balances of S26.0 million as of Decemb€r 31. 2018 that were recorded under ASC 840 within property. plant and equipmenl and other non-current liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet. Referto Note 16 for currenl lease commilmenls. CREoIT LOSSES. On June 16. 2016, lhe FASB issued AS1,2016-13, "Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial lnstruments." which applies to llnancial assets subject to credit losses and measured al amorlized cost. The new standard will require financial assets measured al amorlazed cosl to be presented al the net amount expecled lo be collected and the allowance for credit losses is lo be recorded as a valualion accounl lhal is deducted from the amortized cost basis. The amendments in this update are effective beginning January 1,2020. Early adoplion is permitted for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2018. We are currently assessing the eflecl ofthis slandard on the financial slatemenls and disclosures of NW Holdings and NW Natural. Accountino Policies The accounling policies discussed below apply to both NW Holdings and NW Nalural Plant. Property. and Accrued Asset Removal Costs Planl and property are slated al cosl, including capitalized labor, malerials, and overhead. ln accordance wilh regulalory accounting slandards, the cosl ot acquiring and construcling longlived plant and properly generally includes an allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) or capitalized interest. AFUDC represents the regulatory financang cost incurred when debl and equity funds are used for construction (see 'AFUDC" below). When constructed assels are subject to market-based rales ralher than cost-based rates, the financing costs incurrcd during construclion are included in capitalized inleresl in accordance with U.S. GAAP, not as regulatory financing costs underAFUDC. ln accordance wilh long-standing regulatory lrealmenl, our depreciation rales consisl of lhree componenls: one based on the average service life ofthe assel, a second based on the eslimaled salvage value ofthe assel. and a third based on the assel's eslimaled cost of removal. We collect, through rates, the estimated cost of removal on cerlain regulated properlies through depreciation expense, with a corresponding offsel to accumulaled depreciation. These removal costs are nonlegal obligations as deflned by regulatory accounting guidance. Therefore, we have included these cosls as non-current regulalory liabilities ratherthan as accumulated depreciation on our consoladated balance sheels. ln lhe rale setting proc€ss, the liability for removal costs is kealed as a reduclion lo lhe net rate base on which lhe NGD business has the opporlunity to earn ils allowed rale of return The cosls of NGD plant retired or otherwise disposed ofare removed from NGD plant and charged to accumulaled depreciation for recovery or refund through fulure rates. Gains from the sale ol regulated assets are generally deferred and refunded to customers. For assels not related lo NGD, we record a gain orloss upon the disposalofthe property, and the gain or loss is recorded in operating income or loss in the consolidaled slatemenls of comprehensive rncome The provision for depreciation of NGD property, plant, and equipment is recorded under the group method on a straight-line basis wilh rates computed in accordance with depreciation studies approved by regulatory authorities. The weighted-average depreciation rate for NGD assets in service was approximalely 2.8% for 2018, 2017, and 2016. reflecting lhe approximate weighted-average economic life ofthe property. This includes 20'18 weighted-average deprecialion rales for lhe following asset categoriesi 2.7olo for transmission and distribution plant. 2.1% for gas storage lacilities. 4.5olo for general plant, and 3 'l % for intangible and other fixed assets. AFUDC. Certain additions lo NGO plant include AFUDC, which represenls the nel cost ofdebt and equity funds used during construction. AFUDC is calculated uslng actual interesl rates for debl and aulhorized rale$ for ROE, ifapplicable. lfshort{erm debt balances are less than the total balance of conslruclaon work in progress, lhen a composite AFUDC rale is used lo represent interest on all debt funds. Shown as a reduction to interest charges, and on ROE funds, shown as other income. While cash is nol ammediately recognized from recording AFUDC, it is realized in future years through rate recovery resullang from the hagher NGD cost of service. Our composite AFI.JDC rate was 5.2olo in 2018. 5.5'/. in 2017 . and 0.7% in 2 0'l 6. IMPAIRMENT OF LONG-LIVEO ASSETS. We review the carrying value ot long-lived assets whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate lhe carrying amount ofthe assets may nol be recoverable. Faclors that would necessitate an impairment assessment of long-lived assetg include a sigflificant adverce change in the extent or manner in which the asset is used, a signillcant adverse change in legal factors or business climate thal could affecl the value ofthe asset. or a significant decline in the observable market value or expected future cash flows oflhe assel, among olhers. When such factors are presenl. we assess lhe recoverability by delermining whetherthe carrying value ofthe asset will be recovered through expected fulure cash flo\,r.s. An asset is determined to be impaired when the carrying value ofthe asset exceeds the expected undiscounted fulure cash flows from the use and evenlual disposition of the asset. lf an impairment is indicated, we record an impairment loss for the dafference between lhe carrying value and lhe fair value of the long-lived assets. Fair value is estimaled using appropriate valuation methodologies, which fiay include an estimate ofdiscounted cash flows. ln the fourth quarter of2017, a nonrash pre-tax impairment of long-lived assets at the Gill Ranch Facilily of $192.5 million was recognized. The income approach was used to eslimale fair value, using the eslimated future net cash flows. We also compared lhe results ot the income approach lo our own recent sale experience and recent markel comparable transactions in order lo estimate fair value. The Gill Ranch Facility was originally ihcluded in the gas slorage segment, which has since been eliminated, and is now included in discontinued operations. We determined 82 EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATF, WATER Page lt7 of2l0 Table of Conlents Table of Conients circumstances exisled that indicated the carrying value of the assets may not be recoverable. Those circumstances included the completion ofa comprehensive slrategic review process thal evalualed various allernatives including a potential sale, as well as contracting for available storage al lower than anticipated values for the coming slorage year. Given these considerations, managemenl re€valuated the estimated cash flows from our interesls in lhe Gill Ranch Facility, and delermined lhal lhose estimated cash flows were no longer sufflcient to cover the carrying value ofthe assets. The results of Gill Ranch have been presenled as a dascontinued operalion for NW Holdings and NW Natirral on the consolidated slatements ofcomprehensive income and cash flows. and lhe assets and liabilities associaled with Gill Ranch have been classified as disconlinued operations assels and liabilities on the consolidaled balance sheets. See Note 18 for additionalinformation- Cash and Cash Equivalents For purposes of reporting cash flows, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand plus highly laquid investment accounts with origanal maturity dates of three months or less. At December 3'1, 2018 and 2017, NW Holdings had outslanding checks ofapproxamately $2.7 million and $4 8 million, respectively. substanlially allofwhich is recorded at NW Natural. These balances are included in accounts payable in the NW Holdings and NW Natu.al balance sheels. Eqyqnue Recognition and Accrued Unbilled Revenue Revenues, derived primarily from the sale and transportation ofnatural gas, are recognized upon delivery of the gas commodily or service to customers. Revenues include accruals for gas or water delivered bul not yet billed lo cuslomers based on estimates ofdeliveries from meter reading dates to month end (accrued unbilled revenue). Accrued unbilled revenue is dependent upon a number of faclors lhal require management's judgment, including total natural gas receipls and deliveries, cr.rslomer use of natural gas or water by billing cycle, and wealher factors. Accrued unbilled revenue is reversed lhe following monlh when actual billings occur NW Holdings'accrued unbilled revenue at December 31.2018 and 2017 was $57 8 million and $62.4 million. respectively, substantially all of which is accrued unbilled revenue at NW Natural. Revenues not relaled lo NGD are derived primarily from Inlerstate Storage Services, asset management activities al the Mist gas storage facility, and other investmenls and business activities. At the Mist underground storage facility. revenues are primarily firm service revenues in lhe form offixed monlhly reservation charges. ln addition, we also have assel managemenl service revenue from an independent energy marketing company thal optimizes commodily. slorage, and pipeline capacity .elease lransactions. Under this agreement. guaranleed asset management revenue is recognized using a slraight- line. pro rata methodology over the lerm of each contract. Revenues eamed above the guaranteed amounl are recognized as lhey are eamed- Revenue Taxes Revenue-based taxes are primarily franchise taxes, which are collected from customers and remilted to taxing authorilies. ln 2018. revenue taxes are included in operating expenses in lhe statements of comprehensive ancome for NW Holdings and NW Natural. lh 2017 and 2016, revenue taxes are included in operating revenues in the statements of comprehensive income for NW Holdings and NW Natural. All revenue laxes are recorded at NW Nalural and were S30.'l millaon. S19.1 million. and $17.1 million for2018,2017, and 20'16, respectively. Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts Accounls receivable consisl primaraly of amounls due for nalural gas sales and lransporlation services to NGD customers. plus amounts due for gas slorage services. At NW Holdings and NW Nalural we eslablish allowances for uncollectible accounts (allowance) fortrade receivables, including accrued unbilled revenue, based on the aging of receivables, collection expe.ience ofpast due accounl balances ancluding payment plans. and historicaltrends otwrite-otfs as a percent ol revenues. A specallc allowance is esiablished and recorded for large individual customer receivables when amounts are identified as unlikely to be pa rtia lly or fully recovered . lnactive accounls are written -off a ga in st the allowance aflerthey are 120 days past due orwhen deemed uncollectible. Differences between the estimated allowance and actual write-offs will occur based on a number of facto.s, including changes in economic conditions, cuslomer creditworthiness, and nalural gas prices. The allowance for uncolleclible accounts is adjusted quarterly, as necessary, based on information currently available. lnventories NGD gas invenlories. which consist of nalural gas in storage for NGD, are stated at lhe lower of average cost or net realizable value. The regulalory lreatment of lhese inventories provides for cost recovery in cuslomer rates- NGD gas inventories injected into storage are priced in invenlory based on actual purchase costs, and those wilhdrawn from storage ale charged to cost ofgas during the current period they are wilhdrawn at the weighted-average inventory cost. Gas slorage inventories, which primarily represent inventories al the Gill Ranch Facility and are included in Discontinued operations - currenl assets on the consolidated balance sheets, mainly consisl of natural gas received as fuel-in-kind from Slorage cuslomers. Gas Slorage inventories are valued at the lower of average cost or net realazable value. Cushion gas is nol included in inventory balances. is recorded al original cosl, and is classifled as a long{erm plant assel. Materials and supplies invenlories consist of inventories both related to and unrelated to NGD and are stated at the lower ofaverage cost or nel realizable value. NW Natural's NGD and gas storage inventories lotaled $29.9 million and $36.7 million at December 31. 2018 and 2017, respectively. Al December 31. 2018 and 2017, NW Holdings' malerials and supplies inventories, which are comprised 83 IlXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 88 of 2l 0 primarily of NW Nalural's materials and supplies. lotaled s14.2 million and 510.9 million, respectively. Gas Reserves Gas reseNes are payments to acquire and produce natural gas reseryes. Gas reseryes are slaled at cost, adjusted for regulatory amorlization. with the associated delerred tax benefits recorded as liabilities on the balance sheel. The currenl portion is calculated based on expected gas deliveries wilhin the next fiscal year. NW Natural recognizes regulalory amortization of this asset on a volumetric basis calculaled using the estimaled gas reserves and the estimaled therms extracted and sold each month. The amortizalion of gas reserves is recorded lo cost of gas along with gas production revenues and production costs. see Note 12. Derivatives NW Natural's derivatives are measured al fair value and .ecognized as either assels or liabilities on lhe balance sheet. Changes in lhe fair value ofthe derivalives are recognized currently in earnings unless speciflc regulalory or hedge accounting criteria are met. Accounling for derivatives and hedges provides an exception for conlracts intended for normal purchases and normal sales forwhich physical delivery is probable. ln addilion, cerlain derivalive conkacls are approved by regulatory aulhorities for recovery or refund through customea rates. Accordingly, the changes in fair value ofthese approved contracls are deferred as regulatory assels or liabilities pursuanl lo regulalory accounting principles. NW Natural's llnancial denvatives generally qualify for defenal under regulalory accounling. NW NatLrral's index-priced physical derivative contracts also qualify for regulalory deferral accounting treatmenl. Derivative conlracls entered into for NGD requiremenls after the annual PGA rate has been set and maturing during the PGA year are subiect lo the PGA incentive sharing mechanism. ln Oregon, NW Natural participates in a PGAsharing mechanism underwhich it is required to select either an 80% or 90% deferral of higher or lower gas costs such lhat the impact on current earnings from the gas cost sharing is either 20% or 10% of gas cosl differences compared to PGA prices, respectively For the PGA years in Oregon begrnning November 1, 2018, 2017, and 2016, NW Natural selected the 90o/o. 90%, and 90% defenal of gas cost differences, respectively. ln Washinglon, '100% ofthe differences between the PGA prices and actual gas costs are deferred. See Note 15 NW Natural's financialderivatives polacy sels forth the guidelines for using selecled derivative producls to support prudent risk management strategies within designated parameters. NW Natural's objective for using derivatives is to decrease the volatility ofgas prices. earnings, and cash rlows without speculative .isk. The use ofderivatives is permitted only after the risk exposures have been identified, are determined nol to exceed acceptable tolerance levels, and are determined necessary to supporl normalbusaness activities. NWNaturaldoes nol enter inlo derivative instruments for trading purposes. All derivalives for NW Holdings are cunenlly held at NW Natural. Fair Value ln accordance wilh fair value accounting. we use the following fair value hierarchy for determining inputs for our debt, pension plan assels, and defivative fair value measuremenls:. Level l iValuation is based on quoled prices for identical instruments traded in active maftets.. Level 2: Valuation is based on quoted praces for similar instrumenls in active markels. quoted prices for identical or similar instruments in markels that are not active, and model'based valuation techniques for which all significant assumptions are observable in the market: and. Level 3: Valualion is generaled trom model-based technaques that use significant assumplions not observable in the market. These unobservable assumplions reflecl our own estimates of assumptions markel participants would use in valuing the asset or liabilily. \ryhen developing fair value measuremenls, it is our policy to use quoted rnarket prices whenever available or lo maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize lhe use of unobservable inputs when quoted markel prices are nol available. Fair values are primaraly developed using industry-standard models thal consider various inputs including: (a) quoled future prices for commodities: (b) forward cu.rency pricesi (c) time value: (d) volatility factors; (e) current market and contractual prices for underlying inslrumenls; (f) market interest rates and yield curves; (9) credit spreads; and (h) other relevant economic rneasures. NW Natural considers liquid points for naturalgas hedging to be those points for which lhere are regularly published prices in a nationally recognized publicalion orwhere the instruments are kaded on an exchange. Goodwill NW Holdings. through its wholly-owned subsidiary NWN Water and NW Water's wholly'owned subsidiaraes, has completed various acquisitions thal resulled in the recognition ofgoodwill. Goodwillis measured asthe excess ofthe acquisilion-date fair value of the consideration transferred over the acquisition-date fair value of the net identifiable assels assumed. Adjuslmenls are recorded during the measurement period to llnalize the allocatjon ofthe purchase price. The carrying value of goodwill is reviewed annually during the fourth quarter using balances as of October 1, orwhenever events or changes in crrcumslance indicate that such carrying values may not be recoverable. The goodwill assessment poliry begins with a qualitative analysis in whach events and circumstances are evaluated, including macroeconomic condilions, industry and market conditions. regulatory environments. and overall linancial performance of the reporting unit. lfthe qualitalive assessment indicales thatthe carryang value may be at risk oI recoverability, a quantitative evaluation is performed to measure the carrying value of the goodwill against the fair value ofthe reporling unit. The reporting unit is determined primarily based on current operating segments and the level of review provided by the ChaefOperating Decision [.4aker (CODI\4) and/or segmenl managemenl on the operating segment's financial results. Reporting units are evaluated periodically for changes in the corporate envaronmenl. B4 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 89 of2l0 Table of Conlenls Table ol Contenls lncome Taxes We account for income laxes under lhe asset and liabilily method, which requares the recognition ofdeferred tax assets and liabilities for lhe expected future lax consequences ofevents that have been included in lhe financial statements. Under this melhod. deferred lax assels and liabilities are delermined on the basis ofthe differences belween the financaal slalement and tax basis of assets and liabilities using enacted tax rates an effecl for the year in which the differences are expecled lo reverse. The efiect of a change in lax rates on deferred tax assets and liabililies is recognized in income in the enactment date period unless. for NW Natural, a regulatory Orde. specifies defenalofthe effect ofthe change in lax rales over a longer period of time. For NW Natural, deferred income tax assels and liabalilies are also recognized for temporary differences where the deferred rncome tax benefils orexpenses have previously been flowed through an lhe ratemaking process of the NGD business. Regulatory tax assels and liabililies are recorded on these deferred Iax assets and liabililies to the extent il is believed they will be recoverable from or refunded to cuslomers in future rates. Deferred anvestmenl tax credils on NGD plant addilions. which reduce income taxes payable, are deferred forfinancial siatement purposes and amortized over the life ofthe related plant. lnterest and penalties related to unrecognized lax benefits, ifany. are recoqnized within income tax exOense and accrued interest and penallies are recognized wilhin lhe relaled tax liabiliiy line in lhe consolidated balance sheels No accrued interest or penalties for uncerlain tax benefits have been recorded. See Note 10. Environmental Contingencies Loss conlingencies a.e recorded as liabilities when it is probable a liability has been incu.red and lhe amount of the loss is reasonably eslimable in accordance with accounting standards for conlingencies Estimating probable losses requires an analysis of uncertainties that oflen depend upon judgments about potential actions by third panies. Accruals for loss conlingencies are recorded based on an analysis of potentialresults. Wth respecl lo environmental liabililies and related costs, eslamales are developed based on a review of information available from numerous sources, including completed studies and site specilic negotialions. NW Natural's policy is to accrue the full amount of such liability when informalion is sufficient to reasonably eslimale the amounl of probable liability. \^/hen informalion is not available to reasonably estimate the probable liability, orwhen only the range of probable liabilities can be eslimated and no amount within lhe range is more likelythan another, it is ourpolicyto accrue at the low end of the range. Accordingly, due to numerous uncertaanlaes surrounding the course of environmental rcmediation and the preliminary nature of several sile investigations, in some cases, it may not be possable lo reasonably estimate the high end ofthe range of possible loss ln lhose cases, the nature oflhe polential loss and the fact thal the high end ofthe range cannot be reasonably estimated is disclosed. See Note 17. Subsequent Events We monilor significant events occurring afler the balance sheet date and prior to lhe issuance of the financial statemenls to delermine Ihe impacts, if any, of evenls on the financial statements to be issued. We do not have any subsequent events lo reporl. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 90 of 210 As of December 31 , 2018, NW Holdings had goodwill of $9.0 million. All of NW Holdings' goodwill was acquired in 2018 through the business combinations compleled by NWN Water and its wholly-owned subsidiaraes. No impairment charges were recorded as a result of the fourlh quarter goodwill ampairment assessment. Tabl€ of Contenls 3. ETRAI"VGS PER SHARE Basic eamings or loss per share are compuled using NW Holdings' net income oa loss and the weighted average number of common shares outslanding for each period presented. Diluted eamings per share are computed in the same manner, except il uses the weighted average numberofcommon shares outstanding plus lhe effecls ofthe assumed exercise of stock options and the payment o, estimated stock awards from other stock-based compensation plans that are outstanding at the end ofeach period presented. Antadilutave stock awards are excluded from the calculation ofdiluted earnings or loss per common share. ln lhousaods ercopl per shara dala 2018 201?2016 Net income from continuing operations Loss from d scontnued operations, net of tax Net income (loss) Average common shares outstanding - basic Additional shares fo. slock-based compensation plans (See Note 7) Average common shares outstandrng - diluled Eamings (loss) fom continuing operations per share of common stock: Basic Dituled Loss lrom discontinued operations per share of@mmon slock: Baslc 0iluted Earnings (loss) pershale ofcommon stock: Basic Diluted Addilional inlormaion. Antrdilutive shares $67,311 $ \2 742) 72,073 $ (127,696) 62,419 \3 524) $64,569 S (55,623) S 58.835 28,803 70 28,669 84 27.641 2A 473 24.753 27.779 $ $ 234 $ $ 2.5'l 2.51 $ $ 226 225 $ $ (0.10) $ (0 0s) $ (4.4s) $ (4 44) $ (0.13) (0.13) $ $ 224 224 $ $ (1 94) S (1.93) S 213 2_12 2 13 5 4. SEGMENT INFORMAT'ON We primarily operate in one reportable business segment, which is NW Natural's localgas distribution business and is referred to as the NGD segment. Du.ing the second quaner 0f2018, we moved forward wilh our long-term sl.ategic plans, which include a shifl away from lhe California gas storage business, by enterang into a Purchase and Sale Agreement that provides for lhe sale of allotthe membership interests in Gill Ranch, subjecl to various regulatory approvals and closing conditions. As such, we reevalualed reportable segments and concluded that the remaining gas storage activities no longer meet the requiremenls of a reponable segment. lnterstale Slorage Services and assel managemenl aclivilies at lhe Mist gas stoaage facilily are now reporled as olher under NW Natural. NW Natural and NW Holdings also have investmenls and business aclivities not specifically related to NGD, which are aggregated and reported as other and described below for each enlity. No individual customer accounts forover 10% of NW Holdings'or NW Nalural's operaling revenues. Natural Gas Diatribution and interruptible t.ansportation ofgas over interstate pipelines to bring gas from the supply basins into its servic€ territory, and re-selling the gas to customers subject to rales, terms, and conditions approved by the OPUC orWUTC. NGD also includes taking customer-owned gas and transporting it from interstale pipeline connections, or cily gates, to the customers' end-use facilities for a fee, which is approved by the OPUC or l,/UTC. Approximately 89% of NGD customers are located in Oregon and llolo inWashington. On an annual basis. residentialand commercial customers typically account for around 60% oftotalNGD volumes delivered and around 900/5 o, NGD margin. lndustrial customers largely accountlorthe remaining volumes and NGO margan. A smallamount ofthe margin is also derived from miscellaneous services. gains or losses lrom an incentive gas cost sharing mechanism, and other service fees. lndustrial sectors served by NW Natural include: pulp, paper, and olher forest products; the manufacture ofelectronic, electrochemical and electrometallurgical products: the processing of farm and food products; the produclion of various mineral producls; melal fabrication and casting; the production of machine tools, machinery, and textiles; the manufacture of asphall, concrete, and rubberl printing and publishing; nurseries; and government and educalional institutions. The NGO segment is a regulaled utility principally engaged in the purchase, sale, and delivery of natural gas and relaled services to customers in Oregon and soulhwest Washington. With regulated utility operalions, NW Natural is responsible for building and maintaining a safe and reliable pipeline dislribulion system, purchasing sufficient gas supplies from producers and marketers, contracting Iorfirm EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 9l of 210 86 NW Holdings' diluted earnings or loss per share are calculated as follows: ln addition to NW Natural's local gas dislribution business, the NGD segment also includes the portion of the Mist underground storage facility used to serve NGD customers, the North lllisl gas storage expansion in Oregon. and NWN Gas Reserves, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Energy Corp. NW Natural NW Natural activilies ancluded in Other includes lnterstale Storage Services and third-party assel management services forthe Mist Iacility in Oregon, appliance retail center operations, and corporate operating and non-operaling revenues and expenses that cannot be allocaled to NGD operations. Earnings from lnlerstate Storage Services assels are primarily related to firm storage capacity revenues. Eamings from the Mist facilily also include revenue, net of amounts shared with NGD customers, from management of NGD assels at Mist and upstream pipeline capacity when nol needed to seNe NGD cuslomers. Historically, under the Oregon sharing mechanism, NW Naiural retained 80oA ofthe pre-lax income from these services when lhe cosls oflhe capacity were not included in NGD rates, or 33% olthe pre-tax ancome when lhe costs have been included in these rales. The remaining 20% and 67%, respectively, were recorded to a defe.red regulatory account for credating back to NGD customers. Afler November 1.20'18 NW Naturalretains 10% ofthe pre-tax income when the costs have been included an these rates, and lhe remaining 90% is recorded to a deferred regulatory account forcrediting back lo NGD customers. NGD NW Holdinqs NW Holdings' activities included an Other includes all remaioing activities not associaled with NW Natural, specifically NWN Water, which consolidates the water operataons and is pursuing other investments in the water sector itself and through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, NWN Gas Storage, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NWN Energy. NWN Energy's equity investment in TWH, which is pursuang developmenl ofa cross- Cascades transmission pipelane project (TWP), and other pipeline assets in NNG Financial. For more information on TWP, see Note 13. Other also includes corporate revenues and expenses that cannot be allocated to other operations. All prior period amounls have been retrospectively adjusted to reflect the change in reportable segments and the designation of Gill Ranch as a discontinued operation for NW Holdangs, and lhe designation of subsidiaries previously owned by NW Nalural that are now owned by NW Holdings as discontanued operalions for NW Natural. S€qment lnlormation Summary lnter-segment lransactions were immalerial for the periods presented. The following table presenls summary financial anformalion concernang lhe reportable segmenls of conlinued operations. See Note 18 for jnformataon regarding discontinued operations for NW Holdings and NW Nalural. Olher (NW tiaturaD Olher (NW Holdings)NW Natural NW Holdings 2014 Operating reveflues DepreoatDn and amortizalion lncome (loss) from operatons Net rncome (loss) fmm conlinuinq operalions Capitalexpenditures Total assets al December 31. 2018':' 2017 Operaling revenues Oeprecialion and amortEation lncome (lossl from operetions Nel income from continuing operations'rl Capilalexpenditures Total assets at December 31 . 2Ol 7? 2016 $640,648 83.732 118,095 57,491 212,323 3,'141,969 24,923 1.2U 15,0(x 10,558 2,005 50,767 705,571 84,986 133,009 68,049 214324 3,192,736 706,14:) 45,'156 1x2,162 67,3t 1 214,636 3,229,393 732.U2 79,7 138,450 60.500 211,672 2.961.326 22,096 1,290 12,472 11,211 1 653 50,471 755,038 81,053 150 902 72.073 213,325 3,O25,472 S S s s 572 $ '170 (e37) (738) 30E 36,657 Sss 755.038 81,O24 150.922 71.720 z',t3,325 3,011,797 s 29 (20) 353 14,O75 Operatins revenues $ 650.477 $ 17.472 $ 667,949 $ 224 $ 668.173 Deprecration and amorlization 76.245 1.286 77,575 29 77.6U lncome (loss) from operations 137,17A 14.109 151,287 (570) 150,717 Net income (loss) lrom continuLng operalronsr 54 567 8.268 62,835 (416) 62.419 Capilal expenditurcs 138,074 263 138,357 - 138.357 Totalassetsat December 31 2016';1 2-sm.627 48,719 2,855,346 '14 o4o 2869386 'llncludes $ 1 0 mlllion of lax expense in NGD $4.0 million of lax b€nelil in Other (NW Natura l) and $0 4 million of tax benef I in Other (NW Holdrngs) from the TCJA remeasuremenl for the year ended Dec€mber 31 20'17 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER Page 92 of 210 87 Tabe oI Contents Natural Gas Distribution Marq rn NGD margin is a financial measure used by the CODM. consasting oI NGD operaling revenues, reduced by the associated cost ofgas, environmental recovery revenues. and revenue taxe!. The cost ofgas purchased for NGD customers is generally a pass-through cost in lhe amount of revenues billed lo regulated NGD customers. Environmental aecovery revenues represent colleclaons received from cuslomers through the environmenlal recovery mechanism in Oregon. These collections are offset by the amorlization olenvironmental liabilities, which The following table presents additional segment informalion conc€rning NGD margin Total assels for NW Holdings exclude assets related to discontinued operations of $13.3 million, S13 I milion and $210.4 mrltion as ot December 31, 201a.2017, and 2016 respectively Total assels for NW Natural exclude assets related to discontinued operations of $31 .9 million and S226 1 million as of oecembe t 31 , 2017 , and 2016, resFteclively lndudes $2.0 million in 2016 of after-tax regulatory envrronmental drsallowance charges rn NGO. is presenled as environmenlal remediation expense in operating expenses. Revenue taxes are collected from NGD cuslomers and remilted lo laxing authorilies. The collections from cuslomers are offsel by the expense recognition ofthe obligation lo the taxing authority. By subtracling cost of gas, environmenlal remediation expense, and revenue laxes from NGD operaling revenues, NGD margin provides a key metric used by the COD[4 in assessing the performance ofthe NGD segment. 20T8 2017 2016 680.648 255.743 11,127 30,082 732,942 325,019 15.291 650.477 260,588 13.298 $$ 383 696 $392632 $376 591 The change in presentalion ol revenue taxes was a result of lhe adopton of ASIJ 2014-09 "Revenue From Contracts with Customers" and all relaled amendments on January 1, 2018. This change had no impact on NGD margin resull6 e6 revenl,e taxes were previously presented net in NGD operating revenlre Foraddilional informalioh, see Note 2. s. coMMoN sTocK As part oflhe reorganization of NW Holdangs and NW Naturalanlo a holding company slruclure effective October 1, 2018, NW Nalural shareholders automatically became shareholders of NW Holdings on a one-for-one share basis with the same number of shares and same relative ownership percentage in NW Holdings as was held in NW Natural immediately prior to lhe reorganization. common stock along wilh a 30{ay option forthe underwriters to purchase an addilional 132,000 shares. The offering closed on November 16. 20'16 and resulted in a total issuance of 1.0'12,000 shares as both the initial offering and the underwriter option were fully executed. Allshares were issued on November 16, 2016 at an offering price of $54.63 per share and resulted in total net proceeds of $52.8 mallion. Stock Reourchase Program NW Holdings has a share repurchase program under which it may purchase its common shares on the open markel orthrough privately negotjated transactjons. NW Holdings currently has Board authorizalion through May 2019 to repurchase up to an aggregate ofthe greater of2.8 million shares or $'100 millaon No shares ofcommon slock were repurchased pursuant to this program during lhe year ended December 31, 20'18. Sinc€ lhe plan's inception an 2000 under NW Natural. a total of 2.1 million shares have been repurchased at a total cost of 583.3 million 88 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 93 of2l0 Table of Conlenls NGD rnargin calculalio6 NGD operalinO revenues Less: NGD mst of gas Environm€nlal remedlation expense Revenue taxesrlr NGD margin $ $ As of December31,20'18, NWHoldingshad 100 million shares of common stock authorized. As of December 31, 2018 and 2017, NW Naturalhad 100 million shares ofcommon slock authorized. As of December 3'1, 2018, NW Holdings had 24.339 shares reserved for issuance of common stock under the Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) and 394,204 shares reserved for issuance under the Dividend Reinvestment and Direct Stock Purchase Plan (DRPP). At NW Holdings' election, shares sold through the DRPP may be purchased in lhe open market orthrough original issuance ofshares reseNed for issuance under the DRPP. The Reslated Slock Option Plan (SOP) was terminated with respect to new grants in 2012; however, options granled before lhe Restated SOP was terminaled remain outstanding untilthe earlier of their expiration, forfeiture. orexercise. Options are now exercisable for shares of NW Holdings common stock. There were 55,938 options outstanding at December 3,|, 20'18, which were granted prior to termination ofthe plan. During November 2016, NW Natural compleled an equily issuance consisling of an otfering of880,000 shares of Table of Contenls The fotlowng table summarizes the changes in the number of shares of NW Holdings'common stock issued and oulslanding: Shares Balence, December 31 , 201 5 Sales to employees under ESPP Stcck-ba6ed compensation Equily lssuance Ealance, Dec€rnber 31 , 201 6 Sales to employees under ESPP Stock-brsed compensation Balance, December 31, 20i7 Saleg to employe€s under ESPP Slock-based compensalion Sales to shereholders under DRPP 27,427 18 173 1 412 20,630 18 88 28,736 1S 64 61 Ealance, Oecember 31, 2018 28 880 6. REVENUE Year ended December 31. 2018 NGO NW Natural Olher (NW Holdings)NW Holdings Natural gas sales Gas storage revenue net Asset management revenue. nel Appliance retail center revenue Other revenue Revenue from conlracts wlth customers $S S 670,662 10,780 8,548 5,595 572 10,780 8,548 670 662 24.923 696.157 Altemative revenue Leasing revenue Total operating revenues 8,989 997 8,989 957 s 680.648 S 24.923 S 705,571 6 572 $706,143 NW Natural's revenue represenls substantially all of NW Holdings' revenue and is recognized for both registrants when the obligation to customers is satisfied and in the amounl expecled lo be .eceived in exchange for transferring goods or providing services. Revenue from contracls with customers contain one performance obligation lhat is generaily satisfied over tame, using the output method based on lime elapsed, due lo the conlinuous nature ofthe service provided. The lransaclion price is determined per a set price agreed upon in the conkact or dependent on regulatory tariffs. Cuslomer accounts are settled on a monthly basis or paid al lime of sale and based on hislorical expeience. lt is probable that we willcollect substantially allofthe consideration to which we are entitled. Revenue-based taxes are primarily franchise taxes, which are collected frofi NGD customers and .emitled to taxing authorities. Beginning January 1, 2018, revenue taxes are included in operaling revenues with an equal and offsetling expense recognized in operating expenses in the consohdaled slatemenls of comprehensrve rncome Natural Gas Oistribution NW Holdings and NW Natu.al do not have any material contract assets, as net accounts receivable and accrued unbilled revenue balances are uncondational and only involve the passage of time untilsuch balances are billed and collected. NW Holdings and NW Natural do not have any material contract liabililies. Natural gas sa/6s. NW Natural's primary source of revenue is providing natural gas lo customers in the NGD service tenitory, which includes residenlial, commercial, industrial and lransporlalion cuslomers. NGD revenue is generally recognized over lime upon delivery of the gas commodity or service to the customer, and the amounl ofconsaderation received and recognized as revenue is dependenl on lhe Oregon and Washington tariffs. Cuslomer accounts are to be paid in full each monlh, and there is no right of retum or warranty for services provaded. Revenues include firm and inlerruptible sales and lransportation services, franchise taxes recovered from the customer, late payment fees, service tees, and accruals forgas delivered but not yet billed (accrued unbilled revenue). The accrued unb',,"O r"r"nr" O","EXllIBIT zbased on estimates ofdeliveries during PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 94 of2l0 89 The lollowing table presents disaggregated revenue from continuing operations: Other {NW Natural) 670.662 $670,662 $ 10,780 8 548 695.585 572 8,989 997 Tab e of Cootents the period from the lasl meler reading and management judgment is required for a number of factors used in this calculation, including customer use and wealher faclors We applied the significanl flnancing practical expedienl and have nol adju$ted lhe consideralion NW Naturalexpects to receive from NGD customers for lhe effecls of a significant tlnancing component as all payment arangements a re seltled annually. Due to the election of the right lo invoice practical expedienl, we do not disclose lhe value of unsatislled performance obligalions as of December 31, 2018 Aftemative @venue. Weather normalizalion (WARM) and dec.upling mechanjsms are considered to be alternative revenue programs. Alternative revenue programs are considered lo be conlracls belween NW Nalural and its regulalor and are excluded lrom revenue from conkacts wilh customers. Leasing rcvenue. Leasing revenue primaraly consists of rehlal .evenue Ior small leases of properly owned for NGD to third parties The majority oflhe llansactions are accounted for as operating leases and the rEvenue is remgnized on a straaght-line basis over lhe term oflhe lease agreemenl. Lease revenue is excluded from revenue from conlracls wilh customers. NW Natural Other Gas storage revenue. NW Natural's other revenue includes gas storage activity. which includes lnterstate Storage Services used lo slore nalural gas for customers. Gas slorage revenue is generally recognized over time as lhe 9as storage service is provided lo lhe cuslomer and lhe amount of consideration received and recognized as revenue is dependenl on set rates defined per the storage agreements. Noncash consideralion in the form ofdekatherms of natural gas is received as consideration for providing gas injection services to gas slorage customers. This noncash consideration is measured al fair value using the average spot rate. Customer accounts are generally paid in tull each month, and there is no right of retum or warranty for services provided. Revenues include flrm and inlerruplible storage services. net of the profit sharing amount refunded to NGD customers Assel management rcyenue. Assel managemenl revenue is generally recognized over lime using a slraight-line approach over the term of each contracl. and lhe amount of consideralion rec€ived and recognized as revenue is dependenl on a variable pricing model. Variable revenues earned above guaranteed amounts are estimated and 7. STOCK.BASED COMPENSATION recognized at the end of each period using lhe most likely amount approach. Revenues include the optimization of lhe slorage assels and pipeline capacily provided. net ofthe profit sharing amount refunded to NGD customers Asset management accounts are seltled on a monthly basis. As of Oecember 31, 2018, unrecognized revenue for lhe fixed component of the lransaction price relaled lo gas storage and assel managemenl revenue was approximately $56.0 million. Oflhis amount, approximately $14.1 mallion will be recognized in 2019, $11.7 million in 2020 510.7 million in 202'1. $7.0 million in 2022, $5.8 million in 2023. and $6.7 million thereafter. The amounts presented here are calculated using current contracted rates. on oclober 12, 2018, NW Natural filed a rate petition with FERC for revised maximum cosfbased rates, which incorporated the newlederal corporate income tax rale. The revised rales became elfective November 1. 2018. Appliance rctail centet revenue. NW Nalural owns and operates an appliance store that is open lo Ihe public, where cuslomers can purchase naluralgas home appliances. Revenue from the sale of appliances is recognized at lhe poinl in time in which the appliance is transferred io the third party responsible for delivery and installalion services and when the customer has legaltitle lo lhe appliance. lt is required lhat the sale be paid Ior in fullpriorlo transfer of legaltitle. The amount of consideration received and recognized as revenue varies with changes in marketing incentives and discounts offered to customers. NW Holdings Other NW Holdings' primary source of other revenue is providing water daslributaon servlc€s to customers. Waler dislribulaon revenue as generally recognized over tame upon delivery oflhe water commodity or servace lo lhe cuslomer, and lhe amounl ofconslderation receaved and recognized as.evenue is dependent on the Oregon, Washington and ldaho lariffs. Cuslomer accounts are lo be paid in fulleach monlh, and there is no right ofreturn orwarranty for services provided. We applied lhe sagniticanl financing practical expedient and have not adiusted the consideralion we expect to receive from water distribulaon customers for lhe eflecls of a significant financing component as all paymenl arrangemenls are setlled annually. Due to the election ofthe right to invoice praclical expedienl, we do not disclose the value of unsalisfied performance obligations as of December 31, 2018 Slock based compensation plans are designed to promote stock ownership in NW Holdings by employees and offlcers These compensalaon plans include a Long Term lncentive Plan (LTIP), an ESPP. and a Restaled SOP. Lonq Term lncentive Plan The LTIP is intended to provide a flexible, competitive compensalion program for eligible officers and key employees. Under the LTIP, shares of NW Holdings common slock are authorized for equity incentive granls in the form of slock. restricled stock. restricted stock unit$. stock options, or performance shares. An aggregate of 1.100,000 shares were authorized for issuance as of Dec€mber 31 , 2018. Shares awarded under the LTIP may be purchased on the open market or rssued as original shares. Of the 1 ,100,000 shares of common slock aulhorized for LTIP awards at December 31, 2018, there were 574,787 sha.es available for issuance under any type ofaward. This 90 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 95 of 210 Table of Contents Performance Shares Since the LTIP's inception in 2001, performance shares, which incorporale markel, pedomance, and service-based factors, have been granted annually with three-yea. performance periods. The following table summarizes performance share expense information: Restricted Stock Units ln 2012, RSUs began being granled under the LTIP instead of stock options under the Restated SOP. Generally, the RSUs awarded are forfeitable and include a pedormance-based threshold as well as a vesting period of four years from the grant date. lJpon vesting, the RSU holder is assued one share of common stock plus a cash payment equal to the total amount of dividends paid per share between the granl date and vesting dale of that portion of the RSU. The fair value of an RSU is equal to lhe closing market price of NW Holdings' common slock on lhe grantdate. During 2018. tolalRSU expense was Sl.8 million compared lo $1.6 million in 2017 and $1.5 million in 2016. As of Dec€mber 31, 20,l8, there was $3.1 million of unrecognized compensation cost from grants of RSUs, which is expected to be recognized over a period extending through 2023. Shares' Total Expense Estimated award: 2016-2018 g.ant6 28,218 $ 598 $ 1.413 2015"2017 granl 18,304 (34€) 1,169 2O1+2O1Ag@nl 31,388 '168 '1,685 "' ln additon to common stock shares, a padjcjpant also receives a dividend equavalent cash payment equal to the number of shares of @mmon stock received on lhe award payout mulliplaed by the aggregate cash dividends paid per share during the pertormance period.o Amounl represents the expense recognrzed in the thjrd yearofthe vesiing peio<, noled above. For the 2015-2017 granl, targets were nol met and expense was eversed duing 2017 thal had b€en previously recognized. "' This represenls lhe estamated number of shares lo be awarded as of December 31.2018 as certarn ped,cmance share measures have been achieved. Amounts are subject lo change with final payoul amounts authoflzed by the Board of Oireclo.s in February 2019 The aggregate number of performance shares granted and outstanding at the targel and maximum levels were as follows: Performance Share AwErds Outstanding Period Cumulalive Expense December 31 2014Target Maximum Expense 201&18 2017- 19 2014-20 Total 48,842 S 62,744 1.413 1.400 24 421 598 458 s 55,793 111.586 $ 'l,056 For the 2016-2018 performance period, performance share awards are based on EPS and Relum on lnvested Capital (ROIC) factors and a total shareholder relurn (TSR factor) relative to the Dow Jones U.S. Gas Distribution peer group over Ihe three-year performance period. Additionally. these plans are based on performance results achieved relative lo specific core and non-core strategies (slrategic facloo. For the 2017-2019 performance period, performance share awards are based on the achievement of EPS and ROIC factors, which can be modified by a TSR factor relative lo EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 96 of2l0 91 assumes market, performance, and servace-based grants currently outslanding are awarded at the target level. There were no oulstanding grants of reslricled stock or stock options under the LTIP at December 31, 2018 or 20'17. The LTIP slock awards are compensatory awards for which compensation expense is based on the faar value of stock awards, with expense being recognized over lhe performance and vesting period ofthe outstanding awards. Forfeitures are recognized as they occur. Expense During 2018 the performance of the Russell 2500 Ulilities lndex over the three-year performance period and a growth modifier based on accumulative EBIIDA measure. For the 2018-2020 performance period, performance share awards are based on the achievement of a lhree-year ROIC threshold thal must be met and a cumulative EPS factor. which can be modified by a TSR factor relative to the performance ofthe Russell 2500 Utililies lndex overlhe three-year performance period. The 2018-2020 performance period allows for one ofthe performance factors to remain variable untilthe flrst quarter ofthe third year ofthe award period. As the perfomance factor will not be approved until the first quarter of 2020, lhere is not a mutual understanding of the award's key lerms and conditions between NW Natural and the participants as oI Dec€mber 31, 2018, and lherefore, no expense was recognized forthe 2018-2020 performance period. NW Nalural will calculate the grant dale fair value and recognize expense once the final performance faclor has been approved. lf the target was achieved for the 2018 award, NW Holdings would grant 34.702 shares in the first quarler of 2020. Compensation expense is recognized in accordance with accounting standards for stock-based compensation and calculated based on performance levels achieved and an estimaled fair value using the Monte-Carlo method. The weighted-average grant date fair value of nonvested shares al December 31, 2018 and 2017 was $57.05 and $56-40 per share, respectively. The weighted-average grant date fair value of shares vested during the yearwas $56.23 per share and there were no performance shares granted during the year for accounting purposes. As of December 31, 2018, there was $'1.1 millionol unrecognized compensation expense related to the nonvesled portion ol performance awards expected to be recognized lhrough 2019 lnfo.mation regarding the RSU activity is summarized as follows lnformation regarding the Restated SOP activity is summarized as follows: Number of RSUs Option Shares Weighled - Average Price Pef Sha@Nonvested, December 31, 2015 Granled Vested Forfurted 88,587 $ 40,271 (29,488) (s.3s7) 4478 54 36 45 56 44 59 galance oubt€ndirE, De.ember31,2015 Exercised Fodeibd ,1,1.00 $ 43.61 nla 2.3 2.O da Nonvesled, December 3'1. 2016 Granled Forfeded 89,973 32 168 (35,341) \2,278) 48.85 60.51 47.07 53 78 Balance oulstanding December 3l, 2016 Exercis€d Forfeiled 180.163 (88,27s) (200) 44 38 44_33 41 15 2.8 1.S Nonvested, December 31, 20't 7 Granted Vested Forfeited 44,522 323fi (32,689) (1,603) 53.90 57 59 50.75 59 95 B€lance out{anding and o(€rcisable, Oecember 31. zJ17 Exelused Erfied 91.688 (35.450) (300) 44 43 43 61 43_29 1.4 0.8 82,680 S 56 47 Restated Stock Option Plan Balance oulstanding and exercisable, December 31.2018 55.938 S 44.96 $0sThe NW Natural Restated SOP was terminated for new option grants in 2012i however, oplions granted before the plan terminated remain outstanding untilthe earlier oftheir expiration, forfeiture, or exercise and arc now exercisable for shares of NW Holdings common stock. Any new grants of stock options will be made under NW Holdings' LTIP, however, no option grants have been awarded since 2012 and all stock options were vested as oI December 3'1. 2015. During 2018, cash of $1.5 million was received for slock options exercised and S0.2 million relaled tax benelil was recognized. The weighted-average remaining life oI options exercisable and outslanding at December 31, 2018 was 1.69 years. Employee Stock Purchase Plan Options underthe Restated SOP were granled to offlcers and key employees designaled by a committee of the Board of Direclors. All oplions were granted at an oplion price equalto the closing markel price on the dale ofgrant and may be exercised for a period of up to 10 years and seven days from lhe date of granl. Option holders may exchange shares lhey have owned for at least six months. valued at lhe curenl markel price, to purchase shares at the option price. NW Holdings' ESPP allows employees of NW Holdings, NW Natural and cerlain designated subsidiaries to purchase common stock at 85% of the closing price on lhe trading day immedialely preceding lhe initial offerang dale, which is set annually. Each eligible employee may purchase up to $21 ,205 worth of stock through payroll deductions over a period defined by the Board of Directors, with shares issued at the end of the subscription period. Stock-Based Compensation Expense Stock+ased compensalion expense is recognized as operalions and maintenance expense or is capilalized as parl ofconslruction overhead at lhe entity at which the award recipient is employed. The following table summarizes the NW Holdings' financial statement impact, subslantially all of which was recorded at NW Natural, of stock-based compensalion underthe LTIP Restaled SOP and ESPP: 2014 2017 2016 Operatio.B and nEinEnance erpense, for stock-besed coft p€nsstirn lncome tax ben€lit t{et sock-based compensatbn efied on nel incomg (h8s) Amounts capitakzed tor stoc*-ba6ed compengation s 2,489 $ (659) 2,354 $ (e30) 2,370 (924) $ 1830 $ 1,424 $ 1,446 s 531 $ 528 $ 554 92 Table of Conlents lnlrinsic Weighted - Average Price Per RSU 352,648 $ 1172 525) Nonvesled, December 31. 2018 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 97 of2l0 Table of Conlenls 8. DEBT Short-Term Oebt The primary source of shorllerm liquidity for NW Holdings is cash balances. dividends from its operaling subsidiaries, in panicular NW Natural. available cash from a mulllyear credit facility, and shorl{erm credil facilities it may enler into from time to lime. The primary source ofshort-term liquidity for NW Natural is from lhe sale of commercial paper and bank loans. NW Nalural has a commercial paper program, and NW Holdings and NW Natural have separate bank lacililies. In addition to issuing commercial paper or bank loans lo meet working capital requirements. includang seasonal requiremenls to finance gas purchases and accounls receivable, shon-lerm debt may also be used to temporarily fund capilal requirements. For NW Nalural, commercial paper and bank loans are periodically rellnanced through the sale of long{erm debl or equity conlributions from NW Holdings. NW Nalural's commercial paper is sold through lwo commercial banks under an issuing and paying agency agreement and is supported by one or more unsecured revolving credil facililies. See "Credit Agrcements" below. Al December 31 , 2018 and 2017. NW Holdings had short-term debl outstanding of $217.6 millaon and $54.2 million, respedively. substantially all of which was recorded at NW Nalural and was comprased primarily of NW Nalural's commercial paper. The weighled average interest rate of commercial paper outstanding at December 31, 2018 and 2017 was 3.0% and 1.9%. respectively. Credit Agreements NW Holdinqs ln October 2018, NW Holdings entered inlo a $100.0 million credit agreement, with a feature lhat allows it lo requesl increases in the total commitment amount. up to a maximum of $150.0 million. The malurity dale of the agreement is October 2, 2023, with available extensions of commilments for two additional one-year periods, subjecl lo lender approval. The agreement also requires NW Holdings lo maintain debt ralings (which are defined by a formula using NW Natural's credit.atings in the event NW Holdings does not have a credit raling) with Standard & Poor's (S&P) and Moody's lnveslors Service. lnc. ([,loody's) and notify lhe lenders of any change an ils senior unsecured debl ratings or senior secured debt ratings. as applicable. by such raling agencies. A change in NW Holdings' debt ratings by S&P or Moody s is nol an event ofdefault, nor is lhe maintenance ofa specific manimum levelofdebt rating a condition of drawing upon the credil agreemenl Rather, interest rates on any loans outstanding under the credit agreemenls are tied lo debl ratings and therefore, a change in the debt raling would increase or decrease the cost of any loans underthe credit agreements when ratangs are changed. NW Holdings does not currently maintain ratings with S&P or Moody's. There were no outslanding balances and no letlers of credit issued or oulslanding under the NW Holdings agreement at December 31, 20'18. NW Holdings had 52.8 million of letlers o, credit issued and outstanding sepaaale trom lhe aforementioned credit agreemenl, at December 31, 2018. NW Natural ln October 2018, NW Natural entered into a new mulli-year credil agreement for unsecured revolving loans lolaling $300.0 million. wilh a feature that allows NW Naluralto requesl increases in the lotal commitmenl amount. up to a maximum of $450.0 million The maturity date oflhe agreemenl is October 2, 2023 with available extensions of commitmenls for two additional one-year periods, subjecl lo lender approval. The new credit agreement is substantially similar lo lhe prior credit agreement which was terminated upon the closing ot the New Credit Agreement. The new credil agreement permits lhe issuance of letlers of credit in an aggregate amount of up to $60.0 million. The principal amount of borrowangs under the credit agreement is due and payable on the maturity dale There were no oulslanding balances under NW Nalural's prior credil agreemenl or the new credit agreemenl and no letters of credit issued or outstanding at December 31, 2018 and 2017. NW Natural's prior credit agreement and the new credit agreement require NW Naturallo maintain a consolidaled indebledness to total capitalization ratio of 70% or less. Failure lo comply with this covenant would entille the lenders to lerminale lheir lending commrlmenls and accelerate the maturity of all amounts outslanding. NW Natural was in compliance wilh lhis covenant al December 31,2018 and 2017 The new credit agreement also requires NW Nalural to mainlain credal ratings with S&P and Moody's and notiry the lenders ofany change in NW Natural's senior unsecured debt ratings or senior secured debt ratings, as applic€ble, by such raling agencies- A change in NW Natural's debt ralings by S&P or Moody s is not an event ofdefault, nor is the maintenance ola specific minimum level of debl raling a condation of drawing upon lhe new credil agreemenl Ralher, inleresl rales on any loans outstanding under the new credit agreement are tied to debt ralings and lherefore, a change in the debt rating would increase or decrease the cost of any 93 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 98 of2l0 The carrying cost of commercial paper approximates falr value using Level 2 inputs, due to the short{erm nature of the notes. See Note 2 for a description of lhe fair value hierarchy. At December 31, 2018, NW Natural's commercial paper had a maximum remaining maturity of 46 days and an average remaining maturity of22 days. The NW Holdings credit agreement permats the issuance of lellers of credit in an aggregate amounl of up to 540.0 million The principal amounl of borrowings under the credit agreement is due and payable on the maturity date. The credil agreement requares NW Holdings lo mainlain a consolidated indebtedness to total capitalization ratio of70% or less. Failure lo comply with this covenanl would entitle the lenders lo lerminale lheir lending commilments and accelerale the maturily otall amounts oulstanding. NW Holdangs was in compliance with this covenant al December 31, 20'l 8. Table of Cont€nts loans under lhe new credit agreement when ratings are changed Long-Term Debt NW Natural's issuance of FMBs, which includes NW Natural's medium- term notes, under the Mongage and Deed ofTrust (Mortgage) is limited by eligible propeny, adjusted net earnings, and other provisions of lhe Mongage. The Mortgage constilutes a firsl mongage lien on substahtially allof NW Nalural's NGD property. Maturities and Outstandino Lono-Term Debt Relirement ot long-lerm debl for each ofthe annual periods lhrough December 31, 2023 and thereatter are as lollows: Long-tem debt maturities l{W Natural Fi6t Mortoaoe Bonds: 6 60090 Series dL€ 201 E 1.545% Series due 2018 8.310% Senes due 2019 7.630% S€i€s due 2019 5.370% S€ries due 2020 9.050% Sed6 due 2021 3.176Yo Series due 2021 3.5{2Yo Series d(€ 2023 5 62070 Sedes due 2023 7.720% Seri€s due 2025 6.520% Sedes due 2025 7.050% Sede5 due 20m 3.211% Series due 2026 7.000% S,eries due 2027 2.A22h Senes d@ 2027 6.650Yo Senes du6 2027 6.650% Series due 2028 7 740% Series dtE 2m0 7.850% Series due 2030 5.820% Series due 2032 5 660% Seies due 2033 5.250% Sefies due m35 4 Oo(M Se es due 2042 4.1 36% Series due 2046 3.685% Series due 2047 4.110% Series due 2048 s 10.000 20.0m 75,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 20,000 10.000 20,000 35 000 20,000 25,000 19,700 10,000 20,000 10.000 30,000 40,000 10,000 50,000 40,000 75,000 50,000 22,OOO 75,000 10,000 20,000 75,000 10,000 50,000 50,o00 40,o00 20,m0 10,000 20,000 35,000 20,000 25,000 1S,700 10,000 20,000 10.000 30,000 40.000 10,000 50,000 ,10,000 75,000 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Thereafler s 30,000 75,000 60.000 90,000 484,7m 739,700 30.000 786,700 97.000Less: cunent maiudties Tolal long-lerm debt other NW Holdlngs Enlities Long-term debl obligalions $ 709.700 s 689,700 S 2,113 $ t{W l.lolding.: Long-term debt, gross Less: orrrent maturilies Tolal longlerfi debt s 741,a13 $ 30,mo $ 711.E13 $ 689,700 First l\,4ortoaoe Bonds ln September 2018, NW Natural issued $50.0 mallion of FI\4Bs with a coupon rale of 4 1 10o/o, due in 2048. ln September 2017, NW Natural issued $100.0 millaon of FMBS consisting of $25.0 million with a coupon rate o12.822o/o and a mall.ltily date in 2027 and $75.0 million with a coupon rate of 3.685% aTEiHIBJT 2maturitv date in 2047' 'ALFRE'MAN, DI Retirements of Lono-Term Debt tn March 20't8, NW Naturat retrred s22.0 mitr'* "t9fitY ',$i[tTLHf TE R rate of 6.600%, and retired $75 O million of FMBs wilh a coLBogeapcof 2 I0 1.545% in December 2018. The following table presenls debt outstanding as of December 3l: tn thousnds 2018 2017 746,700 97,000 ln August 2017. NW Nalural retired $40.0 million of FlrBs wilh a coupon rale of 7 000% g4 EXHltsrT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Pagc J00 of2l0 Table of Contenls Fair Value of Lono-Te.m Debt NW Holdings' and NW Natural's outslanding debt does nol trade in aclive markets. The fair value of debt is estimaled using natural gas distribution companies with similar credat ratings, lerms, and remaining maturities to NW Holdings' and NW Natural's debt thal actively trade in public markels. Substantially all outstanding debt at NW Holdings is comprised of NW Natural debt. These valualions are based on Level 2 inputs as defined in the fairvalue hierarchy. See Note 2. December 31, 2014 2017 s 739,700 $ i.5,577) 786,700 (6,813) s $ 734,123 $ 760,222 $ 779,887 853,339 9. PENSION AND OTHER POSTRETIREMENT AEN'EF'T COSTS NW Natu.al maintains a qualified non'contributory defined benefit pension plan, non{ualified supplemental pension plans for eligible executive officers and other key employees, and other postretirement employee benefit plans. NW Natural also has a qualified defined contribution plan (Retirement K Savings Plan) for all eligible employees The qualified defined benefit pension plan and Retirenent K Savings Plan have plan assets, which are held in qualified trusts to fund retiremenl benefits. Effective January 1. 2007 and 2010, the qualified defined benelit pension plans and postretiremenl benefils for non-union employees and union employees. respectively. were closed to new participants- Non-union and union employees hired or re-hired afler December 31. 2006 and 2009, respeclively, and employees of NW Nalural subsadiaries are provided an enhanced Retirement K Savings Plan benefit The following table providesa reconciliation ofthe changes in NW Natural's benefit obligations and fairvalue ofplan assets, as applicable, forNW Natural's pension and other postretirement benefit plans, excluding the Relirement K Savings Plan, and a summary of the funded status and amounts recognized in NW Holdings' and NW Natural's consolidated balance sheets as of December 31 : Penson Benefils Olher Eenefits 2018 2017 Reconciliaton of change in benefit obligalronl Obligalon at January 1 Servic€ cosi lnterest cost Netactuanal (gain) loss Benefits pald"' Obligation at December 31 S 486,289 $ 7,185 '16.991 (32,s7e) (21,918) 457 839 $ 7.090 18.111 34,629 (31,500) 2a.927 $ 964 (327) (1,674) 29 395 341 1 141 (213) 11737) $ 4ss,568 $ 486,283 $ 2A,172 $ 25,927 Reconciliation ofchange in plan assets: Fair va ue of plan assets at January 1 Aclual retum on pl6n assets Employer conlributions Ben€fils pajd I Fat value ol plan assets at December 31 Funded stalus al Decenber 31 $2A7.925 $ (25,S2s) 17 715 (21,918) 257,714 40,308 21.443 (31,580) $ '1.674 1.737 11,7371(1.674) $ 257,797 S 287,925 S $ $ 1197,77',t1 3 (198,364) S 128.1721 $ \24,927) "' ln 2017, NW Natural compteted a partial buy,out of ats qualified defined benefil pension plan in which $9.3 million of plan assels and $8 7 mallion of liabilities were transfered to an insurer lro provide annuities for buy-out plan parlicipanls. NW Natural's qualified defined beneflt pension plan had a projected benefit obligation of $420.2 million and $449.7 million at December 31. 2018 and 2017, respectively, and fair values of plan assels of $257.8 million and $287.9 mallaon, respectively. The plan had an accumulated benefil obligation of $385.9 million and $410.3 million at Decembet 31,2018 and 2017, respectively. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page l0l of 210 95 The following table provides an estimate ofthe fair value of NW Natural's long{erm debt. including current maturities of long-term debt, using market prices in effect on the valuation date Gross long-term debt Unamorlized debt issuance Carrying amount Eslmaled farr value Poslrelirement Benefit Plans 2017 2018 s Pension Benelils 0lher Poslrelirement Benef ts Pensron Eenefds 2014 2017 2016 20T8 2417 2016 2418 2017 2016 Net actuarial loss (gain) Settlemenl Ioss Prior seMce cosl Acluarialloss Total 0 1,{,261 $ 12.177 $ 14.OO5 t Fn) $ (214) $ (1.488) $ (677) $ 2,777 I (1,196) 193 468 468 (6s6)(705)(1,052)(946)1,386 $ (4,542) $ (2.752) $ 537 $ (307) $ 14421 $ \1,725) $ (1,729) $ 1,831 $ \42) (18 761) 1127) 114,8021 (230) (13,2s8) 458 (448) The following table presents amounts recognized an regulatory assels and accumulaled other comprehensive loss (AOCL) at December 3'l Regulatory Assets AOCL Pension Benerits Olher Poslretirement Beneits Penson Beneflts 2018 2017 2014 2017 2018 2017 Prior seMce cost (credrl) Net actuanalloss Total SSs $ 170,542 $ 175,084 $ 7 170,535 49 175,035 (1,738) $ 6,189 (2,206) $ 6,S64 $ 11 537 13,266 11,537 S 13,2664,451 $4,758 $ The following table presents amounts recognized by NW Holdings and NW Natural in AOCL and the changes in AOCL related lo NW Natural's non- qualified employee beneflt plans: Year Ended December 31 2014 2017 Begrnnrng balance Amounts redassifiet to AOCL Amounts redassified f.om AOCL. Amortrzalion of actuarial losses Total reclassificatrons belore lax Tax expense (benefii) Total reclassrfrcations for the period Ending balance s (8.438) $ u2 (6.951) 12.794) 1,052 946 1,694 i'444) (r,848) 361 ln 2019. NW Nalural will amortize an eslimated $13.7 mallion from .egulatory assets to net periodic benefit costs, consisling of $'14.2 million of actuaria I losses offset by $0.5 million ofprior seNice credils. A total oI $0.6 million will be amortized from AOCL to earnings related to actuarial losses in 2019. The assumed discount rate for NW Natural's pension plan and other postretirement benefit plans was determined independently based on the FTSE Above Median Curve (discount rate curve), which uses high quality c.rporate bonds rated AA- or higher by S&P orAa3 orhigher by Moody's. The discount rate curve was applied lo match the estimated cash flows in each of the plans to reflect the timing and amount of expected future benefit paymenls for these plans. The assumed expecled long-term rate ofrelurn on plan assets for NW Natural's qualified pensaon plan was developed using a weighted- average ofthe expected retums for the larget assel portfolio. ln developing the expected long{erm rate of return assumption, consideration 1.250 11,487) (7.188) S (8,438) was given to the historical perfo.mance oleach asset class in which the plan's assets are invested and the target asset allocation for plan assets. The investment strategy and policies for qualified pension plan assets held in the retirement trust fund were approved by the NW Natural Reliremenl Committee, which is composed of senior management with the assistance of an outside investment consultant- The policies set Iorth the guidelines and objeclives goveming the investment of plan assets. Plan assels are invested fortotal retum with appropriale consideralion for liquidity, portfolio risk, and retum expectations. All investments are expected to satisfy the prudent inveslments rule under lhe Employee Retirement lncome Security Act of'1974. The approved asset classes may include cash and shon{erm investments, flxed income, common stock and convertible securities, absolute and real return slrategies, and realestale. Plan assets may be invesled in separalely managed accounts or in commingled or mutual funds. lnvestmenl re-balancing takes place periodically as needed, or when significant cash flows occur, in order lo maintain the allocationfS{firfdlT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 102 of2l0 $ s6 Table ol Contents The Iollowing table presenls amounts realized through regulatory assets or in olher comprehensive loss (income) for lhe years ended December 3'l: Regulatory Assets Other Comprehensive Loss (lncome) Table of Contenls within the stated targel ranges. The retirement trust tund is nol cunently invested in NW Holdings or NW Natural securities. The following table presenls the NW Natural pension plan asset target allocation at December 31, 2018 Asset Category Tarqel Allocatron These are unfunded. non-qualified plans with no plan assetsi however, a signillcant portion oflhe obligations is indirectly funded with company and lrust-owned life insurance and olher assels. Other postrelirement benefit plans are unfunded plans but are subject to regulatory defenal. The actuarial gains and losses, prior service costs, and transilion assets or obligations for these plans are recognized as a regulatory asset. Net periodic beneflt costs consist of service costs, interest costs, the expected returns on plan assets, and the amortization otgains and losses and prior service costs. The gains and losses are the sum oflhe actuarial and assel gains and losses throughoul the year and are amonized over lhe average remaining service period of active participants. The asset gains and losses are based an part on a market- related valuation ofassets. The market-related valuation reflects differences belween expecled returns and actual investment retums with the dafferences recognized over a two-yea,period Irom the year in which they occur, thereby reducing year-to-year nel periodic benelll cost volatility. Long govemmenvcredit U S large cap equity tlon-U.S. equity Absolute retum slrategies U.S srElumid cap equity Real estate funds High yi€ld bond8 ErErging ma els equity Emeqing nlarket det[ 20vo 18 10 7 5 5 The seNice cost component of nel periodic benefit cost for NW Natural pension and olher postretirement benefit plans is recognized in operalions and maintenance expense in the consolidaled statements of comprehensive income. The other non-setuice cosl componenls are recognized in other income (expense). net in lhe consoljdated stalements ofcomprehensive inc!me. The following table provides lhe components of net periodic benefit cost tor NW Nalural's pension and other postretiremenl benefit plans lorthe years ended Oecember 31: Penslon Benefils Other Postrehrement Benelits 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 Servrce cost lnleresl cosl Expected retum on plan assets Amorlizat on ol pror seNice cosls Amortization of net actuarialloss Settlemenl expense Net periodac beneft cost Amounl al ocated lo conslruction Amount deferred to regulalory balancing account Net amount charged to expense $7,185 S 16,991 (20.633) 43 19.813 7,090 $ 18.111 (20,433) 127 15,744 7,083 S 18.399 (20 054) 231 14,624 193 2A2 $341 1.141 39'l 1.175 (468) 444 (468) 696 (468) 705 s 964 23,393 12,7u) (10,314) 20.643 (6 597) (6,s42) 20,476 (5,746) (6,252) 1,226 (e8) 't,710 (587) 1.803 (600) s 10.315 $7.504 $8,478 S 1,128 $1,123 $1 243 Net periodic benefit costs are reduced by amounts capatalized to NGD plant based on approximately 25% to 35% payroll overhead charge. ln addition, a certain amounl of net periodic benefit costs were recorded lo lhe regulatory balancing account, representing nel periodic pension expense for the qualifled plan above the amounl set in rates, as approved by the OPUC, from 2011 through October 3r, 2018. On October 26, 2018 the OPLJC ordered that the balancing account be frozen as of October 31, 2018, with recovery subject to future proceedings. Effective November 1, 2018 the OPUC authorized an addilional $8.1 million to be included in rates for detined benerit pension plan expenses. 97 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 103 of2l0 Non{ualified supplemenlal defined benefil plan obligations were $35.4 million and $36.6 million at December 31, 2018 and 2017, respeclively. These plans are not subject to regulatory deferral, and the changes in actuarialgains and losses. prior service cosls, and lransitaon assets or obligations are recognized in AOCL, net oflax untilthey are amonized as a componenl ofnet periodic beneflt cost. Table of Conlents The following table provides the assumptions used in measuring periodic benefil cosls and benefit obligations for the years ended Decembe. 31 Pension Benelits Oiher Postretirement Benefits 2418 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 Assumptrons for net penodrc benefit cost: We ghted average discount rate Rate of increase in cornpensation Expecled long{erm rale of relurn Assumptions for year-end funded slalus: Weighled-average drscount rate Rate ofrncrease in compensalron Expecled onq term rate of return 3 25-4 50k 7.5O'/o 3 9e% 3 25-4 50/a 7.50% 4174k 3.25-4 50k 7.Soa/o nla 3.44yo 4_OoVo 7.54% 4.000/" 3.25-4.54/" 7 500/0 4_130k 3_44yo nla 3.857o The assumed annual increase in heallh care cost taend rates used in measuring other poslretirement benerlts as of December 31, 2018 was 6.757o. These trend rates apply lo both medical and prescription drugs. l\4edical costs and prescription drugs are assumed to decrease gradua lly each year to a rcle of 4.75yo by 2425. Assumed heallh care cosi lrend rates can have a significanl effect on the amounts reporled for the health care plans; however, other postretirement benefil plans have a cap on the amounl of costs reimbursable by NW Natural. A one percentage point change in assumed health care cost trend rates would have the following effects: 1Yo Decrease Effect on net periodic postrelirement health care benefil cosl $ 43 $ (39) Effect on the accumulated postrelremenl benefit obligation 622 (560) luortality assumptions are reviewed annually and are updated for material changes as necessary. ln 20,l8, mortality rate assumptions were updated from RP-2006 mortality tables for employees and healthy annuitants with a fully generational projection using scale l\rP-2017 to RP-2014 morlality lables using scale lvlP-2018, which partially offset increases of the projected benefit obligation. The following lable provides information regarding employer contributions and benefit payments for NW Natural's qualified pension plan, non-qualified pension plans, and olher postreliremenl benefil plans forthe years ended December 31, and esiimated fulure contributions and payment$: Pension Senefds Other Benefits Employer Cont bulrons 2417 $ 2018 2019 (estimaled) Benefit Paymenls: 2016 2017 2018 Eslimated Fuluae Benefit Paymenls 2019 2020 2022 2023 2024-2024 21,483 $ 17,715 13,318 1,737 1,674 1,747 20 959 31 580 21 918 1,737 1,674 23,622 24.516 25,316 26.O74 145,917 1,757 1,846 1,930 1,941 1,9S3 9,628 NW Natural makes contributions to its qualified defined benefit pension plans based on actuarial assumptions and estimates, lax regulations, and funding requirements under federal law. The Pension Proteclion Act of 2006 (the Act) established funding requirements for defined benefit plans. TheAcl eslablishes a'100% funding target over seven yearSfor plan years beginning after December 31 . 2008. ln 2012 the [,4oving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (lvlAP-21) legislation changed several provisions affecting pension plans, including temporary funding relief and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) premium increases. which reduces the level of minimum required contributions in the near-term but generally increases contributions in lhe long-run and increases the operational costs of running a pension plan. ln 2014, the Highway and Transporlation Funding Act (HATFA) was signed and exlended funding relief for an addilional flve years. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page I04 of 210 9B 4.204/. 3_25-3.54/o 7 50./. Employer Contributions to company-Spongored Defined Benefit Pension Plans Tabe of Contenls The qualified defined benefit pension plan was underfunded by $162 4 million at December 31 . 20'18. lncluding the ampacts of l\4AP-21 and HATFA, NW Nalural made cash contributions totaling $15.5 million lo its qualified deflned benefit pension plan for 2018. During 2019. NW Natural expects to make conlributions of approximately $'1 1.0 million to this plan. MultiemDloyer Pension Plan ln addilion lo the NW Nalural-sponsored defined benefit plans presented above, prior to 2014 NW Natural contrabuted to a multiemployer pension plan for its NGD union employees known as the Western Slates Office and Professional Employees lnternational union Pensaon Fund (Western States Plan). The plan's employer identification number is 94- 6076144. Effective December 22, 2013, NW Naturalwithdrew from the plan, which was a noncash transaction. Vested participants will receive all benefits accrued through the dale ofwithdrawal. As lhe plan was underfunded at the time ol wilhdrawal, NW Natural was assessed a withdrawal liability of $8.3 million, plus interest, which requires NW Natural to pay S0.6 million each year lo lhe plan for 20 years beginning in July 2014. The cosl of the withdrawal liability was deferred to a regulatory account on the balance sheet. Payments were $0.6 million for 2018, and as of December 31, 2018 the liabillty balance was 56.8 million. For 2017 and 2016, contributions to the plan were S0.6 million and $0.6 million, respectively, which was app.oximately 4% to 6% of the total contdbutions to the plan by all employer participants in those years. Defined Contribution Plan NW Natural's Retirement K Savings Plan is a qualified defined contribution plan under lnlernal Revenue Code Sections 401(a) and 401 (k). NW Natural conlribulions tolaled $6.5 million, S5.4 million, and $4.6 million for 20'18, 2017, and 2016, respectively. The Retirement K Savings Plan includes an Employee Slock Ownership Plan. Deferred Comoensation Plans NW Nalural's supplemental deferred compensation plans for eligible officers and senaor managers are non-qualified plans. These plans are designed to enhance the relirement savings ofemployees and to assist them in slrengthening their financial security by providing an incenlive lo save and invesl regulaaly. Fair Value Belowis a description ofthe valuation methodologies used forassets measured at fair value. ln cases where NW Nalural's penslon plan is invesled through a collective trusl fund or mutual fund, the fund's market value is utilized. Markel values for inveslmenls direclly owned are also utalazed. INTERNATIONAUGLOBAL EQUITY- These are Level 1 and non-published NAV assets. The Level 1 asset is a mutual fund, and the non-published NAV assels consisl of commingled trusts whe.e lhe NAV/unit price is not published but the investment can be readily disposed ofat the NAV/unil price. The mutual funds has a readily determinable fair value, including a published NAV. and lhe commingled lnrsls are valued al unit price This asset class includes investments primarily in foreign equity common stocks. LIABILITY HEDGI]{G. These are non-published NAV assels. The non- published NAV assets consist ot commingled trusls where NAV is not published but the anvestment can be readily disposed of at NAV or market value. The underlying inveslments in lhis asset class include long duralion fixed income investmenls primarily in U.S treasuries, U.S government agencies, municipal securities, morlgage-backed securilies, assel-backed securities, as wellas U.S. and anlernalional investmenl{rade corporale bonds. OPPORTUNISTIC. These are non-published NAV assels consisting of commingled lrusts where the investments can be readily disposed of at unit price, and a hedqe fund of funds where the valuatron rs not published. This hedge fund of funds is winding down. Based on recenl dispositions. NW Nalural believes the remaining investmenl is fairly valued. The hedge fund offunds is valued at the weighted average value of inveslments in various hedge funds, which in turn are valued at the closing price ofthe underlying securities. This assel class includes inveslments in emerging market debt, leveraged loans, RElTs, high yield bonds, a commodities fund, and a hedge fund of funds ABSOLUTE RETURN STRATEGY. This is a non-published NAV asset conslsting of a hedge fund offunds where lhe valuation is not published This hedge fund of funds is winding down. Based on recent djspositions, NW Natural believes the remaining inveslment is fairly valued. The hedge fund of funds is valued at lhe weighled average value of investments in various hedge funds, which in tum are valued al lhe closing price oflhe underlying securities. This asset class primarily includes investments in common stocks and fixed income securilies. CASH Al{O CASH EOUIVALENTS. These are Level 'l and non-published NAV assets. The Level 'l assets consisl of cash in U S dollars. which can be readily disposed of at face value. The non-published NAV assets represenl mulual funds wilhout published NAV's but the investment can be readily disposed of at lhe NAV. The mulual funds are valued at lhe NAV ofthe shares held by the plan at the valualion date. The preceding valuation methods may produce a fair value calculation thal is nol indicative of nel realizable value or reflective offulure fair values. Although we believe lhese valualion melhods are appropriate and consistent with other market participants, the use ofditferent melhodologies or assumptions to determine lhe fair value ofcertaan inveslments could result in a dafferent fair value measuremenl at lhe reporting date. lnvestment securities are exposed lo various financial risks including interest rate, markel, and credit risks. Due to lhe level of risk assocaaled with cerlain investment securities, it is reasonably possible that changes in the values of NW 99 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 105 of2l0 U.S. EQt,lTY. These are non,published net asset value (NAV) assets. The non-published NAV assets consisl of commangled Irusts where NAV is not published but the investmenl can be readily disposed of at NAV or markel value. The underlying inveslments in this assel class includes inveslments primarily in U S. common stocks. Natural's inveslment securities will occur in the near term and such changes could materially affect NW Natural's investment account balances and lhe amounts reporled as plan assels available for benefit payments. The following tables present the fair value ofNW Natural's plan assets, inciuding oulstanding receivables and liabilities, of NW Natural's retirement trust tund: December 3l. 201I Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Non-Publshed NAV Total US equity lnlernalonal / Global equity Liabil[y hedging Opporlunislic Cash and cash equivalenls Tolel inveslmenls 85,233 $ 70,o17 45,65S 23,186 4,707 85,233 95 01'1 45,659 23.186 8,707 ss$$ 24I s 24,994 $$$232402 $ 257.7 December 31. 2017 Non-Published NAVLevel 1 Leve 3 Total US equi, lnlemational / Global equity Lrabrlty hedgrn9 Opportunistic Cash and cash equivalenls Tolal inveslmenis Receivables Accrued interest and divrdend ncome Due from broker tor secutities sold Total receivebles Liabilitiesl Due lo brcker lor secunlies purchesed Tolal inveslment in retrement trusl S 21.211 e8,375 84,818 53,981 23,895 98.375 106,02S 53,981 23.895 5,615 s Ss s a2 $21,293 S s s 266,602 $ 287,895 Decemb€r 31 2A1A 2017 1$30 1$30 -$ S 257.797 $ 287,925 10. INCOME TAX The following table provides a reconcilialion between income taxes calculated at the slalutory federal tax .ale and lhe provision for income taxes reflected in the NW Holdings and NW Natural statemenls of comprehensive income or loss for December 311 NW Holdangs l{W l{atu ral 2018 2017 2016 2014 2A17 2016 {'rThe fair value for these jnveslments is detemined using Net Asset Value per share (NAV) as of December 31, as a praclcal expedient, and iherefore they are nol dassified wrthin the fair value hierarcny. These investments primanly consist of inslitutional investment prcducts, for whach the NAV ls generally not publidy available lncome taxes at federal stalutory rate lncrease (decrease): State income tax. nel of federal Diff€rences required lo be flowed-lhough by regulalory comm|3siOna Effect ot the TCJA Oefeared tax rate djfferential pGI-TCJA Olher, net Total provision for income taxes Efieclive lax rate $'19,222 4,927 '1,302 (76) (1,'r 84) 36,901 4,844 2.357 s 39578 $ 5 066 $ 19,434 $ 39,624 $ 37,137 4 942 5,O72 4.858 1.3022,357 (3 376)(2,956) 2.357 EXHIBIT 2 (75) (1,184) R$ 24.191 $ 41.00a $ 43,011 $ 24.459 $ 26 40k 36.30/o 40 ao/o 26 40k .==========ffiiiffir0 Table of Contents Level 2 $ $ s 12,6171 (1,091) 100 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 107 of2l0 Table of Contents The NW Holdings and NW Natural effeclive income lax rates for 2018 compared to 2017 changed primarily as a result ofthe lower federal corporale income tax rate provided for by the TCJA. The effective tax rates for 20'17 compared lo 2016 changed primarily as a result of the lower federalcorporate income tax rate provided for by the TCJA and NW Nalural's increased benefits from lhe equity porlion of AFUDC and excess tax benefils related to stock based compensation. The provision for current and deferred income laxes consists of the following at December 31 NW Holdings NW ilatu ra I Curent Fede.al State 2018 201?2016 2014 2017 2016 s 8 953 3 785 S 19.345 $ 5.963 10 042 S 3.116 9.127 3,846 S 19,304 i 5,956 10.158 3.131 12,734 25 308 13,158 25,260 13.28S Deferred Federal Stale 13,869 1.831 25,473 9,025 2,461 14,371 't,u7 25,581 4 4054.380 11,453 '15,700 29.853 11,486 16,218 29,986 ln@metax Drov sron s 24,191 $ 41,008 $ 43,011 $ 24,459 $ 41,478 $ 43,275 The followang table summarizes the tax effect of signiflcant items comprising NW Holdings and NW Nalural's deferred income lax balances recorded al December 31: NW Holdings l{W Natural OeferGd lax liabilities: Planl and property Pension and posvetiremenl obligations lncome tax regulatory asset Olher Toial deferred incorne tax lhtiliti€s Defened income tax assets lncome tar regulatory liability Alternative minifium tax credit carMorward Total deferred income lax assets Total net deferred income tar liabilities:' Amounts have been reclassified among categones lo @nform lo oJrrent period presentalrcn. 2018 2017'"2018 2017 $288,305 $ 27,135 21,403 1,061 274,735 $ 23 352 22,205 2.766 303,186 $ 2t,402 296,113 22,209 2,250 E 337,984 $ 327,062 $ 352.260 $ 343,924 s 57,469 52 $ 56,470 S 57,469 s 56,470 6666 $ 57,s2'r $ s8,536 $ 57,521 $ 56,536 $ 280.463 $ 270,526 $ 294,739 S 287,388 At December 31. 2018 and 20'17, regulatory income tax assets of $19.1 million and $2'1.3 million, respectively, were recorded by NW Natural, a portion of which is .ecorded in current assets. These regulalory income tax assets primarily represent future rale recovery ofdeferred tax liabilities, resulling from differences in NGD plant financial slatement and lax bases and NGD plant removal cosls, which were previously flowed through for rate making purposes and to take into account the additional future taxes, which will be generated by lhat recovery. These deferred tax liabilities, and lhe associated regulalory income lax assets. are currently being recovered lhrough customer rales. At December 31, 2018 and 20'17, regulatory income lax assels of $2.3 million and $0.9 million, respectively, were recorded by NW Natural, represenling future recovery ofdefered lax liabilities resulting from the equity portion of AFUDC- income tax rate provided for by the TCJA. At December 31 , 2018 and 2017, regulatory liability balances representing the net tax benefit oflhe change in deferred taxes as a result ofthe TCJA of $217.1 million and $213.3 million, respectively, were recorded by NW Natural. NW Nalural's natural gas utility rates include an allowance to p.ovide for the recovery oflhe anticipated provision for income laxes incurred as a resull ofproviding regulaled services. As a result otlhe 21 percent federal corporate income tax rate enacted in 2017, NW Natural recorded an additional regulatory liability in 20'18 reflecting the estimated net reduciion in the provision for income taxes. This revenue deferral is based on the estimated net benefit to customerS and includes a gross- up for income taxes. As of December 31. 2018, a regulatory liability of 58.2 million, including accrued interest, was recorded to reflect this estimaled revenue delenal. At December 31, 2018 and 2017, deferred tax assels of S57.5 million and $56.5 million, respeclively, were recorded by NW Natural representing the future income lax benefit associated wilh lhe excess deferred income tax regulatory liability recorded as a result of the lower federalcorporale NW Holdings and NW Natural assess the avaalable positive and negative evidence to estimate il sufficient laxable income will bEXIfIBJT 2generated to utilize lheir respective exislrng pALFREyMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 108 of 210 101 s,001 2,452 EXI{IBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 109 of 210 Table ol Contents deferred tax assels. Based upon lhis assessment, NW Holdings and NW Natural determined thal it is more likely than not lhat all oflheir respeclive deferred tax assets recorded as of December 31, 2018 will be realized Uncerlain lar positions are accounled for in accordance wilh accounting standads that require an assessment of lhe anticipaled settlement oulcome of material uncerlain lax positions laken in a prior year, or planned to be taken in the current year. Until such positaons are suslained, the uncerlain tax benefits resulting from such positjons would not be recognized. No reserves for uncerlain tax posilions were recorded as of December 31. 2018.2017, ot 2016. NW Holdings files a consolidaled U.S. federal income tax return that includes NW Natural. lncome tax expense is allocated on a separale company basis. The federal income tax returns for tax years 20'14 and earlier are closed by statute. The IRS Compliance Assurance Process (CAP) examination of the 2015, and 2016 tax years have been completed. There were no malerial changes to lhese relurns as filed. The 2017 and 2018 tax years are currently under IRS CAP examination. Our 2019 CAP applicalion has been accepled by the lRS. Under lhe CAP program. NW Holdings and NW Nalural work with the IRS to identify and resolve malerial lax matters before the lax relurn is filed each year. As of December 31, 2018, income tax years 2015 through 2018 remain open for state examination. The Stale of Oregon is currently examining lhe Oregon corporate income tax returns for tax years 20'15. 2016, and 2017. No material changes are anlacipaled as a result ofthis examinalion. U.S. Federal TCJA Mafters On December 22, 2017, the TCJA was enacled and lowered the U.S. federal corporate income tax rale lo 21% from the exisling maximum rate of 35%, effeclive Ior the tax year beginning January 1, 2018. The TCJA included specillc provasions related to regulated public utilities lhat provided forthe continued deductibility of interest expense and the elimination of bonus tax depreciation for property both acquired and placed in service on or afler January 1, 2018. Under p.e-TCJA law, business inlerest was generally deductible in the determination oftaxable income. The TCJA imposed a new limilation on the deductibility of net business inleresl expense in excess of approximalely 30 percent of adjusted taxable income. Taxpayers operating in the trade or business of a regulated utality are excluded from lhese new interesl expense limitations. Proposed U S. Treasury Regulations were published in November of 2018 which provide a de minimis rule whereby if 90 percent or more of a taxpayer's adjusted asset basis is allocable to regulaled utility activities, then allofthe business inlerest expense of that taxpayer is deemed lo be exc€pted business interest of the regulated ulility activity and is thereby nol limited underlhe TCJA. As a .esult of the de minimis rule, NW Holdings and NW Natural anticipate that business interest expense will not be limited under the TCJA. The TCJA generally provides for ammediate full expensing for qualified property both acquired and placed in service after September 27, 2017 and before January 1, 2023. This would generally provide for accelerated cosl recovery for capital investments. However, the definition of qualified property excludes property used in the trade or business of a regulated utility. Proposed U.S. Treasury Regulations were published in August of 2018 which indicated lhal bonus tax depreciation would not be available lor regulated utility activity assets acquired and placed in service by NW Holdings or NW Nalural on or afler January 1, 2018, bul bonus lax deprecialion would be avaalable for regulated utility activily assels acquired and placed in service by NW Holdings or NW Natural before January 1,2018. The SEC staff previously issued Staff Accounting Bulletin 1 18, which provided guidance on accounling for the tax effecls ofthe TCJA. sAB 118 provided a measuremenl period that should not extend beyond one year from the TCJA enactment date for companies to complete the accounling forthe TCJA under ASC 740. To the extent that a company's accounting for certain income tax effects ofthe TCJA was incomplete but a reasonable estimate could be made. a company would record a provisional eslimale in the financial slatements. NW Natural previously disclosed that due to uncertainlies with respect to the avaalabality of bonus tax deprecialion for regulaled utility activily assets under the TCJA that the effects of bonus tax depreciation for assels placed in service after Seplember 27. 2017 bul before January 1, 2018 had not been recorded. The determinalion to exclude allassets placed in service afler September 27. 2017 but before January 1. 2018 from bonus tax depreciation was provisional as provided for under SAB 118. As a result of the Proposed Regulalions on bonus lax deprecaalaon published in Augusl of2018, NW Naturalrevised the provisional estimate ofdeferred taxes and income tax€s payable lo reflecl the effecls of bonus tax depreciation for assets placed in service after Seplember 27, 2017 but before Ja nuary 1 . 2018. ln lhe third quarter, NW Natural recognized increases to prepaid income tax of $7.4 million, deferred income tax liabilily of $4. 1 million, and regulatory liabilily of S3.3 millio n. ln lhe fourth quarter, NW Nalural recognized additional increases to prepaid income lax of S0.5 million, deferred income tax liability of $0.3 million, and regulatory liabilily of $0.2 million. The accounting for income tax effects of lhe TCJA is now complete. 102 EXHIBTT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page I 10 of 210 The lollowang table sets Iorth the major classifications of property, planl, and equipmenl and accumulated depreciation at Oecember 31: 2014 2017 Accumulated depreciation does not include the accumulated provision for asset removal costs of $380.5 million and $360.9 million at December 31, 2018 and 2017, respectively. These accrued asset removal cosls are reflected on the balance sheet as regulatory liabilities See Nole 2. During 2018 and 2017, no equipmenl was acquired under capitalleases. NW Holdinos Other plant balances include long-lived assels associated with water operations and non-regulated activities not held by NW Nalural or its subsidiaries. NW Natural Other plant balances include long-lived assets not relaled lo NGD The weighted average deprecialion rale for NGD assels was 2.8% during 2018, 2017, and 2016. The weighled average depreciation rate for assels not relaled lo NGD was 2.2% in 2018, l.gok in 2017. ahd 2.Ookin 20't 6. NIY Naturel: NGD plenl in service NGD work in progress Lessr Accumulated deprecialion NGD plant, net Other plant in service Other construction work in progress Less: Ac mulaled deprecjation Other plant. nel" Tolal property, plant, and equipment Olhe. (NW Holdlnga): Other plam in sewice Lerss: Accumulated depeciation Other plant, netrr) $ 3,134,122 S 204.978 974,252 2,575,217 159,924 s42.879 2.T4.444 2 192 262 66.009 5.330 18,603 64,997 4,122 17,46 52,736 5'1.713 s 2,417,584 I 2,243,975 s 4.051 $ 263 375 3,788 183 NW Holdings: Total property, plant and equipment $ 2.421.372 $ 2.244.154 I'lW Naturil and NW lloldings: Capilal expenditures in accrued liabiliiies S 23.676 $ 34,761' NW Natural's previously reporled other balances were restated due to certain assets and liabililles now being classifed as disconlinued operations asets and liabililies in its balance sheels. See Note 18 lor furlher discusson. ,2, GAS RESERYES Table ol Contenls 11. PROPERTY, PIANT, AND EQUIPMENT NW Natural has invesled $188 million through lhe gas reserves p.ogram in lhe Jonah Field located in Wyoming as of December 31. 2018. Gas reserves are stated al cost, nel of regulatory amortization. wath the assocaated deferred tax benefits recordecl as liabililies in the consolidated balance sheets. The investment in gas reserves provides long-lerm price prolection for NGD customers through the original agreementwith Encana Oil & Gas (USA) lnc. underwhich NW Natural invested $r 78 million and lhe amended agreemenl with Jonah Energy LLC under which an additional $'10 million was invesled. NW Nalural enlered into lhe original agreements with Encana in 201 1 under which NW Natural holds working interests in certain seclions of the Jonah Field. Gas produced in these sections is sold al prevailing markel prices, and revenues from such sales, net of associated operating and production cosls and amortization, are credited to the NGD cost of gas. The cost of gas, including a carrying cost for the rate base inveslmenl, is included in the annual Oregon PGA filing, which allows NW Natural Io recover these cosls through customer rates. The inveslment under the original agreement, less accumulated amortizalion and deferred taxes, earns a rate of relurn. ln March 2014, NW Naturalamended the originalgas reserves agreement in order to facilitate Encana's proposed sale of ils interest in lhe Jonah field to Jonah Energy Under the amendment. NW Natural ended the drilling program with Encana, bul increased its working interests in its assigned seclions of the Jonah field. NW Natural also relained lhe rightto anvest in newwells with Jonah Energy. Underthe amended agreement there is still the option to invest in addilional wells on a well-by-well basis with drilling costs and resulting gas volumes shared at NW Natural's amended proportionate working interest for each well in which il invesls. NW Natural elected to participate in some oflhe additional wells drilled in 20'14, but did not participale in additionalwells since 2014. However, there may be lhe opportunity lo panicipate in more wells in the future. Gas produced from the additional wells is included in the Oregon PGA at a fixed rate of $0.4725 per therm, which approximales the 1o-year hedge rate plus financing costs at lhe anceptaon of the inveslmenl. Gas reserves acted to hedge the cost ofgas for approximately 6%,6% and 8% of NGD sas supplies for the years ended December 3hl{1?BIT 22017, and 20'|6 respectively. PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Pagelllof2l0103 Table of Contents The followang table outlines NW Natural's net gas reserves investmenl al December 31: 2A1A NW Natural's investment is included in NW Holdings' and NW Natural's consolidaled balance sheels under gas reserves wilh the maximum loss exposure limited to the inveslmenl balance. Gas reserves, current Gas reseryes non-curreni Less Accumulaled amortrzation Totalgas reseNes ' Less: Defer€d taxes on gas aeserves Net rnvestmenl in gas reserves 'i The nel investmenl in additionalwells included in total gas.eseNeswas S4.8 million and S5 8 million at December 31, 2018 and 2017 respectrvely 13. INVESTMENTS $ 16.647 S 15,704 170.660 171,432 104,463 47.779 82,444 20,o71 99157 22 712 $ 62,773 $ 77,045 lnveslmentg in life insurance policies lnvestments in gag pQeline Olher ToElother investnents lnveslments include flnancial investments in life insurance policies, and equity melhod investments in certain partnerships and lamited liability companies The following table summarizes olhe. inveslmenls at December 31: NW Holdrngs NW Natural 2018 2017 2018 2017 Holdings' equity inveslment balance, less its share of any cash or olher assets avai!able lo NW Holdings as a 50% owner. The investment balance in TWH was 513.4 million al December 31. 2018 and 2017. lmDairment Analvsis lnvestments in nonconsolidated entities accounted for underthe equity method a.e reviewed for impairmenl at each reporting period and tollowing updates to our corporale planning assumptions. lf il is dete.mined a loss in value is other than temporary, a charge is recognized for the difference between the investment's carrying value and ils estimated fair value. Fair value is based on quoted market prices when available or on the present value ofexpected future cash flows. Dilfering assumptions could affect the timing and amount of a charge recorded in any period. ln 20'11, TWP withdrew its original application with the FERC for a proposed nalural gas pipeline in Oregon and informed FERC that it inlended to re-file an application lo reflect changes in the projecl scope aligning the proiect wilh lhe region's current and future gas infrastruclure needs. TWP continues working with customers in the Pacific Norlhwest lo funher unde.stand their gas transportation needs and determine the commercial support for a revised pipeline proposal. A new FERC certificate applicalion is expected to be filed to reflect a revised scope based on lhese regional needs. NW Holdings' equity investment was nol impaared al December 31, 2018 as the lair value ofexpected cash llows from planned developmenl exceeded NW Holdings' remaining equity investment of$13.4 million at December 31, 2018. However. iI NW Holdings leams that the project is not viable orwill not go forward, it could be required to recognize a maximum charge of up to approximately $'13-4 million based on the currenl amount oflhe equity investment, net of cash and working capital at TWP. NW Holdings will continue to monitor and updale the impairment analysis as required. $ 49.922 S 50.792 $ 49.922 $ 50.792 13,571 65 13,669 1,902 1.862 $ 63,558 $ 68,363 $ 49,922 $ 52,654 lnvestment in Life lneurallce Policieg NW Naturalhas invested in key person life insurance conlracts lo provide an indirect funding vehicle for certain long-term employee and director benefit plan liabilities- The amount in the above table is reported at cash surrender value, net of policl loans. lnvestments in Ga8 Pipeline TWP, a wtrolty-ovrned subsidiary of TWH, is pursuing the development of a new gas lransmission pipeline that would provide an interconneclion with NW Natural's NGO system. NWN Energy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings. owns 50% of TWH. and 50% is owned by Transcanada American lnveslmenls Lld., an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of TransCanada Corporalion- Variable lnterest Entity (VlE) Analysis TWH is a VlE, wilh NW Holdings' investment in TWP reporled under equity method accounting. ll has been determined that NW Holdings is not the primary beneficiary of TWH'S aclivities as il only has a 500/6 share ofthe entity, and lhere are no stipulations that allow NW Holdings a disproportionate influence over it. lnveslments in TWH and TWP are included in other investments on NW Holdings' balance sheet. lf this investment is not developed, then the maximum loss exposure relaled to TWH is limited to NW EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page I l2 of 210 104 Table of Contents ,4. AUSTTVESS CO'I4 Bl N AT I O NS Falls Water On Septembe|13, 2018, NWN Water,lhen a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Nalural and now a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Holdings, compleled the acquisition of Falls Water Co., lnc. (Falls Water), a privately owned water utility in the Pacific Northwest for preliminary non- cash consideration of $8.5 million, subject to closing adjuslmenls, in the form of 125.000sharesof NW Natural common stock. FallsWaler became a wholly-owned subsidiary of NWN Water and marked its first acquisition in the waler services sector. This acquisilion aligns wilh NW Holdings'water sector strategy as the acquisition provides NWN Water entry into ldaho, expands service area, and opens furlher opportunity for growth Falls Water is based in ldaho Falls. ldaho and se.ves approximalely 5.300 Connections Through lhe purchase of all of the outstanding shares of Falls Waier, NWN Water acquired the nel assets and '100% controlof Falls Waler. We dete.mined that the Falls Water acquisilion mel lhe criteria of a business combinalion. and as such performed a preliminary allocation ofthe consideration to the acquired assets and assumed liabilities based on their fair value as ofthe acquisition date, the majority ofwhich was allocated to goodwill. The allocation is considered preliminary as of December 31, 2018, and is primarily associated wilh cedain tax positions and goodwill. Subsequent adjustments are not expected to be signiflcant, 15. DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS NW Natural enters into financial derivative contracts to hedge a ponion oI the NGD segment's nalural gas sales requiremenls. These conlracts include swaps. oplions, and combinations ofoption contracts. These derivalive financial instruments are prirnarily used lo manage commodity price variability. A small ponion of NW Natural's derivalive hedging strategy anvolves foreign currency exchange conlracls NW Natural enlers into these flnancial derivatives, up to prescribed limits. primarily to hedge price variability related to physacal gas supply contracls as well as to hedge spot purchases of natural gas. The foreign currency forward conkacls are used to hedge the flucluation in foreign currency exchange rates for pipeline demand charges paid in Canadian dollars. ln lhe normal course of business. NW Natural also enters into indexed- price physical forward natural gas commodity purchase conlracts and options to meet the requirements of NGD customers. These contracls qualify for regulatory deferral accounting lreatmenl. NW Natural also enlers into exchange conlracts related to lhe third-party assel management of its gas portfolio, some olwhich are derivatives that do not qualiry for hedge accounting or regulalory defer,al, but are subject to NW Natural's regulatory sharing agreement. These derivatives are recognized an operating revenues, nel of amounts shared with NGD cuslomers. and any such adjustments are expected to be completed wilhin a one- year measuremenl period. The acquisilion costs were insignificant and were expensed as incurred. The results of Falls Waler are not maleriallo the consolidated llnancial results of NW Holdings. Preliminary goodwill of$6.4 million was recognized from this acquisition and is attributable to Falls Water's regulated service territory and expeaienced workforce as well as the strategic benefils expected from this high-growth service terrilory. NW Holdings has included lhis goodwall in olher for segment reporting purposes, and it is not deductibie for income lax purposes. No intangible assets aside from goodwillwere acquired. See Note 2 ,or goodwill impairment information. Other Acouisitions During 2018. in addition lo lhe Falls Water acquisition, NWN Water completed three acquisitions qualifying as business combinations. The aggregate fair value ofthe preliminary consideration transfened forthese acquisitions was approximately $2.8 million. These business combanations, both individually and an aggregate, were not sagniflcant to NW Holdings' results of operalions. As a result of all acquisitions completed, total goodwill was $9.0 million as of December 31 20'18 Notional Amounta The following table presents the absolute notional amounts relaled to open positions on NW Natural derivative instrumenls: Al December 31 2018 2017 Natural gas (in therms) Financial PhysicEl Foreign exchange 408,850 472,275 6,936 429.100 520.268 7.669S$ Purchased Gas Adiustment (PGA) Derivatives entered into by NW Natural for the procurement or hedging of natural gas for fulure gas years generally receive regulalory defenal accounling treatmenl. ln general, commodity hedging for the cunenl gas year is completed prior to the slan oflhe gas year. and hedge prices are reflected in lhe weighled-average cosl of gas in the PGA llling. Hedge contracts entered inlo after the stan ofthe PGA period are subjecl to the PGA inc€ntive sha.ing mechanism in Oregon. NW Naturalentered the 2018-19 and 2017-18 gas year with forecasted sales volumes hedged at 480/6 and 49% in financial swap and option c!nltracls, ard 24o/o and 26o/o in physical gas supplies. .especlively. Hedge contracts entered into prior to the PGA liling, an September 2018, were included in the PGA for the 2018-19 gas year. Hedge contracts entered into affer the PGA tlling, and related lo subsequent 9as years, may be included in future PGA fllings and qualify Ior regulatory deferral. 105 EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page I l3 of2l0 Unrealized and Realized Gain/Loss The following table reflects the income statement presentalion for the unrealized gains and losses from NW Nalural's derivative instruments, which also represents all de.ivative instruments at NW Holdings: December 31 2018 December 31 2017 Natural gas commodity Fore€n exchange Naturalgas Forergn exchange Beneril (expense) to cost of gas Operating revenues Amounts defened to regulalory accounts on balance she€l Tolalgain {loss) in pre-tax eamings (1,239) $ '1,660 (26,000) s (1,O21) $(284) $ 26,665 (107)1211) s 210 $s (356) $ UNREALIZED GAII/LOSS. Outstanding derivative instruments relaled lo regulated NGD operations are deferred in accordance wilh regulatory acmunting standards. The cost offoreign cunency forward and nalural gas derivative contracts are recognized immediately in the cost of gas; however, costs above or below lhe amounl embedded in the current year PGA are subject to a regulalory deferral tariff and lherefore, are recorded as a regulatory asset or liabjlily. REALIZED GAIN./LOSS. Nel gains of $7.4 million and nel losses of $7 I million were realized for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017, respectively, from the setllement of natural gas fnancial derivative conlracts. Realized gains and losses are recorded in cost ofgas, deferred through regulatory accounls, and amortized through customer rates in the following year. Credit Risk Manaqement of Financial Derivativea lnatruments No collateralwas posted wath or by NW Natural counterparties as of December 31.2018 or2017. NW Nalural attempls to minamize the polenlial exposure to collateral calls by counterparties to manage liquidity risk. Counterparties generally allow a certain credit limil threshold before requiring NW Natural to post collateral against loss positions. Given NW Nalural's counterparty credit limiis and portfolio diversafication, it was not subjecl to collateral calls in 2018 or 2017. The collateral call exposure is set forlh under credit supporl agreements, which generally contain credit limils. NW Natural could also be subject to collateralcall exposure where it has agreed to provide adequale assurance, which is not specific as to the amount oI credit limit allowed. but could poientially require additional collateral in lhe event of a material adverse change. Based on current commodily financial swap and oplion contracls oulstanding, which reflect unrealized losses of $7.8 million at December 31 , 2018, we have estimated the level of collateral demands, with and without potenlial adequate assurance calls, using current gas prices and various credit downgrade ralang scenarios for NW Nalural as follows: (Current Ratinss)A+/A3 BBB+/Baa1 BBB/Baa2 8BB- /8aa3 Specu- ative Credil Rahng Oowngrdde Scenarios s s S s(3,940) $(6.05S) (3,940) (4,452) NW Natural's financial derivative instruments are subject to master netting arrangements; however, they are presented on a gross basis in NW Natural's consolldated balance sheets. NW Nalural and ils counterparties have the abalaty to set-off obligations to each olher under specified circumslances. Such circumstances may include a defaulting party, a credil change due to a merger affecting either party, or any other lerminalion event. lfnetted by counterparty, NW Natural's derivative posilion would resull in an asset of $3.6 million and a liability of $9.3 million as of December 31, 2018, and an asset of $2.9 million and a liability of $23.3 mallaon as of December3'1.2017. NW Natural is exposed lo derivative credit and liquidity risk primarily through securing fixed price natural gas commodity swaps lo hedge the risk of price increases for natural gas purchases made on behalf of customers. NW Natural utilizes master netting arrangements lhrough lnternalional Swaps and Derivalaves Association contracls to minimize this risk along with collateral support agreements with counterparlies based on their credit ralings. ln certain cases, NW Natural requires guarantees or lelters of credil from counlerparties lo meet ils minimum credil requiremenl slandards. Adequate Assurance Calls l^/ilhout Adequate Calls Table of Contents 107 2U NW Natural's financial derivatives polisy requires counterparties to have a cerlain investment{rade credit rating at the lime the derivative instrument is entered into, and the policy specifies limits on the contract amounl and duralion based on each counterparty's credit rating. NW Naturaldoes not speculate with derivatives; instead, derivalives are used to hedge exposure above risk tolerance limits. Any increase in market risk created by lhe use ofderivatives should be offset by the exposures they modiry. EXHIBIT 2 106 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page I 14 of 210 Table oI Contents We actively monitor NW Natural's derivalive credil exposure and place counterpanies on hold for lrading purposes or require other forms of credit assurance, such as letters of credit, cash collaleral. or guaranlees as circumstances warranl. The onqoing assessmenl of counterparty credit risk includes consideration of credit ratings. credit default swap spreads, bond market credit spreads, financial condition, government actlons. and markel news. A l onle-Carlo simulalion model is used to eslamate the change in credit and liquidity risk from the volalility of natural gas prices. The results ofthe model are used lo establish earnings-at- risk kading limits. NW Natural's credit risk for all outstanding financaal derivatives al December 31 . 2018 extends to October 31. 2021. we could become materially exposed to credit risk with one or more of our counterparties if naturalgas prices experience a significant increase lra counterpady were lo become insolvent o. failto perform on its obligalions, we could suffer a malerial loss; however. we would expect such a loss to be eligible for regulatory detenal and rate recovery, subject to a prudence review. All o, our existing counlerpanies currenlly have investment{rade credit ratings. 1 6, COMMITMENT S AA,D CO,VI,II,GE,VC,ES Fair Value ln accordance with fair value accounting, non-performance risk is included in c€lculating fair value adjustmenls. This includes a credat risk adjustment based on the credat spreads of NW Natural's counlerpanies when it is in an unrealized gain position, or on NW Nalural's own credil spread when it is in an unrealized loss position. The inputs in the valualion models include nalural gas fulures, volatility, credit default swap spreads, and anteresl rates. Addilionally, lhe assessment of non- performance risk is generally derived from the credit default swap markel and from bond market credil spreads. The impact ol the credil risk adjustmenis for all outstanding derivatives was immaterial to the fair value calculation al December 31. 2018. As of December 3'l, 2018 and 2017, the net fair value was a liabilily of 55.7 million and a liability ol $20.3 million, respectively. using significant olher observable. or Level 2, inputs No Level 3 inputs were used in the derivative valuations. and there were no lransfers between Level 1 or Level2 during the years ended December31.2018 and 2017. Leaaea Land, buildings, and equipment are leased under agreements that expire in various years, including a 99-year land lease that exlends through 2108. Rentalcosts for continuing operations were $5.9 million, $7.3 million, and S5.9 million lorthe years ended December 31. 2018, 20'17, and 20'16, respectively, a portion ofwhich was c€pitallzed. The following lable reflects NW Natural's future minimum lease payments due under non-cancelable operating leases lor continuing operations at December 3'1, 2018. These commitments relate p.incipally lo the lease of the ofiice headquaners and underground gas slorage facililies. Mrn mum lease payments Additionally, the lease was analyzed under the lease standard in effect at lhe lime of signing in consideration of build-lo-suit lease accounting implications. and NW Nalural concluded that it was the accounting owner oflhe assel during conskuction. As a result, NW Natural recognized $26.0 millaon and $0.5 million in propeny, plant and equipment and an obligation in other non-current liabilities for the same amount in its consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2018 and 2017, respedively. Gas Purchase and Pipeline caoacitv Purchase and Releaso Commitments NW Natural has signed agreements providing for the reservation of firm pipeline capacaly under which it is required to make fixed monthly payments for conkacted capacity. The pricing component ofthe monlhly payment is established, subject to change, by U.S. or Canadian regulatory bodies. ln addition, NW Natural has enlered into long{erm sale agreements to release firm pipeline capacity. NW Natural also enters inlo short-lerm and long{erm gas purchase agreemenls. 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Thereatter Tolal $5,368 4,412 7,O77 7 304 149 881 s 181 665 ln October 2017. NW Natural entercd inlo a 2o-year operating lease agreement for a new headquarlers in Portland, Oregon in anticjpation of the expiration ofthe cunent lease in 2020. Paymenls under the new lease are expected to commence in 2020. Total eslimaled base renl payments over the life of ihe lease are approximately S160 million and have been included in the table above There is an oplion lo extend the lerm of the lease for two addilional seven-year periods. 107 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page I l5 of2l0 The aggregate amounts ofthese agreements were as follows at December3'1.2018:Total payments for fixed charges under capacity purchase agreements were S82.6 million for 2018, $85.3 million for 2017, and 585.0 miliion for 2016. lncluded in lhe amounls were reduclions for capacity release sales of $4 3 million for 2018, $4.5 million for 2017, and $4 5 million for 2016. ln addition, per-unil charges are required to be paad based on the actual quanlitaes shipped under the agreements. ln certain lake-or-pay purchase commitmenls, annual deficiencies may be offsel by prepayments subject lo recovery over a longer term iftuture purchases exceed the minimUm annual requirements. Environmental Matters Agreements Pipeline Capacity Release Agreemenis 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Thereafler Tolat repres€nlrn9 interesl Total at present value $1/t4,500 $ 2.776 2,313 4,272 3,560 78,449 $ 76.613 66.656 61.075 60,619 54o,022 Refer to Note 17 for a discussion of environmental commitments and contingencies. 973,4U 201.224 $ ua,275 $ 722.210 $7,649 17. ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS NW Naturalowns, or previously owned. properties that may require environmenlal remediation or action. The range ot loss for environmental liabilities is eslimated based on currenl remediation technology, enacted laws and regulations, industry experience gained al similar sites, and an assessment of lhe probable level of involvement and financial condition of other potentially responsible parties (PRPs). When amounls are prudently expended related to site remediation ofthose sates described herein, NW Nalural has a recovery mechanism in place to collect 96.68% of remedialion costs from Oregon cuslomers, and NW Natural is allowed to defer environmental remediation costs allocated to customers in Washington annually unlal lhey are reviewed for prudence at a subsequent proceeding. These sites are subject to the remedialion process prescribed by the Environmental Proteclion Agency (EPA) and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEO). The proc€ss begins wilh a remedial investigation (Rl) to delermine the nature and exlent ofcontamination and then a risk assessment (RA) to establish whether the contamination at the site poses unacceptable risks to humans and the environment. Next, a feaslbility study (FS) or an engineering evaluation/cosl analysis (EE/CA) evaluates various remedial alternatives. lt is at this point in the process when NW Natural is able to estimale a range of remediation costs and record a reasonable potenlial remediation liability. or make an adjuslment lo the existing liability. From this study, lhe regulalory agency selects a remedyand issues a Record of Decision (ROD). Remediation may include treatment ofconlamanaled media such as sediment, soil and groundwater, removal and disposal of media, instilutional controls such as legal restrictions on future property use, or natural remvery. Followjng constructaon ofthe remedy. the EPA and ODEQ also have requirements for ongoing maintenance, monitoring, and other poslremedialion care thal may conlinue for many years. Where appropriate and reasonably known, NW Naturalwill provide for these costs in the remedaation liabilities described below. Due to the numerous uncerlainties surrounding the course of environmenlal remediation and the preliminary nature of several site investigations. in some cases, NW Natural may not be able to reasonably estimate the high end ofthe range ofpossable loss. ln those cases, the nalure of lhe possible loss has been disclosed. as has the fact that the high end ofthe range cannol be.easonably estimated where a range of polential loss is available. Unless there is an estimate within the range oI possible losses thal is more likely than olher cost estimates within that range, NW Natural records lhe liability at the low end of lhas range. lt is likely changes in these estamates and ranges will occur throughout the remediation process for each oflhese sites due to the conlanued evaluation and clarification concerning responsibility, the complexity oI environmental laws and regulalions, and lhe determinalion by regulators of remediation altematives. ln addition to remedialion costs, NW Natural could also be subject to Nalural Resource Damages (NRD) claims. NW Nalural will assess the likelihood and probability of each claim and recognize a liability if deemed approp ate. Referto "Othet Podland Hahol' belo'N- 108 Prpeline Capacily Agreements Table of Contents 149.589 't,314 7,A32 183 After a ROD is issued, NW Natural would seek to negolaale a consent decree or consent judgment for designing a nd implementing the remedy. NW Natural would have the ability to lurther refine estimates of remediation liabililies al that time. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page I l6 of2l0 Tabe of Contents Environmental Sites The following table summarizes information regarding liabilities related to environmenlal sites, which are recorded in other current liabililies and other noncurrent liabilities in NW Natural's balance sheet at December 31: Current Liabililies Non-Cunenl Lrabilftes 2014 2017 2017 Porlland Haftor srte: Gasco/Siltronic Sedimenls Olher Porlland Harbor Gasco/Sillronic Upland ste Central SeMce Cenler sile Front Streel ste Oregon Steel Mitts Total 5,117 2,600 13 983 't0 11302 2,683 1,S49 13,422 1,009 44,351 $ 6,273 44,830 45,346 4,163 47.435 s $ $$ 3 '10_757 179179 33,112 $ 19,088 $ 95,636 5't08,28O PORTLAND HARBOR SITE. The Portland Harbor is an EPA listed Superfund site that is approximately '10 miles long on lhe Willamette River and is adjacent to NW Natural's Gasco uplands sites. NW Natural is one of over one hundred PR Ps to the Superfund site. ln January 2017 , the EPA issued its Record of Decisaon, which selects lhe remedy for the clean-up oflhe Portland Harbor site (Portland Harbor ROD). The Porlland Harbor ROD estimates the present value total cost at approximately $1.05 billion with an accuracy between -30% and +50% of eclualcosls NW Natural's potenlial liability is a portion ofthe cosls ofthe remedy tor the entire Portland Harbor Superfund sile. The cost orthat remedy is expected to be allocated among more than 100 PRPs. ln addition, NW Natural is aclively pursuing clarification and flexibility under the ROD in order to better understand its obligation under the clean-up. NW Nalural is also participating in a non-binding allocation process with the other PRPs in an effort to resolve its potential liability. The Portland Harbor ROD does not provide any addilional clarification around allocation of costs among PRPs and, as a result ofthe issuance ofthe Portland Harbor ROD, NW Natural has nol modified any ofthe recarded liabilities at this time. NW Natural manages its liability .elated to the Superfund site as two distinct remediation projects, the Gasco/Silkonic Sedimenls and Other Ponland Harbor projects. Gaaco/Siltronlc Sedlmonr6. ln 2009, NW Natural and Siltronic Co.poration entered into a separate Administralive Order on Consent with the EPA to evaluate and design specific remedies for sediments adjacent lo the Gasco uplands and Siltronic uplands sites. NW Natural submilted a dralt EUCA to the EPA in May 2012 to provide lhe estimated cost of polenlial remedial alternatives for this site. Atthis time, the estimaled cosls forthe various sediment remedy allernatives in the draft EE/CA, for the additional studies and design work needed before the cleanup can occur, and for regulatory oversight throughout the clean-up range from $49.5 million to $350 million. NW Nalural has recorded a liabilily of $49.5 million for the sediment clean-up, which reflects the low end ofthe range. At this time, we believe sediments at this site represent the largest portion of NW Nalural's liability relaled to the Portland Harbor site discussed above. Other Portland Ha.bor. yvhile we believe liabilitaes associated with the Gasco/Siltronic sediments site represent NW Natural's largest exposure, lhere are olher potential exposures associated wilh the Portland Harbor ROD, including NRD cosls and harborwide clean-up costs (including downstream petroleum contamination), for which allocations among lhe PRPs have not yet been determined. NW Natural and other parties have signed a cooperative agreement with the Portland Harbor Natural Resource Truslee councilto participate in a phased NRD assessment to estimate liabilities lo suppo.t an early restoration-based settlement of N RD claims. one member of this Trustee council, the Yakama Nation, withdrew from lhe council in 2009, and in 2017, filed suil against NW Natural and 29 other parties seeking remedial costs and NRD assessment costs assocaated with the Portland Harbor. set forth in the complaint. The complaint seeks recovery of alleged costs lotaling $0.3 million in connection wath lhe selection ol a remedial action for the Portland Harbor as well as declaratory judgment for unspecified future remedial action cosls and for costs to assess the injury. loss. or destruclion ofnalural resources resulting from the release ofhazardous subslances at and from the Portland Harbor sile. The Magislrate Judge has recommended granting NW Naturaland certain other defendants' motion to stay the case. NW Natural has recorded a liability for NRO claims which is at the low efid of the range of the potential liability;the high end ofthe range cannot be reasonably estimated al this time. The NRD liability is not included in lhe aforementioned range of costs provided in the Portland Harbor ROD. GASCO UPLANDS SITE. A predecessor of NW Natural, Portland Gas and Coke Company, owned a former gas manufacturing plant thal was closed in 1958 (Gasco site) and is adiacent to the Portland Harbor site desc{ibed above. The Gasco site has been under investigation by NW Natural for environmental contamination under the ODEQ Voluntary Clean-up Program (VCP). lt is not included in lhe range of remedial costs for the Portland Harbor site noted EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page I I7 of2l0 109 Table of Conlenls above. The Gasco site is managed in two parts. the uplands portion and the groundwalersource control action. NW Natural submilted a revised Remedial lnvesligalion Report for the uplands to ODEQ in May 2007. ln March 2015, ODEQ approved the RA, enabling commencement of work on the Fs in 2016. NW Natural has recognized a liabilily for lhe remedialion of lhe uplands portion of the sile which is at the lowend ofthe range of polentialliability;lhe high end of the range cannot be reasonably eslimated al this time. ln Oclober 2016, ODEQ and NW Natural agreed to amend their VCP agreement to incorporate a portion ofthe Siltronic property adjacent to lhe Gasco sate formerly owned by Portland Gas & Coke between '1939 and 1960 into the Gasco RA and FS, excluding the uplands for Siltronic. Previously, NW Natural was conducting an investigalion of manufactured gas planl conslituents on the enlire Sillronic uplands for ODEQ. Silkonic will be working wilh ODEQ directly on environmental impacts to lhe remainder of its property. ln September 2013, NW Natural completed construction of a groundwaler source control system, including a water keatment stalion, at the Gasco sile. NW Natural has estimated lhe cost associated with lhe ongoing operation oflhe system and has recognized a liability which is al the lowend ofthe range of potentialcosts. NW Naturalcannot eslimate the high end of the range al this time due to the uncertainty associated wilh lhe duration ofthe operation ofthe water lreatment station, which is highly dependenl on the remedy determined for bolh lhe upland portion as well as the final remedy lor Gasco sediment exposure. OTHER SITES. ln addition to those sites above. NW Natural has environmenlal exposures at three olher sites: Cenlral Service Cenler, Front Slreet, and Oregon Steel Mills. NW Natural may have exposure at other sites lhal have nol been identified at this time. Due to lhe uncertainty of the design of remediation, regulation, liming of the remediation, and in the case of the Oregon Steel Mills sile, pending liligation, liabilities for each of these sites have been recognized al their respeclive lowend ofihe range of potentialliability;lhe high end ofthe range cannot be reasonably estimaled at this 1ime. Central Servlce Centor site. NW Natural is cunently performang an environmenlal invesligation of the property under ODEQ's lndependent Cleanup Pathway. This site is on ODEQ's listofsites with confirmed releases ol hazardous subslances, and cleanup is necessary. F.ont Street 3ite. The Fronl Street site was the former location of a gas manufacturing plant NW Natural operaled (lhe former Portland Gas Manulacluring site, or PGM). At ODEO's request. NW Nalural conducted a sedimenl and source control investigation and provided findings to ODEO. ln December 2015, a FS on the former Porlland Gas Manufacturing sile was completed. ln July 2017, oDEQ issued the PGM RoD. The RoD speciflesthe selecled remedy, which requares a combination ofdredging, capping, lreatment, and naturalrecovery. ln addition, the selected remedy also requires institulional controls and long-term inspection and maintenance. NW Natural revised the liability in the second quarter of 2017 to incorporale the estimated undiscounted cost of approximately $'10.5 million for lhe selected remedy. Further, NW Nalural has recognized an additional liability of $0.9 million for additional studies and design cosls as well as regulatory oversight throughout the clean-up. NW Natural plans to complete lhe remedial desagn in early 2019 and expecls to construct the remedy during 2019. Oregon Steel Mills site. Refer to the 'Legal Proceedings, below Sito Remediation and Recoverv Mechanism (SRRM) NW Natural has an SRRM through which it tracks and has the ability lo recover past deferred and future prudently incurred environmental remedialion costs allocable to Oregon, subject to an earnings test, for those sites identified therein. ln the February 2015 Order establishing the SRRI\4 (2015 Orde0. the OPUC addressed oulstanding issues relaled to the SRRM, which required NW Nalural lo forego lhe collection of $15 mjllion out of approximately $95 million in tolal environmental remediation expenses and associaled carrying costs. As a follow-up lo lhe 2015 Order, the OPUC issued an addilionalOrder in January 2016 (2016 Order) regarding lhe SRRM implementation in which the OPUC: (1) disallowed the recovery of 52 8 millaon of interest earned on the previously disallowed environmental expendature amounts; (2) clarified lhe state allocation of 96.68% of environmental remedialion costs for all environmental sites allocable to Oregon; and (3) confirmed NW Natural's treatment ol S13.8 million of expenses put into lhe SRRM amortization account was correct and in compliance wilh prior OPUC orders. As a result of the 2016 Order. NW Natural recognized a $3.3 million non-cash charge in the first quarter, of which $2.8 million is reflecled in other income and expense, net and $0.5 million is included in operations and maintenance expense. COLLECTIONS FROM OREGON CUSTOMERS. Under the SRRM collection process there are three lypes ofdeferred environmental remediation expense:. Pre-review - This class of costs represents remediation spend thal has not yet been deemed prudenl by the OPUC. Carrying costs on these remediation expenses are recorded al NW Nalural's authorized cosl of capital. NW Nalural anlicipates lhe prudence review for annual cosls and approval of lhe eamings test prescribed by the OPUC to occur by the third quarter ofthe following year.. Poslreview - This class of costs represents remedaation spend thal has been deemed prudent and allowed after applying lhe earnings tesl, but is not yet included in amortization. NW Nalural earns a carrying cosl on lhese amounls at a rale equal lo lhe five-year treasury rate plus ,l00 basis points.. Amortization - This class ofcosts represents amounts included in current customer rates for collection and is geneaally calculaled as one-fifth of the poslreview deferred balance NW Natural earns a carrying cost equalto the amortization rate determined annually by the OPUC, which approximates a sho.l{erm borrowinq rate. EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page I l8 of2l0 110 Table of Contents ln addilion lo the collection amounl noled above. the Order also provides for the annual collection of $5.0 million from Oregon customers lhrough a tariff rider. As NW Natural collects amounts from customers, it recognizes lhese collections as revenue and separately amorlizes an equal and offsetting amount of its deferred regulatory asset balance through the environmental remediation operaling expense line shown separately in the operating expense section ofthe income slalemenl. NW Natural received total environmenlal insurance proceeds of approximalely S150 0 million as a resull of seltlements from litigation that was dismissed in July 2014. LJnder the 2015 OPUC Order, one-lhird oflhe Oregon allocated proceeds were applied to costs deferred through 2012 with the remaining lwo-thirds applied to costs al a rate of$5.0 million per year plus interest over the following 20 years. NW Natural accrues inlerest on the insurance proceeds in lhe customels favor at a rate equal to the five-year treasury rate plus 100 basis points. As of December 31, 2018, NW Natural has applied $73.2 million of insurance proceeds to prudently incurred remedialion cosls allocated to Oregon. 2018 $5.0 million tariff rider and $5.0 million insurance proceeds are recoverable through the SRRM. To the extent NW Naturaleams more than its aulhorized ROE in a year, it is required to cover environmental expenses and inierest on expenses greater than the $10.0 million with lhose earnings ihat exceed its authorized ROE. Underthe 2015 Order. the OPUC stated they would revisit the deferral and amortization of future remedialion expenses. as wellas the lreatment of remaining insurance proceeds three years from the original Order, or earlier if NW Naturalgains g reater certainty about its future remedaation costs, to consider whelher adiustments lo the mechanism may be appropriale. NW Natural flled an update with the OPUC in March 2018 and recommended no changes. WASHINGTON DEFERRAL. ln Washington, cost recovery and carrying charges on amounls deferred for costs associated with services provided to Washington customers will be determined in a future proceedang. Leoal Proceedinqs NW Holdings is nol currently party to any direct claims or litigation. though in the future it may be subject to claims and liligalion arising in the ordinary course of business. NW Nalural is subjecl to claims and litigation arising in the ordinary course ol business. Although the final outcome ofany ollhese legal proceedangs cannot be predicled with certainty, including the matter described below. NW Natural and NW Holdings do not expecl that the ultimate disposition of any of lhese matlers will have a material effect on financial condition, results of operations, or cash flows. For addilional information regarding olher commitments and contingencies, see Nole ,|6 Defered @gt3 and antercst r') Acarued site liabrlities '" lnsuranco proc€ods and inieresl Total regulatory assel deferral') Currenl regulatory assetso Long-term regulalory assets'3) 41,883 $ 128,369 (88,sm) 45,546 126,950 (s4.170) 81 750 $ 5 601 76.149 74,328 6,198 72.128 lndudes pre-review and posl-review deferred cosls, amounts currently in amorlrzalon. and interesl net of amounts collected lrom q.rslome.s. Excludes 3.32% of lhe Front Slreel site llability. or S0 4 million in 2018 and 30.4 million in 2017, as the OPIJC only allows recovery of 96 68% of cosis for those stes allocable to Oregon, including lhose that hislorically served only Oregon cuslomers Envronmentalcosls relate lo speolic siles approved for regulatory defenal by the OPUC and WUTC. In Oregon. NW Naturaleams a €rrying charge on cash amounts paid, whereas amounts accrued but nol yet pad do nol eam a canying charge unlil exp€nded NW Natural also a@rues a carrying charge on insurance proceeds for amounts owed to cuslomers. ln Washjnglon a carrying charge related lo defefled amounts will b€ determrned in a future prc'c€eding. current environmenlal cosls leplesent remediation costs manageinenl expcts to collect from customers in the nexl 12 months Amounls included in this estimale are stillsubjectto a prudence and pemings tesl revis/v by the OPIJC and do nol indude the S5.0 million tar,ff rider The amounts allocable to Orelon are recoverable through NGD rates. sublect lo an eamings test. ENVIRONiIENTAL EARNINGS TEST. To the enent NW Natural earns at or below its authorized Retum on Equity (ROE), .emedialion expenses and inleresl an excess of the 111 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page I l9 of2l0 The following table presents information regarding the tolal regulatory asset deferred as of December 3'l: 2017 $ OREGOT{ STEEL MILLS SITE, ln 2004. NW Naturalwas served with a third-pany complaint by the Port of Portland (the Port) in a Multnomah County Circuit Court case, Oregon Sleel Mills, lnc. v. The Port ofPodland. The Pon alleges that in the 1940s and 1950s petroleum wasles generated by NW Natural's predecessor, Portland Gas & Coke Company, and l0 other third-party delendants, were disposed of in a waste oil disposal facility operated by lhe United States or Shaver Transportation Company on property then owned by the Port and now owned by Evraz Oregon Steel Mills. The complaint seeks contribution for unspecifled past remedial aclion costs incurred by lhe Porl regarding the former waste oil disposal facilily as well as a declaratory judgment allocating liability for future remedial action costs. No date has been set for trial. ln August 2017, lhe case was stayed pending outcome of lhe Portland Harbor allocalion process or other mediation. Although the linal oulcome ofthis proceeding cannot be predicted with certainty, NW Natural and NW Holdings do not expect the ultimate disposition olthis malter will have a material etfect on NW Natural's or NW Holdings' tinancial conditaon, resulls of operations, or cash flows. NW Holdinqs On June 20, 2018, NWN Gas Storage, then a wholly-owned subsidiary of NW Natural, entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement (the Agreement) that provides forthe sale by NWN Gas Storage of allofthe membership interesls in Gill Ranch. Gill Ranch owns a 757o interest in the nalural gas storage lac.ility located near Fresno, California known as the Gill Ranch Gas Slorage Facilily. PG&E owns the remaining 25% inlerest in lhe Gill Ranch Gas Storage Facility. The CPUC regulales Gill Ranch under a market-based rate model which allows for the price of storage services to be sel by the marketplace. The CPUC also regulates the issuance of securities, system of accounts, and regulates intrastate storage services. The Agreemenl provides for an initialcash purchase price of$25.0 million (subject to a working capital adjustment), plus potential additional payments lo NWN Gas Storage ofup to $26.5 million in lhe aggregate if GillRanch achieves cenain economic performance levels for the fi.st three Iull gas storage years (April 1 ofone yearthrough March 31 ofthe following year) occurring after lhe closing and lhe remaining portion ofthe gas storage year during which the closing occurs. We expect the transaction to close in 2019. The closing of the transaction is subject to approval by the CPUC, salasfaction of representations, warranties and covenants ofthe Agreement, and other customary closing conditions. ln July 2018, Gill Ranch liled an applacalion wath the CPUC for approval oI this transaction. On February 14, 2019, the active parties to the CPUC proceeding filed a settlement agreement with the CPUC. The CPUC is expected to rule on the seltlement agreement wilhin 90 days ofits filing, but may grant furthertime for public comment. We expect an order on this malte. by the end ofJune. As a result of the strategic shifl away from the California gas storage market and the significance of Gill Ranch's financial results in 2017, we concluded that the pending sale of Gill Ranch qualafied it as assets and liabilitaes held fo. sale and discontinued operations. As such, the assels and liabilities associaled with Gill Ranch have been classitied as discontanued operations assets and disconlinued operations liabilities, respectively. and, the resulls of Gill Ranch are presented, net of tax, as discontinued operations separate lrom the results ofcontinuing operations for all peraods presented. The expenses included in the results ofdiscontinued operalions are the darect operating expenses incuned by Gill Ranch lhat may be reasonably segregaled Irom the costs olour conlinuing operalions. The following iable presents lhe carrying amounls of lhe major components of Gill Ranch lhal are classified as disconlanued operations assels and liabilities on NW Holdinqs'consolidated balance sheets: NW Holdings Discontinued Operalions 201A 2017 Accounls receivable lnventores Other current assets Property. plani and equipment Less: Accumulaled depreciation Olher non-currenl assets Discontrnued op€Etons - current assels Drsconlrnued operalions - non-current assels Tolal discontnued operations ass€ts Uabilities: Accounls payable Olher currcnt liabilities Olher non'current liabrlrties Oisconlinued operatjons - current liabililies Dasconlinued opel'ations - non-currenl liabrlit€ts $390 S 685 11,621 7 247 2,14 396 10,816 13,m9 3,057 10,817 $ 13.269 $ 13,874 $873 $ 11,779 1,287 '12,043 12.959 1.593 '12,u3 112 IIXHII]IT 2 PALFREYVAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 120 of 2l 0 Table ot Conlenls 1 8. DI SCO NNNU ED OPERAf I ONS Total dilconlinuedoperali6ns l.abilities j_3!91 j_____]!I38 The lotalassets and liabililies of Gill Ranch are classified as curent as of December 31, 2018 because it is probable that lhe salewill be completed within one year. Table ol Contenls The following table presents the operating results of Gill Ranch, which was histo.ically reported within the gas storage segment, and is presented net oftax on NW Holdings' consolidated statements of comprehensive income: NW Holdings Oiscontinued Operatons tn lhorsands except pet sh3rc data 2018 2417 2016 $ 3.579 $ 7135 $ 7.794 The following table presents lhe carrying amounls oflhe major components of NWN Energy, NWN Gas Storage, Gill Ranch, NNG Financial, NWN Water, and NW Holdings thal are classified as discontinued operations assets and liabililies on NW Natural's consolidated balance sheets: NW Natural Discontnued OperationsRevenues Expens€s Operalrons and maintenance General laxes Deprecialion and amorttzatton Olher expenses and rnteresl lmpairment expense Toial expenses Loss lrom dEcontinued operations before in@me tax lncome tax benefit"' Loss from discontinued operations, net o[ lax Assets Cash Accounts receivable lntercompany receivables lnvenloies Other current assets Property. planl. and equipment Lessr Accumulated depreqation Olher inveslments Olher non-curaent alsets Disconthued operalions - currenl assets Ds@ntinued oper6lions - non-cufi ent essels Tolal discontinued operalions assets 2017 5.771 479 430 60s 7,245 't,373 4,525 s75 192 478 S 342 2,126 3,664 11,191 19t2 13,710 7,249 206,596 13,615 7,170 24,709Loss frcm dis@ntrnued operatrons per share of common slockl Basic $ (o 10) $ (4.45) s (o 13) Drluled $ (0 09) S (4 44) $ (0 13)11 20 I 7 rncome tax benefil includes a pproximateiy S 1 I million of tax benefit from fhe enaclment of the TCJA The TCJA wa6 enacted Oecembet 22 2017 and resulted in the tederal tax rate changing from 35% lo 210/". NW Natural As part ofthe holding company reorganization in October 2018. NWN Energy, NWN Gas Storage, Gill Ranch, NNG Financial, NWN Water, and NW Holdings, which were direct and indirect subsidiaries of NW Natural prior to Ihe reorganization, are no longer subsidiaries of NW Natural. See Note 1 for additional information. As a resull. NW Natural's financial slatemenls reflecl amounts related to lhese enlities as discontinued operations for all periods presented. The expenses included in the results ofdiscontinued operations are the direct operating expenses incur.ed by lhe entities that may be .easonably segregated from the cosls of NW Natural's continuing operations. Liebililies Accounts payable lntercompany payables Other currenl liebilities Delerred lax liabilities Oth€r non-cunent liabiliiies Discontinued operalons - curenl liabililies Discontjnued operalions " non-curent liabilities Tolal disconlinued operations liabilities S 31 87S s 1,S54 2e6 345 (16,862) 12,1!X) 2,565 (4,732) 12.167) The following lable presenls lhe operating results praor lo the holding company reorganization effective October 1,2018 of NWN Energy, NWN Gas Storage, Gill Ranch, NNG Financial, NWN Water. and NW Holdings, which were historically reporled wilhin lhe gas storage segment and other, and is presented net of tax on NW Natural's consolidated slalemenls of comprehensave incomel $ 113 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER Page l2l of2l0 6.643 1 295 4,685 992 (3,710) (19s,461) (5.521) (s68) (71.76s) (2,297) $ 12,742) S 027.696) $ (3,524) NW Natulal 0iscontinued Operalrons ]n thousands ex@pt pet share data 2018 2017 2016 Expenses Operatons and mainlenance Generaltaxes Deprecration and amorlEaton Other expenses and inlerest lmpairment expense 3 016 4151 448 420 342 s 7,360 7,423 1,410 4.555 650 192 474 $8,018 ? 387 1,317 4714 1,097 Totalexpensas 5,361 206,516 14,5'15 Lo6s lrom disconlinued operafons b€bre income tax (2,345) (199.156) (6,497) lncome liar benef{t' (622) (71,813) 12.55z| Loss lrom disaontinued operarions. ner of rax l____lIr9l- l-!l3g ryr') 2017 income tax benefit includes approximately t18 million of lax benelit Irom fE enactneit ol the TCJA. The TCJA vas erEcied December 22. 201 7 and resuned in the federal tax rale chenging lrom 35% to 21olo. 114 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 122 of210 Tabe of Contents Table ol Conlents NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY QUARTERLY FINANCIAL I NFORIV]ATION (UNAUDITED) NW Holdrngs Ouarler ended'rl ln thousthcls, oxcapt pe( share dala l\,larch 31 Seplember 30 December 31 2018 Operal.ng revenues Net income {loss) from continuang operatrons Loss from drscontinued opecttions, nel ollax Net income (loss) Average common shares oulstandlng: Basc Oil!ted Earnings (loss) lrom continuing operalions per share ot @mmon stock: Basic Diluted Loss lrom drsconlinued operations per share of common siock Basic Drluled Eamings (loss) per share of common stock: Basrc Diluted S 263,635 $ 42,011 1474) 124,567 S (33s) (659) 91 239 $ 111,144) (650) 226.702 36,783 (959) 41,537 {998)(11,794) 24,791 2A 791 24,415 28,815 28,851 28,940 146 (0 01)(0.39) (0.39) 1.27 1.27(0 01) (0.02) (0.02) (0.02) (0 02) (0 02) lo 02) (0.03) (0.03) 144 1_44 (0.03) (0.03) (0.41) (0.41) 124 124 2017 Operaling revenues Net income (loss) from continuing operations Loss from disconlinued operatrons, nel oflax 295724 $ 41.397 {1.087) 134.476 $ 4.O75 (1,346) 86,212 $ (?,884 (608) 234,626 34,448 (124 6s5) Net incorne (lo6s) 40,310 2,7n (8,495) (90,167) Averag€ common shaaes outstandrng: Basic 28,633 28,648 2A.67A 2A,716 Dituted 24,723 28.717 28,674 2A 797 Eamings (loss) rrom continuing operalionB per share of common slock: Basic 1.45 0.14 (0 28) 12O Oiluted 1.44 0.14 (0.2e) 1.2O Loss trom discontinued operations per share ol common stoct: Basic (0.04) (0.04) (0.02) (4.34) Dibred (0 04) (0 04) (0.02) (4 s3) Eamings (loss) p€r share oI common st@k: Basic 1.41 0.'10 (0 30) (3 14) oiluled 14o 0.10 (0.30) (3 13)r'r Oua erly earnings (loss) per share are based upon the average numberofcommon sha@s oulstanding during each quaner Variations in eamings between quarterly penods are due pnmarily to the seasonal nature of our business. 115 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 123 of 210 June 30 2A 753 28 803 $ Table ol Contenls NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY QUARTERLY FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED) NW Naiural Ouarler ended March 31 June 30 September 30 December 31 2018 operat ng revenues Nel rncome (loss)from continuing operalrons Loss from discont nued operations netoflax Net income (loss) 263,635 $ 42,014 (477) 124,563 $ \271) \727) 91,227 S 11t,2751 (519) 226.146 37,581 $ 41 537 (se8)(11 794)37,581 2017 Operaljng revenues Net income (loss) from continuing operations Loss from d sconlinued operations, net oftax Net inclme (loss) 295.668 $ 41,438 (1,128) 134 420 $ 4,O72 (1,343) 86,157 $ o.676) (61e) 238.793 34.086 (124,253) s 40,310 2,729 (8,495)(s0,167) EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 124 of 210 116 Table of Conlents SCHEDULE I- CONDENSED FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COIVIPANY NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOIVIE (PARENT COMPANY ONLY) lnception lhrough December 31. 20'18 Operating expensesl Operations and maintenance Total operating expenses Loss from operalions Earnings from investment in subsidjaries, net oftax Other income (expense), net lnleresl expense. nel lncome before income laxes lncome tax expense (benefit) Nel income $838 838 (838) 36,469 36 35,614 (22s) $35,839 See Noles to Condensed Financial Stalements 117 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 125 of 210 Table of Contenls NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS (PARENT COI\iI PANY ON LY) As of December 31, 2018 Assels: Current assels: Cash and cash equivalents Receivables from affiliates lncome taxes receivable Olher currenl assels Totalcurrent assets Non-currenl assets: lnvestments in subsidiaries Othea investments Other non-currenl assets Total non-current assets Totalassets Liabilities and equity: Current liabilities: Accounts payable Payables to affiliates lnteresl accrued Tolal current liabilities Long{erm debt Deferred credils and other non-currenl liabilities: Deferred lax liabilities Totaldeferred credils and other non-currenl liabilities Equily: Common stock Relained earnings Tolal equity Total liabilities and equity 4,011 2,796 6,000 3,078 'r5,885 754,971 65 310 755,346 $771,231 168 9.166 9,366 (1) 7 7 739.722 22,137 $ 761.859 771 ,231 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYN4AN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 126 of2l0 See Notes to Condensed Financial Slatements 118 s Table ol Contents NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (PARENT COMPANY ONLY) lnceplion lhrough December 31. 20'18 Operaling acliviliesi Nel income Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash used in operationsl Equity in earnings of subsidiaries, net of tax Delerred income laxes Olher Changes an assets and liabililies: Receivables. nel lncome and other laxes Accounts payable lnterest accrued Other. net Cash used in operating actavilies lnvesting activities: Contributions to subsidiaries Cash used in investing aciivities Financing activities: Cash dividend paymenls on common slock Capital contributions Other Cash provided by finaficing activities lncrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and czsh equivalents, beginning of period Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $35,839 (36,469) 7 15 (585) (9,034) 9.304 (44) (935) (1,804) (1,804) (12,923) 20,000 /'327\ 6,750 4,011 4,01'l EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 127 of2l0 $ See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements 11S Table of Contents 1. BASIS OF PRESENTATION NOTES TO CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATENIENTS NW Holdings is an energy services holding company that conducls subslantaally all of its business operalions through its subsidiaries, particularly NW Natural. These condensed financial statements and relaled footnotes have been prepared in accordance wilh Rule 12{4, Schedule I of Regulation S-X. These financial statements, in which NW Holdings' subsidiaries have been included using the equity method, should be read in conjunction with the 2. DEBT consolidated financial slatements and notes thereto of NW Holdings included in llem I ofthis Form 10-K. Equity earnings of subsidiaries included earnings from NW Natural of $36.5 million for the yearended December 31 2018 For informalion concerning NW Holdings' debt obligations. see Note 8 to the consolidated financial stalements included in ltem I ollhis report. 120 EXHIBIT 2 PALFRIYMAN. Dl GEM STATE WATER Page 128 of2l0 Table of Contents NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY SCHEDULE II- VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES COLUII4N A COTUMN 8 COLUII,{N C COLUI'TN D COLUIIN E Add tions Oeductons Ealance al beginnino of penod Charged lo costs and expenses Balance at end of penodln lhous,ds lyear endad Da.€ntu. 31)Net wrile-offs 2018 Reserves deducted rn balance sheel from assels to whlch lhey apply Allowance for uncollectible acco!nts 2017 Reserves deducted in balance sheel from assels lo which they apply: Allowance for uncolleclible accounls 20t6 Reserves deducted in balance sheet llom assels to whrch they apply Allowance lot uncollectible accounts s e56 $680 $$659 S 977 $1,290 9 865 $$1,193 $956 s 870 $1,246 $$826 $ NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY SCHEDULE II - VALUATION AND OUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES COLUI\,IN A COLUMN B COLUMN C COLUMN D COLUMN E Additions Oeduclrons tn thousaNs (yeat endcd De.Enbet 31) Balance at beginning of pe.iod Charged to costs and expenses Chaeed to olhe. accounts Net wnte-olfs Balance at end of period mt8 ReseNes deducted in balance sheel lrom assets to whrch they apply Allowance for uncollectlble accounts 2011 Rese.ves deducted in balance sheet from assets to whrch they apply: Allowance for uncollectble accounts 2016 Reserves deducled in balance sheet from assets to which they apply: AllowEnce for uncollectible accounls S 956 S 678 $s 659 $975 956 1,290 $1,290 S 865 $$1,199 S $870 $1246 $$826 $ 121 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 129 of2l0 Cha,ged to other ac@unts 1,290 Table ot Conlenls ITEM 9. CHANGES IN AND DISAGREEMENTS WTH ACCOUNIANTS ON ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE None ITEI\4 9A, CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES (a) Evalualion of Disclosure Conlrols and Procedures NW Holdinqs and NW Natural managemenl, under the supervision and with the panicipation of the Chief Executive Oficer and Chief Financial Ofrlcer, compleled an evalualion of the effecliveness ofthe design and operation of disclosure conlrols and procedures (as detined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) of the Secu.ities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (lhe Erchange Act)). Eased upon this evaluation.lhe Chief Executive Offlcer and ChiefFinancial Officer ofeach registranl have concluded lhat, as ofthe end olthe period covered by this repon, disclosure conlrols and procedures were effective lo ensure that informalion required to be disclosed by each such regislranl and included in reporls llled or submitted underlhe Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized, and reported withan the tame periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules and forms and that such information is accumulated and communicated lo management ofeach registrant, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Ofiicer, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regardang required disclosure. (b) Changes in lnlernal Conl.ol Over Financaal Reporling NW Holdings and NW Natural managemenl are responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate inlern al control over lina n caa I reporling, as such term is defined in the Exchange Act Rule 13a-15 (0. There have been no changes in internal control over financial reporting that occuffed during the quarler ended December 31, 2018 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely lo malerially affect, anternal conlrol over llnancial reporting for NW Holdings and NW Natural. The statements contained in Exhibit 31a.. Exhabit 31b., Exhibit 31c. and Exhibit 31d. should be considered in light of. and read together with, lhe information set forth in this ltem 9(a). None 122 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 130 of2l0 ITE|\,ll 98, OTHER INFORMATION PART III ITEI\4 10. DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The "lnformalion Concerning Nominees and Continuing Directors", "Corporate Governance", and "Section l6(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance" contained in NW Holdings' delinitive Proxy Statement for the 2019 Annual Meeling of Shareholders is hereby incorporaled by reference Name Age at Dec.31,2018 Positions held during lasl five yealsrrr David H Anderson' Frank H. Burkharlsrneyer' Jon G. Huddleston Thomas J. lmeson('' Justin Palr.eyman Melinda B. Rogers 57 Chief Executive Officer and Presidentp) (2016- ); Chief Operating Ofllcer and Presidenl (2015- 2016)t Execulive Vice President and Chief Operating Ofricer (2014-2015); Executive Vice Presidenl Operations and Regulalioo (2013-2014); Senior Vice Presidenl and Chief Fanancial Officer (2004-2013). Senior Vice President and Chie, Financial Office/') (2017- ): Presidenl and Chief Exec{rlive Oficer of Renewables, Avang,id Renewables (2015-2017); Senior Vice President of Finance, lberdrola Renewables Holdings. lnc. (2012-2015). Senior Vice Presidenl and ChiefAdministrative Ofiicer (2013-2018); Senaor Vice President (2008- 2013). Vice President and Chiet lnformstion Officer (2017- ); Chief lnformation OIficer, WorieyParsons (America's Division) (2016-2017); Executive SeMce Delivery Managerror SAP. British Petroleum (2011-2015). Vic€ President, Chief Compliance Offcer and Corporate Secretaryr'?r (20'16- ); Vice Presidenl and Corporate Secretary (2015-2016); Senior Legal Counsel (2011-2014); Assistant Corporate Sec.etary (20'10-2014). Senior Vice President, Operations and Chief l\,larketing Ofiicer (2018- ); Senior Vice Pregident, Communications and ChiefMarteling Officer (2018);Vico President, Communicalions and Chief Marketing Oflicer (20'1$20'18) i Chief Markeling & Communic€tions Otficer (2013-2014); Chief Corporate Communications Ofiicer (201'l -2013). Vice President, Engineering and Utility Operations (2018- ); Senior Director, Utility Ope.alions (2014-2018)i Director, Utility Operations (20'13-2014); Process Director (2007-2013). Vice President of Public Affairs (2014- ); Director of Public Affairs, Pod of Porlland (200+2014). Vice President, Strategy and Business Development (2017- );Vace Presadent, Business Development (2016-2017); Director, Power, Energy and lnfrastructure Group, Lazard, Freres & Co. (2009-2016). Vice President, ChiefHuman Resources and Diversity Ofiicer (2018- ); Senior Director ofHuman Resources (2018)i Senior Manager, Organizational Eftecliveness and Talent Acquisilion (2015- 20'17); Senior Associate, Plan B (2014-20'i5);Director, Executive Development Center, Wllamelte University (201 1 -201 5). Vice President, Utility Services (2016- ); Utility Field Operalions Direclor (2013-2016); Serve CuEtomer Process Director (2008-201 3). Senior Vice President, Regulalion and General Counselrs)(2016- ); Senior Vice President and General Counsel (2015-2016); Vice Presidenl, Legal, Risk and Compliance (2013-20'14); Depuly GeneralCounsel (2010-2013): Chie, Govemance Olficer and Corporate Secretary (2008- 2014\. President and Chiel Executive Officer, NW Natural Gas Storage, LLC and Gill Ranch Storage, LLC (2011- ). Vice President, ChielAccounting Officer, Controller and Treasurer) (2017- ); ChiefFinancial Ofrcer (lnterim), Treasurer, ChieI Accounting Olficer and Controller (20162017); Chiet Accounting Olficer. Controllerand AssEtsnt Treasurer (2016); Controller (20'112015);Ading Controller (201 3); Accounting Direc{or (2012-2013). 54 49 46 49 Lori Russell MardiLyn Saalhoff* 56 68 40 59 62 59 39 David A. Weber Brody J. Wlson' EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page l3l of 210 Table of Conlents EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Lea Anne Doolittle' James R. Downing Shawn M. Filippi' Kimberly A. Heiting Table of Conlents DIRECTOR INORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY OtiLYT' Name Posilions held durjng last five years"r Steven E. Vwnne 66 ExecLrtive Vice Presldeni, Moda, lnc., a privately-held healthcarc insurance company (2012- ), Drreclor, FLIR Systems, Inc. ('199S- ); Okector. JELD-\I/EN Holding lnc (2012' )i Oirector, Pendlelon Vvoolen Mills, lnc (2013- )r Drreclor, Lone Rock Resources lnc (2016- ), Dreclor, Citifyd lnc. (2013- )i Trustee, Wllamene Unrversity (1999- ). Trustee, Ponland Center Slage (2012- )i Executive Vice Presidenl, JELD-I /EN, lnc 12011-2O12)l Presidenl and Chief Executive Ofllcer. SBI lnternatonal, Ltd (2004-2007) Partner, Aler \^lynne LLP (2001- 2002. 2003-2004); Presidenl and Chief Executive Oflicer. Adidas (1995-2000) I\,,1r. VWnne's senior managemenl experience with a variely otcompanies, board service on a numberof public and private companies and longstanding legalpraclice in the arcas of @rporate frnance, securilies and mergers and acquisitions qualify him to provde insighl and guidance in lhe areas of corpoGle governance. strategp planning, enlerprise risk management finance and ope€lions ' EtE@nvB Ofrcer ol Nonheesr Natu.al Holdrng Company and No,rhw6$ Nalural Gas Compan! Sialemenl lor lh€ 2019 Annual Meer ng ol Shacholders rr) Unl€ss olhetuis€ sp€dti6d, all positions held sl Norlh*esl Nalural Gas Companyo Posiuon he d ar Nonhw€st Naturat Hotding company (beginning March 2018) snd Nonhresr Nalural Gas company. ri, Ms. ooohllie.etrred Ef,6ctNe D€cemb€r 31.2018 Norlhresr Narurar Gas Company Each executive officer serves successive annual terms; presenl terms end at the 2019 annual meeling. There are no family relationships among our execulive officers, direclors or any person chosen to become one of our officers or directors. NW Holdings and NW Natural have adopted a Code of Ethics (Code) applac€ble to all employees, officers, and directors lhat is available on our website al !l44y!e!Id!q!!!!g.Q98. We intend to disclose on our website al www.nwnaturalholdinqs.com any amendmenls to the Code or waivers of lhe Code for executive oflicers and direclors. 124 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page I 12 of2l0 Age al Dec 31. 20'18 ITEM 12, SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND IVIANAGEIVENT AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER IVIATTERS ITEM 1 1, EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION The information concerning "Executive Compensaiion", "Report ofthe Organization and Executive Compensation Committee", and "Compensation Committee lntedocks and Plan Category lnsider Participation" contained in NW H old ings' definitive Proxy Statement for the 2019 Annual l\,4eeting of Shareholders is hereby incorporated by reference. lnformation related to Executive Officers as of December 31 , 2018 is reflected in Part lll, ltem 10, above. As of February 22, 2019, NW Holdings owned 100% of lhe outstanding common stock of NW Natural. The following table sets forth information regarding compensation plans underwhich equity securities of NW Holdings are authorized for issuance as of December 31, 2018 (see Note 7 to the Consolidated Financial Slalemenls): {a) Number ol securilres to be issued upon exercise of outstanding oplions, warrants and righls Weighted-avelage exercise price of outslandlng options, warants end righls (c) Nu mber of secuilies remarning available for future issuance under equity compensation plans (exclldinq secu ties reflected in column (a)) Equity compensalion plans approved by security holders: Restated Slock Option Pian Employee Stock Purchase Plan Equity compensation plans not approved by securily holders: FxecJlrve Deterreo Compensattor Plan (FDCP) Direclors Dete'red CoFpensaron P.an TDDCP)r Deferled Cornpensaton Plan for Oircclors and Executives (OCP)'i Total '173175 55.938 20 022 44.96 60 07 1.063 41,089 194,205 $ 574,787 204,317 775,-104 nla 445,472 r" Awards may be granted under lhe LTIP as Performance Share Awards, Restricted Stock Units, or stock options Shares rssued purcuant to Performance Share Awards and ResirEted Stock Unils under the LTIP do not include an exercise pice, but are payable when the award criteria are satrsfled The number of shares shown in coiumn (a) include 82,680 Reslricled Stock units and 90.495 Performance Share Awards, reflecting ihe number of shares to be issued as performance share awards under outslanding Performance Share Awards if taaget performance levels are achieved. ll the maximum awards were paid pursuant to the Pe,formance Share Awards outstanding at December 31, 2018, the number of shares shown in column (a) would increase by 90,495 shares rcflec1ing the maximum share award of 200% of larget, and the number ofshares shown in mlumn (c) would decrease by the same amount of shares. No stock options or other types of award have been issued under the LTIPo The number of shares shown in column (c) ncludes shares that are avarlable for future issuance under the LTIP as Restricted Stock Units, Perlormance Share Awards, or stock oplions at December 31. 2018'3r PriortoJanuaryl2005,defenedamountswerecredited.allheparticipant'seleclion,toeithera'cashaccounl or a 'slock accounl.' lf defered amounts were credrted to stock accounts, such accounts were credited wilh a numberof shares oI NW Natural (now NW Holdings)common slock based on the purchase pnce of lhe common slock on lhe nexl purchase date under our Dvrdend Reinvestmenl and Drrect Stock Purchase Plan. and such a@ounts were credited wth additional shares based on lhe deemed reinveslmenl ofdividends. Cash eccounts are credited qua(erly wilh nterestata rateequalto l\/loody s Average Corporale Bond Yield plus two percentage points, subject lo a 6% minimum raie. At the electron olthe participanl defened balances in the slock accounts ere payeble efter term inalion ol Eoard setui@ or ernployment in a lump sum, in installmenls over a pe odnottoo\ceed10yearsinlhecaseoflheDDCP,or15yearsinthecaseoftheEoCP,orrna combination of lu mp su m and installments Amounts credited lo stock accounts are paya ble solely in sha res of common stock and cash for fractional shares and amounts in ihe above table represent lhe Eggregate number of shares credlied lo participant's slock accounls We have contribuled common stock to the trustee of the Umbrella Trusts such thai the llmbrella Trusts hold appoximately the numberolshares ol common stock equal to the number of shares crcdited lo allparlicipants stock ac@Lrnts''r Effective January 1,2005,1he EDCP and DDCP were closed lo new parlicipanls and replaced with the DCP The DCP coniin ues the basic provisions ofthe EDCP and DOCP underwhich delerred amounts ale credited to eithera'cash account'or a'slock accounl' Stock accounls represent a right lo recerve shares of NW Holdings common stock on a deferred basE, and such accounts are credited wilh additional shares based on lhe deemed reinvestment ofdividends. Effective January 1,2OO7 cash accoufits are credited quarterly with inlerest al a rate equal lo Moody's Average Corporate Bond Yield. Our obligation to pay deferred compensation in accordance with lhe terms of the DcP willgenerally become due on retirement. death, or other termination of servce and will be pald in a lump sum or in installments offive 10. or 15 years as elected by lhe participant in accordance with lhe terms of the DCP. Amo!nts crediled to stock accounls are payable soleiy in shares of common stock and cash for fractronal shares, and amounts in lhe above table represenl the aggregale number of shares credited to parlicipants' slock accounts. We have @ntributed common stock io the lrustee ollhe Supplemental Trusl such that this trust holds approximately the number ofcommon shares equalio lhe number of shares credited to all particrpants' slock ac@unls The righl of each participa nt in the DC P is lhat of a general, unsecured cred itor of the Company 125 Table of Contenls (b) EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 133 of2l0 Table of Conients The information captioned "Beneficaal Ownership of Common Stock by Directors and Executive Officers" and "Security Ownership of Common Stock of Certain Beneficial Owners" conlained in NW Holdings' definilive Proxy Statement forthe 2019 Annual Meeting of Shareholders is incorporated herein by reference. 126 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 134 of2l0 Table of Contents ITEIII 13, CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS, AND DIRECTOR INDEPENDENCE The informalion captioned "Transaclions with Related Persons" and "Corporate Governance" an NW Holdings' definitive Proxy Statement for the 2019 Annual llleeting ofShareholders is hereby incorporated by aeference. ITEI\,4 14, PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT FEES AND SERVICES NW Natural The following table shows the fees and expenses of NW Nalural, paid or accrued for the integrated audits ofthe consolidated financial statements and other services provided by NW Natural's independent registered public accounting firm, Pricewalerhousecoopers LLP, Ior fiscal years 2018 and 2017 | 2018 2017 AUDIT FEES. This category includes fees and expenses for services rendered for the inlegraled audit of the consolidated financial statements included in lhe Annual Report on Form 10-K and the review oflhe quarterly financial slatements included in the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. The integrated audit includes the review of our internal control over financial reporting in cornpliance with Section 404 ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Sarbanes-Oxley Act). ln addition, amounts include fees for services routanely provided by the audilor in connection wth regulalory filings, including issuance of consents and comfon letlers .elating to the registralion of Company securilies and assistance with the review of documents filed with (he SEC. AUDIT-RELATED FEES. This category includes lees for assurance and relaled seNices that are reasonably related to the performance ofthe audit or review ofour financial statemenls and inlernalcontrolover flnancial reporting. including fees and expenses relaled lo consultations for llnancial accounting and reporting, in addilion to fees for EPA assurance letlers. TAX FEES. This calegory includes fees for tax compliance, and review services rendered for NW Nalural's income tax returns. ALL OTHER FEES. This category relates to services other than those described above- The amounl reflects paymenls for accounting research tools in each of 2018 and 2017, and educational semioars in 2018. PRE-APPROVAL POLICY FOR AUDIT AND NON-AUOIT SERVICES. The Audit Committee of NW Natural approved or ratified 100 percent of 20,l8 and 2017 services for audat. audat-related, lax services and all other fees, includang audit services relating to complaance with Section 404 ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The chair ofthe Audil Committee of NW Natural is authorized to pre-approve non-audil services between meetings olthe Audit Commitlee and musl report such approvals at the ne)(t Audit Commitlee meeting. PART IV ITEM 15. EXHIBITS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES 1. A list of all Financial Stalements and Supplemental Schedules rs incorporaled by reference to llem 8. 2. List of Exhibils fited Audil Fees Audil-Related Fees Tax Fees AllOther Fees Total 1,379 $ 30 34 4 $1 262 115 35 3 $ 1,447 $ 1.415 ITEM 16. FORM 10-K SUI\,llVlARY None. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 135 of2l0 NW Holdinas The information captioned "2018 and 2017 Audit Firm Fees" in NW Holdings' defnitive Proxy Slatemenl for lhe 2019 Annual Meeting of Shareholders as hereby incorporated by reference. (a) The following documents are filed as part of this exhibit 99.1: Reference is made lo lhe Exhabit lndex commencing on the following page. Table of Contenls NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Exhibit lndex to Annual Report on Form 10-K For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31 ,2018 Oocument .2a Ag-eemenl and Pla n of lvlellC! !y AOq A@q!g l!qd! l Gas Company, Norlhwest Nalural Holdinq Company, and NWN Me.ger Sq!-!nc., dated as of Ma.ch 7, 2018 (incorporated bv reference lqEflllbit 2lo the Cunent Report on Form 8-K dated March 13,2018 File .2b Afendment to Agreemen! and Plan of Meroer between Northwest Natural Gas Cornpany, Northwest Natu.al Holding Company, and NWN lvleroer Sub, lnc., dated September 26, 2018 (incorporated by reference lo Exhibit 2.1(b) to the Form 8-K dated Octobe|l, 2018, File No. 1- '3a. '3b. '3d '4a ,4b.9lpplemenlal lndenture No-?qllp lllqld94gqqe and Deed of Trust. dated as of June 1. 1993 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4a.(1) to Form 10-K for vear ended December 31, 1993, File No. 0-009S4) '4c .4d. "4e. '4f. :1s Copy of lndenlure. dated as of June 1. 1991, belween Northwest Natural Gas Company and Bankers Trust Company (to whom Deutsch Bank Trust Company Americas is successo0, Truslee, relating to Northwest Nalural Gas Company's Unsecured Debt Securities (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4(e) in File No. 33-64014). E XHIBIT 2 PALFRIIYMAN. DI Credit reement dated as of October 2 2018 amo Northwest Natural Holdin Com and the lenders th TER Chase Bank N.A. as administrative and Bank of America N,A LJ.S. Bank Nalional Association. and Wells Fa o Bank Association as co cation a enls nco rated reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form 8-K dated Oclober 3 ?018 File No. 'l 6 of2l0 Exhibit Number No. 1-15973) 38681). Amended and Restated Arlicles of lncorporation of Northwest Natural Holdino Companv (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the Form 8-K dated Oclober'1, 2018. File No. 1-3868'1). Amended and Restated Articles of lncgrDoration of Northwest Natural Gas ComDanv (incorDoraled by reference to Exhibil 3.3 lo lhe Form 8- K dated Oclober 1, 2018, File No. l-15973). Amended and Restated Bvlaws ofNorthwest Natural Holdinq Comoanv (incorporated by reference lo Exhibit 3.2 to the Form 8-K dated october 1. 2018. File No. 1-38681). Bvlaws of Northwest Natural Gas Comoany (inco.Dorated bv reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the Form 8-K filed December 22. 2017. File No. 1- 15973). Coov of Mortoaqe and Deed of Trust ol No.thwest Nalural Gas Comoanv, dated as of Julv 1, 1946 (Morlqaqe and Deed ofTrust), to Bankers Trust (to whom Deutsche Bank Trust CompanvAmericas is the successor), Trustee (incomorated bv reference to Exhibit 7(i) in File No. 2- 6494); and copies of Supplemental lndentures Nos. 1 through '14 to the Mortoaqe and Deed of Trust, dated respectivelv. as of June l, 1949, March 1,1954, April 1, 1956, Februarv 1, 1959, July 1, '1961, Januarv'1,1964, March 1, 1966, December 1, 1969, April 1, 1971, Januarv 1. 1975, December 1, 1975, Julv '1, 1981, June 1, 1985 and November '1, 1985 (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 4(d) in File No. 33-1929); Supplemental lndenture No. 15 to the Mortqage and Deed of Trust, dated as of Julv 1. '1986 (filed as Exhibil 4(c) in File No. 33-24168): Supplemental lndentures Nos. 16, 17 and 18 to the Mortqaqe and Deed of Trust, dated, resoectivelv, as of November 1, 1988, October '1, 1989 and Julv 1. '1990 (incomorated bv reference to Exhibit 4(c) in File No. 33-40482): Supplemental lndenture No. 19 to the Mortoaqe and D€ed of Trust. dated as ol June 1. 't 991 (incorporated bv reference to Exhiblt 4(c) in File No. 3364014). Supplemental lndenture No. 2'l to the Mortoaqe and Deed ofT.ust. dated as of Oclober 15, 2012 (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form 8-K dated Oclober 26, 2012, File No. 1-15973). SuDplemental lndenture No. 22 io the Mortaaqe and Deed of Trusi, dated as ot Novembe. 1. 2016 (incorDoraled bv reference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form 10-O for the auarter ended Seotember 30, 20'16, File No. 115973). Suoplemental Indenture No. 23 to the Mortqaoe and Deed of Trust, dated as of September 1, 2018 (incoroorated bv reference to Exhibit 4(a) to Form 8-K dated Seplember 10, 2018, File No. 1-'15973). 128 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 137 of 210 '4h Credit Aqreement. dated as of October 2, 2018, amona Northwest Natural Gas Company and the lenders pany thereto. with JPI\roroan Chase BaOk. N.A. as administrative aaenl and Bank ofAmerica, N.A., U.S. Bank Nalional Association, and Wells Fargo Bank. Nalional Association. as co-svndic€tion aqenls (incorDoraled bv.eference to Exhibit 4.1 to Form 8-K dated October 3,2018, File No. 1-15973) 10 Purchase and Sale Aoreement dated June 20, 2018, between NW Natural Gas Slorage LLC and SENSA Holdings LLC (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to Form 10-Q for the quarler ended June 30, 2018, File No. 1-15973) 21 23a 23b. 31a Certiflcation of Princi oalExecutive Offcer of Northwest Natural Gas Company Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a )/1 5-d,14(a), Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 31b Cerlalic€tion of Principaut!!!!!aLQ&9!@ural Gas Company Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)/1 5{-14(a), Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Acl of 2002 31c Certification of Principal Execulive Otficer of Northwest Natural Holdinq Company Pursuantto Rule 13a-14(ayl5-d-14(a), Seclion 302 ofthe -S!tbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 31d Certillcation of Princi al Financial Officer of Northwest Natural Holdinq ComDany Pursuanl to Rule 'l3a-'14(a),115{-14(a). Section 302 ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 "32a. Certification of Princi al Execulive Officer and Priocioal Financjal Offic€r of Northwesl NaturalGas ComDanv Pursuanl to Section 906 oflhe Sarbanes-Oxley Acl of 2002 "32b. Cerliflcation of Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer of Norlhwest Natural Holdino Companv Pursuanl lo Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 101 The following materials formatted in Extensible Eusiness Reporting Language (XBRL) (i) Consolidated Statements of lncomei (ii) Consolidated Balance Sheets; (iii) Consolidated Slalemenis of Cash Flows; and (iv) Related notes. Executive Compensation Plans and Arrangements: '10a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, 2018 Restatement (incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 10.7 to the Form 8-K dated october 1, 2018, File No. 1-38681) '10c. Northwest Natural Gas Company lqppleo9olqlltqst, etfective January '1, 2005, restated as of October 1 , 201 8 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.9 to the Form 8-K dated October 1, 2018, Fale No. 1-3868'l ) ,10d Norlhwest Natural Gas Com a Umbrella Trust for Oirectors effective Janua 1991 restated as of October 1 2018 rn BIT 2teJerence to Exhibit 10.'l t to thefq{4rL(!at9!l?pl!qber '1, 2018, File No. 1-38681) PALFREYMAN. DI Northwesl Natural Gas Com Umbrella Trust for Execula effective Janua TER'10e @lElqnce to Exhibit '10.10 to the Form 8-K dated October 1, 2018. File No. 1-38681) 1988 restated as of October 1 20-lE Page 138 of2l0 Table of Conlenls Subsidiaries of Nodhwest Natural Holding-.lQ9Ipg!)L Consent of Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP - NW Holdinqs Consent of Pricewaterhousecoooers LLP - NW Natural. Executive Supplemental Retiremenl lncome Plan. 2018 Restatement (incomorated herein bv reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Form 8-K dated October 1, 2018, File No. 1-38681). '10b. 129 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 139 of2l0 '10f. Restated Stock Option Plan, as amended effeclive December '14, 2006 (inclrporaled by reference to Exhibit '10c. lo Form 10-K for 2006, File No. 1-15973 '1os Form of Restated Stock Option Plan Agreement (inqgrporated by reference lo Exhibit 10h. to Form 10-K for 2009, File No. 1-15973) '10h Executive Defened Compensation Plan, effective as of January '1, 1987, restated as of October 1, 2018 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.41o the Form 8-K dated October 1, 2018, File No. 1-3868'l) -10i irectors Deferred C n Plan nel 1981 restaled a of 18 inco orated Exhi lhe Form 8-K dated Oclober 1. 2018, File No. 1-3868'l) -10j 10k.lntentionally omitted. Form of lndemnity Agreement as entered into belween Northwest Natural Gas Company and each director and cerlain execulive ofiicers't 0t 10m Form of lndemnity Agreemenl as entered inlo between J',lorthwest Nalural Holding Company and each director and certain execulive oflicers '10n Non-Employee Directo.s Stoc! Compensalion Plan, as amended effective qeqember 15, 2005 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10?lo Form 8-K dated December 16, 2005, File No. 1-15973) '1 00. Executive Annual lncenlive Plan, effective January 1 , 2017 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10o to Form 10-K for 2016, File No. 1 - 15973). ,10p 10a. '10r Form ofChanqe in Control Severance Agreement between Northwest Natural Gas Company and each execulive officer, as amended and restated as of October 1, 2018 (incorporaled by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Form 8-K dated October '1, 2018, File No. 1-38681) 10s 101 'l0u 10v '10w. Form of Lonq Term lnceolive Award Agreement underthe Long Term lncentive Plan between No.thwest NaturalGas Comparllqlld All Executive Officer (2016-2018) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit '10x. to Form 10-K for 2015, File No. 1.15973) '10x Table of Contenls Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors and Executives. effective Januarv 1.2005, restated as of October 1, 20'18 (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 10.3 to lhg Form 8-K dated October 1, 2018, File No. 1-38681). Executive Annual lncentive Plan. etfective Januarv 1. 2018, as amended and restated effeclive October 1, 2018 (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit'10.8 to the Form 8-K dated October'1, 2018, File No. 1-38681). Executive Annual lncentive Plan. effeclive January 1, 20'19. Northwest Naturat Gas Companv Lonq Term lncentive Plan. as amended and restated etfective Mav 24. 20'12 (incorporated bv reference to Exhibil l0r to Form 10-K for 20'12, File No. 1-'15973). Northwest Natural Gas ComDanv Lonq Term lncenlive Plan, as amended and restated effective May 25, 2017 (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 10s to Fo.m 10-Kfor20'l7.FileNo. 1-15973). Northwest Natural Holdina Comganv Lonq Term lncentive Plan, as amended and restated as of October 1, 2018 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Form 8-K dated October 1. 2018, File No. 1-38681). Form of Long Te.m lncentive Award Aoreement under the Lono Term lncentive Plan (20'16-2018) (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 10w. to Form 10-K for 2015, File No. 1-15973) EXHIBIT 2 Form of Long Term lncentive Ayrard Aqreemenl under Lonq Term lncentive Plan (2017-2019) lrncoroorated bv referenc+to gF*b${\4AN, DI STATE WATI]R r3o Page I40 of2l0 EXI IIBIT 2 PALFR EYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l,{ I of 210 .10v.Form of Pertormances Share Lonq Term lnc€otive Aqreement under Long Term lncenlive Plan (2018-2020) (incorporaled by referenc€ to Exhibit 10y. to Form 10-K for 20'17, File No. 1-15973) 102 *10aa.Form of Consent dated December 14- 2006 entered ioto by each executive oflice.wilh respect to amendments lo lhe Erecutive Slpplemenl?lRetirement lncome Plan. the Supplemental Executive Retiremelt Plan and cenain change in conkol severance aqreements 1occ. '1odd. Form of Restricted Stock Unit Award Aqreement under Lona Term lncentive Plan (2018) (incorporated by reterence to Exhibit 1obb. to Form l0-K Ior 2017, File No. 'l-15973) *1oee q)r.ected Form of ResldAte{S@!!lJ!!!4WaE ASIeeEe!! q[der Long Terrn lncentive Plan (2017) (incorporated by reference lo Exhibit 10.1 to Form 10-Q forthe quarter ended March 3'1 , 2017, File No. 'l-15973) 1off i1oqq.Form of Amendment to Restncled Stocl unit Award Aoreements (2013, 2014 and 2015) (incorporated by reference lo Exhibat 1occ to Fo.m 10-K for2016. File No. 1-15973) 10hh E9!rn of Restricted StoS! Ull q?4 ASIeqlClt!!4 Term lnce0live Plan (2013, 2014 and 2015) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1oaa. to Form 10-K for 2012, File No. 1-15973) 'l0ri '10ii. '10kk Severance Aqreement between Northwesl Natural Gas Coepany and an executive officer, daled Augusl 1, 20'16 (incorporaled by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K dated July 29, 2016, File No. 1-15973) '10 '1 omm. Form of Severance Aqreement between Norlhwest Natural Gas Company and an execulive otficer, dated May 1 7, 2017 (incorporated by relerence to Exhibit 10.1 to Form 8-K dated April 24, 2017, File No. 1-15973) t1onn Form of Special Restricted Stock Unit Agreement betweefi Northwest Nalural Gas Company and an executive ofiicer. dated May 17,2017 (incorporated by reference lo Exhibit'10.2 to Form 8-K dated April 24, 2017, File No. 1-15973) 10oo. Form of Hire-On Bonus Aqreement between Northwest Natural Gas Company and an executive otficer, dated May '17, 2017 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit '10.3 to Form 8-K dated ADril 24, 2017, Eile No. 1- 15973)EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI Form of S I Retention Restricted Stock Unil reemenl between Norlhwest NaturalGas Com an and an execu WATERSeptember 30, 2016 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 1oqq. to Form 10-K for 20'17, File No. 1-'l5973) ,10pp. 't 31 Page 142 of 210 Table ol Contenls Form of Lonq Term lncentive Award Aoreement under Lonq Term lncentive Plan (2019-2021). (incomorated bv referenc€ lo Exhabit 10.1 to Form 8-K daled December '19. 2006, File No. 1-15973). ''l0bb. Consent to Amendment of Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors and Executives, dated Februarv 28, 2008 entered into bv each execi-rtive oflicer (incorporated by reference lo Exhabit'lobb lo Form 10-K for 2007, File No. 1-15973). Form of Restricted Stock Unil Award Aqreement under Lonq Term lncentive Plan (2019). Form of Restricled Stock Unit Award Aqreement under Lono Term lncentive Plan (2016) (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 1obb. to Form 't0-K for 2015, File No. 1-'15973). Eglql of Director Restricted 9tock Unil Award Aoreement under Lonq Te,m lncentive Plan (2018). Form of Direclor Restricted Slock Unit Award Aoreement under the Lonq Term lncentive Plan (20'!7) (incorOorated bv reference to Exhibil 10.1 lo Form 10-Q for the quarterended June 30, 2017, File No 1-15973). Form of Restricted Slock Unit Award Aqreement between Northwest Natural Gas Company and an executive officer dated as of July 27, 2016 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit '10.1 to Form '10-O forthe quarter ended June 30, 2016, File No. '115973). EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 143 of210 Tab e ol Contents '1oqq. Cash Retention Aqreement between Northwest Natural Gas Comoanv and an executive ofllcer, daled as of March 1, 2018 (incorporated bv reference to Exhibit 'loss. to Form 10-K for 20'17, File No. 1-15973). 1 oss. Annual lncentive Plan for NW Naturat Gas Storaae, LLC, as amended effective Januarv l 2019. '1011. Lonq Term Incentive Plan for NW Natural Gas Storage, LLC, as a mended effective Januarv '1 , 2016 (incomorated by reference Io Exhibit 100D. to Form 10-K for 6 File No. 115973) 'lncorporated herein by relerence as indicaled "Pursuant to ltem 601(bX32)(ii) oI Regulalion S-K, lhis certificate is not being "filed" for purposes of Section '18 of the Secu.ities b(change Acl of 1934, as amended. 132 Form of Hire-On Bonus Aoreement bet\ €en Northwesl Natural Gas Comoanv and an executive officer, dated SeDtember 30. 2016 (incomorated bv reference to Exhibit 10rr. to Form 10-K for 2017, File No. 1-15973). *10rr. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page l.l4 of2l0 S'GNI TURES Pursuant to the requirements of Sectaon 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, each registrant has duly caused this report lo be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. The signalure for each undersigned company shall be deemed to relate only to matters having reference to such company and its subsidiaries. NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY By: /V David H. Anderson David H Anderson President and Chief Executive Offlcer Dater March 1. 20,9 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY David H. Andersoo David H. Anderson President and Chief Executive Officer Dale: March 1. 2019 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 145 of 210 Table of Conlents Tabie of Conlents Pursuant to the requarements oflhe Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalfofthe registrant and in lhe capacities and on the date indicated. The signatures of each of the undersagned shall be deemed to relale only to matlers having reference lo lhe below named company and ils subsidiaries. NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY Signature Title Date /s/ David H. Anderson Principal Executive Officer and Dircctor March 1,2019 David H. Anderson Presidenl and Chief Execulive Ofiicer /s/ Frank ll. Burkhansmeyer Principal Financial Otflcer March 1, 2019 Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Oflicer /s/ Brody J. Wlson Pnncipal Accounting Ofllcer March 1.2019 Brody J. Wlson Vice Presidenl, Treasurer, ChiefAccounting Officer and Controller /s/ Timothy P Boyle Director ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Timothy P. Boyle /5/ Manha L. Byorum Director Martha L. Byorum /VJohn D. Carter Direclor John D Carter /s/ Mark S. Dodson Director [.,lark S Dodson /s/ C. Scolt Gibson Director arch 1, 2019 /s/ Tod R. Hamachek Drreclor Tod R. Hamachek /s/ Jane L Peverett Director Jane L Peverell /s/ Kenneth Thrasher Director Kennelh Thrasher /s/ Malia H. Wasson Director Malia H. Wasson /s/ Charles A. Wilhoile Direclor EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 146 of 210 Charles A Wilhoile 134 C. Scott Gibson Table ol Contents NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Signature Title 0ate /s/ Davrd H. Anderson Principal Executive Officer and Direclor Princrpal Financial Officer Principal Accounting Officer Director Direclor Director Director Director Direclor Director Director Direclor Direclor Director [,4arch '1.2019 March 1, 2019 L4arch 1. 2019 arch 1,2019 IIXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER Pagc 147 of2l0 David H Anderson Presidenl and Chief Executive Olficer /s/ Frank H. Burkharlsmeyer Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer SeniorVice President and Chief Fanancial Officer /s/ Brody J \Mlson Brody J. Wilson Vice P.esident, Treasurer, ChiefAccounting Oftlc€r and Controller /s/ Timothy P. Boyle Timothy P. Boyle /V Martha L. Byorum Martha L. Byorum /s/ John D Carter John D. Carter /s/ [,4ark S Dodson Mark S Dodson /s/C Scott Gibson C. Scotl Gibson Tod R. Hamachek /s/ Jane L Peverell Jane L. Peverett /s/ Kennelh Thrasher Kenneth Thrasher /s/ [ralia H. Wasson Malia H Wasson /s/ Cha.les A. Wilhoite Charles A. Wilhoite /s/ Sleven E. Vlynne Steven E. Vwnne ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) lBack lo lop I 135 /s/ Tod R. Hamachek Section 2: EX-lO.CC (EXHIBIT l0.CC) RI-S'I RIC'fED SI'OCK UNIT AWARD ACR[[MENT Th is Agreement is entered into as of February . 201 9. betwccn Northwest Nalural t lolding Com pany, an Oregon corporation (the "Cornpany"), and ("Rccipicnt') On February 27.2019, the Organization and Executive Compensation Committee (the 'Committee") ofthe Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") awarded restricted stock units to Recipient pursuant to Section 6 ofthe Conpany's Long Term Incentive Plan (the'Plan"). Recipient desires to accept the award subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. NOW, TIIEREFORE. the parties agree as follows: Grant of Restricted Stock Units Dividend E uivalents Subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. the Company hereby grants to the Recipient restricted stock unils (the ' RSUs"). The grant of RSUs obligates the Company. upon vcsting in accordance with this Agreement, to deliver to the Recipient one share ofCommon Stock ofthe Company (a "Share") tbr each RSU. Upon vesting of each RSL.l, the Company also a-qrees to makc a dividend equivalent cash payn)ent with respect to each vested RSL.I in an amount equal to the total amount ofdividends paid per share ofCornpany Common Stock for which the dividend rccord dates occurred aller the date oflhis Agreement and before the date of dclivery olthe underlying Shares. The RSUs are subject to forfeiture as set forth in Sections 2, I and 2. l0 below. 2. Vesting:ForlciturcRestriction 2.1 Vesting Scheduk (a) All ofthe RSUs shall initially be unvested. Subject to Sections 2.i, 2.4. 2,5.2.10 and 5.2, the RSUS shall vest as follorrs (l) one-fourth ofthe RSUs shall vest on March l, 2020 ifthe Performance Threshold (as detined in Section 2.2 below) is satisfied for 2019t (2) an additional one-fourth ofthe RSUs shall vest on March 1,2021 ifthe Performance Threshold is satisfied for 2020; (3) an additional one-founh ofthe RSUs shall veston l\'larch 1.2022 ifthe Performance Threshold is satisficd lor 202l: and (4) the final onc-fourth ofthe RSUs shall vest on March I,202] if the Performance Threshold is satisfied for 2022 (b) lfthe Performance Threshold is not satisfied for any year set forth in ( l). (2), (3) or (4) above, the RSUS that would have vested ifthe Performance Threshold had been satisfied for that year (the "Performance Year") shall be forfeited to the Company effeclive as ofthe last day ofthe Performance Year. For example, ifthe Performance Threshold is not EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GE\4 STATI] WATER Page 148 of2l0 satisfied for 20 I 9. all RSUs that were schedu led to vest on lllarch l. 2020 shall be forfeited effective as of Decem ber 3 I . l0 l9 (c) If a Change in Control (as defined in Section 2.6 below) occurs, the Performance Threshold shall be deemed to be satisfied for all Performance Years that were not completed prior to the Change in Control. with the eflect that the RSUS outstanding al the time ofthe Change ofControl shall vest upon completion ofthe applicable time periods in Section 2.1(a). 2.2 Performancc'fhreshold (a) For purposes ofthis Agreenent. the 'Performance Threshold" for any lear shall be satisjled ilthc ROE (as defined below) for that year is greater than the 5 Yr Avg Cost of LT Debt (as dcfincd below) for that year. (b) The 'ROE" for anv year shall be calculated by diiiding the Compan!'s Adjusted Net Income (as dcfined below) for the year by the Average Equity (as defined below) for the year. Subject to adjustment in accordancc with Scction 2.2(c) below, th€ Company's "Adjusled Net Income" for any year shall be equal to thc Company's net income attributable to conmon shareholders tbr the ycar, as set forth in the audited consolidated statemeflt of income of the Company and its subsidiaries fbr the year. Subject to adjustment in accordance with Section 2.2(c) bclow, 'i\verage Equity" fbr any year shall mean the average ofthe Company's total common stock equity as ofthe last day olthe year and the Company's total common stock equity as ofthe last day ofthe prior year. in each case as set fbrth on the audited consolidated balance sheet ofthe Company and its subsidiaries as ofthc applicablc dale. (c) The Committee may, at any time. appmve adjustments to the calculation ofROE to take into account such unanlicipated circumstances or significant. non-recuning or unplanned events as the Committee may'determine in its sole dismetion. and such adjustments may increase or decrease ROE. Possible circumstances that may be the basis for adjustments shall include, but not be limited to. an1' change in applicable accounting rules or principles: an1'gain or loss on the disposition ofa business: impairment ofassets: dilution caused by Board approved business acquisilion; tax changes and tax impacts ofother changes; changes in applicable laws and regulations: changes in ratc case timing: changes in the Compan\'s structure; and any other circumstances outside ofmanagement's control. (d) The"5YrAvgCostofLTDebt"lbran1'learshall mean the arerage of fi.re numbers consisting of thc Avg Cost of L'l' Debt (as defined below) fbr that year and for each ofthe tbur preceding years. The 'Avg Cost of L'l l)eht" lor an1 ycar shall be equal to the sum ofthe Weighted Costs (as defined below) calculated for cach series or tranche oflong-term debt ofthe Company outstanding on the last day of the year. The "Weighted Cost" for a series or tranche of long-term debt as of any date shall be caiculated by rnultiplying thc Effective lnterest Rate (as defined below) on thc debt as ofthat date by the outstanding principal balance ofthe debt on that date. and thcn dividing the resulting amounl b-v thc Companl's total outstanding principal balance of long-term debt as of that date. The "Elfectile lnterest Rate" lbr a series or tranche of long-term debt as of any date shall be the yield calculated bascd on the EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 149 of2l0 settlement date for the original issuance olthe scries or tranche, thc maturity date ofthc scrics or tranchc. thc statcd annual inlercst rate of the series or lranche in effect on that date, the number of intercst payments per year under the tems of the series or tranche. the initial bonowing ofan amount equal to the principal balance net ofDebt lssuance Costs (as defined below) for the series or tranche, and the repayment ofprincipal at maturity or otherwise according to the tenns ofthe series or tranche. The "Debt lssuance Costs" tbr a series or tranche of long-term debt shall include the fees, commissions and expenses of issuance of such debt, any other purchase discount from the face amount of such debt, and any premiums, write-offs of unamortizcd debt issuance costs and olher costs incuncd in conncction with retiring debt refinanced rvith the proceeds ofsuch deht, all as reflected in the Company's accounting records. For purposes ofthis Section 2.2(d), the Company's long term debt and the interest rates and outstanding principal balances ofthe outstanding series or tranches of long-term debt as ofany date shall be those amounts as set forth in the audited consolidated t'inancial statements ofthe Cornpany and its subsidiaries for the vear ending on that date. and shall in all cases include the curcnl portion of an) long-term debt and exclude borrowings under a revolving credit facility. For the avoidance of doubl. thc Effcctivc Interest Ratc for purposcs of this Agreement of each scries of fixed-rate long-tenn debt outstanding as of thc datc of this Agreemcnl is sel forlh on Exhibit A hercto. 2.3 Effect of Retirement Death. or Disabilin (a) If Recipient's employment by the Company or any parent or subsidiary ofthe Company (the "Emplo) er") terminates because ofRetirement (as delined below). death or physical disability (within the meaning ofSection 22(eX3) ofthe Code and a Change in Control has not previousll occuned. all outstanding RSUs shall remain outstanding and subject to potential future Yesting upon satisfaction ofthe Performance Threshold for the applicable years. (c) The term "Retirement" means termination of emplol'ment ( l) on or after the first anniversary ofthe date of this Agreement, and (2) aller the Recipient is (i) age 62 with at least five yeaB ofservice as an employee ofthe Company or a parent or subsidiary ofthe Company. or (ii) age 55 with age plus years ofservice (including fractions) as an employee ofthe Company or a parent or subsidiary of the Company totaling at least 70; provided, however. that a termination of Recipient's emplo) menl b) the Emplo)'er for Cause (as defined in Section 2.8 below) shall not conslitute a Retirement. 2.4 CIC Acceleration if Partv to a Severance Aereement. IfRecipient is a party to a Change in Control Severance Agreement Nith the Compan) or a parent or subsidiaq' ofthe Companl'. all outstanding RSUs shall immediatell r,est if Recipient becomes entilled to a Change in Control Severance Benefit (as defined below). A "Change in Control Severance Benefit" means the severance benefit provided for in Recipient's Change in Control Severance EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 150 of2l0 (b) IfRecipient's emplo)menl bi'the Emplo) er terminates because ofRetirement. death orphlsical disabilitl' and a Change in Control subsequently occurs, all outstanding RSUs shall immediately vest. If a Change in Control occurs and Recipient's emplo)ment b) the Emploler subsequentl)' terminates because ofRetirement. death or ph1'sical disabilitl'. all outstanding RSUs shall immediateh rest. Agreement with the Company or a parcnt or subsidiary ofthe Company: provided, however. thal such severance benefit is a "Change in Conlrol Severance Benefit" for purposes of th is Agreement onll if. under the terms of Recipient's Change in Control Severance Agreement. Recipient becomes entilled lo the scverance benefil (a) afler a change in control ofthe Company has occuned, (b) because Recipient's employment with the Employer has been terminated by Recipient for good reason in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthe Change in Control Sevemnce Agreement or by the Employer other than for cause, and (c) because Recipient has satisfied any olher conditions or requirements specified in the Change in Control Severance Agreement and necessary for Recipient to become entitled to receive the severance benelit. For purposes ofthis Section 2.4, the terms "change in control." "good reason," "cause" and "disability" shall have the meanings set forth in Recipient's Change in Control Severance Agreement. 2.5 CIC Acceleration if Not a Panv to a Sevemnce Aereement. lfRecipient is 4q1a party to a Change in Control Severance Agreement with the Company or a parent or subsidiary ofthe Company. all outstanding RSUs shall immediately vest if a Change in Control (as defined in Section 2.6 below) occurs and at any time after the earlier of Shareholder Approval (as defined in Section 2.7 below). ifany, or the Change in Control and on or before the second annivcrsary ofthe Change in Control. (a) Recipient's employment is terminated by the Employer (or its succcssor) without Cause (as defined in Scction 2.8 belo\y), or (b) Recipient's employment is tcrminaled by Recipient for Good Reason (as defined in Section 2.9 below). 2.6 Chanee in Control. For purposes o[this Agreement, a 'Change in Control" olthe Companl shall mean the occunence ofanr ofthe lollorving elents: (a) The consummation o[: (l) any consolidation, merger or pJan ofshare exchange involving the Company (a "Merger") as a result ofwhich the holders ofoutstanding securities ofthe Company ordinarily having the right to vote tbr the election 0fdirectors ("Voting Securities") immediately prior to the Merger do not continue to hold at least 50% ofthe combined voting power ofthe outstanding Voting Securities of the surviving corporation or a parent corporation of the sun iving corporation immediately after the Merger, disregarding an,v- Voting Securities issued to or retained by such holders in respect ofsecurities of any other party to the Merger; or (2) any consolidation, merger, plan ofshare exchange or other transaction involving Northwest Natural Gas Company ("NW Natural") as a result ofwhich the Company does nol continue to hold, directly or indirectly, at least 50% ofthe outstanding securities ofNW Natural ordinarill having the right to vote for the election ofdirectors: or (3) any sale. lease. exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a series ofrelated transactions) of all. or substantially all, the assets ofthe Company or NW Natural: (b) At anl time during a period of t$o consecutive ) ears. individuals who at the beginning of such period constituted the Board ("lncumbent Directors") shall cease .1 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l5l of2l0 for any reason to constitute at least a majority thereof; provided. however, that the term "lncumbent DirectoC'shall also include each neu director elected during such two-year period whose nomination or election was approved by two-thirds ofthe Incumbenl Directors then in office: or (c) Any person (as such tcrm is used in Section l4(d) ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 19i4. other than thc Company or any ernployee benefit plan sponsored by the Company or NW Natural) shall. as a result ofa tender or cxchangc offcr, open market purchases or privately negotiated purchases from anyone other than the Company, have become the bencficial owner (wilhin the mean ing of Rule I 3 d-l under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934). dircctly or indirectly. of Voting Securities representing hventy percent (20%) or more ofthe combined voting power ofthe then outstanding Voting Securities. 2.7 Shareholder Aporoval. For purposes ofthis Agreement, "Shareholder Approval" shall be deemed to have occurred ifthe shareholders ofthe Company approve an agreement entered into by the Company, the consummation ofwhich would result in the occunence ofa Change in Control. 2.8 Cause. For purposes ofthis Agreement, "Cause" shall mean (a) the uillful and continued failurc by Recipient to perform substantiall)' Recipient's assigned duties with the Employer (other than an1 such failure resulting from incapacitl due to physical or mental illness) aller a demand for substantial perlbrmance is delivered to Recipient by the tmploler which specifically identilies the manner in xhich Recipient has not subslantiallv performed such duties. (b) rrillful commission by' Recipient ofan act ofliaud or dishonesq resulting in economic or financial injury to the Company or Emplo_ler. (c) uillful misconduct b)-, Recipient that substantiall) impairs the business or rcputation ofthe Company or Emploler. or (d) uillful gross negligence b) Recipient in the performance ofhis or her dutics. 2.9 Cood Reason. For purposes ofthis Agreement. "Cood Reason" shall mean lhe occurrence aller Shareholder Approlal. ifapplicable. or the Change in Control- ofanl ofthe follorving circumstances. but onll if(x) Recipient giles notice to Emplo)er of Recipient's intent to terminate employment for Good Reason within 30 days after the later of (l) notice to Recipient ofsuch circumstances. or (2) the Change in Control. and (y) such circumslances are not fully conected by the Employer within 90 days after Recipient's notice: (a) theassignmenttoRecipientofadilfercnttitle.joborresponsibilitiesthatresultsinadecreaseinthelerel of Recipient's responsibilitl l provided that Oood Reason shall nol erist if Recipient continues to have the same or a greater general level of responsibility for the tbrmer Ernployer operations after the Change in Control as Recipient had prior to the Change in Contml evcn though such rcsponsibilities have necessarily changed due to the forrner Ernploler operations becoming a suhsidiarr or division oIthc survir,ing company: (b) a reduction by the Emploier in Recipient's base salary as in effect immediatell prior to the earlicr of Sharcholdcr Approval. ifapplicable, orthe Change in Control; 5 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 152 of 210 (c) the failure by Emploler 10 continue in effect any emplo.ree benefil or incentive plan in rvhich Recipient is participating irnmediately prior to the earlier oi Shareholder Approval. if applicable, or the Change in Control (or plans providing Recipient \vith at least substantialll similar benefits) other than as a result ofthe normal expiration ofanl. such plan in accordance rvith its terms as in effect immediately prior ro the earlier of Shareholder Appmval. if applicable, or the Change in Control, or the taking of any action. or the failure to act. by Emplol,er uhich uould adr,ersel) affect Recipient's continued participation in anv ofsuch plans on at least as favorable a basis to Recipient as is the case immediately prior to the earlier ofShareholder Approval, ifapplicable, or the Change in Control or which would materially reduce Recipient's bcncfits in the future under any ofsuch plans or dcprive Recipient ofany material benefit enjoyed b1 Recipient immediately prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval. if applicable. or the Change in Control: (d) the failure by' the Emplo\cr to provide and credit Recipient \\ilh the number ofpaid lacation da)s to t\hich Recipient is then entitled in accordance rrith the Emploler's normal vacation policl as in effect immediatel) prior to the earlier ol Shareholder Approval, if applicablc. or the Change in Control: or (e) the Employer's requiring Recipient to be based more than 30 miles from where Recipient's of'fice is located immediately prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval, if applicable, or the Change in Control except for required travel on the Emplol'er's business to an e\tent substantiall) consistent with the business travel obligations uhich Recipient undertook on behalfofthe Employer prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval. if applicable. or the Change in Conlrol. 2.10 Forfeiturc: Possible Restoration. lfRecipient ceases to be employed by the Employerlbrany reason or forno reason. with or without cause, other than because of Retirement, death or physical disability (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the Code), any Rst.ls that did not vest pursuant to this Section 2 or Seclion 5.2 at or p or to the tirne ofsuch termination ofemployment shall be forfeited to the Companyl provided. houever, that if Recipient's cmployment is terminated b-v the Empl(ryer without Cause or by the Recipient lor Good Reason after Shareholder Approval but before a Change in Control, an].. RSUs that are forfeited under this sentence shall be restored to the Recipient and vested if a Changc in Control subsequently occurs within two years. 3. Certification and Deli,'e , As soon as practicable following the completion ofeach Performance Year, the Company shallf\ calculate the ROE and the 5 Yr Avg Cost of LT Debt for that Performance Year, and shall submit those calculations to the Committee. At or prior to the regularll scheduled meeting ofthe Commiftee held in Februaq'ofthe 1'ear immediatell follouing each Performance Year (each, a "Certification Meeting"). the Committee shall cerliff in u riting ($ hich ma1 consist of approved minules of the meeting) \ hether or not the Peformance Threshold was satisfied for thal Performance Year, Unless otherwise required under this Agreement as a result ofthe occunence ofa Change in Control, no amounts shall be delivered or paid unless the Committee certifies that the Performance 'l'hreshold has been satisfied for the applicable Performance Year. Subject to applicable tax withholding, on a date (a 6 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Pagc 153 of2l0 "Payment Date") that is on or as soon as practicable after the date any ofthe RSUs become vested or. if later. five business days folloring the Certification l\4eeting relating to those RSUs. the Company shall deliver to Recipient (a) the number of Shares underll ing the RSUs that vested (rounded down to the nearest whole share), and (b) the dividend equivalent cash payment determined under Section I wilh respect to the number of Shares that are delivered; provided, however, that if accelerated vesting of the RSUs occurs pursuanl to Section 2.3(b) as a result of Recipient's Retirement afler a Change in Control has previously occurred, the Payment Date shall be delayed until a date that is on or as soon as practicable afler the earlier of (x) the date the RSUs rryould have vesled under Section 2.1. or (y) the date lhat is siri months after Recipient's separation from service (within the meaning ofSection 409A ofthe Intemal Revenue Code). Nohvithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 3. if Recipient shall have made a r,alid election to defer receipt ofthe Shares and dividend equivalent cash payment pursuant to the terms ofNorthwest Natural's Defened Compensation Plan for Dircctors and Executives (the "DCP"), payment ofRSUS that vest shall be made in accordance with that election. 4. Tar Witlrholdinu 4.1 Recipient acknowledges that, on any Payment Dale when Shares are delivered to Recipient, the Value (as defined below) on that date ofthe Shares so delivercd (as well as the amounl ofthe related dividend equivalent cash payment) will be treated as ordinary compensation income for federal and state income and FICA tax purposes, and thal the Employer will be required to withhold ta\es on these income amounts. To satisfy the required rvithholding amount. the Emplo)'er shall tirst withhold all or pan ofthe dividend equivalent cash payment. and ifthat is insufficient. the Employer shall rvithhold the number of Shares having a Valuc equal to the remaining withholding amount. For purposes of this Section 4, the "Value" ofa Share shall be equal to the closing market price for Conrpany Common Stock on the last trading day prcceding the Payment Date. 4.2 Recipient acknowledges that under current tax law. the Employer is required to wilhhold FICA laxcs with respect to lhe Rst.ls at the earlier of(a) the issuance ofshares underlying the RSUs or (b) the date after a Change in Control on which Recipient becomcs eligible fbr Retirement (or the date of the Change in Control if Recipient is eligible for Rctirement at the time of the Change in Control). To satisll the required minimum FICA \!ithholding in the event that subsection (b) applics. Recipient shall. immediatel)' upon notification ofthe amount due. pay to the Company in cash or by check amounts nccessary to satisfy applicable FICA withholding requirements. If Recipient fails to pay the amount demanded, the Company may withhold that amount from other amounts payable to Recipient. including salary. subject to applicable law. 4.3 Notu ithstanding the foregoing. Recipient mai elecl not to have Shares u ithheld to co\,er tares b) giving notice to the Company in writing prior to the Payment Date, in which case the Shares shall be issued or acquired in Recipient's name on the Paymenl Date thereby triggering the tax consequences. but the Company shall retain the cerlificate for the Shares as securitl until Recipient shall hai,e paid to the Compan)' in cash any required tar rvithholding not coyered by withholding ofthe dividend equivalent cash palment. 7 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 154 ol2l0 -5. Sale ofthe Company. Ifthere shall occur a merger. consolidation or plan oferchange inrolling the Compan\ pursuant lo which the outstanding shares ofCommon Stock ofthe Company are convened inlo cash or other stock. securities or property. or a sale, lease, exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a series of relaled transactions) of all, or substantially all, the assets ofthe Companl'. then either: 6. Chanqes in CaDital Structure. IL prior to the full r esting of all of the RSUs granted under this Agreement. the outstanding Common Stock ofthe Company is increased or decreased or changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind ofshares or other securities of the Company by reason ofany stock split. combination of shares or dividend payable in sharcs, recapitalization or reclassification. appropriate adjustment shall be made by the Committee in the number and kind ofshares sub.iecl to the unvested RSUS so that Recipient's proportionale interest before and affer the occurrence ofthe event is maintained. Nolwithstanding the foregoing, the Committee shall have no obligation to effect any adjustment that would or might result in the issuance ol f'ractional shares. and any fractional shares resulting from any adjustment may be disregarded or provided for in any manner determined by the Committee. Any such adjustments made by the Committee shall be conclusive. 7, Recoupment On Misconduct. 7.1 Ifat any time before a Change in Control and within three years after any date on which any RSUs vcsted. (a) the Company's financial statemenb for the conesponding Performance Year are the subject ofa restatement due to the Misconduct (as defined below) ofany person (whether or not Recipient was personally involved in such Misconduct), and (b) based on the Company's financial stalements as restated, the Performance Threshold was not salisfied for that Performance Year. lhen Recipient shall repay to the Company the Shares (the "Excess Shares") and dir,idend equi\alenl cash pa) ment (the "Excess Dividends") that vested under this Agreement on that vesting date. lfany Excess Shares are sold by Recipient prior to the Company's demand for repayment (including an1' shares withheld for taxes under Section 4 ofthis Agreement), Recipient shall repay to the Company 100% ofthe proceeds ofsuch sale or sales. The Committee may. in its sole discretion, reduce the amount to be repaid by Recipient to take into account the tax consequences of such repayment for Recipient, 8 EXHIBIT 2 PALFRF,YMAN. DI GEM STATE WATIIR Page 155 of2l0 5.1 the unvested RSUs shall be converted into restrictcd stock units for stock ofthe surviving or acquiring corporation in the applicable transaction, with the amount and type of sharcs subject thereto to be conclusively deteflnined by the Committee, taking into account the relative values ofthe companies inrolved in the applicable transaction and the e\change rate. if any. used in delermining shares ofthe surviving corporation to be held by the former holders ofthe Company's Common Stock following thc applicable tmnsaction. and disregarding lractional shares: or 5.2 all ofthe unrested RSUs shall immediatell vest and the underlying Shares and related dividend equivalent cash payment shall be delivered simultaneously rvith the closing ofthe applicable transaction such that Recipient rrill participate as a shareholder in receiving proceeds from such transaction with respect to those Shares. 7.2 If the Committee detemines that Recipient engaged in any Misconduct after the date ofthis Agreement and prior to a sale ofany ofthe Shares (the "Tainted Shares"). and this determination is made before a Change in Control and within three years affer the vesting ofthe Tainted Shares, Recipient shall repay to the Company the Excess Proceeds (as defined below). The Committee may. in its sole discretion. reduce the amount ofExcess Proceeds to be repaid by Recipient lo take into account the tax consequenccs ofsuch repayment or any olher factors. The retum ofExcess Proceeds is in addition to and separale from any other reliefavailable to the Company due to Recipient's Misconduct. 7.i \4isconduct" shall mean (a) rrillful commission ofan act offraud or dishonesll resulting in econonric or financial injun tothc Companr'. (b) uillful misconduct that substantialll inrpairsthe Companr's business or rcputation. or (c) sillt'ul gross negligcnce in the perfbrnrance ofthe person's duties; provided. however. that such ac$ shall only constitule \lisconduct ifthe Comrnittee determines that such acts contributed to an obligation to restate the Company's financial statements for any quarter or year or otherwise had (or will have when publicly disclosed) an adverse impact on thc markct price ofthe Company Common Stock, 7.4 "Excess Proceeds" shall mean the excess of(a) the actual aggregate sales proceeds from Recipient's sales of Tainted Shares, over (b) the aggregate sales proceeds Recipient would havc received from sales ofTainted Shares at a price per share determined appropriate by the Committee in ils disffetion to reflect whal the market price ofthe Company Common Stock would have been if the restatement had occurred or other N4isconduct had been disclosed prior to such sales. 7.5 If any portion of the Excess Shares and Excess Dividends was deferred under the DCP. that porlion shall be recovered by canceling the amounts so defened under the DCP and any dividends or other eamings crediled under the DCP with respect to such cancelled amounts. The Company may seek direct repaymenl from Recipient ofany Excess Shares. Excess Dividends and Excess Proceeds not so recovered and may. to the extent permitted by applicable law. offset such amounts against any compensation or other amounts owed by the Company to Recipient. tn panicular, such amounls may be recovered by offset against the after-tax proceeds of deferred compensation payouts under the DCP, Northwest Natural's Executive Supplemental Retirement Income Plan or Norlhwesl Natural's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan at lhe times such defened compensation payouts occur under the terms ofthose plans. Amounts lhat remain unpaid for more than 60 days after demand by the Company shall accrue interest at the rate used from lime to lime for crediting interest under the DCP. 8. Aoprovals. The obligations ofthe Company under this Agreement are subicct to the approval of state and f'ederal authorities or agencies with jurisdiction in the matter, The Company will use its best efforts to take steps required by state or federal law or applicable regulations. including rules and regulations ofthe Securities and Exchange Commission and anl. stock erchange on uhich the Company's shares may then be lisled. in connection with the a\!ard undcr this Agreenrent. The foregoing notrvithstanding. the Company shall not be obligatcd to issue or deliver Common Stock under this Agreenrent if such issuance or delivery would violate applicable statc or federal law. I EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 156 of 210 9. No Risht to Emplovment. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall conler upon Recipient an1' right to be employed b1 the Em plo) er or to continue to pro! ide sen ices to the Emplol er or to interfere in anr $ a1 \\'ith the right of lhe Emplo\ er to terminate Recipient's services at any time for any reason. with or without cause. I 0.1 Entire Aqrecmcnt: Amendment. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with regard to the subjects hereof and may be amendcd only by written agreement between the Company and Recipicnt. 10.2 Notices. An) notice required or permittcd under this Agreement shall be in rr riting and shall be decmcd sufficient when delivered personally to the parly to whom it is addressed or when deposited into the United States Mail as registered or certilled mail, retum receipt requested. postage prepaid. addressed to the Company. Attention: Corporate Secretary. at ils principal executive offices. or to Employer, Attention: Corporate Secretary. at its principal executive ofices. or to Recipient at the address ofRecipient in the Company's records, or at such other address as such party may designate by ten (10) days' advance written notice to the other pany. 10.3 Assiqnmenl: Ri[hts and Benefits. Recipient shall not assign this Agrecmcnt or itn) righls hereunder to an) other party or parties r!ithout the prior written consent ofthe Company, The rights and benefits ofthis Agreement shall inure to the benelit of and be enforceable by the Company's successors and assigns and, subject to the foregoing restriction on assignment, be binding upon Recipient's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. I 0.4 Further Action. The parlies agree to execute such further instruments and to take such furlher action as may reasonably be necessary to carry out the inlent ofthis Agreement. | 0.5 Applicablc 1,4!i A!!aI!!y! I!c!. 'l he terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be govemed by the laws ofthe State of Oregon. In the event either parl) institutes litigation hereunder. the prevailing party shall be cnlitled to reasonable attorne)'s' fees to be set by the trial court and. upon any appeal, the appellate court, 10.6 Countcmarts. This Agreement may be cxecuted in two or more counteryarts, each ofwhich shall be deemed an original. IO EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 157 of2l0 10. M iscellaneous. l\ WITNF.SS WHEREOF. the parties hereto havc executed this Agrccmenl as ofthe day and ]-car first above lvritten. NORTI IWESl' NATI.]RAI, HOLDlNG COI\4PANY B) Title Recipicnt EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 158 of2l0 EXllttltT,{ I.:FFECTIVE INTEREST RATES OT OU ISTANDING FIXED-RA IE LONC.TERM DEBT The outstandingl series or tranches offired-rate long-term debt ofthe Company outstanding as ofthe date ofthis Agreement and the Effectivc lnlerest Rate ofeach such series or tranche are as follows: Scrics Corp 5000: 8.31%SeriesBdue20l9 7.63 % Series B due 2019 5.37 % Series B due 2020 9.05 o/o Serics A due 2021 3,176 % Series B due 2021 3.542 % Series B due 2021 5.62 % Series B due 2023 7 .72 o/o Serles B due 2025 6,52 % Series B due 2025 7.05 % Series B due 2026 3.211 % Series B due 2026 7.00 7o Scries B due 2027 6.65 % Series B due 2027 2.E22 % Series B due 2027 6.65 % Series B due 2028 7.74 7o Serics B due 2030 7.85 % Series B due 2030 5.82 % Series B due 2032 5.66 % Series B due 2033 5.25 % Serics B due 2035 4.00 7o Series B due 2042 4.136 % Series B due 2046 3.685 % Series B due 2047 4.1 l0 % Series B due 2048 Corp 6000: 3.25 9/o weighted rate Noles 5.00 % Note due 2028 (Bacl To Top ) 9.4790/0 7.727o/o 7.3?7% 9.1630/o 3.3190/o 3.696% 6.360% 8.336% 6.5890/o 7 .l2lo/o 3.383% 7.06?% 6.714o/o 2.9660/o 6.727% 8.433% 8.55 r % 5.913o/o 5.723% 5.3t6% 4.062% 4.2260/o 3.7 54o/o 4.t450/0 3.250% 5.000% EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 159 of2l0 Section 3: EX-l0.ll (EXHIBIT l0.II) Effective lnterest Rate I)IRECTOR RI.]S'I'RICTED STOCK I]NI'I AWARD ACREEMENT This Agreement is entered into as of May 24, 201 8, between Northwest Nalural Cas Company. an Oregon corporation (the "Company"), and ("Recipicnt") NO\\'. l'HEREFORE. the parlies agree as follows Grant of Restricted Stock Units. Suhject to the temrs and conditions of this Agreement. the Company hcrcby grants to the Recipien1 restricted stock un ts (the "RSUs"). The grant of RStJs obligates the Company. upon vcsting in accordance with this one share ofCommon Stock ofthe Company (a "Share") for each RSU. The RSt,s do not include payments.'fhe RSUs are subject to forfeiture as set fbrth in Section 2.8 below. Agreement,to de'liv'er to the Recipient a right to any dividend equivalent cash 2. Vesting: Forfeiture Restriclion 2.1 Vestine Schcdulc. All ofthe RSLis shall initially hc unvested. Subject to Sections 2.2, 2.i, and 2.8, all ofthe RStls shall vest on the first anniversary ofthe date ofthis Agreement 2.2 E ffect ol ath or I)isabilitr lf Recipient's service as a director oflhe Company lelminates because of death or physical disabilitl (uithin the meaning ofSection 22(e)(3) ofthe Intemal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code")). all ofthe RSUs shall immediately vest. 2.3 Acceleration on Chan in Control All of the RSUs shall immediately vest if a ChanBe in Control (as defined in Section 2.4 below) occurs and at any time afler the earlier of Shareholder Approval (as detined in Section 2.5 below), ifany. or the Change in Control and on or before the second anniversary ofthe Change in Conlrol. (a) Recipient's service as a director is terminaled by the Company (or its successor) without Cause (as delined in Section 2.6 below). or (b) Recipicnt's service as a director is terminaled by Recipient for Good Reason (as defined in Section 2.7 below). Termination by the Company shall include any fhilure to re-elect Recipient as a director of the Company or elect Recipient as a dircctor of its successor. 2.4 Chanee in Control. For purposes ofthis Agreement, a "Change in Control" ofthe Company shall mean the occunence of an1 of the follo\l ing e\ents: (a) The consummation of: ( I ) any consolidation, merger or plan of share exchange involving the Company (a "Meqer") as a result ofwhich the holders ofoutstanding securities ofthe Company ordinaril,n.' having the right to vote for the election ofdirectors ("Voting Securities') EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 160 of2l0 Pursuant to the Company's Non-Employee Director Compensation Policy. the Organization and Executive Compensation Comrnittee (thc "Cornmittee") of the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") has awarded restricted stock units to Recipient pursuant to Section 6 ofthe Company's Long Term Incentive PIan (the "Plan"). Recipient desires to accept thc award subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Agrecmcnt. immediately prior to the Merger do not continue to hold at least 50% ofthe combined voting power ofthe outstanding Voting Securities ofthe sun ir ing corporation or a parent corporalion ofthe sur! iving corporation immedialel) after the Merger. disregarding anl Voting Securities issued to or retained by such holders in respect ofsecurities ofany other parly to thc Mergeri or (2) any sale, lease, exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a series of related transactions) of all. or substantially all. the assets ofthe Company; (b) At any time during a period of two consecutive y'ears. individuals rvho at the beginning ofsuch period constituted the Board ("lncumbent Directors") shall cease for any reason to constitute at Ieast a majority thereof; provided, however, that the term "lncumbent Director" shall also include each new direclor elected during such two-year period whose nomination or election was approved by two-thirds ofthe Incumbent Directors then in oftice: or (c) Any pcrson (as such term is used in Section l4(d) ofthe Securities F.xchange Acl of 19i4, other than the Company or any employee benefit plan sponsored by the Company) shall. as a result of a tendcr or cxchange offer, open market purchases or privately negotiated purchases from anyone other than the Company. have become thc beneficial owner (within the meaning of Rule l3d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), directly or indirectly, of Voting Securities representing twenty percent (20%) or more olthe combined voting power ofthe then outstanding Voting Securitics. 2.5 Shareholder Apprqy4[. lor purposes ofthis Agreefient, "Shareholder Approval shall be deemed to have occurred ifthe shareholders ofthe Company approve an agreement entered into by the Company, the consummation of which would result in the occurrence ofa Change in Control. 2.6 Cause. For purposes ofthis Agreement, "Cause" shall mean (a)the rrillful and continued failure bl Recipient to perform substantialll Recipient's duties as a director ofthe Companl' (other than anv such failure resulting from incapacitl due to ph) sical or mental illness) after a demand fbr substantial performance is delivered to Recipient b1 the Compan) which specifically identifies the manncr in which Recipient has not substantially perfbrmed such duties. (b) rvillful commission by Recipient ofan act offraud or dishonest-r rcsulting in economic or financial injury to the Company. (c) Nillful misconduct bl Recipient that substantially impairs the Company's business or reputation. or (d) lillful gross negligence by Recipient in the performance of his or her dulies. 2.7 Good Reason. For purposes ofthis Agreement. "Good Reason" shall mean the occunence after Shareholder Approral. ifapplicable. or the Change in Control. ofany' ofthe follouing circumstances. but onl.t" if(\) Recipient gives notice lo the Company of Recipient's inlent lo lerminate service as a director for Good Reason within 30 days after the later of( I ) notice to Recipient ofsuch circumstances. or (2) the Change in Control. and (y) such circumstances are not fully corrected by the Company within 90 days after Recipient's notice: 1 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page l6l of 210 (a) a reduction by the Company in Recipient's director cash retainers as in effect immediatell- prior to the earlier ofShareholder Approval, ifapplicable, orthe Change in Controll or (b) the lailure bl the Compan) to continue in etfecl an\ benelit or incentive plan in rvhich Recipient is participating immediatel) prior to the earlier ofShareholder Approval. ifapplicable. or the Change in Control (or plans proliding Rccipient \!ith at lcasl substantialll similar benefits) other than as a resull ofthe normal e\piration ofanl such plan in accordance rrilh ils terms as in effcct immedialely prior to the earlier ofShareholder Approval. ifapplicable. or the Change in Control, or the taking ofany action. or the failure to act. b1 the Companl rrhich uould adrersely affect Recipient's conlinued participation in any ofsuch plans on at least as tavorable a basis to Recipient is is the case immediately prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval, if applicable. or the Change in Control or thich rrould materiaily reduce Recipient's benefits in the f'uture under any ofsuch plans or depri!e Recipient ofan) material benefit enjoycd by Recipient immediately prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval. if applicable, or the Change in Control. 2.8 Forfeiture; Possible Restoration. IfRecipicnt ccases to be a director ofthe Company for any reason or for no reason. with or without cause. other than becausc ofdcath or physical disability (within the meaning ofSection 22(eX3) ofthe Code), any RStls that did not vest pursuant to this Section 2 or Section 4.2 at or prior to the time of such termination of board scrvicc shall be forfeited to the Con)panyl provided, however, that ifRecipient's service as a director is terminated by the Company without Causc or by the Recipient for Cood Reason after Shareholder Approval but before a Changc in Contml. any RSUs that are forfeited under tlris sentence shall be restored to the Recipient and vested ifa Change in Control subsequentlv occun within two years. 3. Deliven. As soon as practicable after the RSUs become vested. lhe Company shall deliver to Recipient lhe numberofShares undcrl-ving the RSUs. Nonvithstanding the foregoing. ifRecipient shall har,e made a ralid election to defer receipt ofthe Shares underlf ing the RSUs pursuanl to the terms ofthe Company's Defened Compensation Plan for Directon and Executives (the "DCP"), pal ment of the award shall be made in accordance with that election. 4. Sale ofthe Companv. lfthere shall occur a merger. consolidation or plan oi exchange inr o h ing thc Compan) pursuanl to which the outstanding shares ofCommon Stock ofthe Company are converted into cash or other stock, sccuritics or property, or a sale lease. exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a series of related transactions) of all. or substantially all. the assets of the Company. then either: 4.1 the unvested RSUs shall be converted into restricted stock units for stock ofthe surviving or acquiring corporation in the applicable transaction, with the amount and type ofshares subject thereto to be conclusively determined by the Committee, taking into account the relative values ofthe companies involved in the applicable transaction and the exchange rate. ifan1. used in determining shares ofthe surviving corporation to be held by the former holders ofthe Company's Common Stock following the applicable transaction. and disregarding fractional shares: or EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 162 of2l0 4.2 all ofthe unrested RSUs shall immediatell r'est and the underlying Shares shall bc delirered simultaneously uith the closing ofthe applicable transaction such that Recipiennrill panicipate as a shareholder in receiving proceeds from such transaction s,i1h respect to those Shares. 5.1 lf. prior to the vesting ofthe RSUS granled under this Agrecment. the outslanding Common Stock ofthe Company is increased or decreased or changed into or exchanged for a difl'erent number or kind of shares or other securities ofthe Company by reason ofany stock split, combination ofshares or dividend payablc in shares, recapitalization or reclassification, appropriate adjustment shall be made by the Committee in the nunlber and kind of shares subject to the unvested RSlls so that Recipient's proportionate interest befbre and after lhe occurrence ofthe eYent is maintained. Notrvithstanding the foregoing. the Committee shall hale no obli-sation to effect an) adjustment that $ould or might result in the issuancc offractional shares. and an1 fractional shares resulting from an\ adiustment ma) be disregarded or provided for in any manncr determined by lhe Committee. Any such adjustments made by the Committee shall be conclusive. 5.2 If the outstanding Common Stock ofthe Company is hereafter converted into or exchanged for all ofthe outstanding Common Stock of a corporation (the "Parent Successor'') as part ofa transaction (the "Transaction") in which the Company becomes a u holly-owned subsidiary of Parent Succcssor. then (a) the obligations under this Agreement shall be assumed by Parent Successor and references in this Agreement to the Company shall thereafter generally be deemed to refer to Parent Successor. (b) Common Stock of Parent Successor shall be issued in lieu ofCommon Stock ofthe Company under this Agreement. (c) service as a direclor ofthe Company for purposes of Section 2 of this Agreement shall include service as a director of either the Company or Parent Successor. 6. Approvals. lhe issuance by the Company ofauthorized and unissued shares or reacquired shares under this Agreernent is subject to the approval ofthe Oregon I'ublic Utility Commission and the Washington Utilities and Transponation Commission. but no such approvals shall be required for the purchase of shares on the open market for deliyery to Recipient in satisfaction of its oblisations under this Agreement. 1he obligations ofthe Company under this Agreement are otherwise subject to thc approval ofstate and federal authorities or agencies with jurisdiction in the matter. 'l hc Company will use its best efforts to take steps required by statc or federal law or applicable regulations. incJuding rules and regulations ofthe Securities and Erchange Commission and any stock exchange on rvhich the Company's shares may thcn be lislcd. in connection uith the arvard under this Agreement. The tbregoing notu,ilhstanding. the Compan1" shall not be obligated to issue or delivcr Common Stock under this Agreement if such issuance or deliverv would violate applicable state or federal law. .1 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 163 of2l0 5. Chanqes in Capital Structurc. 7. Miscellaneous. 7.1 Entire Agreementi Arnetdment. This Agrccment constitutes the entire agreement ofthc parties with regard to the subjects hereofand may be amended only by written agreement behveen the Company and Recipient. 7.2 Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in rvriting and shall be decmed sufficient when delivered personally to the party to whom it is addressed or when deposited into the United States Mail as registered or certified mail. retum receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed lo lhe Company, Attention: Corporate Secrelary, at its principal executive offices or to Recipienl al the address of Recipient in the Company's records. or at such olher address as such party may designate by ten ( l0) days' advance written notice to the other party. 7.3 Assignment: Rights and Benefits. Rccipient shall not assign this Agreement or any rights hereunder to any other pafty or parties \ryithout the prior rlritten consent ofthe Company. The rights and benefits ofthis Agreement shall inure to the benefit ofand be eniorceable by the Company's successors and assigns and, subject to the foregoing restriction on assignment, be binding upon Recipient's heirs. executors, administmtors. successors and assigns. 7.4 Funher Action. The pafties agree lo execute such further instruments and lo take such furlher action as may reasonably be necessary lo carry out the intent ofthis Agreement. 7.5 Applicable Lawl Attornevs' Fees. The lerms and conditions of this Agreement shall bc govemed by the laws ofthe State ofOreSon, ln the event either parb inslitutes litigation hereunder. the prevailing part! shall be entitled to reasonable attorne)'s' fees to be set by the trial court and. upon any appeal, thc appellate court. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 164 ol2l0 7.6 Counterparts. This Agreement may bc cxccuted in two or more counterparts. each of which shall be deemed an original. lN \VITNESS WHEREOF. the parties herelo have executed this Agreement as ofthe day and year first above written NORTHWI.]S'I' NATURAL GAS COMPANY IJr Title SVP & Chiei Administrati\ e Officer [Non-employee Director Name] 6 lllacfi li) Tonl Section 4: EX-10.L (EXHIBIT l0.L) IN DE]\INITY AGREEI\'I T]N'I' THIS AGREEMENT is made as of by and between Northwest Natural Gas Company, an Oregon corporalion (the "Company"). and ("lndemnitee"), a director or officer ofthe Company RECITALS A. It is essenlial to the Company to retain and attract as direclors and officers the most capable persons available. B. The increase in corporate litigation subjects directors and officers to erpensive litigation risks al the same time that the availabilitl and coverage ofdirectors' and officers' liability insurance have been reduced. C. lt is now and always has been the express policy ofthe Company to indemnifr its directors and olTicers so as to provide them rvith the maximum possible protection permitted by law. D. The Amended and Restated Articles of lncorporalion of the Company ("Restated Articles") require indemniflcation of the directors and officers ofthe Company to the fullest extent permitted by law. 'l'he Oregon Business Corporation Act (the "Act") e\pressl\ pro\,ides that the indemnification provisions set fonh in the Act are not exclusive. and therebl contcmplates that contracts ma) be entered into between lhe Company and members oflhe Board of Directors and olficen with respect to indennification of directon and officers- Services to the Company. Indemnitee will scrve or conlinue to serve as a director or officer of thc Company for so long as lndemnitee is dull, electcd or appointed or until lndemnitee tenders a resignation in rriting or is removed 2. Definitions. As used in this Agreement (a) The term "Proceeding" includes any threatened. pending or completed aclion, suil or proceeding, arbitrationEXHlBlT 2 mediation or investigation. rlhether brought in the right ofthe Companl' or otherrrise and Nhether ofa civil. criminal. adAl{isffEYMAN. DI investigati\e nature. in rvhich Indemnitee may be or ma; have been involved as a party or otherwise. by' reason of the $g51.fgf$pglhAff,n is or was a director or officer ofthe Company or is or was serving at the request of the Company as a director, ofllcer. empFltt ttgqSfb lOof another coryoration, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, rvhether or not serving in such capacit; at the time anT liabilin or expense is incurred for which indemnification or reimbursement can be provided under this Agreement. NOW. THEREI-'ORFl. thc Company and lndcmnitee agree as follows: L (b) The term "Expenses" includes. rrithout limitation. expenses of invesligations. judicial or administrative proceedings or appeals, attorneys' fees and disbursements and an] expenses ofestablishing a right to indemnilication under Section ll ol EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 166 of 210 this Agreement. bul does not include amounts paid in settlement by Indemnitee or the amount ofjudgments or fines against Indemnitee. (c) References to 'bther enterprise" includes employee benefit plans; references to 'fines" includes an) ercise ta\ assessed with respect to any employee benefit plan; references to 'serving at the request ofthe Company" includes any service as a director, officer. employee or agent ofthe Company which imposes duties on. or involves services by. such director, officer. employee or agent with respecl to an employee benefit plan, its panicipants or beneficiaries; and a person who acted in good failh and in a manner reasonably believed to be in the best interest ofan employee benefit plan shall be deemed to have acted in a manner "not opposed to the best interests ofthe Company" as referred to in this Agreement. 3. Indenlnitl in Third-Pafiv Proceedinqs. The Compan.r shall indemnily lndemnitee in accordance n'ith the provisions ofthis Section 3 if lndemnitee is a party to or threatened to be madc a parly to any Procccding (other than a Proceeding by or in the right of the Companv to procure ajudgment in its favor) against all Expen ses. j udgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incurred b1' Indemnitec in connection u ith the Proceeding. but only if Indemnitee acted in good faith and in a manner rvhich Indcmnitce reasonahly believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests ofthe Cornpany and, in the case ofa criminal proceeding. in addition, had no reasonable caus€ to believe that lndemnitee's conduct was unlawful. 4. Indemnin in Proccedings b\ or in the Right ofthe Cornpanl. The Companl shall indernnit_\ lndenrnitee in accordance rrilh thc provisions ofthis Section 4 if lndemnitee is a party to or threatened to be made a party to any Proceeding by or in the right ofthe Compan)' to procure ajudgment in its fa\or against all Expenses actualll and reasonably incuned by lndemnitee in connection s'ith the defense or settlement ofthe Proceeding. but onll if Indemnitee acted in good faith and in a manner u'hich Indemnilee reasonabll belier,ed to be in or not opposed lo the best interests ofthe Company. No indemnification for Expenses shall be made under this Section 4 in respect ofany claim. issue or matter as to which Indemnitee shall have been finally adjudged by a courl to be liable to the Company, unless and onll to lhe e\tenl that an)., court in $hich the Proceeding uas brought shall determine upon application that. despite the adjudication ofliabilitl' but in vierv ofall the circumstances ofthe case. Indemnitee is lairly and reasonabl-v entitled to indemnitr. 5. Indemnification ofExoenses ofSuccessful Partr. Not$, ithstanding an-v other prorisions ofthis Agreement. to the e\tent that Indemnitee has been successful, on the merits or otherwise. in defense ofany Proceeding or in defense ofany claim, issue or matter therein. including thc dismissal of an action u,ithout prejudice. the Company shall indemni$ lndemnitee against all Expenses incuncd in connection therewith. 6. Additional lndemniflcation, EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 167 of2l0 (a) The Company agrecs. as set forth in this Section 6(a). to indemni$ lndemnitee to the fullest e\tent permitted b) law. noh!ithstanding that such indenrnification may not be specifically authorized by the Restated Afiicles. the Companl's Bylaws, the Act or the other pro\,isions ofthis Agreement. Accordingly. nonrithstanding anl limitation in Sections J.4 or 5. the Companl shall indemnif lndemnitee to the fullest exlent permitted by law if Indemnitee is a party to or threatened to be made a party to any Proceeding (including a Procecding bY or in the right ofthe Compan]'to procure ajudgment in its favor) against alljudgments. fines. amounts paid in settlemcnt and Expenses actualJy and reasonably incuned by lndemnitee in connection with the Pmceeding. No indemnity shall be made under this Section 6(a) on account of Indemnitee's conduct which constitutes a breach of Indemnitce's duty of lol altl- to the Companl or its shareholders or is an act or omission not in good faith or rvhich invoh,es intentional misconduct or a knorring violation ofthe larv. (b) For purposes ofSection 6(a), the meaning ofthe phrase "to the lullest e\tent permined bl la$" includes. but is nol limited to: (i) to the fullest e\tent permitted by the provision oflhe Acl that authorizes or contenlplates additional indemnification by agreement. or the conesponding provision oIany amendment to or replacement ofthe Act; and (ii) to the fullesl cxtent authorized or permitted by any amendments to or replacemcnts of the Act adopted afier thc dale ofthis Agreement that increase the e\tent to thich a corporalion mal indemnit\' its ofTicers and directors. (c) The Compan) agrees to indemni$' Indemnitee for Erpenses if Indemnitee is called. in connection nith a Proceeding, as a non-party witness by reason ofthe fact that lndemnilee is or was a director or officer ofthe Company. 7. Exclusions. Nolvithstanding anl provision in this Agreement, the Company shall not be obligated under this Agreement to make any indemnity in connection rvith any cJaim made againsl Indemnitee: (a) for which payment has actually been made to or on behalf of Indemnitee under any insurance policy or other indemnity provision. e\cept with respect to any ercess belond the amount paid under any insurance policy or other indemnity provision (b) for any' transaction from \\hich Indemnitee derived an improper personal benefit: (c) for an accounting ofptofits made from the purchase and sale (or sale and purchase) by Indemnitee ofsecurities ofthe Company within the meaning ofSection l6(b) ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934. as amended, or similar provisions of state statutory or common law; (d) ifa court har ing jurisdiction in the matter shall finalh determine that such indemnification is not lau'fil under an1 applicable stanlte or public policy (and, in this respect. both the Company and lndemnilcc have been advised that the Securities and Erchange Commission belie\es that indemnification for liabilities arisine under the lederal securities laus EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 168 of2l0 is against public policy and is. therefore. unenforceahle and that claims lor indemnification should be submitted to appropriate courts for adjudication); or (e) in connection with any Proceeding (or part ofany Proceeding) initiated by lndemnitee, or any Proceeding by Indemnitee against the Company and its dircctors, officers, employees or other indemnitees, unless (i) the Company is expressly required by law to make the indemnification. (ii) the Proceeding was authorized by the Board ofDirectors ofthe Company. (iii) the Company provides the indemnification. in its sole discretion. pursuant to the powers vested in the Companv under applicable la$. or (iv) Indemnitee initiated the Proceeding pursuant to Section ll ofthis Agreement and Indemnitee is successful in rvhole or in pan in the Proceeding. 8. Advances ofExoenses. The Company shall pay the expenses incuned by Indemnitee in any Procceding in advance at the rvritten request of Indemnitee. if Indemnitee: (a) fumishes the Companl a written affirmation ofthe lndemnitee's good faith beliefthat lndemnitee is entitled to be indemnified bl the Companl' under this Agreement: and (b) furnishes the Companl,a rvritten undenaking to repal the adYance to the ertent that it is ultimately determined that lndemnitee is not entitled to be indemnified by the Compan). Advances shall be made without regard to lndemnitee's ability to repay the expenses and without regard to Indemnitee's ultimate entitlement to indemnification under the other provisions ofthis Agreement. Advances made under this Secrion 8 shall be paid by the Company to Indemnitee as soon as practicable but in any event within thirty (30) business days after written request by Indemnitee to the Company pursuant to this Section 8. 9- Notification and Defense of Claim. Not later than thirty (30) days after receipt by Indemnitee of notice of the commencement of anl Proceeding. Indemnitee rvill, if a claim in respect of the Proceeding is to be made againsl the Compan)' under th is Agreement. noti! the Compan) oflhe commencement ofthe Proceeding. The omission to notify the Companl uill not reliele the Companl' from an1' liabiliiy_, uhich it ma1'have to Indemnitee othenrise than under this Agreement. With respect lo an1 Proceeding as to rvhich lndemnitee notifies the Compan), ofthe commencement: (a) The Company will be entitled to parricipate in the Proceeding at its own expense. (b) Ercept as othenvise provided beloN. the Compan)' ma!'. at its option and jointl)' with an1' other indemnili ing panl similarll' notified and electing to assume such defense. assume the defense ofthe Proceeding. with legal counsel reasonabl)' satisfactor) to the Indemnitee. Indemnitee shall ha!e the right to use separate legal counsel in the Proceeding. but the Companl' shall not be liable to Indemnitee under this Agreement. including Section 8 above, for the fees and expenses of separate legal counsel incuned affer notice from the Company of its .l I]XHIT]IT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Pagc 169 ol2 J0 assumption ofthe defense, unless (i) Indemnitee reasonably concludes that there may be a conflict ofinterest between the Company and lndemnitee in the conduct ofthe defense ofthe Proceeding or (ii) the Company does not use legal counsel to assume the defense ofsuch Proceeding. The Company shall not be entitled to assume the defense ofany Proceeding brought by or on behalfofthe Company or as to llhich lndemnitee shall have made the conclusion provided for in (i) above. (c) Iftrvo or more persons rvho may be entitled to indemnification tiom the Company. including the lndcmnitce. are parlies to any Proceeding, the Company may require Indemnitee to use the sarne legal counsel as the other pa ies. Indemnitee shall have the right to use separate legal counsel in the Proceeding. but the Compan)' shall not be liable to lndemnitee under this Agreement. including Section 8 above, for the fees and expenses of separate lcgal counsel incurred after notjce from the Company of the requirement to use the same legal counsel as the other parties. unless the Indemnitee reasonably concludes that there may bc a conflict ofinterest bet\r'een Indemnitee and any ofthe other parties required by the Company lo be represented by the same legal counsel. (d) The Companl" shall notbe liable to indemnify lndemnitee under this Agreement for an) amounts paid in settlement of anl, Proceeding effected \!ithout ils lrritten consent. nhich shall not be unrcasonably uithheld. Indcmnitee shall permit the Compan)'to settle an! ProceedinB the defense ofrvhich it assumes. except that the Compan) shall not settle an) action or claim in any manner u,hich would impose an1 penalty or limitation on lndemnitee u ithout Indernnitee's rvritten consent. which rnal be given or withheld in lndemnitec's sole discretion, 10. Procedure Upon Application for Indemnification. Anf indemnification under Sections 3.4.5 or6 ofthis Agreement shall be made no later than 90 da1 s afler receipt ofthe u riften request of Indemnitee for indemnification and shall not require that a determination be made in accordance with the Act by the persons specified in the Act that indemnification is required under this Agreement. However, unless it is ordered b)', a court in an enforcemenl action under Section I I ofthis A-ereement. no such indemnification shall be made ifa determination is made u'ithin such 90-day period by (a) the Board of Directors by a majority vote of a quorum consisting ofdirectors who were not parties to the Proceeding, or (b) independent legal counsel in a written opinion (which counsel shall be appointed ifa quorum is not obtainable), that the lndemnitee is not entitled to indemnification under this Agreement. I l. Enforcement. Indemnitee ma1 enforce any right to indemnit'ication or advances granted bv this Agreement to lndemnitcc in an) court of competent jurisd iction if(a) thc Compan) denies the claim for indemnification or advances. in u'hole or in pafi. or (b) the Company does not dispose ofthe claim within 90 days ofa written request for indemnification or advances. Indemnitee. in the enforcement action. ifsuccessful in \hole or in part. shall be entilled to be paid also the erpensc ofprosecuting the claim. It shall be a defense to any such enforcemcnl action (other lhan an action broughl to enforce a claim for advancement of Expenses pursuant to Section 8 abovc. illndemnitee has tendered lo the Company the required affirmation and undertaking) that Indemnitee is not entitlcd to indemnification under this EXI IIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 170 of2l0 5 Ae.reement. but the burden ofproving this defense shall be on the Companl. Neither a lhilure ofthe Company. (including its Board of Directors or its shareholders) to make a determination prior to the commencement ofthe enforcement action that indernnification of lndemnitee is proper in the circumstances, nor an actual determination by the Company (including its Board of Directors or its shareholders) that indemnification is improper shall be a detense to the action or create a presumption that Indemnitce is not entitled to indemnification under this Agreement or other$ise. The termination olanl Proceeding by judgment. order ofcoufl. settlement. conviction or upon a plea of nolo-contendere. or its equivalent. shall not. of itself. create a presumption that Indemnitce is not entitled to indemnitication under this Agrecmcnl or other\\isc- 12. Partial Indemnification. lflndemnitee is entitled under an1 provisions ofthis Agreement to indemnification bl'the Compan) for some or part ofthe Erpenses. j udgments. fines and amounts paid in setllement actually and reasonably incuned by Indemnitee in the investigation. defense. appeal or settlement ofanv Proceeding but not. hoNever. for the total amount. the Company shall indemniS lndemnitee fbr the portion of the Expenses. judgmcnls. fines and amounts paid in settlement to which Indemnitee is entitled. i3. Nonexclusivitv and Continuin* ofRishts. The indemnillcation provided bl this Agreement shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which Indemnitee may be entitled under the Restated Articles. the Company's Bylaws, any other agreement. any yote of shareholders or directors, the Act, or otherwise. both as to action in Indemnitee's official capacig, and as to action in another capacitl tthile holding office. The indemnification under this Agreement shall continue as to Indemnitee eren though lndemnitee ceases to be a director or officer and shall inure to lhe benefit ofthe heirs and personal representatives of Indemnitee. 14. Business Conbinations. ll any person or group (as defined in Section 1 3(d)(i ) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as anrended) acquires the legal right to elect a majo ty ofthe Board ofDirectors ofthc Company in a transaction or series oftransactions that has not received the prior approval ofthe Board of Directors ofthe Company. the Cornpany or its successor, as the case may be, shall. lbr a period oftu,o lears tbllorving the date that such legal right is acquired (the 'Trigger Date"). maintain anv and all directors and officers' Iiability insurance in etl'ect prior to the Trig-eer Date that cor ers lndemnitee. 15. SeYerabilitl . lf th is Agreement or ani po(ion of it is invalidated on an1 ground b1 an1 courl of competent j urisdiction. the Company shall indemnifl lndemnitee as to E.rpenses. judgments. fines and amounts paid in settlement rvith respect to an) Proceeding to the full extent permitted b) an) applicable portion ofthis Agreement that is not ini,alidated or b1 any other applicable larv or anangement. 16. Subrogalion. ln the event ofpayment under this Agrcement, the Company shall be subrogated to the extent ofsuch payment to all ofthe rights of recovery of Indemnitee, Indemnitee shall execute all documcnts required and shall do all acts that may be necessary to secure such rights and to enable the Company etlictivell to bring suit to enlorce such rights. 17. Modification and Waiver. No supplement. modification or amendment of th is Agreement shall be binding unless e\ecuted in wriling by both parties. No waiver ofany ofthe 6 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 171 of 2 )0 pro\ isions in this A greement shall constitute a $ aiver of anr other pror isions of th is Agreenlent (\\tether or not sim ilar) nor shall anl $ai\er constitute a continuing \Rirer, unless expressll stated in an) \\ai\er. 18. Notices. All notices. requests. demands and other communications under this Agreement shall bc in rvriting and shall be deemed to have bcen duly given (a) upon delivery ifdelivered b1 hand to the partv to \\hom the notice or othcr communication shall ha\e been directed or (b) if mailed by cerritied or registered mail with postage prepaid. on the third business day after the date on $hich it is so nrailed: (i) Ifto Indemnitee. at the address indicated on the signature page ofthis Agreement (ii) Ifto the Company. to Northwest Natural Cas Company 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 Attention: President or to any other address as may have been fumished to Indemnitee by the Company. 19. Countemarts. The parties may execute this Agreement in two counterparls. each of rvhich shall constitute the original. 20. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in accordance with the law ofthe state ofOregon 21. Successors and Assisns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Company and its successors and assigns. 7 EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER Page 172 of2l0 l),1 WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed as of the day and year fin;l written above. NORTIIWEST NAI'URAI- GAS COMPANY B): S ignature Type or Print Name Type or Print Name T itl.Addrcss ti Section 5: EX-10.M (EXHIBIT 10.M) AMENDED ANI) RESTATED INDEMNITY ACREEMENT TIIIS ACRIIIIMI-.N'I' is made as of hy and bctwce n Northwe st Natural Holding Company. an Oregon corporation (the "Company'), as successor in interest to Northwest Natural Cas Company, and director or officer olthe Company. ("lndemnitee"), a RECITALS A. It is essential lo the Company to relain and attract as directors and officers the most capable persons available. B. The increase in corporate litigation subjects directors and officers to erpensile litigalion risks at the same time that the availabilig and coverage ofdirectors'and officers' liabilit) insurance hare becn reduced. C. It is now and always has been the express policy ofthe Company to indemnify its directors and officers so as to pror,ide them rvith the maximum possible protection permittsd b) la\\. D. The Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation ofthe Company (the "Restated Articles") require indemnit'ication ofthe directors and officers ofthe Company to the fullesl extent permi(ed by law. The Oregon Business Corporation Act (the "Act") expressll- provides that the indemnll'ication provisions set forth in the Act are n01 exclusive, and thereb)' contemplates that contracls ma) be entered into between the Company and members ofthe Board ofDirectors and officcrs with respect to indemnification ofdirectors and officers. NOW. THERFII"ORFI. the Company and lndemnitee agree as follows: Services to the Compan!, Indemnitee rvill serye or continue to sen,e as a director or officcr olthc (lorrPanY i.bxillhr 2as Indemnitee is du11" elected or appointed or until Indemnitee tenders a resignation in rvriting or is removed PALFREYMAN. DI 2. Delinitions. As used in this .Agreement: GEM STATE WATER (a) The term "Proceeding" includes any threatened. pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, arbitrf,f&: l7l of 210 mediation or investigation. ivhether brought in the right ofthe Compan) or othenvise and rvhether ofa cilil. criminal. adminisrative or investigatile nature. in uhich Indemnitee ma1'be or ma1, haYe been inYolved as a part)' or othenrise. bl reason ofthe fact that lndemnitee INDEMNITEE Br: Sisnature rBirck It Iop) t. is or was a director or ollicer ofthe Company or is or was serving at the request ofthe Company as a director. officer, employee or agent of another corporation. partnership, joint venture. trust or other enterprise. whether or not serving in such capacit) at the time any liabilitl or expense is incuned for rvhich indemnilication or reimbursement can be provided under this Agreement. (b) The term "Expenses" includes. \\ithout limitation. erpenses of investigations. judicial or administrative proceedings or appeals. attorneys' fees and EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 174 of2l0 disbursements and ant- e\penses ofestablishing a dght to indemnification under Section ll ofthis Agreement. but does not include amounts paid in seltlemenl b), Indemnitee or the amount ofjudgments or fines against Indemnitee. (c) References to'bther enterprise" includes employee benefit plans; references to "fines" includes an) excise ta\ assessed with respecl to any employee benefit plan; references to "serving at the request ofthe Company" includes any service as a direclor, officer, employee or agent ofthe Company which imposes duties on, or involves services by, such director. officer, employee or agent with respect to an employee benefit plan, its participants or beneficiaries; and a person who acted in good faith and in a manner reasonably believed to be in the best interest ofan employee benefit plan shall be deemed to have acted in a manner "not opposed to the best interests ofthe Company" as referred to in this Agreement. 3. Indemnitr in Third-Pany Proceedines. The Companv shall indemnifl lndemnitee in accordance with the provisions ofthis Section 3 if Indemnitee is a party to or threatened to be made a party to any Proceeding (other than a Proceeding by or in the right of the C0mpany to procure a judgmcnt in its favor) against all Drpenses. judgmcnts. fines and amounts paid in settlem€nt actually and reasonabll incurred by- lndemnitee in connection uith the Proceeding. but only il Indemnitee acted in good faith and in a manner uhich lndemnitee reasonably believcd to be in or not opposed to the bcst intercsts ofthe Company and, in the case ofa criminal proceeding, in addition, had no reasonable cause to believe that lndemnitee's conduct rvas unla$tLl. 4. Indemnitl in Procecdings b]' or in the R ight of the Compan,r . '[ he Companl shall indernnitl Indemnitee in accordance rtith the provisions of this Section 4 if Indemnitee is a party to or threatened to be made a party to any Proceeding by or in the right ofthe Companl to procure a judgment in its favor against all Espenses actualll and reasonabll incuned bl lndemnitee in connection $ ith the defense or settlement of the Proceeding. but onll if Indemnitee acled in good faith and in a manner t hich lndemnitee reasonabll belier ed to be in or not opposed to the best interests oflhe Company. No indemnification for Expenses shall be made under this Section 4 in respect ofany claim, issue or matler as lo which Indemnitee shall have been finally adjudged by a court to be liable to the Company. unless and onl) to the e\lent that an) court in rvhich the Proceeding rvas brought shall determine upon application that. despite the adjudication ofliability but in vieu'ofall the circumstances o[the case. lndemnitee is fhirll and reasonabll enthled to indemnit]. 5. lndem n ification of Ernenses of Successtul Partr. Nohrithstanding any other provisions ofthis Agrccmcnt. to thc e\tcntlhat Indernnitee has been successful, on the merits or othenlise, in defense ofany Procceding or in defense ofany claim. issue or nratter therein. including the dismissal olan aclion rvithout prejudice. the Compan) shall indemnifl lndemnitee against all Expenses incuned in connection thcrc$,ilh. 6. Additional Inderrniilcation. (a) The Companl agrees, as set fonh in this Section 6(a). to indemni! lndemnitee to the fullest ertent permitted by law. not\\ ilhstanding that such indemnification ma1 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 175 of 210 not be specifically aulhorized by the Restated Articles, the Company's Bylaws, the Act or the other provisions ofthis Agreement. Accordingly. notrvithstanding any limitation in Sections 3.4 or 5. the Compan) shall indemnill Indemnitee to the fullest extent permitted by law if Indemnitee is a party to or threatened to be made a party to any Proceeding (including a Proceeding by or in fie righl ofthe Company to procure a judgment in its favor) against all .iudgments, lines. amounts paid in settlement and F)rpenses actualll and reasonably incuned by Indemnitee in connection with the Proceeding, No indemnity shall be made undcr this Section 6(a) on account of Indernnitee's conduct which constitutes a breach of Indemnitee's duty of loyalty to the Company or its shareholders or is an act or ornission not in good laith or rrhich invoh,es intentional misconduct or a knou ing r,iolation ofthe larr. (b) For purposes ofSection 6(a). the meaning ofthe phrase "to the fullcst c\tent permitted b) la$r'includes. but is not limited to: (i) to the fullest extent permitted by the provision ofthe Act that authorizes or contemplates additional indemnification by agreement, or the coresponding provision ofany amendment to or replacement ofth€ Act; and (ii) to the fullest extent authorized or permitted by any amendments to or replacements ofthe Act adopted after the date of this Agreement lhat increase the extent to \\hich a corporation ma! indemnill its officers and directors. (c) The Companl agrees to indemnifl' Indemnitee for Expenses if lndemnitee is called. in connection tith a Proceeding. as a non-party witness by reason ofthe fact that lndemnitee is or was a director or ollicer ofthe Company. 7. Exclusions. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement. the Company shall not be obligated under this Agreement to make any indemniry in connection with any claim made against Indemnitee: (a) for which payment has actually been made to or on behaifof Indemnitee under any insurance policy or other indemnity provision. e\cept uith respect to an)' excess belond the amount paid under anl insurance policl' or other indemnitl" provision: (b) lor an1 lransaction from uhich lndemnitee derived an improper personal benefit: (c) for an accounting ofprofits made fiom the purchase and sale (rr sale and purchase) by lndemnitee ofsecurities ofthe Company within the meaning ofSection l6(b) ofthe Securities Exchange Act of I934. as amended, or similar pmvisions of state statutory or common law: (d) ifa court having jurisdiction in the matf€r shall finall) determine that such indemnification is not lau'ful under any applicable statute or public policy (and, in this respect. both the Company and lndemnitee have been advised that the Securities and Exchange Commission belieres that indemnification for liabilities arising under the federal securities larls EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 176 of2l0 is against public policy and is. therefore. unentbrceable and that claims for indemnification should be submitted to appropriate coufts for adjudication); or (e) in connection with any Proceeding (or parl ofany Proceeding) initiated by Indemnitee. or any Proceeding by Indemnitee against the Company and its directors, officers. employees or olher indemnitees, unless (i) the Company is expressly required by law lo make the indemnification, (ii) the Proceeding was authorized by the Board of Directors ofthe Company, (iii) the Company provides the indemnification, in its sole discretion. pursuant to the poners vesled in the Company under applicable law. or (iv) lndemnitee initiated the Proceeding pursuant to Section I I of this Agreement and Indemnitee is successful in rvhole or in part in the Proceeding. 8. Advances ofExpenses. 1'he Company shall pay the expenses incuned by lndemnitee in any Proceeding in advance at the u'ritten request of Indemnitee. if Indemnitee: (a) t'umishes the Company a rvritten affinnation ofthe lndemnitee's good faith beliefthat Indemnitee is entitled to be indemnified by the Compan) under this Agreement; and (b) lurnishes the Company a rvritten undeftaling to repa.\ the advance to the extent that it is ultimately determined that Indemnitee is not entitled to be indemnified b) the Companl. Advances shall be made without regard to lndemnilee's ability to repay the expenses and without regard to lndemnilee's ultimate entitlement to indemnification under the other pro!isions ofthis Agreement. Advances made under this Section 8 shall be paid by the Company to lndemnitee as soon as practicable but in any event within thiny (30) business days after written request by lndemnitee to the Company pursuant to this Section 8. 9. Notification and Defense of Claim. Not later than thifly (30) days afler receipt by lndemnilee ofnolice ofthe commencement ofanl Proceeding. lndemnitee till. ifa claim in respect ofthe Proceeding is to be made against the Companl under this Agrcement. notilj the Company ofthe commencement ofthe Proceeding. The omission to notil) the Companl- rvill not relieve the Companl lrom any liability rvhich it mav have to Indemnitee otheruise than under this Agreement. With respect to any Proceeding as to which lndemnitee notifies the Company ofthe commencement: (a) The Company will be entitled to participate in the Proceeding at its own expense. (b) Ercept as othenvise provided belol'. the Companl ma).at its option and jointly uith ani other indemniling pan)' similarly notified and elecling to assume such defense. assume the defense oflhe Proceeding. rvith legal counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnitee. lndemnitee shall have the right to use separate legal counsel in the Proceeding, but the Company shall not be liable to Indemnitee under this Agreement, including Section 8 above, for the fees and expenses of separate legal counsel incuned aftcr notice from the Company of its .t FXHIBIT 2 PAt,FREYMAN, T)I GI]I\4 STATE WATER Page 177 of 210 assumption ofthe defense, unless (i) lndemnitee reasonably concludes lhat there may be a conflict of inlerest between the Company and Indemnitee in the conduct ofthe defense ofthe Proceeding or (ii) the Company does not use legal counsel to assume the defense ofsuch Proceeding. The Company shall not be entitled to assume lhe defense ofany Proceeding brought by or on behalfofthe Company or as to which Indemnitee shall hare made the conclusion provided for in (i) above. (c) lfhro or more persons who mav be entitled to indemnification from the Compan). including the Indemnitee, are parties lo any Proceeding. the Company may require Indemnitee to use the samc legal counsel as the other parties. Indemnitee shall have the right to use separate legal counsel in the Proceeding. but the Company shall not be liable to Indemnitee under this Agreement. including Section 8 above, for the fees and expenses ofseparate legal counsel incuned after notice from the Company ofthe requirement to use the same legal counsel as the other parlies. unless the lndemnitee reasonably concludes that there may be a conflict of interest between Indemnilee and any ofthe other parlies required by the Company to be represented by the same legal counsel. (d) The Company shall not be liable to indemnify lndemnitee under this Agreement for an) amounts paid in settlement of anv Proceeding ell'ected without its rvri(en consent. rvhich shall not be unreasonably rvithheld. Indemnitee shall permit the Company to settle any Proceeding the defense of which it assumes. except that the Compan) shall not settle an) action or claim in any manner which rvould impose any penaltv or limitation on Indemnitee rvithout lndemnitee's wdtten consent. $hich may be given or ivithheld in lndemnitee's sole discretion. 10. Procedure Upon Application for Indemnificalion. Anf indemnification under Sections 3.4. 5 or 6 ofthis Agreement shall be made no later than 90 dal s after receipl of the u ritten request of lndemnitee for indemnification and shall not require that a determination be made in accordance wilh lhe Act by the persons specified in the Act that indemnification is required under this Agreement. However. unless it is ordered b)' a court in an enforcement action under Section ll ofthis Agreement. no such indemnification shall be made ifa determinalion is made rvithin such 90-day period by (a) the Board ofDirectors by a majority vote ofa quorum consisting ofdirectors who were not parties to the Proceeding, or (b) independent legal counsel in a written opinion (which counsel shall be appointed ifa quorum is not obtainable). that the Indemnitee is not entitled to indemnif,calion under this Agreement. I l. Enforcement. Indemnitee may enforce any right to indemnification or adrances granted by this Agreement to Indemnitee in an) court of competent j urisdiction if(a) the Compan) denies the claim for indemnification or adrances. in rrhole or in part. or (b) the Company does not dispose ofthe claim within 90 days ofa written request lbr indemnification or advances. Indemnitee, in the enforcement action. ifsuccessf'ul in rrholc or in pan. shall be entitled to be paid also the erpense ofprosecuting the claim. lt shall be a def'ense to any such enforcement action (other lhan an action brought to enforce a claim for advancement of Expenses pursuant to Section 8 above, if Indemnitee has tendered to the Company the required allrmation and undertaking) that Indemnitee is not entitled to indemnifi cation under this -5 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 178 of210 Agreement. but the burden ofproving this defense shall be on lhc Company. Neither a failure ofthe Company (including its Board of Directors or its shareholders) to make a determination prior to lhe commcncement ofthe enlbrcement action that indemnification of lndemnilee is proper in the circumstances. nor an aclual determination by the Company (including its Board of Directors or its shareholders) that indemnification is improper shall be a defense to the action or create a prcsumption that lndemnitee is not entitled to indemnification under this Agreement or otherwise. The termination of anl Proceeding by judgmcnt, order of court. settlement. conviction or upon a plea of nolo-c0ntendere. or its equivalent. shall not. ol itself. create a presumption that lndcmnitee is not entitled to indemnification under this Agreement or other$'ise. 12. Partial Indemnification. Iflndemnitee is entitled under anl provisions of this Agreemcnt to indemnification b) the Company for some or part ofthe Expenses. judgments. fines and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably incuned bl lndemnitee in the investigalion. defense. appeal or settlement of any' Proceeding but not, ho\rever. for the total amount. the Company shall indernnil-v lndemnitee for the portion of the Expenses. iudgments. fines and amounts paid in settlement to Nhich Indemnitee is entitled. li. Nonerclusivitr and Continuitv ofRiehts. The indemnification provided by this Agreement shall not be deemed erclusive ol any other rights to which Indemnitee may be entitled under the Restated Articles, the Company's Bylaws. any other agreernent, any vote of shareholders or directors, the Act. or otherwise, both as to action in lndemnitee's official capacity and as to action in another capacitv uhile holding office. The indemnification under this Agreement shall continue as to lndemnitee even though Indemnitee ceases to be a director or ofllcer and shall inure to the benefit ofthe heirs and personal representatives of lndemnitee. 14. Busincss Combinations. I f any penon or group (as detined in Scction I 3(d)(3 ) of the Securities Flxchange Act of I 934. as amended) acquires the legal right to elect a ma.ioriLv of the Board of Directorc ofthe Company in a tmnsaction or series of transactions that has not received the prior approval of the Uoard of Directors of the Company, the Company or its successor. as th!' casc may be, shall. for a period of t\o lears lollouing the date that such legal right is acquired (the "Triggcr l)ate'). maintain an1 and all dircclors and officers' liability insurance in eflcct prior to the Trigger Datc that corers Indemnitee, 15. Sererabili lf this Agreement or anl portion of it is invalidated on any ground by any coufi of competent jurisdiction. the Companl shall indemnifl lndemnitee as to Erpenses. judgments. fines and amounts paid in settlement with respect to an) Proceeding to the full ertent permitted b)' an) applicable portion ofthis Agreement that is not invalidated or br anv other applicable lat or anangement. 16. Subroeation. In the event ofpayment under this Agreemenl, the Company shall be subrogated to theextentofsuch payment to alI ofthe rights ofrecovery of Indemnitee. lndemnitee shall execute al] documents required and shall do all acts that may be necessary to secure such rights and to enable the Company effectively' to bring suit to entbrce such rights. 17. Modification and Waiver. No supplement. modillcation or amendment ofthis Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing by both parties. No waiver ofany ofthe EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 179 of2l0 6 provisions in this Agreement shall constitute a rlaiver ofan) other provisions ofthis Agreement (uhether or not similar) nor shall an1 n,aiver conslitute a continuing lvaiver. unless expressly stated in any waiver. 18. Notices. All notices. requests. demands and other communications under this Agreement shall be in $'riting and shall be deemed to have been duly given (a) upon delivery ifdelivered bl" hand to the pan) to $hom th€ notice or oth€r communication shall have been directed or (b) if mailed by certified or registered mail with postage prepaid, on the third business day after the date on which it is so mailed: (i) Ifto Indcmnitee. at lhe address indicalcd on lhe signature page ofthis Agreement. (ii) If to the Compan),, to Northwest Natural Holding Company 220 N.W. Second Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 Attention: President or to any other address as may have becn lurnished to lndemnitee by the Company 19.Corr rts. The parties nla) execute this Agreement in 1\\o counterparts. each ofrrhich shall constitute the original. 20. Applicable Law. This Agreemenl shall be govemed by and conslrued in accordance with lhe law ofthe state ofOregon. 2l . Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Companv and its successors and assigns. 7 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 180 of 210 lN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed as ofthe day and year firsl wrifien above. NORTI IWIST NATURAL HOLDING COM PANY INDIIII{NITEE Bv Br: Signaturc Signaturc Iypc or Print Name I illc Address lt lllack Io Iopr Section 6: EX-10.Q (EXHIBIT 10.Q) As amended effective October l. 2018 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY EXECUTIVE ANNUAL INCENTIVE PLAN This amended Executive Annual lncentive Plan (the "Plan") is executed by Northwest Natural Gas Company, an Oregon corporation (the ''Company"). eflective October l, 2018. Effective October l, 2018, the Company became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Northwest Natural Holding Company ("Parcnt") and holders of Company comnron stock became holders of Parenl common stock ("Parent Cornmon Stock"). PTJRPOSI OF PLAN 'lhe success ofthe Company is dependent upon its ability to attmcl and retain the services ofkey executives ofthe highest competence and to provide incentives for superior perlormance. 'lhe purpose of the plan is to advance the interests of the Company and its shareholders through an incentive compensation program that rvill attract and retain key executives and motivate them to achiere performance goals. PROGRAM'TF]RM This Plan is an annual incenlive plan and each new calendar year commences a new Program Tcrm. [:ach Program Term will begin on January I and conclude on December 31. EXHIBIT 2 PARTICIPATION PALFREYMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER All executive officers of thc company and any other highly compensated employees as designated by the Company's Or@@fr8fl add l0 Executive Compensation Committce (the "Committee") are eligible to receive awards ("Awards") under the Executive Annual lncentive Plan. Type or Print Name At the beginning ofeach Program Term. the Committee shall determine eligibility for Arvards and establish for each participant. the target incentive level as a percentage of year-end annualized based salary ("Target Award"). l his information will be set forth in Exhibit I of the Plan document for the Program Term. Each such participating employee shall be refened to as a "Participant." To be eligible for payout ol an Arvard the Pafticipant must have a minimum of three months of service during the ProBram Term. If the Participant is a nerv employee or is nervll' eligible to participate in the Plan. that Paflicipant must bc in an eligible position on or beforc September 30 ofthe Program Term and will receive a prorated Award. ln addition, thc Panicipant must bc employcd by the Company or Parcnt on December 3 l of the Program 'l crm to bc cligible lor payout of the Award lor the Program 'ferm unless the Participant is eligible for a prorated Award as provided in the next sentence. Eligibility lbr a prorated Award occurs when a Panicipant has three or more EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER Page 182 of2l0 months of participation in the Program Term but the Participant's employment is terminated prior to December 3l of the Program Term due to one o[ the lbllorving: Retiremenl (unless such Retirement results from a termination of the Participant's emplolment b1 the Company or Parent for Cause). disabilit-v and death. Prorated Awards will be determined by prorating the Panicipant's final Arlard b;' the number ofdays employed during the Program Term. "Retirement" shall mean termination olemplolment after Participant is (a) age 63 Nith at least fir'e rears of service as an cmploree oflhe Company and Parent, or (b) age 55 with age plus years of service (including fractions) as an employee of thc Company and Parent totaling al least 70. "Cause shall mean (a) thc rrilliul and continued failure b1 a Participant to perlbrm substantiall) the Participant's assigned duties rrith thc Companl or Parent (other than an) such failure resulting lrom incapacity due to ph)sical or mental ilJness) after a demand lor substantial performance is dclivered to the Participant by the Companl or Parent $hich specifically' identifies the manner in which the Panicipant has not substanlialll pertbrmed such duties. (b) willful commission by a Participant of an acl of lraud or dishonesty resulting in economic or financial injury to the Compan) or Parent. (c) rvilltul rnisconduct b1 a Panicipant that substantially impairs the Company's or Parent's business or reputation. or (d) rviJlful gross negligence b1' a Panicipant in the performance of his or her duties. In the event of a change in job position during the Program 'l'erm, the Committee may. in its dismetion, inmease or decrease the amount of a Participant's A\ryard to reflect such change- INCENTIVI I:ORMI.]I.A The formula lbr calculating Arrards for each Program Term is as lollorrs Participant Award COM PANY PERFORMANCE I]ACTOR The Company performance goals in the Plan are intended to align the inter€st of Participants with those ofthe shareholders. The goals and the formula for determining the Company Performance Factor will be established by the Committee at the staft ofeach Program Term and set forth as Exhibit ll. The Committee may, at any time, approve adjustments to the calculation of the results under any Company performance goal to take into account such unanticipated circumstances or significant, non-recurring or unplanned events as the Committee may determine in its sole discretion, and such adjustments may increase or decrease the results. Possible circumstances that ma1" be the basis for adjustments shall include. but not be limited to. anl- change in applicable accounting rules or principles: an1 gain or loss on the disposition ofa business: impairment of assets: dilution caused b!'acquiring a business: tar changes and tax impacts of other changes: changes in applicable laus l-argel Award , [( Company Performance X Factor (CPF) CPF Factor Weight Prioritr i Indir idual Performance Factor X (IPF))- ( Pi IPF Factor Weight )l EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GE\4 STATE WATER Page 183 of2l0 and regulations: changes in rate case timing: changes in the Compan) 's slructure; and any other circumstances outside of managemenl's control. PRIORITYi INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE F'ACI'OR 'lhe P/lPF \\eight used in calculating the Prioriti /lndiv idual Performance Factor u'ill be established for each Participant b_v the Committee at the beginning of the Program Term and set forth as pafl of E\hibit l. Also included in Exhibit I rvill be the CPF Factor Weight lor the Company Performance Factor. Priority,/lndividual goals for each Participant will be cstablished al lhe beginning of each Program Term and performance against lhese goals will be assessed by the Participant's superior and approvcd by the C.E.O. at the end ofthe Program Term. This assessment rYill result in a rating on a scale of0% to 175%. This rating is called the Priorill /lndir idual Performance Factor. The Panicipant rvill not receive a payout under the Prioriti /lndilidual Performance component of an Arvard if thc Prioriry/lndividual Performance Factor is less than 50%. ADM INISTRATION Award payouts will be calculated and paid no later than the March 15 following the end ofthe Program Term. Award payouts are subject to tax withholding unless the Participant made a prior clection to defer the Award payout under the terms of the Defened Compensalion Plan for Directors and Executives ("DCP"). All Award payouts shall be auditcd by the Internal Audit department and approved by the Committee prior to payment, The Plan shall be administered b1 the Committee. The Committee shall have the exclusive authority and rcsponsibilitl for all matters in connection with the operation and administration ol the Plan. Decisions b-v the Committee shall be flnal and binding upon all parties alfected b1 the Plan. including the benellciaries of Parlicipants. The Committee may rely on information and recommendations pmvided by management. The Committee may delegate to management the responsibility for decisions that it may make or actions lhat it may take under lhe terms of the Plan, subject to the Committee's reserved right to review such decisions or actions and modi$ lhem when necessary or appropriate under the circumstances. The Committee shall not allow any employee to obtain conlrol over decisions or actions that affect that employce's Plan benefits. RECOL]PMI-]N I' ON [ARNINGS RESTATIMENT If al any time before a Change in Control and within three years after the payout of Awards for a Program Term, Parent's financial statements for that Program Term are the subject ofa restatement due to the Misconduct ofany person. each Participant who received an Award payout for that Program Term (whether or not such Participant was personally involved in such Misconduct) shall repay to the Company the Excess Bonus Compensation (as defined below). For purposes of the Plan, "Excess Bonus Compensation" for an1' Participant means the positive dift'erence. ifany, J EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 184 of 210 between (i) the Participant's A\r'ard palout as originalll calculated. and (ii) the Participant's Award payoul as recalculated with the results for Company performance goals being based on Parent's financial statements as reslated. Excess Bonus Compensation shall not include any amounts in respect of any individual performance goals or in respecl of Company performance goals that are not measured in wholc or in parl on financial results reponed in Parent's financial statements. The Committee ma1-. in its sole discretion. reduce the amount of Excess Bonus Compensation to be repaid by any Participant to take into account the tax consequences of such repayment for the Participant. lf any portion of an Award payout was deferred under the DCP, any Excess Bonus Compensation to be repaid with respect to thal Award shall first be recovered by canceling all or a portion of the amount so defened under the DCP and any interest credited under the DCP with rcspect to such cancelled amount. The Company may seek direct repayment lrom the Participant of any Excess Bonus Compensation nol so recovered and may, to the extent permitted by applicable law. oflsel such Excess Bonus Compensation against any compensation or other amounts o\ cd by the Compan! 10 the Participant. In panicular. Excess Bonus Compensation may bc rccovered br ofliet against the after-tax procccds of deferred compensation payouts under the DCP. lhe Compan)''s Executire Supplemental Retirement Income Plan or the Company's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan at the times such defened compensation payouts occur under the terms of those plans, Excess Bonus Compensation that remains unpaid for more than 60 days after demand by the Company shall accrue interest a1 the rate used from time to time for crcditing interest under the DCP. "Misconduct" shall mean (a) rvillful commission by anl person ofan act of fraud or dishonestl- or (b) rvillful gross negligence by an1 person in the performance of his or her duties. "Change in Control" shall mean the occurrence ofanl ofthe follo\ing e\ents: (a) The consummation ol: (i) anl, consolidation. merger or plan of share exchange involving Parent (a "Merger") as a result of which the holders of outstanding securities ofParent ordinarily having the right to vote for the election ofdirectors ("Voting Securities") immediately prior to the Merger do not continue to hold at least 50% of the combined voting power of the outstanding Voting Securities of the surviving corporation or a parent corporation ofthe surviving corporation immediately after the Merger. disregarding any Voting Securities issued to or retained by such holders in respect of securities ofany other party to the Merger: (ii) anl consolidation. merger. plan of share exchange or other transaction inlolving the Companl. as a result of \thich Parent does not continue to hold. directll or indirectll. at least 50% ofthe outstanding securities of lhe Companl ordinarill having the right to vote for the election ofdirectors; or (iii) any sale, lease, exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a series of rclated transactions) of all, or substantially all, the assets ofParent or the Company; .1 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 185 of 210 (b) At any time during a period of tno cons€cutive years. individuals who at the beginning of such period constimted Parent's Board of Directors ("lncumbent Directors") shall cease for any reason to constitute al least a majority thereof; provided. however, that the term "lncumbent DirectoC'shall also include each new director elected during such two-year period whose nomination or election was approved by two-thirds ofthe Incumbent Directors then in office: or (c) Any person (as such term is used in Section l4(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, other than Parent or any employee benefit plan sponsored by Parent) shall. as a result ofa tender or exchange offel open markct purchases or privatcly negotiated purchases from anyone other than Parcnl, have become the beneficial owncr (within the meaning of Rule l3d-l under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934). directly or indirectly. ol Voting Securities representing twenty percent (20%) or more of the combined voting power ofthe then outstanding Voting Securities. AMLNDI\4LNTS AN D'f IIRMIN A'IION The Board has the porver to terminate this Plan at any time or to amend this Plan at an)'time and in an1' manner that it mal- deem advisable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Plan was duly amended effective as of October I , 201 8. NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY 81: /si DAVID H. ANDERSON David H. Anderson President and Chief E\ecuti\ e Officer i EXI IIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 186 of2l0 Exhibit I Effective January 1, 2019 Participants, Target Awards and lndividual Performance Program Term: January 1,2019 - December 31, 2019 6 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 187 of2l0 Exhibit ll Company Performance Factor Program Term: January 1,2019 - December 31,2019 Company Performance Factor Formula: (Nel Incomc Conlponent x 7t.13%(Opcralions Componcnt x lE.i7%Company Performance Factor Net lncome Component: The Net lncome (Nl) Component will be determined using the formula in Note 1 below using Holding Company consolidated Nl results. The table shows values rounded. 20lr) \l Rr\ull\\l Performance ( omponcnt 50o,'o t00% 175",1, Notsa on Nl Component: 1) Values between those shown above will be interpolated using the formula shown below Regression lnterpolation Line for Nl between $_ and $_ is y = _x -and line for Nlbetween $_ and$_isy=_x-where X is the Nl results for the year 2) Flnal Nl Number will be rounded to two places to the right of the decimal. This will be the same number as reported lo shareholders before any approved exceptions. 7 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 188 of2l0 I Operations Component: The Operations Component (previously called Expanded Key Goals which aligns with BU and NBU incentive goals) for 2019 will be determined using the following formula and table: Sum of (Goal Performance Rating Goal Weight Oper. Component Factor( I ) 2019 Operational Goals Goals Goal Performance Rating Goal Weight ('ustomar Satisfscli(ln (Orcrallt Cu!t. S{t, % oli % Ratins tw% 100% l(t.661'k ('urtomer Satisfaclion (Enrplo! ee/Customcr Inlcraction ) (lu$t. Ssl. yo Rating 0% 100% 200% I $.661vo lUArket Share & Cro$th (Tolal Ncw Meter Sets) 'lbtal \eN Ileter Scts Ratins 09'o t 00% 200% 16.(t61"/" lla[age Costs in Senice Customc$ (O&l\,1 E\pensc l,er Cuslonrr) t-rnenrc Per ( ustomer Ratins 09" to00/. 1000/r 16.667 D/o llcalth and Safety.Damsges (Danagesr 9/o ofcalls */ rcsponsc lcss than 60 minulcs) ''l, ( ,ll lt\0.Rslins 00,'. 100% 2ot% 16.661"/" Ilesllh and Safet!.odor Resp. (oi) Calls w,/response timc lcss than 60 minutes) u/o ( all Rsp.Relins 0% 100"/" 1.00% t 6.661yn I00% Notes on Operations GoalS ll Goal ratings will be inlerpolated between amounts shown. I r The Goal Performance Rating for each goal is limited to 200%. I ) The Operations Component is limited to 200olo and the aggregate performance Irom this component for use in the EAIP is limited to 1 75% 8 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 189 of 210 ) Final Notes on Company Performance Factor and General: l) Final EAIP Participant Awards to participants will be rounded uptothe nearest $1,000. 2) Final Nl results for 20'19 could be adjusted for the impacl of certain events as determined by the OECC (Back Io l op) Section 7: EX-10.SS (EXHIBIT 10.SS) ANNUAL INCENTIVE PLAN NW Natural Gas Storage LLC ("company", or "the compan"v") PURPOSE The purpose ofthe Annual Incentive Plan (AlP) is to recognize and reward Non-Bargaining Unit (NBU) employees who have performed well and contributed to successful company performance as measured by key performance indicators. PROGRAM TERM This Plan is an annual incentive plan and each new calendar year commences a new Program Term. Each Program Term will begin on January I and conclude on December 31. PARTICIPATION All NBU regular employees ofthe company arc cligiblc to participate in the Annual Incentive Plan. For all purposes ofthis AlP, a person who is an employee of Northwest Natural Gas Company (NW Natural) on f'ull-time assignrnent to the company and designated by the Company Board of Directors (BOD) shall be considered 1o be a regular cmployee of the company during the period of that lull-time assignment. In these situations. a designated participant in this AIP shall not be eligible tbr incentile compensation from NW Natural. NW Natural Ov€rsight If the President of NWNGS is considered by NW Natural to be an executive officer of NW Natural for purposes of public disclosure. any decision of the BOD under this AIP that aft'ects an award to the President shall be subject to and conditioncd ,pSn OS-OpE-{lrJ-Bq[].PALFREYMAN, DT that decision by the Board of Direclors of NW Natural or as delegated by the Board of Directors of NW Natural to hq,0fgflIi{qtp$antF,n Executive Compensation Committee. Page 190 of2l0 9 To be eligible for an award the Participant must have been employed by the company in an NBU role for at least one month during the Program Term. ln addition. the Participant must be employed on the date of the plan payout to be eligible for any award for the Program Term unless the Participants'emplolment is terminated prior to the palout date of the Program Term due to one of the follouing: retiremen(*). disabilitl or death. Board approved e\ception due disposition ofan affiliated business $hich results in the participant's termination ol'employmenl with NWn'GS. Prorated awards will be determined by prorating the Participant's final auard b1 the number of days employed during the Progrdm Term. In the case ofa Board approved exception due to disposition ofan affiliated business occurring during the Program Term, the participant's proraled award will be based upon their target award and not aclual Company performance for the Program Term. Such arvard rvill be paid \'vithin thirt) (30) dals tbllorving the completion of the transition period as defined b1' the Board, The disposition of Gill Ranch Storage qualifies as Board approved and the Board will define the end ofthe transition period, However, pafiicipating employees with Company approved Retention Agreements, will be eligible for prorated AIP awards consistent rvith such agreements, Emplorees rho transler to or from emplo)ment or full-tinre assignment to Northwest Natural or another subsidiarl'rvill be eligible lbr a prorated award bascd upon the numberofdays they were eligible to participate in the AIP. (+) Relirement is defined as a minimum of5lears of senice (tith the compan] or uith an affiliate companl) and age and senice equals 70. INCENTIVE TARGETS Target incentive award opportunities will be established by salary grade for each Plan Year and approved by the Board of Directors. The target incentive levels fbr each salary grade are shorvn in Erhibit I to the Plan document for the Plan Year. 'Ihe target inccntive opportunity is assigned by salary grade and calculated bl mulliplyinS the 'l-arget Incentive percentage times the following for each emplol ec categorl': NBU Salary Paid/Exempt Annual Base Salary as of[)ecembcr Jl" ol'thc plan rear NBU Hourly Paid/Non-Exempt Actual eligible earnings. including regular pa). o\ertime pa). & lump sum merit palments INCf,NTIVE FORMULA The fbrmula fbr calculating the incentive arvard for the Program Term is as lollous: Participant Award = Target Award X (CPF X CPF Factor Weigh| + (lPF X IPF Factor Weight)) COMPANY PERFORMANCE FACTOR (CPF) Ihc company perlirmrance goals in the Plan are intended to align the interest of Participants with those ofthe com IIXIIIBIT 2 formula for determining the Company Performance Factor will bc established by the NW Natural Gas Storage, LLC 0oar$Spiry6y11g (lhe "Board of Direclors") at the start of each Program Term and set forth as Exhibit lla and Exhibit Ilb. After the goals and formula are o",,lffLF,BEYtr{&N. DI' 6EM STATE WATER established for a Program Term. the Board of Directors retains discretion to modil.r the goals and formula. including adjusling the calculation ofanr financial or other goal to eliminate the etlects ofsignilicant ertraordinary'. non-recuning or unplanned items. INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE FACTOR (IPF) The IPF \aei-qht used in calculating the Individual Perlbrmance Factor will be established for each Participant by the President, subject to the approval ol the Board of Directors at the beginninB of the Program Term. Indii,idual goals lbr each Participant rvill be established by the Participant's leader (subject to the approval ofthe President, and for the President subject to the approval ofthe Board of Directors) at the beginning of each Program Term. Performance against these goals will be assessed by the Participant's leader at the end of the Prograrn Term (subject to the approval ofthe President. and for the President subject to the approval of the Board of Directors). 1'his assessment u ill rcsult in a rating on a scale of 0 to L 5 (he *l ndividual Performance Factor"). The Participant rvill not recei\,e an award if the Individual Pcrformance Factor is less than 0.5. ADMINISTRATION Awards will be calculated and paid no later than March I 5 following the end of the Program Term. Awards are subject to tax \.vithholding unless the Panicipant made a prior election to defer the Award under the terms of the NW Natural Gas Company Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors and Executives if they are eligible for this plan. All awards shall be audited and approved by the Board ofDirectors p or to paymenl The Plan shall be administered by the Board of Directon. llxcept to the extent provided under "NW Natural Oversight" above. The Board of Directors shall have the exclusive authorit) and responsibiliq for all matters in connection rrith the operation and administration of the Plan. Except to the extent provided under "NW Natural Oversight: above. Decisions by the Board of Directors shall be final and binding upon all panies affected b1 the Plan. including the beneficiaries of Participants. The Board of Directors may rely on information and recommendations provided by management. 'l he Board of Directors may delegate to managernent the responsibility for decisions that it may makc or actions that it may take under thc tcrms ofthe Plan, subjcct to the Board of Directors reserved right to review such decisions or actions and modify them when necessary or appropriate under the circumstanccs. The Board of Directors shall not allow any employee to obtain control over decisions or actions that aflect that employee's Plan benefits. AMENDMENTS AND TERMINATION The Board of Directors has the pouer 10 terminate this Plan at an) time or to amend this Plan at an! time and in any manner that it ma) deem advisable. (tsack lo I op) Section 8: EX-l0.2 (EXHIBIT l0.Z) EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATIIR Page 192 of2l0 PERt-'OR]\4ANCE SHARL LONC TERM INCENTIVE AGR[EI\,IINT This Agrecmcnt is cntered into as of February . 2019. between )'Jorthwest Natural Holding Company. an Oregon corporalitrn (thc Company"), and ("Recipient"), On February .2019, the Organization and Execulive Compensation Committee (the "Committee") ofthe Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") authorized a perfbrmance-based stock award (the "Award") to Recipient pursuant to Section 6 ofthe Company's Long Term lncentiYe Plan (the "Plan"). Recipient desires to accept the A\ ard subject to the lerms and conditions ofthis ,Agreement. NOW. THEREFORE, the parlies agree as follows: l. Award. Subject to the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. the Company shall issue or otherwise deliver to the Recipient the number of shares ofCommon Stock ofthe Company (the "Performance Shares") delermined under this Agreement based on (a) the performance oflhe Company during lhe three-year period from January l, 2019 to December i l. 2021 (the "Award Period") as described in Section 2 and (b) Recipient's conlinued employment during the Award Period as described in Section 3. lf the Company issues or otherwise delivers Performance Shares to Recipient. the Company shall also pay to Recipient the amounl ofcash determined under Section 4 (the "Dividend Equivalent Cash Award"). Recipient's "Target Share Amount" for purposes ofthis Agreement is shares. 2. Perlbrmance Conditions. 2.1 Payout Factor. Subject to possible reduction under Seclion 3, the number of Performance Shares to be issued or olherwise delivered to Recipient shall be determined by multiplying the Payout Factor (as defined below) by the Target Share Amount. The "Payout FactoC' shall be equal to (a) the 'fSR Modifier as determined under Section 2.2, multiplied by (b) the EPS Payout Factor as determined under Section 2.3 below; provided, howevcr, that the Payout Factor shall not be greater than 200% and thc Payout Factor shall be 0% if the ROIC Performance Threshold (as defined in Section 2.4 below) is not satisfied. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ifa Change in Control (as defined in Section 3.7) occurs before the last day ofthe Award Period, the Payout Factor shall be 1007o. 2.2 TSR N4oditier TSR Percentile Rank TSR Nlodifier less than 25% 25o/o lo 7 5o/o more than 75% 10094 125o/o (b) To determine the Company's "TSR Percentile Rank." the TSR ofthe Company and each ofthe Peer Croup Companies (as defined below) shall be calculated. and l00l7.l.l9E I 00555i0-00ljj EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER Pagc 193 o1210 (a) The "l'SR Modifier" shall be determined under the table below based on the TSR Percentile Rank (as defined below) ofthe Company: the Peer Group Companies shall be ranked based on their respective TSR's from lorvest to highest. lf the Company's TSR is equal to the TSR of any other Peer Croup Company, the Company's TSR Percenlile Rank shall be equal to the number of Peer Group Companies with a lower TSR divided by the number that is one less than the total number of Peer Group Companies. with the rcsulting amount expressed as a percentage and rounded to the near€st tenth ofa percentage point. Ifthe Company's TSR is between the'ISRs ofany two Peer Croup Companies, the TSR Percentile Ranks ofthose two Peer Croup Companies shall be determined as set forth in the preceding sentence. and lhe Company's TSR Percentile Rank shall be interpolated as follows. 'Ihe excess ofthe Company's TSR over the TSR ofthe lower Peer Group Company shall be divided by the excess ofthe TSR ofthe higher Pecr Group Company over the TSR ofthe lower Peer Group Company. The resulting fraction shall be multiplied by the difference between lhe TSR Percentile Ranks ofthe two Peer Croup Companies. The product ofthat calculation shall be added to the TSR Percentile Rank ofthe lower Peer Group Company, and the resulting sum (rounded to the nearest tenth ofa percentagc point) shall be the Company's TSR Percentile Rank. I'he intent ofthis definition of TSR Percentile Rank is to produce the same result as calculated using the PERCENTRANK t'unction in Microsoft Excel to determine the rank ofthe Company's TSR within the anay consisting ofthe 1'SRs ofthe Peer Croup Companies. (c) The "Peer Group Companies" consist of those companies that were components of the Russell 2500 Ulilities Index on October l, 2018 and that continue to be components of the Russell 2500 Utilities lndex through December 3 l. 202 | . Ifthe Russell 2500 Utilities lndex ceases to be published prior to December 31, 2021, the Peer Group Companies shall consist ofthose companies that were components ofthe Russell 2500 Utilities Index on October l, 2018 and that continued to have publicly-traded common stock through Decernber 31, 2021. (d) The"TSR" forthe Company and each Pe€r Group Company shall be calculated by (l)assumingthat $100 is invested in the common stock ofthe company at a price equal to the average ofthe closing market prices ofthe stock for the period from October l, 2018 to December 31. 2018. (2) assuming that for each dividend paid on the stock during the Award Period. the amount equal to the dividend paid on the assumed number ofshares held is reinvesled in additional shares at a price equal lo lhe closing market price ofthe stock on lhe ex-dividend date for the dividend. and (3) determining the final dollar value ofthe total assumed number of shares based on the average ofthe closing market prices ofthe stock for the period from October I, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The "TSR" shall then equal the amount detennined by subtracting $100 fiom the foregoing final dollar value. dividing the result by 100 and €xpressing the resulting ti"ction as a percenlage. (e) Ifduring the Award Period any Peer Group Company enters into an agreement pursuant to which all or substanlially all ofthe slock or assets ofthe Peer Group Company r,rill be acquired by a third party (a "Signed Acquisition"), and ifthe Signed Acquisition is nol compleled by the end ofthe Award Period. lhen thal company shall not be a Peer Croup Company. Ifa Signed Acquisition of a Peer Croup Company is terminaled (other than in connection with the execution of another Signed Acquisition) before the end ofthe Award Period, then that company shall remain a Peer Croup Company. and the TSR lor that Peer Croup l EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 194 of 210 Company shall be calculated as provided in Scction 2.2(d), except that ifthe announcement ofthe termination ofthe Signed Acquisition occurs during the last three months ofthe Award Period, for purposes of determining the final dollar value under clause (3) of Section 2.2 (d), the three-month period for which closing market prices are averaged shall be shortened to exclude any trading days preceding the announcement of the ternrination ol the Signed Acquisition. 2.1 EPS Payout Faclor. (a) The "EPS Payout Factor" shall be determined under the table below based on the Cumulative EPS Achievement Perccntagc (as defined below) achieved by the Cornpany lbr the Award Period: Cumulative EPS Achieyement Percentage LIPS Pavout Factor 0% 40% r 00% I 85% Ifthe Company's Cumulative EPS Achievement Percentage is between any two data points set forth in the first column ofthe above table. the EPS Payout Faclor shall be interpolated as follows. The excess ofthe Company's Cumulative EPS Achievenrent Percentage over the Cumulative EPS Achievement Percenlage ofthe lower data point shall be divided by lhe excess ofthe Cunrulative EPS Achievement Percentage ofthe higher data point over the Cumulative EPS Achievement Percenlage ofthe lower data point. The resulting fraction shall bc multiplied by thc diflerence between the EPS Payout Factors in the above table corresponding to the two data points. The product of that calculation shall be rounded to the nearesl hundredth ofa percentage point and then added to the EPS Payout Factor in the above table conesponding to the lower data point. and the resulting sum shall be the EPS Payout Factor. (b) The Company's "Cumulative EPS Achievement Percentage" for the Award Period shall equal the Cumulative EPS (as defined below) divided by the Cumulative EPS Target (as defined below), expressed as a percentage and rounded to the nearest tenth of a percentage point. (c) The Company's "Cumulative EPS" forthe Award Period shall equal the sum ofthe Cornpany's diluted eamings per share ofcommon stock ("EPS") for each ofthe three years in the Award Period. Subject to adjustment in accordance \ryith Section 2.5 below. the Company's diluted earnings per share ofcommon stock for any year shall be as sct lorth in the audited consolidated financial statements of the Compan; and its subsidiaries for that year. After giving et'fecl to an1 adjustments required by Section 2.5, the EPS for each year shall be rounded to the ncarest penny. (d) The Company's "Cumulative EPS Target" for the Award Period shall equal the sum ofthe EPS targets approved by the Committee for each ofthe three years in EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 195 of2l0 the Award Period. The EPS target for the firsl year of the Award Period as approved by the Committee is S_. Within the first 90 days oflhe second year ofthe Award Period. the Committee shall approve the EPS targel for that year, Within the first 90 days ofthe third year ofthe Award Period, the Committee shall approve the EPS target for that year. 2.4 ROIC Performance Threshold (a) For purposes of this Agreement- the "ROlC Pertbrmance Threshold" shall be satisfied if thc Companl's Average ROIC (as defined below) for the Award Period is greater than or equal to _%. (b) The Company's "Average ROIC" for the Award Period shall equal thc simple average ofthe Company's ROIC (as delined below) for each ofthc three years in the Award Period. rounded to the nearest hundredth ofa percentage point. The Company's "ROIC" for any 1'ear shall be calculated by dividing the Company's Adjusted Net lncome (as defined below) for the year by the Company's Average Long Term Capital (as defined below) for the year, and rounding the result to the nearest hundredth of a pcrcentage point. Subject to adjustment in accordance with Section 2.5 bclow. the Company's "Adjusted Net lncome" tbr anr'year shall be equal to the Company's net income lbr the year. increased by the Company's interest expense. net for the year and reduced by the (iompany's interest income (including net interest on defened regulatory accounts) for the year, in each case as set forth in the Company's Annual Report on Form I 0- K for that year. "Average Long Term Capital" for any year shall mean thc avcrage of the Company's Long Term Capital (as defined below) as ofthe last day ofthe year and the Company's Long Term Capital as ofthe last day of the prior year. Subject to adjustment in accordance with Section 2.5 below, [,ong Tcrm Capital" as ofany date shall equal the sum ofthe Company's (rtal sharcholders' equity as olthat date and the Conlpany's long-term debt (including cuncnt maturities) as ofthat date, in each case as set lorth on the audited consolidated balance sheet ofthe Company as of that date. 2.5 EPS and ROIC Adiustmcnts. The Comminee may, at any time. approve adjustments to the calculalion of Cunulative EPS and/or Average ROIC to take into accounl such unanticipated circumstances or signit'icanl, non-recurring or unplanncd cvents as the Committee may detennine in its sole discretion, and such adiustments may increase or decrease Cumulative EPS and./or Average ROIC. Possible circumstances that may be the basis for adjustments shall include, but not be limited to, any change in applicable accounting rules or principles; any gain or loss on the disposition of a business; impairment of assets; dilution caused by Board approved business acquisition: ta\ changes and tax impacts of other chanses: changes in applicable laus and rcgulations: changes in rate case timing changes in the Company's structure; and any other circumstances outside of manaeement's control. 3.1 Except as provided in Sections 3.2,3.3 or 7.2, in order to receive a payout of Perfbrmance Shares, Recipicnt must be employed by the Company or any parent or subsidiary ofthe L-ompany (the "Employer') on the last day ofthe Award Period. -1 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 196 of2l0 i. Emplor ment Condition. 3.2 lf Recipient's employment by the Emplo),er is lerminated at any time prior to the end ofthe Award Period because ofdeath, physical disability (within the meaning ofSection 22(e)(3) ofthe lntemal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code")), or Retirement (unless such Retirement results t'rom a termination of Recipient's emplolment b! the Emplol-er for Cause). Recipient shall be entitled to receive a pro-rated award. The number of Pcrformance Shares to be issued or otherwise delivered as a pro-rated award under this Section 3.2 shall be determined by multiplying the number of Performance Shares determined under Section 2 by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number ofdays Recipient was employed by Employer during the Award Period and the denominator of which is the number ofdays in the Award Period. If Recipient's employmenl by the Ilmployer terminates because of Retiremenl, dealh or physical disability and a Change in Control subsequenlly occurs before the end of the Award Period, the number of Performance Shares determined under Section 3.1 shall immediately be paid to Recipient. lf a Change in Control occurs and Recipient's ernplo) ment b), the Employer subsequently t€rminates before the end olthe Award Period because ofRetirement, death or physical disability. the number of Performance Shares determined under Section 3.3 shall immediately be paid to Recipient. .1.3 CIC Acceleration (a) lfRecipient is a party to a Change in Control Severance Agreement with the Company or a parent or subsidiary ofthe Companl . Recipient shall immediatel) be paid a pro-rated award if Recipient becomes entitled lo a Change in Control Severance Benefit (as defined below). The number of Performance Shares to be issued or otherwise delivered as a pro-rated award under this Section 3.3 shall be determined b) multiplying the Target Share Amount by a fraction. the numerator of \vhich is the number of days Recipient was employed by the Employer during the Award Period and the denominator of which is the number of days in the Award Period. A "Change in Contrcl Severance Benefit" means thc scverance benefit provided fbr in Recipient's Change in Control Severance Agreement with the Company or a parent or subsidiary ofthe Company; provided, however. that such severance benefit is a "Change in Control Severance Benefit" for purposes ofthis Agreemenl onl] if. under the terms ofRecipient's Change in Control Severance Agreement. Recipient becomes enlitled lo lhe severance benefit (i) after a Change in Control ofthe Company has occurred, (ii) because Recipient's employment with the limployer has been terminaled by Recipient for good reason in accordance with the terms and conditions ofthe Change in Control Severance Agreement or by the Employer other than for cause, and (iii) because Recipient has satisfied any olher conditions or requirements specified in the Change in Control Severance Agreement and necessary for Recipient to become entitled to receive the severance benefit. For purposes ofthis Section 3.3(a), the tenns "change in control." "good reason," "cause" and "disabilitv" shall have the meanings set fonh in Recipient's Change in Control Severance Agreement. (b) lfRecipient is not a party toa Change in Control Severance Agreement with the Company ora parent or subsidiaq ofthe Companl. Recipient shall immediatell be paid a pro-rated award in the amount slated in Section 3.3(a) if a Change in Control (as defined in Section 3.7 below) occurs and al any time after the earlier of Shareholder Approval (as defined in Seclion 3.8 below), ifany, or the Change in Control and on or before the 5 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 197 of 210 second anniversary ofthe Changc in Control. (i) Recipient's employment is t€rminated by the Employer (or its successor) without Cause (as defined in Section 3.6 below), or (b) Recipient's employment is terminated by Recipient lbr Cood Reason (as defined in Section 3.9 below). 3.4 IfRecipient's employment by the Employer is lerminaled at any time prior lo the end ofthe Award Period and Section i.2,3.3 or 7.2 does not apply to such termination. Recipient shall not be entitled to receive any Pcrformance Shares. i.5 'Retirement" shall mean termination ofemployment (a) on or after the first anniversary ofthe date of this Agreement, and (b) after Recipient is (1) age 62 with at leasl five years ofservice as an employee ofthe Company or a parent or subsidiary ofthe Company. or (2) age 60 with age plus years ofservice (including fractions) as an employee ofthe Company or a parent or subsidiary of the Company totaling at least 70. 3.6 "Cause" shall mean (a) the rvillful and continued failure by Recipient to peform substantialll Recipient's assigned duties uith the Employer (other than any such failure resulting from incapacity due to phlsical or mental illness) afler a demand tbr substantial performance is delivered to Recipient bl the Employer r'ihich specifically identifies the manner in \\'hich Recipient has not substantiall) performed such duties. (b) uillful commission b1 Recipient ofan act of fraud or dishonestl resulting in economic or llnancial injun to the Compan),or Emplo)'er. (c) rillful misconduct bi Recipient that substantialll impairs the business or reputation ofthe Company or Employer. or (d) uilltul gross negligence b) Recipient in the peformance ofhis or her duties. 3.7 For purposes ofthis Agreement. a "Change in (bntrol" olthe Company shall rnean the occurrcnce ofany ofthe lollorr ing er cnts (a) The consummation of': (l) any consolidation, merger or plan ofshare exchange involvinglhe Company (a "Merger") as aresult of which the holders of outstanding securities of the Company ordinaril,r' having the right to vote lor the election of directors ("Voting Securities") immediately prior to the Merger do not continue to hold at least 50% ofthe combined voting power ofthe outslanding Voting Securities ofthe sun,iving corporation or a parcnt corporation ofthe sun'iving corporation immediateh alter the Merger. disregarding an1 Voting Securities issued to or retained by such holders in respect ofsecurilies ofany other pary* to the Mergert or (2) any consolidation, merger, plan of share exchange or other transaction involving Noflhwest Natural Cas Company ('NW Natural") as a result ofwhich the Company does not continue to hold. directly or indirectly, at least 50% ofthe outstanding securities ofNW Natural ordinarill having the right to !otc for the election ofdirectors; or (3) any sale, lease, exchange or other transfer (in one lransaction or a series ofrelated transactions) of all, or substantially all, the assets ofthe Company or NW Natural; 6 EXHIBIT 2 PALFRI.,YMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER Page 198 of2l0 (b) At anr time during a pcriod oftrr o consecuti\ e ) ears. indir iduals $ ho at the beginning oi such period constituted the Board ("lncumbent Directors") shall cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority thereof; providcd. however, that the term "lncumbent Director" shall also include each new dircctor elcct€d during such two-year period whose nomination or election was approved by two-thirds ofthe Incumbcnt Directors then in oUice: or (c) Any person (as such term is used in Section l4(d) ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 19i4. olher than the Company or any employee benefit plan sponsored by the Company or NW ),,latural) shall, as a resull ofa lender or exchangc offer. open market purchases or privately negotialed purchases from anyone other than the Company, have become the beneficial owner (within the meaning ofRule l3d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of l9l4), directly or indirectly, ofVoting Securities representing twenty percent (20%) or more of the combined voting power ofthe then outstanding Voting Securities. 3.8 For purposes of this Agreement, Shareholder Approval" shall be deemed to have occurred ifthe shareholders of lhe Company appmve an agreement entered into by the Company, the consummation of which would result in the occurrence ofa Change in Control. 3.9 For purposes ofthis Agreement, "Good Reason" shall mean the occuncncc after Shareholder Approval, if applicable. or the Change in Control. ofan_v ofthe follorving circumstances. but onl) if(x) Recipient giles notice to Employer of Recipient's intent to terminate employment for Good Reason within 30 days after the later of ( l) notice lo Recipient of such circumstances. or (2) thc Change in Control. and (y) such circumstances are not lully conected by the Employer within 90 days after Recipient's notice: (a) the assignment to Recipient of a different title, job or responsibilities that rcsults in a decrease in the lei,el of Recipient's responsibilit); provided that Good Reason shall not erist if Recipient continues to haye the same or a greater general level of responsibilit-v for the former Employer operations after the Change in Conftol as Recipient had prior to the Change in Control even though such responsibilities har,e necessarill' changed due to the formcr Emplol er operations becom ing a subsid iaq or division o f the sun iv ing company; (b) a reduction by the Employer in Recipient's base salary as in effect immediatell prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval. ifapplicable, or the Change in Controll (c) the failure b) Flmplover to continue in etlect anl emplol ee benefit or incenti\e plan in uhich Recipient is participating immediatel) prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval- if applicable. or the Change in Control (or plans provid ing Recipient \!ilh at leasl substantialll similar benefits) other than as a resull ofthe normal expiration ofan1, such plan in accordance rvith its terms as in effect immediately prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval, if applicable, or the Change in Control, or the taking of any action, or the thilure to act. by Employer which would adversell affect Recipient's continued participation in any of such plans on at least as favorable a basis to Recipient as is the case immediately prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval, if applicable. or the Change in Control or uhich uould nraterialll reduce Recipient's benefits in the future under any of such plans or deprive Recipient 7 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 199 of2l0 of an)., material benefit enjoled b1'Recipient immediatel) priortotheea ier ofShareholder Approval, ifapplicable. or the Change in Control; (d) the failure by the Emploler to provide and credit Recipi€nt with the number ofpaid vacation days to which Recipient is then entitled in accordance with the Employer's normal vacation polic,v. as in effect immediately prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval, if applicable, or the Change in Control; or (e) the Employer's requiring Recipient to be based more than 30 miles from where Recipient's office is located immediately prior to the earlier ofShareholder Approval. ifapplicable, or the Change in Control except for required travel on the Emplol'er's business to an e\tent substantiall)' consistent \\'ilh the business travel obligations rrhich Recipient undertook on behalfofthe Employer prior to the earlier of Shareholder Approval, if applicable, or the Change in Contrcl. 4. Dividend Equivalent Cash Award. The amount ofthe Dividend Equiralenl Cash Auard shall bc dctcrmined b1' multiplving the number of Performance Shares deliverable to Recipient as determined under Sections 2 and 3 by the total amount ofdividcnds paid per sharc of the Company's Common Stock for which the dividend record date occured after the beginning of the Award Period and beforc the date ofdelivery ofthe Perlbmrance Shares. 5. Certification and Parment. At the regularl!' scheduled meeting ofthe Committee held in Februarl ofthe lear immediateli follorling the final 1'ear ofthe Auard Period (the "Certitication Meeting"), the Committee shall review the Company's results for the Award Period. Prior to the Certification l\4eeting, the Company shall calculate the number of Performance Shares deliverable and the amount ofthe Dividend Equivalent Cash Award payable to Recipient. and shall submit these calculations to the Committee. At or prior to the Certilication Meeting. the Committee shall certiry in $,riting (rvhich may consist ofapprored minutes ofthe Certification Meeting) the number of Performance Shares deliverable to Recipient and the amount ofthe Dividend tsquivalent Cash Award payable to Recipient. Subject to applicable tax withholding, the amounts so certified shall be delivered or paid (as applicable) on a datc (the "Payment Date") that is the later of March l, 2022 or five business days following the Certification Meeting, and no amounts shall be delivered or paid prior to cerlification. No fractional shares shall be delivered and the number ofPerformance Shares deliverable shall be rounded to the nearest whole share. Not*ithstanding lhe foregoing. if Recipient shall have made a valid eleclion to defer receipt of Performance Shares or lhe Dividend Equivalent Cash Award punruant to the terms ofNonhwest Natural's Defened Compensation Plan for Directors and [,xecutives (the "DCP"). payment ofthe award shall be made in accordance with that election. 6. Tax Withholding. Recipicnt acknowledges that, on the Payment Date when the Perfbrmance Shares are issued or otherwise delivered to Recipient, the Value (as defined below) on that date ofthe Performance Shares (as well as the amount ofthe Dividend Equivalent Cash Award) will be treated as ordinary compensation income for federal and state income and FICA tax purposes, and that the Emploler xilJ be required to rrithhold taxes on these income amounts. To satisfl thc rcquired uithholding amount. the Dmploler shall fint \\ ithhold all or pan of the Dir idend Equir,alent Cash z\rr ard. and if that is insufficicnt. lhc l-.mplo) r shall u ithhold the number of Performancc Shares har ing a Value equal to the remaining \r'ithholding amount. For EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN- DI CEM STATE WATER Page 200 of 210 8 purposes ofthis Section 6, the "Value' ofa Performance Share shall be equal to the closing market price tbr Company Common Stock on lhe last trading day preceding the Payment Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Recipienl may elect not to have Performance Shares $ithheld to cover taxes b), giving notice t0 the Company in rrriting prior to the Paymcnt Datc. in which case the Perfonnance Shares shall be issued or acquired in the Recipient's name on the Payment Date thereby triggering the tax consequences. but thc Company shall retain the certificate lbr the Performance Sharcs as securiq until Recipient shall ha\ e paid to the Companv in cash anl required tar rr ithholding not covered by withholding ofthe Dividend Equivalcnt Cash Award. 7.1 the unvested Performance Shares shall be converted inlo restricled stock units for stock ofthe surviving or acquiring corporation in the applicable ftansaction, with the amount and type of shares subject thereto to be conclusively determined by the Committee. taking into account the relative values ofthe companies involved in the applicable transaction and the exchange rate, ifan). used in determining shares ofthe surviving corporation to be held by the lbrmer holders ofthe Compan)'s Common Stock following the applicable transaction, and disregarding fractional shares: or 7.2 a pro-rated number of Performance Shares and the related dividend equivalent cash pa.v.'ment shall be delivered simultaneousll \ith the closing ofthe applicable transaction such thal Recipient $ ill participate as a shareholder in receiving proceeds lrom such transaction with respect 10 those shares, The number of Pedormance Shares to be delivered as a pm-rated award under this Section 7.2 shall be determined by multiplling the Target Share Amount by a fraction. the nunrerator ofrvhich is the number oldays ofthe Arvard Period elapsed prior to the closing ofthe lransaction and the denominator ofwhich is the number ofdays in the Award Period. 8. Chanqes in CaDital Structure. If the outstanding Common Stock ofthe Company is hereafter increased or decreased or changed into or exchanged for a different number or kind ofshares or other securities ofthe Company by reason ofany stock split. combination of shares or dividend payable in shares. recapitalization or reclassification. appropriate adjustment shall be made by the Commiftee in the number and kind of shares subject 10 this Agreement so that the Recipient's proportionate interest before and after the occunence of the event is maintained 9.1 lfat any time before a Change in Control and within three years after the Payment Date, the Commitlcc determines that Recipient engaged in any Nlisconduct (as defined below) during the Award Pcriod that contributed to an obligation to restate the Company's financial statements lor any quader or year in the Award Period or that other\rise has had (or rvill hal,e lvhen publicl; disclosed) an adverse impact on the Company's common stock price, 9 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 201 of2l0 7. Sale ofthe Comoany. Ifthere shall occur before the Payment Date a merger. consolidation or plan oferchange inr,olving the Company pursuant to which the outstanding shares ofCommon Stock ofthe Company are converted into cash or other stock, securities or property. or a sale, lease, exchange or other transfcr (in one ransaction or a series of related transactions) ofall, or substantially all. thc assets ofthe Company (either, a "Company Sale"). then either: 9. Recoupment On Misconduct. Recipient shall repay to the Company the Excess LTIP Compensation (as defined below). The term 'Excess LTIP Compensation" means the excess of(a) the number of Performance Shares and the amount ofthe Dividend Equivalent Cash Award as originally calculated and certified under Section 5 ofthis Agreemenl, over (b) the number of Performance Shares and the amount ofthe Dividend Equivalent Cash Award as recalculated (l) for the TSR Modifier, assuming thal the average ofthe closing market prices ofthe Company's common stock for the period from October l, 2021 to December 31. 2021 was an amount determined appropriate by the Committee in ils discretion to reflect what the Company's common stock price would have been if the restatement had occurred or other Misconduct had been disclosed prior to October l, 202I . and (2) for the EPS Payout Factor and the ROIC Performance Threshold, based on the Company's financial statements for all years ofthe Award Period as restated. The Committee may, in its sole discretion. reduce the amount ofExcess LTIP Compensation to be repaid by Recipjenl to take inlo account the tax consequences ofsuch repayment or any other factors. Ifany Performance Shares included in the Excess LTIP Compensation are sold by Recipient prior to the Company's demand for repayment (including any shares withheld for taxes under Section 6 ofthis Agreemenl). Recipient shall repay to the Company 100% ofthe pmceeds ofsuch sale or sales- The retum of Excess LTIP Compensation is in addition to and separate from any olhcr reliefavailable to the Company due to Recipient's Nlisconduct. 9.2 "Misconduct" shall mean (a) rvillful commission by Recipient ofan act offraud or dishonesty resulting in economic or linancial injury to the Company. (b) willful misconduct by Recipient that substantially impairs the Compan.v-'s business or reputation, or (c) rvillful gross negligence by Recipient in the performance ofhis or her duties. 9.3 Ifany portion ofthe Performance Shares or the Dividend Equivalent Cash Award was deferred under the DCP. the Excess LTIP Compensation shall firsl be recovered by canceling all or a portion ofthe amounts so deferred under the DCP and any dividends or other eamings credited under the DCP with respect to such cancelled amounts. The Company may seek direct repayment from Recipient ofany Excess LTIP Compensation nol so recovered and may, to the extent pcrmitted by applicable law, offset such Excess LTIP Compensation against any compensation or other amounts owed b), the Company to Recipient. In particular. Excess LTIP Compensation may be recovered hy offset against the after-tax proceeds ofdeferred compensatjon payouts under the DCP, Norlh\ryest Natural's Executive Supplemental Retirement Income Plan or Northwest Naturul's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan at the times such defened compensation payouts occur under the terms ofthose plans. Excess LTIP Compensation thal remains unpaid for more than 60 days afler demand by the Company shall accrue interest at the rate used from time to time for crediting interest under the DCP. 10. Aporovals. The obligations ofthe Company under this Agreement are subject to the approval ofstate and federal authorities or agencies with jurisdiction in the matter. The Company will use its best efforts to take steps required by state or federal law or applicable regulations. including rules and regulations ofthe Securities and Exchange Commission and anl stock erchange on lhich the Company's shares ma) then be listed. in connection $ ith the a$ard under this Agreement. The foregoing notNithstanding. the Compan) shall not be obligated to issue or deliver Common Stock under this Agreement ifsuch issuance or delivery would violate applicable state or federal law. t0 EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI CEM STATE WATER Page 202 of 210 I I . No Rieht to Emplo\ ment. Nothin I contained in this Agreement shall confer upon Recipient anl' right to be emplo)ed b) ihe Emplover or to conlinue to provide services to thc Emplover or to interfere in any rvay uith the right ofthe Employer to ternrinatc Recipient's services al any time for any reason. rvith or without cause. 12. Miscellaneous l2.l Entire Agreement: Amendment,'lhis Agreement constitutes the entire agreemcnt ofthe parties with regard to the subjccts hereofand may be amended only by written agreement between the Company and Recipient. 12.2 Notices. An) notice required or permitted underlhis Agreenrent shall be in *riting and shall be deemed sufllcient when delivered personally to the party to whom it is addressed or when deposited into the United States Mail as registcred or certitied mail, relurn receipt requested, postage prcpaid. addressed to the Company, Attention: Corporate Secretary, at its principal executive ofllccs, or to Employer. Aflention: Corporate Secretary. at its principal executive olllces, or to Recipicnt at the address of Recipient in the Company's records, or at such other address as such partv may designate by ten ( l0) days' advance written notice to the othcr party. 12.3 Assienment: Rishts and Benefits. Recipient shall not assign this Agreement or an)' rights hereunder to any other party or parties without the prior written consent ofthe Companl. The rights and benefits ofthis Agreement shall inure to the benetlt of and be enforceable by the Company's successors and assigns and, subject to the foregoing restriction on assignment, be binding upon Recipient's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 12.4 Further Action. The parties agree lo execule such llrther instrumenls and to take such funher action as may reasonably be necessary to carry out the intent ofthis Agreement. 12.5 Applicable Law: Attomevs' fees. The terms and conditions ofthis Agreement shall be govemed by the laws ofthe State ofOregon. In the event either party institutes litigation hereunder, the pre!ailing party shall be cntitled to reasonable attorneys' fees to be set by the trial court and, upon any appeal, the appellate court. 12.6 CounterDarts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts. €achofwhich shall be decmed an original. FXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 203 ol2l0 IN WITNESS WHI-IREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agre ement as of thc da)- and year tirst above written B1 Iitle Recipient rBack -fo Tonl Section 9: EX-21 (EXHIBIT 21) Exhibit 21 SUBSIDIARIES OF NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY an Oregon Corporation Name of Subsidiary Northwest Natural Gas Company (dba Nw Natural)O16gon Nonhwest Ene.gy Corporationrl'Oregon NWN Gas Reserves LLCr Oregon Gill Ranch Storage. LLC Oregon NW Natural Energy, LLC Oregon NW Nalural Gas Storage, LLC Oregon NNG Financial Corporation Oregon Trail Wesl Holdings, LLC Delaware Trail West Pipeline, LLC Delaware BL Credit Holdinqs, LLC Delaware EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI GEM STATE WATER Page 204 of 210Norlhwest Biogas, LLC Oregon KB Pipeline Company Oregon t2 Jurisdiction Organized NW NaturalWater Company, LLC NW NaturalWaler ofOregon, LLC NW NaturalWater of Washington, LLC Cascadia Water, LLC NW NaturalWater of ldaho. LLC Gem State Water Company. LLC Falls Water Co.. lnc. Salmon Valley Water Company r') Subsidiary of Northwest Naturat Gas Company Oregon Oregon Washington Washington ldaho ldaho ldaho Oregon Section 10: EX-23.A (EXHIBIT 23.A) ll\hiIil 2ln \tr'c horebt consenl to thc incorporation by relerence in the Registration Statcmcnls on f orm on S-8 (Nos. 333-18700541, lll- 180150-01, ll3-114973-01. lll- 10088i-01. ll3- 139819-01, 133-221347-01 and 333-227687) and Forrn S-3 (No. -333-227662) ofNonhN€st Natural I lolding Compan) ofour report datcd March l, 2019 relating to the financial slatements. financial stalcmcnl schcdulcs and the effeqiveness of intemal control over financial reponing. which appcan in lhis form lo-K. /s/ l)riccwatcrhouseCoopers LLI' Portland, oregon March I 2019 ll']irck Io 1op) Section 1l: EX-23.8 (EXHIBIT 23.8) Ilrhihit.l.lb CONSENI OF INDEPENDENT RI,CISTI1RIrD P(IRLIC ACCOIJNTI\(l lrlltM We hereby consent to the incorporalioo by rcfcrcncc in lhe ReSistrarion Slalemenls on Form S-8 (No l-13-214425)and liorm S-3 (No. 13l-227662'01) of Nonh$est Natural Gas Compan) of our rcporl dated March l- 2019 relaling to the financial statements and financial sratcnrcnr schcdulc, which anggl-ffi11 ,lhis Form l(}K. /s/ I,riccaarcrhousccoopers LLp PALFREYMAN' Dl Portland. Oregon GEM STATE WATER March 1.2019 Page 205 of2l0 (tsack lo lop ) CO\SEN I OF INDEPENDENT RFGISTFRI]D PUBI,IC ACCOiJNTI\(I I:III]\,1 (llirck To Iop r Section l2: EX-31.A (EXHIBIT 3l.A) EXHIBIT 31a CERTIFICAfION l, David H Anderson. certify that I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018 of Norlhwest Natural Gas Company; 2. Based on my knowledge. this report does not contain any untrue stalement of a material facl or omit to state a malerial fact necessary to make the statements made. in light of lhe circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period cove.ed by this report; 3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and olher financial information included in this repon, fairly present in all material respects the flnancial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the regislrant as of, and for, the periods presented an this reporl; 4. The regislrant s other cerlifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure conlrols and procedures (as defined an Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal conlrol over financial reporling (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(0 and 15d-'15(f)) for the regislranl and havel (a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures. or caused such disclosure controls and procedures lo be designed under our supervision, to ensure thal malerial informatlon relating to the regislrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others wilhin lhose entities, particularly during the period in which lhis report is being prepared: (b) Designed such internalconlroloverfinancialreporling, orcaused such internalcontroloverfinancial reporting to be designed underoursupervision. to provide reasonable assurance regarding lhe reliabilily of llnancial reporting and the preparation of frnancial stalemenls for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounling pranciples; (c) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registranl's disclosure conlrols and procedures and presenled in this reporl our conclusions about the effecliveness ofthe disclosure controls and procedures, as ofthe end oflhe period covered by this report based on such evalualion; and (d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant s internal conlrol over llnancial reporting that occur.ed during the regislranl s most recent fiscal quaner (lhe regislrant's founh fiscal quarler jn lhe case ofan annual report) lhat has malerially affected. or is reasonably likely lo materially atfect. the registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and 5. The registrant'$ other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our mosl recent evaluation of iniernal control over financial reporling, to lhe registranl's auditors and the audat committee of the registrant's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions)l (a) All signaticant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of inlernal conlrol over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely atfecl the registrant's ability to record, process, summaize and report financial information; and (b) Any fraud, whelher or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in lhe registrant's anlernal control over financialreporting. Date: March 1, 2019 /s/ David H. Anderson David H. Anderson President and Chlef Executive Ofiicer (Bacl To li)n) Section l3: EX-31.8 (EXHIBIT 3l.B) EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER Page 206 of2l0 EXHIBIT 31b CERTIFICATION l, Frank H. Burkhansmeyer, cerlitr/ lhat: I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K for lhe year ended December 31, 2018 of Norlhwesl Natural Gas Company; 2 Based on my knowledge, this report does nol contain any untrue slatemenl of a malerial fact or omit 10 slate a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such slatements were made, not misleading wilh respecl lo lhe period covered by this reporl; 3. Based on my knowledge, the flnancial stalements, and olher financial information included in this repon, fairly presenl in all malerial respects the financial condition, resulls of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for. the periods presented in lhis report; 4. The registranl's other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and mainiaining disclosure conlrols and procedures (as deflned in Exchange Act Rules 13a-'15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporling (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(0 and 15d-15(0) for the registrant and have: (a) Designed such disclosure controls and paocedures. or caused such dasclosure conlrols and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure thal malerial information relating to the regislranl, including ils consolidaled subsidiaries. is made known to us by others wilhin those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared, (b) Designed such internal control over flnancial reporling. or caused such inlernal control over financial reporting lo be desagned under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding lhe reliabilily ol financial reporting and lhe preparation of financial slalements for external purposes in accordance wilh generally accepted accounting principles: (c) Evaluated the etfectiveness oflhe regiskanl s disclosure conlrols and procedures and presenled in lhis reporl our conclusaons about the effectiveness ofthe disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of lhe period covered by lhis report based on such evalualion: and (d) Disclosed in this report any change in lhe regastranfs inlernal control over llnancial reporling that occurred during the regislrant s most recent fiscal quarler (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual reporl) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the rcgislranl's inlernal control over financial reporlingi and 5. The registrant's olher cenirying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recenl evalualion of ihlemal control over financial reporting. to the regislrant's auditors and the audat commitlee oflhe registranl's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): (a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operalion of inlernal control over financial reponing which a.e reasonably likely lo adversely affect the registrant s ability to record, process. summarize and report llnancial information: and (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, lhat involves managemenl or other employees who have a significanl role in lhe regislranl's internal conkol over financialreponing. Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer Senior Vic€ President and Chief Financial Officer (Bau["li) Top) Section 14: EX-31.C (EXHIBIT 3l.C) Date: March 1, 2019 /s/ Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer CERTIFICATION I, David H. Anderson, certi, that: 1 . I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K for lhe year ended December 3'l , 2018 of Northwest Natural Holding Company; EXHIBIT 31c EXIIIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI OEM STATE WATER Page 207 of2l0 2. Based on my knowledge, th is repon does not contain any untrue siatement of a material fact or omil to slate a malerial facl necessary to ma ke lhe statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this reporl; 3. Based on my knowledge, the financial slatements, and othe. financial information included in this report, faarly present in all malerial respecls the financaal condition, results of operations and cash flows of lhe regislrant as of, and for, the peraods presented in this reporti 4. The registrant's other certifyang offlcer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure conl.ols and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over llnancial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(0 and l5d-15(0) for the registrant and have: (a) Designed such disclosure conkols and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and paocedures lo be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known lo us by others within those entities, panic!larly during the period in which lhis repo.t is beang prepared; (b) Designed such internal conkol over financial reporting, or caused such internal conkol over flnancial reporting to be designed under our supervision. to provide reasonable assurance regardang the reliability offinancial reporling and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance wilh generally accepted accounting principles; (c) Evalualed the effectiveness ofthe regislrant's disclosure conlrols and procedures and presented in lhis report our conclusions about the elfectiveness ofthe disclosure conlrols and procedures. as ofthe end ofthe period covered by this report based on such evalualioni and (d) Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's inlernal control over financial reporting that occur.ed during the registrant's mosl recenl fiscal quarler (the registrant's fourth flscalquarter in the case ofan annual report)that has malerially affected, or is reasonably likely to mate.ially affecl, lhe regislrant's anternaIcontrol over fi na ncia I reporling: and 5. The registrant s other cerlifoing officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recenl evaluation of internal conlrol over financial reporling, lo the registrant's audilors and the audil committee of the registranl's board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): (a) All significant deficiencies and malerial weaknesses in lhe design or operation ofanlernalconlroloverfinanqal reporling which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the regast.ant's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and (b) Any fraud. whether or not malerial. that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the regislranl's internal conlrol over financial reponing. Oate: March '1.2019 /s/ David H Anderson David H- Anderson President and Chief Executive Officer i Ilnck lo L,)p) Section 15: EX-31.D (EXHIBIT 3l.D) EXHIBIT 3Id CERTIFICATION l. Frank H Burkhartsmeyer. cerlify that: 1. I have reviewed this annual reporl on Form 10-K for the year ended December 3'l , 2018 of Norlhwesl Nalural Holding Company 2. Based on my knowledge, this report does nol contain any untrue stalement of a material fact or omit to stale a material facl necessa,y EXH{IBIT 2 the stalemenls made. in light of the circumstances under whach such slatements were rnade, nol misleading with respecl to the perpALWFEqtMAN. DIreport; cEM srA rE WATER 3. Based on my knowledge, the financial slatements, and otherfinancial information included in this report, fairly present in all ma,SggEfl$,gf210 the financaal condition, results ofoperations and cash flows ofthe registrant as of. and for. the periods presented in this report; 4. The registrant's olher certifying officer and I are responsible for eslabljshing and mainlaining disclosure conlrols and procedures (as deflned in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as dellned in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(0 and 15d-15(0) lor the registrant and have: (a) Designed such disclosure conlrols and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision. lo ensure lhat material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, ls made known to us by others walhan those entilies, particularly during the period in which lhis report is being prepared; (b) Designed such Internal control over financral reporling, or caused such inlernal conlrol over financial reporting to be desrgned under our supervision. lo provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of llnancial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for exlernal purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounljng principles; (c) Evalualed the effectiveness of the regislaant s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effecliveness of the disclosure conkols and procedures, as of the end of lhe period covered by lhis report based on such evalualion; and (d) Disclosed in this report any change in lhe registranl s inlernal control over flnancial reponing that occurred during lhe registranl s most recenl fiscal quarter (lhe registrant s fourth fiscal quarter in lhe case of an annual report) that has materially atfecled, or is reasonably likely lo malerially affecl, the regiskanl s internal conlrol over financial reporting: and 5. The registrant's olher certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most .ecent evalualion of internal conlrol over llnancial reporting, lo the registrant's audilors and the audil commitlee of the registranl s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions): (a) All significant deficiencres and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely lo adversely affecl the regislranl's abaljty to record. process, summarize and report finanoal jnformation; and (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, lhat involves managemenl or other employees who have a significanl role in lhe regislrant s inlernal control over Iinancialreponing- Date: March 1 2019 /s/ Frank H. Burkharlsmevea Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer SeniorVice President and Chief Financial Ofiicer Section l6: EX-32.A (EXHIBIT 32.A) EXHIBIT 32a NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY Certificate Pursuant to Section 906 of Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002 Each ofthe undersagned, DAVID H. ANDERSON, Chief Execr]tive Ofiic€r, and FRANK H. BURKHARTSMEYER, the Chief Financial Offlcer. of NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COiTPANY (lhe Company), DOES HEREBY CERTIFY lhatl 1. The Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018 (the Report) fully complies with the requirements ol section 13 (a) or 15(d) ofthe Securities Exchange Act of1934, asamended; and 2. lnformalion contained in the Report fairly presents, an all material respects, the financial condilion and results of operations of the Company. lN WITNESS WHEREoF, each of the undersigned has caused this anstrumenl to be executed lhis 1sl day of Ma rch 20 19. EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN, DI CEM STATE WATER /s/ David H. Anderson Page209of210 David H. Anderson President and Chief Executive Officer lBack To Top ) /s/ Frank H. Eurkharl er Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer SeniorVice Presidentand Chief Financial Ofiicer A signed original of ihis wrilten slatement required by Section 906 ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Acl of2002 has been provided to Northwest NaturalGas Company and will be relained by Northwesl Natural Gas Company and furnished to lhe Securitaes and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request (Back To TopJ Section l7: EX-32.B (EXHIBIT 32.8) EXHIBIT 32b NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY Certificate Pursuant to Section 906 of Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002 Each of the undersigned. DAVID H. ANDERSON, Chiel Executive Offcer, and FRANK H. BURKHARTSMEYER, the Chief Financial Officer. of NORTHWEST NATURAL HOLDING COMPANY (the Company), DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that: 1. The Company s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018 (lhe Report) fully complies with the requarements of section 13 (a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. as amended; and 2. lnformation contained in lhe Report fairly presents. in all malerial respects, lhe flnancial condition and results of operations oI the Company lN WiTNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has caused this inslrumenl to be executed this 'l sl day of March 2019. /s/ David H. Anderson David H. Anderson President and Chief Executive Officer /s/ Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer Frank H. Burkhartsmeyer SeniorVace President and Chief Financial Officer A signed original of this written slatement required by Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has been provided to Northwest Natural Holding Company and will be relained by Northwest Natural Holding Company and furnished lo the Securities and Exchange Commission or ils statf upon request EXHIBIT 2 PALFREYMAN. DI GI]M STATE WATER Page 210 of2l0 {Back'lo lop) EXHIBIT 3 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY - This Exhibit contains trade secret or confidential material and is filed separately - EXHIBIT 4 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Maps and Other Information Pertaining to Happy Valley's Water Business System (3 PAGES) J-AH-6z<- =38 E"XFlll-Ft! /'F q iJ .r' J-<zo- Elo el!rEi, t: t5! !gi Eli iii= IiE !iE! rlt!i!:r{tirBtt $![r IiEi 3 :s t Nrt z E 0 : t'aiiE 9* T a i.E EiiiEi!EiE a ]]ijlE i a i F t,H ET E B E EI E t] E t,|. H E EI E HG .{i E g E @ 7 mE ,I e'Fs F.oj :6fir 6Z(a.r=<>[,x;!e'tu<dC9- 'UaJ-<zp. rr.lt'1 Co {-(o(JoJ 1) CJaUI OJ (o o_ o_(oI a j rr :lI E II Ill'rt t- ,{r- a I -.1,I* Ir-'J1 I ti I ilI,,.I o J /r1 - UJ€u dflte lrt d :lii I iii _-:iii 9-A'J- .'Jo.- vtdl,i fra#r;- .t) t: gr @ 3!1 BE@ il!!"rlilsal:rl ,.1 s I rol!t! d$l ilir.: r'-s tFfu,q Pa'&s*l +- .*.1i\ d#[ -:l i'1, s 1$t t,lli!i LII I t I* i*r-- a*ffi ^!,;i; i . L,,, s N "* ritt.slI:!ilSs!: r t !d'-i ^. "r: I i t +tt, L-ttt.a t- I s I \^\ i-i j:s \ Iaur :5 t{J s t/) lr 1il+\ =:3#: ii !$i! r! I igt i Io r) lr{ 9i rl 's:::l i t: Ii -l-u.,-i,f ;l FOs-,s Gld Fa El(, E I F IJ BIel ! IiIt i II.l sli\tlilI $$$[$ I I I I ) l l I I I i -\ ! t It n 5 $ I i:i *.oti s tlr ill lll rlt I o a i { oo s:tr ! Q aI i I a ir i ir;r .6\{l ;g I I. $3v o 's'1 !\ \ .l It t rf EXHIBIT 5 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Maps and Other Information Pertaining to Bitterroot's Water Business System (s PAGES) :Errcnz<^ =(E o*>;it LLi >Frct <rdilr- t)J<2o. l!o Iae sli,I5: EETr6i!itr lriii EiE !Ei !ii :;E I iE #E ::E iEir sEEi: EiEi"Nai z EI III.! ilr$E nt- ;{.-s."!: c 3;f - -9E !, ul;E E - EBt 6 F t r. lri r t t:n a uu! .. = * v, aoZ{ari(lo.r X-u.l]nLD'FEr!< l\'a?> o tro +a G'ooJ +.oaa +,ooLLo+, .=o 1 .,.-- E I E E 0- = = h I\ q ! Eg fj) &3h i] @ a E I, ta N\ I =1 I , II ffrFo{co-g L! <tFA. Fa g] O F ti.l 3t0 lrl0Mn t snos lIYIIrq $^ox Jxrrdlilh1 i ,r,r .x' (d.) sq r.rr-... o'r, tt!"i' ."u.rv.p:nroc l,I oJnlo.l 1..n oo?'xx.rsrs uxJ,YA. saocYgl{ u:JA.rIs 3ur:caurBuiq t--1 orJr)l)l rlJJoN .]. ,.\ ;. if I \i I l I t\-/\u(\ \\) I \\\\\= /\"$ *J 5Fo tI+I H t H ffi \ trq \ qdi ae!. i: \ til 1l 3I Irl'j-.1 )=- l ! i ',. II !rt;4 lli E tt t P I i ',1 i:; )i :: \ IA([ { t q ?a lE / $t{ \ I ,] I I,IIrI\-,,L I a l _l ,I I I T , irl! '#[, o ot iI I )it ll \!I I1 d.^ L: )E^ L' G'Fo. Faz 9.1o I €' ! € +'..e!\\,n :\ I rttaa ol (at o! o / -z-+-i*=4a{--+l! \ t tttt*l--, \ *-{+".-,- l-=e l-;-i e ol t\ f -----J-+++{il4 k+'.;+'+#'* E c a t l1 ,Y l\ I t-l -.I t I l ,// 9 !l I o a) B] o dd oz I l. :rB ! !" i r VICINITY UIP .'..'-----.--'-.'-----_---.,,-- _---r_-nr-i-_Z_ lnFo/a 0. <..1ti'<!4-j ca :-;; aElH .IF.{a iolJ oii oit (.;. il:t .,3 1s_-----t: \?; #w.^" \ 6-r++ T I @: -l L I 4^ FO( v-, F o er, = oll Q o:l 0 3 !l :l t \i ;!. i :'1il:rrr:l riri{ lh, rliri. I i!i;ii; i.ti.ti! Hi::i!:\) iq. !.16piffiiEE: TrrEEti I .t/ a \ S 3' S -.: i'.u/,y/ Ot, \] Ea a ili!! 'r:.i !lu$ I ivra i,u,t iiiri! i "" I3s3 I I i! -,./t'/ b5,IH lFtr"g s,!i b I lr iial ir,ii,r: iii! t_r_N-f! r . s !i!!!: $; rllI tiJT1' $ 32e ?, ';,_': 3 1 iit i3 ) ',:::. s \t lr]so :lb'olg 6'.!r ti ii ,. iI'( B I t I -! rl 1 !.!lh :tit h i,ii1't-!I:l! ilril iffi-dr $s$qoRss: dg 3 s.tat ! saQ $ ,:absY €q a ft ,Q :il, irrj:.1. if; t- LaLi>. cF) HI s +r- ^a rr)tn \ 3 (--)t- il ct FT S]\1.Jh s *lrr* s F- 14q -,.s Ft, T" e $ t-lr)e ru' F1 -Q{t: (a \ I- atc 01\ E t-s tsl t-5 !.1 ,.,* ooo lah !r{ \b It1 a sq I s $i s \) q h l{ E\ \ F\ h \ q q s $x{ri ,z,rehi.j. .*f,.1ttl* sq,l-?.< ntali E{ rlI I I 0t t E t g t _tHq G (!2 > Eid nItili.ltdE s! l.t t + \ I ffiIt ):2 r---tt:i: I _$_, i I , EXHIBIT 6 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Happy Valley Well Logs (2 PAGES) :orm 238.7t//8 STATE OF IDAHO DEPABTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT gitu l v rqrkct th.t thb r.pon t tild wilh rh. Oir.rrci, D.p.r.nr.ri cl W or B wlfiin 30dryr.fl.r th. coEpl.tlon or $rdonm.nt ot rh. w.ll. UsE TYPEWEITEA ON BALLPOINT PEN 7. WATEF LEVEL 8. WILL TEST DATA tr p,,mp ,(ariro,l1 Air O Orh.r __-__ g, LITHOLOGIC LOC l -.__ +Ilr F- --'t'Ji--r-.-J" --i+ 10. t1. DRTLtERS CgFTTFtCATtOT{ lAV. cnrlty rhrr .ll mlnlmum *.ll cmrslxdm nandrrdr w.r. ..mpli.d wlrh 4 {l. rlnl6 fi. tlll,a ra$and. Fn,n N.ni. --/+?EILX -. - -..-.er^ x". 2t ? eoo,-,,|AfJJagg- . !1f4s - o "n Zjd -74 Slg'ed bv lFlrm Otrh,.ll - EXHIBIT 6 lOqerulotl PALFREYMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER ^,t kes, fuL-tut-tAtl* &eulklr*Uu owncr,'Pc^irNo. ?5-7 I -,lt -7 4' / 1. WELL OIi{NEB 0lO Abando&d ldorrlb. m.lhod ol ob.ndo.'lnp) 2, NA'UBE OF I{OHK C New wsll / Oocpnxr E B€pl.cs'nent Hol. Oi.6, ! lrilCrdon E T.n C Munlclp.l tr Sro.k tr Wan. Oitpo5el or lnjetlon)( oomorrc 3. PIIOPTISED USE .lndunrl6ltl 0thd tnn 40A4 MEIHOO OBILLED O Robry D Air ftcuot" tr o0o C Hyd.a,llcg Olhcr \I it rl Grri^0 rchrd'rlr, N 516.l ll Concr!$ UOth.r'Ihlakr.ra t nr.r Frofi :ro -ego* idd\.! '--ft* waa + _1fu|ta ;!,'1)ttzr. --__ incrlra _ lnch.r __ ,at _ta!t___ Indraa .,-._,*.,._ lnch.t .,-_,- flrl ,.*'- ts.t _ indtk .- Inchlr .- t!!l _loa w.i c.rlr,o d.lv{ jl06 u$d7 D Ys' nfxow.!. Dtrk.r or r:tu{dl g Yri flloP6rtorrrod? OY.| ltro Ho* p€.tor.!€d? O Frcrory Q Kntfr tr Torch Sizc ol p.rlorrtion _ inchrtby _ IEh6Nu6b.r ?t'i To __ o.rlonrlorr __ l.ot--. ._. Lit _ p.rlorltlona __ t atparlorarlona ,.fl _- t.rr uir ,c lir"rrcot o Y;--Ei; Msnuls.rur.r'r n!fi._ Dl.,n.tr -_-- S,ot rlr. .___S.t rrom _r.il to _._1.{t oialrel€r _ Slot dr, ,_-Srt lrom _re!l to __t..rGr',sl prctedt O Y6 dNo al Sir. ot srd6l Placed kom _ _,_--__- lool to -_--- f..t Sr,rl!.. 3d.r dlpth W$otnl ed in tgrl: trl cdr.t lrour fr Pu&ttneclnt - t w.ll cutrinD S.dlins p'@.{ur. ur.d t.'l Slurry ph E T.np, s.tx. ct'int f.t O!crbo.. ro r.al d.pth M.lhdt ol joininc caring: O Thrsrdod ts i,Ysld.d U Soleanr Cl Crmirrdd botweso .rr.t 5. WE t-L CONSTAUCTTON ll'lodel No. __ 6. LOCATION OF IYELL Skerch Ep idclrloo mun rir6lrylrh wrlrtlnld ion Lot llo. _,__ Eloct o. ____- -bE- u 1Lr s*. /? 1 ! / ufl, ^. { lM E s loo*.u, USEADOTTIOI{ALSHEETSI'I{EC€SSANY. FOEWARO THE IIHITE COPY TO THE OEPAATM€NT Page I of2 Subdivirbn Na,I. Sf .tic w.t r lnvet -Ah/-toot bato.. trnd irl4'x'.2 Fiowhg? tr Y't gryo G.P.M, flow - Artsilm cloardln pr$erra _ p.rl, Contolld by1 E v.lv. [.] Crp Cl PlugTomplrrtlr. oF, Ou.llty _ _ _,__------|- w.,*nrftd l-4- Yb r^t*a 4-/7" ta ' Ed-*l Rttny :rn ?- wATEn LEVfr- l sr.rtc w.t!r td,t 1/ / tm uorow t"no Fr6winr? tr Yc;78- G,P.M, flow Arllr.n cloftd.h prisu.! _*_- p.r,l. 8, WELL ICST OATA ili PumD ( soito,:l Ait O oth.r USE TYPEWRITER OR RALLPOINT PEN EXHIBI'I 6 YMAN. DI GEM STATE WATER STT\TE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATEB RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT Strta lnr ra.irkr' tirr rhh nlon h. fl,ad wlth d1aOh.!tor, Dapartmnr of W.trt S6rourca! wlrhin 30 dry!.It!. ih. sompl.rlol orrb.rdonmantof th!yr.ll. 1. WELL OWNEA ?*,Y-?*I3?' 5, W€I L CONSTRUCTIOI.' L/, Conrftlled by: D Vatv. tr CaD O Pluo Tfinp'r.rt rr _., _-_ oF, Ousllty g, LITHOLOGiC LOG Crrin!rchodulnr 4 Stesl O Conc.arc D Olh.r olar@. freF = inrl:,ot 4 tnch.t ..3O4 32iit..t_ laar -_--. taat lv.t c lng dr!v! $0. urodI Wn. oackor or...1u..d7 Ia ENo Eru"DNoXv*C Frcrory C Knlf.?,1, tnch",h" 4 trom 4r-cn - !f,- prrrorttronr -- prrtor.ilo'lr -l]Nl_ rar 3 a-/_--rltr,r t.at '--- taatparlontlo.r ,a.r _-_. lo3t fruli ",*" i*t"rr*lr r: vJ ,(-r.ri" M.nufnciu.6r'r nrn.- Oirnater__,Slot tlra _Sea rrom _ta!t lo _fodoiaii.rer Sl0r rir. S.t rrom _i.at io _ lost a,wa pmt*r o v"ifll"tr Sl!. ol trev.l ___ 10, 1 1, OFILLEES CEfi TIFICATIOI{ l/W. c.rllry $!t .ll mlnlmlm well coostructlon nond.dr werc compllcd wldEt tnc rln. tha rl0 tna. r.fiov.d. {n,ll - rv^x..J{? **.4*]llru,,t-l{* o*, ?-? -?o Sirci by {Fir,I O,fhiil){^*J.- - 4"4,- lop.nro.l n Abandon.d (dokrib! m.thod ot obrndonlo0) 2, NATUNE Of II'OBK (omp.ira O Rlpt.c.rnont Domeiic Oligation DT.n tr Munlclp.l lfldlrrri.l O Slock Lr Wono Oieposl o. lnj6ction4 3. PROPOSEO USE El Other l4 ?/L.. METHOD D'IILLEO D Rolary tr Air X c8bh 0 Due o ofic'1jJ Hydr.ulic 0 RcreBc rot{ry 't) F,i aIlm'rtrl rlu;tD (FP 15 03rr n.wdnffit :,taik t lnrp li,.ation muit q.ct wlth writi.n lo..rion Lot No. __* Block No. ._.-.- _ _ J/E- r 5 u't Y. s*. )1- J. -3L P E N TIOiI OF WELL ^4ln s USE ADDITIOIIAL STIEEIS IF N€CESSARY - 'OFWAAD THE WHITE COPY TO THE D EPAATMENT Page 2 of 2 'om 2IU.7 1/r8 wo.k n.rtod -. t.:-ZlA nn*,* 1-:]_9$A I I *-6! YG, I M.rhod of ioini.!dalnq :O Wrld.d O Sorvrnt rl Clrnont 0roulO Wollcualastr T.mp. !{rr lsce cxioe B Ovrrbor6 10 .o.l di9$ EXHIBIT 7 GEM STATE WATER COMPANY Bitterroot Well Logs (2 PAGES) .lf PERMTT NO. -96---91-' 2. 3. LOCATION OF WELL by l'g'l dttcdptlon: skd.n maD lo{dlon atlll tgttt tvih * bn balk'n' By wnom? EXIIIBIT 7 PALFREYMAN. I)I GI-JM S'I'A'I'!, WATER Pagc lof 2 Use TyPowrllor OT Ball Polnt Pen WELLTESTA:rlPuno o B.!or hnr o Flo*lng An 6hn Trrp6.lll,! ol Ydt- w't ' eeL' 'n€ttlt doi.? Y.so lloD O6cdb€ Co.llrcUing 12. LrHOLOGIC LOG: (oolctlb.6r'ht ot 'blndon 'tt) Dat.: s|!n d 4-13-94 4-28-94 Form 23&7 6/&l t. DRILUNG loAHo DEPARTMENT OF WATER FESOUBCES ! WELL DFILLER'S REPOBT O\t/(%- 8716N---!5-'- lo r 53 tbdh d or so,fi D ;- Eli o o. wsd d ffi.,*=#;:-ilffi-J1-* Bodo.n HoLTampaEtta--- r1. STANC WATEN LEVEI-: -34L-t t u,*rt*. D€ph 'dodsn no butd - Arteclan prossutc -lb. Dgscrbe "6€sl F,otl-.....-..- ods r. io.d d llrDid 5. IYPE OF WONKr{ l&w wel O uocjor nrp.lt trF.rtrdmml D aben&tllnenl 6. DBITI METHOD (3trud R..6ry d At Folary Dcibto O ou.t- 7. SEALING PFOCEDURES w.r.th rho. ..d rsr.d? YEt t.!i Ho"?_ A. CASING'LI EN: J Top Pd€r or HssdpF._BotDft Tdblp!.- g. PERFORAIONS/SCNEENS Lol No. Abd(M 9!d. 4. PROPOSED USEI O DoDisUc B MonlclP.l O lrl.flnc O lnlelldr b Podorsuom O Monild o kdoato.r Da o tr oEooooooo EIEO ,3. DBILLER'S CERNF|GANON t4/V. o.dty ful a[ mtdmum wo! conlttuc onu|. Umc th. rlo waa Emd.d !0o o o o tr o tr Fl.m rm POIIDERGA airndtda *.r! conlpllsd whh w.24 I,,Bd F.IFIWABD I4I]I'F COPY t., WA'IEF FFSd IE'FA PoSIEO -.@4-410 _ x n 6.rlr llltdolt, w.b, outlhv a T.nFr.t" 3 TOP SOII120I GR\\E E'IIT,DERS3 t80 GRAVIL 40r I GTTENIED GRAV9I,SlB0 100 42 I GR\VB,. COBtsI,ES 20I12045; GRAVE, C@BIES 3015546I SAID 5016046GRAVEL i11I DE'T"PTCF,D GRANIIE!61 8] JBIIB SI.J@ (IIILIZED BENMIIIE 0 50 30s!'-s O/EMRE III I +2 o25 x EIIII 440 460 t X2 240 5u.I'.^) DREJIIIS E o""q-dt? &Ert!. d wC s{. I i II I.I'I, i I I I 45.50+ t,t{ u a nJlr Nr.)liiiiri).- ,..-..tr LE;- FI LI- WELL OV'NER @ llxl lltllT 7 PALittLYNl,^N. I)l STATE OF IDAHO (iLN'1 S I A l L wA-l l:ltUsE YYPESBITEE oF DEPARTMENT OF WATER BESOURCES pago l olr aALLPolNr PEI'r WELL DBILLER'S REPORT St.te lEw rsqulE thrt lhls rrport ba tll.d wllh ths Dl,sctor, D.p.tlment ol wit.r FtlourEgt wlthln 30 d.y3 alter th. complctlon or abendonnanl ol th6 w€ll. KEN RICKELName PO BOX 1251 IIAII}EN LA(E ID 83835 96-92-N-278D lling.Psrmlt No Weter Hlgtn Pormil No. NAIURE OF WOBK E Nsrv w€ll tr Oeepen€d E Replacem€nltr Welldiamerer inc-r€ass tr Modlllcatlontr Abandon€d {describo abandonmonl or hodllkellon procldurei such as lln€Is. scr6sn, mal6.lals. plugdoplhs, elc lnlilhologb log, section 9.) PFOFOSED USE Ioomestic tr lrrigdiono lndust.lal D Stock tr Monilot O Wasle Oiepo3al or lnjecllon (s98cify lyF) I/IEIHOO DBILLED O Rolery dAh k4*le o Mud A{lgor Other tr Olhsr tl,b6 c8sing driv€ she us6d? W5s a pacler or seal used? FHoraled? 0 Fov6rs6 rclaryo C +etc.) wELl cot{sTRucfto}r Cesing sctodrrla: Ef, Slecl O CorElgle O Olher - .ffifin* r8''['"n"" . l,:l_#lmi!9t*h". 8 tn"t"" t rl4l lnches inchos - Let - rost E Yer tr Yss E Yss No No ToGh tr Ou.l indl6! o No 1o"/En C8 tr Ho, p6rfo6led? tr Factory I Knlla C size ol p€rlorarion? --]- incho3 by -lllsn6.. Fm ?qo o6rloratlons -----4LZ- l..t --34-3- fe.r - pe o.alions - laol - teel -- Perlolalions -- le6t - lell Itrellscr.on ln3tall€d? O Ye! B No ManulacluGr - IYP€ -- Top PackBr or Headpipa Boflsn ol Tailpipe Diafioter - Slol sizo - set lrom -,e€l to - l€€t Oiamaler - Sloi sizc - S€t hom - ,€sl lo - l€el Grdv6lpacksd? tr \ts b No El Sizo ol grevd- Placod lrom - leol b-f6ol Surlace seet dadn.Eq Mabrlal us€d in soall O Cemenl groul q genlonila O Puddling cley tr - Soaling procodur€ used: O SluIry Pit r] Temp. surlace cEBing fI OY€rbote lo s6al depth Method of joini^g casing: tr Threadad rl w€l'led O Solvonl Wsld tr C6monl6d belw€€n slrele Describs acc63 Porl - LOCATION OF WELL Slelch mEp bcation mult agr6o vrilh $,ritl6n locallon Sr,bdlvlslon Namo - Lot No- Slock No. - Counly KOOTENAl Addrass ol W€ll Sile fl . oatLlEn's cEFrfl HC{lloN U\iv6 coalit thet all mlnlmum w€ll constructlon Slanderd6 ware compllod wnh at lha tlm6 lh6 .lg wa! .6moved, Flrm Nqme H20 l'lEl-l sERvrcE Firm No. 582 W MYDEN AVE t2-07-92 Slgnsd by Drilling Suporvlsor 7. WATEF LEVEL Statlc wator lerot 381 Flor,/ing? tr \6. 6Ho lget bololv land surtaco. G.PM, flow - Ane3ien clogod.ln pres3uro_ p.!.1. Conlmll€d by: O \rslv€ D Csp b ntug Tomperaluro _.E Oual 6. !'ELL IEST DATA O Punp O Beller E Ak n Olher - 9. LIIHOLOGIC LOG DeplhAorE Dlam From To lliloterlel ?{o L2 0 SAND, CRAVEL. 3OI'IDERS IO 60 SAND, CNAVEL. BOULDERS SAND, GRAVEL, BOULDERS x i m r'.;rl9".rrm--trI_E[Fr,n Y ks tvJ.)FhB U 10. finished L2-07t2-92 I x sl,l loiv!.1 l..i! nano ol rocdl'- r 53 'Eors ov. i[ v. sec -i9- , n. -f- -. D or w b and (oeoEtor)eg SupeIvisoi I'asa, I V92 r r IT I,I f P,.e,.e r-fl-----zia;----- , t H-n.".r.d H I T60=-l l2oo -l rl --r lx ts -T l tl lx r---T--L El_ F -f ] rT rT l T f lTI t,ol-too-f4z7lt-:T-l-- + F ffi 3o+ --r- --+-