HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021Annual Report.pdfOut-tr, A]YI{(IAL REPORT OF NAME A RESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2021 i-.- l\]*"1 ct f*,., t.:t lj1-r :srbF.*,;- -T, Arii"'::. Ai ffi J , \J,::l-. ffi fll J"\ :,\-r,-... r:[il, B h::'"'*.- t-lff)C) r.o U}: (^)(-) crlz. q1a+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 AITNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC T,TIUNB COi,IIIISSIOI{ FOR THE YE R EI{DrI{G OUOLI2OZI - r2l3v202t COl,lPAt{Y nFCnl.tATlOl{ Give tull nam. of utlllty Datc of orgrnlzauon Organlzed und€r the laws of the st tr of Addruss of klndptl Oftce (numbcr & stnact) P.O. Bo( (if applicable) Clty State Zlp Code Orgsnlzauon (proprt.tor, parEE6hlp, aorp.) Towns, Countles s€ryed G.m Strte Water ComDanv LLC 8lr.l20t9 250 SW Tevlor st- Rrthdrum Athol SDlrlt tike 1l ArE thrc any afnliatad @mp.niE? (y6 tr no) lf y6, attndr a llst rd0r ffi, a.rd@ e d@lpddB. E ALln any sic p@rdcd to t,la uuxty. lZ Contactlnbrmauon Manager Vlce Pr6ldent S€cr€tary G€neral Manager Complaints or Billlng Engtnecring Emeruency Serylce Accounting y€s NW Natu6l WaErofldaho LI.c 13 Were any watcr systems acgulrrd durlnC th€ year or any sdditlons/dcle8ons made to the service arur during the year? ves Trcy Hotfnrn (HFM) If y6. .tbdr a ll* $ti nffi, a.ktr@ & detpdo6. EeLh lny ffikG prcvldd to tlE lullty. 14 Wher€ are tia Company's books and r€aords kept? LIT Xmtanal Countv Bonner Counw Str€et Address Clty State Ap 7<O NW O rrh Coaur D Alene Idaho 8381{ \oa-2)6.1277 7-e77-7SS-9247 LA77.75.5.92A7 LA77 _755.9247 I 477 7qq q)A? La77.755.92A7 Gcm Sde AnN.l iepof - 2@1_Bl 1 ot 1il AI{I{UAL REPORT FOR WATER IMUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COI.Ti4ISSIOX NAME: Gcm StatB Water Comprny LLC COl,lPAilY IttlF(XllATlOt{ (Cont.) 15 Is the svstrm op€rrEd or malntalned urder a serylce contrirct? 16 ry6: Wlth whom lsthecDntract? when does thc contract explru? What serylces rnd rates aru lnduded? 17 Is w'ter purdlased for r6alc through the system? 18 It yq: Name of Organlzatlon l{ame of owner or opentor ntalllng Ad&s otv state zto Water Purchased 19 Has any system(s) been dlspptored by the Idaho D.prrufient of Envircnmental Qulltty? lf Y6, rttadr tull *da.Uon 20 Has the td.ho Department of Envlronmefltal Quality ru@mmcndd rny lmprovemcnts? tr y.., lhdr fufi explrnauoo 2l Numbrr of ComplainE rcceiv€d durlng year concemlng: Quallw of Serulc. Htgh Bils Disoonnection 27 Numbcr of Cusbmers lnvoluntarlly dls@nnected 23 Date o.rstomers last r€drrEd a copy dthc SuBmary of Rulcs ruquir€d bry IDAPA 24 Dld slgnlfic.nt addltiong or redrcmrnts from the Phnt AacounB occur durtng thc y.ar? f y6, lttadr full crelamuon and rn updltrd EV*!m mp For the Year Ended 0u0u2021- r213u202 No No G!llons/CCF lAmount l{o Yes ger IDE(I srnitary survey rcports 7lu20L9 Yes 4 0 0 0 Gcn St.t! Ann€l Report - 2O2t-6J 2of$ A'{NUAL REPCTRT FoR WATER UnuTIE TO THE IDA}O PT BUC UTIUTIES co]tlills$Oll @'n State wrter Cdnprny u.cNAT4E: REVEilUE & EGEI{SE DETAIL gra Accr For the Year Ended ouo,/zo2l - ta3!202 oESCRtmoit $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 @ 461.1 46!.z $2 44 601.7 501.4 603 604 610 615-16 5r8 620.1.6 520.7-8 631-3a 635 635 6,t42 6S0 655-59 660 & 67 670 675 400 REI/Et{uEs Mcter€d Sal.s - R6ldcntisl M€terad Salcs - Commerdal, Industrl.l Fire mdbn Rwenue oths w'ter s.l6 Re\r'enue $y2,a7l t 1,801 46s Irrigatlon Sales Revenue & sahsforResalc .oo Total Rweflue (Add |ffi I - 7) (!l$ .ntcr @lt 6 P.oc 4, lln. 1) . DEq F.E Billcd *glntdy to qEtom6 i' H@lop d CorrE tlon F!€ CdlqE i.rcommE6bn appded SudrEgc co{6ted 401 OPERATING EGE'{SES 501.1{ Labor - oper.tlon & Maintenance Booked to Acct # Book€d to Acct * 20,750 BookedtoAd* t 544,6t2 f 102,345 labor - Customer Accounts Labor - Administrati\rc & @neral Salarief, Oftlels & Olrcctors Employee Pensions & Benefits Purchas€d Watcr PurdEsed Power & Fuel fur Fows Chemiels Materlals & Suppll€s - Operation & Maint, lbtenab & Supplies - AdministraBve & Gen€ral ContEd S€rules - ProEsslonal ContE€t s€rulces - Watar T.sang ContEct S€rulces - Other Rent ls - ttopcrty & Equlpment TEnsporbuon E(peise lnsuGnc! Advertlsing Rate Case E)Oense (Atnortlzatlon) Regulatory Comm. Ee. (Other e)(ept tax€s) Bad Debt Exp€nse Miscella neous Iobl OpcrltrlC E (pcn8es (add [E 12 . 32, de sltri q P0 4, lm 2) i 15.O58 3 94.991 $49,0a7 3 3 88.731 $797 $15,t76 3 49,429 t 72,849 3 1,698 $9,148 i 30-919 t r1,718 t 14,089 $49,02L 3 3 3 3 i 605,4{9 G.i Sm. ADIIC R.po.t - Z]21_Bl 3of13 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UNUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTTUTIES COMMISSIOI{ Gem Stste Wst€r ComPanY LICNAME: INCOiiE STATEMEI'IT For the Yar Ended 0710u2027 - ru3u202 smffi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A 9B 9C 9D 10 11 LZ 13 14 t5 16 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ravcnua (Fm P.oa 3, lkE 8) operrthg Erp€osc3 (Fom hgp 3, llrc 33) Dcprldadon Expense Amortlzatlon, Wllty Plant Aqulsluon Adj. Amortization Exp, - Other R€gul.tory F6 (PUC) Property Tax6 Payroll Taxes Oth6Tax6(*rt) OEQFe€s fueral ln@me Taxes State In@me Taxes Provlslon fur Defened Income Tax - futral Provtslon br D€Gnsd Income Tax - Stat€ Provislon br D€fiened l,rdllty In@me Tax CGdlts Investment Tax Crcdlts - WllW Total Exp€nses from oparauons before hterest (cdd lln6 2-1s) In@me Frorn Utiliw Plant l6sed to Othets G.hs (lrss6) Frcm Dlspocluon of tftllny Plant Nat Oper.ung IncDmc (Add kE r, 17 &18 16 lre 16) Revenues, MeE*randfzhg Jobbing aft, Contrad Work E{penses, MeEhandlzlng, Jobbing & @ntracts lnE]lst & Divl.l€nd ln@me Allowance 60r Funds used Durlng Constructlon Mlscellaneous Non-Utlllty Income Mlscellaneous llon-t Ullty Exp€nse Oth€r Tax6, tlon-Udltty OPcEUons ln@me Tax6, Non-U0lity Op€rations Net Non-tJ0llty In@me (Add llrc 2022,23 & 24 16llE 21.?5,26, & 2Z Gross Income (add llE 19 4 26) hter€st Ee. on Long-Tem Debt Othar lnterest Charges l{ET IIICOME (mc ze 16 llE 30 a 31). (ako Ent r o I! 9, urc 2) 3 *1,6t2 3 505.449 403 M 47 40a.10 408.11 408.12 i(}8.13 $38,181 $ $ t 9.589 t 20,931 +1,O7'' .109,10 409,1 1 410.10 410.r,! 411 112 $(2s,546) t (9,057) 413 4L4 415 z{16 419 420 4ZL 48 404.20 ,()9-20 42t.3 427.5 u3,624 tL,827 3 (761) 3 (99.O12) i t t 11,066 3 (87.946) $8,173 3 (96,118) t t 3 $ Gfr 5t t innudnepon-2021_U 4of13 AI{NUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTIUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COMMISSION NAME: Gem State Water Company LLC ACCOUT{T lOT PLANT IN SERVICE DETAIL Balance Beglnnlng Organlzation F6nchises and Consen6 Land & Land Rights Structures and ImprcvemenB Collecting & hpounding Reservoirs Lake, River & Other Intak€s wells Inflhrotlon Gallerles & Tunnels supply Malns Power Geneatlon Equlpment Power Pumping Equipment Purlfl@Uon Systems Dlstributlon Rgervolrs & Standpip6 TEns, & Distrib. Mains & Acffiris Scrvices Meters and Meter Installatbns HydrrnB Brckfl ow Preventlon Devices Other Plant & Mis. Equipment Omce Fumlture and Equlpment Trdnsportation Equipment StoE Eguipment Tmls, Shop and GaEge EquiPment Laboratory Equipment Power Operated Equipmtnt Communications Equipment Miscellaneous Equlpment Other Tangible Prcperty For the Y@r Erded Added During Removed During or/oLlzozL - La3u2O2 Balance End of 301 92 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 320 330 331 333 334 33s 336 339 vo yl v2 v3 34 345 v5 317 348 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 L1 72 13 t4 15 16 77 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 TOTAL PI.AI{T IN SERVICE (add lln6 I - 28) EnEr bcglnnlnC & hd of ydr tot ls on Pq 7, Une I $t 3 9.272 $14.545 t 76.470 t 40_434 1.1?Ot t 1)O 67) t ( lel oaA(1 ?6q ?n4C s s a g 84.31S t 4a_516 !t 140.AAO t16.717t s 410-AS1 (t I .504 t 7 10(t t 1-026 $t10-2s2 t 21.1626 $69_331 ? )70(E 4 A,ia {* 4 an laAJ $46.427 a 120.834 t 3 t a t c oo7 t t1_121 {* (1) X)( 3 1.825 $s.724 t 2.O32 t 3.16a t 248 t 2.655 t 6ffiA44 t i 2_676.171 Gem St.te AnNd nepo,t - 2021_U 5 of13 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTIUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTILITIES COMMISSION NAME: Gem State Water Company LLC ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATIOT{ ACCOUI{T 108.1 DETAIL DepEiatlon Rate 304 Structures and Improvements 3os Crllecting & hpounding Reservol6 306 Lake, Rlver & Other Intakes 307 wells 308 InfiltEtion Galleries & Tunnels 30s Supply Mains 310 Power G€neatlon EquiPment 31r Power Pumplng Equlpment 320 PurlficationSystems 33o Distribuuon Reseryolrs & Standpipes 33r TEns. & Distrib. Mains & Accessori6 333 serules 33,1 Mete6 and Meter lnstallations 33S Hydrants 336 Bacmow Prcvention Devices 339 Other Plant & Misc. Equlpment 340 Ofnce Fumiture and Equipment 341 TransportatlonEqulpment 342 Stores Equipment 343 Tools, Shop and Garage Equipment 3{ LaboEtory Equipment 345 Power Op€rated Equipmeflt v6 CommunicationsEqulpment v7 MiscellaneousEquipment 348 OtherTangiblePrcpcrty TOTATS (Add un6 r - 2s) Enter bqlnnlnq & cnd of ycar totEls d F! 7, una 7 For the Year Ended galEne BeglnnlrE oLlou2ozr - r213U202 Balare End of Inc|€& or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 t 15.689 17.627$$932 3 64.574 7L-690$3-11St i 3 s I a5O-.4O7 I a89_a23 3 29.116 (a a ?6 1q6a r RRN(t 34.308 a1 7a)t (a) A)q q Bq? 1 qo ,4qa 4 a qa)3 141.277 a 1-5(x t 1-504 3 t 1 -q64 i 2.251 s 288 4 s5-62a t sa_596 3 2.567 (a t 1q R47{) 111(s 13.131 *1-135 3 1.208 $73 t33 r7.75Ec t 20.474 2.715c (14 qAC c 20.q20 (s.q31 a a t +(( (q80 I n?q($55 c 3 $ *40_915 I 41.066 3 1S1 t 3-qo3 3 3.996 3 s3 a 7.a67 *1-107 t r2601 t ) )\)(2 1??a R1 1-367-624a t 1,428-rt85 t 60.967 G€m Siile Annul Report - 2021_U 6ot13 NAME: BALANCE SHEET ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTIUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COIT4MISSION Gem State Water ComfEny LLC ASSETS 114 Utillty Plant ln Swice (Frcm P9 s, une 29) tftillty Plant Leased to Othe6 Plant Held for Future U* Construction work in Prc96s UUllty Plant Aguisition Adjustment subtotal (Add uc t - s) Accumulated Depreciation (Frcm P9 6, une 26) Accum. Depr. - Utllity Plant L€s to Othe6 Accum. Depr. - Property Held for Future Us Accum. Amort. - Wility Plant in Seruice Accum. Amort. - Utility Plant Lease to OtheB Accumulated Amortization - Aquisition Adj. Net Utllity Plant (un. 6 16 llG 7 - 12) lnvEtment in Subsidiaries Oths lnvGtments Total Investments (add ths t4 & r5) Cash Short Tem tnvestm€nts Acts/Nots Receivable - Custome6 Other Receivables Recelvables from Asiated Cnmpanies Materials & Supplies Inventory Pcpaid Expens€s Unbllled (Accrued) Utility Rwenue Prcvision for Ljnoll*uible A@unts Total Curent (add [n6 17 - 24, 16 lh. 25) Unamortized Debt Dis@unt & Expense Prelimlnary Survey & Invesugation Charges Deftred Rate Cas Expenses Other Deferred Charges Total Ass€ts (Add th6 13, 16 & 26 - 30) SUB For the Ydr Ended Balance B€glnnlng Balanc End of Increase or 0y0Ll2o2L - L2l3Ll202 r23 125 t3t 135 t4t L42 145 151 162 173 143 181 183 184 1S 1 2 3 I 5 I 9 10 11 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 101 102 103 105 10a.1 108.2 108.3 110.1 1r0.2 115 t 2.676.471.t 660_448 t 3 3 7rl-5lO 4171 dAOl* { 7 601 nnna 488_9S9$(1 4?8 aRS $60.967 s g ( 4 t i 26? SrSt 127-992t $ 3 3 t t 107.92?t?n Tqtlt ( () 761 /?E ql tl( $ 3 306.754 3 2rl1 - 1SO 27.8.16t I 2S ?46 *1q.152 t 4 ?OO { ( &t40a t 204.080 3 E t a7 662t t 1?4 q, ?l 3 1-81.1-625 597-1Sq3 Gem State AnnEl Regon - 2021-Bl 7of13 NAME: BAUNCE SHEET AI{NUAL REFORT FC'R WATER I'NUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COI,IIi{ISSION G€m Statc w'ter Crmpany Ll-C LIABIUTIES & CAPITAL t (o) For the Ye.r Ended BaLne BGginning Balance End of oLlouzoTt - L213u202 Inq€ase or 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 201-3 20'r6 m7-L3 2t1 215 216 218 Cornmon Stod( PEftned Stock Mlscellaneous Capital AcEounts Apprcprlated Retalncd Eamings Unrppmprlated Reblned Eamings Reacqulr€d Capital stod( Proprletary capttal Totrl Equlty caplt l (Add uc 1-s+7 16 [m 6) Bonds Advances from AssodlM Companl6 Othcr Long - Term DeE Accounts Payable NoEs Payable Accounts Payable - Assodated Companies Customer Daposits (Retrndable) Accrued Oth€r Taxcs Pryable Accrurd Income TaxG Plyable Accru€d Taxes - Non-Utlllty Accrucd Debt, Intcrrst & Divldcnds Payable Mlsc. Curr€nt & Accrued Uabiltues Unamoruz€d D€bt PEmlum Advances fur Constn don Other Detn€d Uablllu.s Acclmulated In\r6tment T8x Credlts - Uullty Acqtm. lnrrestment Tax Cr€dlts - Non-Wlity Opcrtdng ta€scru€s @ntrlbutlons ln Aid of @nsttuction Accum. Amort. of Conmb. ln Ald of Cgnst. t* Admulated D€frred In@me Tax6 Total Llirbllldes odd [c9 - 29) IOTAL UABIUTIES O, CAPTTAL ( Add [E 8 A 3O) .. Ctrly It Commlslo Appovcd 22L-2 22i 224 231 2i2 233 235 236.1 1 236.12 236.2 237-40 21L 251 E2 253 255.1 255.2 261-5 27L 272 281-3 a 766 6eB in1 07?( t (21r-a27\t (96-11A\ t 55S_461 a a6-t6q 3 t Ir.763\t E (31.3911 3 172.642 a oa6-qon t s6e lon t 17 -343\t t 11.308 a 1t4_190 I 6 56a t 25.192 3 (18-285,] a 9.?n7.17 t 1-259-165 t 536-5(!lt a LA14-62q a 6)) ^qo Gdi Stete Annul Repod - 2021-Bl 8of13 AI{ilUAL REPORT FC,R WATER T,TILINES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COMIi|ISSION NAME: G€m St te Watar Compaoy LLC STATEIIIB{T ()F RETAIT{ED EARNIiIGS Retalned Eamings Balance O Bcainning dYaar Amount Add€d from Cun€nt Year In@me (Fom P9 ir. uE 32) Other Crcdlts to Aaaount Dlvidends Paid or Approprlated Other Dlstrlbutions of Retalned Eamhgs Retalned Eamings Bllanc! @ End dYear CAPITAL STOCK DETAIL For the Yerr Endcd 0uou20zt - 1213il202 (115.009) 3 (96.118) a (2r1-1271 ilo. Shac tro. $aE a Ysr€nd Interest Inter6t I 7 DffiidiM aclas- P.r Value .tc-l DETAIL OF LOT{G.TERU OEAT I Totals Interest a t t 6em Stah Am6l Report - 2021_8J 9ot13 ANNUAL REPC'RT FOR WATER UTIUTIES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIUTIES COI{II{ISSION Gem Strte Water ComPanY LICNAMEI SYSTEM ENGIilEERING DATA For the Yar Ended I 2 Prcvide an updated system map if slgnlficant changes have En mad€ to the system during the year. Water Supply: bbd OFdty (flfl,OldN Effi SUPPIY (W.ll, spnns,mdo Totll Capadty ffis usblc C.padty m's Type of R4ryolr (El€vdd Nnad contudton (w@d, SM o1lou2o27 - 7213u2O2 BR 3 TOTALS System Storage: (Dupllcate form and attach if necessry. Asterlsk fadlltles added thls year.) l7\?a 6a6 too 74 2.850.800 400 20-629-300 31 10,473.300 120 s8,486.800 lq6 17,q6AOO NFW NEW )7q 2a-2L.OOO t?c 1& non 100 188./182.000 3Oo+o 352-48S_400 2(xtooo ! q4200 Bdoatad Concftte r45000 I ?OOOO Bm<t d/Elevrt d Concr€te ETnOO q70no Bm*..t aanarcta 700 700 100000 92600 Bmsted Concrete tooo sooo PtBurlzed Steel G.n State A.n@l Report - 2(rU._8,10 ot [t ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UTIUTTES TO THE IDAHO PUBUC UTIIJTIES COMMISSION NAME: Gem State Water Company LLC SYSTEM ENGII{EERING DATA Continued 4 Pump infoffiation for ALL system pumps, including wells and boosters. mted Hoe power REtEd APacity Dlscharge Pressure Energy used this Year For the Year Ended otlotl2o2r - ra37/2o2 BCS KC ,s" BR ,qAqB N cladstdnc Rd- 5' Goulds Model 320L50- 50HP so 275 50 RR ?q1? F Bnrnner R.i ?\HP 25 .L25 50 RP ,qAql aladdnnc R.l 30 500 45-a5 BR 25858 claostone Rd 15 2SO 45-45 BR 25858 Claostone Rd 16 ,50 45-46 Rd DA DB 100 4An 10 ,qo 60 10 250 50 25 500 60 20 74 7a 1qn ,?oo )n q ?6 s 6010225 10 225 60 10 22\50 10 225 60 50 48q s5 6n q2n 60 60 s70 60 570 7.\7E 74 74 ?o HP HFM H6trmrn .n.l Anhc - ?O" hend duo well eslno 30 300 4S-72 HFM H^trmrn :n/ A^n. - ?n' hanil .lrrd w.ll .aslno 20 200 45-72 r. Submit pump cuil6 unl6 preuously p@vlded or unavailable. A*edsk faciliu6 added this year. Atbch additlonal sheeE lf inadequate space ls available on Stls page- 5 If wells are metered; What was the total amount pumped this year? 000's gal What was the total amount pumped during peak month? 000's gal' What was the total amount oump€d on the peak day? gal. 6 If customeE are metered, what was the total amount sold in peak month? 000's gal' was your system designed to supply fire flows? If Yes; what is current system Eting? How many times were mete6 read this year? During which months? 204,083 40,470 N/A 51,364 DB, BCS, BR 1000, 1000, 500 8 times March ADril Mav June Julv Auoust SeDtember October Hofrman was not read under Gem Stats owneBhlp in 2021 9 10 How many additional customers could be serued with no system improvements scept a service line and meter? How many of those potential additions are vaGnt lots? Are backbone plant additions anticipated during the coming year? If Yes, attach an qplandon of prcJeG and amcipated @s! 11 In what year do you anticipate that the system capacity (supply, storage or dlstribution) will have to be expanded? SLE27.BCS7.DB2 HVO,LWO,BR44,TH sLE27,BCS7,OA2 HVO,LWO,BR44,TH YES SLE NO, BCs YES, BR YE HVNo.LWNo,DBNo 2022 BR, BCS 2023 SLE, Facllities plans being con Gem State Ann€l Repofr - 2021_BJ 11 of 13 ANNUAL REPORT FOR WATER UNIJIIES TO THE IOAHO PUBUC UTIUNES COMMISSTON NAME: Gem State Water Company LLC SYSTE'I,I ENGINEERIiIG DATA CONtiNUEd FEET OF MAINS In U* 1 Pipe Beglnnlng SLE For the Year Ended 0Ll0u202L - L2t37l2O2 Installed Durtng Abandoned During In Use End of LYN 495 495 2462 2462 8 8 ?497 1eq7 1il47)d)1 6la7)n) E/q67?6 A/q67?6 ))Aae ))AAA 2698 2698 25 2S 7450 76qO BCS Residential IRRIGATION Commercial Industrial Flat Rate: Resldential Commerdal Industrial Private Fie Protection Publlc Flre Prctectlon Strt Sprinkling 10"PVCI 12447 t2447 pvcl 20312 20312 pvcl ?O1a.l ?oia4 Fl/cl 360 360 DB CUSTOMER STATISTICS Metered BR HV HFM 2A 2A 2C 3A 3B 3C 4 5 6'Pvcl 12547 12s47 1033 Trancitel TBD TBD 8',trancite I TBD MD Thls hs Thls b{ 57, LWW 24, SLE 343 ,23, BCS 238 , BR 166, TH t47 DB 57, LWW 23, SLE 338, HV 23, BCS 237. BR 164 DB 29602556 / LWW 72354OO I SLE e7682 cd / HV 12380215 / BCS R- 74894573,ACgC- 5830230/ AR57548277 TH N/A sLE 13.9 MG / DB 2751( DB ?1 DB ?O rs 1?rc r? BC-s 13 BC-S 1 d CuSomeB G€m Slate Annual Repon - 2021_U 12 of 13 ANNUAL REX)RT FOR WATER UTILITIES TO THE IOAHO PUBUC Municipal, Other Ctrher water Utilitles TOTALS (Add th6 2 thouqh 8) CEFI'I IFICA TE COMMISSION 6 7 I -'i.i'r" '.r lu -,1. rr ,hI('.7"..r,.Br....t-/ \rVi\:,r.r rr'ro r n' ' ila lt l'n-r l< r 1 oqc aa6 o 6em State Annual Rsd - 2021 BJ 13 of 13 t rE, the n l^l bf uulily, on our oolh do eowrafiy 8ay lhal tho fofcotoirts 'lpor.t haB b6cfl prepalad undsr our dirE€tioo, Irom tha origrinal bools. papcrt End tecord3 ol aald utility: thal $re hav€ carelully sxarninod sa,B, and doclars &e ss{Irs to be a ctn€ct stettrn€r}t of lhs buginass afld aflalre o{ seld utilily for tho geriod cover€d by ths 'tport irt rttpcst to oadl afld svory man8r and tlxilg thcrtn sot forth, to lhc bo.sl ol our kftorulldgs, irtfomal*rn aM bstst. $ubasibed and &ombBcforo l{s c*r,t,q4v{h{,,rrh} tt ft ot -,4*^, f - Lozz Cr"!)w Stalo olorcgon CERTIFISATE Page 13 puSuc My Cornml*lon Expires g6aer6ltldio.t'etEla'rtt{t rF mnBfiffii Rev 3/02 f