HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020Annual Report.pdfGSt t- tr, A]Y]YUAL REPORT OF GEM STATE WATER COMPANY LLC NAME 250 SW TAYLOR STREET PORTLAND, OR 97204 ADDRESS TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDED -{ .: rii ;l i:: lL i,.:: " :; i,:i i.' i t '-:l',1 "j". r rI ,,a - imrfl llr I.,1\:.J(:;} f\]{:i:l l,ln ^l, rEFotr FotwATa uIIurrE To THE tDl]O n aUC [muTrES @to{sst(x FOt ilE VE n mtre o8/0u20r9 - t23r2019 coflPrrw liFo*,lriItox I z I I 5 6, 8 9 l0 OE li4 nma oa drlat, Datr ot OrfuEdqt Orillntt.r' undGr thr lm o, dtc rtrt! o, A&fc o, PrtttatDal Orie (tmDa. i rtEat) P.O. Aor (f $glc.Uc) cty St !a Uh Codi Ortf,nc.tlon (p.opdrtor, p.rttaf,lilp, corp.) filna, Oomtlrs Eri,.d Gdn$ewtu LLC u-c 11 An $ar! my ,r.t!d compratG? (y6 a nol r t., 4(t. l: m.--r rtrG I ....riri..ri Edah rt, EE! sddi b r,a dt .t2 Coitrct tnlbmttbr l,ttorgli t ka frtaldcnt Sant.fy Gmnlilmgcr Coridrht3q AItng Ellelncrtlre Ernc'tmcy Scvte A@u.lUnO yct V tLhId W.br of tdrho l3 ultc dv rrbr rysm aqrnd tudm t r,ui ff .ny addtsoo{dctado,E oEdGtoA[$nk .Erturhe$!rar? It V.,.tld!. It rGr rsa lI.B f k!!.8 t[hto -, ffi ,wt5 b dE urftf .ta Wh.a e! tna Come.lryrs b6tc and c@ads tcpt? StEtAddB oty St a. ztg W12r EarOfibS Otlmd 8.. 2SOmE6 Coaor O alcm 83el{ 6tfr !d.&@t Ren. &r9 iirl ld15 t.87r.755.92A7 Le7,.7SS.l)/)e7 t,87r.7gs,tn37 t.8r7.7SS.,lt2B7 l.8rr-755-9ile7 AmrrAL nEPOt Fon wAIB UIllJfleS IO lltE to^l{} n A|JC UIlrrTTES COtaHtSr()x ilAll€: GGm Sf.tc W.t6 Comp.iy l,!C COTaPAXV lllFmtlAnor (CoiL) 15 15 tnc 3yrlcm oodatrd 6 trEl.itatrEd unds a s.ytc! ontnxt? fc tha Yxr Endad i99!139!9:lSgvrors SLVLWW ilo aCSYES DOIGS 16 t7 t8 rE: wldrr$mElhcortad? Wlrn do6 fh. omct sOaE? l{h.t Flu and ri:r E hdr&d? k mEr DrrdtEd for rcdc $0rgh ttG ru*am? rF: ilamr ot Ofmar.Uo0 Robcn Tumb..Gd At rS tla!*, strrolc. Oo oH bot Uflcd Er Um lnd trxeddt irdlng Ad&E ov strG atp GdSogCCF t mort Wat? purdlGad 19 HB ily iystsn(r) DGe db.gorond by tr LLho Daprtncnt dEfllrcfmGtd eudty? , ra afEarr ta arafxe.r 20 tl8 ttn ld$o D.pltmant oa E vtrmmrnt l epatty xc YB ffi IDE(I rnlt ry rc E o.ls , rG.aE rr,ta lotf,rda,t 2 I Xmbcr oa CoarplltrlB ;tcrtEd Adng yaar oemttgr Qlatty of Sarylcc Htth 6Xt Dtso.!naidon 22 i&mo.r of CEaD.rs hvolrrobnty db@omo.d23 Dlb @tomss ld rutvcd . cSV oa tfE Smtrwy otRdca EquLtd by ID FA 3r.21.0r.ru1?l!-r.qrdi.3mry 21 DU JeilAcant addl0G or radcrls{! arom df, Plrtrt Amurt' mr d$lne dtc yarr? f E lr(l| ir Bb.t t d- urtd ryur i? OCryDb Prwnmd.e|t3 5 ,/u20t9 Io 6.n iuh tnd R.ro.r . l0r9 fh.t 2dls lrtau^t tFilT Foi wArEt uTturl6 To TtG tot fo pu3uc unuTl6 @llxtssrcr[{AME: cGm Strta Uyatlr Coo{Eny LLC TEYEXUE T EXPEIISE DETAtt Fo. tta Y* End.d 9.@:133vzorgDESCilPnOt aoo rarEiltEs I 2 3 I 5 6 7 0 I l0 t1 t2 13 la r5 l6 t7 r8 t9 20 1r 22 23 21 25 26 a7 28 29 30 3l 32 33 460 ta!.r natarrd S.lG - &ddanod *r,2 Latcnd Srh3 - Coiltrardd, IndGt'lal a ar,727 (6t u a65 .C6 0 Oiar Watar S.Lr tar!ftr 5d6 for Rslc t 43,72?(5ffato,ta.a,liltl .EQfGa[dEdrbffi " 15*Jrtcffin;a6Olda ...CdtrEi fr.ruad S.frttrl. Clidd aor o?clfit aG ErpartEs 6oi.1.G LaDor - Opqalron I l{alntmanc to Atrt I to Aail a ro.flro Bootcd to adr r t 30, r02 €1., aol.t 601w Gro t bor . CUSIE Am0ntt S.Lrlc , O{ic6 e DkctoB t 29,615 t 4,490 A{c}n$d Wat 3 14.54 I 6t! C,thk h cr0"r.6 l.l&rt b I S{!e&r. Opmtlon I tlllnt. t 123 t 609 t 5,01? 6lt.r 635 6!6 6ar{2 630 656.39 @ aa 67 6B 5X Contixt Sdl6 - Pro,ragloml Crotrrt SarylG . Watar IcrdrB Contrxt Scrlrlc - Od[. i@t lt - Progcrty a Eqllp0ut T6Goortl0on ExpaE tmrre Adc.tldne Rrtc Cle Ery.ns (Amordl.tbn) RcguLtory Comm. Erp, (Otn6 cx6!t tar6) Aad OGbt ExpaBa l.llnllaEou5 Total o9Gndno Crtatc (^dd E u . 32. .bc * 6 P9 r, rh 2) 3 rso :t.4so t r0,498 3 7,t20 t 675 t 4,210 t6? ).502 I 113,255 6!ft St E M iryr . 2019 in t td I5 L^l.lE: mcoilE srArHaar Arilr L tF*r FoR rArEt WILIIE ro ttc to lto Pt lt.!c uTtuTtEs @nrtsslox GGm StatG W!t!r Co.tEil, LLC for ti. Ye Etdld o/0u20r9 - lu3v20rt sm oescRtPIloat t 2 3 ,l 5 6 ? E 9A 9A 9c 90 l0 ll L2 r3 !a l5 l6 L' l8 It 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 2a 29 30 3r te im(Ee,ff.!,Ltl oeardrg E garE FEd hlr. r, rr 3!) DaoEcrrtho E$.e A.tto.drdo, Urrl{y H.nt AqdCdon AdJ. &mrtffio{rErp. -CHI RceuLtory fc(n C) Prop6t, T.E hyrdtTuB ottGr Ttrc (L) DCQ Fc a B-77' I 1rt.265 .0t .06 a0, aoa.t0 .0a.tl ail.r2 {0c.13 I ro-e99 t 2.463 4.E!)2 I 1.605 .09,r0 .01.!! .r0,t0 ato.tt all .E I (u,7al) StatslioET.E Pmrtslon fbr Ddrntd ImTax - Fadcrd Prorblfr ior Daftmd ltm Td - $aaa pEdtlon ,o. DrlLrnd udlty lm T.r Ccdltt lnv6ttrEot f.r OldB - tldlty rltd CrDsna hm opJrdo.!. t 6[ lnm (d rr:-!, l|rm Flw tdk, H.rlt t.Ed to Othr[ Gd]l3 (tEar) frtm D6goatho oa rroley Eitnt tLtO!-dE lmodarE L r,ulbh. 16) Reilr€. ,{crdtadEhle ,obttre and Cootrxt WorL E pcil.q l4.rh.nd&do9. ,oDuig A Contnctr t {a,t7tt i 2.907 3 1,0:10 3 rrl-oia 4tt a!a alt a16 It9 ato a2t .2C _t_l!4Elr AIilaE hr Rmah rEa, Ourfrg Co.Erudo{r Mbc:ilro03 r&o-lr$lF, ln€oG a0.2o Odra farc.. lton-l.tfry Opantlc lo}il lmlrB,loa-t*yopatlo6 tlrt taoo-lrufy llm Olr rc ro,z,2t I 2a re h6 21.25,26, I 2r) Gl[ lrEam(d:E tor 2c) ar.t lntartat Elp, m lslFTm Olh {r.s Ot r ft cr. Cl{!6 lGt I'GO;E (rh 29 re b r M). (ao ce o tg 9, w 2, l.-----!g'el L---J!L!3t 6.hs&lMlt eo6.2019nn l adtl AM{UAL NEFOTT FOR UAIER I'|ILMS IO IHE IOAHO N.|IUC I,TILIIIE @IIXISSIOXIAIIE: Gcm Statc w.tscomprny Ltc ACCOUI{T l0l Pllrr n sEfivtcE DErAtL 8.hre B.tinntlE For dlr Yor Endad Add.d hrring Rcm@.d During g!l!!g3g!Ll4lr/2ore BalrG End of I 2 3 a 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l t2 l3 la t5 r6 t7 t8 l9 20 2r 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 !0r 302 l0l il T5 !6 s, !06 m 3r0 !r1 ,m 3t0 ,3r l3! tl. tr3 3r 3!' tao Lt v2 L3 g 15s ta7 A O.!Enlzadon Frnd{s ud Cmsta Lrd I f.od Rleht! SlructuG and lmp(ffits Colcc0nc A lmoou.dlig R@rsl6 t L, $s A Odrd lrtrk6 WCls SuDg{y ttalnr Pui{tcatbn Systffi Dlstrlhrtl,on RmXE I St {dphcs SarylG Hydrunls B&kfid PE6do.r OcvlG Oth.. PLnt t li6c. Equipmmt OflrE Fumltwr rnd Eeulpmant frEportdoo Equlpmaf StqB Eqdplmt Lrborcto,y Eqdpmnt Porcr o9ailtad EqutFndt Cmmunlcrtlffi Eqqlp.r$t Othcr T.nglbL Pmperty TOTAL PI.AI{T I'{ SERYICE (AdtG 1 - 2l) tu!{mi9l6doaF&hoPg7. h 1 6.n Se bn[l X@ - 20t9thl s61 15 a a ,.271 t ,3-ffi t a gf,t-:l0a C il Iro t 92-l6a t ,r2-al2 twt t 7.tos i 10s-2r ! trm 1-t33t u at6 t 6.19,!t t t t a? li, t 3.903 t l-lm a u*, $r xu lSt 2,*) t )t1 i3,N ctk l;? l!/ LS ,1$ lf5 ll l I l15 .0 ra6 619 t a imrz3t-'oa-r72 a llmr^l rcnotT Fot w^rEl unuTIES ro fiE tDA]o ruauc uItuTtES ooIlttsstoft tl^ilE! G"n St tr Wdacompany [fC rcorlllrl rE OEPRTEUn(,i AOO(xn{T 10t.1 DEr tL Dcartddo,r Irt Fcr lhc Y* Ead.d Lb,E lqirlrlt !g@Il4:J41rl20le Ad{e Eid oa I,Eu$ ff I 2 3 ,. 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll l2 13 la I5 r6 t7 18 l9 20 2t 22 23 21 25 26 g s 16 I' s I' lo ltt 320 & BI lrt rl4' ttis l, 3a0 xl p L:t ,aa !a6 !a6 A7 x Stn ctrc a0d lrtrp@r.E*s Colcdne a InDoundhg RerYol6 t&, $G e otlEr lnt k6 waffs S{rDgly ltrkE Forcr G6cE[on Equbmrnt PoWPm9krgEqdpmnt Pudnouon Synrmr DLtibuum RffilE e sEndplp6 flretDattslb. HdBAAmst s Sdlclt HydraE E.ddiorr ?rt€tlon OGvk6 Odlr Pbnt I lrltsc, Equtgmnt O{ttsa FumEJrt and Equlmst Trmpqt'tioi Equlpmnt St!,r' €qrloncnt Tods, SIEO md Gu.gc Gqulgmst Llbo?.try Eqdpmnt Fm. Op.ratrrd Equtgfimt Comunkm|,o$ Eqdpmot Ofiar TanglUG Prcg.rty totALs (e rE I - 2s, hwbaerrwe ladrpM69e z fr, 6ollt r<mm 3 5s-as8.m t a t ?t_c21-m a oi&rm l 13t.52a.(I) r 1 3r3m 3 t 12-S1O-OO a t_r?sm t rar6&m a q-3tr_oo a I t a t.173-m &8.4 40 ,6J 3.S3 l,t rl ,1rl 15.r8 65.4$ i Lczl 91,sl lto,524 1.s t6E ll.B r2.!10 t4.t6t r_331 t 2-l7a_oo t I 1.3re-015 t r-!t9-t56-m fArEl iAIAilCE S}IEET Al$ru L RF(nr KrR WATE, UTILIIIES lO lfiE tD rlo PUTUC UnrJTl€S COLnISStOll Gdn S.te w.tar cqnp.iy [c FortEYo.Eldcd Itlre Bcglnnine ln3lou20r9 - t2l3u70t9 ASSETS Balrmc Era of lnffig OT I 2 I a 5 6 7 8 9 r0 tl t2 l3 1.1 15 t6 L' t8 19 20 2r 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ro1 IG r03 10! lta t dlty PLnt ln Sailka (Fs t 5, r x, UUlty PLot t.6.d to O&ffi naot H.ld fof Futrc t s. Coo*n doal Urfft h hogrt$ 1ol.1 r06.2 16,l r!0.1 r&.2 rr3 Subtot (6uEr-l) A@mrfita{ Ocp.tcLdoo (m Pe e, ur 26} Amrm. OcDr. - Lntlity Pl.il LlE b Odr6 A@m. Oc9.. - Proparty tLld lor FutuE UE A@m. AroL . wlty Pbnt In Sade Aaorm. Adr6t, - UuLty ,Lnt ltm to O$8 Ammurrcd AmrtEltlor " AeuBNotr Adr. ll.t lnltr rtr*(h6 3E 7' 12) InEtltncnt tr Sublldhr{B Odrd lnEtrrpltr t:3 t:5 l3t r!3 ral ta2 la5 l5! t62 !7t la3 rtr ra! tar !!6 Cdr Ads/ilotGi R*!tuanh " a$torm6 O$.r tetv.6h. Re,lva0l6 fTiln Aslatrd Co.rpaffi I'Lt"d.b i Su[dl6 lnwnto.l PnOald Exprls6 To|L Grult (^dd h 17 . 2., t$ h25) Uomo.tlad O!0t Db@!trt I E ecn* htmln ry Surey I lMdgeo.l CtEO€s Herad RdrO*Elpsl$ Odlr DafuEd Chrr06 Tot l Asaa3 (Mh r!, 15lr- :0) 7dt5 i 1-fir.7r2 t a3trI772 a a t twD 7Ma7)t r ito ost1irq.956 t t a t a &tr6 a & tt6 3 a a tr0.s82i t 110.582 3 t t :6-156a t 16- 156 77 t 77 I a a 116 trt a 113_l1S C a (6.50at a ilt tm I'AilE: l t^rcE slrcET Aliflrat- tEPotT fot UATER UTTUIIES IO IXE lDltlo pUrLrC Unl'rnES OOrilrS$OX Gan St tr Watlr Comp$y tfc Fq tha Ysr EtrdGd BaLrce Saglnoang 0E/0v2o19 - 12l3V2019u alurltsIcrPrlt B.bE End of lfflw s I 2 3 1 5 6 1 t 9 l0 lt L2 t3 ta t5 r6 t7 l8 l9 lo 2l 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 t0 !l ,0r.! :oa-6 20r-t! lta 215 2S 2ll ComlM Stoct mrcdStod( MhdLacots Cadtll Affi unts Approprhtld R.t tmd Emtng3 Uu9rrcpd.H Rrtdmd Emh96 R..cqdrld Clpatlt $ock ProprlGtary Cagltrl IoLl E$*, C.rLl (ldd k t-J+, B sil 6) Eo0d3 AdYaG rtm AsLtad CmganLr Ott r Lmg - Tm Dlbt A@uts P.y.bh tlot6 Fayaua A6@ts Pay.blc - Asdatld Comp.ot6 C6blE Oapocltt (Rc{t ndlbla) AErEd Od[r LxC' Payablc A6ucd Inooc Tat€ Payabtc Aqrcd Tls - ltm.Udllty AdrrGd DGDG lntlrtti i DlvScn& parabh Ml-. Cumt I t6ucd uru{tbs Umtrutlad Dcbt Rtrrtum Advare for Coijtructlon Odicr Oar!red tLbllU6 AermrbEd lEEllrnot Tu CGdt3 - t tuty A@m. Inva3tndt Tar Qtdltr - ilon-UUltty Opcntfttg,tarc Cootr{butrcm h Ald ofarnrtru(to. Aarm. Amqt. oa cmtrtb. to Atd oa coGt. .. Aarmdltad M l@mc f.E zrt-2 221 2:r ,,l 2!I a3 rlt :16"ll 2t6.U 2*.2 ,!r-ao 2at 251 2! 2Sl 255.r 255.2 rt-5 27t 772 rtr-3 IOrAL [IAIIUneS I CIPF t ( e rEar $] .. dy { Coh:do.t AFroS Gca St& hud R.9o.t . :Olgind tolS 6r 1- 144a 5t1-!{a t 6t!-taa a 6l!-raa a t ,1 m! 47W I ar_u 6t i?7I t 6?-327 I ror-:16,, tor-:,6, a ,20-511 3 '20_311 ArI{uAt tEForT Fm w rcr Ulu-rrlEs ro rHE to Ho PUBLrc t llunEs coxxrssrox tiAl.lEt Gd! st ta watar conprn, l1c STAIE€IT OF TETAIED EAIXTXGS I Rctrhcd Eamlngs Ballmc O BG!iloning of Ye 2 Anilnt Addcd fm Cqmt Ydr lm(tuF94, hrl) 3 @rs CrCrdE to f@6t a Olvldadr?.ldqAg9.ogd.tGd 5 (xfis DlrtslbutlG ot n*.Ft!d E mlD!fi 6 Rrt ln dE.nlnGE lreOEndotYsr crPr^L$oct( DCrAI FGtEY{rErdcd !g9u3q-g1r/role 3 (37,372.q,) hStE b.SllG 7 tcslodon (Cla. Px V.lu rtc.! t DETATIOf IOiG.THI' OBT lntartat Yrrnd InbGt InH 8 T6b G.m h. Am0t kFr - IO19 nd notrt a a i Aii{rrAL REFmT FOn rATEt UTIUIIES TO IHE tD r(, ruBUC UTIUTTSi COr}OSSrOfia^rrE: Gem Stata W!t!. Cmgany tfc SASTEI| Ef,GIIIEERIiG DATA 0ry0v20r9 - r2l3v20t9 Pd,ld! ao upd.trd rystlm mlp ttstsnmont dBngB haE ben mrda to ttr lvltcm du.itlg dlc y@r, water Supolyl rorus SFtcm Storatc: HI C.9.dtr mt hiL C+dy ml rrd (ed (*!d, sEl (Duplk t iom .d .lt ch ll lmr?. ArffiL t dOU6 .ddcd thfr yar.l G.ilSt&hqlM-20t9fn t rO oa lS aSOom cL2 tr/H &< :t6 t{/ s20 U h[ sro r6 cro,m m 55 t{/a ta oro m ,tlm !s2m Cdrd !.ffi irmm WEb.H 57000 s7000 76 CoM AI{ilUAI NEPOTT FOi, f,ATB UTIUIIES TO lHE IOAHO PI'ErJC UTLIIIES CO'1}IISSIOII IAXC: ccft Stltc lv.tcr comDlny LLC S-l15lEl4 E'lGltEEf,lrG DATA ConUnU.d 4 Pump hio.rnld$ {b. Att syem pudrp6, -ldudhg wrlls .id bdst!6. td m6 f6 tlE Yar Endcd !q9!!4],-:&Ltzo,3 id C.pd, Ml9.tuCy urad lBtr .' &tut Ftr ffi utar !l*t Fdd.d d ovra$h. rffir tdL .dl.d t E p. Auadr &il1 dr*, i.-rAoah F I rdrl'l 6 ffi D.aa. 5 ltwa[rac mctlrGd: Whrt wG tlr tolrl.mnt n mpad thts yor? o(x}b oEl. lryhlt w.r tha total rmnt pompcd dlrto9 pcrl mnti? 000't gd. Wh.t w tfE tottl .mnt p{rmpcd m tha pc.k day? 9.1. 6 lf qEtmr! !E nata.td, wilt w!3 tlE totd rmount sld ln pGd. Mth? flto's erl. 7 W.s yor 3vstlm dcrlgrcd to spply fir. lloE? If Y6: What ts @rcntBystam..dng? 8 ||ff lMy ilm6 wc m&6 rcld thls ysr? 65.6trc/3r,rc 12.6 '.rG/ 250I -_u. 9.7 r.lc st.E ilo Bcs YEs _8CS r70O gpm 7 OB Y€S Ourlng whldr mths?ADrll I'Ly lum lrly Auourt Scgtln*ar Octolcr Gdnl&hdn port.lorgnn l uoat3 1d afi 'rtt!o 2S tr td )4 A rn< lrd255ma 2A 71 a}6il' t{,m )1 I T ta 225 60 10 ,t3 6a 10 tr(fi tn ,)1 tr-.aa!i 55 60 520 6a 60 570 [/a 3 ,a 2a ?x 7t n t{ 15 It/l 9 Amrral- tcllorr Fotu ta unull6rolrlC DA]ro ttDuc ultrmEi @tialssroi tlor mer, ldalEqral oEtffi ora, ba strd uldr m ryrtam lmeGuafirar*t Hs, lmy oa dtE 9otandal add0o.|3 r'! v*ant ht3? l0 An b.Gl6m Cmf .(mbm riddo*.d drhe tia comI|e ya.r? ,E aldt r AL.&. CtE...tr ra.iddf.aa St ll ln uhat yBr do y8 mddr.t $* tnc ryilo ogadt, ($00tf, s.ag. q dbtrtudoi) x,u htw lo ta arrfidcdl *E 3' ACS 3 sLE 37 8(S 3 slEr€ msr€ sr"E 2022 st.E 2042 !roaA AIfiUAL TEPOTT FOT f, TB UTnJIIE T(' IHE IDA}€ ruBLlC UTIIIIIES CDISIIS$OX ta^l4E: GGm Statc Watar Cdnplry LLC SVSlEll EIGIiEERUIG DAIA ffi.xld FEET Of IAIT6 ln Usa I Pl9G B.girnhe FG t,[ Ys ENdCd glgl@l{11/40le lGtrllcd turln{ Abrndoncd Durlng ln U* Erd ot SLE L}TI lcs l2u1 ,o1r? nrc 360 203C. 350 DE 125.7 rolS crrsroHEr srAltrltlcs 2 2A 2B 2C 3 3A 3B 3C tilat?r!(r; RcCdcno.l ColtmEral IrrrGtrl.l rlrt Rlt : RaCdcr|ti.l @mm!Elal tndJstrtal 6an StAr a,r.ul nagt - 2019 find rtd $ .o( I a!! )N2S2l IBI Q'I 3An7 tatlfrul 1il17?12 trs6?sar!67361 ?reul 2263[ 76q7650 t rt, il*B llf r ff^w 3s2 E 226 D B5'ff 322 rc 2rA Da 9F l3.S f,G / Dg 279X Et GI G4S Ea9 tmtx,t rilrEtnN[ uftrtElptlcnlo ,.0Lb.a, qfr.t OEr&Uf,btolll3tehr2nit dtl, ullufllcoorrf3$il 6 ?! CERTIFTCATE ".t. I lrr. llc, ' (r tt,...L .tllt' i,' .J ' I r ';.: l.< , u ri -riJr' r \t t t t: i -t. r I t !'.r l.(!'i ,;i t.l .t. -7 " ' lt'' 'l 'r" ' I'r " ": a- 5r rHl tlrt. llr5al 13, It G 4 o o