HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171117Decision Memo.pdfDECTSION MEMORANDI'M TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LNGAL WORKING FILE FROM; JOLENE BOSSARI) DATE: NOVEMBER 15,2017 RE:cAsE NO. GPW-W-17-01 COMPLIANCE TARITF FILING On February 22,2017, Grouse Point Water Company, LLC applied to the Commission for authority to increase its monthly base rate, increase its consumptive charge for customers using over 8,000 gallons/month, add a new consumptive charge for use under 8,m0 gallons/month, increase the reconnection charge, and add a meter testing charge. The Company reduced the arnount it was requesting for the reconnection charge and withdrew the request for a meter testing charge with Production Request Response Nos. 30 and 31. Commission OrderNo.339l0 approved a three-tier inclining block rate structure and an increase in the customer charge. In addition, the Commission approved implementation of a reconnection charge, a late-payment charge, and a retumed payment charge based on Staffs recommendations. The new rates and chargcs became effective on October 13,2017. See Order ar I l-13. Staff has rvorked with the Company to ensure its rate schedules comply with the Commission's Order. Staff will continue to work with the Company to revise the remainder of its Tariff, including its General Rules and Regulations. DECISION MEMORANDUM I NOVEMBER 15,2OI7 STAFI'RECOMMENDATION Staffhas confirmed that the rate schedules filed by the Company on November 9 comply with Commission Order No. 33910. See Attachment l. Staffrecommends approval of the Company's TariffSchedules I and 2. COMMISSION I}ECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the Company's TariffSchedules I and 2 with an effective date of October 13, Z0l7? 5n r'L- Jolene Udmemos/ GPW-W-I7.01 Complimcc Filing dcc mcr:ro DECISION MEMORANDUM -2-NOVEMBER I5,2OI7 Grouse Point Water Company Shaet 1 Revision't Replaces All Previous Sheets GROUSE POINT WATER COMPANY SCHEDULES, RULES, AND REGULATIONS SCHTDUIE 1 METERED wlTES RATES SCH€DUT€ 2 NON.RECURRING CHARGES GEI{ERAL RUTES & EEGUIATIOI{S fOR SMAIT WATER UIILFIES ,. GfruFEAl. 2. DEFNTONS 3. SEf,VICE fAR NEW CUSIOMENS 4. DEPOSirS 5. RATES 6. 8'I.I,,Y6A'VDPAYMENT 7. METERING 8. CUSTOM€A PLUMEING AND APPLIANCES 9. CFOSS CO,Vf"ECflON CONfROL 10. tustALl/.nau oF SEBViC€ CO ,/VECT,O /5 JJ. REPIACEM€NT OR EN,.AAGEMENT AF 'ENVrcE CO.V,VEC7,O,V ,2. DISCONNECNAN AND RECONNECT/p.N OF SERV,CE 73, EXTENSI0iN AF WArEA MNNS 14. FIRE PRATECNONSERT4CES 15, MISCELLANEOUS 16, SPECTALPIOWSI,ONS Order No. 33910 Llsa Grouss Polnt Water Company LLClssued: 1111312017 Effecllve: 10r13nfi7 lssued by Grouse Point Water Company Sheet 2 Revision 3 Replaces All Prevlous Sheets qEHE!'ULEI METERH] WATER RATES Freouencv of Billiqq: Customers will be billed monthly based on lhe meter readings from the previous billing period, payable within twenly (20) days of the billing date. Customer Ghalgai A recuning fixed charge to recover a portion of the cost of providing water service that does not vary with the guanti$ of water consumed. $86.00 monthly Usage-ChgIoS The Usage Charge is calculated by multiplying metered waler consumption during the billing pariod by the rate per unit of m€asurement. The totial UEage Charge is the sum of charges for each Tier. Tlqr 1: First 8,000 gallons (0 to 8,000 gal.)$2.50 per 1000 gal. Tier 2; Next 12,000 qallons (8.001 to 20,000 sal.) $3.75 per 1000 gal Tier 3: _9y9r J0,000 gallons (20,001 gal. and over) $5.00 ler l_QO[ 94, Example' 17,A00 gallons osage ln one manth - {520.A0 $2.50 X I 18.@O galil + S33.75 (53.75 X I [9,000 sdlll =.t53.75 Usaga Charge $86.00 (Custonnr Charga) * 853.75 (Usaga Charge) = Sr39.75 Note: 1000 gallons = 1.33681 centum cubic feet (CCF) CCF = centum cubic feet or 100 cubic feet 100 cubic feet =748 gallons Note: The customer shall pay the total of the Customer Charge plus the Usage Charge. Order t'lo. 33910 Llsa Company LLClssued: 1111312017 Effsctive: $11312017 lssued by Grouse Point Grouse Point Water Company Sheet 3 Revision 3 Replaces All Previous Sheets SCHEDULE 2 NON-RECURRING CHARGES Reconnection tharqe: Applles when a customer requests reconnection following disconnection of service lor: o hon-pa}ITlBot r a dangerous condition caused by the customer (e.9., lack of certified cross connection control) Does not apply to situations where the customer requests disconnection lo make repairs or prevent water damage to the customer's property. Also does not apply when service was disconnected by the Company for its convenience. $20.00 $40.00 applies I a.m. to 5 p.m.. except holidays and weekends applies any other lirne Returned Pavment Charoe: Applies when a customels check or electronic payment is not honored by hislher financial institution due to lack of sufficient funds in an account, a closed account, or some other reason. $20.00 Late Pavment Gharqe: Applies to the past-dua balance owed at the time of the next billing. One percent (1olo) Meter Testinq Charqe: Applies when the customer requesls the Company test the accuracy of a meter. No Charge lssued: 11n3nUT Effective: 10fl34fi7 Order No. 33910 lssued Lisa Polnt Company LLC