HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170831Reply to Staff Comments.pdfMountalnI,IIATEBI,rIOBI(S i) :3r Pt{ h: I [: 813t12017 ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Case No. GPW-W-17-01 Regarding: Comments of the Commission Stoff- Grouse Point Water Company Response On behalf of Grouse Point Water Company, LLC (Company), Mountain Waterworks respedfully submits this Response to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission for review. The Company's responses will include the header and page number associated with the Staff Comment/Recommendation, along with the Company's official response to Staff Comment/Recommendation. Staff Analvsis-Page 2-Staff Comments-August 17, 2017 The Company agrees with Staff Recommendations of a three-tier inclining block rate structure, with the proposed block rate charges: o $2.50 per 1,000 gallon usage rate for the first 8,000 gallons . 53.75 per 1,000 gallon rate for the next 12,000 gallons . 55.00 per 1,000 gallon rate for all usage in excess of 20,000 gallons Howevel the Company does not agree with Staff Comments that the SgZ.OO monthly base customer charge is sufficient to fully collect the Company's actualfixed expenditures. ln reference to Staff Comments of utilizing a pro-forma test year based on 2015 expenses, the Company believes that the 2015 test year underestimates the annual cost of operation and maintenance expenditures primarily associated with the costs of professional fees, specifically contract operation of the water facilities. The four-year average of the actual costs of professional fees totals 58,555. This compares to the average cost of professional fees in 2015 of 57 ,287, resulting in a difference of S1,378 annually. Due to the low number of customer connections and the lack of economy of scale in comparison to larger systems, the cost of contract operation may vary significantly from year to year. Therefore, the Company believes that a four-year average approach will better estimate the true costs associated with the operation and maintenance as compared with a single pro forma test year. The Company agrees with Staff Recommendations on an LL% return on equity. Uranium Contamination, Water Qualitv. and the New Well-Page S-Staff Comments-August L7,20L7 The Company is unaware of a customer complaint that temporarily caused his family to abandon their home. No such complaint has ever been received by the Company nor has the Contract Operator, the Company's Representative, or the Company's Bookkeeper been made aware of such a claim. lf possible, the Company requests a detailed explanation and information regarding the custome/s address, along with the time(s) and date(s) associated with the temporary abandonment. Please be advised that when the new well was placed into service in 2009, taste and odor issues associated with the new water supply were observed and the Company changed its treatment methodology from chlorine to hydrogen sulfide. It is the Company's understanding that most taste and odor issues have been mitigated through this treatment. Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - office@mountainwtr.com www.mountainwtr.com 'i-iu i,ilsstol'i Mountalnl,lIATENI,lIORKS The Fire Wel!-Page 6-Staff Comments-August 17,2017 The Company takes exception to Staff Comments that the Company does not test the pressure switch (on/off controls) for the fire pump in the event of an emergency. The Company, through its Contract Operator, routinely tests all electrical pump controls, pumping equipment, and valving to ensure a fail- safe operation of the fire protection system, as the Company previously stated in the Third Production Request No. 47a, No. 48b, and No. 49 (submitted to IPUC Staff on June 30, 20L7l,. Electrical Power Consumption-Pase 7-Staff Comments-August 17, 2017 The Company does not test, maintain, or inspect the fire hydrant. Whitney Fire District is responsible for testing, maintenance, and inspection of the Company's fire hydrants, as the Company previously stated inthe Third Production Request No. 47a and No. 47b. Therefore, it is the assumption of the Company that fire protection has been maintained by the Company with routine testing of the fire pumping facilities and maintenance of the fire hydrants by of the Whitney Fire District. The Company agrees with Staff Recommendations of requesting the Boise City Fire Department to conduct annual fire testing for an annual 5500 fee. The Company also agrees with Staff Recommendations that the Company must coordinate fire flows so that flushing of the fire hydrant does not impact customers either from a taste or an odor perspective and to ensure that water mains are flushed with low uranium levels after the test. The Company does not agree with Staff Comments that 5500 is sufficient to offset actual operation and maintenance expenditures the Company will realize for these annual fire hydrant expenditures. ln Staff Comments (Page 10), system demands of 80kW are expected during testing of a full fire flow event. The ldaho Power demand charges associated with this event would add additional ldaho Power costs. Total increases in ldaho Power costs in the amount of 5480, which is a demand charge at the rate of S0.Og/t<W, would be in addition to the power costs. The 5480 doesn't include ldaho Power energy charges or basic load capacity charges. ln addition the Company agrees with Staff Recommendations that the System's Contract Operator shall be present while flow testing occurs. The Company estimates that the time to observe testing, document the pump run times, calculate volume of water used, and to flush the system is approximately 5260 (5 hours at the contract hourly rate of S45). The Company's belief is that this approximate cost is a conservative approach due to the volume of the water supply with hieh uranium concentration in excess of the US Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) maximum contaminant levels for this radionuclide being flushed. Therefore, the Company is requesting to receive the full costs of performing the recommended annual flow testing of S1,240 in the following annual flow testing costs: o Boise Fire Department-S500 o ContractOperator-S260o ldaho Power-S480 Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - offi ce@mountarnwtr.com www.mountainwtr.com 2 Ilflountaln Electrical Power Consumption-Paee 7-Staff Comments-August 17, 2017 The Company believes that the average annual ldaho Power cost of 54,206, as calculated by the Company over the four year pro forma test period, is appropriate for testing of annual power utilization. The Company believes that it will not receive benefits, due to the economy of scale of this small 24- customer connection system, for the per-unit electrical energy cost as it will remain higher than compared with other public drinking water systems with more customers. Company customers utilize in-home use at approximately 280 gallons per day, as compared to other water systems with larger irrigation demands of up to 1,000 gallons per day. The low usage of the Water System will require more frequent pump on/pump off operations. This pump on/pump off operation will result in higher electrical costs on a per-customer basis. The Staff Recommendation of S1,960 (Page 10) will barely cover the costs of ldaho Power's energy charge (kwh) of the following known energy charges from a copy of the Company's ldaho Power Bill from February t8,2Ot5 (lncluded in the Company's Application-Operation and Maintenance2015): o ServiceCharge-$15.00o Non Summer Demand Charge-$zz.oo o Basic Charge-S19.38o Annual Adjustment Mechanism-521.92 . Energy Efficient Services-S13.28 ln addition, the energy charges as calculated non-power pumping equipment such as: o Building Heater. System Ventilationo Chemical Feed Pumps o lnterior Lighting o Exterior Lightingo Control Valve Solenoidso Other Non-Pump Electrical Equipment The Staff uses a 2012 estimate of power consumption as an example of an efficient variable pumping speed where the annual power costs in 2012 was 53,773. Therefore, the Company believes that it cannot recover sufficient revenue to cover power expenditures in future years, thus putting stress on the Company and creating conditions for potential loss in future sustainability and viability of the Company. Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - offi ce@mountainwtr.com www.mountainwtr.com 3 I/IIATENInIONKS MountalnI,I,ATE BIllO R KS Amortization of Rate Case Expenses-Paee l4-Staff Comments-August 17,2017 The Company agrees that the Rate Case Expenditures for 2015 were routine accounting expenses and not Rate Case filing expenses. However, in discussions with Staff early in the process, the Company projected its Rate Case filing costs for 2077, and these were balloon costs based on the filing date of February, 2017. While the length of this rate case filing was extended beyond initial projections, along with a total of seven (7) official requests (including four (4) Audit Requests and three (3) Production Requests) sought after by Staff, costs for 2017 significantly increased due to time invested by the Company's Representative, Contract Operator, Bookkeeper, Financial Consultant, and Consulting Engineering firm. Thus, follow-up conversations with Staff resulted in the understanding that estimated costs could be reevaluated once actual costs were known. The Company disagrees with the Staff Recommendations of an annual Amortization of Rate Case Expenses equaling SgOO/year as a reasonable cost associated with filing expenses. The cost of filing for dissimilar IPUC regulated water utilities should not be assumed to be comparable to Grouse Point. Additionally, the larger costs associated with this filing is primarily due to the time period between rate case filings, with the last filing in 2003.Thus the Company is requesting full recovery of expenditures associated with the Rate Case filing (to date) for the Water Company, as provided in the attached detailed Rate Filing Expense Schedule, dated 08/3112017. lt should be noted that the Company is not requesting recovery of additional unknown costs associated with this Rate Case filing. Rate Design-Paee 15-Staff Comments-Ausust 17. 2017 The Company appreciates the detailed and technical analysis to develop the proposed rate design. The Company supports Staff Recommendations with minimal modifications to the revenue requirement as defined in this Response document. Customer Comments-Page 21-Staff Comments-August 17. 2017 The Company recommends the following wording modification on Page 21 of Staff Recommendations: "...stoff thus recommends thot the Commission order the Compony to file o new rote case within one yeor of odding ony new customers..." to the following: "....stolf thus recommends that the Commission order the Compony to file a new rdte case within one year of ony new customers in excess oI the existing 24 customers in adive service... Boise I Coeur d'Alene I Lewiston I McCall 208.780.3990 - office@mounta i nwtr.com www.mountainwtr.com 4 Total Application Exp€nse Amortized-7 Years Grouse Point Water Company Rate Filint Expense Schedule 2075-2017 workshert c 4,318s Costs to Date Professional Fees-Attorney s 36 L,320 Professional Fees-Accountant/Bookkeeoins s 111 5 600 5 532 1,500 L,238 3,575Professional Fees-Personal Representative Professional Fees-Engineer 4,739 16,934 Printins Costs and ExDenses 5 s s 145 Public Outreach Filing Fees and Associated Expenses Total Rate Case Filim ErDense $t,647 s 7,297 $2L,245 2015 2016 2017 Actual Costs Total CostsExpense Catetory