HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960807Agreement.pdfAGREEMEI{T TO PROVIDE WATER THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of by and between RfCKEL WATER COMPAM, an fdaho Corporation, Box L26L, Hayden Lake, Idaho 83835, hereinafEer referred rr COMPANY'i and L995, P. O. to as hereinafter referred to as ''CONSUMER.T' RECTTALS: 1. COMPAIIY has developed a wat,er well on real property owned by COMPAITIY and located near Bruner Road in Kootenai County, Idaho. Subject to the terms and conditions contained beIow, COMPAIIY intends to construct a distribution system and to seII water to property owners or other gualified customers, within the area of the well. 2. CONSUMER has an interest or an ownership interest in reaL property in a reasonable proximJ-ty of the well and well site and desires to purchase water from COMPANY on the terms and conditions contained below, subject to any modifications of those terms and conditions as may be imposed by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, if applicable. FOR AI{D IN CONSIDERATION of their mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1-. CONSirll4ER hereby subscribes for waEer hookups from COMPAIIY at a price of ($_) per hookup. The subscription price sha11 be paid concurrent wiEh the execution of this Agreement. 2. The COMPAITIY shaII, as soon as reasonably possible, proceed with the installation of a main water pipeline from the well site 1-AGREEMEN,I. I.O PROVI.IJtl nIAItrl( to serve the property of the CONSUMER, and other consumers. The water main distribution line sha1l be installed at COMPAIVY'S expense. In the event it is necessary to run a feeder or dist,ribution line (secondary) from the water main line in order to serve CONSUMER'S real property, then CONSUMER shall be responsible for and pay t,he entire cost of such extension. In the event CONSUMER installq such secondary distribut,ion line, the same shall be done in accordance with pIans, specifications, and engineering designs as promulgated by the COMPAITIY or the COMPAM'S engineer. CONSUMER sha1I be responsible to reimburse COMPAM for any and all engineering costs, inspect,ion fees, and other fees incurred by the COMPAIIY to assure proper engj-neering and insEallation of such a secondary distribution 1ine. Upon completion of the secondary distribution line, to the point where the same intersects the CONSUMER'S properLy, the same shal1 be owned and maintained by the COMPAM. From the point where the same intersects the CONSUMER'S property and continues in or upon CONSUMER'S property, the same shal1 be the soLe responsibility of the CONSUMER. In the event of damage, deterioration, ot other loss due t,o loss in the line where the same is located upon the CONSUMER'S property, the CONSUMER shall cause the same to be repaired immediately or as soon as possible, weather conditions and ground conditions permitting. The faiLure to do so sha11 authorize the COMPANY to make such repairs and charge the same as against the CONSUMER, and the CONSUMER sha1l be bound to pay for such reasonable costs of repairs as are incurred by t.he COMPANY. In the event that it is necessary to cross a road in order to reach CONSUMER'S property, then CONSUMER shall al-so be responsible for, and pay the cost of, the road crossing. If it is necessary to run a distribution line from the COMPANY'S main distribution line to serve CONSUMER, then the 2 _AGREEMENT TO PROVTDE WATER CONSIIMER shalI obtain a permanent easement on a from agreeable to COMPAI$y. The COMPAIIY shall, at its expense, install a water meEer near CONSUMER'S real property boundary line and CONSUMER agrees to allow access at all reasonable times to COMPAIIY or its agents for the purpose of reading the meter and, upon request of COMPAI\fY, granting COMPAI\TY an easement for the purpose of access to said meter. The COI{{SIIMER sha1I be responsible for the inst,allation of any water lines from the meter to the place or places of use on CONSTMER'S real property which water line installed by CONSITMER sha1l be no more than one inch (1") in diameter. 3. The purchase of a water hookup entitles CONSUMER to one (1) domestic use per hookup, said domestic use being defined as the reasonable amount of use for a single family residential household, yard, garden, and single stock tank use. Said use shall be l-imited to gallons per month, and any amount of water used in excess of gallons per month (which sha1l be subject to the base rate) shall be subject to a scale rate per thousand gallons for excess use as is published by the COMPANY and provided to the CONSUMER. The parties hereto understand that the water shal1 not be used for agricultural, industrial, or commercial purposes. The parties heret.o further understand that at some point in time the Idaho Public Utilities Commission may regulate the charges being assessed, and notice of such revisions in chargres shall be provided to the CONSUMER. 4. COMPAM shal1 deliver water to CONSTMER and shaI1 be entitled t,o be paid an amount based upon CONSUMER'S use each month which rate shaI1 be set to cover anticipate expenses, plus provide a reasonable rate of return on its investment to COMPANY. anticipated expenses include the cost of electric power, repairs, capital improvements, and testing for water quality. I -],CP,qEMqNT Ta PRa\7-! ]-\El Tr7^.'TEaD 5. The COMPAITIY sha1I submit for approval to t,he Idaho Public Utilities the rates charged to CONSUMER by COMPAM for delivery of water. Although figures have not yet been fu1Iy developed by COMPAIIY, 3t this time COMPA]IY would anticipate reguesting from the PUC an initial rate of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00) per month per water hookup which will entitled to the CONSUMER to up to FIFTEEN THOUS$ID (15,000) gallons per month, at a rate of between ONE DOLLAR AIiID TEN CENTS ($1.10) ANd ONE DOLI,AR AI.ID FIFTY CENTS ($1.50) per thousand gallons used in excess of FIFTEEN THOUSAI{D (15,000) per month. 5. Until such time as t.he system operated by the COMPAITIY is approved by the Idaho Public UtiLities Commission, and thereafter in accordance with the Rules and Regulations authorized by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the failure of the CONSUMER to pay his/her monthly charges as set forth herein shal1 be good and sufficient cause for the termination of the provision of waEer by the COMPAI{Y to the CONSUMER. In the event the provision of water by the COMPAM to the CONSUMER is terminated for failure to pay the monthly rate due and payable within TEN (10) days of t.he date of posting of the billing therefor, COMPANY sha11 have the right to terminat.e the provision of water to the CONSUMER, and in the event of subseguent payment for the arrearage, the COMPAITIY sha1l assess an additional FIFTY DOTIJAR ($50.00) for reestablishment of the water. 7. The failure to pay amounts due and owing for the consumption of water by the CONSUMER'S parcel of land shal1 constitute a lien upon t.he land of the CONSUMER, whether or not the CONSUMER subsequently sel-1s the property or retains the property, which lien sha11 be enforceable as liens are otherwise provided to be enforced under ldaho Code 45-507, et seq. t -}1'Lr.K.I1l1llvllfl\ J,fv rI\\rvIlJ.g vlnr.Dr\. 8. In the event the provision of water has been terminated to t,he CONSITMER for fail-ure to pay indebtedness, Ehe COMPAM r?y, in its sole discretj-on, require the payment of the turn-on fee as heretofore set forth, together with accumulated water rental to be paid prior to the CONSUMER being entitled t.o water services and benefits. 9. The CONSITI4ER agrees, upon demand, to pay a deposit in the amount of ($), payable to the COMPAM in the'event service to the CONSUMER is terminated either voluntarily by the CONSITMER or by the COMPAITIY for cause. The deposit sha11 be held and applied by the COMPAM to any unpaid balance then owing on Ehe CONSUMER'S account. Should the account be fu11y paid at the time of termination of service to the CONSUMER, the deposit sha1I be refunded by the COMPAIIY within a reasonable time thereafter, 10. The COMPAITIY sha1l purchase and instalL a cut-off valve in addition to the wat.er meter as heretofore set forth. The COMPANY shalL have the exclusive right to use such cut-off valve and wat.er meter as heretofore referenced. 11. The COMPANY shall- have f rnai autnorl-cy in d.r:,! eucsl-ion of location of the service Ij-ne connection to its distribution system; shal] determine the allocation of water to the CONSUMER or other consumers in the event of a water shortage; may shut off water to a CONSUMER who a11ows a connection or extension to be made of the CONSUMER'S service line for the purposes of supplying water for unauthorj-zed use or to another user (agricultural use, a secondary household, etc.); may prescribe a schedule of hours covering use of water for gardening purposes by particular consumers and required adherence thereto or prohlbit the use of water for gardening - I AhrrirrarmJ - asl\rtri-5l'1i-5r\ a PROI,/ID! ]^]I.TDP. purposes in the event of a shortage of water. L2. Additional terms to this Agreement, if drry, are: 13. There are no terms, conditions, or agtreements between Ehe parties except those set forth in this Agreement and any addendum attached to this Agreement. There shalI be no amendments to this Agreement unless the amendment is set forth in writing and signed by both parties. The parties may enter into an agreement subsequent to this Agreement regarding the subject matter herein, provided that such agreement is in writing and signed by both parties. IICOMPAIVYI' 'ICONSIMERI' RTCKEL WATER COMPATTY BY 5 - AGF.EEMENT TO pPn\rrDE WATFTR