HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030317Reply Comments.pdf, - Dana L Rayborn WetzellSB # 2929 Ronald P. RingellSB #4797 WETZEL & WETZEL, P.LLC. 1322 Kathleen Ave., Suite 2 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815 Telephone: (208) 667-3400 Facsimile: (208) 664-6741 , j: i'" F ! \1 r, '- L - I ' " ~ Cii (:",-!. i L-' .~ ill .... ' h~I\H 9: 23OiGJ lit- ,;\ UTiLi'! ilS Attorneys for the Diamond Bar Estates LLC dba Diamond Bar Estates Water Company: BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF DIAMOND BAR ESTATES LLC DBA DIAMOND BAR ESTATES WATER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND FOR APPROVAL OF RELATED RATES AND CHARGES Applicant Case No. GNR-02- ) RESPONSE TO COMMENTS ) OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Diamond Bar Water Company (the "Company ) submitted a variety of information with it's Application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. At the Public Workshop additional information was gathered by the Commission Staff. After review and consideration of the Comments of the Commission Staff (the "Comments ), the Company hereby submits additional information to clarify areas of concern addressed in the Comments and respectfully requests reconsideration of several of the Staff comments. As background information, we believe that the Commission should understand that the Company is a reluctant owner of the water system under review. Prior to the homeowners association meeting held June 3 , 2002, the Board of Directors of the Diamond Bar Estates LLC (the "LLC") consisting of Robert and Clara Turnipseed , agreed to transfer the water system to the Association and the Board of Directors of the Association (consisting of Robert and Clara Turnipseed) RESPONSE TO COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 1 agreed to accept the water system. At the meeting of the Association on June , 2002 , the members present debated the issue of who should own and operate the water system. The members present voted to transfer it's interest in the water system back to the LLC. Mr. Turnipseed stated at the meeting that he preferred that the Association own and operate the system. He also stated that the water system was operated by a private company, the LLC , it would be operated in a self-sustaining manner and would be under the jurisdiction of the PUC. The vote went forward and the LLC now owns and operates the water system. It is stated in the Comments on page 3 that at least one of the current customers has indicated a desire to revisit that decision and possibly reverse the transaction through litigation if necessary. We suggest that if the Association in fact now prefers to own and operate the system , a vote of the Association would authorize the current Board of Directors to negotiate with the LLC for the sale of the water system back to the Association. The LLC has not been approached by the Association , but would be willing to negotiate a sale of the water system. Litigation is not necessary. Mr. Turnipseed's initial reluctance to own and operate the water system bears fruit in the Comments. As a privately owned system , the customers must pay rates that support a self-sustaining system. How the system was financed when Mr. Turnipseed , as the developer, operated the system is of no importance in the analysis now before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The system became a self-supporting system on the date of the transfer of the system from the Association to the LLC, June 3 2002. The water system (the "System ) must generate sufficient revenue from that date to be self-sustaining. The Company objects to any analysis based upon how property was treated prior to the transfer, particularly comments and treatment addressed under comment (L) in the Comments. Our argument will be developed more fully later, however; we respectfully request that the rate base analysis for this private water company be analyzed on the values of the test year and not practices prior to that year. The Company appreciates the opportunity to make these comments before this case goes to your Decision Meeting. While the Company agrees with many of the Staff's adjustments and appreciates their diligence in this case, there are a few areas of disagreement which are addressed below: Staff Comment (I): Technical Computer Support. The Company agrees that this is a one time cost. However, this is a cost that will provide benefits for several years. If the Staff does not want this cost to be expensed , then it should be capitalized and depreciated over five years as are other computer expenses. Staff Comment (J): Backup Generator. The Company is disappointed that the Staff recognizes the need and usefulness of a back up generation but only wants to give credit for one-half of the cost of the generator. It appears that this decision is based in large part upon comments made by the Company that the generator would be mounted on a trailer. Apparently the Staff determined that RESPONSE TO COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 2 due to it's mobility, the generator would be useful to the system only one-half of the time. Please be informed that the Company intends this generator to be used fulltime as a backup generator for the System and will permanently place the generator at the back-up well location. In fact, the Company is required to provided backup water for the System and has chosen this method as the most cost effective method of providing such backup. Since the Company operates the System as a self-sufficient system with little or no borrowing power, without full recovery of the ordinary and necessary operating costs such as the costs of a backup generator, the system cannot operate. We request that the Commission allow full recovery of the cost of the generator including the cost of installing and housing the generator. The costs of installing the generator are set forth in Exhibit "A" which is attached and the estimated costs are11 ,838.00. Staff Comment (L): Irrigation Meters. Staff recommends that irrigation meters on hand that are being used , be disallowed in the rate base. This is a difficult position for the Company to understand. The meters are on hand , are being used and are part of the property acquired and transferred to the Company. How the purchase of these meters were treated on the prior books is of no consequence. The System before the transfer to the LLC , as discussed above was operated by Mr. Turnipseed , as the developer, and as such Mr. Turnipseed chose to subsidies the system. Now the System is a stand alone company and rates must be established in a manner that will support the System. Without being able to rate base these meters and expense replacement meters, there is simply no reasonable method to recover theses costs. Without any manner for recovery, no further investment can be made. Staff's recommendation that a one-time connection fee of $500.00 is sufficient to offset the cost of the meter investment for rate base purposes is incorrect. Revenue generated from a $500.00 connection fee would be insufficient. Staff Comment (M): Rate Case Expense. Staff recommends that documentation be submitted supporting this expense item. In preparation of the application and for the workshop, the Company has spent $500.00 in accounting fees and $585.00 in legal fees. It is estimated that the Company will spend an additional $800.00 in accounting fees and $900.00 in legal fees to perfect these comments. Should a formal appeal prove necessary, it is not unreasonable to expect the associated fees to reach and even exceed the $4 000.00 expense originally presented by the Company. Therefore; the Company respectfully requests that 000.00 of rate case expense be provided in the rate base calculation. Staff Comment (N) & (0): Depreciation. Should the Company s arguments concerning the inclusion of irrigation meters and the backup generator in the rate base prevail , we request that the depreciation expenses addressed in Comment (N) & (0) be recalculated as well. Inflation. The Company included a 3% inflation factor anticipating that utility suppliers , Avista (electrical and natural gas) and Kootenai Electric Cooperative RESPONSE TO COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 3 (electric) will receive rate adjustments this year increasing the cost of electricity to the Company. Given the low snow pack experienced by northern Idaho this winter, the Company does not believe this request to be arbitrary. Anticipating inflation in electrical costs is always a guess , but it is not unreasonable to expect an increase in the cost of electricity this year. The Company requests that sa 3% inflation factor be included in the rate base. Hookup Fees: Staff recommends a line extension policy in lieu of a hook-up fee and connection fee. The Company does not have a line extension policy place. A sampling of surrounding small water companies was completed and submitted as part of the original application. A survey conducted by the Idaho Rural Water Association showing such fees for surrounding water companies is attached hereto as Exhibit ". It is customary and typical of small water companies in this area to charge a hook-up fee and connection fee. The charges presented by the Company are reasonable based upon the charges of similar water companies in the area and appear to the Company to be sufficient to reimburse the Company for the costs incurred for such connections. The Company again requests that these charges be allowed. Rate Design: Staff recommends a fixed/variable rate design without a separate rate for irrigation. The Company prefers a separate rate for irrigation and requests reconsideration of this issue. However, knowing Staff's preference on this issue and it's recommendation of $21.00 base charge for the first 7 500 gallons and then $0.50/1000 gallon for each gallon thereafter, the Company tested the proposed rate against current data for water usage. The information is compiled and attached in Exhibit ". The analysis shows that the rate design proposed by Staff would be insufficient to meet the revenue needs established by Staff, $16 104 , for this System. The Company respectfully requests that the base rate charge be changed from $21.00 to $23.50 so that the revenue needs established by Staff can be met. Additionally, should the Commission determine to allow any or all of the items addressed above , we request that the base rate be further increased to allow coverage for the revenue requirements allowed. survey of water rates from different water districts in the area is attached as Exhibit "D" to show that the rates requested by the Company are not unreasonable. Again we request that the Commission approve the original request presented by the Company. Again, we appreciate this opportunity to address the areas of concern for the Company. We note that if further workshops are required to establish a rate base, the Company s costs under Comment (M) should be increased accordingly. If any further information is required of the Company if will be furnished upon request. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 4 Respectively submitted this 14th day of March 2003. Wetzel & Wetzel PLLC Attorney for Applicant RESPONSE TO COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 5 DIAMOND BAR ESTATES WATER CO PO BOX 1870 HAYDEN ID 83835 208 665 9200 March 12 2003 RE:EMERGENCY GENERATOR INSTALLATION With reference to the Public Utilities Commission workshop held on behalf of the Diamond Bar Estates Water Co, comments were made by several customers that the generator should be permanently installed. Therefore, Diamond Bar Estates Water Co will install the generator at the backup well site; known as the Double T Mule Ranch, upon approval by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Cost Breakdown of generator installation as follows: Generator $ 5500 1438Concrete pad 10'x12'x1211 Electric transfer switch/hookup (b.f t- Building 1 O'x12'x12' ~$20 sq.' (1f.5 t ) 2500 2400 Total cost $11838 This will insure emergency water during a power outage. Diamond Bar Estates Water Co will make a bank loan of approximately $6338 Y:z over the prime rate to cover the cost of the pad, building and electric switch over. ;J7"Y ~:;;'iPSeed EXHIBIT f'. 1 S. Inc. 11215 N. Bruss Road Rathdrum ID 83858 Phone 687-1770 Fax 687-1756 Bid Sheet 11- AVONDALE CONSl"RUcnON JOB # GENERATOR PAD Total Bid $1,438. Transaction Amount PAD, 1YE REBAR, CONCRETE, REBAR EXCAVATION, GRAVEL 438.la X /J",I ); 13- Total Bid $1,438. Water and Wastewater System Data Information Survey Results Of Community Drinking Watar & Wastawatar Systams April , 2000 Conducted by: Idaho Rural Water Association Data Information Collected... . System Profile . System Personnel . Water Rates . Sewer Rates . Employee Insurance Coverage . Job Descriptions Used by System EXHIBIT Systam Nama Antelope Creek Living Center # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Well Arimo, City of # of Connections:135 Water System Type: Well, Surface# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Chlorination Athol , City of # of Connections:280 WellWater System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): i:! Type of Disinfection: Atlanta Water Association # of Connections: Surface/Spring WaterWater System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): iv-i Type of Disinfection: Liquid Hypo-Chlorite Atomic City, City of # of Connections: WellWater System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): i H Type of Disinfection: Water Bass Rats/Gallon $13.50/15 000 , gal/mo $18.00/mo res/Rate Structure varies with service $15, DO/month Water OVsrags Hook- Chargs $1, ,a; 700, $800, $20, Water Rata Infonnatlolt Page 2 of 34 fl' SYRtllm NalDo Avery Water & Sewer # of Connections: Water System Type:II # of Wells:II Disinfection (yes):it Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Bennington Water System # of Connections: Benson Mobile Home Park # of Connections: Well Bancroft, City of # of Connections:177 Water System Type: Well# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Chlorination-as needed Bayvie~ Water & Sewer # of Connections: 228 Water System Type: Well# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Chlorination-liquid (occasionally) Water System Type: Well# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Water System Type: # of Wells: Well Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Water Base Rate/Gallon $20.00/mo $23,85/mo $13.00/1st 10 000 gal $25.00/30 000 gal $500 Water OVerage Hook- Charge $1.$500, $125, 65/1 000 gallons 000/res $1500 com 50/1 000 gal 000, Water Rata Infonnatlolt Page 3 of 34 System NamB Water Base Rate/Gallon Covert Water Users Association, Inc. # of Connections: Water System Type: Well# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): l Type of Disinfection: Craigmont, City of # of Connections:315 $22, Water System Type: Well# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Culdesac, City of # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: 203 Well $27,00 res Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Hand Chlorinate Dalton Water Association, Inc. # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: 949 Well $12/mo Disinfection (yes): :~J Type of Disinfection: Department of Corrections # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: Well Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Water OVerage $1, 75/1 000 gal over OOO/quarter Hook- Charge $200, cost plus 10% $2450/res $2725 com Water Rate Infonnatlolt Page 7 of ,-~,---,~---- Systam Nama Harrison, City of # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Liquid Chlorine 170 Well # of Connections: Hauser Lake Water Association 420 Water System Type: Well# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): I~l Type of Disinfection: Hayden Lake Irrigation # of Connections:1000 Water System Type: Well# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Hayden Lake, City of # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): (v'I Type of Disinfection: 240 Well Heyburn, City of # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): i"": Type of Disinfection: Chlorination 1100 Well WatBr BaSB RatB/Galion $18,00/5 000 gal $12,00/10 000 gal/mo WatBr DvBraUB Hook- CharUB $1,$1950, 30/1 000 200, $160,00/120 000 gal . $15,00/10 000 gal $12.97/5 000 gal 500, 3/4" meter set $1,750, $776,00- Water Rate InfonnaUolt Page 12 of 34 Sysmm Narnu Watur Basu Ratu/Gallon Hollister, City of # of Connections:$22. Water System Type: Well # of We lIs: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Gas Honeysuckle Home Owners Assoc # of Connections: 227 Water System Type: Well # of We lIs: Disinfection (yes): r, Type of Disinfection: $15,OO/month + $1.00/1 000 gal Hulen Meadows # of Connections: Water System Type: # of We lIs: 148 Well $30,OO/mo Disinfection (yes): !~i Type of Disinfection: . Chlorine-Sodium Hypochlorite Idaho Falls, City of # of Connections:20000 $11.00/mo- Water System Type:Well # of We lIs: Disinfection (yes):i~1 Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Gas lona, City of # of Connections: 420 Water System Type:Well # of Wells: Disinfection (yes)::~i Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Tables Watur OVurauu Hook- Charuu $200, $1,C08 88 ...~~(X)meter install $80, 29/1 000 gal $620,00/1" $600, Water Rate Infonnatlolt Page 13 of 34 Systom Namo J 8's Country Court # of Connections: WellWater System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): i\l' Type of Disinfection: Chlorinator Jerome, City of # of Connections:3200 Water System Type:Well # of Wells: Disinfection (yes):!-II Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Gas Kamiah , City of # of Connections:600 Water System Type:River # of Wells: Disinfection (yes):illl Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Kendrick, City of # of Connections:220 Well, Surface/Spring WWater System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): ,\Ii Type of Disinfection: Hypochlorite Kidd Island 8ay Water Users # of Connections: Water System Type:Well # of Wells: Disinfection (yes)::'I'J Type of Disinfection: Chlorine Water Base Rate/Gallon $4,30/mo-5/6" by 3/4" meter $10,OO/mo + $, gal usage R29,50/4 000 gal Water OVerage Hook- Charge $750,00-3/4" 500, $1,200, 500. Water Rate InfDMllatiDIt Page 14 of 34 Systum Namu New Plymouth, City of # of Connections:575 Water System Type: Well# of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Nez Perce Tribe Water Systems # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: Well Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Chlorination, sodium hypochlorite North Kootenai Water District # of Connections:3000 WellWater System Type: # of Wells: Disinfection (yes): Type of Disinfection: Gas and Liquid Chlorine North Oakley Water Company # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: Well Disinfection (yes): !Y'I Type of Disinfection: Chlorination North Water & Sewer District # of Connections: Water System Type: # of Wells: 270 Surface/Spring Water Disinfection (yes): l",j Type of Disinfection: Water Base Rate/Gallon $11,00/0-000 gal free, but will soon be charging Must purchase stock in the water company, 20 000 Purchase water from city of Banners Ferry Water OVerage Hook- Charge 75/1 000 gal $750, $1,07/1 000 gal OOO-cap fee, $600- water service 000 Water Rate Infonnatlolt Page 20 of 34 Idaho Water Utilities The Idaho Public Utilities Commission regulates 25 privately operated water companies varying from United Water Idaho with more than 70 000 customers to utilities serving a few homes in residential subdivisions or mobile home parks. Regulated companies comprise less than 1 percent of approxi- mately 2 600 systems that supply drinking water to Idahoans. Most of the unregulated systems belong to and are run without profit by homeowners associations. Many others are municipal systems operated by local govern- ments. The rates listed are strictly representative of residential customers and may not reflect actual rates paid by a specific customer.Date Name No. of Hook-up Mo. Residential Rates Rates Last of Utili tv Customers Fee unless otherwise noted Revised !siBar Circle "118 $15/0-7 500 gals.02101/90 Water Inc.$0.95/1 000 gals. over 7 ,500 gals. Bitterroot Water Co.$750 $20/0-15 000 gals.08/12199 $0.75/1 000 gals. over 15 000 gals. Brian Water Co.$10.50/04 000 gals.05/01/99 $1.08/1 000 gals. over 4 000 gals. Capitol Water Corp.757 $7.50/o-l OOOcf.08/01/97 $1.06/l00cf. over 1 000cf. Country Club 120 $300 $14.00/0-30 000 gals.02123/90 Hills Utilities $0.35/1 000 gals. over 30 000 gals. Eagle Water 2;1.72 $845 $7.84/0-600 cf.03/25/87 Co., Inc.$0.451/100 cr. over 600 cr. Humpy $60 $3.25/0-6 000 gals.05/01/63 $0.10/1 000 gals. over 6 000 gals. Evergreen Water Co.$600 $15/0-7 500 gals.11/10/87 $0.35/1 000 gals. over 7 500 gals. Date Falls Water 106 $500 $10/0-20 000 gals.09/01/97 Co., Inc.$0.30/1 000 gals. over 20 000 gals. Algoma Water 'I7 $ 17.59IIm. 09/01/96 Grouse Point Water Co.$25.oo/Im.09/01/99 IPUC Regulates About 1 % Idaho s Water Systems !:~;~.;';;~:' ;i;Tt,:;i' :;' agc57 IDAIIO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMIlISSIOl t\!\i:xi,'+';;i'.;;;';Y;it'tl,~L'.-\);,:;:i U" ;);; :~; . ~:, ~;' ii"" \ :; 61Bj~ , ~"-,........ lie lie ...... No. of Hook-up Mo. Residential Rates)Rates Last Customers Fee (unless otherwise noted)Revised $500 $27.00/0-20,000 gals.12/15/99 $0.70/1 000 over 20,000 gals. 259 $ 125/yr. 07/01/92 $22/mo.06/21/90 $125 $261mo.11/01/94 + labor $430 $34.24/mo.06/03/96 $500 Summer: $26/mo.04/27/94 Winter: $ 14/mo. $6,000 $3010-15 000 gals.04/25/97 $1.10/1 000 gals. over 15 000 gals. $650 $12/0-9 000 gals.12/01/83 $1/1,000 gals. over 9,000 gals. Stoneridge Water Co.$925 $0.30/1000 gals. For all consumption 12/01/99 $12/0-12 000 gals.05/31/83 $1.20/1 000 gals. over 12 000 gals. roy Hoffman 144 $458 $5.50/0-3,000 gals.08/01/96 ater Co.$0.60/1,000 gals. over 3 000 gals. nited Water Idaho 70~62 Costs Summer: $ 14.57/bimontbly 09/05/98 in excess $1.6418/1,000 gals. of$5oo Winter: $ 14.57/bimontbly $1.3134/1 000 gals. ANN U 1 ~ ~:E PORT 111t~~~\oi';;;~~~~;1~if;;~i ~;~ l~~i~~~~(1iIT~;Fj::;-rI~fjf1 -- - - - '- = = - " - -" - ~ - " &- ~ - , n !: : (\ j DB E W D o m f l r r 1 g Do m e s t i c rr i g a t i o n U g a l l o n s 0 2 12 ~ 2 3 . ov e r 7 5 0 0 4/ 1 / 0 2 - 11 / 2 1 0 2 AB E L H A N Z 41 6 9 0 31 2 2 4 0 35 3 9 3 0 28 2 13 1 . "'" If ) _. I . AL L P H I N 17 7 7 1 0 , 1 7 7 7 1 0 28 2 43 . B O E T T C H E R 62 8 4 0 60 9 0 0 0 67 1 8 4 0 28 2 29 0 . CU M M I N G S 64 3 4 0 59 5 9 0 0 66 0 2 4 0 28 2 28 5 . DE S O N I A 33 1 3 0 17 1 8 0 0 20 4 9 3 0 28 2 57 . 4 7 DO D G E 22 4 6 8 0 22 4 6 8 0 28 2 67 . GR A N T 97 6 6 3 97 6 6 3 28 2 HA L L G R E N T 28 3 8 4 0 28 3 8 4 0 28 2 96 . HA L L G R E N E 96 7 6 0 64 1 2 0 0 73 7 9 6 0 28 2 32 3 . a: : (J ) HA M M O N D 28 2 HI L D E B R A N D 44 0 3 0 22 5 1 0 0 26 9 1 3 0 28 2 89 . -.J HI T T 12 7 6 3 0 12 7 6 3 0 28 2 18 . HO R T H E R 80 9 7 0 60 9 7 0 28 2 If ) JA N T Z E N 41 4 7 0 88 0 0 50 2 7 0 28 2 "'"(\ j JA S P E R 81 8 5 0 31 7 0 0 11 3 5 5 0 28 2 11 . (Y ' ) (S J (S J JO H N S O N 22 9 0 7 0 22 9 0 7 0 28 2 69 . (\ j (Y ' ) ... . . a: : -" - ' - + - - - , ' - .. ~ - - , ~ ~ ,~ - -, , - -- , - - - -~ , (Y ) KL U S S 23 0 0 23 0 0 28 2 0.. . . LO P E R 11 1 6 7 0 51 1 9 0 0 62 3 5 7 0 28 2 26 6 , "'" If ) LU N D 28 6 2 9 0 28 6 2 9 0 28 2 98 . (J ) MC C R E E 16 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 28 2 MC N E I L 28 2 ME E H A N 53 7 2 0 61 6 6 0 0 67 0 3 2 0 28 2 29 0 . MO R E H E A D 14 3 9 0 0 14 3 9 0 0 28 2 26 . MO R R I S 17 2 2 8 0 17 2 2 6 0 28 2 41 . NA L E 46 7 7 0 46 7 7 0 28 2 NE A L 83 9 0 83 9 0 28 2 0: : PE N Z K O V E R 53 0 2 0 50 4 5 0 0 55 7 5 2 0 28 2 23 3 . (J ) po l s a 38 6 1 0 38 6 1 0 28 2 RE G A N T 11 5 6 8 0 28 5 9 0 0 40 1 5 8 0 15 5 . 28 2 :;: . RE G A N l 33 2 3 0 0 33 2 3 0 0 28 2 12 1 . RI C A R D 15 2 9 0 0 15 2 9 0 0 28 2 31 . 4 5 0.. . . If ) "'" RO B I S O N 48 2 5 0 33 5 6 0 0 38 3 8 5 0 28 2 14 6 . (\ j (Y ) RO S S I 24 6 4 3 0 68 2 0 0 0 92 8 4 3 0 28 2 41 9 . IS ) IS ) (\ j (Y ) SI M P S O N 21 6 1 6 0 76 1 6 0 0 97 7 7 6 0 28 2 44 3 . 0: : ,- - - "~ " " " " 9 - - ~ - , ,- , - - , 0.. . 35 9 1 0 37 8 4 0 0 41 4 3 1 0 28 2 16 2 . 25 6 6 8 0 25 6 6 8 0 28 2 63 . 54 0 1 0 54 0 1 0 28 2 64 8 8 0 37 9 5 0 0 44 4 3 8 0 28 2 17 7 . 41 9 7 0 41 9 7 0 28 2 54 0 4 0 54 1 7 0 0 59 5 7 4 0 28 2 25 2 . SN O D G R A S S If ) (J ) TH U R M A N :r U R N I P S E E O VO L L E N W E I D E R WH I T E WI L S O N Lt 2 1 / 6 1 PE N N PE N N KE A R N 11 2 8 0 44 7 6 . (l : : (J ) -.J :; : : . 0.. . If ) (\ j IS ) IS ) (\ j .- i (l : : . , , -E - . ' .. , , ' : : : - ~ ~ -' WATER RATES FROM DIFFERENT WATER DISTRICTS DALTON WATER $2450.00 HOOK-UP FEE 0 GALLONS - 10 000 GALLONS................................$14. MORE THAN 10 000 GALLONS.................................75 PER THOUSAND ADDITIONAL IRRIGATION FEE...................................................$110.00 PER ACRE PER YEAR ALPINE MEADOWS $3000.00 HOOK-UP FEE 0 GALLONS - 10,000 GALLONS............................... ..$16. MORE THAN 10 000 GALLONS..................................$l.OO PER THOUSAND UP TO 30 000 000 ABOVE..................................................... ...$2.00 ADDITIONAL ROSS POINT WATER $1850.00 HOOK-UP FEE 0 GALLONS - 10 000..............................................$12. MORE THAN 10 000 GALLONS................................75 PER THOUSAND ADDITIONAL CITY OF HAYDEN $1750.00 HOOK-UP FEE EXHIBIT-D- PHONE: (208) 772-3619 FAX: (208) 762-0355 MAIL: Nkwdistcmnidlink.com NORTH KOOTENAI WATER DISTRICT P. O. Box 2290 1841 W. Hayden Avenue Hayden, Idaho 83835 December 14, 2000 Mr. Robert Tumipseed PO Box 1870 Hayden 10 83835 RE: Bar Circle S Ranch Dear Mr. Tumipseed, As you know, the State of Idaho oversees the operation of all private and public water systems throughout the State and shortly will require that a person certified as a Distribution System Operator be in responsible charge of each system. This mandate is in addition to increased testing and monitoring requiren)~nts. North Kootenai Water District is a public agency, with an elected Board of Directors, that can offer full-time professional management, including a District Attorney, District Engineer, and a well qualified office and field staff providing 24 hour service. At present we have 3000 service connections serving an estimated 10,000 people in North Kootenai County. We operate eleven separate and distinct systems; the largest providing water to 3000 people and the smallest, 42. Capital improvements, system operation, and system maintenance are financed from current revenue without the need for taxation. Our rates are as follows: 3/4", and 112" meter ...........3000 gallons.................$12.27 per month 3000 gal. & above ...........$12.27 + $1.07 per 1000 gal. 2" & 3" meter ..............................3000 gallons.................$21.71 per month 3000 gal. & above ...........$21.71 + $1.07 per 1000 gal. You may wish to consult with your accountant regarding any tax advantages which might be available for donated facilities. If you think your system could be benefited by consolidating with a public water system, please contact us at (208)772-3619. or, if you have any questions, please call. since ~~ Richard Fairhurst District Manager dw:RF196-Bar Circle S Ranch 1-10-2002 1 :22PM FROM NORTH KOOTENAI WATER 208 762 0355 NORTH KOOTENAI WATER DISTRICT Rates and Regulations SYStem Access Fee:(Res. 2001-06): 10 $10.60 per dwelling unit or commercial unit per month. Rate Structure:(Res. 2001-06): 1. 0 gallons - 5,000 gallons .........,........................................ $1.00 per 1000 gallons 001 gallons - 30,000 gallons ......................................... $1.10 per 1000 gallons 30,001 gallons and above ................................................ $1.20 per 1000 gallons Debt Service Surcharge:(Res. 2001-06): 1. $5.37 per dwelling unit or commercial unit per month. Street Llaht Surcharge:(Res. 2001-06): 1. $1.60 par residential user In Valley Green Subdivision. Park Maintenance Surcharge:(Res. 2001-06): 1. $1.50 per residential user In Valley Green Subdivision. Fire Service Charge:(Res. 2001..Q6): 1. Privately owned fire protection: 3. and smaller connection.............................................. $10.00 per month 48 connection.................................................................. $20.00 per month 6. connectlon............................~..................................... $40.00 per month 8. connection.................................................................. $60.00 per month 10. connection ..............."....................................."""""" $80.00 per month Water used for other than fire suppression or testing will be billed at $100.00 per occurrence. Plan Review Fee:(Res. 99-1) $300.00 Minimum Caoltaltzatlon Fees:(Ord. 99-4) 18 """'" ..... ............ ...... ..... .................. ........... .......... $2.000. 1128 ......... ...................... ....... 1"........... ......... .........$3.000. .. ... ........,.... ............ ......... .... ........... ........ ....... ........ $4,000. ................... ...... ............. ...... ... :...... .................... $16,000. ""0""""""""""""""""" ...... .............. ............... . $20,000. 6" ................................ .......................... ................ .$30,000. ,.".............. """""'" ............ .............. ......, ........... $40,000. Rates and Regulations 111501.doc Page' of 2 2/24/01 1-10-2002 1 : 23PM FROM NORTH KOOTENAI WATER 208 762 0355 HookuD Fee:(Res. 00- 1" ......."................ .................. ......... ...........................$600. 1/2" ...".. ..,.... ..... ........' ............. ................... .......... ....$900. 2" ..............................................................................$1200. 3" ......................................................................... Actual Cost 4" ......................................................................... Actual Cost 6" ......................................................................... Actual Cost S" ......................................................................... Actual Cost If the water service exists and only a meter is required: One Inch or smaUer................................................... $150. Larger than 1 inch ................................................Actual Cost (1-112" ........ $300.00 deposit) ( 2" ..............$400.00 'deposit) If the water service and meter exists: Turn on, Inspection, and account setup...................... $50. Annexation Fee: $200. Securitv DeDOslt:(Res. 2001-06) A refundable $20.00 deposit for aU new slgnups. Reaulatlons:(Res. 2001-06) 1. Services discontinued for at;\y reason shall continue to be billed on a monthly basis for minimum charges. 2. Property owners shall be responsible for payment of bills. Bill Payment:(Res. 2000-02) 1. Bills are due and payable upon presentation. 2. At 30 days: bills become delinquent. 3. At 45 days: delinquent notice Is mailed to customer. 4. At 59 days: delinquent notice is posted on the property ($20.00 fee added to delinquent balance). 5. At 60 days: water Is locked off. 6. Water service will be restored only during normal work hours after delinquent amount plus a $20.00 reconnectlon fee Is paid at office. Rate. and Regulations 111501.doc Page 2 012 12/24/01