HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230602Comments_5.pdf1 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Mark DuQuoin Submission Time: Jun 1 2023 4:16PM Email: mduquoin@hotmail.com Telephone: 307-880-9018 Address: 1223 Portal Stone Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Name of U�lity Company: Falls Water Case ID: FLS-W-23-01 Comment: "I think that there should be a special rate for senior ci�zens on Social Security as these days everyone is wan�ng more money ,food ,gas,insurance,electricity medical,prescrip�ons etc. Everyone is wan�ng a piece of the pie and seniors only get so much money a month and prety soon there is no more of that pie le� for a senior to survive,what do you expect seniors to do go back to work a�er working all their lives?? Seniors need to start ge�ng a break instead of everyone wan�ng more money as we have a limited income." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Marcus Caywood Submission Time: Jun 1 2023 7:02PM Email: mj_caywood@yahoo.com Telephone: 208-569-1984 Address: 3227 E Sky Mountain Ct Ammon, ID 83401 Name of U�lity Company: Falls Water Case ID: FLS-W-23-01 Comment: "As a Falls Water customer, I oppose the proposed 55% rate increase. This is an unreasonable u�lity rate increase. The u�lity company is trying to force the customers to pay for what seems to be poor finance management and planning. The u�lity company should not place this burden on its customers. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following comments were submited via PUCWeb: Name: Mitch Haddon Submission Time: Jun 2 2023 8:10AM Email: mitch.haddon55@gmail.com Telephone: 208-569-4359 Address: 3528 Pearce drive Idaho falls, ID 83401 2 Name of U�lity Company: Falls water Case ID: FLS-W-23-01 Comment: "It has come to my aten�on that falls water has proposed a rate increase on its customers of which I am one. Without knowing of the complexi�es that likely go into the infrastructure and associated costs of the u�lity; I’m wri�ng to say I believe 47% revenue increase is ridiculous. Even factoring for infla�on. Was replacing old infrastructure and maintaining new meters never accounted for in the previous price? What has cause such a drama�c need for 47% more revenue? I would understand maybe a .05% increase YOY. And adjust down as needed. Asking for 47% more revenue is silly and not forward thinking. Place the burden on funding the infrastructure on the builders who are building apartment complexes. Place the burden on the people enabling the expansion, not the people already living here. The same goes for funding schools, roads, or any other essen�al piece of infrastructure. You can’t just build into infinity and not see infrastructure fall behind. Place that burden on the people causing the expansion. Which are builders who pump out cheaply made proper�es to be a cash cow with zero concern for the burden that places on the community as newcomers move in. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Kent Haddon Submission Time: Jun 2 2023 8:32AM Email: kent@aquatronics.com Telephone: 208-716-0793 Address: 3375 Greenwillow Lane Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Name of U�lity Company: Falls Water Case ID: FLS-W-23-01 Comment: "It has been brought my aten�on that Falls Water is seeking a rate increase on 1" meters of 55%. Reasons given for the rate increase were due to infrastructure and maintenance issues. This increase would result in a 47% increase in Falls Water's revenue. While rate increases are probably necessary due to infla�on and other factors all businesses are seeing, 47% revenue increase is absurd. As an owner of a manufacturing business in Idaho Falls, if I were to increase my pricing to my customers by 55%, I would no longer be compe��ve in the market place and lose significant market share. Unfortunately, Falls Water being allowed to have a monopoly as a U�lity serving the Idaho Falls/Ammon communi�es, does not face those same consequences as a normal, for profit, business in the area. I do see growth in the area as a challenge to u�li�es. This growth should be paying for the impact to infrastructure. Builders are allowed to throw up as many homes/appartment buildings as possible placing great strains on the u�li�es.......in order to keep their prices down on finished structures, they are not being held accountable for their impact on the community. I believe a 5-7% increase in rates could be jus�fied.....55% is offensive." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 The following comment was submited via PUCWeb: Name: Joseph Whipple Submission Time: Jun 2 2023 11:49AM Email: dbwhipplefamily@gmail.com Telephone: 208-522-7837 Address: 3271 E Sky Mountain Ct Ammon, ID 83401 Name of U�lity Company: Falls water Case ID: FLS-W-23-01 Comment: "It should not be allowed to increase rates on falls water 1” by 55% If they have increased cost due to new developments they should pass the cost on to the benefi�ng new customers." -------------------------------------------------------------------------