HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230512Direct Aird_Exhibits.PDFPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Office: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. FLS-W-23-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JEREMY AIRD FOR FALLS WATER CO., INC. RECEIVED 2023 May 12, 2:02PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION RECEIVED 2023 May 12, 2:02PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AIRD, Di Page 1 of 4 Falls Water Co., Inc. Q. Please state, your name, occupation, and business address. 1 A. My name is Jeremy Aird. I am the Director of Accounting and Finance for NW Natural 2 Water Company, LLC (“NW Natural Water”). My business address is 250 SW Taylor 3 Street, Portland OR 97204. 4 Q. How long have you been with NW Natural Water? 5 A. I have been with the Company since April 2020. 6 Q. Please summarize your educational background and qualifications. 7 A. I have received my Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from Southern Oregon 8 University in 1997. I also completed the Energizing Leadership program at ESADE 9 Business School (Spain) in 2015. 10 Q. What experience did you have prior to joining NW Natural Water? 11 A. My work experience started with two years in public accounting, during which I earned 12 my CPA license. I then worked for six years with a national automotive group, followed 13 by 15 years in the renewable energy industry where I held multiple roles of increasing 14 responsibility and ultimately was promoted to become the Senior Director for the CEO’s 15 office. I then joined NW Natural Water in 2020. The following table provides additional 16 details: 17 AIRD, Di Page 2 of 4 Falls Water Co., Inc. 1 Q. Briefly describe your responsibilities during your tenure at the Company. 2 A. I have responsibility for financial accounting and reporting, budgeting, and forecasting 3 for NW Natural Water. I also provide support in regulatory matters as it pertains to 4 financial information and regulatory filings. 5 Q. In connection with the Company’s current application for an increase in rates and 6 charges, what is the scope of your testimony? 7 A. My testimony primarily relates to shared services; I will make myself available to support 8 other financial questions that may arise. 9 Q. What exhibits are used to support your testimony? 10 A. The following exhibits accompany my testimony: 11 Exhibit 2 Proforma of Operating Expenses, Column (E) Shared Services Cost. 12 Exhibit No. 2 – G, which provides additional information regarding Column (E). 13 Q. Please explain, generally, the approach used to allocate costs to Falls Water Co., Inc. 14 (“Falls Water” or the “Company”). 15 A. Generally, Falls Water’s parent companies, which includes NW Natural Water, attempt to 16 directly assign costs to Falls Water and other subsidiaries for which the services are being 17 performed. Costs that cannot be directly assigned are allocated to the subsidiaries using 18 the NW Natural Cost Allocation Manual. 19 AIRD, Di Page 3 of 4 Falls Water Co., Inc. As shown in Exhibit 2, Column (E) Shared Services Cost Adjustment, and 1 explained further in Exhibit No. 2 – G, Falls Water is allocated shared services from 2 Northwest Natural Gas Company dba NW Natural (“NW Natural”) and NW Natural 3 Water. This reflects the fact that, currently, some shared services—such as corporate 4 communications, legal, purchasing, and tax—are provided by NW Natural, while others 5 —such as accounting, insurance, and third-party legal—are provided by NW Natural 6 Water. We anticipate that, as NW Natural Water acquires additional companies, more 7 shared services will be provided by NW Natural Water. 8 This is the same allocation methodology that is used with NW Natural Water’s 9 subsidiaries in Washington and Oregon; the methodology has been approved by both the 10 Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission and Public Utility Commission of 11 Oregon in prior proceedings to allocate shared services costs. 12 Q. Is Falls Water seeking to recover more or less in shared services costs than it 13 actually incurred in 2022? 14 A. Less. As discussed below, in 2022 NW Natural Water acquired a regulated water and 15 wastewater system in Yuma, Arizona. This decreased the amount of shared services costs 16 allocated to Falls Water, and as such the Company is seeking to recover in this rate case 17 less than the actual costs for shared services that it incurred in 2022. 18 Q. Has the Company provided information regarding the shared services allocated to 19 Falls Water? 20 A. Yes. Exhibit No. 2 – G provides additional information related to shared services. This 21 exhibit demonstrates the components of the shared services that are being allocated to 22 Falls Water, including the entity whose shared services are being allocated, a description 23 AIRD, Di Page 4 of 4 Falls Water Co., Inc. and amount of the cost, and the allocation percentage used. The Company would be 1 happy to discuss its allocation methodology, and components of the shared services being 2 allocated, with Staff during the proceeding. 3 Q. Do allocated shared service costs benefit Falls Water customers? 4 A. Yes. The services that are allocated to Falls Water include services such as accounting, 5 corporate communications, human resources, and legal services. These are back-office 6 functions that every company must provide to continue to serve customers. If Falls 7 Water’s parent companies did not perform these functions, then Falls Water would have 8 to perform them directly at higher costs. In addition, by participating in shared services, 9 Falls Water is able to leverage the economies of scale experienced by its parent 10 companies. 11 For example, Falls Water is seeking to recover less costs in shared services in this 12 proceeding than its actual shared services costs during 2022. This decrease in shared 13 services cost is enabled by NW Natural Water’s acquisition of a water and wastewater 14 system in Yuma, Arizona. Through this acquisition, NW Natural Water was able to 15 allocate its shared services costs over more systems, which reduces the allocation 16 percentage to be charged to Falls Water. 17 Q. Does this conclude your direct testimony? 18 A. Yes. 19 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. 11184 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 601 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Office: (208) 388-1200 Fax: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com morgangoodin@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR THE AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN THE STATE OF IDAHO Case No. FLS-W-23-01 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION EXHIBIT 2 TO ACCOMPANY THE DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JEREMY AIRD (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H) Calendar Year Adjustment for Labor Miscellaneous Shared Services Depreciation January 1, 2022 Non-Recurring Costs Operating Costs Costs Property Tax Adjusted December 31, 2022 Items Adjustment Adjustment Adjustement Adjustment Totals Witness Ordinary Income/Expense Income 400 · Operating Revenue 1 461.1 · Metered Residential 2,356,048 2,356,048 2 461.2 · Commercial Revenue 120,051 120,051 3 462 - Fire Protection Revenue - - 464 - Other Water Sales Revenue 9,004 9,004 4 470 · Late Payment Fee Revenues - - 5 471 · Misc Service Revenues - - 6 Total 400 · Operating Revenue 2,485,103 - - - - 2,485,103 7 414 · Gain (Loss) on Property 11,939 (11,939) - 8 Total Income 2,497,042 (11,939) - - - 2,485,103 9 Expense 10 601.5 · Labor Field 368,625 44,169 412,794 Scott Bruce 11 601.8 · Labor Office 91,140 1,311 92,451 Scott Bruce 12 601.9 · Admin - Labor 159,857 (40,875) 118,981 Scott Bruce 13 602 · Payroll Expense Contra Account (57,299) 5,553 (51,745) Scott Bruce 14 604 · Employee Benefits 212,762 (28,007) 184,755 Scott Bruce 15 610 · Purchased Water 155,098 (11,178) 143,920 Scott Bruce 16 615 · Electrical Power 273,174 4,494 277,668 Scott Bruce 17 618 · Chemicals 2,065 9,311 11,375 Scott Bruce 18 620.2 · Source M&S 24,231 24,231 Scott Bruce 19 620.6 · Distribution M&S 16,838 16,838 Scott Bruce 20 620.7 · Postage 30,620 1,325 31,945 Scott Bruce 21 620.8 · Office 39,039 39,039 Scott Bruce 22 620.81 · Telephone Expense 14,076 607 14,683 Scott Bruce 23 620.82 · Bank service charges 39,909 1,261 41,170 Scott Bruce 24 620.83 · Office Utilites Expense 6,044 (1,548) 4,496 Scott Bruce 25 631.1 · Engineering 7,625 7,625 Scott Bruce 26 631.2 · Accounting 3,385 5,585 8,970 Scott Bruce 27 631.3 - Attorney 1,485 1,485 Scott Bruce 28 631.4 · Payroll Services 10,224 5,056 15,280 Scott Bruce 29 634.1 - NWN Shared Services 223,718 (34,156) 189,562 Jeremy Aird 30 635 · Testing 24,135 2,593 26,728 Scott Bruce 31 636.2 · Source Contract Repairs - - - Scott Bruce 32 636.3 · Trash 1,059 167 1,226 Scott Bruce 33 636.4 · Outsourced Bad Debt Collection - - Scott Bruce 34 636.6 · Distribution Contract Repairs 2,300 (2,300) - Scott Bruce 35 636.7 · Data Processing 97,569 (9,313) 88,257 Scott Bruce 36 636.8 - Contract Service - Consulting 400 (400) - Scott Bruce 37 641 · Rental of Property 21,045 (21,045) - Scott Bruce 38 642 · Rental of Equipment - - Scott Bruce 39 645 - Lease Rent Exp - Interest 1,021 (120) 901 Scott Bruce 40 646 - Lease Rent Exp - Depreciation 4,705 120 4,825 Scott Bruce 41 650 · Transportation Expense 56,582 56,582 Scott Bruce 42 656 · Insurance Expense 75,885 22,633 98,517 Scott Bruce 43 656.10 · Insurance Contra Acct (900) (900) Scott Bruce 44 656.1 · Workers Compensation Ins - - Scott Bruce 45 660 · Advertising Expense 111 111 Scott Bruce 46 668.1 · Water District Fees - - Scott Bruce 47 666 · Rate Case Amortization - 184,500 184,500 Adam Rue 48 670 · Bad Debt Expense 13,008 13,008 Scott Bruce 49 675.1 · Training Expenses 4,093 4,093 Scott Bruce 50 675.2 · Dues & Publications 4,719 4,719 Scott Bruce 51 675.4 · IDHW Fee Expense 19,216 767 19,982 Scott Bruce 52 675.9 - 2012 MXU Proj Mtr Reader Lbr - - 53 Total Expense 1,947,563 - (17,849) 192,513 - 2,088,071 Falls Water Co., Inc Exhibit 2 - Proforma Results of Operations Case No. FLS-W-23-01 J. Aird, Falls Water Exhibit No. 2 - Column E Only Page 1 of 2 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)(G)(H) Calendar Year Adjustment for Labor Miscellaneous Shared Services Depreciation January 1, 2022 Non-Recurring Costs Operating Costs Costs Property Tax Adjusted December 31, 2022 Items Adjustment Adjustment Adjustement Adjustment Totals Witness Falls Water Co., Inc Exhibit 2 - Proforma Results of Operations 54 Net Ordinary Income 549,479 (11,939) 17,849 (192,513) - 397,032 55 Other Income/Expense 56 Other Income 57 419 · Interest Earned 165 (165) - 58 421 · Non-Utility Income 5,648 (5,648) - 59 Total Other Income 5,813 (5,813) - - - - 60 Other Expense 61 403 · Depreciation Expense 340,232 130,718 470,950 62 408 · Taxes 63 408.11 · Property Taxes 66,681 (23,469) 43,211 64 408.12 · Payroll Taxes 52,097 (1,177) 50,920 65 408.5 · Payroll Taxes - Contra Account (5,001) (5,001) 66 Total 408 · Taxes 113,777 - (1,177) - (23,469) 89,130 67 Income Taxes 6,048 (99,477) 68 408.10 · Regulatory Fee 5,147 5,147 69 426 · Misc. Non-Utility Expenses 1,527 (1,527) - 70 426.1 · Donations - Tax Deductible 800 (800) - 71 427.3 · Interest Expense 28,417 (28,417) - 72 Total Other Expense 495,948 (30,744) (1,177) - 107,249 465,750 73 Net Other Income (490,135) 24,931 1,177 - (107,249) (465,750) 74 Net Income 59,344 12,992 19,026 (192,513) (107,249) (68,718) Net before int & Tax (173,196) Interest (cost of debt (cap struct) * rate base)215,661 Net before Tax (388,857) Tax (99,477) Case No. FLS-W-23-01 J. Aird, Falls Water Exhibit No. 2 - Column E Only Page 2 of 2 CONFIDENTIAL EXHIBIT NO.2-G TO TESTIMONY OF JEREMY AIRD FILED CONFIDENTIALLY UNDER SEPARATE COVER CASE NO.FLS-W-23-01 Case No. FLS-W-23-01 J. Aird, Falls Water Confidential Exhibit No. 2-G Page 1 of 1