HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220407Customer Notice.pdfHONEYBEE ACRE WATER CUSTOMER INFORMATION ii;:l iir"'ll -i Fli l: 2tr L,t Dear Customers, f us- r,r)- 9l-o3 On March 3L,2022, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) approved Falls Water Co., lnc.'s, a subsidiary of NW Natural Water, application to acquire the water assets of Honeybee Acres Water. The utility will continue to be operated locally with the oversight of Falls Wate/s team from the ldaho Falls area. The transition is expected to be seamless to the customers. Falls Water will operate the Honeybee Acres system as a stand-alone system until the planned watermain is installed in the roadway later in2022. The rates for the system will remain at a flat SSO.OO per month while the system remains a stand-alone system. You will receive your first billing from Falls Water in late April2022. Honeybee Acres will collect the customer account balances owed as of the last billing sent in March 2022. The water rate will change once your home is physically connected to Falls Water's system. The ldaho Public Utilities Commission has set Falls Wate/s rates as follows: METERED CUSTOMERS Minimum monthly charge is based on the size of the meter: /r" Meter S1A.ZS Minimum Monthly Charge includes usage allowance up to 12,000 gallons. 1" Meter 526.40 Minimum Monthly Charge includes usage allowance up to 17,000 gallons. The Usage Commodity Charge is calculated by multiplying metered water consumption (in excess of the usage allowance) during the billing period by SO.gfZ per 1,000 gallons. Reconnection Charqe: Applies when a Customer requests reconnection following disconnection of service for: O non-payment O a dangerous condition caused by the Customer (e.g., lack of certified cross connection control) Does not apply to situations where the Customer requests disconnection to make repairs or prevent water damage to the Customer's property. Also does not apply when service was disconnected by the Company for its convenience. Rates:Each Occurrence S 2o.ooDuring regular office hours (Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm) After office hours S ao.oo Late Pavment Charoe: Applies to the past-due balance owed at the time of the next billing. One percent (L yol ln202L, the average monthly charge for Falls Water customers witht/e" Meters was 5Z9.6Z. this average monthly charge is similar to the SSO.OO monthly charge currently paid by Honeybee Acre customers. Metered water charges are lower in the winter when landscaping is not irrigated. Monthly charges are higher when water is used to irrigate landscapes. About Falls Water and NW Natura! Water Falls Water has been providing water service to customer in Eastern ldaho since 1958 and currently serves approximately 5,966 customers. NW Natural Water, which acquired Falls Water in 2018, is a subsidiary of NW Natural Holding (NYSE:NWN) and is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. More information lf you have questions about the transaction and transition to Falls Water, contact Falls Water Co., Inc., NW Natural Water, or the IPUC using the following information. Please contact Falls Water Co., lnc. with customer billing and service information. Falls Water Co., lnc. Attn: Scott Bruce 2180 N Deborah Dr ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401 fa llswater@fa llswate r.co m 208-522-1300 NW NaturalWater Attn: Melissa Moore 250 SW Taylor Street Portland, Oregon 97204-3038 melissa.moore nwnatural.com 503-226-42LL www. nwnaturalwater.com ldaho Public Utilities Commission Attn: Adam Rush, Public lnformation Officer 11331W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 ada m. rush (d puc. ida ho.gov 208-334-0339 www.puc.idaho.gov