HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220110Customer Notice.pdfFqlls ,u.r':; :;:=, WAT E R''r''''''i1ii:i!:u'0" 2180 N. Deborah Dr., ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401 Website: www.fallswater. com Tel.: (208) 522-1300 Fax: (208) 522-4099 January 10,2021 Honey Bee Acres Water Customer, The ldaho Public Utilities Commission (!PUC) is reviaring the proposed acquisition of the Honey Bee Acres Water system by Falls Water Co., lnc. The acquisition, if approved, will bring changes to how your water system will be operated. The change in ownership wil! bring better water service to you as the homes are connected to the Falls Water system The transition will affect the water charges. The cunent rate for Honey Bee Acres is a flat $30.00 per month. This rate willchange to the Falls Water Co. cunent tariff rate for %' meters once the homes are connected to Falls Wate/s system. 'fhe%" meter rate is currently $18.75 per month and includes usage up to 12,000 gallons of water. \A/bter use above 12,000 gallons in a billing cycle will incur an additional fee of $0.917 per 1,000 gallons used. The average monthly bill for Falls Water residential custorners with %' meters during 2021 was $29.67. The billing cycle for Falls Water customers differs from the cunent calendar month cycle for Honey Bee Acres. Falls Water reads meters on or about the 15h of the month. The implication will be hat until the homes are connected to Falls Water your billing charges and billing cycles will remain the same. Once the homes are @nnected to Falls Water, the new charges and billing cycle willtake effect. Enclosed with this notice is a copy of Falls Waters rules summary and explanation of rates. Please review the rules summary and provitle comments to the IPUC about the proposed changes pending the approval from the IPUC. You can contact the ldaho Public Utilities Commission with questions at: ldaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A Boise, lD 83714 Phone: 1€00-432-0369 lnquiries may also be directed to Falls Water Co., lnc. at: Falls Water Co., lnc. 2180 N. Deborah Dr. ldaho Falls, lD 83401 Phone: 2O8-522-13OO Sincerely ,11 {c,{76,,^,*r K. Scott Bruce GeneralManager Enclosure THE SPOUT Falls Water Co., lnc. lnformation Pipeline For 2022 Fdb Vltrr Co., lrE h.. e.rld r'r l0!g idqtrrn[y.crr! oruo,o@ hanaer Bonnailo Coofy. A.tlrrmE prurld.r. rcuq|u n*. yor b blcollrlbllfhulhEreof ourgoldr. WATERSOURCE Yor ruabr b rpp[rd thluth a ndfiort ot ratudlnb€m.cbd OcO wrf tmfiql lh. ruc. rE.Th onforconlrof,d puqe rd dbttdan ryebrrarbmfrly &lu.lr f,lE b m.d G. lhrttn(hnlrd. Thc mH b hCrd tirqrnOy laco.frto b b.ttE.dlqil,h. .pprorr.d by The ld$o O?qrtn€n[ ot Enthmnaild oll.lty md by rn h&psndsrt hbo.eryb.n*m fi.t n rEob.l rbb.nd bdod ffi qll.!ry tfrn&rd.. Th. w.Lr b ctlorhdd, Fdb tltlbbrCanpeny oporrta h confllrneui& trdb rrgulabd by fu ldaho Ocpetfitcnt of En fonrnsrbl Ou.ny md ths ld.rp Rt0c Lrufu.. Cfimhdon oPUC). WATERMTES Thc IPUC reflou.d n0. b lt kffil, muu-trdyl! Uailil, Jld cilnrdd ldaa b a Hlom: lf lregp h e bmlg cfd. or po.0on d! bfrie qf*.rro nc toullbb g.lcrt lncftrbd h ths mlnltlm Gh{D, lho @... lr ep ull b3 blbd n lr.0t7 pr lhou.rrldgdon otmt ,lr!d. Tho bll art ciEJhbd or wlbr uaa bdxru! mrEIr.ilrg. and rr! dlE by tho'16!t ottho frlorxhg mo,fi.CrEnil $ilh ou0bilftg brl&Er.. a ol lha bllhg&lr,!l,Il bcdrgrd t 196 p.rrnontr l& Fymarth.. Tha on .ltn Hook(p Fx fu mufy oolr]tlrci.dhdtla b t600ture%'mrter, tdDbr l'rncbr,39fl) for r 1rf trd.r, ]d tlr05 h. ? m.br. Rcconrdhcrellrrhuolun0ryd.oonnacdat atr$20h ronnccilon fulttg dllc. ham, Icrlry hrwgn Fdday 8.{Xlam. b 6rq} pfi., nd 0a0 a, rroorrFabddlrolicc hun TL h b rL d OE fril orlnhc,raEdon. A tl6 lbts co[r&r fr. xtll b. drrgd I qr ,rgrr.sneIg lElrta s prlbl or frI prymil m aqfrmC. Eml rld! vltrE tF arfriE bbfifirb.dlbfanmp.yrr.d. It bc$I b.durd lrg.yrn lif m.&brl irplolu n bfierrlc! db dl firdlily omrodho br noeanratL A o*lrr.,tqrdre H fto oqtp.n, H lh mLrhlldrtilb dl bs.rrg3d r tlo rEEbdne h!.f lh. rr$r b.b orirb n mrrfict'tf. ry.cilc.Iolt3 ot Cllr c ,rhr t.5|la, lh. mlE bddr..U. wl bo xdIod, h. ns. rgbced, ad ardhancf lnadc b llrc olbnra'r bO. A .a0 iutmd chcl f.3 ufl br ailrUad rdrdr aq.smcl'. dr€d( b Etmod by 0r br* h trlfidsniltnd.. THEXETERCOVER Our nrdr ttldtr!.nd lqrrlc. pdtonnd mud hevc rcoccg b 0E rvsbr m& locabd on yo(rprcpeily. Pl6. do not coyEr UE rrctlr rllh lerd$8d,tg orodrr obahdca. lf you hrn yor yard, be al]€ b lselE 0re flfrr on the orfitsc ot the lbncc. Yq, cil lden[ry lhe @yrr as a rcurrcd Iton [d nccruiroo hen.br lhe atb'r yqlr prop.ry. TERf,IilATtOII RULES $.tXANlrOF ru.E8 /TXD REq/ITTDil8 C T'IEto,lp Pt3uc tmlmE8 oilBm @l'ERlTrc CutilOH RETNdl3 OF iATI'RAL OA8, B.ECTEG AXO WATER PI.BJG [''tlNES A udIU !t, brnln b.qrrh.b r qltomrrlrllil.tr p.rfl5bn dbr e.h$fr nda b thc h0orttgtlltolta: l. Fdurb pry rl utilgtd pd Ale b[, crlr..rpqnll0 b m.&rft s untrr d( aaLoaronbprFElldlrwn on an pl,ilsft tulildr'ilfinde a F.furtb rd(e.Grltyd+d*frr [L r!$lH, 3. F*Inb.tl&bytsn d.p.fnfit.mngorrrl 4, CutrmlraOptrc.rlmkltplt!.n[rdfh*ts.ntly for thc puryorc ol offir! uffiy..n b.. 5. Cudoflr or .pp[c.nt dqrbd c pl!ffibd hcu0[yrm!bhemd.r. 6. U,Itrl Eb ot!il,bc firu{h frprop.r.Sfrrl.ilordruaa 7. clddt.r a.ppH b. rillna nof qrFb.f boqtrcl-d.HbrbhColb. 8. A&ttra$pfcrtilc rwrat n aEre aooqli a ftutr a prvlot!. aaril h. t.l\loptor,Sdufltrlrpdhry.rn N[sl!i=* 2160 Ooborsh Dr., ldaho Fdls, l&ho 83a01 Phonc (20E) 62-13fi1 Far (208) 642-{0e0 or on our sahlb www.hlbvebr.cofii A dmy mry d.n, otr Eltdrrb rvlc. ul[un Fbrndbo b lhg qlbm€r B lpdoad g|., u,l$out hbrtsrparmldontrqra ansr dfis ftIoJUhg ltrsra:L A dtdo aHr [d b ffilyfinpmu. Sh,ffil.flraF!p.lty. 2. mc uuny b ord.rd b ffiirb xvle b, rlyoout h. Condrbn a drar dly ruhatcd Fffcaficry.3. Iha alrt br b oWEd, drrstd or ulad wftout 0r.dro&don of lmwLdgr of tr. dnfy. .1. Ih. un, hrlm.dc. &mt ffltpt b nodfr tr ortbmct of bmffin Ui lE b...r udL bndcoficl. XOTIF|CANOXf. A bftg nry b. coo.ts nd pd nr fn .n flO&f dl, tr. tllne .Lb. A UrlEilro0c. d Elldmlon m.A b. m&d e[ bit!.u.lt O d!y! be6rethe popoaod tdlnlndon ddc. 2. At brdmqrufiur etf) hr! b!6.t tra aonbo lt trrt{rdad, rtdr.I atbn"a dd bc ltrtdc b qtbct tll. qrbmrln piron a brbLpfidrc. 3. lf ta*. b rEl ffii.bd In*t ttrufl ef)c.lsilb (ly. di.r tlr Flpa.d Edn fon &b,fldlc sEr O ty md tJel,.,fiur eQ ru!ndc.blrlJtrld..L No ldd8onrl ,rdc. b lqdnd lf Won norlt of e brmhdon noh ho aliofiEr mdr6 r prymcntrrmgmd ad lUb b lc.g lt Csrtilt prymat bm& ullh r url[f,r drcl a.hchdc paymanl WIIEI{ IEMIA'NOI B XOT AI.oUED 1. Th. tedd Ul barb L.. irr flt, dolr (St0, s fi,o e) rEn0r.drrlc.. rl#rvcrblco. 2. Tho $p.ld Hll h b rnlc. b mdr.r qrblrf. 3. Tt trrpdd bn rurbltomfh.Frdtlt ofnqtu0lly goorhaoavloca 4. T.ortrfria an not rM ql Rtt ,sattr'dry a 8rldry. Lg.l ffi,. ,to$rb.d by t gr0r o, l&tp, hc d., D|tdtt beC ffira or a rU 0nEItllr th. @nf.ny b nd ear b hClp. IEOICALflEROEXCY lf lb qrEmr c r mrttG of th. or.En rt fuily b..dody il or hr.. rtrdcd dE!al.r. lh. Uny wilpo.SqE bndn floll or..vlca br 0rfU 00) rhtp ll a r,rtlt o.fficfr dgncd by. lorrrd phrdd.n o. Fl![ch.dtr oiLhl b Dcrau.d. An ffiorrnel a folnral oompbh ononing tp bnrtrdon rry bc frbd df!.0y rxh hc rrEty. lf Ooorttrr b (hffld llh lht plopad trrotrton oflhc cdtrpEt lloy may cooE lhc CqrnrcrA.d.Erc..btt by mI d tE klro Rt[c tfr.Oonrldon. FO Bo(E3ZD, Bob., L &iliDfi7.t.6by ld.Cur e[ eaelm, or t@r,tuu.pno.ld.lD.gor,onlm d A ..td.rrlbmrRL.rrdR.gddqr.rr! Commh.bn and motlh.utt ft.. FIRE }IY'DRAilTS A,lI offir Sr. lE lt}dll.nt locsbd ql lldr UrenIln Anudcan llfiter $tlollc Arcodatlon ldaho Runl t frbr Allocb0on EesghEllr: Idaho Publc t liltbr Commhdon ldaho DrFltmont d EmlomrnH Qeity l&ho Oeporfirent o, vltsbr R€sources U.S. Bwlronm.nt l Probcdon Agcncy p.oDrty b t3gclrEb b lIe !ll,r m E!. 5 0! hlrdrlnl b nd Hoc*.d by l]tdrcdng, b!6 and drob.. a by hncce. FfE deee.fiErt p.Gonnd mud ba aDL b..tly gctb dl.l.la d. ffi h th3crro olr fhc. SPRINIGING F& Ufrr ltrr hfo.. x,ffirg dlyt .rd s 1,!. ,ou nd b r* r*r. A no-la a tiltdcar muttdr,t !. lrd rlEl wetrftC yon brru !.h-glf0'ood hoaj c.n rrd h Irnlddi d srrha. BEFORE YOI' DIG ttho lrutqdlr ffi you cdl EIg lrlo ufry bcfierfllc. pdorb rU Evdrg h ur nnurt a dgghg drD.. lh.l lE Hrr ny$rr or c dyon plop.ry.CI tll or lo€aalttt llltr dtF b6kr.ilggtro. MPORTAITIT RETINDERS l. lt b hc orp/r nrponrtllry b ,.palr any xrd.r LaL ln tha.axrrloa 0n.fion lr rtl.brto h. honr.,d lru Lalr ln Ir lErl a utdo. lh. lEtla, Pro4t rtgd. or S rqi. h lffi bmrer lldcorDlYsffi.2. Ouhg xclcdduldrrt9dl, b!f,mbll?apcrd.b.d .ttltr d ud.r nmfio b pruinil66y rd lnon.rldlt li!Gtp3, Y(II ull b.rrpotrtblbr rrp.thg rry lir.!}rp b.rotd hc maba.3. f/llfa f,rrr you Inil rrhit tr [rrh mbr ahuut rrdta h rotll hdm b bathd h cr. you har.. Tfmbam]rt rtif.