HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211115Application.pdfK. Scott Brucc Falls WaterCo.,Inc. 2180 Norlh Deborah lhive Idaho Fa[s,ID 83,t01 Tel. (208) 5?f2-t300 Fax (208) 5224099 E-maik scottl rd[bllswater.com ncpresentativc for Fdlr lYeter Co., Inc BEFORE THE IDAEO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLTCATION OF FALIS WATER CO,INC. TOAI}IEND CERTIFICATE OF PT'BLIC COIWENIENCE AND ITTECESSITY NO. 236 ) ) ) il'n[:tl.JfD isil li0"d l5 $H l0: 3i ' ,, 1r r{1..-r";'" .' l'1. ''Jl-iL:il :'i' l, li),ilirr.Ssicti cAsE NO. Fl 1- r,l- jlr-03 APPLICATION Comes now, Falls Water Co., Inc. ('Fdls Water" or the'tompany), pusuant to Section 6l-526,Idaho Code and Rule I 12 of the ldalro Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure fIPUCRP'), applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to amend and rwise its Ccrtificate of Public Conveniene and Necessity No. 236 by enlarging and ercending thc boundary ofthe areo in which it is authorired to provide service. In support ofthis Application, Falls Water submits the following: Falls Water, a public utility water corporation within the meaning ofthe ldatro Public Utilities Law, is duly organized and cxisting under the laws of the Starc of Idaho and engaged in conducting a general watcr business in and about Bonneville County, Idaho, having ib principal office and place of buiness at 2180 Norttr Deborah Drive, Idatro Fallq ldaho 83401. il. Communication in rcferere to this Application should be addresed to: Falb lYater Co.r Inc" Attn: IC Scott Bnrce 2180Nuth Deborah Drive Idaho Fallsi ID 83401 E-mail : scott I (4)thl lsrmter.com I. I\tW Netural Water Ath: Eric Nelsen 250 SW Taylor Sheet Portlan4 Oregon 97204 eric. nclsen@nwnatural.com s03.610.7618 www.nwnaturalwater.com m. A certified copy of Applicant's Articles of Incorporatioq together wittt all amendments to date, is on file with the Commission. ru Applicant owns and operates an extcnsive integratcd water system in Bonneville County and renders geoeral water service within such territory and to the inhabitants thercof. v The area proposed to be served by this Application is sunounded by Falls Water's existing certificated area A map, Extribit A, is atrached. The legal description for Horcy Bec Acr€s is provided (Exhibit B). On February 18,2019, Shane Fitctu Honey Bee Actes' operalor, contactd Falls Water about the possibility of connecting their system of l8 connections to the Falls Watcr systcm. Honey Bee Aqrs' operator and leadenhip wish to no longer be responsible for the watsr system. None of thc other customers are willing to assume the owncrship or operational rcquirements. Their system is entirely sutlounded by the Fdls Water service arca. The Honey Bee Acres system has two (2) small wells and sufficicnt water rights for the connmtions on the systern. They are currently unmetered customers. The two-inch maintine is galvanized pipe that was installed in the early 1970's (most of the hmes werc built benreen 1970 ard 1977). Falls Water is willing to absorb the water system and assume ownership ofthe water system's asseB (i.e., wells, pumping equipment, main line, serrrice lines, and water rights currently orryned and used by the water systenr). Falls Water sought to include Honey Bee Acres in its service area in Case No. FLS-W- 1942. In iB OrderNo. 34614, servcd in that casc on April 2, 2020, th€ Commission concluded (at page 3): *While the Company appears to be negotiating the sale of the Honey Bee Acres assets to Falls Watcr, the rccord irdicates no agreement has yet been reached with the owner(s) of Honey Bee Acres. Thereforc, it would be premature for us to add Honcy Bee Acres to the Company's c€rtificated scrvice tenitory at this time." The Company has contacted all ofthe custom€N in Honey Bcc Acres and now each housctrold has signed an easement agr€emmt consenting to having their home connected to Fdls Water's systcm. Exhibit C is a copy of dl signed easements. Duc to the age of the water main and to provide additiorul looping in that area of the Fdk Waler syste& it is recommended tha an eight-inch rvatcr main be installd and that %" metcrs bc fuistalld for each of the Honey Bee Acres connections. The 8-inch watcr main i$talled will bcncfitthe existing customes of Falls rilater by providing looping needed to improve fire florrs in the arta north of Iona Road and west of 456 East The existing Falls Watcr rate tariffs fort/t" m€ter customcm would be usd once the customerc arc connectcd to the Falls W*er systcm. Falls Water seeks the Commission's approval to connecf Honey Bee Aqes' water system to its existing water system and include it in Falls Water's seryicc arca. VL Any effect on Falls Water's rEvcnue requirements will be addressed in the next mte case 6ld with the Commission. vII. Consistert with its master plar6 Falls Wder has and will have an adequate source of supply to provide serrrice to thc amended service area in a safe and reliable nunner. vm. Falls Water submi8 that the extension of its facilities to scrrre the amended service arpa is consistent with thepublic conveirience and necessity. Falls Watohas rcliably provided rryater sertrice to the area in the pasr As the ldaho Falls region continues to grow, CPCN amerdments such as fiis will provide certainty as to the water service ttut will be pmvided to particular areas. It will also allow Falls Water to anticipar and plan for service to additional arcas on a forward looking basis. x. Pursurant to IPUCRP Rule 201, Fdls Water respectfully requests that this application be proccssca pursuant to Modified Frocedtre. DATED this lsttr day ofNovember202l. Palls WaBrCo.,Inc. By K, IL Scot Gcnoral Ivlaoager I I III-] ffiEls _l lt \ r --€tt+- - I!I a I 6 u o I E{ J 6 IIl il t , I I I goD T- BE &I.rir,! SERVICE DUANSK}N8URVil FOR FALLSWATTT. BOI\rrlrlYrLIJ COUilIY 2ilez Ftu:t tATl,R Got PrrrY lNc.I EXIIIBIT BRK ,t,D SUBVEY,NGeou 3rg-2459 JobNo. 19077 8+2019 T.RM. 78e rcAtH 460 EASIffiTrL D.Ar'r, 8829C LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERYICE AREA (HONEYBEE ACRES) Beginning at the North Quarter corner of Sostion I l, Township 2 SoutlU Range 38 East of the Boise Mcridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thcncc S.84"4857"E.379.72 feet along tbe scction lirc to the east line of Honeybee Acr€s, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along said east line the following two (2) oounrcs: (l) S.00'3124"W. 1591.47 @ thenoe (2) S.0fl2'05'W. 69629 fect to the north line of Grecn Vdlcy Estdes, Division No. 2, Bonneville Corurty, Idaho, lnstnnnem No. 1476860; thence N.8f1424'W. 364.01 foet to the west line of the Northeast Quartcr of Soction I l, Township 2 North" Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence N.00o03'36"E. 2304.48 feet dong said west line to the point of bcginning. Weter rcrvice lnet = lgAtl rcrB. EXHIBIT C 2180 N Deborah Dr, ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401 Websit€: rwuul.fallswater.com FaILSWITER CoupeNY Tel.: (208) s22-1300 Fax (208) 522.{099 Honcy Bee Acres Waler Co Ann: Shane Firclt 3195 N 4l{ East ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401 Jurnie26,2020 Warcr Service for Honey Bee Acres Water C,o This confrms that Falls Water Compsny, lnc. (Falls Water) has the ability, capacity, and willingtess to plovide domcsric water utility $rvice to thc proposcd dovelopmcnl Honey Bee Acres Water Co. (Honey Bee Acles) dcscrlbcd as follo*:: Beginning at the Nortlr Quartcr corncr of Section I l, Towruhip 2 Sqrth, Rangc 38 East of thc Boise Mcrirlian, Bqrnevilk County, ldaho urd rurning thencc S.t4o4t'57"E.379.72faa1mg thc soctim lhc to thc cast line of Honoybce Acres, Bonrrvillc County, ldaho; thence along said cast line tre followiag two (2)courscs: (l) S.0f3l 24"W. 1591.47 fcct;0rcncc(2) S.00ol2O5'W.696.29 fect to the north line of Grcen Vallcy Eoatoq Division No.2, Borurville County, Idaho, lnstsument No. 1475t60; ttcttcc N.t7'1424'W.364.01fea m tte w€st line of 0re Nordreas Quancr of Seaion I l, Towruhip 2 Norft, Range 3E Eastofthe BoiscMoridian; thenceN.00o0336"E.23(N.,tt fcctalorgsaidwestlinoofiepoint of beginning Contalnlng approrlmetcly 19.{E{ ecrcs. This is subject m thc following conditions: l. Installation and cxtension of Falls Watcr's water systcm will be completed by Falls Water and/or its contracbr in accordance with Fdls Watcr $andar& both wihin thc dwelopment and connecting b thc cxisting Falls Water systcm.2. Appmval by thc ldaho Public Urilitics Commission (IPUC),3. ln accordancc with IPUC approved Rates urd Tariff for Falls Watcr Co., lnc.4. Systern design urd installation approvc4 inspeaed and acccptcd by tdaho Department of Envimnmentrl Qualrty, Falls Wtcr's dcsi$atcd proftssloral anginccr, and by Falls Water's own intenral stafr. 5. Honcy Bee Acrts agrces o give Fatls Water the $ater right 25-7086, pumps and pumping conro! equipmeng and water mafoi lincs hat are neoessary and irscful to operatc $e watcr syslem in its cument stde. ln reilm for thcsc lssets, Fdls Water Co., lnc. will install ur cighr-inch main line and t' scwice linc connectiors to each of ttre existing cucomcrs of Honcy Bcc Acr,cs. The connections will include a mctcr banel urd mctcring cquipment and ncw s€rvicr line will bc conncctcd to thc customsrs' cxisting scrvicc linc on thc homc side of the currcnt Honcy Bec Acre system's two-inch trltcr main.6. The Honey Bee Acrc cwtomer may opt to pry thc contractor installing thc scrvice linc fnom Fslls Water's main an additional ftc to rcplacc thc existing scrvicc line to the customcCs home.7. Thc currcnt ratcs c.baryed by Honcy Bee Acrcs will bc chargcd by Falls Water until such time as the Honey Bee Acrrs spcm is physically conncctcd to thc Falb Waler water system.8. In accordance with any othcr lawfully noccssary provisions as agreed between Falls Wstcr and Horcy Bee Acrcs. If constnrction on thc dMsion of this sub-devclopment is not strtcd within one year of the date of tris lemcr the dwelopcr or his authorized agont will necd to scek a new will scnre lcttcr. Falls WarcrCo.,lnc. K,<"fr7&h,-* K. ScouBruce Gcoeral Mmager ThcoriomcrrofltosyBc&rtlshr.thchmtatrodlgltrurih6omrofthcrcgiifboofe.IhryBc Acrtc wer @ by Fdb Wdcr. Ita rgp@d fill bc bffig upm fu hdnr armroc, rnd lrlSr offto prd6hcr@. fllbrl&io 'm50E st RcAld$oFdb,t&ho I&hoFdb, Flr& Om.tr of3l6l t{ott 41. Ed,IdSo ld$o Omcrr d3l2l Nor& 41" E sL khho Fdbr l&ho UI Lra^-=.-toT* / 4, JGIM BsmdaFcmron ofillDl Nor6al.ldahoF.Ib IdSo (}uucr Omcr 4FErr! t&bFdb,Idrho OmGilof30l5 h,leofdb ld*o of$lfr)Eti,Fdb,I&ho + Oyuof29t9Nortt I l&hoFdb,ldlho ClolL.G of 2905 North 4 I r East, ldaho Falls. ldaho Bil|ts TyhrJoncs Owncn of 2831 Norrh 4 F Esst ldsho Falls. ldaho')l* n A--),(*r Sliane Bndlc,y / ln ldaho of 2761Norlh 4lr East, ldaho Fallr ldaho Abbon "*'Wryry r&ho Fatrs' rdaho Owncr of 2721 North 4 lr East, ldoho Fallq ldaho tlnrui€/ -/,q/ra chris Sm;llc1 1, Sharon laigua{6Ura Ownen of2,677 i East, ldoho Falls, ldaho Ovvners of 4lr' East. ldaho Falls, ldaho