HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220415Request for Amended Order.pdfPreston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Blake W. Ringer, ISB No. 11223 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, D 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@givenspursley. com blakeringer@givenspursley. com Attorneys for the Company IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC, FOR AUTHORITY TO INCUR DEBT TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY , .; i.-:,1 !.. i cI r' i.r i;' I J BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COM1VtrSSION CaseNo. FLS-W-21-02 Rrqursr FoR AMENDED ORDER In November 2021, Falls Water Company, Inc. ("Falls Water" or "Company") filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") an Application of Falls Water Company, Inc. to Approve Debt ("Application"). The Application requested authorization to incur debt in the amount of $691,500 to pay for the acquisition of certain real property interests. The Application included a letter from Zions Bank that set forth the proposed terms of the loan, including the proposed interest rate, principal amounts, and other details. The Application indicated that "the Company may be able to close the transaction in the first quarter of 2022." Application at 4. On December 6,2021, the Commission issued Final Order No. 35249, which approved the Application and authorized the Company to "incur up to $691,500 in debt under the terms and conditions and for the purposes set forth in the Company's Application and this Order." Final Order No. 35249 at 4. Falls Water has pursued purchase of the building as authorized. However, the near final terms of the loan differ slightly from the terms proposed in the Application and remain subject to REquESTFoRAMENDEDORDER Pecnlor4 further change prior to closing. Falls Water does not view these changes as material. However, out of an abundance of caution, Falls Water respectfully requests that the Commission issue an amended order autho nzngincurrence of debt on the below-described terms and conditions, which provide a contingency for further change in terms between submission of this request and completion of the bank loan, with any variance from the prior terms indicated: Principal Loan Amount: Up to $700,000 (Original Amount: $691,500). Term: 15 Years or 180 months. Interest Rate: Up to 1.50% per annum for initial 12 months; tp to 4.50o/o per annum for years 2-10; and for the remaining years I l-15, loan pricing will recast using the 5-year US Treasury Index at the time of reprice plus up to 3.00% (with a floor of up to 4.50o/o per annum) (Original Rate: 0.90% per annum for initial 12 months; 2.99% per annum for years 2- l0; and for the remaining years I I - l 5, loan pricing will recast using the 5-year US Treasury Index at the time of reprice plus 2.00%). Fees: Up to $5,000 total for loan origination, documentation, and other lender fees (Original: waived all lender fees). In addition, the Company covers all third-party costs and fees, including appraisal, environmental report, title insurance, and endorsement and recording fees (Original: up to $5,000 credit applied to third-party closing costs and fees). The purposes of the loan, and other information provided in the Application, remain the same. A proposed Amended Order is attached for the Commission's convenience. The Company will file with the Commission the final loan documents within seven days of those documents becoming available to the Company. Request for Expedited Consideration Falls Water stands ready to close on the property, and potentially would have already closed if the variance between the terms of the near final and proposed terms had not come to Rnquesr FoR AMENDED ORDER Pece 2 on 4 light. Given the status of the transaction and the current market of rising interest rates, Falls Water respectfully requests that the Commission expedite consideration of this Request and issue an order within seven days if practicable. Request for Relief Falls Water respectfully requests that the Commission issue an Order: 1. Amending Final OrderNo. 35249 to authorize Falls Water to incur debt under terms and conditions that are within the terms set forth above; and 2. Any other relief that the Commission deems just and reasonable. Dated: April 15, 2022. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Preston N. Carter Blake W. Ringer GryrNS PunSIey LLP Attorneys for the Company ," Rnquesr ron AIrasNpno Onorn Plcp3 or4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certiff that on April 15, 2022, a tnre and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste.201-A Boise,ID 83714 j an.noriyuki@puc. idaho. gov Dalm Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Ste. 201-A Boise,ID 83714 dayn.hardie@puc. idaho. gov Electronic Mail Electronic MaiI ,"A--'- Preston N. Carter Rrqursr roR AMENDED OnoEn Pece4 or4 Exhibit I to Falls Water Request for Amended Order BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCUR DEBT TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY CaseNo. FLS-W-21-02 (Pnorosro) Aunnonn Onoon Falls Water Company, Inc. ("Falls Water" or "Company") filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") on November 5,2021an Application of Falls Water Company, Inc. to Approve Debt ("Application"). On December 6,2021, the Commission issued Final Order No. 35249, which approved the Application and authorized the Company to "incur up to $691,500 in debt under the terms and conditions and for the purposes set forth in the Company's Application and this Order." Final Order No. 35249 at 4. On -date, the Company filed a Request for Amended Order ("Request"), indicating that the near final terms of the loan vary to some degree from the terms that were originally proposed and remain subject to further change prior to closing. The Company requests that Final Order No. 35249 be amended to reflect authorization to incur debt under terms and conditions that fall within the terms set forth in the Request for Amended Order. The Company requested expedited consideration of its request so that it may close on the property. -Any necessary discussion of Staff s position- ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Final OrderNo. 35249 is amended to approve Falls Water incurring debt under terms and conditions within the terms set forth in the Request for Amended Order. (Pnoeosno) Rrquesr FoR AMENDED ORDER Pecp I op 2 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Company shall file with the Commission the final loan documents (showing the amount borrowed and all other terms of the loan) within seven days of those documents becoming available to the Company. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the foregoing authorization to incur debt is without prejudice to the regulatory authority of the Commission regarding rates, utility capital structure, service accounts, valuation, estimates for determination of cost or any other matter which may come before this Commission under its jurisdiction and authority as provided by law. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this Order and no provisions of Chapter 9, Title 61, Idaho Code, or any act or deed done or performed in connection with this Order shall be construed to obligate the State of Idaho to pay or guarantee, in any manner whatsoever, any security authorized, issued, assumed, or guaranteed under Chapter 9, Title 61 Idaho Code. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that issuance of this Order does not constitute acceptance of the Company's exhibits or other material accompanying the Application for any purpose besides issuing this Order. THIS IS A FINAL ORDER. Any person interested in this Order may petition for reconsideration within twenty-one (21) days of the service date of this Order with regard to any matter decided in this Order. Within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration, any other person may cross-petition for reconsideration. See ldaho Code $ 6l- 626. (PnorosEo) Rreussr FoR AMENDED ORDER Plce 2 or 2