HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200630Application.pdffr.Hf, E IV6S :ii?'ij JUH 30 PH 5: Otr _ r.r!l :n ." t I \.r'-tW'.1 ,. :":i ";{;li{ttiSSlSf{ K. Scoft Bruce Falls Water Company, Inc. 2180 North Dcboratr Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Tel. (208) 522-t300 For (208) 5224Aw E-mail : scot I @fal lswater.com Representative for Falls Water Co., Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN Tm MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) FALLS WATER COMPANY ) FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING INCREASES IN) TrrE coMPAltY's RATES AND CHARGES rOR ) WATER SERVTCE IN TIIE STATE OF IDAIIO ) cAsE NO. FLS-W-20{3 APPLICATION COMES NOW Falls Water Co., Inc., (*Falls Water", "Applicant" or "Company") and hercby makes application to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, ('Commission") for an Order approving revisions to Applicant's schedules of rates and oharges for water service in the State of ldaho to becomc effective with service provided on and after August 15,2020. Applicant is requesting the Commission's authorization to: l) Change the water rates it charges its customers to produce an incrcase in the Company's rcvenues by $3,14,175, which represents an incrcase in the Company's revenues of l9.l2o/o. The Company is proposing to increase its metered rates as follows: Meter Sizc Current Rate Pnooosd Rete % Chaneet/i'or smaller $17.75 forupto 12.000 eallons $18.75 for up to 12.000 callons 5.63% Increase Itt $25.00 for up to 17.000 callons $26.41 for up to 17.000 eallons 5.630/o Increase IW'$32.25 for up to 22.W eallons $34.07 for up to 22.000 callons 5.63% Incrcase 2"$41.00 for up to 28.m0 sallons $43.31 for up to 28.000 callons 5.63% Incrpase 4"$73.25 for up to 49.000 callons $?7.38 for up to 49-000 callons 5.63% Increase Commodity Rarc per 1.000 callons $0.689 $0.957 38.89% Incrcase I The Company last increased ie basic ratcs and charges pursuant to Commission Order No. 32663 (Case No. FLS-W-I2-I) darcd October 12,2012. Applicant is rcquesting this Application be processed under the Commission's Rules of Modified Procedurc. Applicant further r€qucsts an ffier of the Commission au0rorizing the new rates be effective for all water delivercd after the first meter reading on and after August 15,2020. GENERAL Applicant is a wholly owned subsidiary of NW Naaral Water Company, LLC CNW Natural Watei'), which acquired Applicant in September 2018.r Applicant is a public utility water corporation within the meaning of the Idaho Public Utility Law, is duly organized and existing under tre laws of the Starc of ldaho and is engaged in conducting a general water utility business in an area generally north of the City of Ammon and northeast of the City of ldaho Falls in Bonneville County, Idaho, having its princrpal office and place of business at 2180 North Deboratr Drive, Idaho Falls, Idaho. A copy of Applicanfs Articles of Incorporation together with all amendments to date is on file with the Commission. Applicanfs cument Certificate of Convenience and Necessity is Certificarc No. 236. As of December 31, 2019, the Company provided water service to 5,545 residential and commcrcial customerc. Applicant rccognizes that these are trying times for our customers due to the COVID-I9 pandemic, but these incrcases are needed for us to be able to continuc providing safe, reliable and adequate service. It also recognizes that it has becn eight years since the company has requested a rate incrcase. GENERAL RATE INCREASE REOUEST Enclosed, with this Application, are Exhibis Number I through Extribit Number 9 in support of the incrcase in water reyenue requested. Applicant is proposing the year 2019 as the test year in this case adjusted to normalize and proform the test year for known and measumble changes that have or will occur in the near future. RATE BASE Exhibit No. I presents the Company's calculation of rate base. Column (A) of this exhibit presents the balances of accounts on the books of thc Company at December 31, 2019. Columns (B) $rough (K) are the adjustnents to ttre year-cnd account balances to include sssets to be put into service during 2020. Column (L) line 30 prosents Applicant's proforma rate base of $5,015,849. Column (B) is project A-2 - "Crowley Road from lil Street to John Adams Parlaray (8" Extension)" from the "fhinking Water Capial Facilities Plan". The project connects dead end water mains on John Adams Parlaray and Cochise Drive to an arterial | ,See Case No. FLS-W-It-0I, Order No. 34103 (datcd July 10, 2018). 2 water main at the intersection of First Street and Crowley Road (45th East). The benefits to customers are improvcd water quallty by removing dead-end lines, improved water flow and pressures in fire event sccnarios, and grcater redun&ncy and flerdbility in minimizing customcr outages during maintenancc and rcpairs to the main lines.2 The project was put out to bid and awarded. The project should be completed by mid-July 2020. The total project cost is $178,000. Column (C) is the replaccmcnt of a 10" water main. Bonneville County is widening the roadway and the replacement ofthis section of water main would have been mush costlier if it were performed after the County completed its project. The project replaces existing water main that showed signs of improper installatioru discovered while making a repair to sections of thc line during thc winter. The project was put out to bid and awarded. The project should bc completcd mid-June 2020. The lotal project cost $125,000. Column (D) is project A-7 -25h East and lona Road Waterline Extension" from the "Drinking Warcr Capial Facilities Plan". The project creatcs an increased reliability of water service to customem by providing rcdundancy if ever the need arises to take a line out of service to perform maintenance. It also provides a necded loop for a more direct flow of water to customers in the northem pan of the water system, which improves fire flows, pressunes, and watcr quality by removing a dead end on Hitt Road and lona Road. The project should be complete mid-June 2020. The total project cost is $975,000. This project was the least cost solution to the problem, as addressed in the water system's master plan. Column (E) is a project to map and inventory the water system fire hydranrc, main line street valves, water metcr barrels, and main line joints to provide a more accurate way to locatc these assets via GPS coordinates. Coupled with the asset ddabase, maintenance data on the assets will be backed with more accuracy than in the past. The total project cost is $22,000. Column (F) is rcpairs to the interior walls, painting of walls and interior waEer lines, and other work to improve the interiorc of well houses l, 5, and E. The repairs to the walls and new paint provide protection for the interior of the buitdings.3 The total project cost is $9,900. Column (G) is the cost to cornplcte the insallation of SCADA at Wcll #10. The SCADA was not completed at the time the well was put on line. The well is now operable remotely as are the other wells in the system. The total project cost is $1,380. 2 The dtcrnative !o thc proJect would havc bccn o leave thc dcad-end lines in placc. This alternaive was not dcsirable duc to dccrcascd warcr quality !o clrstomsB at thc cnd of thc lincs.I The altcrnattvc to the projcc would havc bccn to do rcdring and dlow the well housc intcriors to rernain in a st te of disrcpair. 3 Column (H) is the cost to rpbuild a chlorinator for Well #9. The old chlorinator was not operating properly. Rebuilding the chlorinator walr a less costly option than buying a rcplacement chlorinator at a cost of $15,000. The total project cost is $1,963. Column Q) is the cost to replacc a flow to waste bufierfly valve at Well #1. The toal project cost is $1,381. Column (J) is the cost of a 10" miter saw, air comprcssor, and threc nail guns used to make repairs in well houscs l, 5, and 8. The total cost is $353. Column (K) is the annual depreciation for the rate base projects listed in Columns (B) to (J). This amount is added to the Accumulated Ebpreciation shown in Column (A) Line 18. The total Accumulated Depreciation is subtactcd from the Total Plant in Service. The Net Plant in Service total is ffi,762,36? shown in Column (L) on Line 19. Lne26 is the Net Conributions in Aid of Construction that is subracted from the Net Plant in Service on Line 19, which rcsults in a Na Plant in Service of $4,850,577 in Column (L) on Line 28. Line 29 is an allowance for working capital equal to l/8th of opereting expenses shown on E:rhibitNo.2. The total Rate Base for this case of $5,015,849 is shown in Column (L) on Line 30. RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Exhibit No. 2 prcsents tre Company's Results of Operations adjusted for known and measurable changes. Column (A) of the exhibit presents the actual recorded rcsults on the Company's books for the year 2019. Ttese achral rcsults arc adjusted in Columns @) through (E) to develop the adjusted results shown in Column (F) that is used to determine the Company's rcvenue requircment on ExhibitNo.4. Column (B) of Exhibit No. 2 adjusts the Company's revcnues and expenses to recognize the elimination of an $2,554 net loss on the sale of assets or loss on damaged metering equipment the rcmoval of $293 for interest incomg the removal of $9,E42 for nonrecurring Non-Utility Income, the removal of $5,408 for nonrccurring Non-Utility Expenses, thc rcmoval of $3,680 for nonrecuning Tor Deductible Donations, and the removal of nonrccurring Interest Expense. These adjustments incrcase the Company's test year income by $28,173. Column (C) of this exhibit adjusts the Company's labor cosb for wage and salary levels wlrich took effect on December 20,2019. During 2019, the Company lost two (2) of its employees to other companies in the arca due to low wage* To provide quality customer servicg the Company needs to have quality employees. To retain quality 4 employees, the wages and benefrts for the employee must at least mect the wages and benefits of our peers. This adjustmcnt deorcascs thc Company's test year income by $v22st. Column @) of Exhibit No. 2 recognizes the net incrcases and decreases in various opcrating expenditures, as follows: Electrical Power was an avGrage of power usagc over a thrre-year period, 2017 - 2019. The prior year usagcs werc adjusted to 2019 power rates and each year used the average customerc for the year to determine the avemge per customer power rates. The projected 2020 power costs were calculated by multiplying the thnae-year average annual KWH cost pcr customer and the three-year avcrage demand cost per customer by the number of customers as of December 31,2A19, The rpsult was an inorcase in power costs of $3,830. Chemical costs werc calculated using the water prodrction numbens at the wells that have chlorination equipment and calculating the amount of granular chlorine necded to have a system chlorine level of 0.2 ppm. The incrcase is in part due to the fact that the Company had an amount of granular chlorinc on hand at the beginning of 2019 and did not noed to purchasc as much chlorine during the tc$ year. The result of the calculation is an increase to chemical costs of $2,078. PosEge costs were calcularcd aking the avcrage cost per mail piece when sending customer billings and multiplying by the numbcr of customers on record as of December 31, 2019. Additional postage for shipping coliform samplcs to the laboratory, costs for mail retumed, and various mailings for collections, new customer information, and Consumer Confidence Reports, are included in dre postage calculation. The result is a decreasc in postage costs of ($931). Phone costs werc calculated using the costs historically included in the phone expense. The offrce landline provider is Sparftlight, and the cell phone provider is Verizon Wireless. Employees are reimburscd for business use of personal cell phones if not on the Company cell plan. Digline messages are booked to our phone expense. Ansafone is the Company's answcring service. The calculatcd costs are adjusted for cell phone reimbursement to a new employce hired in November 2019. The rcsult is a decrease in phone costs of($261). Bank scrvice charges associated with the payment option of oredit/debit cards increased in thc last half of 2019. The rcsult as shown in the calculation results in an inqpase of bank service charges of $313. Testing costs wene calculated on a nine-year pcriod and averaged. The result is a decrcase to testing costs of ($5,303). 5 Trash costs were reduced in the latter part of 2019. One tash dumpster was rernoved which resulted in a lowering of costs. The calcul*ion for tash costs is for one dumpster at a monthly cost of $80.30. The rcsult is a decrease in trash costs of ($515). Data processing costs werc calculated for thc support maintenance agreements and website hosting costs. The rpsult in a decreaso of ($190). The propety rental cost of $2200 is the 2020 annual rpnt of the well site rented frrom Lincoln Land Company. fire difference between 2019 prope(y rental costs results in an increase of $850. $800 of that amount is duc to an adjustrnent in 2019 for an over payment in 2018 for building rent. Rental of equipment costs are adjusted due to the Company purchasing its own dump tnrck and no longer renting a dump tnrck belonging to the prior owner, Brcnt Johnson. The removal of the dump tnrck rpntal ftom the 2019 renAl of equipment costs result in a decrcase of ($3,432). The adjustments to accounts 645 Lease Rent Exp - Interest and 646 - Leasc Rent Exp - Depreciation arc offsetting: the annual intercst for the rent deqeases each year but the depreciation of the lease incrcases each year by the same amount. The resulting net effect of the trro adjustments is zero. The insurance adjustment is the result of a ffrorough rpview of the Company's asseb that werc being insured. The review showed that asscts were omitted in prior insurance renewals and newly added items (i.e., a dump truck, a pickup truclc, vacuum trailer, and equipment hauling hailcr) increased the insurable asset list. The increase of $26,372 also includes the Worker Compensation Insurance for the Company. Note that the worker compensation insurance is adjusted to zero to reflect that it is alrcady accounted for in the increase to insurance expense. The total increase is a combination of worter compensation insurance and 8uto, general liability, and umbrella liability insurances. The IDWH Fee costs are paid to DEQ. They arc based on the number of connections multiplied by $3.00. The number of connections as of December 31, 2019 was 5,545. The total fee for 2020 will be $16,635. The result is an increase of $749. Since the acquisition of the Company by NW Natural Watcr, the corporate departnents have performed services for the Applicant. The services include accounting, executive, corporate communications, human resourcedpayroll, information services, legal, ratedregulation, risUland, tax, treasury, business developmenl administrative charges, and other miscellaneous services. Using the Massachus€tts method to allocate these shared costs among the water companies owned by NIV Natural Water, the amount of shared costs for Falls Warcr is $79,225. This is an increase in expenses for the Company. 6 The overall Column @) adjustment decreascs the Company's test year income by $102,785. Column (E) of Exhibit No. 2 adjusts the Company's depr,eciation expense and poperty tar( expcnsc. This adjustrnent decrcases the Company's income by $76,932. Column (F) of Exhibit No. 2 prcscnts 0re Company's proforma rcsults of operations for use in this case. The proforma trsults reflect a net income of $l16,376. COST OF CAPITAL Exhibit No. 3 presents the Company's capital stucture and calculation of the weighted cost of capial as of December 31, 2019. The requested rearrn on equity is 10,50yo, thc same percentage ourrently authorized by the Commission. Based on balances as of December 31, 2019, Falls Water's actual capital structure was &4.67o equity/ 15.4o/o debt; as such, the Company decided to calculate its revenue requirement based on a morc balanced hypothetioal capital structurt of 55o/o equity/45% debt. The overall weighted cost of capital for Falls Water is7.24o/o. REVENI.JE REQUIREMENT Exhibit No. 4 prcsents the calculation of the revonue requirement for Falls Water. Lines I through 5 of this exhibit develop the net operating deficiency of $246,646 shown on line 5 utilizing the rate base, rate of return and operating results from Exhibits Nos. l, 2 and 3. Lines l0 through 12 calculate the rcvenue incrcase necessary to overcome the income deficiency. The incrpmental rcvcnue requircment is $344,175. This rcpresents an incrcasc in the Company's rcvenues of l9.l2o/o. Without this inoremental rcvenue requirement the Company's earned rcturn on equity would b,1.2%. RATE DESIGN Exhibit 5 presents ttre Applicant's proposal to develop new rates. The pmposed rates ar€ shown in the table below: Meter Size Current Rate Proposed Rate 'A" or smaller 517.75 for uo to 12.000 callons $18.75 for up to 12,000 sallons Itt 325.00 for uo to 17.000 sallons 526.41for uo to 17.fi)0 sallons I Yz"53225 for uo to22-000 sallons 334.07 for uo to22-ffJ,0 callons 2"$41.00 for up to 28.000 eallons $43.3I for up to 2E.000 callons 4t,57325 for uo to 49.000 callons $77.38 for uo to 49.000 sallons Commodity Rate oer [.000 eallons $0.689 $0.957 7 Rate Class Cunent Rate Average Bill Proposed Rate Average Bill Percentage Inqpase Percentage ofTotal Customers Residential 5/8" & %" Meters $25.45 s29.96 17.7o/o ?6.51o/o Residential l" Meters s27.86 s34.49 23.BP/o 19.99/o Residential I rZ" Meters $52.40 $59.98 t4.5%0.160/o Residential2" Meteis $s1.25 $43.31 -15.5%0.02% Commerpial 5/8" & 7e" Meters $24.58 s27.48 ll.8o/o 0.77% Commercial l" Meters $41.98 ss0.40 20.1o/o 0.t3% Commerciall %" Meters $125.1I $159.32 21.3o/o 0.160/o Commercial2" Metcrs s77.68 $96.07 23.7/o 0.75% Commercial4" Meters $87.85 $97.66 ll.2o/o 0.05% Multi-FamilY 5/8" & 7r'Meters $30.ss $35.43 19.T/o 0.72o/o Multi-Familv l" Meters $43.0s $5r.47 19.6Yo OS0o/o Multi-Familv I W' Metcrs $74.28 $92.44 24.50/o 0.02% Multi-Family 2" Meters $65.19 $76.91 18.tr/o 022% Multi-Family 4" Meters $0.00 $0.00 V/o ff/o The able below shows the average billing increase by rate class. The proposed rates cneate a base charge/commodity charge ratio at 64.4W35.6o/o. The proposed commodity charge is a 38.89% increase. Applicant recognizes that the percentage increase is larger than the proposed percentage increase of tlrc base oharge. No change is being proposed in the usage allowance for each meter size rarc. Conservation of water is one positive outcome of the higher commodity rate. The proposed rate design will produce $2,144,999 in revenues. The rcvenue generated is $397 over the revenue requirement of $2,144,6A. CUSTOMERNOTIFICATION & PRESS RELEASE Exhibit 6 is a copy of the notice mailed to the Company's customers informing them ofthe rate case. Exhibit 7 is a copy of the press release e-mailed to tlre Post Register newspoper in Idaho Falls, Idaho on June 30,2020. TARIFFS Exhibit No. 8, a thrrre (3) page cxhibit, is a marked-up copy of the Company's current rate schedules showing 0re proposed changes in rates for Schedule No. I and No. 8 2. Exhibit No. 9, a thrce (3) page exhibit is composed of the Company's new proposcd rarc schedules. RECENT BOIL WATER ADVISORY On April 20, 2020, thc water system was affected by low presslu€ caused by a check valve at a wcll site that failed to close. The problem was corrected and service was restored in about 30 minutes. The compsny notified the customers within the 24-hour period that the tdaho Department of Environmental Quality requires. The public was notificd of a boil advisory thmugh channel 8 local television news and fte East ldaho News. The watcr system was disinfected and coliform water samples werc taken to check if any contaminants werc in the system. The results of the samples were received on April 22,2020. The samples wene absent of coliform bacteria. The public was notified that the boil advisory was lifted via channel 8 local television news and the East ldaho News. Copies of the news rcleases wer€ sent to ldaho Department of Envircnmental Quality with the necessary ccrtifications. Copies werc also sent to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The complaint *rat most customers made in regard to this event was that they were not notified sqlner. The customers expected almost instantaneous notilication that therc was a problem and that a boil advisory wss in place. In rcviewing how the company could meet the customers expectstion during future outages, thc company decided that it should get a mass notification prognm that would allow the notification of customers quickly should such outages occur in the future. Cunently the company is deciding which provider would best meet the necd. CONTACT INFORMATION Questions regarding this application should be addressed to: K Scos Brucc, General Manager Falls WaterCo. 2180 N Deborah Dr. Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Ph: (208) s22-1300 e-mai I scott I @fal lswater.com Eric Nelsen Senior Regulatory Attorney Northwest Natural 250 SW Taylor St Portland, OR 97204-3038 Telephone: 503.610.761 8 eri c.ne I sen(2nwnatural.com Please provide copies of all correspondence, notices and ordcrs to the above individuals. 9 R, Rcrycodully submitlod; KScotBnrco. ., GcncralManagorr.,, .,ii i: 10 B _E Flg -F Egl a E 'E np $ E E TII.EI IEgE rE a g g Itt.t I I I T l iE T!B E! =rat ft E-EEg T5II E1 Hu slE Tg E$ T 'ft Et! EE n R B E,g EESsEFBtsEEeBs 9 E 33sEt BEsEE$BF s$s$IrBS R gIE gT d* E a E E $i-, [$r,gf,FT;gEE g B 3 I Ei' i$s 5,i lrt Er, iit ,f! g[E E JTeT;T ffiii f;sE E T 6 a e rA e g E GI E E 3 ETfI3 , R6 r 6- F - o I EE B* lB llE EGf,lAisl8a *lrlllEL lr IE$$ryUt$!ilSl' ' r$ ' ttE littill ' I ' ltr$[ I ilte Itt15 frlE[llltlllllu'' !l' tlE $tt3n[llt' B$ll I ll iill Ei: lE ErBEsl$$ I {l {r I II ll rl I 'I 'il, IaTt I t i! 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CUSTOMERS During the week of June 29,2020, Falle Water Co., lnc. fited an application with the ldaho Publb t titltbs Commiesion (IPUC) br a prcposed general rate incraase to beoome efiectivs August 15, 2P0. The frling b a proposal, subJect to public rwlew ard a Cqnmission decisbn befoe lt can take effiect Falls Wbter Co., lnc. seeka approraal to increase rates to reoover the increasing coots of operatbns and maintenance, system improvements, and mplacing its aging infiastrudure. lf the proposed rate incrases are approved, the bble bdov shows the proposed rates atnrage rnonthly blllcompared to the curtent rates a\rerage monthly blll. lf approved the proposed increase would increase the Companfs total annual revenues by $344,175 (19.12%r. A copy of the appllcation is avalhble for revleur at Falls ll\later Co., !nc.'s offioe located at 2180 North Deborah Drive in ldaho Falls or on our website, lry,Ellffiletep Copies of the appllcafon arc on file at the ldaho Public utilities offices d,472 West Whshingffir Street, Boige, ldaho 83702. The applicatbn ig abo available for reviaw on the Commission'8 web sitE at nvw.orrc.idaho.oov . Please send any commenb or questions to either Falls Water Company orthe ldaho Public Utilities Commisskrn: ldaho Publb tftilities Commbsbn Falls llllater Company, lnc. PO Box E372O 2180 North Debonah Driw Boise, lD E37204O74 ldaho Falls, lD 83401(800)432-0369 (208) 522-1300 Comments may be submltted to the ldaho Public Utif,ties Commisslon vb e+nail by golng to lhe foltorlng website: htbs://ouc. idaho.oor/Fom/CaseComment RateChss Cunent Rate Averaoe Bill Propoeed RaleAvemge BiI Percentagp lncrease Percentage ofTotal Customers W &.4'Melar:sils./15 $29.96 76.81% Residenthl''MeterB $27.88 s34.49 I 1.8%19.9996 Reeidentiall 4'Meters $52.40 s59.98 '14-5%0.18% E51.25 $4:t.31 5.5%O-OzVa Gommerchl 18'&%'Metere s24.58 $27.4E 1.8o/o o.77% Comnerchl ''Metana s41.98 $50.40 t1%0.13% s125.1'l $159.32 27.1%0.16% Gommercial2'Meterc s77.68 $96.07 23.7%0.75% Commercial r Meterg $87.85 $97-65 .2Yn 0.05% Multi-Familv 18'&Y; Meterc s10.55 s36.4i 9.2Vr o.72% s43.05 $51.47 o.50% Multl-Famih/'%'MetelB $74.28 $9,2.4 4^5%o.o2% " Meters $65.19 s76.91 18.Ooh 0.22Yo s0.00 so.o0 P/6 Oolo Please referto Case No. FLS-W-20{3 in allconespondence. EXHIBIT 7 For lmmedlate Release Medla contacl: Scotr Brucc at (208) 522-1300 or@ Fallc WabrCompany Fllec General Rate Caro ldaho Falls, lD - June 26,?li20 - Falls llllater Co., lrrc. ha filed an application with the ldaho Publb Wlitles Commlssbn (IPUC) fu a propced general rate increase to become efiediw August 15,2@0. The propoml ls subJec't to publlc rwiew and a Commlssion declgion bebre it can take effect Falb Wbter Co., lnc., part of NW Natural l/ltrater Cornparry, seeks apprwalto increaee rates to lecflertho growing costr of operatlong ard maintenanoe, system improvements, and raplacing aglng inftastructure. lf appoved, lhe the Cornpany's total annual r€yBnues uould incrcase by $3t1.f,175 (19.12%). The table bdow shoua the propos€d rates average monthly billcornparcd to the cunent one, and the proposed percentage lncrear. A copy of the applieation is available for rwiar at Falls Water Co., lna's orffice located at 2180 Norft Deborah Drive in ldaho Falls or on ourwebsltE, U!U4&!!g[eELe!0. Coplee of the appllcatlon aro on fib at the IPUC offces a|472 tVest Vlrashlngton Steet, Bolse, ldaho 83702. The applbatbn b abo arallable for rwlew on the Commbgion's web gite at W,g&,lC!hg.ggU. Pbase eend any comments or questions to eiher Falls Vt ater Cornpany or the IPUC at: tdaho Publlc LJtllmes Commlseion Falls Wbter Company, lnc. PO Box 83720 2180 Nofih Deborah Drive Bolse, lD 83720{o74 ldaho Falls, lD 83401(800)432-0369 (208) 522-1300 Conunents may abo be eubmitted to the IPCU via e.mail by going to the follorving website htbs://puc.idaho.oov/Form/CaseComment. Please referto Case No. FL$W-A)-03 in all corespondence. Rate Class Cunent Rate AveraqeBlll Propoeed Rate Averaoe Blll Percentage lnclease Percentage ofTotal Customor Residentbl slB' &'/i Metere $25..15 sr9.96 t?.7/o 76-1loh Reeldentbl I' Metere s27.86 s34-49 23.Wo 19.*)Yo ResHentiall %'Meters $52.40 3s9.98 l4.sYo 0.160/0 ResEentlal2'Metere $51-25 s433r -l5SYo O-O2Yo Commerc'nl ffi' &'/t' Meters s24.58 s27-48 ll.s%0.77Vo Cornmarcbl I'Msterc s41.98 350-/t0 20.1o/o 0.13% Corunercbl l %'Meters sl25.11 st5932 2730h O-16o/o Commerclal 2'ttietere s77.68 s96-07 23.7/n 0-7s% Commercial 4' Meters s87.85 s97.6 ll.2Vo 0-05Vo Mulf-Familv 518' & t/t' Meters sto.55 835.43 19.2Vo O-72o/a Mufti-Famllv 1'Meters s43.05 s5t.47 19.6Vo O-sff/o MultifamilY 1 %'Metsrs s74-28 s92-1/24.So/o 0.02Vo Multifamilv 2'Meters 365.19 376.9r It.0%02T/o Multi-Familv 4'MEters $0.00 30.00 Wo Wa EXIIIBITT About Falb Water Company Falb Watcr Company ls located ln ldaho Falls, ldaho near the Snake Rlver wegt of the Tetons. lt provides water distribution oervice to more than 18,O0 people through over 5,600 connectlons in this rapldly growlng area. More information can be lound at fallsvyater.com. About ]{W ilatunl Water lttV\lNduraltir/Sercunently provldes uraterdbtrifutlon anduresteuatersen ioes to oommunltlee throughort the Paclfrc Nortlmert and Telos. ltlfien oubbrdlng haneacdons clo8e, 1Wtl Natural Whter epeds tosenrc approxirnately 62,@0 peopbthrugh appoldnately 25,000 connectione. Lsam mora about ourwater buslnees at nwnqhrralwabr.com.ffi 2 Falls Water Go., !nc. Sheet 1 Replaces All Previous Sheds EXHIBIT 8 Schedule No. I General Metered Seryice Rates Availabilitv: To all metered customer not scrved under another schedule. Minimum Customer Charge: Meter Size 518" and/i' l" IW' 2" q' Maximum Gallons Allowed in Minimum Charge 12,000 17,000 22,000 28,000 49,000 Monthly Minimum Charge $'l+75 $18.75 $2# s26,41 s.,p#5334.07 $n#$1I3! ws77.38 Rarc per 1.000 Gallons of Use $0589S0.957 Commodity Charge: For all water use in excess of the maximum gallons allowed in minimum charge. Contract Conditions: The customer shall pay thc total of the minimum customer charge plus the commodity charge. The commodity charge is based on all metered watcr in excess ofthe morimum gallons allowed in the minimum customer charge for the billing pcrid. Consumption is exprtssed in 1,000 gallon units as expressed by the metor installed by the Company. The minimum customer charge will apply even when service is provided for less than the entirp billing period. Metcr Regdinc Schedule: Metcrs for all customers, rcsidential. commercial, indusEial, institutional, aPartment buildings with trro or mone units, and condominiums will be read monthly year-round. lssued October 12,2012 Eftcffve October $,m12 Per IPUG Order ilo.32003 lgsued by Falls WaterCo., lnc. K Scofr Bruce, GeneralManager Falls Water Co., lnc. Sheet 2 Replaces All Previous Sheets EXHBTT 8 Schedule No. 2 Non-Recurrlno Gharoes 1. RECONNECTFEES: This charge is applicable to all customers where water has been physically turned off for non-payment of a delinquent bll!. 2. FIELD COLLECflON FEE: This charge is applicable to all customers who pay outstanding bills for service at the time that Company personnel arrive at thc customers' premises to terminate servlce. Rates: During regular office hours (Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm) After office hours Rate: Field Collectlon Fee Meter Size of New Connection %" Meter 1" Meter 1!4" Meter 2" Meter Each Occurrence s 20.00 s 40.oo Each Occunence S rs.oo $ s00.oo S soo.oo S ggo.oo s1,2O5.oo 3. HOOKUP CHARGES: Thls charge is applicable when a new service is connected to the system for the first time. One time Charse When the installation of a new service line requires the Company to bore a line under a road, all additional costs will be charged to the customer on a time and materials basis. The new customer may, at their option, hirc a Falls Water Company approved inde,pendent contractor to perform the road bore and connection. The Company will require such contactor to show proof of bonding, licansing and insurance and have at least five (5/ years of experience at hot tapping water lines. Falls Water Company will inspect and approve all the wor{< being performed to ensurc compliancc with the Company's installation rquirements. lsgued Mober 1\m12 Effestlve October $, 2012 Per lPtl0 Order ilo.32863 lssued by Falb WaterCo.,lnc. K Scd Bruce, Gensal Manager Falls Water Co., lnc. Shest 3 Replaces Al! Prevlous She& EXHBT 8 Non-Recurring Charges (Cont'd) 4. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: This charge is applicable to all customc$ wherc the customc/s check or bank dmft is returned by the bank for insufricient fundq closed account, or some othcr appropriate reason. Rate: Retumed check charge each occurrencc Each Occurrence $20.00 Each Occunence s10.oo 5. METER TEST AT CUSTOMER REQUEST CHARGE: This charge is applioable when the customer requests the Company to tcst the accuracy of a meter in the case of a disputed bill. Rate: Error in meter registratlon of 1.5% or less 6. LATE PAYMENTCHARGE: This charge is based on the unpaid balance atthc time of the next billing date. Rate: l7o of dclinquent balance per month. lsrued Octoberl2r0l2 Eftctve Octobr 1A,m12 Per IPUG Order No.3ffiGl lscuod by FallsWatrCo., !nc. K Sco,t Bruce, Genenl llrnager Schedule No. 1 General Metered Service Rates Availability: To all metered customcr not servd under another schedule. Minimum Customer Charge: Meter Size 518" andt6" lrt t yi' 2" 4" Maximum Gallons Allowed in Minimum Charge 12,000 17,000 22,400 28,000 49,000 Monthly Minimum Charge $18.75 $26.41 $34.07 $43.31 $77.38 Rate oer t.000 Gallons of Use $0.957 Commodity Charge: For all water use in excess of the maximum gallons allowed in minimum charge. Conhact Conditions: The customer shall pay thc total of the minimum customercharge plus the commodity charge. The commodity charge is based on all meter€d water in exoess of the maximum gallons allowed in the minimum customer charge forthe billing period. Consumption is expressed in 1,000- gallon units as expressed by the meter installed by the Company. The minimum customer charge will apply even when service is provided for less than the entire billing period. Mercr Readins Schedule: Metcrs for all customes, rcsidential, commercial, industial, institutional, apartment buildings with trro or morc units, and condominiums will be read monthly year-round. lssued Etrecffvetugust 15,21120 lssued by Falls Water Co., lnc. K. Sco[ Bruce, Generalilanager Falls WaterCo., lnc. Shest I Replaces All Prculoue Shoots EXHIBIT 9 Falls WaterGo., hc. Shod 2 Replaces All Prevlous Shests EXHIBIT 9 Schedule No. 2 Non-Recurinq Charoes 1. RECONNECTIEES: This charge is applioable to all customers where water has been physically turned off for non-payment of a delinquent blll. 2. FIETD COLLECTION FEE: This charge is applicable to all oustomes who pay outstanding bills for scrvice at the time that Company personnel arrive at the customerc' premises to terminate servlce. Rates: During regular offfce hours (Monday through Frlday 8am to Spml After office hours Rate: Field Collection Fee Meter Size of New Connection %'Meter 1" Meter 1}{" Meter 2" Meter Each Occunence S zo.oo S eo.oo Each Occunence S 1s.oo 5(x).(x) 6(x).00 930.C[} 3. HOOKUPCHARGES: This charge is appllcable when a new service is connected to the system for the first time One time Charqe 1,205.(x) s s s s When the installation of a new service line requires tre Company to bor€ a line under a road, all additional costs will be charged to the customer on a time and materials basis. The new customer may, at thcir option, hire a Falls Water Company approved independent contractor to perform the road borc and connection. The Company will requirc such contractor to show proof of bonding, licensing and insurance and have at least five (5) years of experiencc at hot tapping water lines. Falls Water Company will inspect and approve all the work being performed to ensure compliance with the Company's installation requirements. lssued Eftcdve fugust 15,Nln lssued by Falh WaterCo., lnc. K Sco[ Bruce, Genenlilanager Falls WaterCo., hc. Sheot 3 Replaces All Prevloue Shedg EffiE]t9 Non-Recurring Charges (Cont'd) 4. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: This charge is applicable to all customers wherc the customeds check or bank draft is returned by the bank for insuffrcient funds, closed accoung or some other appropriate rpason. 5. METER TEST AT CUSTOMER REQUEST CHARGE: This charge is applicable when the customer r€quests the Company to test the accuracy of a meter in the case of a disputed bill. Rate: Retrmed check oharge each occurrence Rate: Error in meter reglstratlon of 1.5% or less Each Occurrence $20.00 Each Occunence $10.(x) 5. LATE PAYMENTCHARGE: This charge is boscd on the unpaid balance at thc time of the next billing date. Ratc: l% of delinquent balance pcr month. lgaued Eftctive tugust f 5, AlZl lssued by Falls Water Co., lnc. K Scd Bruce, Genenl l{anager