HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191213Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KIELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY CONIMISSION STAI.-I' LEGAL FRO}I:NIATT HT]NTE,R DEPUTY ATTORNF]Y GI.]NI.],RAI, DA'I'F]: DECFINIBER13,2019 SUBJECI.: IN THE NTATTER OF FALLS WATER CO., INC.'S APPLICATION TO AMEND CERTIFICATE OF PT]BLIC CONVE,NIENCE AND NECESSITY NO.236; CASE NO. FLS-W-I9-02. On Decembcr 2,2019, Falls Water Co., Inc. ("Falls Water" or "Company") applied to the Commission to amend the Company's certificate of public convenience and necessity c'cPCN"). THEAPPLICATION The Company seeks approval to amend its CPCN to add 13 areas contiguous to its cenificated service area. Application at 2. The Company states it currently serves customers in Areas I through 8 and Area 13. Id. Falls Water states it expects to serve Areas 9 through I I in the future. 1d. at 3. Area l2 ("Honey Bee Acres") is a separate water system surrounded by Falls Water certificated territory. 1d The Company states Honey Bee Acres' operator contacted Falls Water about connecting the Honey Bee Acres system to Falls Water's systenr. 1d. Falls Water seeks the Commission's approval to serve Honey Bee Acres. Id Falls Water also seeks Commission approval to transfer Area 14, and to sell Area l4's water system assets, to the City of Idaho Falls ("ldaho Falls"). /r/. at 4. Thc Company states ldaho Falls annexed Area l4 and approached the Company about purchasing the l2-inch water main and 6-inch lateral in Area 14. 1zl. The Company states the sale would not affect the service provided to the Company's remaining customers, and that Idaho Falls would provide water service for Area 14 if the transaction is approved by the Commission. Id. DECISION MEMORANDUM I Finally, Falls Water seeks thc Commission's approval, if required, of a memorandum of understanding with Idaho Falls meant to assist with long-range planning for the water systems of Falls Water and Idaho Falls. Id. The Company requests its Application be processed by Modified Procedure. 1d. at 5. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure, setting a March I l, 2020 comment dcadline and a March 18, 2020 reply commcnt deadline. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure, setting a March I l, 2020 cornment deadline and a March 18, 2020 reply comment deadlinel N{att Fluntcr Deputy Attorncy General I:U1'!rnWATLRUl S W l9 r,l\mn.s\l l -SW l9ol-oh 'i,(\ ')DECISION MEMORANDIJM L