HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191202Application.pdfFhLLsWaTER ,CorraPANY Dr, ldaho Fatls, ldaho 83401 Tet : (208) 522atlswater.com Fax: (20 8) 522 RECEIVED -ilflpEc -2 Pll 2:Otr -aolt'.',rr ;o iugt-tc ' ii- i'ilis coMt{lssloN F Ls- ts- t1-o)- 2180 N Deborah Website: www.f ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Slreet PO Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-0074 Novenrber 27, 2019 Enclosed are one (1) original and seven (7) cc'pies of the Company's application to amend and revise its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 236. Also enclosed is a CD disk electronic version of the application and Exhibit E 2'x3' pnntable files if needed. Thank you, Kail&,^-"* K. Scott Bruce General Manager Falls Water Company, lnc Enclosures RECEIVEI) ll9 OEC -2 pH 2: 03 ONJ5 Represcntative for Falls Water Co,, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. )TOAMENDCERTIFICATEOFPUBLIC ) CONVE,NIENCE AND NECESSITY NO.236 ) CASENO. F,LS.UJ.I?-bZ Comes now, Falls Water Co.. Inc. ("Falls Water" or the "Company), pursuant to Section 61-526. Idaho Code and Rule 112 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure ('IPUCRP'). applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to amend and revise its Certificate ofPublic Convenience and Necessity No. 236 by enlarging and extending the boundary of the area in which it is authorized to provide service. In support of this Application. Falls Water submits the following: [-alls Water. a public utility water corporation within the mcaning ol'thc Idaho Public Utilities Laq,. is duly organized and existing undcr the laws ol'the State ofldaho and engaged in conducting a general water business in and about Bonneville County. Idaho. having its principal olflce and place ofbusiness at 2180 North Deborah Drive. Idaho Falls. Idaho 83401. II. Communication in rel'erence to this Application should be addressed to Falls Water Co., Inc. Attn: K. Scott Bruce 2180 North Deborah Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83401 K. Scott Bruce Falls Water Co., Inc. 2l 80 North Deborah Drive Idaho Falls. ID 83401 Tel. (208) s22-1300 Fax (208) 522-4099 E-mail: scottl @fallswater.com APPLICATION I NW Natural Water Attn: Eric Nelsen 220 N.W. Second Ave.. Portland. OR 97209 eri c. ne I senfa)nw-natural. c om 503-721-2476 www. nwnatural\l?ter.com IT. A certified copy of Applicant's Articles of Incorporation, together with all amendments to date, is on file with the Commission. tv. Applicanl owns and operates an extensive integrated water system in Bonncville Counfy and renders general water service within such territory and to the inhabitants thereoL The areas proposed to be sen'ed by this Application are adjacent to Falls Water's existing certificated area. The legal descriptions for the areas have been grouped into fburteen areas. A map. Exhibit A, and the legal descriptions Exhibit B-1 through Exhibit B-14 are attached. The areas in Exhihit B-l through Exhibit B-8 and Exhibit B-13 are all areas in which Falls Water is currently sen'ing customers (See Exhibit A): Area 1 - Falls Water is providing water service to eight residential lots, a new-high school (Thunder Ridge High School). a new middle school cunently under construction (Black Canyon Middle School) and a church. Area 2 - Falls Water is providing water service to five customers (three customers are residential and two customers are commercial). Area 3 - Falls Water is providing waler service to 15 homes in North Springs Division 2 and it will provide scrvice to four existing rcsidences with individual private wells that are surrounded by the Falls Watcr servicc area. Area 4 - Falls Water is providing water service to 20 homes under construction in The Avenues Division I and to the future development of The Avenues Division 3. Also. Falls Water is providing water service to two existing homes with individual private wells. Area 5 - Falls Water is providing u'ater service to a rock quarry, and to Crow Creek Estates E-mail: scott I fDfallswater.com Area 6 - Falls Water is providing water service to the Creen Valley Estates, Berkley Park, and Redrock Estates developments and nine existing homes that are surrounded by the Falls Water system. Area 7 - Water is providing water service to two commercial parks (one under construction and one with a service in the development) and to five existing homes that will be surrounded by Falls Water's service area. Area 8 - F-alls Watcr is providing u,ater sen'ice to a commercial customer Area '13 - The land in this area is the Eastem Idaho Railroad right olway between the Green Valley Estates development to the north and the Boulder Creek Estates and Old Mill developments to the south. Including this land in F'alls Water's service area would allow for possible connection s among these develpments. The area in Exhibit B-'12 is the area currently serviced by Honey Bee Acres, which has requested to be served by Falls Water. C)n February 18.2019. Shane Fitch, with Honey Bee Acres. contacted Falls Water about the possibility of connecting their system of l8 conncctions to the Falls Water system. Their system is entirely surrounded by the Falls Water service area (See Exhibit A. service area no. 12). The Honey Bee Acres system has two (2) small wells and suftlcient water right lbr the connections on the system. They are currently unmetered. The two inch mainline is galvanized pipe that was installed in the early 1970's (most olthe homes were built between l970and 1977). Due to the age of the watcr mainandto provide additional looping in that area of the Falls Water system, it is recommended that an eight inch u'ater main be installed and that %" meters be installed for each ofthe I{oney Bee Acres connections. Thc existing Falls Water rate tariffs for %" meter customers would be used. Falls Water seeks the Commission's approval to connect Honey Bee Acres'water sYslem to its existing water system and include it in Falls Water's service area. The areas in Exhibit B-9 throush B-l I are areas that are adjacent to Falls Water's current approved service area and are irnticipated to be served by lalls Water Area 9 - With the construction of the nerv high school and middle school in Area I . a I 2" water main has been installed along First Street. The availability of both water and sewer in this area u,ill encourage development in the near future. Area 10 - In this area, Falls Water has water lines in place to servc two commercial parks in the northwest and northeast quarter sections of seclion 9. The developer of a new housing development in the northwest and northeast quarler sections ofsection 2 has bcgun the process of getting a will sene letter from Falls Water. Another developer has requested will serve letters from Falls Water fbr a commercial park in the southwest quarter section of section 35 and for a housing development in the northwest quarter section of section 35. In the past year a numher of inquiries have been made about serving parts of section 3. The excepted areas shown inArea l0 are existing very small water systems. They include a commercial system for Pioneer Equipment to the no(h. a small commercial park in the south of section 34. a small mobile home park and a larger residential/commercial system in section 3. and another small mobile home piuk in the norlheast section of section 9. Area 1l This area is currently served water by individual private wells to a number of private homes and duplexes. As it is surrounded by Falls Water's existing service area. the inclusion in the Company's service area would allow the existing homes and duplexes to connect to F'alls Water as needed. 'Ihe area in Exhibit B-14 is the area in which Falls Water is proposing to sell the assets to the City of Idaho Falls ("City"). Area 14 - This area is currently served by Falls Water. Currently, Falls Water serves one customer by a l2-inch water main. The City has annexed the land described in the legal description ofArea 14. 11 also has annexed the land to the north of Lincoln Road and west of North 25th East (Hitt Road). The City has amexed such land to enable a commercial property on the northwest comer of East Lincoln Road and North 251h East to receive utilities liom the City. The City approached Falls Waler about purchasing the 12-inch water main that runs along thc Lincoln Road frontage of the commercial property. As stated above, Falls Water only has one customer in Area 14 that would no longer be in its service area. The Company is proposing to sell the l2 inch water main and the 6 inch lateral to the City (See Exhibit C, Asset Purchase Agreement Between Seller and City of Idaho Falls, Idaho). The City seeks to acquire this area to serye a commercial customer that is within the city limits and is outside of Falls Water's currcnt service area. As the area is on the western fringe ofFalls Water's existing service area. the sale ofthe described assets and service area will not affect the sen,ice provided to Falls Water's remaining customers. The City will provide the acquired customer with good quality water service. As part of this Application, Falls Water requests to be relieved ofthe duty to serve the customer currently located within Falls Water's service area once the area is transferred to ldaho Falls. VI. In conjunction with Falls Water's sale of the above indicated assets to the City. Falls Water and the Clity will be signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) (Sce Exhibit D. Memorandum of Understanding Between Falls Water Company and the City of Idaho Falls). The MOU will assist with long range planning for the water systems of both Falls Water and the City. The MOLI will set the boundaries between the two systems along St. Leon Road on the west of Falls Water's proposed Area l0 and the south boundary of Area 10. % mile north of Lincoln Road in Section 9, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Falls Water seeks the Commission's approval to sell the assets listed in the purchase agreement to the City of Idaho Falls. To the extent approval is rcquired, Falls Water sceks thc Commission's approval of the MOU. VII, A drawing of Falls Water's existing main lines. valves. fire hydrants, and wells is attached as Exhibit E-l through Exhibit E-12. Electronic pdf liles ofthe Exhibit E-2 through Exhibit E-12 are included to print 24"x36" copies of thc exhibit. Senice to the amended service areas will be provided through water mains and service lines installed by the various developers through Falls Water's standard "Main Extension Contract" as provided lbr in its tari ff on file with the Commission. The Company has completed a master plan of its system. The plan provides a list of projects that address immediate system needs for supply, pipeline looping and fire flow- deficiencies. fhe plan also addresses anticipated projects needed over the next 20 years to meet the projected growh of the system. Exhibit F is a compilation olportions of the master plan. Exhibit G is a copy of Falls Water's latest Sanitary Survey lrom the ldaho Department of Environmental Quality. Any eff'ect on Falls Watcr's rer.enue requirements u,ill be addressed in thc next rate case filcd with thc Commission. IX Consistent \4'ith its master plan, Falls Water has and r,l'ill have an adeq uate source of supply to provide service to the amended service area in a saf'e and reliable manner. Pursuant to IPUCRP Rule 201, F'alls Water respectfully requests that this application be processed pursuant to Modified Procedure. DATED this 27th day of'November 2019 VIII. X. Falls Water submits that the extension of its facilitics to serve the amendcd service area is consistent with thc public convenience and necessity. Falls Water has reliably provided water service to the arca in thc past. As the Idaho Falls rcgion continues to grow. CPCN amendments sach as this will provide certainty as to the $'ater servicc that will be provided to pa(icular arcas. 11 will also allow Falls Water to anticipate and plan for sen'ice to additional areas on a ft.rrw,ard looking basis. XI, Falls Water Co.. Inc. By K. Scoft Bruce Gcneral Manager t:x lSfl l I I! I x;l I ?62t'I - tRt t2& zoN',aE LcaB t IRBA II I TD I l?lEl3,*! IfiL|'L' ' nlfJla' #t&' a,sfi,b; 22 f[#.9. ',FE,&'EryAtr{E, 'ir.fia- 21 26 n I ir..F.^ L.ic{ =Ti*i% )2aOFi-3ZA'4ta rrl < o iE tHii :el I!JII Ir**- a 1 tl N -1 It 56 55 I t E =I i I t? lrall ,t Et tg,tD w/,'ta T t6 t5 L 2l lltr I 21 za lla c I li. I t J , lla a t',t to 28 I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeog) 313-2458 789 NORTH 45O EAST FIRT'{, 'DAHO 83236 I Job No. 19077 7-29-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. r) Beginning at the Northwest comer of Lot 1. Block 1. Ridge View, Division No. 2. Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1532218 that is N.87'50'06"E. 50.03 feet along the north line of the Southwest Quarter of the section from the West Quarter comer of Section 13, Township 2 North, Rnnge 38 East of the Boise Meridian and running thence along the boundary of said Lot l, Block 1. fudge View. Division No. 2 the following eleven (l1) courses: (l) N.87"50'06"E. 147.22 feet1. thence (2) 5.89'05'01'8. 171.17 feet; thence (3) 5.00'03'34'W. 294.00 feet; thence (4) S.89"05'09"8. 330.00 feet; thence (5) S.00'03'34"W. 232.88 feet; thence (6) N.86"51'00"E. 143.64 feet; thence (7) N.36'20'34"E. 52.50 feet; thence (8) N.38"30'18"E. 73.77 feet1' thence (9) N.43'13'51"E. 81.66 feet: thence (10) N.50"27'13"8. 99.85 feet; thence (11) N.00'03'34"E. 336.20 feet; thence N.00"03'34"E. 14.05 feel to the south line of Caribou Meadou's Estates. Division No. 2. Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 9514431 thence S.89'04'36"E. 260.60 feet along said south line to the north line of Lot l, Block 1, Ridge Vieu', Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence along the boundary ol' said Lot 1, Block l, fudge View. Division No. 2 the following eight (8) courses: (l) 5.89'04'18"E. 56.26 feet; thence (2) N.87'58'21"8. 109.15 feet; thence (3) N.88'01'17'E. 822.44 feet: thence (4) N.01"02'00"E.. 5.99 feet; thence (5) N.87"50'06"E. 354.51 feetl thence (6) S.00'25'44'E. 1313.59 feet; thence (7) N.87'51'17"E. 1343.92 feet; thence (8) S.00"13'39"E. 1313.57 feel extended to the north line of Section 24. Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridianl thence N.87'51 ' 45'E. 37 .gO feet along the section line to the centerline of 52nd Eastl thence continuing N.87'51'45"E. 575.2'1 feet along the seclion line to the Northeast comer of the Parcel No. RP02N38E240034; thence along the boundary of said prope(y the following three (3) courses: (l) 5.02"08'15"E,.506.00 f'eet; thence (2) 5.87'51'45"W. 592.44 feet: thence N.00"1 l'40"W. 506.29 feet extended 1o the north line of Section 24. Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian: thence 5.87'51'45"W. 37.90 feet along the north line of said Section 24 to the Southeast corner of Ridge View, Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho. Instrument No. 1532218; thence S.87'51'45"W. 1339.30 feet along the section line to the North Quarter corner of said Section 24; thence 5.87'51'45"W. 100.39 feet along said section line; thence N.00"25'21 "W. 50.02 feet 10 the comer of Lot 1 . Block I . Ridge EXHIBIT B-T View, Division No. 2. Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 1532218t thence along the boundary of said Lot l, Block 1, Ridge View. Division No. 2 the following nine (9) courses: (1) N.00'25'21'W. 818.63 feet; thence (2) 5.44'34'19"W. 455.76 feer; thence (3) 5.67"51'l l"W. 39.25 feet; thence (4) S.86'48'15"W. 752.79 feer: thence (5) N.07'01'01"W. 199.45 lbet; thence (6) N.89'55'56'W. 421.93 feet; thence (7) N.00'04'04'E. 130.00 feet; thence (8) S.89'55'56"E.21.92 feet; thence (9) N.00'04'04'E. 190.00 feet; thence N.89"55'56"W. 18.33 feet to the east line of Ridge View. Division No. 1, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 127695 I ; thence N.00'04'04"E. 420.06 feet along said east line to the comer of Lot 1. Block l, fudge View-, Division No. 2, Bormeville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1532218; thence along the boundary of said Lot 1, Block I , fudge View. Division No. 2 the following four (4) courses: ( I ) N.00"04'04"E. 190.05 feet; thence (2) N.80"52'18"W. 126.28 feet; thence (3) 5.80"51'25"W. 62.47 feer1' thence (4) N.89'55'56"W. 133.63 feet to the Northwest comer of Lot 5, Block 6, Ridge View, Division No. 1, Bonneville County. Idaho, Instrument No. 1276951; thence along the boundary of said Ridge View, Division No. 1 the following tu'o (2) courses: (l ) S.00'04'04"W. 100.00 feeu thence (2) N.89"55'55"W.698.21 feet to the west line of Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence N.00'04'04E. 120332 feet along the section line to the point ofbeginning. Watcr servicc area = 144.082 acres. I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeoil 313-2458 789 NORTH 45O EAST FIBTH, IDAHO 83236 I Job No. 19077 8-21-2019 T.R.M. REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO.2) Beginning at the WesI Quarter comer of Section 23. Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thcnce 5.89'42'48"8. 381.00 feet along the north line ol'the Southwest Quarter of said Section 23 to the east line of Wood Addition, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 1051850; thence S.00o28'59"E. 343.58 leet along said east Iine extended to the north line of Canyon Ridge. Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1565406; thence N.89'37'34"W. 151.00 feet to the west line of said Canyon Ridge extended; thence 5.00'29'05"E. 185.95 feet to the Northeast comer of Lot 4, Block l, Canyon Ridge Subdivision, Division No. 2. City of Ammon. Bonneville County. Idaho, Instrument No. 15981l2; thence N.89"37'34"W. 180.00 feet to the Northwest comer of said Lot 4. Block l. Canyon fudge Subdivision. Division No. 2: thence 5.00'28'59"8. 315.46 I'eet along the west line of Lots 4 and 5. Block l. ol'said Canl,on Ridge Subdivision. Division No. 2 to the north line of Canyon Park Drive; thence S.89'15'30"E. 151.75 feet along said north line 10 the west line of Lot l. Block 2, Canyon Ridge Subdivision, City olAmmon. Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument no. 1565406 extended; thence S.00'10'58"8. 170.00 feet to the Southwest comer of said Lot l, Block 2 Canyon Ridge Subdivision; thcnce N.89" 19'5 I "W. 200.86 leet to the east line of Section 22. Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence N.00o28'59"W. 821.90 feet along thc section line; thence N.89"20'51"W. 267 .92 feetl. thence N.00"39'09"8. 243.95 feet to the north line of the property as described in Quit Claim Deed, Instrument No. 1280800; thence N.53'51'00"E. 323.75 feet along said north line to the u'est line of Section 23. Township 2 North, Range 38 East of thc Boisc Meridian: thence S.00'29'09"E. 246.52 I'eet to the point of beginning. Water sen'ice area = 7.199 acrcs. EXHIBIT B-2 I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeoil 313-2458 789 NORTH 15O EAST FiBTH, /,DAHO 83236 EXHIBIT B-3 I Job No. 19077 6-19-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AR_EA NO. 3) Beginning at the North$,est comer of Section 13. Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence N.87'47'13"E. 354.79 feet along the section line to the Northwest comer of North Springs Subdivision, Division No. 1. Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1 I 076001 thence S.00'05'28"W. I 313.84 I'eet along the west line of said North Springs Subdivision, Division No. 1 to the north line of Caribou Meadow Estates, Division No. 2. Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 951443; thence along the boundary of said Caribou Meadows Estates, Division No. 2 the fbllowing two (2) courses: (1) S.87'56'05'W. 36.84 fbet; thence (2) S.00'20'00"W. 541.37 feet to the north line of Caribou Meado*' Estates, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 834607; thence along said north line olCaribou Meadow Estates the following t*'o (2) courses: (1) S.87'13'21"W. 98.33 feet: thence (2) N.89'40'00"W. 225.00 feet to the west line of Section 13. 'l'ownship 2 North. Range 3 8 East ol' the Boise Meridian; thence N.00o20'00 E. 1625.21 feet along said west line to the Section 13 to the Southeast corner of the property as described in Quit Claim Deed, Instrument No. 1072053; thence along the boundary ofsaid property in Section '14.'fownship 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County. Idaho the lollowing three (3) courses: (1) S.88'17'46"W. 363.35 fleet; thence (2) N.00"39'37"W. 250.00 feet to the north line of said Section l4l thence (3) S.87'10'55"E. 367.80 feet along said north line to the point olbeginning. Water service area = 16.7.17 acres. I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeoil 313-2458 789 NOETH 45O EAST FIBTH, 'DAHO 83236 I JobNo. 19077 7-9-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 4) Beginning at a point that is 5.00'01'21"W. 392.50 feet along the section line fiom the East Quarter comer of Section ll, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County. Idaho and running thencc S.00o0l '21 "W. 1038.5 t f'eet along said Section line to the No(heast comer of the now vacated Clover Canyon, Division No. 2. Bonneville County. Idaho: thence along the boundary ol'said vacated Clover Canyon, Division No. 2 the following five (5) courses: (l) N.89'59'52"W. 161.64 feet; thence (2) N.00'00'08"E. 8.88 feet; thence (3) N.89'59'52"W. 166.03 feet: thence (4) S.00'00'08"W. 324.42 I'eet; thence (5) N.89"59'50'W. 540.19 feet to the Northeast corner of Clover Canyon Subdivision. Division No. l, Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 12651 65: thence along the boundary ofsaid Clover Canyon Subdivision. Division No. 1 the following three (3) courses: (l ) N.89'59'52"W. 96.03 feet; thence (2) N.00"00'08"E. 47.88 feet; thence (3) N.89'59'29"W. 189.88 feet to the east line of Old Mill Subdivision. Division No. 3, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 1232243; thence N.00'00'45"8. 963.82 feet along said east line of Old Mill Subdivision. Division No. 3 to the Southwest comer of Boulder Creek Estates, Bonneville County. Idaho, Instrument No. 1493721; thence along thc boundary of said Boulder Creek Estates the following three (3) courses: (1) 5.87'22'27"E. 556.41 feet; thence (2) N.00'14'57'W. 395.29 feet: thence (3) 5.87"22'27"E. 600.50 feet to the point of beginning. Watcr sen'ice area = 28.915 acrcs EXHIBIT B-.I I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEY,NGeoil 313-2458 789 NORTH 15O EAST FIRTH, IDAHO 83234 I Job No. 19077 7-10-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 5) Beginning at the Northwest comer of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 38 East ofthe Boise Meridian. Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence 5.89'41'16"E. 1615.90 feet along the section line; thence S.00"18'44'W. 30.93 leet to the Northwest comer of Crow Creek Estates. Division No. I , Bonneville County. Idaho, Instrumenl No. 1297544; thence along the boundary of said Crow Creek Estatcs, Division No. I the following thirteen (13) courses: (l) S.00"18'44"W. 19.07 feet; thence (2) S.89'41'16"E.90.00 feet; thence (3) S.44"41'16"E. 28.28 feetl thence (4) S.00'18'44'W. l17.12feet to a point of curve; thence (5) 9.l4 feet along said cun'e ro the right, Curve Data: Detta:58"11'43", Radius:9.00 feet, Chord bearing: S.29'24'36"W. 8.75 feet to a point of reverse curve: thence (6) 29.93 I'eet along said curve to the left. Curve Data: Delta : 26"23'06". Radius : 65.00 feet. Chord bearing: S.45'18'54"W. 29.67 feet to a point of reverse curvel thence (7) 9.14 feet along said curve to the right. Curve Data: Delta = 58ol l'23". Radius:9.00 feet. Chord bearing - 5.6l',l3'02"W. 8.75 feet; thence (8) N.89'41'16"W. 57.1I feet; thence (9) S.00'18'44'W. 80.00 feet; thence (10) S.89'41'16'E. 30.00 feet; thcnce (l I ) S.00"18'44"W. 55.00 feet to a point of curve; thence ( l2) 301 .95 feet along said curve to the right. Curve Data: Delta : 25'56'46". Radius = 666.79 f'eet. Chord bearing: S.l3'17'06"W. 299.38 feet: thence (13) 5.63'44'31"E. 106.98 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve at the Northwest comer of Crow Creek Estates. Division No. 2. Bonneville County. Idaho, Instrument No. 1419367; thence along the boundary of said Crow Creek Estates, Division No. 2 the following seventeen (17) courses: (l) 190.87 feet along said non-tangent curve to the right, Cune Data: Delta: 51'57'41". Radius :210.47 feet, Chord bearing: 5.32"24'10"W. 184.40 feeti thence (2) S.58'22'58"W . 29.21 feet to a point of curve: thence (3) 184.25 fect along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta = 34"42'36". Radius : 304.15 feet, Chord bearing = S.4l'01'38'W. 181.45 feet to a poinl of reverse curve; thence (4) I19.03 feet along said curve to the right, Curve Data: Delta = 17"58'07", Radius 379.54 feet. Chord bearing = S.32'39'21"W. 118.54 feet; thence (5) S.48'21'38'E. 46. I 8 l'eet to a point on a non-tangent curve; thence (6) 341 .91 feet along said curve to the left. Curve Data: Delta = 13"12'36". Radius = 1483.00 f'eet. Chord bearing = S.33'41'2,l"W. 341.16 feet; thence (7) S.27'04'54"W. 225.00 feet; thence (8) 5.62'55'06'8. 660.00 feet; thence (9) N.27"04'54"E. 225.00 feet to a poinl of curvel EXHIBIT B-5 thence (10) 268.17 feet along said curve to the right. Curve Data: Delta = 18"40'10", Radius = 823.02 fleet. Chord bearing = N.36'24'59"E.266.99 feer: thence (11) N.45"45'04"E. 101.58 f'eet to t point of curve: thence (12) 157.44 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta:5'59'12-, Radius: 1506.79 feet. Chord bearing = N.42'45'28"E.157.37 feet; thence (13) S.56'08'39"E. 107.19 feetl thence (14) N.34'03'05"8,.310.10 feet; thence (15) N.6l'39'29"W. 107.70 feet; thence (16) N.28'26'48"8. 12.32 feet; thence (17) N.62"07'15"W. 180.08 feet to the Southeast comer olCrow Clreek Estates, Division No. 1. Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 1297544: thence along the boundary of said Crow Creek Estates. Division No. I the following four (4) courses: (l) N.24'13'31"8. 87.50 feel; thence (2) N.24'05'51"E. 85.70 feet; thence (3) N.l6'41'26"E. 171.40 l'eet; thence (4) N.09'l 7'01 'E. 171 .40 leet to the Southwest comer of Crow Creek Estates. Division No. 2, Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1419367; thence along the boundary of said Crow Creek Estates. Division No. 2 the fbllowing tkee (3) courses: (1) S.84'41'51"8. 120.00 [bet; thence (2) S.05'45'09"W. 9.28 feetr thence (3) S.84"04'31"E. 189.12 feet to the west line of Summit Park. Division No. 7, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 1218236; thence S.00o03'12'W. 934.95 leet along said west line to the North[est comer of Summit Park, Division No. 8, Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1262396: thence along the boundary of said Summit Park. Division No. 8 the lollowing tw'o (2) courses: (l) S.00'03'44"W. 1081.39 feet: thence (2) S.89"32'08'E. 359.76 feet to the Southwest comer of Summit Park, Division No. 5, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. I151925; thence S.89'47'00'E. 1354.96 feet along the south line of said Summit Park, Division No. 5 to the Southwest comer of Summit Park. Division No. 9. Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 1296641: thence S.89o46'58"8. 550.96 feet to the Southeast comer of said Summit Park, Division No. 9; thence S.l 6'34'3 1 "W. I I l.l I feet to the Northwest comer of Ammon-Lincoln Industrial Park, Division No. 3, Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 12201 I I ; thence along the boundary of said Ammon-Lincoln Industrial Park. Division No. 3 the following three (3) courses: (l) S.23'l l'09"W. 162.91 feet; thence (2) S.32'30'10"W. 1359.75 feet; thence (3) 5.60"25'21"E. 85.74 feet to the Northwest comer of Henderson Subdivision, Division No. l. Bonneville County. Idaho, lnstrument No. 296187; thence S.3 I o08'39"W. 366.82 feet along the west line of said Henderson Subdivision. Division No. I to the south line of the property as described in Warranty Deed. Instrument No. 1277503 extended: thence along the boundary of said property the following two courses: (l) N.89'59'54'W. 1485.18 feet; thence (2) N.0l'53'07"W. 1666.13 feet to the south line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian: thcnce N.89'42'17"W. 2412.67 l'eet to the Southwest comer of the North\rest Quarter of said Section 10; thence N.00'08'16"8.2637 .36 ieet to the point of beginning. Water service area = 205.099 acres, I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeoil 313-2458 789 NORTH 15O EAST FiRTH, TOAHO 83236 EXHIBIT 8-6 I JobNo. 19077 7- 10-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION I,'OR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (ARLA NO.6) Beginning at the East Quarter comer of Section 2,'fownship 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence 5.00"23'13"W. 2667.69 feet along the section line to the Northeast corner of Section I I, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville County. ldaho; thence 5.00"01'06'W. 1640.33 feet along the section line to the Northeast comer of Green Valley Bstates, Division No. I, Borureville County, Idaho. lnstrument No. 1445384; thence along the boundary of said Green Valley Estates, Division No. 1 the following six (6) courses: (1) N.87"10'04'W. 55.80 feet: thence (2) N.00'30'13"E. 149.67 feet" thence (3) N.89"56'19"W. 130.70 fcetl thence (4) 5.78'40'20"W. 71.41 feet; thence (5 ) N.89"56'l 9'W . 470.50 feet; thence (6) S.00"03'41 "W. 8 I .70 feet to the north line of Creen Valley Estates. Division No. 2, Bonneville Counly, ldaho. Instrument No. 1476860; thence along the boundary of said Green Valley Estates, Division No.2 the lbllowing f,rve (5) courses: (1) N.89'56'19"W. 133.50 feet: thence (2) S.45'50'59'W.97.66 feetr thence (3) N.89'56'19"W. 133.50 feet: thence (4) S.00"03'42"W. 490.73 feeu thence (5) N.87'14'15"W. 852.62 feet to the Norlhwest comer of said Green Valley Estates. Division No.2; thence N.87'14'15"W. 355.83 feet to the east line of Honeybee Acres, Bonneville County. Idaho: thence along said east line the following t\r'o (2) courses: (l) N.00'12'05"E. 696.30 feet; thence (2) N.00"31'24"E. 1591.47 fbet to the north line ol Section 11. Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridiznl thence N.84o48'57"W. 379.72 feel along said north line to the North Quarter comer of said Section 1l; thence 5.00'02'16"W. 350.07 feet along the section to the comer of Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No. 4, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 1249802; thence along the boundary of said Calico Sky. Division No. 4 the following two (2) courscs: thence (l) N.89'22'20"W. 796.55 t'eetl thence (3) N.00'00'28"E. 350.02 feet to the south line of Red Rock Estates, Division No. 6, Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1431058; thence S.89'27'57"E. 20.23 feel along said south line to the Southwest comer ol Red Rock Estates. Division No. 8. Bonneville County, Idaho. Instrument No. 1486603: thence along the boundary of said Red Rock Estates, Division No. 8 the following nine (9) courses: (1) S.89'22'24"E. 702.47 feet; thence (2) N.00"58'20'E. 303.82 feet; thence (3) N.0l'02'03'E. 255.65 feetl thence (4) N.08'06'28"E. I16.61 feell thence (5) N.03"22'00"E.85.98 feet: thence (6) N.03"02'46"W. 63.02 feet; thence (7) N.05'59'31"E. 123.74 feetr thence (8) N.02"19'01"W. 173.21 feet; thence (9) S.89"59'59"W. 697.55 leet to the Southeast comer of Red Rock Estates, Division No. 9. Bonneville County, Idaho. Instrument No. 1498107; thence along the boundary of said Red Rock Estates. Division No.9 the following fourteen (14) courses: (l) N.00'00'00"E. 180.00 feet; thence (2) N.90"00'00"8. 39.67 feet: thence (3) N.00'00'00"E. 100.00 feet; thence (4) N.l5'46'59"8.88.33 f'eetl thence (5) N.35'27'29"W. 105.83 feet; thence (6) N.90'00'00"E. 184.16 feett thence (7) N.73'28'59"E. 61.18 feetl thence (8) N.83"09'35"E. 122.51 feet; thence (9) N.00"00'00"E. 66.54 I'eetl thence (10) N.34'29'11'W. 213.91 feet; thence (11) N.22"22'45'E. 281.65 feet: thence (12) N.02"24'22"8. 257.51 feet; thence (13) N.87'35'38"W. 33.17 feetl thence (14) N.02'24'22"E. 233.45 feet along the east line of said Red Rock Estates, Division No. 9 extended to the north line ofthe Southuest Quarter of Section 2. Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville Counly, Idaho; thence S.88'40'09"E. 403.1 I feet along said north line to the Center Quarter corner of said Section 2; thence 5.86'31'l 8"8.2649.37 feet to the point of beginning. Water sen ice area = 285.526 acres. I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeog) 313-2458 789 NORT'I 15O EAST FtRTn, TDAHO 83236 T]XHIBIT 8.7 I Job No. 19077 7-16-2019 T.R.M. LE(;AL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (ARLA n\O. 7) Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 35, Township 3 North. Range 38 Eastof the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence N.00'18'21"W. 479.02 feet along the section line to the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 26 extended; thence N.50"05'17"E. 3336.07 feet along said southerly right-ol'-way line of U.S. Highway No. 26 to the Northeast comer of the property as shown on Record of Survey. Insrument No. I 513 512; thence along the boundary' of said Record of Survey the lollowing twelve (12) courses: (1) S.70'59'40"E. 83.94 feet; thence (2) S.00'06'14"E. 1596.44 feet: thence (3) 5.50'31'12"W. 95.85 f'eet; thence (4) S.34'53'02"W. 79.57 feeL. thence (5) S.53'00'15"W. 81.17 feet; thence (6) S.58'04'48"W. 85.76 feet; thence (7) 5.63"18'49"W. 131.27 feet; thence (8) S.59"23'39"W. 387.60 feet; thence (9) 5.49'51'11"W. 99.00 feet; thence (10) S.23'59'57"W. 118.20 fleet; thence (ll) S.03'30'00"W. 109.98 feet: thence (12) S.01"49'17"W.214.87 feet to the north line of Section 2, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho: thence S.89'16'35"W. 40.20 feet along the section line to the Northeast comer of the property as described in Quit Claim Deed of Gift, Instrument No. l2l748l and the centerline of Sand Creek: thence along the east side of said property and the centerline of Sand Creek the following two (2) courses: ( 1 ) S.0l'35'35'W. I 90.72 feet; thence (2) S.05'05'41"W. 152.28 feet; thence conlinuing along the centerline of Sand Creek and the east line of the proposed subdivision of Wolf Creek the following six (6) courscs: (l) S.05"05'40"W. 64.32 feet: thence (2) S.l3'49'23'W. 157.89 feet; thence (3) S.24"01'03'W. 229.80 feet; thence (4) S.40"10'23"W. 258.56 feet; thence (5) S.33'32'01"W. 110.82 feet: thence (6) S.22'35'12"W. 34.62 feet to the north line of the property as described in Corporate Quit Claim Deed. Instrument No. 1345616 extended; thence N.87'35'20'w. 1359.78 feet along said north line of Corporate Quit Claim Deed. Instrument No. 1345616 and the north line of the property described in Quit Claim Deed, Instrument No. 1358280 extended to the west line of Section 2, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence N.00o08'21 '8. I 0l I .84 feet along said west line ofSection 2 to the point ofbeginning. Water service area = 121.857 acres I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEY'NGeoil 313-2458 789 NOBIH 450 EASI FIRTH, IDAHO 83236 I JobNo. 19077 7-t0-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION roR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (ARLA NO. 8) Beginning at the Northwest comer of the property as described in Corporate Warranty Deed. Instrument No. 1552067 that is 5.00"21'34"E. 1021.70 feet along the north-south centerline through the section from the North Quarter comer of Scction 3. Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence N.49'22'43"E. 458.95 feet along the north line or the property as described in said Corporate Warranty Deed. Instrument No. 1552067 to the Northwest comer ol'the property as described in Quit Claim Deed, Instrument No. 1564778: thence along the boundary of said prope(y the following five (5) courses: (l) N.49"22'43"E. 381.50 feet: thence (2) N.88'51'19"E. 510.93 feet 1o the northerly righrof-way line of U.S. Highway No. 26; thence (3) S.49'22'43"W. 828.29 leet along said northerly rightof-way line; thencc (4) N.40'37'17'W. 20.00 feet along said northerly righl-of-way line; thence (5) 5.49"22'43"W. 15.00 feet along said northerly right-ol'-way line to the Southeast comer of the property as described in Corporate Wananty Deed. Instrument No. 1552067; thence along the boundary of said property the follou'ing four (4) courses: (l) S.49'22'43"W. 625.18 I'eet along the northerly right-of-way line of LJ.S. Highway No. 26: thence 5.00"36'17"8. 26.12 feet along said northerly right-ol'-wav line; thence S.49'23'1 I "W. 24.68 feet along said northerly right-of-r,r'ay line to the west line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian: thence N.00'21'34"W. 425.68 feet to the point of beginning. Water sen'ice area = 8.{66 acres. EXHIBIT 8.8 I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeoil 313-2458 789 NOBTH 45O EAST FIRTH, IDAHO 83236 I Job No. 19077 7-18-2019 T.R.M. LECAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE ARE,A (AREA NO. 9-NORI'H HALF) Beginning at the Northeast comer of Section 13. Tou'nship 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville County. Idaho and running thence 5.00'01'27"E. 2629.79 feet to the East Quafier comer ol'said Section 13; thence S.00'01'44"E. 2629.00 feet to the Southeast comer ol said Section 13; thence S.87'51'45"W. 1339.1 7 feet to the easl line ol' Lot I . Block I, Ridge Vieu', Division No. 3, Bonneville County, Idaho. Instrument No. 1532218: thence along the boundary of said Ridge View, Division No. 3 the following four (4) courses: ( I ) N.00'l 3'39"W. 1313.57 feet; thence (2) S.87'51'17"W. 1343.92 feet:, thence (3) N.00'25'44"W. 1313.59 feet; thence (4) S.87'50'06"W. 354.5 I feet to the east line of Caribou Meadow Estates, Division No.3, Bonneville County, Idaho, lnstrumenl No. 1022610; thence along the boundary of said Caribou Meadow Estates, Division No. 3 the following two (2) courses: (l) N.00"18'59'E. 1308.08 I'eet: thence (2) S.87'56'05"W. 564.70 feet to thc east line of Wood River Estates. Division No. l. Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 1226051 extended: thence N.00'05'28"E. 1318.39 feet along said east line of Wood River Estates. Division No. 1 to the north line ofSection 13. Township 2 North, Range 38 East ofthe Boise Meridian: thence N.87'47'14"E. 890.05 feet to the North Quarter comer of said Section 13; thence N.87'47'14"E. 2715.74 feet ro the point of beginning. Water service area = 322.324 acres. EXHIBIT B_9A I BENCHMARK LAND SUBYEY'A'Geoil 313-2458 789 NOBrH 450 EAST FIRTH, 'DAHO 83236 I Job No. 19077 7-18-2019 T,R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATE,R SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 9 - SOI iTH HAL[) Beginning at the Northeast comer ol'Section 24, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence 3.00'01'43"E. I 3 19.29 f'eet along east line of Section 24. to the Soulheast corner of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N l/2 NE l/4) of said Section 24; thence S.87'52'02"W. 2680.49 feet to the Southeast corner of the North Half ol' the Northwest Quarter Q.,l 1i2 NW li4) of said Section 24; thence 5.87'55'13'W. 1339.42 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE l/4 NW l/4) of said Section 24: thence S.00'04'26"W. 1317.80 feet to the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE I /4 NW I /4) of said Section 24 and the Northeast corner of the property as described in Quit Claim Deed. Instrument No. 1297079; thence along the boundary of said properry the following four (4) courses: (l ) S.00"08'28'W. 668.44 feet; thence (2) N.89"30'24"W. 860.58 feet; thence (3) N.00"13'01"E. 38.95 t'eet; thence (4) N.89'46'59"W. 479.00 feet to the west line of said Section 24; thence N.00'13'Ol'F,.332.69 feet along the section line to the Northeast corner of the property as described in Quit Ctaim Deed. Instrument No. 1075936; thence along the boundary of said property the following two (2) courses: (1) N.87"05'58'W. 334.31 feet: thence (2) N.00'25'14"E.225.59 I'eet to the north line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Tow-nship 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence 5.89'37'23'E. 333.14 feet along said north line to the Quarter corner common to Sections 23 and 24. Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian: thence N.87"55'33"E,. 823.45 feet along the east-west centerline though Section 24. Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian to the Southeast corner of Stone Arbor. Division No. l, Bonneville County, ldaho. Instrument No. 1153212; thence along the boundary of said Stone Arbor, Division No. I the following six (6) courses: (l) N.00"04'30"E. 1316.83 f'eet; thence (2) S.87"53'51'W. 625.07 feet; thence (3) S.02'06'09"E.35.00 feet; thence (4) S.l l'23'52"W. 127.25 feet; thence (5) S.11"58'42"W. 89.75 feet; thence (6) N.89"54'40"W. 155.83 f'eet to the West line of said Section 24; thence N.00"05'20"E. 1556.49 feet to the Northwest comer of said Section 24: thence N.00'04'04"8. 683.58 fbet along the west line ol Section 13. Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian to thc Southwest comer of Ridge View, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho. Instrument No. 127695'l; thcnce along EXHIBIT B.9B the boundary of said Ridge View, Division No. I the following four (4) courses: (1) N.87'51'58"E.537.16 feet; thence (2) S.00"04'04"W. 162.19 feet: thence (3) N.87"49'18'E. 925.94 feel; thence (4) N.07'01'01"W. 6.81 feet to the South*'est comer of Lot l. Block l. Ridge View, Division No. 3. Bonnevillc County, Idaho. Instrument No. 1532218; thence along the boundary of said fudge View. Division No. 3 the following four (4) courses: ( I ) N.86'48'15'E. 752.79 feett thence (2) N.67'51'11'8. 39.25 feet; thence (3) N.44"34'19'E. 455.76 feet; thence (4) 5.00"25'21"E. 868.65 feet to the north line of Section 24. Township 2 North, Range 38 East oi the Boise Meridian; thence N.87o51'4 5"8. 100.39 l'eet to the North Quarter corner of said Section 24; thence N.87'51'45"E. 1377.20 t'eet to the Northwest comer of the proposed Church ol Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints property: thence along said property the flollow-ing three (3) courses: (l) S.00"1l'40'E. 506.29 feet; thence (2) N.87"51'45"E. 592.44 feet; thence (3) N.02"08'15'W. 506.00 feet to the north line of said Section 24: thence N.87'51'45"E. 726.00 feet to the point of beginning. Water service area = 227.413 acres. I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYING(20il 313-2458 789 NORTH 45O EAST FIRTH, 'DAHO 83236 I JobNo. 19077 7-27-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE ARXA (AREA NO. 10) Beginning at the Southwest comer of Section 4. Township 2 North, Range 38 East olthe Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence N.00'06'16"W. 2625.55 feet to the West Quarter comer of said Section 4; thence N.0l"l9'52'W, 2209.30 feet to the Southwest comer of Section 33" Township 3 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.88"51'12"E. 187.18 feet along the section line to the Southwest corner ofthe property as described in Warranty Deed, lnstrument No. 10783991 thence along fie boundary of said property the follou,ing nine (9) courses: (l) N.58'26'46"8. 148.10 feetr thence (2) N.44'54'37"E. I12.10 feet: thence (3) 5.76'37'53"E. 64.14 feet: thence (4) N.84'22'19'E.46.35 feet: thence (5) N.48"30'26"E. 191.64 feetl thence (6) N.34'02'22"8.98.38 feet: thence (7) N.58"17'33'E. 297.18 feet; thence (8) N.3l'23'24"E. 236.73 {eeti thence (9) 5.0l'08'48"8. 445.49 feet to thc north line of Bedrock Estates, Division No. l, Bonneville Counry*, Idaho. lnslrument No. 1218238; thence N.88"51'11"E.719.12 feet along said north line to the Northeast comer of Lot l. Block 2 of said Bedrock Estates, Division No. I and the Northwest corner ofthe properg, as described in Corporation Wananty f)eed, Instrument No. 1204200: thence N,88"51'07"E. 460.95 feet to the Northeasl corner of said prope4v and the Northwest comer of the property as shown on Record of Survey. lnstrument No. 1469321: thcnce N.88'50'45"t. 3 8l .01 feet along the north line of said properly" to the east line of thc Southwest Quarter of Section 33. Township 3 North, Range 38 East ofthe Boise Meridian: thence S.89'08'27"8. 1292.64 leet to the Northwest comer of the property as described in Quit Claim Deed. Instrument No. 1241366: thence N.88'53'46"E.403.79 feet to the Northeast comer of the propert_v as described in Quit Claim Deed. Instrument No.955628; thence S.89'28'42"E. 7'76.16 ieel to the Northwest comer of the property as described in Wananq Deed. lnstrument No. 1159723; thence N,89"55'45"8. l'14.60 feet along the north line of said property to the east line of said Section 33. Township 3 North, Range 38 East ofthe Boise Meridian: thence N.00'05'45 "8.2448.22 feet to the East Quarter corner of said Section 33; thence N.00'03'l 4"W. 2626.50 feet to the Northeast corner of said Section 33: thence N.88'59'24'E. 2637.72 feet along the section line to the North Quarter corner of Section J4,-l'ownship 3 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridianr thence N.88'59'31"E. 2637 .50 feet to the Northeast corner of said Section 34; thence N.89" l3'l 6"E. 2645.31 feet along the section line to the North Quarter comer of Seclion 35. Township 3 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian: thence N.89'13'07"E.2645.38 feet to the Northeast comer of said Section 3 5; thence 3-00"03'l l"E. 7634.97 feet to the F,ast Quarter corner of said Section 35: thence S.00"02'55"E.2634.83 feet to the Northeast comer of Section 2. Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence S.00o0l'53"W.2742.29 leet to the East Quarter corner of said Section 2; thence N,86'3 I'l 8'W. 2649.31 feet to the Center Quarter of said Section 2; thence N.88'40'09'W. I 603.1 I feet to the east line of the property as described in Quit Claim Deed, Instrument No. I 34561 6l thence along the boundary of said EXHIBIT B-IO properry- the follorving five (5) courses: (l) N.21"40'08'8. 302.66 feet; thence (2) N.1 l'22'55'E. 560.88 feet: thence (3) N.07"14'30"E. 197.18 feet; thence (4) N.00'08'36'W. 196.35 feet; thence (5) N. I 5"5 8'49'E. 194.32 feet to the south line of the property as shorvn on the Preliminary Plat of Wolf Creek Subdivision; thence along the boundary of said Preliminary Plat of Wolf Creek Subdivision the following seven (7) courses: (l) S.87"38'02"8. 23.'76 feet: thence (2) N.22'35'12"E. 35.26 feet: thence (3) N.33'32'01"8. I10.82 f'eet: thence (4) N.40'10'23"E. 258.56 feet; thence (5) N.24'01'03"E. 229.80 feetl thence (6) N.l3'49'23'8. 157.89 feet; thence (7) N.05"05'40"E. 64.32 feet to the Southeast corner of the property as described in Quit Claim Deed. lnstrument No. l2lT48llthence along the east line of said property the fbllowing two (2) courses: ( I ) N.05'05'4 I "E. I 52.28 feet; thence (2) N.01"35'35"8. 190.72 feet to the south line of Section 35, Township 3 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridianl thence N.89"16'35'E. 40.20 feet to the Southeast corner of the property as shown on Record of Suruev, Instrument No. 1513512; thence along the boundary of said propert-v the following thirteen courses: (l) N.01"49'17"8. 214.87 feet; thence (2) N.03"30'00'E. 109.98 feet: thence (3) N.23"59'57'll. 118.20 feet; thence (4) N.49"51'll"E. 99.00 feet: thence (5) N.59"23'39"E. 387.60 feet: thence (6) N.63"18'49'E. 131.27 feetl thence (7) N.58'04'48"E. 85.76 feet: thence (8) N.53'00'15"8. 81.17 feet: thence (9) N.34'53'02'E. 79.57 feer; thence (10) N.50'31'12'll. 95.85 feet: thence (l l) N.00"06'14'W. 1596.44 feet; thence (12) N.70"59'40"W. 83.94 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 26; thcnce ( l3) 5.50'05'l 7"W. 3336.07 feet along said southerly right-of-way line extended to the west line of said Section 35; thence S,00'18'21"F-. 479.02 feet along said west line to the Southwest corner of said Section 35 and the Northeast corner of Section 3, Township 2 North. Range 38 East ofthe Boise Meridian; thence S.00"08'21"W. 893.62 feet to the Southeast comer of Lot 2, Block 2 of Edu'ards Acres Subdivision. Division No. l, Bonneville County, ldaho, Instrument No. 352777. thence along the boundary of Lot 2, Block 2, Edrvards Acres Subdivision, Division No. I the following rw.-.o (2) courses: ( I ) N.89'5 I '39"W. 264.98 feet; thence (2) N.00"08'21'8. 177.16 feet to the north line of Edu,ards Acres Subdivision. Division No. l: thence along the boundary ofsaid Ed*'ards Acres Subdivision, Division No. I the following two (2) courses: ( | ) S.89'32'l 0"W. 3 88.2 I feetl thence (2) 5.49"41 'l 4"W. 278.73 feet to the Southeast comer of Landmark Center. Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. 528264; thence N.40"18'59"W. 499.85 feet along the east line of said [-andmark Center, Division No. I to the southerly right-of-*'ay line of U.S. High*'ay No. 26: thence 5.49"41 '01"W. 660.00 feet to the Northr,r'est comer of Landmark Center. Division No. I, Bonneville County. ldaho. Instrunrent No.528264; thence along the west line of said Landmark Center, Division No. I the lolloning two (2) courses: (l) S.40"18'58"E. 79.17 lleet1. thence (2) S.0l'08'58"E. 562.80 feet extended to the Southeast comer of the property as described in Wananty Deed, lnstrument No. 10303931 thence S.49"41'01"W. 12.36 feet along the south line of said property to the east line of the propert-v as described in Quit Claim Deed, lnstrument No. 1298106: thence along the east line of said propert-v the follorving two (2) courses: (l) S.01"37'29'E. 72.40 feet: thence (2) S.10"45'l 7"W. 2 16.95 f'eet to the east line of the property as described in Wananty Deed. lnstrument No. 1030393r thence along said property the following three (3) courses: (l) 5.02'05'l 4"8. 221.'7 5 feet.: thence (2) 5.89"52'l I 'W. 218.81 feetl thence (3 ) N.40'22'44"W. 306.76 feet to the comer of the property as described in Warranlv Deed. Instrument No. 1518657: thence along the boundary of said property the follorving three (3) courses: (l) S.49"41'06'W. 290.01 t'eet: thence (2) S.00'09'50"E. 396-45 feet to the south line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 3l thence (3) N.89'28'40'W. 3 14.13 tbet to th€ Center Quarter comer ofsaid Section 3; thence S.00'02'50'8. 2234.19 fcet to the Northwest comer of the property as described in Warranty Deed, Instrument No. 1304765: thence along the boundary of said property the following two (2) courses: (l) S.89"41'23'E. 120.00 feet; thence (2) S.00"02'50"E. 396-01 leet extended to lhe south lineof said Section 3: thence N.89'41'23'W. 120.00 feet to the South Quafter comer of Section 3, Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian: thence N.89"41'03'W. 1313.90 feet along the section line to the Southeast corner of Bonneville Acres, Division No. l, Instrument No. 289607: thence along the boundary of said Bonneville Acres, Division No. I the following two (2) courses: (l ) N.00"1l'49'W. 2l 85.27 feet to the southerly righlof-way line of U.S. Highway No. 26; thence (2) S.49'40'31 'W. 1706.84 feet along said southerly right-of-way line to the west line of said Section 3; thence 5.00"07'01'W. 1073.67 feet to the North€ast comer of Seclion 9, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence S.00"08'16"W. 2133.58 feet along the section line to the Northeast comer of the property as described in Burbank lndustrial Park, Bonneville Countv, Idaho, Instrument No. 1408078; thence along the boundary of said Burbank Industrial Park the following five (5) courscs: (l) N.89'51'44"W. 345.01 leet; thence (2) N.48'41'54"W. 269.48 f'eet; thence (3) 5.45"29'09'W. 81 .79 feet; thence (4) 5.49'40'1 l "W. 310.36 fect; thence (5) S.40'l l'51"E. 563.14 feet to the south line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 9l thence S.89'17'43'W. 2153.08 t'eet along said south line to the Center Quarter comer of said Section 9: thence S.89" I 7'24'W. 2 125.35 feet to the along the south line of the Northwest Quarter ofsaid Section 9 to the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 26: thence N.59'28'21"E. 345.09 feet along said southerly right-of-way line: thence N.29"56'46"W. I10.00 feet to the Southeast corner of the property as described in Deed of Distribution, lnstrument No. 13454571 thence along said property the following two (2) courses: (l) N.29"56'46'W. 406.02 feet; thence (2) S.60'07'55"W.425.00 feet to the easterly right-of- way line of l5d'East (St. Leon Road); thence along said easterly right-of-rvay the following tlvo (2) courses: (l) N.29'56'46"W. 82.35 feet to a point of curve; thence (2) 353.86 feet along said curve ro the right, Curve Data: Delta : 29"59'01", Radius = 676.20 feet. Chord bearing = N.l4'57'21"W. 349.84 feet: thence N.89'57'17"W. 43.31 feet to the west line of Section 9, Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian: thence N.00"09'03"E. 1900.94 f'eet along the section line to lhe point of beginning. Beginning at a point that is N.89'43'29'W. 485.29 leet along the section line and S.00" 1 6'3 I "W. 33.00 feet from the Northeast corner of Section 9, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonnsville County. Idaho and running thence S.00"46'32'W. 366.79 feetl thence N.89"43'41"W. 419.90 f'eetl thence N.29'42'26"E. 296.42 fect thence N.28o07'01'8. 122.86 feet: thence S.89"43'29'8. 220.07 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel contains 2.683 acres ALSO EXCEPTING TI]EREFROM: Parcel contains,lll.892 acrcs ALSO EXCEPTING I'I IERLFROM: EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 3. Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonnevillc County. Idaho and running thence N,00'07'01"E. 1073.67 feet along thc section line: thence N.49"40'll'E. 1706.84 feet: thence S.00'll'49"8.2185.27 feet to the south line of said Section 3: thence N.89'41'29"W. 131 1.00 f'eet to the point of bcginning. Beginning at a point thal is S,00"21'34"F,. 1067.72 feet along the north-south centerline through the section and S.89"38'26"W. 329.32 teet liom the North Quarter corner of Section 3, 'l'ownship 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonncville County. Idaho and running thence S.00'16'30"E. 754.00 feet; thence S.49'40'30"W. 390.78 feetr thence N.00"24'02'W. 1010.30 feet: lhence 5.89'21'll'E. 301.39 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel contains 6.083 acrcs ALSO EXCt]PTINIi THEREFR0M: Beginning at the South Quarter comer of Section 34. Township 3 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville Clounty, Idaho and running thence S.89"06'27'W. 668.06 feet; thence N.00'04'17"W. 1300.96 f'eeu thence N.88"34'28'E. 668.48 t'eet to the west line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 34: thence S.00"03'10"E. 649.12 f'eet to the north line of the propeny- as described in Quit Claim Deed, Instrument No. 1490038: thence N.89'09'06"8. 652.82 feet along said north line extended to the Northeast comer of the properb- as described in Warranty Deed. Instrument No. 1489628: thence S.00'03'36"E. 657.63 feet along the east line of the property described in Warrantv Deed. lnstrument No. 1489628 and Quit Claim Deed. Instrument No. 1490038 extended to the south line said Section 34t thence 5.89'06'5 l"W. 652.85 leet to the point of beginning. Parcel contains 29.86 acres ALSO EXC]IIPTING THEREFROM: Beginning at a point lhat is N.88'35'06"8. 33.00 feet along the east-west centerline through the section from the West Quarter comer of Section 35, Township 3 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville County. Idaho and running thence N.00'37'25 "W. I 05.44 feetr thence N.89"ll'05"E. 67.97 feet: thence N.00o37'25"W. 6.00 feet: thence N.89'll'05"8. 42.16 feet: thence 5.00'37'25"E. 6.00 feetl thence N.89"ll'05"E. 45.24 feet: thence N.00'37'25'W.25.70 feet; thence N.89"ll'05'E. 21.40 feet; thence S.00'37'25"E. 24.43 fcet; thence N.88'51'51"E. 61.17 feetl thence N.00"00'09"W. 374.10 feetl thencc N.88"51'51'E. 263.20 feet: thence S.00'00'09"8. 480.00 feet: thence S.7l'18'40'W. 3.92 feet; thence S.00"14'll'E. 400.00 fbet; thence 5.88'31'49"W. 500.00 feet; thence N.00'1.1'l I "W, 404.24 feet; thence N.88o35'02'E. 3.66 feet lo the point of beginning. Parcel contains 8.1 I J acres Beginning at the Northwesl comer of the property as described in Corporate Warranty Deed. Instrument No. 1552067 that is 5.00'21'34'll. 1021.70 feet along the north-south centerline through the section from the North Quarter corner of Section 3, Towrrship 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County. Idaho and running thence N.49"22'43'8. 458.95 l'eet along the norlh line or the property as described in said Corporate Warrant) Deed, Instrument No. I 552067 to the Northwest corner of the propertv as described in Quit Claim Deed. Instrument No. 1564778: thence along the boundary of said property the follorving five (5) courses: (l) N.49022'43"E.381.50 leetl thence (2) N.88"51'19"E. 510.93 feet to the northcrly right-ot'-way line ol U.S. Highu'ay No. 261 ALSO EXCEP't'ING THEREF'ROM: thence (3) 5.49"22'43"W. 828.29 feet along said northerly right-of-way line; thence (4) N.40"37'17'W. 20.00 feet along said northerly right-of-*'ay line: thence (5) 5.49"22'43"W. 15.00 feet along said northerly right-of-rvay line to the Southeast corner ofthe properb" as described in Corporate Warranty Deed, lnstrument No. 1552067: thence along the boundary of said propert_v the following flour (4) courses: (1) 5.49"22'43"W. 625.18 feet along the northerly right-of'-way line of U.S. Highway No. 26; thence S.00"36'17"E. 26.12 feet along said northerly right-of-way line; thence S.49'23'l I "W. 24.68 feet along said northerly right- of-rvay line to the west line ofthe Northeast Quarter ofScction 3, 1'ownship 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence N.00'21'34"W. 425.68 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel contains 8.466 acres. Watcr service area = 2,582.596 net acres. I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeoil 313-2458 789 NORTH 15O EAST FIRT'/, IDAHO 83236 EXHIBIT B-II I Job No. 19077 6-24-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. l l) Beginning at the Northwest corner of Section I l, Torvnship 2 Nonh. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville Coung, Idaho and running thence S.00"00'28"W. 229.81 feet along the section line to the south line of the property as described in Warrang, Deed. Instrument No. 1027091 extended: thence S.89"36'32'E. 345.80 feet along said south Iine to the west line of the properf]" as described in Quit Claim Deed. lnstrument No. 3702141 thence along the boundary of said property the following two (2) courses: (l) S.00'00'28'W. 99.94 fect: thence S.89"36'32"E. 153.60 feet extended to the west line of Calico Sky, Division No. 2, Bonneville County. Idaho, lnstrument No. 1184854; thence along said *est line the following four (4) courses: (l) S.24'59'45'W. 258.68 feet: thence (2) S.00"58'07'W. 550.96 f'eet; thence (3) S.20"23'27"W. 222.56 feetl thence (4) S.l7'35'25"W. 90.22 feet to the North$,est comer of Calico Sky, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho, lnstrument No. I 159667; thence along the west line of Calico Sky, Division No. I the following three (3) courses: (l) S.17"35'25"W. 360.67 feet; thence (2) 5.28"36'10"W. 75.52 fect; thence (3) S.43"42'53'W. 189.60 feet to the east line of Section 10. Township 2 North. Range 38 East ofthe Boise Meridian: thence N.00'00'28"8. 981.80 feet along the section line to the Northeast corner of the property as described in Quit Claim Deed, Instrument No. 11482451 thence N.89'59'32"W. 280.00 feet along the north line of said property to the east line of Summit Park. Division No. l. Bonneville County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1075334: thence N.00'00'28'E.749.94 feet along said east line to the Southeast corner of Lot 14. Block I, Summit Park, Division No.3, Bonneville County. Idaho, lnstrument No. I 109042; thence along the boundary of said Summit Park, Division No. 3 the following six (6) courses: (l) N.00'00'28"8. 77.00 feetl thence (2) N.89"41'22"W. I19.59 f'eet; thence (3) S.00"18'38'W. 1.90 f-eet: thence (4) N.89"1l'18'W. 196.30 feet: thence (5) N.89'01'01"W. 271.17 feer thence (6) N.89"41'22"W. 58.00 feel to the Northeast comer of Lot 20, Block l, Summit Park, Division No. 4, Bonneville County, Idaho, Instrument No. I1378441 thence N.89"41'22"W. 42.79 feet along the north line of said Lot 20, Block l, Summit Park, Division No. 4 to the Southeast corner of the properry- as described in Quit Claim Deed, lnstrument No. 1332990: thence along the boundary of said properry" the follou'ing two (2) courses: (l) N.00"18'37'E. 25.00 feetl thence (2) N.89"41'23"W. 25.00 tbet to the east linc of Lot l. Block I, Grayson Subdivision, Bonneville County. Idaho. lnstrument No. 425125: thence N-00'18'37'E. 125.00 feet along said east line to the nofth line of Section 10. Tou'nship 2 North. Range 38 East ofthe Boise Meridian: thence S.89'41'23'ts. 992.00 feet to the point ofbeginning. Watcr service arca = 21.239 acres. I BENCHMARK I LAND SURVEYING(208) 313-2458 789 NORTH 15O EASI F'RTH, 'DAHO 83236 JobNo. 19077 8-6-2019 1'.R.M. I,EGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATE,R SERVICE AREA (ARFIA NO. 12 - II0NEYBEE AC'R[:S) Beginning at the North Quarter comer of Section I I, Township 2 South, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County'. Idaho and running thence S.84'48'57'E. 379.72 feet along the section line to the east line of Honeybee Acres, Bonneville County. Idaho: thence along said easl line the following tu'o (2) courses: (l) S.00"31'24"W.1591.47 feet; thence (2) S.00'12'05"W.696.29 fcet to the north line of Green Valley Estates. Division No. 2, Bonnevillc County. Idaho. Instrument No. 1476860; thence N.87'14'24"W. 364.01 feet to the west line of the Northeast Quarter of Section I 1, Township 2 Norlh, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian: thence N.00'03'36"E.2304.48 feet along said west line to the point of beginning. Water service area = 19,484 acres. EXHIBIT B-I2 I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeoil 313-2458 789 NORTH 15O EAST FIRT',, IDAHO 83238 EXHIBIT I'-I3 I JobNo. 19077 8-6-2019 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. l3 - EASTERN IDAHO RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY) Beginning at the East Quarter comer of Section 11. 1'ownship 2 South, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County. Idaho and running thence N.87'14'32"W. 2637 .53 feet to the Center Quarter comer of said Section I I ; thence N.00"04'04"E.. 100.3 5 feet; thence S.87'14'l 5"F,. 2637 .46 f'eet to the east line of said Section I I I thence S.00'01'06"W. I 00.14 feet to the point of beginning. Water sen'ice area = 6,063 acrcs, I BENCHMARK LAND SURVEYINGeoo 313-2458 789 NORTH 450 EASI FIBTH, 'DAHO 83236 E,XHIBIT B.I1 I Job No. 19077-2 r 0-29-2019 T.R.M. LE,GAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE ARXA (ARl-lA NO. 14) Beginning at the Northeast corner of Liberty Park, Division No. 1. Bonneville County. Idaho, Instrument No. I 168442 that is S.88'1 8'42"W. 13 I 6.56 f'eet along the section line and S.00'l l'05"W. 60.00 feet from the Nonheast corner of Section 16- Township 2 North. Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian and running thence S.00'l l'05"W. 629.91 feet to the Southeast comer of said Liberty Park. Division No. 1. Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.89"10'18'E. 0.42 feet to the west line of Staffvuood Subdivision, Division No. l, Bonneville County. Idaho, Instrument No. 1024694: thence S.00'1 l'06'W. 63 1.30 feet along said west line extended to the Southeast comer of the property as described in Vacation of Plat, lnstrument No. 1170172: thence S.88'49'26"W. 1321.75 I'eet along the south line ol' said property described in Vacation ol Plat, Instrument No. I 170172 to the west line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section l6; thence N.00'25'35"8. 785.97 feel along the west line of said Section l6 to the north line ofthe property as described in Vacation of Plat, Instrument No. I 170172; thence along said north line the following thee (3) courses: (1) N.89"10'18"E.85.18 feet; thence (2) N.81'52'08"E. 192.09 feet: thence (3) 5.69"59'42"8. 249.60 feet to the west line of Liberty Park, Division No. 2, Bonneville County Idaho, lnstrument No. 1253323; thence along thc boundary of said Liberty Park, Division No. 2 the following three (3) courses: (l) N.20'00'18"E. 298.81 t'eet: thence (2) N.89"10'18"E. 330.87 feet; thence (3) N.00'49'37"W. 265.58 feet to the southerly righrof-way line of Lincoln Road as shown on Liberty Park. Division No. 1 and Liberty Park. Division No. 2; thence along said southerly right- of-way the following three (3) courses: (l) N.88'18'38"8. 167.27 feel; thence (2) N.89'02'26"E. 100.08 feet: thence (3) N.89'10'18"E. 112.92 feet to the point of beginning. Water sen ice area = 29.615 acres. llx}Iibit C ASSI.]T PTIII(]HASE .{GREEMI!NT BI.]'I'WEEN SEI,I,ER .1,ND (]ITY OI.' IDAHO IIALI,S, ID.A.H() This Assct Purchasc Agrecment (thc ".\greeDent"), dated this _ dal of .2019 is belrveen Citl of ldaho Falls. Idaho- a municipal corporalion ofthe Stalc of ldaho. ("Bu1cr")r and Falls Walcr Compan.r". a subsidiarv of North$es1 Natural Water, LLC. ar orcgon Limired Liabilily Company. ("Sellcr") Seller alrd Buyc! are somctimes referred to colleclivcly as "Parties" and individualll- as "Party.'' WHl,ltltAS. Seller owrs certain dist bution :L\sets located at hehaeen 2174 E Lincoln Road. Idaho Falls. Bonnefille Counll. Idaho. and rnore particularly describcd in E\hibit'c". adached to this Agrccmenl and incorporated hercin: and WIIDREAS. lluyer has agreed to purchase the distlihution assets from Seller. arrd Scller herebl agrees to scll the distribntion assels to Bu\€r in accordanoc with and subject to all ol the terms aDd conditions ofsale as expressed hcrcin: anrl NOW, lllEREfORE. for and in oomideralion of the mutuai pronrises and co'lenanls and conditions sel lbrth in this r\greemcfl, the sullicienoy of $hich is hereby' mutually iukno\\ledgcd afld alccpted. thc Parties hcreto agrcc as lbllou's: 1. Definitions. For purposes ofthis Agrccrnent, thc following terms used hercin bfi flot olherwi$c defined herein shall havc thc folhrwing meaning u'hcn used $ith ilitial capitalization. \rhcthcr singular or plural: Ll. "Assets" mcal1s those distribution assets owned b.v Seller. as set fbrth irl Hshibit "A". A map shouinglhe localion ofthe Assets is artachcd as llxhibit "C '. 1.2. "Comrnission" means rhc Idaho Public Llilities Conrmission. 1.3- "trgal and Transaction Cosls' mears costs in ndditional to the toul oost of thc ,\ssel\ and incurred by Sellcr in order to effeuluale this transaction, as set lorth in Exhibt "A". 1.4. "Purchasc Price" mcans the total pricc Buyer will pa) to Seller for (a) the Assets: (h) the lrgal ixrd 'l ransaction Costs and (c) thc Rcrenue ReimhuNemenl Cosls pumuant lo Scdion 2 ol this Agrccment. 1.5. "'liansferred Customers" means the Customers thal will he lransferred 1() the Cit) ofldaho lfalls as a resuh oflhis lransacliorl and are listed in Exhihit "B". L6. -Transfer Dalc" m.ans the datc upon $hich Sellcr execulcs the bill ofsale lbr thc lssets and all ofthc Transfered Cuslomers shall beconre lhe custoncrs ofthe Citv ot kinho Falls. 2. sale and l'urchase of Assets. 2.1. Assets to Be Sold. Subject k) all oflhc lemrs and condilions of this .\greemerl. Sellcr agrees to scll and Buver agrc.s 1o buv all of Scller's right. title. and interesl in the Asscls. 2.2. lrgglEEe_Btsg. fte purchase price shall be $43.38-5.30 ASSII I PL,RCHASII AGREE['11]N I BETWII, N ID.{HO I AILS -{N l) SELLER I,ACL: I of 10 L\hibit C 2.1 Palrrrenl. The Purcluse Pri.e shall be paid to Seller b-v., Buyer within Iifteen (15) da)s ofthe dale this Agreemenl is exeuuted hv both Parties. such palmcnt shall be h1'checl. ?.1 Instruments of Convevancc and Traislcr- Subjqct to the salisfaction of thc conditions precedcnl set lbrtlr ilt Sec'tion 8 ofthis .A.greemcnt. ard pursuanl to all ol' ie l!m1s and conditions ol 1his Agreemer . Sellcr shall orieculc and dcliver to Buler a bill ofsale ttr v.st in Bu)'er good and marketablc tirle to the Assets. subject to no securitv inleresls. lieas or cncumbrances. and substanliallv ir the fonn ol the hill ofsalc altached hereto as Exhibit "l)'. 2.5. Salcs. Transt'er- and Other Tases. AIv sales- excise. transfer. purchase. use. or similar la-ri whiclr may be pal,able hv reason of the sale ol'all or a portion ol'the -,\ssels shall be bome and paid b\ Buy.r. 3. Orvnershlp; Separntion and TrBnrfer, Openntlon and l\Iaintcnance; Risk ofLo6s 3. l. Ormershio. Sellcr shall own the Assels until the 'Iiiinsl'er l)ale. 1.2. Separ lion a,ld Transl;r. Thc Parties mutuall y agree upon the lbllowing procedures for lriltrsl'crring possession and operalion ofthe Assels: Afterthc Transfcr I)ale. thc Assets shall no ltmger be. or deerned to be. pan of Seller's utility s_'"stem. Seller uill rcad its meters as of thc Transl'er Dalc and issue a final billing to the lianslirred Customenr for a.n1- Lrtilitl' uscd. and an-!- othcr chargcs that halc accrued prior to the Transfer dale. Immediatel)' upon the 'l ransfer Date tsuycr shall be responsiblc for thc reliablc provision ofutilitl scnice to. and all billings and colleclions from. the'transfetred Customers and lbr an1-, and all maintenirnce obligalions oflhe Assers. 'liansfer ofCuslomcrs. Sellcr shall rclinquish utilit]., sen'iuo to all of ils residents al ll:59 a.Dr. ldaho falls local lime on the frarlst'er Dale- or such other datc ir.i nrutu:lll] agreed to bJ'thc parti.s in wriling. Stller shall be obligated lo colltiiue to prolide senice and cotitl€d 1,] reeeive paj-nient lronl thc salc and dclivery of uilitr, senir:c up to the liansfer Dale. :md Buver shall har'e lhc aulhorit\ and the oblig.lioD to prolide utilit! sr-nicc to the Trarlstirrcd Cuslomers arrd shall be cntitled to &-cei\e pa\'menr fronr an! utilit] sen,icc fi'om :urd aller l2:00 p.ln. Idaho l'alls local tirnc on tho dav altcr thc Transl;r l)ate. unless othcm'isc agreed to b\ the Pilnics ir \rriting. From dnd aflcr thc 'lmnsllr Datc, scrricc lo th'j Translcrred Cust,lrnen shall he providcd bl Brn'er. 3.-l {SSET I'L,l{LlIASE A(il{EEI{EI\'l BET\\l,L\ lDAll() FALLS AND Sl,l.LER 3.,1. Ooeration afld ]vlaintcndlce: Risk ol Loss. AIl.r the 'frusl'er Date. IJuyer sh&ll own and be solell- responsiblc for thc operarion ard maintenance oflhe As:scts and risk ol'loss ofthc ,\ssets. Prior to the Tralrlel Dale. Scller shall be responsihlc for thc operalion and maintonance ol'the Assets. ,1. RepEsentatlons.nd lVarrtnllcs of licller, Sellcr reproseds and rvarrants a-s lbllows: 4.1. ()reanizarion and Po$ers ol'Seller. Seller is an tdaho corporation. dull orgarrized arld validly eristing ulder the la*s of the State ol ldaho. and is dul_v qurlified to do business in the Srat o1'Idaho. Seller has all rcquisitc porver and authorit]- to P-A(iU t (-)F lll Flxhibit c .1.4 1.2- .,\uthorih,Relolivc to Agreemenl: Goyer lental ,\uthorization. Scller has the porler aod authoritv to erecute dnd delivcr this Agreenrcnl and to consunrmate lhe lransaclions contcmplated herebr. Tltis Agreement has hccn dull arrd lalidh' authorized and constitutes thc ralid and bildiug obligation of Sclle, enlbrceablc ir accordance with ils lenns. cxcept as enforccmeol may be limited hy applicablc bankruptcr- inrolvenc\'. reorganizalion. moraloriunr- or sinrilar laus afl'eotirtg the cdorcemcnl of crcditors' rights gcnerall_'- and exccpt that th. alailabilit! ol thc cquitable remcdies ofspecific perfrrmrance and injunctive relicfare subi.:cl lo thc dis.-rction ol lhe courl before rvhich ary proceeding ma) be brought. No dc,"-laration. filin& or registration \\ ith. or noti.e to. or aulhorization, consenl- or approYal of. ary govemmontal or rcgulalor-'y., bod-t- or authorilv is nercssarJ lbrthe e\ecution imd delivery ofthis .Lgreement h1 Scller or re consurnmation b) Sellcr oflhr transactions contemplared bv this Agreemcnl. prolidcd that Scller nrakes no rcpresenlation or warrimtv with rerpect to apptovals which mav be rcquired liorrr the Idaho Public Lllilities Commission. 4.3. Non-Conlralel1tionr .\pDrorals. The c\ccutioD nDd delir cr\ ol lhis .\grrcmcnl and .1.5 the consummalion of the tansactions contcmplaled herebl rvill not fiolalc. conflicl rvith. orresult in a breoch of m:- provision oF. or constitute adefault under. or restth in lhe tennination ol'anv note. b(md. morlgage, indc[ture. dced oftrusl. contacl. leasc. or othcr fu$trumcnl. obligalion. or agreernenl of iml kind lo $ hich Seller is norv a Party r>r br'rvhieh any ol'its assets mav he bound rx affected. ft!E-!91!f_1$E!. Seller has good and m ketablc title to th.J r\sse1s liee and clear ol all liens. mortgagcs, plcdges, clairns..harges. sccuril,v iuteresls. or olhcr encuDbmnL'es. Condition ol .\sets. The Ass.ts will bc sold to Burer "-{.S lS. WHERE lS." Sellcr herebl, disclaims and r:xcludes here fronr. (a) any express or implicd reprrscnlari(,n or \{arranly irs to lhe value. condilion, design, operalion. or quality ol'the male als or workndn-ship in or an1'defer.ts in. the .q.ssels. (b) an\ c\press or irnplicd warrantt ofmcrchantabilitv or fitness lbr use orfor { particular purpose. or (c) an! erpress or implied refresentation. guaranlee. ohligation. liability-. or rvarrantv of Soller. e:riprcss or irrrplied. of any kind. arising bl latr- or from course o1' pcrformance. course ofdealing or usage oftrade. 5. Representations and lrl arrantis of Buyer. Bu\cr represenls alrd $arranls il-s follows: 5.1. Oreanization iud l)ou'.rs of Buyer. tsu1'er is dul,,- qtralilied to do busincss ir thc State of Idaho as an Idaho lUunicipal Corporation, incoryrorated and audr,rrizcd b1 the Idaho Conslilution and Idaho Code'l itle 50. lluter has all requisite pouer and aulhoritv to o$[ lhe A]ssets. 5.2. Authorilv Relative to ,.\p.reenrcntl Govemmenlal Authorizntiofl. Buvcr has thc p(*vcr aDd aulho ty1o c\ecute and deliverthis Agreemcnt and lo consummale tho transactions co cmplated herebl. This -{greemcut has bcen dul} and validh' authorized and constitutes the valid and binding ohligation ofBul,er enforceahle in accordance wilh its tenns. exccpl as enforcemefl nlay be limiled bv applicable bd*nlptc). irlsolrcllc\'- reorganizalion. moratorium. or similar laws alltcring lhc enforccmenl ot' creditors rights generalll and cxcepl that the availability ofthc .{SSET PURCILA.SE ACRLEYENT IIITWEEN IDAHO IIALLS A}]U SELLER PAGE J I]I IO lxhibit o cquitable rcmedies ofspecific pcrfonnancD aDd injurctile Elicf ffe subiccl to thc discretion ol the court heforc *hich anr proor.eding ma;- be hrought. \o dcclamlion. filin& or registratiff witll or notice to. or authodzalior. conscnt or approlal oI'. aoy govcnrmental or regulator-r bod) or aulhoritl is nccessary lbr the e\ecution and deli\€ry oflhis rlgreemcnt b."" Iluyer or the consunrmaliou by llul-er ol the trarNactions conlemplated by this Ageernenl. provided that Buyer mates no represcntation or \\arrant)' with respcct to approrals which mar bc required from thc Idaho l'uhli. I lilitiei Com,ris\ion. 5.3. Non-Contavenlion: pprovals. l}lc cxecution and delivcry oflhis AEyeemc:rt and Ihe !'onsunmation ofthe transactions contqnplated herebl'rvillnot violale- conUict rvith, orresult in a breirch ofany provisi<-rn of. or oonstitute adefaull undcr. or.esull in the terminalion of anr' nole, bond. nrongage. indenl re- deed ol tnrst. i.:onlract. lease. or other inslnrlnent. obligation or agreem0nt of atrv kind to which Bu]-er is now a Parly or hv r+hich anr ofils assets ma\ bc bourd or ajlected. 5.{. Condilion ol'Asscts. The Asscts uill *L, purchascd br }!u1'cr ",\S lS. WHERI., IS." Bu,ver achrorvledges lhat Seller disclaims and escludes lrere liorn. (a) any express r'rr implied represcntation or warrant) as to thc ralue. condition. dcsign. op.ration. or qualitv oflhe materials or rvorkmanship in. or anv delecls in. the ,Assets. (h) anv cxpress or implied \uarranlY ol merchankbilitv or litness tbr u$e or for a particular purpos!. or (.) an_\', expr.ss or implied r.presentatioil guarantee- obligation. liahilily. or wafiant_v of Seller. express or implied, oi anv kind. arising h1.' law or from couni.' ofperfbmrance. corlrse of dcaling. or usage oftrade. 5, Covenants of Seller. Sellcr covenants and agr..s a.s follows: 6.1. Conducl ol' Busilress. Seller shlll owrr and operate the Assels Ibr the tirne periods sct fonh in S.clioo 3 ol lhis Agrcctlrent in accordancc rrith its past pructiccs and shall cngage in no material traDsaclions relating to the Assets out of the ordina4' colrrsc ofbusincss, including entering into anv coDtracl or fiDancing affang!'mcn1 that limils S.ller's abilit) to sell the Assets to Bu_vcr. 6.2. ]4gqq trntil the fransfer l)alc. Sellcr shall oontinue kr sclf-insurc or carrv insurarlce cuIrcnllt in cllccl relal.)d to thc .{ssets. adequale lo insure thc r\ssels againsl loss or damage bl lirc and othcr risks. and public liabilit) consistent u'ith ard in lccordanc! q ith iLs pasr pracliccl. 6.3. Reasonablc EIIorts. Subjecl to tlre tcrms ol- lhis Agrccment and fiduciury obligations undcr applicable larv. Scller shalluse comurcrciall-!., rcasonahl. cffons to etleotuatc the trarNaclions contenlplatcd by this r\grocmcnl and 1o fulfill all of the conditioDs ol lhc Parties' obligations under this .\grecmcnt arrd shall do all such acts and things as reuronably ma-r be rcquired to carn'oul Scllar's obligations hereunder arrd 1o complete the transaction contcmplated b) this Agrcenle l. 6-4- \otilici(io[ Sellerwill gir,e Buyer prompl \\riden olic. ofrr\ cvenl. conditioD or fact arising prior to the fra.nsfer Date that would causc ant of its rcprcsenllllions and warrantics in thjs Agreamenl lo be untrue in an)'nraterial rcspe.l. (i.5 Acccss to ,\ssets. ( ntil the lransl.r l).r1e. Seller shall allorr Buler and ils authorized ageflls and reprosentativcs reasonablc access 1o lhe Asscts ASSI'T PLR'I1ASE AGRET\1LNT BETl\'I]L\ ID-{}](] IJALLS AI\I) S!LLER P-{Gt { Of l0 Exhibit c 7. Corena s of Buyer. Buyer co\cnanls and agrccs as lbllows: 7.1. I!E!@!g. ,\iler thc Trarsfer Dale. Bu1'er shall carr1. in-surance or liability cor'erage adcquate to i[sure the Assels against loss or damagc b1" fire and other risk. and public liabilir.v consistenl with a,ld io accordance wirh its past praclices for like '7.2. Reasonabls Lllbdr Subj.!'t to th€ tems of this .A.gr€emeol aod liduciary 7.1 obligations under applicable larl. Bulcr shall usc comrDerciall) rea-sonable effons to cffestuate tlre transa.lions contcrnplated bl,this ,Agreerrrent rurd to lullill all of thc conditions ofthe Piulies' obligations undcr lhis Agrcemenl and shall do all such acls and thir&s as reasonablv mav bc requircd to can],out Buy.,cr's ohligations hereundcr and to complcte thc tansaclion conlemplated by this ,\greomcnt- \9!i!!!4!ip!L ltuycr \rill gilc Seller prompt Nritlcn nolicc of anv evcnt- condilior or l'a!'t arising priorto thc Translcr Dale that would cause anv ol its represcltations and $arranlies in this Agrecment lo bc unlnlc in an\'rnatcrial respecl. Indemnitv. Buler shall defend. indemrrill. and hold hamrless S.ller. its officers. directors. employccs- and agents. from ard agailst any and all liability. loss. dzunage. claims, suil. or causc of aaion arising out of or rclating to Buver's orvncrship. operation- or maintenance ofthc Assels lbllou'ing 1he Transter Date.'Iti$ obligation shall suf!'i\'c the temrination ofthis Agrccmefi and compleion of the transartiors contcmplated b) $is Agr.ement. Riqhls-ol-wav. I'rior 10 the lransfer l)ate. liuyer shall indepelrdenll] obtain al Buyer's own experxc. all eascments or other rcal propcrll righLs. licDnses or permissions. ("righrs<rl:wav ') necessarr lbr Buyer to laufullr opente and mainlain lhe,\sset\ as they prcsently c\ist. rnd upon requcsl Buver shall providc reasorahll satisfarlorl' cvidencc ofha1'ing done so to Seller. Opiration. N.Iaintenance. ReDair. or ReDlacement ol the Asscts. Buver ha-s or uill 7.1 8.: ASSET IUR(]llAS[ .\CREE Nt I] NT BET\VLLN IDAII(I ITAILS AND SELLER PAG! 5()t:10 7.5 '7.(t arrange for qualified personnel to operale. nraintain. arld repair lhc /\ssets. ald rlill in no uat rel'r'on Seller for such services. Buvcr has or is prepared to locate and procure on ils o$ hchalf, replacemenl componenLs. including transformers. in thc crcnt offailurc ofanl' or all ofthc ,\ssets al anv linlc. BuJ'er tatri.cs full responsibilill' forthc installalion of such r.placemcnt cotrrponcnts- t. Corditions Ptcctdenti Bill of Salc. All of lhe obligations of Seller ur er tlris Agrcement are subject 1(] lhe fulfillment. prior lo ard upon the l-ransfer Dat.. of each ol' thc lbllowirB condilioos: S l. Rep.cscnlnlion\. \\ ilrranlies and Co1'enants of Burcr. ,\ll represellalions and rvarranties made ilr this Agrcament by Bu),er shall be true and conecl in all mtd.rial r.spccls as of thc Transfer Date as fully iLs though such represcntations iuld $'arranties had been made ol :ud as of the Transfer Da1e. and as of the Transler Dale. Buver shall hal'e oonrplied in all material respecls rvith all covenants mlde b! it in this ABrecment. !:lilisl!g!. At $e Transt:r Dale. thcrc shall not be in euecl any order. decree. or injufrction ofa coufl of competenl j urisdiclioD restrainiflg, enjoir ng, orprohibiting thc consummation ofthc transactions conl.mplated b].' this Agrucment (eauh Paq Exlibit C P.8e t' oi I {j hqeby agreeinglo usc its reasonable efforts. including reasonable appeals to highcr courLs. ltr havc an).. such order. decree. or iniunction set aside or lifted). and no aclion shall halc been talieq and no statute. rulc. or regulalion shall have been enacl.d. by any slalc or l'edcral govemmert or govemmeotal agency in the L nired States rvhich rvould prelent the consuflrnalion ofsuch trdnsactioDs. Additionnllv. Seller's obligation 1o transl'erlitle to the \se1s to Buyer bt proliding llul"er wilh the bill ofsale contentplated hcrein shall be L'ontingent upoD the follou ir1g: 8.3. Pavment of 1\rrchase Pris.Buler shall have paid to Seller the [\rrchase Price. 8.4. Riqh1s-oi.wav. Buyer shall have provided to Seller the cvidencc of nccessan' righrs-of-rvay provided lbr in Scction 7.5 ol this Agreemcnt. 9. suFival of ReprEsentatlons and Wanirnties. All rcprcsentations and warranlics of the Parties. ard all liabilit]'thercfor. shall sun'ive for a pcriod of onc (l) ycar pa-,tt the Trarsfer Dale. at lrhich time the obligations undcr this ,\grecmeol shall ccase and espirc. Not\rithslanding lhe forgoilrg. obljgations under Section 7-4 of ftis r\grecmenl slrall continue indcfinilch'. I0. Tcrminatio[. 10.1. Terminalion. This Agreement may be lerminated and ahandoned at any tinte prior to the 'frimsfer Date il': a- Thc Parties agrce in writing to t€mrinale this Agreemcnt b-'- rnutual cmscnt: b. BuYcr delivers a Nritten notic!- 1o Scller to the ellc!1 that Seller has dcfaulted in a malcrial rcspect ufider one (l ) or more of ils covenants and agreemcnts contained hereifl (ruhich shall he specitied in dctail ir such rotice). and such condition or!'onditiorN have nol bee[ satislicd orsuch dclhult ordefauhs havc nol boen renredied (or waived by }luyor) \[ilhin rhirtl- (30) days afler thc dalc suclr nolice is delivercd by Bu-t-er to Sell.r; or c- Seller dcliveni a rvriflcl nolice to Buver lo the cliect that Buyer has defaulted in a malerial respecl under ore or more oi its covenanlr arrd agreemcnls contailled herein (which shall be specified in delail in suoh nolice). and such conditil,l orcolrdilior$ havc not bccrl sd1isfi.d or such def'aull or dcl'aults have not been remcdied (or waivod hy Scller) wilhin thirl.\. (30) days alicr the dat. such lrolice is delivered bt Seller to Bule[ or d. 'Ihc Trrnslir Dalc sball lrot havr occurred on orbclbre or su.h lalcr drtlc to which the term of lhis ,\greenrcnl may' be extended pursuanl to mutual agreemclt ol lhe l)arlies. providdd $al oI,Ie t)1'the Parlies gi\'.s nolicc to thc olhd so tcrminaling this -\grcenenl afld that thc Part\ seeLing such terminalion hir-s not dcfauhcd in a rnanner rcsprrnsible lirr delaring lhe Translir Date pllst 10.2. Effecl of Tcmrirration. Except wherc specil'ic l.nDs and conditions of this Agreemcnt provide that such lerms and condilions sun-ivc tenninalirrn of this Agreemenl. any temrinalion pusuant 10 this Secliofl l0 shall reliere both Parties hereto of their obligations set obligalions of thc Partics to ir)plcmed this .{SSU'I PURCIIASE AT;PJEVI:NT BETWIE\ IDA}IO II.{LLS A]iD ST,LLER f':\GE 6()F 10 Exhibir c Agreemcnt, erccpt that nothing herch will relicl,e ar) Part]'from liabilirl- for any breach ol'$is Agreement. ll. Assignmcnt, Neither Pafl} ma! assign ils ghts undcr ris ASrecmenr 1(} an! third party wihout thc $ritt.n conscnl oflhe olhcr Part-y. t2. Jurisdictlon ofllegulatory Authoritils In thc cvenl that lhc Commission or any othcr statc. fed.ral. or muricipal authorily detcmrines lhal aDl' provision of ftis Agreement conllicts with or is in violation ol'applicable lau'. or issues an1- rulcs, regulations. or orders which require Scller to alter or amcnd an] of the provisions of this Agreemonl or to lcmrinatc this Agreem.nt- or that olhcr$ is. preclude or materiallv iotcrfere rvith orrescind the t ansfer ofa.ssels contemplatld her.in- this .,\grNment automaticalll- shall be amcnded to compll. rvith such delemrilation. arnendrnent. rule. rcgulation or orderi or. ifso ordercd. lhis ,{greenlefl shall tcmrimle wilhout ,jll'ecting trnnsfer ol the Assets lo Buycr- or the Asscts and the purchase price shall be rcturncd iftralsfer has olrcady occufted: ard in any ofrhe lbregoing ev{nts. Scllcr shall not bc liablc 1tl Buyer for damagcs or losscs ol anv kind *hatsoevcr. including oonscquential damages. which lluyer ma"v su-stain as a result of such detenninalioD- amcndmcnt. rulc, reguldion. or ordcr. or modili.alion or temliflrtion of this ffansaction. and Buler slrall pal all Disconne.t C(xts incurred bl Sellcr, or irre|ocablv commitled to. olr or hefore the dale ofany such regulaton action. I 3. Nlis.ellane(rus. 13.1. r\nendmcnt. This Agreemct rnay be:rntemlcd orrly by an insrrumort irt writirtg e\ecuted by the Parlies uhich erpressl.v rcfers l(J this Agreemert and stalcs thal il is an a,Deldnrenl hcrelo. 13.2. Section and Parasaph Headines. lhe Seclion and Subscdion headings conlai ed in lhis Agreemenl are for rel'erence purposes onlv and shall not in anv &ay llict the maaning or inter?rctatior ofthis Agrccment. 13.3- Woirer. ]\ov ol'the 1cmrs or conditiorrs ofthis r\grccment mav he waived at an-v tinle and fiom lirne to tinle, in u,rilillg. bv the Partv cntitled to the benelit of such tems or conditions. 13.4. J!!LW4i!S!. To the fullest e(ent permitted bv la$'. each of thc Paiies \i'ii\ cs an\ right it may halc to a lrial b.v j ur].. in respe.t olliligalion direcllv or tudireclly arisirg out of. under or i[ connection with thjs Agreemsnl. Each party fuflhcr $ai\'.s rn]' right lo consolidale an) action io rvhich ajun trial has heen rvaived wilh an\ other a,Iion in which ajury trial ciurnot be or has nol been $ailed. 13.5. LimitatioD of llerncdiss. t.NDER NO CIRCT I1\lSl ANClls SHA[,L III'H!.R P,,\R'l Y Bl, LIABLE fOR ,\tr-Y C()NSEQL;EN l'I,\L. EXll\'lPLi\R1-. PLTNITM- SPECIAL. INDIRIiCT OR INCIDIiNTAL DAU,\GIrS OR I-CONO\IIC I,OSS}:S ,\RISN(i OL I' OF ANY CLAIIII. I)E\I,\ND. oR .'\C'I rcN BROLI(;IIT WTfH RI'SPECT To-IHIS ACRI.)E\IF.NT, 13.6. Notices. r\ll nolices, rcquesb, demands, and othcr communicalions gived by lluver or Seller shall bc irr writing and shall bc deemcd to have bcen dulv givcn rvhcn telecopied. *her delivered penionalll ir uriting or rvhen deposiled into the t'nited slates mail, to thc follou'ing addresses: Il to Seller: ASS|T PLR(IlIASE .{CREEIItENT BSIWEEN IDAHO IAILS AND SELLER PA\]E 7 OI l0 lxhibit C Plfe6oft0 Wilh a copy to Iflo Buyer: City of ldaho Falls Chris Frcdericksen PO liox 50220 Idaho Falls. ID 83405 With a copl.to: I)avid Ilichards PO Box 50220 Idaho Falls- ID 83405 or to such other address as Buvcr or Scller ma1. designate in uriting. 13.7. Inteeraled lrrecm.nt. This Ag'eemcnl. Nhen exccuted. constilutes thc entirc agreement bclween the Parties hereto \!ith resped to th. AsseLs defifled in this Agleemcnt. and supersodes and negales all prior agreemoflts and understandings. oral and written. bctwecn the Parties herelo with rcspect to the Asscls descrihed in l.\hibit "(.'' 13.8. CounlerDans. This Agreemcnl mavbe excculed in countcrparts, cach ol'}ihich shall for all purpmes be decmed to be an original and rvhich shall constilule one and the same instrumenl. 13.9. No Joiil Po\+e.s Aseement or Partnership Crcated. The partics hcrcil spcciticalll' do not il|tcnd to imd do not br this Agrecnenl create a Joinl Pow€rs .\grecruent or partnemhip ofanv lind. IN WI'INESS wHERF:of. fie Parties hare signed this Agreemenl as ol the dalc firsl aboYe wriltcrl- ('l.r\ oI Il)-\ll() I-\Ll,s SELI,ER B,Y:- _ _ Namc: B.,-: Name: Rcbccca Casper f itle: \'lavor. Idnho Falls Tille Yi.e Presidenr (iencral ('orursel ASSL] PURCIIASE A6RILI\TEN'I BEIUII[N IDAIIO FALI,S -{ND SELLER P.\GE 8 OJ'IO l.xhibit C Exhibit B Transferrod CustorneN 1. I-incohr Storage.2l74 E l,incoln Road [daho Falls- Idaho. ASSIT PUR( lL{SE ACRIENIEN I BETWI-lrN IDAIIO F.{LLS -1}JD SELLI:lt PA(;l- 9 (]F lit Exhibit c Ilill ol Sale Scller: Iluyer: I'alls Walcr Company, a subsidiar!' Northuc$t Nalural Water. LLC. an Oregon Limitcd Liabili$ Company City of ldaho lalls For valuahle consideration totaling _ _ ($_ _ _ )the receipt ofwhich is herebl acl'Jlou'ledge. Falls Water Compan], a subsidiary of Northwest Nalural water. LLC, an Oregol Limited Liability Compan] ("Scller") hereb-v grants. hargains. sells. aod dcliven 1o the Citl of ldaho Falls ("Buitei'). pursuant to an .{ssel Purchasc Agreaorent dated as of _ all its lighl. title, and inlerest in and to all r)fthe Assels listed on E\hibil -A., attached to said .{sset l'ufcha.ie Agreement. and presently in lhe possession of Se-ller. 'lHlr.4.SSl:'IS Altl' SOl.l) 4,\l) DELI\TERLD To lltr\'l1R -AS IS. \\'llERll Is' SEl,I,LR HERDBY DISCI.A.L\,IS AND LXCI,TIDES IIER!]ITRO\'I (,\)A\1' E\PRESS OR lN,lPLlED RITPRLSLNT,\I lON OR WARRANT'I' ,\S 1'O I'IIE \iALT]E. CONDITIoN. I)ESIGN. OPER,'\l]ON. OR Qt,ALI] Y OF ',fHE Ir'TATF.RTALS OR WORK\.lANSHtP IN. OR A\\' DLFI.,CTS IN TH}: ASSI'M (B) A\\' l.\PRESS OR \rPLlt.tD \\',.\RR.\NT\- OF N{}:RCH.\NT,\B -ITY OR FI'I\ESS I]OR T'SE OR FOE A PARTICT LAR PT'RPoSI. OR (C).{\Y EXPRESS OR t\tPLtLD RIrPR};SllNl .\'nO\. GLAR.\N l'EE. OBI-IGATIoN. LI,{BILITI-, OR \\'-{RL{NT1' OT SEI,LER, I.]XPRESS OR I\{PI,IIID. o}: ,{\\' KTND. ARISING I]\- L.C.W OR I:ROTI COL]RSE OF Pt.RFOR I'1.\\CL. C(n'RSf. OF I)EALI\(i. OR ( IS.\(il, OF IR,\DIi. Dated this _ da1' of - 2Ol9 Falls Waler Companv- a subsidiarv of North$cst Natual Walcr. l,LC. an Orcgon Linritcd Liabilitl.., Company t]\: ASSET IURC}LASL AOREEITILNT BElWEEN IDAHo IJAILS ANDS[LLER I,AGE IO Of TO F.xhibit D Name: Title: Exhibit D N'II.]]VlORr\NDL]M ()F LNDERS'|ANDING tsI'TlV},I'N F,1.LLS WATER CO]VIPANY .,\ND TH!) CITY OF II),q.Ho I-{LI I]; I. PL:RPOSE: 'ltc purposc of this [{cmorandurrr oI llndenitanding ("\{Ol-"') betlecn Falls Water Cornpilnv. a subsidinn of North\a'cst \atural Water. LLC. al ()rcgon Limited Liabilh.v Companv ("}'ALLS WATER") a d Citt of ldaho Falls. Idaho. a municipal corporation ol'thc S1al. of ldaho ("CIT\"'). is to address potenlial fulurc boundarl considcrations for $ater scn,ice area rs it al'lccts |.{LIS W,\ll:R iuld CIT\" II S I,{TEI\'I},NT of \{LTTI 'AL INTER}:STS AND BI.]NEFIIS IiALLS \\'ATER providcs Nalcr sen'ice to customcrs both insidc and oulsidc of CIT\"S Current ,q,rea ot CnY Irnpact. CI f\- provides Naler service to cuslomers inside of CIT)' s currcnt -{rca of CITY klpact. Currcntl} lhcre arc areas u'herc |.{LLS \V,{TER's sen'icc arca and the CITY'S sen,icc overlap- duc to CITI- annexatiolL h is in the mutual intercsl oi'FALLS WATHR and CIT'I lo voluntarih. conceptually. ard tentalively outline likely boundaries butween FAI,LS \\ A'IER and CIT\'. in ordcr ro pronxrtc responsihlc planning. engifleering and d.velopnlenl. to a|oid ulnecessary duplication ol infrastrudur,.' inslallatiorl and to &ssisl developcrs in understanding alrd taking into consid.ration areas wlrich are anlicipaled to be sen'id b]. F-.\LLS W.{TEII :md thc areas which alc arlicipated to hc seln ed b\. Cm'. II]. I'\LLS W,\Tf,R SER\']CF ,\Rt.\ FALLS W;\'l ER currenll,!- plans lo provide \r ater s!'rvice in locations labeled as 'CurreDl Senice Area-" "To llc ..\dded to Sen'ice Area-" :md "|uture Service ,{rea uilhin aflticipated Cil\' Limils ', as illustrated on t;\hibil "-\" the "tr'ater Senice.Area Boundary l\,Iap." This planned FALI S \\'A I-E R sen ice arca is also described in E\hibit "B. 'the "Plarmed Falls Water Companv Servicc -{rea Expansion Boundary Description". dalcd July 1. 2019. I\:. CITI' SERVICE ARE.{: CITY currfltly plans to provide uator sen'ice in lhe "ldaho l"alls luture servlce Arca" as illustratcd on Exhibit "A.-' lhe CITY L{.LLS \\'r|l LR "Walcr Serviie .Area \.lap." which is also described ir E\hibir "D" the ",\ticipated Citv of Idaho Falls Senice .{rea F,spansion Bouida l)escription". datcd Juh. l. 2019. FALLS \VATIRAI;D (]TY OIi I.f I{OI;P.IGE I ()t 6 Exhibit D Pige J 016 1. P.\R'IICIPdIIO\ lN SI\llLr\R ACTIVITIES 'Ihis \IOLI in no wav restricls FAILS WATF,R or CI'l Y f'rom asse(ing and .\ecuting dreir respecti\e legal a,ld cortractual duties. rights- and responsibilities; any future decisions by elected oficials; or participation in similar agreemcnts \r'ilh othcr public or private agencies. o.gaoizalions, and individuals. Further. this \|()t' in no way restricls ! ALLS WA'IER or CITY l'rum muluallv communicaling u ith ea(h other regarding scn'ice in areas u,hich. in the f'uture. each dctemincs will be hettcr servcd bv ah€malive agreement or method. 2. Co\'l NI E r" C D\'l E N' f 'E X P I td{'Irc\.'.r1 E R \IIN.1'tlON This lr{OU. pending prior approval of thc Idaho Public tltililv Cornmission ard Citl- of Idaho Falls Citv Council. will lakE effect upon th€ signature oI'Fr\LLS WAIER ancl CITY alld shall rcmain in efI'ecl for a period of fivc (5) -vcars f'ronr thc date ol'lasl signature. This NtOl' shall be automalicallv encnded for succccding pcriods offive (5) -vears each unless otheru'ise termirated b\ either pad\ as set out in lhis Section 2 in this llOtl. Either FALLS WATER or CITY rnav t$minalc this NlOll with a 30-day prior written notice lo the other. tlcth panies mav agree to ifirend the service area boundaries identified in this IIOU orce fulure devclopment e$ends outside ofthc scn,ice areas contained in this N'IOL and inlo propcdiqs u ithin E ,l9n North. N 25'h Eas1, .rod LrS tlwy 20. 3. RESI'oNSII}II,I'TII,S oI: 1'H}, PAR I'IIiS: F:\LLS \VA'flR and CITY plan to each utilize lheir ou'n resources and authoril). iDcluding the expenditu.e of their o$rr respeclive f'unds. in pursuing the mutual objectives of this tr4OU. trach prutv will carn oul its scparate actiyitics but uill make good faitb ellorts lo coordinalc in a mutualll' benelicial manner. $hcre praoticablc and {s allo\red or controlied bY law or regulations. ii -{s part of i1s good faith ellon to coordinate groBth issues with CII\'- FALLS WATER agrL-es to pctition the Idaho Public l.rilitt Commission lo remove the portion ot FALLS WATER's sen'icc area idenrified as "lo Be Rernoved from Sefl,ice Area". as shown on Exhibil "A''. 4. l.I]FECI ON II\ISTI\(i SERYI(ESr This \1OI'shall nol alled lhc e\istirr sen'ices of lr,{II^S W,{.TEll ard CIII or pe[ding applicotions lbr water son icc, \rilh lhe e\ccptir)n ol the "To Be Rcmoved from Sen icc ,\rea - propertl depictcd oD the [,\Ll,S W.\'ll-RCll\- "Watcr Senice,\rcn Boundllr\ \Iap". rrhich is anaclred as I-xhibit ",\". 'lhis propcrt,," described in E\hibit ",\" is curyentlv sen,cd b1' F..\l,l,S WA'IER. but is to bc sen'ed b! CITY upofl CITY prxchase ol 1he ualerline llrom li,\LLS WATEI{ :urd associated uscs b scnice said prapcny. FALLS WATIR,.L,*D CITY oF 1.F VOU PAGE: O! 6 V. NTL,TUAL COVI-\AN'IS: Iixhibit L) 5. SCOPE OF A(;REE\{ENT: This !t'lot- shall allel"t. to lhe e(ent allo\red by the Idaho Code. as ioterprdcd. the 'To Bd Add.d to Servicc,A.rea." "'lb Be Removed from Senice .Area-" and "Fulure Serrioe ,\rea within anticipated Cil)' Limil"s iis shoRx or1 Exhibit "A". and is not intended 1() require pcrmission ol the olh.r partY in ordcr for a pa y to exp:rnd outside ol'their rcspcctiye currollt senice arcas. VI. SI(;NA'|L;RES At'l.I:;s'l'ct't\- oF Il)AlIo F,\l.t.s B\' I'ath\ HnrDplolr Citr Clerk Itebecca L. Noah Casper \laror IALLS WATIIR COltIPAr.r-Y RY: Represerrlativc of l"alls Water Corlpanv STATE, OF ID.{HO ) )ss Comt)- of Bonnclille ) Oll this d.ar of 2019 bef()re me- lhe tundersigned. a notan puhlic for ldaho. personallv appeared Rcbecca L. Noah Caspcr lno\rn to me to he lhc malor ol'thc City ol ldaho Falls. Idaho. thB nrunicipal corporation thd eriecutcd lhc foregoing document. and acknou'ledged to me thal shc is aulhorizcd to cxecule th. samc for rmd ol behalfol said Citr'. N WII\ISS \VH]:RIIOF, I have hurcunto sot my hand and aftixed mv officisl seal the dav and lEar lirst abo\e writt!'n. Notarv Public for Idaho Rcsiding at ldaho Falls \11 Corrrrnission Expires: F.{ILS \\ATI]R .{,\D C]T]' OI I I: N{OL:PAGE 3 OF o B\': s-r..\rE ol _ ) )ss Countyof _ _ ) On this dal of _ . 2019. hctbre me.lhe undcrsigned. a notary public lbr Idaho- personal 11' appearcd 1. SlqlLBru(L lnorln lo m. to he thc (lclrcral f44qagel of Falls Water Compan]. a subsidiary of Notthwesl Natural Water. LLC. an Oregm Limitctl Liabilit.v Conpany, the companv that exeouted the foregoi[g docrmrenl. and ackno$ledged to mc lhal the] arc authorized to cxgcme the same lbr ald on bchalfol said companl',. I-\ WITIIESS WHEREOF- I have hcreunft) set nl,hand and allixed trv ollicial seal thc day.- arrd lcar first above written. Notary Public for _ _ Residing at _ _\1r Comrr ission Lqrires F,A.LLS VATER A}iD CITY OI I F [,IOT,P-AGII .l (:)! a Exhibit t) P.ge.l of6 Exhibit D Prge 5 of 5 Exhlbit "A' FALLS WA]ER AND CITY OF I F I\'OU PAGE J OF 6 f-l-r-rryur.!lLl:!rr'l-i5r-,t o-rEriF !xror -rrer!-EIr-E-eEIrlrrln--cfrr WORKS+.Frlb \.aalar Sarvica Altt atr I I I "-l LI H I r I ;lr- I F{ a f i .l'ltt ) Exlibit t) Erhibit *8" Propos(d Fslls lvoter Cbmpany Serwice Arca Erpansion Boundar' Description (.IuI]- t, 2019) Nl ol S$ction 4, the northeasl quartcr of Scction 9. the nonhucst qua(er ol Seclion 9 (lcss the portion lying west olNorth l5t' Dast).1he northeast quarter ofsection 16 (onlt that portior thal comprises StaIIwood Subdivision Division No. I of Bonneville County. ldaho and the unplatted properly RP021\-38E 160005 al fie soulhwest comer ofthe intcrsection of North 256 East ard l,incoln Road). Township 2 North. Range 38 llasi. Base & \{eridian. Anticipated C'iay of Idaho Falls Senice .{ rea Hr pansion Boundar} D€scription (Jdt r,20r9) All ol Section 8. the north$cst comcr of Se.lion 9 (onl)' the portion lving lves1 ol North l5'i East). fic southu,cst quarter olsection 9. thc southeasl !-omcr ofscctio g.the north$ est quarter of Seclion l6. and thc northeast quarler of Seclion l6 (less the portion thar compris0s Srallirood Subdivision Division No. I of t]omevillc County. Idaho and the unplafted propeflv Rl'03\38H 160(x)5 at the southwesl comer ol'the inlerseclion of North 250'Irasl and Lincoln Road). Township 2l.lorttl Rangc 3tl [ast- l]ase & I\.leridial FAILS WATER,d\D CITY OF I,F \tOU I'ACE o Ol:6 EXHIBIT E.1 FALLS WATEH COMPANY PAI.]GE 3E Ed Et E &I TI 8 E 3 E I l-a.1t{t ) ? ztI*fl{ EXHEIT E-2gQo F---I N F EXHIBIT E-4 UIl a{iEn E13c Ilik I EXHIET E-5 EXHET E-6 EXHIBT E-7 TEXHETT E-g E)ftIIET E_S E)ffiIBI-T E-10 . C' II-l EXHBT E-II EfEXHtBn E-12 LI-E I - EItE s il!I ltti iltilL1,--ltI 3ITltllllI -,- - I - ,IETE r ITTtl --E vi.I rI tL .:4 E lritH! rltalt tl litiirllln tirrlt lr['I lll u:tttl!r. T :-::::,!rii:::.:irliii,,!.! irifiI a Y -{'r 1 4 L l dl E F E EI $t s d !!!il!i illll i!rrl! -.[[[l*l I p lIT [[l I IIlrrlI ll"'' r!!!l!i I ----lt E-J-il t - I I t Yl! E E.t- UJ illtfii! lill r,l! [[[l-*-l I FT It- L- L 1_ I I I t1 I ft I trfft u T_r T----f # I-# E I E E 6 EIt I fr EEt uuliilrrll "--[[[l ! d ) I d d t- L \ ) .....-l ,ll L: lll, tTl -l.r F ] ,/l II( r )t-TT I t r-r -'[[n{ I ttlllr I ilttIrttrtr I t c I)t t--1 I I I E EJ-xqJ !!fllli lil i!t,l! t]TI FI- ti I l t\I EE fi " trulii!rrl! -,llll ''oo' !ttt lIlllllt llrlI!rr IrII IITLII I I- mmm IIrllllrr rllIrrllllllll Itlr lllltttIIItIllrlllll!illllll r?1-l- I I I I L ,1,!' |ltlI[[t ||t ) I L- !r!! ,lll f E E fi *-l ...[[m 1 g III I { JJIH U F F- HI EI B-t.___l I JI 1 uvud'ilrd dddtr I F It d il I /r' C x Ittrttt l tf, ,l I UJ EIil *{uurlriltrll I '..[[H I t tL/:\l I T I I L te f, EIt " [i]!liltrll{,llll.,oo' fI lr I I I I I I ! E , 5 Irrl tlI! lII!tlllrrITI a c x t E-t *-l lliltil i! I tll, ,ll a T [il -T]-N I ttt[tt lIlll uulii!r r l!T IJJ BTil *-t l..,mnIF\llsrlj Ht\rh r i \ t-r T j I II \_ I il-lq .l I g ) l_lt = I tt' il-.i Erhibrt F- I N Enu-sWnren Cot*,tplNv Drinking Water Capital Facilities Plan S&A Project No. 1E030 Final September'2019 rt Schiess & A.ssociates.9, ;rr, !1 - nn; Erhib F-2 SuhitEd to- Felk Wrh( Coq y 2180 N D&{{ Dt I&ho F.llr- ID 8l,lol September 2019 d Schiess & Associates ENOINEERINC'PLAN N ING'LAND SURYEYINC Troi sourH +srt wEsr I roAlro FAls, rD 8:],to2 | zo8.9z?-L214 E 0 OF o c 31 FALLS WATER COMPAI{Y DRINKING WATER CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAIY uhibit F-3 EriEcurnE Stallf{Rl' ltis rbcrro fm'idrs a rwiry of tc Fdls SdGr Cq.ry (FWC) wrtc sr+,ply rd distotuti@ syd@s. Th. docuoca dctlfu tb -i6g cmditioos, 'dr"66q crua ds- proiur faut cditnrc, ud povid.3 dadhd llcmdtips 6r ryo!'-r". Besed m e. da rshblishd h ttis npod. Fdls W.lcr Couguy will bc pq|rcd to op.rrle th ir rlEtEr cEcrcdy od mth r h4t lctd of rtrvte 6r thc ut 20 prs rod bryood, Fdk Wrtc Co,ry y is rarquc h lhrt iE locrd prnrri\ in uiropo-lhd ucu ofB@ilh Cqury Hors,t t(- dt to t!. FEs.oc. of locd ricr d :cwq pories, hrildrng d.r$ticr a hrgb tl'" tl,picdly fond in Comy ucls ud rrt mqr eimih to tlcc m ur\ citi.s. F.I" W:E Cry|r,' is locrtcd piu y solf, of U.S. Ilglrry 26 in th arre bctycs thc Citirs of fthho Frlls, Ioe rud Aomr- S)sto Ffrrmc rrs evdurhd b.s.d on h'nrm scnice strnderb adid by klaho DEQ Bsic &fcicits id.dif.d Eithil thc sysh ioclu& e lrcl of sore rcsJblg E loU ryst(n pressrcs drrag ccrtern &-r.l gccornos. Erd.qlutc fte flow to scvrrl locruoos, ud iosuffcicot trosirsim cp+t]' b r hudftl of FrpeliDci Addrti@db'. 1}c norbds of FWC's rgrng esbc.tm-ctrtot pipcs rcrc i r*tificd for reph@t A vrtrr rDo&l w".s Fr?lIld Srt d@osbrtrd lh. rysilcn !ryo!@ D.cd.d to d&crstt rc issH- Mo6t of tb. rryold rccf,tuEtrdrtiolr .rc oeigLtforrrrd wrtb optnat solutioos thrt lle crsly nhdfublc. Pro;crrs rddrcssirg fuc flor c+ecity- tuuusroo cqrcrty- ud tbcctos-cmt pp. IlpLci'Ell dl frtl iofo this cetcgory. Rcg:rdrrg scucr cq.city. two P(lDrry ahcro*irrs scrc idlou.frcd. T!. 6rst r&!(!.uvr ls to iocreese pt.} hor surct cepocity tfurugh r coubiaatio of rdiry ro wdls rod thc cmstucb@ of r stor.ge -nlr rd boo3t(r F@p shuor- Th. sccod rlftrDrtivc is ro iulrse pat ho[ crpocity strctty thqlgh ttc c@rtrrtim of rdditmd wdls. Th. occ@d dhrtnrc of ructrng pa* bo[ cprrity by -ui'g rw wdls wes uhimeh\' food to bc thc lcut cocdy .lEufi!rc- NorrhdtEs, AlEllti/l I wrlh tb. cmsttrtic of r rcs stul6 tu& hrs lrrud dlrfr$s. A -"L ed booskr shtioo sould rrysr,E so[ce dnbfty.Bmu prryr cra be constuctcd dlowmg fc redndary !o ttet full caprsity c8 bc Eri&ircd cls rr lh. clt r of r Fry frilur. [Ltug Ff flos uflDg cqudErtoo stongc uqdd dso rcdxr tb. rrt r right diwrsioo rrtc thll Fdlr Wrls Cmpsy wqrld Dced to prchasc. A uil rcrild rlso rdtct sud ta tbc q,stto ls ray sad podrccd by ft. wdls tudd s.ttL i[ lhE '*. B|s.d o tie* rdrruges, Fdlr S'rtcr Corymy sbould cosid.r coostrEtirg r storgt teal, evtn tha4h tbc ovcr.ll c6t ir hi€r*. It ir .lso r.c@@drd th.r Fdls Wdcr Coryuy rctivdy pt.u fG wrl6 ngh rc4Dsti@s. Drr to th. tir rslcrrtcd with prmrug wetcr ridfis, FWC should rlweyx belr r minrrrnn rc*trw of lkcr yl,Is of sdcl dgh c+city. UDdcr Frsd coditioos- rddrq 535 *rt-ftct of vohc rnd 3,170 gu of dirusio nh to th..fu cf,irtntg f,rlrr nght c4lcrty is rccoo@d.d Drfu&og wsts Sdrty .Dd cg]r usc within th. ryEt€D wqE elso tlvl*tiE cd W.tt' Tlr.llty wrs food to be rtq' tood- WrE 8gc EitLir tte sysfiro is lrcry low 6* to thc gystcm'r lad( of S<ii..s & Alrai4i lUB0 F.lb Ulrnr Cq y F.ciliry Eq Sdy Se*2Or9 i Frhibir F-{ iiqrgc. As 8 rGsul_L th. Eo&lcd &loric rcielrb wcrc rlso r'€ry good \rydb #l eod #5 sse forod to bt th kut cryrocrvt ldnc.s to opcrd. bc.d m @gy iEi.trsity Wdk #2, *{, #6, od #7 dso t d drtirdy lor cgy usc. Covqrcty, Wdls fl8, f9, rd #10 hrd lb! hrghetcgy idcositrcs of thc FWC :rr.rc.s. Fdls Wetcr Coopoy ca rcdu cragy coErryt@ ad by erusio Fryiug c{srr by FEfctdidly lrilirng sorrrc rril[ lowtr cotrg}' iltariti.s. Fdls Wrtrr Coryoy rharld dro Evtstgrtc uE Ehblc wrF to op.rd. thcir spto <iriog hrgt d@rd Frods. Mod.fiq argtE tcd, rld courrsrtims with FWC strffc@6ff..d. tbrt the crElll rdoorbd ScADA-cofpllcd +errtcn of tbc Eld@ is FE to ilmhility. Fqn".TL, Frry6 hrrt bcta obccrvtd toqucolty cyclrg on od ofr with pcssrcr lqug ryod dowa dr to tht crh'agDg ro shtus. Th. clrlEl fuurvct ofrules gorerung quco opdrti@ rs b.scd oo pcsslrte cmol dtirgr A \tnd ryrorch of usog thc Fry6 with rruirbfe ficqrey <hivts (lTDs) to -,i"tu F!3sre ud rrililry pryc rct to coc @ bDGdo the flow of tbc VFD purys wer oplortd od found to bc mme strble ud rcdr dnrDrl pccsorc chrg. vilttn fu syc.c Teblc 14, Teblc 15, rnd TrHc 16 Ftscd e lisr of6. Fojccr! rd corb i.Lolifld by thrE Ilport A tDry shoryry r[ cqrtrl iDFur@lE rs grwn Ns Figr[e 9. TeHr 1{ - Eristirg Projfll Costs rifr ,llaltrrtix ID h.i.ca D...ripdo. A.l &aAalbroDrd*arwcl.t.: C.sLy Rcd f,lo ld Sttr thJofn Aic E ry G" E Enr) AJ L!cr&X!.diE,t{3 Eb[roodRicRda (l2i F--En'} A-4 Rd.a 6' b bF.llllrER.radf, f b.+5 RC:6" Pipin&Lzet}itrriAf P[ .15 lL&g La irE En La rD 1r Stt (y kiE) L7 2thE crril..n dWltnhrr .{{ A@RodtuPlltrl}rir'laoGwi.lbsllirl(12'Fr*i-i 4.9 .AmRodiuCrrotbrDitlo(r&JrdSha00"P't-r-i rt l0 Rd&6" h.blli Stt.riti 10" &..Lll xC.e 8'P+. Edofwd 2ria rz PiFl-11 Fir< Strrt im RdisoDivr b U/MCd La O0. F-r*iE) .+lJ Fist Scct iuAmnEd blts- Ilivt (l0r P'5.ir) .{-I4 FansL,ool#scadF-f-e{dstEdrrilHdStE.rA.l5 F.ISL! .&cdirr5 -JGaILiJr .l.16 Fell#r*closcapipcs-CcAre 4.17 F.I!ELo* *!6br.dfpe -Candd Sme rL18 F.[*!& 8Ldo6 cdliF -].lEAAes Divt .l-1, FiI*.E* .i..b5 dfpca - l,hliL lli!! -L:0 hora tr rohtrc rt nr!.ady byr Ld 535 re-tet adtie(trEsE lin uy J.r /u EDA-11 Rao6grcft SCADA sltrc.dd dlr4 itrt ad rq tilGEs &1 I.IG' 2.0 IIIG Ste€r TDL E! Nlr866-AqstiiErlL5,flEEa-iry B3 llcTal hpCntlp6r:& TOfrlL Eairrrri Colt tn\7nt3l9,m $?ojo t74mlr$Jm 95900 313!r(tr ll473lI} llrr,2m $4r,600 $37,4txr 3245"1q) l2?8,m 34uJ00 $4rr00 t454,t0 llfl,lq) I l66Joo i67,{m 3lr$Jfl) t3{Jo t2.Jr7:(ng2qrm s367,800 9,6r+rao Sdi.!. rt Arlciarl$I) Fdb WrtE C€qny Frdlity t.qilg SEd, S.9ard.r 20f9 n E hibir F.5 T:blc l5 - Eristirg Prlirca Costs f, l Ala.rr th? ! ID Erojrct Dattixior .l-l Rya Aadrr:o Drdprc WCI A-I Clt,slry noi Eo lq Stra t Io[[ Adas Pt',, (8" P.+moo) AJ Lialh RD.d tE i1743 E b Wood RivE Led (12' Etin) A{ R{a 6' Pipr a FJI Rru Ro.d rif, f Pp. A-3 Rrda d Pipc irEdae ILftn dtl f, Pip .{.5 ll,rdilg Lc frc fn La t l* Stta (t' Plasio) A-7 2rffEili adlor Ro.d W*lin E*osic A{ A.m Rord Au Pczre Dnrc ro Grrraurllos Dnl (12" e'r*-*; -{-, AmBord&uc,ra* or Drrw u c'Bryar Stre ( lf E@q, -r-I0 R4le 6" PiF n IXi. StE{ rilt 10" Pp. A-Il RC.d 8" HF Eurr oawCt 2 itf 12" PiF A-l! F,rd Sa*rir R.obld Drivt to Wf,tdddLa (t0. E*!s) A-I3 Pi.!t Stat ic A@ Xod b I'Lssa l)ril.c (lf Bc.lsiod A-I{ FrB*root I5b.rE6 d fe.5 - I-.LGrood Str.t ad LlCrd SEla A-tS P.[ltiDoL .*.m6 d piE - fns I]i!! A-I5 F.lLb.6t zsh6n6 cd pipcs - Cm Arrrn A-17 FrI*ro.'L rst 5106.dpi.. -ffidStEt .{-lt Frll*mo& rsbcoo,s crord pipcs - }'lai Adre l}in A-19 F.[lbrEoL .sb.5h6 @p]e - llohl: DrinIEIII 6. r.[le.t c g.& n€}{ c+.(ltv b-v , L..n 535 ar-ftrr ud tir drrrsio rt b-v 3.170 6nA-!l Rxoftnrth SCADA iydacodof@ sat EdrEtr€EE s C-l Ncr S'dl m Ncrfuct Ar!. of Sy*.o TOT.IL TeHc 16 - l{Ll'cer Frarrt Proicrt Co.t! ID Prej..t D.!.ririorI}.l Ncr trICls rirh ehor 9,m gD CrFity Il! No l-0 MG Sm-eg. Td Il3 N.r B@* Fq Slri6 rill 1,0fi) gE c4-ify Croclcv Ro:d &u Crra Wi ox I-& to Joh Ad.os Plry (12-D_{ p-r--.;,,o) D.S loe I!6d tu PimrcL l)rive b 3452 Io. nord 02" F-r-.-'c) D{ Rrfl.& 6' Epr llr Moa Vi*r ArEa sili 12' Ppe brrru tL rrfortic re n€la cT.cdy Ly 3.6(tr an-&; ad tLdnu:io rrr by 9, 100 gn TOTAL Esti-rhd Cod 17l,7m 3ll9,m0 '70Jm172,900 lrslJoo 195,900 ll33,alo 3147,$0 tr87:00 142,600 t!7,4m t24J,100 t2?r,gto $ur00 t14rJoo 1454Jm 3t,lm sl66,JU) t67,1m tr:30,500 t34rm t574,1@ t7,016Joa Ertir*d Coc t{,62eJ00 tl:80,mo 3355,m0 t424,800 r392200 1262,900 srrso,qD trsrrs.so. S<!L{r 1l ^l!fiierI803l) f.Ih WrE Cry Prdlity EdiE Sdy s.rarob.r :019 , 7 F ro.5' S rrs?P IFIi [;Exl{ g f! 3 d o €- f g ! a iIii ii1a14 ilt tiil* t; i; FIGURE 9FALLS V'A'I'ER CO}IPANI R-LCOMMENDED PRO'tiCTS( Schiess & Associates!r trc rEEa,rue pLmur I I 't .F a z> t' i f ,ry| / F ! , A 3.0 FUrtRr Co\-Dmo\s 3.1 frftr. Grortt T.blc 5 thm3 Bdc p.Flrtir rldgrort fu Frlls W*rCqry udBmvillc C{dy. Tebh 5 - IlistorkJ Grsrt[ of Fdh N etrt Coupray erd Bor.acrilc CourqrItrr f$C Esdrr.d FIIG Borurinr Com.rCoartttiorr StnirtArte Popdrriolpoplrtiort vm 75 D5 16fi61970 218 654 52,157r9& 1,t09 3,327 65980l9lt0 1,319 4,0n 72,297flno 2,081 6243 82,5222010 4,125 12375 r04,23,r20lE 5,801 t7,412 116,854 I S.rrirrEDqrhiE.5d tt lr.d.Fcctir Sdic$,t AslGiDc lmSO F.IE, WtE Cqcy Frillrt lteiiC Sdy S.p.rd.r 2Of 9 7l Edribir F-7 Fdk WrE Cory.ry's i.rr'ic! llr. ir Dt c@gru.d wilh r Crty c otbcr politicd divisi@ fo( BtLh pogrLtnn drrr r mihble. Fq thrs rcroo, h&toocrl grow6 ls Dst rcdily n'lhblc i! tarEs of coctic- Ar r[ lttiu$q ft. poFdrtiou witiin ttc scrvice rrer wrs cdodrEd rs 3 pc4lc for ah c@trtiotr. Aurgc .ffi'-l grovth fur FWC sinct 2000 is ebout 5.f,r.. Grourli rr Bcvillc county fuug &c slr tire psiod hr rl,rrgcd rbqn 2 C/.. Borrvillc tUcropolrtrn P!@rlg Orgerzdi@ hls F+lrcd fuhrxE pcFrLti@ lrorcctioos fo Borvillc Coml'stich Fedct r coruty lridc growti ntc of 1.02% thrulgh ?04O. Alfhcrgh Frlls Wrer C@pqyls poFrl.ni@ glowth sirc 2000 hrs bcta mmg; it is qccted tha gowlh will bc rlwtr ovrr ttc corng -20 yldB. Frlk WrE Coop y s p!'srg W +riEt s€nctel boodencs thrt will iryrc grwtt- FgurE 8 LigLliEln tbo{. bqnduics od rboc,s thc [les rtcIt tuturc Erowth, m EDs of EDUg, wa dlHGd. A! cboryl FdlE Slrt(r Coryruy's .oulll[D bqEdry ls rdjrrol to ti. Clty of Aoom ud uotrtk grorfr will cu to fr. soElh- Th.!e rt! *ill rras whcrt grow& c.tr o€r[ to tL crd .!d ft4 hn th. Extcd of thc growth in tnosc diEcti@s i! llEitat hG.d m tbc qrra ud plmcd bondrics fm ttc citics of ldeho Frlls rd loo, n+cctrcly. h rdditioq tbc scrdct rca boofuy Arocd to tctc,cto th. loul B@vilt Sflcr Distrct (ESD) ad ldrho Fdlr is sbowtr. F.lk Wr[r Coqey ostms h{lt bistqrcd}y rcclntd s.cu scrvn.c froD IBSD. However, IBSD hlt agrccals ir ehct with thc Crty of Idato Fdlr rtich limrt thc stcat ofthct servicr arr- tiBirs @ t}c IBSD rcrvicc sce sent as d. hcto liEitr or the Fdlr Wttr Coryuy service ucr Adlust'*t" to thc crismg +r@ts wcrnd bt !.eded br tsSD to srnrc rus odci& of 6. crtcd showr iD Flglc t. Asi& ftm tlc dognphic ad politicd bondtls -""tio-d abstrc, th.rr it r pby:icd bqmdrry rsocitd with elsrrtim Brscd oo thc curtot F.ssrE i[ ti. cy3taD' lhe highcst alctlti{[ thrt c.! b. lsvcd shilc fr.inr.;ing r hni,n'D of 50 p,o thougl thc systco rs 4,?97 ftct wbo rliurnrl prcsnrc vrrietim is limind to I J ps. For lrf€rwc. th. 4,8{$-foot .l6di@ cootq[ ts boldcd u Frgue 8. ri t[[!0 E{ $ilFEi5'$rEr * 5flii$isrr o E lu i" !; FIGfIRL EFAII*S WATER COMPAI.IY PROJECTED GRO\;TTT$esAssociatSchiess B a tffi I (l I {)i 1 s J TL { I C 3 I'J !E N I 7 l.l ar \ rl ts l. ! F a Irt L_1 a a Erhbit F-9 Brsod o thcse linitirg Aaqr it is belicrnd 6el gomh iD tt Frls Wtr Coryuy cervice rrta will bc frsE thll ur lh. cudy rE r shoh, hi donq -' '. thc grqrth psvrous]y cqtnarcc<l A tri*odcd c,"Tr'"m of tbc Fdk Watr Coryuy g.r& to growt[ wittmBmvilh cqmty shmr trf Frllr refa coqruy hrr guxr rt r rrL of rbqt ttrtc tics bEh.r -' - tt c{iDty. Cqdy gwllFojcclic lhulgh 20{0 uG jus ovs l%. olr 2O{0 pojcctimr rc0cct thu histoical had rDd rt bcscd @ r grwlt ntc of 3 f/r Tbocforc. n rs projeaed that {990 EDUs will be sqrrd ia ?O{0. 3.2 Forecest of Dcmeld .l,f.l, RBltotid, Coomrciel rd lrdrsniel nc prcmurd gocth in &c ua is ubarcridrotirl S@. ilArilid .!d crucid grou,th hrs ccurrtd roud 25i ErEt ud.I@g U.S. H4lrry 26 uorttcea of I&ho f s h ttc cqnty. Groctth of I cdrr,Ecirl Dit.rc ir ,'-iading ibclf dong A''-oo- Limh Rod rs sdl Po*atid ftturc sqr'ioc rrErs sGrE idGDtis.d by octog with FdL Wri.r Cq.[y *rfr- Aff(r rd.difyiDt th. potcdd rcrvice rrces, lrad ue ru g@.Ity &fuEd rs ciltcr rtsifurt comcnl, n ioilstirl DEffds w.rt olculrtcd fur cad fuillc rol'icr lce bcstd m hd urE tlF md r(,!.gc. Rcsidatdfurlds wsE dlocrhd brsr{ oo 2.65 uits ptl gors sc.Er ltis dlolity sG ieLrld b,y cGffig ltr d6ity of hm vi6ir rrrcrd of thc wt{ s$divici@! yittriD th. F Is Wrt{r Coqsf t{vicr rrs. Rsid.ltid &red wes tha po.l.chd by cdcutrtDg th. toEI m, Esid.dtd tDilE od Brltptylry th.r r'rrtl'.r by 6. ntnrnd F EDU (&.cngr &y, ErriEn dry, .trd pt t hd[) ]Ior-tuidratd .Ln,rl. qtrc crkrlrttd bcst{ o rocrgt ad <Itord dtosity. Ncn-r:si&id hrod deasitire rrrc dEte@ined by rerrewiag Fdls Wrtcr go*1sy l'ill;ng dd rad pst cry<ncrat rn rlryag qrrlI usrEc Dcpco@ o tbc tpe of hrim, m-rcsi&id trcc ca nry riddy. Howaq. silLir th. cu&d of r srE dEEftnim syd.D, e. wilc vrrietiry ia idir"idd r!.€r b€mc l€$ ryord rs e htt ud low u:a: rwr:rgc qrt Bricd oo thc rn'irwcd dfi r&'. dd6ity of L5 grdgrotE elltr s|' urrd ftr Foiairy srk rI3c m {r,s proycc'tcd to dEtdop with m-Icsibrill hDd la6- I}e ga.rd Foc.dlc in paoloctilg groyth Drt b rllocd d,E'yl rl tb &raitcd d.orrtirs to ltc cudy udarlopcd urt lhl u6e jrdFd Dn litd)' to bccre dcvtl@ by 20a0. Ib poccrs of e&t4 EDU's iu-"-rt lly sr co.tim*l rdil 6. 2010 brEti of 9,990 EDU3 srs re..hcd .1.1.1. Proicct lvtreg Dry Drmud, Llrrimrn dry Dcurd ud P:et flou Drnud Blscd oa tL Foccas &scnbcd ebovc- r corq[tso of anm4 rd po,cdcd fitre .rah-n.l chrrcEistir u pceoEd in T&lc 6. IJ,l, .{d.qrr,r of Il rtct SIst r filt llof, Crpritr As rcftrEcrd Fwiql5ly. r listing of ftr flor rc4uutr u dariDcd by thc Idrho Sruveyug & R{iry BnrEru is irtudcd in Apadir F. Tbc propcrty witt ttc hEIEsi ftr 0ow rcquinaeat ! SEith RV rt 1523 No{ttr 25t E rt with r rrhg cf 4,000 po Udrr the fr rlc urxiom dry phts frr llm sctorno. 6. Ex1rrtcd Aor fu I 7,194 qm. Ifydrulic ody:rs frr this rctorio is pcrcocd bclow. S<ibrs,t AtscirEs lg}]l} FiIb W.E Cquy Frilily Pl@g Sdy S@.r lofo 21 Frhib F- 10 Tebh 6 - Proictttd Futrm lkrud5 Crircri, EDUI Awrrge Dry Row (g:o)Mrxim\Rw(grn) Mrx Dry/Arg Dry Reto Pc.t Hru Rof, (fp@) Pcal Hcr/Avg Dry Rrio Pcel Hor/l,rrrimm Ihy Rrtio Altrrgr Drih FlodEDU pE PceL IIar FlodEDU, p EIfufiE 537O 2,5't0 7,200 2.8 l0,t?9 ,t.l 1.5 0,48 1.97 2t}r0 9p90 4,781 11394 2.8 19,68t 4.1 l-5 0.48 1.97 3J User Cherges and Operatiom eod Mrirrtenatrce Bodg€t FJts Wdu C{qcy's r.tc studtur ir ElDdrt d by thc ldr}o hHic Utilitns CoulssnE (IPUo. Fq 3/+.iarrh rad 5l&n cur, thc mothly ntuiuu c,hugc is 317.75 dich iahd.. W to U,000 gelloo ofwtcr. For r& uscd rbovt l1ffi gdlc, thae is ra rxcrs{ u!. clcEc of 30-689 pa $msud grltos. A Fdls Wds Coquy revtar rd rryor. &tril fu 6. 2018 br6 b..s ioclndcd wilh Appadix L Opcrrtlag .qE'or fu thrl ]rl|I torrldFst undrr tl.2 Eillim" 3.{ Eldreulk Model Ane\sis A clqutq Dod.l ofttc FWC's firtrc srtcr dirtsthti@ rystce Bls detrd@ by idrng Eilh t "cqrccEd GrldiDg uod" teoccd parudy. ud rddiag 6. d.orl& $tcirtrd with 6c 6drrc slstco, Dods xtrr dH rt thE locrti@r i&tif.d fc growth rad oodcl E.DEdEim pipcs rld ao& scrc rddcd in qdtr to fisiltrtc th. ridrti@s. Thc sru dirul orvc ra uscd 6r frc frtlc mod rs wu nscd fu th. crstilrg Dodd rDd th. Eo&l srs r.t to nro.r E,.re'.d4t p.dod durlrtim. Psfoom of tbc fo.re v.tcr systcE s8 evltlrd llDdE( iL. stE lh!. q(frtDg conditios rs ttc crsug no&l flow IIm cooditioor, pc& hur codniml. &d F.rir''r &y phr ftr 0ow cooditims), hd with tt npdftd futrrc dao&. TttB€n l! lrfivr pnoc.ss, sytu ficilitie wtrc qgnrbd so t}et Eiliur A{rtng cd.dt wcrc rt. Tb. elduum aittrir wcre rs foll,ows: . 100 pri ruiErn pcssrc. 50 psi EiDiqre FrserE ernlg p..I hqr (sy$ro gdacc). 20 po niaiqu pacsssr driDt ---i-'m &y plus 6rc llow As a gcrel amrry. no Eodifcahms sctc occded rn ordcr to ryt thc orxirElrn pressue crirqim. Squcc od Eeuuusioo pojco wcrr both D.cdcd to Et 6. cntaro of 50 pcr drug pc* hou. No rdditioul polcos brymd lhosc Dlrdd to E.t thc pcel hqr crilcrioa wqr ncrdcd rn order to ret thc prqcchd frnrc 6re flow nqmmats. A listag of rtcomadcd firtre frctLb€s is odiDcd !D S6ctioo 3.5. Sdi.$ & Asrciris I&80 f.Ib WrE CoqGy F!.iliv PlEdlE S q SAarDb.r ml9 74 3.5 Drhking Il ater Imprommens neded for e f,linirrurn 20-,reer period Ttrughcn &. plrlllrg poct*s, tcl4' lryorEd hrrt hsa idrrrified thrl will be ocdcd withu lh. Fdls Wrttr Coryrny rysm <trrog 6. cmrDg 20 1urr l,lcoong pojecrs cra fultr bc cbssiErd rccn&lg to the r@dixy of nrn lryol@ th, d&Ess cristut dcficicacics re irludcd in T$lc ?, Trble 8, rnd TSlc 9- Trbh 7 - Ploi.cts.*ldr6sirg Eristirg Dttrritrcirs lD hrpcr. Lacrrir SoLda Lor rr:orr oda Nctlr=tccof ctrClLl riA aod cr:cay of l,r0t) F.t&rdoDds ttlE gE hcJI I ,790 &d of&icl Fp. ir GEELy '1328 Cochs.I,rilt Ro:dtrrrro l'Srrrl ldJoh A&s.{-: ffitrr:fi'L !#25 ul h*rry. Ia*:ll & i: or &i!a m. ia Brtrairl Dri!.r Corf,e rord b cmrr 6*ing 6in I Pc-' Plr f,or ctncny Tryia! Crori4 l*ll3x} 6.t od l2.ilAIiF ir r i-rJ- Ltr rba U(x) an Gaur Sdml Roed tlsrra 4743 E ad Wcd nilr RoJ- FEr 60r .actrv t 139 pztdh R,,, Iuell.. 520 ta-of &icl-mr I f,ll Brtg E$rnil! l.)u, gE a(oird Mreso nns Ro:d Ilsrrlt l,O|l}e.r of S-inclfidir iaElr:&finflo'c.Fcty 4tooNYdlordc l)rivetarroAren .dad!{2,lE |.s3 $e.! Um EE Hish.t Effi Drilt .rd lEo t a Ga &i!.f Bp.utHilotb rdiucirtL ,{i Fur f,c ceccityLsr$o 1.50 gn a.l.ti66-t &id 6d;ry.lm. f.ooCiDa, piFlirriri*-,<iifity, ad pni&grsi:sia artr,'hEGll iE Pti.cr A-l Lo.riry -dripCiEdrco4cti!'fy 3 273 EGt En I-.E I!*.ll 7?0 ft.r of f-irh mela ra lLr&ae L:a.b.r*.o Eit L.a ad l' StE.r. .{-? .{J Iasrall 5.88,1 tcr of l2-racf, lqelu m 25' Ea barrro 2695 l,hrli &d lor R.rd ad n Ior Xoed bct*rro 2814 E d ad I 5?2 E:i r,.!dE -dIiD.liEiMiily LooliDE -ddPc@iil.rc@<trrfytryort t_r@i!i.acrprily 29 E.l brrrro 2615 tta6 -d Ioo. Ro.4 lor R4.dtrita 28,1,1Fs ad lt72 E d Bctr*o Urdk 1 4, .!d 6 zDd luooh Vista Arrc AmRoedttrtro Perytc DireadGarosJlorLEAref,oed t**aCrqorilh L&rdOtsryd Stlet frnsrsrh Dne udDiu Stld Ilst I lJ00 t t of f2-i!A p. h A.@o Rozd bctca Frrrcr Drnr ad Gtagrllos L&a A-t r-10 a-ll Sdi.s e Asrcies lmlo F Ib l}trE Crqoy Friln' Phrlg Sdy Erhibit F- 11 Iasrzll I ,(E0 ict of l0-iuf, lpoliu mAm Rord t*ra Grras lr Lc rd O'Bryd St!.t Lr#ll 160 &d od lGir.h pqe ra Din Stect Lrrlrro F:msrri[ Drrlr :nd 4385 Dirn Sttst IEhll 2$ fict of l2-i!.L Fndin hctsrra ?01 El.a Drire aad 539 Mdt vd. Aa@ sqa.Eb.r mfo 75 ID kporr Larric Sohai.-hryrqr Id[ 1,tr0 trr of lo-i!.h p. h li srtd.{-u rz'soi,3io Al@s li sr!.{ ;=i;; h;; [rr.m.u l_.e-rf .d loofilg h.firA-lJ t-rsissir. Alagl'sft.r Hffii$---.ffi-tffit<4*iD, d lortilg A-l{ nrgLcr cr.ag E si,oratic d Pr[]'3!tt[ud&d sit't Li'@d .o EL.'b.@r F.nhloli;i l'=]=Yt-=Ftl*, ,-i-tr p.r H@co't ffif,(t*A&Etl,','Lrd ..r-:ohYEd xa ffirffffieE ory 3,170 gu . ., hqtgrt rFrr Rrcof,:ur tir s€ADA 5yd.o cdol of''-" r.lilry pry fit ad nq tEsks l. ScgEr bd$G.o Cochirc Driw od Joba Adrnr Hwry crn be mithd if (,dtrg pipdir ia Bclh Abu Driw co bc crec*d througt to lr StE l $ r r:sull of &dof.trl FoErEss. Trblt E -.{ltcnrth'c I ritL Smregc Tlrl ID Proj.rt Dcc<riprior Build er 1.0 MG #r€. r:* zdiu I Wrll 9 si: Rrqrrp l/dl - 9frqiogdiltdbbf.frhl-diEllditrdpipdett-l sbrE t-r *r- ccao- lacory Wcl 5 fugiag drGc{t b sb-.EE t-l &di*all dinrf mdin coe*h- Boocrr Pq Costu a nr boqrr Ptq' iti.a.dj...d b Stoag: Td *l rith Ststioo f I e c.+uy of, 5.50 gE- Piccln n:rrdrs ri[ ta e&d amd an|iral b 6olil ht].t ons. Adiipdd dFIp iaro$.o.rt:. 1,fi0 ftd of lo{.f, Fpr in Visia I}nr ' t0t r d l2irA rp ia Am Ron betrra ILIgyBJ PbdiE llpgrd.s iru ad r,6rLcL St..t. ArUniEl qEr.d6 to dpdin ia imdi* ricirity of tooarp itir - !90 frr oe 2(}irh riF., 290 t tof l&id ric Projccb A-l thorgL A-7- eud A-20 rrc rhc \hesr pnoity u thcy directy rtt&tss shoilcoorDgE idcdincd withi! thc qrstrg systce Prolccrs A{ though A- 19 rnd A-l I rlso rd&tss crubg ehortcomirys but provi& mrc iDdirEEl bcocfits As r !!gllt. th6. Fojccts sbould be cosi&rrd r los.r Frority. ft. B" (Alftrmti,Ic I . Trblc 8) od -t" (Altsuetivc 2, Tablc 9) poject ngesat hro alrsutivcs. Thc systrm eoelysis i&ifed 6et ra rdditiuel 3.000 pu of sc rce crp$rty is lrd rudcr existi4 conditoDs, hojcct A-1 rs rssrmed to n4p\ 1,500 ED of c+.city. Tb! ddrtiooi 1.500 ep@ c+.city codd be Et by coDstwtlrg t Ew stonep trtrk od boosta, F.up strto[ .s cf, lrlod bry the 'ts" prgects. or S<ni..E /t A!!cic3 lgrlo FtIb W.E C.qloy friut, Pt@rrE Sd,Senoha mf9 76 Elhibl F- 12 TrbL 9 - .{ltcrlrtitc I ritl .tdditioul Il cll errl I{o Storrgc TertD Proi.cl DotripriorC-l NrrWdl#2 ldc cll rili esscd crpecty d lJm ga Bhibir F- tl Uy rdfug rn dditioo.l urdl u odird by tte t" po1et Disor*sioo rcgrting tLe dui:Eib of G.ch dtcortr! is irludcd wdiiu S.ctio 4.0 Teblc l0 pwitr* r listing of th rrudcd fttue pnjccls Trblc l0 - Projcctr .{ddrrssiq futurc Dtftiocir: ID P.oj.,.l lL!.bdo. Dl N Cr& ffi'#:f of :ditinll satr crrccitv rilln"db t' ,,- Bri]d ar 1.0 MG rrr-r€. till .dj..d t llldl *2 Sir. rt-+qdp WdlslF: !E,E r-I*l fl ad r4opq rkrc& ot i--r6 tarEoo.EFry Cotu e urtooe:Iq ffi@ Jjrd to 9o.4r TrL #2 ri6 Sadic f2 r -l - I o{ 3,ffi gur Iryarr Felairs hstl2j80 Gdof l2-ildppc u Crorlcy Road trtwrra.Trcit .!d lo<p@g Crrariltor La ad l' SEra ndg CrdLy No.dIqolrtaoisi! h$ll2J50 trr d l2-ilcf,1lF irlo. fort bclrG.n PiaoecL IliurF cTrit .!d lo@g -d 315i E i !u. Rol - - .LnE I@ X.cd hgot rL( keois,s hell 1,620 frdof l2iEL pgc mMo Vrsa Arrmr tctBt.a 558ca:ciry:log Ldm Vio Arro rnd l' Sa..dllre Vi*r Arqn krlesc dltianl b.rr8G lt v!h.ti. r-*. rilL "T-]t by 3,ftr rsc-ta rd lir rrE ntb iLtts rrt ty 9,lOO gEI Atc cdth. bU ilgril b. iq,l-'.*l b t&t ! ,'diig o..ds: 1,500 gE.tr-idi-gldtr c+..a, rdr G€a E rillb. d&{ 6 Zd)o EE rfiE qrjty rill t &ri&Dfi.rt rD].2. lE lroF1i3<dilltd odrlg r 2i fiE drrbbcird[rdl2. h lrstDg tlc frrure proF{a rt is e*eD.d lhrl rI the *A- Eic+irg Fo.l.cc wiU bc cooplacd dog with cithcr 6c Altldrlirc I u Aluutirc 2 pojccts Mq.o!E, FoJccts D-2, D-3 , ad Di re rssocirtcd with rdfug r stor€c -L rdj.crd to tbe cnstirg Wdt #2 3iE. I!rs. sbqdd be !.i.,tr€d <irilr'ly to fu cdrtiDg For.cts c&t6Ecd .s AlicrDrtiv6 I Dd 2 A tDI is oa saictly nctssrry, ud tlc paL hour c+.crt)' of th. tnL cqtld bc Ephcrd by o edditio{ 1,000 gto ofwdl cr!.city. Prorrds .d&ts!og or|sttog dedcicocies sbo d bt c@pbd withr lt Et ao to frrE yrus. whilc Forccts rd&tsiDg finurc Dcds r,hf,tld b. cl'xllrrhd pqrodcdly lDd cflstudad rs D.edcd A mrp of tt nca@€od€dFoJacB ls showu o Figurt 9. S.vual t:l.llgissioo l"E wqr rd€otifrcd.s &!dop.! rhr\m p,rpclis l[ose prpclc3 wae dro siz.d ftr flnrle d.orDA .Dd th. lo.:Oo! of rhc pp.[G erc irhrd.d @ FiBEe 9 TrbL l I Fts.!t! . s@rry of tbc totrl hgt of 10imh rd 12-inct &rrrtopcr rhiva prFbEE tbrt arc lrorcrtcd to bc rdH by 204{. h t}c crsc of the dndopcr rhivrn pipclmes, projccls hrvt Dr bcto dcfmd bcyod peolrdug rydin locrtioos md sia It tr Gry.cred that rlcndopcrs will py fq od colsttEt h. pipcLm- rad thcy hevc bcrtr iDchdcd w Litr the pl'n',ng dofl@t to bcihhtc Fop€r liary. Sdi.q lt Asrcinr lUrlo F.tk WrE Cqc, Frilitll D|dilg Sdt S.@.r 20fg 77 770 hhit r F- 14 Teblc 1l -Drktr Trersuirsiol Piptlhc Lclgths l lirh SdblE & Asrciis lgB0 Fdk wlE CqG, f5fity Pleilg Sd,SA.d.r !019 2t $'o.,F; lEl ar::li r*i€t0r I !g 3 2 ot{ :9 L ! 2c 3FtiR t*448n ilt ?tiIE L t; FAI,IJ WATER COMPAhI}' RECOMMENDED PROJECTSJ .s"E [is::.*"Airgs"Lrt,":TIGURE 9 tr L - I I ! IT I l d I ; rLI il.' I t .4fl*r#l r F .ts.. h-: I T I I I E I hn I I - E I I I _'I E E a ,g I I E E_s 8\ ia-iail "f+-{iil q l E6 II B &E I @ It +'';"]l ll - I z r x bI E ibir F-16 6.0 SEI.ECTED ^{LTER\.-{IITT,.{\.D If,IPLEITL\T.{TIO\ 6.1 JustiEcetion eld Drtriled Description of Recommendcd AltermtiIt Brscd o thc pcccdiry rorlnis ad Ecdbrd ft@ Fdls WrE Coryuy pqrd. it irrocomd lha F{lr WrE Coryuy Foc..d with rrylcocmm of lb AlElrtirr I pticcr. Thir will irtde corykim of 'A" ud'3" Fej.EtB rs qdind i! TrbL l,t. b&&d ir thcc poja*r se r &bkilg srE xE[ 18 prydiE idlllti@ goirts, cs.E nth rcquisrtiotr Forcc! oE SCADA rryord Fq.d. od r srortc d/l)@st!!pry rtrtio ficility hfr[t FoFb, $ rhosD rn T$h 16, rtold tt paiodicely 6Jahlrtd br d TtBc F)jcdt fiIl iuto e 6w b 2G1"cr ploing torizo hfire Fo1ccb rrc providcd fu thc prpoc of p^g.d hdt!f!9. Hmvtr. siu b fmrc go1ccts rlr lot qdb b€ coituud fo rcvcrd Frs, tbc rofuder of thrs rport will 6cus oo tb lEcttrg Foiccc- 6.2 Prrliminrry Dcsigl of R.coEEctrdcd Altenr.th'G d,2J, S(htlrrtk3 01.L. *ct.d Phr Rcfrr to Figur 9 fc r ry of thc rccom*dcd popr:. 6,1,!. Propo!.d DcdED Crircri. l}c pdinirry ,l-gl oiurr bud m thc txistiug ForccB rlsci.|hd sili AlkD irc I rrt rs hwr: Pro;cct AJ . w <kia&ng rrltr wdl: hry dcsiga of I ,500 &r rt 3m fclt TDI{. Pror.rE A-2 lkqr$ A-19 rd pqcct 83. pipdu tEFsrffi FojccG:PtFlb. hog6r &d srz.i rs sbosn in Trbk 7 rad Teblc 8 Prnjccl A-20, rltlr rigil rcgiritic Ac5rrc v.trr rifu to iEltc th. roll@tic wtcr righ crFcity by { lcrst 535 roe-ftct od ihc dirrcrsioo nte Uy 3.U0 Em r! or& to ph! 6r i@dirr. DG.& vilhin 6c r.ar ikcc ]'erE. Prorcct A-21, Ilcofgtrc SCADA comol: A{ug SCADA cotol es dcrsibtd itr Scctiu 2.1,8 to rryrovc systr[ frbility rld nfocc thly prcssulr fucturtic. hqycct Bl. rw dce6 ht: Coostua r 2.0 MG dq+r - '* to Fovi& I 4 MG of cqrrrlizra@ stontc- 0.5 MG of ftc f,odmgcy d6.gu ed 0 I MG of oPtrl6md st6rtF- PrqFt B-2. w boffi Fq smim: C@mlrc{ . rr boosEr Fry strtioo to Fry &@ 6e do€c "L iDto $E q/sl!o. PrEliDrDrry d-ign of lh. boosE tetiou is for thce pryq erh witb r crpecity of 2,750 gn- Actouilg for pry rcdodrry, ttc dc<gn Eor wa dbeJ,rmgm.l I75 fut TDH. This study <bcs mt ettopt to dcci& wtich cmshrboo tyF rs Feftr$lc ftr thE 3ttr+E mt- ltc fud dccisim s[ordd be Drd. r prrt of r pdroilrry cogrilg r+ort G .sp t of&€ bid Proccis 6,!^r, D.!ig! l.d CordEctior CoEpkti,or Schtdult A! rrylmtioq Ech.drb Les rct lct hto rdoptcd by FrIs Wrt.r Cory&y HossrE, bccrusc tba AltclDativc I pojcc* drtcts tzrstilg dcfci<ucics, tt is rcco@cd.d lhtt sdi.s & As.ciei lBm FrIb WrE Cqoy fr n, Pldtlt Sdy Saarrd.r 2Oltl9 E$ibn F.l7 they be corylclcd rr som rs prrcuc$le. hojects A-l thurtl A{ shsrld be cmsid.rcd lb. hrgb.d FtGty rs thcy rddrcss sol[c! c+.city |lrd ftr f,oE, i!sB. ProFls A-13 tho[$ A-m .Dd B-1 lfowgh B-3 rc dGnrd[ts iu Ffirty ltcee pro6ce porrde tagtblc bco.fib to th. tystaD, h, th. Ft ltd coreqotoccs fu e thky in corylttag lb6c Fojccl3 is ro{ 8 trcd .t lh. hrgbrd Fiqity Fojccts, Projccc A-7 t[q€h A-12 d&63 lDqxrg ltrd p0p.{iE irhrcorctirity ud rhou.ld te coosidcrcd th. losld FrGrty 6J Justi6cetion of Rromocnded Almro.tir-e Tb sdrcted Alh*irrc 1 will ddiwr mc[ btntfit to Fdlr Wrtcr C{qrry. Altbotrgh co6rE rsaiacd with Altuutirc I rt hibrr tt|tr Altcrntiw 2 thc ddnid bc",*t Justry lh. iucrsc- A lirtiry of the p[iwy bo.filr trtra.rs c@rhxtitrg ooly rddiri@l rdls is rs 6ll,ows: . Flor iroasc of 2,@0 glm lslrirrcd wiih e td is lrg:r +-" tLc q.crrd t,500 g,mfrryimrm,wdt. Flcr frm ttc c6.g! ht wil Dt rrquirc r c@r+dhg irar is srtcr;El divtrrin Eic.. Thf,nFovid.dbyr dc|gchludboosrF-Frryd.timi,B[ltec{ l3oppq6.d to e sdl rtich Ll a -L'.ry Oos rdil it ir. Booapqe povi& f,owut rdi:bly &r to I.fudecy ltrd coft k3r to r.Frr lDd ruillrrir . A sbrgc t.* vi[ t'tb rcdrc *ed ru h syclD Uy Fovldlt r crph[c F]irt Ekc sud cu bt rurrcd.. HyhuLc moddiry d@lder thrt r hrEr c+rotyboost r rtatiou iryorrB rEt tity bylldrEog tt rEb(' of hdiudnel ull wdlr tmrog @ r[d o6ltrcEbo.tr tb. dry to rct.h,ging,l-r'-'!t coditiot. 6.1 Tot l Proje(t Cost Estir.te Th ttel coat of oormg Foraca i! AltGrlrti\E I L t9,636,300. Tbr totd coa of flrrcrlE@d lrorcE{s lr I I 5,635,5m Cmbm:d. thc projcrtd cocts fo{ ryEErryrorm ,+ftg thc cmiag 20-),t[ Fi{ rs $25J?1,8m- Of l[rt totel the rirgb LtBcat cotrjhr it sll(t rigl.r Frclls6. B.fxc.[ -iiditrg d ffiIl rcco@.adrfiG, & gojcrrcd coct to ottrm wdr! ngltt3 lhqr€h ryFEdy 20{0 it t9.510,t@. IIE to lt unciad cor6ftotin af rdrf dgb ! to rhc tobl co.t i! is +pud tbrt Frllr Wrta Coryrry $ould bc putiiltty diligtd n pleeg rd ''-.ting 6ct re n&t Fr6olio. 6,J.1, E+ccmd ltord\ Clergcr A full lrdFr of tt tlt@dcd Fg.ct'r ryrd ou Es.r c]rgr3 is bcy@d lh€ scopc of tt!.e s!,*. As r Five frr-profit dility, Fdls Wrt! CoqCtly's r.tca rE st urd.r dircctim froE th.Idrho Pl|blt Ut ni'3 C@itgim- 6.5 Ormr's Cepabilit]'to fimr.e lld lllen:ge Projtcts FWC trs dcomrt'ud tuu$ Fd FoFt ib $ility b fi..r'.. c+itrl EFol,FrE r ud triug p(o1.ds srrch ls hr popoaed hccin t nuitioo S(ii.s & Arlcini luBo Fdb w'E co4Gt FErny Dl@irg sdy sqrd.I mrg ,to Erhbit F-18 6.6 Auilrbilir]' of the ]Uost SEitrbh Ifid FIIC hs biclr dilig.d ir plmllg b( finrrr slsro Eds. As r rts ! lad hrs &€.dy bcro prir*ed the nuild dlos 6r th. coosauc'tiG of stongr - "Lr ala 6 Wdtr #9 ud #2. Sdilre& Assdn I!O.3O FrIk WrE Cqot F&fity Pl@i4 Sdy S+nd.r 20fo,tl Exhibit G-l '_rTiiE :; tli.ia DEPARIT,"IEI'IT OF EI.JVIROI'IhIETITAL QUALITY C L. eerir_ O!l€r. Gc!e.n.{g!4 A FrlitEn Died.r May I1,2015 Scott Bruce, Manager Falls Water Company 2l 80 Deborah Idaho Falls, ID t13401 Re: 2015 Falls Water Company Bnhanced Sanitary Survey; PWS # 7100030 Dear Mr. Bruce On April 28, 2015 I conducted a sanitary survey on the Falls Water Company public drinking water system Please thank Brad Wrighl for his cooperation and patience in completing the survey. The system was found lo be well-managed. However, the survey found several deficiencies (non-compliance with IDAPA 58.01.08 - Idaho Rules.for Public Drinhing Water Systems) requiring attentiorr. There were 4q significant deficiencies at the facility (significant deficiencies cause, or have potential to cause, risk to health or safety, or that could affecl the reliable delivery ofsafe drinking water). The DEQ requests you address the deficiencies. L Significant Deliciencies: none. 2. Deficiencies a. Threaded spigots were found on many of the well discharge piping to the distribution system. AII threaded spigots should have an anti-siphon attachment installed, or have threads removed from the spigot. b. Purnp seven requires a meter. c. The well 6 pump to waste rcquires a screen. 3. Recommendations:none. Ifyou^have any questions, please contact lhe DEQ Idaho Falls Oltrcc at 208-528-2650 S 1 i one Staff Engineer C Tony Wise, Operalor, Falls Water Co. creg Eager, DEQ ldaho Falls Engineering Manager Rochelle Mason, DEQ Idaho Falls Drinking Water Analyst ?-otg*e\27-Zi 913 :i..1r Srrri:! !ri'E. S!t: : - r:3r: ;3lb. rt3?.5:- :0?i::S-24:l Enclosures:List of inspection findings Enhanced Sanitary Survey [nspection Ionn Enhanced Sanitary Survey Report Exhibit G-2 Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Idaho Falls Regional Ofhce Sanitary Survey Report Falls Water Company, Incorporated April28,2015 t. A- B. C. D. E. F. il, A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. . B. lv. B. C- D. E. F, B. C. D. E. F. G. H. vt. INTRODUCTION Purpose of Report.. Surnmary Description of the System.. Consumprion and Produclion............. System Irnprovements ....,................... Monitoring and Reporting .................. S u m m aty o/ F i n di ngr................. --....... INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS Sources of Inform ation -......,........ -... .. Source Water Supply Wells........................ System Control..... Irmergency Operations APPRAISAL OF SANITARY HAZARDS AND SAFEGUARDS Cround Water under the Influence of Surface Water....---................. Other Issues...,...,.. Appendix A: Photographs..,...., Well I ................... Wells 2 & 4........... Well 5 ................... Well 6: pumps 6 & 7 Pump to waste needs a screen Wcll 8 Well 9 ............................. Appendix B: Well Logs Well I ........ Well 5 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of Report The purpose ofthis report is to present a sanitary survey review ofthe Falls Water Co., Inc- (FWC) drinking lvater system that was conducted on April 28,2015. Sanitary surveys are intended to inspect drinking water systems for health risks. B. Summary Description of the System FWC serves 4,076 residential (estimated 14,000 capita) and 85 commercial hookups with seven wells. Water supply is controlled with a water system pressure priority SCADA system, and wells 2, 4. 5 and t have hypochlorination to keep distribution lines sanitized. 4 4 5 9 ...,....-2 1 I I ) ..2 ......-............. l2 .23)t I Exhibit G-3 C. Consumption and Production The 2013 FWC report to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) indicates 1,231,491,000 total gallons pumped, and peak day demand at 9,857,800 gallons (6,846 gallons per minute at constant 24 hour demand). Well pump capacity is 9,1 00 gallons per nrinute. D. System Improvements There have been no major modifltcations or improvements since the last sanitary survey in 2009. E. Monitoring and Reporting FWC is current with all monitoring and reporting requirements. U. INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS A. Sources of lnformation I . DEQ Falls Water Company drinking water files. 2. System Operatff Brad Wright. B. Source Water Supply Wells FWC utilizes 8 wells and 9 pumps to supply water. AII well logs are appended to this report. Items of concem for the wells:D Well 6 contains pumps 6 & 7 there is no well 7. F Well 3 was abandoned in 2008. C. System Control A SCADA system activates wells according to distribution system pressure. D. Water Quality FWC has not had water quality problems in the last year. E. Treatrnent All wells pump to waste at startup to remove sand tom the well wder. Hypochlorination is utilized on wells 2, 4, 5 and 9 maintain distribution line sanitation. F. Summary of Findings Thc system was found to be well-managed. This survey found 4q significant deficiencies (significant deficiencies cause, or have potential to cause, risk to health or safety, or that could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water), several deficiencies (non-compliance with IDAPA 58.01.08 - Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Estems), and has no recommendations tbr system improvernents (listed below). l. Signilicant Deficiencies: none. 2. Deliciencies a. Threaded spigots were found on rnany of the well discharge piping to the distribution system. All threaded spigots should have an anti-siphon attachment installed, or have threads removed from the spigot. b. Pump seven requires a meter. c. The well 6 pump to waste requires a screen. 3. Recommendetions:none. Exhibit G-4 F. Storage Well 2 pumps to an above ground steel storage tank which once served as a pressure tank, but is no longer pressurized. 'Ihe tank now serves only as storage. G. Distribution System The distribution system has been constructed thru the years and includes HDPE, asbestos cement, PVC and ductile iron. Line size and total footage, according to the 2013 PUC annual report, is: IN UlO B.9,ltun! O, Y6a, ln{allad hrnng Ycar A\ln<ror:ed rn ulc Eli d Yo,, P,p0 &ron9 Yen,S{:a 1 1 l 679 6'1 t2 212 ,1.099 10'29 .69 l2'2a.99r i7s5) r92 1 8!6 2.965 H. Emergency Operations Wells 5 and 9 both have emergency generatcrs, for a capacity of 3750 gallons per minute (750 + 3000 gpm, respectively). III. APPRAISAL OF SANITARY}IAZARDS AND SAIEGUARDS A. Ground Water under the Influence of Surface Water Under the federal Surface Water 'I'reatment Regulations (SWTR) all grormdwater sources serving community public drinking water systems must be evaluated to determine if they are directly influenced by surface water or at risk with respect to giardi4 cryptosporidium or other microbial contamination. Criteria used to determine the vulnerability of microbial contamination include a well's disiance 10 a surface water source (should be greater than 500 feet), fiactured basalt aquifers, and well construction features such as an amular grout seal and depth ofcasing. All FWC wells have been determined not to be under the inlluence ofsurface waler as documented by the DEQ June 2009 Gll/UDI Field Suney. B. Other Issues This Sanitary Survey found no significant deficiencies. Section I.F., above, details the complete findings of this survey. Exhibit G-5 IV. Appendix A: PhotograPhs A. Well I Pump to waste cistern Pump Appurtenances 4 ( ,t _! r.l - {nri h\ -1-/ I I-,a flil ,rEF \ 7 \ I 7 , \ r T r Exhibit G-6 +€E.i& t)t) si d L.: #.tlT A\F,i :$. rraI \ E rl II lll ,+{ ':-r.\ \t., f t r ll --it \c o! o U1 EO I N q) Exhibit G-7 GI a € tr ll \ ll I P ,ll1 ;1, trl q & { s. ?o r- Exhibit G-8 = nE E L 7 i 1 ) e 4 ItI I/-1 -_.-.i--7------- Exhibit G-9 € ET t. \{!.- tt J -.iE Exhibit G-10 Po> i.J t"r I t-E-I a I /t ^I 'i : -+- t.,JilP, -,\ ..*-, ttl !|t-$* T ! \i\ L \H cExhibit G-r I o € ! nl ( / ffi )\ \ I a C r \FrzI 'I fr r- Exhibit G-12 o A t.- o)l \o a .ii q) ts -i ,-- , ,! t' { \E7-, I F t l. I I r( -lr :i q $ ,i t: . .#: ,.rl f,. Ii I -,Il I -.} ; .,] (t ('_/ ,t:\ I I T4 -,4n I [,xhibit G- I 3 , z \ t I I ,@, tt \ ,- -{ - I t Hf':'"'*r1 q) d Exhibit G-14 I a ri .l1 :lr l. t Il ":' \ ae...-' I .,L J I t{ Et It l [. I ,1 t i -;s- I [3 ir V I rt lii*l ( ti . \i I I .t ,l n4k o\ o a- llurlr!Fq Exhibit G-15 t l0ri illH[lif : "i tS"" 'l I E rff, \ ((Itil;- ,l r 1.. -- l:_ 4 ,,,P I I i t . 5. '-----4 Iv o\ Exhibit G-r6 E o ch E !Ii I,j E --E- r, I I .d t E r gtrtc or Id.bofFlC@l ol' tat r &torEcla WELL DRILLENA REPORT *,;i**,it St i.lhirqliGrt rr .'trcrb.Oririd!{!.O|.no.,Ot rE .ah.t -{ laata :ro&yr.t6 ti* 6fioLti{ { .Enbl'Hr ol lta r{r. sr.ric rl.r rtd-.-c:- irr ffi, brd lrlEn*i{, B Yi B r.o C.aL ndtTrnF !6-'F. crdiry tuol --C.,rro$.d by tr v*. O c.c E?ta la. ratrria ot lloit - 0 xrrdl O O€td tr i.rlEn r o Ardrrd lildrt iirlr.d.r.!.nr.i, !.aa@E El o.-L DrtiF oFi- orrr Or. O*.l a, *,r+oD t ittlto \ o i:.r. o acriry OD' t. irlLt c! ttiucltof, osr.-cbr - iar. tarlddr _ lir c$|,!.dldnlc CJ Sd tr cors.r.ht- -_ rrd- - Ll.ls 1- ,- -tn - lrr- - li.t- - i.r --i.r_-- rfrl. _- tdE -- la -t . ---16.r - id- -tr -tn - ig- - hdt - t-r -L.r tt..fa iiir a-..a? Oi. O ra.Wt.r.dcd-rJf Ol- Or.Prll.lrd, OY- E,aoH-!dnid? O tdry O X.lt O r*nsrrC, ntr|o.! - H.h- le*r- - r-ldd.r - ,.r tr - dr..lar - Ln - li - !.rdtac-- lit ,- tr iI i tItt W.[Eshaida OV. O llcL-rLt r/r +lrc._--- H rao.--O-trcr..-3ot.!.- E r t!.i- r..r i_ tnOirlCl-- Sbr {r- S.r lror- ,.r l._ ,n aa,.l r-tr,t O Y- O li. Sirolr-r--h.cd 16- t-r t - ... at---3!=-b.3 i- a il O c.E rEO Ar-a a., O trl.ti.t!-.a r.*r i trt'ri O- r.r-. O oirr.. . - r toc^ltoi c rltt $d! 'itbc.d6 |ir, trr rth nftt t L.dcc . Lrra- r---- ta tr.-5 i- rf ELita cattaaE rn h-tdrqi&Il-[d,.Llr.!I:.Lol:r fr. b5- iaJ.l.t. -)1:)--Io t. rctt rlt? oa!^ t uTtourGtc loo ',1.* a:r* :t r.rr wdr c..tdt!Ctb'" ?6- ]976tulin Arar, '!O- 1976 ai :?z- Exhibit G-17 V. Appendix B: Well Logs A. Wcll I -r l "-i l?!.2 iL$ I t- r I--r-t f-- -TI - --'1 tll I tl --Tt tt --r-H d.snn ilt Pi-. 17 IUB.F '.'Uope eIl -tIJ ri-ng iFA LLs 927 POULSEN s T(EE Trolxo PHONErorxb JAclront..2.23?4 Du uo. 2 tralt. tstor oo. raoriJpor*tca # Z- Oto2to 46 to 6,1 to 't4 to ?9 to 2 {6 64 7{ ?9 top .ol1 ' orrvcl and UonlaLrt 1. t08 8rBd .od trrvol ' i ;8.[d. 6r.vc], .Dd bortldrr. Soft lrva 'Brrd bhoL hva - cocrqg drqve to 8* fl. ancl oermbted atbotto of cMln5 Solt r lrva, I n d olld.r. i lOS to 128 to r28l1f Ltcr levll rtand. it 4-ft. 84 Ft. of 546tr'rrff thlohrr. or.lng ulod plu. .t6o I dr bottol of or.la8. lhor olr ,fir ,,A-'1-<---, I I I '! .iil1 ' L,xhibit G-1{JB. Wcll 2 I I I II I i I I,l I .t I I ! I i j I ; ii' 'i t.i i,i 1,: , ftfi.. r,,lii ', ,.: i"jr'1.i i{; ti',' :l'i,l ;.1.".t.ri ,"1 i I I I : I:l 1,I.i :lltI '!. ii , , C. Well 3 (deepened in 1997) Exhibit G-19 r-4t, , ^ IDAHO OEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES,YlVf.frU wnt,L DntLLER,s REpoRT ^I{ fill " Ut Tn6.ri!r68d!dtp.,lr. DRIUIITG ?zn IT l\1o-2C.92E40{9-100 _or.irourx".-J5-:-O7Tll -= 068508 Ot6o. Uso O..ly lrl.loedsd uc lr,R.r!^;J_/Rc;Ea;Tt _-_1t1 Ntl1tl 5i_ 4L.{::LorE::2. Otf,'NE8: N.lrE -ldk l{!r.r(bDp&}, Inc- - !t. fvf,LL If,STs: ,lddclr . -{0, UtLStE r_ -Ciry l&toEdr!- -. - St rc Jtl -- Ap t14orHm9- 3. LOCATION OF UIILL Dy l.grl d.rcrlD or: stdd! mr, locaEn OC aCrta {r!r triL,l bcauor! (J Bilcr I Air Li TrD. - , Ng.li, or Sgulh q Rg.. --JL-- EaJ lo.WGt o SE l5- . .sEJ/ta. Nlttl/,a. SL-rr.aroLrrr OAarr. rAr^rlt GoYl Lot - Couatt F-"4illr * Lltr :: Loi&:: Ad&crt of l+'.ll Si!.-l^!rLD.lc--Eg!Gr, \Y aaTrmp- . _ - Donorn rcrrP. -$'daaqdiry E or corooransl-- - -'" - -- ... OOft fm W"*tn*rr JG-12. TIOrrrGrC Srhirvi.in lt Ciry .I/LrhlXL- -(oirrt E.lL{. AElot-ar lra.rrt Lor No. . I Blo.t No. 2 . subd. NrnlLl.rr[Dd.i E!.r.duhnrf- {. USEIt D(rnrnis d Mud.iprl o Mooilor o Init.rturrrTh.rnd o rrja.don o olhct 5. Tl?E Of If,ORX chc.k all ut q'ply (R.rll(6riat 61.) aN.r* Wcll a Modify o Abrdonm.it ! orhlr -Drctrira * 4. T'nlLL MP,TIIODlAirRoEy o Crblc o llrrd Roory o Odr.t 7. SE^LfNG PNOCEI'UR"I,S oY Sl}o.llir d.irr tlE i..l rcrkd? r]Y li How? t. c..- E wi.tL*a lot., ldsrh oflLdpiFi, - .-,. PERFOIT{TIONS,SCREf, NS: Lqufi ofTrilDip(- -o Pcrfa.ddlr Mcthod - C Scrccnr S{r..n Cdnplded frrFh ----2?alt- - (ltca.u'!!bk) Dlk g.nadi lJ. DRll.t-f,B'si s? (tni+ ro.srArrc wATEx. LEvEl, oR ARTESTAN pRf,ssurrfi E C E I ff*#jx:fil *:ilffi;*".Jur{ I e - l'lrD lJ . D.tc-Itrfil91 - Dall:-(LI.3n?- corn,ol d.vte.: - ld!Llt4!oc.p----+#Hgtr!-ooE if Fhrn & ODerrior Yicld rrl,loi!PurpiDx L.El fi Dc ,:?sx,or rJ0n -lhrIrIIIIITIIIIrTIIIITIIITI s r'Ar-?IILfDA f cx IIITrITIrI r sti&lErlt: Lianob$r. W.!.r Qu.litr .t T.rn!.ratur l0 rr6 tl9 x r{9 lrl x tJl t6t xB$.1r., l'rrrn fr.! 161 It,,lrrrll ll!,, G,r!x i?E rE0 x llo ltl x t8l 196 ars.lr. firm 1j6!x 196 :02 Ut'Jl. llmLn Clr! & S'll x .'0.I x21.1 x.2lt 219 Cind!6 2t9 t1l Brqlt lhL.i & CIrt x x!Jt 2t1 Cti&fi 210251 210 )?,1 A^all llld G,r! RECEIVE '.,- ^ a la07.rvaf z ., iiit o.frfi.rr d *$t ia&''"Ir rr I I 1I_ITIII IIrIIrrIrIIrIrIIIIIIT III TII I rIIIIIITtrlIII IIII ITTTIrIIITIIIII IIIIIIrIIIII rIII 19 L- Exhibit G-20Well I Abandoned IDAHO DEPANTMENT OF YYATER RESOURCES WELL ORILLER'S REPORT A5 0(L.. t!r.Orr, t,i',,dv.-I'D fi.. S- _lL_tra _l/atc: I'.{I VIELL 1AO RO. oRr-1r6 P€airfr tct o 0$3335 Wal.r Rlghl or l.,cctb.ryvoll r{o t2 WEIL IEglSl Enrnp Eaeg !A. ! eodrg rn.r..t ? owHEir N.ma F.l' W.i.i Conlany l^c. tESt l'VE!!eaal.rll- rfl65 n&a Ctyl slalci !o Z'p: 83{06 3 LOCAT|oN OF YVELL by regrl df.'l9lion ,rrL' o!.1l| rrlr d con'naib Dvra. ttd6r or tol 8l St O. tr, aErt lo Fl 9.gh tfit rrttr c.Ear$.rt llc.rh E6t CorxtI arl S.n ,3 Rg€gac L.r .3jf,1.0€i! aod(at! c.a \^tll gla'Loner ]li!lM__ 2a3r O.bo.ah Cty: ro.ho F:llr (G.r.r r-roe d l..d r o*. 5 i{an lr4trrt, tt. 8rr &b t:l. 4 UsE: E l{(,l<lpd rnj.dlon E tloflcr I tftgtorglet t TYP€ Of lrroeK: (rldlc.{tt{rl .,c) El nqrl wa Oxoory B,llr,rocrrs* tr oaa - 6 ORrl'|. IETHOD; E t nourv D cuc E n,ro non v E crtrer - , S€ALTRO PROCE(XJNES: 'a $o__.jFJoc Cldrl(!)UNo tlflt - t aa dr$a rt9a l,, rrto t Y6 I CA3lllcltLtE^i HFJHTiFbr:Ev* 9 PEiFORANO SISCREEI{S: PACXER TYPE P.Co.arlo, Mdncd. li:r..n frr. 6 tlctt{d ot ht!.lrdIo.l HE'trtr t0 tlrte ced/y th, at.]rlirlrn rrtl conat,ldEn rta,rda.qt *!r! corliLd wn r a! llro tna tlE rt rar rcraorad Prr<TrlOrLr Of.rrror I sanla- h< Fmt I t t STANC W 'ER LEVEL OR ARIC6IAX FNESSUTE: _tl. bcrr* 0@9,rd Arh4ar Prassrt! _t Oagtn 116, Gncoutlrai: _t Oararaa rc.e3r pod o, ccnlrol &vr!r!: Srtltt, $Ar Cae Otlt t-rr 0.|e.r II-TI--I ,r*1.. l.ih , !t $ri Ora, I T6a-.rr. This well was abandonded. All casing has been removed and th€ hols lilled from 376'to top of ground. Car9d.6 O.pt'\Orr. Sl..lcd rlLarul.DlrlCoIPH rzcrta3rz3fit rIr -IIITI-I' rII-II IIIEI',I;IIIII IIIIIIrIIIIIIII -IIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIrIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II ITIIIT II IIIIII 0 12500,DrB.r*o.(o ,;6 -rr-t-II IIIIIIII EtE rltlY.tl EEEM'E ---a-rr-IIIITIIIIIII -rr-- EE@EE@t C)ta 10 GfllLol to. ttcalrrElnl q'xdi; tt I I H c--s I trEr, It I r;;l r------T-------I Exhibit G-21 Wel[ 3 abandoned cont' IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER FESOURCES WELL ORILLER5 REPORT r wEr.L TAO tro. 0 00.5555 Dflt u!$G tEiMrr llo t2 wELt rcsn r Darm E s.ac,!./al!r Rir( o. lrFclro.r Dt'fb^1n9 Arta3e,r 2 0$ En:Narr. FaIr Walrr Cctlga ytnc TEsTtirEtlrcrsfficivffi 3 LOCAIK)I{ OF IYELL t lt.l (,.acrlDOo(t YOr rr,ra !.ordr rcnHa ., lc gl- 9J!. o oi€thor br..ll, lrtu Ou.t, r?rl .. cfinra.t!' bi ...l f,rrr Gicort.rtdlwp 2Ro. ------d' scc -r-6 l;]tr rn.th EBt ESo.Jdt Wa6ll.lr. rlU-Tm[6rEf&: Codrty EE;- GovI Lct BodrrYrtrt. rg,:t.@t-tonq: li]il!7lE- Add.d35 'J, w?rl sit 2a3l D.bc.rn Crry. ldtro F.Il cn. i enM dFd.6tub,brt 8!r a usE: ! oon=rtLl rh. ,Mtrtipal trtr uonw I tnrg*on Orh.. 5 TYPE OF YW)RX: Er*r, rvu E raoory E raflaorrr Eodler- 6 OR|U t €I}lODl E xr Roo.y Bcruc l] uuc nary Do,lr, - 7 SEAU G PROCEOT'RES: E t o--.jFE o?t(s)Ll xo l,d,li? -1 wtr dnit t]raa tc, Lllt ,Y6 I CAS[aG/LtlEn: E Dvus DqE- 9 P.R'ORATIOII!}IaCREE:T3: PACI(ER IYPE Pbricaatx,n lralbod' Sclcro lypc & Mancd dlnriiitrtrn EH t0 la uwa oart ly urlt atl. irtriln r$61cordn c6on slandadt so.o con|paad rilh.t ltc lilrl. tE.i!, i.r ..nlorod, Co.np.fly N&r€ t I SIAIIC IYATER LEVEL OR AREI'IAI{ PRE9SUNE: _-l!q n l,rloflr grqlrd Arl6L.r PrDtl,ri _ lb @r lcv ancouiiere<r: _i O.tarDo aaoaar lod or co.rttd ivrcasr srirr lYallClo PrLEtC Dialtr .? Oa'L. (i. OnYwat D tto -.* |rJ!!dtf-T6 id. S€. ,-a IIIE - Ir -a-rr-- -rI-- I ad :(r t2'2fi !Lcl E-+2 2* 6'272'29 !t.!l.2 ft rtr: Li.rac, 9rf,, or!'y I r.4tr.e. Sor aa tr 1?7 !.C laa a;i,rm !., ra! 190 ,95 Cru'' 2t.1rl ait t sr.r 2r.,!o !.r2 212 ?.t 2.1 ?tl LI b.orrl go, ,rl t5t ?s5 !..i liot.n g!, ,t5 2.! zn|zts m 19r 85* r..n r? 3at 36r llrtal l\rd grartxl!70 ti0 ll,tto AC:: ri Crmptatcd Oolln 396'orr.i strno -?ffif- tircaruEtlg)Cdd.Ld YlsjD7 II rIIIrIIIrIrIII IIIIIIIIIrrIIrIIIIIIII II IIIrrIIIrIII IIIrIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIIrII IrIII'IIIIIIIIIIrrr -II---II D.ial 2t LI !or 8! rto alllrl rrd i Op.r.lo.l Exhibit G-22 D. Well 4 ?. warta Llvtr Sutio"n !'t-l & r.a !.brY lli rrtdFloii.d tr Y- tr No c.t-il llor_ tur.r.. dn-h r.Er_Ariconroldb, D v.0r. ocll o t[4^d,6 40\ ,tth Idrho rrtb. rdrh" lrlls rl.Lir r- fErt o'llEe 25-7o/t.I A iELL 'ETT DATA Ohriro D !.ib tr O$r L Ltlxoloorc r-oc r, rioGo tEf E Olrtl-L O HIkl O ftriCrj O I'dlrtlj tr4O lit O &od 8op..ll- f.ta.-*...f- - L 5?llOO lrilllllo O Car. O Fdo.r o ole o orrrf, olird r.a -!-6- hat.c...rlrdiu.i ! b{ tr tk - hatI rdE.lA- r,s- - rlt t:-Ea- tg,a - h6-::_ ffi -ff- hCr- - lrd- -- ldr lr..*a-d oY. olLhfl OY- O raoj*sffi OfEv Ok* O tr,rbdrl!,fri - .tr- hL,*t-_ rrrrdcr - - !&rnrn - _ F Frrdaaa _ lx.l-n dLd, OY. trlL EUE J.EIT- ohr_Jca ab- t a lfrr- ir rt_ trtOb-_ Caa &_ Lr tlltr- ,.n .r_ lb.r Ot t l!d,d? O Y.. , l.o l,r.t arrta-tld tar-i- to-----:; 5 ft, Dqddfh8 c].ytl,b-I O Y. O Xo r..irrd.rrrJ5ll- t.rrr.-h- O G.r-t.rqri O irlItr t tltll coxriucrro'l Iod.l a{o. - I!r.l dndr lE2-r.n -!J- tr Jl,-fi't --68-- ta --95-tr.i - L.r -Ln -hi -i. - h - h.r H#4tl::r,',''ril1:l- :,: "s,flu3i;lfS$;u3! rvaEwlll:i ol9A!t rortrl rrl.D.Fun !! ol W.tn AdndttLErridt UEI.L DRILLERIiS REP'OfiT Sra. lB r.q,i... $.r iti rupo.r 6. filn Enh $. Sr.b n.c!.rnrrbr an*srrirli. 30 &|. .ltr @m9l.ri,n or .brrdomrGrt ot rr!. i.ll,i,{e,,41 a. loct,l ottal.t Lur ;t l{fr dlrrrll rl:r hrbn WELL I a rt. oirltttt ctiTtFtgattoa{ Thl tr{ r (tE {.ar.ry ir-tl3.r -d fi |!.! 5 r^a i, tt. !..a oa '|it trEiE!.. fl. ?. Coaa Y.lL Drillir{2A EomeYiUG ffi -- Ellf !!'. 4?0 Idr.b h].rs. rde-bo EIfEffi-,,irffIIII sB!3!Er,j.!Lrt* 11 -r, 2 |/ttrr, irFFrrry IIIIIII IIit r IIIIr IIIIIIIIIIII II II!r II IIII II III rI IIIIIrI IIr!I rIIIIIIrII IrIr -IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIrIr 22 z iaruEt ot rll)rl Il Nirrll O O.Fd O i4lar.|rl O Ar..{oi.d (d!r..b. nxrtod ol lt-donlfil ta Uc.f irt d --J.rr!_25,-2t _Jrr$d)&Jr6_-q4- Fd1 2M 1.lg STATE OF IDAHO OEPARTMEI{T OF VTATEi dESOURCES WELL DRILLER'S REPORT e'f"1 Stb ir, r.skr.6rtii. n!o.r t lU itir,!. t *qr, Ot-llrril oIftr.r Bdrl.. rtrtrin 30 tllyr .ln. nx .alrldlit .. .lrtrlofilri ot $. rlr 3_ thoPosEo t,sE troo O lnlrrtldr O T.{ g Muddp.l O S!.Er tr Urr. OLrod a lnJcriol! ,L MEIHOO DAIILED tl D tr4. O ool tro Hydrrllc O Ri.. rolly 5. ttctl @Bllucrbi C-atrdldrb.e, $..1 O Co.Ed trOdr._Ir&!- olcr. a-t -- L -.;5C El.. 2(' lEt + .l ,- !1 b.--lI'lF 65 --17- rna.. --i-- 1.6 -liT i - ta- - idr ]: lr _li_ ldti' _ ldE _ i.r --knb.dqdrhilbudl BY.r O ollb4diaIu..dl O Y. Gl Abl-i6.tdt O Y. Ea lS l5lr rrtrirdt O frDry O Xr{tt O T.rdr !iiEotc..rb.d6 _ trd6i' _ t C!..x'-1, ld t _ Fllrdo,I --_ h.r_h -- Irrdldar _ l--.ir _ F-,rrrrdr. -- rd_tt Yra{ Gu lrd*dr O Y- El l{o MrrrLct r'. n n.--- trt.da t{o. _oirn.t ._gor al. _9ttdD _Lr lo _i,lOLr.r,_Sbrdta _Llrfir _t nro _tdc'nd Fddi EI Y6 cl rao o sn or e..s.r _Pld fr!.t trio Lr s,a-. r a+or jlio.lrl -a rtrr, E c.r'r*"r.i...to.$t. t, n ddthtd., tr W{qnrh, s.din9 p{t .dlrlsrdr O gw.y Flt O T.IEL rrrE.rLlrg O|t.!..tD rdrdl rr.rrod ottsi'rlrr.d.r$ O ftrr.fi, O irud.d O Eo&$r O Giimrdt iYii!.ar;r €. tocarlot of rELl Slrctr,r! L.rroo lxi -rrirlr fil r lslm t{ rr. oitl.Ltit ccilrfl gaTrofl UtY. cr0fy n.r d rihh{n ri. ffi*b €qiCLdrtrn nordit fi.lirrr .ir.A$rtdrLoi tlrn. Ft n nr.n. rdrdr..r ll€u Ddlurxii -l:6ra!:- AndrE .If56 :1..rrrl ]?i,h Sl,r..t o.r,1d=o-.TE!-;-:$6r--l@1 t r,lllo. _ Bbcti{o. _gsd by lFt r OtBcl.l) s :: F.lio t. wcla of,tarEB lddc.;C : lrr! Iielr- ,2 q.?.I.llq- '!3mn i w, aE] tr tr aI-Far. -or. qdlt, r"dh r:sr oerr '.n ^rg E Bai i.:' i:?ai'tl$Ej:.Ei :,r'.' :: r.'l]xil'.:'.:E z. rerusr oi mnx trtirxrr tr D..Fd O R.plrrEn D atrrddrd ttB-.,r!drd ol artdqtlrrl ta3 .r J'42nt.tt \5 'l20 51 .2Aa ttm r!l.i 6d B.idt -'::-:.1ird.',a. (}.rl."r! kl) L12 Ltr.o.rld G.f E .l4r.r i,r:il 16',i m N 17r3x1r,,{tnlar 201 idltd 0ir 'L.rLi! l;--i.:,S.txrokE E ,E *riEl-tr 1:tit: r & Gtrxt-,r ,. -..,:i'.IFzt202t2z)2/.2 lE !r"lt ' ':j:;ait)264 20 zIF 27L n6 .rd Eotar LflIi: ..,1. r'lre 3o1l( 8dr.lt:i I r'.r .? iA.a7 2{)ll9 lcl/ 106 310 -ro !10 11,/-a 3r. ll..t lard -- inirlrJ to, E .1. ._ -__ ll/s,n--__. E/tl. . rl-dn..-.,'' E. Well 5 Exhibit G-23 21 oG- - c: ,rrl zt I BrDrd & Il.ldi So1ld {}- rril5t k*r Li- r.r ar.v Md e..rl Exhibit G-24F. Well 6 fnB 239-79/02 k+// #(:' STATE OF IDAHO u$ETypCwnlgn On ,epAR TMENT OF $rA.l-ER RESOUBCI5 aAu.porirTPEr{ WELL DRILLER'S REPOBT sur. l.r ..quir.r ahx lhit '!fdt b. liLd yirll d!. oinct r, o.p-tn.nt ol l!.t . R.5ur... drhln 30 .l.t!.lnr th. .onl9Lti6 d .b.rdomt ol lh. rnl st tic w.rn Lrd -16- ret bd* Ird utE Flmingr tr Y!! D No G.P.M, lt - A .rtr dd.(!ln Or.gc _ p.ri. ContiolLd by: O Vir. tr C., tr Plr! Tenp?r.rorr _oF,On c,ib d.i..ollcN.ld.,...'b.la' 8, WELLTESJ OATA tr Pqmp tr ECla O Ak El O&.. _ 9. LITflOTOGIC LOG wdr ffd l:'-r../fr' II. OBI L LENS CEFT I FICATION UwE c..riry fiar a Dinlmun *.ll .onrttu.ft^ nrtrd.dr i{i( coopri.d *ith nt rh. lirE rh. rb w r.nor!i. FimNft indrv l ll ,.tllt:rFknNo. Add6 l26t n' ]?lh strtct oa llzsl@Tiefi .-T"-"r:'5-rrriE--T j:,r- I --Sisrtd by lFnm Oftti.l) 1. wEltowNrFfrlf! l{etelr Co., Inc.N,,. '"!vl. !rlq*l,oJ ]lth straa- Ld.ho rdlo, Id B3tO1 ir No. 2r-8?-2-C0i l.l.w'rell tr O..!rl.d D R.rl@r Ablndon..l ld.lrrab. .b..d6n.nt pre.dursr .uch rsn!1..1.r., Cl!! d.plh, .tc. In lhholoci.loal 2.IIAIUhE OFWORX &:tr tr lntr.rld tl T€n t) Munl.rp.ltl $ct D w.!r. DBoosr o.lntd'on 3, PAOPOSEO USE O Orh6 lo &t0 /,0 x u tl,ol,y E an 11 C.bl. tr o!!Eo Hydraulld Dnd.r*rorary a. iltET[oo oatLLED ?a '17 xtorlasall _oou-Lderu & cla]' l.(:F9 lli5slt hroken it clay ^:Course sanr, & broken rocL 97 :,.sa.l.t Iitlr ,zraylu(l lI)0 )y i]rralt h{r.l ! racl.ulril ,lrayIir,Cinderr blRok, sand r.d )i7tJr5uCinddrs am€ sar'd rcd x l E W€Lt CO SInUCIIOX, C.Ins kh.dul.r 6 Sror O c..mt O od'sItr.t .r. oltrsr.25O i.6d 2r' |Gn* + I r.*t 901?,6- ;ncrra =r ii"h- -Itr- r.!i rFrJInclj.t LEh€ tu rinctrc 1..$- ld we c.rtE dr|tt +o. ur.dt 6Y.i ElNo lY-. p..td d lo.lot.dr trYG 0Note"Ej.d? trYa ONo Ho1/l Fflor.tdr O Frm.y tl Knlr. B TdchSEot!..1o..ti6 -. lndE}y _ ii.hett{dribr FM To - p.rforri ! _ h.t_ l{i - p.rto.rtifr - t*, -r".i -- c..toEttos - r..r - l.t war or", r,"i.rr"ar O v.---E-ii- ] Dl .G_Siordt. _sat trqr _1.!rro _l4rDi r-_Slor 3t. _S.t 1106 _lir io _h.rG.d.l pek.d? tr Y6 lb No O Slr. orgrd.l _Arc.d lrcm _ ftrt ro $rr.c. ral d.,lh -LMtl.dd or.i ltr !.1: d Crorm sutE 8.nronrr. O Psldllnr cl.y E-- &dirr proclduE urdr O S&try plr :O Tmp. srlE crine ,D Onrbon to lal daplh ll.lnod oI ioinlnr crdq: O ftnid.d :O Wlld.d O Solvlnt D C.mnn d b!rr..n .rr6b Modrl No. _ 5l4td! map L.alior mun !!r.. ,itt *.irr.n l6rdon. 9rEivni6 ttrE Lot No- _ 8b.t No. _ _j_ x j]-. x s+. .:] . . .- , r. _-.1._- ri6, n; 1_ E/ii, 5 ilo 6, LOCATIOI\I Of WEtL ,!:.! 24 I I 10. G. WcI 8 Exhibit G-2-s [EI,T OVT{ERi teflhE6 lddr.a! r.-a.r- p-l oylar Ir ParElt Xo.irlttrPa oF roxl( (chect) :lirtecircat vc]I l II ruraaoaca f] -Il.Y l..1I E D.tlrc[rd of aat: Iatar 16 to b. urad lo!:o$!:_lt. lrta plcaautc: lt. lrlrcrlglr: notary f] catre I bovc lEnal 6urfec. clra flor 6f! XEIEOD OP COIS r II,l.ortrollcdDuc El 0thcr Plua L_l(.rDlrlo.) _os fIDEPTE [nal ca6in8?Clafxl SCSEDUI,ET thr.rdcd Y.].ded,1' ,'D!.u. Irot + t' tt.-to la 7i. al!_.',Dlat tr.o. r t' tt. to _;J./L__tl._Zrj_irDllr. ltor )l' tt. to if- lt-' r'DlrE- fro. ft. to - ft. EGErocc ot ceaili!--- --EE-rrat: ste.l El cotrct.te fl vood I otlcr f] TO TA?AR IBS OR NO (cxDlata) PBRMRATXD? Y.!fI l{o E frpa ofp6rtoratot ulcd :________ ISltG ta D.rforitlorur: r bt __=-"patforrtlo[r fro! _ft. to _ft._-___J.Ffo tlonr lror _ft. to _ft.D.lfor.tlonr l!6 It. to ft.Drrlorrtlor6 f!o! tt. to !t.ffi-EcreEr rxsrrurD? fi- E -T;'- f]irorrrotrrlar ra Da6aIYpc_ llod.l lto.Dt!... Slot 6ls. S.t l!or_lt. to ft D1ar._slot !!r€ Sat tro._ft. to ft coltslrucTlol{: Y.Ll Brrr.1 paolca? f.,Dvc1llo.EI "rrc ol 8!ova 1 Gra plec ft. to It. Surrrc. !.aLprcrtdcd? //b'tt. -E;- m x;fl ro Yhrt, dclth?tlrt.rf,rl u.Gd 1\ ..tL el&? Did 'fr atFta cortrh uaulabl. r.t.r? I.i Llllo.ryp. ot Y.trt:--=---D.pth of .trrtrdt!.te ott:tt. Xethoa of 6c.1i[ Surfic. c.lltrr us.d? Ys6 lxl [o. I Ic.!. t..1 ln piacc? rca EI - X" E * Lcrt. Y.11 ln .cction 1t\I I I---t--- , I t I--r-- t I Uork fLnlah.Y.ll D.111.rr5Secdrillad uatlcr Er .upcrvlElon rad thl! r.poltia tru. to tha b.at of !!r k[orrlc.l8!.I I--L--I I I I ---.1--I I l{aD(l: lndl.Y l.ll l]rtlt Addrc6E:@ Slarr.d by,-Idc.n!. rlo. - D.tr:loclfloll o[ YELL r coun _,{ _,( acc,_I._ ,/s R._E/Y FEET FEEI ----e----+ ?n iat -+--s. r6am 11n J50ft5- ln,xt5 245 315 Hlrd 3L+ a& I' lJ drt rrFr t-.r !&.-- 25 i_Li ESr **II":: fi-rlnl** Urll+t Strta ley rcqul.c! that thlB r.port 6h.LI b. ,lIod stth thc - t€ neclrr.tionE!8Ln..! rlthh JO ilay6 rft.r coop].ctl.o! or rbrrdloE.rt of th. ir.tl. of d.illedof vcll: baloy Ic!|p. I I Purp? DunD lod I g6c oth.r sid. for aildltional r?lrrk6 H. Well 9 Exhibit G-26 ltllzl2daa Asi2l 12A8,5'29232 ScHIESS&A5$trIATES Pffi. 621a3 Utt(#1 IDAHO OEPARTMET,IT OF WATER RESOURCES WELL DRILLER'9 REPORT OOc. t i. or,DNo.'-.,--- I IYE.L TA6 l{{). ORII.UNG P€E{IT IIO wal?r Rlgit or lnFcton rrvtl illr.'2 I']ELL IESTS: Enrrr D aatr.EAr E no*rtng rrcdun 7 ollrrEn:Nih. FllL w.xr cdrEmv hc, P,Dduriiod lirollAddrBe l?m s.!lt [}tllc&@ 3 LOcATbx oF mLL by M Yar, ,ruit paolr& oddr$ s Lat 8lk d.rcrlpdorl' sU!,0Dliclon lo icl.o. Dsouha ! wtst V\LL. Qult Ed r @in{nE oorlr f, rEtcr cl'c{mE 4d Rge 5ec 2 -5.a No.Ut Ee* , filii6l6EEftGi t0 t'rtlfirrrvri6E 6E;- EIE oovt Lot countyL* .s:at,mf-tong:BorinavXe 111;57.639 Add.6adt63i6i-2431 oaboaalt ch/: ldeho Frts lcrJ. n !!rr ur a ixo . tE .a io Fo.a ( rrd!{rt . 0$ sra. diYr 4 U!iE: E Dodrcatit Iheninl Munlcipai In e<toar r:lil [.too[ar E lrdSauor(xlE 5 TYPEOFUDRIT lR.oi...m.d ob.) Brc''umr Dgoorv E aunoott tt Ootrrr- 5 mlrETHoo;U* notrrv Eo* E lrlo noorv Eotur - 7 SE{UllG PR(TEOI'RES: ltr 4ivt rho. rd bdcd ?tl Y6 tb_Sho. DCpt {r) LJ lio lltr? _ 8 E'EE'H E ves NO 9 FENFORAIoI{S'9CREE g: PAC,(ER TYP€ P.rro..llonUdlhod Ficforyhtxd.lr'BLE "oecn 1pc a rcrnoo or*eiffi@ HH,t0 'l/t li''i c.--it L'd a! t*.limfi scl! .!.-r!r!Etar rt:xdgd! --E!Ecoaiplild tilfi rt lh9 llm tli. i! r.r EnrovEd. corl?.ry Ninc ftndrc, fffl.r Ork d O9arlba I Orlntor I iI STAIC WATER TE!r'EL OR ABTESAP PhESSURT: 132 n bG,owgrcrrd Alcbn Ptr aura: D.dh idrr€Ilcltnhl.{: _n lb Datc:)-r9 I 0L,i.n!k Ll.rr}l,, Lrbl- quro, r r@irrD !a I!06a{ a ta 16 ar lo al u rHbr.ll 65 gtd. b-.r. 'nhor 0rad67 sl li 2V c6 95 cs 110 lt0 t!8,lt 12tt 1i 121 121 l2i ,?l lt0 t3!lila ll5 110 1L !tt Fi!!Et gray lasrl( ?la d,Esr6r tad b...[ *!til dd 2t7 zaa H aa t5.l n b..i 2rl zaa 1f ull 2!t2IDtxaao 6ri!g !{0 l0 c.l{ r.& tur, rrt0 t0 iar aae [ry ft|. rrtd 1r trta !7a a!{B, ds grry{ DErE.i., t t,+,lq, 406 ,t6 all.ata att (lr€sur.tlc) Conp6!d 3n7$D ao8CorrPl.trd D.ottt stdtcd _-ffi- -Sla 9aqc 2 III gatllr. SffiaraofIIrr--'auarr.ar- i &rlti*ldiiir!. - III ,tlt!ilt oar.nla tcc+la ,ort or codrol &vlcG!: WbI CtP Datc: d 26 D oaatcra ffi ffi Frn@I o.,r!c/n ffi ffir u*IE;-- JG.U I tbdl t ..r, lmtrl t5 zta I-l.E I l!. I Ttrl lx ffi inif, t -r-r-T- lltFt t f-r-1T EI I r,Ersr- I I !.rr...,r.i Exiibit G-27 r.r"'tor IDAHO DEPARTMEMI OF WATER RESOURGESao, WELL DRILLER'S REPORT I WELLIAONo. o ooaitl,l DRITUNa PERMIT IIO Water Rlot or lnjeodon W6ll No. 2 OLi,/NER: Name Falk waEr Comolt|v lnc Produdiot Vtrblladdreat: 1710 sablr Ddva cw: 3 LOCATION 0F WELL by lcg.l diEcriptlor. Yo! musl prorlds lddrtr.Bllc 6ub, Or Oire.fonr lo rveL twp 2 Itotth 0r trr-1 SouUt r(qe 38,0,East 0r West Soc xt r//l 5E r/r Gov'l LotLat ll:lt.O85- RddrcsT6?ffii'ffi- 7 SEAUNG rho! dad?YatD No Stroc D6$G)EIro Hd'y?mt d,ivn at6o scrl l€d.d ?Yes E CASING'LIiIER; l.g E sad FErr'l.d lilrDd Cemen(103'1a-05 cY Tl"mIIIe0 201'6CFCcftent250,Trelflr*t Pe, Grevol 281',299 9CY 6rtrry x35',GravlvEcntonitr289',1250 lDe SiIc. Satld 335'36o',3500 tb3 TtslmlsiIa lEaaa 0ll.To Gr.4t 20'0 0.375 SteEl127 i6',+2'z&'0.375 sttet t2t 37d o.375 s:teel340'rf ?4E'Sch 40 St el367' ,z uE eranr E] ver No Fls. K 27 Counly tr E Exhibit G-28 VI. Appendix C: Well 9 GWUDI Field Survey GWUDI FIELD SURVEY name.Fals Water Co.. Inc. We[ I 7t00030 PUb[c water supply \9€il ,a00 hp, 3000 gprn VFO tu.bh. gun|p Tony Wii6 Aprl 28. 2015 rce name: #' e type pumping rate: representative N+ lDasel generslor fucltank- '- Lot fence Railroid krigalion citch chccklist E ll. Amnpn Rood leea limit::U!!!ggg_ Hunciral or on-sitc sevrer lio€3:,he tEr side of N. Amntol Road mry hove a sewfi litE; il so, about 2N lcet dislrtt. leet limitl llone Dairies or lvestoc* teedin 9 operalions Nore lojcc{ion wefig Nooe Slorn t"atcr disposal gyslefirs U nown Olher sourccg o, conlaminalion On-srte sevrage systems or lagoons 200' I Surrac€ waler Exhibit G-29 Source Elevalion Dale Pump rate We[ 9 (thE \'re[)132 feet below ground surface lo static water level; 2008. Test pumFd at lhat tille tor 24 hours at 300 gstons per minute vrith 78 fc.t otdrawdown. Date Score Date Score llater elevrtions Note: meffiure the ground \,rater surtace elev8lion under msximum pumping condtionc; rec{rd lhe \ryater elevation at maximum drawdown. Physicrl Attnrbuter Depth ot sourca (feet): 418 leel Mioimum dEtrace to surrac? water (fcel): About 175 tect to the €rsl b Eo irrigal'ion dil Od cooslruclion problelB alow surface water hfrlenca? Unlnovrn D8cribe the coostruclion problem: An.lysb & moniloring l,lonths y/ith bt l colform posilive srmples h the past 3 ycars: llone ts dEhfedim used tor this source? Yca ls water qualty rbflitorhg required tor thb source (5 monlh mioimum)? Has a poslive hy{raulG connedion bcan qshblbh€d? No PA scores Yes Comm"nt3 ThE lYGl E ld wcl bl lool good. GWUDI DETERMINIATION -J3- Grouno water _ lnrlrrnc€d by surf€ce watcr Ground lrrater, bul further evrfualion b recomn€nded. mazzone Oate: 412812015 DEO or HO reDreserit€live: 29 State of ldaho Public Water System Enhanced Sanitary Survey WATER SYSTEM INVENTORY INFORMATION PWS Name of Public V\hler System: Falls Water Gompany, lnc. f ot Eroundwater sourcss: 8 * ol stomqo lacjlilies: 0 #ol Surface \tr'aler Sources: 0 0 Dal€ of last survey: 10to7noos Health Dislricl: E ula DEo regioni E rule IFRO - ldaho Falls Count: Bonneville Nt mber ol sarvice connections 4075 Residentiali 85 Commercial. Residential populalion: - 14.000 Slalus: @ appmvea I oisapproveu Water purchased from: I-] N/A Name: Leased wellfrom Lincoln Land Co.. LLC Whter sold to El rla Seasonal ooere,iondsles: E nllOwner type 2 - pnvale Legalentrty CM - compeny Waier systam classificltron: E Commrnity wut . Sy*". E Nontaaffiient Noncommunity E Transhnt Nonconrnunity - NC I v"' I tto [yos, E well Frerd Ej Manrfold/Sprins Bcx Sou..€s Combhed: se6 Comments System classrfication: Oislribution DSI2 Ll Nir Responsible Charge Operator (DO) :No DO Mr t4s. Ton Wise ve: ! rc N/A-GW.NC D\AD2 N/ rng eddress:11816 2180 N. Deborah Drive Staie. Zrp Code:Tebphone Oay: 2OA-522-13OO Nighti ldaho Falls, lD 83401 E-mail Legal Oxme/6 Name: E u" fl Ms. Brent Johnson lvlailing address: 2180 N Deborah Drrye City, State, Zip Codel ldaho Falls, lD 83401 T€lephone Day: 2OA-522-130O Nighl: Fati E-mail: titute Responsible Charg6 Operator (OP):No OP E M.. E Ms, Brad ht l] ves I no [] tua-cw-t'tc lndividuals present dudng insp€ction: Name: Blad Wight lr*rc: Cert opemtor Tiile: DEO Mailing Add.essi 2'180 N. Deborah Drive Tlle City, Stete, Zip Code ldaho Falls, lD 83401 Telephon€ Dayi 208.522-1300 Nisht: Physic€l localion ol the P\'VS {Township. Range. Seclioo) E-marl: Samplei taken allhe lime of survey by inspeclor? ! ves I tto Sulv€y-Ee&md by]. Name: mEzzone ]ilb. slaff engneer Phone #. 208-528-2650 Agencyi B torq fl Heab D€pL f, otte. Ifyes, \rlhal El trtrtr2trt]nEtrDtrt]Etr !.k nora Geleral Informalion ! fl t uave prevlously required Signilicanl Oefcioncjes & Deliciencies been addressed? E E 2 Hav6 modifications been made lo the PWS sinc€ the last ESS? [ [ : tfyes, are the moclifcations considered to b€ significant? ll E I tty"", *",e plans and specs submtted to and approved by DEQ? fl E 5. nre ttrere any known issues or oroblems wilh equipment or operation oflhe Pl rS thel could negatively efM the quality of the wEte. prcducEd? (tyes, co,'],,'rant) Sanitary SuNey lndex Modul€s rsed' E General lflformElion f;] G.oundwater Source B storege EI Hydropneumatic ranks E Dislribrt on B Pr..rmping El Financisl capacity E [ranagerial Capacity U Treslmenl Applicaton E] Disinfection ! Notes E PhoroL€ Tolal Modulos # 17 Gomments: Sources Combined: Wells 2 & 4 are manifolded togeter; pumps 6 & 7 are in the same well Exhibit G-30 B 0 1 1 1 1 I,lxhibit G-31 STORAGE survey date PWS I 7100030 Slorage struclure lD #:COMMENTS PJeese hdicste Slorage stru(:ture name unkDate in service: rior lo 1976 000 al useableons tolal r,800 LhkVolum€ (qal): Physicai locationl Cinsln cl'an E Elev.ted [- ] %nially Below Ground E Mow Ground TyPe of mrerial E Ptastlc n Fiherolass Con(Jete Nablrally Contalned D w*dE MFrarI sanopipe ,$e Date Lastr inspected:UnkUnk cleanedTolaldays supply (lhis structurPl Unk How is lhe waler levelmeasured? [ unt U tr L] mte AIL STORAGE STRUCTURES Ll 1 ls the norag6 sLuclu.6 salet ar€essible to the hspedon f] Z ts uc eWS storage lank lo.st€d withln 5oo t€€l or any munlcipal or Indusfigl wesleweler lrcat nent plant or any land {tich is spray lnigated wilh wasteraler or used ,or slud!€ dbposal? E 3 Are 6ny ot lhe storage skuclurc drsms dirEclly connecled to a s€wer or storm dran? [ 4 ts an overllow proded lhal dlschargas lo day[gm in a way thal will pr€clude lhe po*lblrity ol backflo{, ro the rosorvolr 6nd, where practical, provided wilh an expanded melJ screen innalh w nin Ue papo lhat w exclude rcd€ots and d€t€r vandalism? E 5 Are ov€rflows brougm down to an elcvalion bslween 1 2 and 24 hchrs above y.s no .r. 6k8ttrtrtrtr8trtr t]E] DDtrtrEu Lftat_l!trutrtrtrEtrtrtrtr !!!trtrtrEItrEtrtr8 lhe grcirnd srtace? (2X the ctia,',eter ot the disch.Qe dN ebove a besin dn)5 oo overfloN/s discharqe over a drainage inlal alruclurc or splash plate?(stofin o. sanilary) 7. ls thc st6sg€ struclure seore lrom unsuthodzed access? I Does the slorEg€ r6servoir hev6 a wal.rtight roof o, cov6r ard is it slop.d lo rdinata drai€ge? E1an L] LItrtrtr EttrtrDtrADtrtrtrEtr atrD U I ls lhe storage water pmt6ct6d lrom conlaminsDon? D 10 ls the nora€e slrudur6 structuralt sound? fl t t . CoutO vegctatlrn in lhe a.ea polenlislly impacl lhe sto.ag€ stucur.? (Reeo /7,endei) E 12 ts rhe sto€ge st,ucior6 designed so thsr I can b€ isolared ftorn the distribdioa syslem w{hool necessllaling loss ol prcserre io lhe distributon system? D i3. ls lcatags svrdenl al lim€ ot inspection? E I 4. ls lhe storags strucrure inl€.br coalhg or liner peellng or craclcd? n 15. ls the slolage structure used lo store lDish.d wa6., E t S ar. egElg ln"nr,ole op€nirgs lor lh€ srorage slruclurs 4 inci€s or grealer above the sr,rtsce ol lh. rool w{h a cov€r 2 incies ovenapphg, lyalgr nghl, h.nged and locl6d? [ 17 Are aI vents edend€d 12 h.ies alove lhe rcof and c.Glrucled to o(cludo polential sources of cd,tamnalion? (fl€ ovedow pipe shall not be consideI€d e venlt ys D rr. ur.f1 trtrtr noa ABOVE GROUT{D STORAGE [ 1 8 Do sll v€nls op€n dorvnward and ar6 lhey litl.d with a 4 mesh no.Lcorrcdible 3.reen? m,6 D t S OoeE rh€ overllow for lhe slorage st ucldo have a venical seclon ol pipe al leasl2 pip. diarn€ters in length? l-l 20 ls fio ovedlow ior f,h€ storage slruclurE provided wilh eilher a 24 mesh non-corrodibls s.reen inst lled withn $6 pipe when prerical, or an erpalded melrl screefl insl€lled withlr th€ pip€ ptr,s a wEighbd llapps or check? [] Zt ts tre area s']no,:nding Lhe stc-age slruduro gra{,ed an a marner lhal will pravent suda€e rva!6r lrcm s6ndrng w{hin 50 f€el ol il? [ 22. Are att vents tor u:s slorage suucturB sp.n dc$,nwsc tn'lh th3 cp€oing a1 l€?s! 24 inches above tl1e roof or tho ground leveland covered wilh 24 mesh non-conodrob scJeen to 6xclude polential conlafiinalion? nole PARTIALLY BURIED OR BELoW-GROUirD STORAGE E 23 Ar€ 'hLL' manholes elevaled 24 in.n€s above lhe surlace or lha rooi or the ground l€Yel, whicn ever is higher? fl Z,r ts ttrere a minimr-rm distance o, 50 fe6r letu/€€n tha storage structu.e .nd sny sou.c€ oi conlaminatron? Lt fl tr tr T-l T-1 a_1 !6 tb nta ultttrtrEltr trnDn tes tu .J. fi,ktrtrE]E D!tru This tank was originally designed to be a pressurized tank, but now serves only as a sloragel chlorino contact tank. f---- 4rr;ro1s-1 Exhibit G-32 GROUNOWATER SOURCE . PG.l Pt4ts #71000304t28t2015 ls lhis sourc€ treated?No Treatnent Objedivs: E Ve D - dislnleation: see commenlPhysical localionl South central service area ls there a well fo. the No Unksoulce?Yes Trealment types: E Vn (ldenw TEafilent Train in Connenhj 423 - hypochlorination Pump capacdy (GPM) 750' Welldepth 215 Casing size(')Date drilled 1976- Casing depllr.lU,) E unr Grout dqd(q)zo" fl unt Static water deplh.lg) 47' I unt deplh (fi): E ru/n El unrls lhe screened? To: Perforation depth (fl):ls thc casi L Latitude(DedmaD: Longitude(Dec-imal): coitME rs: (PIeas€ mdlcale q!estion number) this well puops lo waste at slan up to remove sa[d *PUC dora. Olher PUC dat6: - 68.782 MG production i! 2013; - 65 psi dischargei VFD turbine purrlp- i , I 976 Driller's Report: - lhc report is atlached to the narrativc writc-up oflhis senitary survey; - I 2 inch diamcter holc to 2 I 5 fcel no casinS size is specified. This 1976 wcll log, thc only one foun4 indicalqs thc was cxisting ard dccpened in 1976. - t€st data: 6 fl ofdrawdo$! at 8 hours 3 I 0 gpm dircharge; 63 fl of&awdo*n 8 hours of I100 gpm discharge. thc well log is attached !o thc 2015 sanitary survcv narralive report. 2. Thc report was completed Dccember I 7, 2001. PotrDtial cotrtaminant i[foJEatioa was updrt€d on M6rch I 5, 5 - 12: 'Iilc well is locatcd along Road, it is u.o.k ol,vtl $'hat changcs have befi made regalding wastcwate! colleotion lines since instrllaiion ofthe well. l-1 All Sourc€a El acrive D plorosed f] r*ave ! Emergency (<60 d.ys per year) 2. Has lh.ra b€en a SolJ.c€ \ rbtcrA.sselsm€r condu.tad fo. th! source? see comment 2 3 Has a final G\ /L)Dl del6mination b€en done lor lnas soorce? 8/1/2003 9 ooes lhe casing oriend a fiinlmlm d l8 inches abov6 lhe llnal ground surface and/ or 12 inch€s above lhe pump hol$e tloor? ls lhe well on a saparEle lol that i9l$ge Enough lo povide s minimum disianc! ot 50 Get bctmc.l th6 well i1d lhc n6sras! pop€rty lir€? (applicable il con*ruded an r 1 1/1,177) Are lhe follor/ing minimum disEnce! lrorn th€ PVI/S !i!ll being met? - Grrvlly letrlr lina. ......son - PrEssuress ar line..-..,..,-.,.,,...--..-........,,...,.100 n. - lndlyldoalhonE s.plic tank. .............. ,..., . .....lOOll ' lndlvldual hom€ dbposalfleH..-....-..-.....- . . ...-.llxl n. ' lndivldurlhomese.paE€p ..........- .. ..............1(x)i. 10 - Privles....--.-.. ...........100ft. 11. - Llve!tock-..... ..... . . .... ..50n 12 - Canals, stseans, dndrss, lakcs, pslds and trnlG usad io stqo nonpotablo subslanc€!.... -... .50 n. 1 3 Are peslici&s, herbicirG, lertiliz.rs, portaD4e c.nlainers ol petroEum producls. o. olh€, loric or haza.dirus mal€rials alorEd on lhe wEll biz 14. Afe pesticides, nerbicidas, or f.rlilizeB appli.d lo the well lol? 16. Wa. lhe well lhat b loc5l6d an e pil installed afrer 116,/54? I 7. ll pil we5 i $rrled prior lo 1 1/5/64 - Has DEO lranled aD ercaptbn and does he pit have wdor light constr'JcUoa oI pit walls and lloor. a foor drain and an gccaptablo pit coveP 1E ls rhe well Fot€cled frcm unaulhoriz€d enlry? (Re@n.nendd) 20. l€ rh€ well vented w(h th€ op€n end of ltu venl screeood and l€minalEd do#nward al bast 16 inah€s above the tudgrolnd sudece? 2 l . ls lh6 well prEvided wi0l a sanilary cap lh3t prev€nls surfaco waler enlry? 22, ls the well cas€d and sealed ln 6uc.'r a manner lhal surlece water cannol cnlcr lhe !v€ll? 5. 6 7. a. 9 m rV, urt mle Dale: y6 no rva rn* ml€ EI trtrtrE 8Dtrtrtr truutrsuErtrENEtrEl DEtu trtr EtrEl trtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtr!!I]tr trtr trtr E!trEI trntrtrEItrntrtrtrtrtr ,.5 no rya mk mb trtrtrtrtrIEtr 15. lslh€wellin a pm fyes, Oate comlructed: ffiffi No Date: Exhibit G-33 GROUNDWATER SOURCES - PG. 2 common name PWS #7100030 TS: s Jes no n/a uflk mi€8trtrtrtr WELL INFORMATIoN (cont) 23. ls lhere a smooth nos6d sample lap provided on lhe w.ll discharle pipe prior lo trealrnent? {Thr€eded lap ls approvad wilh backflow pEvenler) 24. ls an instanlaneous *rd lotEliring flo rneter equipp€d with nonvohtile msmory installed on ltu pump dirhbullon lineolth€ weiland is il maintainad and worklng prop€rly?7,583,500 q.rllons 25. ls a prcssure gauge provided st all inslalElions and ls,t malnlainedErtrfj s and Nlorkmg prop€rly?85 psi tr E I Ze Can th€ well b€ punped to waste at lie d€sigo capacity of th€ wdl via an approvod alr gap st a loEation prior to Ue filst setuice conneclion? ye3 rE r'/a 6( mLE]trtltrtrutrutrtrEtrI]DtrEtrUtrtrtrtrntr! zuULEglrSE 6iy stucnne containins im@ttant water system comporenls) 27. ls ths sourc€ located in a pump house? 28. ls the rump house k€pt clean and in good repalr? (Floot ctacks?) 29. E the plmp housc protecled iiom unadhorized p€rsonnel? 30. Does lho pump house have adequale lilmrng lhrougnoul? (Re.tmnended) 3, Ala a, non-sarnpl€ taps hstalled in the pu'np house equrpp€d wlln an appop.al. b3ckfl()' prcventlon dovica, ls adeqoat€ venllalon povided in the pl/mp hous6lol dhsipallon of .xcess heal and ,nollbra from lh. €qulpm€nl? ls dequals nsatvq provlded h $a pump house to p.o\,i&d sele and oflhlenl op6rElion d €quipdEnt lo preveni n€ezin! ? 34. lr the purnp house prcl€dBd rrom floodhg, have sd.quaie dminag€, is the floor surfaca st leasl sir (A) incn* abov€ lne linal ground surlace, and is ihe ground surtac. graded so 6 lo bad sudaco water away lrom tre pump housa? 35. ls lhe sump lor pump house lloor drainr closer than 30 fe€t frofl th€ well? 35. ls the noor draln connecled lo s6wcr, slorm dlairc, chlorinatirn roorn drains, or sny oth8r 3olrce ol conlaminatioo? SPRITIG II{FORITIAIION 37 lE th€ enUre area wnhin a ona hundred (100) rool radlog ol lhe spring box renced to prcvent l.erpassing of liveslocl and vci, ol Duildangs. dwellngs and sources of conlamheuon? 38 ls s0rlace waGr ducrlsd from lhe 10O lool prolecuon zon€ srolrnd 39 ls lhe 6pring housed in a peinamnt slructur€ and proL'cted irom contamrEtion ncludiog lhe enlry ot s!.laca wal!., animal6 and dusl? 40 13 lhere a smoolh nosed sarnple lap provded on the sp.ing disdrarge prpe pnorlo lEelrnent? (Ihreaded lap ! approved with bacl(llow prEvenler) 41 ls a flow meler or olher flow moasuring dcrce provued? SPRIHC BOX ll{FoRllAlloil (Not att existns sprirys have a ssing box) 42. ls lh€ spring box equippad with a scre€nsd ov..flow? €. Is fis supply intek€ loc€ted above ihe floor of thc coll€ctjon chamb€? 44 ls rhB spring box ,olected |torn mnlamnaton inclding the enrry ot sudace waler, anamals, snd dust? ,15. Is lhe ac.ess porl ftl6d wth a solrd wal€f tighl cov€r which overlaps a fra,ned opening ,nd exlended dorm amund lhe lrarl€ al best 2 in.hes? 45 ls lh€ access porl a lrarned op.ning lhat is al b3n 4 inches high trnh a 47 Is the sc.ess potl ere!,atcd el |rasl i,l€oly-tour (24) incies above the top tr Etr tr tr Drfl tr tr tr x !.3 r'o rr0 ulk nol..trtr8trtr trtrtrtru trtrtrtrtr trtrtrtrtr trtrtrtrtr tr ,es no rra u.k noie!!EtrDCDtrtr!trtrtrutr ntrnDr 35. Thc lloor dr6in /sump pump is approxately I foot ftom thc r+ell. Ite pump to waste cistem is wilhio 30 fee! though it may b. plumbed away Forl well. 4t28t2015 Exhibit G-34 GROUNOWATER SOURCE . PG.l PWS #.4t2812015 Is this sourc6 trealed? 7100030 Treatment objeclive: E ruln D - dbinEclion Source: B wel ------r B ruranirou fi sprins ------> n sprins Box Located in the south central r8gion of the service area, this wellfield includes the manifolded wells 2 and 4, adjacent to well 6 which contains both pump 6 and pump 7. Physicallocelion Tag t: E0007131 Comlrlon name of source: Well 2 Treatment typ$: I Vn (ldenw T/B€frnenl Tain in Connents) 423 - hypochlorinationls thero a well for lhe roundvrater source?CommeotNo Grout dqnr(ff)p] unk Stauc water depth.(8|58' E unrD unt Pump capacity (GPM) 400 Casing size 0n)Date drilled I deplh (ff) 147' Casing def'th JEI84' Iunt lrfl 15 the casing screened? v.. fl no B unr ll ve ! untScreen depth (fl) To: B uat ls lhE .,asirp.DErforated? ! ves fl Ho Ewn Perforation deplh (fl):UvAfl unt Laiitud€ (Decimat) Longitud€(D€cjmsDi co lrEitTs: (Please indicale questbn numb6r) Defici€ncy Defr All Sourcas @ laive fl erooosed I lnactive ! Ernergency (<60 &ys p€r year) 2. Hag lh.re be€n € Sourcc Whl€r A$essrnanl conduclod tor th! source? seo comment 2 3. Has a,halG\4IJO| determin.tion boen done lor ihis source" 81112003 WELL INFORITATION 4. ls lhe well on a sepsrale bl lhat i3 large enough !o provde a minimum di{Bnc6 or 50 tlst belween lh. well and th. near6sl prEpe.ly iine? (appllcabb if closuucled afler 1 1/trr) Are th. tollowing mininum dlslanc€s trom Ulo PWS u,,6ll behg m6t? 5. - Gravity seyysrlins ..... .......5or1. 5. - Prassuro s.wer !ine.,........ ... .....-.. ........-...,.,100 n 7. - lndiv,idual horne 3epllc bnf,.....-........ ......... ....100 n. 8. - lndividual hqne dEposalfiold......-... ... ..-..- -... .lm n. 9 -hdividualhorneseepagcpn...................-..... 100fi. 10. -Privi65...................-..--......................- ---..... 100fi. ll -Liv€gtoct...................-..... ...............-...... . .5On. 12. - Canals, slrcams, ditcheq hk.s. ponft and lants ut d to stol6 mnpotauc sub3tancB......,..5O fr 13. Are pctiid3r, hcrbijlios, terlllh!'S, porLDl€ conLin rs of p.trolaom producls, or othar todc or hszarddrs fi,abaiaE 3lorud on li6 wdl lot? lil. Are poslicire3, h.rblir.s, o. teltfu crs appti6.l io lhe wBll kt? 16. Vlhr lh€ well thd is locetod in a pit instattod .tle. t 1/5/64? 1 7. r pit w-ds h!ta[.d priol to 1 1/57Ezl - Has DEQ granlod en erc.ption and do€B the pii havc watEr lighl ccnsttuclion ol p[ walls and lloor, a floot draln end an accepiabh pl cove, 1E ls th6 w€rt prdected lrom onalhorized enrry? (Reconnende, tg Docs th! c€6ng erlefid a minlnum of t8 lnch6s ebov€ the ,lnat gmlrnd surrac! ard/ o. 12 hch.s abovr tE pump hous€ flod? 20. ls lhe well vented wilh tho open .nd of lh€ v6nl screcnGd and tsminded dolvnward et l6an ,8 hctus ebov€ lhe tlnalground surlac6? 2r. 15 th€ w€[ pmvided wllh a s3|ilrry cap i,|d p.etent !urf* water enry? 22. ls thc well c€s€d a1d s.sl.d in suci a menner ll|sl gurrac€ wEta, cannol efit€r 1116 u€lP tr tu n/l u* roie Dale EtrEt flEtrEDEitrEtrEtrEtr uE Dtrtr!DNtr!trtrtr!trtrtr! trtr EtrEttr 15. ls lh6 w8llin a p[? lf yes. Oate coflslructed: Treahrclt: this well pumps to wastc at start up to remove safld. PUC info: - tu.birc pump at 40 hp, 400 gptn & 65 psi discbuge; 67.262 MG producGd in 2013; chlorinatiotr; this pump shares lhe pressurized stecl storage tank (the only systcm storage) with wEll 4. 2. The repon was completcd December 17, 2001 Potential cotrtaninart informaliou wss updated on March 15. 2013. +Well log: an abbleviaied rrrcll log slatcs (only): lhc geology; deptb to 147 feet; water level at 58 feet; 84 fl of5/16" casing pls a slcel drivc sho€ otr lhc botioEt ofthc casil3B; by R. P. Cope Well Drilliog; no date. S€e the $rlvey nsrrative for tht qbbreviaaed loE tr!Lttr Drle y.. no r ua* mb E] trtrUE EDDDD trtr E] trtrE trtrtrtrE] fltrDtrE] trtr y6 m ,v. tnt rx,ls Exhibit G-3s GROUNDWATER SOURCES - PG. 2 PWS #4t28t2015 7'100030Well 2 COMMENlS: Signincant y66 no da wt n lEtrtrtrDtr tril WELL INFORTIIATIOI lconu 23. ls lh.rc a smoolh nosed sample lap providad on lhe wsll disdrarg. pipe pior to rreslrnert? 0}lr€aded lap is approved wih bacldlow prev€nler) ls an instantafleous and lotalElng flow m.GrequiPP6d wilh nonvolatilg mcinory indalled on t|e purnp distflbution line ol th€ u/€,, and is exc€ss heal end rnoistsa6 from lhe oquipm€ri? ls adsquate hoathg pmvired in 1tu p'Jmp hous€ lo provird sate .nd smcienl op€ralion ol equlpmenl lo prev€nl fieezing ? mainlarn€d and working properly?133.975tl25 ls a press!.e gaug6 provided ar all inslallations and is ( madained and workino prop€rlY?92 E n 26. Can ue werl b€ gomp€d lo waste al the dssign capaclv ol the well via 3rl spprov€d air gap at a locetlon prlor lo ihe nrsl sewic€ conneclio.r? ,es no .!€ unk .oteENtrE!trtrDtrNEtutrtrtr8trtrtrtrEtrDtrN E!UE_EqU!!E fr"y 6t'r,cTure contEinins imqna \ratet systeft co7l'ponents) 27. ls the sourcc laated ln a pump hou!.? 28. ls the pump ho{rB6 kepl clean and in good rep3m floo. cacts?) 2S. ls ltle pump hosse prolccted t/om una'nhorized pErsonneF 30- Does lh. pump house havs ad6quale lighhg lhrougllouf? (Recomnended) 31 . Are all non-sample laps inslallsd in th8 pump house eqllpped wilh an apPropriate bad(nol preventron device? 32 ls adequate veotilrtion Fovired in the pump hou6e lor dissipa0on ol 34 ls th6 pump hous6 prolsctod fiom flooding, have adcquate drahage, is lh€ lloor su ace al least sn (5) incnes ebolE lhe fnal ground $rface. and is the grouod surlac€ grad.d 60 * lo lead surlace wat€r aliay from the pump house? 35- ls th€ sump ror pump hoss€ lloor draini closer lhan 30 Ieel ,iom the w6ll? 36. ls the {loor drah coon€clGd to 66wer, slom d.ains, chloflialion room drains, or any oth€r sourco of c'ltaminallon? tr n tru n nstrtrrNEtrNtr F5 Do n r udr nol€trtrE1 trtr trtrtrtrtr trtrtrnI trtrtrtrtr trtrtrD! T SPRII{G INFORI{ATIOI{ 37 ls lhe sntiE er6a wilhin a ooe hundred (100) Iool 6dlu3 ol lhe spring bot fcnc€d lo lxevrnt tr?€pa63jng of liv€Elocl( and void of buiHings. dwallingE a.d sourc€G of codamnalion? 38. Is surlac€ waler diverted from lhe I 0o foot pmtec-tion lono around th€ sprin!? 39- ls the spring hoG€d in a pemen€it stuclure aM protectcd lrorn contamnation including lhc onty of surlec€ waler, enimals and du3t? 40. lB flef3 a smooth no!6d sampl6 tap provtded on fte spanO discherge pip€ pdor lo tEahenl? (Thr6ad€d lap h approved wilh b8cHlol\, prewnte4 41. ls a iow melgr or o0rer lbyr mgasuring d€vice provuod? SPRING BOX INFORMATION (Not attexistns spnhss have a spnns box) ,12. ls lhe spr'ng box equrpPd with a sct.en€d overllow, 43. ls the supply lnlake kxaled above tne floor ol llre collecllon chamber? 44. ls lhe spring box protected kom conlaminslion incllding he snlry ot surlace wat6r, animals. and dust? 45. ls rh€ access pon r ed witr a solid warer righl cover wrich ovsrrsps a framed opening and exlended douvn around the trarne al least 2 incr'es? 46. ls lhe sccess port a lramed opening {hat ls at least 4 lrches hrgh with a .17. rs in6 a..€ss poii €l€vaiec al l€si iwentylour (zri) nchEs ai!v. iiE iop yss no 'rs unk notetrtrtrtrn11trNNEtrtrtrtrtr trtr L _..1 L--rtrL] 24. Thc flow met.r itray mctcr both well 2 and4. L_.1 Exhibit G-36 GROUNDWATER SOURCE - PG.l PWS #.4t2812015 7100030 ls this source lreated? fl Yes l l No Treatrnent objective: E Va Physical location: This well was abandoned in 2008 according to IDWR rules Source: E well -r E Manirord D sprins ------| E sp'i,'s 8* fag*, E00008064 Common name of source: Well 3 ireatrnent rypes: E tla (ldenw Tftalnenl Tain in Cofim.nls) ndwater source?ls there a well for Ihe No Comment Oate drilled E unt Casing deFlh Jq)E unr Grout dqntvr| E unt Static water d6plh.lfll E uni Casing size(n)Pump capacity (GPi.,l)Welldepth (t)fl unr ls the casing screened? f l Ycs fl No fl rrnk Screen depth (ft) D unk ls lhe casin ,oerforal€d?!ves !uo[l t'Yr Perforation depth (ft)n N/A E unk Latilude (Dscimal): I ongilude (OecjmsD: COMIJlENTS: (Please indlcat6 qucston i)umbed Sqnificant AllSourcos I ective I croloseo ! Ina<tive I Emergency (<5O days pe. year) ? rus U€re been a Source Waler Asssssmsrn conducled for lhE sourcr? 3. Hr! a fnal G\MlOl determination be€n done torlhrs sourc6? ts the well on a ssparate lot tnal B large enorgh !o provjda a manimum d6lsnce ol50 feet batyraan lh. yycll and lhe n.arcsl pmpcdy lioe? (apprrcabls tr coistvcr€d afl€r r Uln 7) ArE lhe iolowing mhirrum distances frDrn lhe P\tS yrEll behg n'el? - Gravity sew€{ lin8...-.......... -...-........-......-.-.....s0 n. -ftearesemrline 100 n - lndividual homeseplictank.-............... ........ 10on - lndividual hom8 disposal ri€|d............... ...... . l0o rl - lndMdualhome seepage pit..... ......... ... ..... l00 rl. 10. - Pnvles............ ......... ..100fl 11- - Liveltock.. .... .... ..,.. .5oft 12- Cana,s, sk€ams, ditches.laka3, pondsrnd tanl(s usedto slore nonpolable gubslanc€s. . . ,50n. 1 3. Are peslicdes, herbicides, t€rt,liz€rs, porlable conlam€ri of pclroleum producls, or olher toric or ha:ardous msterlals stored on lhe well lot? 14 Are pesticides, h€rlicdes, or l€rtrlizers applled lo lhe wsll lol? 16. Was me welr rhar is locar€d h a pn hd,alred drer r 1/5/64? 17- lt fil was irlslalled pnor to 11/5/64 - H3s DEO granted an erceptbn and doas the pn have w-dle. tighl conslruclion or pil walls and lbor. e ,loor draan and an ac.eplable pil cover? 1a ls lhe well prolected liom unadhonzod entry? (Recomfiended) ,9. Ooes $e casing extslld a minim{m or tE hchcs abov! lhe linal gmund surta€€ and/ o. 12 iflches abova orc pump hqrse tioon 20. 13 the well vent€d with the op€n 6r1d ot lhr vent scr€ened 6nd terminat€d doBnlrard at bast 16 inch$ abov8 lhe inalground surface? 21 . ls the well provided wilh s $nitary cap lhal pr.vants surfacE wal€r enlry? 22 ls lhe well cased and seal€d in such a manner that surtaco water cannol enter tie well? 6. 7. 8_ 9. Dale: WELL INFORMATiON Dste ,.s no . Lnk nottrtrtrtr!trtrtrtrtr trtrtrtrtrtrtrDtrtrutrtrtrtrtr trD fltrtrtrtrtrtrtr!trtr!trDft r_l trn DD trDUtr trtrtrtrDtrtrtrtrtrtrtr ,€! rE ,V. fit .Dig ntrtr!D!n! 15. ls lhe well in 3 pil? llyes, Date construclod: f[U_U_UT l[ l srqn,ncant f'l oenoencv Exhibit G-37 GROUNDWATER SOURCE - PG.1 Pt4lS # ls this source treated? lr-l v"' fl tu Treatmenl Objeclivei ! uln D- disinfection; see comment Sourca: @ wett - r B uan,rou E sp,ins ---+ E sp.irU so* Located in the south central region of the service area, this wellfield includes the manifolded wells 2 and 4, adjacent to well6 which contains both pump 6 and pump 7 Physical location: Tag #: E0007130 Common name of source: Well 4 roundweler sot,rce?ls there a well for the I'10 Unk Treatmenttypes: E Va (ldentry Treatnent Inh in Cohnents) 423 - hypochlorinatioo I unr Pump capacily (GPN,l) 1500. Casing si?e0n) Un Date ddlled 5t611974 well deprh (n)142 [ unr Casing deFth,/E)s5 E unr Grcut de,ntw,6)ts E unr Static water deFlh,lfl)68" n u* ls the casinF screened?Iv*Bto!unrn ruln Screen depth {fi): B n7a ! unt<n unk ls th6 cisirlrrlredoraled?! v"s BruoE v.q Perforation depth (ft)B r,rraI unt Latitude(DecimaD Longitude (DecjmsD COMI'ENTS: (Plea!€ lndlcale question numb6r) Siqnifrcanl All Sourcos E Adve I pmpos€d I tnactve I Energency (<50 days p€r y€ar) 2. HaE there b€€n a Sourae Wetsr Assessm€nl conduclgd tor lhe source? 3 Has a final GVWOi detennination b6en done for lhis source? 8/1/2003 E E t" Are poslicides. herbicldes, ,ertiliz€rs, porlablo coil.inerE oI petrclerm producls, or olhgr loxic or haz9ado6 materials slored on the $'Ell lol? ls lhe $ell on a sepadte lol lhat as large enoogh to provi.la a minmum diElance oI50 fest b€twsGn lhe wlll and lhe nearEt prop€rty line? (appti:abb if consiruded efier 1l/lfZ) Are lhE folbwing mlnlmum dislances ftom the PWS w6llb6ing m3t? 16 Was fie well lhat is bcaled in a pn inslal€d aner 'l 16164? 17. Jf pltwas insisllsd pror to 1i/964 - Has DEO grarted an erccp{ion and does the pil have wale. light cqrstructioo ot pil walh and lloq. a lbor drd,n end an accepEble pit cover? 18 h ln€ $EIr prclecl€d tom unanhorizc.l .niry? (Reconnetued) 19 Does lne casng .xlend a minirum ol 18 lnch€s above th. Imd qround sudac. snd/ or 1 2 lnches abov8 th€ pump house lloo.? 20 ls rh€ well veoled wth lhe op€fl €nd of lh€ venl scr$ned end tsrminaled dounwErd at l.ad 1 6 inchos abov8 the linal grolnd svrface? 21 ls ttu well prorlrlsd wilh a sanltary cap lhat provenE lu.rac8 water enlry? 22. ls th6 w€ll cased and ssalad in such a manner thal surface waler carnol enter lhe well? ro nla unl nor6 Drle EtrDtrE Etrtrtrtr EtrEtrEtrE] trE] trEtrE]DErtr trEl Dtr EI trtrEJ Ntrtrtr8trtrtrtr8trtr Yos no n/a lnk mE EtrED trtrtrtr Etrstrtr6EtrzEtrgtrtrsEEloEE,1fl !12 14 Are peslicides, hefticne3, or ferllizers applr€d lo 15. lslh6wellln a piu ll yes, Oale conslruct6dl - Grdvity sewer lhe.... . - Pre.ssre sanler lin6.-.. . . - ldividual horne s8pllc t6nk...-...-............... - lndiviruelhorEdisposaln!ld........ . ..... - lndividuar homE se8page pil...-..... .. ... -Pdvbs......... l4vesrod.................. - C ab,3lrEams. ditcires,latss, pmds and tsnkE used io Eto.E nonpolable Bubslances. .50 n. 1(x)n. ..'t@i. .100fr. ..1@ft. .r00tr 50 fi. .50ff. Treatment this wcll pumps to waste at starl lrp to remove sand- rPLIC info: - 168.7 MG in 2013; sharcs the prcssurized stecl storage tank with well - 150 hp & 1500 Bpn oapacity at 65 pri discharge turbin€ pump. ** 1974 rvell log: 16 nrch diameter l/4" casing to 72 feel; 12 inch daam€ter ( l/4" thick?) casing ftom 68 to 95 feEl; no well test dala slatic water at 68 fcct R. P. Cope Well Dnlling. 2. The repolt was completed Deccmber 17, 2001 Potenlial contamin€nt information was updated on March 15, 2013. 3. No GWUDI dclcrmination was found ou file. but it is assurncd oDe hes hecn done bascd oD thc agc oflhe wcll afld review by previous sanitary survcys LI l----7nl,rrrs:--- ,7100030 F.xhibit (;-3rl GROUNDWATER SOURCES . PG, 2 PWS #412812015 7100030 Please indrcale iIENIS' Signifi.ant Deficienry SBnificant .yes rb fva u.k nolsEtrtrtrtr WELL INFORiIATION (contl 8. ls the.e a smoolh no!6d rample lap provded on lhe well dbcnatEe pipe prior to teahcnt? (Thresd€d tap is spprovld wnh beciAow prevenle0 24. ls sl inslantm€ous and lolalizng llow rneler equipped wilh nonvolalile mcmory inslslled on lhe pump distibulbn line ol th6 !v.U and ir n m6iflained and wortrng propedy,Eru E E zs. ts a pr€ssur€ gargeprwid€d al all inslallalic.rs and is il maintainedI snd \lorking prcpedy?s2 E tr n E E ze. Can lhe tyEll b6 pump€d to waste ai lhs d*ign capadty olrle u€rl vla an epproyed air gap at a locallm prior lo lhe llri seflica coin€ciion? ENE] !Dtr!trtrtrtrtrnfttrtrDDtr PUIiP HOUSE ( ry srt,ctuF- canlaining inpothnt water syslBra colt'porerls., 27. 13 the sourc€ locatad in a pump housa? 28. ls the pump house kepl cl.an dld In good r6pail? (Floot cacks?) 29. li the pump house paotected fmm Lhaulhorizecl p€rsonfl€l? 30. Does lhs plJmp house havs adequata lighting throughoul? (Recomnencled) 3i Ar. all non-samde tap6 iffilalked h r€ pump house equipped wnh an appmprial€ backnow preventlon devic€? 32. ls ad€quate vefililation provided in Ihe pump holse for dissipalion c,, excess heat snd moiEtur€ fom the equipment? 33. ls ad€q$le heeting frovidEd inthe prmp ho'rss 1o provLded sale and efiic*nt operataon ol equipm€d lo prevent lree?ing ? 34. li th€ pump holse protecled trom flooding, haye adequale drsinage. is the floor sudace at lea sr (5) inches abov€ lhe fnal ground surface, and is ihe grdund surfac! graded so a3 to lead surla@ water away tom ths pump hotls8? Etr trEtrD!tr8trtrN ,a. no a/a !r,l nol6trtrstr! NDtrtrt] trn!trr trtrtrtrtr trDtrNtr 35 ls lhe sump for pump house ltoor drains clos€r lhan 30 f6€t from lhe wEll? 38. ls lhe floo. draln connecled to sewer. slorm dlarns, cnbrination room d€lns, q any olh€r.ource ol co0larninaiion? tr tr tr fl tr! SPRING IMFORMATION 37 ls lhc er ire rei wilhin a one hundred ( 10O) lool radus ot ih€ sFring box lenced lo prevenl lr€sp8s8ing of llveslockand void of bu dngs, .lubllings and sources ol contrnhaiion? 3a. b surfsce wate, dlverted trom th6 loo fool protedion zone around ltu spring? 39 ls lhe spnog noused in a perm8nent slruclu.o and pEt€cied rrom coniaminetion inc.ludlng lhe enlry or lrirface waler, animsls and dusp 40. ls lhele a smooli nosed sample ie proviled ofl lhe spring discharge prpe prior lo lr.ah€nt? (Threeded tsp as approved wilh bacrflo'" pr€venter) /tl . ls .a llow meler or olh€r now m€a3uring device provided? trtr yes no ./a unk noletrtrE] Dtrtrtrtr!trtrtrtrtrtr SPRING BOX INFORI$ATION (Nat att existins spnnss have e sgins box) !t2 ls lhe spdng bo)( equipped wnh a sc.6roed ovefiov? 43 ls lhe erpply hta(e locrl€d sbovc lh€ floor o( lhe colledion chamb€r, 44 ls lhe spdng box plol.ded rmm c. amiffitbn hcludhg lhe entry of s|,,rface lvaisr, anknals, and dusl, 45. ls lhe ac.€ss po.r tiled with a solid waterlighl cov6r wlicn ove(hps a framed opefling and extend6d do,n arwnd he frame sl l€ast 2 rn6.s? 46. ls tne access porl a ftam€d op€fling lhat i3 at leasl 4 inch.s hlgh wilh a locl(hg clevicc? 47 ls lhs s.c.is port eleletsd si l€es! twrntlfolr (24) hch-r anole the lopr- T-t 11 24 Thc flow mctermay meter both w€ll 2 ar'd 4. Exhibir G-39 GROUNDWATER SOURCE . PG.,I PWS #:4t28n015 7100030 ls this source treatedz l,l v"' I I tio Treatment Objeclive: E ltl F disinfec{ion; see commenl Souace: E we - --i E Manaold ! Sprtng -----) E spang a*Physical localion: Located in the north central service area Tag #: E0007132 Common name of souace: Well 5 ls lhere a well for the undwatel sourc€?No Unk Treatment types: E l/e (ldenw T6at77lent Train in Connenls) 423 - hypochlorinalion Date drilled 6.i 2c,/r gzs fl un* Grout de,oIwfl,lsr fl unrU Casing si7P0n) Un Pump capacity (cPM) 750* l,/Vell deplh (f,)Casing deplh.la) 152 Static water depth.(fIs2' E u* ls the casing sseened?fl v." B r'ro fl unr Screen deplh (fl)l Urk E unr ls the casiq),Eerforated ?fl ves B ton ruta Pedoration depth (ft)EI N/A E unk To: Lalitude {Decimar: Longilude(Decimal): COMMENTS: (Please indicat€ question number) Dencre All Sourcea I errive I Crorosea I rnaore fl EnErgency (<60 days p€r year) 2. Ha3 thar6 been a Source Watar A$essmenl conduclad tor tha sourc€? comment 3 Has a ll6al GWUDI delerminalion been done lor ltis source? 8/1/2003 WELL tt{FORItATtO[ 4 ,s th€ wEll oo a s.par,ie lol thal is larc€ €nough lo provde a mnlflrrm dlslanc. ol 50 felt be$€en lh€ w€ll and tho near€si p.openy [n€? (applixblg iI mnsrructed ane. 1l/t/77) Arc the foUovving minimlm dislanes rom the PWS well being ma1? 5 ' Gravity ss^ret line .........-.....50n. 6. -PrerElresewerline..,...,.,,.. .............,,,....1oO11. 7 -lndivijuElhon€septic1enk...... ...................1mft. a - lnd rdual homc diEpos3l neu... . ....--..............100tr. 9 -lndividualhom.seapagepit.........................1OOn. 10 - Pnvies .......... .....-... ......100n 11 - Liveslock... .. ..... .......5011 12 Canal!, sir6ams. dtcies, lakes, ponds and lants used to srore nonpotabb suutances.. . ._...5O fl. 13 Are pssliciles, herbicides, felrlilizers, portsble contaimrs or pelrclsum producls, o. other lolic or harardous mslsrials slored on tne well lot? 16. ltbs the w€lllhal is located ln a pit inslalled after 1 Ut64? l7 lf pir was installed pnorto 11/t64 - Has oEQ granted an erc€prion afld do8s lhe pit hav8 wete. tilhl conslructioo of pll walls and floor, . lloor drain and an acceplable pil cor6r? 18 ls lhe r|dlprolecled trom unrxnhorlzed entry? (Racohnended) 19. Does lh€ caslng en6fld a minimum ol 1 E inches abDve Ue rinal ground surfac€ and or 12 jnches sbove lhe pump ho'rse lk.y? m ls the well vented wth the opln Bnd ol the veni s.rE€ned and terminaled downward al lea6t 1 8 inches sbove lhc final ground sud6ce? 21 . ls thc will provided rth a sanitary cap 0!at Fcrlnts surtacc waler edry? 22, ls the well casld and sealed in slrch a rnann€, [)al sufac6 $ate, c€nnol enler lie w6ll? no a tbt ir,te Dale yes no d3 unl rcleE] trtrtrE El trfl f] ! EtrEflEuEtrEtrEtrEtrEtr trE t4 IJ trtrtrEDtrDtr E] iltrntrntrD EtrEr!trntrT trtrft trtrtrtr!trtrtrtr!!ntr !tr 14 Are peslicides, hertncides. o. flfliliz8.s applied lo 15. ls lhe wellin a pit? ltyes, Dato con3trucled. 'freatrnenl: tbis wcll plllnps to waltc al slart up lo rehove sand. + 1979 well log: - a 20 inch dialneter, l/4" thlck casing from 1to 5l fect rnd a 16 ilrch diaDeter l/4" thick casing ftom I lo 152 feet: 92 f9e110 static watcc no well test data; Andrc$/ W€ll Drilling. '*PUC in formalion: - 75 hp turbinc pump with a capacrty of 750 gp at 65 psi discb3Jgc:2ll.62MC produced in 2013; saad separatiou and chlori[ation. 2. -fhe repon was completed December 1Z 2001. Potenrial contamrna[l informalion was updated on March 15, 20t3. l Exhibit G-40 GROUNDWATER SOURCES - PG. 2 c0mmon PWS *.4128t2015 7100030 COHMENTS: DefkL€ncySiqnificaot J6s no rva un* aale8trtrtrtr E f,l tr trtrtr \rrELL |'{FORMATIO lcont) 23. ls th€r€ a sn'ooth nosed sample l.p provxled on tho well dischsrge pipe prior 10 lroatm6nr (Thraaded lap is appoved with b*kfow prevealer) 24. 16 an lnstsnlan@us and lotarizinq ,low meler equipped wim nonvDlalile memofy nsblld on the pump dislfibuton llne ol lhs 'i€ll and ls t nEi.rlarned 3nd working prop€ny?22,930.100 gallons ?5. rs a pressure gauge p.ovided 3t all installations and Is il mainrained SPRING BOX I FORIIA O lNot dt exlslng spit.as have a spnnq box) 42 ts th6 spnng bor equipped wih a screened overflow? 43. ls lhe supply intakE locsled above lhe lloor ol the coUection ctumber? 44. ls the sp(ng box prolecled from contammato.r ncludang the enhy of slrhce waler, anirnsls, and dusl? 45. ls lne access porl fitled wnh a solil waler tighl cover whlch overlaps a tramed opening and exlended doMr arolnd lhe fram€ al leasl 2 inches? 46 ls the ac.€ss porl a ftamed opening thal ls al l€31 4 inches high w h a 4 /. ls the acc6ss porl 6lsvatsd ai Isast lwenty-ioui (24) mche8 abovE the ioF of lh6 bor or ground level, wlri*ever is highef., and Pod<ins Pmp€rty?tr f] E Ze Cafl t'te 'i/ell b6 pump€d lo wasle al lhe design capacily ol t'te well vla an spprcvod 6ir gap 6t a localbn prior lo lhe lirsl seMte conneclioo? ,e6 no d. unt 6ore Et trtrtrtrEt trD!trtrtrtrtrDEtrDtr!trtrtrtrtr zuULEgllgE ( ny sruciu e conHatng imwdant watet system companents) 27. ls lhe so!rce loca{ed in a pump house? 28 ls lhs purr1p hous6 kopl dean and in good repaifl (Floo. crecks?) 29. ls the pump house prolecled lro.n unarlhorlzed personneP 30. Ooesrhe pump house havead€quste llghlrng lhroughoul? lReconnended) 31 Ar€ all non-sample raps installed in the pump houEo equipp6d with an appropiale b*kflow prevenlbn devlc€? ls adcquale lenlilalion provrdod in lhe pump hou-se ior dissipalon ot excess h€Et Eod moisture trom lne equipmefll? ls adequate healing provided ln the pump nous.lo provid€d safe and sffici6nl op6rEtjofi ol equlpmenl 1o prevenl free2lng ? 34. ls lhe p!ftF house prol€cled lrom tbodhg, have adequste dreinage, .3 rh€ floof €unac€ al lsssr six (6) inches above rhe llnal qround su(ac€, and is lhe ground n rface graded 5o as to lead 8lrrtace \}ater a! ,ay tom lhe pump hoose? 35. ls the sump for pump house tloor 'ains cbser lhan 30 leel forn Ue sEll? 36- ls lhe floor d€n connectcd to seuEr, storn drains, chlorinat on room drains. or any olher source of c.nta indion? SPRING I NfORTIATION 37. ls lhc eoli.r arca wihh a on€ hrndred (100) fool rad ius oI lh6 spring box fenced !o prevenl tespassbg ol livcstock afld void ol buildings, clwellings and Gources o{ conlaminalm? 38. ls 9rfac6 u/aler divorted lro{n lhe 100 looi pmlection zooe aroond the spring? 39 ls lh3 spring hou$d in a permg.Enl 5trudure and prolBctsd lrorn conlrni.Etim indrding th6 €nlry ol surlaco welff aninals snd duslT 40 ls lhcr€ a smoolh oosed ramplolap p.orided on lhe spnng dlsclErge pipe prior to lreahe.t? (Threadod rep 6 apFoved wlth baclib, prevenler) 41 ls a lloy/ m€ter or other flow rn€3suring d€vlco provld€d? trn ustrtrtrtrtrtrtrtr Fs ft ,ra dl ndLtrtrtrtr! trDtrtrtr trtrtrtrtr trtrtrtrtr Dtrtrtrtr Cf Lln trL_r trtrntrtr ,e5 no n/a ur* notetrEEtrNtrtrtrtrtrtrDtrDtr ! ft l?EE_n- ILJ ssn,fi.anr LJ ocncrenry f !&!" Exhibit G-41 GROUNDWATER SOURCE. PG.I PWS i4128t2015 7100030 ls lhis source trEated? lll ves f] ilo Treatment objective: I ln D - disinleclion; see commentThe well is located in ihe south cenlral service area nearwells 2 and 4 Pumps 6 and 7 are both located in this well. Source: E wett -----' El Manirotd I sprins -----] n Sptns 8o, ag *i E0007129 Physicallocation Common name of sour@ Well6 ls there a well for the undwalea source? Trealrnent typesi ! na (ldenw Treonnent Train in Cofi/,ents) 423 - hypochlorination fl unt Pump capacity (GPI{,1) 600* Casing sizc(ln)' ! unl Un Date drilled 3,'1l1989 Well deplh (ft) 150 Casing de!1h,Iff) 123 Grout de,nlrytf)30 fl unt Stallc water deplh.(fl) ' I unt ls the casing screened? ! va* [ r.ro f] unr<Eva Screen depth (ft): B Vn ! unt To I unr ls Ihe casiqrp.rforated? I ves []noE nir Perforalion depth (ft)E N/A I unt Latitudc(Dedmsr) Longitude(Decnnal): coitt ENTS: (Please lndicrls question number) Significant All Sou,coa E A.dve lf proposed ! Inactive l] Emergencl (<60 days per year) 2. Hss lhere b€.o a Solrc€ Vl/Eler Ass€ssmenl conducted tor th! source? comment 3 Has a final GIMJD I delenninalion b€en done tor lhis source? 81112003 ls the w6ll on a separat! lot thal is large enough to provide a mlnimum dislanc6 ol50 f€€l behi/eefl lhs well ,1d lhe nezesl propeny he? (applicable il construded aner 11/117) Are lhe foilowing minimum distances fmm the PIVS well being m.l? 13, Are peliiddes, helbildes, ferlitrze.s, porlable conlainers orp.lroleum pmducls, or olher tD(ic or hazardouc mai€nsls slored on the woll lor? 14 Are peslicil€s, herblcldes, or lerliliz€rs applled lo Ihe wEll lol? 16. llbs the w€llf}at E locatcd h a pn lndatted aner 11/5/at? 1 7. lf pil ',ras lnstalled pior to 1 1 /5/64 - Has DEQ gr€n!8d an ercaprlon and does lhe p( hav€ lx.tlr tight csrstudbn or pi walls and tloo., a floor dEin and En accept5ble pit cove? 18 Isfhe w6llprolecled korn unauliorized enlry? (Reconnended) 19. Does lnc casing e{€nd a mlnimumot 18 inchcs abov6lie linalground sudace and/ or 12 incies sbove lhe pump house tlooP 20 ls lhe wlll vanled with lhe open cnd ol lha v€nl sc.eened and le.minalod downward al leest 18 inches above the nnal ground slrtace? 21 . ls lhe $dl provid€d wifi s sanilary csp ihat prBvenls surface ,rder cdry? 22- ls the well cased €rd 3eeled in such a menner lhat srrface wsl€r canool enter lhe lrEIP D Ilare oale: yes no rra unk nol6EUDNE tr!trCD EllEutrtrErlEtrtr!EDEtr !E DD EtrtrE trNtrtrEtrNtrtrEtrD ,B no n/b r,Ilt norE rz!Ertr trtrtrtr trtrs.fl tr"fl EzEE8tr[]gfl E 10.EEUfl E tz. l5 ls the wlllin a pil? lf yes. Dat€ conslruded - Gravily sei/er lin!... .. .... . - Prossure sewlr lino-.. .-. .. - hdivldual hornc s.plic iank... ... . .. ... . .. .. . .. . . - lndivldual hom6 da+osslneE.... . ..... .... . - lndivitud hom6 soapage pit.-...... ..... .... - Pfivies.-....... - L ivestock.......... - - CanaB, st eams. dllches, lakes, ponds and ianks used lo store nonpoLDle substanc€s ..50 R .100 n ..100 fl .. r00 n ..100 R 100n .50n 50n. Illis wcll pumps to *aste at startup to rcmovc sand. 2. Thc repon was complcted Decembcr I 7. 2001. Potenlial contaminart information was updated on March l-5, 2011. *1989 $ell rcport: - 24" diameter c€smg ftom +1 to 90 5 fecl; 20 inch cesinS from 1.5 1o 123 feet; slatic watcr at 56 fcct; rlo well lEst data: Andrew Well Drilling The well log is allached to thc aarrative portion oftic saniiary survey. 'rPUC inform atiotr: - 47.584 MG irr 2013; submcrsible purtlp rated at 75 hp afld 600 gplD 8t 65 psi, non Exhibit G-42 GROUNDWATER SOURCES - PG. 2 common name PWS #Well 6 4DAt2015 7100030 CO[IMENISi indicale question n Significant Jes no da unk r'ol€trtrtrDD lYELL INFOR'iIATION lcont) 23 ls lh€re a snbolh nosed sampL t p provided on the weli disdrarge pip€ mainLarned and $ork'ns Propenr?40,350,t00 gEllons 0auge ptuvided at all inslallations and is d rnainlarned and working prop€triy? SPRING BOX INFORIIATIOX (Not et oxisnog spnngs have a spnng box) 42 ls lhe spring box equipped witl a screened overncw? 43 ls lhe supPly intake located abov€ lhe lloor o, ihe colleclion chambe, ,14 ls lhe sprang box p.olecled ,rom contamnalron induding th. crty or s rla€e waler, animals, and dusi? 45. ls t e Eccess pod rfled with a solld waler liqhl cover wlrich overbps a lramed opcning and exlend€d down around lhe frame at l66st 2 inches? 46 ls ihe access po'l a framed opening lhal is al least 4 inches high wlth a 47 ls ihe aklss ,od eieval€d al least trreniy-four (24) 1n.,.€! abov€ $e top level, wiidlever is high6? pdor lo lr6atmenl? (Thread€d lap is approved wili backiow pGventer) rs an instrnlaneous and lolalizing iow mets lquipp€d wilh nonvolatile rn€rnory lnstallei on lhe pwnp dElribution rin6 of lhe \f,elland is it tr tl tr tr E E ZS. Can lhe wlll b€ pump€lt to yrasle d us dssign capacrty ol the {y€ll vis an approved air gsp 3r a bcation prio.lo the t?si s4.vica co.'n€ct'on? tr ,es no rVB {k naGtrEEtrUtrtr!trtrtrtrutrtrr]!DtrtrDtrtrtr! EUUL!!9!I9E (,Cry struct!rc cant iniog impodant vntet sysrcrn cornwnents) 27. {s the source located in a pump hous€? 2& ls lhe pump hous€ kspr cleao and in good repaar? (Floot cncks?) 29. ls th€ pump house prclocled lmm unauihoired personnel? 30. Ooes lhs pump house have adeqlale lighting ihmughorl2 (RecohmeDded) 31 Ar. all non sanplo laps hslalled n lhe pump hous€ equrpp€d witr\ afl appropriale backtlow pr€ventlon device? ls adequale veol latbn provided h the pump house for dissipalion ol excess had and noislure lrcm $e equipm€il? ls adequala heeling provided in thc pump house to provijed salc and eficl€nt operalioo ol 6quipmcril io pre\rcnl fraezing ? 34. Ir the pufip hous€ prolecled from flooding, have €dequale dlahsge, is lhc foor surfac. al l€asl 3h (6) inches abov€ the I'mel ground surfBce, and is lh6 grornd sudace graded 30 as lo lEad slrf6re yater alsy tr.fi the pump holjse? 35 ls the sump fo. pump houlc lloor dEins clorer lhan 30 leel 'lom lhe well? 36 ls tie lbor draln canneclgd lo s€'^/€r, Giorfi drahs chlofiinalion room d€ins, or any other source of conlamination? SPRING INFORMATIOI{ 37. 16 rh8 enlir€ arBs wflhin a one hundGd (1q0) foot radus ol rhe spring bo, lencad to preveni lrcspasslnq of liveslo.k and void ot buildings, dwellings and sources ol conlaminalioo? 3a B surface ' ,'rter diven€d from ltu 10O {ool proleclion zone aroiJnd th! spring? 39. ls lh6 spdng housed in a p€m.n€ slructuE axl proled€d trom contaminatbn incllding lh€ enlry ot surlace water, smimals €nd dusl? 40 rs lhff€ a smooh nos€d smple lap provi&d on lha spring discharg3 pipe prior lo troshtnl? ffhread€d lEp E apprcwd wtr backlb FEveder) 41. ls a flow m6ler or olhor flow,neasunng device provE.d? trtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrD Fi ,o ,/a !r* nol6trtrEtrtr U !n D tr D tr tr!tr D ! u I.r- tr r:trtr trlltr pt trtrtJ!trfttrtr trtrtr fItrtr trtrtr tr tl tr n trntr n t.l 24. lhe meter for purlrp 7 nccds 10 be rcplac€d; only the pump 6 mcrer was opcrable. 26. The pump lo waste pipc necds a sqeen on thc dischar8c to lhc canal. Exhibit G-43 GROUNDWATER SOURGE - PG.T PWS #:7100030 Treatment objeclive: E *la Commenl NO Physical localionl Located in the,rvest centralpart of the service area Source: E well -----' l] Maniford n sp'ing ---> fl spdns aox E0008065 ag#:Common name o, source Well I Tr€a{menttypes: fl Va (ldetw fEatnent fnin in Co/l]z?en,l| soulce?ls lhere a well for lhe Casing size(ln) 20 to 24 E unk Date dnlled"l 7l?al1g55 I depth 421 Casing deplh,(.ql135 E unr Grout de,r l{fr) 116 E unr Static waler denth,ttl24 fl unr! trnt Pump capacity (GPM) 1500" ls lhe casing screened?!v* @uo Iunrn nla Screen deplh (fl): [ ru71 ! unt I unr ls lhe casiqrr,De.forated?! ves PrcEva E rleI unt Perforallon depth (n) Latatude (Decinal): Longitude{DecimaD coullENTs: (Please indicale qulslion numblo Sgnitlcant TrEallnent lhis wcll is seldom uscd; howcvcr, a portable hypocblorinator is available ifnccied. Also, the wcll is dcsitlcd lo pDmp to waste upon startup to rernovc sand. i 1955 welt log iflfo: 24" diaDetcr casing &om +l !o 60 ft;22 diaectcr casing &om +l to I 16 & 20" csing from 78 n to 135 ft. - 24 fl ro standirg waler; well lest at 240 gpm and 24 hours, but no &awdotllr giv.o. Andre* wdl DriliDS fo, tb€ Utah Idalro Sugar Co **PUC infoi - 76.705 MG produc€d tn 2013; - ?5 hp turbiDe pump rated al 1500 Bpm and 65 psi. **rWcll 8 appcars !o have been rlrilled 1995 and deepened in 1999. I lllis wcll is scldom uscd 2. Thc report was conrpleted Dacembc, 17, 2001 Potcnlial contsminant infordration wns updatcd on March 15, 20 t3 4. 'Ihe well and well house are situated lcss than 50 fcer frodl a,1 access road. All Sourco3 g Adve E prcposed I mao've B En]ergency (<60 days per ye.r) 2. Ha. thar. b€en a Sourc. ltlalcr Assassmcnt coiductad b. tlle so(ce? comment 3 Has a linal GVVUDI delerminalion b€€i don6 for lhis source? 8/1i2003 ls the wsllgl a sapssle bl lM b brc€ cnough b provtss a minirrlrn diBtaca ot 50 f€€t batw€€n tno w6ll end th€ noaaesl pmpeaty :r.? (apdkabla ( corlstrudad drer I 1/117) Ar3 lhe followhg mhirrum dEter.s tofi lh6 PVr/S l,€[ belno m€t? - Gravily ser€r 1he.......... .......-....50n. - Pr€ssuE B6{/la line.-.............. ................. ....100 n. - lndiviruel tlom€ s€ptattrk....... . .. .................100 n. - lndivldual hom€ dbpos5l i1e|d...... . ........... . ..100 ll ' lndivldual norEseepego pit...... ...................,..10Oft - Privies.......-...-........ - -.. .. .10011. - 1iv.s1ock........... .. .......5011. . - Canab, sfeflns. ditche3, Lkcs, poids rnd tani. u!6d lo.tore nonpotabts substanc!!.,-. ....50 n. 13 Ar3 p€sticirEs, h€rbicidcs. f8nili.ers. po{tabb containcrs of pelroleum producls. or other to{c or hazadous malerials sto..d on th€ wcll lot? 16. Was Ue w€lllhal is hcaled in a pn inslal{€d aier 1l/5/6ll? '17 r pil was inslalla'd p.to. to 11/t6?t - Has DEO granl.d an e&eplion and do€s rle pil have w-d€r ligln conrlruclion of pil walls and lloor. a floor drain and an acceptabb pn corcf) 16 rs rhe well proiectcd frEm unadhoreed entry? Seconncnd.d) 19. Do€s ths casing en€nd a mlnhum ot t8 inc,les sbove the nnel groun(l surl*€ and/ tr 1 2 lnchas above the F,np hous€ ,kron 20. ls thc wel v.nl.d wilh lh. open end of lh6 venl scre€n.d and teminat€d downwad al lcast 18 inch.s abovc lh! fnal ground surla.l? 21. ls the well providad wilh a sanilary cap thal prevents lurfa@ wrl€r enlry? 22 l! Ihe well casd and sealed in such a rnanner lhai su.lace wale. cannot enler lhe well? Dale ye5 no ,va uik norQ8trtrtr8 EI trUtrtr 5. 6 7 8. 9. t0 11 12 EtrEtrEtrEtrEtrEtrEuEtr DE trtrtrtrtr!Dtr!trDtrtrtruu utr !fl El trLIE Utrtrtr8trtrtrtrtrtru J€s no n/6 u^k nole !l-tr!E!EN 14 Ara p€3rci.les. herbicides, o. le.Ulizc6 applled lo 15. ls lhe well h a pil? [yes. Oale conslrucled: L_-.1 I uzalnls Exhibit G-a4 GROUNDWATER SOURCES . PG. 2 PWS 4Well 8 I I Ananofi 7100030 yes m nfa urk nol€8ntrtrtr WELL INFORIIiATION (cont) 23. ls th6e a smoolh nos6d sample tap provided on the well disdreBe pipe prior to trealm€nl? (Ihrc€dad tsp is aPproved wiu backnow preventer) 24. ls en lnsianianeo{s and tolalizinq tlow meter equipped wilh nonvolaljle memory lnslall€d on lhe pump dislribuion llne ot the welland is il maintained snd wo ing propedy?191,900 ga,lons 25. ls s pressu.o gaug€ provided at all inslalbtlons and is il malnlamed snd working p.op€rly?psiLE ZS Can the w€rl be pumped 1o wasle al lh€ design capacity of lhe wGll ua afl approved ah gap al a b.€lion prior to lhe liBl servire conneclion? ntrEtrUtrDtrtrtrtrtr!trtr tr E sEtrsE u trn trtrtrtr! e!!E_E9!JSE ( Dy sfn/cnr/e containins inpoiant webr systen conpnents) 27. ls lh. sourc€ locatcd ln a pump house? 28. ls the pump nouse l(ed cl65n and in gpod r€paiP (Floor crac*s?) 29. ls the pump house protBcted from unauthorired pcrsonnelT 30. Oo€s ihe pump hous6 hava adequale llghllng th.ougnoql (Recomnea<lecl) 31 Are all.on-sampla laps installed in the pump house equippcd vrdh an appaopriatc b€ckiow paevenllon deyEe? ls adequak venlitation provided in lhe pump house for dis3ipalion of excess hoat 6nd moislu@ frcan the equipment? D trtrtr8ntrtr!trn )G Do rva d* nol.NtrtJtrtr trtrtrtrtr trtrrtrtr trtrtrDtr trL]trIJD !n u tr tr 33. ls adaquatp heatng providod n lhe pLmp'lorse lo prcvded sar. and eff,cieni op€railon of equipmonl lo pr€yenl rEezhg , 34 rs lhe p{rmp hous€ protecled lrom fooding, hayB ad6quale drsinage. E lhe {loo. surlace al leasl s,x (6) mcies abovs lhs trialground sudace. and ls th. ground Eudace gradod so as io lead surlaca r,val€r awsy lrofi th€ pump house? 35 ls th€ sump lor pump hdrse floor dralns closer lhan 30 leel from the $€ll? 36. ls the iloor drain mnn€cled lo s€war. slorm drdins, chlorinelim room drains, or any dlher source o, conlamilation? SPRIIG I FORIUATION 37 ls lhe €dire a.ea withh a one hundred (100) root rudius ol ihe spdng box feflc€d lo prevenl trElpasshg or livcstock 8nd void ot burldhgs, dwellings and sourc€s ol contamlnallon? 38 ls surrace lrater divened trom the 100 tuol protectbfl zone a6und ihe spring? 39. ls the sFing housetl in a permancrt siructur€ and protected ftnn conlallrinatlon lncluding tie enlry ol surlsc€ waler, animaE and dustT rlo ls thefe a smooth nos€d $mpb lap yovidcd on lhe spdng disch€rge pipa pnor lo lrealm€nt? (Throaded tap i6 approved wilh backflow prevenlcr) 41 . ls a llow mel€r or oiher llow m€asuring d€vlc provired? ,r3 .o rra unk rbGtrtr8Dtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtr SPRING BOX ll,lFORMAnO Nol all extsting $rings hava a spang box) 42 ls the Elring box equipped with a scr€ened overiow? 43 ls lfte supply inlake located abovs th€ foor or the colledion chamber? 4,1. Js thr spring box prol€cl€d lrom contaminalion includrng lhe entry of surfac€ waler, anifials, and dust? 45 ls fie a@ss pon ftr6d wnh . slid waler lighi 6var \ /hich ovenaps a framed opening and Enended dorm around lhe flBme at l8ast 2 rnches? 46 ls the access porl a fi"amed opening $al G al lealt 4 rnches high wlti a locking device? 47 is ni6 acss poli €lev6'.d ai 1c551tw6.it -four (24) laaies alove lhe ldp ol ihe box or qround lsvel, wnichevor ls highef trtr!ntr 0 COMME&rSi indicale 25. the wcll was trot iD us€ at lhe lime of the srrrvey. Exhibit G-45 GROUNDWATER SOURCE . PG.T PYr'S #7100030 ls this source kealed?Source: B wett -r ! uanirou E spnng ------' n sp'ins 8ox Located in lhe north cenlral service area. Physicallocalion Common neme of soutce Well I TaO #: D0M85'14 ls lhere a well roundwater soLrce?for the tlnk T.ealment objective: E nlo D - disinfectionl see commenls Treatmenl typesr E Vn (ldsnfr'ty Trcahnenl fratn ln Conmenls) 423 - hypochlorination Pump capacity (GPM) 3000" Caslng sirP(.) Un Dete drilled 3127|2AAA Well depth (r) 4'18 Casing depth .lfi,] 248 Grout dent\r0)26i ff unr Static waterdenthJfll132 E unr ls lhe casin9 screened?@ve"!ro!unr depth (fi) 407 Unk ! unr ls the casiru, norforated? Ives Iro EruA Perforation depth (ff) To: E N/A I unr Lalilude(oeoimaD: 43:31.1 Longilrde(oecirnal)r 51 :57.9 COT{METTS: {Please indical8 queslion number) All Sourco3 @ mive ! erooosea E Inadive E EmergenEy (<60 days per year) 2. Hit3 lhert Dcci a Source !\ht6r Al.essnl6 d conduded ior lhe s.urce? comn'ient 3. Has a linal G\ ArDl delerminatim been don€ fortnis source? ls tie $€ll on a separale lol lhat is la.ge e.ldtgn to pmvide . minimum dislance ot 50 teot bllween the wlll arld $e nearEst property line? (appficabb ir construct€d atl.r l1llrA Are Ue followtng minlnum distanc6s from lie P\ryS w€ll belng met? - Gravily sewer lina.... ....... ......50n . Pressur6 sevi€r lhe.,... .......... . ., .... ......, 10O 11. - lndividual horn€ septic tank..,....,.. . . . ...-....-. 1mfi . - lndavdualhome dhposalfeld..... ... .- ...,...... .10oft. . lndiviiu8l horne seepag. pil... .. . ..-. ... ....-...100ff. 10. . Privies... ... ....... .. .. .......100tt 11.'Uveslod.. ............................... ....50ti, 12. - Canals. slreams, dildrc6, lakes, ponds and lanks used lo stole nonpot ble suballnces, .....-.5ofl, 13. Are pasiicn€s, hert rcidqe, fsrUllzers, porlable q|lainers d pelroleum producls, or olher toxic or hazardous metedals slored on lh6 well lol? 14 Are pasticides, herbicid8s, o. t€rllltzlrs applbd to th€ well bl? 16 lyaslhe s€lllhal is bcaied h a pil installod ane. 11/t64? 1 7. I pil was hstalEd prior 10 1 1/5/6tl - Has DEO ganlcd an exceplirn .nd do.6 lh€ pil haye wal€r lbhl construclion of pil walls and lloor, a floo. dram and an acteplBble pll colEr? 18 ls lhE well prollcld trom unauthonzad €nlry? (Recanfiended) 19 Docs th€ ca.hg en nd a mnlmum of ia hdl€s above lh6 fnal glouod surface and/ or 1 2 inches €iove thc pump hoose flooa 20. ls the well venled wih th€ open end oflhe vaarl screened en.l terminat€d dolvn$/srd al lesst 1 I incnes abova the linal grcund 3urtace? 21. ls O€ well pmvrded wllh a senllary cap liat p.evenls surlac6 water €otry? 22. ts Ihe lvEll ca6€d and sealed in such a maonar Uat surlaca waler csnnot 6nler the u€ll? 5. 5 7 8. 9. Dale: INFO t6r no nta mk nD16EtrtrtrE 8trtrtr8 trtrtrntrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrn!tr trD trtr EtrtrE trtrtrtr8Utrtr!Etrtr ,4, .o rr3 lnt mt6 EtrED trtrtrtr EtrE!EtrEtrEttrEtrEtrEttr trE 15 lslhe wellin a p[? lfyes, Date conslructed s well pumps to waste at startup to *2008 well log: - lhc casin8 is 20" diamcter ftom 0 fccl **PUC data: - 3000 gpm capacity at 65 psi: - 502,000,000 gallons amusl productron in 2013: - 400 hp VFD hlrbire pump. 122 feet belo\n ground surface (bgs); 16" from +2 ft to 256 fl b8s; 12" from 340 fl to 375 ft bgs, and 10" trorn 248 ft to 36? ft b8s. - test puflped at300 gpm for 24 hours with 78 fect of drawdo\rn. - Ardrew Well Drilli g Scrvices, klc., 3t31/2008. remove sand I 4trsncr.s I ,nurus Exhibit G-46 GROUNDWATER SOURCES . PG- 2 common PWS #Well I 4t2812015 COMII!ENTS Slqniflcant yes no rva Lrlk not€8trtrtrtr WELL l FORtilATlON (contl 23. ls lh€r€ a s,lDlh rcsed sa.nplo lap Fovid.d on th€ w.ll dischsrge pipe prior to lealrnerll? (Thrssded lap is app.o€d wth bactflolr p.evonter) 24 ls an hslantanBous End loia,izlng flow mal€r equipp€d wilh nonvoial(e memory hstarled on $e pump di6rribdjon line orfie werl and is n mainlarnod and working Foperly? 25- ls a prcssure gauge provided at Bll inslallallons alld rs i nlainlained and worklng propeny?76 tr L]fl E zo can lhe well be pumpe{ to waslc at th€ dssEn capacity of the well vls an approvad air gap ai a locstion pdor lo lhs firsl servlce connectioo? EtrNNtrtrtrtrtltrtrtrtrutrtrnLltrn D E EE E] E]E NIL] zulelqgsE (Ary s!ru*ue conaining impdaot wata. synen conponents) 27 ls lne sourc8 loc€t6d in a pLrmp hous€? 28. ls lh. pump hous6 kepl clean and in good rcpalr? (Floor cncks?) 29 ls th6 pump house prolecled lrom uoau$o.ted personnel? 30. Does lh. pomp ho(s€ have adequrlc figning lhrougnoul? (Reconmended) 3l . Ale ell noGsampi€ laps lo3lalled ln lhe pump house equlpped wth an apFopriale bactflow prEv€nllon devbe? ls adaqual6 v€ntllatlon plovil.d in ti€ pump house tor dissipslion of ex€€ss heat aod fiEinu.e korn lhe €quipm€nt? 33. ls dequala heaung provk ed h lhc p(tmp hoose to Fovided sef. and slfici€nl operalbn of equipmonl lo pre{ent fr.rzing ? 3,1. ls th6 pump house proleded lrom floodlng, hav. adequrte dr.hage, is the lloo. surrace al least six (6) lnches abov€ rn. fifl:l gro|ln , $dac€, and is lh6 gmund surlace g6ded so as to lead exface water asey from lhe pump hous€? 35 la f€ Br]mp tor pump house tloof drains clos€r lhan 30 leel from the weP 36. ls ll|s floor drain connect€d to s4er, slom drains, drlorinalion room dl6ins, or any olher source ol contaminEtion? tr LJ fl tr tr tr nEntrtrtrEDtrtr t.. o. nra $t r,,,etrEEtrN trtrtrtrtr trEtrtrN utrtrtrtr trtrtrD! n SPRII{G INFORI'IATION 37 ls lic.fllir€ arBawilhin a onc hundrBd (100) lool ladlus ofthe spring t'ox f8ncad lo prevenl lrespassino o, liveslock and void of tnrildi?gs, dwg,liflgs ard sorces ol aadanh.tion? 3E ls su(fte w_cter divort€d trorn lhe 100 foot pfotectioo zon€ around lh6 sprlng? 39 ls Ue sprhg hous€d h a pennarcr{ stucture and prolact€d trom conLminalbn including tie 6nlry ol sudace water, animals ard d!s1? 40 ls fierc a smooth nos6d sample lap provld6d or Ue spring discturge pIPs pior lo Ireatsn€flt? (mr65ded lap is approv6d wilh bactllof prevente, 41 13 a lld meler or olh€r fbu, measurhg d6uce provldod? SPRING BOX II{FORMATIOT{ (Not dt extstins s ings have a sprns hx) 42 ls tna spruE box Bquipped wjlh a 3creencd overllowT 43 rs the lupply iolak locsled above the ,loor ot lhe coll€ct,on dsmb€r? 44 lr lhe spdng box prolecled from co.llamnatlon lncludlng ll|e edry ol surra.l wale(, animaE. and dusl? 45 ls the access port llted wilh a sok wstsr light 6ver which oveflaps a lramed op€nhq 8nd o@nded down around the fram6 at laasl2 indr€s? 4{i. ls ihe accsss pori a lran€d opening thrt is at keasl 4 in h6s hagh wnh a .17. ls m6 acc€ss porl Glevatad at 1663r tr'r€niy.tour (24) hches alovo the top ycr no nb unk noiatrtrEtrtrNtrtrEUDtrUtrtr L]utltr frijoo3o_l tfIE fI tr tr tr lfl s,gnrncant E oenc,ency Exhibit G-47 STORAGE sufvey PhlS #l 71000304t24t2015 COMMENTS:Storage slruclure name Wel214 e Slorage slruclure lD #: UnkPhysicallocation luseable.000 800ns lola UnkVolume(gaD: E ElevatedCorstruf,lton E Below Ground Partrally Eelow Ground I rihergtass D concrete Cuntained TyFen NdLura ot-maJerial Plastic E wood B uetat Slo/aJE ,)gre E RPseNoirfank I I st;ndprpe Total days supply (this structurp) unk Date I ast:Unk n Hov, js the waler level measured? [ Unt yes no rva uni( El tr[]trDEtrtr trEntrtrtrprtr note ALL STORAGE STRUGTURES E 1 . ls th€ storags studuc saEly Ec.€ssibl6lo thc inspccto? [ 2. ts me eWS storage tank located wilhin 5OO L6t d any munlcipd or lndusirial wastewslar lre.tnenl plant or -y land which Is sprEy inlgated wlth !€ste*Eter or uscd for studgc disposaP E l. Are any of $e sroEgE slructure drains directly connGcled to a seuer or slom dEin? E a E ar ovErtlow p.ovLled lhar dis.hrgcs to dayllghl ln a way lhal will p.ec[r,e tn€ possibAity ol b mow lo tno ras€rvoi a,ld. lrn€m pradjc€l. pmvir.d wilh an epanded melal scf€en lnslalLd wilhin lh. pipe lhal wrl€rclud€ rodeola and daler vgndelism? f] 5. ArG o{eriof,s brought down lo an elevalion betwcen 12 and 24 inctEs.bovc the ground surt6ce? (2X lhe .tian,6tetol the dlschatgc dpe abom e basin nn) f] o. oo overnows oisar.rge ovcra drdinago anl€l ltuclure or splash plate?(storm o. sanilary) I z, ls he aoeage *uaure secure lrofi unaulhdl26d soc8s? E 8- Doss hs norag! ro5srvotr ha\,! a wat€rligtn roof or cover and b il slop€d 10 lacililalc drahage? ! 9. ts U'. oruge raer Fol6cled trom coilamh5tion? I tO. k Ifr" "tor.g" "rnrcturr structurally sound? ! t t. CarE vcge{aixr io lhe area pdenUally impacl lie ioragc suuctx!? (Reconnended) I t I ts tre srcage structur. d.sign€d so trlrl il ca, be isolaild frcrn ths disribullo.r syslcm without nec.ssilalho bsi of pl€sslrE h lte dlsirihrtlon syrtern? ! 13. ls lealsga €vider{ at lims ol in6p€clEn? I rl. f tlc <orage struclur. inlcrkr coating or lioer pc.ling or cracked? E 15. lstho srorag. struclu.a us€d io Etore fnhh€rl rEtar? fl t e eru ge:g rrsrlrole openiNs lbr ft€ no6g6 suucluro 4 iiches or gEale. ebov6lhe surf*e ol ih! rooa. wnn a cov.r 2 inchcs ov€rlapping, walff tit n, hing.d and locked? E 1?. Ar! allvent3.dended 12lrdEs abov3 lha roof arE constucted to erclude pol6ntial sourcos o, conlamrElion? (The ove ow F,iqe shall not ba cottsido6d a vanl) trtrE]U trDSu8trtrtrEtrtrtr E} trtrtrEDt]tr!EtrNEtrtrE] UE]trtrDEEtrtrNDtrEtr trtrEt n yB f,o n/a u.rtrtrEtr n!n ,8 Do ^ta a*trtrEttr trDtrtr y6 ^o oJa bttrtr8! trntrtr nor. aggvEsEguxgsT(l8AgE E 1S. Oo all vents open downwad and are they frtlid with a 4 lrEsh nqFcofiodlble !c.een? ltol. GROUND{EVEL, PARTIALLY BUruED. or BELOW-GRouID SToRAGE lf t S ooes tre overnow br th6 st.rage struclur6 hel,a a verli.rl s€ctlon or pipo ai least 2 pip€ dkunet!6 in lenglh? I ZO. ts tte overttow tor thc slorage skuclure provided wnh slther a 2,1 mssh nor]conodible scrEen inslall€d wfihin rh€ pipe wi.n praclical, or an oxpand€d m€lal scrcen hsla{ed wilhin thc pipG plus a rconed flappor or check? [ 2t ts ttre area sunotrndlng lh6 310€g6 6truclrro graded in e mannarlhal willprBl€ot surface wal€. ho.n slanding wnhh 50 l€€r ot (? I ZZ te al vems ror Ur€ slorsgs slructure opsn downwaftl wilh lh6 opdring 6l bsn 24 inchos abore lh! rool or the ground lev€l end covered wilh 24 rne3h non'mnod'ble screen lo €rcllrle lotenlial conlaminstioo? ARTIALLY BURIED O BE DS [ 2S er" "erL' m*ttoles.bvrt€d 24 inch€s abov. rhe surlace ot lh. rool or lh3 groun<l lev.l, whhh ewr b hlgh6.? D 2a ls h6.€ . mlnlrnom dislanc€ ol 50 feel bet/v€en lie slo.3g. 6lructfe snd any non-porabl€ main, sland ibre 6ourc€ ol cinlamlnation, This tank was originally designed lo be a pressurized tank, but now serves only as a storage/ chlorine contact tank. lDate in service: lprior to 1976 I Exhibit G-48 DISTRIBUTION s date PWS *:7100030 How many services are metered?4161 oul of 416l t^,hat are wdter lines made of: Malerial(s): fl unt f] steo B HopE (black) E Asbestorcement E wc E Dudle Iron E copper 4 I 26756 I 220.461I I 74.09910 / 29.48912 t 27.956 2 ! ottren Size(s): ! unr Diameter fincires_) / Number offeet in use in 2013t 1239 Number of lire hydranls trE Dtr ED f1 E tr tr tr tr NOIC P!SIBIEUI.!9[ n I Have there been any lnlerruptons in seNice duing the pasl year? (includmg pressure loss) ! 2 lf a bss of pressure occuned (>20 psi), did the PWS provide public notics and dislnbct the system? (Re.rrhde, [ : ts te CWS "tt. t" msintain a mmimum pressuae of twenty (20) psi throughout the distnbution sysGm (including fre fow), or forty (40) psi for PWSS constructed aller 7/1/19a5 (exduding lire fo$/), du ng maximum hourly demand conditions? E + utas ttre pressure obgerued at a service conn€ction?LE f tr u 5 lfyes: Locaton: finre:Y$ no dt unk noletrtrtrEntrtrtrtrtr I e.u. I r.m 6 Do all water mains lhal prcvide fire flow have a diameler of al leasl6 inches? 7 Are valves exercis€d LltrDEntrtruEtrl]ntrstrEUDtrNtrtrDEI n8trtrtrNE1 trtrtrtrtr8trtrtr 8trDtrtrEtrNf]EtrtroEttrtrEntr! trtrtrtrtr B ls there a leak deleclionptq.afi? (Recofimended) 9. ls 1 5./o or mo.e ol ths water una@oirnled [or? 10. ls a water cocseryation Vqrafiil] efred? (Recommencled) 11 ls an adequab map of the distdbLiion system mainlaioed? (Recommended) 12. Do€s the system flush allmain lines annuauy? (RecommeNted) 13. Are all dead end water mairB €quipped wilh a means to tlush? '14. Ifyes, are lhe cleadends flushed at least semiann ually? 1 5. Are her€ any dislribrrtron materials us€d lhat should not b€ rn contact wlh the ddoking water? ll yes, exphin in comtu$ls section. '16. ls the system adequalely protecled lrorn fEezing? 17 ls lherE a cross connecton cohkol program? (Community PWSS Only) I E ls the operator trained in cross connedron control? (Reconnended) 1 L ls the operalol aware of any cross conneclions or yr6re any clDss clnneclions observed during the co!rce ofthe survoy? 20. lf a separate non{otable inigalion syslem is provided for the consurn€r, are allmains, hydranls, End app!rlenances easily idenufed as non-polable? (Purple Tape or ofler) fRecodlrrerded) nit unk nore Alr/Vacuum Rollot Valves Pla.cd al high @ints in water mains. @ lf Zt. Are ali aulomatjc aar relief velves equjpped with e rfleans oI bac*flow proteclion? GOli['tENTS: 17. A cross connec{ion mnbol program was first adopted in 1982. 1124t2015 Exhibit G-49 PUMPING page 1 date:PWS #:4t28t2015 PUMPHOUSE AND CONTROLS llons 2013750m; 68 742 000 Well 2 400 llons 2013m00061262 40 Well 4 1 500 allons 201m168,690 000 Well 5 lons 20'137502'11,616,000 47,684,000 ons 20'13600 Submersible Pum 7 is located in Well 6 600 87 907 000 llons 2013 submersible at75humm Well B Turbine1500allons 2013m00076705 3000 502,885,000 lons 201 Turbine 400 CO'IMENTS: Ll srgnrhcant L, Dehcrency 12. the fuel tanks have secondary containment e te _iJ Z ?t a E E .} - {d'i8r9At EBEiai EE8 iaEi _E f I5:;; *tI s5 i 5 3 ?2013 data. ytt llo r/. rt ,rolaEtr trtrtrntr !trntrtr tr!DED trNtr no d6 ult .obEtr DtrT] E] tr trUD tr. trtrtr ALL PUMPS 1. Are all pumps capable of providing lhe maximum demaod of the srslem'l 2. Does the pump(s) cycie e"{c€ssively? (Recomlr,erd€d,) 3. Are all pumps provire.d wilh readily available spare parls and lools? 4. ls a water pressure rellef valve jnslElled where lhe pump is directly connecled to lhe dislribution syslem? 5. ls a standard pressure gauge inslalled on lhe dascharge line? WELL PUMPS 6- ls lhere an accessible check v.lve irctalled in tlle discharqe line of eech u/ell between the pump and lh6 shul-olI valve? 7. l, the system has a yedtiBluUllg moior ddven pump(s), is an air rclease-vacuum relief valve krated upskeam from lhe ch€ck vatve, wilh exhausurelael piping l€rminating io a down-lumed posilion at leasl 18 inches above lhe floor and covered with a 24 mesh conosion esistant screen? 8. It the pump(s) as "orl lubricated ', ls lhe oil NSF approved and suileble for human consumpton? DE]tr tr Fs b nld rD* NLI]tr trtrtr WATER PUMPS (no, wel/prmps) 9. ls an accessible check valve on lhe dis{iErge srde between the pump and the shut-ofi valve? no D'a lrk nol. 10. b there aul iary power on rit€? trtr trEtE ED DtrDtrtr nEIE gtr trtr!Etr trf] D 11- B alrxliarypower l€sld? (Re.,ittnar&d) 12 [ a di€sd orlasdinc fuel€d.rEine is uscd on tle w€! lo( is th6 tu€l bnk and conneding piping double walled? ll lslha fuellank abovo ground, 14. ls a cerlilied operalor present duing lhe lilling ot the ,uel lank? lf the enolne i3 in the wpllhouse 15. ls the engine exhausi direcuy discharged oulsjd€ lhe well house? 16 ls a spill containment structure surrouflding alltuel tanks adequate? (Secondary containmenl - 110% luel lank volume) Comfiunitr Svs?d''s Onlv 17. loonnunity Sysl€tus built aftet 4/15n7 onlyl ls on-site power or standby slorage provided so wetea can b€ lreated and supplied to pressurize the enlire distribution syslem dufng a power outage foa a minimum of 8 hours? 1a. \Connunity Systens built aftet 4/15n7 only) lf standby power is provided, ls lhere a minimum of8 hours ot tuelstored and located on site? ^t EI;l "l si sl BI II t-l Etr !L]N Etr !ND ?100mo__l Pulpose w Well 1 I w"tt s I- Illso fw;61F,,p ? f-T I T vFD rrr.br"]__I Trnbine T---f-?s r----T_-----___l Exhibit G-50 PUMPING page 2 su dale PWS *:4t28t2015 7100030 cot t ENTS: (pleas6 indicate the question nLrmbor) lJI u L ti Ll u E ggnificant ! oenciencytr! DDDE stgniricant fl oenoency r-l tr tr tr tr '19. ls ao instantaneous aft, totalizing io rnoter inslalled where lhe booster pump is dnedy connected to the dist ibution system? 20 Are all irFline booster pumps supplled wilh an autornatic cutoll that activateswhen intake pressuE is less than or equallo 5 psi? 21 ls the boooter pump locat€d on a suction line that is direclly connected to any slorag€ reservo 22. It yes, are all boostd pumps proteaied by an aolomatic cubn ir prevsll purnp damage and 6void excessve reseruoir drawdown? U !tr tr N lle 6Ja Ntetrt] 8trtrtrtr trtrtrtrtr Dtr!trN DDN PUMP HOUSE (Or, p ump hotlses that dgdcontain a Gtoundwalot Source) 23 ls the pump house kepl clean and in good repai1 (Fbor cracks?) 24 ls lho pump house protected from unaulhorized p€rconnel? 25. Does the pump house have adequate lghtrng throughoLrt? (RecomDerded) 26. Are all non-sample laps irstalled ln the pump hous€ eqLripped wilh an appropriate backiow prev€ntion device? ls adequat€ ventrlaticn plovided in the pump hous€ lor dissipatjon of excess heat and moislure hom the equipmenl? L ls adequate healing provided in the pump house to provided safe and efficient operation ot equlpfienl lqevent moislure buildup aod/ot fGezing)? )6s no rrld Ldk noletrtr ntrtrntr trD! 29 ls ti€ pump house protected fiom flooding, heve adequate drainage, is the ioor srrrtace al leasl six (6) inches above the linal qround sudace, and ls lhe gound sudaca gEd€d so as lo lead surface waler auay Irorn lhe pump house? 30. ls the sump for pump house ioor dBins doser lhan 30 feet from tl|e vuell? 31. lB the lloot drain connected b sewer, storm drains, chlorination mom d rahs, or eny other source of contaminaton? Exhibit G-51 FINANCIAL CAPACITY date:PIVS *.710003042at2015 COMMENTS: indicate lhe Rates from the 2013 P E o.r F:.E =o 8dN c!a!E c! F E3 ooq @a\t ooo O,t-q(\t6l o,o.ts.9 U' bo,a0) = o, 0 .a st r:F o UC report: ,. ! rll 'oo1'! .E c _q(!o a (E .E ,6s @ ,J. (*Etrt]trEtrtrt] .,"re FINANCIAL CAPACITY n t. ts ttre plVS "r".nt with the payrnenl ol drinking waler foes? [ 2. ooes ue ews cnarge a drinking lf yes. what ls the f€e: $ wabr fee lo the usei? 5. lf applicable, is the PWS fund separale ftom the waste waledsewer tuhlig tund'l (Reconnended) 6 Do vrater system rBvenues exce€d expendifues? (Reconmended) 7 Are controls establish€d to pre\rent expenditurea trom ex@eding 8- Has an indep€nd€nt fnancial audil been co.npleldl (tleconmended) 9. lf yes, is a copy of Ue morl recent bahnce sheet lor th€ v{aier system available? (Re{,!.mmended) I o. Does lie water syslem include a cash budget wrlhan its annual budget lor cash flow? (Rec,,mmeoded) E r g. Ooes fre waler syslem management Evi6'/v fnancial reports at leasl 'm,onlhv? (Reconnended) E ll. oes ttre Pws provide and use a caprtsl budgell (Re..f,ntuenden) E 15. Has lhis Pt,/S produced and does il @nen{y utilize a caFital improvenEnts plan? (Ro@nnended) 16. Ifyes,ti budgel produced? E tr tr tr tr s. b he Pl rs in the business oI s€lllng wate, #3 Note: - .irll: llH*HlJlTcomment'section and'nark E ! tr f] ! I. Does the P!,,s provade and use an annualbudget? (Reeonnended) 8trtrUtrEtrtrtrtr E tr tr tr tr D E t t. oo€s ihe v\rater system menagement revrew the user fee, user chalg6, or rale system at least annually? (Recamnended) 12 when was lhe last user user chalqe, or rate system adjustn€nt? nfi/ddlywyy.r no ,r. ur* mLEtr ErtrEItr tr trtr tr nrl ! tr ll E1 tr tru trtr utr tr n tr t7 Has the capital imp.ovem€nt budget been opdated in lhe last II rmntts? (Recor nended) 16. Do6s the water system budget provide funding for depr€ciation of 6xisting planl in s€rvice andlor tor lhe funding of reserves for system eplacement? t9. Aro lhere suffci€nt tunds for ttaining Prsonnel? 10t16t2012 E 2008 Exhibit G-52 MANAGERIAL CAPACIW s dalc C PWS # COIVMENTS:I8 E da ml DoioEtrtrtrtrEf] trDD 1. ls a properly llc€nsed operator available al alltlmes? (lUA lor GW'NC PWS) 2. ls Date lheie a Dri \ laler Source Plolection Plan d€veloped lor thrs system? ! E E 3. ooes lhis PwS have a gpveming bodv or boad ol dkectors? It no, pleasc indlcate n sote Propdetolship D PattnershlP E Limrled Lrabrli n E1trtr tr yet rro tla unli ,,otc8trDtrtrEtrtrN!EtrtrtrDEtrtrtrD trntrD8trtrtrEtrtrN B omer: 4. Ho/v offen does lhe board deet? E N/A E weekly I scmiannuatf I narer fl monthly E annualV fl bimonthly I as necessary I unknown fl other Ale the (,llowing records riaintained oosite or located near by? 5, - Bacteriological Analysis - 5 years tstention. 6. - ChemEelAnalysrs . l0 years retentiofl. 7. - R€corcis ol actons taken to correct violations - 3 years rctention. 8. - Copies of repods, summaries or communication relaled to sanitary suoeys - l0 years telentlon. - Reports concerning vanances oa exemptions _ 5 ya'aB retertlon. - Copres ol public notices 6sued - 3 yoars rotenlion. - oaily free chlorine resid uels (rcquire<l clisinfeclion) - 'l yaet r€tantion Are rouline mainl€nanca sahedules established? (Reconfiended) ls an operaton and mainEnance nranual(9 provided lor the Pllrs and does ll include, daily operating tnstructions, operator salEty procedures, location ol valves and olher key system features, parls lisl and parts order tom. and Inlorrnatjon loI contacting the water syst€m operato? ls thero a clear plan of organizaliofl ancl control arnong lhe people resposible tor management and operations oI lhe water systefi? (Reconfiended) Are eny samples ol th6 following parameters Past due? Coliform Nitraies Nitrites Lead aod Copper rocs VOCs SOCs Drsrnfection Byproducts Radionuclide ls a wrilten total coliform rule OCR) sample sile Plan avarbble Does the {TCR) sample sil6 plan meel the minimum requirefienls? Does ihe system have a suflic,ent supply of approved sampling bottles F,.operly stored? (Recomfiended) Dces lhe Pl ,S ,r.viCe stain €ys. ladde$ znC hanCrails '.{rh€re fleedslt Arc lreads of non-sljp material prcvded where needed? ls a heallh concem prcduced lrom madequalely protecled electi:alwinng? Are all confined space enlty requirements consideted?(Reconnended) Are there any unusod subsurfac? water sl,ol'age tanks that need to be abandoned? Are there any walersupply wells that are no longel b€ing used that need to be abandoned? 8trtrtrEtrtr! !s.!,0Ulr E rz. E t:. D14 E ze. D =t.E za. E zg.E so. Eer y$ na r,la unk not€tr E tr tr Etstr S tl C Erotr El tr D ZttD E tr n Eratr tr tr ! Ersfl E tr tl EzoD E tr tr EzrD E tr tr Zzztr tr tr n Ezs n tr ! E Zzc Et]trCEtrDtrtr8trtrEtrtrDtrEttrn tr8trtr trIJtrEtrt]Dtr T- -^ o4t28t2015 onCo f ?loomo_l Exhibit G-53 PUMPING page t SU date:PWS #4t2812015 PUMPS, PUMPHOUSES, AND CONTROLS Pump lD{Physical location Well 'l /50 qpmj 68,742,000 gallons 2013 400 gpm; 67, 262,000 gallons 2013 '1500 qpm; 168.690,000 gallons 20'l:Turbine 750 gpm; 211.616,000 gallons 2013 600 qpm,47,684,000 gallons 2013 Submersible Pump 7 is located in Well 6; 600 gpm; 87,907,000 qallons 2013; submersible pump at 75 hp 1500 gpm; 76.705,000 gallons 2013 150 Well9 3000 qpm; 502.885,000 qallons 201:Turbine 400 COMMENTS: 2013 data: 12. the fuel tanks have secondary containment. t !!s a5 6 E E I 1g's : tB: reE3E EBEeaaEEE 8ggi 6i66ll-; r ! .Ea l t s; €;gI e .! aa Ed ,}j VFD turbine I yet no .re uDk .oletrtr trutrn tr r r tlE! DtrtrEtr trtrtr trn fttr! ALL PUMPS 1. Are all pump6 capable ot provlling lhe diaximum clenland of ihe system? 2. Does the pump(s) cycle ex@asively? (Reconfiendecl) 3. Are all pumps provicled wih readily aveilabla spar€ parls and lools? 4. ls a water pressure relief valve installed where lhe pump is di,ectly connected to the dislribu{on syslem? 5. lsa standard pessure gauge instrallod on the discharge line? WELL PU]IIPS 6. ls there an acc.Jsible check valve installed in lhe discharge line of each woll belween the pump and th€ shut-ofi valve? 7. lf lhe system has a vertical turbine rnolor drven pump(s), is an air release-vacuum rellel valve located upstEam from ihe check valve, wilh erhausurelief piping temanal,ng rn a down-lurned positrbn at least 1 8 inches abov6 the lloorand mvered w h a 24 mesh conosion reslslaot screen? 8. lf the gump(s) is 'oil lubricated". is the oil NSF approved and suilablo tor human consufirpliofi? Etr trtr trtrtr trtr Efttr !trD trtr E]Dtr WATER PUMPS (aot wsl p{,rrps) 9. ls an accesslble check valve on lhe dEcharge side betweet lhe pump and the shut ofl valve? ls lhere auxiiarypower on-sile? 11- ls auraiary powcr testd? (Rea'mddeO 12. lt a di$d or galdin! fu.led engine is us€d orl tre wsl lol; B th. tucl bnk and connecting pidng double walled? 13. ls the tueltankabove ground? 14. ls a certiried operator presenl during the frlling of1he fuel lank? lr th. onoifle ls in th. wall hous€ 15 ls lhe engine exhaust dhectly dischargsd outside the w€ll house? 16. ls a spill containment struclu€ sunounding allfueltanks adequate? (Secondary conlainmenl - 11O% tuellank volume) Co,nm u n ttv Sv de rrr s O n I v 11 . lconnunily Syslens built after 4h5/07 oilyl 16 on-site power or slandby storage provided so waler can be heated and supplied lo pcssuize the enlre distriMion syslem during a poweroutage fora minimum or 8 hours? 18. l2omnunily Systems buih alter 4/15n7 onlyl ll standby poweris provided, Atr Dtrtratr trtrtr trtr trtrL. Etr trNtrtr! trtrtr trtr !tru EItr trtrfJ f ?loomo -l tw"il, I welt 4 I w"tt sf** TP,-- 7f*;it T Typ.ofprrp-f &a'd tl -f- l r,,ffi--T-------_l I Turoin" i lzsf-.o--.]Tr5o 1 Exhibit G-54 PUMPING page 2 dale PWS *:7100030 COIiMENTS: (Pleese indicate lhe questjon numbe0 U L.]LJ UUU E sgnificart I oefoencytru trtrtr E] signncant ! oenciency P tr ll 19. ls an inshntaneous and lotalizing flow meter inslall€d where lhe bmster pump is dkGcily connected to the distibution system? 20 Are sll inllne boo€ter pumps supplied w lh an automatrc c{toff lhat aclivates when intako pressure is less than orequalto 5 psi? 21. ls lhe ttoosler pump loc€ted on a suclion line lhat is directly connected to any storage reservoi, 22. ll yes, aro all boosler pumps pmtecled by an automatc cutoff to prevent pump damage and avoid exc€ssive r€servoir drawdown? trtr DAn ys no 116 lDk noi.trtr 8trtr!tr tr!trItr trntrutr D!tr PUMP HOUSE (Orly p ump houses thal dgtLcontain a c@undwaler Sowca) 23. ls lhe purnp house kept clean and ln good repait? (Floor crack?) 24. ls lhe puhp hous€ prote.ted t om unauthorized persoinel? 25. Ooes lhe pump hous€ have acl€quaG lighting thtoughou|? (Recofidenaled) 28. Are all non.sample taps inslalled in lhe pump house equlpped whh an appropdate bactflow prevention device? 27 ls adequate venlilation provlded ln the pump house for dissjpation ot excess heal am moislure fmm the equipment? 28. ls adequate heating provichd in the pump house to provided safe afld efficient opemtlon of equip'r.enl (prcvent noisture bu dup endbrfftezing)? ye. D rva Lrk nol.trtr trtrtrtrr-t !trtr 29 ls the pump house proieded from noodino. heve adequale dlainage, is the flooa surface at,eastsix (6) inches above lhe fnalg.ound surface, and is lhe ground surface gtaded so as to lead surface water a1 /ay iiom the pump hous€? 30 ls the sump br pump house floor drains closer lhan 30 feet lrofi the well, 31 ls the floor drain connected to seqret, storm dlains, chlorination room drains, or any olher sourae of conta minalion? f-iau;o1s]l Exhibil G-s5 TREATMENT APPLICATION & CONTROL SU dale PWS #. Unk According to well Date online:lJnkTreated water'Gpd): 1,041,934 Purpose ol treaknenl: sand removal Treatment facility localion: All wells ! Sedirnentatlon Aasin E Fitration E Beadinq E OxidaUon E lon Exchanoe [ ruraUon ! Revers€ Osmosis fl Detention Basln E ChemiGl Coaqulatjon I Stenlng fl Disinfecdon (CompletE Disinfection Mod.) trtr ldentjftone proc€ss in the lreatmenl lrain for inspeclion: Seq'restsatoD by Polyphocphates Sequestration by Sodium Sllicates Equipment manufactllrGr: Allwell pump to waste upon startup to removG sand [4odel*Sources treated by facilityfrag*) Allwells butwell8 Chemicalkade narne Chemical manufacturer NSF/ANSI certified? E Yo E r,ro El u/a E D v". []No EN/A n U lJn UnNO Treated water* in gallons per day was derived from the 2013 total production from wells 4 & 5, divided by 365. 2. Well startup water is pumped to waste. WASTE H,ANDUNG and DISPOSAL 1 Are provlslons madefor pmperdlsposEl of walerlreatment plsnl wasle such as sanrlary, laboralory, clariflc€lon slldge. softening sludge. iron sludge, rillcr back$/rsh waler brines and treahent rn€dia? 2. lf )6s. how are wEstas beang disposed of? (ldeniiry in commenls) SAMPLE TAPS 3 Are smoolh-nos€d sampling taps provlde! pfior to and after each form ot l.ealme.l? CHEISICAL APPUCATTON r Do chem.'.'al applied, $i6lions 4-23 4a r.ta 4. Ar€ sp€r6 perts alailable for ell ch€mi:€l fe€ders to replac€ parlB which are $bilcl lo lrequ€ni wear and drr1age? 5. Ac the f€€de.s Eaalelb, d. altomallcalv coilrolEd? E Manuat E Automauc A For cnomicil applicstkh conlml syslems, is lt|e chehlcalf..d€r conlroll€d by a flow s.nsing devbc so thal iniaclion ol $e cnemicals wlll nol contnuo $hm th6 tlri/ ol wateY stops? 7 ls a m€snslo measurewalerflow provided in o.d6f to delemhschemlcal l€€d rEtes? /6s D Dh D,( rbl6trDtrND trtrtrtrtrtr fl E Is ,o ,ra unt ,oletrtrEtrtrD l/e q-z: yer ,.o rr, w* noteDtrEtrtr DtrtrtrNDUtrtrtr!trtrtrD Dntrtrtr ntrtrtrfI DDtrL]trtrtrtrLrutrtrtrtrtrtrtrf]trn !trtrutr I]Dtrtrtr trtrtrtrtrtrt]trtrN trtrtrutr utrtr!tr 8 Are pmvBlons made lo. rneasunng the quarnnix of chen*=ls tl3ed? 9. b crosscann*lioo conirol provilcd on lh€ service wal€r lines that discharge to th€ solurilon lanls? 10. ls soss-conneciion control FDvided so lhat llquld ahemical solutions cannol be siphoned ltuorigh solutbo lcedcrs jnto lhs u/ater suppl" 11 ls thc chcmicalf€€d €quiFnenl r.adat accassrbE ror servicing, repat, and observalion ol op€r31lon? 12 ls space provided forconvenienveflicient storag. and hsndllng otchemicals? 13- Ar€ chamicab that ae incompslibb noled or handled logelh., 14- Are chemicel solutiofl taflks kepl covored? 15 Are rrremlcal solution lank overflou pipcs, whsn provided, turned dowiward wnh ha ond screened? (Reconnen.ld) 16 Do ci€rnacal solullon t nk overliol pip.s. Mlen provded, hav. fre lall dischatge? ( Reconneded) I 7 Wh€€ morc ihan o.1e ( 1 ) chemlcal ls slored or handled, are tanks and pipelines clearly lab€led lo idenlily lhe cnemicallhey cornsh? t 6- Are lbor surfaccs smooth and ampcrvbus, sliPproof 6nd weu drainad? {Recomnanded) 1 9. Ar€ v€rIs from l€€d6rs, slorage taciliti€s and €quipm€nt erhausi discharg€d to trr€ oulsde almosphere abovc grado and remole from ak inlak€s? 20. Are cnemic.l shipping conlainers ,ully hb€led to indude ctumi.al name. purity. cooc€nlr.lion, supdicr nsm€ 3nd address, and evd3nc6 ol ANSI/NSF ce,tificalion? 21. Are aclds and causlic6 kap{ in closed coroGion-resislanl shtpping conlaine6 or slora€a unils? 22 Are at l€e6t one peir ol rubber gbves, a dusl respirator of a lype certifr€d by NIOSH for loxlc dusG, ah epron d ouer protectvB clothing and goggleE or tEce mast provlded Io. .aci opsBtor es requirod by the reviewmg aulhorltv? 23. ls a deluge show€r andor eye*a3hlng device hslalled where strong acids and alkalis ar. us€d or storEd? trtru !n il tr tr tr l- ?ioomt -f ,trlt ols Ftxhibit G-56 State of ldaho Department of Environmental Quality lnspection Notes date:PWS #:4t28t2015 7'100030 Name of Public Water System: Falls Water Company, lnc. '1. Well chronology, lnlo A- Noo-6)d6lanl wells - the l.Jetl 3 pump failed in m05, and was nol rcplaced due to the low'.rell produdioo capacity. B. \ trall completion clates l/\h[ 1: Al3O,/1976 l/lftll 2: unknown t/tleil 3: ihe 20(x Ess stale6 a 1 997 drill date. well4:51611971 l..hll 6: 6101197S lrsbll 6: :V1l'1989 \ rell 7i th6rB is no well 7: plmps 6 I 7 are locaH in well 6. \/\bll 8: 7/28h99s \r/ell 9: 3/272006 C. Chlodnation wsst installed in 1976 or 1977 on ,aells 2 & 4 due to poor water quality. \ lbll 3 may also have had bed quality and been out of use br a short tme unlil chlodnation was installed. lnspected by: Title: staff e Dale.4l28l?-015mazzone tneer Exhibit G-57 DISINFECTION- page 1- systems usin date on roundwater PWS #4t2ano15 I I ztoon.n Treatment facillly location: injeclion near each well I untDate onlinei E un According to well. Treated watef (gpd): 2,414,132 Treatment facility name: All well except #8. Select all disinfection types used: E Gas ct o.ine djo)dde I Uvright g Sodium tlypochlonte E Gkium Hypodrlorite I miox ! Ozone E cnbrine Dioxide ! Otrer Comments. 'Treated water in gallons per day was derived from the total 2013 production of these wells divided by 365. 3. lt appears disinfection has been added to all wells. ,€s 6 de !.k noi.8trtrtrtr DISINFECTION 4 lfyes. were plans and s submitted lo OEQ, Date appoved EDDtrtrtrtrEttrtr trtrt]8trEntrtrtrtrtru8tr ElI]trutr /s no rr. uok noletrtrtr8tr trDUEtr8trtrtrtr trNtrEE ),6 ,Jo rra u![ noletrtrtrDtr Dtrtrtrtr trtrDtrtr 1 ls dasinlection used on e volunbry basis lo p€vent bactenal conlaminalion of lhe disbibution system? 2. Any inlerruptjons ln disinfeclion in the past yeaf lf yes, comment. 3 Have any clanges been made to lhis trealment facility since lhs last ESS? 5. Does lhe system have a means of measu ng the residual disinleciant concentaiions of faee .hlorjne, combined chlodne (d)loramines), ancuo. chlorine dioxide? 6. lE a smoolh nosed sample tap p.ovided berore and afler lreajrnenf.) 7 Is a chlo.ine residlal being Ecorded when all compliance total coliiorm samples ale being taken? VOLUNTARY DISINFECTION 8 ls a measurable lree chlorine residual rrainiained $roughout tie distribution sy slem', (Reco m n e nd ed ) g. ls the free cilodne residuai being fieasurecl daily? (Reconfien.led) 10. ls an autornatjc proporlioning chlorinato, being used whee the.ate ol fow js not rcasorEbly constant? 1 1 ls the analysis tor free chlorine residual belng made at a lrequency lhat is sufricienl Io detecl variations in chlorine demand or changes in watet ,low? D tr tr tr REOUIRED DISINFECTION 1 2. ls the fee chlorine residual being measured dsily at a locauon prior to lhe lirst service connecton? 1 3. ls the daily free chlorine residual being recorded aod kepl on fle tor a minimum of 1 year?. 14 ls a deteclable chlo ne residual rnaintained throughout lhe dislribution system? 15 ls an aulonatc proporlioning chlorinator being used whero the rate ol noy, is flot reasonably conslanl? 1 6. Vvhere chlorination is requircd for prolection of lhe supply. is lhere standby equiprnenl ot sull'rcient cap€city avaalable to replac€ the largest unil? 1 7 lf pririary disinfection is accomplished using ozofie or some other chemical lhst does nol provide a residual disinfectanl, is chlorine added to povide a residual disinfeclanl? n tr !tr D trtr Exhibit G-58 DISINFECTION -a undwater Treatnent locations:ESS date.PWS *:near each welli 4t24t2015 7100030 indicate lhe Commenls: significant D oeficiency y.s Do da dt .10l,6Dtrtrtrtr PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 18. ls respiralory pmlection equipment, me€ting lhe requiremenls of NIOSH available \,yher€ crllodne gas is Mndled, and is it stored ai a convenienl localon. but not inside any room where chlodne is used o. stored? 1 9. Does the respiratory protection equipmGnl consist of compressed air that has al leasl a 30 minrrte capacily, and is compatible ryilh or exaclly the sarle as unils used by lhe ile depadmenl rcsponsible for the plant? CHLORINE LEAK DETECNO 20. lB , bottle ol amnonium Mroxide (56 percent ammonla solution) availabl€ tor chlonne leak delection? 2'1. V\lhere ton containeB are used, B a leak repsir kit appoved by lhe Chlo{ine hslituts pmvided? 22 ls chlorin€ gas leak deteclion equipment provided? 23. mere a leak deteclor is provded, ls il equipped wilh bolh an audible alarm and a waming lightT D n ya no r unl mao!nftEn trtrUtrN tr!ntrtrtr!!trLl ya llo ,/r llnl ralatrtrtrutrtrtrDtrtr trtrtrufl trtrtrtrr1Dft !Du uutrtrtrtrNtrDtr trtrtrtrn CHLORINE ROOM 24 ls a seperate room provided for gas chlorinalion equipment? 25. Oo p(essurized chlorine feed lioes carry chlorine gas beyond he chloanaior rDom? ls the cr orin€ room providcd with a shatter resisl,anl in8pec{on wjndo , lnstall€d in an lnEdor s,all? 27 ls lhe chlodne rcom constructed in such a manner that all openinqs b€tween tll€ ailorin€ rcom and th6 remainder of lhe planl ale sealed? 28. A16 the chloine room doors eqlipped with panic hardware, assuring ready means of exii and opening outward only t\D the burlding axlerior? 29. Vlhere chlorine gas ls us€d, does each mom have a ventilaling hn. 30. Does lhe venlilating fan take suction neer the lloor and dischaEe away I[om any air inlets? 31 Ale all air inlgts thror8h lou€rs near he ceiling? 32 Aro tllele separale switchas for the fan and lights localed outside ol lhe chloain6 room and at th€ inspection window? 33. Are olrtside switches protected frcm vanclalism? tri no tll ullt rB.D!trtrtr fl trtrtrtr trtrtrtrtr CHLORIT{E GAS CYUNDERS 34- Ale chlodnalor lmms heated to 60 'F. and protected from excegsrve heat? 35. Are tulland emply cylinders of chlorine g6s isolated frorn operalrng 36. Are full and emply cylinders of chlotine gas resfalned in position lo prevent ups€t? 37. Are full afld ernpty cylindeB ot arllodne gas stored in rooms separate kom ammonia slorag€? 38. Are full and ompty cylinderr of cfrlodne gas stored rn aleas lhal ale not in the direct sunlighl or exposed to excesslve heat? 39. lE a reasonably p6ci6e weEhl scale pmvded for weighlng cylinders, al all Dlants utlizing chlorlno gEs? 40. ls there an aulomalic aditch-over ol chlorine cylinders provided. \^rhere nec€ssary, to asEUrc conuntious disinfeclon? fRecommerded) tr trtrtr trntr tr!tr tr ! n t_llltr - Fillout tme Gas Chlonnrtlon is connecled lolhe pWS tr E tr tr []