HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200319Reply Comments.pdfldaho Public Utilities Commission Office of the SecretaryRECEIVED MAR I I 2020 Boise,ldaho K. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company, lnc. 2180 North Deborah Dr ldaho Falls, tD 83401 Te!. (208) s22-1300 Fax (2O8) 522499 E-ma il: scottl@fa llswater.com Representative for Falls Water Co., Inc. IN THE MATTER OFTHE APPIICATIOI{ OF FALIS WATER COMPANY, IilC TO AMET{D CERf,IFICATE OF PUBUC CONVENIENCE BEFORE THE IDAHO PI,JBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION I ) I I I cAsE NO. FI-S-W-19-02 AND NECESSITY I{O.236 COMPANY,S RESPOI{SETO STAFF COMMEI{TS Comes now Falls Water Company and files the following reply to comments of the Commission Staff dated March I1,2020. The Staffmade the following recommendations: a. Approve the proposal to amend the Company's CPCN to add Areas I through I l, and Area 13 (all of which are contiguous to its current certificaGd service rea); b. Reject the proposal to include Honey Bee (Area 12) in the Company's certificated service area; and c. Approve the proposal to remove Area 14 from the Company's certificated service area because this area has been annexed by Idatro Falls. d. Order the Company to work with Staff to file documents conforming to changes to the CPCN following issuance of the final order in this case. Response to Recommendation A: The Company supports Staff s recommendation to approve the additions of Areas 1 through 11, and Area 13. Response to Recommendation 8: The Company accepts Staffs recommendation and is working with Honey Bee Acres to get a written agreement in place so that a filing can be made with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to add Honey Bee 1 Acres to Companfs service area by connecting Honey Bee Acres existing customers to Company's distrlbutlon infrastructure. Responsc b Recomnrendatlon C: The Company supports StafPs recommendation to remove Area 14 from the certificated service area due to tdaho Falls annexing the arca. Response to Recommendatlon D: Company is prepared to work with Staff to file documents conforming to changes to the CPrCN following issuance of the final order in this case. Dated at ldaho Falls, tdaho, this 18s day of March 2020. Respectfully subm itted, FATLS WATER COMPANY, INC.(tu K. Scott Bruce, GeneralManager 2