HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190805Application.pdfPreston N. Carter (ISB No. 8462) Charlie S. Baser (ISB No. 10884) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley.com charl iebaser@ givenspursley. com 14761564_1.docx [3988-5] Attorneys for Falls Water Co., Inc IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE WATER BUSINESS OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT FALLS WATER,S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION - I APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO., INC. FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE WATER BUSINESS OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT; AMENDMENT OF FALLS WATER CO., INC.',S CPCN QllO. 236); AND REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE RECEIVED r:019 AUG -5 pt{ 3: 3 t ORIGINAL ,,n'l?,H)ct$#l8r,o* BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Case No. F L5- U - lQ-o t Falls Water Co., [nc. ("Falls Water") seeks the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's ("Commission") approval of Falls Water's acquisition of the assets of the water supply and distribution systems (the "Water Business") of Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District (the "District"),1 in accordance with the Asset Purchase Agreement dated and effective as of June 28, 2019 (the "Agreement"). Falls Water also requests that its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPCN"), No. 236, be amended to include the area served by the District's Water Business, and that this Application be processed by modified procedure. I In a separate component of the transaction not subject to the Commission's jurisdiction, an affiliate of Falls Water, Gem State Infrastructure, LLC ("Gem State Infrastructure"), is acquiring the assets of the District's sewer system (the "Wastewater Business"; collectively with the Water Business, the "Business"). This Application covers only Falls Water's proposed acquisition of the Water Business assets. Please serve all notices and communications with regard to this Application upon: Preston N. Carter Charlie S. Baser Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley.com charliebaser@ givenspursley. com kendrah@ givenspursley. com Eric W. Nelsen Senior Regulatory Attorney NW Natural 220 NW 2nd Ave. Portland, Oregon 97209 Telephone: (503) 721 -247 6 Eric.Nelsen@nwuiilural.com BlcxcnouND AND PRocpounll HrsroRy Fails lAater and Nll/ Natural Water 1. Falls Water is a regulated public water utility providing water service to a portion of Bonneville County east of the City of Idaho Falls and north of the City of Ammon. Falls Water has been supplying water service since 1958 and currently serves approximately 5,500 customers under CPCN No. 236. 2. In February 2018, the Commission approved the acquisition of Falls Water by NW Natural Water Company, LLC ('NW Natural Water"). See Order No. 34103 (July 10, 2018). An organizational chart is attached to the accompanying testimony of Justin Palfreyman, the President of Falls Water, NW Natural Water of Idaho, LLC ("NW Natural Water of Idaho") and NW Natural Water.2 3. Falls Water, and NW Natural Water of Idaho and NW Natural Water are members of a family of companies held by Northwest Natural Holding Company ('NW Natural Holdings"), which was created during a recent corporate reorgarization of Northwest Natural 2 Falls Water currently is a subsidiary of NW Natural Water. NW Natural Water intends to make Falls Water a subsidiary of NW Natural Water of Idaho, which is itself a subsidiary of NW Natural Water. Falls Water is not aware of any legal requirement for Commission approval of this reorgan'rzation, but requests Commission approval if required. Qf, Application in Case No. FLS-W-18-01 (filed Feb. 21, 2018) (providing notice of corporate reorganization). Falls WarER's AppLrcATroN FoR AppRovAL oF AcqursrroN - 2 Gas Company and its affiliates. Northwest Natural Gas Company, now a direct subsidiary of NW Natural Holdings, is a 160-year-old natural gas utility serving customers in the Pacific Northwest. 4. NW Natural Water and its subsidiaries recently acquired regulated water utilities in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The companies intend to identifu and acquire additional water utilities as opportunities present themselves. The District and its predecessor, Country Club Hills Utilities 5. The District is a special purpose water and sewer district under Chapter 32,Title 42 of the Idaho Code. The District was established on September 2,2014, by the District Court for the Seventh Judicial District.3 6. The District currently serves approximately 158 residential customers and one commercial customer in what is commonly known as the Idaho Falls Country Club in Bonneville County, Idaho. The area currently served by the District is approximately ten miles from the territory served by Falls Water. Palfreyman Testimony at 5. 7. Before the District was formed, water service was provided by a regulated public utility, Country Club Hills Utilities,Inc. ("Country Club Hills Utilities"). The owner of Country Club Hills Utilities experienced difficulties operating the utility. In March 2015, Country Club Hills Utilities petitioned the Commission to relinquish its CPCN and to transfer its assets to the newly formed District. See Case No. CCH-W-15-01, Order No. 33384 (Sept. 24,2015) at I (describing background). In September 2015, the Commission approved the relinquishment and cancellation of the CPCN and acknowledged the transfer of assets to the District. Order No. 33384 at 3. 3 The order establishing the District was recorded as Instrument No. 1487066 in the records of Bonneville County, Idaho. It is attached as Attachment l. FALLS WATEn's AppLICattoN FoR Appnoval oF AcQUISITIoN - 3 8. The District is run by an all-volunteer board of directors (the "Board"), and has been since it was created in20l4. Palfreyman Testimony at 6. The District was intended to be a short-term solution to the management of the Country Club Hills Utilities system. Its Board members have volunteered significant time and effort to improve the Business, though they do , not view their volunteer positions as a tenable long-term plan for continuing the District's operations. 1d 9. In Fall 2018, NW Natural Water approached the District and began preliminary discussions regarding the possible purchase of the District's Water Business assets. Id. at 7 . The proximity of the District's Water Business to Falls Water's system made the assets of the District's Water Business of interest to NW Natural Water. Id. at 6-7. 10. After discussions, NW Natural Water and the District executed a Non-Binding Letter of Intent to Purchase the Assets of the District's Water and Wastewater Businesses (effective on January 14,2019) outlining the basic terms for a potential purchase of the District's Business assets, subject to necessary approvals from District patrons, the district court, and the Commission. Id. at7. The dissolution process I l. As noted above, the District was created under, and operates under, Chapter 32, Title 42 of the Idaho Code. The code does not require any specific procedure to dissolve the District upon transfer of assets to a regulated utility. However, Idaho Code section 42-3212 provides the Board the authority to exercise the right to acquire and dispose of real and personal property, and to exercise all rights and power necessary or incidental to specific authority identified in the code. Idaho Code section 42-3239 provides a process to dissolve the District upon transfer of its assets to a municipality. FALLS WATER,S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION - 4 12. The procedures contained in Idaho Code section 42-3239 include a public meeting, opportunity for a vote of the District's members, and a judicial dissolution proceeding. The District decided to employ the procedures of section 42-3239 to dissolve the District. Palfreyman Testimony at7-8. The procedures, and the District's implementation of them, are further described in the Verified Petition for Dissolution of Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District and Approval of Transfer of Assets filed in the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District on May 7,2019 ("Petition for Dissolution"), attached as Attachment2. 13. To summarize,the District held a public meeting in January 2019 to inform its members about Falls Water's potential acquisition of the District's assets. During that meeting, the District informed its members that it would hold an election on the potential acquisition if it received a petition signed by at least 10% of the members of the District. A form petition was provided at that meeting. The District did not receive a petition for such an election. See Petition for Dissolution at 6-8. 14. On May 7,2019, the District filed the Petition for Dissolution, requesting that the District Court issue an order dissolving the District and permitting the District to transfer its assets to NW Natural Water, through its subsidiary Falls Water, pursuant to Idaho Code sections 42-3212 and 42-3239. Id. 15. In the meantime, Falls Water and the District continued to negotiate an agreement. 16. The District held a second meeting on June 8,2019. During that meeting, the District again discussed the potential acquisition by Falls Water. The District also provided notice of the June26,2019 hearing date with the District Court on the Petition for Dissolution. Palfreyman Testimony at 7 -8. Falls WerpR's AIeLICATToN FoR AppRovAL or AcqutsnroN - 5 17. On June 26,2079, the District Court held a hearing to consider the Petition for Dissolution. Representatives of the District and Falls Water attended. Id. at8. A copy of the Agreement, at that time executed by Falls Water, was filed with the Court. During the hearing, the parties described the proposed transaction and discussed the dissolution procedures with the Court. Id. 18. On June 28,2019, Falls Water and the District entered into the Agreement, a true and correct copy of which is attached to the Palfreyman Testimony. Under the Agreement as it relates to this Application, Falls Water would purchase the assets of the District's Water Business subject to a number of conditions. The Agreement is described in more detail in the following section, "The Transaction." 19. On July 1,2019, the District Court issued an Order regarding the Petition for Dissolution. The Order is attached as Attachment 3. 20. In the Order, the District Court concluded that 1) the District has the authority to dissolve and transfer its assets; 2) the District appropriately elected to follow the procedures set forth in Idaho Code section 42-3239;3) the District has fully complied with and satisfied the conditions of Idaho Code section 42-3239; and 4) the District will be dissolved if the conditions described in the Agreement are satisfied. It also determined that the District would continue operating until the transaction is complete. 21. Now that the District Court has approved the dissolution of the District and the transfer of its assets upon completion of the conditions in the Agreement, Falls Water respectfully requests that the Commission approve its acquisition of the District's Water Business assets. FALLS WATEn's AppLtcRTroN FoR AppRovAL oF AceutstnoN - 6 Tun TntxsACTroN 22. As noted above, Falls Water and the District entered into the Agreement on June 28,2019. The Agreement and the actions it contemplates, to the extent related to this Application, are referred to as the "Transaction." The Agreement is conditioned upon the Commission's approval.a 23. If approved, under the Agreement Falls Water will acquire the assets of the District's Water Business. Palfreyman Testimony at 7. 24. The District does not have any employees. If the Transaction is approved, Falls Water employees will assume the roles previously undertaken by volunteer members of the District's Board. Palfreyman Testimony at 5. 25. Tony Wise, the licensed water system operator for Falls Water, will serve as the licensed water system operator for the assets of the District's Water Business. Mr. Wise holds license number DWD3-21515 (Class 3), and his business address is 2180 N Deborah Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83401 . Id. at7. 26. The District is not regulated by the Commission and, as such, does not have Commission-approved tariffs. The District collects rates and charges that were approved by the Board. A schedule of the District's rates and other charges is attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony in the form of clean and redlined versions of tariff sheets that are proposed to become part of the Falls Water tariff. a The Agreement was filed with the District Court in redacted form. At the time, it had only been signed by Falls Water. The fully executed Agreement is attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony. The information that was redacted when filed with the District Court is confidential. Accordingly, the pages of the Agreement that contain information that was redacted in the filing with the District Court are filed with the Commission under separate cover pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 57. FALLS WATER,S APPLICATIoN FoR APPROVAL oF ACQUISITION - 7 27. Falls Water is not requesting any change to the District's or Falls Water's rates, rate structure or other charges as a result of the Transaction. Palfreyman Testimony at 8. Any future changes will be based on prudently incurred capital expenditures and other accepted ratemaking principles. Id 28. If the Transaction is approved, Falls Water will work with Commission Staff to update its tariffs to reflect its addition of the District's Water Business assets and the retention of the existing rates, rate structure and other charges for current customers of the District and Falls Water. Id. 29. Falls Water intends to work with Commission Staff before and during future rate proceedings to consider consolidation ofrates, rate structure, and other charges as reasonable and appropriate for current Falls Water and current District customers. Id. at8-9. 30. Falls Water submits that the Transaction is in the public interest. The customers of the District currently are served by an all-volunteer Board. While the Board has done an admirable job, they do not view their volunteer positions as providing a long-term, durable solution to providing water service. Id. at 6. 31. Falls Water, NW Natural Water, and their affiliates have financial resources and access to capital markets to sufficiently capitalize Falls Water so that it can provide safe and reliable water utility service and proactively address the infrastructure needs of the Water Business assets now owned by the District. Id. at 3-4. 32. Additionally, the system currently owned by the District will benefit from Falls Water's, and its affiliates', core competencies in constructing and maintaining infrastructure, providing exemplary customer service, and effectively managing regulated utilities. Id. at 4-5. FALLS WATER's AppLrcATroN FoR Appnovel or AcqursrrroN - 8 33. Falls Water employees, who are based near the District's current location, have the business experience and water system expertise to operate and maintain the assets of the District's Water Business. Id. at 5. 34. Falls Water has not definitively identihed any specific capital expenditures/ improvements for the District's Water Business assets. Preliminarily, it has noted possible well site improvements. If the Transaction is approved, Falls Water will begin the process of creating a water master plan that will identify and prioritize needs of the District's Water Business assets. Id. at9. 35. Falls Water submits that the Transaction will benefit customers currently served by the District. As discussed above, Falls Water employees will take over functions previously provided by the all-volunteer Board. The current volunteer Board has made significant inroads in improving the Water Business and Falls Water will bring additional resources and experience to bear for the District's customers. In addition, if the Transaction is approved, water service to customers will be directly overseen by the Commission. Palfreyman Testimony at7. AMSNoNTcNT To rHE CPCN 36. Falls Water's CPCN does not currently extend to the area served by the District. Because the District is not a regulated utility, it does not have a CPCN. Palfreyman Testimony at9. 37. Expansion of Falls Water's CPCN is necessary to provide service to current customers of the District. As discussed above, Falls Water submits that the Transaction is in the public interest. Amendment of Falls Water's CPCN, too, is in the public interest because it will allow Falls Water to provide service to those customers. Falr-s WerER's AppLrcATroN FoR AppRovAL oF AcqurstrtoN - 9 38. Accordingly, Falls Water requests that its CPCN be amended to include the area currently served by the District. A map showing the proposed tenitory for the amended CPCN is attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony. AoolrIoNlL INFoRrvrATroN 39. Additional information that may facilitate the Commission's consideration of the Transaction is identified below. 40. Transaction-related costs related to the acquisition have been incurred by NW Natural Holdings, not by Falls Water, related to activities including due diligence, environmental consultants, research, legal, travel and negotiations. The costs will not be passed to Falls Water and will not be included in any rate case filings. Palfreyman Testimony at 8-9. 41. If the Transaction is approved, accounting, financial, and customer records will be kept in the local office of Falls Water, 2180 N Deborah Drive, Idaho Falls, ID 83401. Falls Water's local office also will be the location for former District customers to pay bills, make requests, and otherwise correspond with Falls Water. Id. at 10. 42. Meters are currently read on a monthly basis from April through October, and customers are currently billed on a monthly basis throughout the year. Falls Water intends to maintain this schedule for the foreseeable future. Id. 43. Falls Water provides 24-hour response to repairs or water quality issues. Customers can call the Falls Water office phone number, (208) 522-1300, and the call will be forwarded to an answering service after hours or whenever the line is not able to be answered during office hours. .Id 44. The most recent sanitary survey from the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality is attached as Attachment 4. Falls WersR's AppLrcATloN roR AppnovAl oF AceutstrroN - 10 45. The District has provided notice to its customers of Falls Water's intent to purchase the Water Business assets through the dissolution proceeding discussed above. Falls Water also intends to publish a notice to customers in the local newspaper (as Attachment 5 to this Application) regarding the Transaction and the Application, although no notice is required because Falls Water is not proposing any changes to rates. Id. at l0; IDAPA 3 1 .01 .0 I . 125. 46. Volunteer Board members carry out the District's functions; the District has no employees. As such, there are no employees of the District for Falls Water to retain. Palfreyman Testimony at 6. 47. Falls Water has not identif,red any particular opportunities to add new customers at this time. However, undeveloped lots currently exist within and around the area currently served by the District. If a lot is developed, it provides a potential for new customers to the system. Id at 10. 48. A District Water Business system map and information regarding components of the system are attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony. Falls Water intends to obtain additional information regarding the system through the water master planning process. Id. at9. 49. The District's Water Business system does include fire prevention. Richard Fowler is the District Operations Officer of the Bonneville County Fire Protection District#1. Id. at 10. 50. The Excel workbooks attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony provide information regarding the Water Business system's capacity and water rights. 51. Well logs for the wells used by the District's Water Business system are attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony. FALLS WATER,S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION - I I 52. A list of the District's current rates and charges are attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony as proposed tariffs. Because the District is not a regulated utility, the District arrived upon the rates and charges through comparison with the rates and charges of other water systems, not on a cost basis. Palfreyman Testimony at 9. 53. While the District's existing rates and charges were not determined on a cost basis, they were appropriately adopted by the Board using the procedures in the Idaho Code. Palfreyman Testimony at 8-9. The rates and charges are similar, though not identical, to those of Falls Water and other small water utilities. Falls Water submits that it is appropriate to carry forward the District's existing rates and charges, as to customers served by the District's Water Business system, to preserve continuity until cost-based rates and charges can be developed and adopted in a rate proceeding. 54. An Excel workbook attached to Mr. Palfreyman's testimony contains billing and usage data. Moorrrno PRocnounr 55. Falls Water believes a hearing is not necessary to consider the issues presented in this Application and respectfully requests that it be processed by modihed procedure, using written submissions rather than a hearing, under the Commission's Rules of Procedure 201 through 210. Coxclusrox Falls Water respectfully requests that the Commission enter an order: 1. Authorizing this matter to be processed by modified procedure. 2. Approving the Transaction, finding: that it is consistent with the public interest, that the cost and rates for supplying service will not be increased by reason of the Transaction, FALLS WATER,S APPLICATIoN TOn AppnOVAL OF ACQUISITION - I2 and that Falls Water has the bona fide intent and financial ability to operate and maintain the District's Water Business assets in the public service. 3. Granting such other relief as the Commission deems just and reasonable. DATED: August 5,2019. GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Preston N. Carter Charlie S. Baser Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Falls l(ater Company FALLS WATER'S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF ACQUISITION - I3 ATTACHMENT 1 FALLS WATER CO., INC. Order Establishing Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District (6 PAGES) it,[. r\ntlrorry Slsser (lSR #6071 ) S;\SS Ell [,A \\i OITFICLI I l0 S, 8rl' .Aveuue Pocirtelio. lrlaho 8i20 I ''l''elepliorrc: (208) 90,1-27 27 I;acsinrile: t-866-559-7606 ln lbc l\4atter o1'the Pll't'l'ilON FOR OtICiANIZA'|IONI OF TIIJr TAYLOl1 N4OI.lN'l'.,\lN \\rr\TER AND S E\\/ HII DIS'IRIC:T 20lq stP -2 Al'110' t0 l) TTit B0'I{ lnstrument # 1487066 IDAHO FALLS, BONNEVILLE, IDAHO 12-11-2014 10:39:33 AM No. of Pages: 6 Recorded for : J FREIBERG ENGINEERING RONALD LONGMORE Fee: 25.00 Ex-Officio Recorder lndex to: OROER Ca.se No. CV l1-3-129 OITD]'II ESI'A I] LISI.II N G TA Y I_, O ]t h'IOUN'tz\ I N \\/r\.'i'lil'L ANl) S ll\\/liR DISTITICT l.iTR lcl J \J DlC IA t.lE V lt-Lt U L1 o c L U rI {.,5 ;r,,rr,',,r'.1,.fitr Palilitntat' (lorrrrlry Clrrb l'lills Litilitics, [nc IN "TI]E DIST IIIC'I' CO URT OII TI{]i SNVIIN'|II J UDICIAL I)IS]'I].I C-I' OI' "lLUr S'I'A'Tli, OF IDAI{O, IN AND I?Oil'l-T-Ili COIINI'Y OF I}ONN]]\/ILLE 't'FllS CAIJSE conres bclille thc Court i]ursuant to Idalro (.lo(lc S42-i207. ['crllcrrvirrll arr cloction lrc:lriin itccoL(liurce I'itlt t[re CI'tlet'./ot'l:.lecliott. entele(l on.]irly 9. 201-[. in the aLror,c-cntitiecl n]altel'. Arr clectiorr.lru,iug beert concluctccl anclhelcl rvitlrin [Jonnevillc, Courrt1,. lclaho irrrrl the C'ourt haviug heretotirr:c leceitecl tlre certillcution t'rl'the retur:rrs cl{'t}rc clecticlu ttr. the lJtlrrucvilie C'ourttl' C'itnvi'rssers o['l]lt:clion, i-I cop\/ cll'u,hich is alt.achc'cl hc'rcrto. rrritrli.erl as l.ixlritrit r\. aLtcl tttaclc ir llttt't ltcleot'[r1'tlris rck't'ence. ancl it apllcrrrirtg tlrcl'r:l'r'onr (hlt lr rrra.ior';11r ol'tlre r.ct(es cast ilt siritl clcctiou ilt't itt 1iv1'qrt t)l:tlt,;: r:rtauizttliotr ol'' lhe 'l'avltrr i\,[oirnttrirr \\ratcl uncl Scu'er District at:tl rlesirlnutirtg tltosc pcr:son:,^ tlrcrch), eleutcrl Attachment 1 to ApPlication Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 1 of6 io selvc as the Iloaxl of Directors of the District rnd all nrattels lraving beeu corrsiclerecl trr tlre Coru'l. anrl gooil cause appet]Ling therelbr'; 11' lS I-IEIIEBY ORDIIRI-iD. i\D.lLII)GLD i\ND DllCRllliD. as follorvs: 1. It is rleclarecl ztnd ltcrcb)r olcler:ecl that the Ta1'tol l\4ountain Watel arrcl Server DistLict is herebr,estalrlished in accorclance rvi[h alrplicai:tc Iau,. specilic:ally irrclrrclinglclahoCodes\42-301 et.\eq.ancl dreuanreoltlreDistrictshalt bethe'laylor N4r:r.rrrtnin Watcr artcl Scu'er District: ?. 'fhe Boarcl rrl Dilcctors o['the Distlict shall bc as tbl]ou's: ,,\rtltrr J etfley Anrstrong l1ancl1, l(errr .Tarr Grinrutelt l-,1,nn E, iticlaucleL ,l R. l fnl'sg I year ternr 3 year tenn 3 l,eal ter:nr 5 year tcnrr 5 1'car tct ttt l. The Distt'ict.slrail incirrcle thc arca descliired nrore particularly irr the Pctitirttr /ot'tlte ()t'goniztlion o.f'tlrc .l'il.1'l()v A,Iotutlttitt l;f\rtu'ruu/Sey'er 1)xtlic:/, as corrtairrecl irt l.:xl:ibit A. Such DistLict is cleclaretl tlrrlt,orsanizetlt.itlr such rranrc rrrrl slrall lrc declarerl to [:c'a got,eLuutt:r'ttal subclii,isjon ol'the statcof Iclaho ancl a bocly cotl)orilte u,ittr irll tlrc porvcrs of a public cluasi-nruniciptrl colporntiou. S0 ORDERITD. Dz\Tlll) tlus Q tl of errrtlcr. 20 l.i i(;\lll.ti \\;A-l't( tNs .ll{ l'luct't'.lL"iDCliI) ()l{l)t.l(t:..\'l'.\lll.lslllr-(. l'.\\'t..()lt\lr)l:N'l',\l\\\'.\ll:.1(.\r*1.)sl,.\\'1.:,.,rtt1ifiHfr:t6ljll3ll:il:" Page 2 of 6 CLEII.I('S CEiII]IIIIC..\TD OIi' S DIIYICE, I helebl,ceitil),tha1on this/LLrla1,61'septemtrer'.2014,I causecl tr) Lre sen,ccl a trLrc lurcl cr)r'rccl cop1, of thc ltrrcgcring Lr1, the ntethorl inrticarctl bclorr', irncl aclrlresscd lt'l lhe fbllou,irrg: N4. Arrtlrorr;, Silsser SASSl:lL l.A\\i OfFlCE I I (l 5^. litl' r\r,enrre l'ocatello, Idaho 8320 t 'l'clcphonc: (?08) 904-2727 Facsir:rile: I -866-559-7606 l-'l rr a i I : s a s s e rl art'o l'li cc (g) g rt r a i l. c o nr a,tr fT tJ.S. It4ait I-[ancl Deliveled Olcrnight It4ail Telecopy (Fax) C]OLII{'i C]LIIU( Attachment 1 to APP|ication ()l(i)t'.1( {:..\ L\l}t-1.\; lllN(; t',\\'l,OIl r\l()tl\l \l\ \\r.\'l'l:lt.'\Nl) Sl.\\'l:ll l)l\lltlFdilSWaterCO., lnc. Page 3 of 6 s1, NN a FaF Faoz Fo ]se3 slolleB lo laqunN N(o sjalo^ palalstoad- Jo JaquJnN lelol (o.d-c! slue.rlsr6aU Ieg uoqca13 lequJnN C) ]B sralo1 paralsr6ag lo taqrunN lelot oON 13Nl33Ud N\r pa' eql $alo1 pa:a1sr6ag 1o 07" -<stc! F*C! N@ (o N o @oN J FoF oo at F tuuo ILoou om 6 6@ CD co(r) O(o 6U) F.-(r) 6(o Ns dEo:>-oaF GEots>-o6F o=>-o GEoi>-o 6EOu_>-oL o- Faz. =C) u-ot" TL z. rSNtSlud S]AVH'U'I UloNVl3t!'3 NNAI 1i,:!I[^IUC'3 NVt NU]Y 'I AANVU CNOUISI^IUV ]U JISf UN H1UV V. LLI3ulU) Clz x.ulF-s5. Z F.z);oc.sO'- ut(Nv,zil<ir t) F:(uJol: tll -'F @ 6l -i ), El$ iqle hol o @ $ oo)(./) o(o o Noa oo c! ooa @o (E o)a No 6(o J F F oo otro LLIJtuF()tFaot tUsrBiur=aa?pe . 0av L-ol- F- c.tz-<f,><o 3=a UJ S 3.,J> aJ-<>o[!=zM o:c0> F t.rJ :EF LLozotr =c.oLL Attachment 1 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 4 of 6 STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE }SS We, the commissioners of the county and state aforesaid, acting as a Board of Canvassers of Election, convened on August 28,2014, do hereby state that the attached is a true and complete abstract of all votes cast within this county for ttre candidates and/or tssue as it appeared at the election held on August 26,2014, as shown by the records now on file in the County Clerk's office. County Board of Canva Attest County Clerk ( c ou n tv s ea I ) -\-'t'i-tiii ii i'pi,;" =_*.--i!oi'oosrurvttro;'.4.\*==<:@0{d : -Z- -: =ts1 cour.rrv '#S,rr! Atta ch ment f+P,,aW|41;d""..'.f.-" Fal ls Wate'//@rJ rlnd)t". Page 5 of 6 li-3 l, Approvecl Secretarl, of Statc, lantrar)' 201 I STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE }SS l, RONALD LONGIUORE, County Clerk of said county and state, do irereby certify that the attached is a full, true and cornplete copy of tlre abstract of votes for the candidates and issue therein named as they appeared on the election ballot on August 26, 2014 for the Forrnation of the Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District Election as shown by the record of the Board of Canvassers filed in my office this 28th day of August, 2.014. COUI'ITY(County County +'..+ ult Attachment 1 to APPlication Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 6 of 6 l1-30, Applovcd Sccretarl, oi State, .lanLrary 201 I BOI'INEVILLE ATTACHMENT 2 FALLS WATER CO., INC. Verified Petition for Dissolution of Taylor Mountain Water and sewer District and Approval of Transfer of Assets (16 PAGES) Watkins, Dane H., Jr IN THE MATTER OF THE DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS Electronically Fiied 5t712019 3:46 PM Seventh Judicial District, Bonneville County Penny Manning, Clerk of the Court By: Melissa Huston, Deputy Clerk Robert L. Harris, Esq. (ISB #7018) rharris @ holdenlegal. com HOLDEN, KIDWELL, HAHN & CRAPO, P.L.L.C. 1000 Riverwalk Dr., Ste. 200 P.O. Box 50130 ldaho Falls, tdaho 83405 Telephone: (208) 523-0620 Facsimile: (208) 523-9518 Attorneys.for Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District IN THE DTSTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DTSTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE cv10-19-2910 Case No.9 VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS Filing Fee: $221.00 Category: A.A Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District ("Distric!" or "TMWSD"), by and through its counsel, Holden, Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, P.L.L.C., hereby petitions this court for an order dissolving the District pursuant to ldaho Code $$ 42-3212 and 42-3239. STATEMENT OF JURISDICTION AND VENUE l. This is an action concerning and requesting dissolution of the District and transfer of the District's assets pursuant to Chapter 32 of Title 42 of the [daho Code. 2. The District exists and operates entirely within Bonneville County, Idaho. VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page I Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 1 of 16 3. 4. 5. This is an in rem proceeding pursuant to ldaho Code $ 7-1305. Venue is proper pursuant to Idaho Code $ 5-401 . Jurisdiction is proper pursuant to Idaho Code $$ l-705 and 7-1305. FACTUAL BACKGROUND The District is a duly organized water and sewer district existing by virtue of Chapter 32 of Title 42 of the Idaho Code. The Order Establishing Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District was issued on September2,20l4 and recorded as lnstrument No. 1487066 in the records of Bonneville County, Idaho. The District was formed upon the petition of a private utility, Country Club Hills Utilities, Inc. ("CCHU"), after CCHU's owner determined that he no longer wanted to operate the utility and be responsible for its associated expenses and operational challenges. CCHU historically serviced the following properties surrounding or near the ldaho Falls Country Club: Holiday Hills Subdivision, Division No. I Holiday Hills Subdivision, Division No. 2 Holiday Hills Subdivision, Division No. 5 Holiday Hills, an ldaho Condominium Project Country Club Hills, Division No. I Country Club Hills, First Amended Division No. 2 Country Club Hills, Division No. 3 Idaho Falls Country Club (domestic water only) I home located at 1759 E. I l3 S., Idaho Falls, ID 83404 (home owned by Ron Dickemore) I home locared at11645 S. loth 8., Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (home is owned by Robyn Longhurst) The District assumed ownership of CCHU's assets (except for the sewage lagoons described in the following paragraph) and the District was assigned CCHU's obligations VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page 2 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 2 of 16 6 7 8 9 l0 I l. 12. 13. l4 under a certain Compliance Agreement Schedule ldaho Code $ 39-l 16A dated January 17, 2012 (hereinafter, "Compliance Asreement") with IDEQ to address needed infrastructure improvements to CCHU's sewer system. CCHU historically treated its sewage in open-air sewage lagoons that IDEQ determined no longer satisfied IDEQ standards. Generally speaking, the Compliance Agreement called for CCHU to (l) abandon the sewage lagoons and remediate the property; and (2) for CCHU to construct a new sewer connector line for sewage to be collected and treated by the Eastern ldaho Regional Wastewater Authority ("EIRWWA") wastewater treatment plant in Shelley, Idaho. The District took over ownership and operation of CCHU's water and sewer system on March 2,2015. In conjunction with the Compliance Agreement, the District also assumed CCHU's obligations associated with a low-interest (1.25o/o) loan from IDEQ-under its State Revolving Fund Program-in the amount of $1,700,000.00 (hereinafter, the "Loan") primarily to (l) construct a new sewer connector line for sewage to be connected and treated by the EIRWWA facility, and (2) to demolish CCHU's previously utilized sewage lagoons and remediate the property to IDEQ standards. The District petitioned the district court for a judicial confirmation of the District's ability to incur the debt associated with the Loan. This court provided such confirmation by order in Bonneville County Case No. CV-15-2374, by and through District Judge Alan C. Stephens, on August 12,2015. The sewer connecter line has been installed and is operational. VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page 3 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 3 of 16 15. The sewage lagoons have been demolished and the property upon which they were located have been remediated to the satisfaction of IDEQ. 16. In addition to the sewer line connector installation, the District-under the leadership of a volunteer District board of directors-made other system improvements resulting in a vastly improved water and sewer system. 17. Additionally, the District's volunteer board of directors made operational improvements resulting in improved measurement of water use (through non-functioning meter replacements), improved billing procedures, etc. The board members have volunteered significant time and effort to make these improvements. Board members do not view their volunteer positions as a tenable long-term plan for continuing the District's operations. 18. In the fall of 2018, NW Natural Water Company, LLC ("NW Natural Water"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Northwest Natural Holding Company Natural Holdines") approached the District and began preliminary discussions concerning the possible purchase of the District's water and sewer system. 19. NW Natural Water recently purchased Falls Water Company, which describes itself as an Idaho corporation operating as a regulated public water utility providing municipal water service to a portion of Bonneville County east of Idaho Falls and north of Ammon. Falls Water Company has been supplying water service since 1958 and currently serves approximately 5,500 customers. 20. The proximity of the District's water and sewer system to Falls Water Company's water system made the District's system of interest to NW Natural Water. VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOT'NTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page 4 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 4 of 16 21. 22. After discussions, NW Natural Water and the District executed a Non-Binding Letter of Intent to Purchase the Assets o.f Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District's Water and Wastewater Businesses (effective on January 14, 2}lg) outlining the basG terms for a potential purchase of the District's water and sewer systems, subject to necessary approvals from District patrons, the district court, and/or other entities. Idaho Code S 42-3212 sets forth the general powers of the board of directors of a water and sewer district. Specifically, subsection (f) and (n) of Idaho Code 5 42-3212 provide: (f) To acquire, dispose of and encumber real and personal property, water, water rights, water and sewage systems and plants, and any interest therein, including leases and easements within or without said district; (n) To have and exercise all rights and powers necessary or incidental to or implied from the specific powers granted herein. Such specific powers shall not be considered as a limitation upon any power necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes and intent of this chapter. 23. Accordingly, the District has authority under Idaho Code 5 42-3212 to transfer all the assets of the District and dissolve the District. 24. Idaho Code 5 42-3239 describes the requirements and procedure for dissolving a water and sewer district where the transfer of assets is to a municipality. Although this proposed sale is not to a municipality, and therefore would not require any specific procedure, the District has elected to follow the procedure and requirements outlined in Idaho Code $ 42-3239 to ensure that members have had adequate input. In addition, these procedures mirror the procedures by which the District was formed, and therefore seem appropriate for dissolution under these circumstances. VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOLTNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page 5 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 5 of 16 26 27 25 28. 29. Because Falls Water Company and NW Natural Water Company (as applicable) are regulated water utilities, the ldaho Public Utilities Commission must approve acquisition of the District's water system assets. The Commission will retain ongoing jurisdiction to regulate rates, to ensure adequate service, and to otherwise regulate the company's water system as a public utility. COUNT 1 JUDICIAL CONFIRNIATION OF DISSOLUTION AND TRANSFER OF ASSETS The District realleges the allegations of paragraphs I through 25 ofthis Verified Petition as though the same were here set in full. Idaho Code $ 42-3239(2) requires the District board to hold a hearing to receive public testimony on the proposed transfer of assets prior to passing a resolution finding that the conditions of ldaho Code $ 42-3239(l) exist. Notice of the public hearing is required to be provided two weeks prior to the hearing with publication in the newspaper with a description of the method for a petition for an election. The District scheduled the required public hearing on January 31,2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Idaho Falls Country Club Clubhouse. Notice of the public meeting was provided two weeks prior to the public hearing with a superior form of notice accomplished with direct mailing to District patrons in lieu of publication. A copy of the public meeting notice is attached hereto at Exhibit 1. The agenda of the public hearing is attached at Exhibit 2. Counsel for the District explained to the District patrons present at the public hearing the process outlined in Idaho Code $ 42-3239, including the right to petition for an election under that statute. VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOU{TAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page 6 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 6 of 16 30 31. 35. )Z Questions and answers were exchanged and public testimony was taken at the public hearing concerning the transfer of assets to NW Natural Water and dissolution of the District. Consistent with ldaho Code $ 42-3239(3), the District board considered whether to (l) hold an election at the Board's own initiative on the proposed transfer of assets; or (2) to take the matter under advisement for thirty (30) days after the public hearing to allow the District's electors to obtain enough elector signatures (at least lUYo of the electors) to petition for an election on the transfer of assets and dissolution of the District. The District board elected the second option as described in the Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Taylor Mountain W'ater and Sewer District attached hereto as Exhibit 3. The board provided form petitions in the form attached as Exhibit 4 to the District patrons at the public hearing. No petitions were received by the District's counsel or any other board member on or before the expiration of the thirty-day period (March 4,2019). Because no election concerning the transfer of assets was required, as of the date of this Verified Petition, the District's board is currently negotiating a purchase and sale agreement with NW Natural Water. A copy of the final purchase and sale agreement-in addition to any other necessary documents, including detailed provisions for the disbursement of funds from the sale of the District's assets to the District patrons-will be provided to the district court prior to the hearing on the Verified Petition. In addition to finalization of the purchase and sale agreement, the District will undenake actions to ensure that the conditions of ldaho Code $ 42-3239(l) are met by the date of the JJ 34 VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTzuCT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page 7 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 7 of '16 36 37. hearing on the Verified Petition in order forthe Districtto adopta resolution (l) finding that the provision of that subsection exist, and (2) approving the transfer. Upon the adoption of such resolution, a certified copy of the District's resolution will be submitted to the district court as required by ldaho Code $ 42-3239(4). The Idaho Public Utilities Commission must approve the transfer of the District's assets. The District anticipates that the purchase and sale agreement will be contingent upon Commission approval. The District anticipates that the transaction will close as soon as possible after Commission approval. However, that date cannot be known at this time. To facilitate an orderly resolution of the various aspects of the transaction, the District respectfully requests that, after a hearing as discussed above, the Court issue an order that dissolves the District upon closing of the transaction. The District will provide a proposed order, and a status report updating the Court, upon closing of the transaction. 2 3 RELIEF REOUESTED WHEREFORE, the District prays an order and judgment from the Court as follows: That the court issue an order dissolving the Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District upon closing of the transaction; That the court approve the transfer of the District's assets to NW Natural Water with an effective date as ofthe date the transaction closes; That as part of the order described herein, that the district court require the District to (l) record a copy of the district court's order with the Bonneville County assessor, and (2) file VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOLNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTzuCT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page 8 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 8 of '16 l. 4. a copy of the district court's order with the Idaho State Tax Commission, both within thirty (30) days following July l, 2019 as required by Idaho Code $ 42-3239(4). For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and appropriate. Dated this 7th day of May,2Ol9 &h+t4 L 4.--^2 Robert L. Harris HOLDEN, KIDWELL, HAHN & CRAPO, P.L.L.C. VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page 9 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 9 of 16 VERIFTCATION STATE OF IDAHO County of Bonneville ) )ss. ) RANDY KERN, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the chairman of the board of the Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District, the petitioner in the above-entitled action; that he has read the above and foregoing petition, knows the contents thereof and that he believes the facts therein stated to be true. Kem .f t+ SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me this 7- day of May,2019 'd"-L-. ei-.,-"f"*--- Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: Commission ExpiresM.,ao G:\\YPDATA\RLIIl8084-000 TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER\PETITION DISSOLUTION 5,7.2019.DOCX VEzuFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS-Page l0 Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 10 of 16 EXHIBIT 1 Public Meeting Notice Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District Location: ldaho Falls Country Club Date and Time: January 3L,20L9 at 6:30 pm Please find attached the agenda for a Public Meeting for Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District (TMWSD). lmportant The Board of Directors for TMWSD have signed a "Non-Binding Letter of lntent" to sell the assets of TMWSD to NW Natural. lf you would like more information on NW Natural, please go to their webpage at www.nwnatural.com, NW Natural representatives will attend the meeting on January 3L,2AL9 ldaho State Law requires certain procedures to be followed when dissolving a water and sewer district. These procedures will be discussed in the Public Meeting on January 3L,2OL9. Your TMWSD Board is excited about this opportunity for your district. Your Board looks forward to sharing this exciting information with all customers on January 3L,20L9. Public Meeting Notice Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District Location: ldaho Falls Country Club Date and Time: January 3t,2OL9 at 6:30 pm Please find attached the agend a for a Public Meeting for Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District (TMWSD). lmportant The Board of Directors for TMWSD have signed a "Non-Binding Letter of lntent" to sell the assets of TMWSDto NW Natural. lf you would like more information on NW Natural, please go to their webpage at www.nwnatural.com. NW Natural representatives will attend the meeting on January 3\,2019 ldaho State Law requires certain procedures to be followed when dissolving a water and sewer district. These procedures will be discussed in the Public Meeting on January 3L,2OL9. Your TMWSD Board is excited about this opportunity for your district. Your Board looks forward to sharing this exciting information with all customers on January 3L, 2AL9, Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page11of16 EXHIBIT 2 TMWSD Proposed Agenda January 31,2OL9 Location: ldaho Falls Country Club at 5:30 pm L. Call Meeting to Order a. Approve Minutes fromT/28/18 2. TMWSD Audit a.Fiscal year ending 9/30h8 3. NW Natural Letter of lntent a. lntroduction of NW Natural b. Offer discussion 4. Dissolving of TMWSD a. Official Process i. Board Decision vs, District Vote ii. 30 day Petition Requirement 5. EIRWWA Connector Agreement 6. Election lnformation 7. Questions/Other Business 8. Adjourn Action Required Action Required Action Required Action Required Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 12 of 16 EXHIBIT 3 R-ESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DTRtrCTORS OF THE TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWBR DISTRICT Dated as of January 3 I, 2019 Thc undersigned, being all the members of the board of directors (the "Board") of TAYLOR MOLINTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, an ldaho water and sewer district organized pursuant to Chapter 32 of Title 42 of the ldaho Code (the "District"), hereby adopt the following resolution where such resolution has been adopted at a duly convened meeting of the public and Board on the date hereoi and direct that this written resolution be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board. ON THE MATTER OF THE PROPOSED TRANSFER OF ASSETS TO NW NATURAL WATER COMPANY. LLC WHEREAS, because the Board is in favor of transferring the assets of the District and dissolving the District, the District signed a non-binding letter of intent with NW Natural Water Company, LLC (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Northwest Natural Holding Company) (hereinafter "NW Natural") dated January 14,2019, for NW Natural to purchase the assets of the District's water and wastewater businesses: and WHEREAS, pursuant to and/or based upon the provisions of Idaho Code $ 42-3239, the District held a public hearing on Jauuary 31,2019, beginning at 6:30 p.m., to receive public testimony on the proposed transfer of assets to NW Natural; and WHEREAS, Idaho Code $ 42-3239(3) provides that after the public hearing, "the district board may submit the proposed transfer to the qualified electors of the district, or shall take the matter under advisement for a period of thirty (30) days after the hearing" where such thirty (30) day time period allows an election to be held "if, prior to the expiration of the thirty (30) day period, a petition signed by not less than ten percent OA%) of the qualified electors of the district is submitted requesting an election on the proposed transf-er;" and WHEREAS, the qualified electors of the District were informed at the public meeting that they had a right to petition for an election and were provided a ftirm Petitionfor Election document prepared by the District to collect signatures from those qualified electors who desire an election; and WHEREAS, after receiving public comments, the Board has decided to take the matter under advisement for a period of thirty (30) days after the hearing to allow enough time for the qualified electors to petition for an election as described herein rather than, at the Board's own initiative, submitting the proposed transfer to a vote of the qualified electors; and WHEREAS, if at the end of the thirty (30) day time period no petition has been submitted r,vith the required number of signatures, the Board will thereafter proceed to negotiate a purchase agreement and adopt a resolution approving the transfer. Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., Inc. Page 13 of 16 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT: RESOLVED, while the Board is in f'avor of transfen'ing the assets ol'the District and dissolving the District, the Board has taken the mafter of transferring the assets of the District to NW Natural and dissolving the District under advisernent tbr a period of thirty (30) days after the public hearing to allow enough time for the qualified electors to petition fbr an election as described herein rather than, at the Board's own initiative, submitting the proposed transfer to a vote of the qualified electors; and be it furlher RESOLVED, in the event the District receives a petition with the required number of signatures for an election, the Board will proceed to hold such electionl and be it further RESOLVED, that in the event the District does not receive a petition with the required number of signatures for an election, the Board will proceed to negotiate a purchase agreement agreed to between the District and NW Natural and adopt a resolution finding that the necessary conditions existing under ldaho law to approve the transfer: and be it further RESOLVED, that this written consent may be delivered via facsimile, e-mail or other electronic means. r.vhich. when so executed and delivered, shall be deerned an original. fSignatnre Page FollowsJ ii-alv\data\\VPDATA\RIH\ I 8084-000 Taylor lvlountain Water\Board Rcsolution.docx Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 14 of 16 ) IN WITNESS Wf IEREOF, the undersigned have executed this resolution as of the date first written above. BOARD Randy Kem '41 ld'-'*;Je#Aimstrong d J.R. MW Thompson Attachment 2 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 15 of 16 ce 9P(I':*.o roo_o(oo-(J -(rorogq') :;'CO(D:C(Etsuo(E q) EtrAO) EEoi.ozF anthq) q)L a!a A) C!z 6) L z cn ca <f,tr)\o t'-oo o'N aa E l;E l *:sS isei iirii Eii€$$i:s riig SEIilg iiiiiiiiiF isli stitst";2iz i*:ts n5;;+ s i *IiEtiiisr =i?l i:ii sS ; iE? ss {irx iEE; S*iiis iisi siIiIs Eiig,i*giil sF coIx TU Z FQriJf-l z F F ATTACHMENT 3 FALLS WATER CO., INC. Order Regarding the Petition for Dissolution (4 PAGES) Filed 07 l0 1 l2O 19 I 2:53:56 Seventh Judicial District, Bonneville County Penny Manning, Clerk of the Court By: Deputy Clerk -Vvhitmill, CassieRobert L. Harris, Esq. (lSB #7018) rharri s(4ho ldenl e gal. com HOLDEN, KIDWELL, HAHN & CRAPO, P.L.L.C. 1000 Riverwalk Dr., Ste. 200 P.O. Box 50130 Idaho Falls, Idaho 83405 Telephone: (208) 523-0620 Facsimile: (208) 523-9518 Attorneys for Taylor Mountain ll'ater and Sewer District TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DTSTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, tN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE Case No. CVl0-19-2910 IN THE MATTER OF THE DTSSOLUTION OF TAYLOR MOLTNTATN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AND APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF ASSETS ORDER On May 7,2019, Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District (the "District") filed its Verified Petition for Dissolution of Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District and Approval of Transfer of Assets (the "P.9!i!iqn"). A hearing on the Petition was held on June 26,2019. No patron of the District or other individual appeared to object to the Petition. Falls Water Co., lnc. ("Bu)p!") appeared through counsel to support the Petition. As described in the Petition and at the hearing on this matter, there are multiple approvals and other contingencies that must be met prior to closing on the transaction contemplated in the Petition and the Asset Purchase Agreement stbmitted to this Court, including approval of this transaction by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. While those approvals are being sought, the ORDER-Page I Attachment 3 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 1 of4 District should not yet be dissolved and should continue operating the water and sewer system until all contingencies under the Asset Purchase Agreement have been satisfied. Accordingly, the Court being fully informed, hereby finds, concludes, and orders as follows: 1. The District has authority to dissolve and transfer its assets pursuant to Idaho Code $ 42- 3212(D and (n); and 2. The District has appropriately elected to follow the procedure described in Idaho Code $ 42-3239 that by its terms apply to dissolution of a water and sewer district upon transfer to a municipality, but are appropriate to follow in this matter to ensure that District patrons were involved in the dissolution process and were able to provide input; and 3. The District has fully complied with and satisfied the provisions of provisions of Idaho Code $ 42-3239; and 4. The District will be dissolved if the contingencies described in the Asset Purchase Agreement are satisfied; and 5. Upon joint notice filed with the Court by the District and Buyer that the contingencies described in the Asset Purchase Agreement have been satisfied, the transaction has been closed, and the holdback, if any, has been paid to the District,r this Court will issue an order and judgment (l) dissolving the Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District; (2) approving the transfer of the District's assets to Buyer with an effective date as of the date the transaction closed; and (3) requiring the District to record a copy of the district court's order with the Bonneville County assessor, and file a copy of the district court's order with I Under Section l.c.i of the Asset Purchase Agreement, Buyer will pay to the District the holdback, if any, twelve months after closing and, if applicable, after any indemnity claims are resolved and paid. ORDER-Page 2 Attachment 3 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 2 of 4 the Idaho State Tax Commission, both within thirty (30) days following the closing date as required by ldaho Code $ 42-3239(4). TT IS SO ORDERED. DATED this day of 2019 Signed: 7/1/2019 08:25 AM Dane Watkins District Judge ORDER-Page 3 Attachment 3 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 3 of 4 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Sgred:71'll2o19 12:g PM I hereby certify that on this _ day of _,2019I served a tnre and correct copy of the following described pleading or document on the attorneys and/or individuals listed below by the method indicated. DOCUMENT SERVED: ORDER ATTORNEYS AT\D/OR INDIVIDUALS SERVED: Randy Kern, Chairman of the Board Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer District Email: randy@snackteam.com Robert L. Haris Hotoeu, KTDwELL, [IagN & Cnepo, P.L.L.C P O Box 50130 Idaho Falls, ID It3405 Fax: 208-523-95 I 8 rharris(rr,;holdcn lcgal. com tr Mail n Hand Delivery ! Facsimile { Emall n Electronic Filing/Service tr Mail E Hand Delivery E Facsimile / Email n Electronic Filing/Service Deputy GIWPDATA\RLtI\18084-000 Taylor Mountain Water\003 Dissolution\Notice of Filing APA.docx ORDER-Page 4 Attachment 3 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 4 FALLS WATER C0., INC. Sanitary Survey Results for Taylor Mountain Water (28 PAGES) STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONTVIENTAL QUALITY 900 North Skyline Drive, Suite B. ldaho Falls, lD 83402 . (208) 528-2650 C. L. "Butch" Otter, Governor John H. Tippets, Director Aug. 10,2016 Randy Kern, President Taylor Mountain Water and Sewer Distict 2230 Greenbrier Drive Idaho Falls,ID. 83404 RE: Sanitary Suney Results for the Taylor Mountain Water: PWS# 7100023 Dear Randy: On June 13,2016, Carl Christensen, Taylor Mountain's Responsible Charge Operator and Rochelle Mason of DEQ conducted a sanitary survey of the Taylor Mountain public water system. I appreciate Carl's help, cooperation, and support in scheduling and performing this survey. An enhanced sanitary survey report prepared by Rochelle Mason is attached. A sanitary survey is a security and safety measure that should be performed every 5 years for groundwater sources. The purpose of the survey was to identiff any area where the system does not meet t}te requirements of the State of Idaho Drinking Water Rules and Regulations and identiff potential source of contamination. During this inspection tlere was (l) Sienificant Deficiency observed that needs to be addressed in the order to comply with the Idaho Drinking Water Rules and Regulations (IDAPA). A Significant Deficiency is defined in IDAPA that states: As identified during a sanitary survey, any defect in a system's design, operation, maintenance, or administration, as well as any failure or malfunction of any system component that the Departnent or its agent determines to cause, or have potential to cause, risk to health or safety, or that could affect the reliable delivery of safe drinking water. A list of deficiencies is affached. Further investigation requests will be considered Deficiencies without documented response from the water system. Recommendations are not deemed as an eminent health threat, but are helpful suggestions that should be considered to enhance the overall operations of the water system. The Taylor Mountain public water system is in good order. DEQ appreciates your commitment to providing adequate and responsive service, as well as supplying safe and reliable supply of drinking water to your users. If you have any questions or need any further assistance, please feel free to call me or Rochelle Mason at (208) 528-2650. Sincerely Greg Eagei, P.E. r Regional Enginediing ) Manager Encl: (2) TRIM: WQ DW Compliance Document/ 2016 Sanitary Swvey/ PWS# 7100023c: Rochelle Mason, Drinking Water Aralyst, IFDEQ Carl Christensen, Taylor Mountain Water Operator Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 1 of28 lnttelt*ts,l State of fdaho Public Water System Enhanced Sanitary Survev WATER SYSTEM INVENTORY INFORMATIO}I Name of Public Water Svstem: 'or Mountain Water & Sewer District L-c of Last Survev: Number of Service Conneclkrns: 151 Orvner Tyoe: Privalg/Wat r & Sewer Digtrict Relponrible Charge Oporator (9O):No DO Mr Ms. Alan Christensenves[ruo ExAcul+tc Mailing Address: View Lane City, Stat6, Zp9ode Ildaho Falls, lD 83402 Subrtitrtc Reeponcible Charge Opeator (OP): E rqr,Ms. !vo NO ,g Address: 3ity, State, Zip SURVEY DATE Legal otrne/s Name: fJ tur. fl tts. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2409 PWS# 7100023 Bonneville N/A Ogen: cr*"orf Mountain Water Distrid *. No OP 208€8't-'1433 Board Member location of ths PWS (To,vn*rip, Rame, hion): 1N Rge:38E Sec: 21 (well#1) 1N Rge: 38E Sec: 28 (well//l2) )f, Vt. =--mait:' hken d the time of eurvey by inepector? EvesEm f yes, what: ye, oo d. qrx nor. Genefal lnfOrmatiOnn tr E n tr 1j{a-re preriors{y reqrired Significant Deficienciec b€€n addressed? E--ffi2. Ooee hB system owner have a written sample siting plan that ie repres€ntative of water throughout the distribulion system?tr tr E n n g. Are TCR/RTCR monitoring sampleE being taken in accordancE with the sampl€ siting plan? f] 4. Xare material modifications been made to the P\rVS sinco the last ESS? n S. f yes, were plans and specg submatted to and approved by DEQ? D 6. er" ttr"re any kno,vn iesues or problerns with squipment or operation of the PWS effect the of the water comment ]ommentr: l. Deficiency: There is no curent sample sitting plan that meets Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) equirements, and therefore is not in accordance with 40 CFR 141.21 or 40 CFR 141.853. !gtc' sampling plan templates are available at http:/Arvww.deq.idaho.gov/water-quality/drinking-rye :vised-total-coliform-rule/ iystems are required to develop a written sample plan that identifies sampling sites and a sample collection of Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 2 of 28 E peq I xearr ! ooer: 1 1 DEDDtrnEntrEtrN Page 1 Of 11 611 Waler Surlace Water Sourcs: Enn Inn IFDEQ E D Appror/ed Disapproved *'. N/A Legal Entitv: PrivateruVater & Sewsr Districi E] CommnityWaErsy*.m fl lmfarsert iloncqrmurity I frandert ttoronrmurnty - ilC lComtined Sources?l[-l v* l-7 uo lrr?, D-wdrndo lf] Hanifold/spring Box lSqirces Combin€d: I Svstem Classification: Ditfiib,rfi"": DWD2 Treafirent E run fEr GWJ{C DWO3 E tta Li.:en!e Numb.,: 17712 lcEpirdion Date: 3n1DO17 , State, Zip Code: ldaho Falls, lD 83403 20t821-7525 204421-7525 turGW-NC ryYS lndividuals!r4 Expiration Date:ln.-", Day Night Rochelle Mason Drinking Water Anlyst General lnformalion E] wett source D Spring Source E] storage ! HydropneumaticTanks E] Distribution Pumping Financial Capacity Managerial CagaciN I Treatnent npplication E Disinfeaion E Gas Ctz E ttot"t UEE Total IDEO - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/15/1 5 General lnformation Teleohone I DSOS Viewing Business Entity Page I of IDAHO SECRETAR.Y OF' STATE Vlewing Business Entity Lawerence Denney, Secretary of State I New Search ] [ Back to Summarv ] I Get a certificate of existence for TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT INC ] I Monitor TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT iNC business filinqs ] TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER. DISTRICT INC PO BOX 2049 IDAHO FALLS, ID 83403 Type of Business: CORPORATION, GENERAL NON PROFIT Status: GOODSTANDING State of Origin: IDAHO Date of 17 Feb 2015 Ori gination /Authorization : Initia! Registered Agent: RANDY KERN 2230 GREENBRIER DR IDAHO FALLS, ID 83404 Organizational ID / Filing C204954 Number: Number of Authorized Stock Shares: Date of Last Annual Report: 22 Jan 2OL6 Annual Report Due: Feb 2017 Original Filing; I Help Me Print/Vigw TIFF ] Filed 17 Feb 2015 INCORPORATION View Imaoe (PDF format) View Imaoe (TIFF format) Annual Reports: I Helo Me Print/View TIFF ] Report for year 2016 ANNUAL REPORT View Document Online Idaho Secretary of State's Main Page State of Idaho Home Paqe Comments, questions or suggestions can be emailed tor sosinfo@sos.idaho.gov ttps://www.accessidaho.org/publiclsos/corp/C2ffiflrflff,hgil+ to Apptication Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 3 of 28 5l19l20lt \nnual Repoft for C 204954 Refum to: SECRETARY OF SIATE 7OO WEST JEFFERSON o Box 83720 dotsE, ID 83720-0080 NO FILING FEE IF RECEIVED BY DUE DATE No. C204954 Due no laterthan Feb 29, 2016 Annual Repoft Form 2. Registered Agent and Address (NO PO BOX) RANDY KERN 2230 GREENBRIER DR IDAHO FALLS ID 83404!.. Mailing Address: Correct in tfiis box if needed. TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT INC TAYLOR MOUNTAIN WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT PO BOX 2049 IDAHO FALLS ID 83403 3. New Registered Agent Signature:* 4. Corporations: Enter Names and Business Addresses of President, Secretary, and Directors. Treasurer (optional) Office Held Name Street or PO Address City State Country 2220 E GREENBNTEA ON IDAHO FALLS ID USA 2155 E OLYMPICAVE IDAHO FALLS ID USA 11366 S BELLERIVE DR IDAHO FALLS ID USA 2340 E. OAKMONT DR IDAHO FALLS ID USA 2230 GREENBRIER OR. IDAHO FALLS ID USA Postal Code DIRECTOR DIRECTOR SECREIARY PRESIDENT MARK THOMPSON JEFF ARMSTRONG ]R HAYES LYNN MELANDER RANDY KERN 83404 834&+ 83404 83404 83404 5. Organized Under the Laws of: ID c204.954 6. Annual Report must be signed.* Signature: Randy J Kern Name (type or print): Randy J Kern Date:01/22120t6'lltle: President Processed 0L/22/2016 * Electronically provided signatures are accepted as original signatures. Page 1 of Itp://www.sos.idaho.gov/xtl?xp=Yo1C2O160122i'flas#+&BA$frfi*ffi9*9s4_160122t145.xm| Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 4 of 28 5lL9l20lr A form must be filled out for each well associated to the PWS. Tag #: tr0007186 sical Location: Ave. next to # 13 tee box pump capacity All Sources 1. Thls source is: I nctive ! proposed I Inactive ! Emergency ( Unplanned use ) ls the well on a separate lolf (applicabte if construcled after I 1/1/77) yes no nte unk nore Are the following minimum distances from the PWS well being met? 3. - Nearest property line........,50 Ft. - Any potential source ol contamination...................50 FL (add comment) WELL SOURCE . PG.l n DE DE NE !nNEng NEDEtrEtrEtrE nn ntr NaDO n SURVEY DATE PWS # Page ) At 'l'l 5. - Livestock ........50 Ft. JN DN EtrDtrnnnnNDT!ntrtrnnnxn nnE DE - Canals, streams, ditches, lakes, ponds and tanks used to store nonpotable substances............50 Ft. - Storm water facilities disposing storm water originating otf the well 1o1...................................50 Ft. - Class A Municipal Reclaim6d Wastewater Pressure distribution |ine.....................................50 Ft. - Gravitv wastewater |ine....................,...............,.50 Ft. - Pressure wastewater Iine.............,...............".....100 Ft. -Septictank....... ....,...................I00Ft. tr E 12. - Drainfield fie|d......... tr E 13. -seepagepit.. b. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1 00 Ft. 1 00 Ft. trE DNunEntrxnEnn 14. - Privies............. .......................100 Ft. 15. - Absorption module - large soil absorption system....150 - 300 Ft. 16. - Municipal or industrial wastewatertreatment plant....500 Ft. 17. -Bioso|idsapp|icationsi|e.....................................1000Ft. 1E. - Reclamation and reuse of municipal and industtial wastewater sites. .....................Permi1 specific '19. Are frost free hydrants placed a minimum of five (5) feet away from the well? (N/A if protected by AvB) 20. Are pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, portable containers of petroleum products, or other toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? 21. Are pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers applied to the well lot without prior approval from the Deparlment? 22. lsthewellinapit? lfyes,Dateconstructed: 23. Was the wellthat is located in a pit installed aftet 1115164? 24. Ii pit was installed prior to 11/5/6,4 - Has DEQ granted an exception and does the pit have water tight construction of pit walls and floor, a floor drain and an acceptable pit cover? 25.from unauthorized Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 5 of 28 6113/2016 7100023 this Source Treated?Name of Source: #1 associated with a: I wenoeu n Manifold Treatment Obiective: E ruln TreatmentTypes: E nln (ldentify Treatment Train in Comments) ls there a well for the well Yes No Unk Size (ln)Depth (Ft)Depth (Ft) 16 Unk333 Date Drilled: 1 958 Grout Depth(Ft)47 ! unr Static Water Depth (Ft) 88 [ unr ls the Casing Screened?!ves[]xo[unrfl ruta lscreen 1.,o., lro' Depth (Ft): E ruln ! unr ls then Casing yes EI Perforated? No fl unr N/A Unk Perforation Depth (Ft): N/A n Verified as accurate GOMMENTS: (Please indicate question number) Significant I oenoency 4. Note: Herbicides and fertilizers associated with golf course maintenance are identified as potential sources of contamination. Questions: # 5-8, 10-18 do not apply to this system 21. Deficiency: Due to the location of well # 1 on the golf course, pesticides andlor herbicides and/or fertilizers are applied to the well lot without prior approval from the Department, and therefore is not in accordance with IDAPA Caution should be taken to avoid the application of any chemicals associated with golf course maintenance within (50) feet of the wellhead. Will be reevaluated next survey. (No action required at this time) IZ IE Z IA IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/1 5/15 Groundwater Source Vvel'l #lEastern OistriC 0tfi€e Temp.z 395 ' " :1.:,' .; ,. ' Totalyater test : EI,L O'JI{EIi: eoe orr r E t No. A,fIIBE OI' UORK (cbeck):er rell E Deepcned ater iE to be uged for: [eplaceoent vel1 I I I Abandoued E .- Municiole tr cable f! ize of drilled holepth of velI 333rve1 belov ground: 'ahr.o Test ,verye zeo L2., 0 ea ---,E',Punp?Bail ed toand notor us o ea Sr LN) lt.nrteEiSi-lie SSUre: tt ddrees c/o Joe Anderson - -fCxPlaln) ASING SCffiDULE: fhraadeil lanE-ffiace Give.flou ontrocontroluDEPTg YES OR y( A l,Iork f tnlshed: WeII DriIIerrs ta ement;s well was'drilled under oy supervision aad this reporlis true to the best of my knouledge. Nane; An<lrew l,,'ell. Dril.Ijng Contractors . shutoffiegsure: -bg Valve I I Cap LJ PIu,{ :_.l-1 Poes rEfI leatErowd c,ti.-;,,-HNoU IIATERIAI iir, i, j ft. cfs ETEOD OTuEno L6 ilDiao. trDiam. -ttDiaE.ttDLao. 6E[ness of CONSIBUCIIOT{: . RotarY rther from + I ftfrom tt froo ft. Uel.ded -LoWt..-i'to ft,to -it. to tb. l,taterlal: TOt caa i. tecl fi coacrcte tr wood - other tr (explain) EETORAIED? Yeesrforator used:tl No E $rpe of Lze of per perfor A -perforSCREEN foratlone a "ations frou ft by- .to ft to il ---Je rforatioae froo Derforations ft. to ft. fron -ft. to ft. rations froo ft.'T;;'' E ft.-T"- EINSTALIED? anufacturerrg naoe YPCian. SLot size Set iao. Slot size_Set rcvidedl+7 f t. Oo fron_f t. to f tfron ft. to ft Hethod of saali [odel No. ONSTBIICTION: lJell gravel packed? Yes t]o. tr size of gravel- Gravel laeed fron ft. to ft. Surface seal? .,F fI N;If ro vhat depth? Material-uced in seal: eement strata con n uauga euaanY trJ Brpe of vater: - eg Eptb of strata ft.trata off: @? Yes lll Nca L-Jetrcnted in place? Yee El -' }{o tr Locate nell in section I I--T-- I I Secil I I ---)-- I Attachment 4 Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 6 of 28 rEEI TEEI 5o brouar 5 36 lt,r ll 36 IQ It2 47 ClaY-! atave);Clal brown l+7 ,t'tlarvel fi sand 5lt 60 C,U 90 959U (lravcl & silt tt lt 1t It clav 95 rc15 IJ.O LZ5 Iravel. vraLer seepage LZ5 LJ'i L)'l llrl (;ravel poss uiL ) l+>s e I80ll+5 s,"lldsl,cne 6, bent,onite i)entoni t,e ce il 2L5 225 It ll t, 2.25 2ia sa.ndst,one rravc,l l, bent,onite 270 23t;shale rrav cinders & clav 250 2\5 27a 21\ _?59_ 255 firn t, c ave. 270 2PO &c1 2ea 2t2r,8t 285 290 f'ray cj.nders fi.ne Fore{, & cIa 290 Pra:t c. e2953CUi,ixed 305 305 3).2 gavcers er5 3r2 373 ers.n '41 I B.J.?t,h St,. . l'dahoFA.lls . Id;rhr'r ---t--- Well # 1 6t13t2016 no nla unk 27. 28. 29. 30. Does the casing extend a minimum of 18 inches above the final ground surface or 1 2 inches above the pump house floor? ls the well vented with the open end of the vent screened with a 24 mesh and terminated downward at least 1 8 inches above the final ground surface or 12 inches above the pump house floor? ls the wall provided with an approved cap that prevents surface water entry? ls the well cased and sealed in such a manner that surrace water cannot enter the wall? ls there a smooth nosed sampl€ tap provided on the well discharge pipe prior to treatnent? ls an instantaneous and totalizing flo\ry meter equipped with nonvolatile memory installed on the pump distributlon line of the well and is it mainlained and working propedy? E tr tr 32. ls a pressure gauge provided on all discharge piping and is it maintained and working properly?psi. Can the well be pumped to waste at the design capacity of the well via an approved air gap at a location prior to the flrst service connection without depressurizing the distribution system? yss no nle unk notaDtrENNtrtrEUntrN8trtrtrDENN!NEtrN PUMP HOUSE ( Oniy pufip llouses thal conlan a grcund :Later sauce ) 34. ls the source located in a pump house? 35. ls the pump house kept clean and in good repair? 36. ls the pump house protected from unauthorized personnel? 37. Ooes the pump house have adequate lighting hroughout? 38. Are all threaded hos€ bibs installed in the pump house equipped with an appropriate backflow prevention device? ls adequate ventilation provided in the pump house for dissipation of excess heat and moisfure from the equipment? ls adequate heating provided in the pump house to provided safe and efficient operation of equipment to prevent freezing? tr E Dtr 4'1. ls the pump house protected from floding, have adequate drainage, and is the ground surfuce graded so as to lead surhce water away from the pump house? (Unless otheMise approved by the Departmeno 42. ls the sump for pump house floor drains closer than 30 feet from the well? IU I I A Common Name SURVEY DATE PWS # 7 1 00023 indicate . Deficiency: Due to the cement type well cap it recognized that a well vent the requirements of IDAPA 0'l .08.511.05. is not feasible. lt is evaluating the ofthe current well cap with an vented cap with a sanitary that can be visually inspected. be reevaluate next survey. action required at this time) Deficiency: Well # 'l is not with an approved well cap be reevaluated next survey Action Reguired at this time) Deficiency: (Noted since 2007) r discharge pipe for well # 1 does provide a sample tap that is of a type without exterior and therefore is not in with IDAPA 1.08.511.01 - 32. Note: further investigation is to confirm the flow meter pressure gauge are operational Required) Deficiency: The pump distribution for well # 1 does not provide the valves and appurtenances allow the well to be pumped to at the design capacity, as required by IDAPA Page ? Of 77 Groundwater Source WELL SOURCES . PG.2 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 7 oI 28 IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/1 5/15 611312016 fl welReto n Manitold Name of Source: #2 associated with a: ls there a well for the source?Yes No Unk lc.ring ht Size (ln)E unr Pump Capacity (GPM) El unr l*", unkl4l s Date Drilled: 1s77 f] I Depth (Ft)I unr Casing Depth 1rg lCrort Depth(Ft)202 !unrlte Iunr ls the Casing Screened? I ves [ ruo[ unr the Casing Perforated? I ves p] t'to I unr Depth (Ft)UnkNiA From: Latitude 43.389776 -111 Significant n oenciency WELL SOURCE - pc.T SURVEY DATE Verified as accurate Verified as accurate PWS # 7100023 Treatnent Objective: E Nle Treatment Types:N/A (ldentify Treatment Train in Comments) Static Water 120 Perforation Depth (Ft):NIAn unr indicate # 5-8 and 10-"18 do not to this system Pase 4 Of --1,1- sources form out fur each well associated to the PWS. #: tr^0071 87 sical Location Club Drive - dirt road located past the entrance of the Country Club parking lot (truck access) All Sources 1. This source is; B active I proposed ! fnactive ! Emergency ( Unplanned use ) u,( ,ote ls the well on a separate lol? (applicable if canstructed after 1 1/1/77) Are the following minimum distancas from the PWS well being met? - Nearest property |ine..........50 Ft. Any potential source of contamination...................50Fl. (add comment) Livestock... ........50 Ft. 8. - Canals, streams, ditches, lakes, ponds and tanks used to store nonpotable substances............50 Ft. - Storm water facilities disposing storm waler originating off the well lot.................................,.50 Ft. - Class A Municipal Reclaimed Wastewater Pressure distribution |ine.....................................50 Ft. - Gravitv wastewater |ine...................,.................. 50 Ft. - Pressure wast€water |ine................................... 1 00 Ft. - Septic tank....... ........ ................100 Ft. - Drainfield fie|d.................. .........100 Ft. - Seepage pit.................... ...........100 Ft. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. '18. - Privies... ....100 Fr. - Absorption module - large soil absorption system....150 - 300 Ft. - Municipal or industrialwaste$/ater treatment plant....500 Ft. - Biosolids application site......... ......... -.,................1 000 Ft. - Reclamation and reuse of municipal and industrial wastewater sites........Permit speci{ic 19. Are frost ftee hydrants placed a minimum of five (5) feet away from the well? (N/A if protected by AVB) 20. Are pesticides, herbicides, ferlilizers, portable containers of petroleum products, or o$er toxic or hazardous materials stored on the well lot? 21. Are pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers applied to the well lot without prior approval from the Department? 22. lsthewellinapit? lfyes,Dateconstructed: 23. Was the well that is located in a pit installed aftet 11l5l$? 24. lf pit was installed prior to 1 1/5/64 - Has DEQ granted an exception and does the pit have water tighl construction of pit walls and floor, a floor drain and an acceptable pit cover? 25. ls the well from unauthorized Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 8 of 28 No (F0 Unk yes m n/a unk notoEN Dtr3.En nD4.nn nEs.ntr ng6 JN DE7, trx ng En n nntr n EI! NErn nEtrtr tr Extr nExn n ETtr N EDT N Entr n E UNEDN !E Uu trE N D trE ntrDtrEtrDtrD8trtr IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/1 5/1 5 Groundwater Source Name Iv i La fh^^+.h ( laa I'rl'1 e Onr:nt-nr Cl rh Address 1r,.. iURE OF WORK E New well E Deepened E Replacement E Abandoned (describe method of abandoning) PROPOSED USE O Domestic D lrrigation D Test fi Municipal E lndustrial E Stock E Waste Disposal or lnjection tr Other (specify type) METHOD DRILLED I Rotary B air tr D Cable D Dug D Hydraulic D Reverse rotary Stat[c water level f2O feet below land surface. Flowins? O Yes Cf No G.P.M. flow Artesian closed-in pressure * p.s.i, Controlled by: E Valve ! Cap D Ptug Temperature _oF. Quality ) 8. WELL TEST DATA D Pump O Bailer Lrt'e ll ,. Thickness Oiameter From To .25Q inches 14 inches + 91 1"4 ?f A feet U Air E Other Hours Pumped 9. LITHOLOGIC LOG Water 10. Work srarted B-3-77 finished 9-19-7'.| 11. DRILLERS CEBTITICATION lAtVe certify that all minimum well construction standards were complied with at the time the rig was removed. 4 to tAppl6rtbnAndrer,r Well DrillingFirm No. 5 oN x x- xxi x Y x_ I I Other WELL CONSTRUCTION Casing schedule: F Steel E Concrete E Other inches _ inches feet _ inches - inches feet - inches _-_ inches feet _ tA/as casing drive shoe used? D(Yes O No A/as a packer or seal used? dY"r 0[ ruo Perforated? EYes dtto How per{orated? E Factory CJ Knife O Torch Size of perforation _ inches by _ inches Number From Topertorations feet __ feetperforations feet _ feetperforations feet __ feet Well screen installedT D Yes B No Manufacturer's name Model No. Diameter _ Slot size _Set from _feet to __feet )iameter __ Slot size ___Set from _feet to _feet 3ravel packed? ! Yes F No D Size of gravel )laced from feet to feel feet feet feet --i IIxl X-rh )L, rype --__-_ lurface t""t a"oi ,V*-u'tt-f-Orn lo, ,'>- D lealing procedure i.rsed: D aterial used in seal: \Cemenr grort Puddling clay tr Welt cuttlngs Slurry pit [3 Temp, surface casing E Overbore to seal depth \Iethod of joining casing: ! Threaded E Welded E Solvent Weld D Cemented between strata fescribe access port u t o // /; .t F. LOCATION OF WELL Sketch map location must agree with written N S Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 9 of 28 Discharge G.P,M.Pumping Level DepthHole From To YesMaterial l/,o 5 Soi'l Brown 1L t 85 ,,ll 11.85 90 Brown Basa'l t 113 Broken Basalt90llL 1f,113 138 Conslomerate Bas&It 1L r38 158 Sand Stone 1r,t58 Lt)Cfav Gravel l/,L75 180 flashed Oravel x ''l /,180 185 il tt 'l ,-185 tq5 _I xOrave'lCoarse Sanrt ''l r.195 198 Black Basalt x 196 215 Basalt Rl ack Y1t,u1 <220 GravelCIav Pea 1r 220 2l+l Sha-le Brown x 'l L 278 Riolite Erown 'l 1, 2t+6 278 28A CLavBroken Some x f 280 117 ClavBroken Some 'l it7 iil_BrorrnSand Stone 3L7 3L5 Rlolite "l r.3lr5 357 BasaltHard Grav 1/.i57 i50 Ras:l tBroken Grev x 1r,360 i86 Basal tFirm Grav 'l /.?86 1,'l 6 YBasal tBroken (]rav 1L L10 L15 Firm .T ,t: --ir Subdivision Name ,L Owner's Permit No. I r-1 WELL SOURCES . PG.2 Common Name SURVEY DATE PWS # Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 10 of28 Well*2 6t13n016 7100023 {dam nla indicata E D n ntrDtr n D 27. 28. n. 30. Doea t€ cai rg edend a mlnimum of tA inch6 above the final grord lrrGr€ q 12i/,ld!d6 abo,s th6 pltmp house froq? ls ttl6 nell venled with fle open ond of he vent Bcre€ned with a 24 merh and terminat d domurard al least 18 hrcfies aboue the final grwnd gr{ace or 12 ind!.s abovo hs $rmp hou8€ froor? lc thardl ponided wih an agpror/od @ fid prev€fits surfacc wafet $6/l b fE r€li caa€d drd cealed in arfi a mancrthat surfaca wabt cannd €ntor tle s€I? ,r fir€r6 a srnootrr noa6d sarnple tap prot idod on $s u/dl discharBe pipe X1trr|offitl,,t? fr an inrtanterEors a$lde|lzh9lh,u nEt6r€q4rp€d with nonrrolaflo remory iruftlled 01 0ro Bmp disfr6u0oo lin€ of ths ur.ll and is it yaa rD nla l'f( ffiINEDtrt]tr8trtrDDEtrtrDtrEDDDNEtrtr ma,ntained and u,orkfoE properfy? E 32. l! a pressure gaug€ provided on all discharge pipin€ and is it maintained and erortirlg g{WJtfi psi. Can the !,ycll bc punpod to r^€de al tho deeign capacity of t ls wBll via n aIfr]otsd air gry at a location prlr to 60 fird sorvice coflneclion witrrdr{ depr€asrrizing fi4a dirtritu[on ryatam? PUIP HOUSE (Only pump houss hat @nftin a ground water eur@) :ta. b fle rouroe locat d h a pump house? 35. ls 0rc pump hours keil cl€an and in gpod regair? 36. lrthG pump hornc A|o/,f(,d ftom unauthorlznd poflonnel? 37, Do€r the Srmp hou!6 have a@uate llgfiting hroqhout? 38. Ars all $read€d ho€ b56 inddl€d in tie pump houlo Eguipped wilh an aggtcp/tala M*fhr( pra/ention d6vice? b adequatc venlilation pro&ed h thc f,rmp hou86 for tllssipatlon of qo866 heat and ilk afiIre fiom he oquipmenf? ls a.bquato h€Elinggotidrd in the pumg hou3€ to /or/id€d safe and €trdent operaliJn of equipmeflt b pr8venltrg6zir€? 41. b th€ pump hous€ protecied fom lloodlng, have adequate drainago, and b frr ground Eurtacs grad€d so aE to lead surfee water aray from $€ pump house? (Unbss oth€nviE approved by ths Depaament) 42- li the sump for pump housc fioor drains cb6or $an 30 feet ftom the $6lP Deficiency: The well casing #2is not vented, as required by IDAPA 1.05. Aeficiency: The discharge pipe well*2 does not provide a tap that is of a smooth-nosed without eriterior threads and is not in accordance with - 32. Note: further invesligation is to confirm the flow meter pressure gauge are operational Deflciency: The pump distribution for well # 2 does not provide the valyes and appurtenances allow the well to be pumped to at the design capacity, as by IDAPA 1.02 Required) g!O I I I IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/1 5/1 5 tr Page 5 Of 71 Groundurater Source STORAGE A l top of the hill overlooking (access by truck) E uEnnnE n ETtrN E n SURVEY DATE PWS # 7100023 - 6. & 19 - 20. Note: System Plans and Specifications show the over flow piping joins with tank drain piping after isolation valve located in ofthe tank. Further investigation is warranted to locate the drain and overflow piping located on the hill side below the storage tank to it meets the requirements of the IDAPA .01.08.544.06. in that it is provided with an expanded screen installed within pipe to exclude rodents. tank isolation valve is with dirt rendering it ble. Efforts should be taken to keep this valve accessible at all times. is Required) 8. Note: (since 2007)The structural integrity of the storage tank roof is questionable as to watertight (vegetation growing on top of it) further investigation is needed to confirm the integrity of the roof (Action Required) 10. Note: The storage structure shows to be in fair condition. Recomrnend evaluate structural condition tank is cleaned. 11. DEO Recommends that vegetation around the storage structure be removed mechanically the use of herbicides prevent the roots from ng the integrity of the structure. 6. Note: fhe (1) manhole lid is properly locked, overlaping the framed opening, and extends down around the frame. Note: further storage tank discussion located on page # 12 under "Notes" section Page - Of ,. Storage form must be filled out for each unit in the trD! ntrDEnntrtr! yes no nla unktrtrtrntrtrnf NEtrNNTNE NDNEIrlnnEEZ N N N EgNNII yes ,o ila sknntrE TNNE yes no ila unkInEn tnEn Club building note ALL STORAGE STRUCTURES [ 1. ts the storage structure safely accessible to the inspector? I Z. ts tne PWS storage tank located within 500 feet of any municipal or lndustrial wastewater treatment plant or any land which is spray lrrigated with wastewater or used for sludge disposal? n 3. nre any of the storage structure drains directly connected to a sewer or storm drain? [ 4. ts an overflow provided that discharges to daylight in a way that will preclude the possibility of backflow to the reservoir and, where practical, provided with an expanded metal screen installed within the pipe that will exclude rodents and deter vandalism? B 5. Are overflows brought down to an elevation between 12 and 24 inches above note PARTTALLY BURIED OR BELOW-GROUND STORAGE n 23. Are "ALL'' manholes elevated 24 inches above the surface of the roof or the ground level, which ever is higher? f] Ze. ts there a minimum distance of 50 feet between the storage structure and any non-potable main, standing water, or other possible source of contamination? Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page11of28 the receiving surfuce? (2X the diameter of the discharge pipe above a basin im) 6. Do ove.flows discharge over a drainage inlet structure or splasfi plate?(storm or sanitary) 7. ls the storage structure secure ftom unauthorized access? E B 8. Ooesthestorage reservoirhaveawatertightrooforcoverandisit sloped to facilitate drainage? 9. ls the storage water protected from contamination? 10. Is the storage structure structurally sound? 11. Could vegetation in the area potentially impacl the storage structure?(Recommended) 12. ls the storage stuclure designed so that it can be isolated from the dastribution system without necessitating loss of pressure in the distribution system? tr [ tS. tsteakageevidentattimeofinspection? tr f] 14. ls the storage structure interior coating or liner peeling or cracked? '15. ls the storage structure used to store finished water? 16. Are access manhole openings for the storage structure 4 inches or greater above the surface of the roof, with a cover 2 inches overlapping, water tight, hinged and locked? tr n I tT.nreallventsextendedl2inchesabovetheroofandconstructedloexcludepotential sources of contaminalio ? (The oveilow pipe shall not be considered a vent) ABOVE GROUND STORAGE 18. Do all vents open downward and are they fitted with a 24 mesh non-corrodible screen? note GROUND-LEVEL. PARTIALLY BURIED. or BELOW-GROUND STOR.AGE E] 19. Ooes the overflow tor the storage structure have a vertical section of pipe at least 2 pipe diameters in length?p 20. tstneoverrlowforthestoragestructureprovidedwitheitneta24meshnon-corrodible screen installed within the pipe when practical, or an expanded metal screen installed within the pipe plus a weighted flapper or check? [ 2t . ls the area surrounding the storage structure graded in a manner that will prevent surface water from standing within 50 ieet of it? I 2.. ee alt venls for the storage structure open downward with the opening at least 24 inches above the roof or the ground level and covered with 24 mesh non-corrodible screen to exclude potential contamination? yes no ila unk noteTtrEtrN UiIIA' 6t13t2016 1981 Unk Storage Type: B Reservoirflank ! Standpipe Construction: fl nbove-Ground I Ground-Level f] Rartiatry aurieO f] Below-Ground Ttpe of material: I ntastlc I wooa Metal Naturally Contained DTnE Fiberglass Concrete nsoecte(Date Last: IDaysstructure): Unk Unk 2 How is the water Unkmeasured? IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/15/15 lcor Unk DIS.TRIBUTION One form for all distribution SURVEY DATE PWS # 7 1 00023 indicate the 6. Note: According to Plans and Specs all fire hydrants are on a inch line 10. Note: enclosed is a "Water Conservation and Protection for Residents" sheet that be placed in customer's bill 11. Note: no current plans have been submitted to DEQ that reflect development past 1981 enclosed CD) 3 - 14. Note: The semiannual flushing of all dead end water mains should be part of the water system's overall routine maintenance program in effort to maintain water quality, as required by IDAPA 17. Deficiency: There is not a cross connection control program that complies with Rule, or the cross connection control program is not being implemented as required by IDAPA Page 7 Ot 11 in the PWS. n'algda(sL I steet IpevcI f, otner: are water lines made of:X unt< HDPE (black)[ Asbestos/Cement Ductile Iron Copper E tr D yes no nla unk noteXEtrtrI NNETT ENtrTtr DISTRIBUTION '1 . Have there been any interruptions in service during the past year? (including pressure loss) 2. lf a loss of pressure occurred (<20 psi), did the PWS provide public notice and disinfect the system? (Reminde) 3. ls the PWS able to maintain a minimum pressure of twenty (20) psi throughout the distribution system (including fire flow), or forty (40) psi for PWSs constructed after 71111985 (excluding fire flow), during maximum hourly demand conditions? 4. Was the pressure observed at a service connection? 5. lf yes: Location: Time: 6. Do all water mains that provide fire flow have a diameter of at least 6 inches? 7. Are valves exercised lf yes, how often? 8. ls there a leak detection program? (Recommended) 9. Does the system have leaking water mains that need to be repaired or repiaced? 10. ls a water conservation program in effect? (Recommended) '1 1. ls an adequate map of the distrlbution system maintaind? (Recommended) 12. Does the system flush all main lines annually? (Recommended) 13. Are all dead end water mains equipped with a means to flush? 14. lf yes, are the deadends flushed at least semiannually? 15. Are there any distribution materials used that should not be in contact with the drinking walet? lf yes, explain in comments section. 16. ls the system adequately protected from freezing? 17. ls there a cross connection control program that complies with the Rules and is it being implemented? (Community PWSs Only) 18. ls the operatortrained in cross connection control? (Recommended) 19. Are there any known unprotected cross connections orwere any unprotected cross connections observed during the course of the survey? 20. lf a separate non-potable irrigation system is provided for the consumer, are all mains, hydrants, and appurtenances easily identified as non-potable? (Purple Tape or other) (Recommended) AirA/acuum Relief Valves - Placed at high points in water mains. 21. Are all automatic air relief valves equipped with a means of backflow protection? yes no nle unk noteEDUfUntrtrnr IAtrDtr-tEntrI I n.u.[] e.m trtrDDEtrtrTtrEtr8UtrtrTNNETtrNtrEtrtrEtrTN nEff,[D8trtrtr nnnEf yes no nle unk noteDtrENN Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 12 of 28 611312016 6-8 inch Unk U How manv services are metered? 148 out of 151 Number of Fire Hvdrants: 't7 IlIIII, IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/1 5/1 5 Distribution PU]IiPING . PG.1 One form for all SURVEY DATE PWS # 71000.23 Distribution indicate the Note: further investigation rs rranted to veriff the gauges are in working (Action Required). Significant Deficiency (noted since 2007): There is not an accessible check valve on the discharge side between pump # 2 and the shut-off valve, as required by IDAPA 9. Note: IDAPA applies to systems constructed after April 15,2447 Page -8- Ot 1'l Pumping Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 13 of28 6t13t2016 AND Type of Pump:Brand Model:HorsepowerPhysical Location: Well# 1 Submersible 35 Well#2 Submerslble 25 yci3 no ile unk natcNEtrtrNEDNDNtrtrEND trtrtr88 ya no nla unk ,rda ALL PUIIPS 1. Do€r ttre purnp(3) cydE. excaasiryen/l Bo@n,nen&d) 2, Arc all pumps prwidad with clad,ity availabb spar€ parb and tools? 3. Does th6 system havo an approved method to prcvcot excasrive prassure ctevelopment? 4. lg a standard pre3sure gal8e insa$ed and functbniDg on thc discharge line? WELL PUTIFS 5. ls theo an accGsible chect vah/o inatallcd in the discharg€ line of eaclr well betw€en tfic pump and Urc shut-ofi valve? 6. lf $€ system has a verlical turbine motor driv€n pump(s), B an air releare-vacuum reli€l vat{c located uFtream from thg check valve, with e*raurUrelief piping t€rminatirlg in a dofln-tumcd position at least 18 inchcs abovc thc floor and covercd with a24 fil€sh corrogion rGistant screen? 7 . lt lhc pump(s) is 'oil lubdcated", is the oil NSF approved and guitable for human consumption? WATER PUTPS (notwett punps) 8. ls an acceca,blc check valve on the di!rcharge skJe botween the pump and tho shut-off valve? tr n tr T ya m nla unk ndetrtr8trtr no nle unk noL ls there auxiliary po,ver on-site? (Community PIVS8 Only) DXnnND trn trtr trntrnDN tr[ 10. ls auxiliary pou€r terted? (Reqmmendecl) I 1. lf a diesel or gasoline fuclcd cngine i8 ur.d on the well lot; is the fuel tank and connecting piping double walled? 12. 13 th6 fucl tank above ground? 13. ls a ccrtified opcrator pr$€nt during th€ filling of the fuel tank? 14. It tho onginc b in ths wsll hous€, is the ongino oxhaust directly discharged outside the wsll hous6? 1 5. 18 a 3pill containment structure sunounding all fuel tanks adoquate? (Secondary @ntainment - 1 10/o fuel tank volume) Conmunttv Syct;rrs Onlv 16. (Community Systems built or substantially modifidd afror 4/15/07 only) lE on-eitts pow6r or standby3toragc provided so watcr can be treated and supplied to pressurize theentire distribuuon system during a powcr oulago for a minimum of 8 houB? 17. (Communiy Systoms built or substantially modified after 4/1il07 only) lf standby power is provided, is therr a minimum of 8 hours of fuel stored and located on sita? T E E D n IUII1, IEIII IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/15/'l 5 Pumo lD# 'l trHHEtrNI FINANGIAL CAPACITY yes no Ala unk noteNIEtrT t]TETNItrEDtr trtrEf utrEu EDDT note FINANCIAL CAPACITY n t. ts tte PWS current with the payment of drinking water fees? SURVEY DATE PWS # Page Q Of 11 D Z. Ooes the PWS charge a drinking lf yes, what is the fee: $ water fee to the user? $17lmonth n E I D I g. t"tn"PWSinthebusinessofsellingwater? "N/A" on questions 4 -',l9. f n E tr D a. Ooet the PWS provide and use an annual budget? fRecommended) f I E n J 5. tt appticable, ls the PWS fund separate from the waste water/sewer utility fu nd? (Recomme nded) I n E I tr o. oowatersystemrevenuesexceedexpenditures? (Recommended) tr n E n f] Z. nr" controls established to prevent expenditures from exceeding revenues? D f E I f e. nas an independent financial audit been completed? (Reconmended) n fl E n I g. tt yes, is a copy of the most recent balance sheet for the water system available? (Recommended) D tr E f] E ro. Doesthewatersystem includeacashbudgetwithin its annual budget for cash flow? (Recommended) I I E n f tt Doesthewatersystem managementreviewthe userfee, user ciarge, or rate system at least annually? (Recommended) '12. When was the last user user charge, or rate system adjustment? nm/ddr|yyy '13. Does the water system management review financial reports at least monthly? (Recommended) 14. Does the PWS provide and use a capital budget? (Recommended) 15. Has thls PWS produced and does it currently utilize a capital improvements plan? (Recommended) 16. lfyes,when was the budget produced? mm/dd/yyyy fI f Z Has the capital improvement budget been updated in the last 18 months? (Recommended) X f g. Ooes the water system budget provide funding for depreciation of existing plant in service and/or for the funding of reserves for system replacement? f] t g. Are there sufficient funds for training personnel? Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 14 of 28 71 000236t13t2016 indicate the uestion 1. Note: Remincier Drinking Water Fee is due by Oct. 'tst annually, as required by IDAPA IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Survey - 7/1 5/1 5 Financial Capacity I 46/13t2016 Board Members res no Na trlk n@qDtrtrDlntrtrD re8 no Na unk ,roiaUDtrnil4.EtrtrDt]5.EtrtrND6.Entrnfl 7. EDtrntr8.Ennnne.DtrE[tr10. MANAGERIAL CAPACITY SURVEY DATE MAilAGERIAL CAPACTY 1. 13 a properly licsnsod oporator available at all times? (l,l/A for GW-NC Pttt S) 2. Do€s trb R rS have a govcming body or boaft, of directors? lf no, ploaso indicatc: E Son Proprietochip D Paanership E r-irlt o E oure,: 3. Hor,y ofien do€s $e board nre€t? fl V,C weekly fl sanl-annroly I nronthty D aruary tr ngr'er unknown PWS # 7100023 indicate the ll. Note: DEQ recommeneJs the ofthe systern establish an Asset Management Plan. To learn more about the asset management, go to EPA's websitc at: htllp l l w xer .qa gov/infr asructure/ sustain/asscs_managment. cftn 2il. Deficienn - There is no total coliform rule sanple site plaq as required by TDAPA which incorporates by reference 40 CFR 14 1.21. (Action Rcquired) Siting Plan templarc is available at: .deq. idaho. gov/water- quality/drinking-water/revised- total-coliform-rule/ Page Jl- Ot JJ- 'trtrnn ye8 no nle unk not6IEtrNE.trtrntrtrETtrDtrEtrDDuEDnnNEtrEDtrBtrNNt]tr8DtrnEnnn ntrtrnDatrtrnn t€8 no Na unk nolgDtrEtrND!8trtrtrf,[ITNENEtrDNEDtrDENItr f] oinsrttrtv D rnecesary tr Are the folloling records maintain€d onsito or locatod ncar by? - Bacteriobgical Am,ysir - S y.er! r{en0on. - Ch6ryri6l Analyris - r0 y...r r6nfon. - Record! of adbnr takan to co,rcct viola$ons - 3 ycaB r€tantlon. - Copi{rl of reporB, rummarbs or communacation rGlated to sanitary survey! - r0 yt.Ir rttaodon. - Repota conccrning varianccc or cxcmptionr - 6 yeaB rctantion. - Copiee of public noticec iscucd - 3 yearr ratentlon. - Daily freo crrlodn€ r*iduab (rcguired disinfeclion) - 1 year rst ndon. 1 1 . Does the systom owner have an A$€t Management Plan? (Recommended) ls an operation and maintcnancc manual(s) provkJed for the F{/VS and doe3 it indude; water 3yltem spccific operations plans; maintenanca infomation and chccklists; and manufacturo/s product information, ctc? 13. 18 therc a cLar plan of xganizalion and control among tho peoplc responeible for manag€ment and opcrations of thc watsr syaian? (Reammeded) Are any sampler of the folloling paramcters paelduc? 14. Colfform 15. Nitrates 16. l{itritc! '17. lead ald Copper 18. lOCa'r9. VOC3 20. socr 2'1. DisinfcctionByprodudr 22. Radionudile ls a writen total coliform rule (TCR) samplc Eitc plan availablc for ravlaw? 24. Doe3 tha (ICR) eampb Bito plan mo6t th. minimum requiremonts? 25. Doca the system have a suflicient oupply of approved sampling bottfes properly slored? (Reammended) 26. Does thc PWS provide stainrays, ladders and handrails whcre needed? 27. Are tcada of non-slip matcilal providod where needcd? 28. ls a hoalth concsrn producod from inadequataly protecled electrical wiring? 29. Ooes tho systom have any confined spacos? 30. lf yes, are protocols follo,ved for confinod spacr cntry? (Recommended) 31 . Are therc any unusod subsurfacs watcr storag€ tanks that n€6d to be abandoned? 32. Arc thcre any water supply w6lls that ar6 no longor being uEed that n6od to be abandoned? 33. Does the ut,lize SCADA? EtrtrNyes no nla unk note Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 15 of28 IDEQ - Enhancsd Sanitary Suvey - 7h1l15 Managerial Capacity Water Conservation and Protection Tips for Residents IDAHO DEPARTTUIENT OF ENVIRONiIENTAL QUALIW 1410 t{onh HiltonBcis. lD 837061290 208t373{E,02 wW.deq.idaho.gry Kitchen and LaundtT O Keep drinking water in the tefngerator instead of letting the faucet run until the water is cool. B r07ash fruits and vegetables in a basin. Use a vegetable brush. O Do not use watet to deftost frozeo foods, thaw in the refrigemtor overnight. A If washing dishes by hand, use a dishpan fot rinsing dishes. tr Scrape, rathet than rinse, dishes before loading into the dishwasher. tr Opelate the dishwasher only when completely full. D Add food wastes to yout compost pile instead of using the garbage disposal. B Use the appropriate \xiater level or load size selection on the washing machine. O Capture gay water This is the waste water from washing dishes and dothes and can be used to water lawns, plants or other landscaping uses. Consider using a biodegtadeable soap if capturing gray water for reuse. Bathrooms O Never use your toilet as a wastebasket. tr Do not let the water run while shaving or brushing teeth. tr Take short showers instead of tub baths. Turn off the water flow while soaping or shampooing. O If you use a rub, fill the tub only half full. tr Never pour water down the &ain when there may be another use for it - such as watering plants or a garden. Outside O Sweep &iveways, sidewdks, and steps rather than hosing off. tr Wash the car with water from a bucket, or consider using a commercial car wash that recycles water. tr When using a hose, control the flow with an automatic shut-off aozzle. O Avoid purchasing recreational water toys that require a constant strearn of water. tr If you have a svrimming pool, consider a oew water-saving pool filter. tr Lo'qzer pool vzater level to reduce amount of water splashed out. A Use a pool cover to reduce evaporation when pool is not being used. O {Jse native plants or practice xeriscape garden techniques in garden and lawn areas. Native plants generally require less water than exotic species. B Use mulch around flower and vegetable gardens to reduce watet loss. Mulching lawn movrei's help protect water less and do not requi-re disposal of gtass clippings. E Water lawn areas eady in the moroing during the coolest part of the day. Consider installing an automatic timet. Don't fotget to adjust your watering schedule as days get longet or shorter. tr Adjust yout sptinkler. Watering sidewalks, driveways or the streets wastes water and costs you mofley. Over ) Attachment 4 to APPlication Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 16 of28 State of ldaho Departsnent of Environmental Quality I nspection Contin uation SURVEY DATE PWS # Pagell Oi 11 Notes Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 17 of 28 6 7104023 Mountain Water and Sewer District lnventory stafus: 1) System name change from Country Club Hills to Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District (2014) 2) system owner change (2014) 3) no longer under Public Utilities Commission (PUC) (2014) Under a Compliance Agreement Schedule (CAS) to hook to the Shelley Sewer District - completed Fall of (2016) Storage Tank 1) past tank overflow was due to an inoperable float - conection made by the installation of a telecommunication that monitors the tank level by pressure tank metal access ladder is rusted and in poor condition - planned system upgrade 2016 to remove original ladder and replace it. Inoperable float will also be removed. During which time the tank is drained it is cleaning and inspecting walls and floor of tank also 3) should consider the removal of the non-functional electrical box mounted on the side of the storage tank Additional Upgradee Completed 1) Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) have been installed on both Well# 1 & 2 2) telecommunication system has been installed on both wells and storage tank . The purchase of phone apps are planned (2016) enabling closer monitoring of the system also. lns,,'ected bv:Date: IDEQ - Enhanced Sanitary Swvey -7115115 Sanitary Survey Deficiency Report August 10,2016 Taylor Mountain PWS# 7100023 RE: Enhanced Sanitary Survey conducted on June 13, 2016 You will find a list of the significant deficiencies, deficiencies and recommended improvements for your system summarized below. In order to address all significant deficiencies, follow steps l, 2 & 3. Step l: After reviewing the significant deficiencies listed below, please call our office to identifr a corrective action plan for each significant deficiency within 30 days of receiving this written notification. During that call, please be prepared to provide a "Planned Completion Date" for each item. Sten 2: Complete the planned action(s) by the agreed upon date. Step 3: Enter an "Actual Completion Date", Initials, identiff the "Corrective action taken", and sign that each corrective action has been corrected by the agreed upon date and that the corrective action meets the requirements pursuant to IDAPA 58.01.08. Please send a copy of the corrective action taken to the regulating agency. DEFICIENCIES GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION: Question 2 (pg. 1) and Question 23 (pg. l1) Deficiencies: The system owner does not have a current sample sitting plan the meets Revised Total Coliform Rule requirements, and therefore is not in accordance with 40 CFR 141.21 or 40 CFR 141.853. (Action Required) There is no total coliform rule (TCR) sample site plan does not meet the minimum requirements, as required by IDAPA which incorporates by reference 40 CFR l4l.2l. (Action Required) Planned Completion Date Actual Completion Date : C orrective action taken : Initials GROTINDWATER SOURCE SECTION: Question 21 (pg. 2) Deficiency: Due to the location of Well # 1 on the golf course, pesticides and/or herbicides and./or fertilizers are applied to the well lot without prior approval from the Department, and therefore is not in accordance with IDAPA Caution should be taken to avoid the application of any chemicals 'ssociated with golf course maintenance within (50) feet of the wellhead. Will reevaluate next survey. .No action required at this time) Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 18 of 28 Question 27 (pg.3) Deficiency: Due to the unapproved cement type Well # I cap it is recognized that a well vent meeting the requirements of IDAPA L05. is not feasible. It is recommended evaluating the repiacement of the cunent unapproved well cap with an approved vented well cap with a sanitary seal that can be visually inspected. Will reevaluate next survey. (No action required at this time) Question 27 (p5.5) Deficiency: The well casing for Well # 2 is not vented, unless it can be demonstrated that the drawn down under maximum pumping conditions will not exceed ten (10) feet, as required by IDAPA 1.05. (Action Addressed 8/10 - system pictures included in Photographic Documentation section) Question 28 (pg. 3) Deficiency: Well # 1 is not provided with an approved well cap, as required by IDAPA Will be reevaluated next survey (No Action Required at this time) Question30(pg.3&5)Deficiencies:ThedischargepipeforWell#1and#2doesnotprovideasampletap that is of a smooth-nosed type without exterior threads and therefore is not in accordance with IDAPA 1 1.01. (Action Required) Planned Completion Date. Questions 3l -32 (pg. 3 & 5): Further investigation is warranted to confirm the flow meter and pressure gauge are operational on the discharge line of Well # I & # 2, as required by IDAPA 1.04. and IDAPA 58.01 .08.5 I 1.03. (Action Required) Planned Completion Date Actual Completion Date: Correclive action taken: Actual Completion Date C orrective action taken : Actual Completion Date : Correctiye action taken: Initials . Iniliqls Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page '19 of 28 Questions 33 (pg. 3 & 5) Deficiencies: The pump distribution line for Well # I & 2 does not provide the necessary valves and appurtenances to allow the wells to be pumped to waste at the design capacity, as required by IDAPA 1.02 2 Initials P lanned C ompletion Date : STORAGE SECTION: Questions 4 - 6 & 19 -20 (pg. 6): Further investigation is warranted to locate the drain and overflow piping located on the hill side below the storage tank to assure it meets the requirements of the IDAPA in provided with an expanded metal screen installed within the pipe to exclude rodents. The tank isolation valve shows to be covered with dirt rendering it inaccessible. Efforts should be taken to keep the valve visible and operable at all times. (Action Required) Planned Completion Date, Actual Completion Date : Corrective action taken: Initials Question 8 (pg. 6): The structural integrity of the storage tank roof is questionable as to watertight (vegetation growing on top of it) firther investigation is needed to confirm the integrity of the roof, as required by IDAPA 58.0 I .08.54 4.09 and IDAPA 5 8.0 I .08.54 4.09.c. (Action Required) Planned Completion Date: Actual Completion Date Corrective action taken: Initials . rQuestion 10 (pg. 6): The storage structure shows to be in fair condition. It is recomn:end,ed when the storage tank is cleaned that the structural condition is evaluated. P lanned C ompletion Date, Actual Completion Date : Corrective action taken: Initials Question f f (pg. 6): DEQ Recomirenij:. that the vegetation around the storage structure be removed mechanically without the use of herbicides to prevent the roots from damaging the integrity of the storage structure. Planned Completion Date : Actual Completton Date : C orreclive action taken: -l Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 20 of 28 Initials DISTRIBUTION SECTION: Question 17 (pg. 7) Deficiency: There is not a cross connection control program that complies with Rule, or the cross connection control program is not being implemented, as required by IDAPA (Action Required) Plonned Completion Date. Actual Completion Date : Corrective action taken: Inilials PUMPING SECTION: Question 5 (pg. 8) Significant Deficiency: There is not an accessible check vaive on the discharge side between Well # 2 and the shut-off valve, as required by IDAPA 1.04. (Action Required) P lanned C ompletion Date Actual Completion Date. Correctiv e actian taken: Question 4 (pg. 8): Further investigation is warranted to verify the pressure gauges are in working condition, as iequired by IDAPA (Action Required). Planned C ompletion Date : Inilials_. I certiS, to the best of my knowledge that all significant deficiencies and defrciencies, have been corrected by the agreed upon date and that the corrective action meet the requirements pursuant to IDAPA 58.01.08. Signature:Date: 4 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page21 of28 Initials Actual Completion Date : Correct ive action taken : Photographic Documentation Name of Facility: Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District lnspector(s): Rochelle Mason lnspection Date: Monday, June 13, 20L6 Purpose of lnspection: Sanitary Survey Publish Date: Tuesday 14 June 20L6 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 22 of 28 EPAR ENT ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District Table of Photographs: Photograph 1: Well# 1 Photograph 2: Well lot # 1 Photograph 3: Well# 1- discharge piping vault....... Photograph 4: Deficiency - not vented Well# 2..... Photograph 5: Well # 2 ........... Photograph 6: Deficiency - Well# 2 threaded sample tap....... Photograph 7: Well # 2 discharge piping vault....... Photograph 8: Significant Deficiency - no check valve on Well # 2 discharge piping. Photograph 9: Another view of Well # 2 discharge piping Photograph 10: Well# 2 electrical panel Photograph 11: Deficiency Addressed - well # L vented Photograph 12: Storage Tank.... Photograph 13: Locked access lid ......... Photograph 14: Storage tank vent Photograph 15: Screened storage tank vent......... Photograph 15: Storage tank lid .............. Photograph 17: View from well# 2 lot .. Photograph 18: Storage Tank lot ........... Photograph 19: Storage Tank lot .........,. Photograph 20: Deficiency - Well # 1 threaded sample tap Photograph 21: Well # 1 discharge piping vault........ Photograph 22: Well # 1 isolation valve, flow meter and pressure gauage Photograph 23: Well # l vault ...... Photograph 24: Well # 1 check valve 2 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 23 of 28 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District Photograph 2: Well lot # 1Photograph 1: Well # 1 Photograph 3: Well # l discharge piping vault Photograph 4: Deficiency - not vented Well # 2 Photograph 5: Deficiency - Well f 2 threaded sample tap 3 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 24 of 28 Photograph 5: Well # 2 , ib.'--;- C lJ 'T I ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District Photograph 13: Locked access lid Photograph 12: Storage Tank Photograph 14: Storage tanl( vent Photograph 15: Screened storage tanl( vent 5 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 25 of 28 L I *'s.:lt.' 'l'i':-.5 ! I ffi ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District Photograph 7: Well # 2 discharge piping vault {snake in vault)Photograph 8: Significant Deficiency - no check valve on Well fr 2 discharge piping Photograph 10: Well # 2 electrical panelPhotograph 9: Another view of Well # 2 discharge piping Photograph 11: Deficiency Corrected 8/9 Well s 2 vented 4 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 26 of 28 i,L L.t.-'! -:: 'l ri. ,(i'1' mFE I I , ,I ; I ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District Photograph 16: Storage tank lid Photograph 18: Storage Tank lot PhotoBraph 20: Deficiency - Well # 1 threaded sample tap Photograph 17: View from well # 2 lot Photograph 19: Storage Tank lot Photograph 21: Well S 1 discharge piping vault 6 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 27 of 28 t JI ./',. & Fqlt{ F ldaho Department of Environmental Quality Photographic Documentation For Taylor Mountain Water & Sewer District Photograph 22: Well # 1 isolation valve, flow meter and pressure Photograph 23: Well f l vault gauge Photograph 24: Well # 1 check valve 7 Attachment 4 to Application Falls Water Co., lnc. Page 28 of 28