HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150813eighth_amended_certificate_no_236.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) FALLS WATER CO.,INC.TO AMEND ITS )CASE NO.FLS-W-15-O1 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY )EIGHTH AMENDED )CERTIFICATE NO.236 _____________________________________________________________________________________) IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the present and future public convenience and necessity requires,or will require,Falls Water Company,Inc.,its successors and assigns,to hold, construct,or otherwise acquire and to maintain and to operate a water system in and supply water to that certain territory within Bonneville County,Idaho See attached Map and Legal Descriptions of Falls Water Company,Inc.Service Areas and for such purpose to hold,construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate within said area,reservoirs,tanks,wells and other structures and also to lay,take up,repair,replace, renew,extend,maintain and operate water mains,pipe conduits,hydrants and other appliances and equipment in,under,along,and across all streets,revenues,alleys,highways,roads and other public places in said area;and to exercise all rights and privileges which have been granted or which may hereafter be granted to Falls Water Company,Inc.,its successors and assigns,by the County of Bonneville,Idaho or by any municipality,created out of said or contiguous territory or any part thereof,or by the State of Idaho,or any political subdivision thereof. This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to Order No.5220,dated May 7,1959;Order No.6861,dated May 14,1963;Order No.13249,dated July 5,1977;Order No.13522,dated November 7,1977;Order No.14963,dated September 24,1979;Order No. 20649,dated August 6,1986;Order No.24122,dated January 30,1992;Order No.27616,dated July 7,1998;and Order No.33356,dated August 12,2015,to which reference is hereby made. EIGHTH AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO.236 1 DATED at Boise,Idaho this day of August 2015. ATTEST: %an D.Jewet/ commission secretary O:FLS-W-15-O1 Amend Cert 236 EIGHTH AMENDED CERTIFICATE NO.236 MARSHA H.SMITH,COMMISSIONER KRI E RAPER,COMMISSIONER 2 IONA RD. LINCOLN Ro E16 1ST ST T.2 N.,R.38 E.B.M. 21 23 cCw .CON)SbCNR 4$NOtC 1RNHCAt NC ANWX ASKN NC CENCt ARCA NC 4 .1’4TA AC “AWA A$#A N 40002 N0 4 CC — I5 13 II. :1: C I 22 d zCzz 24 17m STREET 4/ BENCHMA RK 4 LAND SURVEYING (208)313-2458 789 NORTH 450 EAST FIR TM,IDAHO 83236 REVISE [) LEGAL.I)ESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO.1) Beginning at the South Quarter corner of Section 3.Township 2 North,Range 38 East of the F3oise Meridian,Bonneville County.Idaho,said South Quarter corner being S.89°41 ‘16’E.2624.90 feet from the Southwest corner of said Section 3,and running thence N.0O°02’50’W .33.00 feet along the west line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 3 to the Southwest corner of the property as described in Warranty Deed. Instrument No.I 304765:thence along the houndar of said property the lollowing three (3) courses:(I)S,X94l 23E.120.00 feet:thence (2)N.00°0250’W.363.00 led:thence (3) N $94 23’w I 20.00 feet to the est line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 3; thence N .O0°0250’W.2234.19 feet to the Northwest corner ot said Southeast Quarter: thence S.$9°2840E.314.13 feet along the north line of said Southeast Quarter to the Southwest corner of Lot 6.Block 3.Birchwood Estates.Bonneville County.Idaho:thence along the boundary of said Birchwood Estates the flal lowing six (6)courses;(1) N.000950’v\.396.45 feet:thence (2)N.494l ‘06’E.290.01 IeeE thence (3)S.40°22’44”L. 306.76 feet:thence (4)N.89c52l IL.238.81 fCet:thence (5)N,O1°0$49W.493.55 feet: thence (6)N49°47’07E.64.51 feet to the Southwest corner of Landmark Center,Division No.I ,Bonneville County,Idaho;thence along the boundary of said Landmark Center, Division No.I the following four (4)courses;(1)N.01 oo8ls9\542.80 fCet;thence (2) N,40°l$58’W.79.17 feet;thence (3)N.49041OIHE.660.00 feet;thence (4)S.40°1$59”E. 499 85 fcu to thL north line of Edwaids Ai.s Subdrvision Division No 1 I3onnevillc County,Idaho;thence along said north line the fbllowing two (2)courses:(I) N.49°4 11 4E,278.73 feet;thence (2)N.89°32 I0”E.388.21 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 2,Block 2.Edwards Acres Subdivision.Division No.I,Bonneville County,Idaho: thence S.00°082 I ‘W.1 77.16 feet along the west line of said Lot 2.Block 2;thence S,89°5 I ‘39E.2o4.98 feet to the east line Section 3 of said Township 2 North,Range 3$ East of the Boise Meridian;thence S.00°08’2 I ‘W,118.22 feet along said east line to the north line of the properly as described in Instrument No.1 358280:thence S.87°35 I CE. 469.7()feet along the north line of said property to the northwest corner of the propert as described in Instrument No.1345616:thence along the boundary of said property the following six (6)courses;(I )S.87D351 7’E.866.32 feet;thence (2)S.I 5°58’49’W.194.32 feet:thence (3)S.00°0836’L.196.35 feet:thence (4)S.07°1430W.197.18 feet:thence (5) S.l l°2255W.560.8$feet:thence (6)S.2l4008”W.304.89 feet:thence S.2]°4705W. 21 .56 feet to the north line of Red Rock Estates DR ision No.4,Bonneville County,Idaho: thence S.8735’38’E.1207.69 feet along the north boundary of Red Rock Estates Divisions 4,7 and 9 to the Northeast corner of Red Rock Estates,Division No.9;thence along the houndar\of said Red Rock Estates.Division No.9 the Ibllowing Iburteen courses;(I S 02°24 22 \\18$3 fect thence (2)S $7 3 38 E 3317 feet thLnLe (3)S 02°24 22 \k 257.51 feet;thence (4)S.2r22’45”W.281.65 feet;thence (5)S.34°29’II “F.213.91 feet: thence (6)S00’00’OO”W 66.54 feet:thence (7)5.83 09’35”W.122.51 feet:thence (8) 5.73 28’59”W.61.18 feet:thence (9)N.90°00’OO”W.184.16 feet;thence (10) S.35°27’29”li.105.83 feet:thence (11)S.15°46’59”W.88.33 feet;thence (12) 5.00 00’OO”W.100.00 feet:thence (13)N.90°00’OO”W.39.67 feet:thence (14) 5.00 00’OO”W.180.00 feet to the north line of Red Rock Estates.Division No.8. Bonneiille Count>.Idaho:thence along the boundary of said Red Rock ltstatcs.Dii ision No.8 the following nine (9)courses:(1)5.90 00’OO”E.714.93 feet;thence (2) S.02’IQ’OI “h.173.2)feet;thence (3)S.05459’31”W.123.74 feet:thence (4)S.03°02’46”E. 63.02 feet;thence (5)S.03°22’OO”W.85.98 feet;thence (6)S.08°06’28”W.116.61 feet: thence (7)5.01 °02’03”W.255.65 feet:thence (8)S.00°58’20”W.303.82 feet:thence (9) N.89322’24”W.702.47 feet to the Southeast corner of Red Rock Estates,Division No.6. I3onneiille County.Idaho;thence N.89°27’SrW.20.23 feet to the Northeast corner of Calico Sky Subdhision.Division No.4.Bonneiille (‘ounty.Idaho:thence along the boundary of said Calico Sky Subdii ision.Dii ision No.4 the fo1loiing three (3)courses: (1)S.00c00I28W.350.02 feet;thence (2)S.89°22’20”l:.796.55 feet:thence (3) S.00°03’SO”W.1250.13 feet to the Northeast corner of Calico Sky Subdiision,Diiision No.3,Bonneville (‘ounty,Idaho;thence S.00’03’50”W.704.28 feet along the east line of said Calico Sky Subdivision.L)ii’ision No.3:thence S.8794’lS%.719.84 feet to the Northwest corner of Green Valley Subdivision,Division No.2.Bonneville County.Idaho; thence along the north boundary of said Green Valley Subdivision,Division No.2 the following the (5)courses:(I)5.87’14’)5”E.852.62 feet:thence (2)N.00°03’42”E.490.73 feel;thence (3)S.89°56’19”E.133.50 feet:thence j4)N.45”50’59”E.97.66 feet;thence (5) S.89t56’19”F.133.50 feet to the west line of Green Valley Subdiiision,Division No.I. Bonneville County.Idaho;thence along the boundary of said Green Valley Subdivision. Diiision No.I the following eight (8)courses:(1)N.00°03’4l”E.81.70 feet;thence (2) S.89’56’l9”E.470.50 feet;thence (3)N.78°40’20”E.71.41 feet;thence (4)S.89°56’19”li. 130.70 feet:thence (5)S.00°30’13”W.149.67 feet;thence (6)S.87°10’04”Lt.55.80 feet; thence (7)S.O0°O1’06”W.881.44 feet:thence (8)N.873l4’lS”W.2637.46 feet along the south boundary of Green Valley Subdii ision.I)ivisions No.I and 2 extended to the north- south centerline through Section 11,Township 2 North.Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian:thence S.00°04’04”W.100.35 feet along said north-south centerline to the center of said Section 11:thence 57C I 4’32”F.2637.54 feet along the east-west centerline through the section and the southerly right-of-way line of hastern Idaho Railroad Inc.to the Last Quarter corner of Section 11.Township 2 North.Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian and the Northeast corner of Boulder Creek.Division No.I.Bonneville County.Idaho thence along the boundary of said Boulder Creek Division No.I the following four (4) courses:(I)S.0O°0 121 “W.392.50 feet along the east line of said Section 11;thence (2) N.87°22’27”W.600.50 feet thence (3)S.0094’57”lS.395.29 feet;thence (4) N.87 22’27”W.556.41 feet to the east line of Old Mill Subdh.ision.Division No.3, Bonneville County.Idaho;thence S.0(P00’45”W.963.82 feet along the east line of said Old Mill Subdivision,Division No.3 to the north line of (‘lrner Canyon Subdivision,l)ivision No.1.Bonneville County.Idaho;thence along the boundary of said Clover Canyon Subdivision.I)ivision No.I the following three (3)courses:(1)S.89°59’29”E.189.89 feet: thence (2)S.00c0008uIW.47.88 feet;thence (3)S.89’59’52’1.96.03 feet to the Northeast corner of said Clover Canyon Subdivision,Division No.I:thence S.87°46’27”F.0.11 feet to the Northwest corner of Clover Canyon Subdi,ision.Dii ision No.2,Bonnei ille County. Idaho;thence along the boundary of said (‘bier (‘anyon Subdivision No.2 the following scien (7)courses:1)S.89°59’52”E.540.08 feet;thence (2)N.00°00’08”Ic 324.42 feet; thence (3)S.8959’52”L.166.03 feet;thence (4)S.O0°OO’08”W.8.88 feet;thence (5) S.89°59’52”F.161.64 feet:thence (6)S.0O’01 ‘21 “.1196.41 feet;thence (7) ‘1.87 lO’55”W.367.80 feet to the Northwest corner of the property as described in Instrument No.1072053:thence along the boundary of .aid property the fhllowing two (2) courses:(1)S.00°39’37”E.250.00 feet:thence (2)N.88°17’46”E.363.35 feet to the west line of Section 13,rownship 2 North,Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian:thence S.00’20’0O”W.1625.21 feet along said west line Section 13 to the Northwest corner of Caribou Meadows Estates,Bonnet ille County.Idaho:thence along the north line of said (‘aribou Meadows L’states the following two (2)courses:(1)S.89’40’00”E.225.00 feet; thence (2)N.87°13’21%.98.33 feet to the west line of Caribou Meadows Fstates.Division No.2.Bonneville County.Idaho:thence along the boundary of said Caribou Meadows Estates,Division No.2 the following two (2)courses:(1)N.0O°20’OO”E.541.37 feet thence (2)N.87’56’OS”l€.36.84 feet to the west line of North Springs Subdivision,Division No.I,Bonnet ille County.Idaho:thence N.O0°05’28”E.1313.84 feet to the Northwest corner of North Springs Subdivision,L)i’ision No.I;thence N.87°47’13”Ii.808.85 feet along the north line of said North Spring Subdivision to the Northwest corner of Wood River Estates,Division No.I,Bonneville (‘ounty,Idaho:thence along the boundary of said Wood River Istates.Division No.I the following two (2)courses:(I)N.87°47’I 3”E. 566.73 feet;thence (2)S.00°05’28”W.1318.39 feet extended to the north line of Caribou Meadows Estates,l)ivision No.3.Bonneville County.idaho:thence along the boundary of said Caribou Meadows Estates,Division No.3 the following four (4)courses:(I) N.87 56’OS”F.564.70 feet:thence (2)5.00°19’II “W.1314.07 feet;thence (3) 3.87’57’30”W.822.54 feet;thence (4)N.00’l0’12”E.0.99 feet to the Southeast corner of Caribou Meadows Estates,Division No.2.Bonnet ille County.Idaho:thence along the south line of said Caribou Meadows Estates,Division No.2 the following two (2)courses: (1)5.87 5T30”W.109.15 feet;thence (2)N.89’05’09”W.316.79 feet to the east line of Rettius Retreat.Di’ision No.I,Bonneville County,Idaho:thence along the boundary of said Rettius Retreat.Division No.I the following seven (7)courses:(1)S.00°03’34”W. 350.25 feet;thence (2)S.50°27’l3”W.99.85 feet thence (3)S.43°13’Sl”W.81.66 feet thence (4)S.38°30’18”W.73.77 feet;thence (5)S.36°20’34”W.52.50 feet:thence (6) S.86°51’OO”W.143.64 feet;thence (7)N.00°03’34”E.232.88 feet to the southeast corner of the property as described in Instrument No.1154535:thence N.89°05’09”W.165.00 feet along the south line of said property to the Southeast corner of the property as described in Warranty l)eed,Instrument No.1475884;thence along the boundary of said property the following three (3)courses:(1)N.89’05’09”W.165.00 feet;thence (2)N.00°03’34%. 294.00 feet;thence (3)S.89°05’09”E.165.00 feet to the Northwest corner of the property as described in Instrument No.1154535;thence S.89 05’09”lt.165.00 feet along the north line of said property;thence along the property as described in Instrument No.1394625 the following two (2)courses:(I)N.00°03’41 “It.26.95 feet;thence (2)S.87350’06”W.698.74 feet to the West Quarter corner of Section 13.1 ownship 2 North,Range 38 bast of the Boise Meridian;thence along the north line of the water service area described in the idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended (‘ertificate No.236.Case No.U-1079-4 the following two (2)courses:(1)N.86°38’41 “W.2680.33 feet:thence (2)N.88°01’06”W. 772.44 feet to the east line of the water service area as described in the Idaho Public Utilities (‘ommission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No.236,Case No.U-1079-6;thence along the boundary of said water serviee area the following two (2)courses:(I) N.00°04’15”IL 2613.05 feet;thence (2)N.87°10’40”V.496.00 feet to the east line of the water service area described in Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No.236.(‘ase No.U-1079-10;thence along said water service area the following three (3)courses:(1)N.00309’14”F.1319.00 feet;thence (2)N.87°26’SO”W. 1322.00 feet;thence (3)S.00°O0’40”W.1073.01 feet to the north line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public L’tilities Commission’s Seenth Amended Certificate No. 236.Case No.FLS-W-91-1;thence along the boundary of said water senice area the lbllowing seen (7)courses:(I)N.89 52’16”W.984.78 feet thence (2)N.00307’44”b. 82.00 feet:thence (3)S.89°52’16”k 36.29 feet:thence (4)N.00°07’44”b.261.38 feet: thence (5)N.89°52’Io”W.153.45 feet:thence (6)N.31°08’39”E.600.32 feet;thence (7) N.60°25’2 I “W.460.74 feet extended to the east line of the property as described in Instrument No.1277503;thence along said property the following two (2)courses:(1) 32°30’I 0”E.1359.75 feet:thence (2)N.23°II ‘09”E.162.91 feet;thence N.J 6°34’3 I “b. 111.11 feet to the Southeast corner of Summit Park.Di’ision No.9.Bonne ille County. Idaho;thence N.89°46’58”W.550.96 feet along the south line of said Summit Park. Di’ision No.9 to the Southeast corner ofSummit Park.I)ivision No.5.Bonneville County. Idaho:thence N.89M7’OO”W.1354.96 feet along the south line of said Summit Park, Division No.5 to the Southeast corner of Summit Park.Di ision No.8.Bonneville County. Idaho;thence N.89°32’OS”W.359.78 feet along the south line of said Summit Park. I)ivision No.8 extended to the east line of the property as described in Instrument No. 1261134;thence N.00°0329”E.2016.34 feet along said east line to the south line of Crow (‘reek Estates.L)ivision No.2.Bonnebille County.Idaho:thence along said south line of Crow (‘reek Estates,Division No.2 the following three (3)courses:(I)N.84c04I310W. 189.16 feet to a point on a curve;thence 9.29 feet along said cune to the left,Curse Data: Delta O°22’04”.Radius 1446.79 feet,(‘hord bearing N.05°45’09”F.9.29 feet;thence N.84°4 1151 “W.120.00 feet to the east line of Crow Creek Estates.Division No.1, Bonneville County,Idaho;thence along said east line the following three (3)courses:(1) S.0997’Ol”W.171.40 feet;thence (2)S.16341’26”W.171.40 feet;thence (3) S.24°09’44”W.173.20 feet to the north line of (‘row Creek [states.Division No.2;thence along the boundary of Crow Creek Estates.Division No.2 the following seventeen (17) courses:(I)S.62°07’l 5”F.180.08 feet to a point on a curse;thence (2)12.32 feet along said curve to the left.(‘urve Data:Delta 0’28’06”.Radius 1506.79 feet,Chord bearing S.28326’48”W.12.32 feet:thence (3)S.61°39’29”E.107.70 feet thence (4) S.34°03’OS”W.110.10 feet;thence (5)>.56 08’39”W.107.19 feet to a point on a curse: thence (6)157.44 feet along said curve to the right.Curse Data:Delta =5°59’12”.Radius 1506.79 feet;Chord bearing =S.42°45’28”W.157.37 feet;thence (7)S.45°45’04”W.101.58 feet to a point of curse;thence (8)268.18 feet along said curse to the left,Curse Data: Delta -I 8°40’10”.Radius -823.02 feet.(‘hord bearing -S.36°24’59”W.266.99 feet thence (9)S.27°04’54”W.225.00 feet;thence (10)N.62 55’06”W.660.00 feet;thence (II) N.27°04’54”E.225.00 feet to a point of curse;thence (12)341.92 feet along said curse to the right,Curve Data:Delta —13°12’36”.Radius 1483.02 feet.Chord bearing — N.33°4P21”E.341.16 feet thence (13)N.48°21’38”W.46.18 feet to a point on a curse; thence (14)184.26 feet along said curve to the left.Cune Data:l)elta —I 7°58’07”.Radius 379.54 feet,Chord bearing -.N.32°39’21 “b.118.54 feet to a point of’reverse curse; thence (15)184.26 feet along said curve to the right.Curve Data:Delta 34°42’36”, Radius 304.15 feet.Chord bearing —N.41°01’38”E.181.45 feet;thence (16) N.58’22’58”h.29.21 feet to a point of curve;thence (17)190.88 feet along said curse to the left.Curve Data:Delta -5l°57’41”,Radius 210.47 feet.Chord bearing r N.32°2490”h. 184.40 feet to the south line of Crow (‘reek Estates,Division No.1;thence along the boundary of said Crow Creek Estates.Division No.I the following thirteen (13)courses: (1)N.63°44’31 “W.106.98 feet to a point on a curve;thence (2)301.95 feet along said curse to the left.(‘tine Data:1)elta 25°56’46”.Radius a 666.79 feet.Chord bearing J.l3°l7’O6”[.299.38 feet;thence (3)N.00 18’44”E.55.00 feet:thence (4)N.89’41’16”W. 30.00 feet:thence (5)N.00°18’44”b.80.00 feet:thence (6)S.89°41’16”E.57.11 feet to a point of eune:thence (7)9.14 feet along said curve to the left (‘une Data:Delta — 5801 l’23”,Radius 9.00 feet.Chord bearing N.6ld13IwE.8.75 feet to a point of reierse eune;thence (8)29.93 feet along said cune to the right,Cune Data:Delta = 2t23’Oo”.Radius 65.00 feet Chord bearing -N.45 ‘18’54”E.29.67 feet to a point of rnerse curve:thence (9)9.14 feet along said cune to the left.Cune Data:Delta 58’l 1 ‘43”.Radius -9.00 feet,Chord bearing N.29°24’36”E.8.75 feet:thence (10) >.00i844E.117.12 feet:thence (11)N.44°41’16”W.28.28 feet:thence (12) N.89°4l’l6”W.90.00 feet:thence (13)N.00°18’44”1€.50.00 feet to the north line of Section 10.lownship 2 North.Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian;thence S.89°4l’lo”L€.1009.00 feet along said north line to the point of beginning. EXCE1NG THEREFROM:the parcel of land described in Idaho Public Itilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No.236,Case No.13-1079-7 and more particularly described as follows: Beginning a the West Quarter corner of Section II.Township 2 North.Range 38East of the Boise Meridian.Bonneville County,Idaho and running thence N.00°00’41 “E.60.32 feet along the section line to the South right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad and running thence along said right-of-wa>line the following Use (5)courses:(I) 8.8701 5’28”E.2014.48 feet:thence (2)5.03 ‘43’31 “W.22.00 feet;thence 5.87°1 5’28”R. 121.74 feet to a point of curve:thence (3)647.29 feet along said cune to the right.Curve Data:Delta =68°41’09”.Radius 539.95 feet.Chord bearing S.43°1 l’049t.609.22 feet: thence 5.01 ‘06’39”E.271.11 feet:thence N.87°04’ll’W.2558.00 feet to the West line of Section II;thence N.00°00’41 “H.648.34 feet to the point of beginning,less the following described property which is to be included in Sen ice Area No.I: Beginning at a point that is S.00’00’4l “W.260.74 feet along the section line and 5.87°1 5’2l.61.03 feet fiom the West Quarter corner of Section 11,I’ownship 2 North, Range 38 Last of the Boise Meridian.Bonneville County.Idaho and running thence S.87ol528hhl:.286.56 feet:thence S.02°44’32”W.127.95 feet:thence N.86°25’24”W. 301.68 feet;thence N.00’00’41”E.102.72 feet to a point of curve:thence 32.37 feet along said cune to the right.Curse Data:Delta —92 43’S 1”,Radius -20.00 feet,Chord bearing N.46022’16f1:.28.95 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at the North Quarter corner of Section 10,Township 2 North,Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian.Bonneville County.Idaho and running thence S.89°4 I ‘23”h.228.83 feet along the north line of said Section 10 to the Northwest corner of service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No.236,L’ase No. F I S-W-98-I ,SAR-w-98-I:thence along the boundary of said water sen ice area the following three (3)courses:(1)8.009 8’37W.175.00 feet:thence (2)S.89M I ‘23”E. 1408.00 feet:thence (3)N.00°18’37”E.50.00 feet to the south line of the propert>as described in Instrument No.1131225:thence along the boundary of said property the following three (3)courses:(I)S.89°41’23”F.25.00 feet;thence (2)S.00°1897”W.25.00 feet;thence (4)S.89°39’02”E.42.79 feet to the Northwest corner of Summit Park.Division No.3,Bonnesille (‘ounty,Idaho;thence along the boundary of said Summit Park,Division No.3 the following two (2)courses:(1)S.89°25’24’t.645.03 feet thence (2) SJiOOUO6’Ve ‘76.)7 leet to the Northeast corner of Summit Park.l)i ision No.I Bonne\lIe Count\Idaho:thence 5.00 O 28\\’.74Q,04 feet along the east line of said Suinm it Park.Di’ision No.I to the north line of the propert as described in Instrument No.I I 48245:thence S.895932’E.27Q.Q)feet to the east line of Section 10.1 ov nship 2 North.Rane 38 Fast of the Boise Meridian:thence S.00i)028\\’.981 .80 feet along said east me to the north line of Calico Sk Subdi\ision.Division No.I Bonne ille Count\ Idaho:thence along the houndar of said Calico Sk\Suhdi ision.Division No.I the ftllov ing three courses:i )N.434253’F.I X0.(0 Idet:thence (2).2836l OF.75.52 feet:thence ()N.I 73525”l’.361)67 fet to the South\\est corner of Calico Sk Subdi\ision,D1\isbn No.2,Bonneville Counts.Idaho;thence along the boundary of said Calico Sk Suhdi\ision,Division No.2 the tdllowing four (4)courses:(1)N.I 7°3525F. 90.22 feet;thence (2)N.20°2327E,222,56 feet:thence (3)N.O058O7F.550.96 feet; thence (4)N.24 3756F.262.26 feel 1 the north line of the property as described in Instrument No.1297791 extended;thence N.89 3632W.153.60 feel along said north line to the Southeast corner of the property as described in Instrument No.977002:thence along the houndar\of said propert\the follo ilig t’ao courses;(1)N.OO°OO28’F.96.00 feet: thence (2)N.89°3(32W.345.80 feet extended to the east line of Section 10.I’ownship 2 North,Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian:thence N.OODOO28l,,.229.81 feet to the Northeast corner of said Section I 0;thence N.8’)4 I ‘23’W.2628.83 feet to the point of beginning. Water service net area 1333.47 acres. I BENCHMA RK J LAND SURVEYING Job No.15038 (208)313-2458 T.R.M. 789 NORTH 450 EAST FIRTH,IDAHO 83236 RE.VISE1) LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO.2) Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 23,iownship 2 North,Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian,Bonneville County,Idaho and running thence S.00°05’20’W.1556.49 feet along the section line to the Northwest corner of Stone Arbor,Division No.I.Bonneville County,Idaho;thence along the boundary of said Stone Arbor,Division No.I the following seven (7)courses:(1)S.89°5440E.155.83 feet;thence (2)Ni 1°58’42’E.89.75 lèet:thence (3)NJ I°23’52”E.127.25 feet;thence (4)N.02°0609’W.35.00 feet;thence (5) N.87°535 IF,625.07 feet;thence (6)S.00°04’30”W.1316.83 feet;thence (7) S.87°5533W.823.46 feet to the West Quarter corner of said Section 23;thence N.89°3723”W.333.14 feet along the east-west centerline through said Section 23 to the Northeast corner of the property as described in Instrument No.1075936;thence along said property the following eleven (II)courses:(1)S.00°25 14W.225.59 feet;thence (2) S.87°0558E.334.31 feet;thence (3)5.00°l3OlW.327.36 feet;thence (4)S.76°25’08W. 75,87 feet:thence (5)S.77°4726W .52,74 feet:thence (6)S.58°2725”W.61.82 feet; thence (7)S.35°34’03”W.50.99 feet;thence (8)S.08°51’31W.53.08 feet;thence (9) S.15°5422’W.112.48 feet;thence (10)N.89°4659’W.315.35 feet;thence (II) N.00°1 3’Ol E.403.99 feet to the north line of Centennial Ranch,Division No.7.an addition to the City of Ammon,Bonneville County,Idaho extended;thence along the north line the following two (2)courses:(I)N.88°0818”W.370.32 feet;thence (2) N.89°3720W.1055.03 feet to the Southwest corner of Centennial Ranch.Division No.6, an addition to the City of Ammon,Bonneville County,Idaho;thence N.00°11 28”W. 423.1 8 feet along the west line of said Centennial Ranch,Division No.6 extended to the east-west centerline through said Section 23:thence N.89°31’53”W.663.37 feet along said east-west centerline to the center of said Section 23:thence N.89°4248’W.1316.94 feet along the east-west centerline through said Section 23 to the Southeast corner of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No.236,Case No.U-I 079-5;thence N.00°2423”W.2627.67 feet along the east line of said water service area Case No.U-I079-5 to the south line of the waler service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236,Case No.[J-1079-4;thence along the boundary of said water service area Case No.U- 1079-4 the Ibllowing four (4)courses:(I)S.89°39l 2’E.1320.64 feet;thence (2) 5.89°4043E.2003.68 feet:thence (3)N.00°02’39E.1330.90 feet;thence (4) S.88°0933E.668,75 feet to the west line of Section 13,Township 2 North,Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian;thence N.00°0404’E.109.84 feet along said west line to the Northwest corner of Ridge View,Division No.I ,Bonneville County,Idaho;thence along the boundary of Ridge View,Division No.I the following sixteen (16)courses:(I) S.89°5555E.698.21 feet;thence (2)N.00°04’04’E.300.00 feet;thence (3)S.89°5556E. 133.63 feet:thence (4)N.80°51’25”E.62.47 feet:thence (5)S.80°52’18”E.126.28 feet: thence (6)S.00°04’04”W.610.11 feet;thence (7)S.89°55’56”F.18.13 feet:thence (8) S.00’0404”W.190.00 feet;thence (9)N.8995’56”W.21.92 feet;thence (10) 5.00 04’04”W.130.00 feet;thence (11)S.89°55’56”I..421.93 feet;thence (12) S.07’010l”E.206.26 feet:thence (13)S.00c 13’33”W.0.72 feet;thence (14) S.87°51’58”W.925.91 feet;thence (15)N.00°04’04”Ii.162.19 feet:thence (16) S.87°55w.537.16 feet to the west line of said Section 13;thence S.0O°04’04”W.683.59 feet along said isest line to the point of beginning. Sen ice area contains 329.01 acres. jschiess &Associates ENGINEERING •PLANNING •LAND SURVEYING 7103 SOUTH 45TH WEST,IDANO FALLS,ID 83402 RXBURG,ID OFFiCE:(208)522-1 244 •FAX:(208)522-9232 OFFICE:(208)356-6092 •FAX:(208)35&-6468 Job No.12122 12-18-2012 1.R.M. LEGAL,DESC’RIP’[IO% FoR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO.3) Beginning at the Northwest corner of’Section 23,Township 2 North,Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian.I3onneville County,Idaho and running thence S.89°39 I 2E.200.00 feet along the section line to the Northwest corner of’the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Cciii ficate No,236,Case No.U I 079-5 thence along the boundary of said water service area the following two (2)courses: (1)S.00°29 I 2’E.217.80 feet:thence (2)N.8939 I 2”W.200.00 feet to the west line of said Section 23,thence S.00°29’I 2E.121.24 flet alone said west line to the south line of Lot 6. Block 2.Mountain View Addition.Di\ision No.I.Bonneville County.Idaho extended: thence N.%9G2930W.707.48 feet alone the south line of said Lot 6.Block 2 extended to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 .Block 2.Mountain \‘iew Addition,Division No.1:thence 1 740 \V.339.02 feet alone the lot line extended to the north line ol’Section 22. rownshi 2 North.Rane 3%East.of the Boise Meridian:thence S.%9c2930I .706.34 fl,et along said north I inc to the point of’beginning. Service area contains =6.50 acres. &Associates ENGINEERING •PLANNING •LAND SURVEYING 7103 SOUTh 45TH WEST.DANa FALLS,ID 83402 REXBLJRG,ID OFFICE:1208)522-1244 •FA)(:(208)522-9232 OFFICE:(208)356-6092 •FA)(:(2081 356-6488 jOh\O,12122 12-18-2012 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AR1;A NO.4) Beginning at a point that is N.89°29’30”W.965.82 feet along the section line from the Southeast corner of Section 15,Township 2 North,Range 38 Last of the Boise Meridian. Bonneville County,Idaho and running thence N .89°2830’W.76.82 liet along said section line to the eaSt line of Lot 2.Block 1.Mountain View Addition.Division No.1.Bonneville County.Idaho extended:thence S.00 1 7’40”L,339.02 feet along said cast line to the Southeast corner of Lot 2.Block I of said Mountain View Addition:thenec along the boundary of Mountain View Addition,Division No.I the lbllowin two (2)courses:(I N.89°2tY30W.266.06 feet:thence (2)N.00°1 728W.121 .93 feet to the south line of the properly as described in Instrument No.1026602:thence along the boundary of said propert the following two (2)courses:(1)N.$02447’W.138.00 feet:thence (2) N .00 1 740 \V.2 1 6.90 fiei to the south line of said Section 15:thence N .89°2630’W. 96.48 let along said south line to the cast line of Lox Hollow.I.)ivision No.I to the City of Ammon,I3onneville County,Idaho:thence N’.00°54’56”E.1440.98 feet along said east line of Fox Ilol low.Division No.1 and Fox I lollow,Division No.2 extended to the south line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No,236,Case No.U-1079-4:thence along said water service area. Case No.U-I 079-4 the bllowing two (2)courses:(1)S.89°2239’IE.572,58 feet;thence (2) S.00°4333W.1439.84 fCet to the point of beginning. Service area contains 21 .77 acres jSchiess &Associates ENGINEERING •PLANNING •LAND SURVEYING 7103 SOUTH 45TH WEST,IDAHO FALLS,ID 83402 REXBtJRG.ID OFFICE:1208)522-1244 FAX:1208)522-9232 OFFICE:(208)356-8092 •FAX:(208)356-6488 Job No.12122 12-18-2012 T.R.M. LEGAL i)ESCRIPT1ON FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO.5) Beginning at the Last Quarter corner of Section 9,Township 2 North,Range 38 East of the l3oise Meridian,Bonneville County.Idaho and running thence S.89°1 743W.477.73 feet along the section line to the west line of Burbank Industrial Park:thence along the boundary of said Burbank Industrial Park the following five (5)courses:(1)N.40°11 51 ‘W. 563.14 feet:thence (2)N.49°40’l I h.310.36 feet to a point of curve:thence (3)81.86 feet along said curve to the left,Curve Data:Delta $°22’Oó”,Radius =560.50 feet,Chord hearing =N.45°2909”E.81.79 feet;thence (4)S.48°4154L.269.48 feet;thence (5) S.89°5l44E.345.01 feet to the east line of said Section 9:thence S.00c0816W.503.78 ftei to the Last Quarter corner of said Section 9;thence S.89°42 I 7”E.241 2.67 fi,et along the east-west centerline through Section 10,Township 2 North,Range 38 Last of the Boise Meridian to the west line of the property as described in Instrument No,1277503;thence along said property the following two (2)courses:(1)S.0 1 °5307”E.1666.13 feet:thence (2)5.89°5954E.1485.18 feet extended to the west line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No.236,Case No. FLS-W-9 I -1;thence along the boundary of said service area,Case No.FLS-W-9 1-1 the tollowing seventeen (17)courses:(1)S.31 °08’39’W.473.53 feet:thence (2)S.5 I °32’34W. 35.32 feet:thence (3)S.28°50’44’W,190.40 feet;thence (4)S.17°I0’44W.134.95 feet; thence (5)N.89°5216’W.1948.82 feet;thence (6)S.00°07’16E.244.07 feet:thence (7) N.89°52I2’W,1304.85 ICet;thence (8)S.00°l0’53E.266.95 feet:thence (9) S.89°52’l6”E.1564.66 fCet;thence (10)S.00°07’44”W.9.00 feet;thence (11) S.89°52’16”E.1141.17 feet:thence (12)N.00°0744’E.276.00 feet:thence (13) S.89°5216L,59.15 fiet;thence (14)S.00°0744”W.227.87 feet;thence (15) S.89°52]6”F.199.89 ICet;thence (17)S.83°4324E.83.82 feet to the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236.Case No.U-l079-8;thence along the boundary of’said water service area Case No.U- 1079-8 the following five (5)courses:(I)S.28°3602W .55.36 feet;thence (2) S01°J I02”W.682.00 feet:thence (3)N.88°4158”W.15.70 feet;thence (4)S.27°5702”W. 899.40 feet:thence (5)S.00°3 102W.870.80 ICet to the north line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236,Case No.LJ-1079-4:thence along the boundary of said waler service area the ibllowing two (2)courses:(1)N.89°2239”W,423.44 feet:thence (2)S.00°37’31’W.23.81 feet to the east-west centerline through Section 15,Township 2 North,Range 3$Last of the Boise Meridian;thence s.srsi’io”w.2436.59 feet to the West Quarter corner of said Section 15;thence N.0O°06’43”W.1749.82 feet to the Southeast corner of Stafl’wood Subdivision.Dis ision No.I,Bonne jilt County.Idaho;thence along the boundary of said Staffwood Subdivision the following three (3)courses:(fl S.8W00’47”W.610.00 feet: thence (2)S.00 06’43”F.406.45 feet:thence (3)S.89’02’47”W.713.28 feet extended to the east line of Applewood Place.Bonneil1e County.Idaho:thence along the boundary of said Appiewood Place the following six (6)courses:(1)S.00°1 l’05”W.5.20 feet:thence (2) 8.88 4927’W.1321.33 feet;thence (3)N.00°25’35’E.785.97 feet;thence (4) N .89 ‘lO’l 8”!s.84.76 feet:thence (5)N.8 I °52’OS”E.192.09 feet;thence (6)S.69°59’42”h. 250.00 feet to the west line of Liberty Park,Division No.2.Bonneville County.Idaho; thence along the boundary of said liberty Park Diision No.2 the following four (4) courses:(1)N .20°OO’I 81€.298.96 feet:thence (2)N.89”10’l 8”E.330.87 feet;thence (3) N.00°4997”W.265.59 feet;thence (4)N.88 I 8’38”lt.167.27 feet extended;thence along the south right-of-way of Lincoln Road the following two (2)courses:(I)N.89°02’26”E. 100.08 feet:thence (2)N.89°10’18”E.112.92 feet to the east line of Applewood Place. Bonneville County.Idaho:thence 5.00°1 1’OS”W.626.48 feet to the south line of the property as described in instrument No.445289 cxtended:thence along the boundary of said property the following two (2)courses:(I)S.89’59’30’I:.428.72 feet thence (2) N.00°14’29”lt.699.20 feet to the north line of Section 16.fownship 2 North,Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian;thence N.88°I 8’42W.886.92 feet along said north line to the Northeast corner of said Section 16;thence N.00°08’14”E.2636.71 Il?et along the west line of Section 10,I ownship 2 North,Range 38 Fast of the Boise Meridian to the point of beginning. Sen ice area contains 400.82 acres. S Sehiess &Associates ENGINEERING •PLANNING •LAND SURVEYING 7103 SOUTh 45TH WEST.IDAHO FALLS,10 83402 REXBURG.ID OFFICE:(2081 522-1244 •FAX:(208)522-8232 OFFICE:(208)358-8092 •FAX:(208)356-6468 Job No.12122 12-18-2012 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO.6) Beginning at the West Quarter corner of Section 14,Township 2 North,Range 38 Last of the Boise Meridian.Bonneville County,Idaho and running thence N00°02’54”W.208.00 Ièei along the section line to the north line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s Seventh Amended Certificate No.236.Case No.U-I 079-6; thence along the boundary of said water service area Case No.U-I 079-6 the fbI lowing two (2)courses:(I)S.88°Ol 24’L.320.00 feet:thence (2)S.OOul 050W.208.00 feet to the east-west centerline through said Section 1 4 thence N.8$°01 06W.319.17 fi.et to the point of beginning. Service area contains 1 .525 acres. oci ;:-ea S853 AM PO5 Job Jo.05160 0216-06 J.C.c, DESCRIPTION OF THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF THE FALLS WATER COMPANY WATER SYSTEM SERVICE AREA AND TEE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF THE CITY OF AMMON WATER SYSTEM SERVICE AREA Beginning the East Quarter Corner of Section 18,Tcwnhip 2 North,Range 38 East of the floise Meridian,Bonneville County,Idaho.said point which lies in FocLh1i Road, anning thence due west approximately 6700 feet to a natural “rock outcmppilg”;thence tollowing the “rock outcropping”in a south-southwest direction until it connects with Crawley Road:thence south along Crowley Road to a point that is due east of the rear property line of the lots between Christy Lane and Amber Lane of Centennial Ranch; thence West to the east property line of said subdivision;thence north along said property line to the rear property line of lots between Aschli I.ane and Amber Lane;thence aion said property line to the cast property line of the lots along Newgate Drive;thence north along said property line to the north property line of lots along Greenwood Circle;thence west along said lot line across Arnnion Road to the east property line of Tie Breaker Subdivision;thence north along said property line to First Street;thence north along thc enS;property line of Fox Hollow Subdivision to the north property livic of said subdivision;thence west along saId property line to the cast property line of Sitcr Farm; thcicr north aion said property line tv tho extreme nc,rthost property C0’flPl’of the Woodbridge Subdivision.