HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150316Application.pdfK. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company, Inc. 2180 North Deborah Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Tel. (208) s22-1300 Fax (208) 522-4099 E-mail : scott I @fallswater.com Representative for Falls Water Company, Inc. ?fill'l'rnLc 1 ,, I l,'., , lL ': ',t t-i';i r ., : ,,_rtILli,..-.-: li; pif 3, I9 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER CO.,INC. TO AMEND CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY No. 236 CASE NO. Comes now, Falls Water Co., Inc. ("Falls Water"), pursuant to Section 6l-526,Idaho Code and Rule 112 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure ("IPUCRP"), applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") to amend and revise its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 236 by enlarging and extending the boundary of the area in which it is authorized to provide service. In support of this Application, Falls Water submits the following: I. Falls Water, a public utility water corporation within the meaning of the Idaho Public Utilities Law, is duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Idaho and engaged in conducting a general water business in and about Bonneville County, Idaho, having its principal office and place of business at2180 North Deborah Drive, Idaho Falls,Idaho 83401. II. Communication in reference to this Application should be addressed to: K. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company, Inc. 2180 North Deborah Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83401 E-mail : scott 1 @fallswater.com ) ) ) m. A certified copy of Applicant's Articles of Incorporation, together with all amendments to date, is on file with the Commission. IV. Applicant owns and operates an extensive integrated water system in Bonneville County and renders general water service within such territory and to the inhabitants thereof. V. The Commission's order 32663 required Falls Water to amend its Certificate of Convenience and Necessity to include the areas that are currently being served outside the service area. The areas were built by various developers over the past sixteen years and serviced by Falls Water. VI. The areas proposed to be served by this Application are adjacent to Falls Water's existing certificated area. The legal descriptions for the areas have been grouped into six areas. A map Exhibit A and the legal descriptions Exhibit B-1 through Exhibit 8-6 are attached. On the south end of Falls Water's amended service area, the system is adjacent to the City of Ammon, which has its own public water system. Exhibit C is a Memorandum of understanding with the City of Ammon. The memorandum denotes an agreed upon service boundary between the City of Ammon's water system and Falls Water's system. The memorandum was agreed upon to maintain the integrity of each system and avoid problems with localized areas of poor water flows and pressures if the two systems had not agreed to a mutual service boundary. vII. Service to the amended service areas will be provided through water mains and service lines installed by the various developers through Falls Water's standard "Main Extension Contract" as provided for in its tariff on file with the Commission. There will be no effect on Falls Water's revenue requirements. VIU. Falls Water has an adequate source of supply to provide service to the amended service area in a safe and reliable manner. x. Falls Water submits that the extension of its facilities to serve the amended service area is consistent with the public convenience and necessity. x. Pursuant to IPUCRP Rule 201, Falls Water respectfully requests that this application be processed pursuant to Modified Procedure. DATED this l3n day of March 2015. Falls Water Co., Inc. By K.<4ff7QA-ce K. Scott Bruce General Manager I Exhibit A t. 2 N., R. 58 E.B.M.rorHo ru4rc unun5cryrrsgfr's sEE!frAffMED CERWAE NO, t' ! n::*:l*'o' ! u::",',r'*' W ur*, uu *. t W uto *' n"*" ---....--.-.sffitrCE rRE rc. l 21.17 NEf ACNS , 56BUCE rREr ilO 5: 1@.A2 Ntf ARES a $ri4 IONA RD. 5 ciE, UJJ =og.(J ? I r 9 LINCoLN RD t0 ll I- t6 ''l l15 alsr Sr oE FF =I 2t ?.2 ouzo =E ITTx STREET 23 - 2l* II ENCHMARKI LAND suB vEYtNGI (2oB) sts-24sg 789 NORTH 45O EAST FIRTH, IDAHO 83236 Exhibit B-1 Job No. 15038 3-l r-2015 T.R.M. REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 1) Beginning at the South Quarter corner of Section 3, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho, said South Quarter corner being S.89"41'16"E. 2624.90 feet from the Southwest comer of said Section 3, and running thence N.00'02'50"W. 33.00 feet along the west line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 3 to the Southwest corner of the property as described in Warranty Deed, Instrument No. 1304765; thence along the boundary of said property the following three (3) courses: (l) 5.89"41'23"8. 120.00 feet; thence (2) N.00'02'50"W.363.00 feet; thence (3) N.89'41'23"W. 120.00 feet to the west line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 3; thence N.00o02'50"W.2234.19 feet to the Northwest corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence S.89"28'40"E. 314.13 feet along the north line of said Southeast Quarter to the Southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 3, Birchwood Estates, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Birchwood Estates the following six (6) courses: ( I ) N.00"09'50"W.396.45 feet; thence (2) N.49"41'06"E. 290.01 feet; thence (3) 5.40"22'44"8. 306.76 feet; thence (4) N.89'52'11"8. 238.81 feet; thence (5) N.01"08'49"W.493.55 feet; thence (6) N.49"47'07"8.64.51 feet to the Southwest corner of Landmark Center, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Landmark Center, Division No. I the following four (4) courses: (l) N.0lo08'59"W. 542.80 feet; thence (2) N.40ol8'58"W. 79.17 feet; thence (3) N.49"41'01"E.660.00 feet; thence (4) S.40"18'59"E. 499.85 feet to the north line of Edwards Acres Subdivision, Division No. 1, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along said north line the following two (2) courses: (1) N.49'41'14"E.278.73 feet; thence (2) N.89'32'10"8.388.21 feet to the northwest corner of Lot ), Block 2, Edwards Acres Subdivision, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence 5.00"08'21"W. 177.16 feet along the west line of said Lot 2, Block 2; thence 5.89"51'39"E. 264.98 feet to the east line Section 3 of said Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence 5.00"08'21"W. 118.22 feet along said east line to the norlh line of the property as described in Instrument No. 1358280; thence S.87o35'16"E. 469.70 feet along the north line of said property to the northwest corner of the propefty as described in Instrument No. 1345616; thence along the boundary of said property the following six (6) courses: (l) 5.87"35'17"8.866.32 feet; thence (2) S.15"58'49"W.194.32 feet; thence (3) S.00'08'36"E. 196.35 feet; thence (4) S.07'14'30"W. 197.18 feet; thence (5) S.ll'22'55"W. 560.88 feet; thence (6) S.21o40'08"W. 304.89 feet; thence S.21o47'05"W. 21.56 feet to the north line of Red Rock Estates Division No. 4, Bonneville County, ldaho; thence 5.87"35'38"8. 1207.69 feet along the north boundary of Red Rock Estates Divisions 4, 7 and 9 to the Northeast corner of Red Rock Estates, Division No. 9; thence along the boundary of said Red Rock Estates, Division No. 9 the following tburteen courses: (1) 5.02"24'22"W. 188.53 feet; thence (2) S.87"35'38"E. 33.17 feet; thence (3) S.02'24'22"W. 257.51 feet; thence (4) 5.22'22'45"W. 281.65 feet; thence (5) 5.34"29'11"8.213.91 feet; thence (6) S.00'00'00"W. 66.54 feet; thence (7) S.83o09'35"W. 122.51 feet; thence (8) S.73o28'59"W.61.18 feet; thence (9) N.90o00'00"W. 184.16 feet; thence (10) 5.35"27'29"8. 105.83 feet; thence (l l) S.15"46'59"W. 88.33 feet; thence (12) S.00o00'00"W. 100.00 feet; thence (13) N.90o00'00"W.39.67 feet; thence (14) S.00"00'00"W. 180.00 feet to the north line of Red Rock Estates, Division No. 8, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Red Rock Estates, Division No. 8 the following nine (9) courses: (l) S.90o00'00"E. 714.93 feet; thence (2) S.02"19'01"E. 173.21 feet; thence (3) 3.05"59'31"W. 123.74 feet; thence (4) 3.03'02'46"8. 63.02 feet; thence (5) S.03"22'00"W.85.98 feet; thence (6) S.08'06'28"W. 116.61 feet; thence (7) S.01o02'03"W. 255.65 feet; thence (8) S.00'58'20"W. 303.82 feet; thence (9) N.89"22'24"W. 702.47 feet to the Southeast corner of Red Rock Estates, Division No. 6, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.89"27'57"W.20.23 feet to the Northeast corner of Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No. 4, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No. 4 the following three (3) courses:(l) S.00o00'28"W. 350.02 feet; thence (2) 5.89"22'20"8. 796.55 feet; thence (3) S.00"03'50"W. 1250.13 feet to the Northeast corner of Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No.3, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence S.00"03'50"W.704.28 feet along the east line of said Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No.3; thence 5.87'14'15"8.719.84 feet to the Northwest corner of Green Valley Subdivision, Division No. 2, Bonneville County, ldaho; thence along the north boundary of said Green Valley Subdivision, Division No. 2 the following five (5) courses: (l) S.87"14'15"E. 852.62 feet; thence (2) N.00'03'42"E.490.73 feet; thence (3) 5.89'56'19"E. 133.50 feet; thence (4) N.45'50'59"E. 97.66 feet; thence (5) 5.89'56'19"E. 133.50 feet to the west line of Green Valley Subdivision, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Green Valley Subdivision, Division No. 1 the following eight (8) courses: (l) N.00'03'41"E.81.70 feet; thence (2) S.89"56'19"8.470.50 feet; thence (3) N.78'40'20"E. 71.41 feet; thence (4) S.89"56'19"E. 130.70 feet; thence (5) 3.00'30'13"W. 149.67 feet; thence (6) S.87"10'04"E.55.80 feet; thence (7) 5.00'01'06"W. 881.44 feet; thence (8) N.87ol4'15"W. 2637.46 feet along the south boundary of Green Valley Subdivision, Divisions No. I and 2 extended to the north- south centerline through Section ll, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence S.00'04'04"W. 100.35 feet along said north-south centerline to the center of said Section I l; thence 5.87o14'32"8. 2637.54 feet along the east-west centerline through the section and the southerly right-of-way line of Eastern Idaho Railroad lnc. to the East Quarter corner of Section I l, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian and the Northeast corner of Boulder Creek, Division No. 1, Bonneville County, Idaho thence along the boundary of said Boulder Creek Division No. I the following four (4) courses: (l) 3.00'01'21"W. 392.50 feet along the east line of said Section ll;thence (2) N.87"72'27"W. 600.50 feet; thence (3) S.00'14'57"8. 395.29 feet; thence (4) N.87"22'27"W. 556.41 feet to the east line of Old Mill Subdivision, Division No. 3, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence 5.00"00'45"W. 963.82 feet along the east line of said Old Mill Subdivision, Division No. 3 to the north line of Clover Canyon Subdivision, Division No. 1, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Clover Canyon Subdivision, DivisionNo. I the following three (3) courses: (1) 5.89"59'29"8.189.89 feet; thence(2)S.00'00'08"W.47.88 feet;thence(3)S.89'59'52"8.96.03 fbettotheNortheast corner of said Clover Canyon Subdivision, Division No. 1; thence 5.87"46'27"E. 0.ll feet to the Northwest corner of Clover Canyon Subdivision, Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Clover Canyon Subdivision No. 2 the following seven (7)(1) S.89"59'52"E.540.08 feet; thence (2) N.00o00'08"E. 324.42 feet; thence (3) S.89"59'52"E. 166.03 feet; thence (a) S.00"00'08"W.8.88 feet; thence (5) S.89o59'52"E. 16l .64 feet; thence (6) 5.00'01 '21 "W. 1196.41 feet; thence (7) N.87'10'55"W. 367.80 feet to the Northwest corner of the property as described in Instrument No. 1072053; thence along the boundary of said properly the following two (2) courses: (l) S.00'39'37"8.250.00 feet; thence (2) N.88"17'46"8.363.35 feet to the west line of Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence S.00'20'00"W. 1625.21 feet along said west line Section 13 to the Northwest corner of Caribou Meadows Estates, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the north line of said Caribou Meadows Estates the following two (2) courses: (1) S.89"40'00"E.225.00 feet; thence (2) N.87'13'21"8.98.33 feet to the west line of Caribou Meadows Estates, Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Caribou Meadows Estates, Division No.2 the following two (2) courses: (l) N.00o20'00"E. 541.37 feet; thence (2) N.87"56'05"8. 36.84 feet to the west line of North Springs Subdivision, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.00o05'28"E. 1313.84 feet to the Northwest corner of North Springs Subdivision, Division No. l; thence N.87'47'13"8. 808.85 feet along the north line of said North Spring Subdivision to the Norlhwest corner of Wood River Estates, Division No. 1, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Wood River Estates, Division No. I the following two (2) courses: (l) N.87"47'13"8. 566.73 feet; thence (2) S.00'05'28"W. 1318.39 feet extended to the north line of Caribou Meadows Estates, Division No. 3, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Caribou Meadows Estates, Division No. 3 the fbllowing four (4) courses: (1) N.87"56'05 "E. 564.70 feet; thence (2) S.00'19'1 I "W. 1314.07 feet; thence (3) S.87'57'30"W.822.54 feet; thence (a) N.00ol0'12"E.0.99 feet to the Southeast corner of Caribou Meadows Estates, Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the south line of said Caribou Meadows Estates, Division No. 2 the following two (2) courses: (l) S.87'57'30"W. 109.15 feet; thence (2) N.89"05'09"W. 316.79 feet to the east line of Rettius Retreat, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Rettius Retreat, Division No. I the following seven (7) courses: (1) 3.00'03'34"W. 350.25 feet; thence (2) 5.50"27'13"W.99.85 feet; thence (3) S.43'13'51"W. 81.66 feet; thence (4) 5.38"30'18"W. 73.77 feet; thence (5) S.36o20'34"W. 52.50 feet; thence (6) S.86"51'00"W. 143.64 feet; thence (7) N.00"03'34"E. 232.88 feet to the southeast corner of the property as described in Instrument No. I154535; thence N.89o05'09"W. 165.00 feet along the south line of said property to the Southeast corner of the property as described in Warranty Deed, Instrument No. 1475884; thence along the boundary of said property the following three (3) courses: (1) N.89'05'09"W. 165.00 feet; thence (2) N.00o03'34"E. 294.00 feet; thence (3) S.89'05'09"E. 165.00 feet to the Northwest corner of the property as described in Instrument No. 1154535; thence S.89'05'09"E. 165.00 feet along the north line of said property; thence along the property as described in Instrument No. 1394625 the following two (2) courses: (l) N.00'03'41"8.26.95 feet; thence (2) 5.87'50'06"W. 698.74 feet to the West Quarter corner of Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence along the norlh line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U-1079-4 the following two (2) courses: (l) N.86'38'41"W. 2680.33 feet; thence (2) N.88'01'06"W. 772.44 feet to the east line of the water service area as described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U-1079-6; thence along the boundary of said water service area the following two (2) courses: (l) N.00'04'35"E.2613.05 feet; thence (2) N.87'10'40"W. 496.00 feet to the east line of the water service area described in Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No.236, Case No. U-1079-10; thence along said water service area the following three (3) courses: (l) N.00'09'14"8. 1319.00 feet; thence (2) N.87o26'50"W. 1322.00 feet; thence (3) S.00'00'40"W. 1073.01 feet to the north line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. FLS-W-9I-|; thence along the boundary of said water service area the following seven (7) courses: (l) N.89o52'16"W. 984.78 feet; thence (2) N.00"07'44"8. 82.00 feet; thence (3) S.89"52'16"E.36.29 f'eet; thence (4) N.00"07'44"8.261.38 feet; thence (5) N.89'52'16"W. 153.45 feet; thence (6) N.3lo08'39"E. 600.32 feet; thence (7) N.60"25'21"W. 460.74 feet extended to the east line of the property as described in Instrument No. 12775031, thence along said property the following two (2) courses: (l) N.32o30'10"E. 1359.75 feet; thence (2) N.23ol1'09"E. 162.91 feet; thence N.16o34'31"E. lll.ll feet to the Southeast corner of Surnmit Park, Division No.9, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.89'46'58"W. 550.96 feet along the south line of said Summit Park, Division No. 9 to the Southeast corner of Summit Park, Division No. 5, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.89'47'00"'W. 1354.96 feet along the south line of said Summit Park, Division No. 5 to the Southeast corner of Summit Park, Division No. 8, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.89o32'08"W. 359.78 feet along the south line of said Summit Park, Division No. 8 extended to the east line of the property as described in Instrument No. 1261134; thence N.00o03'29"E.2016.34 feet along said east line to the south line of Crow Creek Estates, Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along said south line of Crow Creek Estates, Division No.2 the following three (3) courses: (l) N.84"04'31"W. 189.16 feet to a point on a curve; thence 9.29 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta : 0o22'04", Radius : 1446.79 feet, Chord bearing : N.05"45'09"8. 9.29 feet; thence N.84'41'51"W. 120.00 feet to the east line of Crow Creek Estates, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along said east line the following three (3) courses: (l) S.09ol7'01"W. 171.40 feet; thence (2) S.l6'41'26"W. 171.40 feet; thence (3) 5.24"09'44"W. 173.20 feet to the north line of Crow Creek Estates, Division No.2; thence along the boundary of Crow Creek Estates, Division No.2 the following seventeen (17) courses: (l) 3.62"07'15"8. 180.08 feet to a point on a curve; thence (2) 12.32 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta : 0o28'06", Radius : 1506.79 feet, Chord bearing: 5.28o26'48"W. 12.32 feet; thence (3) 5.61"39'29"E. 107.70 feet; thence (4) 5.34"03'05"W. 310.10 feet; thence (5) N.56'08'39"W. 107.19 feet to a point on a curve, thence (6) 157 .44 feet along said curve to the right, Curve Data: Delta : 5"59'12", Radius : 1506.79 feet; Chord bearing :5.42"45'28"W. I 57.37 feet; thence (7) S.45"45'04"W. 101.58 feet to a point of curve; thence (8) 268.18 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta: 18o40'10", Radius:823.02 feet, Chord bearing :5.36"24'59"W. 266.99 feet; thence (9) 5.27"04'54"W. 225.00 feet; thence (10) N.62'55'06"W. 660.00 feet; thence (l l) N.27"04'54"8.225.00 feet to a point of curve; thence (12) 341.92 feet along said curve to the right, Curve Data: Delta : 13o12'36", Radius : 1483.02 feet, Chord bearing : N.33'41')7"E.341.16 feet; thence (13) N.48'21'38"W. 46.18 feet to a point on a curve; thence(14) 184.26 feetalongsaidcurvetotheleft,CurveData:Delta:17"58'07",Radius: 379.54 feet, Chord bearing : N.32'39'27"8. 118.54 feet to a point of reverse curve; thence (15) 184.26 feet along said curve to the right, Curve Data: Delta :34"42'36", Radius 304.15 feet, Chord bearing: N.4l"0l'38"E. 181.45 feet; thence (16) N.58"22'58 "8. 29.21 feet to a point of curve; thence ( I 7) 190.88 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta:51"57'41", Radius:210.47 feet, Chord bearing: N.32o24'10"8. 184.40 feet to the south line of Crow Creek Estates, Division No. l; thence along the boundary of said Crow Creek Estates, Division No. I the following thirteen (13) courses: (1) N.63"44'31"W. 106.98 feet to a point on a curve; thence (2) 301.95 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta:25"56'46", Radius:666.79 feet, Chord bearing : N.l3"l7'06"8.299.38 feet; thence (3) N.00"18'44"8.55.00 feet; thence (4) N.89"41'16"W. 30.00 feet; thence (5) N.00ol8'44"E. 80.00 feet; thence (6) S.89'41'16"8.57.11 feet to a point of curve; thence (7) 9.14 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta : 58"1l'23", Radius : 9.00 feet, Chord bearing : N.61ol3'02"E. 8.75 feet to a point of reverse curve; thence (8) 29.93 feet along said curve to the right, Curve Data: Delta : 26"23'06", Radius:65.00 feet, Chord bearing: N.45'18'54"8. 29.67 feet to a point of reverse curve; thence (9) 9.14 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta : 58'11'43", Radius : 9.00 feet, Chord bearing : N.29"24'36"E. 8.75 feet; thence (10) N.00ol8'44"8. 117.12 feet; thence (ll) N.44o41'16"W.28.28 feet; thence (12) N.89"41'16"W.90.00 feet; thence (13) N.00"18'44"E. 50.00 feet to the north line of Section I0, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence 3.89"41'16"8. 1009.00 feet along said north line to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: the parcel of land described in Idaho Public Utilities Cornmission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U-l079-7 and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the West Quarter corner of Section ll, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence N.00"00'41 "E. 60.32 feet along the section line to the South right-of-way Iine of the Union Pacific Railroad and running thence along said right-of-way line the following five (5) courses: ( l) S.87"15'28"E. 2014.48 feet; thence (2) S.03"43'31"W. 22.00 feet; thence S.87"15'?8"8. 121 .74 feet to a point of curve; thence (3) 647.29 feet along said curve to the right, Curve Data: Delta : 68o41 '09", Radius : 539.95 feet, Chord bearing : S.43'l l'04"E. 609.22 feet; thence S.0lo06'39"8.271.11 feet; thence N.87"04'11"W.2558.00 feet to the West line of Section I I ; thence N.00o00'41 "8. 648.34 feet to the point of beginning. Less the following described property which is to be included in Service Area No. l: Beginning at a point that is S.00o00'41"W. 260.74 feet along the section line and S.87"15'28"E.61.03 feet from the West Quarter conler of Section 11, Township 2 Nor1h, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence S.87'15'28"E. 286.56 feet; thence 5.02"44'32"W. 127.95 feet; thence N.86o25'24"W. 301.68 feet; thence N.00o00'41"E. 102.72 feet to a point of curve; thence 32.37 feet along said curve to the right, Curve Data: Delta:92"43'51", Radius:20.00 feet, Chord bearing :N.46"22'36"E. 28.95 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at the North Quarter corner of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence S.89"41'23"8.228.83 fleet along the north line of said Section 10 to the Northwest corner of service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Comrnission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. FLS-W-98-I/SAR-w-98-I; thence along the boundary of said water service area the following three (3) courses: (l) S.00'18'37"W. 175.00 feet; thence (2) 5.89"41'23"8. 1408.00 feet; thence (3) N.00ol8'37"E. 50.00 feet to the south line of the property as described in Instrument No. ll3l225; thence along the boundary of said property the following three (3) courses: (1) 5.89'41')3"8.25.00 feet; thence (2) S.00'18'37"W.25.00 feet; thence (4) S.89"39'02"E. 42.79 feet to the Northwest corner of Summit Park, Division No. 3, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Summit Park, Division No. 3 the following two (2) courses: (l) 5.89"25'24"E. 645.03 feet; thence (2) S.00o00'06"W. 76.97 feet to the Northeast corner of Summit Park, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence S.00"00'28"W.749.94 feet along the east line of said Summit Park, Division No. I to the north line of the property as described in Instrument No. 1148245; thence 5.89o59'32"8.279.99 feet to the east line of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence S.00'00'28"W.981.80 feet along said east line to the north line of Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No. I the following three courses: (1) N.43'42'53"E. 189.60 feet; thence (2) N.28"36'10"E. 75.52 feet; therrce (3) N.17"35'25"8.360.67 feet to the Southwest corner of Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Calico Sky Subdivision, Division No. 2 the following four (4) courses: (l) N.17"35'25"8. 90.22 feet; thence (2) N.20"23'27"8. 222.56 feet; thence (3) N.00"58'07"E. 550.96 feet; thence (4) N.24"37'56"E. 262.26 feet to the north line of the property as described in Instrument No. 1297791extended; thence N.89"36'32"W. 153.60 feet along said north line to the Southeast corner of the properly as described in Instrument No. 977002; thence along the boundary of said property the following two courses; (1) N.00o00'28"E. 96.00 feet; thence (2) N.89"36'32"W.345.80 feet extended to the east line of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence N.00o00'28"8. 229.87 feet to the Northeast corner of said Section l0; thence N.89'41'23"W.2628.83 feet to the point of beginning. Water service net area :1,333.47 acres. I / Exhibit B-2 BEruCHMARK LAND SUBVEYING(208) 313-2458 Job No. 15038 3-9-2015 T.R.M. 789 NORTH 45O EAST FIRTH, IDAHO 83236 REVISED LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 2) Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 23, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence S.00"05'20"W. 1556.49 feet along the section line to the Northwest corner of Stone Arbor, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Stone Arbor, Division No. 1 the following seven (7) courses: (1) 3.89'54'40"8. 155.83 feet; thence (2) N.11"58'42"E. 89.75 feet; thence (3) N.71"23'52"8. 127.25 feet; thence (4) N.02'06'09"W. 35.00 feet; thence (5) N.87"53'51"E. 625.07 feet; thence (6) S.00o04'30"W. 1316.83 feet; thence (7) S.87"55'33"W. 823.46 feet to the West Quarter corner of said Section 23; thence N.89"37'23"W.333.14 feet along the east-west centerline through said Section 23 to the Northeast corner of the property as described in Instrument No. 1075936; thence along said property the following eleven (11) courses: (l) 3.00'25'14"W.225.59 feet; thence (2) 5.87'05'58"8.334.31 feet; thence (3) S.00'13'01"W. 327.36 feet; thence (4)5.76"25'08"W. 75.87 feet; thence (5) S.77"47'26"W. 52.74 feet; thence (6) S.58"27'25"W.61.82 feet; thence (7) 5.35"34'03"W.50.99 feet; thence (8) 5.08"51'31"W.53.08 feet; thence (9) S.15"54'22"W. 112.48 feet; thence (10) N.89o46'59"W. 315.35 feet; thence (l I ) N.00'13'01"8. 403.99 feet to the north line of Centennial Ranch, Division No. 7, an addition to the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho extended; thence along the north line the following two (2) courses: (l) N.88o08'18"W. 370.32 feet; thence (2) N.89"37'20"W. 1055.03 feet to the Southwest corner of Centennial Ranch, Division No. 6, an addition to the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.00'll'28"W. 423.18 feet along the west line of said Centennial Ranch, Division No.6 extended to the east-west centerline through said Section 23; thence N.89'31'53"W. 663.37 feet along said east-west centerline to the center of said Section 23; thence N.89'42'48"W. 1316.94 feet along the east-west centerline through said Section23 to the Southeast corner of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U-1079-5; thence N.00"24'23"W.2627.67 feet along the east line of said water service area CaseNo. U-1079-5 to the south line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U-1 079-4; thence along the boundary of said water service area Case No. U- 1079-4 the following four (4) courses: (l) S.89o39'12"E. 1320.64 feet; thence (2) S.89"40'43"E. 2003.68 feet; thence (3) N.00o02'39"8. 1330.90 feet; thence (4) 5.88"09'33 "8. 668.75 feet to the west line of Section 13, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence N.00o04'04"8. 109.84 feet along said west line to the Northwest comer of Ridge View, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of Ridge View, Division No. I the following sixteen (16) courses: (l) 5.89o55'55"8. 698.21 feet; thence (2) N.00'04'04"8.300.00 feet; thence (3) 5.89"55'56"8. 133.63 feet; thence (a) N.80o5l'25"E. 62.47 feet; thence (5) S.80o52'18"E. 126.28 feet; thence (6) S.00'04'04"W.610.11 feet; thence (7) S.89o55'56"E. 18.33 feet; thence (8) 5.00"04'04"W. 190.00 feet; thence (9) N.89o55'56"W. 21 .92 feet; thence ( I 0) S.00"04'04"W. 130.00 feet; thence (l l) S.89"55'56"E. 421.93 feet; thence (12) 5.07'01'01 "E. 206.26 feet; thence (13) S.00'13'33"W. 0.72 feet; thence (14) 5.87'51'58"W. 925.91 feet; thence (15) N.00o04'04"E. 162.19 feet; thence (16) S.87o5l'58"W. 537 .16 feet to the west line of said Section 13; thence S.00"04'04"W. 683.59 feet along said west line to the point of beginning. Service area contains 329.01 acres. & Assoc Exhibit B-3 AA Schiess & AssooiatesgT ENG 71O3 SOTITH 45TH WEST. IDAH' FALIS. ID 83402 OFFICE: (2OBl 522-12rt4 o FA)( (2O81 522-5232 REXBI,,RG, IO OFFICE: (20gl 358€092 . FA)(: (2OBI 356'6468 Job No. 12122 12-18-2012 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 3) Beginning at the Northwest comer of Section 23, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence 5.89'39'12"8.200.00 feet along the section line to the Northwest corner of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U- 1079-5; thence along the boundary of said water service area the following two (2) courses: (l) 5.00"29'12"E.217.80 feet; thence (2) N.89'39'12"W. 200.00 feet to the west line of said Section 23; thence 5.00"29'12"8. 121.24 feet along said west line to the south line of Lot 6, Block 2, Mountain View Addition, Division No. l, Bonneville County, Idaho extended; thence N.89o29'30"W. 707.48 feet along the south line of said Lot 6, Block 2 extended to the Southeast corner of Lot l, Block 2, Mountain View Addition, Division No. l;thence N.00'17'40"W. 339.02 feet along the lot line extended to the north line of Section 22, Township 2 Norlh, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence 5.89'29'30"8.706.34feet along said north line to the point of beginning. Service area contains: 6.50 acres. Exhibit B-4 ENGINEERING o PI.ANNING. I-AND SUR\EYING 7103 SOT TH 45TH tirEST. tDAt{O FALUi, tO 83402 OFFEE: l2o8t 522-1244 r FAX: (2OB) 522-8232 REXBIJRG, ID OFFIGE: (eOgl 358€092 o FAX: (20gl 356€468 Job No. 12122 12-18-2012 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 4) Beginning at a point that is N.89"29'30"W. 965.82 feet along the section line from the Southeast corner of Section 15, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence N.89"28'30"W.76.82 feet along said section line to the east line of Lot 2, Block l, Mountain View Addition, Division No. I , Bonneville County, Idaho extended; thence 5.00'17'40"8.339.02 feet along said east line to the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 1 of said Mountain View Addition; thence along the boundary of Mountain View Additiorr, Division No. 1 the following two (2) courses: (l) N.89"29'30"W. 266.06 feet; thence (2) N.00"17'28"W. 121.93 feet to the south line of the property as described in Instrument No. 1026602; thence along the boundary of said property the following two (2) courses: (l) N.89'24'47"W. 138.00 feet; thence (2) N.00"17'40"W.216.90 feet to the south line of said Section l5; thence N.89"26'30"W. 96.48 feet along said south line to the east line of Fox Hollow, Division No. I to the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.00"54'56"E. 1440.98 feet along said east line of Fox Hollow, Division No. I and Fox Hollow, Division No. 2 extended to the south line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U-1079-4; thence along said water service area, Case No. U-1079-4 the following two (2) courses: ( 1) 5.89'22'39"8. 572.58 feet; thence (2) 5.00'43'33"W. 1439.84 feet to the point of beginning. Service area contains 21.77 acres Sohi Exhibit B-5 I-AND SUR\EYINGENGINEERING o PLANNING . 7103 SOUTH 45TH l/l/EST, tDAltO FATLS, lO 83402 OFFET: eOAl 522-1244 o FA)(: t2OB) 52e-Ee32 RE(BIJRG, ID OFFICE: (2OBl 358€092 . FA)(: t2o8) 356€468 Job No. 12122 12-18-2012 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 5) Beginning at the East Quarter corner of Section 9, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence S.89"17'43"W.477.73 feet along the section line to the west line of Burbank Industrial Park; thence along the boundary of said Burbank Industrial Park the following five (5) courses: ( 1) N.40" I 1 '5 I "W. 563.14 feet; thence (2) N.49"40'11"E. 310.36 feet to a point of curve; thence (3) 81.86 feet along said curve to the left, Curve Data: Delta: 8"22'06", Radius : 560.50 feet, Chord bearing : N.45o29'09"E. 81.79 feet; thence (a) S.a8"47'54"8. 269.48 feet; thence (5) S.89'51'44"8.345.01 feet to the east line of said Section 9; thence S.00"08'16"W. 503.78 feet to the East Quarter corner of said Section 9; thence S.89'42'17"8.2412.67 feet along the east-west centerline through Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian to the west line of the property as described in Instrument No. 1277503; thence along said property the following two (2) courses: (l) S.01o53'07"E. 1666.13 feet; thence (2) S.89"59'54"8.1485.18 feet extended to the west line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. FLS-W-91-l;thence along the boundary of said service area, Case No. FLS-W-91-1 the following seventeen (17) courses: (l) S.31o08'39"W . 473.53 feet; thence (2) S.5lo32'34"W. 35.32 feet; thence (3) S.28'50'44"W. 190.40 feet; thence (a) S.17o10'44"W.134.95 feet; thence (5) N.89"52'16"W. 1948.82 feet; thence (6) S.00"07'16"8.244.07 feet; thence (7) N.89"52'12"W. 1304.85 feet; thence (8) S.00'10'53"E.266.95 feet; thence (9) S.89o52' I 6"E. 1564.66 feet; thence ( 10) S.00o07'44"W. 9.00 feet; thence ( I I ) S.89o52'16"E. I l4l.l'/ feet; thence (12) N.00o07'44"E. 276.00 feet; thence (13) S.89"52'16"8.59.15 feet; thence (14) S.00o07'44"W.227.87 feet; thence (15) 5.89"52'16"E. 199.89 feet; thence (17) 5.83"43'24"E. 83.82 feet to the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236. Case No. U- I 079-8; thence along the boundary of said water service area Case No. U- 1079-8 the following five (5) courses: (1) S.28o36'02"W.55.36 feet; thence (2) S.01ol l'02"W. 682.00 feet; thence (3) N.88'41'58"W. 15.70 feet; thence (4) 5.27"57'02"W. 899.40 feet; thence (5) S.00"31'02"W. 870.80 feet to the north line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U-1079-4; thence along the boundary of said water service area the following two (2) courses: (l) N.89'22'39"W.423.44 feet; thence (2) 5.00'37'31"W.23.81 feet to the east-west centerline through Section 15, Township 2 North, Range3S East of the Boise Meridian; thence 5.89"51'10"W. 2436.59 feet to the West Quarter corner of said Section 15; thence N.00o06'43"W. 1749.82 feet to the Southeast corner of Staffwood Subdivision, Division No. 1, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Staffwood Subdivision the following three (3) courses: (1) S.88"00'47"W.610.00 feet; thence (2) S.00'06'43"E. 406.45 feet; thence (3) S.89'02'47"W.713.28 feet extended to the east line of Applewood Place, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Applewood Place the following six (6) courses: (1) S.00'll'05"W. 5.20 feet; thence (2) S.88"49'27"W. 1321.33 feet; thence (3) N.00"25'35"E.785.97 feet; thence (4) N.89"10'18"E. 84.76 feet; thence (5) N.8lo52'08"E. 192.09 feet; thence (6) S.69'59'42"8. 250.00 feet to the west line of Liberty Park, Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence along the boundary of said Liberty Park Division No. 2 the following four (4) courses: (l) N.20"00'18"E.298.96 feet; thence (2) N.89ol0'18"E. 330.87 fbet; thence (3) N.00"49'37"W.265.59 feet; thence (a) N.88ol8'38"E. 167.27 feet extended; thence along the south right-of-way of Lincoln Road the following two (2) courses: (l) N.89"02'26"8. 100.08 feet; thence (2) N.89ol0'18"E. 112.92 feet to the east line of Applewood Place, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence 5.00'11'05"W. 626.48 feet to the south line of the property as described in Instrument No. 445289 extended; thence along the boundary of said property the following two (2) courses: (1) S.89"59'30"E. 428.72 feet; thence (2) N.00'14'29"8.699.20 feet to the north line of Section 16, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; thence N.88'18'42"8. 886.92 feet along said north line to the Northeast corner of said Section l6; thence N.00'08'14"8. 2636.71 feet along the west line of Section 10, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian to the point of beginning. Service area contains 400.82 acres. Exhibit 8-6 nA Sohiess & Assooiates{97 7103 SOT TH 45TH U/EST, |ITAHO FALI,S. tO 83402 OFFIG:E: eOAr 522-1244 o FAX: t2OB) 52e-S232 REXBI.,RG, ID OFFICE: t2OBl 356€092 o FA)(: taOS) 356€468 Job No. 12122 t2-18-2012 T.R.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR FALLS WATER SERVICE AREA (AREA NO. 6) Beginning at the West Quarter corner of Section 14, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho and running thence N.00"02'54"W. 208.00 feet along the section line to the north line of the water service area described in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Seventh Amended Certificate No. 236, Case No. U-1079-6; thence along the boundary of said water service area Case No. U-1079-6 the following two (2) courses: (l) 5.88"01'24"8.320.00 feet; thence (2) S.00"10'50"W. 208.00 feet to the east-west centerline through said Section l4; thence N.88o01'06"W. 319.17 feet to the point of beginning. Service area contains 1.525 acres. AMac-i -o2-?oa6 A8 :52 Exhibit C ME M O RANDUM Or uN-* llE RS TAN D i li G BETWEEN FALLS WATER COMPANY AND THE CITYOF AMMON T. PIJ-RPOSE The purpose of thii y"-orondum of Understanding between Faiis Water Co,r:apsily 1"1:allsWaEr") aad Tnc Ciry ofAmmon (".{mrnon"), is to outline future bogndary for wetm iervice arca befweefl Fails Wata and Ammon. I[" STATSMENT OF MUTU.dL INTERESTS AND BENEFITS Falis wae; prorrides watcr scrvicc to customeffi both insicie and gutsidc of tire Arrrnort Cityk?acl Zorrc- Aronon City provides water service to customers oniy iaside tbe Amaon City Iu:pact Zge. C.Irneotly thoc are areas rvhere +,]re Falis Watcr scrvije area and the Amryon ssrvice area overlap. Falis Water, Ammon and the City of Ucon, )nve joinrly participared in a Reg:ional Warr Planning Srudy and drrrcloped "Proposed Serwice Bound,,rrics" for thc purpose of maxi.aieiqg eiEciency of rvaGr sewice r-hiic coatrolling costs including but not lirnjteri to engiaeering and dcvr loprrrnt cost3. It is ia the r|Ii'tuei intsrest of Falh Water and Ammou to voiuntariiy onrtline wati? scaa\ce-oouadaries betrq,een Fstls Water ancj Ari?men, in ordcr to promote be{ter oagineering and dwelopraorg aad b assist dcvelopers in understanding thosc arcas wirich srE anticiparcd to be serviced fu Falls WatEr and the areas which aie anticipatcd to be serviced by Arrrron (iI. F.ALI*S WATERSERY:ICE AREA; Fails Wafer a6recs lo pro'ride watcr scrvicc ia thc "Fails lYater .Sy'sicm Serrice Alca" as iliust'ared cn Exhibit'A,'&e Arnmory'Falls watcr Cc.- "Water Scrvice Boundary Map." gteparctdby Schiess & Associatcs, u&ich is also dcscritxd ia E,-Jt:bit "B-" thc "D*cription of the rioutb tsouadary Lim of $e Fatls Wakr Corrpany Water Systcm Scrvice Area aad the Nsti: Iioundary Line of &e CityofAmmn Watcr SFtcm Service Area" datcd Fcbruary 16,20W. IV^ CITV OF'A}TN'ON SERVICE AREA: P-A2 Ihe Citv of funmouagrees to provide watcr scnrice in thc "City of Ainmort System St:lrvice_Aiea" as illusfated on Exbtbit "A," ti.," Ammou/F'alls Water Co.. "Watei Sctrrice Bounciary {ap," prepartd by Schiess & Associates, also descn'beC irr Lxhibit "iJ." thc "Descripdor of ihe South bo*a""y ilae of the Falls Watcr Corrrpany Watcr Systern Service Area and the Norur Boundary Li-^ -r4r^ /1it5, ^€ a6A6 U,/errr Svsfem Setl.ice ArCa" Clated Febr.rary 16, 2006. H ACT-42-2OA6 Ae;52 AI,l V. MUTi'AI,[,Y COYI INA]TTi: L I'4RTICIPAT'I,IN IN .!.lMtLAR ACTIVITIS: This Memorait,ium of understrr:ling m no i;y ,"rlricrr f'a il, wot , or Arnmon from @lpaling in similar ag:r'ements with otht 'public or private egencic:,. organizations. and indivirluals. ifurticr, this Meraorandura of Unden anding in no *ay ristr'ict: falts W'atcr or Amfllon from mutually rrcgotiating *ith cach othcr for 'srvice in areas which. in the future. thcy dctcrmine will be better scrved by altrn:rtive aErc6'ftEr'. (-:OMN(ENC jjrr{ ENT/EXP IRA'II ON/TE RMINATION :This Memorandum of iir,i.rstrn,ji,tg 'at....ff"it ,f,,r rm signaturi of fatis Wutcr and thc Qity of Aroaoon p rd shall ;cmain in cffcc: tor a period bf Wo (2iyears from the datc of last si1:naturc. This Mea'.ri'andum of Undeistandia6 shall bc autonratically citcndcd for succeedia$ period< oftwo years ea' b unless otherwise tcrmrnatcd by either pu*y., pcrmittcd in thiS Memorandum of tjnderstaadi'rg' Either l,alls Watsi or.\nmonmay terminate this Mcnorandum o[tin<ierstanding, wi& a 30<;ay written rgrice tg the ot:rer. R_F.SIBSIIII ITiES Of TIIE PARTIES: l'alls Warer and nrrfilon wjll cush utilir thcir own resources. inch'rling the expendirurc of tbcir own frrnds, in pursuing the ob.iectives of t:ris Mcrrorandura,rf tJndentanding, Fach parlv wilt carrv out its t"parate acrivitrcs in a c >ordinated nnd rrnrtualiy b.:neficial rnaruler. i.FiECT_AltXISTIliC SERVICEq: 'Ihis Mernorandum of tinderstan<iiag dcx s ncrl affect ihc existing services of Fatls Watcr and Arrrnon or pcnding applications fi:r wstet sen ice with tbe e;(ception of th" arcu dcpictcct on thc Falls 9/atcr/City rf amJon'"Sen,icc Ar'ea Conf rcts" which rs attached as I'xhibit C. Thc pnrpcrty dcscriirtl irr Exhibit C is cui'rently serviced by I aih Watcr, but is to be senzed by thc Ammon Watcr Systcm ut a futuic date. .scoPf, oF A.(i.P€EMEM;Tiils Memorandtlm of titrdersanding crnly affects he "Proposed Service Boundary" hordered bybot} pnrties as shorvn on Exhibit "A". and t; not intendcd to rcquire wriften permis'sion of thc othcr partv in order foi' a party to expatd outside of the "Fropossd Service Boundaries". VI. SIG}iATURES P. A= . r,ir il.f#i ,J/t [)ate 6t:* Daie i{epresentative of Falls - P-A.4 ,11.r lfr..;if OCT -s2-2oao Bg : 53 A14 Exlt;b,l A 4lelP<-I B H t ila sn EH $H ,{: fi{,Y / I \ \ ih .' \-"-- ocr-az-?aa6 aa:55 At'l Exhibit B Job No. 05160 v2^1ffi6 J.C.C. DESCHPTION Otr'TEE SOUTH BOI.'I\IDARY LIhTE OF Tre FALI,S WATER COMPAI\TY WA,TER SYSTEM SERVICE AREA AIID I|'EE NORTE BOUI\IDARY LII{E OF TIM CTTY OF AIVIMON WAIER SYSTEM SERYISE AtrEA Begiuning the East qrartcr Corner of Scction 18, Tovrnship 2 North, Rangc 38 Eas't of the Boise Meridiao' Bonsc?illc County, Idaho. said point wbich lies in Fsothiii Roa4 running theuce dr-re west egroximatety 67(fr feet to a natural'bock outcropping"; thence followiag the '?ock outcropping" in a south-southwest dL-ectioil until it colmects with Crowley Roa4 theace south along Crowley Road to a point that is due east of the rear proptrty line of the lots between Christy Lanc and Ambcr i.aire of Centenrrial Ranch; thenee west to the east property line of said subdivision; theace north aloag said property line to the rear properly linc of lots between Aschli Lane and Amber Lane; thelrce along said propaty tine to the east property tine of the iots along Nenvgate Drive; theilc€ north along said prqpeig line to thc north property line of lots alorrg C;rccnwood Circle; thence west along said lot line across Ammon Road to the east property line of f ie Breaker Subdivision; the,lrce north along saitl property line to First Street; thence north along the easf: prcperty line of Fox Hollow Subdivision to the north pro'perty li're of said subdivision; theflce west along said property line to thc cast proP€rfy line of Siriter Farml tlronoc north alo4g said propcrty' linc to tho cxtrerne northcast propcrty eosrPt of the Woodbridge Subdiviaion. P-A5, ,,:'i$ffii H P-a6 ac-r -a7--2aa6 ae :54 At4 ) z o F <.EIr,Lr c(f-< 3E vr,> rH l- '-,aEfoa:)o(J(J lrJz)2 =Z.I- = F 2 ad'*)t- F & Fr B q, I& < x.4 Lu :n.,O -) Z .O E lro F i:'j'.t*..r',i'6 z.o.,Ai, i*J'' H t->=@Ly aUl 9G f,i;c.ayJ ur<@5 € sd B.I3t,an l[i*i !!tIs!i 4 =E o- @2 o 5a lrJ 04,)F)lr