HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100329Decision Memo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEG AL WORKING FILE FROM:GERRY D. GALINA TO DATE:MARCH 25, 2010 RE:CASE NO. FLS-09- COMPLIANCE FILING TARIFF As part of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 31022 , the Commission directed Falls Water Company to submit revised tariffs in compliance with the rates and charges identified in this Order. The rates and charges authorized by the Order shall become effective for service rendered on or after March 16, 20 1 O. Staff reviewed the tariffs submitted by the Company on March 22, 20 1 0, to ensure that the language and rates reflect Commission directives as stated in Order No. 31022. The tariffs include Schedule No., General Metered Service Rates and Schedule No., Non-Recurring Charges. The rate Schedule No.1 for General Metered Service Rates replaces Schedule No. R- for Residential Metered Service , Schedule No. R-3 for Residential Multi-Family, and Schedule No. C-2 for Metered Commercial Service Read Year-Round. The rate Schedule No.2 replaces Schedule No. M for Non-Recurring Charges. Schedule No. R-2 for Residential Flat Rate Services was cancelled as part of the Order. Staff confirms that the new language and rates of Schedule No., General Metered Service Rates and Schedule No., Non-Recurring Charges comport with Commission Order No. 31022. Staff recommends approval of the tariffs. See attachments. DECISION MEMORANDUM MARCH 25 , 2010 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the revised tariffs as submitted on March 22 2010 with an effective date of March 16, 20107 Attachments udmemos/Falls Water-Decision Memo-Compliance Filing March 20lD.doc DECISION MEMORANDUM MARCH 25 , 2010 Falls Water Co., Inc. Sheet 1 Replaces All Previous Sheets Schedule No. General Metered Service Rates Availability: To all metered customer not served under another schedule. Minimum Customer Charge 000 000 28,000 000 Monthly Minimum Charge $16. $22.54 $28. $37. $66. Meter Size Maximum Gallons Allowed in Minimum Charge 0005/8" and W' 11'2" Commodity Charge: For all water use in excess of the maximum gallons allowed in minimum charge. Rate per 1,000 Gallons of Use $0.611 Contract Conditions The customer shall pay the total of the minimum customer charge plus the commodity charge. The commodity charge is based on all metered water in excess of the maximum gallons allowed in the minimum customer charge for the billing period. Consumption is expressed in 1 000 gallon units as expressed by the meter installed by the Company. The minimum customer charge will apply even when service is provided for less than the entire billing period. Meter Reading Schedule Meters for all residential services for single family homes and town homes will be read monthly starting in April and ending with the October reading. Winter usage is still metered; however the billing for the commodity charge during the winter months will be calculated and billed on the April billing. The winter commodity charge is calculated by subtracting the maximum gallons allowed in the minimum customer charge for the six winter billing periods from the total usage obtained from the April meter reading multiplied by applicable rate. Meters for all commercial, industrial, institutional, apartment buildings with two or more units, and condominiums will be read monthly year round. Issued March 10, 2010 Effective March 16, 2010 Issued by Falls Water Co., Inc. K. Scott Bruce, General Manager k.~?!7 ~VCP 1 of 3 .------ Falls Water Co., Inc. Sheet 2 Replaces All Previous Sheets Schedule No. Non-Recurrina Charaes 1. RECONNECT FEES: This charge is applicable to all customers where water has been physically turned off for non-payment of a delinquent bill. Rates: During regular office hours (Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm) After office hours Each Occurrence $ 20. $ 40. 2. FIELD COLLECTION FEE: This charge is applicable to all customers who pay outstanding bills for service at the time that Company personnel arrive at the customers' premises to terminate service. Rate: Field Collection Fee Each Occurrence $ 15. 3. HOOKUP CHARGES: This charge is applicable when a new service is connected to the system for the first time. Meter Size of New Connection %" Meter 1" Meter 1 1'2" Meter 2" Meter One time Charge $ 500. $ 600. $ 930. 205. 4. RETURNED CHECK CHARGE: This charge is applicable to all customers where the customer s check or bank draft is returned by the bank for insufficient funds, closed account, or some other appropriate reason. Rate: Returned check charge each occurrence Each Occurrence $20. Issued March 10, 2010 Effective March 16, 2010 Issued by Falls Water Co., Inc. K. Scott Bruce, General Manager t;..Jl7 2 of 3 Falls Water Co., Inc. Sheet 3 Replaces All Previous Sheets Non-Recurring Charges (Confdl 5. METER TEST AT CUSTOMER REQUEST CHARGE: This charge is applicable when the customer requests the Company to test the accuracy of meter in the case of a disputed bill. Rate: Error in meter registration of 1.5% or less Each Occurrence $10. 6. LATE PAYMENT CHARGE: This charge is based on the unpaid balance at the time of the next billing date. Rate: 1% of delinquent balance per month. Issued March 10, 2010 Effective March 16,2010 Issued by Falls Water Co., Inc. K. Scott Bruce, General Manager .... K~?/lih~-P 3of3