HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071207Reply comments.pdfFALLS WATER -~~-COMPANY Tel.: (208) 522-13!1 DEC -1 Fax: (208) 522-4099 1770 Sabin Dr, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83406-6747 Website: www.fallswater.com Pr'; 2: l 2 December 6, 2007 Idaho Public Utilties Commission ATTN: Commission Secretary 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-5983 Subject: Company Reply to Staff Comments Dear Commission Secretar: Enclosed are an original and seven copies of the Company Reply to Staff Comments together with supporting exhibits. Please call if you have questions. Sincerely,k~~ K. Scott Bruce Manager K. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company, Inc. 1770 Sabin Dr Idaho Falls, ID 83406 TeL. (208) 522-1300 Fax (208) 522-4099 E-mail: scottl(ifallswater.com Representative for Falls Water Co., Inc. r::~.- i". I/""L: ¿ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER COMPANY FORAN ORDER AUTHORIZING INCREASES IN THE COMPANY'S RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COMPANY'S REPLY TO COMMENTS OF THE COMMISSION STAFF CASE NO. FLS-W-07-1 Comes now Falls Water Company and fies the following reply to comments of the Commission Staff dated November 21, 2007. OPERATING EXPENSES Wage and Salary Staff Adjustment No.1 (Staff Attachment 1 lines 11, 13, 14 and 16). Staff in its comments eliminated the wage and salary pay increases the Company approved on September 15,2007 to be effective December 18,2007. The Staff on Page 4 of its comments in the first full paragraph states "The test year is a 2006 test year, and pay increases to be paid in 2008 stretches the bound of 'known and measurable.''' Falls Water Company takes exception to the Staffs characterization of stretching ..."the bound of known and measurable." The wage and salary increases were approved in September 2007 to be effective December 18,2007. The approval was well in advance of the date Staff fied its comments on November 21,2007 and Staff in its comments acknowledges it is aware of the increases and the effective date. (Staff comments at Page 3) The Commission by its Order No. 30457 dated October 24, 2007 established a scheduled final order date in this case of January 2,2008 several weeks after the effective date of the wage and salary increases. Staff did not express any opinion regarding the reasonableness of the wage and salar increase but rather simply eliminated the effect because of the feeling that the effective date was too long after the end of the test year period. Falls Water notes that the effective date is within 12 months of the end ofthe test period, is known and is measurable prior to the effective date of the Commissions order in this case. Regarding the new employee that Staff discusses on Page 4 of its comments, the Applicant accepts Staffs substitution of the actual starting salary for this employee rather than what was estimated by the Company. The new employee's anual pay is $40,000 rather than the 47,250 estimated by the Company. This would reduce the Company's request by $7,250. As a strictly office employee the payroll overhead loading for taxes and insurance would be at 13.8% rather than the 18.92% as fied in 1 COMPANY REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 6, 2007 the Company's application. This change would reduce the Company's costs by $3,419.50 (47,250 x 18.92 less 40,000 x 13.8%). The company must have a certified operator in charge and a certified backup operator to meet state requirements. The company's system is a Class II system and the operator in charge and the backup operator must hold at least a Class II certification. Curently, the operations manager, who is a Class II operator, is our certified operator in charge. To meet the certified backup operator, the company must curently use a Class II certified operator who is not a company employee. Curently, that individual is the former owner of Falls Water Co., Inc., Kelly Howell. The fee he charges through RDI West includes this service to the company. Field personnel are to become certified operators and as they receive their certification, they receive a pay increase to recognize their level of training and the contribution to the company made by having the certification. The employees must first have their Class I certification before they can take their test for Class II certification. One of the field employees passed the certification test taken on November 7,2007. He received his Class I certification. The employee received a wage increase of$I.50 per hour effective November 19,2007. The anualized increase in company field labor expenses associated with this increase is $3,905.09 (($1.50 x 105.25% (December 18,2007 wage increase)) x 2080 hours/year x 118.92% (Payroll taxes and Workers Compensation Insurance percentage)). The annualized employer's match for the 401k associated with the wage increase will increase expenses by $98.51 (($1.50 x 105.25% (December 18,2007 wage increase)) x 2080 hours/year x 103% (Employer 401k match percentage)). To Summarize, the Applicant believes the PUC Staffs payroll adjustments are unjust and uneasonable. The increased costs to the Company are known and measurable. The Company is or will be experiencing these costs before the Commission issues its order. To deny these costs makes it impossible for the Company to recover its operating costs. Denial of these costs places a burden on the Company owners to either subsidize the water company operation or cut back on service to the detriment of the water customers. The Commission should reject Staffs downward adjustments to wage and salar costs in the amount of $28,365.93 and substitute the net downward adjustments discussed above regarding the payroll cost of a new employee and operator certification in the amount of $6,665.90. Rental Expense, Staff Adjustment No.2 (Staff Attachment No. 1 line 36. Staff eliminated $24,650.50 for expected increases in rental costs for the Company to move into new quarters that will consolidate office, maintenance and storage fuctions at one location. Although the new building has not yet been constructed, the permitting process has begu, land has been acquired by the building owner and lease agreements are in place. Constrction has been delayed due to delays in the permitting process and now freezing weather has delayed commencement of construction. Construction wil begin in the early spring of 2008 and we expect to occupy the facilties by June of 2008 (within 6 months of the Commissions order in this case. Staffhas stated in its comments (page 5) "The new office space is not yet 'used and useful' to the utilty." The used and useful test is normally associated with utility investments in utility plant in service rather than operating costs. The used and useful test is usually associated with a new investment that will either increase revenues due to increased commodity sales or reduce expenses due to the elimination of an expense the new asset wil make avoidable. That is not the case here. Were the Company constructing its own building, it would 2 COMPANY REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 6, 2007 experience a decrease in its rental expenses at the time the investment in the new asset was placed in service and added to the Company's rate base. This Company proposed proforma adjustment recognizes that the Company has grown beyond the physical limitations of its existing rented space and must move into a larger, consolidated more efficient location. Contract Services, Staff Adjustment No.3 (Staff Attachment No. 1 line 35) Staffhas eliminated $24,000 of Contract services for payments made to RDI West. Staff is correct that RDI West is a subsidiary of Frontier Property Group the previous owner of Falls Water Company. Mr. Kelly Howell is an offcer of Frontier Property Group and a director of Falls Water Company. Falls Water Company wants to point out that there are no salares paid to the officers and directors of the Company due primarly to cash flow restraints. The services of Mr. Howell through his membership on the board and his experience owning and operating the Company in the past provide a valuable resource to the management of the Company. The $24,000 paid to RDIWest for "consulting services" are in lieu of director fees. Accounting, Staff Adjustment A (should be No.4). (Staff Attachment No. 1 line 28) Company concurs with the Staffs adjustment. Attorney Fees, Staff Adjustment No.5 (Staff Attachment No. 1 line 29) Company concurs with the Staffs adjustment. RATE BASE Staffhas made two adjustments to the Company's rate base. The two adjustments are related and intertwined. They are discussed here simultaneously. Falls Water Company is unique among regulated water companies in Idaho. Falls Water is unaware of any other regulated water company that collects a contribution in aid of constrction from developers to pay for future source of supply and storage assets required to meet growth on the system resulting from the development activities. Most water companies accept the contribution of a completed asset (well and / or reservoir) from a developer who has constructed such facilities as a part of the property development project. United Water Company in Boise collects no contribution for these facilities but rather uses its retained earnngs, debt or additional investor fuds to construct these facilties thus increasing its investment in plant in service (rate base). All companies accept or wil accept contributions of transmission and distribution piping, customer services, meters and fire hydrants. All such contributions are simultaneous with the addition of a new asset (plant in service, or rate base) Falls Water Company is one of the larger regulated water companies in the state and is in an area that is growing rapidly. Unlike United water in Boise, Falls Water Company is a small independent company with few owners. Falls Water Company does not have access to the capital markets of United Water and other very large utility companies. Hence the contribution in aid of construction the Company is 3 COMPANY REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 6, 2007 authorized to collect for futue source of supply and storage needs resulting from new development in the area. Staff has eliminated from rate base the Companies investment of $272,500.00 in its new well #9 that will be in service in mid 2008. Simultaneously, Staffhas included the fuds invested in this futue asset in the "Contributions in Aid of Construction" Account that is a rate base deduction. In effect, the Staff here has "double dipped" the Company's rate base investments. The asset is not recognized in rate base while the contributed fuds invested in the asset are used to reduce the company's investment in other assets. This is an inappropriate taking of the Company's investments. Staff has also used additional developer contributions for source of supply and storage to reduce the Company's rate base by $166,100.87. These contributions are intended to be used for future development of source of supply and storage facilties. The Company treats these contributed fuds as dedicated fuds for futue construction of source of supply and storage facilities. They are considered contributions held for future use, an offset to propert held for future use. They are not used to meet curent cash flow needs for operating expenses or constrct other asset improvements. The purose of these developer contributions is to avoid rate shock in the future when large investments in wells and reservoirs are placed in service to meet new demands on the water system caused by growth. Staff s approach artificially suppresses curent rates to existing customers and insures futue rate shock to all customers when a new water source or storage asset is placed in service without the benefit of an additional contribution in aid of construction offset. In the meantime, Falls Water Company is precluded from earning a fair, just and reasonable retu on investor fuds used to construct facilties that are currently used and useful to provide service to our customers. The Commission should reject the Staffs proposed rate base adjustments in their entirety. RATE DESIGN The Company's rate design is based on the Company adjusted anual revenue requirement of $1,009,179.32. The Company proposes a single commodity rate for all customer classes of $0.727/1,000 gallons and a monthly minimum charge of$16.l5, which includes 12,000 gallons of water. A comparison of the curent rates, Staff proposed rates and the Company proposed rates are shown in the summar Table 1. 4 COMPANY REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 6, 2007 Table 1 STAFF PROPOSED COMPANY SCHEDULE CURRNT TARIFF TARIFF PROPOSED TARIFF Minimum Commodity Minimum Commodity Minimum Commodity Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge Charge R-l 11.53 $0.48 per $14.00 $0.626 per $16.15 $0.727 per 1,000 1,000 1,000 gallons over gallons over gallons over 12,000 12,000 12,000 gallons gallons gallons R-2 20.17 N/A 20.17 N/A 20.17 N/A R-3 11.53 $0.48 per $14.00 $0.626 per $16.15 $0.727 per 1,000 1,000 1,000 gallons over gallons over gallons over 12,000 12,000 12,000 gallons gallons gallons R-4 11.53 $0.48 per $14.00 $0.626 per $16.15 $0.727 per 1,000 1,000 1,000 gallons over gallons over gallons over 12,000 12,000 12,000 gallons gallons gallons Attached to these reply comments are Company Exhibit Numbers 9, 10 and 11 that show the effect of these comments on the recommendations of the Commission Staff. The Company's reply recommendation would result in an increase of 44.22% as shown on Exhibit No. 11 line 13. Respectfully Submitted, k.;n~1l~ Falls Water Company K. Scott Bruce, Manager 5 COMPANY REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 6, 2007 FALLS WATER COMPANY REVENUES & EXPENSES TEST YEAR ENDED 12/31/2006 Exhibit 9 1 Ordinary Income/Expense 2 Income 3 400 . Operating Revenue 4 460 . Unmetered Revenue 6 461.1' Metered Residential 6 461.2' Commercial Revenue 7 474, Other Utilty Revenue 8 Total 400 . Operating Revenue 9 Total Income 10 Expense11 601.6' Labor Field 12 601.7' Labor Meter Reading13 601.8' Labor Office 14 601.9' Admin. Labor 16 603. Salary Officers & Directors 16 604. Employee Benefits 17 610 . Purchased Water 18 616. Electrical Power 19 618. Chemicals 20 620.2 . Source M&S 21 620.6 . Distribution M&S 22 620.7' Postage23 620.8 . Office 24 620.81 . Telephone Expense 26 620.82 . Bank service charges 26 620.83 . Office Utiltes Expense27 631.1' Engineering 28 631.2' Accounting29 631.3' Attorney30 636 . Testing 31 636.2 . Source Contract Repairs32 636.3 . Trash 33 636.6 . Distribution Contract Repairs34 636.7 . Data Processing 36 636.8 . Contract Service - Consulting36 641 . Rental of Propert37 642 . Rental of Equipment 38 660 . Transporttion Expense 39 666. Insurance Expense 40 660 . Advertising Expense 41 666 . Regulatory Commission Expenses 42 670 . Bad Debt Expense 43 676.1 . Training Expenses 44 676.2 . Dues & Publications 46 676.4 . DEQ Fee Expense 46 676.9 . Uncategorized Expenses 47 Total Expense 48 Net Ordinary Income 49 Other Expen.e 60 403 . Depreciation Expense 61 408 . Taxes62 408.11 . Propert Taxes 63 409.10 . Fed Income Tax 64 409.11 . State Income Tax66 Total 408 . Taxes 66 408.10 . Regulatory Fee 67 Total Other Expense 68 Net Other Income69 Net Income COMPANY REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS A Staff Proposed 693,756.06 21,592.19 835.00 716,183.25 716,183.25 172,240.88 56,617.62 112,635.10 52,859.60 1,112.00 109,773.11 4,816.21 10,719.97 37,105.71 14,293.89 24,290.04 12,824.06 1,731.00 4,636.15 1,282.50 2,168.17 2,948.75 8,099.69 1,400.00 1,017.36 30,420.00 3,716.00 11,868.00 20,108.20 35,013.23 12,097.00 2,081.45 4,879.55 8,688.20 2,515.27 1,275.00 10,988.00 125.00 776,346.71 (60,163.46) 73,222.22 12,121.77 30.00 12,151.77 1,780.43 87,154.42 (87,154.42) (147,317.88) 6 B Company Adjustments 12,928.39 2,675.18 4,696.46 2,167.18 24,000.00 24,643.50 71,110.71 (71,110.71) (71,110.71) C Company Proposed 716,183.25 185,169.27 59,292.80 117,331.56 55,026.78 1,112.00 109,773.11 4,816.21 10,719.97 37,105.71 14,293.89 24,290.04 12,824.06 1,731.00 4,636.15 1,282.50 2,168.17 2,948.75 8,099.69 1,400.00 1,017.36 30,420.00 3,716.00 24,000.00 36,511.50 20,108.20 35,013.23 12,097.00 2,081.45 4,879.55 8,688.20 2,515.27 1,275.00 10,988.00 125.00 847,457.42 (131,274.17) 73,222.22 12,121.77 30.00 12,151.77 1,780.43 87,154.42 (87,154.42) (218,428.59) DECEMBER 6, 2007 Falls Water Company, Inc. Calculation of Rate Base Exhibit 10 Rate Base 2006 Net Assets 1 Utility Plant in Service 2 Net Correcting Entry to Utilty Plant in Service 3 Corrected Total of Utility Plant in Service 4 Less: Contributions in Aid of Construction 5 Correcting Entry to Contributions in Aid of Construction 6 Corrected Total of Contributions in Aid of Construction 7 Subtotal of Investor Owned Assets for Rate Base 8 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 9 Correcting Entry to Accumùlated Depreciation 10 Corrected Total of Accumulated Depreciation 11 Less: Accum Amort of Contribution in Aid of Construction 12 Correcting Entry to Accum Amort of CIAC 13 Corrected Accum Amort of CIAC 14 Total Accum Depr net of Accum Amort of CIAC 15 Corrected Net Utilty Plant ~ 12/31/2006 16 Proforma additions to Plant (2007 & 2008 Meter Conversions 17 Proforma Additions to Plant (Line Loop Extensions) 18 Working Capital (1/8 of Operation and Maintenance Expenses) 19 Rate Base 7 COMPANY REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS w (~ ~) 2,573,701.87 99,794.37 1,512,893.13 158,680.44 491,076.85 18,889.34 43,633.91 33,333.95 2,673,496.24 1,671,573.57 509,966.19 76,967.86 1,001,922.67 432,998.33 568,924.34 181,522.80 152,800.00 105,932.18 $ 1,009,179.32 DECEMBER 6, 2007 .... FALLS WATER COMPANY COMPANY CALCULATION OF REVENUE REQUIREMENT Exhibit 11 A B C A B C Staff Staff Staff Company Company Company 1 Rate Base $289,189.61 $1,009,179.32 2 Required Rate of Return 7.20%7.20% 3 Net Operating Income Requirement $20,829.79 $72,689.31 4 Net Operating Income Realized $ (147,317.89)$ (218,428.59) 5 Net Operating Income Deficiency $168,147.68 $291,117.90 Non-Tax Taxable Non-Tax Taxable 6 Revenue Increase necessary to overcome loss $ 147,317.89 $ 218,428.59 I 7 Revenue Increase necessary for Income Requirement $20,829.79 $72,689.31 8 Gross-up Factor 1.02 1.30 1.02 1.30 9 Revenue Increase Requirement $ 149,849.36 $27,094.28 $222,181.9 $94,550.62 10 Total Revenue Increase Required $ 176,943.63 $316,731.81 11 Adjusted Test Year Revenue $ 716,183.24 $716,183.24 12 Total Revenue Requirement $ 893,126.87 $1,032,915.05 13 Percent Increase Required 24.71%44.22% 8 COMPANY REPLY TO STAFF COMMENTS DECEMBER 6, 2007