HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051212Application with replacement pages.pdfALLS WATER COMPANY- 1770 Sabin Dr, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83406-6747 Website: www.faliswater.com :~, r \.i F r', ,-- 'j C ,,- LJ Tel.: (208) 522-1300' ;~; -lz C,j'j 9: 13 Fax: (208) 522-4099 ,- U i'UdLiC : i !~S CCiiH'\lSSJOfJ November 3 2005 Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 f-S--00-0S-- Enclosed are the original and seven copies of a general rate case application from Falls Water Company, Inc. Also, enclosed is a CD with a pdf file of the enclosed application and Excel spreadsheet files of work papers for the attachments and exhibits in the application. Please contact me with any questions. Thank you for your attention to the enclosed request. Sincerely, / , s;;_'"';li 7~) ~~- l.'t /f (;J:)4t~-t? K. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company, Inc. Manager Enclosures - i \i, c- /-;.. ; ~=. ' ,--, K. Scott Bruce Falls Water Company, Inc. 1770 Sabin Dr Idaho Falls, ill 83406 Tel. (208) 522-1300 Fax (208) 522-4099 E-mail: scott(?pJallswater.com Representative for Falls Water Company, Inc. , ' / - tt "" ""' 11 '-f NH~JC . " 'Jj i/SS/Of-i BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER COMPANY, INc. FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES i C' f. \ acCASE NO. - L-.!..)- v... APPLICATION FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. ("Falls Water" or "Applicant"), an Idaho not-for-profit corporation and holder of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 236 from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) hereby makes application to the Commission for an order to authorize revision of its schedule of rates for water service. Applicant provides water service to 2 832 connections serving a population of approximately 9 350 in Bonneville County, Idaho northeast of Idaho Falls. Falls Water has provided service to this area for the last 45 years. A copy of Applicant's present schedule of rates is attached hereto as Attachment A copy of Applicant's proposed new rates and charges to provide service to Applicant's customers is hereto attached as Attachment 'Applicant requests an effective date for the proposed rates of April 15 , 2006. Applicant hereby certifies that a notification of our intent to file this application was mailed to all customers on November 7, 2005. A similar notice was released to the local television stations and newspapers. A copy of the notice is included with this application as Attachment C. Applicant further states that it stands ready for immediate consideration of this application. The need for filing this application has come about due to the fact that the Applicant has experienced significant growth in the past two years and current rate schedules are inadequate to cover current operations and maintenance of the water system. Due to the increase in customers, Falls Water has hired an additional 2 full time employees and 1 part time employee to provide adequate customer service. The current water right situation in Idaho has prompted Falls Water to evaluate options for providing water to new developments. Many of the recent developments have been built on land, which was used for agriculture and is part of an irrigation district. Falls Water is seeking to require developers to utilize the existing irrigation right for future developments by having the developer install pressurized secondary irrigation systems. This option will allow Falls Water to better utilize its existing water rights and promote responsible use of existing water rights for the land being developed. accommodate this purpose, Falls Water has submitted a new water rate R-, Metered Residential Services with Secondary Irrigation Systems for Lawns and Landscaping. The excess use charge is intentionally high to discourage use of Falls Water s water for irrigation purposes. This is because the development would be brought on to the system and allotted only enough of Falls Water s water rights to cover in-house use by the customers in that development. If they use water for irrigation purposes, Falls Water will find itself short of water rights in the future. Applicant requests the amount of water usage included in the minimum charge for metered residential customers be reduced from 000 gallons to 8 000 gallons during the summertime, the period starting with the April meter reading and ending with the October meter reading. The included usage during the wintertime, the period starting with the October meter reading and ending with the April meter reading, would be reduced from 000 gallons to 15 000 gallons. The historical average monthly usage per household during the six-month wintertime was 7 500 gallons per month in 2002 167 gallons per month in 2003 and 2004. The winter use is a reasonable gauge for in-house use for the average household in our system. Falls Water feels that in-house use of 8 000 gallons for summer months would lead to greater conservation of water resources as the households must pay for consumptive use of water on lawns and landscapes. The higher water usage included in the wintertime rate would allow the customers to run some water during cold weather to prevent freezing of household water lines. It would also assure that the vast majority of our customers would not have additional charges in April due to exceeding the average usage per month during the winter.In 2005, 82 customers exceeded the 120 000 gallons of usage during the winter months. Most causes for exceeding the 20 000 gallons per month were the result of leaking service lines or leaking plumbing fixtures. Applicant seeks a planned phase out of its flat rate. Currently the flat rate is restricted to the all residential customers located in the SW 1/4 of Section 14, Township 2 North, Range 38 East Boise Meridian, Bonneville County, Idaho (Mobile Home Estates Subdivision, Monte Vista Estates, and First Street Mobile Park). It is proposed that applicant install meters for the accounts in this area over a six-year period. The meter installation would not require additional funds. It is proposed that Falls Water use meters that would be normally assigned to the upgrade and replacement of existing meters and use these meters to upgrade the 585 customers in the flat rate area to become metered. The plan would require installation of 108 meters in 2006, 105 meters in 2007, 115 meters in 2008 , 119 meters in 2009, 95 meters in 2010, and 43 meters in 2011 (see attachment I for map of planned installations). Applicant requests that it be allowed to begin billing these former flat rate customers under Schedule No. R-1 as soon as meters are installed in the customers ' lot (i.e. when the 108 meters for 2006 are installed in the customers ' lots, they would be billed at the Schedule No. R-l rate from that month forward). The benefits to metering all accounts are: 1. All customers would be on an equal footing and pay for water used. 2. The phasing out of the flat rate promotes conservation of water. 3. Falls Water will be able to better determine water loss in the system with all customers metered. Falls Water seeks to add a field collections fee to Schedule No. M. The proposed rate would be $15.00.The rate would be imposed upon customers who fail acknowledge the required notices of termination for non-payment on account until the serviceman is at the home ready to terminate services and the customer then wishes to pay the balance. The purpose for the fee is that the customer has created work for clerical staff and servicemen by ignoring the seven-day termination notice and the 24-hour termination notice. The company s customers must bear the cost in wages and resources to prepare the final notice and bear the cost of sending a serviceman to terminate services of a customer who chose to ignore the first two notices and with a simple phone call could make a payment arrangement or could make payment. Falls Water seeks to place the burden of these additional costs on the customers responsible for them. Applicant seeks relief from the Commission for expenses that were incurred in 2004 and 2005 for payroll expenses incurred due to extenuating circumstances. Applicant finalized its current rates on December 15, 2003. Early in December 2003 Falls Water was informed by its owner that the office space then occupied was needed by the owner for expansion of the owners other businesses. Falls Water moved into its current office space on January 2 2005. The owner for the other business ventures kept the office staff, at the previous office building, at that office. This necessitated the hiring of a new employee to assist with clerical/receptionist duties. This expense was not anticipated in the rate case that was approved in December 2003. The next instance occurred in May 2005 while preparing this rate case. The owner decided to restructure one of the businesses and it required that one employee in that business be let go. The owner chose to not let the employee go and put him to work with Falls Water. The owner s other ventures have funded a portion of this employee s wages through the end of2005 with Falls Water paying the balance. The need for the additional manpower was needed in both cases; however, the timing was not the best. The addition of the office staff in 2004 was necessary but was difficult to seek adjustment to our rates having just completed a rate case.The addition of the serviceman has strained Falls Water Company s cash flow. Exhibit F of Attachment G details these expenses and seeks to amortize the expense over two years in the revenue requirements of this rate case in the amount of$37 833.46 per year for two years for a total of$75 666.92. Falls Water is currently working with the Department of Environmental Quality to secure funding in the amount of $700 000.00 to construct two new 1500 gallon per minute wells needed to improve water delivery to our customers. This rate case does not include any proposed rate increases due to the construction or future operation and maintenance of these new assets. It is applicant's intent to seek the necessary rate adjustments to keep the company whole in a future case. The requested increase in charges will result in revenue sufficient to pay for the current operating expenses and provide a small return, which will be held by the corporation for system improvements and replacement. As stated above, Falls Water Company, Inc. is an Idaho not-for-profit corporation and is therefore not authorized to make any distributions of profits to owners, but can utilize profits for expansion and system improvements. Applicant last made application for a rate increase on July 17, 2003. Included with the application are the following attachments, schedules, and proposed tariffs: 1. Present Rate Schedules (Attachment A). 2. Proposed Rate Schedules (Attachment B). 3. Notification sent to media and customers (Attachment C). 4. Three year Balance Sheet (Attachment D). 5. Three years Income Statement (Attachment E). 6. Calculation of Rate Base (Attachment F). 7. Comparison of Income at Present Rates and Income at Proposed Rates (Attachment G with supporting exhibits). 8. Explanation of Rate Calculations (Attachment H). 9. Map of Planned Metering of Mobile Home Estates (Attachment I). Falls Water Company, Inc. respectfully requests favorable consideration of this application. Please direct any questions or correspondence related to this application to the applicant as indicated on page 1. Dated this 3rd day of November 2005. Respectfully submitted FALLS WATER COMPANY, INc. Attachment A - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 1 of 5 ariffNo. 1 u.eI. No. Canceling I. No. Name 01 Utility Original Sheet No, FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE SERVICE RATE:$17.50 PER MONTH AVAILABLE TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS LOCATED IN THE SWl/4 OF SECTION 14, T. 2 N., R. 38 E.B.M., BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO (MOBILE HOME ESTATES SUBDIVISION, MONTE VISTA ESTATES, AND FIRST STREET MOBILE PARK). Issued December 15, 2003 Effective December 15, 2003 Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC.By Title MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Attachment A - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 2 of 5 Tariff No, 1 u.c.I. No, Canceling u.c.I. No. l~ame or Utility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL METERED SERVICE RATE:$11.50 PER MONTH MINIMUM $0.41 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 20 000 GALLONS PER MONTH AVAILABLE TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS EXCEPT THOSE QUALIFYING FOR RATE SCHEDULE R- Issued December 15, 2003 Effective December 15 2003 Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. Thk MANAG E R K. Scott Bruce Attachment A - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 3 of 5 ariffNo. 1 u.c.I. No. Canceling u.c.I. No, Name 01 Utility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY RATE:$11.50 PER MONTH MINIMUM $0.41 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 20,000 GALLONS PER MONTH AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTIAL DUPLEXES , FOUR-PLEXES, AND AP ARTMENT BUILDINGS WHERE INDIVIDUAL UNITS IN A BUILDING ARE NOT METERED SEPARATELY OR LIVING UNITS CANNOT BE SOLD SEPARATELY. RATES WILL BE BASED ON A PER BUILDING METERED BASIS. Issued December 15 , 2003 Effective December 15, 2003 Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC.By Title MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Attachment A - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 4 of 5 ariffNo. 1 u.c.I. No. Canceling u.C,I. No, l'llame or Utility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. C- METERED COMMERCIAL SERVICE READ YEAR-ROUND RATE:$11.50 PER MONTH MINIMUM $0.41 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 20 000 GALLONS PER MONTH AVAILABLE TO ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS. Issued December 15, 2003 Effective December 15, 2003 Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. Th~ MANAG E R K. Scott Bruce Attachment A - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 5 of 5 lrariffNo, 1 u.c.I. No. Canceling u.C.I. No. lName or Ptility Original Sheet No, FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. M NON-RECURRING CHARGES: RE-CONNECT FEES: During office hours After office hours $20. $40. HOOKUP CHARGES: %" METER 1" METER 1 %" METER 2" METER $500. $600. $825. $900. The Company shall follow the "Rules and Regulations of the Idaho Public ptilities Commission Governing Customer Relations of Natural Gas, Electric and Water Public Utilities under the Jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Issued November 30, 2001 Effective December 1, 2001 Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC.By Trt~ MANAG E R K. Scott Bruce Attachment B - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 1 of 6 rariffNo. 2 c.I. No, Canceling u.c.I. No. lName 01 IUtility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE SERVICE RATE:$17 50 ~19.25 PER MONTH AVAILABLE TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITHOUT METERS LOCATED IN THE SW1I4 OF SECTION 14, T. 2 N., R. 38 B.M., BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO (MOBILE HOME ESTATES SUBDIVISION, MONTE VISTA ESTATES, AND FIRST STREET MOBILE PARK). Planned meterin of this area will move customers to the Schedule No. R-1 Residential Metered tariff as meters are installed for the homes. Issued Effective Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC.By Title MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Attachment B - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 2 of 6 ariffNo. 1 u.C.I. No. Canceling u.c.I. No.Original Sheet No. L~ame or Utility FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL METERED SERVICE FOR CUSTOMERS NOT LIVING IN DEVELOPMENTS REQUIRED TO USE SECONDARY IRRIGATION FOR LAWNS AND LANDSCAPE SUMMER RATE:Starts with meter reading in April and ends with the meter reading in October. $11.50 PER MONTH MINIMUM cr12.75 PER BILLING CYCLE MINIMUM CHARGE $QM $0.PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 000 8 000 GALLONS PER MONTH BILLING CYCLE. WINTER RATE:Starts with meter reading in October and ends with the meter reading in April. The 15th of the month is the end of the billing cycle for November throu h March. $15.50 PER BILLING CYCLE MINIMUM CHARGE $0.85 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 15,000 GALLONS PER MONTH. EXCESS IS CALCULATED WITH METER READING IN APRIL. AVAILABLE TO ALL RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS EXCEPT THOSE QUALIFYING FOR RATE SCHEDULE R- Issued httectlve Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. Title MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Attachment B - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 3 of 6 Tariff No, 3 u.C.I. No. Canceling u.C.I. No, lName 01 Utility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R- RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY RATE:$11 50 PER MONTH MINIMUM $12.75 PER BILLING CYCLE MINIMUM CHARGE $QM $0.PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 000 8 000 GALLONS PER MONTH BILLING CYCLE. METERS ARE READ YEAR ROUND. AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTIAL DUPLEXES, FOUR-PLEXES, AND AP ARTMENT BUILDINGS WHERE INDIVIDUAL UNITS IN A BUILDING ARE NOT METERED SEP ARA TEL Y OR LIVING UNITS CANNOT BE SOLD SEPARATELY. RATES WILL BE BASED ON A PER BUILDING METERED BASIS. ssued Effective Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC.By Title MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Attachment B - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 4 of 6 ariffNo. 4 u.C,I. No, Canceling u.c.I. No. Name 01 Utility Original Sheet No. FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. C- METERED COMMERCIAL SERVICE READ YEAR-ROUND RATE:$11 50 PER MONTH MINIMUM $12.75 PER BILLING CYCLE MINIMUM CHARGE $G-A4 $0.PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 000 8,000 GALLONS PER MONTH BILLING CYCLE. AVAILABLE TO ALL NON-RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS. ssued Effective Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. Tlik MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Attachment B - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 5 of 6 ariffNo. 5 u.c.I. No. Canceling u.c.I. No,Original Sheet No. Name 01 Utility FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. R - 4 METERED RESIDENTIAL SERVICES WITH SECONDARY IRRIGATION FOR LAWNS AND LANDSCAPING RATE:$12.75 PER BILLING CYCLE MINIMUM CHARGE $2.50 PER THOUSAND GALLONS ADDITIONAL FOR ALL WATER USED IN EXCESS OF 8.000 GALLONS PER BILLING CYCLE. METERED RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS WHO LIVE IN SUBDIVISIONS IwHICH WERE ALLOWED TO CONNECT TO FALLS WATER COMPANY INC. SYSTEM WITH THE PROVISION FALLS WATER COMPANY WOULD PROVIDE bNL Y IN-HOUSE USE AND THAT ALL LAWNS AND LANDSCAPING MUST BE WATERED BY A WATER SOURCE OTHER THAN FALLS WATER COMPANY, lNc.'S WATER SOURCE. ssued Effective Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. Title MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Attachment B - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 6 of 6 Tariff No. 6 D.u.c.I. No. Canceling D.u.c.I. No. Name 01 Utility Original Sheet No, FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. SCHEDULE NO. M NON-RECURRING CHARGES: RE-CO NNECT FEES: During office hours After office hours $ 20. $ 40. FIELD COLLECTION FEE: Field collection of ast due balance $ 15. HOOKUP CHARGES: %" Meter 1" Meter 1 ~" Meter 2" Meter $500. $600. $825. $900. The Company shall follow the "Rules and Regulations of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Governing Customer Relations of Natural Gas, Electric and Water Public Utilities Under the Jurisdiction of he Idaho Public Utilities Commission. ssued.bttectlve Issued by FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC.By Title MANAGER K. Scott Bruce Attachment C - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 1 of NOTICE TO FALLS WATER COMPANY. INC. CUSTOMERS Falls Water Company, Inc. has filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUG) for a proposed general rate increase. The filing is a proposal subject to public review and a Commission decision before it can take effect. Falls Water Company, Inc. seeks approval to increase rates to recover the increasing costs of operations and maintenance, and replacing its aging infrastructure. Falls Water is seeking a reduction in water volume included in the minimum billing charge. Currently, up to 20 000 gallons of water is included in the minimum charge. It is proposed to create a summer and winter rate schedule for metered residential customers (metered multi-family residential and metered commercial users meters are read year round). It is proposed for the winter rate that up to 15 000 gallons per billing cycle (90 000 for the six month winter rate schedule) be included in the minimum charge of $15.50. It is proposed that during the summer rate that up to 8 000 gallons per billing cycle be included in the minimum charge of $12.75. If the proposed rate increase were approved , the average metered residential customer s annual rates would increase from $179.49 ($14.96 per month) to $295. ($24.63 per month) an average annual increase of $116.06 (average monthly increase of $9.67) or 64.7%. Average metered commercial customer s annual rates would increase from $323.46 ($26.96 per month) to $569.75 ($47.48 per month) an average annual increase of $246.29 (average monthly increase of $20.52) or 76.1 %. Non- metered residential customer s annual rates would increase from $210.00 ($17.50 per month) to $231.00 ($19.25 per month) an annual increase of $21.00 (monthly increase of $1.75) or 10.0%. Multi-family residential customer s rates would increase from $181.64 ($15.14 per month) to $344.82 ($28.73 per month) an average annual increase of $163.18 (average monthly increase of $13.59) or 89.8%. If approved the proposed increase would increase total revenues by $258 363. (48.2%). A copy of the application is on file in our office for examination. Please send any comments or questions to either Falls Water Company or the Idaho Public Utilities Commission: Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, 1083720-0074 (800) 432-0369 Falls Water Company, Inc. 1770 Sabin Dr Idaho Falls, 10 83406 (208) 522-1300 Comments may be submitted to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission via e-mail by going to the following website: hap:/ /www. puc. state. id. us/comments-com pia i nts/ choose%20form. htm Attachment D - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 1 of 2 Falls Water Company, Inc Balance Sheet Comparison As of December 31 , 2003, 2004, and 2005 Dec 31 , 2003 Dec 31, 2004 Dec 31 , 2005 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 129 . FWC-BofCommerce Total Checking/Savings Accounts Receivable 341 . Transportation Equipment 343 . Tools & Equipment Total 101 . Utility Plant 983,470,354, 983,470,354, 69, 69, 800,100 657,276 284, 300, 357, 000.784, 000,26,443, 597,(967,62)184, 082,545,141, 300.00)300,00)300,00) 782,245,841. 108 179,165 378,336 309, 195,165 918,358 664, 328,328,328, 707,707,707, 805.40 545.48 947, 693,693,693, 195 807.45 202 682,202 682, 865,603,219, 494.494,494. 154 392,435 054,472 073.48 173 351,223 712,304 637, 5,416, 182,8,474,556. 703.109,878, 629,327,134, 672 960,010 733,164 769, 346 313,362,439,(417 930,65) 326 646,648 294.42 746 839, 395,842.814 213,105,503. 139. Misc Non-Utilities AIR Total Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets 129.1 . FWC Capital Improvement Fund 129.2 . Cash-Water Study Partners 129.21 . Cash-Water Study Partners-Ammon 129.22' Cash-Water Study-Bonneville Cty 129.23' Cash-Water Study Partners-Ucon Total 129.2 . Cash-Water Study Partners 132 . Undeposited Funds 140. Accts Receivable 141 . Cust Accts Receivable 143. Uncollectable Allowance Total 140 . Accts Receivable Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets 101 . Utility Plant 303 . land & land Rights 304 . Structures and Improvements 307 . Wells 310. Generators 311 . Pumping Equipment 320 . Purification System 330 ' Tanks 331 . Water Mains 334 . Meters 335, Hydrants 340 . Office Furn & Fixt 108. Plant Depreciation Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS Attachment D - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Falls Water Company, Inc Balance Sheet Comparison as of December 31, 2003, 2004, and 2005 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 232 . Accts Payable Total Accounts Payable Other Current Liabilities 231 . FWC Accounts Payable 231.8 . Payable on Summit Park 231.9 . Crimson Valley Water Main 231.10 . Group Water Study Payable 231.11 . Group Water Study - Ammon 231.12 . Group Water Study - Bonneville 231.13 . Group Water Study - Ucon 231.14 . Group Water Study - Grant Funds Total 231,10' Group Water Study Payable Total 231 . FWC Accounts Payable 233 . AlP to Associated Companies 236 . Taxes Payable 236.2 . State Tax Payable 236.3 . Other Taxes Payable Total 236 . Taxes Payable Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities 223 . Advances from Associated Co. 224. Long-Term Debt 224.1 . Lincoln Road Proj - SRLF Loan Total 224 . Long-Term Debt 271 . Contrib. in Aid of Construction 272 . Accum Amort - Contrib Aid Const Total Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity 201 . Capital Stock 215. Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY Dec 31. 2003 Dec 31. 2004 Dec 31. 2005 956. 956, 233 164. 233 164, 141, 141, 588,300, 357, 9,411,7,784. 853,464, 969,979, 969,979, 076,951,673.47 054, 054, 046.48 984,673.47 002,278 149,815, 121 164,115 966,105 381, 232.259 363.49 232,259 363.49 139 225,208 875,557 003, 118.27)826,60)(16 943,92) 258 271,396 246,904 804.42 336 274,674 396,960 619, 000,000,000, 641,064,114 817, 073,752,066, 568.139 817,144 883. 395 842.814 213.105,503. Attachment E - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 1 of 2 FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC, Comparative Income Statement for the calendar years of 2003, 2004, 2005 Jan - Dee 2003 Jan - Dee 2004 Jan - Dee 2005 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 400 . Operating Revenue 460 . Unmetered Revenue 461.1 . Metered Residential 461.2 . Commercial Revenue 474, Other Utility Revenue Total 400 . Operating Revenue Total Income Expense 601.5 . Labor Field 601.7' labor Meter Reading 601.8 . labor Office 601.9 . Admin - labor 603 - Salary Officers & Directors 604 - Employee Benefits 610 . Purchased Water 615 . Electrical Power 618. Chemicals 620.2 . Source M&S 620.6 . Distribution M&S 620.7' Postage 620.8 . Office 620.81 . Telephone Expense 620.83 - Office Utilities Expense 631.1 . Engineering 631.2 . Accounting 631.3 . Attorney 635 . Testing 636.2 . Source Contract Repairs 636.3 . Trash 636.6 . Distribution Contract Repairs 636.7' Data Processing 641 . Rental of Property 642 . Rental of Equipment 650 . Transportation Expense 656 . Insurance Expense 660, Advertising Expense 670 . Bad Debt Expense 675.1 . Training Expenses 675.2 . Dues & Publications 675.4 . IDHW Fee Expense 675.9 - Uncategorized Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 104 379,121 545,124 145, 255 261,316 283.43 397 650, 138,616,531. 840,818,636, 371 618.451 263,535 964, 371 618,451 263,535 964, 910,76,432,575, 627,303.7,449, 14,424,870,38,450. 937.40 55,417,287, 565,877.824, 625,800,13,406, 112,112,112, 837,233.674, 375, 321,210,090, 043,214.24,496.43 12,430,624,055, 624,121,200, 002,724.779, 128,784,966.43 600,977,715, 475,825.893, 375,4,406, 580,756,3,410, 501,395, 199,211.198, 830,130,906.40 680,043,878, 4,425,339,818, 078.40 830,359, 609,700.521, 210,542,9,468, 519,778,054. 658,179,620, 590,210,800, 702,772.870, 217,982,247, 100,434.41 100, 345 942,391,438,473 775, 676,825,188, Attachment E - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 2 of 2 FALLS WATER COMPANY, INC. Comparative Income Statement for the calendar years of 2003 , 2004, 2005 Other Income/Expense Other Income 421 . Non-Utility Income Total Other Income Other Expense 403 . Depreciation Expense 408, Taxes 408.11 . Property Taxes 409.10 - Fed Income Tax 409.11 . State Income Tax Total 408 . Taxes 408.10' Regulatory Fee 426 . Misc. Non-Utility Expenses 427.3' Interest Expense 615.1 . Electrical Power - Black Hawk 615.2 . Andco Well - Electricity 620.21 . Source M&S - Black Hawk Estates 620.61 . Black Hawk Distr M&S 620.62 . Andco Distr M&S 620.811 . Telephone - Black Hawk Estates 635.2. Testing - Andco System Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Jan - Dee 2003 Jan - Dee 2004 Jan - Dee 2005 951.059,625. 951,059,625, 027,238,015, 957,150,128, 782, 30.084,902, 987,234,813, 811,893,320, 378.683,1,470, 515.46 852,127.46 268,(6,53) 551, 374,235.47 710, 76.45 700,131.747, 749,927.47 121, 073.752.066. Attachment F - Falls Water Company, Inc. Page 1 of 1 Falls Water Company, Inc. Calculation of Rate Base Rate Base 2005 Net Assets Utility Plant in Service Less: Contributions in Aid of Construction Subtotal Less: Accumulated Depreciation Less: Accum Amort of Contribution in Aid of Construction Total Rate Base from Assets Working Capital (using 1/8 method) Total Proposed Operations & Maintenance Expenses times 1/8 (,125) 164 768, 183 855.42 417 930. 943, 573 290, 125 980 913. 400 986. 579 926.42 661. Total Rate Base Return on Rate Base Return (g) 12% (Total Rate Base X .12) 651 587, 1$ 78 190, Attachment G - Falls Page 1 of 2 er Company, Inc. Falls Water Company, Inc. Comparison of Current Revenues and Expenses to Proposal Jan 1 2005 - Dee 31 2005 Adjustments Proposed Ordinary Income/Expense Income 400, Operating Revenue 460 . Unmetered Revenue 124 145,124 145, 461.1 . Metered Residential 397 650,397 650, 461.2 . Commercial Revenue 531.531, 474. Other Utility Revenue 636,636, Total 400 . Operating Revenue 535 964,535 964, Total Income 535 964.535 964, Expense 601.5 . labor Field 575,640,138 215,See 1 Below 601.7' labor Meter Reading 7,449,532,981,See 1 Below 601.8 . labor Office 38,450.326.49 776,See 1 Below 601.9 . Admin - labor 287,080,367,See 1 Below 603 . Salary Officers & Directors 824,824, 604 . Employee Benefits 13,406,506,912,See 1 Below 610 Purchased Water 112.112, 615 . Electrical Power 674,134,809.See 2 Below 618 . Chemicals 375,576,952,See 3 Below 620.2 . Source M&S 090,090, 620.6 . Distribution M&S 24,496.496.43 620.7' Postage 055,815,871,See 4 Below 620.8 . Office 200,543,744,See 5 Below 620.81 . Telephone Expense 779,339,118,See 6 Below 620.82 . Bank Service Charges 370,391,762,See 7 Below 620.83 . Office Utilities Expense 966.43 966.43 631.1 . Engineering 715,715, 631.2 . Accounting 893,893, 631.3 . Attorney 4,406,4,406, 635 . Testing 3,410,3,410, 636.2 . Source Contract Repairs 395.395, 636.3 . Trash 198,198, 636.6 . Distribution Contract Repairs 906.40 906.40 636.7' Data Processing 878,800,00)078.See 8 Below 641 . Rental of Property 818,50,868,See 9 Below 642 . Rental of Equipment 359,485.845.46 See 10 Below 650 . Transportation Expense 521.3,486.44 008,See 11 Below 656 . Insurance Expense 9,468,9,468, 660 . Advertising Expense 054.054. 670 . Bad Debt Expense 620,663.284,See 12 Below 675.1 . Training Expenses 800,800, 675.2 . Dues & Publications 870,870, 675.4 . IDHW Fee Expense 247,740.988,See 13 Below 675.9 . Uncategorized Expenses 100,100, Total Expense 473 775,573 290, Net Ordinary Income 188,326, Other Income/Expense Attachment G - Falls Page 2 of 2 er Company, Inc. Other Income 421 . Non-Utility Income Total Other Income Other Expense 403 . Depreciation Expense 407 . Amortization Expense - Other 408.10' Regulatory Fee 426 . Misc. Nonutility Expenses 427.3 . Interest Expense Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Before Taxes 408 . Taxes 408.11 . Property Taxes 409.10' Fed Income Tax 409.11 . State Income Tax Total 408 . Taxes 625, 625. 015, 320, 470, 127, 934. 308, 880, 128. 782, 902, 813. Net Income After Taxes 066. 625, 625, 015, 833.46 See 14 Below 035,See 15 Below 1,470, 17,455,See 16 Below 102 810, 184, 131 510, 128. 539,See 17 Below 994,See 18 Below 662, 833. 714, 327, 757, 091, 180 173. Return on Rate base Requested 190, Total Increase Requested Total Revenue Requested Percentage Increase Requested 258 363, 794 327, 48, Notes: 1) See Exhibit 'A' - Adjustment Calculations for Proposed 2006 Payroll and Benefits 2)See Exhibit 'H' - Electrical Usage Worksheet for Details 3)See Exhibit 'B' - Chemicals 4)See Exhibit 'C' - Item 2 - Postage Adjustments 5) See Exhibit 'C' - Item 1 - Printing & Material Adjustments for New Customers 6)See Exhibit 'C' - Item 4 - Phone Expense 7)See Exhibit 'C' - Item 7 - Bank Charges 8) See Exhibit 'C' - Item 5 - Data Processing Adjustment 9)See Exhibit 'C' - Item 6 - Property Rental 10)See Exhibit '0' - Equipment Rental Adjustment 11 )See Exhibit 'E' - Transportation Expense Adjustment 12)See Exhibit 'C' - Item 8 - Bad Debt Expense 13) Maximum Charge for the DEQ fee for systems with more that 2 747 connections 14) See Exhibit 'F' - Amortized Expense Request 15) IPUC regulatory fee based on requested total revenue multiplied by the 2005 rate of .002562 set by the IPUC 16) See Exhibit 'C' - Item 3 - Interest Expense 17) See Exhibit 'G' - Item 2 - Federal Income Taxes 18)See Exhibit 'G' - Item 3 - Idaho State Income Taxes Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit A of Attachment G Page 1 of 4 Adjustment Calculations for proposed 2006 Payroll and Benefits: Calculation for 4th Quarter 2005 Payroll: Oct-Nov-Dec-Total 4th atr Totals by Group Office Staff $ 2,415.41 923.2,415.41 $ 7 754. Office Staff $ 1,479.849.1,479.$ 4 807,562.46 Field labor $ 1 625.625.625,$ 4 877.40 Field labor $ 2 648.310,648.$ 8 607, Field labor 119.48 119.48 119.48 $12 358.44 843. Administration $ 4 857,857.857,$14 571.571. Meter Reader 827.827,827.$ 2,483,2,483. Directors $ 1 152.152.152.$ 3,456.3,456. Empl Bene 218.218.218.$ 3 656.656, Total $20 344.$ 21 884.$ 20 344,30 $62 573. Calculation for 2006 Payroll: Calculation of 2006 Payroll usinq 2005 Year end Waqe rates: Office Staff Office Staff Field labor Field labor Field labor Administration Meter Reader Director Director Rates 12. 15, 14. 3,484. 108. 700, 500. 500. Annual GrossHours roll 2080 $ 26 832, 2080 $ 16 640, 2080 $ 33 009. 2080 $ 29 120. 12 $ 41 808, 12 $ 49 296, 9 $ 6 300. 12 $ 6 OOO. 12 $ 6 000, % for Employer Payroll Tax & Workers Annual TotalComp Payroll 1557 $ 31 009. 1557 $ 19 230. 1824 $ 39 030. 1824 $ 34,431.49 1824 $ 49,433. 1824 $ 58 287. 1824 $ 7,449. 1520 $ 6 912, 1520 $ 6 912. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit A of Attachment G Page 2 of 4 Annual Employee 401 k Benefit effective January 2006 using 2005 wage rate: Employee Employer Employer 401k Contribution Contribution Contribution Percent Percent Amount Office Staff 4% $073. Field Labor 4% $320. Field Labor 4% $164. Field Labor 4% $672, Administration 4% $971. Total Employer Contribution 401 k 202, Health Insurance increase: 2005 2005 2006 2006 Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Company Company Company Company Portion Portion Portion Portion of Ins.of Ins.of Ins,of Ins. Field Labor 325,900.500.$ 6 000. Field Labor 325.900.500,$ 6 000, Field Labor 325.900.500,$ 6 000, Administration 325,900.500.$ 6 000. Total $ 15 600,$24 000. 2006 Payroll Totals using 2005 wage rates: Office Lbr Field Lbr Admin Lbr Meter Reader Directors Employee Benefits $ 50 240. $122 895. $ 58 287. $ 7,449. $ 13 824, $ 22 802. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit A of Attachment G Page 3 of 4 Calculations to adjust 2006 Payroll to include pay raises at beginning of 2006: Histo of Em ee wa es 2000 throu h 2005 with osed wa e increases in 2006 & 2007: Wage Rate Wage Rate Wage Rate Wage Rate Wage Rate Employees Hire Date 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Office Staff 5/31/2005 Field labor 5/10/2005 Office Staff 1/5/2004 Field labor 4/21/2003 11.12, Meter Reader 7/10/2000 500,500.500.600,600. Administrative 5/3/1999 166.500.666.850.950, Field labor 3/4/1988 2,426.600.200.250.350. 2006 2007 Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Wage Rate Wage Rate Wage Rate Wage Rate Wage Rate Employees 2005 2006 % Increase 2007 % Increase Office Staff 25%88% Field labor 19.19.00%20.00% Office Staff 12,13,00%14,00% Field labor 14.14.00%17.44 18.61% Meter Reader 700.750.14%800,67% Administrative 108.395,00%703.00% Field labor 3,484,727.00%988,00% Analysis of Annual waqe increase in 2001 throuqh 2005: Avg Annual Employees 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 % Increase Office Staff 00%00%00%00%00%00% Field labor 00%00%00%00%00%00% Office Staff 00%00%00%00%35.79%17,89% Field labor 00%00%00%13.64%12.00%55% Meter Reader 00%00%20.00%00%16,67%33% Administrative 10.53%76%00%60%00%38% Field labor 14%23.08%56%08%00%77% CPI* Annual % Increases 70%90%10%30%84%57% * Consumer Price Index Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit A of Attachment G Page 4 of 4 Gross Annual Employee s Waqes without Employer Payroll Expenses: ees Office Staff Field Labor Office Staff Field Labor Meter Reader Administrative Field Labor Annualized 2006 Payroll 840. 583. 173. 576. 750, 746. 734. Annualized 2007 Pa roll 360. 662. 582. 264. 200. 56,438. 865. Increase in Health Insurance & 401 k proqram with Company Funds Matchinq Effective in 2006: Employee Benefits Health Insurance for 4 employees (ill $500.00/mo 401 k for 5 employees Annual Employee Benefits 2006 2007 000.00 24 000, 912,57 8 552, $ 31 912.57 $ 32 552. Total Payroll Costs including Employer Taxes & Workers Comp Insurance: Field Lbr Meter Reader Lbr Office Lbr Admin Lbr Directors Salary Employee Benefits Totals 2006 $138 215. $ 7 981. $ 42 776. $ 62 367. $ 13 824, $ 31 912, 2007 $151 102. $ 8 513, $ 45 005, $ 66 733.46 $ 13 824. $ 32 552. $297 077.48 $317 731, Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit B of Attachment G Page 1 of 3 Costs to Chlorinate Water: In July and August of 2005, Falls Water Company, Inc.'s coliform water samples showed positive presence of coliform. The decision was made to begin a voluntary chlorination treatment of our system. The chlorination pumps were purchased in October 2005 and treatment is expected to begin in late October or early November 2005. The treatment will be a continuous year round process. Chlorine pumps will be installed at Wells #1 , #2, #4, #5, #8. All other wells will continue to distribute untreated water when used. The chlorination system pumps will pump a 12% bleach (CL2) solution at 0,25 ppm, The 12% bleach solution has a cost of $105.17 per 50-gallon barrel including Idaho sales tax. A $60.00 energy surcharge per delivery is assessed. We would order 6 times per year for annual delivery charges total of $360,00, 2001 Well #1 Well #2 Well #3 Well #4 Well #5 Pump #6 Pump #7 Well #8 Annual Production 121,447 000 131,438 000 161 000 084 000 166 125 000 250 721 000 730 000 558 000 775 264 000 Hours to Pump 12% Bleach Total Annual Pump Flow Annual Feed per 12% Bleach GPM Production Hour (gp Consum tion 500 4048.062 251 500 4381.062 272 1500 523.187 800 3460,100 346 1500 72, Total Gallons/Year Gallons per Barrel Total # of Barrels/Year Cost per Barrel Annual Cost Annual Delivery Charges Annual Total Costs 187 980 $105. 103.40 $360, $2,463.40 2001 Total Customers 1967 Cost per customer $ 1. Avg Water Usage/Customer/Year 394 135 Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit B of Attachment G Page 2 of 3 2002 Well #1 Well #2 Well #3 Well #4 Well #5 Pump #6 Pump #7 Well #8 Annual Production 138 179 000 75,474 000 25,414 000 315 000 215 828 000 102 042 000 118 226 000 8,407 000 740 885 000 Pump Flow GPM 500 500 Hours to Pump Annual Production 4605. 2515, 12% Bleach Total Annual Feed per 12% Bleach Hour (gp Consum tion 062 286 062 156 1500 800 636. 4496.42 187 100 119 450 1500 93.41 Total GalionslYear Gallons per Barrel Total # of BarrelslYear Cost per Barrel Annual Cost Annual Delivery Charges Annual Total Costs 187 028 $105. 2002 Total Customers 2006Cost per customer 1 , Avg Water Usage/CustomerlYear 2003 Well #1 Well #2 Well #3 Well #4 Well #5 Pump #6 Pump #7 Well #8 Annual Production 218 000 880 000 976 000 192 962 000 285 608 000 188 522 000 581 000 044 000 928 791 000 369 334 Hours to Pump 12% Bleach Total Annual Pump Flow Annual Feed per 12% Bleach GPM Production Hour Consum tion 500 1040.062 500 2562.062 159 1500 2144.187 401 800 5950.100 595 1500 1078. Total GalionslYear Gallons per Barrel Total # of BarrelslYear Cost per Barrel Annual Cost Annual Delivery Charges Annual Total Costs 187 202 1,421 $105. 2003 Total Customers 2196 Cost per customer Avg Water Usage/CustomerlYear 422 947 208. $360. 568. 944. $360, 304. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit B of Attachment G Page 3 of 3 2004 Well #1 Well #2 Well #3 Well #4 Well #5 Pump #6 Pump #7 Well #8 Annual Production 575 000 346 000 Pump Flow GPM 500 500 237 000 235 846 000 185 053 000 106,462 000 043 000 789 562 000 2004 Total Customers 2464 Cost per customer 1 , Avg Water Usage/CustomerlYear Estimated 2005 2004 Avg Cost 2005 Customers er Customer Costs 2832 $952, Hours to Pump Annual Production 2485, 3244. 12% Bleach Feed per Hour (gp 062 062 1500 800 980.41 4913.46 187 100 1500 22. Total GalionslYear Gallons per Barrel Total # of BarrelslYear Cost per Barrel Annual Cost Annual Delivery Charges Annual Total Costs 187 320,439 Estimated Cost of Chlorine in November and December 2005: Well #5 will run 24/7 Well #2 will run to meet peak demands - approx 4 hours per day Well #2 Well #5 Pump Flow 61 days ofGPM Production 500 7 320 000 800 70 272 000 12% Bleach Hours Pumps Feed per will Run Hour 244 0.0621464 0.100 Gallons per Barrel Total # of Barrels Cost per Barrel Nov - Dec 2005 Cost Delivery Charge Total Costs Total Annual 12% Bleach Consumption in Gallons 154 201 183 491 034 $105, Total Annual 12% Bleach Consumption in Gallons 146 161 $105. 208. $360. 568. $315. $60, $375. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit C of Attachment G Page 1 of 3 Adjustment Calculations for Miscellaneous Expenses: Item 1 - Printing and Material for New Customer Billings Annualized: Total New Connections 2005: 3561 Adjust total new connections to reflect addition of connections during 2005: Number of Units Needed Cost per Unit Material Costs Printing Cost per Unit Printing Costs Misc Services for Mailings Total Misc Service Costs Statements 2136 014 29, 106. 075 160. 1781 Window #10 Envelo 2136 026 55, 000 Total Costs Annual CCR'for & Spouts Supplies 356 035 12.46 35. 090 32. #9 Reply Envelo 2136 040 85.44 000 183. 142.40 192. 517, 25. 25. 10 Sales Tax (5%) Adjustment for Billing Materials for New Customers Miscellaneous services include statement folding & inserting, postage metering & sorting, Item 2 - Postage Costs for New Customers Annualized: Postage ~ bulk rate for Billings 2136 278 $ 593. Postage for New Customer** Mailings for existing homes: Using number of new customers from 1/1/05 - 10/18/05 600 37 $ 222. Total Adjustment to Postage $ 815. New customers are defined as customers moving into a new or existing home within Falls Water Company s service area. Item 3 - Interest Expense: FPG LOAN VAN LOAN TRUCK LOAN OEQ SRLF 2005 781, 221, 668, 4,458. $14 135. 2006 361.41 411. 675. $17,455. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit C of Attachment G Page 2 of 3 Item 4 - Phone Expense: Dan s Cell Phone billed by Frontier Property Group (ill $39.15 per month. 2005 telephone expense includes charges for July - December 2005. Adjust to include January - June charges to annualize: Months Rate 39.Jan - June 6 $ Total $ 234. Rate increase for Digline booked to phone expense (tickets are faxed to our office): Monthly Contract Credit for Free Locates Total # of annual Locates 161. Total Adjustment for Telephone Expense: Dan s Cell Phone Digline 234, 104.46 339. Item 5 - Data Processing Adjustment: Old Rate $ 47. (50.40)$ 1, New Rate $ 52.80 $ (52.80) $ 1 .32 Annual Charges under Old Rate 570. (604.80) 1,462. 1,428, Annual Charges under NewRate Difference $ 633,60 $ 63, $ (633.60) $ (28.80) $ 1 532,52 $ 69. $ 1 532.52 $ 104.46 Lease agreement for computers and software from parent company completed April 2005: Remove 2005 Data Processing exp Jan - Apr 2005 pmts of $500.00 per month Increase in annual software maintenance for Sensus Auto Read software Net adjustment to Data Processing Item 6 - Rental of Property: Pmt Amt Office at 1770 Sabin Dr $ 864, 2006 lease pmt to Evans Grain $ 1 500. Total # of Pmts Total 12 $10 368. $ 1 500. $11 868. $(2 000.00) $ 200, $(1,800.00) Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit C of Attachment G Page 3 of 3 Item 7 - Bank Service Charges: Estimating average of $2 500.00 per month of credit card receipts: Statement Charge Disc Rate Total Monthly$ 7. 24% $ 56, Item 8 - Bad Debt Expense: 2002 2003 2004 Actual Bad Debt Ex ense 4619. 4658. 5179. Annual Gross Revenues 340557.45 371618. 451263. Average Rate of Decline in % of Bad Debt Exp compared to Annual Gross Revenues Bad Debt Exp rate for 2006 Annual $ 90, $ 672. $ 762. Bad Debt as a % of Gross Rev. 356% 254% 148% 104% 043%1 103% 106% 209% Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit D of Attachment G Page 1 of Adjustment Calculations for Equipment Rental Expense: Estimate for Rental Equipment use in Oct - Dec 2005 using new rates: 3 dig ups in Lincoln Town site Valve box dig up on Bliss Dr 4 fire Hydrant replacement/repairs 265 Crimson Dr Service Line Repair Delete Service at169 Nassau Stevens Dr Apt Meter Upgrades 3 Meter barrel Rehabilitations Backhoe Backhoe Dum Trk $50.00/hr 5 $ 400. 1 $ 100.12 6 $ 600, 4 $ 200. 0 $ 150. 0 $ 200, 4 $ 300. $ 1 950. Sales Tax $ 97. $ 2 047. Total adjustment for known rental equipment expense in 2005 I $ 2,992.50 I Dump Trk $45.00/hr $ 225. $ 45. $ 270. $ 180. $ 180. $ 900. $ 45. $ 945. Increase in Rates for rental of Backhoe & Dump Truck effective September 1, 2005: Backhoe Dump Truck Old Rate New Rate Difference 40.00 50,00 10, 35,00 45.00 10. Jan - August 2005 Backhoe Dump Truck Invoices Hours Rate Cost Hours Rate Cost FVS Inv 6578 0.40 35.14, Tony Wise Inv 9 40.232. Tony Wise Inv 10 10.40,404.35.175. Tony Wise Inv 15 14.40,588.12.35.420, Tony Wise Inv 19 19.40,796.11,35.385. Totals 034.980. Sales Tax 122,49. Totals 156,029. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit D of Attachment G Page 2 of 2 Charqes with new hourly rates: Jan - August 2005 Invoices FVS Inv 6578 Tony Wise Inv 9 Tony Wise Inv 10 Tony Wise Inv 15 Tony Wise Inv 19 Totals Sales Tax Totals Difference Total Adjustment Hours 0.40 10. 14. 19. 1$ 485.76 I Backhoe Rate 50. 50. 50. 50. 40. Cost 20. 290, 505. 735. 796. 346. 117. 2,463. 307. Dump TruckHours Rate 12. 11. 45. 45. 35, Cost 225. 540. 385. 150. 57, 207. 178. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit E of Attachment G Page 1 of 2 Transportation Expense Adjustment Calculation for 2006: Adjustment to 2005 Transportation Expense: Dan Tony Lyle Gallons of use 2004 November 159.606 122.257 December 128.664 153.828 2005January 85.189 124.778 February 114.549 179.098 March 86,765 108.648 April 154.035 191.071 May 67.354 134.707 142.329 June 188.457 133.284 136,330 July 170.557 150.155 144,794 August 166.254 186.722 170.140 September 137.241 202.543 141.890 October 175,091 151.782 148,398 November 165.627 159,606 122,257 December 165.627 128.664 153.828 Totals 236.209 688.001 763,561 * Use November and December 2004 use for Tony and Lyle and avg June through Sept for Dan in November and December Estimate 4th Qtr 2005 Transportation Expense:$/Gallon Dan Tony Lyle Oct -Dec 2005 ~ $2,87 $ 1,446,59 $ 1 259.68 $ 1 216.Tires 757.13 900. Sherry s Trip Mileage for Business Errands in Scott's Truck Fluid's & Cleaners for Dan s Truck License Plate Renewal for Tony s Van Hotel for Tony s AWWA Conference Service Tony s Van Transmission Total $ 3 923. $ 1 657. $ 636. 120, $ 84, $ 40, $ 318. 150. $ 6 930. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit E of Attachment G Page 2 of 2 Adjustment of 2005 Expense to adjust for month's that Dan did not work in 2005 for FWC: Estimate that Dan s total gasoline use falls in range of Tony and Lyle s use for 2005 (Trucks are all 1 Ton vehicles with similar miles per gallon): Tony Lyle 688.001 763.561 Total Gallons 3,451.562 1725.781Average use Revised 2005 annual gasoline use and expense totals to adjust for Gasoline Price increase: Dan Tony Lyle Annual Total Gallons Used $ per Gallon Expense 725.781 2.869 $ 4 951. 688,001 2.869 $ 4 842, 763.561 2,869 $ 5 059. $ 14 853, Actual Expense for January - September 2005 and Estimated expense for October - December 2005 same as above: 2005 Dan Tony Lyle January 150.252. February 205,357. March 185,206, April 401.395, May 76.307.324. June 417.295,301. July 374.335,328, August 417.432.396.26 September 362.46 550.369. October 496,432.424. November 475.457,350. December 475.369,441. Total $ 3 095.122.$ 4 149.48 $ 11 367. Adjustment to Transportation Expense for 2006: Adjustment to included use for Dan s truck Jan - Apr 2005 and adjust price per gallon of gasoline to $2.869 (see above calculation) 2005 expense based on actual costs and estimated 4th Quarter 2005 Adjustment total for qasoline use by Dan and price per qallon increase $14 853. $11 367. $ 3,486.44 Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit F of Attachment G Page 1 of 1 Amortized Expense Request: In November of 2003, Falls Water Company s parent company needed the office space that Falls Water Company occupied at 2025 East First Street in Idaho Falls, Idaho. As of December , 2003 Falls Water Company had signed a lease for the office space it currently occupies at 1770 Sabin Drive in Idaho Falls , Idaho. The physical move to new office space created a need for a receptionist/clerical position, The office help at the old office was shared by the businesses in the office and they were all part-time help. The parent company kept these employees for the staffing needs of the old office. FWC was forced to hire an employee to fill this position. Our last rate case was finalized on December 15, 2003. Having just completed a rate case , the customers would not have been accepting of another increase so soon. When we hired Sherry McNett on January 5, 2004 her wages were not included in the rate case that we prepared in 2003. In April of 2005, FWC's parent company changed the organization of another one of its subsidiaries and outsourced the maintenance needs for the subsidiary to a third party. The maintenance man, Dan Hunting, was assigned to FWC rather than being laid off. Again , the current rates do not include this employees wage rate. The parent company has helped out on this employee s payroll expense by1/2 of his payroll for May through July 2005 and 1/4 of his payroll expense for August through December 2005. Falls Water Company, Inc. is requesting the opportunity to be made whole for the payroll expenses for Sherry and Dan for the time they have been employed under the current rate structure. We will not seek help with the increased rent costs , utilities , and office expenses associated with the move to our current location for the time that the current rate structure has been in place. 2004 Sherry McNett $25 870, Dan Hunting $ $25 870. 2005 $31 018. $18 777. $49 796. Total $56 889. $18 777. $75 666, Amortized over two year period I $37 833.46 Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit G of Attachment G Page 1 of 1 2006 Estimated Taxes: Item 1 -Idaho Property Taxes 2003 2004 Value 2004 2005 Equivalent 2004 Property per 3"3" Equivalent 2005 Property Tax Code Pipeline Property Tax Equivalent Pipeline Property Tax Area #Miles Valuation Amount Mile Miles Valuation Amount 02-0007 300.161.4448.920.141. 23-0000 717.82.4448,015.220. 30-0000 514,326.4448.958.331. 44-0000*881.485.4448. 74-0000 11.227.651.4448,18.365.015. 79-0000 311.286.4448.181.334. 80-0000 36,160 863,970.4448.29.132 035.617. 81-0000 187,124.4448.47 7.44 096.405.47 Light Distr #2 - Lot 35 Block 15 10,10. Light Distr #2 - Lot 2 Block 1 10.10. Light Distr #1 - Lot 17 Block 14 12.12. Sargent Well Property 19.19. Light Distr #2 - Lot 1 Block 1 10.10, 74.151,73,128. Black Hawk Water System no longer served by Falls Water Company Item 2 - Federal Income Tax Est 2005 Est 2006 Tax Tax Net Income before Tax $11 880,$130 966, Tax Calculation: $0 - $50 000 ~ 15%$ 1 782,500. $50 000 - $75 000 ~ 25%$ 6 250. $75 000 - $100 000 ~ 34%$ 8 500. $100 000 - $335 000 ~ 39%$ 12 076. Total Federal Income Taxes $ 1 782,$ 34 326, Item 3 - Idaho State Income Tax Est 2005 Tax Net Income before Tax $11 880. Tax Calculation: Idaho Income Tax Rate 7.6% $ 902. Est 2006 Tax $130 966. $ 9 953.46 Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit H of Attachment G Page 1 of2 Falls Water Company, Inc. Analysis of 2000 to 2004 Power Costs and Water Use per Customer for support of 2005 rate case Annual Totals Ad'usted to use 2005 rates for Utah PowerTotal Usage/Other Total Total TotalYear KWH Amount Demand KW Demand Amt. Billed Amt 2000 1 025,446 $ 32 383.73 2 716 $ 26 678.49 $ 59 062. 20011 292 114 $ 40 141.30 3 242 $31 812.42 $ 71 953, 2002 1 253 265 $ 41 077 .39 2 790 $ 27 394.53 $ 68,471. 2003 1 339 729 $ 53 970.14 3 659 $ 36 667.16 $ 90 637. 2004 1 292 701 $ 40 084.47 3 826 $ 37 797.03 $ 77 881. Total Avg Customers Annual Water Water at Year End Production Prod/Cust 1942 656,477 000 338 042 1967 775 263,428 394 135 2006 740 884 299 369 334 2196 928 790 833 422 947 2464 789 561 383 320,439 Totals 177 809 $175 273.517 $133 671.14 $ 308 944.44 Avg annual use per customer I 368 979 I Avg Annual Avg KWH Average Avg Demand Avg Gallons KWH per Cost per Demand KW Cost per Avg Total Cost per KW H Year Customer Customer /Customer Customer per Customer per Customer 2000 528 16.1.40 13.30.41 640 2001 657 20.41 16.36,600 2002 625 20.48 13.34.591 2003 610 2004 525 16,15.31.611 Avg Totals 589 Estimated Total Customers YE 2005 2820 KWH Charges KW Demand Charges 2005 5 Yr Cost Customers Averaqes 2820 $ 19, 2820 $ 15. Average Power Costs $ 55 500.25 $ 42 640. $ 98 140. 017 $ 99 809. Approved Utah Power Rate increase not in calc Total power exp for 2005 customer base using Avg Avg of 5 yr gallons/KWH averages The above analysis shows the effects of weather and system growth on the power consumption by the customers in the system. The year 2003 was very hot and dry and this is reflected in the average water use per customer of 422 947 gallons per year. The year 2004 was not as hot with temperatures not going into the 100's and the spring was wet through mid-May, The interesting result of the growth in 2003 and 2004 is that while average water use per customer was highest in 2003 and lowest in 2004 the growth meant that more pumps were online together and for longer periods of time to meet the increased demand from new customers. Attachment G - Falls Water Company, Inc. Exhibit H of Attachment G Page 2 of 2 The demand charges in 2004 compared to 2003 reflect the increased time that pumps were running to meet demands created by the increase in customers during the year even though use per customer decreased by 25%. Falls Water Company needs to construct two new wells in the next year. We currently have a ranking of 6th on the state revolving loan funds current fiscal year project list. We are seeking two 1500 gallon per minute wells to assist in meeting peak demand needs and correct pressure deficiencies in the system during peak demand. Attachment H - Falls V'" ',;:r Company, Inc. Page 1 of 2 Calculation of Rate by Customer Class: Present Rates: Flat Rate Customers: Number of Customers X Present Rate of $17. X 12 Months 583 202, 122,430. Total Flat Rate Residential Revenues $122,430. Metered Commercial: Number of Customers X Present Rate of $11,471. X 12 Months 658, Annual Excess Usage in 1000's of Gallons 189 Annual Excess (Qt $0.41 per 1000 gal.047. Total for Metered Commercial 705, Metered Residential & Multi-family Residential: Multi-family Residential: Number of Customers X Present Rate of $11,563. X 12 Months 762. Metered Residential: Number of Customers 147 X Present Rate of $11.690. X 12 Months 296 286. Annual Excess Usage in 1000's of Gallons 202,414 Annual Excess (Qt $0.41 per 1000 gal.989. Total for Metered Residential $386 037, Total Revenue at Present Rates $521 173, Attachment H - Falls '1/1-: ~r Company, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Calculation of Rate by Customer Class: Proposed Rates: Flat Rate Customers: Jan - Apr 2005 Number of Customers X Proposed Rate of $19. X 4 Months 583 $ 11 222. $ 44 891, May - Dec 2005 - After installing 100 metersNumber of Customers 483 X Proposed Rate of $19.25 $ 9 297.X 8 Months $ 74 382. Metered Commercial: Number of Customers X Proposed Rate of $12. X 12 Months Annual Excess Usage in 1000'of Gallons Annual Excess (ill $0.85 per 1000 gal. Total for Metered Commercial Metered Residential & Multi-family Residential: Multi-family Residential: Number of Customers X Proposed Rate of $12. X 12 Months Annual Excess Usage in 1000'of Gallons Annual Excess (ill $0.85 per 1000 gal. Total for Multi-family Residential Metered Residential: Winter Rate: Number of Customers - Jan - Apr 2005 X Proposed Rate of $15. X 4 Months Number of Customers - Nov - Dec 2005 X Proposed Rate of $15. X 2 Months Summer Rate: Number of Customers - May - Oct 2005 X Proposed Rate of $12. X 6 Months Annual Excess Usage in 1000'of Gallons Annual Excess (ill $0.85 per 1000 gal. Total for Metered Residential Total Revenue at Present Rates 522. 102 624, 058 147 $ 33 278. 247 $ 34 828. 247 $ 28 649, 305 739 273, $ 17 086. 7,497, 399, $ 133 114, $ 69 657, $ 171 895. $ 259 878. $119 273. $ 23 359. $ 16 896, $634 545. $794 073, Attachment I - Falls Water Company, Inc. 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