HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160113Transfer Agreement.pdfCa,seNo. F'CW- W.lV.0lSep 06 13 12:15p Wendell& Beth Burtz 605€79-2420 BILL OF S.AIJ AhII' ASSIGNMENT Theundersigned (cnllectively, Transferor'), forgood and valuable consideration, do bereby gaDt and convey AS IS the Water and Sewer System, as defincd onExbibit A anached to this Bill of Sale and Assigorrcnt, unto FOX CREEK COIDIIRY CLIJB ESTATES PROPERTY OV/NERS ASSOCIATION, INC., an Ideho non-profit corporarion (the Tstates HOA'), and FOX CREEK VILLAGE HOME OWNERS g A.SSOCIATIOI\', INC., an Idaho aon- profit corporation (the "Vrllage HOA ) (thc fi Estates HOA and the Village HOA being referred to herein colleotivcty as 'Trinsfereei Transferor makes no promises, reprcsentationq q,arandcs or other snatemcnts as ro the$ condition orviability of the waterand/u E6war system. Transferorfurtherstales tlratel$ aod associated liabilities and invoices will be the responsibility of ransferees. DAIED as of theJQ.day of 20I3. By: Thomes R. Huntcr, Membcr By: Thomas R- Hunter, Mernber p,1 dg))oo1,- :+c.\ -_A'O = ii3s "'(D Ei<a (or\r ;a s'o "'Y C')6; "ggp-(<3 6'v,6' J FOX DEVELOPIvIENT, LLC By: Robcrt F. Kincaid, Member Sep 05 1 3 1 2:16p Wendelt & Beth Burtz 605€79.2420 FOXCREEK WAIERAI.ID SEWER" LLC By: RobertF. Kincaid Mcqrber By: RobertF. Kircaid, Personalty By: fbo;nas R Hunter, Personally Sep 06 13 12:16p Wendell& Beth Burtz 605€79-2420 ETHIBIT A As used ia this Bill of Sde and Assignmcnt, the followingtcrms have tho meurings ascribed to such terms in thisE:dtibit a. 'o\Vater and Sewer Systern" meaDs the common water and sewer system th&tserves the uansferees, cottsisting of all Wclls, well horscg pumps, deotrical panels, oquipocoq storage reservoirs, wetedincs, sewsr lines and attendant stnlctlrcs, ugedto providewater and sewer senrices to rhe uanderees.