HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120924Application CPCN Cancellation.pdf9/20/2012 Evergreen Water Company 248 EVERGREEN TERRACE RD St. Manes, Id. 83861 208-245-2448 E CF I 2 112 SE? 2 4 AM q 02 - -, Idaho Public Utilities Commission P OBox 83720 Boise, Id. 83720-0074 Attn: Joe Terry Dear Mr. Terry, As per your e-mail the enclosed should satisfy your requests. Detailed statement of the qualifications of buyer See articles of incorporation and ownership right agreement Financial statement See attached Description of the buying organization See articles of incorporation Buyer's registration w/Secretary of state Attached Buyer's articles of incorporation Attached Statement of valuation of system Attached last value by State tax commission Buyer's address where records etc See articles of incorporation Copy of notice sent to customers See ownership right agreement (we have copies of all 35 owners documents) Evergreen Terrace Water association did not have to buy Evergreen Water Co. it was transferred at no cost to the Association. Arlo Slack Manager ..'260112 FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF: KC E V ED Evergreen Terrace Water Association 248 Evergreen Terrace Rd. St. Manes, ID 83861 2011 JUN 2 A[11 920 c1 3 •2 '&; EVERGREEN TERRACE WATER ASSOCIATION OWNERSHIP RIGHT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this 9 ,day of fVb/ ,2011, between EVERGREEN TERRACE WATER ASSOCIATION, an Idaho nonqfofit corporation ("Evergreen Terrace"), and BARRY C. BADGETT ("Owner"). Owner owns that certain real estate identified as Parcel Number 001900100280 and more fully described as follows. Owner has _1_ ownership right (also known as a hookup) in Evergreen Terrace. LOT 28 EVERGREEN TERRACE, S25 T46N R2W The Evergreen Terrace Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, and the Water Users Agreement place restrictions on the transfer of such ownership rights. Such restrictions are necessary to insure that upon the transfer of the Owner's real property, Evergreen Terrace can collect all outstanding changes and assessments, and that no ownership right is transferred that is not in accordance with Evergreen Terrace's governing documents, rules, and regulations. No transfer of an ownership right shall be valid unless all charges and assessments have been paid and an Assignment and Assumption of Water Users Agreement has been provided to all necessary parties. This Agreement shall bind the parties and run with the real property. Any assignment shall bind any successor or assigns of any party to this Agreement. . 260112 DATED this o4' day of , 2011. EVERGREEN TERRACE WATER ASSOCIATION, an Idaho Miscellaneous and Mutual Corporation By President U "Evergreen Terrace" "Owner" STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Benewah ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that —3.' YV\ SO V) is the persons who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that _he signed this instrument, on oath stated that _he is authorized to execute the instrument, and acknowledged it as the President of EVERGREEN TERRACE WATER ASSOCIATION, to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. DATED: 4, ,2011. co NOTARY PUBLILI in an4 for the State OtARY \ of Idaho, residing at VVa..r - My appointment expires: I Of rAM otAR? ' ----- * PUBL%C I 260i12 STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. County of Benewah ) I certify tht I know or have satisfactory evidence that ?cs'r C- , qe+ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be their free Ed voluntary act, 'for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED: 2011. BAUgm, &ICL~ - NOTARY PUB)i in and for the State of Idaho, residing at st-' (Actr My appointment expires: I k 1 9 'c0 L3 K\1758817\00001\1 7040_MCO\l 7040021424 AMENDED AND RESTATED ARTICLE OF INCORPORATION OF EVERGREEN TERRACE WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. We, the undersigned, adopt the following Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation for Evergreen Terrace Water Association, Inc. Article I - Name The name of the corporation is "Evergreen Terrace Water Association, Inc." Article II— Duration The duration of the Association shall be perpetual. Article III - Purposes The nature of the business of the Association and its object and purposes are as follows: (1)To acquire, construct, own and operate a water distribution system for the mutual benefit of its members. (2)In furthering the purposes hereinbefore set forth, this Association is organized and operated to receive, hold, invest and administer property, whether real or personal, and to exercise the powers herein after described. Article IV —Powers and Limitations 4.1 Powers. In accomplishing the purposes of the Association, the Association shall have and be entitled to exercise all the powers enumerated in Idaho Code Chapter 30-3 as now enhanced and hereafter amended except as limited herein. Where any provision of these articles or the bylaws of the Association are more restrictive, the more restrictive provision shall apply. 4.2 Limitations. a.The business of this Association shall be conducted strictly upon the cooperative basis and no serviced shall be rendered to or for any person, firm or corporation other than members of the Association and there shall be no profit earned by the Association nor any dividends declared from any accumulations in its treasury nor any division of the assets of the Association among the members thereof at any time unless upon the dissolution and liquidation of the Association or as required by law to maintain its non-profit and/or tax exempt status. b.The number of members of the system shall be limited to not more than one hundred (100) which is based on the capacity of the proposed system. SP-3613 vi AMENDED AND RESTATED ARTICLE OF INCORPORATION OF EVERGREEN TERRACE WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. We, the undersigned, adopt the following Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation for Evergreen Terrace Water Association, Inc. Article I - Name The name of the corporation is "Evergreen Terrace Water Association, Inc." Article II— Duration The duration of the Association shall be perpetual. Article III - Purposes The nature of the business of the Association and its object and purposes are as follows: (1)To acquire, construct, own and operate a water distribution system for the mutual benefit of its members. (2)In furthering the purposes hereinbefore set forth, this Association is organized and operated to receive, hold, invest and administer property, whether real or personal, and to exercise the powers herein after described. Article IV —Powers and Limitations 4.1 Powers. In accomplishing the purposes of the Association, the Association shall have and be entitled to exercise all the powers enumerated in Idaho Code Chapter 30-3 as now enhanced and hereafter amended except as limited herein. Where any provision of these articles or the bylaws of the Association are more restrictive, the more restrictive provision shall apply. 4.2 Limitations. a.The business of this Association shall be conducted strictly upon the cooperative basis and no serviced shall be rendered to or for any person, firm or corporation other than members of the Association and there shall be no profit earned by the Association-nor any dividends declared from any accumulations in its treasury nor any division of the assets of the Association among the members thereof at any time unless upon the dissolution and liquidation of the Association or as required by law to maintain its non-profit and/or tax exempt status. b.The number of members of the system shall be limited to not more than one hundred (100) which is based on the capacity of the proposed system. SP-36U vi Article V - Membership and Voting 5.1 Membership. Members of the Association shall consist solely of those persons who are the fee simple owners of the real property within the service district of the Association who have agreed to pay the charges and assessments of the Associations and provide such security as required by the Board. Each connection to the system shall be entitled to one (1) unit of membership in the Association. Membership in the Association shall entitle the holder thereof to access the Association's system and the purchase of water from the Association; provided, however, that any member in default in payment of fees and assessments charged by the Association, as determined by the Board, shall not be entitled to any rights of a member hereunder. 5.2. Voting. Members in good standing with the Association shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote per lot owned in any meeting of the members. A member is deemed in good standing with the Association if all subscriptions, dues, fees, assessments and any other charges made by the Association that are due and not delinquent as of the date of the meeting are paid current at least five (5) days before the members act on the business of the Association. 5.3. Transfer of Membership. Membership shall be appurtenant to each lot described above and shall automatically pass with title to each lot. 5.4. Lien. The Association shall have a lien on the membership interest, and all rights related thereto, for all sums owned by any owner to the Association. Article VI— Registered Office and Agent The registered office of this Association shall be 248 Evergreen Terrace Road, St. Manes, ID 83861, and the name of the initial registered agent of the Association at such address shall be Arlo Slack. Article VII— Board of Directors The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of not less than three (3) or more than nine (9). The Board of Directors shall be elected by the members in the manner set forth in the Bylaws of the Association. As of the date of these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors is: Name Address Arlo Slack 248 Evergreen Terrace Rd. St. Manes, ID Gary Moss 568 Evergreen Terrace Rd. St. Manes, ID Jim Shubert 170 Ponderosa Lane St. Manes, ID Term Expires May 1, 2014 May 1, 2012 May 1, 2014 -2- Bryce Coulter 606 Evergreen Terrace Rd. 5/1/2013 St. Manes, ID Jim Nilson P.O. Box 726 5/1/2012 St. Manes, ID Each member of the Board of Directors shall hold office and shall have all powers necessary to carry out the business of the Association until a full Board of the Association is appointed, but not later than the first annual meeting. A Director may be removed by the three-quarter affirmative vote of the members present at a meeting of the membership. No director shall be personally liable to the Association or its members for monetary damages for conduct as a director provided that such limitation of liability shall not apply to acts or omissions of intentional misconduct, knowing violation of a law, or for any transaction from which the director is not legally entitled. This provision is intended to provide the directors the maximum limitation of liability intended by Idaho Code Section 30-3-85, as now enacted or hereafter amended, revised, reenacted or replaced and interpretations thereof by the courts. Article VIII— Dissolution Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Association and making provision for reimbursement of assessments or otherwise by the members, distribute all of the remaining assets of the Association on a patronage basis to all members past and present to the extent it is practicable. Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the District Court of the County in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine. Article IX - Assessments and Fees The Association is organized for the mutual benefit of its members and shall have no profit. The cost of acquiring, constructing, managing and operating the corporate water system shall be paid by fees and charges assessed to the members of the Association. Whenever the Board of Directors deems it necessary and advisable to establish or change the fees and charges for water, such fees and charges shall be established by the Board at a meeting called for that purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws of the Association. All assessments received by the Association will be used only for the payment of corporate debts, and to operate and maintain the water system owned by the Association. After all expenses of the Association are paid each year, and a reasonable reserve set aside as determined by the Board of Directors, any excess income of the Association shall be used to reduce or offset future fees and charges assessed by the Association. I it IME Article X - Miscellaneous Provisions Headings in these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation are intended to assist in location of specific provisions and are not controlling in interpreting the substantive provisions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed these Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation this / day of _i Arlo Slack c. dJ Gary-Moss Brce'r -4- IJJSUS Viewing liusmess Entity Page 1 of 1 IDAHO SECRETARY OF STATE Viewing Business Entity Ben Ysursa, Secretary of State [ New Search] [ Back to Summary] [Get a certificate of existence for EVERGREEN TERRACE WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. I EVERGREEN TERRACE WATER ASSOCIATION, INC. 248 EVERGREEN TERRACE RD ST MARIES, ID 83861 Type of Business: CORPORATION, GENERAL NON PROFIT Status: GOODSTANDING, ANREPT SENT 06 Feb 2012 State of Origin: IDAHO Date of 28 Apr 2009 Origination /Authorization: Initial Registered Agent: ARLO SLACK 248 EVERGREEN TERRACE RD ST MARIES, ID 83861 Organizational ID / Filing C182927 Number: Number of Authorized Stock Shares: Date of Last Annual Report: 05 Mar 2012 Original Filing: E Help Me Print/View TIFF] Filed 28 Apr 2009 INCORPORATION View Image (PDF format) View Image (TIFF format) Amendments: Amendment Filed 08 Jun 2011 AMENDED & RESTATED Annual Reports: Report for year 2012 ANNUAL REPORT Report for year 2011 ANNUAL REPORT {Hel Me Print/View TIFF] View Image (PDF format) View Image (TIFF format) [Help Me Print/View TIFF] View Document Online View Document Online Report for year 2010 ANNUAL REPORT View Document Online Idaho Secretary of State's Main Page State of Idaho Home Page Comments, questions or suggestions can be emailed to: sosinfo©sos.idaho.gov http://www.accessidaho.orglpublic/sos/corp/c 1 82927.html 8/15/2012 IDAHO State Tax Commission July 13, 2011 P0 Box 36 • Boise ID 83722-0410 800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV - Boise ID 83712-7742 Letter ID: L1295707520 Reference: 04010821 GHOI 10 231 ARLO SLACK EVERGREEN WATER COMPANY 248 EVERGREEN TERRACE RD SAINT MARIES ID 83861 Dear ARLO SLACK: The Idaho State Tax Commission recommends a value of $35,000.00 for EVERGREEN WATER COMPANY. Any change to the recommended value will be at the discretion of the State Board of Equalization (SBOE). If you would like to schedule a formal hearing before the SBOE, you must make your request in writing by August 1, 2011. Hearings are held from the second Monday through the fourth Monday in August. Telephone conferences are not allowed. SBOE decisions may be appealed to a district court within 30 days of receiving the decision. On the fourth Monday in August, the State Tax Commission will certify values for all centrally assessed Properties. All requests for a formal hearing should be sent to: Valerie Dilley Administrative Assistant Idaho State Tax Commission P0 Box 36 Boise, ID 83722-0036 208-334-7500 Sincerely, Steve Fiscus Division Administrator County Support Division Equal Opportunity Employer • tax.idaho.gov • Hearing Impaired TDD (800) 377-3529 1:01 PM Evergreen Terrace Water Association 09104112 Profit & Loss Cash Basis January 1 through September 4, 2012 Jan -Sep 4, 12 Ordinary IncomelExpense Income Late Fee Penalty 45.00 Water Service Fee Additional Usage 6.00 Water Service Fee - Other 11,006.00 Total Water Service Fee 11,012.00 Total Income 11,057.00 Gross Profit Expense Contract Services Enginneering General Contractor Legal Fees Outside Contract Services Contract Services - Other Total Contract Services Insurance Insurance - Liability Total Insurance Operations Analysis of Water Bank Checking Fee Building Permit Chemicals Newspaper Ad Office Supplies One Call Fee Postage, Mailing Service Utility Electric Total Operations Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other IncomelExpense Other Income Bank Saving Dividend Total Other Income Net Other Income Net Income 11,057.00 67,128.35 147,550.91 3,381.00 6,950.13 1,960.00 226,970.39 437.00 437.00 410.50 69.00 539.69 137.80 227.70 68.89 9.72 114.05 691.35 2,268.70 229,676.09 -218,619.09 0.06 0.06 0.06 -218,619.03 Page 1