HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120224Inquiry for Cancellation.pdfEvergreen Water Company (1. 248 EVERGREEN TERRACE RD St. Manes, Id. 83861 208-245-2448 2/20/2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise, Id. 83720 ECElVFr 20I2FER24 AM 8:27 iDAHO UT1L11ES COMMSS!ON EVL Attn; Randy Lobb Enclosed is a copy of the operating agreement between EWC and the Evergreen Terrace Water Assn. The ETWA began operation of the water system on 6/1/2011. DEQ has approved and granted a loan to update the system. The ETWA will have the project completed this year. We will complete a transfer of all assets of EWC once the property survey is recorded and all transfer documents signed. Hopefully in the next couple of months. What information do you require to cancel the Certificate of Public Convenience? We were not planning on filing an annual report for 2011. Sincerely, Arlo Slack El Operating Agreement between Evergreen Water Company (EWC) and Evergreen Terrace Water Association (ETWA) C) On 6/1/11 ETWA will begin operation and maintenance of the facilities owned by EWC. This will include: All pump, reservoir, pipeline, meter repair and maintenance. All supplies needed to keep water quality in compliance with DEQ standards. All utility, lab, one call and other bills related to operating the system Reading meters, sending bills, collecting monies owed and public notifications All financial control and record keeping Any other item or cost not mentioned that relates to operating the water system EWC will be responsible for real property taxes until property transfer. EWC will transfer ownership when the survey of the well lot is completed, and transfer documents signed. Meeck I Nilson Owner EWC Pres. ETWA 6/1/li 6/1/11 Onice of the Secretary Service Date NOV10 1987 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITiES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF TIRE APPLICATION ) OF THE EVERGREEN WATER COMPANY ) CASE NO. U-1151-1 FOR APPROVAL OF RATES AND CHARGES) AND FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC ) CERTIFICATE NO. 304 CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY TO ) OPERATE AS A WATER UTILITY IN ) THE STATE OF IDAHO. ) IT IS HEREBY certificated that the public convenience and necessity requires, and will require, the Evergreen Water Company, its successors and assigns, to hold, construct or otherwise acquire and to maintain and operate a water system in and supply water to that certain territory within Benewah County, Idaho more particularly described as: All of Evergreen Terrace, a subdivision in Benewah County, State of '• Idaho, according to Plat No. 123220 recorded in Book 154 of Miscellaneous, page 792, records of Benewah County, Idaho and including five other homes adjacent to Evergreen Terrace which are currently served by the Evergreen Water Company. And for such purpose to own, hold, construct or otherwise acquire and maintain and operate within said territories all plant necessary for the maintenance of a water system and the provision to its customers of water in, upon, over, under, along, through and across all streets, avenues, alleys, streams, highways, roads and other public places in said territory, and to exercise the rights and privileges granted, or which may hereafter be granted Evergreen Water Company, its successors or assigns by any franchise conferred by any political subdivision of the State of Idaho. This certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and provisions of Order No. 21576 issued the-06J I ./0 day of November, 1987, in Case No. U-1151-1 to which reference is hereby made. (I CERTIFICATE NO. 304 -1- ORDER NO. 21576 S I 'Il/I DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission at Boise, Idaho, this 92 day of November, 1987. PERRY SWISIMR, PRESIDENT 4pDEAN J. LER,TISSIONER RALPH LSON, COMMISSIONER ATTE T: MYF61A J. WKLTERS, SECRETARY LM:vs/469K . CERTIFICATE NO. 304 —2- ORDER NO. 21576 - S