HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041203Rate Case of 1982.pdf...-' ..-~-'~~,'---';" -"",\, ,~-"'\'--",..'~::! ( -(.... J-............_- , --.----...- ,....- " '1/-L/l. f, ~, " MINUTE ENTRY Wednesday;July 1982 Commissioners Perry Swisher" , ' Conley Ward Jr.and ,Richard approved s taff recommendati on the Ea~le Ranch Water Company general rate case No.1116-said l'"'eeommendat ion was that , . " Tile filed tariff the Company be allowed into, effect wi thout suspension Staff reviewed -the application 'and the attached rev-:ised company an d r ecommend th e r at es be, approved.Said rates will show and 'approval date of 7-28--82,. ",.....',..-..",. ""'--"'_""""'-'-"'-',...".. --,.. ..",.., .. . .,......,.......,., ,.."...... ~ .-. "OC.. . . DECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISS lONER SWISHER COMMISSIONER WARD COMMISSIONER HIGH MYRNA WALTERS JACK McMAHON TRUEMAN HENDERSON JOHN McFADDEN JON DUKEFROM: DATE:JULY 28 j 1982 EAGLE RANCH WATER COMPANY -- U-1116-4 -- GENERAL RATE CASE RE: On July 1, 1982, the Commission received an Application from Eagle Ranch Water Company (Company) requesting authority to increase its water rates.Company stated that rate relief is extremely cri tical and asked that the Commission act on the rate request as soon as possible. As directed from last week's decision meeting, Trueman reviewed the books of the Company and made suggested changes in the Company f s proposed rate base , resul ts of operations and revenue requi remen t .His memo to Archie is attached.Trueman made the following adjustments: 1. Reduced rate base by $4824 to, correct for working capi tal and accumulated depreciation. Reduced O&M and admistrative expenses from a 10% increase to 5%. Increased underestimated purchased power by $1590. Took $2500 out of expenses to amortize over three years.This is to recognize one-time costs in getting the Company books up to snuf f . Increased property taxes from $3500 to $4392 to recognize actual tax assessment and added $268 for Idaho income tax assessed against the Company. As you can see , the adjustments for purchased power and taxes are in the Company f s favor.The total effect of the Staff adjustments is a reduction from the $5 rate increase requested to an increase of $4.75. The Company has amended its Application to reflect the changes proposed by the Staff, and has filed revised tariffs reflecting an increase of $4.75. The suspension period for the original Application ends on July 31.Wi th the amended Application and revised tariff conforming to the Staff t s proposed adjustments , I recommend that the filed tariff of the Company be allowed to go into effect without suspension. vk3r