HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050829_1311.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:GRACE SEAMAN DATE:AUGUST 26, 2005 RE:2005 IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND ANNUAL REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS On July 14, 2005 , Alyson Anderson, the Administrator of the Idaho Universal Service Fund (USF), filed her Annual Report to the Commission for the period of July 1 2004 through June 30, 2005. Staff has reviewed the calculations, supporting documentation and recommendations contained in the report. Current USF monthly surcharge rates are $.10 per residential line , $. 15 per business line and $.003 per MTS/WTS billed minute. Ms. Anderson reports surcharge revenue for the year the amount of$1 616 135. Local exchange services contributed $830 052 (51 %) and $786 083 (49%) was contributed by MTS/W A TS services. This is an increase in local surcharge revenue of approximately $62,431 (from $767 621 in 2004) and an increase in toll surcharge revenue of approximately $67 914 (from $718 169 in 2004). Annual disbursements to the eight qualifying incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) increased slightly to $1 973 671 as of June 30 2005. For the next year beginning July 1 , 2005 annual disbursements are expected to decrease slightly to $1 943 524, assuming no changes are made to the USF draw. The ending fund cash balance as of June 30, 2004, after applying bank charges, administrative expenses, and interest received, was $65 265. Local Service As of May 1 , 2005, companies reported 485 612 residential lines and 192 947 business lines, for a total of 678 559 lines. This represents a net decrease in lines of 10 948 with residential lines declining by 3% and business increasing by 3% from the prior year. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -AUGUST 26, 2005 The newly calculated statewide average rates and threshold rates are: Business Services 2004 Current 2005 Statewide 1250/0 Statewide 1250/0 Statewide Weighted Weighted Weighted Average Weighted Average A vera2e Rate A vera2e Rate Rate - 2004 Rate - 2005 $17.$17.$21. 92 $22. $31.67 $31.78 $39.$39. Residen tial Switched Access Service Local exchange companies reported MTS/W A TS access minutes of 314 542 261 compared to 277 754 500 minutes in 2004, a 13% increase. Compared to a steady decline of billed minutes over the past three years, this represents a significant increase. Staff and the Administrator believe this is an anomaly that cannot be sustained into the next fiscal year. The Administrator noted the increase is impacted by the reports of 37 new companies that had not previously contributed or contributed minimally to the USF. Additionally, four major MTS/W A TS service providers reported significant increases in billed minutes. These four companies reported a total combined increase in minutes of 70 594 561. These increases offset the decreases experienced by 56% of the MTS/W A TS service providers. The statewide average switched access rate decreased to $0.048 per minute from last year s average of $0.0526. Funding Adjustments Review Staff also reviewed the residential, business, and access rates of the recipient companies in accordance with Rule Of the eight companies receiving Universal Service funds, Staff recommends that no adjustments to residential, business, or access rates be made at this time. ADMINISTRATOR'S OPTIONS The Administrator presented five funding options to meet the projected annual disbursements for the coming year. These options are as follows: Option 1: Status Quo - Ms. Anderson stated that if current surcharge levels are maintained and the disbursements remain the same, the fund will have a negative balance of approximately $22 886 by June 30, 2006. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -AUGUST 26, 2005 Option 2: Increase Local Surcharge Rates Only - In this discussion, Ms. Anderson proposes to increase the monthly local surcharges to $.15 per residential line , $. 27 per business line, and maintain the MTS/W ATS rate at $.003 per minute. If these surcharge levels are implemented, the fund balance on June 30, 2005 is estimated to be approximately $546 324. MTS/W ATS services would contribute approximately 38% of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 62% of the surcharge revenue. Option 3: Increase MTS/W A TS Surcharge Rate Only - In this option, Ms. Anderson proposes to maintain the current monthly surcharge rates of $.10 per residential line and $0. per business line, but increase the MTS/W ATS surcharge rate to $0.0049 per minute. If this adjustment is made, Ms. Anderson projects an ending reserve balance of approximately $571 011 by June 30, 2005. MTS/W ATS service would contribute approximately 62% of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 38% of the surcharge revenue. Option 4: Increase All Surcharge Rates - In this option, Ms. Anderson proposes an increase in each surcharge rate to $0.12 per residential line, $0.22 per business line and $0.004 per MTS/W A TS minute. Under this proposal, the fund is estimated to have a reserve balance of $568 313 by June 30, 2005. MTS/W ATS service would contribute approximately 51 % of the surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 49% of the surcharge revenue. Option 5: Adiust Funding to meet Statewide Averages and Increase All Surcharge Rates - In this option, Ms. Anderson proposes an increase in each surcharge rate to $0.12 per residential line, $0.22 per business line and $0.004 per toll minute. Ms. Anderson also points out that Cambridge Telephone Company and Inland Telephone Company could slightly reduce access rates according to Rule Under this proposal, Ms Anderson projects the fund would attain a reserve balance of $552 958 by June 30, 2005. MTS/W ATS services would contribute approximately 51 % of the total surcharge revenue and local exchange services would contribute 49% of the total surcharge revenue. ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION Ms. Anderson recommends Option 5, which would increase the surcharge rates to $0. per residential line, $0.22 per business line per month and $0.004 per toll minute. Under this proposal, the fund is estimated to maintain an adequate reserve balance of $552 958 by June 30 2005. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -AUGUST 26, 2005 STAFF ANALYSIS In spite of this year s increase in MTS/W A TS billed minutes, 56% of the companies reported a decline in billed minutes. Staff is cautious about increasing the per-toIl-minute rate due to the continued competitive pressure and unstable toll minute inventories. This year s large and sudden increase in billed minutes should be viewed as an anomaly. Staff also understands that local exchange companies face increasing competition and shrinking line counts. Therefore Staff continues to support an attempt to spread the needed increase as equitably as possible between the local and toll carriers. Staff does not believe it is necessary to make the slight adjustments to the access rates of Cambridge and Inland Telephone companies at this time. Staff discussed this with both companies and they agree the slight changes mayor may not have any distinguishable effect given the components of access revenue and the reporting cycles to the fund. After reviewing the USF Annual Report, Staff discovered elements in company reports that merited further scrutiny. Staff requested additional information from Ms. Anderson and requested company reviews of information contained in the USF reports. Some issues have been clarified and some investigation of reported information continues. Receipt of additional information from company inquiries may potentially affect the statewide average threshold rates. Staff is also concerned about the 130/0 increase in billed minutes and believes it is prudent to expect the 2005 levels be the same or lower than the levels reported in the 2004 annual report. After assessing these concerns, Staff recommends the Commission adopt Option 4, which distributes the needed increase among the local and toll carriers and produces an adequate fund reserve balance that will provide an adequate cushion for changes in the funding thresholds. Staff believes the low end-of-year cash balance of $65 265 must be addressed with a surcharge increase beginning on October 1 , 2005. Additionally, the projected reserve balance estimated in Option 4 provides a cushion to address any downward adjustments in MTS/W A TS billed minutes reported, and changes in the threshold levels that may occur as companies submit their reports. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to adopt the Administrator s recommended Option No.5 to increase the surcharge rates to $0.12 for residential lines, $0.22 for business lines and $0.004 per DECISION MEMORANDUM - 4-AUGUST 26, 2005 intrastate MTS/W A TS minute? Does the Commission also approve an access rate decrease for Cambridge Telephone Co. and Inland Telephone Co. to the statewide threshold level and the corresponding changes in USF draws? Does the Commission wish to adopt Staffs recommended Option No.4 that increases the surcharge rates to $0.12 for residential lines, $0.22 for business lines and $0.004 per MTS/W A TS minute, but does not adjust the access rates of Cambridge and Inland Telephone Co. Does the Commission wish to adopt a different funding option? ttU Grace Seaman i:udmemos/IUSF 2005 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 5 - L41- AUGUST 26, 2005