HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181126Comments_(20).pdfDiane Holt From:ecabrett@cableone.net Sent:Monday,November 26,2018 8:03 AMTo:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Brett Smith Name:Brett Smith Case Number:SUZ-W-18-02 Email:ecabrett@cableone.net Telephone:(208)968-9705 Address:1148 N Watson Way Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Company Comment:Dear IPUC, I just received a letter from SUEZ,the company who wishes to purchase the Eagle Water Company (EWC),Eagle'swonderful,cost-efficient drinking water supplier. I would like to know if EWC has any other potential buyers to sell to,because selling to SUEZ exposes EWC's faithfulcustomerstoaminimumRATEINCREASEof204percentoverthenextfewyears! I own two environmental consulting businesses and hope someday to sell them and retire accordingly,so I am notjudgingEWC's desire to sell but rather to WHOM they sell their very cost-efficient,well-run companyl Please provide an explanation as to WHY EWC is selling to SUEZ,a company who will more than TRIPLE my monthlywaterbill!I can't imagine any improvements (over what we're currently receiving from EWC)that would justify such anincrease.To me,the only explanation is corporate greed! Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:italyfromhome@gmail.com Sent:Sunday,November 25,2018 8:07 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Federica Lanza Name:FedericaLanza Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:italyfromhome@gmail.com Telephone: Address: Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Company Comment:Dear Idaho PUC, I am a resident of Eagle who is very concerned about losing the good qualityof water at a reasonable price that I have enjoyed in the years I have lived here. Friends whose water is managed by Suez have reported several issues,including a strong chlorine smell and brownish water. We have clean and great tasting water and I do not want to lose that to make a multinational company rich. I fail to see how they can justify a 204%increase in cost for residents and 303%for businesses when they are providing exactly the same water we have now (with the addition of unnecessary chemicals). The increase in cost will affect families that are on a fixed income and customers of the businesses as we all know that cost will be passed on to the customers.So Eagle's residents will be doubly penalized having to pay more for their own water and more for services at local businesses. My preference would be for the City of Eagle and the residents to be able to manage the water jointly,maybe in a co- operative fashion or some other agreement. Thank you for your time and attention in this important matter. Sincerely, Federica Lanza Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:gloriahouting@gmail.com Sent:Sunday,November 25,2018 5:46 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Gloria Houting Name:Gloria Houting Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:gloriahouting@gmail.com Telephone:208-608-8499 Address:2873 E.Shadowview St. Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Comment:We have lived in Eagle for ten years and Eagle Water has been the utilitysupplying our water.Please reconsider approving the sale of Eagle Water to Suez.Those of us who live on fixed incomes appreciate having at least one utility that is still affordable.We've always been pleasedwith Eagle Water and can envision that changing if it is taken over by Suez.Thank you. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:carringermarkkal@msn.com Sent:Sunday,November 25,2018 4:47 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Kali Carringer Name:Kali Carringer Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:carringermarkkal@msn.com Telephone:2087617621 Address:2206 E Celia Court Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Comment:My husband and I returned to Eagle as residents in 2000;I say returned since my in-laws lived in Eagle when my husband was born in 1950. We were delighted at the immediate improvement of the water qualityfor the price compared to our prior company United Water now Suez Water.I actually fill gallon containers to bring the water to work with me so I don't have to drink non-Eagle water. I have 3 concerns about the purchase of Eagle Water by Suez and ask you to please consider denying the application for Suez to buy Eagle Water. 1.Most importantly,I don't want the source of the water in my home to change. 2.I'm not impressed by the service of Suez Water at the locations for which I do property management.I like being l of 4200 instead of l of 96000.I realize there are economies of scale but we're talking about a water monopoly in the Treasure Valley on the way to happening.Competition is a good thing.It promotes innovations. 3.We are an older couple with limited opportunities to increase our income to match the 300%increase Suez wants over the next 3 years.Yes,the increasesare scaled and "gradual"but still larger than the COLA Social Security gives us. Alternatives:HaveMeridian Water purchase Eagle Water.Their service and pricing is much more fair than Suez. Has the City of Eagle considered taking over? Respectfully, Kali Carringer Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:heinenyan@yahoo.com Sent:Sunday,November 25,2018 4:18 PMTo:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:Ryan Heiner Name:Ryan Heiner Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:heinerryan@yahoo.com Telephone:2088699735 Address:1513 E Feather Nest Dr Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle water Comment:As a current resident of Eagle I oppose the sale of our water service to Suez water given the known costincreasesthathavebeenstated.We are very happy with our current service and do not think the significant rateincreasesarejustified.They say the rate increase are for monitoring,better web service and increased reliabilityall ofwhicharenotaproblemnow.We never have reliability issues and the current system works great.Please disapprovethissaleasitisnotabenefittothecurrentcustomers. Unique Identifier: 1 a o Diane Holt From: Sent: To: thoff45@gmail.com Sunday, November 25,2018 11:55 AM Beverly Barker; Diane Holt; Erik Jorgensen; Matthew Evans Case Comment Form: Thaddeus HoffmanSubject: Name: Thaddeus Hoffman Case Number: EAG-18-01 Email: thoff45@gmail.com Telephone: 2089089574 Address: 10505 West Blackstone Street GARDEN CITY ldaho, 837L4 Name of Utility Company: Eagle Water Comment: I ask that the commission look at this application with a critical eye and request that the commission deny the applicants' request for a modified procedure in order to address multiple concerns, including the following: a) The proposed increase ramp to bring rate parity between current E.W. customers and current Suez customers is onerous. For a resident, this amounts to a near 67% annual increase. (The rate of increase is nearly tOO% for commercialcustomers.) The Consumer Price lndex (inflation rate) is estimated to be only 2.8%for 2018. The 3 year increase ramp is too short. Also, has the commission compared this proposed increase to other similar situations? b) Section X, page 4; Suez mentions "necessary and costly system upgrades that should be implemented in the near- term". What are these costly system upgrades and specifically why are they needed? What is the cost of these upgrades? What are timelines for these upgrades. How will these effect future water rates? c) Section Xl, page 5; The applicants state; "SUEZ asserts that the purchase price represents a fair value of the assets to be purchased and was developed through arm's length negotiation with H2O Eagle." ls the commission able to review the methodology used to arrive at the fair valuation? ls the commission confident that the other potential purchasers were contacted? d) The customer letter provided as Attachment 3 describes benefits E.W. customers will experience if this application is approved. As a 14 year customer of Eagle Water I would like to provide my perspective on each of these to the commission: "24 Hour Automated Monitoring" I have never experienced any service outages or problems related to my E.W. service. Would the commission ask for specific examples of how the automated monitoring has positively avoided / mitigated problems? "Critical System Disinfection" Would the commission clarify the applicant is saying that the current E.W. system is not disinfected? "Experience & Expertise" Would the commission ask for detail regarding the backgrounds of the team assigned to the new acquisition? Are these new hires or existing employees? As stated above, l've never had any problems with service over the past 14 years. "Robust Online Customer Web and Billing Site" Would the commission clarify that this is a new site or would E.W. customers be directed to simply set up accounts on an existing application which has already be built and paid for? Would the commission ask what the incremental cost to the applicant would be for each new customer account? 1 "Greater Access to Capital" o As mentioned above, would tf," .o#rsion ask for specifics regarding planned future projects, their necessity, timing and budgets? ln light of the items noted as benefits above, a 200-300 percent increase is to much without some kind of detailed supporting documentation. Please address these concerns/questions. Thank-you Unique ldentifier: 2 Diane Holt From:whiting70@gmail.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 6:35 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Alice Whiting Name:Alice Whiting Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:whiting70@gmail.com Telephone:2086314021 Address:289 E Kite Dr Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Comment:I do not feel that the Eagle residents who are currently being serviced by Eagle Water Company would benefit from SUEZ acquiring Eagle Water.SUEZ claims that service will get better.There is nothing adverse with the service we now receive from Eagle Water.Eagle Water has always been very customer service oriented.The water that is provided by Eagle Water is always tested.I have no issues with Eagle Water and hope that SUEZ is denied the acquisition of Eagle Water. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Jmmulligan@cableonw.net Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 6:23 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:John Mulligan Name:John Mulligan Case Number:Eag-W-18-01 Email:Jmmulligan@cableonw.net Telephone:208-871-2607 Address:1122 N Watson Way Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Suez Comment:I just received an informational distribution from Suez,informing me of their intent to purchase the Eagle Water Company.Included in this information was the promise of obscene rate increases over 3 years. Please deny this application. In addition,please work with Eagle Water Co to enable them to continue independently as a viable company with the rates required to continue their excellent service we in Eagle have become accustomed to receiving. Thank you,John Mulligan Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Jmmulligan@cableonw.net Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 6:23 PM To:Beverly Barker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew EvansSubject:Case Comment Form:John Mulligan Name:John Mulligan Case Number:Eag-W-18-01 Email:Jmmulligan@cableonw.net Telephone:208-871-2607 Address:1122 N Watson Way Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Suez Comment:I just received an informational distribution from Suez,informing me of their intent to purchasethe EagleWaterCompany.Included in this information was the promise of obscene rate increases over 3 years. Please deny this application. In addition,pleasework with Eagle Water Co to enable them to continue independently as a viable company with theratesrequiredtocontinuetheirexcellentserviceweinEaglehavebecomeaccustomedtoreceiving.Thank you,John Mulligan Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:longswords@excite.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 5:10 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Bryant Kusy Name:Bryant Kusy Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:longswords@excite.com Telephone: Address: Eagle ID,83616 Name of UtilityCompany:Eagle Water Co (No Suez) Comment:Dear Idaho PUC, I have been a resident of Eagle for a total of 11 years,8 of those years attending Eagle Hills Elementary,Meridian Junior High and then Centennial High.I returned to Eagle after living out of state in May,2016.So I have resided in 3 different homes in the Eagle Ranch and Eagle Pointe areas. I have never had any issues with the qualityof our water.Friends of mine who reside in Boise have shared that the taste of chlorine*noticeably worsened after Suez took over their water management.*This concerns me greatly as I have two small children (see below). Another concern is handing over Eagle to a multinationalin terms of what this could mean for responsivenessand customer care.What might happen to the immediate call in talking to a real person who knows our community,not policies and procedures about how a complaint might be managed.What concerns me are issues outlined below like: Suez Computers Sent Treasure Valley Water Bills That Were Too High BY SVEN BERG sberg@idahostatesman.com January 17,2017 02:37 PM Updated January 18,2017 08:50 AM https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/article127055034.html And finally,if I was aware of water quality issues of Eagle Water Co AND/ORsubstantial benefits of Suez's new water management that included water treatment proven to be SAFER (like ozonation),then that might justify increases 204% for residents &303%for businesses.Is this not the same water l've been drinking since age 10,but with more chlorine (no thank you)? I propose that the City of Eagle and the residents of Eagle enter into a cooperative in perpetuityto manage our own water quality,face to face,cohabitants -i.e.our current arrangement.As opposed to computer algorithms. Thank you for your time and consideration.All the neighbors I've spoken to feel the same as I do.Keep it local. Best Regards, Bryant Kusy,MA 1 Diane Holt From:Susansteiger1@msn.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 4:12 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Susan Steiger Name:Susan Steiger Case Number:SUZ-W-18-02 Email:Susansteiger1@msn.com Telephone:2088695505 Address:2472 E Timberland Dr Eagle Id,83616 Name of Utility Company:Suez Comment:I strongly disagreewith Suez purchasing Eagle Water.By allowing Suez to monopolize the market is not in the best interest of our community and citizens.The rates will increase greatly with no additional service. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Ibelford@hotmail.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 3:50 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Lucas Belford Name:Lucas Belford Case Number: Email:Ibelford@hotmail.com Telephone: Address: Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Comment:What will Suez add to justify such a large price increase?Has water been underfunded for years?I don't want to see a big price increasethat largely goes to overhead administrative expenses Unique Identifier: Diane Holt From:labau@msn.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 3:05 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Heather LaBau Name:Heather LaBau Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:labau@msn.com Telephone:2089392677 Address:938 S.Island Glenn Way Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Comment:I really don't see why we would want to sell Eagle Water to Suez if its going to raise our rates so much. Please do not approve this sale.We need to keep our rates low!Thanks. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:bjharryman@yahoo.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 2:24 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Robert Harryman Name:Robert Harryman Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:bjharryman@yahoo.com Telephone: Address: Eagle Idaho,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Comment:My wife and I are of the opinion that water is a natural resource and as such it should be distributed and paid for by a locally owned company and not an international company.We are opposed to the sale of Eagle Water to Suez International. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:Carey@careyfarmer.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 1:53 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Carey Farmer Name:Carey Farmer Case Number:EAG-W-18-01 Email:Carey@careyfarmer.com Telephone:208-724-4062 Address:1884 N Estancia Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Company Comment: PLEASE do not approve the sale of Eagle Water Company to Suez! Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:wdougsmith@hotmail.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 11:11 AM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:WD Smith Name:WD Smith Case Number:SUZ-W-18-02 Email:wdougsmith@hotmail.com Telephone: Address:2983 Shadowband Eagle id,83616 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water/Suez Comment:I just received a letter from Suez about acquiring Eagle Water.They are proposing rate increases that will triple my water rates by 2021.As a resident,I vigorously oppose this takeover.Suez will take our water to combine with their foul tasting water.As a realtor,I have seen the benefits of Eagle's fair rates and high quality,good tasting water which are all significant assets when buyers are deciding on where to purchase.Having lived here for almost 9 years,I have never experienced any water issues.This in no way benefits any use of Eagle Water.Please,I implore you,put the consumers first and turn down this proposal.Thank you very much for allowing me to voice my opinion.WD Smith Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:poesmailbox@yahoo.com Sent:Saturday,November 24,2018 11:05 AM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Napolian Stewart Name:Napolian Stewart Case Number:SUZ-W-18-02 Email:poesmailbox@yahoo.com Telephone:15035028001 Address:978 N Shadowridge Ave Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Individual Comment:As a resident of Eagle I oppose the sale of Eagle Water company to Suez.The benefits listed in their letter do not justify the outrageous rate increases!If the water company must be sold,I would rather they maintain the current level of "benefits"as well as the rates.As a public utility customer I don't havea choice about who provides my water. This level of rate increase (over 200%)seems unfair and I strongly oppose this sale.Thank you for considering the perspective of residential customers. Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:jfeik7147@msn.com Sent:Friday,November 23,2018 8:11 PM To:BeverlyBarker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Jayne Feik Name:Jayne Feik Case Number: Email:jfeik7147@msn.com Telephone:8016318526 Address:289 Yellow Pine Place Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Suez Comment:I really don't want Suez Water to purchase Eagle Water Company.We don't need a better web site,our water company is great just the way it is.There would be no viable improvements,just higher cost.Please don't make one more thing more expensivel Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:jacquetrish@gmail.com Sent:Friday,November 23,2018 7:41 PM To:BeverlyBarker;Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:Jacque Gilliam Name:Jacque Gilliam Case Number:EAG-W-15-01 Email:jacquetrish@gmail.com Telephone:208-284-3647 Address:55 N CaracarasWay Eagle ID,83616 Nameof Utility Company:Eagle Water Company Comment:I am absolutely opposed to the acquisition of Eagle Water Company by Suez Water as I do not wish to see a monopoly having control over the entire Boise area'swater!We need competition in our public works companies and must keep smaller water companies like Eagle Water in order to avoid a complete and total monopoly.Eagle residents are 100%opposed to this idea. JacqueGilliam 208-284-3647 Unique Identifier: 1 Diane Holt From:daveseilheimer@gmail.com Sent:Friday,November 23,2018 4:32 PM To:Beverly Barker Diane Holt;Erik Jorgensen;Matthew Evans Subject:Case Comment Form:David Seilheimer Name:David Seilheimer Case Number:EAG-W-19-01 Email:daveseilheimer@gmail.com Telephone:208-939-1836 Address:10374 W Lariat Dr Boise Idaho,83714 Name of Utility Company:Eagle Water Company Comment:As an Eagle Water user since 1996 I an concerned with the Suez purchase of the eagle water company.The water quality and and yearly tests results from Eagle Water Company affirm there is no need for the proposed rate increases stated in the acquisition from Suez to be other than corporate greed.I would think that the PUC understands all to well that with the changing environment and challenges of growth that the smaller utility suppliers are much better equipped to manage,maintain and supply such a precious commodity.I am well aware of the complaints from surroundingcommunities about the smell,taste and look of the water provided by Suez and and an associated cost for purchasing in home water treatment and bottled water which I feel fortunate that I do not have to do at this time. I strongly encourage the PUC to deny or make significant adjustments to this requests and to keep in mind the users of this resource as to the economic impact and qualityof service. Unique Identifier: 1