HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181115Thompson Direct.pdfMichael C. Creamer (ISB No. 4030) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 mcc@ eivenspursley. com Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. AND SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. FOR APPROVAL OF SALE AND ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. ASSETS BY SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. AND AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143, AND APPROVAL OF RATES AND CHARGES Case Nos. SUZ-W-18-02 EAG-W-18-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MARSHALL THOMPSON ON BEHALF OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. November 2018 !l :: ,-' -l " * l '' r- t:- .,-r^r, r --Et! ln, onrlil lu, i> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 BACKGROUND a. Please state your name and title. A. Marshall Thompson, Vice President and General Manager of SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. ("SUEZ" or "Company') a. Please summarize your professional experience and educational background. A. I am a graduate of Central Washington University with a Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Geography and Earth Science. I completed my Master of Engineering and Technology Management degree at Washington State University, where I also received a Graduate Certification in Construction Project Management. I have been employed by SUEZ since January 2012. Prior to becoming the General Manager in July 2018 I worked as the Director of Operations, prior to that I was the Assistant Manager in Training. Prior to working for SUEZ, I was employed by the City of Spokane Washington in a variety of utility focused technical roles. a. What is the purpose of your testimony? A. My testimony will provide background facts conceming the instant Application, which seeks, among other things, Commission approval of the sale of Eagle Water Company ("Eagle Water") assets to SUEZ and the amendment of SUEZ's certificate of public convenience and necessity to incorporate Eagle Water's certificated service area and customers. a. Please identify the other witnesses who will testify on behalf of the Company and the topics on which they will testify. 1 M. THOMPSON, DI SUEZ A. a. A. Ms. Jarmila Cary, Director of Finance with SUEZ, will testify regarding her review and analysis of Eagle Water's financial condition and accounts as well as her analysis related to operating cost projections and justification for a phased-in tariff increase for Eagle Water customers if the asset acquisition is approved. Ms. Cathy Cooper, Director of Engineering with SUEZ, will testify regarding source of supply needs, anticipated capital costs for future plant upgrades to the Eagle Water system and synergies and economies that would be realized for the benefit of current Eagle Water and SUEZ customers if the asset acquisition is approved. Mr. Robert DeShazo, the President and General Manager of Eagle Water, also is submitting testimony conceming the reasons for the proposed sale to SUEZ. Please describe SUEZ. SUEZ is a public utility corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Idaho and is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction. SUEZ provides water service to approximately 96,000 customers within the Cities of Boise, Eagle, Meridian, and in unincorporated Ada County pursuant to Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 143 as amended. SUEZ is a subsidiary of SUEZ North America, which provides water and waste recycling services to more than 7.5 million people in the United States and Canada. SUEZ is the successor to the former United Water Idaho and Boise Water Company, which have cumulatively provided continuous, regulated water service to the Treasure Valley for over 100 years. Please explain why SUEZ wishes to acquire Eagle Water Company. 2 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I A SUEZ, in one form or another, has been the water service provider to the greater- Boise area for many years. Throughout our history, the Company has continuously evaluated acquisition opportunities that would further our commitment to providing reliable service to our customers. The Company recognizes that serving a growing customer base requires ready access to low-cost capital and the ability to maintain or replace aging infrastructure. The escalating costs for compliance with increasing state and federal regulations make the need for qualified utility management that much greater. With this in mind, the Company has acquired several local public water systems faced with financial or regulatory challenges. SUEZ's acquisitions of the South County Water and Brian Subdivision HOA systems are recent examples. Many of the above factors also come into play with respect to this Application. Coincident with Mr. DeShazo's desire for an orderly succession of service from Eagle Water to another provider, is the close geographic linkage of the SUEZ and Eagle Water Certificated Areas. The Company has long considered acquisition of the Eagle Water service area to be a prudent business opportunity if and when circumstances presented themselves. The Eagle Water Company service area is contiguous to SUEZ's on three fronts. It has experienced significant residential and commercial growth largely within planned developments that are relatively easy to serve. The contiguity of the two service areas also has on occasion been a source of friction between the two providers in terms of who should be entitled to extend service to new customers at their margins. aJ M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 In sum, the Eagle Water asset purchase presents opportunities for: a. Growth of the SUEZ water system and customer base; b. Providing high quality service to additional customers through proven experience and ability to fund necessary infrastructure; c. Interconnection to portions of the SUEZ system that are currently isolated; d. Optimizing efficiencies in storage and supply between the SUEZ and Eagle Water systems for the benefit of SUEZ customers as well as the current Eagle Water customers; e. Obtaining additional and redundant sources of supply in the northwest portion of the SUEZ water system; and f. Providing a means of orderly succession in management and operation of the Eagle Water system and continuity of quality service to its customers. THE PROPOSED ACOUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY ASSETS a. Please describe Eagle Water Company. A. Eagle Water Company is a private, regulated water utility with approximately 4,200 customers. Their service area covers portions of the City of Eagle and unincorporated Ada County. A map showing Eagle Water's current service area and significant facilities is included as Attachment I to the Joint Application. a. Please describe the structure of the proposed transaction. A. The parties have structured this transaction as an asset purchase by which SUEZ would acquire by deed or ground lease properties whereon Eagle Water wells and booster pumps are located, all appurtenant or in-gross easements for water system facilities, all govemmental authorizations, all personal property used by and for 4 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 the operation of the Eagle Water system, customer accounts, deposits and hook- up fees and all water rights (the "Assets"). In May of 2018, H2O Eagle Acquisitions, LLC a Wyoming limited liability company ("HzO Eagle"), negotiated an assignable Asset Purchase Agreement with Eagle Water (the "Eagle APA") with the understanding that the Assets ultimately could be acquired by a qualified third-party such as SUEZ. At approximately the same time, H2O Eagle approached SUEZ inquiring whether it had an interest in acquiring the Eagle Water system. At that time a non-binding letter of interest was signed by H2O Eagle and SUEZ setting out basic expectations and a due diligence process that would precede entering into a definitive purchase and sale agreement. On September 20,2018 H2O Eagle and SUEZ entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "H2O-SUEZ APA") that substantially mirrored the May 2018 Eagle APA. The H2O-SUEZ APA provided that H2O Eagle would cause the Eagle APA to be amended to, among other things, include additional due diligence and contingency provisions, and provide that Eagle Water would cooperate with SUEZ in presenting the proposed purchase and sale to the Commission for approval. The H2O-SUEZ APA sets a cash purchase price of $10 Million, with a deposit into escrow following execution of $100,000 to be applied to the purchase price at closing. Ten thousand dollars of the deposit is deemed non-refundable. SUEZ's obligation to close the purchase and sale is expressly contingent upon approval of the transaction by the Commission on terms acceptable to SUEZ. 5 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 1Q. 2A. 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 a. 11 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 a. 20 A. 21 22 Please describe how the purchase price was determined. The purchase price was determined by an arm's length negotiation between SUEZ and H2O Eagle, and was based on SUEZ's evaluation of the underlying value of Eagle Water Assets. The purchase price equates to approximately $2,380 per Eagle Water customer. For comparison purposes, SUEZ's investment per customer as of November 2015 per Case No. UWI-W-I5-01 was approximately $1,924. See Direct Testimony of Jarmila Cary, p. 3,1. 17-21. SUEZ's valuation methodology and conclusions and its avoided capital investment analysis supporting the purchase price is described in Ms. Cooper's testimony. What relationship does the negotiated purchase price bear to the book value of the Assets? This information is provided in detail in Ms. Cary's and Ms. Cooper's testimony. However, based on Eagle Water's records of accounts, a per book calculation of rate base as of December 31, 2017 is approximately a negative 91,208,792. For purposes of its analysis in connection with the proposed acquisition and this filing, SUEZ has assumed a rate base of zero. Consequently, SUEZ is requesting that the Commission approve the purchase and sale with an acquisition adjustment. What treatment is SUEZ seeking with respect to the acquisition adjustment? SUEZ is seeking Commission approval to include the full purchase price in rate base and to amortize the acquisition adjustment over an appropriate period of time-proposed as forty years-to represent the approximate average life of water 6 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I a A. system assets. The acquisition adjustment and the amortization thereof would be included in the Company's next base rate case. Why should the Commission allow recognition of the acquisition adjustment in rate base? SUEZ believes that the purchase price and acquisition adjustment are supported by avoided capital investment as discussed in detail by Ms. Cooper. Also, SUEZ thinks it is appropriate to recognize that, like many private, regulated water systems in Idaho, the Eagle Water system consists of significant vintage facilities that have been largely or fully depreciated and much of the newer facilities have been funded in some significant part by contributions in aid of construction ("CIAC"). Also, although largely or fully depreciated on Eagle Water's books, its plant in service continues to have a fair value component both in terms of its remaining service life and the extent that portions of the plant would represent avoided costs for SUEZ' own operations. In the instant case, a purchase price based solely on net book value also would not be expected to provide sufficient consideration to bring the assets to the market regardless of other factors that make a sale or a purchase the prudent course. The owner reasonably expects that his or her long-term investments (personal and financial) in developing the business, the system and the customer base, together with the revenue stream of in-service plant, will continue to generate income regardless of book value, and warrants a purchase price that appropriately takes these factors into account. 7 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I a A. SUEZ believes that the purchase price represents a fair value that takes all these factors into account and provides the necessary consideration to make a sale that ultimately should happen, happen. Are you seeking to increase rates for Eagle Water customers as a result of the acquisition? Yes. Suez believes that the Eagle Water system has suffered from less than optimal capital investment for some time. SUEZ's due diligence review of the Eagle Water system and SUEZ's standards for plant maintenance, upgrades and replacements indicate that some substantial capital investments in plant should be scheduled over the next several years. The rate structure that SUEZ proposes is intended to reflect projected costs required to correct identified deficiencies over a reasonable time period while minimizing rate-shock. The Company proposes a phase-in to full SUEZ tariff rates over a period of three years. This is justified by contemplated capital investments that will directly benefit the customers formerly served by Eagle Water. During the phase-in period, former Eagle Water customers would have a separate rate schedule from other SUEZ customers. While the Company acknowledges this it is not an ideal situation to have customers of the same company experiencing different rates, Eagle Water's rates are currently lower than SUEZ's. Eagle Water base rates have not increased since 1992, although there have been several surcharges approved in that time. This multi-year phase-in will provide customers the opportunity to take whatever steps they so choose to adjust water consumption patterns. The proposed phase-in would reflect a percentage of SUEZ's tariff rate so that ultimately rates will be uniform 8 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I a 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 A 22 and be automatically adjusted for any overall rate charges approved by the Commission in the future. SUEZ's proposed phase-in is detailed in Ms. Cary's testimony. Would new customers in the Eagle Water company area be subject to the phased in rate structure? No, we are requesting that post-closing any newly-established customer accounts- including new customers changing an account for an existing connection in the expanded SUEZ service area-would commence service at regular SUEZ rates. What is the Company's proposed treatment of main extensions and other tariff issues following the purchase? The Company is proposing to adopt the Eagle Water service area and customers immediately following closing under SUEZ' applicable tariff rules and regulations. Please describe your plans for making improvements to the Eagle Water system. These capital improvements are discussed in Ms. Cooper's testimony. Are you seeking approval of these improvements in this filing? No. SUEZ intends to include them in future rate cases after capital improvements have been completed. Are there identifiable synergies or efficiencies that will result from this acquisition? Yes. Earlier in my testimony I indicated that the Eagle Water asset acquisition would provide certain efficiencies that would benefit customers in both service areas. These include the interconnection with Eagle Water facilities of SUEZ 9 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 10 a. A. a. A. a. A. 19 a. 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I facilities that currently are isolated. The two systems have water storage and sources that when integrated could be used to optimize dispatching water for overall demand and peak and fire flow needs. With the interconnection of the two systems, customers will benefit from shared access to storage facilities and additional sources of supply. SUEZ customers currently have a rated water supply capacity per customer of approximately 979 gpd/customer (94 MGD I 96,000 customers), while Eagle Water Company customers have a rated water supply capacity per customer of 2,810 gpd/customer (11.8 MGD I 4,200 customers). This difference is due to Eagle Water Company having to pump peaking, fire flow, and provide a redundant well since it does not have storage tanks. Additionally, Eagle Water customers ultimately would benefit from lower operating expenses and increased capital investment. SUEZ is prepared to offer additional services to the expanded customer base, including: 1) 24-hour automated system monitoring; 2) Numerous field personnel trained and certified in water distribution, water treatment, and cross connection control that are able to respond quickly to any issues; 3) Web site access for customers; 4) Electronic billing and payment options; 5) Greater financial stability and access to the capital markets with related ability to fund projects at lower cost; 10 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 20 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I a. A. 6) The ability to take advantage of economies of scale and buying power not currently available to Eagle Water; 7) Water conservation programs and no-cost conservation devices; 8) The ability to maintain the water system in regulatory compliance; 9) The ability to spread costs of Eagle area capital improvements over a large customer base and avoidance of future surcharges. What impacts on current Eagle Water Company customers does SUEZ anticipate? SUEZ believes service quality will be positively impacted. SUEZ employs over sixty field personnel trained and certified in water distribution, water treatment, and cross-connection control. SUEZ also maintains full-time maintenance crews and sufficient materials in inventory to rapidly repair damaged facilities and restore service after an emergency outage without relying on contractor or supply house availability. The addition of full time SCADA monitoring to the system will allow SUEZ staff to monitor sites remotely twenty-four hours per day, which will expedite responses to operating problems and/or emergency situations. What impacts on current SUEZ customers and operations does SUEZ anticipate? SUEZ customers will realize a cost savings in SUEZ acquiring additional and redundant water supply. This is explained more in Ms. Cooper's testimony related to SUEZ's contemplated avoided capital investment. What billing schedule does SUEZ anticipate? ll M. THOMPSON, DI SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17a 18 19 A. 20 21 22 a. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1A. a. A Eagle Water customers currently are billed monthly. SUEZ anticipates continuing monthly billing for these customers. How will SUEZ communicate with Eagle Water Company and SUEZ customers regarding the acquisition? SUEZ has developed a communications plan related to the acquisition. An outline of this plan is included below in my testimony. By way of summary, this plan will include town hall meetings, press releases, social media posts, a landing page for new customers on the SUEZ website with specific acquisition information, notices, and a welcome packet for Eagle Water customers. Specific information on water conservation will be provided in the Company's welcome packet to new customers. This will assist them in reducing their water use and associated water bills to be comparable to other SUEZ customers ahead of full rate adoption. Communications Plan Outline - Pre and Post Closine Activities o Press release and customer notice (accompanying the Joint Application) o Micro-Website Available (Pre-Closing) o Press Release (Pre-Closing) r External Stakeholder Outreach to Municipal Offices and Regulatory Agencies (Pre-Closing) o Customer Mailings and New Customer Welcome Packets (Pre and Post Closing) o Location Targeted Social Media Advertising (Pre and Post Closing) o Print Advertising (ldaho Statesman) (Pre and Post Closing) t2 M. THoMPSoN, DI SUEZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a Town Hall Events and Facility Open Houses (Pre and Post Closing) a. A. a. Do you believe the acquisition of Eagle Water by SUEZ is in the public interest? A. Yes, for all of the reasons stated above. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes. l3 M. THoMPSON, DI SUEZ