HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181115Cooper Direct.pdfMichael C. Creamer (ISB No. 4030) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, lD 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 mcc@ eivenspursley. com Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION !-r !-- a [: t,, i :-: nI r,.* l-, L , ,,, ;:J Ir ll,ly I5 fli,l l0: 20 IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. AND SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. FOR APPROVAL OF SALE AND ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. ASSETS BY SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. AND AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143, AND APPROVAL OF RATES AND CHARGES Case Nos. SUZ-W-18-02 EAG-W-18-01 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF CATHY COOPER ON BEHALF OF SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. November 2018 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I a. A. a. A. Please state your name and title. My name is Cathy Cooper, P.E.. I am the Director of Engineering for SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. Please summarize your professional experience and educational background. I am a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. I completed my Master of Science in Civil Engineering at the University of Washington in Seattle. I have been a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Idaho since 1999. I have been employed as a civil engineer for 24 years. My work experience includes 22 years at Boise area consulting firms where I focused my work on water system engineering. My experience includes preparing detailed hydraulic calculations; designs for storage tanks, pump stations, pressure reducing stations, pipelines, and well houses; water system Master Facility Plans; hydraulic models; and project cost estimates. I was an Owner and the Managing Partner at my last consulting firm. I have been employed by SUEZ since July 2016 as the Director of Engineering in Idaho. What is the purpose of your testimony? My testimony provides information on future source of supply needs for SUEZ customers, SUEZ's plans for where that source will come from, and the projected capital savings to SUEZ customers as a result of planned near-term capital expenditures that could be avoided with the proposed acquisition of Eagle Water 1 CoopeR, Dt SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a. 19 A 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I a A. assets. My testimony also discusses the benefits I believe Eagle Water customers would realize from the proposed Eagle Water asset purchase. From an engineering and operational standpoint, there are significant efficiencies to be gained for all customers in sharing sources of supply, redundant sources, and storage tanks as I will further describe below. Describe the location of Eagle Water Company in relation to the SUEZ water system. The following map shows SUEZ boundaries and pressure zones in the northwest portion of the SUEZ system, with the Eagle Water Company boundary outlined in green. You can see that Eagle Water Company and the SUEZ system share boundaries on three sides. The relatively small area depicted north of Eagle Water's main service area and east of SUEZ's Floating Feather zone is a small development that also is served by Eagle Water with its existing system. tr 2 CooleR, Dt SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 I Eagle Water Company Service Area 15 \\-est Floatiug feaihrr \\'est First 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 a. A. Describe existing SUEZ facilities in the area. The following map shows SUEZ's primary sources of supply and facilities in the northwest portion of its system. This area is supplied primarily by SUEZ's Floating Feather well and Marden Water Treatment Plant (WTP). These main sources fill the Hidden Hollow Tank, which provides storage for pumping north to the large developments of Hidden Springs and Avimor. The Hidden Hollow Tank also provides necessary fire protection and peaking supplies to SUEZ's West Main Service Area. SUEZ's Redwood Creek well can provide approximately fifty-five percent redundancy to the Floating Feather well through a booster pump located at the Floating Feather well house. J CooleR, DI SUEZ 4visel Floating Feather Well Hidden !pj4g; Redwood Creek Well Marden WTP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I a. A. ! Please describe existing Eagle Water Company Facilities. Eagle Water has seven well facilities and two booster pump stations. There are no gravity storage tanks existing in the Eagle Water system. Eagle Water provides all demands (maximum day, peaking, and fire flows) directly from their wells. A map depicting the Eagle Water service area and key facilities is attached as Attachment I to SUEZ's and Eagle Water's Joint Application. I have performed an engineering and hydrogeologic analysis of the Eagle Water system for SUEZ, and believe there are currently several regulatory shortfalls 4 Cooppn, Dt SUEZ Hidden Hollow Tank D t.-.'t,f Z Terr llile Ridge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I related to pumping capacity in the Eagle Water system that should be addressed in the near-term. It appears that Eagle Water does not currently meet Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) requirements for redundant non- fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.17), redundant fire pumping capacity (IDAPA 58.01 .08 Section 501 .18), and emergency operation (IDAPA 58.01.08 Section 501.07). This means that with its largest well out of service the Eagle Water system would fall short on peak hour flows or fire protection flows. Under a power outage scenario, Eagle Water also would not be able to meet average day plus fire flow demands. Also, my analysis of Eagle Water's water rights indicates that Eagle Water's current portfolio of municipal water rights does not include sufficient authorized flow rate to meet the system's peak hour demands. Based on the above-described analysis and conclusions, the Eagle Water system is in need of near-term upgrades and investment regardless of whether the proposed asset purchase is approved by the Commission and consummated by the parties. If the asset purchase is approved, SUEZ proposes facility and permitting improvements described below that would address these identified deficiencies. Describe the benefits to existing SUEZ customers of acquiring Eagle Water Company assets. As part of SUEZ's ongoing planning and budgeting process, it has near-term plans to increase the source of supply available to the northwest portion of its system. An acquisition of the Eagle Water assets would provide additional source 5 CoopER, DI SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a 19 20 A. 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 of supply at an estimated capital cost avoidance of approximately $ 1 1 .7M for SUEZ customers. Absent the Eagle Water acquisition, SUEZ has planned several major projects to increase the amount of supply available to the northwest area of the SUEZ system. The first project would be completion of the Redwood Creek Pipeline and an upgrade to the Redwood Creek well pump capacity. SUEZ's existing Redwood Creek Well can produce approximately 3,000 glm. It currently produces around 600 gpm to serve the local area in the Floating Feather pressure zone. Completing the Redwood Creek Pipeline will allow the available excess water from Redwood Creek well to be transmitted to Hidden Hollow Tank where it is needed. The second planned project involves improvements to SUEZ's existing Island Woods #1 and #2 well facilities (located south of the Eagle Water service area, across the Boise River) and completion of a pipeline across the Boise River to connect the Island Woods wells to the Redwood Creek Pipeline. The Island Woods Wells can currently each produce about 800 gpm, but with upgrades could produce approximately 1,500 gpm each. Upgrading these wells and piping them into the Redwood Creek Pipeline will allow for another 1,500 gpm total to be transmitted to Hidden Hollow Tank. The Island Woods upgrade project will also require construction of a new 2 million gallon tank and associated pump station to provide storage for pumping and keep the Island Woods pressure zone at acceptable service pressures. We anticip ate that the 2 million gallon storage tank would be located northeast of the intersection of Old Horseshoe Bend Road and Floating Feather Road. The pump station would be 6 CoopER, DI SUEZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 located near the intersection of Old Horseshoe Bend Road and Hill Road. The third project is expansion of SUEZ's Marden Water Treatment Plant (WTP) by 6 million gallons per day. These three improvements will provide approximately 12.5 MGD of additional and redundant supply to the SUEZ system that our planning projections indicate will be needed by 2022. Absent the Eagle Water acquisition, they were budgeted to occur between 2018 and 2022 at a total cost of approximately $41.8M and are summarizedinthe following table. The acquisition of Eagle Water assets presents an alternative approach where SUEZ customers canrealize the same benefits of additional source of supply for less cost. Planned projects in conjunction with the Eagle Water acquisition include the following. The first priority still would be completion of the Redwood Creek Pipeline and an upgrade to the Redwood Creek well pump capacity. The Redwood Creek Pipeline is an important project with or without acquisition of Eagle Water because it enables use of the full capacity of the existing SUEZ Redwood Creek well and will serve as a tie-in point for water from other sources to be transmitted to Hidden Hollow Tank. The second project would be the interconnection of Eagle Water Wells 6 and 8 with SUEZ's existing 7 CooppR, Dt SUEZ 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SUEZ SUPPTY INVESTMENTS ABSENT EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION Redwood Creek line S 5712.L6 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000gpm Pump 0.00 Optimist Booster Pump Station / New 2 MG Tank 5 z,agq 5 2,894 2.L6 lsland Woods Connection 5 z,ttt 5 2,177 6.00 Marden Expansion (5 MGD, no DAF), includes Main Enlargements to move the water away from Marden: Marden and Mobley Main Enlargement (2300'of 35" pi pe), and Lewis / 5th Street Main Enlargement (11,770'of 24" Pipe)s 2,46s 5 8,518 S 8,02s s 2.032 S r2.o2z s 15.058 S 28.747 S 41.844Cumulative Cost (in mo's) Cumulative MGD 4.3 4.3 12.5 Cost per MGD 5 s,sos S 3,48s S s,ssq S 3,3s3 Facility lmprovement 2018 2019 2020 z02L 2022MGD 18 2.7(s 2.032 s 9.990 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I Hidden Hollow tank. This would allow the tank to provide immediate redundant fire supplies to Eagle Water customers and use of Wells 6 and 8 to fill Hidden Hollow Tank. The third project would be construction of a 2 million gallon storage tank to serve Eagle Water customers with peaking and fire storage, and rehabilitation of Eagle Water well 1, which will allow Maximum Day Demand for Eagle Water Customers to be provided within the pressure zone. These improvements would be scheduled for 2018 to 2021if the acquisition is approved. SUEZ's total costs for improvements both to bring the Eagle Water system up to appropriate regulatory standards and achieve SUEZ's additional supply objective of 12.5 MGD would be approximately $30.1M, including the $10M purchase price for the Eagle Water assets. This represents an avoided capital cost to SUEZ customers of approximately $11.7M ($41.8M less $30.1M). In addition, with acquisition of Eagle Water, several existing sources will be preserved for future supply expansion including SUEZ' Island Woods wells I and2, the Marden WTP expansion, and Eagle Water wells 2 and 3 (future re-drilling). These avoided and deferred improvernents will benefit both Eagle Water and SUEZ customers. 8 CooppR, Dt SUEZ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SUEZ SUPPLY INVESTMENTS WITH EAGLE WATER ACQUISITION Redwood Creek ne2. 2.76 Replace Redwood Creek Well Pump with 3000gpm Pump/higher TDH S zog 0.00 EWCAcquisition Price S ro,om s 560.00 Water Right Transfers / APODS to allow full capacity pumping from EWC Wells 3.24 New Pump EWC Well 8, PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline S r,o+s 3.60 New Pump Well 6, PRV, connect to RWC Pipeline S 1,110 1.44 New 2 MG Tank / Rehab Well 1 (1000 gpm additional available from Well 5)S z,mo s 3,13s5 z,uz 5 zz,on $ zs,sse S 30,141Cumulative Dollars 0.0 2.2 7.6 12,6Cumulative Supply Gained Cost per MGD S to,22t S z,qzs S z,zgz MGD Facility lmprovement 2018 20L9 2020 202t 17 S 2.022 S 9.990 a A. SUMMARY OF AVOIDED CAPITAL COSTS Absent the acquisition of Eagle Water assets, SUEZ plans to invest approximately $41.8M to develop and transmit approximately 12.5 million gallons per day of additional and redundant source of supply. With the acquisition of Eagle Water assets, SUEZ would need to invest only $30.1M (rnctuaing tne $tOlU p acquisition price) to develop the same amount of supply. These same supply improvements would also bring Eagle Water into compliance with regulatory requirements. This is a capital cost avoidance of $1 1.7M. SUEZ has estimated that it could pay up to $21.7M for the Eagle Water assets and still break even from a capital investment standpoint related to supply. Because the projected capital cost avoidance for SUEZ customers with the acquisition and integration of the Eagle Water assets exceeds the $10M purchase price, SUEZ is requesting that the Commission allow the full acquisition price to be recovered in rates. Describe the benefit to existing Eagle Water Company customers of SUEZ acquiring Eagle Water assets. SUEZ believes there will be substantial tangible benefits to Eagle Water customers from this acquisition. Portions of the supply projects previously described will directly benefit Eagle Water customers. In addition, other projects such as the addition of SCADA Controls, targeted pipeline upgrades, and change outs to AMI meters would be completed. These improvements that will directly benefit Eagle Water customers are detailed in the following table with estimated costs. 9 CoopER, DI SUEZ 1 2 3 4 5 The planned capital improvements that will directly benefit Eagle Water customers have been used in the Eagle Water rate calculations presented in Ms. Cary's testimony. In addition, there are other benefits for Eagle Water customers outside of capital improvements that are discussed in the testimony of Mr. Thompson. 10 CooPER, DI SUEZ PLANNED CAPITAT IMPROVEMENTS THAT WILL BENEFIT EAGTE WATER CUSTOMERS Project Title Costs (in 000's) Benefit Summary20t92020202L Add chlorination at Wells 2, 4, 6,7,8 Ss5 Chlorine residual in distribution system, protection against contamination risk. $10k plus OH persite. SCADA at each Facility lWells2, 4,6,7,8,2 boosters), control room and associated hardware and software S s:z SCADA controls at each facil ity wi I I al low for 24-hou r monitori ng of syste m ope rations. lncludes 5250 for a control room, database, historian, radio path survey, etc if Eagle Water constructed the improvement (no OH on this portion). S35k per site, S5k continsencv. olus OH. Meter and Service Replacements (2,000 @ S15oo each)57,L29 5 1,129 S 1,129 Half of EwC meters - fix problematic meter locations, move into right-of-way, lessen depth for safety and access. lnstall AMI meters. The benefits of AMI meters include continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. Meter Replacement with AMt (2m0 @ s388)s 4s4 5 438 Half of EWCmeters-lnstallAMl metersinexistingmeterboxes. Thebenefitsof AMI meters lnclude continuous reporting, with customers able to see water usage through the Suez website, leak detection, and backflow detection. lncludes S16k fortwo repeaters if Eagle Water constructed the i mprovements, no OH on this portion. Water Right Transfers to add APODS to Eagle Water and SUEz Rishts Ss6 These transfers would allow the two delivery systems to be integrated in the future, enhancingthereliabilityandflexibilityof both. lnaddition,sharedEaglerightsand SUEZ rights would fill the currentshortfall in Eagle Water rights to meet peak demands. These transfers would eliminate the need for Eagle Waterto appropriate new water rishts to fill its current shortfall. Map EaBle Water System into GIS and create Hydraulic Model 527 Provides the benefit of crews being able to rapidly locate buried infrastructure. lnclusion in the model will allow forsystem optimization and targeted pipeline replacement planning. This will also include the Eagle Waterfacilities into Aquadvanced Energy, an energy-saving system operations platform. PRV at Well 8 S s28 PRV and porti on of pi pi ng wi I I i ntercon nect the Eagle Wate r system with the Suez system. Will provide access to fire storage volume in Hidden Hollow Tank for Eagle Watercustomers. Benefit of supply and storage from Suez system. PRV at Well 6 S rqr PRV and portion of pi pi ng wl I I I nte rconnect the Eagl e Wate r syste m with the Suez system. Will provideaccesstofirestoragevolumeinHiddenHollowTankforEagle Watercustomers. Benefit of supply and storage from Suez system. Redwood Creek Pipeline S 2,133 The Redwood Creek pipeline will be the interconnection between the Eagle Water system and the Suez system. This pipeline being in place will provide Eagle Water customers with the benefit of being able to access source and storage from the Suez system. The benefit is calculated on making up the redundancy shortfall in fireflow for Eagle Water ( 1375 gpm). This would also coverthe shortage in peak hour redundancy (1175 gpm) and the emergency standbyshonage (429 gpm). lt won't be available to EWC customers untilthe PRV at well 8 is in place, which ls why it has beenincludedin2020. Costcalculatedasaportionofthetotalpipelinecost,l3T5 gpm / 7EO gpm (ultimate pipeline capacity with 1000 gpm being used locally in Floating Feather and Eagle Water area to support current customers and growth through 2021). 2 MG Tank S 2,006 S 2,006 Will bring Eagle Water into compliance with IDEQ peak hour and fire flow supply and redundancv reouirements Pipeline Replacements (1% peryear)S 3os S ros S 3os 0.6 miles of pi peline replacement per year. First years wil I target undersized I ines or lines at higher risk of breakage. Safety and Security lmprovements S28 S28 S28 Arcflash analysis and improvements, eyewash stations, fall protection at facility sites Production Rol l-Up Work S 113 S rqr S rar Pump replacements, HVAC, production meter replacements, pumpi ng faci lity u pgrades, I andscapi ng, sampl i ng stations, gene rator re place ments, add wate r level monitorinq in wells, etc Totals 52,7N s6,708 $1sso s113s8 The improvements in this table have overheads added except for portions of improvements that would be completed if Eagle Water were makingtheimprovements. Forexample,withrespecttoneededSCADAcontrol fortheEagleWatersystem,SUEZalreadyhasacontrol room,servers,database,andhistoriancomputerstosupporttheadditionofSCADAattheEagleWaterfacilities. EagleWaterdoesnothavea control room or associated amenities and would have to purchase them to implementfunctional SCADA control if Eagle Waterwere constructingtheimprovementitself. TheEagleWaterportionofthecostsdoesnothaveanyoverheadsincluded. 1 11 CoopER, DI SUEZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 a A. Do you believe the acquisition of Eagle Water by SUEZ is in the public interest? Yes. SUEZ has the available capital resources to make needed improvements to the Eagle Water system. The Company will complete improvements that will bring the Eagle Water system into compliance with IDEQ and IDWR requirements. Eagle Water customers will benefit from sharing sources of supply and storage with SUEZ customers in addition to the enhanced monitoring and response that come from a water system having amenities such as a SCADA system and AMI meters. At the same time, SUEZ customers will avoid substantial capital costs and still obtain the sources of supply that are needed. Does this conclude your testimony? Yes. 12 CoopER, Dr SUEZ a. A.