HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181214Supplement to Joint Application.pdfGIvENS PunsLEY,,." Attorneys and Counselors at Law ""1i",''11- !i:Ii W. Hugh O'Riordon, LL.M. Rondoll A. Pel;trirtn i , r' , /, . rJockw.Relf ,,' ,.' 601 w. Bonnock Street PO Box272O Boise, lD 83701 Telephone: 208-388- I 200 Focsimile: 208-388-l 300 M.glvenspursley.com Gory G. Allen Chrislopher J. Beeson Joson J. Blokley Clint R. Bolinder Jeff W. Bower Preslon N. Coder Jeremy C. Chou Williom C. Cole Michoel C. Creomer Amber N. Dino Brodley J. Dixon Thomos E. Dvorok Jeffrey C. Feredoy Deboro Krislensen Groshom Mortin C. Hendrickson Brion l. Holleron Ke6li H, Kennedy Neol A. Koskello Michoel P. Lowrence Fronklin G. Lee Dovid R. Lombordi Kimberly D. Moloney Kennelh R. Mcclure Kelly Greene McConnell Alex P. McLoughlin Melodie A. McQuode Chrislopher H. Meyer L. Edword Miller Polrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Emily G. Mueller Deboroh E. Nelson Michoel O. Roe Jomie Coplon Smith P. Mork Thompson Jeffrey A. Wor Robert 8. White \ir'l Michoel C. Creomer 1208)w-t247 mcreomer@givenspuRley.com Donold E. Knickrehm (retired) Kenneth L. Pursley lr940-20r5) Jqmes A. Mcclure (1924-201t) Roymond D. Givens l-1917-2cf,,81 December 14,2018 Via Hand Delivery Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720 Re:Case Nos. SUZ-W-I8-02 and EAG-W-18-01 Joint Application and Request for Modified Procedure Dear Ms. Hanian: Enclosed for filing is an original and seven (7) copies of SUEZ Water Idaho fnc.'s Supplement to Joint Application. An additional copy of the document is enclosed to be date stamped and returned. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. MCC:slc Enclosures 14425470_l.docx [t[CEI\/EDMichael C. Creamer (ISB No. 4030) Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1 300 mcc@ qivenspursley. com Attorneys for SUEZ Water ldaho Inc. l3o-t741 1445944't.l IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. AND SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. FOR APPROVAL OF SALE AND ACQUISITION OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. ASSETS BY SUEZ WATER IDAHO INC. AND AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY NO. 143 AND APPROVAL OF RATES AND CHARGES i!][C ll+ PH 2:35 'r ,1 Ill t lni,l.tllv\-ri1ll I BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMES NOW SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. ("SUEZ") and in supplementation of the Joint Application filed in this matter on November 15, 2018, attaches hereto a postcard mailer that was sent to Eagle Water customers by SUEZ as part of its public outreach concerning the Joint Application. DATED this SUPPLEMENT TO JOINT APPLICATION. 1 lffi*December, 2018. SUEZ Water Idaho Inc. Case Nos. SUZ-W-18-02 EAG-W-18-01 SUPPLEMENT TO JOINT APPLICATION C. Creamer Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for SUEZ Water Idaho Inc NoD m $ |nooxP_sb qE o ArxflfrE..r-troELEocLc,FI'?L N E E.3 E5.=oo-u,:*; E r tt-l-+'+EC,.EEEOOr-OC)==E=- =-= =l.-.- F F - - L b>D- hL E L\il('.)9-C.{i-rfi {r} {r} {r} {r} ,io GE'CL J! (n 0, o o G!g IDoo Eo(J L0, 63No o Fjii =.9, 9oxrF I €uibPcc A B H€s-"iEF.9'o- ;gBErqssEe*bEE3;8;EilEsneE EEEEg;gE!e-l! -, - !D c o f, (I,c 5E e 3 otl2 o > EgEE.Hf{U; -iEEie.E=P*ETaE6"9'E.o7,9 E,H;i EE E P E: ;;g;uEE E€A*EiEAE-#?THI:TZa60r.O6E =f;#; hE 6E e Pii HErE B! H 3 StrH.€EEEHEF e.qEIo r'6oaA EE:.8€eE;1r- - C. L -YSssi ai-Qq)0) l: 5=b€ 8EorloE5big..E: O 0) >,(56E !sB!$t l9 9.0:i aixE'= FY I - BIP= re9.EHH*t Ee a;€ =€E>?-- (l,E tE *,; = ots= o)E9gE 3 g (U -oE-gE.F-7F E-61.9 =oN o);rlJ BrJno-a - odG EEEo oi5b9sE 3 oB>=5c-!I oi?€Pbq,quJ o 6 egEpC' C'd)E ET=E;ET EE.!l b Fao-n fiE*gf69P(/)o ad Liq) Eoofo c(5o. Eoo o (E B -9ED(s uJ ooo C'F -(tr,E' -ENa1hl- l-o)U' l\lTIITJ Cfr' f{No oJ oJP(u-LLo bJJOT U) U)I-- o o1^o)(uow'FLLtroa )(oroE:z<<t) t!oH No3a