HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151110Application.pdf[rem BizCounsel@e Wlotfi o'Lear) wii- lnsW. State Street, #l5O Boise, Idaho 83702 Voice / Text 208.+53.610 5 E-MaiL Mollv@ BizCounselorAtLaw.com l0 November 2015 Ms. Jean Jewell C-ommision Secretary ldaho Public Utilities C-ommission P O Box 8T72O Boise lD 8T72O4O74 RE Case No. EAG-MFI Dear Ms Jewell: Hand Delirerd I am enclosing an originaland seven E) copies of EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC'S APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY SURCHARGE An additional copy is enclosed to be date stamped and returned for our files. nr/"t:'t\/i:nIrLLli'tsr'\/ ?illE HOV l0 Pil 31 0S u "r i ilrt''il il)i*iiiilB t' o * Very truly yours, Molly O'Leary 0SB # 4996) BizCou nselor @ l-aw, PLLClns W. State Street #150 Boise, ldaho 83702 Teleph one: 208.+53.6105 Mollv @ BizCou nselorAtLaw.com Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, lnc. IN THE MATTER OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC.'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION OF A TEMPORARY CUSTOMER SURCHARGE ,;r-:ffrlir.::| . i-. ."/' ?il:5 tiril l0 P,Y 3: 05 i;a.{l \. ; ;...rr..',,',=li;-',- ^' i.::IL i .:: ; ir.,,_;,iiiilsslJi{ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. EAG-W-r!-AL APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER CoMPANY, tNC. FOR TEMPORARY CUSTOMER SURCHARGE COMES NOW, Eagle Water Company, Inc. ["hgle Water" or "the Company''), by and through undersigned counsel, and petitions the Commission for an Order authorizing Eagle Water to collect a temporary surcharge on customer usage in excess of 600 cubic feet per billing cycle to help defray the cost of several capital investments in Eagle Water's infrastructure. Because the issues presented by this request are limited in scope, Eagle Water requests that this Application be processed without the need for a hearing, under Commission Rule of Procedure 2O2, Modified Procedure. APPLICATION l. Eagle Water commisioned an Engineering Report ('Report'] to evaluate its water system and to recommend actions to manage growth and keep the Company in EAGLEWATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - I compliance with ldaho Department of Environmental Qualiff IDEQI regulations. That report was delivered to the Commision for its review on or about August 5,zOW. 2. Eagle Water was subsequently authorized by the Commission in Order No. 3O9% to recover the cost of several of the recommended System lmprovements through imposition of a temporary surcharge on customer usage in excess of 600 cubic feet per billing cycle. Nevertheless, the Company was not allowed to recover the cost of Well No. 8 at that time because the improvements were not yet completed and, therefore, not deemed by the Commission to qualify as being "used and useful." 3. Specifically, Eagle Water was not allowed to recover its costs for the following System lmprovements in Qse No. EAG-W-0941. Those costs are detailed, below: Main Booster Station Descripdon Labor Equipment Materials Engineering SubTotal Profit & Overhead tl57"l TOTAL l-abor Equipment Materials Engineering Sub,tohl Well # 8 EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHAR.GE APPLICATION - 2 Cost $5,795.00 $58s.00 $117,294.OO $5,700.O0 $129,T74.OO $19,406.0o $148,780.00 $83,565.00 $2o,o5l.oo $332,553.O0 $24e00.00 $453,059.00 WdI # 8, qrfd 4. Since the filing of its 2009 Surcharge Application, Eagle Water has incurred the following additional System lmprovement expenses: Dercripfion Profit 8[ Overhead tlso/ol Lot Cost TOTAL Description Labor Equipment Materials Suhtoal Profit 8[ Overhead tls7o] TOTAL hbor Equipment Materials Sutstotal Profit 8[ Overhead 05'/"] TOTAL Labor Equipment Materials Cost $59,461.00 $5srso.o0 $598r'+80.00 Cost $700.00 $0 553,+26.OO $54,126.00 $8,119.00 w224s.@ $520.00 $o $21fi29.OO $22,249.OO $3frT7.O0 $ 25,586.00 $32es.00 $5,305.00 $3,o80.oo Well #,$ Repalrs Well #5 Repair State Street Bridge - line Relocation EAGLE WATER COMPANY SUR.CHARGE APPLICATION - 3 State Street Bridge - Line Relocationr cnfd Horseshoe Bend Road Bridee - Line Relocation Well #7- Upstze line from 8-lnch tol2- inctr Line Relocation - Hill Road EAGLEWATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - 4 Dccripfion Subtotal Profit 8I Overhead tl57"l TOTAL hbor Equipment Materials Sutstohl Profit 8[ Overhead t157"] TOTAL Labor Equipment Materials Subtohl Profit 8r Overhead tl5o/"1 TOTAL Labor Equipment Materials Subto,tal Profit 8I Overhead tls7"l C.ast $11180.00 $1,752.00 9I3,ft32-(uu- $20s0.00 $1,'145.00 $2,148.00 $5r,+3.00 $8,f6.00 $5,189.00 $5,l30.oo $8,465.00 $24F2s.OO w920.oo $5,588.00 $.+3108.00 $'+,525.00 $2,505.0O $15,487.00 $22,517.0O $3,r8.00 Une Reloetion - Hill Road cnt'd Cost $2s895.0O 5. Because hgle Water is a small company, the cost of preparing and processing an interim surcharge request will represent a significant extraordinary expense. Eagle Water estimates that the legal and accounting expenses associated with implementing the proposed improvements and applying to the Commission for approval to recover the investments through an interim surcharge will be approximately $500.00 for accounting services and $10,000.00 for legal services. Seeattached EU|CO Bftibits A and B, respectively. For a total estimated cost in Professional Fees of $101500.00. 6. The Company reports a current balance of $148,872.90 in the Surcharge Account from the surcharge that was authorized by the Commission in Order No. 30936. Eagle Water respectfully requests that it be allowed to use those funds to offset its costs as detailed in Sections 3 through 5, above. 7. ln addition to using the remaining funds in the existing Surcharge Account, the Company proposes to borrow the balance needed to recover the cost of these expenses in order to replenish its working capital going fonrtrard. Based on the foregoing figures, the amount Eagle Water proposes to borrow is $7t36242.00. Under the terms of a financing proposal from D. L. Evans Banlq the cost of the loan would be based on the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate plus + 2.OOo/o, with a floor of 5.50o/o See EWCO bftibit C atached. 8. Based on the foregoing, and because the expenses incurred todate and the proposed expenditures would be in the public interest, the Company is requesting an Order from the C.ommission declaring that the incurrence of these expenses is a prudent capial EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - 5 Descripdon TOTAL investment, the costs of which are proper expenses to be duly recovered from ratepayers with a surcharge. 9. The Company requests the C.ommission further issue its order approving the proposed surcharge shown on the atached EU|CO Exhibit D as a fair, just and reasonable method for recovery of its costs associated with the CIpital investments referenced above. Draft revised tariffs, reflecting these proposed surcharge, are attached as EWCO Exhibit E lO. The Company will maintain a separate balancing account on its books with all transactions related to this Application flowing through the account on a monthly basis as transactions occur. None of the expenditures proposed in this Application will be recorded to the Company's plant accounts and the Company will not seek to add these costs to.its rate base for rate.making purposes. n. Communications with reference to this request should be sent to the following: Molly O'Leary BizCounselor@hw, PLLC 1775W. Sate Street #150 Boise, lD 83702 Robert V. DeShazo., Jr., President Eagle Water Company, Inc. P.O. Box,t55 Eagle, lD 83515 12. Pursuant to Section 6l-3o7,ldaho C.ode, Eagle Water requests that any approved surcharge take immediate effect upon the Commission's order. 13. ln accordance with Utility Customer lnformation Rule 102.03, Eagle Water will mail a Notice to Customers regarding this Application to its customers upon the isuance of a Notice of Modified Procedure by the Commission setting the deadline for Comments in this matter. See Eagle Water Exhibit F, attached. In addition, in accordance with UCIR lO2.O+, hgle Water herewith submits a copy of the Press Release that will be issued by Eaele EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION . 6 Water to print and broadcast medla in i8 service &nitory, upon the isuance of a Nofice of Modifid Procedure by the C-ommisslon setfrng the deadline for C.ommen$ in fris rmtter. ee Eagk Waer Erftblt G. DATED this l0th day of November,2Ol5. HzCounselor@law PLLC EACLEWATER,CO},IPANY SURCHARGE APPUCTA\TION - 7 DffiIBITA Accounting Seruices Estimate of Fees [See attrched) EAGLEWATER. COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - 8 fNILDEN HOLM & Co. www.treasureval leycpa. com 9446 W. FairviewAve. Boise,ID 83704 BillTo Eagle Water, Inc, PO Box455 Eagle, ID 83616-0455 lnvoice Date lnvoice # 9lu20t5 8435 P.O. No.Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount Water Surcharge Application Work Thanks 600.00 600.00 600.m Total $600.00 DHIBIT B Legal Services Estimate of Fees [See attached] EAGLEWATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION . 9 gvlotfy O'Lear) Biz€ounsel@6;v lnsW. Sate Street, #l5O Boise, ldaho STIOL Votce / TqG 208.+53.6106 FMait Mollv @ BizCounselorAtlaw.com 29 Oaober 2015 Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. - President WAElgrronic Mail: Eagle Water C-ompany, lnc eaelewaterco@gmail.com 172W. Sate Street Eagle, Idaho 8%16 RE: 1076121- Well # 8 Expense Recovery-Surcharge Application Dear R.obert I have estimated my Iegal fees for the handling of Eagle Water Company's current Surcharge Application as follows . 45 HoUPS @ $225.00 per hour = $10,125.00 Very truly yours, >Tnltcn Erun*n ffi rFaeboolc DGIBIT C D.L. Evans Bank Loan Commitment Letter [See attached] EAGLE WATER. COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION . IO October 22,2015 Eagle Water Company Attn: Robert DeShazo, Jr. PO Box 455 Eagle,ID 83714 Dear Robert, Pursuant to our recent conversation, here is an estimate of anticipated loan costs $786,242.00 5 Years given similar collections WSJ Prime +2.00o/o, floor of 5.50% (today's rate = 5.50o/o) fully floating $3,603.61/interest only monthly given no change in rate. Principle Reduction required quarterly - all available funds drawn from controlled surcharge account.. LoanFee: associated with your request. r Loan Amount:r Maturity:. Variable lnterest Rate: r Interest Only Payment (full advance): I Eagle, ID 85616 Express Banking bA88.A7 3-9777 l% of Loan Amount Please note that this is not to be considered a commitment to finance by D.L. Evans Bank, but simply for discussion purposes only. No financial analysis has been performed questions please call me at (208) 939-7040. DL Evans Bank Eagle,ID 83616 208-939-7040 Eagle Branch 208-959-7()4() 4O2 South Eagle Rd. Fa( 2O8-959-7O5L DffiIBIT D Proposed Surcharge Glculation [See auachedJ FAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - II Eagle Water Compay Calculation of Surcharge Amount Financed Term lnterest Rate Monthly Payment Required Annual Cash Required Multiplied by Gross-Up Total Annual Surcharge Divided by Revenue subject to Surcharge Surcharge 2014 Customers Residential Commercial Total Minimum Monthly Bill Times 12 Months Surcharge Exempt Base Revenues Subject to Surcharge Calculation of Gross-Up for Taxes 7g4,to4 5 years 5.50% 15,168 182,016 L27.88% (5786,242 plus 1% Loan Fee) (Variable) 2014 Revenues 532,972 233,100 232,762 432,464 53.82% Number 3,089 457 100.00% Taxable 8.00% StateTax Rate 92.OO% FederalTaxable 73.80% Effective FederalTax Rate 2L.8O% Composite Tax Rate 78.20% Net After Tax lncome t27 .88% Gross-Up Factor 3,546 7.U 27,g0t 333,608 432,464 (15% Federal Rate) 766,072 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DffiIBIT E Draft Revised Tariffs [See attached) EACLEWATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICAT1ON - 12 Tariff No. |.P.U.C No. Canceling Sheet No. 29, Sth Revised Name of Utilitv: Eaele Water Companv, Inc. Page Sheet 29 6th Revised fApproval Stampl RATE SCHEDULE NO.I Small Volume Unmetercd Water Service AVAILABILITY: Service under this Rate Schedule is available for each service connection of l-11 4 inch or smaller that is not metered and where approved for a master metered mobile home park. RATE: For individual non-metered customers [a] For the months of November through April, inclusive, a flat rate of $11.75 per month. [b] For the months of May through October, inclusive, a flat rate of $1975 per month. For master-metered Mobile Home Parks [aJ The total monthly rate is calculated as the number of Park Units times the appropriate individual non- metered customer rate [summer and non-summer). tbl A surcharge of 53.82 percent, per IPUC Order No.- will be added to all water usage greater than 500 cu. ft. per month per individual Park Unit from [ ], 2015 through ll,2O2O, inclusive. i. Uuge subiect to surcharge shall be calculated by multiplying the number of individual Park Units times 50O cu. ft. and then subtracting that number from the overall Master Meter total ["Excess Usage"] for a billing cycle. ii. The surcharge shall then be calculated by multiplying the Excess Usage figure by the Schedule 2 metered rate of 0.451 cents per 100 cu. ft. and then multiplying that number by the surcharge of 53.82 percent. The resulting number shall be the surcharge amount collected. SERVICE CONDITIONS: [a) All water service under this Rate Schedule is subject to the General Service Provisions of the Company's tariff of which this Rate Schedule is a part. [b] The Company, at its option, may meter service otherwise qualifying under this Rate Schedule, in which case such seruice shall be governed by Rate Schedule No. 2. Isued: [],2015 Effective [], 2015 h$od Brt hgle Eater Companyr lnc SEned Ti&r Canceling Sheet No. 30, 4th Revised Name of Utilitv: Eaele Water Companv, lnc. RATE SCHEDUTE No. 2 Meterd SeMce AVAILABILITY: To all metered customers. Monthlv Per MeterRATES: First 600 cu. ft. or less $ 7.84 All over 500 cu. ft. per 100 cu. ft. 0.451 A surcharge of 53.82o/o will be added to water us.rge over the 6O0 cu. ft minimum from I l, 2015 through ll2O2O, incluslve, per IPUC Order No MINIMUM CHARGES: Cu. Ft. AIIowed Charge 3/+" and smaller t" I /+" and I t/2" 2" 3" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 4" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 6" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 8" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity lO" or multiple meters of equivalent capacity 600 l,ooo 2,000 3,2OO 6,4O0 roro0 21,000 32,000 45,O00 $ 7.84 $ 9.64 $ 14.15 $ 19.55 $ 34.00 $ s2.94 $?e.u $ 149.4s $ 208.08 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT: The customer shall pay the minimum charge only when the amount resulting from applying the rates to the quantity of water used is less than the minimum charge. A minimum bill will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire billing and if the same customer has used less than the minimum allowance. Isued: [],2015 Effective il,2015 Isued By: Eaele Water Company, lnc. Simed:Title EXHIBIT F Draft Notice to Eagle Water Company Customers [See attached) EAGLEWATER COMPANY SUR.CHARGE APPLICATION - 13 TO OUR. CUSTOMERS We have recently filed an Application with the l&ho Public Utilities Commission for a temporary surcharge to cover expenses that we have incurred and will incur to alleviate low water pressure problems in the northeastern portion of Eagle Water Company, Inc.'s service area. ln addition, hgle Water C,ompany is seeking a temporary surcharge to finance the cost of a new well to further alleviate water pressure problems and better serve all of our Customers. The Application seeks a surcharge of 53.82% on our existing rates for water consumption in excess of 500 cfs per month. As an example, if you currently consume 700 cfs per month of water via a 7+-inch or smaller service line, you would see an increase of 24 cents in your monthly water bill. You may rerderv a copy of our Application either at our office or at the Commisiont office. You may also revie\fl the Application online at wwwpucstate.id.us under the "File Room" icon. Comments, if ann must be filed with the Commission on or before [ $ 2OtS.Conrmat tmnpfl: I'lODlFlED FOR,OCEDtIRE COMME.IT DETfl.JNE SET BY TIfi @MMESION. I!ilS I|O'IICE WLL BE SENI OUT TO EAGII WATER OJSTOI,EnS ASSOONT ASTHE COMHISSION SER TI.E @HMTNT DEADIINE. DHIBITG Draft Press Release [See attached) EAGLE WATER. COMPANY SURCHAR.GE APPLICATION . 14 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November [],2015 Eagle Water Company, lnc. Contact Molly O'Leary 208.453.5105 EAGLE WATER COMPANY SEEKS TEMPORARY SURCHARCE Eagle Water Company, lnc., which serves just over 31500 customers in the Eagle, Idaho area, has filed an Application with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission seeking permission to assess its customers a temporary surcharge to recover costs it has incurred in the construction of a new well, its eighth. ln addition, Eagle Water seeks to recover expenses it has incurred since 2OO9 for additional infrastructure improvement expenses it has incurred, as well as expenses it has incurred due to Ada County Highway District construction projects necessitating the movement of several of Eagle Water's water service lines. Eagle Water has asked the Commission for expedited review and approval of its Application. The Company proposes that the surcharge become effective upon the Com m ission's approval. Eagle Water proposes to borrow W86,242.00 to cover its expenditures. Repayment of this loan would be made through a proposed 53.82oh surcharge assessment on all water consumption in excess of 500 cubic feet of water per month, for a period of five years. No surcharge is requested for water usage at or below 500 cubic feet per month. Eagle Water's rates are considerably lower than either the City of Eagle's municipal water system rates or United Water-ldaho's rates, and the proposed FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November []r 2Ol5 Eagle Water Company, Inc Cpnlact Molly O'Leary 208.453.6106 surcharge would not change this fact. With the proposed surcharge, Eagle Water Company residential customers would pay $8.24 for the use of 700 cubic feet of water - a monthly increase of iust 24 cents. That same amount of water consumption in a single billing cycle would cost a City of Eagle customer $2953, and would cost a United Water of ldaho customer $2237 du summer billing months and $20.90 in United Water's winter billing even with the proposed temporary surcharge, Eagle Waterrs considerably less than likesituated water