HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210119Fourth Quarter Balance Sheet.pdfDec 31, 20 ASSETS Cunent Aesets Checking/Savinge '131.8 'Wells Fargo 219(xx)t707 131.9' lBC Construction'21810122 131.95' IBC General'21810't71 131.98 ' lBCJackson Squate-3662 132.1 ' IFB General't0510 132.2 ' IFB Congtruction'16537 132.3 ' IFB Jackson Square'16545 132.4' IFB Surcharge DlsbuEoment 132.5 ' IFB Surcharge 132.6 ' IFB Well Construction 132.7 '|,FB Engineering 132.8 ' CD-Backhoe Totat Chocklng/Savings Accounta Receivable 900-112 ' A/R Jackson Square Total AscounE Recelvable Other Current Asset3 t45 'ArR from Assoclated ComPanlea 145.1 ' Due from Constructlon Total ,45'A/R from Assoclated Companlos Total Other CurBnt Assott Tota! Current A$ets FIxed Aeseb 108' Accumulated Depr'Utillty Plant 140 .SoftWater 301 'Organlzation 303 . Land & Rlghte€ervlce 3{14' Structurc lmprovement€ervlce 307.4 'Wellg & Springs #4 307.6'Wells & SPrlngs #6 307.7 .Wells & SPrlngs #7 307.71 . Boostor PumP 307.72 'Sage Acres Booster PumP 307.8 'Well E SPringe *8 309 'SuPPlY Malns 310 . Power Generatlng EqulPment 3ll .Pumplng Equlpment 330 ' Dlstrlb Resorvoirs & Stsndplpos 331 'Trangmlsgion & Dletribut Malns 334 ' Meters & iletor lngtallation 335'Hydrants 340 .Office Furnlture & EqulPment 341 . Transportation Equipment 343 'Tools, ShoP, & Garage EquiPment 347 . illacellaneous EqulPmenttoo' gonttructlon EqulPmcnt Total Flxed Assetr Other Aseets 141.1' Accounts Recelvable'Residenual 141,2 . Accounts Reccivable€ommorclal 142.'l . Employee Advance 22t 'Bonde 900-ll0 'AIR Jobs 900-ll9 .Adv to RVD Jr 9OO-150 ' Propefi/EquaPmont Jobg 1,504.66 -1,173.00 174.34 -s00.00 73,825.21 67,868.51 22,071.28 2,747.84 150,095.52 64,570.41 57,755.31 76,320.00 515,360.08 166,741.75 166,741.75 11,424.26 11,424.26 11,424.26 693,526.09 -1,004,846.00 1,143.90 13,857.00 143,194.30 15,199.85 221,494.73 251,594.94 282,280.13 13,403.00 850.00 569,346.31 19,278.79 20,724.7'.! 249,712.77 48,015.44 967,1 50.77 410,2',14,68 4,773.50 16,644.38 41,186.% 14,386.02 8,293.55 76,320.OO 2,38/.,2'.t9.71 29,910.64 6,751 .04 -5,450.00 18.00 39,414.99 652,280.19 52,991.04 Page 1 6 hC:r-t!- tS-@ I 8138 AM o'il19121 Accrual Basis Eagle Water Company, lNC. Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2020 RECEIVED 2021January 19, PM 1:52 IDAHO PABLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 8:38 AM 01t1s121 Accrual Baele Eagle Water Company, lNC. Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2020 Dec 31,20 900.151 . Land & Bldg Old 55 9U,-152 . Jackeon Property 900.153 'Auto & Trucks.lobe 900.155 . Const Eq-lobr 900.t80 . Accum DepreclatlonJobs 900.190 . other AssetsJobe 900-185 .Loan Orlg Fee-HSB 900.199 . Ace Amortlzatlon-Polnte 251,173.53 761,7U.17 23,278.78 u5,087,20 -s3,559.72 4,000.00 1,'148.00 -1,448.00 Total Oth€r Ass€ts 1,597,679.86 TOTAL ASSETS 4,675,425.66 LIABILITIES & EQUIW Llabllltles Cuncnt Llabllltlog Account! Payable 2000 .Accounts Payable Total Accounts Payable Crodlt Cards 242 .Welle Fargo4462 Total Credlt Cards 150,626.05 't50,626.0s 45.59 45.59 Other Current Liabllities Payroll Llabllitie+Fed WH 2100 . Payoll Llabllltles 231 ' AccounE Payable. Trade 236.2 'Accrued PaYroll Taxes'FWT 236.3 . Accrued Payroll Taxec-FICA 236.4 . Accrued PaYroll Taxea€WT 236.5 .Accrued PaYroll Taxer€Ul 236.6 . Accrued PaYroll Taxee'FUl 243 ' Sage Acres LOC 253 ' Surcharge for StudY 900-295' Conetructlon Loan Payab 900-297 . Due to Water Total Other Cur"nt Llabllltles Total Cunent Liablllties s7.02 795.00 134,630.1 1 49.00 -140.76 3,520.16 3't 1.39 u2.32 -8,453.7.| 1,060,144.11 -1,978.40 11,424.26 1,200,802.50 1,351,3E2.96 Long Tetm Llabllltlee 224.4 . Othor LTD-tarcus 224.6 .Other LTD-Marcus LF 253.1 ' Surcharge Study Costs 271 'ClACtHook-uP Foo 900{01 . N-P ldaho Flr8t Btnk.backho€ 900-285 . N,P-FSB+{S-2266034170 900-287 ' 25000977 NlP{achson 1,041.09 24,250.00 -5,752.73 3,41 1 ,319.46 628.39 27,974.76 zil,244.2'.1 Total Long Term Llabilitiee Total Llabllltles 3,713,705.18 5,065,088.14 Equlty 201 . Common Stock l3gued 2{ I ' Other Pald ln Capltal 2t5 . Unappropriated RE 3900 . Retalned Earnlngs 900-310' RE Jobc Net lncome 20,000.00 63,702.03 537,854.62 -7,691.95 -994,811.99 -8,715.19 Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUIW -389,662.48 4,675,425.68 ?age 2