HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090122Application.pdfe e Molly O'Leary (ISB # 4996) Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: 208.938.7900 Fax: 208. 938.7904 molly(g richardsonandoleary.com RECEfVE 2009 JAN 22 pu f1 4: 30 Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC.'S APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION OF A TEMPORARY CUSTOMER SURCHARGE oci- ) CASE NO. EAG-W~ 01 ) ) APPLICATION OF EAGLE WATER ) COMPANY, INC. FOR TEMPORARY ) CUSTOMER SURCHARGE COMES NOW, Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water" or "the Company"), by and through undersigned counsel, and petitions the Commission for an Order authorizing Eagle Water to collect a temporary surcharge on customer usage in excess of 600 cubic feet per biling cycle to help defray past, present and future capitol improvements to Eagle Watets infrastructure and resource supply. APPLICATION 1. As the Commission knows, Eagle Water commissioned an Engineering Report ("Report") to evaluate its water system and to recommend actions to manage growth and keep the Company in compliance with Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations. That report was delivered to the Commission for its review on or about August 6,2007. EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPUCA TION - t e . 2. The following system improvements were recommended by MTC, Inc. in its June 2007 Final Engineering Report and approved by DEQ: SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS:Status: A. Completed Actions 1. Develop Well #7 Completed 11. Improve Well #4 Pump for increased pumping capacity Completed B. Mandatory Actions i. Water system Interconnection for emergency fire-flow redundancy Completed ii. Install PRSV on Floating Feather Road Mainline Completed C Future Actions for Growth Planning i. Develop New Water Source (Well #8)In Progress ii. Modify Well #2 Booster Station Modification In Progress 3. Items A and B, above, have been completed ("Completed Projects"). The cost of each Completed Project is broken down as follows: COMPLETED PROJECTS Description Actual Cost Well No.7 Land Purchase $55,000.00 Well Construction $310,120.00 Back-Up Generator $80,000.00 Mainline Tie-In $145,880.00 Engineering $14,988.00 EAGLE WA~R COMPANY SURCHARGEAPPUCA TION - 2 e . Floating Feather Mainline Install Pressure Reducing Valve $39,430.00 Engineering $4,200.00 Tie-In to City of Eagle Reservoir $10,000 Monthly Tie-In Fee $60,000.001 Construction of Tie-In $12,910.00 Engineering .MTC, Inc $290.00 .City of Eagle $9,147.00 Rebuild Well No.4 Rebuild Work: . Increase motor size $58,575.00 . Add one pump bowl . Electrical & miscellaneous work Engineering $1,200.00 TOTAL $791,740.00 4. Of the $605,988.00 total costs for Well NO.7 identified above, Eagle Water is seeking recovery of $215,000.00 from the proposed surcharge fee that is the subject of this Application. (The balance of $390,988.00 wil be attributed to Eagle Watets rate base.) In addition to the Well #7 costs discussed supra, Eagle Water is seeking recovery of $185,752.00 for expenditures on the remaining Completed Projects, bringing the total Completed Project expenditures requested for surcharge fee recovery to $400,752.00. 5. In addition to the above-identified Completed Projects, Eagle Water has the following projects underway and nearing completion: i This figure is as of date of this Application. This is an ongoing monthly expense ($10,000.00 per month) until Well NO.8 is fully online. EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPUCA TION - 3 e . IN PROGRESS Description Actual Cost Main Booster Station 100 H.P. motor + recorder Generator Engineering $94,400.00 $75,000.00 $5,700.00 Well # 8 Land Purchase Construction Site Improvements 300 KW Generator Mainline Tie-In Engineering $70,000.00 $370,000.00 $25,000.00 $100,00.00 $44,620.00 $26,900.00 $81,620.00TOTAL 6. Eagle Water has incurred certain legal and accounting fees related to the two prior Surcharge Applications (EAG-W-05-02 and EAG-W-07-0l) that it seeks authorization to pay from the existing Surcharge Account balance. Those fees are as follows: EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - 4 e . LEGAL FEES . EAG-W-05-02 - Surcharge Application Fees o TOTAL Biled (August 2005 through June 2007) o Previously authorized for Surcharge Account payment o Balance requested for Surcharge recovery authorization . EAG-W-05-02 - Engineering Report Legal Fees o TOTAL Biled (August 2005 to current) o Previously authorized for Surcharge Account payment o Balance requested for Surcharge recovery authorization . EAG-W-07-01 - Surcharge Extension Application Fees o TOTAL Biled Ouly 2007 to current) o Previously authorized for Surcharge Account payment o Amount requested for Surcharge recovery authorization ACCOUNTING FEES . EAG-W-07-01 - Surcharge Extension Application Fees TOTAL Legal & Accounting Fees Requested for Surcharge recovery $16,993.162 $10,945.22 $6,047.94 $32,786.02 $16,231.84 $16,554.18 $14,905.72 $ 0 $14,905.72 $600.00 $38,107.84 7. Because Eagle Water is a small company, the cost of preparing and processing an interim surcharge request wil represent a significant extraordinary expense. Eagle Water estimates that the legal and accounting expenses associated with implementing the proposed improvements and applying to the Commission for approval to recover the investments through an interim surcharge wil be approximately $15,000.00 for legal services and $600.00 for accounting services. See attached EWCO Exhibits Band C, respectively. 8. In addition to using the remaining funds in the existing Surcharge Account3, the Company proposes to borrow the necessary additional funds to cover these proposed 2 Richardson & O'Leary made a clerical error in calculating the amount of fees biled as of August 6, 2007 for EAG-W-05-02. As evidenced by the supporting documentation submitted to the Commission at that time and resubmitted herewith as EWCO Exhibit A, the correct amount biled for legal services assoCIated with the 2005 surcharge case is $16,933.16. EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - 5 e e capital investment expenses. Under the terms of a financing proposal from Idaho Banking Company, the cost of the loan would be approximately 6.75 percent spread over seven years. See EWCO Exhibit D attached. 9. Based on the foregoing, and because the expenses incurred to-date and the proposed expenditures would be in the public interest, the Company is requesting an Order from the Commission declaring that the incurrence of these expenses is a prudent capital investment, the costs of which are proper expenses to be duly recovered from ratepayers with a Surcharge. 10. The Company requests the Commission further issue its order approving the scheduled surcharges shown on the attached EWCO Exhibit E as a fair, just and reasonable method for recovery of its costs associated with the capital investments referenced above. Draft revised tariffs, reflecting these proposed surcharges, are attached as EWCO Exhibit F. 11. The Company wil maintain a separate balancing account on its books with all transactions related to this Application flowing through the account on a monthly basis as transactions occur. None of the expenditures proposed in this Application wil be recorded to the Companýs plant accounts and the Company wil not seek to add these costs to its rate base for rate-making purposes. 12. In addition to authorization of a new Surcharge as outlined above, Eagle Water is seeking immediate authorization from the Commission to borrow $213,159.14 from the current Surcharge Account balance for bils associated with completed work on the Main Booster Pump and Well No.8, pending the Commission's final decision regarding this 3 The current balance of the existing Surcharge Account is: $218,157.00. EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - 6 e e Application. See Eagle Water Exhibit G, attached. Of this total amount, Eagle Water has already paid $23,440.84 out of pocket, with $189,718.30 in pending invoices that remain to be paid. As with Commission Order No. 30440, Eagle Water recognizes that it wil be required to repay any interim Surcharge Account funds that it expends if the expense is not ultimately approved by the Commission for Surcharge recovery. Eagle Water is seeking this interim order from the Commission due to cash flow constrictions brought about by the need to complete Well #7 and the City of Eagle Tie-In in order to satisfy DEQ regulatory requirements and lift the sanitary restrictions moratorium. These out-of-pocket expenditures by Eagle Water have severely limited its abilty to meet current demands for payment for other capital improvements that are underway. 13. Communications with reference to this request should be sent to the following: Molly O'Leary Richardson & O'Leary, P.L.L.C P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Robert V. DeShazo., Jr., President Eagle Water Company, Inc. P.O. Box 455 Eagle, ID 83616 14. Pursuant to Section 61-307, Idaho Code, Eagle Water requests that any approved Surcharge take immediate effect upon the Commission's order. 15. In accordance with Utilty Customer Information Rule 102.03, Eagle Water wil be including a Notice to Customers regarding this Application with its January billngs. See Eagle Water Exhibit H, attached. In addition, in accordance with UCiR 102.04, Eagle Water herewith submits a copy of the Press Release that was issued by Eagle Water to print and EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - 7 e e broadcast media in its service territory, in concert with the fiing of this Application. See Eagle Water Exhibit i. 16. Because the issues presented by this request are limited in scope, Eagle Water requests that this request be processed without the need for a hearing, under Commission Rule of Procedure 202, Modified Procedure. DATED this 22nd day of January, 2009. Richardson & O'Leary P.L.L.C EAGLE WATER COMPANY SURCHARGE APPLICATION - 8 EAGLE WATER CO. PETITION FOR SURCHARGE e e EXHIBIT A e RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise,ID 83707 To: Eagle Wate Compeny Robert V. DeShaio, Jr., Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Street Eagle, ID 83616 e Statement Date 7/1512007 Amount Due AmuntEnc. $4,897.42 Date Balance 07/3112005 Balance forward Transaction Amount 0.00 61-90 DAYS PAST DUE 1,265.84 -1,265.84 1,318.33 -1,318.33 318.74 3.19 32.09 -318.74 262.08 2.94 327.04 6.21 247.00 825.59 16.94 1,352.00 1.27.16 1.959.65 42.73 -297.36 59.38 510.40 40.83 -2,374.58 -2.889.17 108.92 142.91 15.04 -1,620.99 239.17 497.83 OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 08/16/2005 08/16/2005 0911/2005 09/2112005 10/1012005 1110812005 1110912005 1112112005 12113/2005 0111112006 01112/2006 0210712006 02/09/2006 0311/200 0311512006 04124/2006 05124/2006 0612012006 06/20/2006 06/2612006 07/1212006 07/17/2006 08110/2006 08/3112006 08/3112006 09/11/2006 10/10/2006 10/12/2006 1012312006 1111012006 12/1212006 CURRENT 16RO - DEQ/Water Pressure- INV #2163. Due 08/1612005. PMT # 1 0 12. from trst fud INV #2180. Due 09/13/2005. PMT#6812. INV #2229. Due 10/10/2005. INV #FC 371. Due 1110812005. Finance Charge INV #2302. Due 11109/2005. PMT#6989. INV #2314. Due 12113/2005. INV #FC 399. Due 0111 112006. Finance Charge INV #2367. Due 01112/2006. INV #FC 423. Due 02/0712006. Finance Charge INV #2428. Due 02/09/2006. INV #2490. l)ue 0311/2006. INV #FC 437. Due 03/15/2006. Finance Charge INV #2538. Due 0412412006. 1NV #2602. Due 05124/2006. INV #2665. Due 0612012006. 1NV #FC 477. Due 06/20/2006. Finance Charge PMT#7553. INV #FC 499. Due 07/121200. Finance Charge INV #2737. Due 07/1712006. INV #2752. Due 08/1012006. PMT#7816. PMT#3300. ¡NV #2797. Due 09/1 11006. INV #2861. Due 10/10/2Q06. INV #FC 608. Due 10/1212006. Finance Chare PMT INV #2925. Due 11110/2006. INV #2992. Due 1211212006. 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PASTDUE DUE 1,265.84 0.00 1,318.33 0.00 318.74 321.93 354.02 35.28 297.36 300.30 627.34 633.55 880.55 1,706.14 1,723.08 3,075.08 4,302.24 6,261.89 6,304.62 6,007.26 6,066.64 6.577.04 6,617.87 4,243.29 1,354.12 1,463.04 1,605.95 1,620.99 0.00 239.17 737.00 0.00 1,370.7647.75 371.5 3,107.76 $4.897.42 Page 1 e e RICHARDSON & O'LEARY, PLLC 515 N. 27th Stret P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 Statement Date 7/1512007 To: Eagle Water Company Robert. V. DeShazo. Jr.. Pres. PO Box 455 172-D W.State Strt Eagle. ID 836 I 6 Amount Due Amount Enc. $4,897.42 Date Transaction Amount Balance 01115/2007 INV #3058. Due 0111512007.512.41 1,249.41 02/15/2007 lNV #3122. Due 0211512007.825.33 2,074.74 0212112007 PMT#843L.-1,249.41 825.33 03114/2007 lNV #3 170. Due 03/1412007.545.43 1,370.76 04116/2007 INV #3218. Due 04/16/2007.1.688.83 3,059.59 05/07/2007 INV #FC 778. Due 05107/2007. Finance Charge 30.60 3.090.19 05/10/2007 lNV #3274. Due 05/10/2007.1,388.33 4,478.52 06/06/2007 lNV #FC 802. Due 06/06/2007. Finance Charge 44.48 4,523.00 06/12/2007 lNV #3335. Due 06112/2007.326.67 4,849.67 07/11/2007 lNV #FC 830. Due 07/1112007. Finance Charge 47.75 4,897.42 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS Amount DueDUEDUEDUEPAST DUE 0.00 47.75 371.5 3,107.76 1,370.76 $4.897.42 Page 2 EAGLE WATER CO. PETITION FOR SURCHARGE e e EXHIBIT B e e ~~r ~0JIL.~"lllATTORNEYS AT LAW Molly 0' Leary Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 molly&' richardson'andole ary. co m P.O. Box 7218 Boise, ID 83707 - 515 N. 27th St. Boise, ID 83702 22 January 2009 Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. - President Eagle Water Company, Inc. 172 W. State Street Eagle, Idaho 83616 RE: 1076/15.3 - Temporary Surcharge Application Dear Robert I have estimated my legal fees for the handling of Eagle Water Company's current Application for Temporary Customer Surcharge (Case No. EAG-W-09-0l) as follows: 67 hours X $225/ hour = $15,000.00 Sincerely, PLLC EAGLE WATER CO. PETITION FOR SURCHARGE e e EXHIBIT C 9eneva 71 7renl, tin 0o/ulions ftr small businesses Decmber 16, 2008 Robert DeSha, Jr. Eagle Water Compay POBox455 Eale, Idao 83615 Dear Robert, Basd on the work requied for the previous Surhage Applicatio~ I est that my fees for preparg the calculations for ths Surchage Application will be $600. Th you for ths opprtty. Sincerely, c;~at: Geneva A. Trent, CPA -,6450 SE 4th Avenue New Plymouth ID 83655 * (208) 278-5663 ------94::rPra1ê€8š-D£--i-Eãglë,-II-g%"r6--e-r2GSrg;'+-S2U~------------ EAGLE WATER CO. PETITION FOR SURCHARGE e e EXHIBIT D e e h)ß4:; ø . I" " ii or t~.ioß~' Janua 7, 2009 Eagle Wate Company . Att: Robe DeSha. Jr. Eigie 402 S.€agle Rd. Eale,ldaho 83616 20-939-7040 Dear Robert Puuat to our ret convertion, here is an estimate of anticipate loan costs associate with your request. fairview 6010 Faiviow Ave. Boise. Idaho 83704 20472-4700 · Loan Amoiut: · Term: · Varble Interest Rate: $995,500.00 7 Year given sim collecons WSJ Pre + 2.00%, floor of 6.75% (today's rate:: 6.75%) i Miridlan 1875 S. Eale Rd. Meriian, Idaho 83642 208-95500686 · Inrest Only Payment (ful advane): SS,523.00/mo. given DO chage in rate . Priple Reuction reui qualy -.al avaible fus drawn frm contrlled surhage account. . Loan Fee: 1 % of Loa Amount Pleas note tht ths is not to be considered a commtment to fi by Idao Bang Company, but siply for discussion purses only. i Parklidr 449 E. Parkcentr BlVd. Boise, Idaho 83706 20395-150 i Moltgage 295 E. Tlrpon Or., Sle. 150 Meridian, Idal 83642 208-318-1013 If you should have any fuer questions pleae call me at (208) 939"0554. Sinerly,. ,.---~ .\~~ Becky Fower VP & Branch Manager Ido Bang Company i Construction 2965 E. TarPQn Or., Ste. 150 . Meridian, Idaho 83642 208-947-5588 EAGLE WATER CO. PETITION FOR SURCHARGE e e EXHIBIT E e e Eagle Water Company Calculation of Surcharge Amount December 31, 2008 Amount Financed Term i nterest Rate Monthly Payments Required $ 995,500.007 years * 6.75% * $ 14,903.40 (approximate) Annual Cash Required $ 178,840.80 Multiplied by Gross-up (from below)127.88% Total Annual Surcharge $ 228,701.62 Divided by Revenue subject to Surcharge $ 475,714.44 Surcharge 48.075% * Information supplied by Becky Fowers, Idaho Banking Co., 12/29/08 Multiplied by 12 months Surcharge exempt base Number 2885 372 3257 $7.84 $25,534.88 12 $306,418.56 ---;: 2007 Revenues $ 557,577.00 224,556.00 $ 782,133.00 Percent of Total 71.29% 28.71% 100.00% 2007 Customers Residential Commercial Totals Monthly minimum bil $306,418.56 Revenues subject to Surcharge $ 475,714.44 Calculation of Gross-Up Factor for Taxes: 1 ) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 100.00% taxable 8.00% State Tax Rate 92.00% Federal Taxable 13.80% Effective Federal Tax Rate 21.80% Composite Tax Rate 78.20% Net After Tax Income 127.88% Gross-up Factor (Federal Rate 15%) 2) + 4) EAGLE WATER CO. PETITION FOR SURCHARGE e e EXHIBIT F e e Tariff No.Page 2 I.P.U.C. No. Canceling Sheet 30, 3rd revised Name of Utilty EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. (Approval Sta ) CONDITIONS The Applyin RATE SCHEDULE No.2 Metered Service AVAILABILITY: To all metered customers. RATES:First 600 cu. Ft. or less All over 600 cu. Ft. per 100 cu. Ft. A surcharge of 48.075% will be added to the 600 cu. Ft. minimum from January 1,2 December 31, 2015, inc1usi MINIMUM CHARGES: u. Ft.owed Charge 600 $ 7.84 1 "1,000 9.64 2,000 14.15 2"3,200 19.56 6,400 34.00 10,600 52.94 21,000 99.84 32,000 149.45 45,000 208.08 ONTRA er sh ay the minimum charge only when the amount resulting from s to the quantity of water used is less than the minimum charge. A minim bil will be prorated whenever the customer has not been a customer for the entire biling period and if the same customer has used less than the Minimum allowance. Januar 22,2009 Effective Januar 1,2009 Issued by EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. EAGLE WATER CO. PETITION FOR SURCHARGE e e EXHIBIT G e January 13, 2009 Molly e Enclosed are some of the invoices for the Booster Pump and drillng expense for Well No.8. CD Booster Pump HD Supply Invoices PaîdbyEWC Priest Electric Pump and Motor 100 HP Drive Paid by EWe AME Elecric INC. Elecrical Wiring for pump \f Well NO.8Well Drillng & Testing Paid by EWC Total i13,;K.99 $13,306.99 Balance Due $16,636.36 l19A97,79 $3,134.15 :J10,1;M,15 $26,000.00 Balance Due $20,36.72 Balance Due $143,350.00 - ~50!OOO.QO $93,350.00 Total Balance Due $213,159.14 r'-;Ì(".:,~== Local Service, NaHonwldB " e Branch ACcount Salesperson liwoice Date Invoice Numbc 306 110938 JOHN CAUTELA 6/ii/08 7276053 ßOSWW - BOISE iD Branch - 3063338 Commercial Court Meridian ID 63642 Remit to: 208/888-5656 INVOICE lI SUPPLY .ATB"Oin~, LTD. FILE 56214LOS ARGllS i CA 11..1111111 l 11111111111111111111111111.11111'11111111" 1111,11EAGLE WATE CO INC 001/0310ACCOUNs PAYBLE 02612 PO BOX 4552AGL ID 83616 0455 Shipped to: 2401 ESTATE ST EAGLE, in 90074 621~ otal Amount Due 2.612.37 CUSTOMER JOB- 2601 WELL HOUSE #7 .."... Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit - ril of Lading Date Ordered Date Shipped a.1S((~mer PO No.Job Name Job No. Shipped Via Order Number5/21/08 6110/08 ~~LOW WELL HOUSE #7 2601 OUR 'lRUCl(7276053ProduCt Code Desctiption ~anti~ß.~~~l~8ick-Price Per AmoulltI'dei:OrdeledCUSTOMERPO# -BOOSTER STATION 2412XiiOF 12X12 FLG CROSS CIL DI eil)2 2 1144 .41000 s:2,288.8212BNGR12Fi.G BNG KIT, ZINC/lis RR RIN~a a 21.96000 EA 1 ?S.68 Thank You For The Opportimity To Serve YOIl. We appreciate your prompt lHll1netil. L freight Delivery Handling Restock Terms NET 30 Mise Tax 147,87 Subtoral 2,464.50 Invoice Total 2,612.37c.. THAK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERvisa .WATERWORKS. IiDSUPPLY . COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED rlellle pay this amOunt .. HD~ - BOISB m Br~(;h - 306:li38 COercial Co'lt Meridian In 83642 Page:102077 Y'T'......-.; .... r&-a LOCd/ SeW/eli, NotlnWldø Branch ACCQunt Salesperson Invoice Date Invoice Numb! 306 110938 JOHN CAUTELA 6/18/08 7386986 e HDSWW - BOISE ID Branch - 3063338 Commercial Court Meridian ID 83642 208/988-5556 RcmiC to: INVOICE HI SUPPLY WATEWORK i LT.. FILE 156214 LOS ANGBES. CA 111,III,11..1f ,,,,,11111..1111111.111111..111111.111' .11111.11EALE WATE CO INC 009/0360ACCOONS PAYB 03181 PO Box 455 EAGLE lD 83616 0455 Shipped to: CUSTOMER PICK-UP 90074 62i~ 'atal Amount Due 813.89 CUSTOMER JOB- 2601 WELL HOUSE; #7 Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit Date Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO No. Job Name 6/11/08 6/17/08 SEE BELOW WELL HOUSE #7 Thank fou Fo,' The OpportlilJity To Silrve 1"011. W£" appree¡ate your prompt payiient. Job No. 2601 Bil ofLadin~ Shipped Via WILL CALL Order Number 1)86986Product Code D .. Owmtityescription Ordereii CUSTOMER PO#-BOOSTER PUMPSTATIO~ Quantity Baeli.Sì'íppe OrdCl Price Per Amöuut ~6i20S92 1i 892 STANON PIPE SUPPORT FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE 6 6 :127.97000 EA 761.82 Tenns-Freight Delivery Handling " Restock NRT 30 Mise Tax 46.07 Subtotal 767.82 Jnvoice Total 813.89 THA YOU FOR YOUR ORDER VISIT WATERWORKS. HDSUPPLY . COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED piease i)ay this amount .. HDSWW - :aXSE I'DBr~ch - J06 3338 Corcial Court Meridian In 83642 Page:i019$18 --e -Branch ACCount Salesperson Invoice Date Invoìce Niimbei 306 110938 JOHN CAUTELA 7/22/08 741B282Local $eiv/ce. NationWide Remit to:HDSWW ~ BOISE ID Branch - 306 3338 COmmercial Court Meridian ID 83642 208/888-5656 INVOICE HO SUPPLY WA'lWORX, LTD. FILE #56214 LOS ANEI,B:S i CA Shipped to: 90074 6214 otal Aßlount Dne 11.11".111111111.111.111111111.1..1.11111111.11.111111...1111EALE WATE CO INC 007/0162ACCO'DS PAYBLE 02664 PO BOX lSS EAGLE ID 83616 0455 2401 E STATE STEAGLE, ID 9.449.29 CUSTOMER JOB~ 2601 WELL HOUSE #7 Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit Thank You For The Opport1mity To Serve Ytlu. We åppreciate yo,t:" ptompt pf:ymem, Date Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO No. Job Name 6/17/08 7/21/08 SEE BELOW WELL HOOSE #7 Job No. 2601 Bil ofLadintl Shipped Via OUR TRUCK Order Numbee 7418282 Product Code Arourii 24129F 2412Rl0F' S112F6¡02 /19106698631 55121812 300ïP 24AFTR0706 - Description CUSTOMER PO# -BOOSTER PUMP 12 FLG 90 BEND C/L iiX10 FLG REDUCER elL 8~~ STATIO~ DI ciio 2 Dr Ciip :2 1.223.94 OuaniitySìiippe4 Back-Ol"dei Price Per 2 522.45000 n l, 044.90 :l 611.9'7000 EA 12 F6l02 FLG RWGV OL HW CLOW GATE VALVE #2108 ,12" CLASs liD" STEEL FLG 12.8B BORE 12 VALMATIC 1812 SIL CK VLV 3/4 BRASS SQ HEA CORED PLUG 3/4X6' ALL THRD ROD PLAIN 2 2 1763.90000 EA 3.527.80 i 6 6 10a.55000 i:A 6$1.30 1 1 2398.08000 It 2,398.08 2 2 N!C EA 30 io 2.28000 1\'1 68."0 J Freight Ters NET 30 Mise Tax 534.87 Subtotill ~ 8 914.42 Invoice Toral 9,449.29 Deliver Handling Restock THAK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERVISIT WATERWORKS. HDSUPPLY . COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED Please 1)ilY this amount .. HDSWW ~ BO:iSE ID 8t'anch - i 06 3338 Comrcial Court Meridian ID 8~642 01832 page:1 Tnvf'~ t"''' "7~ i 0..0.. .~. local Service, Nationwide -'Branch Account Salesperson Invoice Date Invoice Numbe 306 110938 JOHN CAUTELA a/Ol/08 7670065 HDSWW ~ BOISE ID Branch - 3063338 Commercial Court Meridìan ID 83642 Remit w; 20a/saS-5656 INVOICE HD SOPlJi,y WATERWORKS, LTD. FILB #56214 LOS ANBLE. CA 111111111111111111111,11111111111.,1,111111,1.,1,1111.1,,11111 EAGLE WATER CO INC 014/0485ACCOmrS PAYBLE 05299 PO BOX 455 RAGLE LD 83616 0455 Shipped to: 2401 ESTATE STEAGLE, rD 90074 6214 otal Amount nue 173.20 CUSTOMER JOB-- 2601 WELL HOUSE #7 Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit Thank You For The Opp()rt,mity 1"0 Sen't! You. We apP'$f.ate YlJ~l' pro"'pt ~"t1J'mt!nt.-Date Ordei'ed Date Shipped Customer PO No.Job Name I Job Nci, Bill (lfLadinf Shipped Via Order Number1/30/08 7/31/08 SEE BELOW WELL HOUSE JP 2601 OUR TRUCK 76'70065 P:r)duct Code Description guiin~~~nfi:r Bai:lo.Price l)et Ainount..de'iipp(:OnleredCUSTOMER PO#-BOOSTER PUMP STATIOfjC' 12BNGR 12FLG BNG KIT, 2INC, i/a RR RIN;6 6 21. 96000 EA 131. 16lOBNG:R l.OFtiG BNG KIT, ZINC, l/S RR RIN..2 2 lS,820oo llA 31.64 l - -- Temis 9.80 Subtotal 163.40 Invoice Total~~JLreghl r- l~~IH.ndling THAK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERVISIT WATERWORKS. HDSUPPLY . COM POR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED Restock NET 30 Mìsc Tax l)leíle piiy this ilniount .. HDSHW . :B1Sg ID Branch . 306 3338 Corcial Court Meridi~ 10 83642 Page: 1 03878 Tn"l'(\~ ro",. "'t:"7"f\Cr: Ii -=,:. ,F"",.,""."'~t! .1. ..,\"J';! .. ii . ., 'Ii . e Local SÐrvÎCe. Nationwide Branch Account Salesperson lnvoice Dile Invoice NlIYlbe 306 110938 JOHN CAUTELA 9/10/08 78B877Q HDSWW - BOrSE' ID Eranch . 306~,33S Commercial Court ~~ridian !O 83642 :'08/888 ~ 5656 Remit to: INVOICE 1m SUPPLY WATEWOius i L.TD. FILE #56214 LOS ANGELES i CA 111111111111111111111.111111111.1,11.111..1.1.1111..1.11111.11 EAGLE WATE co INC 00'1/0190ACCOS PAYBLE ()2692 PO BOX 455EALß ID 83616 0455 Shipped to; 2401 ESTATE ST EAGLE, ID 90014 6214 otal Amount Due 233.05 CUSTOER JOB- 2601 WELL HOOSE 1l7 Rètiirn Top Portion With ,Payment ,Foi' Faster Credit- .Thank roii FOT The Opporturiity To Serve You. We npprf!time your prOm/it p(iymen f. Da Ie Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO Nó.Job Name Job No. 8m ofI..ding Shipped Vìa Order Number9/oa/08 9/09/08 SEE BELOW WELL HOUSE #7 2601 OUR TRUCK -1888710 .Product Code DeS~ription 8\lnií~Quiint~Back-Price Per Amoul1trdel'/!Shif.ill O..di=i'l CUSTOMER PO#-BOOSTER PUMP STA. /":0106944418 lOll AWWA CLAss D FL 10.88 BOI'1 1 62.50000 SA 6:2.5024AFBZ0850?/8X5'1 2lNC PLTD HEX HEA BOLYo 12 :ii 4.39000 EA 52.682.QAFBZ084S 7/SX4-i/i ZINC PLTD HEX H BOLr :H 24 3.98000 EA 95.$224AFGRR1OA10Xi!a FLG'RING RR GASKET 2 2 4.58000 BA 9.16 L /. C",¡ghl J Delive,\ , THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERVISIT WATERWORKS. HDSUPPLY . COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED Handling Restock Terms NET 30 Mise 1_ Tax 13 .19 Sobtotal 219.86 Invoice Total 233.05 Plea,¡e pay thl$ ftinolJl'-I HDSMW - BOISE in Branch - 306333$ COrcial COur Meri4ian In 83642 Page: 1 Cli 930 I -=Branch Account Salesperson Invoice Date Invoice Number 306 110938 JOHN CAU'ELA 9/10/08 7893282 e (oeoISi;rvcs, Natlnwi HOSWW - BOISE ID Branch - 306333 a Commercial Court Meridian LO 83642 Remit 10; INVOICE lI SUPPLY WATBRWORltS, LTD.VILE #56214LO ANELES, CA 208/8a8~5656 1111111111..11.111111111 jill"" I., I, 1,1.11,1.,1, I. ,Iil. ..1, IIEALE WATER CO INC 007/0190ACCOUNS PAYBLE 02692 PO BOX 455 EAGLE ID 83616 0455 Shipped to: CUSTOMER PICK-UW 90074 6214 Total Amount Due 25.19 CUSTOR JOB - 2601 WELL HOUSE #7 Pate Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO No. Job Name --~. 9/09/08 _ BOOSTER PUMP. WELL HOUSE #7 '1'ñank You For The Opp(i,.tunity To SerlJe YtIU. We (lpprtJ(:¡"le JI,lm' p",iiipt I'flytt,¡ni.Return Top Port:ion With Payment For Faster Credit Job No. 2601 Bil of Ladin~ Shipped Via JC Order Number I 7893282 Product Code---'.-Description guri~OU.alilitv Back-Sliiim Oi'~,~Price Per Arnoont 24AFGRR12A i2xi!a FLG RING RR GASKET 4 4 S.94000 :s 23. ')6 r i i I~L_ Terms freighi Delivery Handling Restock NET 30 Mise Til x 1.43 SLlbtOial 23.76 Invoíce TOCal 25.19 THAK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER'VISIT WATERWORKS. HDSUPPLY . COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED Please pay this amount ~ .i - BOISE ID Bran.:h - 3063338 Cpmmrcia1 C~~t Meri6i~ ID 83642 Page:1 01931 Invoicp.~ 7RQ~?R? ,r.. ~L,' I t~ /-.......al.....1 001 273-IN 09/09/2008 EAGl.WA PAGE NO. INVOICE NO,DATE CIJSTOMl!r~ NO, P.O. BOX 935 CALDWELL, IDAHO 83606-0935 (208) 459.6351 INVOICE 0015273 SAl;$ OIDER NO. so l- D T o EAGLE WATER CO. INC. P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE, 10 83616 S H I P To EAGLE WATER CO. INC 846 N. EAGLE RD. Eagle, ID 83616 PÛRCHÁSE ORDER NO.SHIP VIA DELIVER 1".0.8. ORIGIN TERMS NET lEN DAYS - ATESHIPPI:O TERRl..OiW 6A TAXCOOE lD .PUMP 1.00 1.00 $15,280.000 $15,280.00PACO 1310123-1Siol-1932EE PUMP 100l-P 460VOLY PUMP WITH GROUNDING SHAFT AND CAST IRON SHAFT. IF 1.00 1.00 $439.560 $439.56FREIGHT Subtoiiil:Slilcs TAX: $15,719.56 $916.80 I ßvöit t: tolll:$16,636.36 ...... .&1..... ooO'-IN 10/09/2008 EAGLWA P4GE NO. INVOiCE NO.DAn:CUSTOMER NO. P.O. BOX 9~5 CALDWELL, IDAHO 83606-0935 (208) 459..:i1 INVOICE 0015301 SAes ORDeR NO. so L o T o EAGLE WATER CO. INC. P.O. BOX 455 EAGLE, ID 83616 S H i P EAGLE WATEReD. INC 846 N. EAGLE RD. Eagle, ID 83616 To L.Jd ;p~\'.'f" &~.t.. ATE SHIPPr;O PURCHASE ORDi:R NO.SHip VIA 1".0.8.TERMS NET TEN DAYS -DEUVER ORIGlN TERRITORYROBERT 6A TAX CODE ID /Mise DANFOSS 100HP bRIVE W/FILTER 1.00 1.00 $17,940.000 $17,940.00 AS QUOTED # LE070708. i EWe IF FREIGHT 1.00 1.00 $454.140 $454.14 Sub total:Sales Tax: $18,394.14 $1. 103.65 Invoice total:S19,497.79 "aitll_1P BlllfllPairll e PLEASE ¡:ETURN THIS STUB WITH yOUR REMiTTANCE TO INSURE ¡;I'Ot'l!f~ C:rlEDI1. BQX935 CALDWELL, IDAHO 83606 (208) 459-6351 PRIEST ELECTRIC P.O. aOX9:36 CAl-DWELL, 10 83806 ~T~T~~É~r:"=== ~'~J!~~' "_~~t:~~~E:~:~ 1~~:TI~~_ ~~~~~~="',.I EAGLE WATERCO.1NC. EAGLE WATER CO. INC.P.O. BOX 455 P.O. BOX 455EA(ilE, ID 836 J 6 EAGLE, ID 83616 :::z'E:~;~Ji;~im;1Jr;E"¿¡i;Iut'mi,¡;;ii,,lE~i¡¡;iKl"T1~:¡'!W~~¡!~~~,¡:~mì'+W'k"1iími'ß1ii'~'¡¡Wl;':;T.~;:r.;;~ 09/09/08 0015273 63156 :' : :V;,6~6')'6 16,636.36 00152 3 11/19/08 PAYMENT REF: 1069 i.': ::'..." AÓ;-34~'l 6,502.21 10/09/08 0015307 63288 : 19,,49Ù'9 19,497.79 11130/08 NOVOO!)7 FINANCE CHARGE ' ~90:0Ó 390.00',.. ;:. j PL~ASE CHi=cK rrtM;; ßEI~G PAlr; SF.I OW ~... I, 16,636.36,. , 6,502.21 i '19,497.79' . 390,OÔ I I i I i i I i, 00153 7 NOVO 7 . . \l~eil\)\lt .! ' .L ' ' . .'~. '. I' .. :''. .',. ,'" .1 ;.i"~ " :: -- 'ã-=--':'~ ~':. -~~-'~iii:ei'-- . "1-"-':--;'-11" r.r.......,.."'.t': _.-..~:'.(iYËR t1 C.,..~-::-:~.BAiiN¿E LlÜ-Ë-' ,:,j--~-~- . ....~ .-..- J . . . ,. . . . .:. .' ';'.': : ...., . PLEAE . . '. I ..', :. '. . '. PAYTHI$390.00 19,497.79. ,6;502.21 " . '. '." '" :.' 0, ..MOuNT ..n ..._____".' _ _.. ._. _._~__. . ._...~...__ .. ....: .___..~...~ M""_'_'~_"'''_ ~;.__ _.--..---_: ;.' _" ." H .__~..... . - g' _.- ..- If ...... 'fOU ARE AOVlsee THAT YOUR ACCONT 1$ SuBJECT TO A ~INANCE CI1AR I~ !\y MONTHS aALANCE IS UNPAID BY THE END Of tHAT MONTH. llE FINI'CE CHAAGi iS A PEOlç MTE OF 111Z% PER MONTI OR Al AINUli. I'ElCGNTAGE RATE Of 18% Will A MINIIIUM CHARGE Of $1 CETS, 'BALÃNcï~ tiUE 26,390.00 ~AM Electric, tc. 1NDUSTRIAl · MUNiCIPAL COMMERCIAL. RESIDENTIAL MOTOR CONTROL 3621 ARTHUR STREET CALDWELL,ID 83605 208-459~8959 Fax 208-459-2243 To: EAGLE WATER COMPANY PO BOX 455 EAGLE, il 83616 OOOICE DATE INVOICE # 1/7/2009 80431 ELECTRICIAN JOB NAME START DATE P.O.CUSTOMER CONTACT TERMS Mike 1/72009 BETT Net 30 ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT PROVIDE AND INSTALL ELECTRICAL FOR NE.W 100 HP BOOSTER 20,368.72 PROGRESS BILL #1 TOTAL DUE $20,368.72 Make all chec payable to: A.M.E. ELEC fRIC. INC. All past due acunts subject to SòIvice charge: of I 112% per month Or maximum permitted by law. PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE. NO STATEMENT WILL BE SEN. If you have any quesions concerning this invoice, plea call the offce cs 208.459.8959 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI \.". .....:..".,...1....,. ~::.I .... e c£TEVEN~ (Ç SON-". ~.. WELL DRILLING. INC. '3709 H..WlNE ~IVE . eoI5E.IP..HO b570329 · PHONE: 20 -~ · FAA 208 -340769 ~TATeMEN DATE: 11/8/08. i:ili~/(JqTO:Eagle Water Company PO Box 455 Eagle. Idaho 83616 DESCRIPTION CHA~GE NO. OF AMOUNT f'~ UNit UNIT \'lel i .#8 . 1.Mobilize & demobilize $7000 LS 7,000 00 2.Surface seal $6500 LS 6.500 00 .,Dri 11 pl10t hole $65 460'29.900 0'., ... 'J 4.Ream pi lot hole S65 460'29.900 00 5.16tl X .375 casing $86 331'28.4G6 00 6.lO~ X.365 casing $42 861 3.612 00 7.10~ stainless steel screens $188 80.15.040 00 8.#6-9 Colorado sand $725 3.7 yd 2.682 50 9. Well deve 1 opment $225 28 hrs 6,300 00 10.Set & pull test pump $6200 iS 6t200 00 11. Test pumping $200 24 hrs 4.800 00 12. Mics. work $225.2 hrs 450 00 13.Geophys 1 ca 1 log $2500 LS 2,500 00 aJ_ _----~ - ;143.350 SO '. l~% ~~teres t per month pas t 30 days ' . , . TOfAL $1,13 .JSG.5 i.) e purchased byDescription EAGrAWATER CO. WELL' 8 -,. ti..oß~~, PO sox 44829 Boise, ID 83711 ISSUEO 8v: MOEYGFlAM PAYMeNT SYSTfMS, INC,P.O. BOX 947S. MINNEAPOLIS, MN !!S480 DRAWee: us BANI(. N.A.9O.ß4l2'1122 Check Date Check Amount 12/24/0825,000.00 STEVEN & SONS WELL DRILLING NON NEGOTIABLE CUSTOMER COpy OFfiCIAL CHECK 103578 PO Box 44629 Boise, ID 83711 Purchased byDescription EAGLE WATER CO. WELL n a iSSUED BY; ~NeVGRAM PAYMilNT SYSTEM, INC.P.O. eox 9478, MINNeAPtLIS, MN 55180 I)RAWEE: US BANK. N.A.9O482112Z Check Dace Check Amount 12/24/0825,000.00 STEVEN & SONS WELL DR1LLING NON NEGOTIABLE CUSTOMER COpy OFFICIAL CHECK 103578 ".¡.i¡i:t:,t$:, , " , ' '. '.' ' '" 9!i: ~1i,~~lf~lQ~~, ',lN~IG:l~~'i."" ':'~'." "1' "") " '" ,~'I," ',y.~' "S ,..'. .' '." R.n. ..1 :rT;R .CQ ,. . ....,..!..j... 1'Q35.';'8 . ,i~\ ...c ,f of~,' . ".;,"."'Ü ''!f'~Ü'l''~) 1M.'. '..~ ! y' "~~ i". i~:r'f" I I' ':,tl.,/:,':" ~. ': ". ,':,''' :~,,':It" "~J i t AlIO ':' ":'l~;::l ,~:.' : ",':,.. "",~:~':-K~'~"',"r"p't'iQt1/,rjr~:':,W:f1á1',,~'~;":1#',~'~¡'à' " : "i.:'J':";' '. 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DETACIi AND R.&TAiN'THI8'STAT~MEt4T . THit.~eo CHEOlo 18 IN p"'~iiNT OF ITlIs OllIseo BELOW IF NOT OOAI'~""i,Af ~OTFY'lI f1MPTV.'1I RECEIPT I'ESAED, ,..... . DATE DESGRIPTION A~OUNT DISTRIBlJTIONS ,)ACCT. NO.AMOliNT17/.,/:,'l~'.. ì_"''l::"L..c:,_,~~:..._..,..,;' I ir .;?p3°o .(;).. :rL.0 7 __0' r¡./,"" 11 '¡?.. . '.\"",. ~, ..'.', j..,,\ Eligh. Otne. .il ~:, e::t Rn'.d./l!8-11tO24--, ~472..l'Y .:.....- ÇAG~'W"TEFl COMPANY . . EAGi., 10. 83B16 Tr... " ..", ........... ...." '..._..~/ 'J 1M ~. DOLLARS ~~~~BLE; 2 ì1B 1.0 ¡? lrii' 1(; . ....,. "' e-c .;,r"l""'IOD'T0AL DI!!mS~...-'".1,(:,/\.I WITHHOINQ J ,-l MlilCl!'j '.. I .11..,ToT..NE JIltVV.8. Ht TAX S'C'n T"'- I ....T ),," I I I :":'''\'.Ãl-'".. .w __'.w .." ,,,w.... ,r'lUI'l-PP..'''I...~ 'I.IP' .. 8/19/08 Check ¿.:':~/:~t::~~L l~~;; -=';t'~;~~'."3;ti~7;~"~~;~;;'~_;~~-:~~~~_ lß ,_2B~ .30 ~""~':~l:ao ;" ." lay * ...._ .ili.~M'"'RI,11 .. ....u "If. 2' ;'~¡.:=i:'1u~T; u =1'..I,..if~GY:..¡. .:E. 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