HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080718Report to the PUC.pdff:.£.:.~ E:~r.Qli:~."l PUATTORNEYS AT LAW is Ii:f 2Molly 0 i Leary Tel: 208-938-7900 Fax: 208-938-7904 moll yli ric h a rds 0 nan dol e ar y. co m p.o. Box 7218 Boise,lD 83707 - 515 N. 27th Sr. Boise, 1D 83702 18 July 17, 2008 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretar Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 Via hand delivery RE: Case No. EAG-W-08-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: I am enclosing an original and five (5) copies of the REPORT OF EAGLE WATER TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION in the above case. ~Nsincecreiy,. _ina urtis Richardson & O'Lar, PLLC t-'~~.J MOLLY O'LEARY (ISB # 4298) Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 North 27th Street P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Telephone: (208) 938-7900 Fax: (208) 938-7904 18 u: 30 Attorneys for Eagle Water Company, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FLOATING FEATHER PARTNERS, LLC, COMPLAINANT ) ) CASE NO. EAG-W-08-01 ) ) REPORT OF EAGLE WATER TO THE ) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES ) COMMISSION ) ) ) ) ) vs. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. RESPONDENT COMES NOW, Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water") and, by and through undersigned counsel of record, fies this Report to the Commission in accordance with Commission Order No. 30595 in the above-captioned matter. Eagle Water entered into a final Intertie Agreement ("Agreement") with the City of Eagle, Ada County, Idaho on Satuday, July 12, 2008. See EWC Exhibit 2, attached. Based on that Agreement, Eagle Water has been diligently proceeding with all necessary permits and related construction work to install the necessar infrastructure to: (1) comply with the Idaho Deparment of Environmental Quality's Consent Order dated Februar 24, 2006 and its subsequent letter dated July 6,2007, accepting Eagle Water's Final Engineering Report. See PUC Exhibits 102 and 103, respectively. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. REPORT TO COMMISSION - 1 To that end, Eagle Water has: 1. Submitted plans on July 11,2008 for servicing the Floating Feather Mobile Home Park ("the Park") to DEQ. See EWC Exhibit 3, attched. Eagle Water expects that it wil receive DEQ approval ofthese plans on Friday July 18th or Monday, July 21st at the latest. 2. Secured a permit from the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) to cross old Highway 55 to install a new water main to serve the Park. See EWC Exhibit 4, attached. 3. Completed the work referenced in Item 2, above. 4. Received approval from ACHD for the road work necessary to construct the Intertie. See EWC Exhibit 5, attached. 5. In conjunction with Holladay Engineering Company, on behalf of the City of Eagle, submitted computer modeling to DEQ that shows that the Intertie between Eagle Water and the City of Eagle's system satisfies minimum municipal water system requirements for both systems. 6. Received written assurance from Mark Mason, P .E., Engineering Manager for DEQ, that he is prepared to lift the moratorium on new connections to Eagle Water's system upon completion of the Intertie construction and inspection of same by DEQ. See EWC Exhibit 6, attached. (DEQ's inspection must occur the same day construction taes place as ACHD requires contractors to open, backfill and re-pave any pavement disturbance in one day.) Eagle Water wil begin construction ofthe Intertie on Monday July 21 st and complete said construction on Tuesday, July 22nd at the latest. Although constrction of the Intertie itself is relatively simple, the Holladay Engineering plans approved by DEQ on August 17, 2007 (see EWC Exhibit 7, attched), did not address draining of 12,000 to 14,000 gallons of water from the line during construction. Thus, resolving that engineering issue has required some additional work. The current plan is to coordinate EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. REPORT TO COMMISSION - 2 with Wright Brothers Constrction to allow it to use the excess water for soil compacting work it is doing on a "Velodrome Project" below the Intertie location. Once the Intertie is completed (Tuesday, July 22nd at the latest), Eagle Water will return its attention to completing the water service infrastrctue for the Park. That work will consist of installng approximately 100-feet of water line; installng a fire hydrant; installng aback-flow prevention device; and installng two meters for Master Meter Service to the Park under Eagle Water's Master Meter Tariff. Robert V. DeShazo, Jr., President of Eagle Water, estimates that this constrction work wil tae three to four days and wil require the Floating Feather Parners, LLC to coordinate with its plumbing contractor. In the interim, Eagle Water has supplied and will continue to supply the Park with potable water for drnking and cooking. The Park continues to be able to use its curent well water for other domestic needs. Eagle Water respectfully requests that the Commission allow it to continue with the above-described work to ensure service to the Park can begin by the end of this month at the latest. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this\ ~y of July, 2008. Richardson & O'Leary P.L.L.C. r Company, Inc. EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. REPORT TO COMMISSION - 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 18th day of July, 2008, I caused a true and correct copy of the REPORT OF EAGLE WATER TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION to be served by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Floating Feather Parners, LLC, Complainant 10028 W Cayuse Lane Boise ID 83714 richfelixØ2cableone.net (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnight Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail Jean Jewell Secretay Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W Washington Street Boise ID 83702 ( ) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid (X) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile ( ) Electronic Mail City of Eagle Susan E. Buxton Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, Chartered 950 W Banock St Ste 520 Boise, Idaho 83702 sebØ2msbtlaw.com (X) U.S. Mail, Postage Prepaid ( ) Hand Delivered ( ) Overnght Mail ( ) Facsimile (X) Electronic Mail Signed \Ì \ Nina Curis CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 EAGLE WATER COMPANYI INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION EXHIBIT #2 INTERTIE AGREEMENT This Intertie Agreement ("Agreernenf'), dated as of July 12, 2008. is between Eagle Water Company. Inc., an Idaho corporation ("EWe") and the City of Eagle. Idaho, all Idaho municipal corporation ("City"). Recitals A. City recently constructed and owns an approximate one milion gallon water storage tank (the "Storage Tank"). B. Ewe OWllS and conducts a water utiliy supply and distribution business C'Water System~~) in and around Eagle, Idaho. EWe has. water distribution lines in the vicinity of the Storage Tan and desires to temporarly connect such distìibution lìnes to th Storage Tank in order to satisfy certain regulatory requirements for fire protection serice to its customers. . e. EWe intends to use the Interne as a temporary measure until it completes a new well and DEQ deterines the Interte is no longer needed to meet regulatory req:uirements, The paries agree as follows: Agreement 1. Water Storage Conn.ection. City hereby agrees that immediately upon the execution of this Agreement. City wíl allow EWe to construct, at EWe's sole expense, a connection and two manuallywcontrolled gate valves with a mete spool for a future meter ("Intertie") between EWe's existing main distribution. lines and the Storage Tank based upon engineering plans previously submitted by the City to and approved by the Idao Deparent of Environmental Quality ("DEQ"). City shall have the right to approve the location and maer of constructing such Interne and shall do so no later than 24 hours afer EWC identifies its preferred location for the intertie. EWC shall ensur that all work is performed in a workmanlike manner and in compliance with all applicable codes and regulations. City makes nO representations or warranties. express or implied, concerning the Interte Or any benefits to. be derved by Ewe therefrom. The City shall own the Intertie infrastructue save and except for the 12-inch Intertie tee and the attached 12..inch gate valve. 2. Limitations On Use. The pares agree ilat the sole purpose of the Intertie is to providereundant fire flow protection capacity to EWe and is not intended to be a source of water for Ewe's normal operating requirements. 3. Payment. In consideration of the City entering into this Agreement and allowig EWe to connect to the Storage Tank, EWC agrees to compensate the City as follows: CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATER COMPAN INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 1 3. i. Lease of Water Rights. EWe agrees to grt the City the pennanent Right of First Refusal to lease up to ten (i 0) cubic feet .of water per second of cerain municipal water rights currently owned by EWC~ provided such water rights are not necssary to maintain the integrity of EWC's Water System. including compliance with all regulatory requirements and EWe engineering plan. This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any termination or other modification of this Agreement. save and ex.cept for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by Ewe per Section 7, below. 3.2. Cash Payment. In addition, EWC shall pay City a fee for the connection to the Storage Tan of $10,000.00 per month commencing on the date the interconnection is completed and approved by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). 4. Duration. This Agreement shall commence upon acceptace by the City of Eagle and completion of the Intertie that is the subject of this Agreement ("Commencement"), and the Intertie Lease shall continue month-to-month so long as the Intertie connootion is needed by EWC in its sole discretion. 1f the Intertie continues past 18 months from tle Commencement date, the Intertie Lease Cash Payment shall inorease five percent (5%) and every 18 months thereafter. The paries may mutually agree, in writing, to extend or modify this Agreement. 5. . Moratorium. At EWC's reasonable request, City agrees to cooperate with EWe to assist Ewe in its effort to satisfy the conditions set forth in the current DEQ Coiisent Order establishing a moratonum on new connections in EWC~s service territory and to cause the moratorium to be terminated. This Section 5 shall not require City to expend any funds or ta any actions tbat it is not lawfully permitted to take. EWCshall reimburse the City for any costs incurred by the City related to this Section 5, provided the same have been pre-approved by EWC in wrting. 6. Right of First RefusaL. If EWC determines to sell or convey all or any part of its Wate System, which shall be deemed to iiiclude, but not be limited to, water rights, wells and other infrasructure, and receives a bona fide offer for this Water System; before making any agreement to sell all or any porton of the Wate System, Ewe shall give notice to City stting EWe's desire to sell and the amount and terms of such offer in detaiL. City shal live the exclusive right fot' 30 days afer receiving such notice to provide Notice of Intent to Purchase the Water System or portion thereof to which such bona fide offer refers at the aiount of said offer; provided. that if the .third pary offer is for a considertion other than cash, the City shall have the right to pay the fair maIkot value of such consideration in cash. Upon delivery of the Notice of Intent to Purchase, the City shall hold a revenue bond election for the purpose of secunng voter approval of the purchase at the next available elootion date and/or utilze City funds directy available in a capital account, enterprise fund, general fud, or other readily available City fund Or account to complete the purchase. For the purpose of this Section 6, ''Next Available Election Date" shall mean the earliest possible election date based on the time required by law for legal notice of such an election And for the conduct of any required public hearings. If the bond is approved at said election, the City shall proceed in good faith to secure bonds to pay the purchase price ("Finance") as expeditiously as possible. Closing of the tranaction between the City and EWCthat is the subject of ths Section 6 shall not extend more tha 180 days from the date of the revenue bond election, or if the election is challenged in a legal proceeding. the CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATER COMPANY fNERTIE AGREEMENT - 2 Closing shall occur no more than 90 days afer final resolution of any such legal challenge. In the event tht a revenue bond election is not required becaus the City ,has the necessar funds directly available in a capital account, enterprise fud, general fud~ or other readily available City fund or accunt to finance the transaction in lieu of holding a revenue bond election. then the Closing of the transaction betwee~ the City and EWe that is the subject of ths Section 6 shall occur no later thn 60 days after the City provides EWe with its Notice of Intent to Purchase. For purposes of this Section 6, this Right of First Refusal applies solely to an "EWC Change of Control Tranaction", which means one or a series of trsactions in which (i) all or substantially all of EWC's Water System is sold to a third par, Or (ii) there is a stock sale, merger, consolidation or similar transaction as a result of which said third par O'\, a majority of th outstading voting and outstanding capita "stock of EWe or any successor ownr of EWC.This Right of First Refusal shall be permanent and shall survive any tennination or other modification of ths Agreement, save and except for a termination by the City other than for a non-cured default by EWC per Section 7. below. 7. Ter-minatìon. EWe or th City shall have the ríght to terinate the Intertie connection upon 30 days prior wrîtten notice to the other part. In the event the City ternate the Intere connection for any reason other than a non-cured default by EWe under Section 10 of this Agrçement. then the Rights of First Refusal in Sections 3 and 6 of this Agreement shall likewise terinate. 8. Authority. Eah individual executing this Agreement below on behalf of a pary represents and warrants to the other party that the execution. delivery and performance of this Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessar corporate or mUlÚcipal action by such pary~ tht suth individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behaf of such pary, an that this Agreement is a legal and valid obligation of such party, enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms. 9. Force Majeure. Except for obligations to make payment, nonperformance of either par shall be excused to the extent that performance is rendeæd impossible by strike. fire, flood, governental acts, orders Ot restrictions, or any other reason where failur to'perform is beyond the. control and not caused by the negligence of the non-performing pary. i O. Default and Remedies. i 0.1. Defßult. Each of the followig event.: shall constitute an event of default 10. i . i. EWC fails to mak, on or before the date which it is due, any payment to be made to the City pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement; or 10.1.2. Either pary materially breaches this Agreement. 10.2. Re medies. If any default shall occur, the non-defaulting patty shall give the defaulting pary notice of default. Such default must be cured within fiften (15) days of the ' Notice of Default iinless such default is cm-able but canot be reasonably cured within ten (10) days afer giving the Notice of Default .and the defaulting party commences within such ten (10) day period to cure such default and prosecutes the same to conclusion with reasonable dilgence. CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATE COMPANY INTI AGREEMENT ~ 3 The foregoing remedy shall be in addition to and shall not exclude any other remedy available to the partes under applicable law. 11. Attorneys Fees. In the event an arbitration, suit or action is brought by any party under this Agreement to enforce any of its terms, or in fiiy appeal therefrm, it is agreed that the prevailng pary shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees to be fixed by the arbitrator, Or cour of applicable jmisdictioii. " 12. Notices. All notices or other communications required or peritted hereunder, includng notices to Mortgagees. shall, unless otherwise provided herein, be in writing, shall be personally delivered, delivered by reputable overnight courier. or sent by registered or certífied mail, return receipt requested, and postage prepaid, a4dressed to the paries at the followìng addresses: ifto the City: City of Eagle Offce of the City Clerk 660 Eat Civic Lane Eagle, ID 83616 If to Eagle Water: Eagle Water Company, Inc. 172 West State Stret Eagle, ID 83616 With a copy to: Molly O'leary Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83707 Notices personally delivered shall be deemed given the day so delivered. Notices given by overnight courer shaH be deemed given on the first business day following the mailing date. Notices mailed as provided herein shal be deemed given on the third business day following the mailing date. Notice of change of address shall be given by written notice in a maner detailed in this Section 12, 13. Governing Law. The paries intend that ths contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Idaho, without regar to choice of law rules. 14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterpar, each of which shall constitute part of the original document. CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERTIE AGREEMENT - 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date firstwrtten above. . Ewe: City: EAGl..E WATER COMPANY. an Idaho corpor 0 CITY OF EAGLE, IDAHO o municipal corporation By: Phi Bandy, Mayor ATTEST:B~~ Sharon K. Bergmann, City Cle CITY OF EAGLE - EAGLE WATER COMPANY INTERnE AGREEMENT - 5 EAGLE WATER COMPANYI INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION EXHIBIT #3 MTC, Inc.~ Enginee - Sureyrs - Planners 707 Nor 27 Str Bo, Idah 83702 . (20) 34-078 .. Fax (20) 34-87 .. ~rnüürnæ (I~ üæilæ~~~üüil~ i+.,~¡.. .;1, IAi¡¿ 6;~A"jrd Si' DATE IJOB NO öe7-//- g e -'9,r ATTENTION H-f~,.8.. ;1" RE: ¡: ,¡ -rlt 4! I'Mô1.:I..Jiri:r/,..J -r;,.~7 j "'i .. . TO :eli. t;. c/û:P'. í"ã.ll :!i1;Sc:)£:)70(" LADIES I GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU D Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Change. order \ ~ians 0 sa. mples~_ . )..~ ~ 1'I''ML t rt:~c1 o Specifications/ J:Je'4W . COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTI~!' L'¿'il..t" l/l of ;~L_",rl :of:.",7-ll"A.J 2s't-r Z '91'k .J1~D_:.,t;~r 'Cd'-.~-,."'" ,,7' .. 1"'.Ai I 7 J ,I ï -7-11- bi ,'5 b,7).¡C "/J.(2""k t .:.-¡ç...-li-i'~L ç~,.~.//"' -t,r -¡ 'j' d. J- ?.¿ II ~r~,I ~IC ¡, /:rr 7 I i -7'-((-~J fJ;.7' ;;r. .r'i j,/"f_ì),. "f".,~,itl.tf:~/..Î);JT¡. ~ /;-- t: M r, ,t:,,.iJ .I ./r-l ..?.-i ,.-IL i'" THESE ARE TRANSMITIED as G~cked below: ~or approvai/ o For your use o As requested o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Resubmit o Submit o Return copies for approval copies for distribution o Returned for corrections corrected prints o For review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE 19 D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS t ~.~, . po J" COPY TO /-"\,Vf., ~ I .. l.W..c)¿J ~7 / i I J ~)? SIGNED ~i -1 If enclosures are. not as noted, kindly notify us at once. \L,c, I¡ .i !r" LT-58+2 CASE NO. EAG-W-08-01 REPORT OF 'EAGLE WATER TO THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION - SEE THE FILE FOR A MAP TOO LARGE TO SCAN EAGLE WATER COMPANYI INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION EXHIBIT #4 ~;~i'~.."..~...Costralon D1ISln 3775 Ad;ims stret Garden CItV ID 83714 Phone (208) 387.6280 FAX (20) 387-6il9 Star ACHD Instor; Dote of Permit: "1/16/2 ~).1ia:~l.. Sub Cortractor I. .-.- J !¥:~~siÄi~-~~~NI,C4 .-.. --- -. .. ..---- -... 1 ; F':, "'. "' ,.. " ".'fii: '~~f)~i¡ lËÄëilE'ïr)ã31.&.~"""'''''''--'-.-'' "".,..,_.,.......".'''..''''''...,_..-._¡ BILL ROOl' (EAGlf WATER) ~- ga9-9958 ( ) 989958 IMain~~- ¡(LOS) 939-~~O'........--"'''''..''.....,.''., CGtroetPrJ No. C.... .._..== Type 0/ Permit: EMERGENCY RIGHT-Of-WAY USE PERMIT I J ' , I' " _ ... :- ,_ _, \ i " i I _ __ _,,', (, i \'. ) :i' I~ i' ,I~ ¡ ,\ t \il l~t\ \'1,' '.:~'. ll\',I\.~~I( i l \' \ \.... _..~.._,- - ".,'"......_...._"' ","-'____, It ..\l____~_.d',' ,f. _____" , , ___ i. ",.... Geographical Limits: Sub or Prj No: Subdiviio: Adress: Nearest Cross Stret: Eagle--.......""- 1061 N HORSESHOE BEND RD " ØIGSPRINGS ~.. , No Impact? 0 ~ & M TRFFIC CON1OL 870-5447 . _ .JTrafl Contr: Require? ~Approved?~ " ' ¡ '.::. _..~__~_..~_....: ' ;';~:. .;I,;:,~Ji.,~:,:" : '1' 'i '." ".'~ ,::.C_í~:~.,'P :'.:'" :"¡:' . , _~_.. " ,.': Trench 51' " 30' .- $200 Ir \ ,. 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BlIa\r;o 344.6572 KUNA SÜHOI:il.liUS co 922..1013 MERIDIAN 5CHOOL BUS Cl1 8U8..701 0 1~t)T1fY 1m. ~ATTWAfl:i 33t.ooI34'1 wOl'. lAfUtVSIlC'l'ØQ/I J~~4.8:J2tl ACHt.1 ll\t'PlICTOO' (!Iliff 1'O~ ftioi~rr Of rUI.ED PEI'tMn¡ ........-...... MI __..~_~ ACHe ln.pectot On li-Yr Moratorlu Y.es ._._ No ____ ..=r.... -_,"_i,.-. 'li.... Ii ..'l....... PflOR.llY ____IlA1E REeo ,~'~"'___J_ .." .......,... A..pI'OVE!() __..".._ AfI"!t()"EUWflli AIEiNPMIi'lTS ~~_. _'_ OEUNltO SlGNI!I'.....~."_._...'"."..____._...___.____~.~_w.~.____~,_...._".....~._.,. D TRoD _..__._ .._... .__. .__._. '_." .._.. Thl. CSDC PIÔUl mantø ACHP's ref~uit8mel\t!. Oischargell rrom yc:,~,. cQn.tnlc1ion aetlvii¡o.may bo subject to furthar regulation Lmdlir lOCllt state and fec;&íiiIIIW. ACHD dOQ& not aNum. _ny liability ór ruaponslbJllty for any (JeficiencisB lW i".dèauacleis ìn Y()ut plall hi meeting' .uGh furtllCtr ilr.ipllcable ... and'~8r~J.ci~w.... _....~ia... zb . Z!"RlI. .. 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"_'_'N"."__",,,_n_,, 'I I ContrtW:o Prj No.1 i(2~~) 939-0240.".....-... -M'--== :. '" . 1 .c.__~~.~_,__" ' ' ,,: ' . :1, : ' __,_" ,'.-.",::¡,:~~": ',~_:~, i,t~:t ',' -; r; "w" :; ,,; 1'1._ :L~. ," " -" '.___~,,' " ."~_,'. 'l: Geographical Limif$: SuborPI'No: Subdivision: Address: Neørest CrOSS Street: rroffcCtmtro: llequ;(ed?~ Approved? ~ _..-,Eaile -~- WORKS ON N HORSESHOE BEND RD..."". .--'" E GREENBROOK ST_.-.._.. No IMpact? 0 1M & M TAAFi=IC CO~ROl 870-5447 :J ii I II t \ ,~ " 1'..1., i ~ ¡' c- .. .~',~.. " '-""i ',' ,,' "''-'1." f ' , 1; t \ - ,1,1,,, i i ! ~ 1 ì r t , J j ,\ r, "' ¡ 'Ii , I I' J J r J ~ ~_l l, ~ _~ L ,\ ~ : .,,' . i_.._.._.. .......- -'-"'_1 I,. l -, ,__...--.... ..., ., .ci:~...._ \ I i I,il .ii ___ _~'-l~_____,,___ _..., _J~".i.. ..j SO' or les - $75 :: l" ), 1 : i : - , ',1 ¡, ¡ .,' \ I . .i I - -~.,. , J -- -'11 I ii' . '. l i i'. 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SY CUI\IGIJ"Ir:RJID~AlK.. ... .._ ._.__.._ _____...... .LF.~ _i II IV.t.~. .z#rl .-.. '4 TRAFFIC CONTROL MUST I(EEP AN APPROVEO TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ON.Sn'E , TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN COMPÀI.'Ea MUST HAVe AN A AA YEO COpy AlSO'w-' 0" EllEC~EO _2.: l7. -dß OA.!~.tP!~_~. .lP~ROf!! ...S5 Po ~.. ..N.,..lllJ!/;.gr" '!I!,~~~l~$lMt r~f~l!~8J£Tl.,.._Y.e~__.1!lf-fg1U!~.!~~==~9Q-:__ 101 ..~. CO ~~~_ ~WJ.iH,A!iU~_!'OU~.H~.ß~I;ml5._....._~ J'i.Q~P~H!~lQllr¿~Al..Ç.'i..~+t§~!~lillE!ff!!9l! ........_...._....l.Q Çl.~6!L.. .. . . _... . .. .. . ALLEY r:~~ U\F. Cl.OSURE L./U RES r i f QQ TMFf'I¡; DE'OOR PLAA PATS iuc'p==:~ -0 - 'DRAiNAC!E ~....,, !HJ!OL.b~.J..UUr!I!!!I:ly_U:!9gmJl.Q""...mw.Ullllf.Q~.IC ~BIä"ØR RltlmOlj Bfl 346.12ßfi IlRIOIAN SAtoITAf¥ 5il'VIOii PATl: ~C(l.._~__ APPROVED APPROVED WITH AMENDMENT! prlIORfTY"~_ AOA COUNW DI$PA few aOlu a MSllOlAN p(UCE il MERIDIAN SCHOOl, BU:¡ 00 888~1010 .._...""~. uaCLlNßD SIGNED..... ...._._. __._...__.~.~..~_........._""___.._......__~~_.~____.. tiAlE!() _......._..._........ .._... ...._..___,._ rili.. CSDC Plan meets ACHOIS r.qulremenl:. Discharges from YOUl' constnletton activities Inay be aubject to further regUIMtion under tocal, state and federal haw. ACHO do.. no~ a'Burne any liabilit or re_poneiblUty for any de1iicienciBS or lnade(,uaci_ in your piau In rneotlné suC)h further applicable law iUld 1'8p.. .atioris. . V",i.L.IiVRIOE 3:l6w101B I'AIOLAW liOUc.A.rION SE.I'lIC~I8IBOlsa .r;HOOL. ßlIa~o :s....~S572 ,"UNA SCHCi:". 1\0$ co 92l-1'O13 NOTifY 110 . MATT WAft!) 334,-8341 "Ot. I,AARY BIlCiI'SON :;Joii ,i:cmrrrlPECTOR ($ëE TO~ 'U~Hr Or 188U~ PlltMrr¡ , OJ .,- ~" SX I. ...Il.,:..;:--- ..M..~__ YOU MUST CALL THE ACHD INSPECTOR - '''ŠËFoRE STARTING WORI(ifÈRÉI, :vivivo') 55 5 7 - L 7 - d c g a t ~ . -\ . . t I :o o t l ø ) o .. ~ \~' l L l \ I l'l l = I t LJ ol -- - = - . - . . . . . i ' . J : - . . . . . . ( ~E S H o : ! . J t A . P , ~ , . _ . J t : . . , ~ ¡: . , - - " ' . $ I . _ . 1 . - ~ . ~ ~ , . __ I ' ~ ' \ l i " , , , , , 1 1 f . . )( \ ' q r ' i .. . . . . _ _ - r ' ~ ' " - - . l ,. ~ ~ " . . ~ ~ . . . . . . f '" t ! . , - iì ~ ~ J l Q ~ ~ ! ~ S S I 1 4 3 ~ ~ ~ C ~ & f' . it ¡ c. Æ . / t n t " " i w L B N £ r0 .ø \~ ": 3 \: , ) - tI Æø l f l ) " . . . 1 ' P l o ) ( ¡ : 1 1 G . / l . Ð 6e P ~ t : P A ~ E J T c . ; T h P FI I i ~ 9 E r i .. ' 1 H E l t t ; ø ø ø T' u r : . " ~ . . . . . ~ o J p ' J o l ~ N S i l , " l £ ~ F 1 M S 9 £ R ' " C R ¡ ; d i ~ . . -? r : ~ A ~ P f t , . e - ~ C l . . ~, lS l¡ ' ( ) ' r £ F J i i B $ E ¡ ( 5 l / . . . J I 1 7 JI # I t ! S . § , . . 1 5 ~ f ! ; : " ' ' d ¡ R~ ¡ ' - 4 . J £ P ~it 'T.,Co! i r ~ ~+ ~ ~ ,..n EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC. 188 W. State Un t 4 * P.O. Box 455 Eagle. Id ho 83616 Phone: (208) 939.. 2 * Fax~ (208) 939-0287 Date: Fax No: RE:1"~ &h Comments: _"'w __ .._......_~- ..." -- Id a h o . U n i t e d S t a t e s , N o r t h A m e r i c a o y d 1D D 20 0 Cc c i a n d ( P I l 1 l 0 & M i i ; i i C c l 1 c n a n c ¡ I s s u p p l i l n . J i I r i l t r æ ~ . h t t / w J . I s Pi i r 1 i i ; 0 1 9 9 l i S l 8 l l S i e d S d r e C o c n . A l I I i r e M l . C ø l n n w n g a n d i t c n d i 0 2 C N A V T . ~ r j h l _ . l 1 l i i i a f Q l I r e ~ o f C a n a a l i c l i i e s í r l l t a k e n i r l f p e ìn d u d ò : C l H e r M a J i I h e Q u I n R I a r C 8 n a l l . 0 Q u e ' s P r i r t o O n r r i . N A v r D . a n d N . . V T Q O N B O - . l r a i : r k l l N A \ l Q . C 2 l S T e l e A U a s N l l A m r i . I n c . A l l i t I U t e . T Ø I , 0 1 1 ii a a l l r i T a l e A l . . . i n EAGLE WATER COMPANYI INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION EXHIBIT #6 Page 1 of3 Molly O~leary From: Vern Brewer (vern(§holladayengineering.comJ Sent: Thursday, July 17, 200812:56 PM To: Molly O'leary Cc: 'Susan Buxon'; 'Bruce Smith'; 'Phil Bandy'; 'Michael Echeit' Subject: FW: Modeling Scenarios - EWC and Cit of Eagle Molly: per our conversation, you wil take care of Mr. Mason's request (below) that this email be forwardèdto Robert and to the PUC. i was able to work out a simple solution to draining the line by negotiatin~ with the Velodromeprojectmanager to have excess water presently contained in the trunk line used to meettheirwateril"g requirement for compacton of their site. AU that remains is to have thE! City (Mike EchE!it)andR,opertcordinatE this with Kevin Hart of Wright Bros. who wil work with their sub contractor. Asl understandit.1Robert is topiøkl.:P the ACHD permit today. Please call if you have questions. Vern From: Mark.Mason(gdeq.idaho..gov (mailto: Mark. Mason(Qdeq. idaho.gov J sent: Thursay, July 17, 2008 7:26 AM To: vern(Qholladayengineering.com; Peter. Bair(gdeq.idaho.gov Cc: eljimrees(Qaol,com; Monty.Marchus(gdeq.idaho.gov; Tiffany.f=loyd(Qdeq.idaho.gov Subject: RE:Modeling SCenarios - EWe and City of Eagle All, I am preparèd to issue the letter allowing for new connections as soon as the intertie is COmPleted andihspect~d by DEQ. Following that, the connection to the FFMHP can be made as soon as the plans are approved byÒE~.I assume the PUC will extend their deadline a few daysi but I do not know that for sure. I don't have Mr. DeShazo's email address to include him in this emaiL. Vern i please forward this to him and to the correc person at the PUC. other connections can be made for subdivisions and sanitary restrctions lifted on an as requested basis after theletter is issued. Thanks to all for your hard work in getting this done. Mark Mason, P.E., Engineerig Manager Idaho DEQ ~Boise Regional Offce 1445 Northürchard Boise, 1D83706 208-373-0266 mark.mason~deq.idao.gov Froan: Vern Brewer (rnilto:vern(QholJadayengineering.com) sent: Wednesday, July 16, 20084:20 P.M To: Peter Bail" Cc: eljimreeaol.co; Monty Marchus; Mark Mason; Tiffany Floyd SUbjec: RE:Modeling SCenarios - EWC and City of Eagle Peter1 Thanksfor the opportunity to review the results of the modeling work this afternoon. The infolTation and model runs demonstrate that the combined system satisfies minimum municipal water system requirements. Under the recommended modeling scenarios both the eityand EWe will haveadeauate flow and pressure during an emergency event. 7/17/2008 Page 2 of3 In a follow up conversation with Mr. DeShazo beginning with a phone call at our meetingaiid concluding with me at the site of the intertie connection1 he asked what else must be completed to get a letter from DEQ lifting the moratorium. Based on his receipt of a construction permit from ACHD tomorrow1 he wil begin constructing the intertie on Fridayi the 1Sth1 with completion on Mondayi July 21. From PUC Order No. 30595, EWC has until July 18, "to provide this Commission with a written notice that the DEQ moratorium has been lifted and that water service to Floating Feather Mobile Home Park has been initiated." Robert indicated that he has obtained the necessary materials to construct the intertie and now the timing issues of intertie construction, DEQapproval of the Park connection submitted last week, obtaining the ACHD permit1 and DEQ lifting of the moratorium remain the only obstacles to initiating service to the Park. . Intistening to Mr. DeShazo and with two state agencies involvement, I could not unravel the seuence of actions to respond to his questions on how the timing of removal of the moratorium fits into the sequence. Perhaps DEQcouid reply to EWC on the timing issues and notify the City as welL. Again, thank you for your prompt responses to our questions and submittals. Vern From: Peter .8air(Qdeq.idaho.gov (mailto: Peter. Bair(Qdeq .idaho.gov) Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 8:58 AM To: vern(Qholladayengineering.com Cc: eljil1rees~aQi.com; Monty.Marchus(Qdeq.idaho.gov; Mark.Mason(Qdeq.idaho.gov; Tifany,Floyd(Qdeq.idaho.gov SUbject: RE:Modeling Scenarios -EWC and City of Eagle Vern, I discussed your E..mail with Mark Mason and Monty Marchus and Mark directed me to respond as follows: You should respond to the requirements set forth in Item 8.4 of our letter to EWC dated July 6, 2007 by modeling the following scenarios and verifying that all applicable IRPDWS pressure/flow requirements for both systems are satisfied with the EWC/City of Eagle interconnection installed and activated: Scenario EWC S stem City of Eagle System Demand Source Out Demand Source Out 1 PHD Well #4 PHD None 2 PHD Well #6 PHD Nonê 3 MDD+FF Well #4 MOD None 4 MDD+FF Well #6 MDD None Additionally, Item 8.5 of the July 6, 2007 letter requires that the EWC main booster station meet IRPDWS redundancy requirements before any new connections can be rnadewithin theEWC high pressure zone.. The Floating Feather Mobil Home Park (FFMHP) is within that zone. DEQ understands that EWC isrrfthe process of installing a second pump in the main booster station to meet those redundancy requirements. However, that second pump is not likely to be installed in time to support the FFMHP need to connectto a new water system. DEQ also has been informed that the EWC/City of Eagle interconnection is likely to be able to support all applicable IRPDWS pressure/flow demand requirements to the EWC high pressure zone in the event the existing single-pump main booster station is out of service. If that is the case, then the interconnection would satisfy IRPDWS redundancy requirements for the main booster station and1 assurningthe other system-wide IRDWS requirements are also satisfied, and DEQ could allow new connections in the EWC high pressure zone before thesecond main booster pump is operationaL. If EWC/City of Eagle wants DEQ's approval to make new connections in the high pressure zone before the second main booster station pump is instå.lIed and operàtional1ttîen demonstration in the form of modeling and/or calculations must be provided that1 with the interconnection 7/17/2008 Page 3 of3 operational and the existing pump in the main booster station out of service, all IRPDWS pressure/flow requirements for PHD and MDD+FF in the EWC high pressure zone are satisfied. If you have any questions regarding the above1 please contact me. Regards1 Peter 8air1 P.E. From: Vern Brewer (mailto:vern(§holladayengineering.com) sent: Monday, July 14, 20083:33 PM To: Monty Marchus Cc: Peter Bair; Jim Rees Subject: Modeling Scenarios - EWC and City of Eagle Monty and Peter: The City of Eagle and Eagle Water Company (EWC) have signed an agreement on the intertie approved by both Mr. DeShazo and the City Council on July 10, 2008. Holladay Engineering has been tasked with submitting model results and narrative in an engineering report letter format addressing the intertie. We held a meeting with Mr. DeShazo and Jim Rees to review the matter Fridayi the 11th. The City wanted you to know you will be receiving the analysis and model early next week. Addressing the IDEQ items identified in your correspondence of July 6,2007 to EWC1 we request reconsideration of Item 8.4 which requires that the system be modeled "based on EWC and (City of Eagle) simultaneously experiencing similar demand situations (i.e.1 maximum daily demand with fire flow and peak hour demand) with all the supplemental water supplier's sources and booster pumps operationaL." We are not aware of a scenario or a City where a system of fewer than 5,000 ERCs with 8 wells supplying close to 8,000 gpm, served by a single Fire District and connected to a 1,000,000 gallon reservoir is required to model a system or develop a supply system for simultaneous fire events. In today's email1 the scenarios are further defined to be run with each entity's major well simultaneously out of service. What would call for this "doubled-up catastrophe" modeling scenario in the rules? I trust you can respond to this request prior as soon as convenient. Thanks for your consideration. Vern ! SIG:487f9985671 0 1502981 055! 7/17/2008 EAGLE WATER COMPANY, INC., REPORT TO COMMISSION EXHIBIT #7 ~,,\)\l\I" i:".-:' .;' .'"~.. .. -,..., ~ ".. :_::,~: '-," If; \, ;;;' ~ L \ i e.. STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY )Sf' J-(17 1410 NORT HILTON. BOISE, IDAHO 83706 . (208) 373-052 JAMES E. RISH, GOVERNOR TONI HARDESTY, DIRECTOR TSP&S-175/2007 August 14,2007 1,..~vf1\\~ JN VvMr. Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. Eagle Water Company, Inc. I 72 West State Street Eagle,ID 83616 RE: Eagle Water Company (Eagle, Ada County) Pressure Reducing/Sustaining Valve & Future Interconnection with City of Eagle System Dear Mr. DeShazo: The Deparment of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has reviewed the preliminary engineering report and associated plans and specifications, received August 8, 2007, concerning two improvements to the Eagle Water Company (EWC) System. One improvement is for the installation of a pressure reducing/sustaining valve (PRlSV) along Floating Feather Road. The second involves initial preparations for a future interconnection with the City of Eagle Water System. Both improvements are part of EWC'sprogram for bringing their system into compliance with IDAPA 58.01.08, Idaho Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems' (lRPDWS) requirements, as set forth in their Final Engineering Report, approved by DEQ on July 6,2007. The preliminary engineering report and the plans and specifications for the subject improvements appear to meet the State of Idaho standards, and are approved based on the conditions listed below. b STANDAR CONDITIONS A. All conditions of this letter must be met. The standard conditions on the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) review stamp are part of this approvaL. Supporting reports or documents are considered to be part of the approved documents. B. No work may begin until a copy of this approval Jetter and the plans and specifications, bearing the DEQ approval stamp, are delivered to and kept on the job site. As the project owner, you must ensure that the contractor, the construction inspector, and the certifying engineer are aware of the approval conditions. c. This approval will be voided if: I) constrction is not completed by August 15,2008; 2) the project is improperly constructed, operated, or maintained; or 3) the project fails to function as intended. D. No material deviations can be made from the approved plans without DEQ's prior written approvaL. Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. August 14, 2007 Page 2 E. f"", ...¡ .... t~.'.". .. ~-". 'l . 'f.l..\ ~,.) .. \. lPer the project documents, the project owriér or his representative shall ensure that a professional engineer, representing the EWC, provides supervision of constrction and written documentation as follows, D. Within thirt days (30) after completion of constrction, the project owner or his representative shall provide DEQ with one of the following documents. 1. Revised plans and specifications depicting the work as actually constrcted if significant deviations from the originally approved plans and specifications have occurred. These revised plans and specifications shall be prepared and sealed by the professional engineer responsible for observation on behalf of the project owner, and shall be based on as-built drawings provided by the contractor and on field observations made by observer(s) under the direction of the professional engineer. 2. A letter of certification that the work as actually constructed has no significant deviations from the originally approved plans and specifications. The letter shall be prepared and sealed by the professional engineer responsible for observation on behalf of the project owner, and shall be based on as-built drawings provided by the contractor and on field observations made by observer(s) under the direction of the professional engineer. !L PROJECT SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: A. DEQ has not conducted a design review of the storm water plans and specifications and has made no determination regarding whether the plans and specifications include appropriate BMPs to protect ground water and surace water quality. It is the project owner's responsibilty to use appropriate storm water best management practices to prevent ground and surface water contamination. B. If the construction phase of this project is anticipated to disturb one acre or more ofland, or is part of a larger project that disturbs one acre or more of land, then the project may be subject to regulation under the Federal Clean Water Act National Pollution Discharge Elimination System program administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Storm water events that occur during construction should be managed according to the site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and the other requirements of the general permit. The on-line Construction General Permit and Notice of Intent can be found at htt://ww.epa.gov/npdes. C. A Short Term Activity Exemption shall be obtained from Craig Shepard in the DEQ Boise Regional Offce at 373-0557, ifit is necessary to discharge wastewater offsite to state waters as a result of dewatering or other construction activities. D. DEQ understands that EWC and the City of Eagle Public Works Department are jointly requesting permission to install an interconnection between the two systems at the intersection of E. Greenbrook St. and N. Horseshoe Bend Rd. even though the infrastructure required to support that interconnection, specifically the City of Eagle East Side Storage Reservoir, will not be operational until the end of this year. DEQ is approving the early installation of the interconnection on the condition that the interconnection not be activated (valve remain closed) until DEQ approval is received to open that valve and activate the interconnection. The request for approval to open the valve and activate the interconnection shall include confirmation that all infrastructure required to support the interconnection is in place and fully operationaL. The- ,.. Robert V. DeShazo, Jr. August 14,2007 Page 2 request shall also include modeling data demonstrating that IRDWS flow and pressure requirements are satisfied for both water systems during peak hour demand and maximum day demand, plus fire flow scenarios with the EWC Well #4 off line and with the EWC Well #6 off line (see Item B.4 in DEQ's July 6, 2007 letter). E. The restrictions and conditions set forth in DEQ's July 6, 2007 letter continue to remain in effect. Please call me with any questions at (208) 373-05 i 4, or contact me via e-mail at peter .bair~deq. idaho.gov. Sincerely,~~'peter S. Bair Technical Engineer II PSB:ls Enclosures: Approved and Stamped Preliminary Engineering Report with Plans and Specifications c: Mark Mason, Boise Regional Offce Tiffany Floyd, Boise Regional Offce Monty Marchus, Boise Regional Offce Todd Crutcher, Boise Regional Offce James M. Rees, MTC, Inc. (wi Approved and Stamped Preliminar Engineering Report with Plans and Specifcations) Kasey Kettering, City of Eagle c/o Holladay Engineering Company BRO Source File, Eagle Water Company (wi Approved and Stamped Preliminary Engineering Report wi/h Plans and Specifcations) BRO Managers File TSP&S Reading File I 11 CI T Y O F E A G L E IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N . EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y PR E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A L V E & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N AD A CO U N T Y JU N E , 2 0 0 7 N H O R S E S H O E B E N D RD . E F L O A T I N G F E A T H E R R O A D EA G L E E F L O A T I N G F E A T H E R R O A O r. J ( - - PR Y ~ . IN D E X O F S H E E T S DE S C R I P T I O N TI T L E S H E E T PR Y V A U L T P I P I N G PR Y V A U L T D E S I G N WA T E R M A I N I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N PR Y 1 S I T E M A P NO T T O S C A L E VIC I N I T Y M A P NO T T O S C A L E SH E E T NO . -: 2 "3 ;¡ RE V I S I O N S TD E s I G N E D : SC A L E S SH O W N PR O J E C T N O . 00 0 T I T L E S H E E T 'N O ' 1 O A T E I B Y I DE S C R I P T I O N K. K E n U N G AR E F O R 1 1 " X 1 7 ' H H O L L A D A Y E N G I N E E R I N G C O . EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y DE S I G N C H E C ~ E D k H R K E PR I N T S O N L Y PR E S S U R E R E D U ~ N G V A L V E E E M N ! t . G l D G I S . C O T A N EG 0 6 1 9 0 7 OE T A I L E D : CA D O F I L E N A M E : 32 N . M A - , . ó . a a 2 1 " " Y m E 1 0 8 H 8 & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N D. M I T C E L L ,,\ i : \ 0 6 1 o n l J d DR A W I N G D A T E : (2 0 l 4 - I J . . F A X ' ( 2 ) 1 4 1 H CI T Y O F EA G L E , I D A H O I S H E E T 1 O F 4 DR A W I N G C H E C K E D : EN b l ø O h o o i i i n o _ .. K ~ K E T U N C ..N E 2 0 1 ~ EL . M A T C H E X I S T I N G _~ O W CD P R E S S U R E R E D U C I N G E Q U I P M E N T SE C l I o N A - A MA N H O L E N O T 1 0 S C A L E ST E P S P E R IS P W C S D - 5 0 9 1 L A B A N D O N E X I S T I N G . 1 2 " W A T E L I N E -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lH R U S T B L O C I N G PE R I S P W C 5 0 - 4 0 3 (T Y ) i.. . ~ ~ i . ~ ; : ~ : . f ~ : i . . ; \ . ~ ' : . . . ; : r ~ . ~ . : . ; ' ~ ~ ' . t ~ / ¡ ; ) : . . ~ / ; ~ ~ ; . ~ . : . ; , ~ . : ~ . ~ \ l l ~ : , i (2 P R E S S U R E R E D U C I N G E Q U I P M E N T PL A N VI E W NO T T O S C L E NO . 1 D A T E RE V I S I O N S DE S C R I P T I O N H H O L L A D A Y E N G I N E E R I N G C O . E E N . l t . C C T M ' ~N . M N P . o e o " " A ' l I O ' " t2 ~ ~ ~ 1 l DE S G N E D : S C A L E S S H O W N . K E m N G A R E F O R " " X 1 " DE S I G N C H E C K E D : P R I N T S O N L Y A. l l R K DE T I BY IL E D : CA D D F I L E N A M E : 'l J \ E ! D A w DR A W I N G D A l E : FE A R 2 0 O. M I T C H E L DR A W I N G C H E C K E D : K. K £ ~ L.E G E N D : E Q U I P M E N T C A L . L . . O U T S CD P . R . V . ( H I G H F L O W ) C L A - V A L S " M O D E L 9 2 - 0 1 , F L A N G E D E N D S , W I T H O P E N I N G A N D CL O S I N G C O N T R O L S , C O N T R O L T U B I N G I S O T I O N V A L V E S , S T R A I N E R A N D V A L V E P O S I T I O N IN D I C A T O R ( O R E Q U A L ) . (3o G Q)Q)Q)Q)0) WA T E R P R O O F B O O T O R E Q U A L S" G A l E V A L V E ( F L x F L ) 4" G A l E V A L V E ( F L x F ) PI P E S U P P O R T SM O O T H N O S E W A T E S A M P U N G T A P , H O S E B I B - 3 / 4 " N P T PR E S S U R E G A U G E & B A L L V A L V E , 0 - 1 0 0 P S I , 1 P S I G R A D U A T I O N M A R K S . 1 0 P S I FI G U R E I N l E R V A L S . A N D 1 / 2 " N P T . B" x S " x 4 " l E E ( F L i ) P. R . V . ( L O W F L O W ) C L A - V A L 4 " M O D E L 9 2 - 0 1 , F L N G E D E N D S , W I T H O P E N I N G A N D CL O S I N G F L O W C O N T R O L S . A N D S T R A I N E R . § A D J U S T A B L E T H R U S T R E S T R A I N T W 1 l H U - B O L T , ~ P R E S S U R E G A U G E & B A L L V A L V E , 0 - 1 6 0 P S I , 2 P S I G R A D U A T I O N M A R K S , Z O P S I F I G U R E IN l E R V A L S A N D 1 / 2 " N P T . § S " D . I . P I P E ( P E x P E ) . § 1 2 " I I C L S S 1 5 0 P V C P I P E P E R A W W A C 9 0 0 . e 1 2 " x S " D . I . 9 0 ' R E D U C I N G E L B O W ( M J x M J ) § S " M J A D A P l E R (§ S " F L A N G E A D A P T E GV 4 " 9 0 ' 0 . 1 . 9 0 ' E L B O W ( F L x f L ) (§ 1 z " M J A D A P T E R ti 1 z " 0 . 1 . E L B O W ( M J x M J ) (§ 4 " D . I . S P O O L W / F L N G E A D A P l E R S L E N G l H A S N E E D E D PR O J E C T N O . RV v A ü I . T J : I P I N G EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y PR E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A L V E & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N CI T Y O F E A G L E , I D A H O I S H E E EG 0 6 1 9 0 7 2 O F 4 f' 1 1 / 2 " P E P I P E AC C E S S H A T C H D R A I N FI N I S H E D G R A D E : T O MA T C H E X I S ' l N G G R A D E 2 1 / 2 " M I N . A S P H A L T ; MA T C H , E X I S ' l N G A S P H A L T (P L A C E N E W S O D T O M A T C H EX I S T N G I N G R A S S A R E A S ) 8" M I N . 3 / 4 , " M I N U S OR MA T C H E X I S T I N G 8 A S E LE V E L I N G C O U R S E HS - 2 0 A C C E S HA T C H 3 ' - 0 " x 3 ' - 0 . GR O U T ( T Y ) 12 ' SU M P 12 ' x 1 2 ' x 6 " DE E P 12 " O F 3 / 4 , " M I N U S C R U S H E D A G G R E G A T E CO M P A C T E D T O 9 5 % S T A N D A R D P R O C T O R DE N S I T Y O N U N D I S l U R B E D E A R T H . - ø P R E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A U L T CO N N E C T 1 S E C T I O N A - A TO E X I S T I N G M A N H O L E N O T T O S C A L A B A N D O N E X S T I N G WA T E R L I N E - - S T S P E R 1 2 ' W A T E R U N E . L ~~ ~ : ! ~ : ~ ~ ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CO N N E C T TO E X I S T I N G WA T E R U N E AL _ 12 ' x 1 2 ' x 6 " D E E P S U M P A US E l E P O R A R l Y R O l S O R O T H E R TÕ i i A l Ñ ¡ ; à U G N M E N T - NO T E : D O N O T C U T B A R S A T PI P E S O R O T H E R B L O C K OU T S . OF F S E T B A R S T O E I T H E R S I D E AS R E Q U I R E D . '- 0 " l r " 1'- 0 " , : ~ t j 3 ' - 8 " ~. ' 7'- 0 ' f : 9' ¡,'8~ :. . . . . 8" !;" h ~ ' : ; ~ : ~ ~ . ~ ~ : l : . ; ~ . . . : ~ l : : . . ; : ; . , . : ~ ~ t ; : : " ~ ~ ' . ~ : ' , : : ¡ ' . i i . . . ~ ; ; , ; ~ ~ ; . I s . ; ; ; : : . ~ . ¡ : . ~ ' I : i , -T o P R E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A U L T PL A N VI E W NO T T O S C I £ GE N E R A L N O T E S : 1. T H E C O N l R A C T O R S H A L L P R O V I D E 4 , 8 H O U R S N O T I C E T O T H E ËN G I N E E R A N D T H E E A G L E W A T E C O M P A N Y S Y S i E M O P E R A T O R PR I O R T O A D J U S l M E N T O F T H E P R V V A L V E S . D I S P O S A L A N D DR A I N A G E O F W A T E R U S E D F O R T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N G T H E PR V V A L V E S S H A L L B E AP P R O V E D B Y T H E C I T Y O F E A G L E . 2. T H E C O N l R A C T O R S H A L L R E T A I N T H E S E R V I C E S O F A MA N U F A C l U R Ë R ' S R E P R E S E N T A T I V E T O A S S I S T W I T H I N S T A L L A T I O N AN D A D J U S l M E N T O F T H E P R V V A L V E S . 3. C O N l R A C T O R S H A L L P A I N T A L L V A U L T P I P I N G W I T H A N E P O X Y PA I N T S Y T E , T N E M E C S - 6 6 O R E Q U A L . S U R F A C E P R E P A R A T I O N AN D D R Y F I L M T H I C K N E S S S H A L L B E P E R M A N U F A C l U R E R ' S RE C O M M E N D A T I O N . C O L O R S H A L L B E O F F - W H I T E . 4. V A U L T S H A L L B E W A T E R T I G H T . VA U L T N O T E S : 1. H S - 2 0 , P R E C A S V A U L T 2. A L L C O N C R E T E J O I N T S H A L L B E S E A L E D W I T H A N A P P R O V E D FL E X I B L E S E A , R A N E K O R E Q U A L . 3. W A T E R P R O O F W I T H T A M O S E A F O U N D A T I O N C O A T I N G O R E Q U A L 4. A L L P E N E T R A T I O N S S H A L B E L O C A T E D 2 ' M I N . F R O M R E I N F O R C I N G ST E E L . 5. F I E L D V E R I F Y C O V E R D E P T H A N D G R A E E L E A T l O N T O M A N T A I N 4' - 0 ' M I N P I P E U N E B U R Y . 6. A L L C O N C R E T E S H A L L H A V E A M I N I M U M C O M P R E S S I V S T R E N G T H AS D E F I N E D B Y A C I C O D E O F ( c = 4 0 0 0 P S I F O R R E I N F O R C E D CO N C R E T A T 2 8 D A Y S . 7. I F V A U L T I S P L A C E D U N D E R R O A D W A Y W I T M I N I M A L C O V E R A S SH O W N , 2 " E X T R U D E D P O L Y S T R E N E B O A R D S H A L L B E I N S T A L L E D O N TO P H A L F O F V A U L T I N T E R I O R . RE V I S i ö i ' S IN O . I D A T E I B Y I D E S C R I P T I O N DE S I G N E D : S C A L E S H O W N K. K E n E R U N O A R E F O R 1 1 X 1 7 " DE S I G N C H E C K E D : P R I N T S O N L Y A. G E H K E DE T ~ H H O L L A D A Y E N G I N E E R I N G C O . E E I . l l . C C " T 32 1 L 1 i P . o . _ 2 3 P A v . I ~ w o (2 ~ ~ 9 IL E D : CA D Ð F I L E N A M E : -- ~ DR A V i N G D A " I diN E 2 0 D. M I T H E L DR A V i N G C H E C K E D : K. k E U N C EG 0 6 1 9 0 7 PR V V A O L T D E : S f G N EA G L E W A T E R C O M P A N Y PR E S S U R E R E D U C I N G V A L V E & I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N CI T Y O F E A G L E , I D A H O ¡ S H E E ; 5 O F 4 f5 R d J E - C i N O . -ri~iii\liã "ê \\ (', -- . ~ .- IN T E R C O N N E C T I O N æ D E T A I L Q) I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N PL A N VI E W NO T T O S C EX I S T N G S U R F A C E (F I E L D V E R I F Y ) r2 ! N T E R C O N N E C T I O N n, A N V I E W DE T A I L NO T T O S C t¿ LE G E N D : :f t FI E L D V E R I F Y o E X I S T I N G L Z " 0 . 1 . W A T E R U N E (3 Z O " H O P E W A T E R L I N E G) Z O " X 1 Z " X Z O " H O P E F A B R I C A T E D T E E G 1 2 " H O P E F L N G E A D A P T E R o 1 Z " B U T T F L Y V A L V E ( F L x F L ) ø l Z " C 9 0 0 P V C P I P E ø L Z " 9 0 ' 0 . 1 . E L B O W ( M J X M J ) o 1 2 " X I 2 " X I 2 " 0 . 1 . T E E ( F L X F L M J ) o 1 2 " F L N G E A D A P T E R ê) V A L V E B O X (3 I N T E R C O N N E C T I O N t: L E V A T I O N NO T T O S C PR O J C T N O . RE V I S I O N S I D E s i G N E D : K . K E T 1 U N G SC A L E S S H O \ ' H H O L L A D A Y E N G I N E E R I N G C O . IN O . I D A T E I B Y I DE S C R I P T I O N AR E F O R 1 1 " X 1 7 " DE S G N C H E C K E D J a . K E PR I N T S O N L Y E Ðl . o m . c : T A 1 8 EG 0 6 1 9 0 7 DE T A I L E D : if ~ ~ ~ " , N A l E : lZ i : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , = 1 D. M I T C E l 4 O F 4 -l D R A I ' G C H E C K E D : DR A Y o N G D A l E ÐI . . . . . . . i 1 R 1 ; r . . K. K E T T U N G .. ' " 2 0