HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080707Exhibit 1.pdfIF . 06-20-08; 01: 16PM;# 1/ 10 State of Idaho f\. J. DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES V'r Western Region, 2735 Airport Way · Boise, Idaho 83705-5082 ~\J¿l Phone: (208) 334-2190. Fax: (208) 334-2348 · Web Site: www.idwr.idaho.gov -#lv. c. L. "BUTCR" OTTR ~.\Goveor .~vb\ DAVI R. TUTILL, JR. D0Direr FAX COVER SHEET Fax # (208) 334-2348 DATe: loP -a.-o 'Y TO: j/t\~\1 O'~¥-FROM: -:oWie iJ~ DOCUM DESCRON: :-lê's. ~. TOTAL # OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER): lD 8,l- . 06-20-08;01:16PM;# 2/ 10 p',.:: 1;~af 2 , , STÅTE:,OFlDAHO, ' , ,,:,R E ç E iye ~N~. 74B20 "DEPÄR'J'~F'WA~,RBU~CE MAY Ð 9 2O ' . 'APPL..eA~ION"F.9,R'TRA~~FErt,OF.;w~i~lf': ~' ,": " , ' . ' , ".. p.,6:R'1, ", '. 'i0:i-,939-o242 ",Of,fie'EM WATE COAN iNc,. ""'E20a;'939-0261.1f.. ,',))silIzo~ai of Applic Ma1in ad P.O. BOX 455 EagJ¿e, ID ,83616 .El.' , A. PURPOSE .OF TRNSF.ER ' "1. .0 Cbånge Poin of'die:on r¡ Adddiemon poS) 0 Chanpl~ ofus o Cb na of us 0 et P.oc,:of us 0 Ot 2. De"bdl.re.forthepr cb ,See Attacnt. . .. " .. . , , " B. DECRITlON'OF RlGHTS) OR PORTON THEREF, AFTER TH REQUESTED CHANGE 1. Righ Nmrbe A63=Q9;245 :A3-09245 ,'~ 6-8~l979 ' 6-8-1979 " ' Amoun (cfftl.' ,198m"! of Us , '3.5 cP 1;1 ',CFS Fire 'P+;tectioii Muicipal use _ Perod ofUe oltoi 10 12/31 ell en 't!' '1,2131 10 1D 2. 'Tot amoun ofwabe:tsf .d 3. So ohl.ì~Puid water 4. pois) ofDivejcm: ci fe pe se :and/or ' tribut to NA acfee pe aium L.ot '%,%%Sec tWD''Rae County ,Local name for-,diDrsoa .gw SW NW ~'AN "t~'::À~a EaQ:1e",W~ter :Com:DanV.. '-'5.: -SW'-NW"9,'-4N -lE:Aë :Eg!Je' Wa £ër dõpaiy.¡SE ,NE . ,9 4N IE ....Ada'.Eå'lJ:e Water 'Copani SW NE SW'15 4N iÉ".Ada Eâ:gle Water Company 5.Lads ,ir28 or tila ofus ,RA . ."NE%NWY.SW'Yl':Se'%Twp 'Rge Sec'.. TotlsN!'NW .SW SE -HE NW:sw Sf HE "NV sw SE-NE 'NW'sw 'BE .-. : , . ; Tota 'Acr , 06-20-0S; 01 : 1 6PM;# 3/ 10 i.'~'\ !. 2 Pa of 2 Transfer No. 6. Gen Infonnaton: a. Decrption of diversion systm W.éL and pup PART 1 b. Ar th lan Iiom which you prose to tr the wat ngbl subject to an liens dee of tr mortes or cont'l NA Yes No. If yes pride a notze stem frm the holder of the lien dee of trst rr or contr agng to th pred ch~ c. Debe th a' on th land DOW inga if th plac of us is chged pursuant to this trsfer NA d. Remaks NA ACTION OF THE DIRECTOR, DePARTMENT OF WATE RESOURCES This is to cefy that ! hae examine Application fo Trasf of Wat Righ No. And th said applicaon is he . subjec to the following condiions: WÌ1es my hand this day of ,20 For the Dirctr . 06-20-08;01: 16PM;# 4/ 10 .'. . '. Pag of Trsf No. STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMNT OF WATER REURCE APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF WATER RlGHT PART 2 (Attach on copy for each riht) A. DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT AS RECORDED 1. Righ as evce by: a. Dere No. in cae of s~ .sT\ACA4 E.Deto vs.da in county of b. Licns No. issued by the Ida Det of Wat Re. c. Clai No. on file wi the Idao Det ofWat Reur. d. Trasfer No. which prduce ths right 2. Att copy oflas ye's ta notce for th prope to which the wa right is appuent or other docnts whch show owip. Label docu as att A. Chec appropriat box below: o Tax Noticc 0 Warty De 0 Ot 3. Sour ofwa 4. Da or priority S. Wat is us for the followig purp:amount for (cfacft)amun fo (cfsacft)amunt fo (cfac ft) 6. Tota amount of waer under rit 7. Point(s) of Diverion: trbuta to pur fr pu frm puos fr to to to cubic fee per sed and/or acfe per anWD. Lo ~-I~IRæI Count Local name for dIVersion 8. La inga orpla of us: 1\Rge Sec NE%NW%SWY..SE%TotalsHENWSWSEHENWSWSEMENWswSEHENWSWSE Tota Acres ~esribe an oter water rigtts use for the sae purp as descbed above ~ . 06-20-08;01:16PM;# 5/ 10 .' . ' Page of Traer No. PART 2 Øro you knwledge ha any poon of this water right undene a peod of five or more consve yea or non-use? N0 If yes desDe B. DECRIPTON OF PORTON OF RIGHT BEING TRNSFERED rJ (If th entire tiht Is to be change by the appllea omit part B and C.)fo pues frmi. amunt (çfs~ft)amunt (çf~ft) amoun (çfs~:f) 2. Poins) of Divion:Un ~ to fo puos fI puos frm to for to Sec Count Locl name for dIversion I~I~I 3. Lads irr or plac of use: Tw Rge Sec . NE%NW%SW%SE%TotlsNENWswSENENWswSENENWswSENENWswSE t\' ~Tot AcrtoC. DESCRON OF UNClGED PORTION OF RIGHT (omi /fthere Is no change) i v1. amoun for puroses frm (çf~:f)amout fo puos frm " to (çf~ft)amunt for puros ft to (cfs~:f) 2. Point(s) of Diveion: Lot %%%Sec TWD Rae Count Local name for diversion . ..an im~ t or ac 0 us Tw Rge Sec NE%NWY..SW%SE%TotalsNENWswSENENWswSENENWswSEMENWswSE 3 L ds ed f . 06-20-08;01:16PM;# 6/ 10 .'.: , .~ , Page of Trasf No. B. CHAGES IN NATURE Of USE 1. Nm Natu ofUU; iJ\A PART 3 perQd oflhe to to Amoufsl-ftl Houday 2. Qutity and quit of ret flows an locon of dische: 3. Describe efec on oter waer us reulng fim the prposed change: I her as that no on will be injur by such cha an th the che does not constite an enlaremen in use of the orgi ngh. Th infortion conta in applicaton is tr to th be ofmy knowledge. I 'Ufu . . ODS made in th aplicaon may reult in voidig its appro.::~20 ja,. PntNam (and ti e, 1 ãPße...... - ." is" "".. '\,....-, '\ . ,,' ~'.............,day of ,200i.. N ..-:'~· 0"/". - . : ,,-f,p \ t. ~. ... .· ,. '#0 . ~ =\~~L.ic · I1i ~ ir~V'¡O -!I~"'~ A"I.,,: JDAØO;,"."........" Subsc'b and sworn to before me My commission expir li (Nota Publi My Commission Expires On DeCember 17, 2010 (WO~Lf5~ )FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Trafe pages and atents '_ Date Me., '2. O~ _' Fee $. 'ÓO _ 0(2 Date tV '"7 7 c: ~ Proes filed by Prm. Ch Recpte Publishe in Pub. Dates Watter remmendatons requested on Copies of prote forwed by Heang held by Dat Recommende for 0 approva 0 denia reeive by Copy of trfer set to lien holder . 06-20-08; 01: 16PM; ,# 7/ 10 "," .- '.. . A. Purpose of Transfer 2. Well NO.3 Eagle Water Companys System Well NO.3 of the Èàgie Water Company's System was originally drilled by the developer of Eagle Hils West No. 1 Subdivision, which was recorded in 1976. It was well No. 1 of the Eagle Hil Water System. tn 19n, due to the development of subdivisions 2, 3. and 4, the welf was deepened to 466 feetto produce 600 G.P.M. at 118 feet. When Eagle Watr Company acquired the Eagle Hil Subdivision Water System this well became Well NO.3 in its system. Due to problems of sand production at high flow above 350 G.P.M. it is currently used only during high demand periods. Althoúgh it has been equipped wit a sand separator, which minimized the sand problem, it is normally operated at less than half of its capacity. Because the location is near a golf course utilzing chemicals for weed control and fertlization, it would extemely difcult to drill a replacement well and meet the present requirement of the State Departent of Environmental Qualit and the 50 -foot separation from poentially hazardous substance. : An existing water system at a triler park in Eagle Watets servce area which is adjacent to one of Eagle Water's mains was tested and found Radium or Uranium above DEC standards. They now desire to connec to the Eagle Water System; however, at the prent time the Departent of Environmental Qualit tDEQ) has issued a moraorium on additonal hookups to the Eagle Water System until Eagle Water demonstrates that it has sufcient water pressure throughout its system to handle fireflow pressure demands in a worst-cse scenario. Consequently, it is imperatve that Eagle Water be an owed to'develop this additonal point of diversion to: (1) get the DEQ moratorium lifed; (2) provide access to safe drinking water to the residents of the aforementioned trailer park; and (3) allow numerous development project that are waitng to go forward once the moratorium is lifted to proceed in a timely and cost-effectve manner We would greatly appreciate any assistance your offce could give to expedite the approval of this diversion point as it is in the best interest of the citizens of Eagle for Eagle Water to proceed as quickly as possible. . 08-20-08;01:16PM;# 8/ 10 . . Page 1 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR TRNSFER OF WATER RIGHT PART 2 Transfer No. Recipt No. Currnt Water Riht No. 63-9245 Priority Dat: 06/08/1979 Origin: Adjudicaon Recommendaion Bas~: L~se sttu: Acve Source: GROUND WATER Beneficial Use Em 12 FIRE PROTECTION 01101 12131 MUNICIPAL 01/01 12/1 Total Diversion Tribury to: Diyersion Rate 3.50CFS 1.10 CFS 3.50CFS Volume Subuse Code Sourc and Point() of Diversion: GROUND WATER SWSW 04N 01E 9 ADA GROUND WATER NESWNW 04N 01E 9 ADA GROUND WATER NESENE 04N 01E 9 ADA PLACE OF USE:MUNICIPAL Tw Rge Se I NE I NW I SW I SE Ii~l~imi gig i~imiH l~l~lmi g 1 ~ imimi g i ~04N 01E 8 I x I I I II I I I I04N 0iE 9 I x I I I II I I I I04N 0iE 10 I x I r I II I I I I ConditionSlemarks: 1. This partal dece is subject to such general prvisions nessary for the definition of the rights or for the effcient administration of the water rihts as may be ultmately determined by the Court at a point in time no later than the entry of a final unifed decree. Secon 42-1412(6), Idaho Code. 2. This right when combined with Right Nos. 63-736 and 63-7618 shall not exceed 4.5 cf per acre. 3. Place of use is within the service area of the Eagle Water Company municipal water supply system as provided fo under Idaho Law. , 06-20-08;01:16PM;# 9/ 10 Page 2 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR TRSFER OF WATER RIGHT PAR 2 Transfer No. Recipt No. Currnt Water Right No. 63-9245 Docmenton of Owership of the Currt Place of Use Is this propert subject to any liens. deeds of trt, mortages, or contct or other encumbranc? - Decnbe the afec on the current plac of use for this water nght if the place of us is changed pursuant to this trnsfr To your knoledge, has any portn of th water right underone a period of fie(5) or more constie years of non-use? 06-20-0S; 01 1 6PM;# 10/ 10 . \~.' ~ .. ,..: - U.S. G. S.MAt= -